E 4 ALBERT EMBANKMENT LONDON SE1 7SR Telephone: +44 (0)20 7735 7611 Fax: +44 (0)20 7587 3210 MSC.1/Circ.797/Rev.24 28 June 2013 TRAINING AND WATCHKEEPING List of competent persons maintained by the Secretary-General pursuant to section A-I/7 of the STCW Code 1 Under the provisions of the STCW Convention and Code, the Secretary-General has been assigned certain functions, particularly with regard to information communicated under article IV and regulation I/7 of the STCW Convention and section A-I/7 of the STCW Code. Accordingly, the Secretary-General is required to maintain a list of competent persons made available and recommended by Parties, and approved by the Maritime Safety Committee, who may be called upon to assist the Secretary-General in the preparation of the report required by regulation I/7, paragraph 2. 2 To this effect, the Maritime Safety Committee, at its sixty-eighth session (28 May to 6 June 1997) approved a list of competent persons to be maintained by the Secretary-General (MSC/Circ.797). The Committee at its subsequent sessions, approved additional competent persons and issued revisions of the circular (MSC/Circ.797/Rev.1 to 23). The attached list has now been updated to incorporate competent persons nominated in accordance with the format given in Circular letter No.1882 and approved by the ninety-second session of the Maritime Safety Committee (12 to 21 June 2013). 3 Pursuant to section A-I/7 of the STCW Code, the Secretary-General will call upon individuals identified in the list of approved competent persons to assist in evaluating information communicated by Parties under article IV and regulation I/7 of the STCW Convention, as amended, as well as in the preparation of the report required by regulation I/7, paragraph 2, thereof. 4 Parties to the STCW Convention, which have nominated persons to serve as competent persons, are further requested to inform the Secretary-General, without delay, of any changes to the contact details of persons nominated to serve as competent persons and whenever those persons are no longer able to serve in that capacity. *** I:\CIRC\MSC\01\797-Rev-24.doc MSC.1/Circ.797/Rev.23 Annex, page 1 ANNEX LIST OF NOMINATIONS FOR COMPETENT PERSONS Areas of Expertise – KEY* A B C D E F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 Knowledge of the requirements of the STCW Convention Knowledge of the system of training and certification Maritime training Assessment methods Use of simulators Ship operations – Deck department Ship operations – Engine department Ship operations – Radiocommunications Ship operations – Company management Ship operations – Work practice and conditions Country/Organization Name and Title G H1 H2 H3 H4 I J K L M Professional credentials/certificates Ship-board safety Special types of ships – Tankers Special types of ships – Bulk carriers Special types of ships – Ro-ro passenger ships Special types of ships – Passenger ships Quality standard systems Maritime law Governmental functions Other Restrictions in availability for meetings Areas of Expertise A B C D Captain M. Abdelkrim REZAL Sous Directeur Pédagogique Institut Supérieur Maritime, Bou-Ismail Officier Mécanicien 1ère Classe MSC MET (1985) 1 M. Ali AZOUAOU Maître Assistant Chargé de Cours Institut Supérieur Maritime, Bou-Ismail Capitaine au long cours MSC MSA (N) 3 * E F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 G H1 H2 H3 H4 I J K L M ALBANIA Mr. Vladimir NAQELLARI Maritime Expert Ministry of Transport and Telecommunication ALGERIA 1 2 3 Algérie, Allemagne, Côte d'Ivoire, Égypte, France, Hollande, Japon, États-Unis. Protection de l'environnement. Algérie, Côte d'Ivoire, Égypte, France, Grande Bretagne, Maroc. I:\CIRC\MSC\01\797-Rev-24.doc 2 MSC.1/Circ.797/Rev.24 Annex, page 2 Country/Organization Name and Title Professional credentials/certificates Areas of Expertise * A B C D E F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 G H1 H2 H3 H4 I J Capitaine au long cours MSC Port Mngt. (1998) 4 Sr. Guillermo Josué BARTOLETTI Jefe División Derecho Marítimo Armada Argentina Sr. Eduardo Jorge RATTNER Jefe de Enseñanza Escuela Nacional de Náutica Capitán de Fragata Abogado Especializado en Derecho Marítimo 5 Capitán de Ultramar 5 Sr. Héctor Arturo PAGANI Jefe de Enseñanza Escuela Nacional de Náutica Maquinista Naval Superior Sr. Eduardo Gabriel CUTROPIA Jefe División Control de Buques Dirección de Policía de Seguridad de la Navegación, Prefectura Naval Argentina Analista en Seguridad Marítima, especializado en comunicaciones Sr. Omar Aníbal TABARES Jefe División Planeamiento Dirección de Educación Prefectura Naval Argentina Analista en Seguridad Marítima, especializado en Puertos, Costas, y Fronteras Engineer Class 1 (Steam and Motor), Certificate of Competency, Bachelor of Applied Science (Marine Engineering), Bachelor of Engineering (Mech) K ALGERIA (Cont'd) M. Azzedine KERMA Sous Directeur Institut Supérieur Maritime, Bou-Ismail ARGENTINA 5 AUSTRALIA Mr. Bradley George GROVES Maritime Advisor Australian Maritime Safety Authority 4 5 Algérie, Égypte, France, Maroc. Argentina. I:\CIRC\MSC\01\797-Rev-24.doc L M MSC.1/Circ.797/Rev.24 Annex, page 3 Country/Organization Name and Title Professional credentials/certificates Areas of Expertise * A B C D E F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 G H1 H2 H3 H4 I J K 6 L BAHRAIN MSc. (World Maritime University, Malmö, Mr. Fazlur Rahman CHOWDHURY Sweden) Deputy Director (Technical) Maritime Administration of the Kingdom of Bahrain Master Mariner (United Kingdom) BELGIUM M. Patrick BLONDÉ Directeur Général de l'Ecole Supérieure de Navigation d'Anvers Antwerp Maritime Academy Capitaine au long cours, Licencié en Sciences nautiques, Licencié en Droit maritime M. Marc DAUWE Chef de la section navigation et Professeur de l'Ecole Supérieure de Navigation d'Anvers Antwerp Maritime Academy BRAZIL Capitaine au long cours, Licencié en Sciences nautiques – MSC Sr. Jorge Mauro FIORITO Brazilian Navy Brazilian Maritime Authority Captain (Ret) 6 7 Belge et Européenne. Président de diverses commissions d'examen Belge, Juge au Tribunal de commerce d'Anvers. I:\CIRC\MSC\01\797-Rev-24.doc 7 M MSC.1/Circ.797/Rev.24 Annex, page 4 Country/Organization Name and Title Professional credentials/certificates Areas of Expertise * A B C D E F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 G H1 H2 H3 H4 I J K L BULGARIA Mr. Petar Dobrev PETROV Director, State Shipping Inspectorate Ministry of Transport MSc. (Nautical); Master Foreign Going ISM and ISO 9000 Auditor 8 9 Mr. Ilcho Gerasimov TOMOV Director of Training Bulgarian Maritime Training Centre MSc. (Nautical); 1st Mate Ph.D; Associate Professor; ISM and ISO 9000 Auditor 10 Capt. Diane Couture Manager Nautical certification and pilotage, Master Mariner Canada/Transport Canada Qualified in accordance with the provisions of regulations II/2 of the STCW Mr. Naim NAZHA Director Personnel Standards and Pilotage, Transport Canada, Marine Safety Master Mariner Certificate issued under the Canada Shipping Act – STCW regulation II/2 Mr. Bruno Duguay Manager Engineering certification Manager, Marine Safety Center Transport Canada – Marine Safety Qualified in accordance with the provisions of regulations III/2 of the STCW Mr. Amir Maan Senior Marine Safety Inspector Qualified in accordance with the provisions of regulations III/2 of the STCW CANADA 8 9 10 Bulgaria, Bangladesh, Japan, Israel, Russian Federation and South Africa. General knowledge of tankers, bulk carriers and passenger ships. Bulgaria, Egypt, Greece, New Zealand, Sweden. I:\CIRC\MSC\01\797-Rev-24.doc 11 M MSC.1/Circ.797/Rev.24 Annex, page 5 Country/Organization Name and Title Professional credentials/certificates Areas of Expertise * A B C D E F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 G H1 H2 H3 H4 I Capitán de Navío Sr. Alberto TRUJILLO Parga Jefe Departamento de Planes, Investigación y Desarrollo, Centro de Instrucción y Capacitación Marítima – CIMAR MSc. in Management (Troy State University, USA). Magíster en Ciencias Navales y Marítima mención Estrategia. Diplomado en Gestión de Competencia Diploma en Gestión de Calidad Total Ingeniero Naval Electrónico. Magíster en Ciencias Navales y Marítimas mención Estrategia. Profesor Militar de Academia. Auditor Líder (IRCA) en Sistemas de Gestión de la Calidad Capitán de Altamar Sr. Carlos VARGAS Arán Jefe División Evaluación de la Competencia, Centro de Instrucción y Capacitación Marítima – CIMAR Capitán de Altamar de la MMM. Licencia de Instructor en Simulador de Buque y Simulador de Cargas Líquidas. Licencia de Instructor de Cursos Modelo OMI Mr. Deyi GAO Vice President Shanghai Maritime University Professor, Chief Mate Mr. Renping ZHANG China Maritime University Associate Professor Authority Director, Foreign Affairs GMDSS 2nd Class Electronic Certificate MSc., (WMU) MET (Nautical) J K CHILE Capitán de Navío Sr. Santiago MURPHY Rojas Jefe Departamento de Instrucción Centro de Instrucción y Capacitación Marítima – CIMAR CHINA I:\CIRC\MSC\01\797-Rev-24.doc L M MSC.1/Circ.797/Rev.24 Annex, page 6 Country/Organization Name and Title Professional credentials/certificates Areas of Expertise * A B C D E F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 G H1 H2 H3 H4 I J K L CHINA (HONG KONG, CHINA – Associate Member of IMO) Mr. Pradeep Kumar CHAWLA Safety and Quality Manager Anglo Eastern Ship Management Ltd. Master Mariner; Completed Institute of Chartered Shipbroker Examinations (MICS) 11 Mr. Yeung-ming CHENG Principal Surveyor of Ships Maritime Department, Hong Kong Government BSC Engineering, Chartered Engineer, Class 1 (Combined) UK Certificate of Competency (Marine Engineer Officer). Member of the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (UK), Member of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers CÔTE D'IVOIRE M. Joël AHIMON Conseiller auprès du Directeur Général de l'ARSTM Académie Régionale des Sciences et Techniques de la Mer (ARSTM) 11 12 Capitaine de 1ère Classe de la Navigation Maritime (France) Diplômé de l'Université Maritime Mondiale de Malmö India, the Philippines, the United Kingdom, China (Hong Kong, China). ISM/ISO 9002, Lead Auditor Qualifying Exams completed, Practicing Auditor, Computer-based Training (CBT). I:\CIRC\MSC\01\797-Rev-24.doc 12 M MSC.1/Circ.797/Rev.24 Annex, page 7 Country/Organization Name and Title Professional credentials/certificates Areas of Expertise A B C D * E F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 G H1 H2 H3 H4 I J K CROATIA Mrs. Maja MARKOVČIĆ-KOSTELAC Head of Maritime Safety Division Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Transport and Communications Lawyer; International Maritime Law 13 Mr. Stjepan VUK Chief Surveyor for Radio Department Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Transport and Communications First Class radiotelegraph operator's certificate General operator's certificate 14 Mr. Damir ZEC Associate Professor Faculty of Maritime Studies, Rljeka PhD Master (FG); Member of IMLI; Independent Quality Management Consultant Examiner of Masters and Mates 15 Capitán Luis Rolando MOLINET MANTECÓN Capitán Supervisor Principal de Seguridad de la Navegación Dirección de Seguridad e Inspección Marítima Ministerio del Transporte Capitán de la Marina Mercante, Profesor Titular 16 Capitán José DELGADO ALFONSO Especialista Superior Dirección de Recursos Humanos Ministerio del Transporte Capitán de la Marina Mercante, Licenciado en Derecho Especialista Estatal en Regulaciones Marítimas 17 CUBA 13 14 15 16 17 Croatia, Slovenia. Croatia. Croatia, Slovenia. Cuba. Cuba. I:\CIRC\MSC\01\797-Rev-24.doc L M MSC.1/Circ.797/Rev.24 Annex, page 8 Country/Organization Name and Title Professional credentials/certificates Areas of Expertise * A B C D E F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 G H1 H2 H3 H4 18 First Class Engineer (Steam and Motor) Diploma MSc. (Maritime Education) (WMU, Malmö, Sweden) 19 20 I J K L CUBA (Cont'd) CAPMM. Alfredo LEDO RODRÍGUEZ Capitán Supervisor División Técnica de Caroil Transport Marine Limited CYPRUS Mr. Andreas C. LOIZIDES Lecturer, Marine Engineering Section Higher Technical Institute Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance DENMARK Mr. Hemming HINDBORG Quality Coordinator Special Adviser Danish Maritime Authority ECUADOR CPNV-EM José Antonio DIAZ Acosta Director de la Escuela de la Marina Mercante Oficial de Marina, Licenciado en Ciencias Navales Universidad Naval, Licenciado en Administración de Empresas Ms. Elina de Jesús BATALLAS Huacón Analista de Instrucción en la Escuela de la Marina Mercante TNNV (RT) Ramiro MOLINA Usbeck Jefe del Departamento de Personal Mercante Dirección Nacional de Espacios Acuáticos Ingeniera en Ciencias Empresariales Especialización en Gestión Empresarial Oficial de Marina (SP) Superior – Licenciado en Ciencias Navales 18 19 20 Cuba, Panama, Belize, Antigua and Barbuda, Malta and Cyprus. Cyprus, Greece, Countries whose certificates of competence are recognized by the Government of Cyprus. Denmark, the Philippines, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, India, etc. I:\CIRC\MSC\01\797-Rev-24.doc M MSC.1/Circ.797/Rev.24 Annex, page 9 Country/Organization Name and Title Professional credentials/certificates Areas of Expertise A B C D MSc Maritime Affairs WMU Capt. Mahmoud Nashaat HATEM General Manager of Maritime Affairs BSc of Maritime Science and Affairs 22 Capt. Emad Rashid KHAFAGY Head of Examination Centre for Maritime Transport – Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport MSc (WMU, Malmö, Sweden) Master Mariner Port State Control Consultant 24 Bachelor of Engineering, Class I (Motor) 25 * E F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 G H1 H2 H3 H4 I J K L 21 ECUADOR (Cont'd) Ing. Bulmaro RODRIGUEZ Roman Jefe de Asesoría Marítima y Convenios Dirección Nacional de Espacios Acuáticos EGYPT 23 21 22 23 24 25 VIMSAS Auditor. Arab Countries. Marine Pollution – Handling of Dangerous Cargo. Egypt, the Philippines. Ethiopia, India. I:\CIRC\MSC\01\797-Rev-24.doc ETHIOPIA Mr. Alemu AMBAYE Chief Engineer/Head, Safety and Prevention Division Ethiopian Shipping Lines M MSC.1/Circ.797/Rev.24 Annex, page 10 Country/Organization Name and Title Professional credentials/certificates Areas of Expertise A B C D * E F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 G H1 H2 H3 H4 I J K FRANCE M. Guy SULPICE Consultant 1st Class Radio Officer Mr. Jean-François ANTIN Inspecteur général de l’enseignement Master and Chief Engineer unlimited diploma Diploma of the Administration of the School of Maritime Affairs 1st Class multi-purpose Officer Diploma (Master and Chief Engineer) Senior Maritime Lecturer Mme Evelyne ILIOU 1st Class dual purpose Officer Management Level Mr. Patrick RONDEAU Armateurs de France 1st Class dual purpose Officer Mngt Level Mr. Yves BECOUARN Sous Directeur des Gens de Mer et de l'Enseignement Maritime Direction des affaires maritimes, Ministère chargé des transports Mr. Alain BRILLAULT Directeur de l'Ecole de la Marine Marchande de Nantes I:\CIRC\MSC\01\797-Rev-24.doc L M MSC.1/Circ.797/Rev.24 Annex, page 11 Country/Organization Name and Title Professional credentials/certificates Areas of Expertise A B Nautical Surveyor; French Permanent Court of Appeal Expert; Marine Surveyor; Chartered Engineer; Marine & Cargo Surveys (ChannelAtlantic range); Master (FG) and Chief Engineer Certificate of Competency (St. Malo) Ship Simulator Course Certificate (College of Maritime Studies, Southampton, United Kingdom) President, Confederation of European Shipmasters Associations (CESMA) Vice-President of the French Shipmasters Association (AFCAN) Member: Central Committee for Maritime Safety (French Ministry of Transport); Institute of Marine Engineers; Society of Consulting Marine Engineers and Ship Surveyors; French Council of Engineers and Scientists; Board of the French Maritime Institute; French Institute of Advanced Defence Studies Fellow of the Nautical Institute 26 27 C D * E F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 G H1 H2 H3 H4 FRANCE (Cont'd) Capt. Jean-Daniel TROYAT Manager and Marine Surveyor of SURMAR GABON Mme Emilienne BOUASSA MOUSSADJI Directeur des Gens de Mer de la Navigation et de la Sécurité Maritimes Ministère de la Marine Marchande et de la Pêche 26 27 France. Gabon, Côte d'Ivoire, France. I:\CIRC\MSC\01\797-Rev-24.doc Diplôme d'Administrateur des Affaires Maritimes Certificat radio restreint I J K L M MSC.1/Circ.797/Rev.24 Annex, page 12 Country/Organization Name and Title Professional credentials/certificates Areas of Expertise A B C D * E F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 G H1 H2 H3 H4 GABON (Cont’d) M. Vincent EYEGHE OYONO Directeur de la Réglementation et de la Coopération Ministère de la Marine Marchande et de la Pêche Diplôme de Gestion et Administration des Affaires Maritimes 28 M. Claver NKOULOU MEZUI Chef de Service de la Sécurité Maritime Ministère de la Marine Marchande et de la Pêche Diplôme ancien élève de l'Ecole d'Administration des Affaires Maritimes (Bordeaux, France) Certificat radio restreint 29 M. Gérard AUBAME Chef de Service de la Navigation Maritime Direction Générale de la Marine Marchande Ministère de la Marine Marchande et de la Pêche Diplôme ancien élève de l'Ecole d'Administration des Affaires Maritimes (Bordeaux, France) Certificat restreint de radio-téléphoniste 30 M. Allyanoh MOUENZI-MOUENZI Chargé d'Etudes Ministère de la Marine Marchande et de la Pêche Diplôme de Gestion et Economie des Transports Maritimes; Brevet d'Officier Navigant; Certificat de sécurité maritime Certificat radio restreint Certificat de pollution maritime 31 28 29 30 31 Gabon, Algérie, Côte d'Ivoire, France. Gabon, France. Gabon, France. Gabon, Egypt. I:\CIRC\MSC\01\797-Rev-24.doc I J K L M MSC.1/Circ.797/Rev.24 Annex, page 13 Country/Organization Name and Title Professional credentials/certificates Areas of Expertise A B C D Mr. Nikolaos THEMELAROS Commander, Hellenic Coast Guard Seafarers' Training Division Ministry of Mercantile Marine School of Economic Studies (University of Athens) Naval Academy (Piraeus, Greece); International Law of the Sea (University of Hull, United Kingdom) English Proficiency (Cambridge Examination Board) French Certificate (Institut Français) 32 Mr. Panagiotis MAVROMICHALIS Special Consultant in Maritime Education Ministry of Mercantile Marine Radio-Electronics Officer Capt. L.K. PANDA Directorate General of Shipping, Mumbai Surveyor with Maritime Administration, Master of Merchant Ships BSc Extra Master Certificate of Competency Capt. Jasjeet Singh UPPAL Dy. Nautical Adviser, Government of India Directorate General of Shipping, Mumbai Extra Master (F.G.) Capt. Rakesh Kumar AWASTHI Nautical Surveyor-cum DDG (Tech) Directorate General of Shipping, Mumbai MSc in Maritime Safety and Environment Protection * E F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 G H1 H2 H3 H4 I J K L GREECE INDIA 32 33 Greece. Livestock carrier and general cargo ships. I:\CIRC\MSC\01\797-Rev-24.doc 33 M MSC.1/Circ.797/Rev.24 Annex, page 14 Country/Organization Name and Title Professional credentials/certificates Areas of Expertise * A B C D E F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 G H1 H2 H3 H4 I J K BSc, Extra Master Certificate of Competency Extra Master, Lead Auditor L M INDIA (Cont'd) Captain Harish KHATRI Dy. Director General of Shipping Directorate General of Shipping, Mumbai Capt. Sanat Kumar SHUKLA Nautical Surveyor, Examiner of Master and Mates Directorate General of Shipping, Mumbai Mr. Dilip MEHROTRA Deputy Chief Surveyor Directorate General of Shipping, Mumbai BSc Engineering Post Graduate in Maritime Safety and Environment Protection, WMU, Malmö MEW Class 1 Mr. M.P. JOHN Principal Officer Directorate General of Shipping, Mumbai BSc Engineering Marine Engineer Officer Class I MSc Degree Maritime Affairs WMU, Malmö ISM Lead Auditor Auditor for IMO Member State Audit Mr. Yogesh BAGGA Deputy Director General (Tech) Directorate General of Shipping, Mumbai Post Graduate Diploma in Marine Operations and Management, Class I (Motor), UK 34 35 36 37 Government permission required. Maritime Casualty Investigation. Maritime Administration. Permission required from Maritime Authority of India. I:\CIRC\MSC\01\797-Rev-24.doc 34 35 36 37 MSC.1/Circ.797/Rev.24 Annex, page 15 Country/Organization Name and Title Professional credentials/certificates Areas of Expertise * A B C D E F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 G H1 H2 H3 H4 I J K L INDIA (Cont'd) Mr. Sudhir Vasudev SUBHEDAR Dy. Director Ocean Sparkle Ltd. Hyderabad ExM, BSc. Mar. Tech. London; Chartered Member Inst of Quality Assurance UK MRINA. Assessor Mr. Brijendra K. SAXENA Principal, Head Pre Sea Maritime Institute, Pune MSc (WMU), MS – Quality Management Mr. Kersi N. DEBOO Director and Principal Anglo-Eastern Maritime Training Centre, Mumbai Master Mariner Class I Captain C. L. DUBEY Principal Mumbai Maritime Training Institute BSc, Extra Master Government of India Mr. Rajeev NAYYER Head S&P Essar Shipping, Ports & Logistics, Mumbai Marine Engineer Officer, Class I (Motor) 38 39 40 Commercial Shipping. Casualty investigations. Author of Maritime textbooks. I:\CIRC\MSC\01\797-Rev-24.doc 38 39 40 M MSC.1/Circ.797/Rev.24 Annex, page 16 Country/Organization Name and Title Professional credentials/certificates Areas of Expertise * A B C D E F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 G H1 H2 H3 H4 I nd nd J K L M IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) Mr. Nosratollah ALIPOUR Head of Seafarers Standard Directorate Chief Examiner for Masters and Mates Mr. Mohammad Ali SHAHBA Senior Expert in Maritime Education and Training Ports and Shipping Organization Examiner of Chief and 2 Mates Master Mariner Certificate of Competency (United Kingdom) Mr. Sattar TAGHIKHANI Head of Seafarers Standards Office Nautical Examiner Examiner of Chief and 2 Mates Master Mariner Certificate of Competency (United Kingdom) Capt. Aleksander GERSON Deputy Director Head, Shipping and Ports Inspectorate Ministry of Transport Master Mariner (MSc) 41 Capt. Meir ATIA Principal Examiner Deck Shipping Inspector Administration of Shipping and Ports Master Mariner F.G. Unlimited 43 Mr. Yehuda LEVKOVITCH Principal Examiner Engine Shipping Inspector Administration of Shipping and Ports Ch/Eng Unlimited 44 ISRAEL 41 42 43 44 42 Chemical tankers. Available for correspondence only. Three years' service at the Navy, plus 26 years of sea service at the merchant Shipping and 4 years at shipping company operation department. Two and a half years' service at the Navy, plus 38 years of sea service at the merchant shipping. Included 28 years of experience as chief engineer on various types of vessels. I:\CIRC\MSC\01\797-Rev-24.doc MSC.1/Circ.797/Rev.24 Annex, page 17 Country/Organization Name and Title Professional credentials/certificates Areas of Expertise A B C D Doctor of Science, Electro-technical officer Capt. Gurmeet Singh AHLUWALIA Quality Manager Seaboard Ship Management Master Mariner Mrs. Claudia GRANT Deputy Director General Maritime Authority of Jamaica MSc. World Maritime University * E F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 G H1 H2 H3 H4 I J K ITALY Dr. Stefania MOLTONI Division Director General Division for Navigation and Maritime and Inland Water Transport, Italy Dr. Enrico Maria PUJIA General Director for Navigation and Maritime and Inland Water Transport JAMAICA Mr. Bertrand SMITH Director Legal Affairs Maritime Authority of Jamaica I:\CIRC\MSC\01\797-Rev-24.doc MSc. LLB (Hon) Mr. George Wilson LOVEMORE Director, Safety, Environment & Certification/ Surveyor General L M MSC.1/Circ.797/Rev.24 Annex, page 18 Country/Organization Name and Title Professional credentials/certificates Areas of Expertise * A B C D E F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 G H1 H2 H3 H4 Mr. Akira IKEDA Deputy Chief Officers Examiner-General Maritime Bureau Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Tokyo, Japan First Grade Maritime Officer (Engineering), Qualified in accordance with the provisions of regulation III/2 of STCW Dr. Masao FURUSHO Professor, Kobe University Japan Captain. First Grade, Maritime Officer (Navigation). Dr. in Psychology (Chukyo University, Japan) Mr. Seigo HASHIMOTO Professor Piris Reis University Istanbul, Turkey First Grade Maritime Officer (Engineering), Qualified in accordance with provisions of regulation III/2 of STCW Mr. Takeshi NAKAZAWA Professor World Maritime University Malmö, Sweden First Grade Maritime Officer (Engineering) Ph.D in Engineering (Kobe University) Chartered Engineer, Engineering Council, UK Voluntary IMO Member State Audit Scheme 45 Mr. Hideo YABUKI Professor, Dr., Captain Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Tokyo, Japan First Grade Maritime Officer (Navigation), Qualified in accordance with the provisions of regulation II/2 of STCW Ph.D. (Hokkaido University, Japan), Master Mariner) I J K L JAPAN 45 Japan, the Philippines, Indonesia and Viet Nam. I:\CIRC\MSC\01\797-Rev-24.doc M MSC.1/Circ.797/Rev.24 Annex, page 19 Country/Organization Name and Title Professional credentials/certificates Areas of Expertise * A B C D E F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 G H1 H2 H3 H4 I J K Mr. Arturs BROKOVSKIS-VAIVODS Deputy Director Maritime Administration of Latvia Master Mariner; GMDSS General operator; Assessment of Competence Seafarers for Certification Requirements; IACS Model Course for Training ISM Auditors 46 Mr. Jazeps SPRIDZANS Head, Latvian Registry of Seamen Maritime Administration of Latvia Master Mariner, GMDSS General Operator ISO Auditor, Instructor in Marine Training Capt. Armett HILL Deputy Permanent Representative Liberian Permanent Mission to IMO London Master Mariner: Ocean-going vessel of any gross tonnage; Certificates of Competence in Nautical Science; Graduate of Sperry Marine System Division; Competence in Loran A/C; Inert Gas System; Crude Oil Washing; Canadian Coast Guard training in ship inspection and survey; Certificates: Simulated Electronic Navigation Level II; Fire Fighting; Survival at Sea 47 Capt. Vincent A. BLACK Chief, Seafarers Certification & Documentation LISCR Master – Ocean; 1st Class Pilot (NY Harbor, Hudson River & Delaware River) Member, Council of American Master Mariners 49 Doctor of Technical Sciences Second Class Ship's Engineer Diploma of Engineering of Ship's Power Plant Exploitation 50 L LATVIA LIBERIA LITHUANIA Prof. Viktoras SENCILA Director Maritime Institute of Klaipeda University 46 47 48 49 50 The Republic of Latvia. Liberia. Ship safety inspection; Casualty investigation. Liberia, the Marshall Islands and the United States. Lithuania. I:\CIRC\MSC\01\797-Rev-24.doc 48 M MSC.1/Circ.797/Rev.24 Annex, page 20 Country/Organization Name and Title Professional credentials/certificates Areas of Expertise A B C D * E F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 G H1 H2 H3 H4 I J K L M 53 LUXEMBOURG M. Joël MATHIEU Conseiller Technique Commissariat aux Affaires Maritimes Ministère des Transports Capitaine au long cours Licence en science nautique 51 M. Victor M.F.P Soeiro Conseiller Technique Commissariat aux Affaires Maritimes Ministry of Economy and Foreign Trade BSc Nautical Studies MSc Logistics & Transportation 52 Mr. Mark A. CHAPELLE Technical Manager Merchant Shipping Directorate Malta Maritime Authority Master Mariner Dr. Ivan TABONE Assistant Registrar of Ships Seafarer Certification Unit Manager Authority for Transport in Malta Doctor of Laws/Advocate MALTA 51 52 53 Luxembourg, Belgique. Luxembourg. Disponible de préférence au cours des sessions MSC. I:\CIRC\MSC\01\797-Rev-24.doc MSC.1/Circ.797/Rev.24 Annex, page 21 Country/Organization Name and Title Professional credentials/certificates Areas of Expertise A B C D * E F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 G H1 H2 H3 H4 I J K L 55 57 59 MAURITIUS Mr. Johnny Jacques LAM KAY LEUNG Incorporated Engineer, Maritime Surveyor Ministry of Land Transport, Shipping and Public Safety Department of Transport Certificate of Competency Class I (United Kingdom) 54 Mr. J. Gilbert M. MALLET Nautical Surveyor Ministry of Land Transport, Shipping and Public Safety Master Class I – Department of Transport, Australia 56 Sr. Luis I. MURIEL DEL CASTILLO Director de Educación Náutica Fideicomiso de Formación y Capacitación para Personal de la Marina Mercante Nacional (Mexican Maritime Education Directorate) MSc Education and Maritime Training (Nautical) Captain (Merchant Marine) 58 Sr. Genaro NARVAEZ HERNANDEZ Jefe de Departamento de Certificación del Personal Naval Mercante Secretaria de Comunicaciones y Transportes, Dirección General de Marina Mercante Capitán de Altura, Master of Science Met-N MEXICO 54 55 56 57 58 59 Mauritius. Associate Member of Marine Engineers. Mauritius, Australia. Member of the Nautical Institute (MNI), Member of the Chartered Institute of Transport (MCIT), United Kingdom. Denmark, Former Yugoslavia, France, Germany, Mexico, the Netherlands, the Russian Federation, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States. Transportation of dangerous goods by sea. I:\CIRC\MSC\01\797-Rev-24.doc M MSC.1/Circ.797/Rev.24 Annex, page 22 Country/Organization Name and Title Professional credentials/certificates Areas of Expertise A B C D * E F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 G H1 H2 H3 H4 I J K L M MOROCCO M. Amaallaoui REZGUI Association des Agents Maritimes et Stevedores Capitaine au long cours 60 M. Abdelaziz JARIR Directeur Sécurité/Qualité et Armement de la Société COMARIT Commandant (C2) M. Abdelhaq NAGUIB Directeur des Etudes Institut Supérieur des Etudes Maritimes (ISEM) Diplôme de Capitaine au long cours Divers certificats ayant trait au domaine maritime 62 63 M. Ali BERNI Chef de Département de la formation continue, Enseignement maritime (ISEM), Ministère du Transport et de la Marine Marchande Divers certificats ayant trait au domaine maritime Diplôme de Capitaine au long cours 65 66 Master Mariner 61 64 67 NETHERLANDS Mr. Sibrand HASSING Senior Policy Adviser Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 Maroc. La présence aux réunions ne pourrait pas être assurée en cas de contrainte d'ordre professionnel. Algérie, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypte, France, Japon. Entrain de participer à l'élaboration du système de normes de qualité de l'ISEM. Membre de la délégation qui a participé à la Conférence STCW 95. Algérie, Côte d'Ivoire, France, Japon. Participation à l'établissement du système de normes de qualité de l'ISEM. Membre de la cellule STCW à l'ISEM. Auditor, Voluntary IMO Member State Audit Scheme. I:\CIRC\MSC\01\797-Rev-24.doc 68 MSC.1/Circ.797/Rev.24 Annex, page 23 Country/Organization Name and Title Professional credentials/certificates Areas of Expertise * A B C D E F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 G H1 H2 H3 H4 I J K NIGERIA Capt. Tajudeen Owolabi ALAO Chief Surveyor National Maritime Authority MSc, Transport Planning Master Mariner – Class I – 1983 CILT (UK) MNI 1983 Mr. Nnajiuno Oliver OGBUAGU Deputy Director, Maritime Safety of Seafarers and Standards Department National Maritime Authority HND, Marine Engineering Class IV, II & I COC. Member Nigeria Society of Engineers (MNSE). Member, Society of Naval Arch. & Marine Engineers in Nigeria (COREN). Fellow, Inst. of Marine Engineers Science & Tech. FIMarEST Capt. Adegboyega Sahib OLOPOENIA Director, Maritime Safety of Seafarers and Standards Department National Maritime Authority BSc (Hon) Nautical Studies 1982 – UK Master Mariner 1987 – UK Mr. Rune VIKSE Head Engineer, Norwegian Maritime Directorate, Haugesund Master Mariner Mr. Øyvind SKOG Senior Advisor Norwegian Maritime Directorate Engine officer Class 1 Chief Engineer 69 NORWAY 69 Norway. I:\CIRC\MSC\01\797-Rev-24.doc L M MSC.1/Circ.797/Rev.24 Annex, page 24 Country/Organization Name and Title Professional credentials/certificates Areas of Expertise A B C D Ing. Napoleón SMITH JIMENÉZ Técnico de Seguridad Oficina de Seguridad Marítima (SEGUMAR), Nueva York Dirección General de Marina Mercante Contra Parte Nacional Proyecto Sector Marítimo (ONU-OMI); Inspector de Seguridad Marítima, Dirección General Consular y Naves; Tercer Oficial de Cubierta – Navegación de Altura Maestría en Administración de la Seguridad Marítima (Universidad Marítima Mundial, Malmö, Suecia); Licenciado en Ingenieria Náutica con Especialización en Transporte y Navegación Marítima (Escuela Náutica de Panamá) 70 Mr. Alexis X. RODRIGUEZ Head of Control and Compliance Unit General Directorate of Seafarers Panama Maritime Authority Master in Maritime Law Capt. Vicente RODRIGUEZ H. Deputy Chief Certification Department General Directorate of Seafarers Panama Maritime Authority Master Capitán de Fragata SGC Sr. Rino BUSTAMANTE DIAZ Jefe del Departamento de Asuntos Internacionales Dirección General de Capitanías y Guardacostas Capitán de Navío SGC Sr. Manuel HINOJOSA López Director de Asuntos Internacionales, Planeamiento y Normativa Dirección General de Capitanías y Guardacostas * E F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 G H1 H2 H3 H4 I J K L M PANAMA PERU 70 Panamá. I:\CIRC\MSC\01\797-Rev-24.doc MSC.1/Circ.797/Rev.24 Annex, page 25 Country/Organization Name and Title Professional credentials/certificates Areas of Expertise A B C D * E F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 G H1 H2 H3 H4 I J K L M PERU (Cont'd) Sr. Fidel REYES Meléndez Primer Ayudante de la Capitanía Guardacostas Marítima del Callao Dirección General de Capitanías y Guardacostas Capitán de Fragata SGC Capitán de Navío SGC. Pedro TERRY Guillen Director de Asuntos Internacionales, Planeamiento y Normativa Título en Ciencias Marítimas Maestría en Derecho Marítimo 71 72 Capitán de Fragata SGC. César LARRIEGA Vigil Jefe del Departamento de Personal Acuático Título en Ciencias Marítimas Capitán de Fragata SGC. Rubén ALEJO Vera Jefe del Departamento de Asuntos Internacionales Título en Ciencias Marítimas 73 Capitán de Fragata SGC. José CHAVEZ Campodónico Primer Ayudante de la Capitanía Guardacostas Marítimas del Callao Bachiller en Ciencias Marítimas Magister en Dirección y Gestión Empresarial 74 71 72 73 74 Peru. Peru. Peru. Peru. I:\CIRC\MSC\01\797-Rev-24.doc MSC.1/Circ.797/Rev.24 Annex, page 26 Country/Organization Name and Title Professional credentials/certificates Areas of Expertise A B C D 75 BSc in Marine Transportation (PMMA) BSc in Maritime Education and Training System Observation and Studies (JICA/Colombo Plan, Japan) MSc in Maritime Education & Training (Nautical), WMU, Sweden 78 Mr. Edward W. RYMARZ Professor, Gdynia Maritime Academy Master Mariner; Dr. of Law Capt. Andrzej KRÓLIKOWSKI Head, Safety Department Maritime Office Gdynia Master Mariner, MSc Eng. Mr. Kazimierz DENDURA Quality Assessment Manager, Maritime Board Professor, Maritime Academy Ch.Eng (Mts); Dr. Hab.; BSILEAD Auditor * E F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 G H1 H2 H3 H4 I J K L M 76 77 PHILIPPINES LtCdr. Luis M. TUASON, Jr. Staff Officer to the Commandant Philippine Coast Guard for Maritime Safety Affairs/ Graduate, Maritime Safety Administration Head, Port State Control, Manila (Nautical) – Master's Degree Capt. George M. PIMENTEL Operations Manager GOLAR Maritime Services Inc. 79 81 POLAND 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 80 The Philippines. Instructor – Training course for Instructors. Executive Director – National Maritime Polytechnic for more than three years. At least three weeks' advance notice would be highly appreciated. The Philippines. Poland, the Czech Republic, Norway and the United Kingdom. Dean of Navigation Faculty, Senior Lecturer of Gdynia Maritime Academy; Member of the Jury in Maritime Court, Gdynia; Vice Chairman of Examination Board for Seafarers at Gdynia Maritime Office; Deep Sea Pilot Licence. Poland, the Czech Republic, Norway and the United Kingdom. I:\CIRC\MSC\01\797-Rev-24.doc MSC.1/Circ.797/Rev.24 Annex, page 27 Country/Organization Name and Title Professional credentials/certificates Areas of Expertise A B C D * E F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 G H1 H2 H3 H4 I J K L PORTUGAL Mr. Antonio Augusto PEREIRA CANECO Head of Seafarers Department, Portuguese Maritime Administration Post Graduate in Public Management, Public Marketing, Port and Shipping Management, Management and Shipping Technology Degree, Deck Officer Ms. Carlota Amélia e Sousa da Silva LEITAO CORREIA Alternate of the Head of Seafarers Department Law Degree, Post Graduate in Community Affairs, Post Graduate in Quality Management and in Ports and Shipping Management REPUBLIC OF KOREA Doctor of Laws (Maritime Laws), Second Class Mr. Yeong Woo JEON Marine Engineer Certificate Head of Faculty, Director, Professor Korea Institute of Maritime and Fisheries Technology Mr. Yun-Cheol LEE Assistant Professor Doctor of International Law (LL.D) Korean Maritime University Certificate of Second Class Deck Officer 82 Ph. DC Ing. 83 ROMANIA Mr. Dorel POPA Maritime Safety Director Maritime Training Centre, Constantza 82 83 Japan, the People's Republic of China, the United Kingdom and the United States. Romania. I:\CIRC\MSC\01\797-Rev-24.doc M MSC.1/Circ.797/Rev.24 Annex, page 28 Country/Organization Name and Title Professional credentials/certificates Areas of Expertise * A B C D E F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 G H1 H2 H3 H4 I Mr. Haralambie BEIZADEA Expert Adviser - General Director Maritime Training Centre (MTC) (UNCTAD-TRAINMAR) Romania Naval Architect (University of Galati, Department of Mechanics, Branch Vessels and Board Equipment) PhD (Conceptions and strategies for human resources evaluation in maritime transport specialization) Romanian Institute of Management – modern management 84 Capt. Andrei MIHAI Harbour Master Chief Captain of Constantza State Inspectorate for Civil Navigation Shipmaster 86 J K L 85 ROMANIA (Cont'd) Mr. Marin CHINTOAN-UTA State Chief Inspector/Director General State Inspectorate of Civil Navigation Mr. Liviu Costel GRIGORE Head of Certification Department State Inspectorate of Civil Navigation Mr. Constantin CASIADE Inspector, Certification Department State Inspectorate of Civil Navigation Chief Engineer Authorized Translator (Eng-Rom – Shipping, Chief Officer) Mr. Alexandru MEZEI Director General Constantza Harbour Master's Office Master Mariner 84 85 86 Romania, Bulgaria, Estonia, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and the United Kingdom. Human resources development. Romania. I:\CIRC\MSC\01\797-Rev-24.doc M MSC.1/Circ.797/Rev.24 Annex, page 29 Country/Organization Name and Title Professional credentials/certificates Areas of Expertise * A B C D E F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 G H1 H2 H3 H4 I 87 88 J K L M RUSSIAN FEDERATION Mr. Vladimir VASILYEV Head of Navigation Technology Laboratory Central Marine Research and Design Institute Certificate Higher Marine Education PhD in Radiocommunications Mr. Vladimir A. LOGINOVSKY Head of Navigational Chair State Marine Academy, St. Petersburg Certificate of Higher Education; Officer in Charge (Nav) Certificate, PhD in Navigation Certificate, Doctor of Science in Navigation, Professor of Nav. Certificate Mr. Yury A. PESKOV Professor of Navigational Chair State Marine Academy, Novorossiysk Certificate of Higher Education Officer in Charge (Nav) Certificate PhD in Navigation Certificate Professor of Navigation Certificate 89 Mr. Chen CHIN KWANG Deputy Director/Head (Engineering) Singapore Maritime Academy Singapore Polytechnic Marine Engineer Officer, Class 1 (Motorship) Master's Degree in Education (Sheffield/UK) Master Degree in Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Safety (Cincinnati/USA) Council Member (Society of Naval Architects & Marine Engineers, Singapore) Capt. Loo KEE HUAT Marine Surveyor Training Standard Department Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore Master Mariner MSc in Transport SINGAPORE 87 88 89 The Russian Federation and the Former USSR countries. Visiting Professor in Holland, Germany, the Russian Federation and the Former USSR countries. The United Kingdom, the Russian Federation and the Former USSR countries. I:\CIRC\MSC\01\797-Rev-24.doc MSC.1/Circ.797/Rev.24 Annex, page 30 Country/Organization Name and Title Professional credentials/certificates Areas of Expertise A B C D * E F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 G H1 H2 H3 H4 I J K L M SINGAPORE (Cont'd) Mr. Leong PENG CHEE Marine Surveyor Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore Certificate of Competency Marine Engineer Officer Class 1 (Motor Ship) Chief Engineer Be (Mechanical) Capt. Mohamad SALLEH BIN AHMAD SARWAN Deputy Director (Course Management) Singapore Maritime Academy Singapore Polytechnic Certificate of Competency Class 1 (Master Foreign-Going) Singapore Master of Science (Msc) – Maritime Management, Maine Maritime Academy (USA) Master Mariner (Unlimited) BSc Maritime Transport D. Manuel Carlés Beira Jefe de Sección de Titulaciones Profesionales. Subdirección General de Seguridad Marítima y Contaminación Dirección General de la Marina Mercante, Madrid Lcdo. Marina Civil. Sección Radioelectrónica Naval D. Alberto Villa Berasategui Jefe de Servicio de Gestión y Organización Marítima. Capitanía Marítima de Santander. Dirección General de la Marina Mercante Lcdo. Marina Civil. Sección Náutica. Lcdo. Derecho. Profesor asociado en la Escuela Superior de la Marina Civil. Universidad de Cantabria Dña. Laura Martín Iglesias Jefa de Sección de Homologación, Centros y Certificados, Subdirección General de Seguridad Marítima y Contaminación. Dirección General de la Marina Mercante, Madrid Lcda. en Derecho SLOVENIA Capt. Ivo MARASPIN Head of Port State Control SPAIN I:\CIRC\MSC\01\797-Rev-24.doc MSC.1/Circ.797/Rev.24 Annex, page 31 Country/Organization Name and Title Professional credentials/certificates Areas of Expertise * A B C D E F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 G H1 H2 H3 H4 I J K Radio Officer Merchant Marine 1st Class Mr. Ajith Wickrama SENEVIRATNE Examiner of Engineers Merchant Shipping Division Ministry of Port Development and Shipping Certificate of Competency (Marine Engineer Officer) Class I 90 Mr. Taraka TELWATTA Examiner of Masters and Mates Merchant Shipping Division Ministry of Port Development and Shipping Master Mariner, Class I Dr. T.A. PIYASIRI Senior Lecturer, Maritime Academy and Examiner for Certificates of Competency University of Moratuwa Ph. D Marine Engineer C.Eng. Member of the Institution of Marine Engineers 92 Certificate of Competency Class I (United Kingdom) L SPAIN (Cont’d) Mr. Jesus TALAVERA Gómez Head of Maritime Training Area, Ministry of Public Works, Directorate General of Merchant Marine 91 SRI LANKA Mr. L. HEMACHANDRA Marine Engineer Officer Sri Lankan Maritime Administration 90 91 92 India. PSC, FSI. Commonwealth, IMO STCW'95 mission to SAAPC countries. I:\CIRC\MSC\01\797-Rev-24.doc M MSC.1/Circ.797/Rev.24 Annex, page 32 Country/Organization Name and Title Professional credentials/certificates Areas of Expertise * A B C D E F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 G H1 H2 H3 H4 I J BSc in Nautical Science (Kalmar Maritime Academy) Mr. Sione Tu'itupou FOTU Secretary for Marine and Ports Ministry of Marine and Ports Master Mariner (Foreign Going New Zealand) 94 Mr. Mosese FAKATOU Deputy Secretary for Marine and Ports Ministry of Marine and Ports 1st Class Marine Engineer (Foreign Going New Zealand) K L SWEDEN Mr. Fredrik JONSSON Quality Coordinator, Senior Administrative Officer Swedish Transport Agency, Norrköping 93 TONGA TURKEY Dr. Cengiz DENIZ Istanbul Technical University Maritime Faculty Capt. Ali CÖMERT Senior Lecturer, Istanbul Technical University Maritime Faculty 93 94 ISM and Marine Awareness Training. Tonga. I:\CIRC\MSC\01\797-Rev-24.doc Unlimited Chief Engineer Unlimited Master M MSC.1/Circ.797/Rev.24 Annex, page 33 Country/Organization Name and Title Professional credentials/certificates Areas of Expertise * A B C D E F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 G H1 H2 H3 H4 I J K UKRAINE Prof. Vadym ZAKHARCHENKO Doctor of Science, Electrotechnical officer Capt. Iurii MYKHAILENKO Director of Odessa Regional Branch of the Inspectorate for Training and Certification of Seafarers Master Mariner (Unlimited) Capt. Grygoriy SOBOLEVSKY Director of Mariupol Regional Branch of the Inspectorate for Training and Certification of Seafarers Master Mariner (Unlimited) Capt. Illya TYKHONOV Head of the Inspectorate for Training and Certification of Seafarers Master Mariner (Unlimited) Quality auditor Master Degree (USA) Mr. Richard MATTHEW, MBE Chief Executive Merchant Navy Training Board United Kingdom Master Mariner Capt. Roger TOWNER Chief Examiner Maritime and Coastguard Agency, United Kingdom Master Mariner BSc UNITED ARAB EMIRATES H.E. Salem Ali Al ZAABI Executive Director of Marine Transport Sector National Transport Authority, Abu Dhabi UNITED KINGDOM I:\CIRC\MSC\01\797-Rev-24.doc L M MSC.1/Circ.797/Rev.24 Annex, page 34 Country/Organization Name and Title Professional credentials/certificates Areas of Expertise * A B C D E F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 G H1 H2 H3 H4 I Mr. Gerald P. MIANTE Marine Transportation Specialist, (Maritime Personnel Qualifications) US Coast Guard BSc in Marine and Electrical Engineering (Massachusetts Maritime Academy); U.S. Coast Guard Merchant Marine Officer's License as "Chief Engineer, Steam, Motor and Gas Turbine Vessels, of Any Horsepower"; STCW Certificate as "Chief Engineer" (No Limitations); "Proficient in the Use of Survival Craft (Lifeboatman)"; U.S. Merchant Mariner's Document as "Qualified Member of the Engine Department, Any Rating; Lifeboatman; Ordinary Seaman; Foodhandler" State of Maryland Stationary Engineer's License as "First Grade Engineer" Federal Communications Commission License as "Advanced Class Amateur Radio Operator"; "Master of Arts, Liberal Arts, St. John's College, Anapolis, MD (2002) Ms. Mayte MEDINA United States Coast Guard Chief, Maritime Personnel Qualifications Division ISO 9001 Lead Auditor ISO 9001 Auditor Masters, Quality Systems Management B.E. Marine Systems Engineering Mr. James D. CAVO United States Coast Guard Marine, Credentialing Program Policy Division Chief Mate Steam and Motor Vessels of Not More Than 1,600 Gross Tonnes ISO 9001 Lead Auditor M.S. Maritime Management B.S. Meteorology J K L 95 UNITED STATES 95 Ro-ro Vessels, Electrical and Electronic Systems, ISM/ISO Internal Audits; Member, Joint U.S. Coast Guard/Maritime Administration Maritime Academy STCW Review Committee). I:\CIRC\MSC\01\797-Rev-24.doc M MSC.1/Circ.797/Rev.24 Annex, page 35 Country/Organization Name and Title Professional credentials/certificates Areas of Expertise A B C D Masters of Education Coast Guard Officer Sr. Carlos ABILLEIRA Sub-Director Escuela Naval Dirección Registral y de Marina Mercante Commander, Uruguayan Navy Capitán Ricardo CAVALLERI Cartagena Deputy Chief of Legislation and International Agreement Department Uruguayan Maritime Authority Commander Master of Science in Maritime Affairs (WM) Graduate (U.S. Merchant Marine Academy – King's Point) B Sc, Master of Business Administration (Golden Gate University) 96 Graduate (Engineering) – Viet Nam Maritime University 98 * E F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 G H1 H2 H3 H4 I J K L M UNITED STATES (Cont'd) Mr. Luke B. HARDEN United States Coast Guard Chief, Maritime Personnel Qualifications Division URUGUAY VANUATU Mr. Donald J. SHEETZ Vice-President, Maritime Safety and Deputy Commissioner of Maritime Affairs Vanuatu Maritime Services Ltd. VIET NAM Mr. NGUYEN CONG DUC Director, Haiphong Port Authority 96 97 98 The United States, Vanuatu, open registry countries. Due to time and distance problems, correspondence duties would be preferred. Viet Nam. I:\CIRC\MSC\01\797-Rev-24.doc 97 MSC.1/Circ.797/Rev.24 Annex, page 36 Country/Organization Name and Title Professional credentials/certificates Areas of Expertise * A B C D E F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 G H1 H2 H3 H4 I J Master (500 GRT and 3,000 GRT) Master of Science, Master Mariner VIET NAM (Cont'd) Mr. NGUYEN VIET ANH Maritime Safety Inspector/Legal Expert Viet Nam National Maritime Bureau Capt. Dinh Xuan MANH Vice Dean, Faculty of Navigation Viet Nam Maritime University ___________ I:\CIRC\MSC\01\797-Rev-24.doc K L M