2009 EE301 PSpice Simulation Tutorial

2009 EE301
PSpice Simulation Tutorial - 09/04/29
1. Execute the Capture Lite Edition
Start – Program – ORCAD Family Release 9.2 Lite Edition – Capture Lite Edition
2. File - New - Project
3. 1) Write a name of Project.
2)Create a New Project Using - Analog or Mixed A/D
4. Create a blank project
5. The following platform will be made.
- It will be useful to remember shortcut p and w. cf.) Zoom in : i, Zoom out : o
6. Let's make the example circuit, CS-AMP.
1) Push p button.
2) Push 'Add Library..' and select the 'analog.olb', 'source.olb'.
Likewise, you have to add 'SEDRA_LIB.OLB' that you can copy from the course
web. In SEDRA_LIB, you will use only 'NMOS0P5_BODY' and 'PMOS0P5_BODY'.
3) After adding the essential libraries, place components transistor, resistor and
VDD, Vin, GND.
In order to add GND, you have to use the example schematic that you can copy
from the course web.
File -> Open -> Project
Therefore, there are two projects available in the work space as follows.
Then, copy the gnd symbol from 'Example' to your project.
(Just use 'Ctrl +C' and 'Ctrl + V'.)
Now, your schematic should be similar to the following figure.
By wiring the above components, the schematic for simulation is completed.
To set the properties of the components, just double click the label of the
7. Simulation of CS-AMP
After setting the all properties, click the new simulation profile.
Put the name of simulation profile and push the 'Create'.
The following window will be popped up. This window of simulation setting is very
important. In this window, you can choose your type of simulation.
In the tab of the analysis type, you can find the four type of simulation.
I) Time Domain (Transient) - For normal simulation such as achieving 'V vs time'
or 'I vs time'.
II) DC sweep - You can obtain the results with changing the DC parameter. For
example, you can simulate the 'I-V curve of the MOSFET'.
III) AC Sweep/Noise - Graphs such as 'one parameter vs frequency' can be
obtained. To simulate the AC sweep, VAC or IAC should be used instead of VSIN.
You can select the 'VAC' or 'IAC' in the 'SOURCE' library.
Now, let's simulate our CS-AMP circuit. Time-domain simulation will be excuted.
Put a reasonable amount of time to the 'Run to time'.
To use the sedra smith's library, you have to include the 'sedra_lib.lib' to the
project. Click the 'Libraries' tab and add the library file to your project.
Now, setting for simulation is completed. Push the '확인‘ button.
In the workspace, just click the run pspice button as follows.
As you click the run pspice, the blank window of PSpice will be popped up.
By click the maker and drop it to the node, you can observe the signal. By using
'display bias point' button, you can detect how well the bias point of the circuit is
1. In the 'PSpice' - 'Markers' - 'Advanced', you can find the some useful markers.
2. If you want to see the different signals simultaneously in the plot, click
'Plot'-'Add to Window' in the PSpice window.
3. Instead of using markers, you can observe the signal by clicking 'Trace'-'Add
Trace' in the PSpice window.
Unlike using markers, 'Add trace' can change the signal with some math function. In
the following figure, the log10( ) of the M1 drain voltage will illustrated.
4. To get the graph from PSpice to the word program, use the 'Window'-'Copy to
clipboard'-'change white to black'.
5. For AC Sweep, use the VAC or IAC as mentioned above. In the simulation
setting, use the 'AC sweep/Noise' analysis type. Note that you cannot write the
0(Hz) as the start frequency. (i.e. Min start frequency = 1)
6. Shortcuts of Zoom In, Zoom Out : i , o