IEEETRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE A PUBLICATION OF THÊ IEEE NUCLEARAND PLASMASCIENCESSOCIETY AUGUST2OO8 VOLUME36 NUMBER4 ITPSBD (lssN0093-3813) PARTI OF FIVEPARTS SPECIAL ISSUE ON IMAGES IN PLASMA SCIENCE GIJESTEDMORIAL Fifth Triennial Special Issue on Images in Plasma Science . . . . . N. Yu. Babaeva and M. J. Kushner 862 SPECIALISSUEPAPERS P lasma Surface Interactions Distribution of lon-Current Density on Substrate Between Carbon Nanotubes Grown From Low-Temperature Plasma . . I. Levchenko, K. Ostrikov, qnd S. Xu Simulation and Visualization of Self-Assembled Nanodevice Networks Synthesized via Plasma-Surface Interaction . . . r.t"r""ti"";ô;;;;;pi;r;;witrreruminiornsourour"; ........... ' *"'.0:*:.'.*.?.':'!:'andY ?:'!* . . M. Mozetié,U. Cvelbar,A. Vesel,N. Krstuloviô,and S. Miloieviô RF MagnetronSputteringDepositionof Highly Uniform SiC Nanoislanded Films InductivelyCoupledPlasma-Assisted 864 866 868 rcpnas-ail,;;,td'rN*",,."*"a,,",8i,,#:f;à"J.1,i.::."::,.JLong,.,':.,:,'y::,:**f' C. Andreazza, P. Brault, A.-L. Thomann, M. Cavarroc, Y. Tessier, A. Caillard, C. Chnrles, qnd R. W. Boswell Dynamics of the Profile Charging During SiO2 Etching in Plasma for High Aspect Ratio Trenches . . . . B. M. Radjenoviô, M. D. Radmiloviô-Radlenovié,and Z. Lj. Petrovié Surface Modification of Composite Electrodes by Electric Arc Discharge . . . . . . . . I. L. Babich, R. V. Minakova, and A. N. Veklich . .I. A. Kenney, E. Paek, and G. S. Hwang Stochastic Plasma Charging of NanopatternedDielectric Surfaces Optical Investigation of Surface Flashover Plasma Across Silicon Stimulated by Pulsed High Voltage in Vacuum Based . . . . . W.-8. Zhao, G.-J. Zhang, M. Dong, and Z. Yan on ICCD Synthesis of Carbon Nanofibers and R-Nanocluster-Based Electrochemical Microsystems by Combining Low-Pressure A. Caillard, C. Charles, R. W. Boswell, and P. Brsult Helicon Plasma Technlques Transport and Deposition of Plasma-Sputtered Platinum Atoms: Comparison Between Experiments and Simulation . . . A. Caillard, C. Charles, R. W. Boswell, and P. Brault Improved Dual-Plasma Processfor the Synthesis of Coated or Functionalized Metal Nanoparticles. . . . . . E. J. Swanson,J. Tavares, and S. Coulombe 872 874 876 878 880 882 884 886 (Contents Continued on Page 853) @IEEF" (Contents Continuedfrom FronT Cover) Two-Dimensional Spatial Profile of Volume Fraction of Nanoparticles Incorporated Into a-Si:H Films Deposited bf Plasma CVD. . W. M. Nakamura, H. Miyahara, H. Sato, H. Matsuzaki, K. Koga, and M. Shiratqni Plasma-EnhancedChemical Vapor Deposition of Amorphous FluorocarbonPolymer Films (a-C:F) on Spherical Surfaces ' ' c' Biloiu and Y' sakai nrro*ao*rj, ororrorrr amdstr:eamer.î Streamer Branching: The Role of Inhomogeneities and Bubbles .N. yu. Babaeva and M. J. Kushner NanosecondScale Discharge Dynamics in High pressureAir . . . ' '' . P. Tardiveau,N. Moreau, F. Jorand, C. Postel, S. Pasquiers,anclp. Vervisch . ^ ^' Development of SrreamerFlash Initiated by HV pulse with NanosecondRise Time 888 890 g92 gg4 Nanosecondpuir"aoi,.r,u.g"-ei*"y,u"iro,*i. ...... ......A.i {,;i!ii,l,)"imit;t';;',Y"::T,', 333 Streak Images of Pulsed Discharge Development at High overvoltage . A. E. Rakitin and A. yu. starikovskii Nanosecond-Discharge Developmentin Long Tubes . '. . . . N. B. Anikin, N. A. Zavialova, S. M. Starikovskaia,and A. Yu. Starikovskii ^ :" . " _ CombustlonInitiated by Nonequilibrium plasma . . . . positi,,e !;,;"-;;, i. o-,,""f #. t::;':K:r:i"'i,i,y,::i;;k:riî :::":'' g00 902 ' *:o:":a'anct A yustarikovskiis04 . . T . M . P . B r i e l s ,E . M . v a n v r i a n ' u i r ' r n à, n d U . E b e r t -."'-"'." . - -" " lime ResolvedMeasurementsof StreamerInception in Air. . . . T. M. P. Briels, E. M. van Velclhuizen,and U. Ebert Avalanche-to-Streamer Transition in particle Simulations C. Li, U. Ebert, and W. J. M. Brok DischargeIgnition Near a Dielectric. . A. Sobota,E. M. van Veldhuizen,and W. W. Stoffels InteractingStreamersin Air: The Evolution of the Space-ChargeLayerin Their Heads . . . . . A. Luque and U. Ebert T r a n s i e n t - S p a r k D i s c h a r g e i n N 2 / C O 2 / H 2 o M i x t uar e t Ast m o s p h e r i cP r e s s u r e . . . . . . . . . M . J a n d a a n d Z . M a c h a l a DC Dischargesin Atmospheric Air and Their Transitions . . . . . Z. Machala, I. Jedtovstcj,andV. Martiioviti Ultrasonic Field Effects on Corona Discharge in Air . . . . . . R. Balek, S. pekarek, andM. Cervenka Time Evolution of PulsedStreamerDischargein Water . . . S. Kanazawa,Y. Abe,y. Kihara, M. Kocik, andJ. Mizeraczyk Primary and Secondary Streamer Dynamics in pulsed positive corona Discharges A. Abahazem,N. Merbahi, O. Ducasse, O. Eichv.,alct,and M. Yousfi ADS and cDS StreamerGeneration as Function of pulse parameters . 906 90g 910 glz gl4 916 9lg g20 g22 g24 on.o K Yan 926 ril-slr-Speed vi,uuii,*ion orriu-"*."",,",,"2j" ! {:;i':';:,:r!J:'i;r*rL: iii"!ïii!;:J*#^:;-::' greataownt't""iu.,ir- oi t-o*-pr"rru." cur.ou, sp"rk cl;IY":::' Subnanosecond u. "::r'' ands D M1rcum 928 ' ' '.' ' '___ . . K. Niayesh,E. Hashemi,E. Agheb, and J. Jadidian 930 ^: .' streamersimulationswith Dynamically Adaptive cartesianMesh. . . D. s. Nikandrov,R. R. Arslanbekov, g32 andv. L Kolobov High-Current Surface Flashover in a High-pressure SF6 Environment . . . . . J. Krile, A. Neuber, and R. Vela g34 Imaging of AtmosphericAir Breakdown Causedby a High-Power 110-GHz pulsed GaussianBeam. .. Y.Hidaka,E.M.Choi,L "^"'.'.'.'. M a s t o v s l < y , M . A . S h a p i r o , J . R . S i r i g i r i , a n d R . J . T e m9 k3 i6n StreamerGrowth in an E-Beam SustainedDischarge . . . p. S. Rostler atrd D. H. Douglas_Hamilton 93g Stabilization of a Swirled Propane-Air Flame Using a NanosecondRepetitively pulsed plasma '. "." " " . . . . . G . L . P i l l a , D . A . L a c o s t e , D . V e y n a n t e , a n d C . O . L a ug x4 0 _' Photolonlzation and Optical Emission Effects of Positive Streamersin Air at Ground pressure nr""t ',tuti"rn,tuu'ityor-ec-o,i,"nni,*;r"rïJ# !o?,u'^"":l i:i:"; {;T;"Tiïrî i"i:i::,,ï!"r#;;:,X 31i Imaging of High-Power Microwave-Induced Surface Flashover on a Corrugated Dielectric Window _^^... Eltect of Pressurein Fast-Front Lightning Dischargesin Air . . . . A. Robledo-Martinez, H. sobral, and A. Ruiz-Meza A Positive Corona-BasedIon Wind Generator . . . . E. Karakas, A. Begum, and M. Laroussi Atmospheric and High Pressure Plasmas Evolution of the Light Emission Profile in Radio-Frequency Atmospheric PressureGlow Discharges .. 950 D. Liu, F.Iza, and M. G. Kons 952 g4g (ContentsContinuedon Page 854) 'C (ContentsContinuedfrom Page 853) . J. L. Walsh and M' G. Kong Frequency Effects of Plasma Bullets in Atmospheric Glow Discharges Discharge Pressure Atmospheric Capillary in a Dielectric Bullets" "Plasma of Time-Resolved Imaging B. L. Sands,B. N. Ganguly, and K' Tachibana VUV-VIS Imaging of High-PressurePulsed Volume Discharge in Argon . . . . . A. A. Lissovski and A. B. Treshchalov Atmospheric DC Glow Discharge Observedin Intersecting Miniature Gas Flows . . . . N. Shirai, S. Ibuka, and S. Ishii L. Leitinskâ,V. Foltin, and Z. Machala AtmosphericPressureNitrogen Microwave Plasma Discharge Plasma in an Atmospheric Formation SpatiotemporalPattem C. Corr, R. Boswell, N. Balcon, C. Samuell,and P' Kenneally Atmospheric Plasma Wires RF-Excited of Downstream Confined Geometry Interactions Formation and Expansion Phasesof an Atmospheric PressureGlow Discharge in a PECVD Reactor via Fast ICCD Imaging . . . S. A. Starostin,M. A. M. Elsabbagh, E. Atdea, H. de Vries, M. Creatore,and M. C. M' van de Sanden Images of Nanosecond pulse-Driven Low Temperature Atmospheric PressurePlasma Using Dielectric-Free Parallel . . . C.-S.Ha, J.-Y. Choi, H'-J' Lee, D'-H' Kim, and H' J' Lee Electrodes Ambient Air Under Atmospheric Pressure in Structure Expansion of Direct-Current Discharge D. Dudek and J. Engemann .' .. Pressure at Atmospheric Air in Preheated Images of NanosecondRepetitively Pulsed Plasmas D. Pai' D. A- Lacoste,and C' O' Laux Laser-Induced FluorescenceImage of OH Radicals for Atmospheric-PressureNonequilibrium Dry Air Gas DC Pulse plasma Jet . . . . T. Yuji, H. Kawano, S. Kana:av'a. T. Ohkubo, and H. Akatsuka S. B. Leonov and D. A. Yarantsev Instability in PostdischargeThermal Cavity K. Hensel and P. Tardiveau ICCD Camera Imaging of Discharges in Porous Ceramics ' Torch Plasma Development and Characterizationof an Atmospheric-PressureMicrowave Schunncher,and U. Stroth M.llalker. L'. . . . . . M. Leins,A. Schul:. of Carbon Tetrachloride at the Destruction Distribution of Excited Species in a Helium Plasma Flame During M. C. Rubio. . . . .S. J. . Quintero, and A. Rodero AtmosphericPressure ol o"":*n::: ZI :1*:i*):::::'ll'":'n'^;ili::'-"ïiï, ' , ria,ry Tang.J. Hu. Z. L. Xiong, andY. Pan 954 \, 956 958 960 962 Pt H \l 964 966 968 970 972 974 916 918 980 982 984 986 Effect of E-Field on the Length of a Plasma Jet . . 988 X. P. Lu, Z. H. Jiang, Q. Xiong. Z. Y. Tang.Z. L. Xiong.J. Hu. X. W. Hu, and Y. Pan A C o l d P l a s m a J e t D e v i c e W i t h M u l t i p l e P l a s m a P l u m e s M e r. .g. eXdP . h t . Q . X i o n e . Z . Y . T a n g , Z - H . J i a n g , a n ' d Y . P a n 9 9 0 Low Pressure Glows . . . G. K. Grubert and D. Loffiagen Ignition Behavior of Abnormal Low-Pressure Glow Dischargesin ^{rgon \ 5Àoro. D. Mariô, and Z. L. Petrovié Discharges DC Nonequilibrium Area of Èffective Discharge plasma C. T. Nelson, and L. J. Overzet . I{.l. Goeckner. Structure Electronegative | . Radchenko,and S. Z. Sakhapov .-1. \'otoptshin.l'. . S. Discharge a Glow of Three-DimensionalStriations plasmaFireballs R. Sren:el.C.Ionita, and R. Schrittwieser Emission Imaging of pulsed PlasmaPlumesEmerging Through a TransversalHotrein the Hollow Cathodeof a DC Reactor .... I.Tanarro and N. N.Safa Sadriereh. H S. Ghomi. Through Striations Condition .\ Simple Explanation of Schottky ' Pressures Different Air at in Discharge lmages of Pulsed Glow F. B. Tao- B- Gao."Q G Zhang. H. in Nonuniform ElocrrÈ Fteld . Discharge the Glow Time on Effect of Pulse Rise . . . Q- G Z)sû"*- F B' Tao' Z' Li' W' D' Ding, and A' C' Qiu Positire Coh.rmnrn lnert or Molecular Gases:A Comparison Glow-Discharge Perturbed in a Stratification Wave Patterns D. Alexandroaei DusryPlasmas plasmaEmissionModificationsandInstabilitiesInducedbf' ùe Pre--etsecrfGrou'ingDust Particles. . ' . M. Mikitian- L C :ai;ic.. \1. Caramoc, Y. Tessier,and L. Boufendi Dust-Cloud Dynamics in a Complex PlasmaAfterglon' . . . L.'i- .1. .4. Samarian. M. Mikikian, and L' Boufendi 992 994 996 998 1000 l0O2 1004 TI TI P( \ Tr EI Er TI TI HJ .\ Tr Er tu t-fl Sp Lr Sp \r C} 1008 T} Sp .\ Te 1010 \r \t l0l2 1014 (ContentsContinuedon Page 855) To 'ContentsContinuedfrom Page 854) \anostructured Silicon Thin Films Deposited Under Dusty Plasma Conditions . . . . M. Cavarroc,M. Mikikian, Y. Tessier,and L. Boufendi PlasmaDensity Measurementsin a Developing Void . . . I . Stefanovié, C . Scharuitz,E. Kovaèeviô, J . Berndt, and J . Winter Hi-eh-SpeedImaging of a Shock in a Complex Plasma . . . . D. Samsonovand G. E. Morfitl \Iodeling the Spatiotemporal Evolution of a Nanodusty Plasma . L. Ravi and S. L. Girshick 1016 I 0 18 l0Z0 1022 .|rcs and Thermal Plasmas The ReattachmentProcessin Nonequilibrium Arc Simulations . . . . J. P. Trelles, J. V. R. Heberlein, and E. pfender 1024 T h e r m a l N o n e q u i l i b r i u m S i m u l a t i oannoAf r c P l a s m a J e t . . . . . . . J . P . T r e l l e s , E . P f e n d e r , a n d J . V . R . H e b e r l e i n 1 0 2 6 Population Inversion in a Magnetized Expanding Thermal Plasma . . J. J. A. Van den Dungen, O. Gabriel, H. S. M. M. Elhamali, D. C. Schram,and R. Engeln lO28 .\node Plasma Plume Development in a Vacuum Arc With a "Black-Body" Anode-Cathode Assembly ';,1*:rtr!i; rr-ri.ntspot, on'cutr,"d"; ;i nigtrr."r*r"er.oir"t . . . . p. G': i;t!";';;;:;,"::f*t ,:ï#i: Eftèct of Protrusions on Cathodic-Arc-Attachment Mode".g;, in High-PressureArc Discharges M. S. Benilov, M. D. Cunha,and M. J Faria Erperimental Study of Breaking Devices Arcs Using Coupled Optical and Magnetic Measurements. . . . n'"" o,*"^ionui ri,""-n"p"na"n, nr"o"ri'g oruoc "r,^*{"*::K'Ï';i":i[i!Ï'{rri::'::' ::t ! : ::*::'.':' l31i 1034 1036 )oncetti, and E. Ghedini 1038 n''""'ni-*'l*"1 il:i"l"r.:t;'1"1'"1*lr1^-" r"'"1:^} t:";:i"{;:i:;r;:n,: "".":lJo ;;; ii;;|i-, 1040 High-SpeedImaging of Pilot Arcing and Piercing in PAC t and M ':::'* 1042 r,. rurou"-",,, i,-," n"rio*catrroa" rirn , ,.I ::Ji#",y^+":;"':.".' : .:"!'"'' .'.ot'"'^':' ", . . . P. Freton, J.-J. Gonzalez,A. Gleizes,G. Escallier, and B. Van Ootegem 1044 Two-Dimensional Simulation of the Post-Arc Phaseof a vacuum circuit Breaker . . . . P. Sarrailh, L. Garrigues,G. J. M. Hagelaar, J.-P. Boeuf, G. Sandolache,S.W. Rowe, and B. Jusselin Evolution of Cathodic Arc Roots in a Large-Scale Magnetically Rotating Arc Plasma . . . . W.-D. Xia, H.-L. Zhou, Z.-p. Zhou, and B. Bai Arc Root Motion in an Argon-Hydrogen DC Plasma Torch . H . Huang, W. Pan, and C . Wu LaminarÆurbulent Plasma Jets Generatedat Reduced Pressure . . . . . H. Huang, W. Pan, Z. Guo, and C. Wu S p a t i a l S p e c t r o s c o p i c D i a g n o s tA i crscoPfl a s m a s b y M o n o c h r o m a t i c I m a g i n g . . . . . . . . . S . M a , H . G a o , a n d L . W u Lateral Distribution of Atomic Oxygen Flux Produced by an Array of Three Fan-ShapedPlasma Torches S. p. Kuo,T. pedersen,andT. Mills Spatial Distribution of C2 Spectra From Induction Thermal PlasmasWith Polymer Powder Injection Nu-e.r.ur rn"",,igu,ioisupo,oni;*rronïlT'il!rf^r::Y^i#?"i #rflf#;,2"!":'éri";f,;"!{#r: ::" ?o:* . . . J. Jeniita, H. Takana, M. Hrabovski,, and H. Nishiyama Characteization of Plasma Jet Structure and Fluctuations by Statistic Processingof PhotogfraphicImages 1046 1049 1050 lO52 1054 1056 10s8 1060 o.l'" "!'i '"iy rh"s;;;;orCuruo.,À"",r,ri*".,"srnin",i, ............ f::r: i;;:;;-y,i321 Spatial Dynamics of Coherent Structuresin a Thermal Plasma Jet . . . J. Hlina, Z. Sekereiovâ, and J. Sonsk'j, 1066 A New Highly Efficient High-Power DC PlasmaTorch . . . L. Chen, L. Pershin, and J. Mostaghimi 1068 Temperature Distribution of Argon Gas Tungsten Arc Considering the Nonequilibrium Effect '':: r' I::ba'A u *:':'l ru-..i"urMoaeimg ornrcspritting no"",,'#,ir,,.;,,"-l*#,i!t,yi^I :*'.':':* . . . . . Z. Sun, M. Rong, F. Yang, Y. Wu, Q. Ma, and X. Wang Numerical Modeling of Arc Root Transfer During Contact Opening in a Low-Voltage Air Circuit Breaker 1070 1072 t1' Mnonl '::r piu,-u ro..r, e."ruroo" unaer Hign .,"rr*,i'à : Ê T,,"y;"!l;,? {î f;t'i#'::r-r y;;r, i342 (ContentsContinuedon Page 856) 'l C:r,;ri,il-sCttntinued .ft'om Paqe 855 t ir._,'\i:Slc:lc-Fiel,lEfi'ectsonan-\rgon.ArcBetweenPinandPlateElectrodesatAtmosphericPressure'....... . . L.-C. Li, B. Bai, Z.-P. Zhou, and W.-D. Xia 1078 L.-C . Li, Q. Chen, H.-L' Zhou' and W-D ' Xia 1080 rm1s5$od r L-ugr-Scrle \lagneticalll' Rotating Arc . . nmucmgrn of a \rnrcl LillE -\rea Dispersed Arc Plasma Source With Time-Resolved ICCD Imaging . . . . . . . H.-L. Zhou, Z.-P. Zhou, L.-C. Li, L. Cheng,B. Bai, and W'-D. Xia 1082 -\rc Roos and Arc Column in a Large-Area Dispersed Arc-Plasma Source rc11f hæfog dCcristing . . . H.-L. Zhou, L.-C. Li, L. Cheng,Z.-P. Zhou,B. Bai, and W.-D. Xia 1084 -Mo's'macodlfuCotfined Plasmas' Tokomaks FumC.roere 1gr€es of Sun iving Gallium Droplets During Plasma-Liquid Gallium Jet Interaction Experiments in ISTTOK R. B. Gomes,H. Fernandes,C. Silva, and A. C. A. Figueiredo . . . P. Rodrigues and "r. P. S. Bizarro Reversal t=*g*s of Toliamali F4uilibria With Toroidal-Current Plasmas Tokamak in Oscillations Ccrnprurional lmages of Intemal-Transport-Barrier . J. P. S. Bizarro, X. L. Litaudon, T. J. J. Tala, and JET EFDA Contributors Pla-imaStart-Up Measurementsin the Toroidal Plasma Experiment TJ-K ' H. Hôhnte,A. Kôhn, M. Ramisch,and U. Stroth 1086 1088 I S 1090 1092 F F 1096 1098 1100 Ir S I T 'i";,ii":;Z.Ttr r"''h" r'æ;1 simurltion ": "rn::nl*u:"*:"l's tos4 io,onao, l^'r::::;ii;f*':;ii::;: . . . . . J. H. Belo, P. Bibet, and D. Guilhem Imagesof the TE Wave Inside Tore Supra'sLH PAM Launcher ... J.H.Belo,P.Bibet,andD.Guilhem I m a l e s o f t h e R F s t a b i l i t y o fa L o w e r H y b r i d P A M L a u n c h e r . . . . . J. H. Belo, P. Bibet, and D' Guilhem Launcher Imagesof the Power Splitting Stability of a Lower Hybrid PAM P' J' Carvalho' ToÀgraphic Visualization for Plasma Position Control in ISTTOK H. Fernandes and A. Figueiredo, A. C. R. Coelho, T. Pereira, P. Duarte, C. Silva, A. Neto, D. F. Vatcârcel, i lt02 T \ I 104 wE,o,n, ":ll'':'*:"1::i"1':'1*:*lî:,:Ï",:'ïT;â',*o^nI\iY:',iy^1':i,:Ï,"i?"izi';; Plasmas Tokamak MAST Refueling of Visualization of Internal Magnetic Structure During Pellet G. P. Maddison,K. B. Axon, J. Dowling, L. Garzotti, M. N. Price, and M' Valoviè Magnetic Surface Visualizations in the Columbia Non-Neutral Torus ' . . P. W. Brenner, T. S. Pedersen,J. W. Berkery, Q. R. Marksteiner,and M. S. Hahn New Insights Into Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection Enabled by Ultra-High Performance Three-Dimensional " ' L' Yin' Kinetic simulations Karimabadi and H. Nelson, E. M. B. J. Atbright, K. J. Bowers, W. Daughton, T. J. T. Kwan, J. Margulies, ConfluentVolumetric Visualizationof GyrokineticTurbulence. . . G. Stantchev,D. Juba,W. Dorland, and A.Varshney Visualizing Particle Transport Across Magnetic Flux Tubes in Anisotropic Magnetic Turbulence . . . . G. Zimbardo, P. Pommois,and P. Veltri SimultaneousThree-Dimensional Thermodynamic and Electromagnetic Simulation of Explosively Driven FCG Applied to Magnetic Coupled Plasma Modeling E. Hashemi,E. Agheb, and s. Almast . . L Jadidian, A. H. Mohammadzadeh-Niaki, Laser Produced Plasmas,Ablation, and Laser-PlasmaInteractions F R. Sanginésand H . Sobral Laser ResonantAbsorption photography of Pulsed-LaserAblation on Iron Targets and A. Robledo-Martinez . . H. Sobral Air . in by Laser Triggered Discharges Time-ResolvedShadowgraphyof Electrical Experiment Plasma Laser in a Colliding Visualizing Three-Dimensional Reconnection . . . W. Gekelman,S. Vincena,and A. Collette Blowout Regime in the Accelerator Wakefield Laser Three-Dimensional Structure of the J. F.Vieira, S. F. Martins,F. Fiûza, J. Cooley, and T. Antonsen,JrB. Mori, W. F. Tsung, M. Tzoufras, Lu, R. A. Fonseca,L. O. Sitva, C. Huang, W. . . . . T. Ma, A. G. MacPhee, Experiments Laser in Petawatt Targets Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging of Electron-Heated 1106 1108 1110 1112 1lI4 1116 1I 18 ll2o ll22 ll24 M . H . K e y , K . U . A k l i , T . W . B a r b e e , J r . , A . J . M a c k i n n o n , R . B . S t e p h e n s , L . D . V a n W o e r k o m , B . Z h a n g , a n d F1.1N2. 6 Beg .... J. Pasley,M.Wei,E.Shipton' Nail-LikeTargetsforLaser-PlasmalnteractionExperiments... S. Chen, T. Ma, F. N. Beg, N. Alexander, R. Stephens,A. G. MacPhee, D. Hey, S. Le Pape, P. Patel, Il28 A. Mackinnon, M. Key, D. Offermann, A. Link, E. Chowdhury, L. Van Woerkom, and R. R. Freeman (ContentsContinuedon Page 857) I I 'l (ContentsContinuedfrom Page 856) Modeling of Cavity Ring-Down SpectroscopyCharacterizationof Laser-Induced Plasma Plume t-uuorutofc.ui".r' Modelinge*p"ri-*,. cutié' io, rur","ori*;p;", c*i"rri : ::.'"vié' !. Milo:eviô 1130 :nd : . . . . T. Desai, D. Batani, M. Bussoli,A. Villa, R. Dezulian, and E. Krouslcy lI32 Soft X-Ray Laser Interferometryof Colliding Laser-CreatedPlasmasin SemicylindricalCavities . M. A. purvis, J. Grava, J. Filevich, M. C. Marconi, J. Dunn, S. J. Moon, V. N. Shlyaptsey,E. Jankowska,and J. J. Rocca 1134 SnapshotsFrom Particle-in-Cell Simulations of SuperintenseLaser-PlasmaInteraction . . . T. V. Liseikina and A. Macchi 1136 Discharges in and Around Liquids DC Electrical Breakdown in a Metal Pin-Water Electrode System . . . . . P. Bruggeman,J. Van Slycken,J. Degroote,J. Vierendeels,P. Verleysen,and C. Leys 1138 \egative Corona Discharge Over a Surface of Alcohol . . . V. L. Bychkov, A. P. Ershov, and V. A. Chernikov ll40 Self-Pulsing Regime of DC Electric Discharge in Dielectric Tube Filled With Water Conraining Gas Bubble Y. Akishev,M. Grushin,V. Karalnik, A. Monich, A. Petryakov,ctndN. Trushkin ll42 PulsedDischargeDevelopmentin Oxygen, Argon, and Helium Bubblesin Water . . . K. Sato anclK. yasuoka ll44 Pulsed Electrical Discharge in Water GeneratedUsing Porous-Ceramic-CoatedElectrodes . . . P. Lukes,M. Clupek,V. Babiclcy,and P. Sunka 1146 l n d u c t i o n oLf o n g G a p D i s c h a r g e b y V y ' a t e r .J.e. t . . . . K . T a k a k i a n c l H . A k i y a m a1 l 4 g Silver Wire Explosion ProcessUnder Water . . . . . C. Cho and S.-C. yang 1150 DC Self-DischargePath Between Metal Rod-to-Water Electrodes in Atmospheric Air . . . . D. Okano ll52 Electrical Discharge Path Induced by Pulsed Nd: YAG Laser plasma in DC Air Gap of Metal Rod-to-water Electrodes . D. Okano tt54 Bipolar PulsedElectrical Dischargesin Liquid . . . p. Baroch andN. Saito 1156 \{orphology of High-Frequency Electrohydraulic Discharge for Liquid-Solution Plasmas . . . . . T. Takeda,J.-5. Chang, T. Ishizaki,N. Saito, and O. Takai 1158 Electrolyte-CathodeAtmospheric Glow Discharge With Wide-Gap Operation Using Miniature Gas Flow . N' shirai' M' Nakazawa' s' Ibuka' and s' Ishii 1160 sj;,r,,fo,rj, *ou, ,jtor^as Eieen Surface Modes of Filamentary Plasma Structures . . . . S. Lishev, A. shivarova, and K. Tarnev 1162 \ano'al Plasmas observation of Intensified Lower Hybrid Noise in the Midlatitude Ionosphere . . M. Paryot, O. Santolîk,J.-Y. Brochot, and J.-J. Berthelier Propagation Spectrogramsof Whistler-Mode Radiation From Lightning . O. Santolîk, M. Parrot, and J. Chum Expansionof a PlasmaCloud Into the Solar Wind . . L. Gargaté,R. A. Fonseca,R. Bingham, and L. O. Silva \!Ïristler Spheromaks . . J. M. (Jrruti(t, R. L. Stenzel,and K. D. Strohmaier -\nalysis of CollisionlessShock Turbulenceby Using Virtual Satellitesin2-D Full Particle-in-CellSimulations . . . . . B. Lembège,Z. Huang, p. Martel, and D. Cai Displays and Lamps 1164 1166 l 168 ll70 llj2 2-D Images of the Metal-Halide Lamp Obtained by Experiment and Model A. J. Flikweert, M. L. Beks, T. Nimalasuriya,G. M. W. Kroesen,J. J. A. M. van der Mullen, and W. W. Stoffels lli4 Visualization of the Gas-PhaseEmitter Effect of Dysprosium in Ceramic Metal Halide Lamps M. Westermeier,O. Langenscheidt,J. Reinelt,J. Mentel, and P. Awakowicz 1116 Dimming Characteristicsof Metal-HalidePlasmaLamps 1178 .r -rretrroa ofvi,uuii,rng tr,.En",gy r*n,ruiion no"s" :':r';;y*f'{"";!^l'#:;!'#::!;ry*-!,';tr',iriiÉrrilffi Display Panels . . Y. Hirano, K. Ishii, and y. Murqkami Three-Dimensional Simulations of PatternedElectrodes in Mercury-Free Flat FluorescentLamps . y. S. Seo,S. M. Lee, and J. K. Lee Spatiotemporally Resolved Emission Images of Facing Discharge- and Surface Discharge-Type Plasma Display panel . J. W. Ok, D.W. Kim, H. J. Lee,D. H. Kim, H. J. Lee, and C. H. park l lg0 llg2 ll84 (ContentsContinuedon Page 858) (ContentsContinuedfrom Page 857) Ray-Trace Calculation of Visible Lights Emitted From a Display Device Utilizing Ultraviolet Lights From Gaseous . . . . . S. W. Hwang, I. C. Song,H.-J. Lee, C.-H. Park, and H. J' Lee Discharges Imaging of Emitting Mercury Atom Spatial Distributions in a Capillary Discharge Lamp by Using Tomography . .N. Denisova,E. Bogans,G. Revalde,and A. Skudra Approach . ' .P.-C. Tsai and S.-O' Kim 14-in Diagonal Size Nanotip-EnhancedPlasmaLamp in Liquid Crystal Display Discharge Cells for in Superfine-Pitch Gap Length-Dependent Excited Xe-Atom Density Distribution and Y. Murakami Y. Hirano, K. Ishii, . ôoplanar-Structure Plasma Display Panels 1186 1188 1190 1192 Thrusters, MHD, and Plasma Acceleration X e n o n l o n B e a m D e t a c h m e n t F r o m a H e l i c o n D o u b l e L a y e r T h r u s t e r...... . F . G e s t o , C . C h a r l e s , a n d R . B o s w e l ll l 9 4 Operating the Helicon Double Layer Thruster in a SpaceSimulation Chamber . . . C. Charles, R. Boswell, P. Alexander, C. Costa,O. Sutherland,L. Pfitzner,R. Franzen,J. Kingwell, A. Pafitt, P.-8. Frigot, J. Del Amo, and G. Saccoccia 1196 ''::î:"::':'::li':ïl::i'lï:*."l:'li:-:":: r oinova11e8 ona 1-::::::*:l-::'^"#"";#,'#i*,0",, Simulation of a Direct-Current Microdischarge for the Micro Plasma Thruster T. Deconinck, S. Mahadevan, and L. L. Raja Hall Thruster in Seemented-Electrode Distribution Potential Controlling the Plasma Y. Raitses. D. Staack. and N. J. Fisch N. J. Fisch and Y. Raitses plasma plume of Annular and Cylindrical Hall Thrusters plasmas E. V. Stensonand P. M. Bellan Flows MHD Illustrate Dual-Specie for Plasma Configurations Field-Reversed Two of Merging and Collision, Translation, Simulations of the Supersonic woodruff and s. I. D. Macnab . . A. . . Hearing D . B e l t a n d J ' M a nkowski . . a n A r c H o l l o w C a t h o d e D i a g n o s t i c s otfh e s t a r t - U p P r o c e s s o f Wave an Azimuthal by Induced Transport Anomalous Thruster Electron Trajectories in a Hall Effect . J. Pérez-Luna,N. Dubuit, L. Garrigues, G. J. M. Hagelaar, and J-P. Boeuf l2O0 1202 1204 1206 1208 1210 l2l2 Swarms, Beams, Waves,and Plasmas Transport ''::":ï :]ï-i: '::li: ::1"'*:::': ''ïl tzt4 "*:"- "'1iï:'Ïl'2i,,,r,,r, ,s,o n,oth,o*, ",i i n ionn,ton Two-Dimensional Argon-Ion Velocity Distributions in the Expansion Region of a Helicon Plasma Source I. A. Bitoiu, E. E. Scime,C. Biloiu, and S. A. Cohen . . . S. G. Walton, R' F' Fernsler, and E' H' Lock Elecffon Beam-ProducedPlasmas. Visualization of the O-X-B Mode ConversionProcessWith a Full-Wave Code . . . A. Kôhn, E. Holzhauer, and U ' Stroth Near-Field Pattern Images in 2-D Circular ResonatorV/ith Time-Varying Plasma. . . . . N. K. Sakhnenko,A. G. Nerukh, T. M. Benson,and P. Sewell . . M. Y. Tanaka and S. Yoshimura Plasma Rotating in a Breaking Quasi-Neutrality Visualization of Trajectories of Electron Beams Emitted by an Ion Source With Closed Electron Drift . . I. V. Bordenjuk, O. A. Panchenko,S. V. Sologub,and I. G. Brown . .7. Ito qnd M. A' Cappelli High Speed Images of Drift Waves and Turbulence in Magnetized Microplasmas . T. Rhee, D. H' Kim, and C-M. Ryu Radiation Pattern of Plasma Emission in Beam-Plasma Interaction . . . FocusingEffectinConcaveCathodeModelUsingComputerSimulation... .... H.Y.ChoiandJ.U.Kin Investigation of the Loss-Front Velocity for Magnetically Insulated Ion Flow H.-G. Wang, Y.-D. Li, C.-L. Liu, and M.-Q. Liu 1216 l2l8 1220 1222 r224 t226 1228 1230 r232 1234 Microdischarges Ignition of Microcathode SustainedDischarge K. Makasheva, G. J. M. Hagelaar, J.-P. Boeuf, Th. Callegari, and L. C. Pitchford G. J. Kim and J' K' Lee Pendulum Electrons in Micro Hollow Cathode Discharges " " ' S'-O Kim Nanotip-Enhanced Microplasma Devices Mixtures . . ' S.-O Kim Ne-Ar Gas Rib in Barrier Oiamond-ShapedMicroplasma Device Using Thick Photoresistas a " " ' S'-O Kim Microplasmabevice Utilizing SU-S Photoresistas a Barrier Rib . . '::*":*':*î:11* ":i"-ilï,ïï "ll1*:: r236 t238 1240 1242 t244 ";",)"';;::i,Y";:',;;:;iT',^";i,;,,;, t G;ndent246 s-tpir,,qnd (ContentsContinuedon Page 859) tContentsContinuedfrom Page 858) Time-ResolvedImaging of a Silicon Micro-Cavity DischargeArray . . . . P. M. Bryant, G. C. B. Clarke,T. Kim, S.-J.Park, J. G. Eden, andJ.W. Bradley \Iultichannel Microchemical Reactor Comprising Replica-Molded Microplasma Devices: Chemiluminescence and Sulfur Deposition in ArlCSz Flows . T. S. Anderson, J. H. Ma, S.-J. Pqrk, and J. G. Eden PfasmaSheetsand Cylinders GeneratedFrom Aluminum Wire Fabric . A. J. Price, S.-J.Park, and J. G. Eden ParasiticEmission Suppressionin Arrays of Individually AddressableSilicon Microcavity Plasma Devices P. A. Tchertchian,T.M. Spinka,S.-J.Park, and J. G. Eden \lolded Arrays of Microcavities and Channels in Polymer Structures: Ultraviolet Emitting Microplasma Sources for Biophotonics J. Zheng, J. Y. Kim, S. K. Lee, S.-J. Park, and J. G. Eden Intense Green Luminescence From 20000 Pixel Arrays of AVAlzOa Microplasma Devices With Parabolic Cross-SectionalCavities . . . . . K. S. Kim, J. K. Yoon,S.-J.Park, and J. G. Eden Selt'-Or,eanizationof Microgap Dielectric-Barrier Discharge in Gas Flow . . . . . K. Takaki, K. Nawa, S. Mukaigawa, T. Fujiwara, and T. Aizawa Generation of Microinductively Coupled Plasma on a Chip M. Taghioskoui, M. E. Zaghloul, and A. Montaser lmages of Glow Discharges in Slit Microhollow Cathode . . . . . Y. D. Wang and J. T. Ouyang L hahigh-Speed Camera Study of a Plasma Source for a Repetitive and Miniature POS 1248 1250 1252 1254 1256 l25B 1260 1262 1264 ar' B' M' Novac'I' R' Smith'andc' Greenwood1266 pi,,cnes, x noy s:;nuorrr ui ,lto',u,rrrr,, t,o,*,,,,", orrrrÏrli Soft X-Ray Computer Tomography of Double m : 2 Mode During Off-Axis Sawtooth Oscillation With Five Detector -{rrays on the WT-3 Tokamak . . . . S. Yoshimura, T. Maehara, and T. Maekawa 1268 Radiography of Modulated Wire Array Z-Pinches . . D. J. Ampleford,B. Jones,S. C. Bott, S. V. Lebedev,S. N. Bland, G. N. Hall, and J. B. A. Palmer 1270 Radiography of Foam Targets in Wire-Array Z-Pinches . . . J. B. A. Palmer, S. C. Box, S. N. Bland, D. J. Ampl{ord, S.V. Lebedev,J. P. Chittenden,and F. Suzuki-Vidal 1212 Hiûh-ResolutionLaser SchlierenImaging of Coronal PlasmaEvolution in 80-kA X-Pinches * 1274 rrui,i.oio, sortx-nay i-ug*gor,:r:*:"{^f^:^#"i:"?,;i::#;:#^:i?;:r"-r::!-:;,-i,K,:#'ana | ::r . . B. Jones,C. A. Coverdale,and M. G. Mazarakis Otten'ations of Light Emission From the Surface of the Paraxial Diode Cathode Fielded on the Superswarf 5-MV PulsedPower Accelerator. . . . G. Cooper, J. McLean, P. Martin, R. Davitt, and K. Stuart Ertreme Ultraviolet PlasmaSourcefor Future Lithography . . . E. Wagenaars,A. Mader, K. Bergmann, J. Jonkers, and W. Neff Slidin,eDischarge Inside Glass Capillaries . . . . . K. Hensel, S. Sato, and A. Mizuno \\-ire-TensionEffects on PlasmaDynamics in a Two-Wire Z-Pinch . . . . J. Zier, M. R. Gomez,D. M. French, R. M. Gilgenbach, Y. Y. Lau, W. W. Tang, M. E. Cuneo, T. A. Mehlhorn, M. D. Johnston,and M. G. Mazarakis Soft X-Ray Laser Interferometry of a Dense Plasma Jet . . . J. Grava, M. A. Purvis, J. Filevich, M. C. Marconi, J. Dunn, S. J. Moon, V. N. Shlyaptsev,and J. J. Rocca of Multiple-Wire X-Pinches. . . "f. S. Green,F. N. Beg, S. N. Bland, M. Collett, A. E. Dangor, and K. Krushelnick }namics Observation of CascadeImplosions in "Star"-Like Wire-Array Z-Pincheson the Zebra G€nerator . . A. Haboub, V. V. Ivanov, A. L. Astanovitskiy,A. A. Morozov, and S. D. Altemara 1216 1278 1280 1282 1284 1286 1288 l29O High Energy Density Plasmas Laser Imaging of SecondaryBreakdown Upon NanosecondElectrical Explosion of Wire . . . . S. I. Tkachenko,V. M. Romanova,T. A. Shelkovenko,A. E. Ter-Oganesyan,A. R. Mingaleev, and S. A. Pikuz Quasi-Static Particle-In-Cell Simulation of the Plasma Wakefield Afterbumer Concept C. Huang, F. S. Tsung, and W. B. Mori 1292 1294 Plasntas Applications in Biology and Medicine Plasma Interactions With Bacterial Biofilms as Visualized Through Atomic Force Microscopy . . . . . . K. G. Vandenoort, N. Abramzon, and G. Brelles-Marifto The PlasmaPencil: A Source of Hypersonic Cold Plasma Bullets for Biomedical Applications . . . . . . . M. Laroussi, W. Hynes, T. Akan, X. Lu, and C. Tendero 1296 1298 (ContentsContinuedon Page 860) (ContentsContinuedfrom Page 859) Degradation of Bacteria by Weakly Ionized Highly Dissociated Radio-Frequency Oxygen Plasma Z. Vratnicq, D . Vujo*evié, U . Cvelbar, and M. Mozetiè Sterilization of Medical Equipment Using Oxygen Radicals Produced by Water Vapor RF Plasma ô*ve"',r",T"Iîlii3i;.i;rlïâ\:{;?#ik':...*.""" u,i.,e su,iu"" Cnu.u.t".i,ii", st".iii,utià,, "i iuu"inn". S. Kitazaki and N. Hayashi "1*:::**:l^'"1":l:?î:i :i;'Î;iïYHïiï:?'i,ï,;o, I -1tn r30l l30f ,306 and K o,t',ir,o,' s y Huang, e i cn.,g, DBDs and Actuators pressureDependenceof Helium DBD PlasmaPenetrationInto Textile Layers . . . . N. De Geyter, R- Morent, and C. Leys ' ' T' Ficker StreamerSpotson Dielectric Barriers A. Yu. Starikovskii and Roupassov D. V. . . . "Actuator" Geometry in Discharge Developmentof NanosecondSurface M. and G. Kong Z. Cao, L. Walsh, . . . . J' 1 m . . to 1 mm From Scalable Atmosiheric Dielectric-BarrierDischarges .... Flows in Supersonic Discharge Glow Surface Direct-Current by Produced Schlieren Imaging of Flow Actuation J' Shin' N' T' Clemens,and L' L Raja in Two-Dimensional Spatially Resolved Cross-CorrelationalSpectroscopy of the Microdischarge Development Wagner H.-8. and T. Hoder, Brandenburg, R. Barrier Dischargesin Air . (EHD) Plasma Schlieren Imaging of the Aerodynamic Flow Field Induced by a Paraelectric Electrohydrodynamic and J. ReeceRoth Nourgostar . . . S. Actuator. 1308 l3l0 13ll l3l-t 1316 l3l8 1320 u"*':i"::*:i: Fuà,,i,,,,33 "1":":* ":î i,,;; and "::i::'l-l ::: :i:::*11':i "::ï: :::T'"":* as Barriers in Atmospheric-PressureAir Multilayer Dielectric Barrier Discharge Using Only Anodic Porous Alumina T. Kawasaki, Y. Nakayama,and T. Yamauchi l3l+ Pattems of Plasma Filaments Propagating on a Dielectric Surface ana ':^ I l: :':"'t? ::":'o ,", ol;!,1jJ"i1':;tr!!:f,i:::^i":si::;::#'"':': oio,on" cn*u"t",r,ir", Nakajima, K. Katagiri, and Y. Nakano . H. Nishiyama, H. Takana, S. Niikura, H. Shimizu, D. Furukawa, T. . . . . F. He, X. Duan, J. Ouyang,J. Wang, and W' Hu Imaging of Dielectric-BarrierGlow Dischargein Neon ' ' ' . X' Duan, F' He, and J' Ouyang Various Plasma Patternsin Planar Dielectric-Barrier Discharge Discharges . - . - . . . . . H. W. Janus Dielectric-Barrier Spatial and Spectral Distributions of the Hydrogen Ho Line in ' H. Akashi' A. Oda, and Y. Sakai . Lamp Development of Streamersin Dielectric-Barrier-Discharge Excimer Discharges at Atmospheric Banier Dielectric From Luminous Activity of Nitrogen and Argon Afterglows Issued F' Clément' and E' Lecoq Panousis, E' Pressure Transformer in He-Xe Piezoelectric by VUV Spectroscopic Measurement for Dielectric Barrier Discharge Excited S. Suzuki,and H. Itoh N. Shimomura, . . K. Teranishi,D. Inqda, Mixture Air at Atmospheric in Operation Discharge Observation of Dielectric Degradation After Surface Dielectric Barrier and J'-M' Tatibouët E' Moreau' . J' Pons, L' Oukacine, Pressure ' Flow . Pulsed Dielectric Barrier Discharge of Argon Gas in Gas-Liquid Two-Phase . . . H' Homrna, H' Katayama, and K' Yasuoka plasma Distribution Characteristicsof 37-kHz AC Dielectric Barrier Discharge in Atmospheric Air G.-Q. Yang,G.-1.Zhang,Y.Ma, andW.-Y.Zhang '"1"o::"::ïi'::':-: 'o':'::"" l316 1328 1330 l3_11 133-r 1336 1338 1340 l34l l3+t 13'16 ,34 suzuki onasi; "*';:T;ï,^;";,i;;:;i:"i';.:;7;:::,"i':;;:::;3"ri*;*,;,,, Optimization of SpaceBetween Nearby Needles on Multineedle to Plane Barrier Discharge X'Wang, M' Rong,D' Liu' B' Su' D' Wang' and Y' Wu G.-M . Xu, Y. Ma, and G '-J ' Zhang DBD Plasma Jet in Atmospheric PressureArgon Diesel Particle Treatment Using a Surface Dielectric Barrier Discharge N. Zouzou,C. Agbangla, E' Moreau, and G' Touchard . . . . . L. Dong,W. Fan,Y. He, and F' Liu Self-OrganizedGas-DischargePattemsinaDielectric-BarrierDischargeSystem Dielectric-Barrier Discharge Excitated by Repetitive NanosecondPulses in Air at Atmospheric Pressure. . . . T. Shao,P. Yan,K. Long, and S. Zhang 1350 l35l 1354 1356 135E (ContentsContinuedon Page 861t f . ":.-;,ri,ç Continuedfrom Page 860) RF. .llicrov'at,es,CCP,ICP, Magnetron, Helicon Plasmas (PlasmaSources) SçrôIrd and Phase-ResolvedOptical Emission Pattems in Capacitively Coupled Radio-FrequencyPlasmas . . . . S. Nemschokmichal,K. Dittmann, and J. Meichsner Stnrcture in RF Hydrogen Plasma Induced by Magnetic Field . E. V. Barnat C . a n e i t i r e l lC o u p l e d P l a s m a W i t h W i d e l y S p a c e d C o n f i n e m e n t G .r .i .d....J . A . K e n n e y , S . R a u f , a n d K . C o l l i n s Ccotrol of Plasma Uniformity Using PhaseDifference in a VHF Plasma ProcessChamber K. Bera, S. Rauf, and K. Collins hùstirelv Coupled RF Oxygen PlasmaStudiedby Spatially ResolvedOptical Emission Spectroscopy . . . . Z. Kregar, N. Krstuloviô,S. Miloievié, K. Kenda, U. Cvelbar, and M. Mozetiè PLrsrnaBubble in an RF Reactor . . . F. Sigeneger,R. Basner, D. Loffiagen, and H. Kersten Tiur-Resolved Optical Imaging of an AC Magnetron Discharge . . . . G. C. B. Clarke, P. J. Kelly, and J. W. Bradley \ uibùe Images Induced by the Three-Dimensionally Complicated Structure of the Plasma Periphery in the Large Helical Device . . . . M. Shoji and T. Watanabe Tcmmrel Evolution of Bimodal Argon-Ion Velocity Distribution in an Expanding Helicon Plasma . I. A. Biloiu and E. E. Scime hren of the Electromagnetic-Field Distribution in a Microwave Reactor Excited by an Axial Injection Torch . . . . . 1360 1362 1364 1366 1368 1370 1372 13'14 1316 Slrr,arionsin a Low-PressureRF-Driven Argon Plasma . . H. C. J. Mulders,W. J. M. Brok, andW.W. Stoffels 1380 Piesrne lonization in Low-Pressure Radio-Frequency Discharges-Part I: Optical Measurements . . . . . . D. O' Connell, T. Gans,A. Meige, P. Awakowicz,and R. W. Boswell 1382 PLrsrnalonization in Low-PressureRadio-FrequencyDischarges-Part II: Particle-in-Cell Simulation A. Meige,D. O'Connell,T. Gans,and R.W. Boswell 1384 Three-Dimensional Mapping of Ion Density in a Double-Layer Helicon Plasma W. Cox, R. Hawkins, C. Charles, and R. Boswell 1386 trm,agingof the Explosive Emission Cathode Plasma in a Vircator High-Power Microwave Source . J. Walter, J. Mankowski,and J. Dickens 1388 P l l l r r i c l e a n d E n e r g y F l u x e s i n a T w o - C h a m b e r P l a s m a S o u r c e . . .K. S o l.e v , A . S h i v a r o v a , K . T a r n e y , a n d T . T s a n k o v1 3 9 0 . . G. J. Kim, S. H. Lee, and J. K. Lee 1392 ftmLhitrnof Peripheral Plasma in Capacitive Discharges ftner Deposition Profiles in Magnetized Inductively Coupled Plasma . H.-J. Lee, H. J. Lee, W. S. Lim, and K.-W. Whang 1394 SimuhaneousExcitation of Concentric and Nonconcentric Multiple Double Layers in Plasma nJ-ii." srraaow nrol"ai*uni-",".-wuu" r-ugi.,g â::"^'"*;i"i{ i*"*!#u1(, "!^{'lti{r:.'"#,!J;f D:char-se . . . . M. S. Gitlin, V. V. Golovanov,and A. L Tsvetkoy t3e6 1398 Beams in Capacitively Coupled Radio-FrequencyDischarges . . Etr'e.-tron . . . . J. Schulze,B. G. Heil, D. Luggenhôlscher,and U. Czarnetzki 1400 tnstebilities in Capacitively Coupled Ratio FrequencyDischarges . . . . J. Schulze,D. Luggenhôlscher,and U. Czarnetzki l4O2 \r.unerical Modeling of Electron Beams Accelerated by the Radio Frequency Boundary Sheath B. G. Heil, J. Schulze,T. Mussenbrock,R. P. Brinkmann, and U. Czarnetzki 1404 FieliconTy'peDischargeWithaFlatSpiralAntenna ...D.L.Crintea,C.Isenburg,D.Lugginhôlscher,andU.Czarnetzki 1406 Lou -Pou'er Microwave-Discharge Forms in Hydrocarbon Atmosphere . . . . . A. A. Skovoroda,A. V. Spitsyn,and S. V. Yanchenkov 1408 Sçnce-andTime-ResolvedE-HTransitioninanlnductivelyCoupledPlasmainAr... S.Hirao,Y.Hayashi,andT.Makabe l4l0 Flr.ima Drift in Dual MagnetronDischarge. . . . . . P. Baroch and J. Musil l4l2 ln:ages From the Development of a High-Power Microwave System . . T. A. Holt, A. J. Young,M. A. Elsayed,J. W. Walter, A. A. Neuber, and M. Kristiansen l4l4 \-..lume Generationof H- Ions in a MagnetizedSheetPlasmaSource . . . . . V. R. Noguera and H. J. Ramos 1416 R'n'1i'lr-Freque::1 * ol**::o^::"*lT ';i:'f.Tlïl?i:i ^"â:#:';\;:ïïî'j, "i:'"'::11":: ": , u"" 1418