TITLE: Effectiveness of Teaching Evidence-Based Medicine to Undergraduate Medical Students: A BEME Systematic Review RUNNING HEAD: Teaching EBM to Medical Students AUTHORS: Seyed-Foad Ahmadi, MD, MPH 1; Hamid R Baradaran, MD, PhD 2; Emad Ahmadi, MD 3. 1 I. Postdoctoral Fellow (previously) at Center for Educational Research in Medical Sciences, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran; II. Postdoctoral Fellow at Department of Medicine, University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA. 2 Associate Professor of Clinical Epidemiology/ Deputy of Research at Center for Educational Research in Medical Sciences, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. 3 I. Postdoctoral Fellow (previously) at Digestive Diseases Research Institute, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran; II. Postdoctoral Fellow at Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA. Ahmadi et al 2 Teaching EBM to Medical Students CORRESPONDENCE: Hamid R Baradaran Associate Professor of Clinical Epidemiology/ Deputy of Research Center for Educational Research in Medical Sciences Iran University of Medical Sciences Zip Code: 14496-14535 Tehran, Iran. Tel: +98-21-86702216 Fax: +98-21-86702237 Email: baradaran.hr@iums.ac.ir DECLARATION OF INTEREST: The authors have no competing interest to declare. Ahmadi et al 3 Teaching EBM to Medical Students ABSTRACT Background: Despite the widespread teaching of evidence-based medicine (EBM) to medical students, the relevant literature has not been synthesized appropriately as to its value and effectiveness. Aim: To systematically review the literature regarding [l1]the impact of teaching EBM to medical students on their EBM knowledge, attitudes, skills, and behaviors. Methods: MEDLINE, SCOPUS, Web of science, ERIC, CINAHL, and Current Controlled Trials up to May 2011 were searched; backward and forward reference checking of included and relevant studies was also carried out. Two investigators independently extracted data and assessed the quality of the studies. Results: 10,111 potential studies were initially found, of which 27 were included in the review: Six studies examined the effect of clinically integrated methods, of which five had a low quality and the other one used no validated assessment tool. Twelve studies evaluated the effects of seminars, workshops and short courses, of which eleven had a low quality and the other one lacked a validated assessment tool. Six studies examined e-learning, of which five having a high or acceptable quality reported e-learning to be as effective as traditional teaching in improving knowledge, attitudes and skills. One robust study found problem-based learning less effective compared to usual teaching. Two studies with high or moderate quality linked multicomponent interventions to improved knowledge and attitudes. No included study assessed the long-term effects of the teaching of EBM. Conclusions: Our findings indicated that some EBM teaching strategies have the potential to improve knowledge, attitudes and skills in undergraduate medical students, but the evidenced Ahmadi et al 4 Teaching EBM to Medical Students base does not demonstrate superiority of one method. There is no evidence[l2] demonstrating transfer to clinical practice. Keywords: Teaching, Evidence-Based Medicine, Undergraduate Medical Education, Outcome Measure, Systematic Review. Ahmadi et al 5 Teaching EBM to Medical Students INTRODUCTION Evidence-based medicine (EBM) is “the conscientious, explicit and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients” (Sackett et al., 1996). The practice of EBM usually requires the following five steps: 1) Translating the uncertainties into answerable questions (asking); 2) Searching for and retrieving evidence to answer the questions (acquiring); 3) Critically appraising the evidence for validity and clinical importance (appraising); 4) Applying the appraised evidence to inform the clinical decisions (applying); and 5) Evaluating the performance in the pervious four steps (assessing) (Dawes et al., 2005). The Teaching of EBM has become increasingly popular in both undergraduate and postgraduate medical education programs worldwide (Crilly et al., 2009). EBM is now a component of the foundation years training program in the UK, (Colleges., 2007) the focus of graduate assessment in the USA (Stewart, 2001) and a requirement of practicing physicians in Canada (Frank et al., 2005). However, there is limited robust-evidenced research that has examined the teaching methods of EBM (Hatala and Guyatt, 2002). EBM experts have systematically reviewed the literature regarding teaching EBM to postgraduates (Coomarasamy and Khan, 2004, Flores-Mateo and Argimon, 2007) and allied health professionals (Dizon et al., 2012), teaching critical appraisal (Parkes et al., 2001, Taylor et al., 2000b, Norman and Shannon, 1998), assessing the effectiveness of journal clubs (Harris et al., 2011, Ebbert et al., 2001), evaluation methods of EBM education (Shaneyfelt et al., 2006, Walczak et al., 2010), and barriers to EBM application by residents (van Dijk et al., 2010). However, the most effective methods for teaching EBM to undergraduate medical students have remained unclear. Ahmadi et al 6 Teaching EBM to Medical Students Hence, the aim of this systematic review was to evaluate the effect of various EBM teaching strategies on medical students’ knowledge, attitudes, skills, and behaviors. In addition, the teaching of EBM is reported to be improved by breaking it into the steps of asking, acquiring (or accessing), appraising, applying, plus an evaluating (or assessing) step (Del Mar et al., 2004). Therefore, we also examined whether the educational interventions could improve the above EBM steps. Ahmadi et al 7 Teaching EBM to Medical Students METHODS Criteria for inclusion of studies: We included the comparative studies i.e. randomized controlled trials, non-randomized controlled trials, and self-controlled trials that: A) had recruited undergraduate medical students (defined as medical school students who have not yet enrolled in the residency programs), B) had carried out at least one educational intervention (defined as coordinated educational activity, of any medium, duration or format) to teach EBM, and C) had objectively assessed the impact of the intervention(s) on students’ knowledge, attitudes, skills, or behaviors using tests, questionnaires, clinical performance, etc. Self-reported perceived knowledge, skills or behaviors were not eligible since they are loosely connected to their objective measurements (Caspi et al., 2006, Khan et al., 2001). Identification and selection of studies: We searched the following databases up to May 2011: MEDLINE, SCOPUS, ISI Web of Science, Educational Resource Information Center (ERIC), and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) using the following search strategy: ((evidence-based medic*) OR (evidence based medic*) OR (evidence-based practic*) OR (evidence based practic*) OR (critic* AND apprais*) OR (pre-filter*) OR (prefilter*) OR (predigest*) OR (predigest*)) AND (educat* OR teach* OR cours* OR workshop* OR learn* OR instruct* OR curriculum* OR (journal* AND club*) OR (case discuss*)) AND (student* OR intern OR interns OR internship* OR (clinical clerk*) OR undergraduat*). We also searched the Current Controlled Trials for relevant unpublished studies. For this purpose, we tailored the above search strategy accordingly. Furthermore, we performed a backward and forward reference checking by: A) screening the references of our included studies Ahmadi et al 8 Teaching EBM to Medical Students and relevant systematic reviews, and B) screening the studies that have cited any of our included studies as their references (citation checking). We performed the latter using Science Citation Index and SCOPUS. The retrieved studies were imported into EndNote X3 software and the duplicated studies were removed. The remaining studies were subsequently screened for inclusion based upon their titles and abstracts initially, and their full-text finally. One of the two investigators (SFA, EA) decided upon including each study (this step was not performed in duplicate). Data abstraction and risk of bias assessment: Two investigators (SFA and EA) independently summarized the study characteristics, key results, and quality indicators using an electronic data abstraction form in Microsoft Excel Software. Disagreements between the two investigators were resolved by third reviewer negotiation. For studies with unclear or inadequate results, we sent an electronic data abstraction form to the corresponding author and requested further details. For quality assessment, two sets of criteria were used: A) a set of criteria developed by the Cochrane Effective Practice and Organisation of Care (EPOC) group (Parkes et al., 2001) and “using validated assessment tools” criterion (the investigators used this set to code the overall risk of bias as high, moderate, or low); and B) a modified version of another criteria developed by Reed et al. to appraise the reports of medical education interventions (Reed et al., 2005). These criteria are available in Table 2. Synthesis of results: We synthesized the results qualitatively by tabulating the characteristics of the included studies (Table 1) and whether they fulfill the quality criteria (Table 2). We also classified the studies Ahmadi et al 9 Teaching EBM to Medical Students based on their interventions, and discussed the effects of the interventions on the knowledge, attitudes, skills, and behaviors of asking, acquiring, appraising, and applying. Inter-rater agreement was quantified using Kappa scores. To calculate the Kappa scores for our data abstraction, we compared the codes that the two investigators assigned to the study designs, intervention categories, and assessment types of the included studies (Table 1). To calculate the Kappa scores for our quality assessments, we compared the assigned codes to the quality criteria (Table 2). We attempted to meta-analyze the results of the studies with similar outcome assessments and with minimal diversity in their study designs, participants, and interventions. However, we found few studies with the above characteristics and therefore felt meta-analysis to be an inappropriate statistical endeavor in this context. Ahmadi et al 10 Teaching EBM to Medical Students RESULTS Description of included studies: We retrieved 10,111 records in total, of which 27 were included in this study (Table 1). Included studies with non-randomized designs and high risks of bias were predominant: The number of self-controlled trials, parallel non-randomized controlled trials, and randomized controlled trials was 11, 6, and 10, respectively (Table 1). In addition, the number of studies with a high, moderate, and low risk of bias was 17, 5, and 5, respectively (Table 2). No included study evaluated the long-term effects of the intervention(s), and only 16 studies reported their results in adequate detail (Table 2). Kappa values were 0.87, 0.69,and 0.72 for the inter-rater agreement in data abstraction and in the two parts of the quality assessment, respectively. Effects of clinically integrated methods: The teaching of EBM is believed to be more effective if it is integrated into clinical practice (Coomarasamy and Khan, 2004). We identified seven studies evaluating such clinically integrated methods (West et al., 2011, Lai and Nalliah, 2010, Aronoff et al., 2010, Lai and Teng, 2009, Krueger, 2006, Alper and Vinson, 2005, Dorsch et al., 2004), while the remaining twenty studies evaluated standalone methods in no clinical practice context. Dorsch et al. reported the earliest clinically integrated teaching of EBM to the students, in which they observed slightly improved asking skills, acquiring attitudes and skills, and appraising skills (Dorsch et al., 2004). Another study also observed no effect of a clinically integrated method on acquiring attitudes (Lai and Nalliah, 2010). However, they reported no a priori sample size calculation; thus, they might lack sufficient power to detect a possibly existent educational effect. The other five studies of clinically integrated methods reported improved acquiring skills (Alper and Vinson, 2005), appraising knowledge and skills (Krueger, 2006), and EBM knowledge Ahmadi et al 11 Teaching EBM to Medical Students (West et al., 2011) and skills (Lai and Teng, 2009, Aronoff et al., 2010, West et al., 2011). However, four of them had a high risk of bias (Table 2), and the only exception – with a moderate risk of bias – lacked a validated assessment tool (Krueger, 2006). In addition, in one of these five “positive” studies, participants who were educated earlier received lower post-test scores, which indicates that the educational effect might be short-term (Lai and Teng, 2009). Effects of short instructions: Eleven studies examined the effect of seminars, workshops and short courses (Sastre et al., 2011, Taheri et al., 2008, Weberschock et al., 2005, Gruppen et al., 2005, Sanchez-Mendiola, 2004, Fritsche et al., 2002, Rosenberg et al., 1998, Landry et al., 1994, Frasca et al., 1992, Bennett et al., 1987, Radack and Valanis, 1986), from which two studies reported no effect on acquiring behavior or appraising skills (Radack and Valanis, 1986, Landry et al., 1994), and another study reported no effect on EBM knowledge but improved attitudes towards the use of scientific evidence (Sanchez-Mendiola, 2004). The other eight studies found positive effects. However, ten of these eleven studies had a high risk of bias, and the only exception with an acceptable quality (Rosenberg et al., 1998) lacked a validated assessment tool (Table 2). Notably, in the study by Weberschock et al. medical students successfully delivered the compulsory EBM course to their peers, which yielded improved knowledge and skills of EBM (Weberschock et al., 2005). Effects of e-learning: Six studies investigated the effects of the online or computer-assisted courses and instructions (Bradley et al., 2005, Bolboaca and Jantschi, 2006b, Schilling et al., 2006, Davis et al., 2007, Davis et al., 2008, Hadley et al., 2010), from which three studies with a low risk of bias reported computer-assisted sessions to be as effective as usual teaching sessions in teaching acquiring Ahmadi et al 12 Teaching EBM to Medical Students knowledge, appraising knowledge and skills, and EBM knowledge and attitudes, generally (Bradley et al., 2005, Davis et al., 2007, Davis et al., 2008). Similarly, another study with a moderate risk of bias found online modules similarly effective as usual teaching in training asking, acquiring, and appraising knowledge (Hadley et al., 2010). The other two studies compared e-learning with no intervention: one study linked an online module to improved skills of acquiring and calculation of number needed to treat (Schilling et al., 2006), while the other study correlated a CD-ROM e-course to improved EBM knowledge (Bolboaca and Jantschi, 2006b). However, the former used no validated assessment tool – despite its acceptable quality – and the latter had a high risk of bias (Table 2). Effects of problem-based learning: Johnston et al. compared a stand-alone problem-based learning intervention with usual teaching in a high-quality study (Table 2) and found “usual” teaching more favorable in improving EBM knowledge and attitudes (Johnston et al., 2009). In another study from McMaster University (the pioneer of problem-based learning), educators used problem-based material but no real problem-based learning strategy to teach EBM (Bennett et al., 1987); therefore, their results were not elaborated here. Effects of other multi-component interventions: Lee and colleagues compared a multi-component intervention – consisting of short courses plus self-reading and practice – with no intervention in a randomized controlled trial (RCT) and observed an improved knowledge of decision analysis but no improved knowledge of costeffectiveness or sensitivity analyses (Lee et al., 2007). The authors presented their intervention as a clinically integrated teaching method; however, we categorized their teaching as stand-alone since their teaching was not carried out in a clinical context. This study also used no validated Ahmadi et al 13 Teaching EBM to Medical Students assessment tool (Table 2). Furthermore, their intention-to-treat analysis is questionable since participants consented to enter the study after being randomly allocated, and those who did not consent were not included in analyses. In a cross-over RCT, Leung et al. compared the effects of adding the following interventions to a workshop: A) Providing guides and “InfoRetriever” on personal digital assistants (PDAs); B) Providing educational pocket cards of the same guides; and C) No intervention (Leung et al., 2003). They observed improved perceptions regarding the use of EBM and the integration of EBM in clinical teaching in both active arms although the PDA arm yielded a larger effect. Notably, despite the researchers’ potential control over participants’ assignment and study design, the participants were rotated through the three study arms in a disorganized manner, and neither the total number of experiments per arm nor the crossing-over order was balanced. However, the study had a low risk of bias (Table 2). Ahmadi et al 14 Teaching EBM to Medical Students DISCUSSION The findings of this systematic review showed that teaching EBM has the potential to improve knowledge, attitudes and skills in undergraduate medical students. However, there is still insufficient evidence to support the statement that EBM teaching either improves students’ behaviors or yields a long-term mastery of EBM. In addition, we found no study assessing patient outcomes or health delivery processes, possibly because undergraduate students would be rarely the final decision makers regarding patient management. Studies of the clinically integrated methods and short instructions were weak and inconsistent. In contrast, a number of robust studies supported the use of e-learning strategies. A single strong study found problembased learning less effective than usual teaching. Finally, few studies linked other multicomponent interventions to improved knowledge and attitudes. Our study as well as other systematic reviews has found the studies of EBM teaching generally weak (Harris et al., 2011, Flores-Mateo and Argimon, 2007, Ebbert et al., 2001, Parkes et al., 2001, Taylor et al., 2000b). However, the lack of high-quality evidence is not merely confined to the teaching of EBM, but it is a universal dilemma for the teaching of various sciences .(Hatala and Guyatt, 2002). Therefore, we should not under-value the teaching of EBM to undergraduate medical students due to the lack of insufficient robust evidence. Instead, we should focus on providing robust evidence by the conduct of the future studies in higher qualities with a focus on the skills and behaviors as well as the long-term educational effects. Only two of our included studies measured behaviors following the educational interventions (Sastre et al., 2011, Landry et al., 1994). Although we did not aim to appraise the validity of the assessment tools of our included studies, another review (Shaneyfelt et al., 2006) found that only seven of our included studies have high- Ahmadi et al 15 Teaching EBM to Medical Students quality assessment tools (West et al., 2011, Aronoff et al., 2010, Lai and Teng, 2009, Bradley et al., 2005, Weberschock et al., 2005, Fritsche et al., 2002, Bennett et al., 1987). When we attempted to pool the results of the included studies, we ended up with no more than five studies (West et al., 2011, Lai and Teng, 2009, Aronoff et al., 2010, Fritsche et al., 2002, Weberschock et al., 2005) since the other included studies had used miscellaneous tools rather than established validated tools such as Fresno Test or Berlin Questionnaire. Using similar assessment tools would enable the researchers to quantitatively pool the results together in meta-analyses, which yields larger statistical powers and improved generalizability. Selection of the assessment tools should be based on not only their quality, but also their purpose. As an example, although the Berlin Questionnaire and the Fresno Test are both established assessment tools, the former is designed to test applied knowledge through its multiple-choice format, thus it should be avoided in evaluating the skills of asking or acquiring. On the other hand, the latter is suitable to test the knowledge and skills across the four steps of EBM (West et al., 2011). Our systematic review also calls for more robust studies of the clinically integrated methods. Notably, our included studies examined no ideal “on foot” EBM teaching as described elsewhere (Richardson, 2005). In addition, our included studies of the clinically integrated methods were inconsistent and of low quality. A systematic review (Coomarasamy and Khan, 2004) has found that in postgraduate medical professionals, clinically integrated methods would improve their EBM knowledge, attitudes, skills, and behaviors, while standalone methods would improve only knowledge and possibly skills. In contrast, our results have indicated that for undergraduate students, standalone methods are able to improve not only the EBM knowledge but also the attitudes and skills. This may be because students are hypothetically driven by external factors such as the curriculum and the Ahmadi et al 16 Teaching EBM to Medical Students assessments. Such factors are possibly addressed by either stand-alone or clinically integrated methods. In contrast, postgraduates are usually driven by self-motivation and relevance to clinical practice, which are properly addressed by clinically integrated methods only (Coomarasamy and Khan, 2004). This argument is supported by another systematic review in which standalone instructions in critical appraisal improved the knowledge of undergraduate students, but such instructions yielded limited knowledge gain in residents (Norman and Shannon, 1998). A robust systematic review by Hartling et al. drew no net conclusion about the effectiveness of problem-based learning for undergraduate medical education because of the inconsistencies in the included studies (Hartling et al., 2010). Another systematic review linked problem-based learning in medical school to post-graduation improvements, but mainly in social and cognitive competencies rather than in clinical knowledge and skills (Koh et al., 2008). Our single identified study of teaching EBM by problem-based learning methods found it less favorable than usual teaching (Johnston et al., 2009). However, this study was in Hong Kong where didactic teaching is culturally dominant and the successful delivery of interactive approaches is challenging (Khan and Coomarasamy, 2006). In addition, this study was brief while effective problem-based learning methods usually need substantial student-educator interactions (Koh et al., 2008). Researchers inferred that students may need to initially learn the basics and subsequently receive problem-based learning in order to successfully grasp the skills to apply their knowledge (Khan and Coomarasamy, 2006). Considering the above argument, we were unable to draw net conclusions regarding the true effects of problem-based learning. A systematic review by Cook et al. found the internet-based learning strategies as effective as traditional teaching methods (Cook et al., 2008). Their findings are in line with the findings of Ahmadi et al 17 Teaching EBM to Medical Students our included studies, particularly the three high-quality studies of computer assisted sessions. Since e-learning can provide a wide spectrum of teaching strategies, it may make learning more exciting, effective, and likely to be retained (Greenhalgh, 2001). However, our included studies of e-learning assessed no behavior, and only one study assessed skills (of acquiring and applying) (Schilling et al., 2006). This is possibly because higher order impacts (such as improved behaviors) result from interactive rather than deductive interventions (Greenhalgh, 2001) while none of our included studies of e-learning adopted an ideally interactive e-learning strategy. In addition, the best EBM teaching models occur at the bedside (Richardson, 2005), which e-learning cannot easily recreate it. Therefore, e-learning should be considered as a complement for – rather than a substitute of – clinically integrated bedside models to teach EBM. Straus et al. have previously distinguished the “using mode” from the “doing mode” of practicing EBM (Straus et al., 2010). In the “using mode”, physicians search within preappraised sources, thus they bypass the time-consuming appraising step. Although the previous studies of the EBM education are majorly focused on the “doing mode” and particularly “critical appraisal” (Hatala and Guyatt, 2002), we found three studies emphasizing the “using mode” and the “searching within pre-appraised sources” (Sastre et al., 2011, Schilling et al., 2006, Fritsche et al., 2002). Moreover, another included study showed the positive effects of accessing “InfoRetriever” through PDAs (Leung et al., 2003). Since the use of such sources is linked to better clinical decision making (Alper et al., 2005), we would call for more robust studies of teaching the using mode and the skills to use pre-appraised sources. One included study reported a successful EBM teaching by medical students (Weberschock et al., 2005). Trained students have been also reported to be as good as faculty educators in teaching clinical principles and skills (Haist et al., 1998, Tolsgaard et al., 2007, Graziano, 2011). Ahmadi et al 18 Teaching EBM to Medical Students These observations can inspire a model for EBM education, particularly for institutions with limited faculty educators. However, the current evidence supporting such a model is still insufficient. Our systematic review had a number of limitations: We had no access to EMBASE while conducting this review, thus we could not search it. In addition, despite using comprehensive search strategies, we used no abbreviated term such as EBM or EBP in our search queries. Moreover, to identify the unpublished studies, we only searched the Current Controlled Trials that includes few educational studies. Furthermore, only one investigator decided upon including each study due to the limited time and resources of the team. Thus, we cannot exclude potential biases in the identification of the including studies. Finally, we were rather strict in including only comparative studies and in appraising our included studies based on meticulous quality criteria. Ahmadi et al 19 Teaching EBM to Medical Students CONCLUSIONS Implications for practice: Teaching EBM has the potential to improve knowledge, attitudes and skills in undergraduate medical students. However, there is still insufficient evidence to support the statement that EBM teaching either improves students’ behaviors or yields a long-term mastery of EBM. Evidence[l3] supporting the use of clinically integrated methods (i.e. educational activities integrated into clinical practice) and stand-alone short instructions (i.e. brief educational activities conducted in no real clinical practice context) are currently insufficient. However, high quality evidence has supported that computer-assisted instructions are as effective as traditional educational strategies in improving EBM knowledge and attitudes. Nevertheless, their effects on the students’ skills and behaviors are unclear. We have also drawn no net conclusion about the effectiveness of problem-based learning of EBM since only one high-quality study examined it. Finally, the effects of other multicomponent interventions were heterogeneous and inconclusive. Implications for research: We suggest future studies of teaching EBM to medical students to focus on: A) Reporting the participants, interventions, outcomes, and results in sufficient details in order to allow replication; B) Examining the effects of EBM teaching on long-term skills and behaviors using robust assessment tools; C) Evaluating appropriate “on foot”, real world clinically integrated methods, problem-based learning, interactive e-learning strategies, and short courses and instructions; D) Comparing the teaching of the using and the doing modes of practicing EBM; and E) Studying the student educator model to test whether trained students are able to teach EBM effectively.[l4] Ahmadi et al 20 Teaching EBM to Medical Students PRACTICE POINTS Although several systematic reviews have explored various aspects of evidence-based medicine (EBM), no prior study has attempted to systematically review the effectiveness of teaching EBM to undergraduate medical students. We systematically reviewed the studies of clinically integrated methods of teaching EBM, short courses and instructions, e-learning, problem-based learning, and other multicomponent interventions. However, we drew no net conclusion since the included studies were either weak, few, or inconsistent. In general, teaching EBM has the potential to improve knowledge, attitudes and skills in undergraduate medical students. However, evidence supporting the effect of EBM teaching on students’ behaviors is currently insufficient. We suggest future studies to focus on assessing long-term higher-order mastery of EBM and use robust methods and high-quality assessment tools. Ahmadi et al 21 Teaching EBM to Medical Students NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS SFA was a Postdoctoral Fellow at Center for Educational Research in Medical Sciences, Iran University of Medical Sciences, at the time of this study; he is currently a postdoctoral fellow at Department of Medicine, University of California Irvine. HRB is an Associate Professor of Clinical Epidemiology and the Deputy of Research at Center for Educational Research in Medical Sciences, Iran University of Medical Sciences. EA was a Postdoctoral Fellow at Digestive Diseases Research Institute, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, at the time of this study; he is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School. Ahmadi et al 22 Teaching EBM to Medical Students ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank Prof. Hammick for all her thoughtful assistance in writing this systematic review. Ahmadi et al 23 Teaching EBM to Medical Students REFERENCES ALPER, B. S. & VINSON, D. C. 2005. Experiential curriculum improves medical students' ability to answer clinical questions using the internet. Fam Med, 37, 565-9. ALPER, B. S., WHITE, D. S. & GE, B. 2005. 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Extended evaluation of a longitudinal medical school evidence-based medicine curriculum. J Gen Intern Med, 26, 611-5. Ahmadi et al 32 Teaching EBM to Medical Students TABLES Table 1: Characteristics of included studies. Design, setting and Study ID Interventions (Teaching methods) Outcomes (Assessment) Key Results participants (West et al., SCT1 in Mayo Medical Integrated Method: I. 20 to 22-hour Validated: Survey with Berlin Knowledge and skills 2011) School, USA (2006- lectures plus small-group discussions Questionnaire and/or Fresno Test of EBM: improved 2008) on 99 2nd-year in EBM principles and appraisal of prior to and after short course, medical students various study types in 2nd year, II. and upon completion of 3rd year. Electronic feedback on developing CATs2 from real patients in 6-7 rotations of 3rd year. (Sastre et al., SCT in Vanderbilt Short instruction: 3-hour workshop Partly validated3: Pre- and post- Behaviors of acquiring 2011) Medical School, USA in asking, acquiring, and pros and workshop analysis of computer and applying and (2007-2008) on 100 3rd- cons of pre-appraised sources. log data of searches, expert Attitudes toward EBM scoring of EBM content in and acquiring: clerkship notes, and survey to improved year medical students Ahmadi et al 33 Teaching EBM to Medical Students assess attitudes towards EBM and acquiring. (Lai and SCT in International Integrated Method: I. 2 sessions in Validated: Pre- and post-course Attitudes toward Nalliah, Medical University of EBM principles, acquiring, and questionnaire to assess preferred acquiring: unchanged 2010) Malaysia (2005-2006) on appraising, II. Electronic exploratory information sources. 65 Final-year medical notes, III. 6 x 2-hour small-group students bedside sessions to exercise asking, IV. Self-searching, V. Presenting CATs in journal clubs, VI. EBM reports in portfolios. (Hadley et Cluster RCT4 in seven e-learning: Intervention A: 3-hour Validated: Module-specific Knowledge of asking, al., 2010) teaching hospitals in UK session with modules in asking, multiple-choice questions to acquiring and West Midlands (2007) on acquiring, and appraising; assess knowledge before and after appraising: comparable 237 Interns (Foundation Intervention B: 6-week web access to each module. year 2 doctors) e-learning modules in the same topics. SCT in Temple Integrated Method: I. 18-week (Aronoff et Validated: Pre- and post-course Skills of EBM: Ahmadi et al al., 2010) 34 University, USA (2005) access to 6 online modules, plus on 153 3rd-year medical supervised assignments in asking, students acquiring, appraising various study Teaching EBM to Medical Students Fresno Test. improved types, and applying, II. Completion of 4 CATs from real patients. (Lai and SCT in International Integrated Method: I. 2 sessions in Validated: Pre- and post-course Skills of EBM: Teng, 2009) Medical University of EBM resources and appraising plus Modified Fresno Test. improved Malaysia (2006) on 72 electronic exploratory notes, II. 6 x 2- Final-year medical hour small-group bedside sessions to students exercise asking, III. Self-searching, IV. Presenting CATs in journal clubs, V. Developing EBM reports in portfolios. (Johnston et Cross-over RCT in Problem-based learning: Validated: Before, post-phase 1, Knowledge of and al., 2009) University of Hong Kong Intervention A: 4 x 4-hour usual and post-phase 2 KAB attitudes toward EBM: (2007) on 129 2nd-year teaching sessions to practice asking, Questionnaire to assess EBM favor usual teaching. Ahmadi et al medical students 35 Teaching EBM to Medical Students acquiring, appraising, and applying; knowledge, personal application Intervention B: 4 x 4-hour problem- and current and future use of based learning sessions to practice the EBM, and attitudes towards same steps. EBM. (Taheri et SCT in Isfahan Short instruction: 4-day workshop Validated: Pre- and post- Knowledge of asking al., 2008) University of Medical (each day: 2-hour lecture + 1-hour workshop questionnaire to assess and Skills of acquiring: Sciences, Iran (2005) on small-group session) in asking, knowledge of asking, plus expert improved 24 5th- and 6th-year acquiring, appraising, and applying. evaluation of acquiring. medical students (Davis et al., RCT in University of e-learning: Intervention A: 40- Validated: Pre- and post-session Knowledge of EBM: 2008) Birmingham, UK (2006) minute computer based session to questionnaire to measure EBM comparable; Attitudes on 229 1st-year medical teach asking, acquiring, appraising, knowledge and attitudes. toward EBM: mostly students and applying; Intervention B: 40minute lecture based session to teach the same topics. comparable Ahmadi et al 36 Teaching EBM to Medical Students (Lee et al., RCT in Chinese Multicomponent: Intervention: Non-validated: Pre- and post- Knowledge of apply 2007) University of Hong Kong teaching about performing and course questionnaire to assess subsets: partly (2005) on 155 5th-year appraising decision, sensitivity, and knowledge of decision analysis, improved medical students cost-effectiveness analyses through: I. sensitivity analysis graphs, and reading a handbook, II. 3 x 40-minute cost-effectiveness ratios. lectures, III. 1-hour small-group session, IV. home-appraising, V. 1hour workshop on using software. Control: none. (Davis et al., RCT in five teaching e-learning: Intervention: 40-minute Validated: Pre- and post-session Knowledge of and 2007) hospitals in UK West computer based session in asking, questionnaire to measure EBM attitudes toward EBM: Midlands (2005) on 55 acquiring, appraising and applying; knowledge and attitudes. comparable Interns (Foundation year Control: 40-minute lecture based 1 doctors) session in the same topics. (Schilling et RCT in Boston e-learning: Intervention: 4-week Partly validated: Post-course Skills of acquiring and al., 2006) University, USA, on 238 web access to four online modules in expert evaluation of captured a minor skill of Ahmadi et al 37 Teaching EBM to Medical Students 3rd-year medical MEDLINE, pre-appraised sources, OVID MEDLINE searches, students Study designs, and NNT calculation; retrieval of high-quality Control: none. evidence, correct calculation of applying: improved NNT, and number of MEDLINE searches. (Krueger, RCT in University of Integrated Method: Intervention: I. Non-validated: Post-course Knowledge/ skills of 2006) Medicine and Dentistry Lecture in EBM, II. 2 small-group multiple-choice question Critical appraising: improved of New Jersey, USA discussions in appraising, III. Appraisal Examination to assess (1998-1999) on 77 3rd- Reading materials in applying, IV. appraising knowledge/ skills. year students of Journal club, V. Instruction in osteopathic medicine Cochrane Library, IV. EBM assignment; Control: Lectures in other topics. (Bolboaca and SCT in IuliuHatieganu e-learning: 3-month access to a CD- Non-validated: Pre- and post-e- Knowledge of EBM: Jantschi, University of Medicine ROM e-course consisting of: I. 14 course Test of EBM knowledge. improved 2006a) and Pharmacy, Romania tutorials in EBM steps and appraising Ahmadi et al 38 (2005) on 40 4th- to 6th- various study types plus self- year medical students evaluation tests, II. Supplementary Teaching EBM to Medical Students material including glossary, Romanian guidelines, and relevant papers and software. (Weberschock SCT in Johann Short instruction: 4 x 3-hour EBM Validated: Pre- and post-course et al., 2005) Wolfgang Goethe lectures and small-group discussions Question papers (2 sets) to assess of EBM: improved University, Germany in EBM principles and asking, application of principles, and (2003-2004) on 132 3rd- acquiring through MEDLINE, and Berlin questionnaire. year medical students applying therapy and diagnosis Knowledge and skills studies. (Gruppen et NCT5 in University of Short instruction: Intervention: 2- Non-validated: Pre-session and Skills of acquiring: al., 2005) Michigan, USA (2001- hour additional session in using Ovid 1-month post-session expert improved 2003) on 92 4th-year MEDLINE, consisting of a brief scoring of the quality of a medical students lecture and guided hand-on practice particular search using a pre- during an EBM course; Control: developed scoring sheet. Ahmadi et al 39 Teaching EBM to Medical Students EBM course alone. (Bradley et RCT in University of e-learning: Intervention A: Validated: 18 weeks post Knowledge of al., 2005) Oslo, Norway (2002- Workshop (directed learning) of 5 x intervention questionnaire to acquiring, Knowledge 2003) on 175 10th- 3-hour sessions in asking, acquiring, assess acquiring and appraising and skills of semester medical appraising and applying; knowledge, expert scoring of appraising and students Intervention B: Computer-assisted participant-developed CATs to Attitudes toward modules (self-directed learning) in assess appraising skills, and 1 to EBM: comparable the same topics. 17 weeks post intervention questionnaire to assess attitudes toward EBM. (Alper and SCT in University of Integrated Method: I. 90-minute Non-validated: Pre- and post- Skills of acquiring: Vinson, 2005) Missouri-Columbia, computer lab session in acquiring, II. intervention student recorded improved USA, on 90 3rd-year Access to free internet portal, III. time-to-answer and number of medical students Handout of practical points for searched sites to answer 3 acquiring and applying, IV. 2 clinical questions, and expert acquiring assignments from real evaluation of the quality of Ahmadi et al 40 patients, V. Follow-up 90-minute Teaching EBM to Medical Students answers. computer lab session. (Sanchez- NCT in Mexican Army Short instruction: Intervention: 14 Validated: Post-course Attitudes toward Mendiola, Medical School (2001- x 2-hour sessions in EBM;Control: questionnaire to assess attitudes acquiring: Improved; 2004) 2002) on 131 5th- and none. towards acquiring and self- Knowledge of EBM: 6th-year medical reported preferred information unchanged students sources, plus knowledge of EBM. (Dorsch et al., SCT in University of Integrated Method: I. 8 x 1-hour Non-validated: Pre- and post- Attitudes toward 2004) Illinois, USA (2000- weekly seminars plus pre-session seminar self-reported frequently acquiring and Skills of 2001) on 36 3rd-year reading materials in EBM principles used information sources, and asking and acquiring: medical students and asking, acquiring, and appraising expert scoring of written test of minimally changed; diagnosis, therapy, and meta-analysis EBM steps. Skills of studies; II. Developing and appraising:partly presenting CATs from real patients in changed 3 sessions. Ahmadi et al (Leung et al., Cross-over RCT in 2003) 41 Multicomponent: Intervention "P" Teaching EBM to Medical Students Validated: Baseline and post- Attitudes toward University of Hong Kong (Pocket Card): 2 x 2-hour sessions phase 1 to 3 questionnaires to EBM: improved by (2001) on 169 4th-year in EBM principles, asking, acquiring, assess personal applicationas Pocket Card, further medical students and applying; using pocket card of well as current and future use of improved by EBM guides; and supervised EBM. InfoRetriever. practicing of EBM steps; Intervention "I" (InfoRetriever): similar to "P", but PDA with InfoRetriever and digital pocket card was also provided; Control (C): none. (Fritsche et SCT in various short Short instruction: 3-day course in Validated: 0 to 4 weeks pre- and Knowledge and skills al., 2002) EBM courses in EBM principles and in asking, post-workshop Berlin of EBM: improved Germany (1999-2001) on appraising, and applying plus using 203 3rd-year medical pre-appraised evidence and students estimating risk, benefit, and harm. Questionnaire. Ahmadi et al 42 Teaching EBM to Medical Students (Rosenberg et RCT in Oxford Short instruction: Intervention: 3- Non-validated: Pre- (in Skills of acquiring: al., 1998) University, UK, on 108 hour small-group session in asking intervention group) and post- improved 1st-year clinical students and acquiring through WinSpirs session expert scoring of search MEDLINE; Control: none. strategies and number and quality of retrieved citations. (Landry et NCT in 4 army Short instruction: Intervention: 2 x Non-validated: 1-week pre- Behavior of acquiring: al., 1994) universities in DC 90-min seminars in types of medical seminars and 5-weeks post- unchanged (Intervention), and literature and study design, and in seminars expert scoring of Maryland, Ohio, and appraising diagnostic test and therapy literature use in patient write-ups. Texas (Control), on 146 articles; Control: none. 3rd-year clinical clerks (Frasca et NCT in 2 campuses of Short instruction: Intervention: I. Non-validated: Post-course Skills of acquiring and al., 1992) University of Illinois, 10 x 1.5-hour sessions in acquiring questionnaire to assess acquiring Knowledge of USA, on 92 3rd-year and appraising diagnostic test, skills and appraising knowledge. appraising: improved clinical clerks prognosis, etiology or causation, and therapy effectiveness studies, II. Ahmadi et al 43 Teaching EBM to Medical Students Supervised development of a CAT; Control: none. (Bennett et NCT in McMaster Short instruction: Intervention: 8 x Non-validated: Pre- and post- Skills of appraising: al., 1987) University, Canada, on 2-hour small-group sessions to teach sessions expert scoring of improved 92 Final-year clinical appraising diagnostic test and therapy appraising a diagnostic test and 2 clerks effectiveness studies;Control: none. therapy effectiveness studies. (Radack and NCT in University of Short instruction: Intervention: 5 x Non-validated: Pre- and post- Skills of appraising: Valanis, Cincinnati, USA (1984- 50-min small-group sessions in sessions unidentified test of unchanged 1986) 1985) on 34 4th-year appraising clinical measurement, appraising diagnosis and therapy. clinical clerks diagnostic testing, and therapeutic efficacy;Control: none. 1 SCT: Self-controlled trial; 2 CAT: Critically appraised topic;3 Partly validated: Asubset (and not all) of outcomes were assessed using validated assessment tools4 RCT: Randomized controlled trial; 5 NCT: Non-randomized controlled trial. Study ID (West et al., (Sastre et al., (Lai and (Hadley et al., (Aronoff et al., 2010) Validated assessment tools No other risks of bias No selective outcome reporting Protection against contamination Blinding of the outcome assessors Addressing incomplete outcome data Similar baseline characteristics Similar baseline outcome measurements Allocation concealment Generation of randomization sequence Overall risk of bias Reporting results in adequate details1 Appropriate statistical tests Power analysis for sample size calculation Assessment of long-term effects Description of assessment methods Appraisal checklist for risk of bias assessment Description of teaching methods Description of teaching objectives and content 44 Description of learner characteristics Ahmadi et al Teaching EBM to Medical Students Table 2: Risk of bias assessment and ancillary quality criteria. Ancillary quality criteria 2011) 2011) Nalliah, 2010) 2010) N2 N N N Y3 U4 N Y Y Y High Y Y Y Y N N Y Y N N N N Y Y N Y Y Y High Y Y Y Y N N Y Y N N N N Y Y N Y Y Y High Y Y Y Y N N Y Y U U Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Moderate Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y N N N N Y U N Y Y Y High Y N Y Y N N Y Y Ahmadi et al (Lai and 45 Teaching EBM to Medical Students N N N N N U N Y Y Y High Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y U Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Low Y Y Y Y N N Y Y N N N N Y Y N Y Y Y High Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Low Y N Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y U Y Y U Y Y N Moderate Y Y Y Y N N Y N Y Y Y Y Y U Y Y Y Y Low Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y U U U Y Y Y Y Y N Moderate Y Y Y Y N N Y Y U U U Y Y Y U Y Y N Moderate Y Y Y N N N Y N N N N N Y U N Y Y N High Y Y Y Y N N Y N N N N N Y Y N Y Y Y High Y Y Y Y N Y Y N Teng, 2009) (Johnston et al., 2009) (Taheri et al., 2008) (Davis et al., 2008) (Lee et al., 2007) (Davis et al., 2007) (Schilling et al., 2006) (Krueger, 2006) (Bolboaca and Jantschi, 2006a) (Weberschock Ahmadi et al 46 Teaching EBM to Medical Students et al., 2005) (Gruppen et N N Y U N U N Y Y N High Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y U N Y Y U Y Y Y Low Y N Y Y N Y Y Y N N N N Y Y N Y Y N High Y Y Y Y N N Y N N N U U U Y U Y Y Y High Y N N Y N N Y N N N N N U N N Y Y N High Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y U Y Y Y Low Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y N N N N N N N Y Y Y High Y Y Y Y N N Y N Y U U U Y Y Y Y Y N Moderate Y Y Y Y N N Y Y N N U N Y N Y Y Y N High Y Y Y Y N Y U N al., 2005) (Bradley et al., 2005) (Alper and Vinson, 2005) (SanchezMendiola, 2004) (Dorsch et al., 2004) (Leung et al., 2003) (Fritsche et al., 2002) (Rosenberg et al., 1998) (Landry et al., 1994) Ahmadi et al (Frasca et al., 47 Teaching EBM to Medical Students N N Y N U U Y Y Y N High Y Y Y Y N N Y N N N N U Y Y Y Y Y N High Y Y Y Y N N Y Y N N U U N U Y Y Y N High Y Y Y N N N U N 1992) (Bennett et al., 1987) (Radack and Valanis, 1986) 1 Reporting results in adequate details: Reporting numerical results for educational significance/effect size and measures of dispersion/confidence intervals/P values; 2 N: No; 3 Y: Yes; 4 U: Unclear. Ahmadi et al 48 Teaching EBM to Medical Students FIGURES Figure 1: Flow diagram of study selection. 8,708 Records identified through database searching 1,513 Medline 645 ERIC 3,514 Scopus 817 CINAHL 2,166 Web of Science 53 Current Controlled Trials 1,403 Additional records identified through other sources 346 Reference checking of relevant reviews 629 Reference checking of included studies 428 Citation checking of included studies 10,111 Records before removing duplicated records 4,638 Duplicated records removed 5,473 studies screened by title/abstract 634 studies screened by full-text article 27 Studies included in systematic review 4,839 studies excluded Due to not reporting teaching EBM to undergraduate medical students 607 studies excluded Due to: 1 duplicated results 7 no available full-text article 228 no report of an original study 221 not recruited medical students 80 not executed relevant teaching 70 not assessed objective outcomes