here - ESOCC 2016

Table of Contents
Welcome to ESOCC 2016 .......................................................................................... 3
Preliminary Schedule Overview .............................................................................. 4
Venue Overview ............................................................................................................ 5
Preliminary Schedule
.Monday ................................................................................................................... 6
.Tuesday ................................................................................................................... 9
.Wednesday ............................................................................................................10
Important Notes ...........................................................................................................11
Keynotes ..........................................................................................................................12
Main Events
.European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing ...14
.PhD Symposium ..................................................................................................15
.EU Projects Track..................................................................................................15
.CloudWave – Training Session .......................................................................15
.CLIoT .........................................................................................................................16
.CloudWays .............................................................................................................16
.PEaCE in PATTWORLD.......................................................................................17
.ReSeRCH ................................................................................................................17
Venue & Directions ......................................................................................................18
Social Events ..................................................................................................................19
Welcome to ESOCC 2016
© WienTourismus/Christian Stemper
ESOCC is the premier conference on advances in the state-of-the-art and practice of ServiceOriented Computing and Cloud Computing in Europe with the main objective to facilitate the
exchange between researchers and practitioners in these areas.
It is a great pleasure for us to host ESOCC this year at TU Wien in Vienna, Austria. TU Wien is
located in the heart of Europe, in a cosmopolitan city of great cultural heritage and diversity.
TU Wien looks back on a successful history lasting more than 200 years. It is among the most
successful technical universities in Europe and the largest technical scientific and educational
institution in Austria.
Over the course of three days, ESOCC 2016 and several workshops provide insights into
current trends in Service-Oriented Computing and Cloud Computing. ESOCC 2016 also continues
its PhD Symposium and hosts an EU Projects track as well as a CloudWave Training Session.
Additionally, two internationally renowned keynote speakers share their deep insights on future
challenges in the field.
We would like to express our gratitude to all the institutions and sponsors that support
ESOCC 2016. Many thanks go to all the chairs, organizers, steering committee members, program
committee members, external reviewers, and local volunteers for their hard work in organizing
the conference, workshops, and a training session of ESOCC 2016. We also thank the keynote
speakers, authors, presenters, and participants who contribute to the success of ESOCC 2016
with their work and participation.
Enjoy the conference, the hospitality of TU Wien, and the beautiful and charming environment of
the city of Vienna.
Preliminary Schedule Overview
Venue Overview - Campus Gußhaus
Preliminary Schedule - Monday
08:30 - 09:30
Opening and General Introduction
Schahram Dustdar, Stefan Schulte, Antonio Brogi
Introduction to ESOCC 2016
09:30 - 10:00
Coffee Break
10:00 - 13:00
EU Projects Track: Session I & II (until 12:00)
Elvira Albert, Frank De Boer, Reiner Hähnle, Einar Broch Johnsen and Cosimo Laneve
Envisage: Developing SLA-Aware Deployed Services With Formal Methods
Giuliano Casale, Elisabetta Di Nitto, Pooyan Jamshidi and Damian Tamburri
Quality-Aware Development of Big Data Applications with DICE
Daniel Baur and Jörg Domaschka
Cloudiator - Enacting deployments and adaptation in PaaSage
Maciej Malawski, Bartosz Balis, Kamil Figiela, Maciej Pawlik, Marian Bubak, Dariusz Król,
Renata Słota, Michał Orzechowski, Jacek Kitowski and Dennis Hoppe
Molecular Dynamics with HyperFlow and Scalarm on the PaaSage Platform
Irene Vanderfeesten, Jonnro Erasmus and Paul Grefen
The HORSE Project: IoT and Cloud Solutions for Dynamic Manufacturing Processes
Massimo Villari, Philippe Massonet and Anna Levin
BEACON Project: Software Defined Security Service Function Chaining in Federated Clouds
Daniel Seybold, Robert Woitsch, Jörg Domaschka and Stefan Wesner
BPaaS Execution in the CloudSocket Workflow
Christopher B. Hauser, Athanasios Tsitsipas and Jörg Domaschka
Context-Aware Cloud Topology Optimization for OpenStack
PhD Symposium: Session I & II
Mandy Weißbach
Deadlock Analysis of Service-Oriented Systems with Recursion and Concurrency
Ahmad Ibrahim
Predicting Quality of Service of Software Applications
Anne Immonen
Ensuring quality-critical digital services in and for dynamically changing environment
Cui Qin
Impact-minimizing Runtime Adaptation in Cloud-based Data Stream Processing
Jose Carrasco, Francisco Durán and Ernesto Pimentel
Toward Unified Management of Applications on Heterogeneous Clouds
PATTWORLD/PEaCE/CloudWays: Joint Keynote (from 12:00)
Beniamino di Martino
Semantics and Patterns to support MultiCloud Applications’ Portability and Cloud Services
Orchestration and Composition
Preliminary Schedule - Monday
10:00 - 13:00
CLIoT: Session I & II
Maurizio Giacobbe, Carlo Puliafito and Marco Scarpa
The Big Bucket: An IoT Cloud Solution For Smart Waste Management in Smart Cities
Alexander Cartier, David Lee, Burak Kantarci and Luca Foschini
IoT-Big Data Software Ecosystems for Smart Cities Sensing: Challenges, Open Issues, and
Emerging Solutions
Philippe Massonet, Anna Levin, Massimo Villari, Arnaud Michot and Sébastien Dupont
A Motivating Case Study for Coordinating Deployment of Security VNF in Federated Cloud
Jose García-Alonso, Javier Berrocal, Carlos Canal and Juan Manuel Murillo Rodríguez
Towards Distributed and Context-Aware Human-Centric Cyber-Physical Systems
Maurizio Giacobbe, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari and Antonio Puliafito
Re-Powering Service Provisioning Through Virtual Machine Migration in Federated Cloud
Environments: An Algorithm Combining Energy Sustainability and Cost-Saving Strategies
Farshad Ahmadi Ghohandizi and Kari Systa
Application Development and Deployment for IoT Devices
13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 15:30
CloudWave Training: Session I
Philipp Leitner and Eliot Salant
Welcome Message and Introduction to the Cloudwave Project
Dario Bruneo
Managing cloud applications with CloudWave-enhanced OpenStack
Eliot Salant
One size doesn't fit all - Implementing a Fit-for-Purpose Load-Balancer in Octavia
CloudWays: Session I
Frank Fowley and Claus Pahl
Cloud Migration Architecture and Pricing - Mapping a Licensing Business Model for Software
Vendors to a SaaS Business Model
Frank Griesinger, Daniel Seybold, Jörg Domaschka, Kyriakos Kritikos and Robert Woitsch
A DMN-based Approach for Dynamic Deployment Modelling of Cloud Applications
Johannes Stählin, Sebastian Lang, Fabian Kajzar and Christian Zirpins
Consumer-Driven API Testing with Performance Contracts
Vincenzo Ferme
BenchFlow: Achievements in the Context of Workflow Engine Performance Benchmarking
David Bimamisa, Mathias Müller, Simon Harrer and Guido Wirtz
Interactive Dashboard for Workflow Engine Benchmarks
Damianos Metallidis, Kyriakos Kritikos, Chrysostomos Zeginis and Dimitris Plexousakis
A distributed cross-layer monitoring system based on QoS metrics models
Preliminary Schedule - Monday
15:30 - 16:00
Coffee Break
16:00 - 17:30
CloudWave Training: Session II
Gregory Katsaros
Hardware Features Enabled Cloud Application Adaptation
Amir Molzam Sharifloo
FCORE: Coordinated Run-time Adaptation of Cloud Applications and Cloud Infrastructure
Philipp Leitner, Harini Gunabalan
Feedback-Driven Development and Developer-Targeted Analytics in CloudWave
CloudWays: Session II
Mahdi Fahmideh Gholami, Farhad Daneshgar and Fethi Rabhi
Cloud Migration Methodologies: Preliminary Findings
Tino Fleuren
Workflow Skeletons: Improving Scientific Workflow Execution through Service Migration
Simon Harrer, Oliver Kopp and Jörg Lenhard
Patterns for Workflow Engine Benchmarking
Alexander G. Mirnig, Artur Lupp and Manfred Tscheligi
Patterns in HCI - A Discussion of Lessons Learned
Welcome Reception
Preliminary Schedule - Tuesday
09:00 - 10:30
Frank Leymann
Loose Coupling and Architectural Implications
10:30 - 11:00
Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:30
Session 1: Policies and Performance
Somchart Fugkeaw and Hiroyuki Sato
Updating Policies in CP-ABE-based Access Control: An Optimized and Secure Service
Javid Taheri, Albert Y. Zomaya and Andreas Kassler
vmBBThrPred: A Black-Box Throughput Predictor for Virtual Machines in
Cloud Environments
Rafael Brundo Uriarte, Francesco Tiezzi and Rocco De Nicola (Best Paper Candidate)
Dynamic SLAs for Clouds
12:30 - 13:30
13:30 - 15:00
Session 2: Fault Tolerance
Antonio Brogi, Andrea Canciani and Jacopo Soldani (Best Paper Candidate)
Fault-aware application management protocols
George Feuerlicht and Hong Thai Tran
Improving Reliability of Cloud-based Enterprise Applications
Julia Désirée Krämer and Heike Wehrheim
A Short Survey on Using Software Error Localization for Service Compositions
15:00 - 16:00
Session 3: Adaptation
Mauro Caporuscio, Mirko D’Angelo, Vincenzo Grassi and Raffaela Mirandola
Reinforcement Learning Techniques for Decentralized Self-adaptive Service Assembly
Kálmán Képes, Uwe Breitenbücher, Santiago Gómez Sáez, Jasmin Guth, Frank Leymann
and Matthias Wieland
Situation-Aware Execution and Dynamic Adaptation of Traditional Workflow Models
16:00 - 16:30
Coffee Break
16:30 - 18:00
Session 4: SLA-aware Services
Kyriakos Kritikos and Dimitris Plexousakis
Subsumption Reasoning for QoS-based Service Matchmaking
Kyriakos Kritikos and Dimitris Plexousakis
Towards Combined Functional and Non-Functional Semantic Service Discovery
Stijn de Gouw, Jacopo Mauro, Behrooz Nobakht and Gianluigi Zavattaro
Declarative Elasticity in ABS
Mayor’s Reception
Preliminary Schedule - Wednesday
09:00 - 10:30
David Costa
A Perspective on Software as a Service and its Distributive (Business) Laws
10:30 - 11:00
Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:30
Session 5: Job Placement
Zoltan Mann (Best Paper Candidate)
Interplay of virtual machine selection and virtual machine placement
Hamid Arabnejad, Pooyan Jamshidi, Giovani Estrada, Nabil El Ioini and Claus Pahl
An Auto-Scaling Cloud Controller based on Fuzzy Q-Learning - Implementation in OpenStack
Paolo Bottoni, Emanuele Gabrielli, Gabriele Gualandi, Luigi Mancini and Franco Stolfi
FedUp! Cloud Federation as a Service
12:30 - 13:30
13:30 - 14:30
Session 6: Compositionality
Michael Gysel, Lukas Kölbener, Wolfgang Giersche and Olaf Zimmermann
Service Cutter: A Systematic Approach to Service Decomposition
Sonja Brangewitz and Simon Hoof
Economic Aspects of Service Composition: Price Negotiations and Quality Investments
14:30 - 15:00
Schahram Dustdar
Wrap up & Closing
Important Notes
Wi-Fi / Free Internet Access
Throughout the conference area of ESOCC 2016, wireless Internet access will be available.
This service is supplied free of charge and you can find the access data in your conference bag.
If the conference participants have an access to the eduroam service, you can also access the
Internet with the credentials of your home institution.
Registration Desk
The registration desk is open daily from 08:00 onwards and located in front of EI 8.
Your ESOCC 2016 name badge serves as your admission pass to conference sessions and social
events. Please wear your name badge at all times while inside the conference venue and at the
social events.
All Conference attendees and participants must be registered. People with no conference registration are not allowed on the premisies.
Tuesday Sep 6, 9:00, EI 8
Loose Coupling and Architectural Implications
Frank Leymann (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
Loose coupling is a key architectural principle for ensuring a range
of non-functional properties. It is extensively and successfully
used in message queuing for many decades. In this talk we will
show that service computing (in both styles, i.e. SOA-based as
well as REST-based) is enabling loose coupling too. Based on this,
the talk will argue why microservices is nothing really new. Best
practices (aka patterns) will be discussed that help building loosely
coupled applications for the cloud. The use of patters in architecting applications will reveal some opportunities for future research.
Frank Leymann is a full professor of computer science and founder of the Institute of Architecture
of Application Systems (IAAS) at the University of Stuttgart, Germany. His research interests include middleware, service computing, workflow management, cloud computing, and patterns. The
projects he is working on are funded by the European Union, the German Government, or
directly by industry partners. Frank is co-author of about 350 peer-reviewed papers, more
than 50 patents, and several industry standards. Before moving to university he served as a
Distinguished Engineer at IBM for two decades.
Wednesday Sep 7, 9:00, EI 8
A Perspective on Software as a Service and
its Distributive (Business) Laws
David Costa (Fredhopper, Netherlands)
The most successful and disruptive instances of cloud computing
are instances of service-oriented computing in cloud computing
environments. The transformative effect that this symbiotic relationship has produced is unequivocal. Fredhopper is a concrete
example of a software company that has taken this transformative opportunity to reinvent itself. Starting as early as 2009, it
began a journey to evolve its software technology from a traditional on-premise enterprise stack offering to a service-oriented cloud stack offering. This decision meant that from a business
point of view the company had to gradually transform and evolve
into a software managed service provider. The journey is still ongoing and the ultimate goal is to
reach an "As a Service" standard. In this talk, I will present the lessons we learned so far in our
journey. We share Fredhopper's perspective about "As a Service" versus managed service. We
zoom into the most significant lessons, engineering and operational in nature, and highlight how
reciprocally both have affected the choices we made. We will also chime in on the differences
between enterprise and consumer market expectations regarding an "As a Service" standard. Concretely we will compare both in terms of SLA, QoS, upgradeability, commitment
terms. Despite the differences, interestingly, we will argue that we witness a convergence
in expectations by both markets and that constitutes in our journey an opportunity in itself.
David Costa is the CTO and Head of R&D at Fredhopper in Amsterdam and a research member at
CWI in Amsterdam at the Foundations of Software Engineering group. He has a Software Engineering and Computer Science education background and received his PhD in Computer Science
in 2010 from Vrije Universiteit, Netherlands. His research interests include areas of large scale
distributed systems, immutable infrastructure design, loosely coupled architectures, and cloud
computing. Furthermore, David has 10 years of large-scale systems engineering experience, and
5 years of business management responsibilities as CTO.
Main Events
5th European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud
Computing (ESOCC)
The European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC) is the premier conference on advances in the state of the art and practice of Service-Oriented Computing and Cloud
Computing in Europe. ESOCC has evolved from the ECOWS (European Conference on Web Services) conference series. The first edition of the new series, ESSOC 2012, was successfully held
in Bertinoro - Italy, the second edition, ESOCC 2013, was held in Malaga - Spain, the third edition,
ESOCC 2014 was held in Manchester - UK, and the fourth edition, ESOCC 2015, in Taormina (Messina) - Italy. This series continues with ESOCC 2016 in Vienna.
The main objectives of this conference are to facilitate the exchange between researchers and
practitioners in the areas of Service-oriented Computing and Cloud Computing and to foster future collaborations in Europe and beyond. ESOCC 2016 includes invited talks and presentations of
selected research papers of top researchers from academia and industry. ESOCC 2016 will also
include a PhD Symposium and a series of workshops and a training session..
General Chair
Schahram Dustdar
Local Chair
Stefan Schulte
Program Chairs
Marco Aiello, Einar Broch Johnsen
Industry Track Chairs
Matteo Melideo, Audris Mockus
Workshop Chairs
Alexander Lazovik, Stefan Schulte
IFIP WG Chairs
Luciano Baresi, Winfried Lamersdorf
Steering Committee
Antonio Brogi
Schahram Dustdar
Paul Grefen
Winfried Lamersdorf
Kung-Kiu Lau
Frank Leymann
Flavio de Paoli
Cesare Pautasso
Ernesto Pimentel
Ulf Schreier
Massimo Villari
John Erik Wittern
Gianluigi Zavattaro
Olaf Zimmermann
Wolf Zimmermann
PhD Symposium
The ESOCC 2016 PhD Symposium is an international forum for PhD students working in any of
the areas addressed by the ESOCC conference. The main aim of the Symposium is to give PhD
students an opportunity to present their research activities and perspectives, to critically discuss
them with other PhD students and with established researchers in the area, and to get fruitful
feedback and advice on their research activity.
PhD Symposium Chairs
Gianluigi Zavattaro, Wolf Zimmermann
EU Projects Track
As in the previous ESOCC edition, ESOCC 2016 includes a special track entirely devoted to
presenting results and perspectives of EU research projects on Service-Oriented and Cloud
Computing. ESOCC 2016 EU projects track features a good opportunity for presenters to
disseminate the results of their projects, and for participants to get an updated view on the ongoing research on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing. The track will include 8 presentations of
ongoing EU projects (BEACON, CACTOS, CloudSocket, DICE, Envisage, HORSE, PaaSage).
EU Project Chair
Antonio Brogi
CloudWave – Training Session
The vision of the FP7 IP project CloudWave is a full-stack DevOps approach to the management
of cloud systems. CloudWave aligns the goals of application developers, application operators,
and infrastructure providers. For cloud operators, the CloudWave model enables more efficient
instance management, as application developers collaborate with the cloud provider, for example
by offering callable application adaptations to reduce or change resource consumption and by exposing relevant business metrics. With a great knowledge of the application behavior and potential, the cloud infrastructure can now make better decisions on how to modify its configuration to
support the application. In return, cloud application developers gain deep insight into the internals
of the cloud system, and can hence build and tune their application based on real-time feedback
from the cloud.
Organising Comitee
Philipp Leitner, Andreas Metzger, Eliot Salant
CLIoT: Cloud for IoT
Cloud computing represents a very flexible technology, able to offer theoretically unlimited
computing and storage capabilities. It addresses two important goals for distributed system: high
scalability and high availability. These features make the cloud computing a promising choice for
supporting IoT services. IoT has the potential to offer the killer applications of cloud computing,
where the cloud allows to access IoT based resources and capabilities, to process and manage IoT
environments and to deliver on-demand utility IoT services such as sensing/actuation as a service.
CLIoT aims at bringing together scientists, practitioners and PhD students in order to discuss the
limits and/or advantages of existing cloud solutions for IoT, and to propose original and innovative
contributions for enhancing real world resources over cloud environments.
Maria Fazio, Dana Petcu
CloudWays: Cloud Adoption and Migration
Regardless of the benefits of cloud computing, many organizations still rely on business-critical
applications – legacy systems – developed over a long period of time using traditional development methods. In spite of maintainability issues, (on-premise) legacy systems are still crucial as
they support core business processes. Therefore, migrating legacy systems towards cloud-based
platforms allows organizations to leverage their existing systems deployed and provided (using
publicly available resources) as scalable cloud services.
The 2nd International Workshop on Cloud Adoption and Migration (CloudWays 2016) aims to bring
together cloud migration experts from both academia and industry; to promote discussions and
collaboration amongst participants; to help disseminate novel cloud migration practices and solutions; and to identify future cloud migration challenges and dimensions.
Pooyan Jamshidi, Nabor C. Mendonça, Claus Pahl
PEaCE in PATTWORLD: Joint Workshop on Performance and
Conformance of Workflow Engines as well as Patterns and
Pattern Languages for SOCC
The goal of this workshop is to connect experts from industry and academia to discuss
(i) topics related to the conformance and performance of workflow management systems and
(ii) current evolutions and approaches in these domains on the basis of patterns as well as to
facilitate exchange. The workshop is also open for research on pattern fundamentals, which
includes general approaches for pattern discovery, pattern authoring, pattern usage, and pattern
language navigation. The benefit for the community is to learn about the state of the art in
patterns and services composition using workflows.
Frank Leymann, eva Kühn
Oliver Kopp, Jörg Lenhard, Cesare Pautasso, Guido Wirtz
ReSeRCH: Rethinking Services ResearCH Models
Services have played a key role in innovating and revolutionising most software intensive realms
from automotive to urban planning to aerospace and so on. In a recent gathering of the IFIP WG on
Service Oriented Computing ( we evaluate that the sector is currently undergoing a deep change. In an effort to reason on this change and to promote a new wave
of service oriented research the ReSerCh workshop proposes to gather top service engineering
and research minds that may join forces together in the effort of eliciting forward looking challenges and research roadmaps towards this radical change.
Being connected to the IFIP WG on Service Oriented Computing the attendance is only by
invitation. If you would like to participate please contact the workshop organisers: Pierluigi Plebani
( and Damian A. Tamburri (
Pierluigi Plebani, Damian A. Tamburri
Venue & Directions
Conference Venue
The conference will be held at the Campus Gußhaus of TU Wien.
The address of the venue is:
Technische Universität Wien
Campus Gußhaus
Gußhausstraße 27 - 29
1040 Vienna, Austria
Directions to Conference Venue
Directions to City Hall (Mayor’s Reception)
You can reach City Hall (Rathaus), where the Mayor’s Reception on Tuesday will be held, by foot
(approx. 30 minutes) or by taking the subway U2 from Karlsplatz to Rathaus (approx. 15 minutes).
Directions to City Hall
Directions from Subway Station
“Rathaus” to City Hall
Social Events
Welcome Reception
Monday Sep 5, 19:00, Festsaal, Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Wien
The welcome reception will be held on Monday in the
Festsaal of TU Wien. This festive room is located on the first
floor of the main building of TU Wien. During the welcome
reception, drinks and finger food will be served.
© TU Wien
Mayor’s Reception
Tuesday Sep 6, 19:30, City Hall, Friedrich-Schmidt-Platz 1, 1010 Wien
On Tuesday, the Mayor’s Reception will be held at the City
Hall (Rathaus), located in the center of Vienna. The City Hall
is one of the most beautiful buildings in Vienna and serves
as the seat of both the mayor and the city council of the city
of Vienna. It was designed by Friedrich von Schmidt and built
between 1872 and 1883. The distinctive Gothic style of the
City Hall with its magnificent and fabulous halls provides the
perfect setting for the conference’s reception.
© WienTourismus/Christian Stemper