PANZITTA SALES & SERVICE 72 George Avenue Wilkes-Barre, PA 18705 570-822-6720 800-822-6720 Model 34788-Series Recovery, Recycling, and Recharging Unit Service Manual Includes Models: AC34788 (MAC), RA-C34788 (Cornwell), GE-48800, and Robinair 48920-Series Units. P ar ts and C o m p o n e n t s PARTS AND 34788 (Basic) Service Manual COMPONENTS Parts and Components .........................................................................................89 How to Use the Parts and Components Illustrated Parts Listing .....................89 Component Assemblies .......................................................................................91 External Assembly..............................................................................................................91 Internal Assembly ...............................................................................................................94 Head Assembly ...................................................................................................................101 ISV Assembly (Domestic) ..................................................................................................104 ISV Assembly (Int’l) ............................................................................................................106 Manifold Assembly .............................................................................................................108 Vacuum Pump .....................................................................................................................116 Compressor ........................................................................................................................118 Base Assembly ...................................................................................................................120 Electrical Diagram .................................................................................................121 Plumbing Diagram .................................................................................................125 Main Component Descriptions ............................................................................127 Alphabetical Parts List ..........................................................................................129 PANZITTA SALES & SERVICE 72 George Avenue Wilkes-Barre, PA 18705 570-822-6720 800-822-6720 88 Pa rt s and Co mp o n ents 34788 (Basic) Service Manual PARTS AND COMPONENTS Purpose This section provides illustrations and parts breakdown of all parts of the assembly(ies) shown on the title page which can be disassembled, repaired or replaced, and reassembled. HOW TO USE THE PARTS AND COMPONENTS ILLUSTRATED PARTS LISTING Disassembly Order System The disassembly order system used in the parts list shows the relationship of one part to another. For a given item, replaceable parts making up the top assembly or subassembly depicts the relationship of the item to the associated next higher assembly. Indenture is not used in this illustrated parts list due to the relative simplicity of these units. Number Column (No.) This column contains the callout or index number of a part on the exploded view assembly drawing. Each number corresponds to a specific part on the drawing. When a triple dash (---) is shown, the part is either the top assembly for the drawing, or the part is not illustrated and therefore not called out. The illustrated parts list does not list or illustrate parts which lose their identity by being permanently welded or riveted to other pieces. Description Column (Description) This column lists the noun name of the item followed by any descriptor (Example: GAUGE, LOW SIDE). In this case “GAUGE” is the noun, and “LOW SIDE” is the descriptor. Units Per Assembly (Qty) The Qty column shows the total number of numbers required per assembly, per subassembly, and per sub-subassembly as applicable. For bulk items, the letters AR indicate “as required”. The letters REF, if used, indicate the item is listed for reference purposes. Part Number Column (Part No.) This column contains the part number of the item listed in the Description column. The letters RNS, REF, or the abbreviated Ref. Only, if used, indicate the item is listed for reference purposes, but is not available for purchase. A Robinair part number assigned a part is five or six digit drawing number. Part numbers beginning with RA are “Replacement Assembly” numbers. These numbers depict a kit of parts or assemblies used to repair or replace certain parts of the end item. Effectivity Column (Effectivity) Reference letters (A through Z except I and 0) are assigned to the Effectivity column to each top assembly in each IPL figure. The reference letter of the applicable top assembly is also shown in the Effectivity column for each detail part and subassembly. When no reference letter is shown for detail parts and subassemblies, the item is used on all top assemblies. Parts Replacement Data The interchangeability relationship between parts is identified in the Description column of the parts list. A list of the terms used to show interchangeability and their definition is shown in the table following. 89 P ar ts and C o m p o n e n t s PARTS LIST TERM ABBREVIATION Optional OPT Supersedes SUPSDS Superseded SUPSD BY Replaced By REPLD BY Replaces REPLS 34788 (Basic) Service Manual DEFINITION This part is interchangeable with other parts in the same Item number variant group or other item number if designated The part in the part number column replaces and is not interchangeable with the item number shown in the notation. The part in the part number column is replaced by and is not interchangeable with the item number shown in the notation. The part in the part number column is replaced by and interchangeable with the item number shown in the notation. The part in the part number column replaces and is interchangeable with the item number shown in the notation. Technical Service Bulletin (TSB) Incorporation Except as indicated below, assemblies, subassemblies and detail parts subject to modification, deletion, addition or replacement by an issued service bulletin are annotated to show both pre and post service bulletin configuration. column designates the original configuration, semblies and parts after the service bulletin modification has been completed. Subassemblies and detail parts used on assemblies bearing the pre- or post-service bulletin notation will not carry the same notation themselves if the use code(s) assigned to them clearly reflect(s) their pre- or post-service bulletin status. 90 Items Not Illustrated Items not illustrated are indicated by a (Not shown.) notation in the Description column. Alpha Variant Item Numbers Alpha variants A through Z (except I and O) are assigned to an existing item number when necessary to show: Added items Technical Service bulletin modifications Configuration differences Optional parts Product improvement parts (non service bulletin) Alpha variant item numbers are not shown on the exploded view when the appearance and location of the alpha variant item is the same as the basic item. Pa rt s and Co mp o n ents 34788 (Basic) Service Manual COMPONENT ASSEMBLIES EXTERNAL ASSEMBLY ss00426 6 1 2 3 4 7 5 8 12 9 13 11 10 14 15 16 PANZITTA SALES & SERVICE 72 George Avenue Wilkes-Barre, PA 18705 570-822-6720 800-822-6720 Figure 3-1. External Assembly 91 P ar ts and C o m p o n e n t s 34788 (Basic) Service Manual EXTERNAL ASSEMBLY No. --- 1 2 92 Description UNIT, BASIC, 34788, 115 VAC (DOMESTIC) UNIT, BASIC, 34788-1, 230 VAC (INT’L ONLY) UNIT, CORNWELL, RA-C34788, 115 VAC UNIT, MATCO, H234788, 115 VAC UNIT, MAC, AC34788, 115 VAC UNIT, GENERAL MOTORS, GE48800, 115 VAC UNIT, ROBINAIR, 48920, 115VAC UNIT, BASIC, HONDA 48920T UNIT, HONDA, 48920U, 115 VAC UNIT, ROBINAIR, 34788-H, 115VAC DECAL, 48920 CONTROL BOARD DECAL, FRONT Qty --- 1 1 Part No. Ref. Only Effectivity A Ref. Only B Ref. Only C Ref. Only Ref. Only Ref. Only D E F Ref. Only Ref. Only Ref. Only Ref. Only Ref. Only 539901 G H J K H, J A, B, F, G, H, J, K C D E A, B, F, G, K C, D, E H, J 3 FRONT PANEL ASSEMBLY 1 4 5 !"#$%&'* BOTTLE, OIL DRAIN 5 1 124244 123867 124241 544023 544250 122293 121829 17756 6 BOTTLE, OIL DRAIN CIRCUIT BREAKER, 15 AMP 1 1 121588 518638 7 8 9 CIRCUIT BREAKER, 7 AMP (INT’L ONLY) SWITCH, POWER, DPST (I/O) DECAL, 1-800 PHONE NUMBER CABLE, POWER 10 11 CABLE, POWER (INT’L ONLY) DECAL, SERIAL NUMBER STRAP, HOOK AND LOOP 552036 1 1 1 RA19343 109076 122770 1 1 545162 Ref. Only 121925 A, B, C, D, E, F, G H, J, K A, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K B A, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K B Pa rt s and Co mp o n ents 34788 (Basic) Service Manual EXTERNAL ASSEMBLY No. 12 Description MANUALS, OPERATION 13 14 15 DECAL, 34724 FILTER REORDER DECAL, UL DECAL 16 DOOR, REAR, SIDEWINDER EFFECTIVITY: ROBINAIR 34788 ROBINAIR 34788-I CORNWELL RA-C34788 MATCO H234788 MAC AC34788 GENERAL MOTORS GE-48800 ROBINAIR 48920 HONDA 48920T HONDA 48920U ROBINAIR 34788-H Qty 1 1 1 1 Part No. 539680 539602 541844 541846 541845 539602 557701 560826 540600 Ref. Only 515770 1 121575 Effectivity A, F B C D E G H, J K A, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K A B C D E F G H J K PANZITTA SALES & SERVICE 72 George Avenue Wilkes-Barre, PA 18705 570-822-6720 800-822-6720 93 P ar ts and C o m p o n e n t s 34788 (Basic) Service Manual INTERNAL PARTS ss00130 2 1 3 4 5 29 30 6 7 28 8 26 27 See Detail A 24 25 14 See 18 Detail B 15 16 17 31 32 Front View 33 34 Side View 61 62 63 35 36 37 59 60 See Detail C 38 39 40 58 57 41 42 43 44 54 55 56 53 45 52 46 See Detail D PANZITTA SALES & SERVICE 72 George Avenue Wilkes-Barre, PA 18705 570-822-6720 800-822-6720 Rear View Figure 3-2. Internal Assembly (Sheet 1 of 3) 94 Pa rt s and Co mp o n ents 34788 (Basic) Service Manual ss00424 11 8 12 9 10 18 11 13 Detail A 2X 20 4X 48 49 4X 4X 50 4X 21 Compressor Foot 51 4X 4X 22 Base Assembly 23 19 Detail B (Typical) 36 Shelf 49 4X 4X 47 35 Detail D Detail C 37 Figure 3-2. Internal Assembly (Sheet 2 of 3) 95 P ar ts and C o m p o n e n t s 34788 (Basic) Service Manual ss01291 Filtered Tank Fill Hose P/N: 566452 Hose is not reparable, except for filter replacement. R-134a Quick Seal Assembly, P/N 567796 44.381 inches 1127.28 mm Unfiltered Tank Fill Hose P/N: 539007 Hose is not reparable. Shown here for comparison purposes only. 42.00 inches 1066.8 mm Detail E PANZITTA SALES & SERVICE 72 George Avenue Wilkes-Barre, PA 18705 570-822-6720 800-822-6720 Figure 3-2. Internal Assembly (Sheet 3 of 3) 96 Pa rt s and Co mp o n ents 34788 (Basic) Service Manual INTERNAL ASSEMBLY No. --- 1 2 3 4 Description UNIT, BASIC, 34788, 115 VAC (DOMESTIC) (SEE FIGURE 3-1 FOR '*&+*;<=>? UNIT, BASIC, 34788-1, 230 VAC (INT’L ONLY) (SEE FIGURE 3-1 FOR '*&+*;<=>? UNIT, CORNWELL, H234788, 115 @;X&+[\"]X' HIGHER ASSEMBLY.) UNIT, MATCO, RA-C34788, 115 VAC X&+[\"]X'*&+*ER ASSEMBLY.) UNIT, MAC, AC34788, 115 VAC (SEE X&+[\"]X'*&+*;SEMBLY.) UNIT, GENERAL MOTORS, GE48800, 115 VAC (SEE FIGURE 3-1 X'*&+*;<=>? UNIT, ROBINAIR, 48920, 115VAC X&+[\"]X'*&+*ER ASSEMBLY.) UNIT, BASIC, HONDA 48920T (SEE X&+[\"]X'*&+*;SEMBLY.) UNIT, HONDA, 48920U, 115 VAC X&+[\"]X'*&+*ER ASSEMBLY.) UNIT, ROBINAIR, 34788-H, 115VAC X&+[\"]X'*&+*ER ASSEMBLY). HEAD ASSEMBLY (SEE FIGURE 3-3 FOR BREAKDOWN.) Qty --- ENCLOSURE, HEAD HINGE COVER ENCLOSURE HEAD, SHOULDER !"#$%&'* Part No. Ref. Only Effectivity A Ref. Only B Ref. Only C Ref. Only D Ref. Only E Ref. Only F Ref. Only G Ref. Only H Ref. Only J Ref. Only K 2 Ref. Only RA20080 Ref. Only Ref. Only 539025-2 1 541750-2 539025-1 4 541750-1 121829 A, B, F, G A, B, F, G, K C, D, E H, J A, B, F, G, H, J, K C, D, E A, B, F, G, H, J, K C, D, E 1 97 P ar ts and C o m p o n e n t s 34788 (Basic) Service Manual INTERNAL ASSEMBLY No. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 98 Description STATION PUMP, 3 CFM, 115V (SEE FIGURE 3-7.) STATION PUMP, 3 CFM, 230V (INT’L ONLY) (SEE FIGURE 3-7.) !"#$]&'* BUSHING, HEYCO HOSE, FLUSHING (SEE DETAIL A) Qty 1 Part No. RA20031 RA20075 3 1 1 Effectivity A, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K B Ref. Only 100385 546946 DETAIL A (ITEMS 9 THROUGH 13) FITTING, SPECIAL 1 546871 FITTING, SPECIAL 1 546872 O-RING 3 10267 FITTING, R134A, HIGH SIDE 1 546882 FITTING, R134A, LOW SIDE 1 546883 ***END DETAIL A*** RUBBER BUMPER 1 122256 =;&!%&'* 1 123497 CENTER DIVIDER 1 545312 =;&!%&'* 7 123497 ISV ASSEMBLY (SEE FIGURE 3-4 1 Ref. Only FOR BREAKDOWN.) ISV ASSEMBLY (SEE FIGURE 3-5 FOR BREAKDOWN.) DETAIL B (ITEMS 19 THROUGH 23) SCALE ASSEMBLY 1 RA20002 =;*!"#$_ 2 122255 INCH WASHER, FENDER, ¼ INCH ID 4 Ref. Only LOCKNUT, ¼-20 4 Ref. Only MAGNET 1 539903 ***END DETAIL B*** SHELF, VACUUM PUMP 1 545466 =;&!%&'* 2 123497 BOTTLE, OIL INJECT 1 115642 O-RING 1 112699 NUT, 8-32 SEMS 2 112414 PCB ASSEMBLY, RELAY BOARD 1 RA20070 RA20013 `"\#]z{&'* 4 Ref. Only A, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K B A, B, C, D, E A, B, C, D, E OBSOLETE Pa rt s and Co mp o n ents 34788 (Basic) Service Manual INTERNAL ASSEMBLY No. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Description TAG, POWER CABLE HOSE, TANK FILL (FILTERED) SEE DETAIL E FOR COMPARISON TO 539007 AND FILTER PART NUMBER.) HOSE, TANK FILL (UNFILTERED) (SEE DETAIL E FOR COMPARISON TO 566452.) FAN ASSEMBLY, 115V Qty 1 1 Part No. 112661 566452 1 539007 1 RA17416 FAN ASSEMBLY, 230V (INT’L ONLY) RA17516 ]$"]`\z{&'* 2 122257 DETAIL C (ITEMS 35 THROUGH 37) CAP, METAL, DRILLED, 38MM 1 RA19914 NUT, NYLON (PART OF RA19914) 1 522722 FITTING, STRAIGHT THROUGH 1 123616 ***END DETAIL C*** MANIFOLD ASSEMBLY (SEE FIG1 RA20018 URE 3-6 FOR BREAKDOWN.) MANIFOLD ASSEMBLY (SEE FIG530052 URE 3-6 FOR BREAKDOWN.) (EARLIER VERSION OF RA20018.) MANIFOLD ASSEMBLY (SEE FIGRef. Only URE 3-6 FOR BREAKDOWN.) MANIFOLD ASSEMBLY (SEE FIG557696 URE 3-6 FOR BREAKDOWN.) !"#$\"]z#&'* 1 Ref. Only ]z{]z#&'* 1 109556 DOOR LATCH KIT (CONTAINS ITEMS 2 RA19632 42, 43, 44.) (PART OF RA19916 FASTENER AND SEAL KIT.) RETAINER, DOOR LATCH (PART OF 2 Ref. Only RA19632) RECEPTACLE, DOOR LATCH (PART 2 Ref. Only OF RA19632) LATCH, DOOR (PART OF RA19632) 2 Ref. Only INSERT, DIE-CUT FOAM 1 541742 COMPRESSOR ASSEMBLY, 115V 1 RA20020 (SEE FIGURE 3-8.) COMPRESSOR ASSEMBLY, 230V RA20076 (INT’L ONLY) (SEE FIGURE 3-8.) Effectivity A, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K B A, B, C, D, E A, B, C, D, E A, B, C, D, E A, B, C, D, E A, B, C, D, E F, G H, J, K A, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K B 99 P ar ts and C o m p o n e n t s 34788 (Basic) Service Manual INTERNAL ASSEMBLY No. Description Qty Part No. DETAIL D (ITEMS 38 THROUGH 42) 47 LOCKNUT, ¼-20 4 Ref. Only 48 =;*!"#$#"&'* 4 119105 49 WASHER, FENDER, ¼ INCH ID 8 Ref. Only 50 SLEEVE, COMPRESSOR (PART OF 4 Ref. Only RA20020 AND RA20076.) 51 GROMMET, COMPRESSOR (PART 4 Ref. Only OF RA20020 AND RA20076.) ***END DETAIL D*** 52 BASE ASSEMBLY (SEE FIGURE 9 1 544094 FOR BREAKDOWN.) 53 EDGE TRIM, RUBBER A/R Ref. Only 54 SENSOR ASSEMBLY 1 RA20086 55 BRACKET (PART OF RA20086.) 1 Ref. Only 56 NUT, 1/4 FLARE 1 113564 57 NUT, 8-32 SEMS 2 112414 58 |"\#\z|&'*< 1 514514 59 POWER SUPPLY, 12 VOLT 1 RA20014 60 SCREW, SOCKET HEAD CAP M3.5 4 RS-9100 } 61 SIDE SUPPORT ASSEMBLY 1 546620 62 =;&!%&'* 7 121829 63 WASHER, FLAT ¼ INCH 7 12719 EFFECTIVITY: ROBINAIR 34788 ROBINAIR 34788-I CORNWELL RA-C34788 MATCO H234788 MAC AC34788 GENERAL MOTORS GE-48800 ROBINAIR 48920 HONDA 48920T HONDA 48920U ROBINAIR 34788-H 100 Effectivity H, J H, J A B C D E F G H J K Pa rt s and Co mp o n ents 34788 (Basic) Service Manual HEAD ASSEMBLY ss00135 1 3 2X 2 3 2X (See Note 1) (See Note 2) 4 6 5 15 8 9 7 12 11 13 17 14 16 18 19 20 10 21 NOTES: 1. Torque Item 3 to 5 in-lbs. 2. Head Assembly shown is 34788 (Effectivity codes A thru E); head assemblies for GE-48800, 34788-H, and 48920-series are similar except for Oil Inject button (Effectivity codes F thru J). 4 Figure 3-3. Head Assembly 101 P ar ts and C o m p o n e n t s 34788 (Basic) Service Manual HEAD ASSEMBLY No. --- 8 Description HEAD ASSEMBLY, BASIC (SEE X&+[\"#X'*&+*;SEMBLY.) HEAD ASSEMBLY, BRANDED (SEE X&+[\"#X'*&+*;SEMBLY.) HEAD ASSEMBLY, 48920T AND {|~#$[X&+[\"#X' HIGHER ASSEMBLY.) GAUGE, LOW SIDE GAUGE, HIGH SIDE '[*]$"\#< CABLE, INTERCONNECT TUBE, 1/8 INCH RED, 4 FEET LONG TUBE, 1/8 INCH BLUE, 4 FEET LONG =]z|< ]z|&'* '[MATIC ENCLOSURE, SWIVEL TOP, FRONT 9 10 11 12 ENCLOSURE, SWIVEL TOP, FRONT, RED DECAL, OVERLAY BEZEL (PART OF RA20001.) <;*`"\#\z]`&'* KEYPAD (RA20001 SHOWN) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 13 14 15 16 17 102 PCB ASSEMBLY, DISPLAY/CONTROL BOARD `"\#\z|&'* ENCLOSURE, SWIVEL TOP, BACK ENCLOSURE, SWIVEL TOP, BACK, RED PCB ASSEMBLY, SD CARD, NGEN RRR *X<!"#$_ INCH PHD, PH Qty --- Part No. RA20080 Effectivity A, B, F, G, K Ref. Only C, D, E Ref. Only H, J 1 1 4 1 1 1 2 RA19786 RA19787 112415 539995 RA20003 RA20004 123928 1 539024-1 541749-1 1 1 6 1 539880 539618 515022 RA20001 1 557635 RA20012 4 1 539665 Ref. Only 539024-2 541749-2 1 539649 4 231728 A, B, F, G, H, J, K C, D, E A, B, C, D, E, F, G, K H, J A, B, C, D, E, F, G, K H, J A, B, F, G, H, J, K C, D, E Pa rt s and Co mp o n ents 34788 (Basic) Service Manual HEAD ASSEMBLY No. 18 19 20 Description ENCLOSURE, SWIVEL, TOP, SIDE COVER ENCLOSURE, SWIVEL, TOP, SIDE COVER, RED `"]~_* =;TITE ENCLOSURE, SWIVEL TOP, POCKET ENCLOSURE, SWIVEL TOP, POCKET, RED 21 CABLE, SD BOARD 22 ;"; \"\z{\z\#& 23 DECAL, CONTROL PANEL, 34788 DECAL, CONTROL PANEL, 34788-I DECAL, CONTROL PANEL, MAC AC34788 DECAL, CONTROL PANEL, GE-48800 DECAL, CONTROL PANEL, 48920 EFFECTIVITY: ROBINAIR 34788 ROBINAIR 34788-I CORNWELL RA-C34788 MATCO H234788 MAC AC34788 GENERAL MOTORS GE-48800 ROBINAIR 48920 HONDA 48920T HONDA 48920U ROBINAIR 34788-H Qty 1 Part No. 539024-3 541749-3 6 121711 1 539024-4 1 3 1 Effectivity A, B, F, G, H, J, K C, D, E 541749-4 A, B, F, G, H, J, K C, D, E 539996 109695 540072 552110 541851 A B E 546987 Ref. Only F G, H, J, K A B C D E F G H J K PANZITTA SALES & SERVICE 72 George Avenue Wilkes-Barre, PA 18705 570-822-6720 800-822-6720 103 P ar ts and C o m p o n e n t s 34788 (Basic) Service Manual ISV ASSEMBLY (DOMESTIC) ss00136 1 2 8 3 7 4 LIQUID V SCALE: 1=4 6 SCALE: 1=4 5 11 10 12 9 VAPOR AIR PURGE PANZITTA SALES & SERVICE 72 George Avenue Wilkes-Barre, PA 18705 570-822-6720 800-822-6720 LIQUID 13 Figure 3-4. ISV Assembly Domestic 104 Pa rt s and Co mp o n ents 34788 (Basic) Service Manual ISV ASSEMBLY, DOMESTIC No. --- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Description ISV ASSEMBLY, DOMESTIC (SEE X&+[\"#X'*&+*;SEMBLY.) TEMPERATURE PROBE TRANSDUCER, AIR PURGE TEE, MALE BRANCH 1/8 NPTF ORIFICE, UNION, .026 <[XX=;&*;[ PRESSURE RELIEF, 450PSI X&&'+?#}X ?#}X .25MP VALVE, BALL FITTING, STRAIGHT SOLENOID, 12VDC, DISCRETE VALVE, BALL VALVE, BALL TANK, ISV Qty --- Part No. Ref. Only 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 539472 RA20067 539654 539804 519605 RA20079 508690 1 1 1 1 1 1 540322 210312 RA20009 539799 539798 539477 Effectivity All Domestic Models PANZITTA SALES & SERVICE 72 George Avenue Wilkes-Barre, PA 18705 570-822-6720 800-822-6720 105 P ar ts and C o m p o n e n t s 34788 (Basic) Service Manual ISV ASSEMBLY (INT’L) SS00440 1 2 1 3 5 6 4 7 8 Figure 3-5. ISV Assembly (Int’l) 106 Pa rt s and Co mp o n ents 34788 (Basic) Service Manual ISV ASSEMBLY, INTERNATIONAL No. --1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Description ISV ASSEMBLY, INT’L (SEE FIGURE \"#X'*&+*;<=>? SOLENOID, 12VDC, DISCRETE TEMPERATURE PROBE VALVE, BALL TRANSDUCER, AIR PURGE <[XX=;&*;[ ORIFICE, UNION, .026 X&&'+]z|X ]z|X 1/8MP TANK, ISV Qty --- Part No. Ref. Only 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 RA20009 539472 544672 RA20067 519605 539804 508690 1 543184 Effectivity All Int’l Models 107 P ar ts and C o m p o n e n t s 34788 (Basic) Service Manual MANIFOLD ASSEMBLY ss00437 3 2 4 5 4 6 2 1 Angle A NOTE: When replacing Item 3 (19 on models 48920T and U) or Item 6, set Angle A and Angle B as closely as possible to the original angle. Angles may vary by model. 8 9 3 Angle B 10 Figure 3-6. Manifold Assembly (Sheet 1 of 5) 108 7 Pa rt s and Co mp o n ents 34788 (Basic) Service Manual ss00142 12 11X 13 11 14 32 33 34 35 2X 18 12 17 15 12 3 3 16 12 Top View (GE-48800, 34788-H, and Robinair 48920) Figure 3-6. Manifold Assembly (Sheet 2 of 5) 109 P ar ts and C o m p o n e n t s 34788 (Basic) Service Manual 12 ss00141 12X 13 11 14 31 3 2X 18 12 17 15 12 3 3 16 12 Top View (Robinair 34788, 34788-I, Cornwell H234788, MATCO RA-C34788, and MAC AC34788) Figure 3-6. Manifold Assembly (Sheet 3 of 5) 110 Pa rt s and Co mp o n ents 34788 (Basic) Service Manual 12 ss00438 13 12X 11 14 19 18 17 12 12 15 3 3 16 12 Top View (Honda 48920T and 48920U) Figure 3-6. Manifold Assembly (Sheet 4 of 5) 111 P ar ts and C o m p o n e n t s ss00439 23 22 24 34788 (Basic) Service Manual 25 26 21 20 27 26 28 30 36 29 Figure 3-6. Manifold Assembly (Sheet 5 of 5) PANZITTA SALES & SERVICE 72 George Avenue Wilkes-Barre, PA 18705 570-822-6720 800-822-6720 112 Pa rt s and Co mp o n ents 34788 (Basic) Service Manual MANIFOLD ASSEMBLY No. --- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Description MANIFOLD ASSEMBLY (SEE FIG[\"#X'*&+*;SEMBLY.) MANIFOLD ASSEMBLY (SEE FIG[\"#X'*&+*;SEMBLY.) MANIFOLD ASSEMBLY (SEE FIG[\"#X'*&+*;SEMBLY.) NOTE: MANIFOLD NO LONGER AVAILABLE. NOT USED AFTER 11-1-2008. MANIFOLD ASSEMBLY (SEE FIG[\"#X'*&+*;SEMBLY.) NOTE: USED AFTER 11-12008. MANIFOLD ASSEMBLY, 48920T X&+[\"#X'*&+*ER ASSEMBLY.) =]z|< ]z| '[<;& (SEE NOTE F.) SOLENOID, 12VDC, DISCRETE (S13 AND S14) =< &']z|< 3/8 INCH PNEUMATIC (SEE NOTE F.) X&&'+< &']z|' ¼ INCH (SEE NOTE F.) VALVE, CHECK (SEE NOTE E.) TEE, MALE BRANCH, 1/8 NPTF(SEE NOTE F.) BALL, MANIFOLD PLUG (NOT SHOWN.) CAP, ¼ INCH FLARE W/O-RING(SEE NOTES F AND G.) VALVE CORE, SCHRADER (SEE NOTE A.) (PART OF RA19916) X&&'+!<X=]z|' X NOTE F.) SWITCH, HIGH PRESSURE CUTOUT VALVE, CHECK (75 IN-LB) (SEE NOTE F.) Qty --- Part No. RA20018 Effectivity A, B, C, D, E 530052 A, B, C, D, E Ref. Only F, G, K 546621 F, G, K 557696 H.J 1 123928 2 RA20009 3 122950 2 122917 1 1 RA20015 539654 5 Ref. Only 1 111098 1 Ref. Only 1 100272 1 RA19427 7 6 RA20016 A, B, C, D, E F, G, H, J, K 113 P ar ts and C o m p o n e n t s 34788 (Basic) Service Manual MANIFOLD ASSEMBLY No. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 114 Description SOLENOID, 12VDC, MANIFOLD (SEE NOTE D.) (S1 THRU S12) SOLENOID, 12VDC, MANIFOLD (SEE NOTE D.) (S1, S2 AND S4 THRU S12) X&&'+*;=X['&'?]#< ?#} FL(SEE NOTE F.) '']z|' X]z| '[MATIC (SEE NOTE F.) TUBE, MANIFOLD CONNECTOR (SEE NOTE C.) SCREW, SOCKET HEAD (SEE NOTE B.) ACCUMULATOR TRANSDUCER =< &']z|' X ¼ INCH (ON UNITS BUILT PRIOR TO 11-1-2008 WITH OIL INJECT.) O-RING (SEE NOTE H.) O-RING, CO873 2-240 (SEE NOTE G.) O-RING, PARKER P/N SB17-119-7N (SEE NOTE G.) O-RING, PARKER P/N SB17-143-7N (SEE NOTE G.) FILTER ELEMENT, COALESCING BOWL, OIL SEPARATOR (SEE NOTE A.) ['&']z|< ]z|< ?~ NOTE F.) *;'+*; SHELL, ACCUMULATOR FILTER DRIER, SPIN ON MANIFOLD BLOCK, LOWER =< &']z|' 1/4 PLUG, 1/8-27 NPTF SOCKET HD (SEE NOTE F.) NOT SHOWN. (NONOIL INJECT UNITS ONLY.) PLUG (NON-OIL INJECT UNITS ONLY.) Qty 12 Part No. RA20010 Effectivity A, B, C, D, E, H, J F, G, K 11 RA20010 2 100740 2 121771 1 537991 1 10001 2 1 RA20066 119984 2 1 18190 539668 1 123785 1 123786 1 1 123787 Ref. Only 2 101307 1 1 1 1 1 523477 Ref. Only 34724 Ref. Only 539544 A. B, C, D, E 1 Ref. Only F, G, H, J, K 1 546609 F, G, H, J, K A, B, C, D, E, H, J Pa rt s and Co mp o n ents 34788 (Basic) Service Manual MANIFOLD ASSEMBLY No. 34 Description O-RING 016-NITRILE-70 (SEE NOTE G.) NOT SHOWN. (NON-OIL INJECT UNITS ONLY.) 35 O-RING 008 NITRILE-70 DUR (SEE NOTE G.) NOT SHOWN. (NON-OIL INJECT UNITS ONLY.) 36 MANIFOLD BLOCK, TOP EFFECTIVITY: ROBINAIR 34788 ROBINAIR 34788-I CORNWELL RA-C34788 MATCO H234788 MAC AC34788 GENERAL MOTORS GE-48800 ROBINAIR 48920 HONDA 48920T HONDA 48920U ROBINAIR 34788-H Qty 1 Part No. 10302 Effectivity F, G, H, J, K 1 10265 F, G, H, J, K 1 Ref. Only A B C D E F G H J K MANIFOLD ASSEMBLY NOTES A. Torque Shrader valve core (item 14) and Oil Bowl Separator (item 25) to 1.5-3.0 IN-LB. B. Torque to 30 IN-LB. C. Apply Loctite 242 to threads of Manifold Connection Tube (item 16), then torque to 75 IN-LB. D. Torque Manifold Solenoids (item 13) to manifold at 75 (±5) IN-LB. E. Torque Check Valve (item 12) to 75 (±5) IN-LB; 6-places. F. Apply Loctite 565 on all pipe threads. G. Lubricate all O-rings on components before assembly. 115 P ar ts and C o m p o n e n t s 34788 (Basic) Service Manual VACUUM PUMP ss00138 2 3 1 4 5 6 7 Figure 3-7. Vacuum Pump PANZITTA SALES & SERVICE 72 George Avenue Wilkes-Barre, PA 18705 570-822-6720 800-822-6720 116 Pa rt s and Co mp o n ents 34788 (Basic) Service Manual VACUUM PUMP ASSEMBLY No. --- Description VACUUM PUMP ASSEMBLY, 1.5 CFM, 115VAC VACUUM PUMP ASSEMBLY, 1.5 CFM, 230VAC VACUUM PUMP ASSEMBLY, 3 CFM, 115VAC 1 RESERVOIR ASSEMBLY (NOTE: ITEMS 1 THRU 7 ARE FOR THE 3 CFM PUMP ONLY. 1.5 CFM PUMPS DO NOT HAVE REPLACEMENT PARTS. 1.5 CFM PUMPS MUST BE ORDERED AS A COMPLETE UNIT.) 2 BRASS DISCHARGE FITTING (PART OF ITEM 1) 3 BRASS INLET FITTING (PART OF ITEM 1) 4 SIGHT GLASS NUT (PART OF ITEM 1) 5 OIL FILL PLUG (PART OF ITEM 1) 6 SIGHT GLASS ASSY W/O-RING (PART OF ITEM 1) 7 OIL DRAIN ASSEMBLY W/CAP (PART OF ITEM 1) EFFECTIVITY: ROBINAIR 34788 ROBINAIR 34788-I CORNWELL RA-C34788 MATCO H234788 MAC AC34788 GENERAL MOTORS GE-48800 ROBINAIR 48920 HONDA 48920T HONDA 48920U ROBINAIR 34788-H Qty 1 Part No. RA20031 RA20075 RA20017 1 RA19950 1 Ref. Only 1 Ref. Only 1 Ref. Only 1 1 RA20019 Ref. Only 1 Ref. Only Effectivity A, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K B A, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K A B C D E F G H J K 117 P ar ts and C o m p o n e n t s 34788 (Basic) Service Manual COMPRESSOR ss00137 Discharge Compressor Oil Return (Suction) Suction 1 Figure 3-8. Compressor 118 Pa rt s and Co mp o n ents 34788 (Basic) Service Manual COMPRESSOR ASSEMBLY, 115 AND 230V No. --- Description COMPRESSOR, 115V (DOMESTIC) COMPRESSOR, 230V (INT’L ONLY) 1 ELECTRICAL SERVICE KIT, 115V (INCLUDES THERMAL PROTECTOR, START RELAY, CAPACITOR, CAPACITOR CAP, AND CAPACITOR LEADS.) ELECTRICAL SERVICE KIT, 230V (INCLUDES THERMAL PROTECTOR, START RELAY, CAPACITOR, CAPACITOR CAP, AND CAPACITOR LEADS.) EFFECTIVITY: ROBINAIR 34788 ROBINAIR 34788-I CORNWELL RA-C34788 MATCO H234788 MAC AC34788 GENERAL MOTORS GE-48800 ROBINAIR 48920 HONDA 48920T HONDA 48920U ROBINAIR 34788-H Qty --- Part No. RA20020 --1 RA20076 RA20060 RA20061 Effectivity A, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K B A, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K B A B C D E F G H J K PANZITTA SALES & SERVICE 72 George Avenue Wilkes-Barre, PA 18705 570-822-6720 800-822-6720 119 P ar ts and C o m p o n e n t s 34788 (Basic) Service Manual BASE ASSEMBLY ss00144 1 6 2X 4 2X 3 2X 1 2X 2 2X 7 7X 8 Figure 3-9. Base Assembly BASE ASSEMBLY No. --1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 120 Description BASE ASSEMBLY (SEE FIGURE 1 X'*&+*;<=>? BASE COTTER PIN WASHER, FLAT, .500 ID WHEEL, PNEUMATIC, GRAY, 10 INCH BUSHING, WHEEL ;= ;}&'*&;#&'*& =;&!&'*] INCH Qty 1 Part No. 544094 1 2 2 2 Ref. Only 100723 102755 121841 2 1 2 8 Ref. Only Ref. Only RA19631 Ref. Only Effectivity Pa rt s and Co mp o n ents 34788 (Basic) Service Manual ELECTRICAL DIAGRAM ss00149 Manifold Assembly ISV Assembly Air Purge Transducer Accumulator Transducer Temperature Probe Low-Side Transducer S15 - Air Purge 3 1 Scale Assembly 4 J7 14 J11 J17 J13 J14 J8 Display/Control Circuit Board J5 S2 - HS Clear S5 - HS Charge S6 - LS Charge S10 - Recover S11 - Tank Fill J18 J16 J9 J11 S1 - N Discharge J6 J4 J1 13 SD Card J1 S3 - Oil Inject (when applicable) S4 - DP Recover S7 - HS Inlet S8 - Vacuum S9 - LS Inlet S12 - Pwr Charge S13 - Oil Return S14 - Oil Drain J2 HP Switch 5 J3 Vacuum Pump 12 7 Power Switch J1 11 Circuit Breaker 10 J2 12 Volt Power Supply Compressor 9 8 Fan Figure 3-10. Electrical Diagram (Sheet 1 of 2) 121 P ar ts and C o m p o n e n t s 34788 (Basic) Service Manual ss00444 Sensor Assembly ISV Assembly Manifold Assembly Air Purge Transducer Accumulator Transducer 2 Temperature Probe Low-Side Transducer S3 - Thermistor Solenoid S4 - DP Recover S7 - HS Inlet S8 - Vacuum S9 - LS Inlet S12 - Pwr Charge S13 - Oil S14 - Oil Drain S15 - Air Purge 3 1 15 4 J7 Scale Assembly J12 J11 J20 J13 J19 J17 J15 J5 J14 Display/Control Circuit Board J8 J10 J16 J9 J11 J21 S1 - N Discharge J6 14 SD Card J1 S2 - HS Clear S5 - HS Charge S6 - LS Charge S10 - Recover S11 - Tank Fill J18 J4 J1 13 HP Switch J3 J2 5 Vacuum Pump 12 7 Circuit Breaker J1 12 Volt Power Supply Power Switch 11 J2 Compressor 9 8 10 Figure 3-10. Electrical Diagram (Sheet 2 of 2) 122 Fan 34788 (Basic) Service Manual Pa rt s and Co mp o n ents WIRING HARNESS DIAGRAM PARTS LIST No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Description HARNESS, RELAY BOARD (J7, J8, J13, J14) TO AIR PURGE, ACCUMULATOR, LOW SIDE TRANSDUCERS, TEMPERATURE PROBE HARNESS, VACUUM SENSOR (J15, J19) HARNESS, RELAY BOARD (J11) TO \ +"{||$$\{||"* AND 48920], S4, S7, S8, S9, S12, S13, S14 HARNESS, RELAY BOARD (J17 AND J18) TO S2, S5, S6, S10, S11 CHARGE, S1 DISCHARGE, AND S15 PURGE (USED WITH THE RA20013 WHICH IS OBSOLETE.) HARNESS, RELAY BOARD (J17 AND J18) TO S2, S5, S6, S10, S11 CHARGE, S1 DISCHARGE, AND S15 PURGE (FOR ALL CURRENT PRODUCTION, AND RA2000.) HARNESS, RELAY BOARD (J4) TO HIGH PRESSURE SWITCH HARNESS, COMPRESSOR PIGTAIL WIRE (64, 66, 76) T0 COMPRESSOR START RELAY, THERMAL SWITCH, GROUND THROUGH HARNESS 539991 (NOT SHOWN.) HARNESS, COMPRESSOR TO HARNESS 539989 HARNESS, RELAY BOARD (J6) TO VACUUM PUMP, FAN, AND COMPRESSOR THROUGH HARNESS 539991 HARNESS, RELAY BOARD (J2) TO POWER SUPPLY (J1, J2) CABLE, GROUND WIRE POWER CABLE, 115VAC POWER CABLE, 230VAC HARNESS, RELAY BOARD (J1 AND J3) TO POWER SWITCH AND CIRCUIT BREAKER Qty 1 Part No. 539988 Effectivity 1 557700 H, J 1 539987 1 539927 549381 1 539992 1 544997 1 539991 1 539989 1 539994 1 1 539993 122770 1 545162 539990 A, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K B 123 P ar ts and C o m p o n e n t s 34788 (Basic) Service Manual WIRING HARNESS DIAGRAM PARTS LIST No. 13 Description HARNESS, DISPLAY/CONTROL (J11) TO SD CARD (J1) 14 HARNESS, RELAY BOARD (J5) TO DISPLAY/CONTROL PCB (J9) 15 HARNESS, RELAY BOARD (J16) TO SCALE (PART OF SCALE ASSEMBLY P/N 539853. SEE NHA, FIGURE 3-2.) 16 LEAD, CAPACITOR (NOT SHOWN.) EFFECTIVITY: ROBINAIR 34788 ROBINAIR 34788-I CORNWELL RA-C34788 MATCO H234788 MAC AC34788 GENERAL MOTORS GE-48800 ROBINAIR 48920 HONDA 48920T HONDA 48920U ROBINAIR 34788-H Qty 1 Part No. 539996 1 539995 1 Ref. Only 1 516844 PANZITTA SALES & SERVICE 72 George Avenue Wilkes-Barre, PA 18705 570-822-6720 800-822-6720 124 Effectivity A B C D E F G H J K Pa rt s and Co mp o n ents 34788 (Basic) Service Manual PLUMBING DIAGRAM ss00146 3 4 2X 7 6 2X Vapor 8 Liquid ISV Assembly Vacuum Pump 1 Red Tube From High Side Gauge 5 2 Manifold Assembly Blue Tube From Low Side Gauge Note: Use Locktite 242 Or Equivalent On Threads Of All Hoses And Fittings 9 10 Oil Inject Bottle 11 12 13 21 2X Manifold Assembly 14 15 2X 1.5 16 17 2X Oil Drain 20 Bottle 18 Compressor 2X 19 Figure 3-11. Plumbing Diagram PLUMBING DIAGRAM PARTS LIST No. --- 1 2 3 4 Description HOSE SET, SERVICE, HIGH AND LOW SIDE, W/ADAPTERS (COMPRISED OF P/N 540331 [RED] AND 540332 [BLUE]) HIGH SIDE HOSE, RED LOW SIDE HOSE, BLUE VACUUM HOSE, LOW SIDE, TUB&'+!&'*$?${$&'*& NUT, COMPRESSION, ¼ INCH TUBE Qty 1 Part No. 37422 1 1 19” 540331 540332 120225 2 RA20007 Effectivity 125 P ar ts and C o m p o n e n t s 34788 (Basic) Service Manual PLUMBING DIAGRAM PARTS LIST No. 5 Description VACUUM HOSE, HIGH SIDE, TUBING, 3/8 INCH HIGH PRESSURE 6 NUT, COMPRESSION, 3/8 INCH TUBE 7 HOSE, ISV LIQUID 8 HOSE, ISV VAPOR 9 &=&' [!&'* 0.040 INCH ID 10 NUT, COMPRESSION, ¼ INCH TUBE 11 HOSE, TANK FILL (FILTERED) HOSE, TANK FILL (UNFILTERED) 12 @;[[< [< *;[[! &'*$?${$&'*& 13 NUT, COMPRESSION, ¼ INCH TUBE 14 SUCTION TUBE, MANIFOLD TO COMPRESSOR, 3/8 INCH HIGH PRESSURE 15 NUT, COMPRESSION, 3/8 INCH TUBE 16 DISCHARGE TUBE, COMPRESSOR TO MANIFOLD 17 O-RING, NEOPRENE 18 COMPRESSOR OIL RETURN TUBE, 3/8 INCH HIGH PRESSURE 19 NUT, COMPRESSION, 3/8 INCH TUBE 20 ['>=']z|&'*?$$ ID (SEE FIGURE 6, ITEM 1 FOR COMPRESSION FITTING.) 21 ;"; |&'*='+?]| THK EFFECTIVITY: ROBINAIR 34788 ROBINAIR 34788-I CORNWELL RA-C34788 MATCO H234788 MAC AC34788 GENERAL MOTORS GE-48800 ROBINAIR 48920 HONDA 48920T HONDA 48920U ROBINAIR 34788-H 126 Qty 16” Part No. RA20005 1 RA20006 1 1 23” 541533 539068 120225 1 1 1 28” RA20007 567272 539007 120225 1 15.5” RA20007 RA20005 2 RA20006 1 538469 2 12” RA19916 RA20005 2 RA20006 27” 121773 2 Ref. Only Effectivity A, B, C, D, E A, B, C, D, E A B C D E F G H J K