Updated June 28, 2016 Information about Spanish Language Courses Summer 2016 Dear incoming class and faculty advisors, Welcome to the Hispanic Studies Department and the Spanish Language Program. Please read carefully the information we have prepared to guide you in the selection of courses we offer in the language program and the rules we follow to place students according to proficiency level. Detailed information and complete course descriptions can be found in the Banner course catalog and Class schedule for the Fall 2015, and on our Hispanic Studies Website under the heading “Undergraduate” http://www.brown.edu/Departments/Hispanic_Studies/ The Brown Placement Exam is a computer-­­administered test that students can take remotely. Students with previous coursework in Spanish must take the exam unless they earned a score of at least 4 on the Spanish AP exam or can present the appropriate recent SAT II score. Students who received an AP score of 3 or under and have no SAT II score should take the Brown Placement Exam. Students with substantive non-­­academic contact with Spanish (living abroad, speaking Spanish at home) should also take the exam before entering a Spanish course. For more information about course placement, go to: https://www.brown.edu/academics/hispanicstudies/language-placement After successfully completing an approved Spanish language course at Brown, students with a 4 or 5 AP score in Spanish may opt to transcript an additional, unassigned credit in Spanish. **Please note: All Spanish Language courses are independent courses and there are no requirements to take subsequent courses in order to receive credit. HISP 0100 is the introductory Spanish course appropriate for students with no prior exposure to Spanish. HISP 0200 continues basic Spanish, focusing on acquisition of communicative skills as well as cultural awareness. HISP 0110, Intensive Basic Spanish. Students who wish to complete the HISP 0100-­­0200 sequence in one semester may do so by enrolling in HISP 0110 for a two semester course credit. Students must have some previous knowledge of Spanish from High School or elsewhere and have scored below 340 in the Brown Placement Exam or below 450 in SAT II. Absolute true beginners with knowledge of Romance Languages or Latin, consult with instructor. Instructor’s permission is required. HISP 0300 and 0400 are intermediate courses; HISP 0500 and 0600 are advanced courses that help students function at higher levels of proficiency in speaking and writing. HISP 500: Advanced Spanish I: Offers comprehensive work in listening, speaking, reading, and writing, with targeted grammar review. Students work with a variety of readings (literature, newspaper articles, etc.) and Updated June 28, 2016 with art forms such as film and music, in order to develop oral and written expression and to explore issues relevant to the Hispanic world. Students explore topics of their own interest through student-led activities presentations and a final group project that involves research in the community beyond the classroom. Prerequisite: HISP0400 or placement: SAT II scores between 600 and 660, Brown Placement Exam scores between 491 and 570, or AP score of 4 in language or literature. Please check Hispanic Studies website (Undergraduate Programs) for course descriptions and placement information. HISP 600: Advanced Spanish II: Offers continued, advanced-­­level work in speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills, with focused review of challenging aspects of Spanish grammar. Course materials include films, music, art works, and a variety of written texts (articles, stories, plays, a novella, etc.) chosen to promote class discussion and in-­­depth written analysis. There will be individual and group activities, including in-­­class presentations and creative writing projects. Prerequisite: HISP0500 or placement: SATII scores between 670 and 740, Brown Placement Exam scores between 571 and 650, or AP score of 5 in language. Please check Hispanic Studies website (Undergraduate Programs) for course descriptions and placement information. HISP 730, 740, and 750 are more customized courses, all of them approximately at the same level, but with different emphases. HISP 730 and 740 serve as introductions to all periods of Latin American and Peninsular literature, and they are especially helpful to potential concentrators in Hispanic Studies. All students, including concentrators, are required to take either 730 or 740 before proceeding to 1000-­­level courses. HISP 750 courses offer various more specialized topics in Hispanic culture and civilization. Descriptions of all Spanish language courses may be found in the Course Announcement Bulletin and online in the Banner course catalog under “Hispanic Studies.” Placement scores and corresponding course levels Spanish Course SAT II Score AP Score Brown Placement Exam Score HISP 710-730, 740, 750- 760 750 & above 5 (literature) 651 & above HISP 600 670-740 5 (language) 571- 650 HISP490*** -HISP 500 600-660 4 (language or literature) 491- 570 HISP 400 520-590 411- 490 HISP 300 460-510 341 – 410 HISP 200 400-450 241 - 340 HISP 110** 300-450 Below 340 HISP 100 300-390 Below 240 3 or below: take Brown Placement Exam ** If interested in HISP 110, contact Prof. Nidia Schuhmacher, nidia_schuhmacher@borwn.edu or Mrs. Mary Oliver, mary_oliver@brown.edu *** HISP 490 is Medical Spanish course that has the same pre-reqs/placement requirements as HISP500, but does NOT qualify as a pre-req for study abroad or for HISP 600. Students who complete 490 successfully can continue in our program, with HISP500 as the next level. If interested in HISP 490, contact Prof. Jill Kuhnheim, jill_kuhnheim@brown.edu Updated June 28, 2016 HISP100 and HISP200, that is, below 340 in the Brown Placement Exam or below 450 in the SATII, may be eligible to enroll in this 2 semester in one course. If interested, contact Prof. Nidia Schuhmacher, nidia_schuhmacher@brown.edu or Mrs. Mary Oliver, mary_oliver@brown.edu **Students who have knowledge of Latin or other Romance languages but never took Spanish, should also take a Spanish Placement Test before registering for any Spanish language course. Note: A student who has a 4 or 5 AP score will also receive one unassigned credit in Spanish in addition to the credit received after successfully completing one of the courses listed. What do I do if I feel I am placed too high or low? There is no perfect placement tool. If you feel that the Spanish course in which you placed is not appropriate, talk to your instructor or the supervisor of the course. More information about the different levels of Spanish language courses is available on our course preview pages at http://courses.brown.edu/. Students who are unable to register for a course online because the section was already closed are encouraged to attend the first days of class in the section of their choice and follow the instructions provided by the instructor. Enrollment will shift during the first week or two while students work out their course schedules. We strive to help students find their level and place in the language courses. For more information If after visiting the Hispanic Studies website you have questions, you can speak with departmental representative at the Academic Expo on Monday, September 5th, from 3:00-­­4:30 p.m., in Sayles Hall (Main Green). You can also contact the Hispanic Studies Language Faculty: Eva_Gomez_Garcia@brown.edu; Nidia_Schuhmacher@brown.edu; Victoria_Smith@brown.edu; or Silvia_Sobral@brown.edu.