CE Department Faculty Publications Dr. A.V. NARASIMHA RAO XVI. LIST OF Ph.D. Dissertations Guided/ In Progress. 1. A Study on Flexural Behaviour of Beams Reinforced with Geo fabrics (Awarded). 2. Use of Admixtures and Geo fabrics in the construction of pavements on Soft/Expansive Clayey Subgrades (Awarded). 3. Modification of Geotechnical Properties of An Expansive Clay Through Inorganic Chemicals (Awarded). Effect of Certain Industrial Effluents on the Geotechnical Properties of an Expansive Soil (Awarded). Studies on Self Compacting Concrete (synopsis submitted). 4. Reuse of Industrial Sludge in Cement Construction (In progress). 5. Prediction of Ultimate Bearing Capacity and Settlement of Shallow Foundations on Cohesive Soils using Computational Techniques (In progress). 6. Experimental Studies on Ultra Super High Strength Concrete (In progress). XVIL LIST OF PUBLICATIONS (International / National / Journals & Conferences) (a) International Journals 1. Deformation Behaviour of Indian Marine Clay under Cyclic Loading, Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering at Stavanger, Norway, June. 1991. 2. Harmful Effects of Certain Industrial Wastes on Geotechnical Properties of Soils – A Review, Journal of Nature Environmental and Pollution Technology (A Multi – Disciplinary, International Journal on all Aspects of Environmental), Vol IX, NO.4, Decmber 2010, PP 799•804, Techno Publications, Karad, Maharashtra. 3. Application of Agricultural and Domestic Waters in Geotechnical Applications: An Overview, Journal of Environmental Research and Development (An international Research Journal of Natural sciences, Technology, Social Sciences, Law and Management for Environmental ), Vol•V, no.3, Jan•march 2011,PP 673•678, Bhopal. 4. Use of Certain Admixtures in the Construction of Pavement on Expansive Clayey Subgrades Internal Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology [IJEST], Vol.2, Issue11, November, 2010, pp 6108•6114 .5. Influence of Geo fabrics on California Bearing Ratio of Expansive Clayey Subgrades, International Journal of Advances in Science and Technology,Vol.4, No.1,2012, pp 67•73, ISSN:2229•52166. 6 . Influence of Geo fabrics in the Construction of pavements on Expansive Clayey Subgrades, Internal Journal of Advances in Engineering and Technology, March, 2012,Vol.3, Issue 1,pp 487•493, ISSN:2231•19637. 7. Influence of composite Reinforcing Elements in the construction of pavements on Expansive Clayey Subgrades, International Journal of Civil Engineering Research, Volume 3, Number(2)(2012),pp 87•91 8. Efficacy of Sodium Carbonate and Calcium Carbonate in Stabilizing a Balck Cotton Soil. http://www.svcetedu.org/cms/index.php?view=article&catid=48%3Acivil­engineerin&id=521%3Acse­contact­ info&tmpl=component&print=1&layout=def… International Journal of Emerging Issue10,October 2012,pp 197•201. Technology and Advanced Engineering, Volume 2, 9. Mix Design Procedure for self-compacting concrete, International Organization of Scientific Research Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN), Volume 2, Issue 9, September 2012, pp 33•41. 10.Effect of Certain Industrial Effluents on compaction Characteristics of an Expansive Soil comparative study, International Journal of engineering Inventions (IJEI),Volume.1,Issue No.7, October 2012,pp 22•28. 11. “Effect of Certain Industrial effluents on plasticity and swelling behaviour of an Expansive Soil•A Comparative Study” published in International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, (IJEST) ISSN: 0975•5462, Vol.4, No.10, October, 2012, pp4390•4397 12. “Effect of Certain Industrial Effluents on Undrained Shear Strength behavior of an Expansive Soil: A Comparative Study “published in International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT). ISSN:2278• 0181, October • 2012 (Vol. 1, Issue 8), pp.1•9. 13. “Influence of soil •industrial effluents interaction on subgrade strength of an Expansive Soil • comparative Study” published in International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Technology (IJAET), Vol.5, Issue 1, November,2012. pp.326•335 14. “Undrained Shear Strength Characteristics of an Expansive Soil Contaminated with Certain Industrial Effluents at Various Pore fluid Content Ratios” published in International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET), ISO 3297:2007, Nov.2012, Vol.1, Issue.1. pp.58•65. 15. The Journal influence of Metakaolin on the Modulus of Elasticity of of Engineering(IOSRJEN),Volume 2,Issue 10,November 2012,pp.18•33. Concrete, IOSR 16.Properties of materials used in self- compacting concrete (SCC), International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology(IJCIET),Volume 3,Issue 2,July•December,2012,pp.353•368. 17. Influence of Mould size on CBR values in the construction of Pavements on Expansive clayey Subgrades, International Journal of Advanced scientific and Technical Research(IJASTR),Volume 4, Issue 2,2012,pp.261•265. 18.Self- compacting Mortars of Binary and Ternary Cementitious Blending with Metakaolin and Fly ash, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology(IJCIET),Volume 4,Issue 2,March• April,2013,pp 369•384. 19.Influence of Metakaolin and Fly ash on Fresh and Hardened Properties of Self Compacting Concrete, International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET),Volume 4,Issue 2,March•April,2013,pp 223•239. 20.Compressibility Behaviour of Black Cotton soil admixed with Lime and Rice•Husk ash, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJIRSET),ISO3297:2007,Volume 3,Issue 4,April 2014,pp 11473•11480. http://www.svcetedu.org/cms/index.php?view=article&catid=48%3Acivil­engineerin&id=521%3Acse­contact­ info&tmpl=component&print=1&layout=def… (b) National Journals 1.Torsional Vibration of Footings. Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), Civil Engineering Division, Volume 63, July, 1983. 2. Influence of Grading Modulus on Compaction Behavior of Sand•Cement Mixes, Journal of Indian Highways, IRC, New Delhi. Vol.23, No.2, February, 1995. 3.Efficacy of Barytes Powder as a Soil Stabilizer, Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), Calcutta. Vol.76, November. 1995. 4. Minimizing Environmental Pollution by Using Certain Industrial Wastes in Geotechnical Applications•A State• of•Art, Environmental pollution control Journal Vol•13, No.5,July• August, 2010, PP 75•80 New Delhi. 5. Effect of Certain Admixtures on Compaction and Strength Characteristics of An Expansive Soil : A Comparative Study, The IUP Journal of soil and Water Science, Vol•4, No•1, Feb•2011, PP 16•22, Hyderabad. 6. Effect of Soil Waste Interaction on Geotechnical Properties of Fine• Grained Soils: A Review The IUP Journal of soil and Water Science, Vol•5, No•1, Feb•2012, PP 72•83, Hyderabad. (c) International Conferences/ Symposia/ Seminars/ Conventions/ Workshops 1. Deformation Behavior of Indian Marine Clay under Cyclic Loading, The 10th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering at Stavanger, Norway, June.1991. 2. Effect of Chemical contamination on an Expansive Clay • Proceedings of the International Conference on "Environment, Ecology and Pollution (Green Tech. 2005)", Aruni Engineering College, Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu. 6th and 7th January, 2005. 3. Srength Characteristics of Blended Mortars • Proceedings of the International Conference on "Recent Advances on Concrete and Construction Technology", SRM College of Engineering, Chennai, 7th to 9th December,2005. 4. Effect of Cementation on Compressibility of A Marine Clay,Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechanical and Building Sciences,2009(ICAMB 2009),December 14• 16,2009,VIT University,Vellore. 5. Effect of Cementation on Strength and Deformation Behaviour of A Marine Clay, Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechanical and Building Sciences 2009(ICAMB 2009),December 14• 16,2009,VIT University,Vellore 6. The influence of Placement Water Content on Load Carrying Capacity of Reinforced Soil Beams,Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechanical and Building Sciences 2009(ICAMB 2009), December 14•16,2009,VIT University,Vellore. http://www.svcetedu.org/cms/index.php?view=article&catid=48%3Acivil­engineerin&id=521%3Acse­contact­ info&tmpl=component&print=1&layout=def… 7. Efficacy of Sodium Carbonate and Calcium Carbonate in stabilisaing a Black Cotton Soil,Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechanical and Building Sciences 2009(ICAMB 2009),December 14•16,2009,VIT University,Vellore. 8. Influence of Admixture and Geofabric on Compaction and Strength Characteristics of Soft Clayey (Expansive) Soil, Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechanical and Building Sciences 2009(ICAMB 2009), December,14• 16-2009,VITUniversity,Vellore.(ISBN9788192332017). 9. Effect of certain Industrial Effluents on California Bearing Ratio Values of An Expansive Clayey Subgrade•A Comparatives Study “Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advances in Mechanical, Manufacturing and Building Sciences (ICAMB)• 2012 16(a) January 09• 11, 2012, VIT University, Vellore. 10. Use of jute in the construction of pavements on Expansive Clayey Subgrades Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advances in Mechanical. Manufacturing and Building Sciences (ICAMB• 2012,) January09• 11,2012 VIT University, Vellore. (ISBN9788192332027). 11 Effect of Certain Industrial effluents on the Strength Characteristics of an Expansive soil, accepted in for Oral presentation in 5th International congress Environmental research(ICER• 2012,)November,22• 24,2012 at Kaula, Terengganu(Malaysia). (d) National Conferences/ Symposia/ Seminars/ Conentions/ Workshops 1. Design of a Foundation for a Vertical Single Cylinder Compressor, Proceedings of the45th Annual General Meeting of the Institution of Engineers (India), Andhra Pradesh State Centre. Hyderabad, December, 1982. Piles Subjected to Lateral Vibration, Proceedings of the Indian Geotechnical Conference, Calcutta,1984. 2. Influence of Repetitive Loading on Strength and Deformation Behavior of Marine Clays, Proceedings of the Third Indian Conference in Ocean Engineering, LIT. Bombay, December, 1986. 3. Studies on the Strength Behavior of Indian Soft Marine Clay, Proceedings of the Indian Geotechnical Conference, Allahabad. December, 1988. 4. A Comparative Study of Different Types of Foundations • A Case Study, Proceedings of the 53rd Annual General Meeting of the Institution of Engineers (India), Andhra Pradesh State Centre. Hyderabad, November, 1990. 5. Failures of Buildings due to Foundation Problems at Padmavathipuram •Near Tirupati.Proceedings of the 53rd Annual General Meeting of the Institution of Engineers (India), Andhra Pradesh State Centre, Hyderabad, November, 1990. 6. The Role of Geosynthetics in Civil Engineering, Proceedings of the 54th Annual General Meeting of the Institution of Engineers (India), Andhra Pradesh state Centre, Hyderabad, December. 1991. Design of an Earth Dam at Morvapalle(Village),Chandragiri Mandal, Chittoor. Proceedings of the 54th Annual General Meeting of the Institution of Engineers (India), Andhra Pradesh State Centre,Hyderabad, December, 1991. 7. Effect of Grading Modulus on Compaction and Strength Behavior of Sand •Cement Mixes, Proceedings of the Indian Geotechnical Conference, Calcutta, December, 1992. 8. Ground Improvement Techniques: What Does it Mean to a Civil Engineer? Proceedings of the 55th Annual General Meeting of the Institution of Engineers (India), Andhra Pradesh State Centre, Hyderabad, December, 1992. http://www.svcetedu.org/cms/index.php?view=article&catid=48%3Acivil­engineerin&id=521%3Acse­contact­ info&tmpl=component&print=1&layout=def… 9. Foundations on Expansive Soils, Proceedings of the 55th Annual General Meeting of the Institution of Engineers (India). Andhra Pradesh State Centre. Hyderabad. December. 1992. 10 The Art of Writing a Sub•Soil Investigation Report, Proceedings of the National Symposium on Geotechnical Investigation Reports, Their Contents and Interpretation, Indian Geotechnical Society, Madras Chapter, Madras, April, 1983. 11. Foundations on Collapsing Soils, Proceeding of the 56th Annual Genera! Meeting of the Institution of Engineers (India), Andhra Pradesh Slate Centre, Hyderabad. December. 1993. 12. Foundations for Tall Buildings, Proceedings of the 56th Annual General Meeting of the Institution of Engineers (India), Andhra Pradesh State, Centre, Hyderabad, December, 1993. 13. Estimation of Group Efficiency of Friction Piles in Clays • A Comparative Study, Proceedings of the National Seminar on Design of Pile Group and Pile Cap, Indian Geotechnical Society, Madras Chapter, Madras, July, 1994. 14. Frost and Permafrost in Soils, Proceedings of the 57th Annual General Meeting of the Institution of Engineers (India), Andhra Pradesh State Centre, Hyderabad, November, 1994. 15 Evaluation of Interface Friction of Some Earth•Reinforcing Materials, Proceedings of the Indian Geotechnical Conference, Warangal, December, 1994. 16. Foundation on Non•Uniform Soils, Proceedings of the 58th Annual General Meeting of the Institution of Engineers (India). Andhra Pradesh State Centre, Hyderabad, October, 1995. 17.Improvement of Soft Clayey Subgrades Using Geofabrics, National Seminar on Geotechnical Challenges in Highways and Railways, Indian Geotechnical Society, Madras Chapter, Madras, January, 1996. 18.Strength Behavior of Reinforced Clay Using Certain Geofabrics, Proceedings Conference. J.N.T.U. College of Engineering, Kakinada, October 1 •2. 1996, Tcrzaghi•1996. 19. Load Deflection Behavior of Reinforced Soil Beams, GeotechnicalConference, Anna University, Madras, December, 1996. Proceedings of of the Indian 20. Interface Friction of Geofabrics • A Comparative Study. Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference, Anna University, Madras. December, 1996. 21. Geosynthetics and their Role in Civil Engineering, Proceedings of National Symposium on Recent Advances in Civil Engineering, December, 21 •23, 1996, S.V.University, Tirupati. Geo•Synthetic•Reinforced Earth, Proceedings of the 59th Annual General Meeting of the institution of Engineers (India), Andhra Pradesh State Centre, Hyderabad, December, 1996. 22. Use of Geofabrics in the Construction of Pavements on Soft Clayey Subgrades. Proceedings of National Seminar on Social Planning for Sustainable Development, Department of Sociology, S.V.University, Tirupati, March, 25•27, 1997. 23. Engineering Aspects of Vegetation on Soils, Proceedings of the 60th Annual General Meeting of the Institution of Engineers (India), Andhra Pradesh State Centre, Hyderabad, December, 1997. 24. Effect of Position and Influence of Mat Size on Reinforced Soil Beams, Proceedings of Indian National Conference on Geoenvironment Characterization Analysis Design and Practice, April 9•10. 1998, Motilal Nehru Regional Engineering College, Allahabad. http://www.svcetedu.org/cms/index.php?view=article&catid=48%3Acivil­engineerin&id=521%3Acse­contact­ info&tmpl=component&print=1&layout=def… 25. Effect of Partial Replacement of Cement by Rice Husk Ash and RHA•Lime.Proceedings of National Workshop on Advances in Cement, Slag and Pozzolanic pMaterials in India. June. 1998, Department of Civil Engineering, S.V.University, Tirupati. 26. Fly Ash • What Does it Mean to a Civil Engineer ? Proceedings of National Workshop on Advances in Cement, Slag and Pozzolanic Materials in India, June, 1998, Department of Civil Engineering, S.V.University, Tirupati. 27. Influence of Geofabrics on Bearing Capacity of Granular Soils, Proceedings of the Seminar on Geotechnical Aspects of Problematic Soils for Buildings, Transportation and Irrigation Structures. IGS Hyderabad Chapter, Hyderabad, October, 1998, Terzaghi•1998. 28. Swelling Characteristics of Black Cotton Soil Contaminated with urea and Caustic Soda • A Comparative Study. Proceedings of the Seminar on Geotechnical Aspects of Problematic Soils for Buildings. Transportation and Irrigation Structures, IGS Hyderabad Chapter, Hyderabad, October, 1998/Ierzaghi•1998. 29.Flexural Behavior of Reinforced Soil Beams • A Review Article, Proceedings of the Seminar on Geotechnical Aspects of Problematic Soils for Buildings. Transportation and Irrigation Structures, 1GS Hyderabad Chapter, Hyderabad, October, 1998, Terzaghi•1998. 30.Foundation Problems in Expansive Soils • Preventive and Remedial Measures. Proceedings of National Seminar on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Bridges and Heavy Structures, November 20 1998, Indian Institution of Bridge Engineers, Andhra Pradesh State Centre. Hyderabad. 31. Flexural Behavior of Reinforced Soil Beams. Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Society Golden Jubilee Conference, Delhi Chapter, December 7•10, I.I.T., Delhi. 32. Statistical Concepts in Geotechnical Engineering, Proceedings of the 61st Annual General Meeting of the Institution of Engineers (India), Andhra Pradesh State Centre, Hyderabad, December, 1998. Effect of Contaminants on Swelling Characteristics of Black Cotton Soil. Proceedings of All India Conference on Environmental Pollution Strategies for Control and Abatement, The Institution of Engineers (India), Tirupati Local Centre and Mechanical Engineering Department,, S.V.University College of Engg., Tirupati. 16•17July. 1999. 33. Effective Control of Environmental Pollution due to Solid Wastes, Proceedings of All India Conference on Environmental Pollution Strategies tor Control and Abatement, The Institution of Engineers (India), Tirupati Local Centre and Mechanical Engineering Department., S.V. University College of Engg., Tirupati, 16•17, July, 1999. 34. Characteristic of Fly Ash and its Applications • A Brief Review, Proceedings of the National Seminar on Fly Ash Characterization and its Geotechnical Applications. August 30th 1999, I.I.Sc., Bangalore. Foundations for Light Structures on Expansive Soils, Proceedings of 62nd Annual General Meeting of the Institution of Engineers (India), Andhra Pradesh State Centre. Hyderabad, 3rd November.1999. 35. Effect of Fly Ash, RHA and Lime on Compressive Strength of Cement, Proceedings of 62nd Annual General Meeting of the Institution of Engineers (India). Andhra Pradesh State Centre, Hyderabad, 3rd November. 1999. 36. Use of Geofabrics in the Construction of Pavements on Soft Clayey Subgrades. Proceedings of the Indian Geotechnical Conference•1999, 17th to 19th December, 1999 at Calcutta. http://www.svcetedu.org/cms/index.php?view=article&catid=48%3Acivil­engineerin&id=521%3Acse­contact­ info&tmpl=component&print=1&layout=def… 37. Energy and Environment, Proceedings of National Seminar on Energy and Environment for Sustainable Development, Centre for Rural Development and Appropriate Technologies. Department of Civil Engineering, S.V. University. Tirupati, February 25 & 26, 2000. 38. Effect of Urea and Caustic Soda on Geotechnical Characteristics of Black Cotton Soil, Proceedings of the Workshop on Environmental Geotechnology. JNTU College of Engg., Kukatpalli, Hyderabad and Indian Geotechnical Society, Hyderabad Chapter, 22nd March, 2000. 39. Non•Conventional Energy for Rural Development, Proceeding of All India Conference on Technologies for Rural Development in. Y2K\ 30•6•2000 to 1•7• 2000. Organized by the institution of Engineers (India)Íž Tirupati Local Centre, SKIT. Srikalahasti and S.V.University College of Engg., Tirupati. 40. Earthquake Resistant Buildings. Proceedings of the 64th Annual General Meeting of the Institution of Engineers (India), Andhra Pradesh State Centre, Hyderabad, November, 2001. Durability of Concrete. Proceedings of the National Workshop on Advances in Structural Engineering, organized by Department of Civil Engineering. SVU College of Engineering. Tirupati, 21•22, December, 2001. 41. Analysis of Stresses and Strains in Reinforced Soil Beams. Proceedings of the Seminar on Ground Reinforcement and Amelioration Techniques, Organized by IGS Kakinada Chapter and Centre for Geotechnical Engineering, J.N.T.U. College of Engineering, Kakinada, 26th December, 2001. 42. Utilization of Industrial Solid Wastes in Construction Industry• A Study • Proceedings of the II National Seminar on Environmental Management and Pollution Abatement, July 12•13, 2002, Department of Civil Engineering, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar•608002, pp. L7•13. 43. "Foundations on Difficult Sub•soil Conditions", Proceedings of 65th Annual General Meeting of the Institution of Engineers (India), A.P. State Centre, Hyderabad, 28th October, 2002. Effect of Calcium Chloride on Strength Characteristics of Black Cotton Soil Proceedings of the 66th Annual General Meeting • October 27, 2003 • The Institution of Engineers (India) Andhra Pradesh State Centre, Hyderabad. 44.Causative & Remedial Measures for Different Types of Pavement Failures • Proceedings of the Seminar on Pavement Failures. Analysis and Remedial Measures, 29th December 2003 Engg. Staff College of India, Hyderabad. 45.Pavements on Difficult Soil Subgrades and on Water•Logged Areas • Proceedings of the Seminar on Pavement Failures, Analysis and Remedial Measures, 29th December 2003, Engg. Staff College of India, Hyderabad. 46. Flexural Behavior of Reinforced Soil Reams • Souvenir • Indian Chapter• 12in October, 2003, pp. 17•18. Geotechnical Society • Guntur 47. Environmental Management and Pollution Abatement of Industrial Solid wastes Proceedings of National Seminar on Environment and Health, organized by Department of Civil Engineering and S.V.U.Health Centre, Tirupati,29•30,December,2003. 48. Abatement of Environmental Pollution Due to Certain Industrial Wastes • Proceedings of the A1CTE Sponsored Workshop on Environmental Pollution and Awareness, 26th Aug., 2004, KSRM College of Engineering, Kadapa, pp.58•61. http://www.svcetedu.org/cms/index.php?view=article&catid=48%3Acivil­engineerin&id=521%3Acse­contact­ info&tmpl=component&print=1&layout=def… 49. Effect of Oil Contamination on the Strength Characteristics of Black Cotton Soil • Proceedings of the 67th Annual General Meeting of the Institution of Engineers (India), Andhra Pradesh State Centre, Hyderabad, October, 2004. 50. Influence of Water Content on the Flexural Behavior of Reinforced Soil Beams • Proceedings of 1CGGE•2004, Indian Institute of Technology, Powai. Mumbai. 51. Effect of Sodium Chloride on Plasticity, Swelling and Strength Characteristics of a Black Cotton Soil • Proceedings of the Geotechniques in Environmental Protection (GEM•2005), MNNIT, Allahabad, 9th & 10th April. 2005. 52. Effect of Oil contamination on the Strength and Swelling Characteristics of an Expansive Clay • Proceedings of the "Geotechniques in Environmental Protection (GEN•2005), MNN1T, Allahabad, 9th & 10th April. 2005. 53.Effect of Sodium Chloride on Plasticity, Swelling and Strength and Settlement Characteristics of a Black Cotton Soil • Proceedings of National Seminar on “Trends in Geotechnical Engineering” ( TGE – 2005), G.Z.S. College of Engineering and Technology, Bathinda. Punjab, April, 2005. 54. Reuse of' certain waste materials in Geotechnical and Highway constructions • Proceedings of the National Seminar on ''Solid Hazardous Waste Management Strategies”, Organized by the Depart! of Civil Engg., Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, October 2005. 55. Effect of Oil Contamination on Plasticity, Swelling and Strength Characteristics of an Expansive clay, Proceedings of the National Conference on "Natural Disaster Management" (under TEQIP) 27 th &28th February 2006, Organized by I.G.S. Visakhapatnam Chapter, Visakhapatnam & Department of Civil Engineering, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam & Department of Civil Engineering, Gitam Engines College. Visakhapatnam. 56. Prediction of Swelling Characteristics of An Expansive Clay Contaminated with Sodium Chloride from plasticity Characteristics, Proceedings of the National Conference on "Natural Disaster Management" (under TEQIP) 27th &28th February 2006, Organized I.G.S. Visakhapatnam Chapter, Visakhapatnam & Department of ( Engineering. Andhra University, Visakhapatnam & Department of Civil Engineering. Gitam Engineering College. Visakhapatnam. 57. Hazardous Waste Management for sustainable development • An Overview, Proceedings of the National Conference on Environmental Solutions for sustainable development (ESSD•2006), February 23 & 24 •2006,Organised by the Department of Civil Engineering, Alagappa Chettiar College of Engineering and Technology, Karaikudi. 58. Vermi Composting • A Case Study, Proceedings of the National Conference on Environmental Solutions for sustainable development (ESSD•2006), February 23 & 24 • 2006, Organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, Alagappa Chettiar College of Engineering Technology, Karaikudi. 59. Flexural Behavior of Reinforced Cement concrete Beams using Super plasticizer • National Conference on Recent Advances and Innovation Structural Engineering (RAISE'06) 27th & 28th March 2006, Organized Department of Civil Engineering. P.S.N.A.College of Engineering Technology. Dindigul, Tamil Nadu. 60. Experimental investigations on high performance concrete under Fatigue Loading • National Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Structural Engineering (RAISE'06) 27th & 28th March 2006, Organized Department of Civil Engineering, P.S.N.A. College of Engineering Technology. DindiguL Tamil Nadu. http://www.svcetedu.org/cms/index.php?view=article&catid=48%3Acivil­engineerin&id=521%3Acse­contact­ info&tmpl=component&print=1&layout=def… 61. The Influence of Metakaoline on the compressive strength. Split Tensile Strength and Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete • Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Structural Engineering (RAISE'06) 27th & 28th March 2006, Organized Department of Civil Engineering, P.S.N.A. College of Engineering Technology. Dindigul, Tamil Nadu. 62. Influence of Repetitive Loading on Deformation Modulus of Marine Clay Proceedingsof the National conference on Corrective Engineering Practices in Trouble some soils – 8th and 9th July 2006, Department of Civil Engineering. JNTU College of Engineering. Kakinada•533003. 63. Fabric and Mineral Analysis of Madras Marine Clay – Proceedings of the National conference on Corrective Engineering Practices in Trouble some soils • 8th and 9th July 2006, Department of Civil Engineering. JNTU College of Engineering. Kakinada•533003. 64. Effect of Calcium Chloride on Plasticity and Swelling characteristics of An Expansive Clay • Proceedings of National Conference on Civil Engineering Structures (EECES) (Under TEQIP) 14•15 July 2006 ( Organized by Department of Civil Engineering. College of Engineering (Autonomous), Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati • 517502 (A.P.) 65. Effect of Textile Effluent on Strength Characteristics of Black Cotton soil • Proceedings of National Conference on Civil Engineering Structural (EECBS) (Under TEQIP), 14•15 July 2006, Organized by Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering (Autonomous), Venkateswara University, Tirupati • 517502 (A.P.). 66. Effect of Super Plasticizer on Deflection and Cracking of Reinforced Cement Concrete Beams • Proceedings of National Conference on Engineering Structures (EECES) (Under TEQIP), 14•15 July 2006, Organized by Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering (Autonomous), Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati • 5 17502 (A.P.). 67. Influence of Metakaoline on the Strength Properties of Concrete Proceedings of National Conference on Civil Engineering Structural (EECES) (Under TEQIP), 14•15 July 2006, Organized by Department Civil Engineering, College of Engineering (Autonomous), Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati •5.17502 (A.P.),pp 113•119. 68. Computation of Wheel Load stresses for corner region of cement concrete Pavements • a comparative study • Proceedings of the National Conference on Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Development. •29th December 2006, Organized by the Department of Engineering, S.R.K.R. Engineering College, Chinna Amiran, Bhimavaram. 69. Influence of Geofabrics in the Design and Construction of Roads on soft Clayey Subgrades, Proceedings oi the National Seminar on 'ROAD 2007' 1st & 2nd of March 2007 Organized by the Institution of Engine (India). Belgaum Local Centre Belgaum. 70. Properties of Recycled Aggregate and Original Aggregate •A Comparative Study,Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Advances in Structural Engineering (RASE) •2007, 9th March 2007, Organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, JNTU College Engineering, Anantapur. 71. Properties of Recycled Aggregate Concrete and Original Aggregate Concrete • A Comparative Study, Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Advances in Structural Engineering (RASE) • 2007, 9th March 2007, Organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, JNTU College of Engineering, Anantapur. http://www.svcetedu.org/cms/index.php?view=article&catid=48%3Acivil­engineerin&id=521%3Acse­contact­ info&tmpl=component&print=1&layout=def… 72. Effect of Position and Influence of Mat Size on load • deflection behavior of soil beams reinforced with Geofabrics • ROAD •07, Proceedings of CNCL Bhopal, 21 •24 April 2007. Influence of placement water content on load • deflection behavior Soil beams reinforced with Geofabrics • Proceedings of NC ETET – Saint GITS College of Engineering, Kottayam, Kerala, 5th May 2007. 73. Performance Monitoring in Embankment Dams Using • Proceed of All India Seminar/Conference on Emerging trends in Mechatronics and Instrumentation. 29•30. June 2007, Organized by TE(I), Tirupati local Centre & Department of Mechanical Engineering, S.V. University, Tirupati. 74. Purpose of Instrumentation in Bridge • Proceedings of' all India Seminar / Conference on Emerging trends in Mechatronics & Instrumentation, 29•30, June 2007. 75. Organized by IE(I). Tirupati Local Centre & Department of Mechanical S.V. University, Tirupati. Engineering, 76. Use of Electronic Measuring devices in Geotechnical Engineering • Proceedings of all India Seminar/Conference on Emerging trends in Mechatronics & Instrumentation, 29•30. June 2007. Organized by IE(I), Tirupati Local Centre & Department of Mechanical Engineering, S.V. University. Tirupati. 77. A study on California Bearing Ratio Values of Ply Soil, proceeding of the 70th annual General Meeting of the Institution of Engineers ( India), Andhra Pradesh State , Center, Hyderabad 24th October, 2007. 93. Reuse of sludge into Aggregates • A Review Article • RASE • 2008 • A National Conference • Department of Civil Engineering., JNTU., Anantapur, 4th April, 2008. 78. Reuse of sludge into Bricks, Cement and Concrete • A Review Article • RASE • A National Conference • Department of Civil Engineering., JNTU., Anantapur, 4th April, 2008. 79. A Study on The Geotechnical Properties of Battery Effluent – Block Cotton Soil Mixes, Proceedings of the Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC)• 2009,December 16•19, 2009, IGS, Guntur and R.V.R & J.C. College of Engineering, Guntur. 80. Effect of Textile Effluent Contamination on Geotechnical Properties of Block cotton Soil, Proceedings of the India Geotechnical Conference(IGC)•2009,December 16•99,2009, IGS, Guntur and R.V.R & J.C. College of Engineering ,Guntur. 81. Geo synthetics – An Exciting New Concept In Engineered Material, Proceedings of 2nd A.P. Science And Technology Its Role In The Changing Global Scenario, November 14•16, 2009, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati. 82. Construction of Pavements on Expansive Clayey Subgrades, PP 18. Proceeding of 3600 National Conference on 21st Century Emerging Trends in Civil Engineering Globe (TCETCG), Sep 03•04, 2010, 0rganised by Department of Civil Engineering, KSRM College of Engineering, Kadapa. 83. Effect of Certain Admixtures on Compaction and Strength Characteristics of An Expansive Soil : A Comparative Study ,PP 19. Proceeding of 3600 National Conference on 21st Century Emerging Trends in Civil Engineering Globe (TCETCG), Sep 03•04, 2010, 0rganised by Department of Civil Engineering, KSRM College of Engineering, Kadapa. 84. Beneficial Uses of Mineral processing Nastes in Geotechnical Applications. A State of Art, PP 22. Proceeding of 3600 National Conference on 21st Century Emerging Trends in Civil Engineering Globe (TCETCG), Sep 03•04, 2010, 0rganised by Department of Civil Engineering, KSRM College of Engineering, Kadapa. http://www.svcetedu.org/cms/index.php?view=article&catid=48%3Acivil­engineerin&id=521%3Acse­contact­ info&tmpl=component&print=1&layout=def… 85. Construction of Low cost Roads on Expansive Clayey Subgrades Proceeding of National Conference on Providing Urban – Type Amenities in Rural Zone (PURZ – 2011), 22• 23, July, 20011, Organized by Department of civil Engineering , KSRM College of Engineering, Kadapa. 86. Effect of Lime on Compaction and Strength Characteristics of An Expansive Clayey Subgrades. Proceeding of National Conference on Providing Urban – Type Amenities in Rural Zone (PURZ – 2011), 22• 23, July, 20011, Organized by Department of civil Engineering, KSRM College of Engineering, Kadapa. 87. Stabilization of Rural Roads by Using Industrial Wastes – A State of Art. Proceeding of National Conference on Providing Urban – Type Amenities in Rural Zone (PURZ – 2011), 22• 23, July, 20011, Organized by Department of civil Engineering , KSRM College of Engineering, Kadapa. 88. Effect of Certain Inorganic Chemicals on CBR Values of An Expansive Clayey Subgrade. Proceeding of National Conference on Providing Urban – Type Amenities in Rural Zone (PURZ – 2011), 22• 23, July, 20011, Organized by Department of civil Engineering , KSRM College of Engineering, Kadapa. 89. Effect of Molasses on CBR and and Strength Characteristics of An Expansive Soil Subgrade” Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Advancements in Geotechnical Engineering (NCRAG)•2012, 20th April 2012,Organised by Department of Civil Engineering ,Government College of Technology,Coimbatore•641 013,Tamil Nadu 90. Use of Geosynthetics in the construction of Pavements on Expansive clayey Subgrades”Proceedings of the National Conference on recent Advances in Geotechnical Engineering(NCRAG)•2012, 20th April 2012, Organized by Department of Civil Engineering ,Government College of Technology,Coimbatore•641 013,Tamil Nadu. 91. Effect of Tannery Effluent Contamination on Strength Characteristics of Local Soil, Published in the Proceedings 5th A.P. Science Congress•2012 held on 14•16,November, 2012 at Nagarjuna University, Guntur District, A.P. 92. Effect of Tannery Effluent on Geotechnical Properties of an Expansive Clayey Sub• grade, Proceedings of the Fourth Indian Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference•2013,May, 17• 18,Indian Institute of Technology Madras,Chennai•600 036. 93. A study on the Geotechnical Properties of Tannery Effluent on Black Cotton soil, Proceedings of the National Conference on Advances in Civil engineering and Infra structure Development(ACEID• 2014), Vasavi College of Engineering,Hyderabad,A.P.,6•7 February,2014,pp.230•233. http://www.svcetedu.org/cms/index.php?view=article&catid=48%3Acivil­engineerin&id=521%3Acse­contact­ info&tmpl=component&print=1&layout=def… XVIII. LABORATORY MANUAL PREPARED Soil Testing (Laboratory Manual) – Department of Civil Engineering, S.V.U. College of Engineering, Tirupati. XIX. TEXT BOOKS PUBLISHED 1. Contributed two chapters in the Text•Book on "Geotechnical Engineering", a u t h o r e d Prof. C. Venkataramaiah • New Age International Publishers Limited, Delhi, 1995. by 2. Numerical Problems, Examples and Objective Questions in Geotechnical engineering •University Press India Ltd., Hyderabad, 2000. 3. Engineering Mechanics, Strength of Materials and Elements of Structural Publishers, New Delhi, 2003,Reprint:2007 Analysis • CBS 4. Fundamentals of soil mechanics, University Science Press (An imprint of Lakshmi Publications Private Limited),New Delhi,2010 XX .LIST OF CONFERENCES WORK•SHOPS ATTENDED. / SYMPOSIA / SEMINARS / CONVENTIONS 1. The annual paper meeting of the Civil Engineering Division of the Institution of Engineers (India), Nagpur, April 9, 1982. 2. The Eighth national Convention of Environmental Engineering, Tirupati, 1982. The 45 Annual General Meeting of the Institution of Engineers (India), Andhra Pradesh State Centre, Hyderabad, December, 1982. 3. The Indian Geotechnical Conference, Indian Institute of Technology. Madras, 1983. The Second Indian Conference in Ocean Engineering, Pune, 14•16 December. 1983. 4. The Indian Geotechnical Conference, Andhra University. Visakhapatnam, 14•16, December, 1989. The XIX Annual Convention of ISTE, Tirupati, 19•21, December, 1989. 5. The National Workshop on Geotechnical Engineering. Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 25 • 26, July, 1990. 6. Seminar on Appropriate Building Technology and Materials, 7•8•'93, The Institution of Engineers (India), Tirupati Local Centre & Centre for Rural Development and Appropriate Technologies, Sri Venkateswara University, Tiruapti•517 502. 7. All India Seminar on Mini•Hydro Electric Projects, Tirupati. 5•6 September. 1994. The Institution of Engineers (India), Tirupati Local Centre, Tirupati. 8. National Seminar on Wastage of Irrigated Water under Major Irrigation Projects in Andhra Pradesh, 26 – 27, September, 1994, Dept. Of Economics, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati. Seminar on Recent Trends in Civil Engineering, IGS Visaknupatnam Chapter and TTD, 2nd Oct., Terzaghi 94, Tirupati. http://www.svcetedu.org/cms/index.php?view=article&catid=48%3Acivil­engineerin&id=521%3Acse­contact­ info&tmpl=component&print=1&layout=def… 9. All India Seminar on "Ground Water Potential" (Assessment, Development and Management), The Institution of Engineers (India), Tirupati Local Centre, Tirupati, 9•10. March, 1995. 10. National Conference on Problematic Subsoil Conditions, Terzaghi • 96, 2nd October, 96, IGS Kakinada Chapter, Kakinada. 11. Indian Geotechnical Conference • 1996. Geotechnical Engineering Practice Beyond 2001, 11•14, December, 1996, IGS Madras Chapter, Madras. 12. National Symposum on Recent Advances in Dept. of Civil Engineering, S.V. University, Tirupati. Civil Engineering, December, 21•23, 1996, 13. National Seminar on Social Planning for Sustainable Development, 25 • 27, March, 97, S.V. University, Tirupati. 14. National Conference on Advances in Materials of Construction and Construction Methods, August 22• 23, 1997, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Tirupati. 15. All India Seminar on Participatory Management of Irrigation Schemes – A Janma Bhoomi Concept, Aug, 25•29, 1997, Organized by Institution of Engineers, Tirupati, Water Technology Centre, S.V.UÍž Rural Development I forum, Institution of Engineers, Hyderabad. 16. National Workshop on Advances in Cement, Slag and Pozzolonic Materials in India, 27th June 1998, Dept. of Civil Engg., S.V.U. College of Engg., Tirupati. 17. Seminar on Geotechnical Aspects of Problematic Soils for Buildings, Transportation and Irrigation Structures, Oct., 2nd . 1998. Terzaghi•98, IGS, Hyderabad Chapter, Hyderabad. 18. All•India Conference on "Environmental Pollution • Strategies for Control and Abatement", 16 • 17, July, 1999 organized by The Institution of Engineers (India). Tirupati Local Centre in Collaboration with Dept. Of Mechanical Engg., S.V. University College of Engg., Tirupati. 19. National Seminar on Fly Ash Characterization and its Geotechnical Applications on organized by Dept. of Civil Engg., I.I.Sc, Bangalore. 30.8.99 20. National Seminar on Water Resources Management for Sustainable Development, March 12 • 13. 1999, Water Technology Centre Department of Civil Engineering. Sri Venkateswara University. Tirupati •517502(A.P). 21. Workshop on Solid and Bio•medical Waste Management, July 27, 1999, AP, Board, Regional Office, Tirupati. Pollution Control 22. The 62nd Annual paper meeting of the Civil Engineering Division of the Institution of Engineers (India). Andhra Pradesh State Centre, Hyderabad, 3rd November 1999. 23. National Seminar on Energy and Environment for Sustainable Development, February, 25 – 26, 2000, Organized by Centre for Rural Development and Appropriate Technologies (CeRDAT), Dept of Civil Engg., S.V. University, Tirupati. 24. Workshop on Environmental Geotechnology, 22nd March 2000, Organized by the Centre for Environmental Geotechnology, JNTU College of Engg., Kukatpally, Hyderabad & Indian Geotechnical Society, Hyderabad Chapter. http://www.svcetedu.org/cms/index.php?view=article&catid=48%3Acivil­engineerin&id=521%3Acse­contact­ info&tmpl=component&print=1&layout=def… 25. All India Conference on Technologies for Rural Development in Y2K+, 30.6.2000 to 1.7.2000 organized by the Institution of Engineers (India) Tirupati Local Centre, Srikalahasteeswara Institute of Technology (SKIT) Srikalahasti & Sri Venkateswara College of Engg., Tirupati. 26. National Workshop on "Advances in Structural Engg.", organized by the Department of Civil Engg., SVU College of Engineering, Tirupati 21•22. December, 2001. 27. Seminar on "Ground Reinforcement and Amelioration Technique". 26th Dec., 2001, Organized by IGS. Kakinada Chapter and Centre for Geotechnical Engg., JNTU College of Engg., Kakinada. 28. A National Conference on Appropriate Technologies for Industrial Pollution Control and Environmental Management Organized by Department of Civil Engineering, S.V. University, Tirupati, during 22 &23, Nov., 2002. 29. A National Workshop on Recent Trends in Composite Construction using Structural Steel • organized by Department of Civil Engineering, S.V.University, Tirupati•26th April, 2002. 30. National Seminar on Environment and Health. Organized by Department of Civil Engineering and S.V.U. Health Centre, Tirupati – 29th & 30th December, 2003. 31. GEMS TECH 2005 • A National Level Students' Seminar – 5th March 2005, Department of Civil Engineering, S.V. University, Tirupati. 32. Inaugural function and work•shop of Indian Geotechnical Society • Tirupati chapter – 2nd October, 2005, Department of Civil Engineering, S.V. University, Tirupati. 33. National Seminar on "Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Strategies", Organized by Department of Civil Engineering, Annamalai, University,Annarnalai Nagar, October,2005. National Conference on Environmental Effects on Civil Engineering Structures. 14•15 July, 2006, Organized by Department of Civil Engineering. College of Engineering (Autonomous), Sri Venkateswara University. Tirupati•517502 (A.P.). 34. All India Seminar/Conference on Engineering Trends in Mechatronics and Instrumentation, 29•30 June, 2007, Organized by the Institution o Engineers (India), Tirupati Local centre and Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati •517502 (A.P.). 35. The 70th Annual paper meeting of the Civil Engineering Division of the Institution of Engineers (India), Andhra Pradesh State Centre, Hyderabad, 24th October, 2007. 36. International conference on Natural Hazards And Disaster Management, Organized by Department of Civil Engineering, Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology (CBIT), Gandipet, Hyderabad • 500075, 12•14 December, 2007. 37. International Work•Shop on Weather Modification Technologies and Symposium on Natural Disaster Management, JNT University, Hyderabad, 27•29 June, 2008. 2nd A.P. Science And Technology. Its Role In The Changing Global Scenario, November 14•16, 2009, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati. 38. International Conference on Mechanical and Building Sciences (ICAMB) – 2009, December 14•16, 2009, VIT university, Vellore. 39. National seminar on “ Urban Transportation – Issues and Solutions “,30th January, 2010 organized by the Institution of Engineers (India), Tirupathi Local Centre and Department of Civil Engineering, S.V.U. College of Engineering, Tirupati.3600 http://www.svcetedu.org/cms/index.php?view=article&catid=48%3Acivil­engineerin&id=521%3Acse­contact­ info&tmpl=component&print=1&layout=def… 40. National Conference on 21st Century Emerging Trends in Civil Engineering Globe (TCETCG), Sep 03•04, 2010, 0rganised by Department of Civil Engineering, KSRM College of Engineering, Kadapa. 41. National Conference on Providing Urban – Type Amenities in Rural Zone (PURZ – 2011), 22• 23, July, 2011, Organized by Department of civil Engineering , KSRM College of Engineering, Kadapa. XXI List of Seminars / Work • Shops Organized 1. National Seminar on Environment and Health, Organized by the Department of Civil Engineering and S.V.U. Health Centre, Tirupati, 29th & 30th December. 2003. 2. GEMS TECH 2005 • A National Level Students Seminar • 5th March, 2005, Department of Civil Engineering, S.V. University, Tirupati. Organized by the 3. Inaugural function and work•shop of Indian Geotechnical Society •Tirupati chapter – 2nd October,2005,Organised by the Department of Civil Engineering, S.V. University. Tirupati. Dr. B. KOTAIAH Ph.D. Thesis Supervision 1. Dr. C. Vasudeva Reddy (1987). Investigation on Pollution Potential of Municipal solid relation to soil and ground water quality. S.V. University, Tirupati. Waste in 2. N. Kumara Swamy (1991•95). Performance Evaluation of anaerobic Digestion ORP as a process control parameter. S.V. University, Tirupati. 3. T.V. Dayakara Reddy (1994•98). Depth•Duration and Frequency Analysis of Rainfall of Hyderabad city (India). S.V. University, Tirupati. 4. I.V. Ramana Reddy (1995•2003). S.V. University, Tirupati. Effect of Water Quality on Attainments of Concrete Strength. 5. S. Sreedhar Reddy (1999•2004). Assessment of Amenability of Dye•Colour Removal by Different Techniquies, S.V. University, Tirupati. 6. Krishna Sai (2002•2006). Model. JNTU, Hyderabad. Integrated Solid Waste Management for Metros – Use of the A.H.P. 7. P. Uttam Reddy (2002•2008). Appraisal of Environmental Quality of housing in Tirupati and its Surroundings. S.V. University, Tirupati. 8. DVSN Murthy (2000•2007). S.V. University, Tirupati. Environmental Impact of sand beneficiation plant•A case study. http://www.svcetedu.org/cms/index.php?view=article&catid=48%3Acivil­engineerin&id=521%3Acse­contact­ info&tmpl=component&print=1&layout=def… M. Tech. Thesis Supervision 1. L. Krishna Sai (1999) Integrated Solid Waste Management for Metros – use of the A.H.P. Model. K. Siva Prasad (1998). Performance Evaluation of Existing Treatment Plant of a particle layered Board Industry. A Remanjaneyulu (1998). Groundwater Quality of Block•V SRBC Area, Kurnool (District), A.P. 2. D. Manohar (1996). Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Solid and Liquid Wastes of SVIMS – A Super Speciality Hospital, Tirupati. 3. R. Subramanyam (1995). Effect of Acidity on Attainment of Cement Mortar strength. 4. L. Uma Sankar (1995). Evaluation of Bio•Kinetic Parameters for Liquid Glucose Industrial Wastewater by Rotating Biological Contractor 5. B. Venkata Ganesh (1993). Performance evaluation of septic tank – Contact bed Filter system for Domestic Waste Treatment Plant at Tirumala. 6. P. Surendra Babu (1993). Studies on the Treatment of Detergent Industrial Effluents by Rotating Biological Contractor. 7. Ch. Raja Sekhar (1993). Evaluation of Performance of Nutrine Confectionery Waste Treatment Plant, Chittoor. 8. S. Aruna Prasad (1991). Studies on Characterization and Treatment of Detergent Industrial Effluents. 9. P. Nagamohan (1991). Evaluation of Bio•Kinetic Parameters for Nutrine Confectionery wastes by Rotating Biological Contractor. 10. P.V.S. Maruthi Krishna (1992). Investigation on Air Pollution aspects of – Spartek Ceramics India Limited, near Tirupati. 11. D.V.R. Raju (1989). Effect of Counter Ionic Species on Deflouridation of Water by Alum Coagulation. V. Minichandra Naidu (1988). Studies on Sorption of Cadmium on Clays. 12. K.V. Krishna Reddy (1987). Removal of Cr (VI) by Coal and Calcite System from Aqueous Effluents. 13. N. Raghunath Reddy (1986). Studies on Removal of Hexavalent Chromium by Clays. 14. M. Ramachandraiah (1983). A study on Efflorescence of Salts in the Drainage Gallery of Kalyani Dam. http://www.svcetedu.org/cms/index.php?view=article&catid=48%3Acivil­engineerin&id=521%3Acse­contact­ info&tmpl=component&print=1&layout=def… LIST OF PUBLICATIONS: 15.1 Foreign Journals: 1. K. Lokesh, M.Satish Reddy, Dr.B.Kotaiah (2014), Degradation of Concrete Structures and Protective Measures , International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN:2278•0181, vol.3 Issue 5, May•2014. 2. Sreedhar Reddy and B. Kotaiah. Decolorization of Simulated Spent Reactive Dye Bath using Solar \ TiO2 \H2O2. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, Vol.2 (3), 2005•b pp.245•251. 3. S. Srivinivasa Gowd and B. Kotaiah. Characterisation and Treatability Studies of Ceramic Tile Manufacturing Industrial Effluents. Fresenius Envir. Bull.8:146•153 (1999). 4. D. Manohar and B. Kotaiah. Physical and Chemical Composition of solid Waste of a Super Speciality Hospitals. Fresenius Envir. Bull. 6:450•455 (1997). 5. N. Kumara Swamy and B. Kotaiah. Digestability of Different Organic Industrial Wastewaters by Anaerobic pipe•flow Contact Filter. Fresenius Envir. Bull.5:406•411 (1996). 6. T.V.K. Reddy, N. Janardhana Raju and B. Kotaiah. Multiple Regression Models for the Estimation of TDS from SEC and SiO2 in Surface and Groundwater Samples of Tirupati Region, Andhra Pradesh. Fresenius Envir. Bull.2:641•646 (1993). 7. Niranjan and B. Kotaiah. Characterization of Cystrine Manufacturing Industrial Wastes. FRESENIUS ENVIRONMENTAL BULL 2, 97• 102 (1993). 8. C. Vasudeva Reddy, B. Kotaiah and N.J. Raju. A study on Ground Water Quality near a Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Site at Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India. FRESENIUS ENVIRONMENTAL BULL 1 (Supplimentum)Íž 93• 97 (1992). 9. N.J. Raju, T.V.K. Reddy, B. Kotaiah and P.T. Nayudu. A Study on Seasonal Variation of Groundwater Quality in Upper Gunjanaeru River Basin, Cuddapah District. Andhra Pradesh. FRESENIUS ENVIRONMENTAL BULL 1 (Supplementum)Íž 98• 103 (1992). 10. N.J. Raju, B. Kotaiah, and T.V.K. Reddy. Bio• geochemical Aspects in and around a Sewage•farm at Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION, V. 18 (3) 267• 269 (1991). 11 N.J. Raju and B. Kotaiah. Environmental Quality of Tirupati A Fast Urbanising Centre in Andhra Pradesh, India. ASIAN ENVIRONMENT, V. 12 (3) 67• 74 (1990). 12. B. Kotaiah. Characterization and Treatability ASIAN ENVIRONMENT, V. 10 (4) 57• 64 (1988). Studies of Surgical Cotton Industrial Effluents. 13. B. Kotaiah and P. Chiranjeevi. Performance of Alum Coagulation and Flocculation in Cr (Vl) Removal from Water. INTERN. J. ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES, V.32, 33•39 (1988). http://www.svcetedu.org/cms/index.php?view=article&catid=48%3Acivil­engineerin&id=521%3Acse­contact­ info&tmpl=component&print=1&layout=def… 2 0 0 Indian Journals: 1 B. Kotaiah “ Engineering – A challenging career option” competition success review IIT – JEE, May, 2011. 2. C.V. Reddy, N.J. Raju, B. Kotaiah and N. Varada Reddy. Assessment of Leachate Chemical Constitution from Tirupati Municipal Solid Waste – A Laboratory Simulation. Indian Journal of Geochemistry, Vol.19, 2004, pp. 295•300. 3. S.Sreedhar Reddy and B. Kotaiah. Advanced Photochemical Oxidation Processes – A Contemporary Treatment Technique for Contaminated Water, Air and Solids. Journal OF INDIAN ASSOCIATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. Vol.31 (1), February 2004, pp. 46•51. 4. B. Kotaiah and S. Sreedhar Reddy. Ground Water Quality of Block•V, Srisailam Right Branch Canal Command Area, Kurnool District, Andhra Pradesh. INDIAN J. ENVIRON. & ECOPLAN. Vol.n 7(1), 2003, pp. 43•46. 5. B. Kotaiah, I.V. Ramana Reddy and S. Sreedhar Reddy. Ceramic Tile Industrial Waste Treatment Plant – Residue Usage in the production process. J. CURR. SCI., Vol.2(1), 2002, pp.73•74. 6. S. Sreedhar Reddy, J. Hema Kumar and B. Kotaiah. Decolourization of Reactive Dye Effluents by 7. Chemical Coagulation. INDIAN J. ENVIRON. & ECOPLAN. Vol.6(3), 2002, pp. 507•510. 8. S.S. Gowd and B. Kotaiah. Seasonal Variation of Water Quality in a Tropical Kalyani Reservoir, Near Tirupati. INDIAN J. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, Vol. 20(9), June 2000, pp. 452•456. Dr. S. Srinivas Gowd, Miss. P.D. Sridevi and Dr. B. Kotaiah. Groundwater pollution by Cystine Manufacturing Industrial Effluent around the factory. ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION CONTROL Journal, March•April, 1999, p.5•9. 9. P. Manohar, p. Ramesh Reddy and B. Kotaiah. Characterization of solidwastes of a Super Speciality Hospital – A Case Study. INDIAN J. ENVIRON. HLTH., VOL.40,No.4, p.319•326 (1999). B. Kotaiah Estimation of Aquifer Parameters and Groundwater Balance of the Upper Gunjanaeru River Basin, Cuddapah District, Andhra Pradesh, Groundwater, Vol.8, pp.64•72 (1997). 10. N. Kumara Swamy, C.V.S. Reddy and B. Kotaiah Environmental Division, Vol.76, August 1995, p.22•26. Institution of Engineers (1) Journal, 11. Ch. Raja Sekhar, C. Vasudeva Reddy and B. Kotaiah. Groundwater Pollution from Unsewered Sanitation – A Case Study in Tirupati. INDIAN J. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, Vol. 14, No.11, November, 1994. 12. D.V.R. Raju, N.j. Raju and B. Kotaiah. Complexation of fluoride ions with alum flocs at various PH values during coagulation and flocculation. Journal GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF INDIA, V.42(7) 51• 54 (1993). 13. B. Kotaiah. A review of eutrophication control strategies in lakes and reservoirs. Journal OF THE INDIAN PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEERS, INDIA V. 4, 5•14 (1989). 14. B. Kotaiah and C.D. Reddy Investigation on coal chromium (III) interactions through infrared absorption studies. INDIAN Journal ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, V 9 (6) 457•459 (1989). T.V.K. Reddy and B. Kotaiah, A short note on water quality in wells near sewage farm at Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh. Journal GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF INDIA, V28(7) 45•47 (1986) http://www.svcetedu.org/cms/index.php?view=article&catid=48%3Acivil­engineerin&id=521%3Acse­contact­ info&tmpl=component&print=1&layout=def… 15. P. Pratapa Mowli and B. Kotaiah. Disposal of effluents from a soft drink bottling plant. INDIAN ASSOCIATION OF WATER POLLUTION CONTROL TECH, V.XII, 1•7 (1985). 16. P. Pratapa Mowli, B. Kotaiah and G. Ramprasad. irrigation. STAPATYA, V. 18(7) 78•83 (1983). Health and Hygienic aspects of sewage 17. G. Ramprasad and B. Kotaiah. Sorption of phenol by acid treated fly•ash. Journal OF INSTITUTION OF ENGINEERS (INDIA), ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIV., V. 62(2) 56•58 (1982). 18. B. Kotaiah and P. Pratapa Mowli. Sorption of phosphate from sewage by soils. Journal OF THE INSTITUTION OF PUBLIC HEALTHY ENGINEERS, INDIA, V.4, 89•95 (1982). 19. P. Pratapa Mowli, G. Ramprasad, N.V. Subbayya and B. Kotaiah. Environmental impact analysis and assessment – A case study with special reference to Nhava•Sheve port project, New Bombay. Journal OF THE INSTITUTION PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEERS. 20. B. Kotaiah, G. Ramprasad, and P. Prathap Mowli. Removal of phosphates from sewage by soils Journal OF THE INSTITUTION OF PUBLILC HEALTH ENGINEERS, INDIA, V. 4, 101•109 (1981). 21. G. Ramprasad, B. Kotaiah and P. Prathap Mowli. Adsorption of colour bodies on sand. Journal OF THE INSTITUTION OF PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEERS, INDIA, V. 4, 141•145 (1981). 22 N.V. Subbayya, B. Kotaiah, G. Ramprasad, and P. Pratapa Mowli. A Study on the relation between respiratory diseases and air pollution with special reference to Surat City. INDIAN Journal ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, V. 1(1) 15•20 (1981). Books / Chapters Published: 1. B. Kotaiah and N. Kumara Swamy. Environmental Engineering Laboratory Manual (in press). CHATOTER PUBLISHING HOUSE, ANAND (INDIA), 1994. 2. P. Pratap Mowli and B. Kotaiah. Land Disposal of Liquid wastes. Chapter•8 in Current Practices in Envirornmental Science and Engineering International Overviews, V.3. IBT PUBLISHERS & DISTRIBUTIORS, DELHI, 1987. 3. B. Kotaiah. Refuse Utilisation in Rural Areas. Chapter•6 in RURAL DEVELOPMENT N.S.S. UNIT OF S.V. UNIVERSITY, TIRUPATI, 1994. International Conferences/Symposiums/Seminars : 1. C. Vasudeva Reddy and B. Kotaiah. Pollution potential of Municipal Solid wastes in Relation to Soil and Groundwater Quality. The 7th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOILD WASTE MANAGEMENTS AND SECONDARY MATGERIALS, PHILADELPHIA (USA) December, 10•13 (1991). B. Kotaiah and C.D. Reddy. Investigation on Coal•Cr (III) Interactions Through IR Spectral Studies. INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES IN MONITORING THE ENVIRONMENT, TIRUPATI, January, 10•12 (1988). http://www.svcetedu.org/cms/index.php?view=article&catid=48%3Acivil­engineerin&id=521%3Acse­contact­ info&tmpl=component&print=1&layout=def… 2. P. Pratapa Mowli, B. Kotaiah, and N.V. Subbayya. Treatment of Effluents from a Surgical Cotton Industry. PROCESES INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION CONTROL, TIRUPATI, January, 9•13 (1986). 3. T.V.K. Reddy and B. Kotaiah. Bio•Geochemical Aspects in and Around a Sewage Farm at Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh. INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON GEOBOTANY AND BIOGEOCHEMISTRY IN EXPLORATION FOR GROUNDWATGER AND MINERAL RESOURCES. TIRUPATI, November, 27•30 (1984). 4. P. Prathapa Mowli, B. Kotaiah and G. Ramprasad. Health and Hygienic Aspects of Sewage Irrigation. PROCESES OF INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION ON IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE ON IDENTIFICATION OF REMEDIAL MEASURES TO MITIGATE THE ADVERSE EFFECTS OF IRRIGATION DRAINAGE AND FLOOD CONTROL PROJECTS, NEW DELHI, October, 9 (1982). 5. G. Ramprasad, A.D. Devasthali and B. Kotaiah. Qualitative and Quantitative Aspects of Dust Pollution in Small Scale Flour Mills, Food Industries and the Environment. INT. SYMP., BUDAPSEST, HUNGARY, September, 9•11 (1982). 6. B. Kotaiah, G. Ramprasad, and P. Pratapa Mowli. Effect pf Soil Properties on phosphate Adsorption. PROCESES OF THE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON WATER RESOURCES CONSERVATION, POLLUTION AND ABATEMENT, ROORKEE, December, 11•13(1981). 7. G. Ramprasad, B. Kotaiah and P. pratapa Mowli. Adsorption of Basic Dye Colour by Low•cost Adsorbents. INTER SYMP. ON WATER RESOURCES CONSERVATION POLLUTION AND ABATEMENT, ROOKEE. December, 11•13(1981). National Conferences/Symposiums/Seminars : 1. Prof. B. Kotaiah “ Mangement of Bio•Medical Liquid Wastes”. Proceedings of National Workshop on “BioMedical Waste Management held at SVC Pharmacy and Nursing, Chittoor, 28th Jan, 2011. 2. B. Kotaiah “Management of Mango Fruit processing waste residues” proceeding of Environmentally – Friendly Food Processing held at SVCET, Chittoor, April 5th – 6th, 2010. 3. B. Kotaiah “ Air Pollution Control Process in Sugar Industries”. Proceedings of Two Day National Seminar on selection of Air Pollution control equipment for Industrial Establishments held at SVCET, Chittoor March 5th – 6th, 2009 4. B. Kotaiah “Indicators of Sustainable Development” proceedings of the national workshop on Advanced Technologies for sustainable environment held at SVCET, Chittoor, February 20th – 21st, 2009. 5. B. Kotaiah and I.V. Ramana Reddy. Ceramic Tile Industrial Waste Treatment plant Residue Usage in the production process. UGC NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CHEMISTRY, INDUSTRY AND ENVIRONMENT, 25TH •27TH FEBRUARY, 1999, RAJAIIMUNDRY. 6. Darga Kumar, N and Dr B. Kotaiah. Clay Minerals as Liners for the Storage of Hazardous Waste Residues. UGC NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CHEMISTRY. INDUSTRY AND ENVIRONMENT 25th •27th FEBRUARY. 1999, RAJAIIMUNDRY. http://www.svcetedu.org/cms/index.php?view=article&catid=48%3Acivil­engineerin&id=521%3Acse­contact­ info&tmpl=component&print=1&layout=def… 7. I.V. Ramana Reddy, R. Subramanyam and B. Kotaiah. Effect of Acidity of Water on Strength and Setting Properties of Cement. NATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON RECENT ADVANCES IN CIVIL ENGINEERING, DECEMBER 21•23,(1999), P.226•233. TIRUPATI. 8. I.V. Ramana Reddy and B. Kotaiah. Investigation on use of Brackish Water in plain Cement Concrete Works. National Workshop on “ADVANCES IN CEMENT SLAG AND POZZOIANIC MATERIAL IN INDIA, JUNE 27, 1998, TIRUPATI. 9. Dr. B. Kotaiah. Conservation of Water Resources through Recycling of Municipal Wastewater for Irrigation. ALL INDIA SEMINAR ON PARTICIPATORY MANAGEMENT OF IRRIGATION PROJECT – JANMA BHOOMI CONCEPT, AUGUST 25•26, 1997, TIRUPATI. 10. I.V. Ramana Reddy and Dr. B. Kotaiah. Effect of Sodium Salts on Strength and Setting Properties of Cement. NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTION METHODS, AUGUST 22•23, 1997, P.198•202. 11. I.V. Ramana Reddy, K.V. Rao and B. Kotaiah. Effect of Alkalinity on Strength and Setting Properties of Cement. TWELTH NATIONAL CONVENTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS, SEPTEMBER 26• 28, 1996. ANDHRA PRADESH STATE CENTRE, HYDERABAD. 12. B. Kotaiah, C. Vasudeva Reddy, and Ch. Rajasekhar. Ground water pollution from Unsewared Sanitation. NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION SOCIETY, KAKINADA, April, 17th (1993). 13. B. Kotaiah, and N. Kumara Swamy. Impact of Man on the Environment an Overview. NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION SOCIETY, KAKINADA, April, 17th (1993). 14. B. Kotaiah, Prediction of Futuristic Environmental Implications By 2001•AD in Tirupati pilgrim Centre. NATIONAL SEMINAR ON FUTUROLOGY, VISAKHAPATNAM, May, 19•21 (1988). 15. J. Karthikeyan and B. Kotaiah. Solid Waste Management of Tirupati Municipality – A Case study. NATIONAL SEMINAR ON MANAGEMENT OF WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEMS. PATNA (BIHAR), February 27•28(1988). 16. B. Kotaiah. A Review of Eutrophication Control Strategies in Lakes and Reservoirs. PROCESS OF SEMINAR ON MANAGEMENT OF LAKES AND INLAND SURFACE WATER BODIES, ORGANISED BY IPHE, INDIS, PURI (ORISSA), November, 24•26 (1988). 17. B. Kotaiah, and M.Y.A. Baig, Influence of Growing Environmental pollution on the Natural Hydrologic Cycle. PROCESS OF NATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON HYDROLOGY, NATIONAL INSTITUTE HYDROLOGY, ROORKEE, December 16•18 (1987). 18. P. Pratapa Mowli and B. Kotaiah. Ecological Consequence in the Development of Water Resources projects. PROCESS OF TECHNICAL SESSION ON ORGANISATION, TECHNOLOGY AND PERFORMANCE OF IRRIGATION IN ANDHRA PRADESH, TIRUPATI, February, 16th (1985). 19. B. Kotaiah and P. Pratapa Mowli. Salt Formations in the Seepage Galleries • A Case Study of kalyani Dam seepage gallery. PROCESS OF TECHNICAL SESSION ON ORGANISATION, TECHNOLOGY AND PERFORMANCE OF IRRIGATION IN ANDHRA PRADCESH, TIRUPATI, February, 16th (1985). 20. T.V.K. Reddy and B. Kotaiah. Selection of Water Resources – A Critical Review. NATIONAL SEMINAR ON OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF WATER SUPPLY AND WASTEWATER SYSTEMS. BANGALORE, February, 25•27(1983). http://www.svcetedu.org/cms/index.php?view=article&catid=48%3Acivil­engineerin&id=521%3Acse­contact­ info&tmpl=component&print=1&layout=def… 21. B. Kotaiah, Utilization of Sewage Sludge as a Fertilizer and Soil Conditioner. NATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON BIOTECHNOLOGY, CHANDIGARH, March, 13•15 (1982). 22. B. Kotaiah, Evaluation of Performance of Sewage Farms – A Case Study of Tirupati Municipal Sewage Farm. PROCESS OF SECOND NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SANITATION, CALCUTTA, November 12•14 (1982). 23. B. Kotaiah, Methods for the Improvement of Temple Tank Waters of Tirupati – Tirumala. PROCESS OF SEMINAR ON ENVIRONMENT, TIRUPATI, June 6th (1980). RESEARCH / CONSULTANCY PROEJCTS HANDLED : 1. B. Kotaiah. A project report on Waste Treatment plant of : i) M\S. Jaya Bhaskar processed Foods, Mittoor (Village), Chittoor (District), A.P. March, 2000. ii) M\S. Sree Manjunath Fruit Canning Industries, Maddipetla palle (Village), Chittoor (District), A.P., March, 2000. iii) M\S. New Ranga Fruit products. Gopalapuram, Chittoor (District), A.P., March, 2000. iv) M\S. United Canning Company (p) Limited, Reddigunta (post), Chittoor (District), A.P., March, 2000. v) M\S. Creative Seasonal Cannings, Kandiga (Village), Chittoor (District), A.P., March, 2000. vi) M\S. Sri Krishna Fruit canning Industries, Muthara palle (Village), Chittoor (District), A.P., March, 2000. 2. B. Kotaiah. A Project report on Effluent Treatment plant of M\S. SIBAR Auto parts Limited, Settipalli (Post), Tirupati, December, 1999. 3. B. Kotaiah. A project Report on Effluent Treatment plant of M\S. TINI Pharma Limited, Settipalli (Post), Tirupati, September, 1999. 4. B. Kotaiah. Environmental Audit Report for the year 1998•1999 (Environmental Statement) for M\S. Zuari Cement, Yerraguntla, A.P., September, 1999. 5. B. Kotaiah. A project report on Rapid Environment Impact Assessment of Existing Dyeing Units in Nagari, Surroundings and Proposed Textile Park at keelapattu Village, Nagari Chittoor (District), A.P., August, 1999. 6. B. Kotaiah. Presentation of Data on Environment Management Planning of M\S. Safha Aromatics, panatoor Village, Chittoor (District), A.P., March, 2000. 7. B. Kotaiah. Ground Water Quality of M\S. Lanco Industrial Complex, Rachagunneri (post), Chittoor (District), A.P., May, 1999. 8. B. Kotaiah, Presentation of Data on Environmental Management Planning, Kalahasti Castings Limited, Rachagunneri (Post), Chittoor (District), A.P., April, 1999. 9. B. Kotaiah. A project report on Rice Husk Fired Brick Kilns of M\S. Star Brick Industry, Somulavaripalli (Post), proddatur, A.P., February, 1999. 10. B. Kotaiah. A project report on Greenbelt Development, Air and Noise pollution Levels in and around M\S. Spartex Ceramics India Limited, Tirupati, March, 1997. 11. B. Kotaiah and Ch. Rajasekhar. A project report on Status of Air Quality in and around M\S. Detergent India Limited, Kodur, A.P., May, 1994. http://www.svcetedu.org/cms/index.php?view=article&catid=48%3Acivil­engineerin&id=521%3Acse­contact­ info&tmpl=component&print=1&layout=def… 12. B. Kotaiah and Ch. Rajasekhar. A project report on the purification of Bangaru Bhavi (Temple• well), T.T.D., Tirumala, 1993. 13. B. Kotaiah. A project report on the management of liquid and solid wastes of varanasi Glucose plant, pulicherla, Chittoor District, A.P., 1993. 14. B. Kotaiah, A project report on the management of industrial wastewaters of M\S. Andhra Straw Boards (p) Limited., HUNDI (W.G.), A.P., 1993. 15. B. Kotaiah. A project report on the treatment of industrial wastwaters of Coastal Agro•products (P) Limited, TANUKU (W.G.), A.P., 1993. 16. B. Kotaiah. A project report on the management of industrial wastewaters of West Godavari Cooperative Sugar Factory, Bhimadole (W.G), 1992. 17 B. Kotaiah. A project on the management of industrial wastewater of Aruna Straw Boards (p) Limited, Duvva (W.G.), 1992. 18. B. Kotaiah. A project report on the treatment and disposal of wastewaters of Nutrine Confectionary Company Limited., Chittoor (A.P), 1991. 19. B. Kotaiah. A project report on the treatment of and disposal of liquid wastes of Raghunath Cotton products (p)Limited, Maddipadu, prakasam District, 1991. 20. B. Kotaiah. A project report on the treatment of wastewaters of Kallam Agro•products, Anki Reddy palem, Guntur district, A.P., 1991•92. 21. B. Kotaiah. A project report on the management of wastewaters of Stiles India Limited, Lakshmi Puram, Chittoor District, A.P., 1990•91. 22. B. Kotaiah. A project report on the treatment of industrial wastewaters of Detergent Indian Limited, Kodur, Cuddapah district, A.P. 1988•89. 23. M.V. Jagannadha Rao, P. Venkatraman, G. Ramprasad and B. Kotaiah. Air pollution Survey of proposed Bagalkot township, Karnataka Statem 1987•88. 24. P. Pratapa Mowli, G. Ramprasad, N.V. Subbayya and B. Kotaiah. A project report on the treatment of surgical cotton industrial effluents of M\S Surcot Industry Pvt. Ltd., Suryanarayana Puram, Renigunta (AP), 1983•84. 25. P. Pratapa Mowli, G. Ramprasad, N.V. Subbayya and B. Kotaiah. Treatment of Ceramic floor• tile manufacturing industrial effluents of M\S Sportex India Ltd., Narasingapuram, Chittoor (Dist.), A.P. 1984. 26. P. Pratapa Mowli, G. Ramprasad, N.V. Subbayya and B. Kotaiah. Environmental impact analysis and assessment of Nheva•Sheva port project, New Bombay, 1982•83. 27. P. Pratapa Mowli, G. Ramprasad, N.V. Subbayya and B. Kotaiah. A project report on the treatment of Dyeing and Printing Industrial Effluents of M\S Darshan Processors, Udhana Surat (Gujarat), 1980•81. http://www.svcetedu.org/cms/index.php?view=article&catid=48%3Acivil­engineerin&id=521%3Acse­contact­ info&tmpl=component&print=1&layout=def… 28 P. Pratapa Mowli, G. Ramprasad, N.V. Subbayya and B. Kotaiah. A project report on the treatment of Dye•manufacturing Industrial effluents of M\S Anand Dyes, Junagadh (P.O), Gujarat, 1979•80. CONFERENCES/SEMINARS CONDUCTED OR ASSOCIATED 1. National Seminar on Water Resources Management for Sustainale Development, March, 12•13, 1999 was conducted at Tirupati as ORGANISING SECRETARY. 2. National Seminar on Energy and Environment, February 25•26, 2000 was conducted at Tirupati as a Member of Organising Committee. 3. National Seminar on participatory Management of Irrigation Schemes – A Janmabhoomi Concept. August 25•26, 1997 was conducted at Tirupati as Organising Committee Member. 4. International Conference on Environmental Pollution Control, January 9•13, 1986 was conducted at Tirupati as a Member of Editorial Board and Organising Committee. 5. Eighth National Convention on Environmental Engineering (IPHE, India) – January 18•21, 1984 was conducted at Tirupati as a member of Editorial Board and Organising Committee. NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ATTENDED: 1. UGC National Conference on Chemistry. 1999, Rajahmundry. Industry and Environment, 25th 27th February, 2. National seminar on Futurology, Visakhapatnam, May, 19•21, 1988. 3. National Seminar on Management of water and wastewater systems, Patna (Bihar). February., 27• 28, 1988. 4. Seminar on management of lakes and inland surface water bodies, puri (Orissa), Nosdv., 24•26, 1988. 5. Technical session on organization, Technology and performance of irrigation in Andhra Pradesh, Tirupati, February, 16th, 1985. 6. National Symposium on Bio•Technology Chandigarh, March, 13•15, 1982. Second National Conference on Sanitation, Calcutta, November, 12•14, 1982. Seminar on Environment, Tirupati, June, 6th, 1980. 7. International Seminar on Analytical Techniques in monitoring the environment, Tirupati, January, 10•12, 1988. 8. International Conference on Environmental Pollution Control, Tirupati, January, 9•13, 1986. International Seminar on Geo•Botany and Bio•Geochemistry in Exploration for groundwater and mineral resources, Tirupati, November, 27•30, 1984. 9. International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage on identification of remedial measures to mitigate the Adverse Effects of Irrigation, Drainage and Flood Control Projects, New Delhi, October, 9th, 1982. http://www.svcetedu.org/cms/index.php?view=article&catid=48%3Acivil­engineerin&id=521%3Acse­contact­ info&tmpl=component&print=1&layout=def… 10. Ninth National Convention (Rajasthan), February, 6•9, 1983. on Environmental Engineering (IPHE, India) Jodhpur 11. Annual paper meeting (Institution of Engineers, India), Environment Engineering Div., Lucknow, October, 16th, 1981. 12. Eighth National Convention on Environmental Engineering (IPHE, India) Tirupati, January, 18•21, 1982. Dr. SUNKARA VENKATESWARA RAO LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 1. Impact of environment on Sulphate concentration in groundwaters of Visakhapatnam area – Subba Rao, N., Sathi Babu, Y., Venkateswara Rao, S and Krishna Rao, G. 1988. Indian Journal of Environmental Protection, 8 (6), pp.421•424. 2. Criteria for recognition of salt waters in coastal aquifers • Venkateswara Rao, S and Subba Rao, N. 1988. Journal of Groundwater News, Vol. VII, No.9, pp. 9•12. 3. Hydrogeochemical cycle in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh – Subba Rao, N., Krishna Rao, G., Sathi Babu, Y., Venkateswara Rao, S and Suryanarayana, K. 1988. Journal of Geoviews, Vol. XV, pp.21•26. 4. A case study of temperature impact on environment of air and water in industrial area • Suryanarayana, K., Venkateswara Rao, S and Krishna Rao, G. 1990. Indian Journal of Environmental Protection, 10 (2), pp. 124•125. 5. Water borne iodide deficiency disorders in tribal parts of Visakhapatnam district, A. P. • Venkateswara Rao, S. 1995. Proceedings of the SECOND WATER CONGRESS sponsored by Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission, Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India. Organized by Centre for Water Resources & Centre for Environmental Studies, Anna University, Madras, pp. 39•43. 6. Factors controlling groundwater quality in parts of Srikakulam district, Andhra Pradesh • Venkateswara Rao, S., Krishna Rao, G. and Subba Rao, N. 1996. Journal of Indian Academy of Geoscience, Vol. 39, No.2, pp. 33•39. 7. Significance of water resources development in the rural environment with reference to Srikakulam district • Venkateswara Rao, S., Vasudeva Rao, P.H.V., Krishna Rao, G. and Subba Rao, N. 1997. Geography and Environment Ed. Vol. 2, Regional Issues, pp. 94 •115 (Concept Publications) Environmental control of groundwater quality in a tribal region of Andhra Pradesh, India – Subba Rao, N., Srinivasa Rao, G., Venkateswara Rao, S., Madhusudana Reddy, P and John Devadas, D. 1999. Indian Journal of Geology, Vol. 71, No. 4, pp.299•304. 8. Iodide levels in the waters of tribal region of Visakhapatnam district, Andhra Pradesh, India • Venkateswara Rao, S and Subba Rao, N. 2002. Journal of Applied Geochemistry, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 11•16. Shelter•cum•Bio•Energy Belt along the Coast of Andhra Pradesh, India • Vasudeva Rao, P.H.V., Venkateswara Rao, S., Ammineedu, E and Subba Rao, N. 2003. “Recent Advances in Environmental Sciences” published by Department of Botany, Dhempe College of Arts & Science, Panaji – 403001, Goa. pp 193•210. 9. Assessment of Saltwater intrusion along Coastal areas of Nellore District, A.P• M. Mohan Babu., G. K. Viswanadh and S. Venkateswara Rao, 2013 • International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Vol 4, Issue 7 (July 2013), pp 173•178. http://www.svcetedu.org/cms/index.php?view=article&catid=48%3Acivil­engineerin&id=521%3Acse­contact­ info&tmpl=component&print=1&layout=def… PAPERS ACCEPTED FOR NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL SEMINARS / SYMPOSIA NATIONAL SEMINARS / SYMPOSIA 1. Assessment of groundwater aquifer zones through geoelectrical surveys in parts of East Godavari district, Andhra Pradesh • Venkateswara Rao, S., Sathi Babu, Y., Satyanarayana, K.V., Subba Rao, N. and Krishna Rao, G. 1988 – Abstract accepted in National Seminar on ‘Exploration Geophysics’, 14th Annual Convention. 2. Soil conservation measures along the Andhra Pradesh Coast – Vasudeva Rao, P.H.V., Venkateswara Rao, V. and Venkateswara Rao, S., 1993 • All India Seminar on ‘Management of Coastal Environment’, Visakhapatnam, India. 3. Significance of shelterbelt along the Nellore Schist Belt associated coast • Vasudeva Rao, P.H.V., Ammineedu, E. and Venkateswara Rao, S., 1997. Proceedings of the National Conference on Nellore Schist Belt, 6th December, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam. Pp. 113•120. 4. Iodide deficient groundwaters in tribal parts of Visakhapatnam district, Andhra Pradesh – Venkateswara Rao, S., Suryanarayana, N.V.S and Chaitanya, S.S.K. 1998. Seminar on ‘Groundwater Resource Development and Management’, July, 25•26, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam. 5. Assessment of groundwater in tribal parts of Visakhapatnam district, Andhra Pradesh – Venkateswara Rao, S., 2002. National Symposium on the ‘Natural Resources Management and Environment’, 17th March, Visakhapatnam. Organized by Society for Environment and Economic Development (SEED), Visakhapatnam. 6. Impact of check dams (diversion weirs) on agriculture in certain tribal villages in Visakhapatnam district, A.P. – P.H.V. Vasudeva Rao and S. Venkateswara Rao., 2002 National Symposium on the ‘Natural Resources Management and Environment’, 17th March, Visakhapatnam. Organized by Society for Environment and Economic Development (SEED), Visakhapatnam. INTERNATIONAL SEMINARS / CONFERENCES / SYMPOSIA 1. Hydrogeochemical studies in parts of Nagavali river basin, Srikakulam district, Andhra Pradesh • Venkateswara Rao, S., Sathi Babu, Y., Subba Rao, N. and Krishna Rao, G. 1988 • International Seminar on Hydrology, colloquium on ‘Water Resources Problems of South Asian Countries’, October 20•23, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India. 2. Delineation of the saline waters of Uppada Coastal Aquifer, East Godavari district, Andhra Pradesh • Sathi Babu, Y., Venkateswara Rao, S., Subba Rao, N., Suryanarayana, K. and Krishna Rao, G. 1988 • International Seminar on Hydrology, colloquium on ‘Water Resources Problems of South Asian Countries’, October 20•23, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India. 3. Significance of hydrological studies for groundwater with reference to rural areas in India • Venkateswara Rao, S., Krishna Rao, G and Subba Rao, N. 1993. International Conference on Environmentally Sound water Resources Utilisation, Bangkok. Organised by Asian Institute of Technology (AIT). 4. Seasonal variation in groundwater quality in rural parts of Srikakulam district, Andhra Pradesh • Venkateswara Rao, S., Krishna Rao, G and Subba Rao, N. 2001. Mahadevan Birth Centenary International Symposium on ‘Challenges of Water Resources Management in the Developing Countries in the 21st Century’, May 6•10, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam. http://www.svcetedu.org/cms/index.php?view=article&catid=48%3Acivil­engineerin&id=521%3Acse­contact­ info&tmpl=component&print=1&layout=def… List of Projects implemented Details of Research Projects being implemented/ completed/ submitted by the Investigator(s)/Co• Investigators including Investigator(s) Name & Institute Project Title : Assessment of Water Resources for the Development of Tribal Areas of Visakhapatnam 2 years (from February 1994 to District, Andhra Pradesh Project Status: Completed Duration: January 1996). Funding Agency: Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi Total Cost : Rs. 2, 34,450/• Summary of the project : Systematic reconnaissance survey has been carried out to identity the locations for water, soil samples and geo•electrical resistivity surveys for groundwater targeting in tribal mandals – Pedabayalu, Paderu and G. Madugula of Visakhapatnam District, Andhra Pradesh. Water samples were collected from identified 97 wells for every two months and carried out systematic water analysis in the laboratory to know their suitability for drinking and agricultural purposed. Depths to water levels for every two months in dug/open wells were measured to distinguish the influence of rainfall on water levels fluctuation. For this purpose 3 rain•gauge stations were established in all the three mandal headquarters. Soil samples collected at 33 locations and analyzed for their physico•chemical parameters. Geo•electrical resistivity surveys were carried out at 45 locations covering the entire study area to locate potential groundwater zones and exploitation of groundwater for agricultural and drinking purposes. For this project I have carried out correspondence to National Remote Sensing Agency (NRSA), Hyderabad and bought INS•IB imageries.Major Results/ Highlights of the project including achievement (publications, patents etc.), for completed projectsPublished three research papers and presented two papers in seminarsOn•going•duration, date of start, funding agency and total cost: NA Up•to date Technical progress report for on•going projects. Proposed•duration, funding agency where submitted and total cost: Project submitted: A research project on “Impact of Artificial Recharge Structures on Critical Groundwater Basin of Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh” Duration: 24 months Funding Agency: AICTE, New Delhi under Research Promotion Scheme (RPS) Total Cost: Rs. 9, 13,000/• PROF M. MOHAN BABU List of Publications Sl .No Title of Paper i) ii) iii) iv) Author(s) M. Mohan Babu, Ground Water Dr. G.K. Viswandh Modeling of Nellore & Coastal Zone Dr.V.Varalakshmi Assessment of Saltwater Intrusion Along Coastal Areas of Nellore District, A.P. Hydrochemical Studies along Coastal Areas of Nellore District, Andhra Pradesh Effect of Subsurface barrier on salt water M. Mohan Babu, Dr. G.K. Viswandh & Dr.S.Venkateswara Rao Name & Vol. Of Journal & Year International Journal of Civil, Structural, Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering Research and Development (IJCSEIERD) ISSN(P): 2249-6866; ISSN(E): 2249-7978 Vol. 4, Issue 1, Feb 2014, 101-110 International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research (IJSER), Volume 4, Issue 7, July-2013 ISSN 2229-5518 M. Mohan Babu & Dr. G.K. Viswandh International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), Volume-2 Issue-5 on June 30, 2013. ISSN: 2249-8958 M. Mohan Babu & Water & Energy International, Sep-Oct; 2(7), 41-48. http://www.svcetedu.org/cms/index.php?view=article&catid=48%3Acivil­engineerin&id=521%3Acse­contact­ info&tmpl=component&print=1&layout=def… Intrusion a) National Journals Sl .No Title of Paper i) Effectiveness of Subsurface barrier on salt water Intrusion ii) Conferences a) International Conferences Sl .No i) ii) iii) Dr A. Mahesha : 1 Author(s) M. Mohan Babu & Dr A. Mahesha : Name & Vol. Of Journal & Year ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 8(1), 60-67. 3 Title of Paper Author(s) Assessment of Seawater M. Mohan Babu Intrusion into the Coastal & Aquifers Dr. G.K. Viswandh M. Mohan Babu, Assessment of Groundwater Dr. G.K. Viswandh Quality and its Suitability for & Irrigation and Drinking Purposes Dr.N.V.Ramana Rao Groundwater studies with M. Mohan Babu special emphasis on seasonal & Variation of Groundwater Dr. G.K. Viswandh Quality in a coastal aquifer. b) National Conferences : 3 Sl .No Title of Paper Author(s) i) Effect of Spatially Varied M. Mohan Babu Hydraulic Conductivity on Salt & Water Intrusion Dr. G.K. Viswandh ii) Sea Water Intrusion Modeling In Coastal Aquifers iii) Identification of Rainwater M. Mohan Babu & Dr. G.K. Viswandh M. Mohan Babu Details of Conference Global Academic Network International Conference, Los Angeles, May 14-17, 2014 Global Academic Network International Conference, Los Angeles, May 14-17, 2014 4th International Conference on Hydrology and Watershed Management, 29th Oct – 1st Nov, 2014, Organised by Center for Water Resources, Institute of Science and Technology, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad, Kukatpally, Hyderabad -500 085. Details of Conference National conference on Environmental Effects on Civil Engineering Structures, 14-15 July, 2006 Organised by Department of Civil Engineering, Sri Venkateswara University College of Engineering (Autonomous) Tirupathi. National conference on Watershed Management and Impact of Environmental Changes on Water Resources(WMEC-2007)”, 22 -23, Feb,2007 Organised by Department Of Civil Engineering, JNTU College Of Engineering, Hyderabad500072 (A.P) Two Day National Conference http://www.svcetedu.org/cms/index.php?view=article&catid=48%3Acivil­engineerin&id=521%3Acse­contact­ info&tmpl=component&print=1&layout=def… Harvesting Structures to Increase the Groundwater Levels at RVS Nagar, Chittoor. & Dr. G.K. Viswandh On Water, Environment And Society (NCWES), 30th June – 01st July 2014, Organised by Center for Water Resources, Institute of Science and Technology, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad, Kukatpally, Hyderabad -500 085. Projects Awarded :01 Research Areas : Groundwater Modeling & Salt Water Intrusion Modeling Membership/Fellowship and position of responsibility in Professional Societies: v Life Member Indian society for Technical Education (LM 45795) v Life Member Indian Society for Hydraulics (LM 753 ) v Executive member for ISTE Local Chapter (2004-05) Laboratories developed : v Responsible for setting up of Strength of Materials, Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machines Laboratory Conferences/Workshop Organised: a) Convener for AP Pollution Control Board Sponsored Two Day National Workshop on Climate Change and Sustainability (CCS) organised by Department of Civil Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering and Technology, Chittoor during December 21st – 22nd, 2011. b) Convener for AP Pollution Control Board Sponsored Two Day National Workshop on Environmental Friendly Food Processing (EFFP) organised by Department of Civil Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering and Technology, Chittoor during March 28th – 29th, 2010. c) Coordinator for AICTE sponsored Two day National Seminar on “Selection of Air Pollution Control Equipment for Industrial Establishments” Organised by Department of Mechnaical Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering and Technology, Chittoor during 5th & 6th March, 2009. d) Coordinator for Three day AICTE sponsored Entrepreneurship Awareness Programme, November 15-18, 2008 organised by Entrepreneurship Development Cell, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering and Technology, Chittoor. e) Convener for Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Instructional Design and Delivery”, December 3-8, 2007 organised by Department of Training and Placement, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering and Technology, Chittoor. f) Convener for Two Day National Workshop on IMPACT OF INDUSTRIALISATION ON ENVIRONMENT (IIE), January 24-25, 2007 organised by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering and Technology, Chittoor. g) Member Technical Committee two day National Conference on “WATERSHED MANAGEMENT AND IMPACT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGES ON WATER RESOURCES” during 22-23 February 2007, Organised by Department of Civil Engineering, JNTU College of Engineering, Hyderabad. h) Member Technical Committee two day National Workshop on “WATERSHED MANAGEMENT AND IMPACT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGES ON WATER RESOURCES” during 20-21 September 2006, Organised by Department of Civil Engineering, JNTU College of Engineering, Hyderabad. http://www.svcetedu.org/cms/index.php?view=article&catid=48%3Acivil­engineerin&id=521%3Acse­contact­ info&tmpl=component&print=1&layout=def… i) Co-coordinator for the Two day workshop on “SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT”, 29 th & 30th July, 2005, Organized by Mechanical Engineering Department, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering & Technology, Chittoor. j) Co-convener for the “iTECHNOFEST’2K5”, “iTECHNOFEST’2K6”, “iTECHNOFEST’2K7”, “iTECHNOFEST’2K8”, a National level Students Technical Paper Presentation Competition Organized by Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering & Technology, Chittoor 17. Conferences/Workshops Attended: a) Workshop on “Opportunities of Government Funded R&D Projects for Engineering Educational Institutions” International Conference on Total Engineering, Analysis & Manufacturing Technologies 4 – 6 October 2007, J.N.Tata Auditorium, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore b) AICTE sponsored Short Term Training Programme on “Contaminant Transport Modeling: Theory and Application” from 11th June 2007 to 16th June 2007, Organised by Department of Civil Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Madras. c) Two Day National Workshop on “VLSI Design & Nano Electronics” March 30-31, 2007, Organised by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering & Technology, Chittoor d) Two day National Conference on “WATERSHED MANAGEMENT AND IMPACT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGES ON WATER RESOURCES” during 22-23 February 2007, Organised by Department of Civil Engineering, JNTU College of Engineering, Hyderabad e) Two day National Workshop on “WATERSHED MANAGEMENT AND IMPACT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGES ON WATER RESOURCES” during 20-21 September 2006, Organised by Department of Civil Engineering, JNTU College of Engineering, Hyderabad. f) Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, New Delhi. Sponsored Advanced Training Programme on “MATHEMATICAL MODELING IN HYDROGEOLOGY: NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF GROUNDWATER FLOW AND SOLUTE TRANSPORT”, 7-30th November, 2005, Organised by Department of Geology, Anna University, Chennai-25. g) Srinivasa Educational academy sponsored A Two day workshop on “SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT”, during 29th & 30th July, 2005, Organized by Mechanical Engineering Department, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering & Technology, Chittoor. h) Workshop on “SOFT SKILLS DEVELOPMENT”, during 18th -23rd May 2005, organized by Business Dynamics, learning & Networking Organization, A division of Brain Bit Technologies, Tirupathi. i) AICTE Sponsored Programme on “Environmental & Pollution Awareness”, 9 th July, 2004, Organised by Civil Engineering Department, G.Pulla Reddy Engineering College in Collaboration with A.P.Pollution Board, Kurnool & Janavikas Society, Kurnool. j) Participated in Extension course on “FINITE ELEMENT METHOD FOR ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS”, during 17th-30th April, 1998, conducted by Centre of Continuing Education, Karnataka Regional Engineering College, Surathkal. k) Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi and the School of Business Management, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupathi Sponsored “ENTREPRENEURSHIP AWARENESS CAMP” 13th-15th September, 1991. http://www.svcetedu.org/cms/index.php?view=article&catid=48%3Acivil­engineerin&id=521%3Acse­contact­ info&tmpl=component&print=1&layout=def… DR. B.DAMODHARA REDDY List of Publications in Journals: List of Publications in National Journals: 1) G.Reddy Babu , B. Chandra Sekhar, B. Damodhara Reddy, Dr. I.V.Ramana Reddy. “Sorption Selective Reactive Dyeing Effluents Using Powdered Activated Carban”, published in Nature Environment and Pollution Technology Journal,Volume 5, No.3,PP.375•380,September,2006. List of Publications in Workshops/ Conferences/Seminars: List of publications in National Conferences 1. B.Damodhara Reddy G.Reddy Babu Dr.I.V.Ramana Reddy, “ An experimental investigation on micro silica concrete with fly ash on strength behaviour”, published in National Conference on Recent Advaces in Structural Engineering, held on 11th and 12th Feb, 2006. Dept of Civil Engineering, JNTU College of Engineering, Kakinada, A.P, 2. B.Damodhara Reddy, G.Reddy Babu, Dr.I.V.Ramana Reddy, “High Strength Concrete using Silica Fume with Superplasticiser”. Published in National Conference on “Environmental Effects on Civil Engineering Structures”, held on 14•15th July, 2006.Organised by Dept. of Civil Engg., S.V.U.College of Engg., S.V.University, Tiruapti. 3. B.Damodhara Reddy, G.Reddy Babu, Dr.I.V.Ramana Reddy,”Rehabilitation of reinforced Concrete Rectangular Beams Using Ferrocement Plates”. Published in National Conference on Recent Advances in Structural Engineering, held on 9th March,2007. Organised by Dept. of Civil Engg., J.N.T.U.College of Engineering, Anantapur. 4. B.Damodhara Reddy,A.Gopalachary,Dr.I.V.Ramana Reddy “Intertization of Sulphate and Sulphite of Sodium in Portland Cement and Effects on Strength Properties of Cement, Published in 2nd AP Science Congress held on Nov 14•16,2009., Organised by Andhra Pradesh Akademi of Sciences and Sri Venkateswara Univerity, Tirupati•517502 5. B.Damodhara Reddy,P.Ukesh Praveen,V.Anil Kumar Reddy,P.Sanjeeva Rayudu “Permeability of chloride in cement mortar cubes by adding different mineral admixtures using RCPT”, Published National Conference on Latest trends in civil engineering(NCLTCE2K12) held on March 13th 2012., Organised by Siddharth group of engineering institutions, Puttur•517 583,Chittoor District, A.P. 6. B.Damodhara Reddy,M.Lakshmi Prasanna,M.Usha, P.Yaswanth“Durability of cement mortar cubes added with different mineral and chemical admixtures using RCPT”, Published National Conference on Latest trends in civil engineering(NCLTCE2K12) held on March 13th 2012., Organised by Siddharth group of engineering institutions, Puttur•517 583,Chittoor District, A.P. List of publications in International Conferences 1. B.Damodhara Reddy,G. Reddy Babu, Dr.I.V.Ramana Reddy,”STRENGTH AND DUCTILITY OF R.C.BEAMS WITH EPOXY BONDED FIBRE REINFORCED POLYMER PLATES”, published in International Conference on Recent Development in Structural Engg.(RDSE) held on 30th Aug. to 1st Sep.,2007, Organised by Dept. of Civil Engineering, M.I.T., Manipal, Karnataka, India. 2. B.Damodhara Reddy, Dr.I.V.Ramana Reddy,M.Murali,”STRENGTH AND DURABILITY OF CEMENTITIOUS MATERIALS WITH DIFFERENT ADMIXTURES) published in International Conference on Recent Trends in Transportation Environmental and Civil Engineering.(TECE•2011) http://www.svcetedu.org/cms/index.php?view=article&catid=48%3Acivil­engineerin&id=521%3Acse­contact­ info&tmpl=component&print=1&layout=def… held on 14th. to 15th September,2011, Organised by Association of Civil and Environmental Engineers (ACEE) Bangalore, Karnataka, India. 3. B.Damodhara Reddy, Dr.I.V.Ramana Reddy,S.Aruna Jyothy, M.Murali,”AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY PN PERFORMANCE OF MORTAR CUBES BY PARTIAL REPLACEMENT OF CEMENT WITH AND WITHOUT ADMIXTURES”, published in 2nd International Conference on Advances in Mechanical, Manufacturing and Building Sciences (ICAMB) held on 09th. to 11th January, 2012, Organised by VIT University, Vellore, Tamil nadu, India. 4. B.DamodharaReddy,S.ArunaJyothy,Dr.I.V.RamanaReddy,M.Bhargava,”COMPARATIVE STUDY ON PSC AND OPC WITH PARTIAL REPLACEMENT OF DIFFERENT POZZOLANIC MATERIALS”, published in International Conference on Advances in Architecture and Civil Engineering (AARCV•2012) held on 21st to 23rd June, 2012, Organised School of Architecture and Department of Civil Engineering,MSRIT, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS 1. B. Damodhara Reddy, I. V. Ramana Reddy and S. Aruna Jyothy, “An Experimental Investigation on the Performance of Mortar Cubes by Partial Replacement of Portland Slag Cement with and without Admixtures”, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering ISSN 2250• 2459, Vol.3 Issue 1 of IJETAE, pp.438•446, 20, January 2013. 2. B. Damodhara Reddy, I. V. Ramana Reddy and S. Aruna Jyothy, “Evaluation of Mechanical and Durability Properties of Portland Slag Cement with partial Replacement of Cement by Different Mineral and Chemical Admixtures”, International Academy of Science Engineering and Technology – International Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol.2, Issue 1, pp.29•38 February 2013, ISSN 2278•9987. Impact Factor – 0.6824. 3. B. Damodhara Reddy, S. Aruna Jyothy and I. V. Ramana Reddy, “Influence of Microsilica on the Properties of Ordinary Portland Cement and Portland Slag Cement with and without Superplasticizers”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), Vol.2, Issue 3, pp.610•616, February 2013. Impact Factor 1.0 4. B. Damodhara Reddy, S. Aruna Jyothy and I. V. Ramana Reddy, “Effect of Rice Husk Ash on Properties of Ordinary Portland Cement and Portland Slag Cement with and without Superplasticizers”, International Journal of Civil, Structural, Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering Research and Development (IJCSEIERD) ISSN 2249•6866, Vol.3, Issue 2, pp.1•8, June 2013. Impact Factor 2.3565 (Online First) 5. B. Damodhara Reddy, S. Aruna Jyothy and P.Ramesh Babu, “Experimental Investigation on Concrete by Partially Replacement of Ware Aggregate with Junk Rubber”, The International Journal Of Engineering And Science (IJES) ||Volume|| 2 ||Issue|| 12 || Pages || 61•65 || 2013 || ISSN (e): 2319 – 1813 ISSN (p): 2319 – 1805. Impact factor 1.06. 6. B. Damodhara Reddy, S. Aruna Jyothy and Fawaz Shaik, “Experimental Analysis of the Use of Coconut Shell as Coarse Aggregate”, IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR• JMCE) e•ISSN: 2278•1684,p•ISSN: 2320•334X, Volume 10, Issue 6 (Jan. 2014), PP 06•13 www.iosrjournals.org INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES 1. B.Damodhara Reddy and I.V.Ramana Reddy, “Strength and Durability of Cementitious http://www.svcetedu.org/cms/index.php?view=article&catid=48%3Acivil­engineerin&id=521%3Acse­contact­ info&tmpl=component&print=1&layout=def… Materials with Different admixtures”, International Conference on Recent Trends in Transportation, Environmental and Civil Engineering, TECE 2011,September 14•15,2011, Banglore, India B.Damodhara Reddy, I.V.Ramana Reddy, S.Aruna Jyothy and M.Murali “An Experimental Study on Performance of Mortar Cubes by Partial Replacement of Cement with and without Admixtures” 2nd International Conference on Advances in Mechanical, Manufacturing and Building Sciences ICAMB – 2012, pp.993 – 999, January 9•11, 2012, Vellore, India. 2. B.Damodhara Reddy, S.Aruna Jyothy, I.V.Ramana Reddy, and M.Bhargava, “Comparative Study on PSC and OPC with Partial Replacement of Different Pozzolanic Materials”Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Architecture and Civil Engineering AARCV•2012, Vol.1, pp.11•16,21•23, June2012, Banglore, India. Conferences/ Workshops 1. Organising Committee Member : National Conference on “Environmental Effects on Effects on Civil Engineering Structures”, 14•15th July, 2006. 2. Organising Committee Member : National Level Students Seminar, GEMSTECH • 2005 – 5th March, 2005. 3. Organising Committee Member : Two Day National Workshop on EFFP•5th and 6th , April, 2010. 4. Organising Committee Member : Two Day National Workshop on Climate Change and Sustainability (CCS)•21st •22nd December,2011 Refresher Courses/ Orientation Programmes: 1.Attended one day work shop organized by the Indian Geotechnical Society, Tirupati Chapter on 2nd October, 2005 in Department of Civil Engineering, S.V.U. College of Engineering, Tirupati. 2. Attended the Training Programme on the Latest Software Packages like, STRAP, NISA, Organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, S.V.U. College of Engineering, Tirupati. 3. Attended on day workshop in RECENT ADVANCES IN CIVIL ENGINEERING (RACE “06) Held on 25th February 2006, Organized by Department of Civil Engg. N.B.K.R. Institute of Science and Technology Vidyanagar, Nellore District. 4. Attended training programme organized by IBM, Bangalore on the month of May 2006, conducted by Department of Computer Science, S.V.University College of Engineering, S.V.University, Tirupati. 5. Attended Two day National Workshop on “Impact of Industrialization on Environ•ment (IIE)” organized by S.V.College of Engineering and Technology, Chittoor on 24th & 25th, January, 2007. 6. Attended National Seminar on “Recent Development in Design and Construction Technologies” (REDECON – 2007), organized by ACCE (India), Bangalore Centre, Bangalore, on 18th – 20th January, 2007. 7. Attended Advanced Course on “Analysis and Design of Structure for wind and Seismic http://www.svcetedu.org/cms/index.php?view=article&catid=48%3Acivil­engineerin&id=521%3Acse­contact­ info&tmpl=component&print=1&layout=def… Loads”, organized by SERC, Chennai during 07•09th Feb.2007. 8. Attended NITTT&R Short –term Course on “Instructional Design & Delivery Systems” , organized by Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering and Technology, R.V.S. Nagar, Chittoor, on 24•28 June, 2009. 9. Attended “A Two Day National Workshop on Engineering Graphics”, organized by Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering and Technology, R.V.S.Nagar , Chittoor during 22•23 January, 2010. 10. Attended Short term Training Programme on “Design of Steel Structures using IS 800:2007 , Sponsored by AICTE, New Delhi, Organized by Department of Civil Engineering IIT, Madras, during 25•30, January,2010. 11. Attended Short term Training Programme on “Advances in Concrete Technology, , Sponsored by UGC (UGC•Academic Staff College), Organized by JNTU, Hyderabad,AP, during 22nd •27th , November, 2010. 12. Attended Two week ISTE Workshop on “Introduction to Research Methodologies , Sponsored by IIT Bombay(under the National Mission on Education through ICT), Organized by S.V.University College of Engineering,Tirupati,AP, during 25th •04th , July, 2012. 13. Attended National Workshop on “Soil•Structure Interaction•Design Considerations, Organized by Department of Civil Engineering S.V.University College of Engineering,Tirupati,AP (under TEQIP PHASE –II), during 30th , October, 2012 Important Activities: 1. Acted as “Judge” for Technical Session on Construction Technology in connection with conduct of National Level Technical Symposium CREADORS – 2k12 organized by Department of Civil Engineering, S.V.University College of Engineering Tirupati,Chittoor District, AP, held on 9th March, 2012 Acted as “Judge” for Technical Session ETME2K12” A National Level Conference held on 13th March, 2012 organized by Department of Civil Engineering, Siddharth Institute of Engineering & Technology, Puttur, Chittoor District, AP. 2. R. Harshitha. , A. Soundarya, krishnareddygari prathima, Y. Guruprasad," Seismic Analysis Of Symmetric RC Frame Using Response Spectrum Method And Time History Method, International Journal Of Scientific Research And Education, ||Volume||2||Issue|| 3||Pages 483•499 |||2014|| ISSN (e): 2321•7545. 3. M.Mohan Babu , A.Soundarya, , M.Prakash,” Assessment of seawater intrusion into the coastal aquifers in Nellore District, International Journal Of Scientific Research And Education ||Volume||2||Issue|| 3 ||Pages 387•397|||2014|| ISSN (e): 2321•7545. 4. M.Mohan Babu, M.Prakash,,Y.Guruprasad,” Hydro chemical Studies In Nellore District”, International Journal Of Scientific Research And Education ||Volume||2||Issue|| 3 ||Pages|368• 386||2014|| ISSN (e): 2321•7545 5. Gude Vijayalakshmi,, Krishnareddygari Prathima,” Effect of oven dry curing and strength of geopolymer mortar using 12M Solution at different curing periods”, International http://www.svcetedu.org/cms/index.php?view=article&catid=48%3Acivil­engineerin&id=521%3Acse­contact­ info&tmpl=component&print=1&layout=def… Journal Of Scientific Research And Education , ||Volume||2||Issue|| 3||Pages 470•482 |||2014|| ISSN (e): 2321•7545 U.Anil Kumar AN EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION ON STRENGTH PROPERTIES OF CONCRETE CONTAINING MICRO•SILICA AND NANO• SILICA ( IJCIET , Impact Factor 7.92 ) STUDY OF EFFECT OF SILICA FUME AND NANO SILICA ON STRENGTH PROPERTIES OF CONCRETE (PUBLISHED In NATIONAL CONFERENCE. INDIAN CONCRETE SCIENCE) V.R.Sai Devayani A technical paper presented on “Assessment of Strength Characteristics of Cement Using Admixtures” in NIIT, Warangal. Participated in “Finite element analysis” workshop at SKIT Srikalahasti. Participated in “Advances in Civil Engineering and Chemistry of Innovative Materials” International Conference at SRM University, Chennai Participated in “Fundamentals of Soil Mechanics” workshop at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Erode Y. Guru Prasad STUDY ON HYDROCHEMICAL STUDIES IN NELLORE DISTRICT ( IJSAE , Vol. 2 Issue 3, Impact Factor 2.1 ) SEISMIC ANALYSIS OF SYMMETRIC RC FRAME USING RESPONSE SPECTRUM METHOD AND TIME HISTORY METHOD (IJSAE, Vol. 2 Issue 3, Impact Factor 2.1) http://www.svcetedu.org/cms/index.php?view=article&catid=48%3Acivil­engineerin&id=521%3Acse­contact­ info&tmpl=component&print=1&layout=def…