Mobile Users ECG Signal Processing

Mobile Users ECG Signal Processing
Emil Plesnik and Matej Zajc
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Trzaska cesta 25,
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Abstract. In recent years we have witnessed the growth of a number of
multimedia, health, cognitive learning, gaming user applications which include
monitoring and processing of the users’ physiological signals, also termed
biosignals or vital signs. The acquisition of the biosignals should be noninvasive and should not affect the activities and arousal of the user to achieve
relevant results. Developments in mobile devices, e.g. smartphones, tablet PCs,
etc. and electrode design have enabled unobtrusive acquisition and processing
of biosignals, especially for mobile and non-clinical applications. The paper
reviews recently developed non-clinical applications that exploit biosignal
information. The paper analyses challenges for digital signal processing that
arise from data acquisition from the mobile user are presented with focus on the
electrocardiogram (ECG). Influence of the analysed challenges is demonstrated
on a selected QRS detection algorithm by using signals from the MIT-BIH
Noise stress test database (nstdb). Results confirm that algorithms for
processing signals of mobile users need a more thorough preprocessing
procedure as opposed to simple band-pass filtering.
Keywords: Digital signal processing, biosignal, electrocardiogram, mobile
user, application.
Mobile, wireless, ubiquitous computing and communication are changing the medical
treatment process. With the use of wireless sensing, advanced signal processing
algorithms and communication protocols the patient - medical staff interaction is
more convenient and more time- and cost-effective. Additionally, the clinical aspects
of monitoring and processing physiological signals (e.g. electrocardiogram – ECG,
electroencephalogram – EEG, electromyogram – EMG, blood pressure, etc.), also
termed biosignals or vital signs, are penetrating the field of non-clinical applications.
This paper is focused on the ECG.
Among biosignals, the electrocardiogram (ECG) has an important role. It is an
indicator of heart-beating and heart-related medical conditions. Most of the relevant
information in the ECG signal can be derived from the analysis of the QRS complex
and the P-Q-R-S-T characteristic points of the ECG cycle, e.g. the R-R interval, heart
rate variability, heart rate, etc. Automated detection of these characteristic points has
been addressed before by using different methods, such as signal derivatives and
S. Markovski and M. Gusev (Eds.): ICT Innovations 2012, AISC 207, pp. 315–324.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37169-1_31
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013
E. Plesnik and M. Zajc
filtering, wavelet transformation, neural networks, hidden Markov models, Hilbert
transformation, phase portrait analysis, etc. In this paper we selected the phase portrait
analysis method described in [1] to continue and upgrade previous research.
Reliable detection of characteristic complexes and points is essential for
determining cardiac abnormalities in medicine. Additionally, analysis of the ECG
characteristic points is also useful for numerous non-medical mobile applications such
as ambient intelligence [2], driver monitoring [3, 4], biometrics [5, 6], sport training
[7, 8], emotion recognition [9, 10], mobile applications of health-monitoring [11, 12].
These applications acquire and process the signals in a non-clinical environment with
small, portable devices enabling local data storage and wireless communication.
However, they are designed to monitor only 1 – 3 ECG leads at once and do not
support monitoring of the standard clinical 12-lead ECG.
On the other hand, modern health systems are undergoing radical changes due to
ageing population and increased incidence of chronic diseases. Together with medical
care they are moving from reactive towards preventive care and from hospital care to
at home care. Substantial efforts are oriented to research and support of this paradigm
shift that will reduce costs of overburdened health systems. For example, monitoring
and analysis of biosignals could be used to achieve a closed-loop disease management
solution for serving heart failure and coronary heart disease patients similar to the EU
FP 7 Heartcycle project [13]. The system design should contain two interlaced closed
loops: a patient loop and a professional loop. The professional loop should involve
medical professionals and hospital information systems to ensure optimal and
personalized patient care. The patient loop should interact directly with the patient,
support the daily treatment and increase patient motivation to improve and maintain
health. To enable monitoring patients at their homes, small, mobile, powerful devices
supporting data storage and processing would be needed. Although operating in a
non-clinical environment at home, the devices would have to satisfy certain medical
standards because of their use for clinical purposes.
Clearly there is a need for devices for acquiring and especially algorithms for
analysing biosignals of mobile users in non-clinical environments for medical and
non-medical purposes. However, due to low ECG signal amplitudes on skin surface
and consequently high sensitivity for different noise sources, there are some
additional requirements for the mobile system to be able to address the challenges
arising in the mobile users’ world. The paper analyses these challenges for digital
signal processing of the ECG in mobile applications and demonstrates their influence
on a selected QRS detection algorithm by using signals from the MIT-BIH Noise
stress test database (nstdb). Results confirm that algorithms for processing signals of
mobile users need a more thorough preprocessing procedure as opposed to clinically
acquired signals.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: in Section 2 a description of the
mobile user ECG monitoring device and its basic requirements is given, in Section 3
the main signal processing challenges in mobile applications are analysed, in Section
4 the results of selected algorithm evaluation on the nstdb are given, and Sections 5
and 6 give the discussion and the conclusion, respectively.
Mobile Users ECG Signal Processing
Mobile User
Environment of the mobile user is different from the clinical environment in medical
facilities, although the architecture of a mobile ECG monitoring device (Fig. 1) does
not imply that on the first glance. Being able to move around freely outside and in the
buildings as opposed to lying still on a bed is the fundamental difference between the
two surroundings. The mobile user’s world also has some other distinct properties
which lead to specific system requirements. For example, due to user mobility the
design of the monitoring device has to be small, lightweight, thin, flexible, one-piece
and wireless [14]. Additionally, to further ensure unobtrusiveness, the device must not
interfere with body movement, has to be easy to place and remove, has to have low
difficulty and frequency of maintenance and has also to comply with social and
fashion concerns [15]. To enable mobility and flexibility of the user, the device has to
support secure and reliable wireless communications that ensure user’s privacy and
confidentiality [16–18]. For the monitoring device to remain unobtrusive, minimal
interaction with the user is required [18]. However, when the interaction does take
place, it has to run over a user-friendly interface which has to be intuitive, simple,
self-explanatory and easy to use [18, 19]. Since portable, mobile devices run on
batteries with limited energy supply, the applications that run on them have to be
optimized for low energy consumption [12, 15]. This results in striving to minimal
memory usage, minimal user interface, shifting heavy processing to the network,
running simple feature extraction algorithms, enabling low-power running modes,
supporting local and cloud-based storage, selecting the appropriate communication
protocol, etc. [15, 18, 19].
Band-pass and
notch filtering
(analog signal)
A/D conversion
Digital signal
Data storage
Wireless interface
Power supply
Fig. 1. Architecture of a mobile device for ECG (biosignal) monitoring
It is practically impossible to optimally satisfy all the requirements at once.
Especially, because they are often eliminating each other, e.g. higher communication
bandwidth requires higher energy consumption which has to be as low as possible.
Therefore, to build an optimal mobile monitoring device is often a trade-off between
all requirements which is an application specific task and cannot be determined
E. Plesnik and M. Zajc
Signal Processing Challenges in Mobile ECG Applications
For mobile ECG applications, reliable and robust noise removal from acquired signals
has high priority. In general there are different kinds of noise entering at different
points in a mobile acquisition system (Fig. 2) that can be present in the ECG: power
line interference, instrumentation noise of electronic components, artifacts due to
electrode displacement and movement or due to physical activity and breathing of the
user. These disturbances are even more pronounced in a mobile environment with
constant motion. In this section possible denoising solutions are discussed.
ECG signal
EMG noise,
notch (50
Hz, 60 Hz)
digital signal
Instrumentation noise
Fig. 2. Main noise entry points in a mobile ECG acquisition system
Person-Electrode Motion Artifacts
Person-electrode motion artefact reduces the reliability of the signal measurements
and consequently the analysis results, with automatized computer assisted analysis.
These motion artifacts can cause false alarms during monitoring and therefore reduce
confidence in the equipment, alarms, etc.
Person-electrode motion artifacts are either caused by changes in the impedance of
the electrode-skin contact or changes in the skin potential due to skin stretch. The first
source of artifact has been significantly reduced with the use of wet adhesive (AgAgCl) electrodes, but has risen again with the development of capacitive ECG
acquisition. The skin stretch remains a serious problem. Standard methods for
reducing the effect of skin stretch require skin abrasion which causes discomfort and
prevents the use outside clinical environment.
The artifacts resemble the characteristics of baseline wander, but are more
problematic to remove since their spectral content (1 – 10 Hz) overlaps that of the
ECG cycle considerably. In the ECG these artifacts can be manifested as large
amplitude waveforms that can be mistaken for QRS complexes and cause falsely
detected heartbeats. Different approaches are used to remove person-electrode motion
artifacts from the ECG signal, e.g. adaptive filtering [20], wavelet denoising [21],
empirical mode decomposition [22], independent component analysis [23], etc.
Severe example of these artifacts is shown in Fig. 3, where the monitored person is
performing intensive exercise which caused loss of electrode-skin contact at certain
moments (indicated by interrupted signal). The signal in Fig. 3 was acquired with AgAgCl gel electrodes. Although the selected QRS complex detector [1] was designed to
overcome a certain level of noise, it did not manage to completely eliminate all the
artifacts on the interval between sample numbers 24.000 and 25.500 in Fig. 3.
Mobile Users ECG Signal Processing
Fig. 3. Person-electrode movement artifacts (between sample numbers 24.000 and 25.500) in
an ECG signal acquired from a mobile user with Ag/AgCl adhesive electrodes
Fig. 4. Baseline wandering in an ECG signal segment acquired with Ag-AgCl gel electrodes
from a user doing squat exercises
E. Plesnik and M. Zajc
Baseline Wandering
Baseline wandering is an exterior, low-frequency activity in the ECG (Fig. 4), caused
by respiratory activity, body motion, etc. It may interfere with the signal analysis and
cause inaccurate interpretation due to its spectral content overlapping with that of the
signal. The frequency spectrum of the baseline wandering usually includes
frequencies under 1 Hz [24], although higher frequency components are possible
especially during more intensive movements, e.g. during exercising. For example,
ECG analysis using reference to the isoelectric line, e.g. ST segment analysis,
detection of onset and offset of characteristic points, cannot be performed in the
presence of baseline wandering which prevents defining the isoelectric line.
According to [24], two major techniques are employed for the removal of baseline
wander from the ECG, namely linear filtering and polynomial fitting. However, other
methods are also known, such as wavelets [25], empirical mode decomposition [26],
morphological filtering [27], etc.
For example, in Fig. 4 there is an ECG signal segment contaminated with baseline
wander. The signal was acquired with Ag-AgCl gel electrodes during squat exercise
of the monitored person. The selected QRS detector [1] missed three heart beats in a
seven-second long interval.
Electromiographic (EMG) Noise
The presence of EMG noise is caused by muscle contractions which result in change
of electric potential similarly as contractions of the heart muscle. The EMG noise is a
direct consequence of body movement and enters the monitoring system at its source
together with the wanted ECG signal (Fig. 2). Unfortunately, the frequency spectrum
of the EMG noise (between dc and 10 kHz) considerably overlaps that of the ECG
cycle and represents a very difficult filtering problem as opposed to e.g. baseline
wandering. Additionally, muscle noise often has higher amplitude values than the
ECG signal due to more powerful contractions of body muscles, e.g. during
exercising, running. However, the EMG noise is not repetitive as the ECG signal, and
it usually occurs in short term bursts. The EMG noise causes QRS like artifacts in the
ECG signal resulting in false beat detections and disabling ECG delineation. Known
solutions to EMG noise removal are, wavelet transform [21], time-varying low-pass
filtering [24], SVD filtering [28], genetic particle filtering [29], etc.
In Fig. 5, an ECG signal segment also contaminated with EMG noise is shown.
The signal was acquired with Ag-AgCl gel electrodes during fast walking of the
monitored person. The selected QRS detector [1] had much difficulties with QRS
detection. On the interval there are many missed and also false detected heart beats.
Although the individual missed or falsely detected heart beats do not present a
significant issue for the results, this can quickly turn around with longer, strenuous
activity of the mobile user. For example, if the user doesn’t properly adjust the
electrodes before the use of the monitoring device, heavy noise contamination can
occur in the signal, causing unnecessary false alarms and interventions or can prevent
proper treatment advances and supervision. That is why the users should be provided
with reliable equipment using efficient preprocessing and processing techniques.
Mobile Users ECG Signal Processing
Fig. 5. EMG noise in an ECG signal segment acquired with Ag-AgCl gel electrodes from a
user during fast walking
The performance of the selected method [1] with the presence of noise was evaluated
for the QRS detection with the nstdb [30]. The signals in the database are gradually
contaminated with a mixture of electrode movement artifacts, baseline wander and
EMG noise, simulating the mobile user signal acquisition system in Fig. 2. The
selected algorithm constructs the ECG signals in a 2D phase space using the delay
method, where the amplitudes of the signal and its delayed version are presented on
the x and y axis, respectively. Delay value of one sample was applied. Adaptive
thresholding was used in the phase portrait for the QRS complex detection. The
performance of the selected algorithm, which used a simple Butterworth 4th order
band-pass filtering in the frequency range between 0.5 and 100 Hz was assessed by
using the sensitivity (Se) (1) and the positive predictivity (PPV) (2)
Se = TP/(TP+FN)
where TP, FN and FP represent the numbers of true positive, false negative and false
positive QRS detections, respectively. The results of the noise stress test are presented
in Table 1. They show a good success rate for a SNR of more than or equal to 12 dB,
where both the Se and the PPV values are above 97 %. For a SNR of less than 12 dB
the Se value dropped below 91 % and the PPV value dropped below 93 %.
E. Plesnik and M. Zajc
Table 1. Noise stress test using the selected method
No. of annotated No. of detected
QRS complexes QRS complexes
Se [%] PPV [%]
The nstdb was used to evaluate the noise sensitivity of the QRS detection for the
selected algorithm [1]. The results of the noise stress test presented in Table 1 indicate
that the algorithm is noise-sensitive for a SNR below 12 dB for signals in the nstdb.
For SNRs above 12 dB, all the parameters are above 97 %. The ANSI EC13 standard
requires reliable detection QRS complexes with amplitudes ranging from 0.5 to 5 mV
in the presence of 0.1-Hz, 4 mV peak-to-peak noise, which is basically baseline
wandering noise. This means that the detector should be able to cope with SNR as
low as – 18 dB. There is yet no standardized minimum required performance in the
presence of other types of noise. Similarly, there is no clear definition of QRS
detection performance requirement in the available literature. The generally accepted
performance indicators are the Se and the PPV, which are desired to be as high as
possible (in most cases in the available literature around 99 %). Therefore, according
to results in Table 1, the preprocessing of the selected algorithm should be improved
to achieve better results with more noisy recordings with SNR below 12 dB.
The paper analyses the challenges resulting from digital signal processing of the
mobile users ECG. Their influence is demonstrated by signals from the MIT-BIH
Noise stress test database (nstdb) [30] used for evaluation of the selected QRS
detection algorithm combined with band-pass filtering for preprocessing. Evaluation
results indicate that the algorithm is effective (Se and PPV parameters above 97 %)
for SNRs above 12 dB. This confirms that the band-pass filtering is not sufficient for
effective QRS detection in signals contaminated with higher noise amplitudes which
cause lower SNRs and often occur in mobile user applications.
Mobile Users ECG Signal Processing
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