Prefabrication Presentation_debadge_john.pptx

How KHS&S is Changing the Future of
Benefits of Prefabricated Construction
Superior Quality
Exact design, controlled environment
Faster Construction
Eliminates thousands of on-site man-hours
Reduces schedule by months
Reduces waste
Cost Control
Defined price
Reduces hassles, eliminates punch list
Simplifies logistics issues and/or skill labor challenges
. Prefabrication. Paris Las Vegas: Theming Sets and Design Assist sets the Stage for Integra9on First BIM Project: Kaiser Santa Rosa 1996 2006 2000 Integra(on First Prefab Panels: Caesars Palace 2007 First Medical Prefabrica9ed Headwall: CHLA 2008 First Factory Built Bathroom POD: FAU 2009 Prefabrica(on Largest Load-­‐Bearing PanelizedWall Project: Cal Poly Lean Construc9on of Rockwork: Aulani Hawaii 2010 2011 + Mul9-­‐trade Prefabrica9on: Nemours Health System An Array of Pre-Built Options
Factory-Built Bathroom
Marriott Hotel
Multi-trade Prefabrication
(Corridor Racks)
Smyth County Community
Load-bearing Prefabricated
Wall Systems
Poly Canyon Village
Exterior Wall Panel
Thunder Valley, Phase 2
Medical Headwall
Children's Hospital of
Los Angeles
Prefabricated Interior Wall
Rockwork Panel
Amusement Park
What is Advancing Prefabrication?
BIM - Our in-house team utilizes BIM to provide the
framework for integrating design and construction
§ KHS&S strives to model LOD 400+ What are Factory-Built Bathrooms?
Custom, totally complete bathrooms that are innova9vely built using 3D modeling & CNC manufacturing. The units are delivered to the project site just-­‐in-­‐9me and connected to the building systems within hours. Steel framing
for superior
strength and
Moisture resistant, abuse
resistant wallboard,
glued and screwed to
Integrated, pre-tested
plumbing and electric,
code compliant and ready
for final hook-up.
Waterproof, thin-profile
subfloor that supports any
floor finish while providing a
seamless transition to the
adjoining floor.
finished interior
clean and ready
to use
Steel blocking for
shower heads, tub
spouts, and wallmounted accessories.
Factory-Built Bathrooms Delivery/Install Process
1 4 2 5 3 6 Factory-Built Bathrooms
Early design decisions equal better purchase
Fewer crews on-site equals less accidents.
Less waste equals less trash removal.
§ We place a minimum of 30 prefabricated
bathrooms per crew, per day.
Prefabricated bathrooms can arrive on-site in as
little as 12 weeks from signing the contract if
the design decisions are made in a timely
Load-bearing Prefabricated Wall Systems
Fully panelized structural wall systems u9lizing BIM for automated roll-­‐forming machines. Prefabrication Wall Systems Process
3D/BIM soUware Step 2: Framing designed in 3D, integra9ng design of all wall panels, floor panels and roof trusses. Framing is designed to conform to local code compliance Step 3: Data files and shop drawings are sent to steel supplier to drive automated roll-­‐forming machines. Steel is pre-­‐cut into framing kits where all parts are cut, punched, notched, labeled and bundled. All backing and sheathing required for shear are installed in the workshop Step 4: Fabricated panels delivered to the job site in sequen9al order for construc9on. Prefabrication Wall Systems Benefits
Reduced framing time
Reduced job site hassles
Lower insurance rates
One source accountability
Prefabrication Wall Systems Results
Poly Canyon Village at California Polytechnic State University
820,000 SF with 11,000
load-bearing wall panels
Shaved six months off the
original 20-month
Prefabricated Medical Headwall Units
Units integra9ng essen9al services, such as medical gases and communica9on and electrical devices, into one unit. KHS&S’ headwall units are delivered pre-­‐piped and pre-­‐ wired, reducing the costs of plumbing and electrical installa9on. Prefabricated Medical Headwalls Process
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Contract Details are provided for concept and design MEP Drawings are provided for concept and design KHS&S develops framing plan Engineering is provided for the framing plan Framing & engineering plans are submi_ed to MEP and General Contractor for Coordina9on 6. Approved shops will be sent for sheet metal manufacturing 7. Sheet metal plates are sent to MEP fabrica9on shops § KHS&S install s9ffeners § MEP’s install necessary components § Templates are shipped to Jobsite § KHS&S install Sheet Metal Templates § Simplifies and
speeds construction
and installation.
§ Plugs and outlets
placed for
convenient access.
§ Customized by size
and surface
What is Multi-trade Prefabrication?
A process that allows mul9ple building components to be constructed in an offsite controlled environment. Multi-trade Prefabrication Process
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Contract Details are provided for concept and design BIM model is created and coordinated Engineering is provided for the framing plan KHS&Sfinalizes rack structure and wall framing plans Rack structure is fabricated MEP crews build out their respec9ve scopes KHS&Sbuilds wall and ceiling assembly and a_aches to the frame. Corridor racks are delivered to the jobsite The corridor racks are liUed and a_ached. MEP crews connect systems. System tes9ng and commissioning. Multi-trade Prefabrication Benefits
§Increased Safety
§Enhanced Quality
§Reduced Schedule and
Cost Savings
§Lower Labor Costs
§Waste Elimination
§Overall Facility
Prefabricated Exterior Wall
A process that provides a single-­‐source system for the exterior wall system of a building drama9cally improves building enclosure/dry-­‐in comple9on. Prefabricated Exterior Wall Panels
The KHS&S Difference
§ KHS&S has installed literally millions of square feet of EIFS systems on
commercial projects, with excellent results.
§ KHS&S is the largest Dryvit applicator in the United States.
§ KHS&S is the only applicator that Dryvit will give extended warranties to,
including warranties in excess of 10 years..
Prefabricated Exterior Wall Panels
Thunder Valley – Phase II
Lincoln, California
480 wall panels (average 20’ x 20’ panel)
3 to 4 month schedule savings
Prefabricated Interior Wall Partitions (Kitting)
A process that allows precut material and assembly as iden9fied from a 3D Model Interior Wall Partitions (Kitting)
Interior Wall Partitions (Kitting)
Interior Wall Partitions (Kitting)
§ Procurement to allow for “Just-­‐In-­‐Time” deliveries § Material is packaged so field employee are building from kit versus building from a pile of material § Material is pre-­‐cut so less labor hours are spent on the project itself What are the limits of prefabrication – We feel there are no limits!
KHS&S has defied the traditional thought of restriction through technology. Here’s
where we have taken prefabrication thus far -
Prefabricated Rockwork
A process that allows mul9ple building components to be constructed in an offsite temperature-­‐controlled environment. Prefabrication of Rockwork
Model of Project 3D Scan: Physical to Digital Model Paneliza(on Model § Process can be replicated to
create any organically-shaped
§ Increased control
§ Intellectual property protection
§ Data re-usability
§ J-I-T production
§ Lean manufacturing
3D Model to Field for Installa(on Green production - reduces waste
Rockwork Technology
Carsland at
Anaheim, CA
9,000 unique panels
-Over 278,000 SF
Limitless Prefabrication
Ebbsfleet, Kent, United
- Approximately 900 panels
Limitless Prefabrication
Limitless Prefabrication
Multiple Locations.
Anaheim | Atlan9c City | Dallas | Denver | Ft. Lauderdale | Las Vegas | Nashville | Orlando Portland | Reno | San Diego | San Francisco Bay | Sea_le | Tampa Alberta | Bangkok | Da Nang | Dubai | Hong Kong | Kuala Lumpur | Macau | Singapore For More Information
Bruce Holleran, Director of Marke9ng 714.255.1142 