August 7, 2015 Surface Water Permits Branch Kentucky Division of Water 200 Fair Oaks Lane Frankfort, KY 40601 Subject: KPDES Permit Application for Sections 4B & 5 of the East End Crossing of the LSIORBP KPDES NO. KY0111864 AI ID: 115698 Jefferson County, Kentucky As per your KPDES Application Notice of Deficiency dated July 23, 2015, and conversations with the KDOW on August 6, 2015, the Indiana Finance Authority (IFA) and the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT), re-submits for your review and approval the enclosed KPDES Permit Application for the proposed storm water drainage system for Sections 4B & 5 of the East End Crossing of the Louisville – Southern Indiana Ohio River Bridges Project (LSIORBP). This system, required by the 2012 Revised Record of Decision (RROD), the 2003 FEIS and the 2012 SFEIS for the Bridges Project, will capture storm water runoff from the East End Bridge and approaches, collect it and carry it out of the Louisville Water Company (LWC) Wellhead Protection Area near Prospect, Kentucky. There will be a single outfall, located within the project right of way, at Harrods Creek, River Mile 0.8 that will discharge storm water. No nonstorm water discharges are proposed. The permit application includes the design documentation performed by the Developer’s engineering consultant, Jacobs Engineering. In accordance with the 2012 RROD the project obtained concurrence on the final design from the Louisville Water Company (on March 23, 2015) and the Kentucky Division of Water (April 22, 2015). This correspondence is included as an attachment to the permit application. We appreciate the cooperation and efforts that KDOW has provided to-date to help in making the LSIORB Project successful and we look forward to your continued involvement. If you have any questions, please contact Phil Banton, IFA Permits Coordinator at (502) 498-8896 or feel free to give either one of us a call. Sincerely, Ronald Heustis, PE (Indiana) INDOT Senior Project Manager 812-202-4075 o 317-691-6620 c Cc: IFA/INDOT: Phil Banton, Dennis Bassett, Paul Boone, Kevin Hetrick, Laura Hilden, Steve Nicaise, Cindy Shell, File KYTC: Andy Barber, Barry Sanders, David Waldner FHWA: Rick Marquis, Thomas L. Nelson, Jeffrey Schmidt Attachments: KPDES Permit Application for Sections 4B & 5 of the East End Crossing of the LSIORBP (Revised August 7, 2015) Application for Section 402 Permit Sections 4B & 5 (East End Bridge and Approaches) Ohio River Bridges Project Indiana Finance Authority August 7, 2015 Table of Contents KPDES Permit Application Sections 4B & 5, East End Bridge and Approaches Louisville-Southern Indiana Ohio River Bridges Project (LSIORBP) PERMIT APPLICATION 1. KPDES Form 1 2. KPDES Form F ATTACHMENTS 1. Location Map (topographic) – location of outfall 2. Vicinity Map (aerial) - with project limits 3. Correspondence 3.1. Louisville Water Company concurrence on proposed stormwater system in the WHPA 3.2. Kentucky Division of Water concurrence on proposed stormwater system in the WHPA 3.3. Agency correspondence accompanying concurrences 4. Design Documentation & Drainage Maps 5. Current Permits KPDES FORM 1 KENTUCKY POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM PERMIT APPLICATION This is an application to: (check one) Apply for a new permit. Apply for reissuance of expiring permit. Apply for a construction permit. Modify an existing permit. Give reason for modification under Item II.A. A complete application consists of this form and one of the following: Form A, Form B, Form C, Form F, or Form SC For additional information contact: Surface Water Permits Branch (502) 564-3410 AGENCY USE I. FACILITY LOCATION AND CONTACT INFORMATION A. Name of Business, Municipality, Company, Etc. Requesting Permit Indiana Finance Authority (IFA) B. Facility Name and Location C. Primary Mailing Address (all facility correspondence will be sent to Facility Location Name: this address). Include owner’s mailing address (if different) in D. Facility Contact Name and Title: Mr. Ms. Ohio River Bridges Project – Sections 4B & 5 Facility Location Address (i.e. street, road, etc., not P.O. Box): Dennis L. Bassett, Public Finance Director Mailing Address: East End - Prospect Area near the Ohio River Facility Location City, State, Zip Code: Indiana Finance Authority One North Capitol Ave, Suite 900 Mailing City, State, Zip Code: Prospect, KY 40059 D. Owner’s name (if not the same as in part A and C): Indianapolis, IN 46204 Facility Contact Telephone Number: Owner’s Mailing Address: (317) 233-4337 Owner’s Telephone Number (if different): II. FACILITY DESCRIPTION A. Provide a brief description of activities, products, etc: Operation and maintenance of an interstate highway that includes the collection of storm water runoff from the roadway surfaces and bridge decks. The permit application is for the storm water collection system in Sections 4B and 5 of the East End Crossing of the Louisville – Southern Indiana Ohio River Bridges Project. The purpose of the storm water system is to convey the runoff, collect it in lined detention ponds and discharge it into Harrods Creek, out of the Louisville Water Company (LWC) Wellhead Protection Area. See attached documentation for details. B. Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code and Description Principal SIC Code & Description: 4785 Fixed Facilities and Inspection and Weighing Services for Motor Vehicle Transportation Other SIC Codes: III. FACILITY LOCATION A. Attach a U.S. Geological Survey 7 ½ minute quadrangle map for the site. (See instructions) B. County where facility is located: City where facility is located (if applicable): Jefferson Prospect C. Body of water receiving discharge: Harrods Creek DEP 7032 1 Revised February 2009 D. Facility Site Latitude (degrees, minutes, seconds): N 38 deg 19’ 51” Facility Site Longitude (degrees, minutes, seconds): W 85 deg 37’ 46” E. Method used to obtain latitude & longitude (see instructions): GIS DEP 7032 2 Revised February 2009 IV. OWNER/OPERATOR INFORMATION A. Type of Ownership: Publicly Owned Privately Owned State Owned B. Operator Contact Information (See instructions) Both Public and Private Owned Name of Treatment Plant Operator: Federally owned Telephone Number: Not applicable Operator Mailing Address (Street): Operator Mailing Address (City, State, Zip Code): Is the operator also the owner? Is the operator certified? If yes, list certification class and number below. Yes Yes No Certification Class: No Certification Number: V. EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITS Current NPDES Number: Issue Date of Current Permit: Expiration Date of Current Permit: KYR10H336 Other DOW Operational Permit #: 401 WQC #2013-017-7M (AI#115698) Stream Constr uction Permit 20169-REV Other Existing Environmental Permit #: April 8, 2013 Kentucky DMR Permit Number(s): Nov. 30, 2019 Sludge Disposal Permit Number: Other Existing Environmental Permit #: Other Existing Environmental Permit #: USACE Sect. 404 LRL-2011-375-omb USFWS MB 75575A - O Which of the following additional environmental permit/registration categories will also apply to this facility? CATEGORY EXISTING PERMIT WITH NO. PERMIT NEEDED WITH PLANNED APPLICATION DATE Air Emission Source Solid or Special Waste Hazardous Waste - Registration or Permit VI. DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORTS (DMRs) KPDES permit holders are required to submit DMRs to the Division of Water on a regular schedule (as defined by the KPDES permit). Information in this section serves to specifically identify the name and telephone number of the DMR official and the DMR mailing address (if different from the primary mailing address in Section I.C). A. DMR Official (i.e., the department, office or individual designated as responsible for submitting DMR forms to the Division of Water): Mr. Dennis L. Bassett DMR Official Telephone Number: (317) 233-4337 B. DMR Mailing Address: • Address the Division of Water will use to mail DMR forms (if different from mailing address in Section I.C), or • Contact address if another individual, company, laboratory, etc. completes DMRs for you; e.g., contract laboratory address. DMR Mailing Name: DMR Mailing Address: DMR Mailing City, State, Zip Code: DEP 7032 3 Revised February 2009 Filing fee paid on-line. KPDES FORM 1 -- INSTRUCTIONS Section A: General Instructions With the exceptions described in Section C of these instructions, Federal and State laws prohibit you from the discharge of pollutants into the waters of the United States or waters of the Commonwealth. Where to file Return completed application forms to Surface Water Permits Branch, Division of Water, 200 Fair Oaks Lane, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601. When to file File the application at least 180 days prior to expiration of your current KPDES permit or at least 180 days prior to startup of a new facility. Fees Filing fees and five-year permit fees are listed in Section B. Filing Fees are not refundable. Completion of Forms Unless otherwise specified in the detailed instructions, each item in each form must be answered. To indicate that each item has been considered, enter “NA,” for not applicable, if a particular item does not fit the circumstances or characteristics of your facility or activity. If more space is necessary to answer a question, attach a separate sheet entitled “Additional Information.” Section B: Completing Form 1 Listed below are explanations of select Form 1 questions. If further information is needed concerning any question, please contact Division of Water, Surface Water Permits Branch at (502) 564-3410. I. Facility Location and Contact Information A. Use the official or legal name of the business, company, municipality, etc. requesting permit. Do not use a colloquial name. Give the name, as it is legally referred to, of the person, firm, public organization, or any other entity that operates the facility described in this application. This may or may not be the same name as the facility. The operator of the facility is the legal entity which controls the facility’s operation rather than the plant or site manager. This use of “operator” in many cases is not the same as the treatment plant Certified Operator. B. The facility name should be the name by which the facility is commonly known and/or uniquely identified. Enter the facility’s official or legal name. Do not use a colloquial name. The information given as the facility name and location address should be the for the actual location of the facility (i.e. road name, highway number, not the P O Box address). If there is no street address, identify the facility location by the most accurate alternative geographic information such as direction and distance to nearest intersection or permanent landmark (e.g., ½ mile east of intersection of KY 70 and US 127). C. The primary mailing address should be the legal permittee of record and is the address where correspondence regarding the application, permit, etc. for the facility will be sent unless otherwise indicated. This often is not the address used to designate the location of the facility or activity. Give the name, title, and work telephone number of a person who is thorough familiar with the operation of the facility and with the facts reported in this application and who can be contacted by reviewing offices if necessary. The owner mailing address is to be provided in “D” if different from the primary mailing address. Discharge Monitoring Reports will be mailed to the address indicated in part VI. D. If the applicant for the permit is not the owner of the facility, include the name of the owner of the facility. Include the mailing address of the owner of the facility if the owner is not the applicant for the permit. II. Facility Description A. Briefly describe the nature of the business and the activities being conducted that require a KPDES permit. B. List, in descending order of significance, the four 4-digit standard industrial classification (SIC) codes that best describe your facility in terms of the principal products or services you produce or provide. Also, specify each classification in words. These classifications may differ from the SIC codes describing the operation generating the discharge. The SIC codes are numbers and descriptions of activities classified by the Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget. These are found in the 1987 Edition of the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Manual. List the SIC codes(s) that best describe the products or services provided by the facility in descending order of importance. If an SIC code book is not available, please describe in detail the nature of the business and activities conducted so that an appropriate code can be assigned. DEP 7032 1 Revised February 2009 III. Facility Location A. Attach a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), 7 1/2 minute topographic quadrangle map(s) extending at least one mile beyond the property boundary of the discharge source. Depict or mark the facility and each of its intake and discharge structures. Also mark the locations of those wells, springs, surface water bodies, and drinking water wells listed in public records or otherwise known to the applicant within one-quarter mile of the facility property boundary. USGS maps may be obtained from the University of Kentucky, Mines and Minerals Bldg. Room 104, Lexington, Kentucky 40506. Phone: (859) 257-3896. B. List the county and, if applicable, city where facility is located. C. List the body of water receiving discharge. D. List the latitude and longitude for the facility site. The latitude/longitude reading for the site should be taken at the influent to the wastewater treatment plant, if applicable. E. List the method used to obtain the latitude and longitude (i.e. topo map coordinates, GPS reading, etc.) F. List the facility's Dun and Bradstreet Number if applicable. IV. Owner/Operator Information A. Place a check in the applicable type ownership as listed. B. These sections must be completed by all municipal and sanitary wastewater applicants. For those facilities that require a Certified Operator, enter the name of a Certified Operator who will operate the treatment plant, or enter the name of an operator who will be certified before commencement of discharge. The operator of the treatment plant is often someone other than the operator of the facility identified in Part I. List the name and address of the person who operates the sewage treatment plant. Indicate if the operator is also the owner. The operator must be currently certified with the Division of Water. For information concerning those requirements, Contact: Division of Compliance Assistance, Certification Section, at (502) 564-0323. List the Operator’s Certification Class and Certification Number. V. List any existing environmental permits that the facility has or will be applying for. KPDES permits use an NPDES generated number. VI. List the address where Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) forms are to be mailed. Complete this section if you are requesting a different address than the address in Part I (C.) VII. Application Filing Fee The payment of a filing fee as listed below must accompany the application for a KPDES Permit. Your check must be made payable to "Kentucky State Treasurer." For permit renewals, to ensure proper credit to your account, please include the KPDES permit number on the check. This fee will be applied toward the final discharge permit fee. The filing fee is not refundable if the application is withdrawn or the permit is denied. Listed below are the facility categories, associated base fiveyear fees, and application filing fees. (See the separate "General Instructions" for definitions of facility categories.) Facility Category Five-Year Fee (100%) Application Filing Fee (20%) Major Industry $7,000 $1,400 Minor Industry $4,500 $900 Non-Process Industry $2,200 $440 Large Non-POTW $3,700 $740 Intermediate Non-POTW $3,200 $640 Small Non-POTW $2,200 $440 Agriculture $1,200 $240 Surface Mining Operation $3,300 $660 501(c)(3) $100 $20 If this application is for a new project, see separate General Instructions for the applicable Construction Permit fee. A permit application cannot be processed unless the application filing fee and (if applicable) construction permit fee is enclosed. Make your check payable to "Kentucky State Treasurer." VIII. DEP 7032 Certification The permit application must be signed as follows: Corporation: by a principal executive officer of at least the level of vice president. Partnership or sole proprietorship: by a general partner or the proprietor respectively. Municipality, state, federal, or other public agency: by either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official. 2 Revised February 2009 Section C—Activities Which Do Not Require KPDES Permits You are not required to obtain a KPDES permit if your discharge is one of the following categories, as provided by the Clean Water Act (CWA) and KPDES regulations (401 KAR Chapter 5). 1. Dredged or Fill Material: Discharges of dredged or fill material as defined at 33 CFR 323.2 into waters of the Commonwealth do not need KPDES permits if the dredging or filling is authorized by a permit issued by the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers. 2. Discharges into Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW): The introduction of sewage, industrial wastes, or other pollutants into a POTW does not need a KPDES permit. You must comply with all applicable pretreatment standards promulgated under Section 307 (b) of the CWA, which may be included in the permit issued to the POTW. If you have a plan or an agreement to switch to a POTW in the future, this does not relieve you of the obligation to apply for and receive a KPDES permit until you have stopped discharging pollutants into waters of the Commonwealth. 3. Dischargers into Privately Owned Treatment Works: Dischargers into privately owned treatment works do not have to apply for or obtain KPDES permits except as otherwise required by the Cabinet. The owner or operator of the treatment works itself, however, must apply for a permit and identify all users in its application. 4. Discharges from Agricultural and Silvicultural Activities: Most discharges from agricultural and silvicultural activities to waters of the Commonwealth do not require KPDES permits. These include runoff from orchards, cultivated crops, pastures, range lands, and forest lands. However, the discharge listed below DO require KPDES permits. a. Discharges from Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations b. Discharges from Concentrated Aquatic Animal Production Facilities. c. Discharges associated with approved Aquaculture Projects. d. Discharges from Silvicultural Point Sources. Nonpoint source silvicultural activities are excluded from KPDES permit requirements. However, some of these activities, such as stream crossings for roads, may involve point source discharge of dredged or fill material which may require a Section 404 permit. See 33 CFR 209.120. Underground Injection Control Permits Under the Safe Drinking Water Act 5. DEP 7032 3 Revised February 2009 KPDES Form F KPDES FORM F KENTUCKY POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM PERMIT APPLICATION A complete application consists of this form and Form 1. For additional information, Contact Surface Water Permits Branch, (502) 564-3410. AGENCY USE I. OUTFALL LOCATION For each outfall list the latitude and longitude of its location to the nearest 15 seconds and name the receiving water. A. Outfall Number S4-A4-4A B. Latitude N38 19' C. Longitude 57" W85 37' D. Receiving Water (name) 50" Harrods Creek II. IMPROVEMENTS A. Are you now required by any federal, state, or local authority to meet any implementation schedule for the construction, upgrading or operation of wastewater treatment equipment or practices or any other environmental programs which may affect the discharges described in this application? This includes, but is not limited to, permit conditions, administrative or enforcement orders, enforcement compliance schedule letters, stipulations, court orders, and grant or loan conditions. 1. Identification of Conditions, Agreements, Etc. No. 2. Affected Outfalls Source of Discharge 3. Brief Description of Project 4. Final Compliance Date a. req. b. proj. B. You may attach additional sheets describing any additional water pollution (or other environmental projects which may affect your discharges) you now have under way or which you plan. Indicate whether each program is now under way or planned, and indicate your actual or planned schedules for construction. III. SITE DRAINAGE MAP Attach a site map showing topography (or indicating the outline of drainage areas served by the outfall(s) covered in the application if a topographic map is unavailable) depicting the facility including: each of its intake and discharge structures; the drainage area of each storm water outfall; paved areas and buildings within the drainage area of each storm water outfall, each know past or present areas used for outdoor storage or disposal of significant materials, each existing structural control measure to reduce pollutants in storm water runoff, materials loading and access areas, areas where pesticides, herbicides, soil conditioners and fertilizers are applied; each of its hazardous waste treatment, storage of disposal units (including each area not required to have a RCRA permit which is used for accumulating hazardous waste under 40 CFR 262.34); each well where fluids from the facility are injected underground; springs, and other surface water bodies which receive storm water discharges from the facility. DEP 7032F 1 Revised February 2009 DEP 7032F 3 Revised February 2009 VII. DISCHARGE INFORMATION OUTFALL NO: Part A - You must provide the results of at least one analysis for every pollutant in this table. Complete one table for each outfall. See instructions for additional details. Maximum Values Average Values (include units) (include units) Pollutant and Grab Sample Grab Sample Number of Sources of CAS Number Taken During 1st Flow-weighted Taken During 1st Flow-weighted Storm Events Pollutants (if available) 30 Minutes Composite 30 Minutes Composite Sampled Oil and Grease Biological Oxygen Demand BOD5 Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Nitrate plus Nitrite Nitrogen Total Phosphorus N/A pH Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Part B - List each pollutant that is limited in an effluent guideline which the facility is subject to or any pollutant listed in the facility’s KPDES permit for its process wastewater (if the facility is operating under an existing KPDES permit). Complete one table for each outfall. See the instructions for additional details and requirements. Maximum Values Average Values (include units) (include units) Pollutant and Grab Sample Grab Sample Number of Sources of CAS Number Taken During 1st Flow-weighted Taken During 1st Flow-weighted Storm Events Pollutants (if available) 30 Minutes Composite 30 Minutes Composite Sampled DEP 7032F 5 Revised February 2009 Part C - List each pollutant shown in Tables F-2, F-3, and F-4 that you know or have reason to believe is present. See the instructions for additional details and requirements. Complete one table for each outfall. Maximum Values Average Values (include units) (include units) Pollutant and Grab Sample Grab Sample Number of CAS Number Taken During 1st Flow-weighted Taken During 1st Flow-weighted Storm Events Sources of (if available) 30 Minutes Composite 30 Minutes Composite Sampled Pollutants Part D - Provide data for the storm event(s) which resulted in the maximum values for the flow-weighted composite sample. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Date of Duration of Total rainfall Number of hours Maximum flow Storm Event Storm Event during storm between beginning of rate during (in minutes) event (in inches) storm measured and rain event end of previous (gal/min or measurable rain event specify units) 6. Total flow from rain event (gallons or specify units) 7. Provide a description of the method of flow measurement or estimate. DEP 7032F 6 Revised February 2009 KENTUCKY POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM FORM F -- INSTRUCTIONS WHO MUST FILE FORM F Form F must be completed by operators of facilities which discharge storm water associated with industrial activity or by operators of storm water discharges that EPA is evaluating for designation as a significant contributor of pollutants to waters of the United States, or as contributing to a violation of a water quality standard. Operators of discharges which are composed entirely of storm water must complete Form F (KY Form 7032-F) in conjunction with Form 1 (KY Form 7032-1). Operators of discharges of storm water which are combined with process wastewater (process wastewater is water that comes into direct contact with or results from the production or use of any raw material, intermediate product, finished product, byproduct, waste product, or wastewater) must complete and submit Form F, Form 1, and Form C (KY Form 7032-C). Operators of discharges of storm water which are combined with nonprocess wastewater (nonprocess wastewater includes noncontact cooling water and sanitary wastes which are not regulated by effluent guidelines or a new source performance standard, except discharges by educational, medical, or commercial chemical laboratories) must complete Form 1, Form F, and Form SC (KY Form 7032-SC). Operators of new sources or new discharges of storm water associated with industrial activity which will be combined with other nonstormwater new sources or new discharges must submit Form 1, Form F, and Form C or Form SC. WHERE TO FILE APPLICATIONS The application forms should be sent to the Kentucky Division of Water, Surface Water Permits Branch, 200 Fair Oaks Lane, Frankfort, KY 40601. To obtain copies of the appropriate forms you can write the above address or call (502) 564-3410. COMPLETENESS Your application will not be considered complete unless you answer every question on this form and on Form 1. If an item does not apply to you, enter "NA" (for not applicable) to show that you considered the question. PUBLIC AVAILABILITY OF SUBMITTED INFORMATION You may not claim as confidential any information required by this form or Form 1, whether the information is reported on the forms or in an attachment. Section 402(j) of the Clean Water Act requires that all permit applications will be available to the public. This information will be made available to the public upon request. Any information you submit to EPA which goes beyond that required by this form, Form 1, or Form C you may claim as confidential, but claims for information which are effluent data will be denied. If you do not assert a claim of confidentiality at the time of submitting the information, the Cabinet may make the information public without further notice to you. Claims of confidentiality will be handled in accordance with EPA's business confidentiality regulations at 40 CFR Part 2. DEFINITIONS All significant terms used in these instructions and in the form are defined in the glossary found in the General Instructions which accompany Form 1. Item I You may use the map you provided for item XI of Form 1 to determine the latitude and longitude of each of your outfalls and the name of the receiving water. Item II-A If you check "yes" to this question, complete all parts of the chart, or attach a copy of any previous submission you have made to EPA containing the same information. Item II-B You are not required to submit a description of future pollution control projects if you do not wish to or if none is planned. DEP 7032F Instructions 1 Revised February 2009 Item III Attach a site map showing topography (or indicating the outline of drainage areas served by the outfalls(s) covered in the application if a topographic map is unavailable) depicting the facility including: each of its drainage and discharge structures; the drainage area of each storm water outfall; paved areas and building(s) within the drainage area of each storm water outfall, each known past or present areas used for outdoor storage or disposal of significant materials, each existing structural control measure to reduce pollutants in storm water runoff, materials loading and access areas, areas where pesticides, herbicides, soil conditioners and fertilizers are applied; each of its hazardous waste treatment, storage, or disposal facilities (including each area not required to have a RCRA permit which is used for accumulating hazardous waste for less than 90 days under 40 CFR 262.34); each well where fluids from the facility are injected underground; and springs, and other surface water bodies which receive storm water discharges from the facility; Item IV-A For each outfall, provide an estimate of the area drained by the outfall which is covered by impervious surfaces. For the purpose of this application, impervious surfaces are surfaces where storm water runs off at rates that are significantly higher than background rates (e.g. predevelopment levels) and include paved areas, building roofs, parking lots, and roadways. Include an estimate of the total area (including all impervious and pervious areas) drained by each outfall. The site map required under item III can be used to estimate the total area drained by each outfall. Item IV-B Provide a narrative description of significant materials that are currently or in the past three years have been treated, stored, or disposed in a manner to allow exposure to storm water; method of treatment, storage or disposal of these materials; past and present materials management practices employed, in the last three years, to minimize contact by these materials with storm water runoff; materials loading and access areas; and the location, manner, and frequency in which pesticides, herbicides, soil conditioners, and fertilizers are applied. Significant materials should be identified by chemical name, form (e.g. powder, liquid, etc.), and type of container or treatment unit. Indicate any materials treated, stored, or disposed of together. "Significant materials" includes, but is not limited to: raw materials; fuels; materials such as solvents, detergents, and plastic pellets; finished materials such as metallic products; raw materials used in food processing or production; hazardous substances designated under Section 101(14) of CERCLA; any chemical the facility is required to report pursuant to Section 313 of Title III of SARA; fertilizers; pesticides; and waste products such as ashes, slag and sludge that have the potential to be released with storm water discharges. Item IV-C For each outfall, structural controls include structures which enclose material handling or storage areas, covering materials, berms, dikes, or diversion ditches around manufacturing, production, storage or treatment units, retention ponds, etc. Nonstructural controls include practices such as spill prevention plans, employee training, visual inspections, preventive maintenance, and housekeeping measures that are used to prevent or minimize the potential for releases of, pollutants. Item V Provide a certification that all outfalls that should contain storm water discharges associated with industrial activity have been tested or evaluated for the presence of non-storm water discharges which are not covered by a KPDES permit. Tests for such non-storm water discharges may include smoke tests, fluorometric dye tests, analysis of accurate schematics, as well as other appropriate tests. Part B must include a description of the method used, the date of any testing, and the onsite drainage points that were directly observed during a test. All non-storm water discharges must be identified in a Form C or Form SC which must accompany this application (see beginning of instructions under section titled "Who Must File Form F" for a description of when Form C and Form SC must be submitted). Item VI Provide a description of existing information regarding the history of significant leaks or spills of toxic or hazardous pollutants at the facility in the last three years. DEP 7032F Instructions 2 Revised February 2009 Item VII-A, B, and C These items require you to collect and report data on the pollutants discharged for each of your outfalls. Each part of this item addresses a different set of pollutants and must be completed in accordance with the specific instructions for that part. The following general instructions apply to the entire item. General Instructions Part A requires you to report at least one analysis for each pollutant listed. Parts B and C require you to report analytical data in two ways. For some pollutants addressed in Parts B and C, if you know or have reason to know that the pollutant is present in your discharge, you may be required to list the pollutant and test (sample and analyze) and report the levels of the pollutants in your discharge. For all other pollutants addressed in Parts B and C, you must list the pollutant if you know or have reason to know that the pollutant is present in the discharge, and either report quantitative data for the pollutant or briefly describe the reasons the pollutant is expected to be discharged. (See specific instructions on the form and below for Parts A throught C.) Base your determination that a pollutant is present in or absent from your discharge on your knowledge of your raw materials, material management practices, maintenance chemicals, history of spills and releases, intermediate and final products and byproducts, and any previous analyses known to you of your effluent or similar effluent. A. Sampling: The collection of the samples for the reported analyses should be supervised by a person experienced in performing sampling of industrial wastewater or storm water discharges. You may contact EPA or your State permitting authority for detailed guidance on sampling techniques and for answers to specific questions. Any specific requirements contained in the applicable analytical methods should be followed for sample containers, sample preservation, holding times, the collection of duplicate samples, etc. The time when you sample should be representative, to the extent feasible, of your treatment system operating properly with no system upsets. Samples should be collected from the center of the flow channel, where turbulence is at a maximum, at a site specified in your present permit, or at any site adequate for the collection of a representative sample. For pH, temperature, cyanide, total phenols, residual chlorine, oil and grease, fecal coliform, and E. coli, grab samples taken during the first 30 minutes (or as soon thereafter as practicable) of the discharge must be used (you are not required to analyze a flow-weighted composite for these parameters). For all other pollutants both a grab sample collected during the first 30 minutes (or as soon thereafter as practicable) of the discharge and a flow-weighted composite sample must be analyzed. However, a minimum of one grab sample may be taken for effluents from holding ponds or other impoundments with a retention period of greater than 24 hours. All samples shall be collected from the discharge resulting from a storm event that is greater than 0.1 inches and at least 72 hours from the previously measurable (greater than 0.1 inch rainfall) storm event. Where feasible, the variance in the duration of the event and the total rainfall of the event should not exceed 50 percent from the average or median rainfall event in that area. A grab sample shall be taken during the first thirty minutes of the discharge (or as soon thereafter as practicable), and a flowweighted composite shall be taken for the entire event or for the first three hours of the event. Grab and composite samples are defined as follows: Grab sample: An individual sample of at least 100 milliliters collected during the first thirty minutes (or as soon thereafter as practicable) of the discharge. This sample is to be analyzed separately from the composite sample. Flow-weighted Composite sample: A flow-weighted composite sample may be taken with a continuous sampler that proportions the amount of sample collected with the flow rate or as a combination of a minimum of three sample aliquots taken in each hour of discharge for the entire event or for the first three hours of the event, with each aliquot being at least 100 milliliters and collected with a minimum period of fifteen minutes between aliquot collections. The composite must be flow proportional; either the time interval between each aliquot or the volume of each aliquot must be proportional to either the stream flow at the time of sampling or the total stream flow since the collection of the previous aliquot. Aliquots may be collected manually or automatically. Where GC/MS Volatile Organic Analysis (VOA) is required, aliquots must be combined in the laboratory immediately before anlaysis. Only one analysis for the composite sample is required. Data from samples taken in the past may be used, provided that: All data requirements are met; Sampling was done no more than three years before submission; and All data are representative of the present discharge. DEP 7032F Instructions 3 Revised February 2009 Among the factors which would cause the data to be unrepresentative are significant changes in production level, changes in raw materials, processes, or final products, and changes in storm water treatment. When the Agency promulgates new analytical methods in 40 CFR Part 136, EPA will provide information as to when you should use the new methods to generate data on your discharges. Of course, the Cabinet may request additional information, including current quantitative data, if they determine it to be necessary to assess your discharges. The Cabinet may allow or establish appropriate site-specific sampling procedures or requirements, including sampling locations, the season in which the sampling takes place, the minimum duration between the previous measurable storm event and the storm event sampled, the minimum or maximum level of precipitation required for an appropriate storm event, the form of precipitation sampled (snow melt or rainfall), protocols for collecting samples under 40 CFR Part 136, and additional time for submitting data on a case-by-case basis. B. Reporting: All levels must be reported as concentration and mass (note: grab samples are reported in terms of concentration). You may report some or all of the required data by attaching separate sheets of paper instead of filling out pages VII-1 and VII-2 if the separate sheets contain all the required information in a format which is constant with pages VII-1 and VII-2 in spacing and identification of pollutants and columns. Use the following abbreviations in the columns headed "Units." ppm Concentration parts per million lbs Mass pounds mg/l milligrams per liter ton tons (English tons) ppb parts per billion mg milligrams µg/l micrograms per liter g grams kg kilograms T tonnes (metric tons) All reporting of values for metals must be in terms of "total recoverable metal," unless: (1) An applicable, promulgated effluent limitation or standard specifies the limitation for the metal in dissolved, valent, or total form; or (2) All approved analytical methods for the metal inherently measure only its dissolved form (e.g., hexavalent chromium); or (3) The permitting authority has determined that in establishing case-by-case limitations it is necessary to express the limitations on the metal in dissolved, valent, or total form to carry out the provisions of the CWA. If you measure only one grab sample and one flow-weighted composite sample for a given outfall, complete only the "Maximum Values" columns and insert "1" into the "Number of Storm Events Sampled" column. The permitting authority may require you to conduct additional analyses to further characterize your discharges. If you measure more than one value for a grab sample or a flow-weighted composite sample for a given outfall and those values are representative of your discharge, you must report them. You must describe your method of testing and data analysis. You also must determine the average of all values within the last year and report the concentration and mass under the "Average Values" columns, and the total number of storm events sampled under the "Number of Storm Events Sampled" columns. C. Analysis: You must use test methods promulgated in 40 CFR Part 136: however, if none has been promulgated for a particular pollutant, you may use any suitable method for measuring the level of the pollutant in your discharge provided that you submit a description of the method or a reference to a published method. Your description should include the sample holding time, preservation techniques, and the quality control measures which you used. If you have two or more substantially identical outfalls, you may request permission from your permitting authority to sample and analyze only one outfall and submit the results of the analysis for other substantially identical outfalls. If your request is granted by the permitting authority, on a separate sheet attached to the application form, identify which outfall you did test, and describe why the outfalls which you did not test are substantially identical to the outfall which you did test. Part VII-A Part VII-A must be completed by all applicants who must complete Form F for all outfalls. Analyze a grab sample collected during the first thirty minutes (or as soon thereafter as practicable) of the discharge and flow-weighted composite samples for all pollutants in this part, and report the results except use only grab samples for pH and oil and grease. See discussion in General Instructions to Item VII for definitions of grab sample collected during the first thirty minutes of discharge and flow-weighted composite sample. The "Average Values" column is not compulsory but should be filled out if data are available. DEP 7032F Instructions 4 Revised February 2009 Part VII-B List all pollutants that are limited in an effluent guideline which the facility is subject to (see 40 CFR Chaper I, Subchapter N to determine which pollutants are limited in effluent guidelines) or any pollutant listed in the facility's KPDES permit for its process wastewater (if the facility is operating under an existing KPDES permit). Complete one table for each outfall. See discussion in General Instructions to Item VII for definitions of grab sample collected during the first thirty minutes (or as soon thereafter as practicable) of discharge and flowweighted composite sample. The "Average Values" column is not compulsory but should be filled out if data are available. Analyze a grab sample collected during the first thirty minutes of the discharge and flow-weighted composite samples for all pollutants in this part, and report the results, except as provided in the General Instructions. Part VII-C Part VII-C must be completed by all applicants for all outfalls which discharge storm water associated with industrial activity, or that the Cabinet has designated as a significant contributor of pollutants to waters of the Commonwealth, or as contributing to a violation of a water quality standard. Use both a grab sample and a composite sample for all pollutants you analyze for in this part except use grab samples for residual chlorine and fecal coliform. The "Average Values" column is not compulsory but should be filled out if data are available. Part C requires you to address the pollutants in Table F-2, F-3, and F-4 for each outfall. Pollutants in each of these tables are addressed differently. Table F-2: For each outfall, list all pollutants in Table F-2 that you know or have reason to believe are discharged (except pollutants previously listed in Part VII-B). If a pollutant is limited in an effluent guideline limitation which the facility is subject to, the pollutant must be analyzed and reported in Part VII-B. If a pollutant in Table F-2 is indirectly limited by an effluent guideline limitation through an indicator (e.g., use of TSS as an indicator to control the discharge of iron and aluminum), you must analyze for it and report the data in Part VII-B. For other pollutants listed in Table F-2 (those not limited directly or indirectly by an effluent limitation guideline), that you know or have reason to believe are discharged, you must either report quantitative data or briefly describe the reasons the pollutant is expected to be discharged. Table F-3: For each outfall, list all pollutants in Table F-3 that you know or have reason to believe are discharged. For every pollutant in Table F-3 expected to be discharged in concentrations of 100 ppb or greater, you must submit quantitative data. For acrolein, acrylonitrile, 2,4 dinitrophenol, and 2-methyl-4,6 dinitrophenol, you must submit quantitative data if any of these four pollutants is expected to be discharged in concentrations of 100 ppb or greater. For every pollutant expected to be discharged in concentrations less than 10 ppb (or 100 ppb for the four pollutants listed above), then you must either submit quantitative data or briefly describe the reasons the pollutant is expected to be discharged. Small Business Exemption - If you are a "small business," you are exempt from the reporting requirements for the organic toxic pollutants listed in Table F-3. There are two ways in which you can qualify as a "small business". If your facility is a coal mine, and if your probable total annual production is less than 100,000 tons per year, you may submit past production data or estimated future production (such as a schedule of estimated total production under 30 CFR 795.14(c)) instead of conducting analyses for the organic toxic pollutants. If your facility is not a coal mine, and if your gross total annual sales for the most recent three years average less than $100,000 per year (in second quarter 1980 dollars), you may submit sales data for those years instead of conducting analyses for the organic toxic pollutants. The production or sales data must be for the facility which is the source of the discharge. The data should not be limited to production or sales for the process or processes which contribute to the discharge, unless those are the only processes at your facility. For sales data, in situations involving intracorporate transfer of goods and services, the transfer price per unit should approximate market prices for those goods and services as closely as possible. Sales figures for years after 1980 should be indexed to the second quarter of 1980 by using the gross national product price deflator (second quarter of 1980=100). This index is available in National Income and Product Accounts of the United States (Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis). Table F-4: For each outfall, list any pollutant in Table F-4 that you know or believe to be present in the discharge and explain why you believe it to be present. No analysis is required, but if you have analytical data, you must report them. Note: Under 40 CFR 117.12(a)(2), certain discharges of hazardous substances which establishes reporting requirements, civil penalties, and liability for cleanup costs for spills of oil and hazardous substances. A discharge of a particular substance may be exempted if the origin, source, and amount of the discharged substances are identified in the KPDES permit application or in the permit, if the permit contains a requirement for treatment of the discharge, and if the treatment is in place. To apply for an exclusion of the discharge of any hazardous substance from the requirements of Clean Water Act Section 311, attach additional sheets of paper to your form, setting forth the following information: DEP 7032F Instructions 5 Revised February 2009 1. The substance and the amount of each substance which may be discharged. 2. The origin and source of the discharge of the substance. 3. The treatment which is to be provided for the discharge by: a. An onsite treatment system separate from any treatment system treating your normal discharge; b. A treatment system designed to treat your normal discharge and which is additionally capable of treating the amount of the substance identified under paragraph 1 above; or c. Any combination of the above. See 40 CFR 117.12(a)(2) and (c), published on August 29, 1979, in 44 FR 50766, for further information on exclusions from Section 311. Part VII-D If sampling is conducted during more than one storm event, you only need to report the information requested in Part VII-D for the storm events which resulted in any maximum pollutant concentration reported in Part VII-A, VII-B, VII-C. Provide flow measurements or estimates of the flow rate, and the total amount of discharge for the storm events sampled, the method of flow measurement, or estimation. Provide the data and duration of the storm events sampled, rainfall measurements, or estimates of the storm event which generated the sampled runoff and the duration between the storm event sampled and the end of the previous measurable (greater than 0.1 inch rainfall) storm event. Part VII-E List any toxic pollutant listed in Tables F-2, F-3, or F-4 which you currently use or manufacture as an intermediate or final product or byproduct. In addition, if you know or have reason to believe that 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) is discharged or if you use or manufacture 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4,5,-T); 2-(2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy) propanoic acid (silvex,2,4,5,-TP); 2-(2,4,5trichlorophenoxy) ethyl, 2,2-dichloropropionate (erbon); O,O-dimethyl O-(2,4,5-trichlorophenyl) phosphorothioate (Ronnel); 2,4,5trichlorophenol (TCP); or hexachlorophene (HCP); then list TCDD. The Cabinet may waive or modify the requirement if you demonstrate that it would be unduly burdensome to identify each toxic pollutant and the Cabinet has adequate information to issue your permit. You may not claim this information as confidential; however, you do not have to distinguish between use or production of the pollutants or list the amounts. Item VIII Self explanatory. The permitting authority may ask you to provide additional details after your application is received. Item X KRS Chapter 224 provides for severe penalties for submiting false information on this application form. This section must be signed in accordance with the requirements in 401 KAR 5:060. DEP 7032F Instructions 6 Revised February 2009 TABLE F-1 CODES FOR TREATMENT UNITS 1-A 1-B 1-C 1-D 1-E 1-F 1-G 1-H 1-I 1-J 1-K 1-L Ammonia Stripping Dialysis Diatomaceous Earth Filtration Distillation Electrodialysis Evaporation Flocculation Flotation Foam Fractionation Freezing Gas-Phase Separation Grinding (Comminutors) Physical Treatment Processes 1-M 1-N 1-O 1-P 1-Q 1-R 1-S 1-T 1-U 1-V 1-W 1-X Grit Removal Microstraining Mixing Moving Bed Filters Multimedia Filtration Rapid Sand Filtration Reverse Osmosis (Hyperfiltration) Screening Sedimentation (Settling) Slow Sand Filtration Solvent Extraction Sorption 2-A 2-B 2-C 2-D 2-E 2-F Carbon Adsorption Chemical Oxidation Chemical Precipitation Coagulation Dechlorination Disinfection (Chlorine) Chemical Treatment Processes 2-G 2-H 2-I 2-J 2-K 2-L Disinfection (Ozone) Disinfection (Other) Electrochemical Treatment Ion Exchange Neutralization Reduction 3-A 3-B 3-C 3-D Activated Sludge Aerated Lagoons Anaerobic Treatment Nitrification-Denitrification Biological Treatment Processes 3-E 3-F 3-G 3-H Pre-Aeration Spray Irrigation/Land Application Stabilization Ponds Trickling Filtration 4-A 4-B Discharge to Surface Water Ocean Discharge Through Outfall 5-A 5-B 5-C 5-D 5-E 5-F 5-G 5-H 5-I 5-J 5-K 5-L Aerobic Digestion Anaerobic Digestion Belt Filtration Centrifugation Chemical Conditioning Chlorine Treatment Composting Drying Beds Elutriation Flotation Thickening Freezing Gravity Thickening Other Processes DEP 7032F Instructions 4-C 4-D Sludge Treatment and Disposal Processes 5-M 5-N 5-O 5-P 5-Q 5-R 5-S 5-T 5-U 5-V 5-W 7 Reuse/Recycle of Treated Effluent Underground Injection Heat Drying Heat Treatment Incineration Land Application Landfill Pressure Filtration Pyrolysis Sludge Lagoons Vacuum Filtration Vibration Wet Oxidation Revised February 2009 TABLE F-2 CONVENTIONAL AND NONCONVENTIONAL POLLUTANTS Bromide Chlorine, Total Residual Color Fecal Coliform Fluoride Nitrate-Nitrite Nitrogen, Total Organic Oil and Grease Phosphorus, Total Radioactivity Sulfate Sulfite Surfactants Aluminum, Total Barium, Total Boron, Total Cobalt, Total Iron, Total Magnesium, Total Molybdenum, Total Manganese, Total Tin, Total Titanium, Total DEP 7032F Instructions 8 Revised February 2009 TABLE F-3 TOXIC POLLUTANTS AND PHENOLS TOXIC POLLUTANTS AND TOTAL PHENOL Antimony, Total Copper, Total Silver, Total Arsenic, Total Lead, Total Thallium, Total Beryllium, Total Mercury, Total Zinc, Total Cadmium, Total Nickel, Total Cyanide, Total Chromium, Total Selenium, Total Phenols, Total GC/MS FRACTION VOLATILES COMPOUNDS Acrolein Dichlorobromomethane 1,1,2,2,-Tetrachloroethane Acrylonitrile 1,1-Dichloroethane Tetrachloroethylene Benzene 1,2-Dichloroethane Toluene Bromoform 1,1-Dichloroethylene 1,2-Trans-Dichloroethylene Carbon Tetrachloride 1,2-Dichloropropane 1,1,1-Trichloroethane Chlorobenzene 1,3-Dichloropropylene 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Chlorodibromomethane Ethylbenzene Trichloroethylene Chloroethane Methyl Bromide Vinyl Chloride 2-Chloroethylvinyl Ether Methyl Chloride Chloroform Methylene Chloride ACID COMPOUNDS 2-Chlorophenol 2,4-Dinitrophenol Pentachlorophenol 2,4-Dichlorophenol 2-Nitrophenol Phenol 2,4-Dimethylphenol 4-Nitrophenol 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 4,6-Dinitro-O-Cresol p-Chloro-M-Cresol 2-methyl-4,6 dinitrophenol DEP 7032F Instructions 9 Revised February 2009 TABLE F-3 (Continued) BASE/NEUTRAL Acenaphthene 2-Chloronaphthalene Fluroanthene Acenaphthylene 4-Chlorophenyl Phenyl Ether Fluorene Anthracene Chrysene Hexachlorobenzene Benzidine Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene Hexachlorobutadiene Benzo(a)anthracene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene Hexachloroethane Benzo(a)pyrene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 3,4-Benzofluoranthene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Isophorone Benzo(ghi)perylene 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine Napthalene Benzo(k)fluoranthene Diethyl Phthalate Nitrobenzene Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane Dimethyl Phthalate N-Nitrosodimethylamine Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether Di-N-Butyl Phthalate N-Nitrosodi-N-Propylamine Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 2,4-Dinitrotoluene N-Nitrosodiphenylamine Bis(2-ethylyhexyl)phthalate 2,6-Dinitrotoluene Phenanthrene 4-Bromophenyl Phenyl Ether Di-N-Octylphthalate Pyrene Butylbenzyl Phthalate 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine (as Azobenzene) 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene PESTICIDES Aldrin Dieldrin PCB-1254 Alpha-BHC Alpha-Endosulfan PCB-1221 Beta-BHC Beta-Endosulfan PCB-1232 Gamma-BHC Endosulfan Sulfate PCB-1248 Delta-BHC Endrin PCB-1260 Chlordane Endrin Aldehyde PCB-1016 4,4'-DDT Heptachlor Toxaphene 4,4'-DDE Heptachlor Epoxide 4,4'-DDD PCB-1242 DEP 7032F Instructions 10 Revised February 2009 TABLE F-4 HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES Toxic Pollutant Asbestos Hazardous Substances Kelthane Kepone Malathion Mercaptodimethur Methoxychlor Methyl mercaptan Methyl methacrylate Methyl parathion Mevinphos Mexacarbate Monoethyl amine Monomethyl amine Naled Napthenic acid Nitrotolune Parathion Phenolsulfonate Phosgene Propargite Propylene oxide Pyrethrins Quinoline Resorcinol Stronthium Strychnine Styrene 2,4,5-^ (2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid) TDE (Tetrachlorodiphenyl ethane) 2,4,5-TP [2-(2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxy) propanoic acid] Trichlorofan Triethylamine Trimethylamine Uranium Vanadium Vinyl Acetate Xylene Xylenol Acetaldehyde Allyl alcohol Allyl chloride Amyl acetate Aniline Benzonitrile Benzyl chloride Butyl acetate Butylamine Carbaryl Carbofuran Carbon disulfide Chlorpyrifos Coumaphos Cresol Crotonaldehyde Cyclohexane 2,4-D (2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) Diazinon Dicamba Dichlobenil Dichlone 2,2-Dichloropropionic acid Dichlorvos Diethyl amine Dimethyl amine Dinitrobenzene Diquat Disulfoton Diuron Epichlorohydrin Ethion Ethylene Diamine Ethylene Dibromide Formaldehyde Furfural Guthion Isoprene Isopropanolamine DEP 7032F Instructions 11 Revised February 2009 Attachment 1 - Location Map Location of Outfall S4-A4-4A 1 mile radius Facility Location Outfall S4-A4-4A East End Crossing Ohio River Bridges Project - Sections 4&5 Prospect, Jefferson County, Kentucky Attachment 2 - Vicinity Map LOCATION OF DESIGN SECTIONS 4A, 4B, AND 5 EAST END BRIDGE BRIDGE AND APPROACHES LOUISVILLE - SOUTHERN INDIANA OHIO RIVER BRIDGES PROJECT (LSIORBP) 1. 51 SECTION 5 i n 2. 56 SECTION 4B in 9.3 SECTION 4A 2 in Attachment 3 - Correspondence Attachment 3.1 Louisville Water Company concurrence on proposed stormwater system in the WHPA SUBMITTAL REPLY FORM TO: WVB East End Partners 9300 Shelbyville Road, Suite 300 Louisville, KY 40222 502 498-8873 office ATTENTION: Ron Huestis Andy Barber PROJECT: Ohio River Bridges Project SUBMITTAL: WVC D3.03 RPT 4. ALL DRN 10001 Stormwater Drainage System in Wellhead Protection Area CH2M HILL IS TAKING THE FOLLOWING ACTION ON THIS SUBMITTAL ON BEHALF OF LOUISVILLE WATER COMPANY: See summary of submittal review responses in bold below. The overall disposition for this submittal reply is “Approved As Noted”. CH2M HILL, on behalf of the Louisville Water Company would also like to convey appreciation for the additional information provided in this document. The overarching principal regarding the information contained in this submittal is to protect the source water in and around the east end bridges infrastructure. Our primary concern is the water quality in the well head protection area. Thus the majority of our comments provided below are focused on the conveyance and treatment of any stormwater or potential sources of contamination leaving the bridge infrastructure. The Louisville Water Company would appreciate the treatment system O&M manual and any associated guidance with the treatment facilities in and around the shared area. Thank you in advance for your cooperation with these remaining items. CC: Kay Ball Spencer Bruce Page 1 of 6 Final Design of Stormwater Drainage System in WHPA Summary of Responses to LWC Comments LSIORB Project East End Crossing Note: Page references are to the document WVC D3.03 RPT 4.ALL DRN 10001 Stormwater Drainage System in Wellhead Protection Area as submitted to LWC by Third Rock Consultants on September 30, 2014. 1. The table of Hydraulic Design Criteria is illegible. Please replace. The table has been replaced in the attached Final Design documentation. Approved. Hydraulic Design Criteria table resubmitted is clear and legible. 2. The paragraph Additional Drainage Calculations indicates that the drainage system shall have the capacity to capture and carry the 100-year, 1-hour storm away without overflow into the WHPA. Please clarify this volume and what facilities in the deck drainage system are counted as the holding volume. Provide calculations. Clarification and calculations are provided in the attached Final Design documentation. Approved. Calculations and supporting documentation (HEC-HMS model output) are provided in Appendix E of the submittal package. 3. This is a partial set of drawings. Please submit Index for all drawings. An index is included in the attached Final Design documentation. Approved. Partial set of drawings submitted because the rest of the drawings do not pertain to the Stormwater Drainage System in the WHPA. Full drawing index has been provided in submittal package. 4. Where is the design for the ditch that is receiving the 66” RCP stormwater discharge? Outfall design is provided for in the landscape design and includes depressed areas as well as blasted limestone rock fill for energy dissipation. A copy of the landscape plan is included on page 32 in the attached Final Design documentation depicting the discharge ditch. Approved. Landscaping design drawings included in submittal package show the design of the ditch receiving 66” RCP discharge. 5. Page 53 of 61 states that the runoff from the roadway north of the Harrods Creek Bridge will be discharged into Pond A or B without any direct roadway runoff to the WHPA. It appears on sheet 35 that a section of the GREEN system that runs along River Road and a short segment of the Emergency Access Road bypasses both ponds and discharges directly to Harrods Creek without treatment, which violates Requirement 1. If correct, please reconfigure to provide pond treatment. Page 2 of 6 The roadway referenced on page 53 of 61 is KY 841 main line and does not include River Road or the emergency access road. Requirement 1 is a requirement for the drainage design for KY 841. Approved as noted. 6. For the drainage section outlined in PINK, it appears that all runoff is routed directly to Middleton Run Creek without treatment. Middleton Run Creek is located between Sta. 147+00 and 159+00, which is in the WHPA, according to page 5 of 61 of the Memo. If correct, please reconfigure to provide pond treatment. Treatment is required for all runoff from the roadway, which is KY 841. Roadway runoff is not directed to Middleton Run Creek, which is conveying the creek from the east to west side of the right-of-way under KY 841. Approved. The original concern about runoff being routed to the Middleton Run Creek has been clarified in the note above. The clarification was helpful and no further discussion is required. 7. The Memo states that the current proposed SWTB can handle 32.17 CFS, but the bypass structure is designed to divert flows so the flowrate through the SWTB does not exceed 34 CFS. Verify that the SWTB has adequate capacity. The SWTB has a capacity of 34 cfs. The Memo was intended to state that 32.17 cfs is the site specific design criteria for the box. Approved as noted. However, it doesn’t appear that the wording has been changed in the memo to clarify. Please provide this clarification and a copy of the revised memo. 8. How is the SWTB cleaned (settled material and floatable material) after a rain event or spill? Please confirm that all runoff will be captured and floatables separated for this section, since the Memo states that any flow in excess of 34 CFS will bypass the SWTB and flow directly to Harrods Creek. The treatment structure will be monitored and cleaned as necessary based on sediment levels or spills per the Operation Manual requirements. KYTC District 5 Maintenance will inspect and clean the SWTB on a regular basis, and in the event of spill. Only uncontaminated water will be discharged from the bottom of the SWTB. All runoff is captured in the storm sewer system or ditches and, as stated in the memo, the EPA considers subsequent runoff after the first flush to be “cleansed”. In the event of a spill, an automatic valve will be installed in place of the manual valve which can be closed quickly by emergency responders to prevent spill from being discharged out of the system. Operations and maintenance of the SWTB and the automatic valve will be included in the Emergency Response Plan and Operations Manual for the Tunnel. A copy of the manual will be provided to LWC when complete. Approved per discussion in 1-30-15 meeting. Page 3 of 6 9. The SWTB only holds 1,009 gallons. To meet the requirement to contain 26,000 gallons, the Memo indicates that a manual valve would be closed to gain the holding volume of 66” upstream pipes. Who realistically would close the manual valve during a storm event? What is the process for dealing with a spill after the manual control gate has been closed and the pipe network is used for storage? This is not a viable configuration. We recommend a holding pond for the south side of Harrods Creek. An automatic valve will be provided in lieu of the manual valve and will be closed by the emergency responder when required due to an incident. The current system will contain in excess of the 26,000 gallon requirement with the valve closed. In the event of a spill during a storm event, there is sufficient storage in the system to contain the spill and the run-off. A secondary pipe will be provided to drain the SWTB of uncontaminated water from the bottom of the SWTB. The contaminated fluid will be pumped out by vacuum trucks and treated as appropriate after an incident. KYTC will provide operations and maintenance on the SWTB and associated valves. Trimarc, under contract with KYTC, will monitor the SCADA system for any emergency situations affecting drainage to the SWTB and will operate the automatic valve via the SCADA system. In the event of a spill, Trimarc will notify emergency responders and follow the Emergency Response Plan and Operations Manual to have the contaminated fluid pumped out by vacuum trucks following the event. Approved per discussion in 1-30-15 meeting. 10. The memo states that water will be discharged from the ponds into the outlet pipe, and the skimmed materials will remain in the pond. Will all floatables remain in the pond indefinitely? What measures are planned for cleaning floatables, trash, and debris, and maintaining aesthetics? Ponds will be cleaned as necessary based on sediment levels or spills per the Operation Manual requirements. Approved. Agreement shall be made as to how and when the ponds will be cleaned before the completion of the project. 11. Explain the gasket material of the 66” pipe that will be used as holding possible spill. Oil resistant rubber gaskets will be used as recommended by the reinforced concrete pipe manufacturer. Approved. Please provide information relating to gasket material prior to installation. Contractor shall verify that gaskets for the 66” pipe have a high resistance to petroleum and other contaminants when for used for containment of polluted water in the event of a spill. Page 4 of 6 12. Provide type of liner used in the ponds. The ponds will be lined with a geo-membrane overlaid by loamy soil to promote vegetation. Approved. Contractor shall be certain that the geo-membrane material will be resistant to possible chemicals that may be contained in the pond. Please note that the guiding principal for this question is intended to keep any contaminated water from entering the groundwater in the WHPA. Questions from 1-30-15 Meeting at LWC 1. What are the design details for the automated valve as well as the communication protocol for the operating team? Approved as noted. Communication protocol is acceptable per response to comment 9 above. Please provide details on the design of the valve. 2. How often will the automated valve be exercised? Approved as noted. Please provide manual referenced in response to comment 8 above, when complete. 3. Will a standard operating procedure be in place for both maintenance and operation of the valve? Approved as noted. Provide manual as noted above in comment 8. 4. How frequently will the storm water treatment box be serviced? Are there standard operating procedures for cleaning and maintaining the treatment box? The treatment structure will be monitored and cleaned as necessary based on sediment level or spills per the operation manual requirements, as noted above in the response to comment 8. 5. Is the lower drain on the treatment box necessary for operations? Approved as noted. Please address valve use in the manual referenced in comment 8. 6. What type of gasket material will be used in the drain piping? And is it compatible with a large array of chemicals? Approved as noted. The response above states that the gasket will be oil resistant, but the material is not provided in comment 11. Please provide the reference material for the type of gasket prior to installation. Please note that the guiding principal for this question is intended to keep any contaminated water from entering the groundwater in the WHPA. Page 5 of 6 7. What is the allowable leakage per the manufacturer for this gasket material? Approved as noted. Please provide the requested information also related to comment 11. Please note that the comment intent for this question is also to ensure water carried in the pipe does not leak out or impact the groundwater in the WHPA. 8. What is the liner material being proposed to line the retention ponds? Approved as noted. It was stated in the response to comment 12 above that the liner material will be a geo-membrane material. The intent for this comment is the same as noted above regarding the wellhead protection area. END OF COMMENTS Page 6 of 6 Attachment 3.2 Kentucky Division of Water concurrence on proposed stormwater system in the WHPA Attachment 3.3 Agency correspondence accompanying concurrences Indiana Finance Authority Indiana Department of Transportation Louisville-Southern Indiana Ohio River Bridges Project East End Crossing February 5, 2014 Mr. Jeffrey Schmidt, P.E. FHWA Project Manager – Ohio River Bridges Project RE: Louisville-Southern Indiana Ohio River Bridges Project East End Crossing – Section 4 Stormwater Drainage System, Louisville Water Company Wellhead Protection Area Jefferson County, Kentucky Dear Mr. Schmidt: Thank you for your response dated January 21, 2014 to the INDOT request for FHWA concurrence that a proposed open storm drainage system within the Louisville Water Company (LWC) Wellhead Protection Area (WHPA) meets the intent of the Revised Record of Decision (RROD) to make efforts to prevent roadway pollutants from entering the WHPA and to contain runoff prior to being released into Harrods Creek. In response to your request for additional information we provide the following discussion of the bullet points in your letter: • Discuss the benefits or advantages of using the open system versus the vault system as described in the RROD. o Either a vault system or an open system can be utilized to prevent roadway pollutants from entering the WHPA. However, an open drainage system has advantages over a closed system that will make the system more effective in preventing pollutants from entering the WHPA and Harrods Creek. These advantages are achieved during the operations and maintenance of the system post-construction and include:  Visibility of the system from the roadway for operations personnel to quickly check the condition and level of water in the system,  Ease of access for maintenance of the open ponds and associated outlet controls, and  Quicker access for removal of hazardous materials, should a spill occur on the bridge or roadway. • Discuss any federal, state or local permits that are required based on the open system versus the vault system. o There are no differences in permit requirements between an open and vault system. Either type system will require a Section 402 permit. The final design of the drainage system, whether open or vault, will be submitted to the Kentucky Department of Water (KDOW) and LWC for concurrence. • Discuss how context sensitive solutions in the design of the open system will be used to complement the surrounding historic properties and will be in keeping with the LSIORB First Amended [106] MOA, IFA Ref: 1-239 Ohio River Bridges – East End Crossing Project Office Page 1 of 2 1302 Port Rd, Jeffersonville, IN 47130 812-202-4077 dated March 23, 2012 and its resulting Historic Preservation Plan (HPP) for the Country Estates of River Road/River Road Corridor. o Neither a vault nor open system will be visible from surrounding historic properties. The system will be hidden from view from River Road and the Rosewell Estate by contour grading and landscaping. Please see attached Exhibit “A” showing how the sight lines from River Road and Rosewell are screened by the berms creating the ponds of an open system. Also included in Exhibit “A” are pages from the Aesthetic and Landscape Concept Master Plan, as submitted by WVB East End Partners, showing how landscape plantings will be used to screen views of the ponds. INDOT believes that either a vault or an open system will be fully in keeping with the SFEIS, RROD, the LSIORB First Amended [106] MOA and the resulting Historic Preservation Plan (HPP) for the Country Estates of River Road/River Road Corridor. • Discuss any visual or other effects on the surrounding historic properties. o The open system is fully contained within project right of way, and neither an open nor vault system will be visible from surrounding historic properties. Therefore there will not be any effect on the surrounding historic properties. See discussion above and Exhibit “A”. • Discuss whether there are any effects on 4(f) properties. o The open system is fully contained within project right of way, and neither an open nor vault system will be visible from 4(f) properties, therefore there will not be any effects on 4(f) properties. See previous discussion and Exhibit “A”. • Consult with the Bi-State Historic Consultation Team and obtain their views/recommendations for the open system concept. o The materials provided in Exhibit “A” were discussed with the BSHCT on January 28, 2014 and their comments and recommendations regarding viewsheds will be solicited and addressed in relation to stipulation II.M.2 of the First Amended [106] MOA. Based on the additional information provided herein, INDOT beleives an open drainage system meets the intent of the RROD and is requesting FHWA concurrence, with the understanding that KDOW and LWC must concur with the final design. Please let me know if you have any additional questions concerning this matter. Sincerely, Ronald Heustis, P.E. INDOT Senior Project Manager and IFA Authorized Representative Cc: Kevin Hetrick, Brian Shaw, Steve Nicaise, file Attachment (1) Page 2 of 2 Indiana Finance Authority Indiana Department of Transportation Louisville-Southern Indiana Ohio River Bridges Project East End Crossing January 13, 2014 Mr. Jeffrey Schmidt, P.E. FHWA Project Manager – Ohio River Bridges Project RE: Louisville-Southern Indiana Ohio River Bridges Project East End Crossing – Section 4 Stormwater Drainage System, Louisville Water Company Wellhead Protection Area Jefferson County, Kentucky Dear Mr. Schmidt: During development of the Supplemental Final Environmental Impact Statement (SFEIS) for the Bridges Project, a coordination meeting was held on March 5, 2009 with the Louisville Water Company (LWC) and Kentucky Department of Water (KDOW) to discuss the proposed design of the stormwater drainage system within the LWC Wellhead Protection Area (WHPA). To prevent roadway runoff pollutants from entering the WHPA, the drainage system proposed at that time would direct all runoff into an underground vault system for containment and removal of floatable materials prior to releasing the runoff into Harrods Creek. The concept was considered reasonable and acceptable by both LWC and KDOW and it was agreed that the final design of the drainage system would be submitted to LWC and KDOW for review and approval. The SFEIS was approved by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) on April 20, 2012 and in June of 2012 a Revised Record of Decision (RROD) was issued by the FHWA, in consultation with the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) and the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC). The RROD documents the decision to approve the Modified Selected Alternative as proposed in the SFEIS. The commitments for the proposed underground vault design of the stormwater drainage system within the WHPA were carried forward and included as part of the RROD. Concurrent with the drafting of the SFEIS and RROD, INDOT continued discussions with LWC regarding the stormwater drainage system within the WHPA. Subsequent to the SFEIS, LWC stated in a meeting on May 10, 2012 (minutes attached) that they did not have a requirement or preference for a buried chamber (closed vault) over an open ditch drainage system, provided the ditch was lined to prevent infiltration and included outfall controls. In a subsequent letter dated March 19, 2013 (attached), LWC refers to the Technical Provisions of the East End Crossing P3 contract (relevant section attached) as the requirements for discharge of runoff to Harrods Creek. The Provisions include options for either a closed or open system. The understanding with LWC at the time was that LWC and KDOW would retain approval of the final design of the stormwater drainage system within the WHPA. IFA Ref: 1-227 Ohio River Bridges – East End Crossing Project Office Page 1 of 2 1302 Port Rd, Jeffersonville, IN 47130 812-202-4077 Subsequent to the issuance of the RROD and the award of the East End Crossing P3 procurement to WVB East End Partners (WVB), IFA requested and received concurrence with an open stormwater drainage system within the WHPA from KDOW in a letter dated January 6, 2014 (attached). KYTC has also provided their concurrence in a letter dated November 15, 2013 (attached). The design of the stormwater drainage system within the WHPA has been advanced by WVB through preliminary engineering and an open system is being proposed that will be effective in prevention of roadway runoff pollutants entering the WHPA. The proposed system will contain and treat all roadway and bridge runoff prior to discharge into Harrods Creek. The system will convey and collect runoff in two ponds, with the ditches and ponds being constructed with impermeable liners extending a minimum of 1-foot beyond the top of bank, along the northeast side of the proposed roadway between River Road and the Ohio River. The proposed surface ponds, A and B, will replace the sub-surface storage vaults. Surface Pond B is connected to Surface Pond A via a below ground 36-inch reinforced concrete pipe (RCP). Surface Pond A discharges to Harrods Creek via a 36-inch below ground RCP, south of River Road. Any floating materials will be separated and removed prior to stormwater discharge into Harrods Creek. The drainage system will also contain a minimum 26,000 gallon spill and will include a manual control at the discharge point as an additional control measure to prevent any of the spill material from entering Harrods Creek. A copy of the proposed drainage system in the WHPA is attached showing the location of Surface Ponds A and B. Based on the information provided, INDOT beleives the proposed open drainage system meets the intent of the RROD and is requesting FHWA concurrence, with the understanding that KDOW and LWC will retain approval of the final design. Please let me know if you have any questions concerning this matter. Sincerely, Ronald Heustis, P.E. INDOT Senior Project Manager and IFA Authorized Representative Cc: Kevin Hetrick, Brian Shaw, Steve Nicaise, file Page 2 of 2 Attachment 4 Design Documentation & Drainage Maps 1 OHIO RIVER BRIDGES WV B East End Partners — EAST END CROSSING OHIO RIVER BRIDGES KENTUCKY SECTION WELLHEAD PROTECTION AREA DRAINAGE DOCUMENTATION This document is applicable to : WVB East End Partners (WVB) ✓ Walsh Vinci Construction Joint Venture (WVC) ✓ Jacobs and Designers Subcontractors and suppliers author to insert date only when check or approval is obtained Reviewed Authorized Originator May 26, 2014 C Clement thor WVC Date Name Review within WVB Gina Morris Third Rock Robert Morphonios WVB , ( D 3 0 Strategic Process 3 R P T Document Type 4 A L L DRN Area . Design Unit Discipline 1 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED 0 0 0 Document Number 1 R - 0 2 Status Rev WV B East End Partners I OHIO RIVER BRIDGES - KENTUCKY SECTION WELLHEAD PROTECTION AREA - DRAINAGE DOCUMENTATION Review by others (add rows if required) Doc n°: WVC D3.03 RPT 4.ALL DRN 10001 R-02 Rev. June 25,2014 Date Page 2 of 76 Name Date Review / Checker Checker Acceptance Revision istoric Purpose Date R-00 First Issue May 26, 2014 R-0 Page 4 of Appendix A rotated June 25, 2014 1 Distribution Method Entity Dymadoc WVB / WVC / Subcontractors e-Builder IFA UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Date OHIO RIVER BRIDGES - KENTUCKY SECTION WELLHEAD PROTECTION AREA - DRAINAGE DOCUMENTATION Doc n°: Rev. Date Page WVC D3.03 RPT 4.ALL DRN 10001 R-02 June 25,2014 3 of 76 OHIO RIVER BRIDGES – KENTUCKY SECTION WELLHEAD PROTECTION AREA - DRAINAGE DOCUMENTATION Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. Contractual Requirements Drainage Networks Identification Design Criteria Design Calculations Appendix A – Signed and Sealed Drawings Appendix B – Color Coded Drawings for Identification of the Different Drainage Networks Appendix C - Water Quality Protection Volume Calculations (HEC-HMS Input and Output) UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OHIO RIVER BRIDGES - KENTUCKY SECTION WELLHEAD PROTECTION AREA - DRAINAGE DOCUMENTATION Doc n°: Rev. Date Page WVC D3.03 RPT 4.ALL DRN 10001 R-02 June 25,2014 4 of 76 1. Contractual Requirements Supplemental Final Environmental Impact Study (SFEIS) Requirements from SFEIS Chapter 5, Environmental Consequences (pages 5-211): In an effort to prevent roadway pollutants from entering the Wellhead Protection Area (WHPA), a drainage system has been designed to contain all runoff into a storm system leading to vaults prior to releasing the runoff into Harrods Creek. A meeting was held with the Louisville Water Company (LWC) and Kentucky Division of Water (KDOW) on March 5, 2009, to discuss the proposed design of the storm water drainage system in the WHPA. The concept was considered reasonable, acceptable, and of adequate design for the proposed project. The final design of the drainage system will be submitted to LWC and KDOW for concurrence. The ditches associated with the roadway fills within the WHPA will be constructed with a berm to contain not only storm drainage but also materials from a spill. The ditches will drain into the storm system and to the vaults. After a spill, ditches and pipes would be cleared of material by KYTC and any materials that reach the vault would be contained, drained, and disposed of as required under applicable laws and regulations. There will be no direct runoff from the roadway to the WHPA. The project team will continue to coordinate with LWC and KDOW to ensure that there will be no direct runoff from the roadway to the WHPA. Private Public Agreement - Technical Provisions –Section The following provisions shall apply to storm runoff and potential spills from the East End Bridge, bridges, and roadway within the WHPA for the Final Design. ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· There shall be no direct roadway runoff to the WHPA. Runoff shall be collected and floating materials shall be separated before the stormwater is discharged into Harrods Creek. Developer shall ensure the drainage system can contain a 26,000 gallon spill. A manual control shall be provided at a point within the system to stop the spill from entering Harrods Creek or the WHPA. Roadway drainage shall be conveyed in either a water-tight storm sewer or lined ditch. Ditch lining shall be impermeable and shall extend a minimum 1-foot beyond the top of bank of the ditch. UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OHIO RIVER BRIDGES - KENTUCKY SECTION WELLHEAD PROTECTION AREA - DRAINAGE DOCUMENTATION Doc n°: Rev. Date Page WVC D3.03 RPT 4.ALL DRN 10001 R-02 June 25,2014 5 of 76 2. Drainage Networks Identification a. Generality The drainage systems reaching Harrods Creek (i.e., south and north of Harrods Creek) have been designed per the SFEIS requirements: ï‚· ï‚· To contain all runoff into a storm system leading to vaults prior to releasing runoff into Harrods Creek To allow no direct runoff from the roadway to the WHPA The drainage system of the East End Bridge, bridges, and roadway within the WHPA (i.e., north of Harrods Creek) has been designed per Section 7 of the Technical Provisions: ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· Runoff is collected into retention ponds prior to reaching Harrods Creek The retention ponds are equipped with a manual control can contain a 26,000 gallon spill The storm sewer and lined ditch are designed per Technical Provision requirements See Signed and Sealed Drawings in Appendix A b. Drainage Networks Identification – See Appendix B Blue Section (South of Harrods Creek) From STA. 61+00 to STA 137+14.08 the water is collected via open ditch, storm water pipes, inlets and manholes. The water is directed toward the southern abutment of Harrods Creek Bridge. From STA 137+14.08 to STA 149+66.42 the water is collected on Harrods Creek Bridge by means of scupper and drainage pipe. The water collected on the bridge is channeled toward the southern abutment. All the water collected on this “blue” section converges to the Water Treatment Box installed around STA 133+50.00. From this Water Treatment Box, the water is diverted to Harrods Creek via RCP pipes, manholes, and open ditch. The liquids collected in the tunnel (water cleaning, fire suppression fluid, spillage) are also diverted to this Water Treatment Box. Pink Section (North of Harrods Creek) The water collected in Middleton Run is coming from the shared used path, the emergency access road, and upstream of the Middleton Run box culvert. Green Section (North of Harrods Creek) The water collected from the roadway section between STA 148+00 to STA 157+00 is diverted toward pond A by means of paved ditch, manholes and pipes. The maximum volume capacity for Pond A is approximately 500,000 gallons of water. UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OHIO RIVER BRIDGES - KENTUCKY SECTION WELLHEAD PROTECTION AREA - DRAINAGE DOCUMENTATION Doc n°: Rev. Date Page WVC D3.03 RPT 4.ALL DRN 10001 R-02 June 25,2014 6 of 76 Yellow Section (North of Harrods Creek) The water collected from the roadway section between STA 157+00 and STA 212+50 (end of the main span bridge) is diverted toward Pond B. The water flows toward the pond through scuppers and drainage pipes hung under the bridge decks, RCP pipes, manholes, and open paved ditches. The maximum volume capacity for Pond B is approximately 1,000,000 gallons of water. All runoff water from the East End Bridge is collected on the Kentucky side of the Ohio River. Bridge deck drains and storm sewers are used to collect bridge deck runoff into a storage area (Pond B) at the Kentucky end of the bridge. Ponds A & B are equipped with manual pond control structures detailed on drawing JDT D3.03 DWG 4.R02 DRN 42027 R 00 (see Appendix A). After settling, the water collected in Ponds A & B is merged and diverted toward Harrods Creek through pipes, manholes, and open ditches. UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OHIO RIVER BRIDGES - KENTUCKY SECTION WELLHEAD PROTECTION AREA - DRAINAGE DOCUMENTATION Doc n°: Rev. Date Page WVC D3.03 RPT 4.ALL DRN 10001 R-02 June 25,2014 7 of 76 c. Design Criteria Information source - Extract from design criteria document JDT D3.02 SPC 4.ALL ALL 10001 R04 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OHIO RIVER BRIDGES - KENTUCKY SECTION WELLHEAD PROTECTION AREA - DRAINAGE DOCUMENTATION Doc n°: Rev. Date Page WVC D3.03 RPT 4.ALL DRN 10001 R-02 June 25,2014 8 of 76 d. Design Calculations Information source –Section 4 Drainage report JDT D3.03 RPT 4.R03 DRN 42106 R01 Spread Computations Spread calculations were performed using the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KTYC) Curb Box Inlet Calculations spreadsheet. The inlet spacing was determined using a rainfall intensity of 4 inches per hour and allowing no encroachment of the gutter flow into the travel lane. In areas where barrier walls are present, the allowable spread shall be the width of the shoulders which vary from 2 feet to 8 feet in the ultimate condition Storm Sewer & Ditch Computations The storm water collection system is comprised of a series of inlets, pipes, and drainage ditches that discharge to either a new storm water treatment facility or to an existing drainage outfall. Runoff collected within the ditches is captured by drop box inlets and conveyed to the enclosed drainage system. The piped portions of the collection system have also been analyzed for the 10-year storm event using the KYTC Storm Sewer model. The main trunk line through the tunnel and the sag location north of the North Portal was checked with 50-year storm event, and it was confirmed that the HGL lines were below the top of grate elevations. Cross Drains Analysis The headwater elevations for the existing culverts, as well as the proposed extensions have been analyzed using the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Culvert Hydraulic Analysis Program (HY-8). The existing and proposed conditions were analyzed for the 50 and 100-year storm events. The 50 and 100-year runoff rates were determined using the KYTC Rational Method spreadsheet. The flows were routed through the culvert, and the rise in headwater was calculated. The tailwater was computed based on the normal depth of the downstream channel section at the culvert location. The purpose of the hydraulic analysis is to ensure that the proposed extensions do not cause a significant rise in the headwater elevations. Ditches Calculations KY 841 roadside ditches are Paved Ditch Type 1 at the shale protection zone near the South Portal and between the North Portal and South Abutment of Harrods Creek Bridge. KY 841 roadside ditches are lined with impermeable geomembrane between north of the north abutment of Harrods Creek Bridge and south of the south abutment of the Kentucky Approach Bridge. The lining extends a minimum of 1 foot beyond the top of bank. The ditches in this fill UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OHIO RIVER BRIDGES - KENTUCKY SECTION WELLHEAD PROTECTION AREA - DRAINAGE DOCUMENTATION Doc n°: Rev. Date Page WVC D3.03 RPT 4.ALL DRN 10001 R-02 June 25,2014 9 of 76 section were designed to accommodate a 100-year flood storm event without the runoff overflowing into the Well Head Protection Area. Pond Analysis Ponds A and B were designed and analyzed with HEC-HMS. Both ponds are lined with geomembrane, and pond control structures are equipped with a manual control gate capable of stopping a spill from being released into Harrods Creek or the WHPA. The ponds are designed to contain a 26,000 gallon spill, and there will be no overtopping even with 100-year flood event. The pond control structures have two orifices and an opening at the top with a grate due to potential clogging. These ponds will efficiently work for treating the runoff from Section 4 pavements, as well as from the main span deck pavement, and effectively work for attenuating the peak flows. Water Quality Protection Volume and Storm water Treatment Box Design One inch of rainfall was selected for this project to estimate Water Quality Protection Volume because it is a reasonable target event to address the vast majority of smaller, pollutant-loaded storms. One inch of rainfall is the 85th percentile storm event for a 30-minute storm duration. The volume and peak flows were calculated for the Stormwater Treatment Box south of Harrods Creek and two ponds north of Harrods Creek. All the details of Water Quality Protection Volume Calculations are located in Appendix C. Stormwater Treatment Box Design was provided by CONTECH located in Appendix I. WVC can use the CONTECH structure or equivalent approved by the engineer of record. A selected supplier shall be coordinated with the engineer of record for final design. Additional Drainage Calculations Technical Provisions Section 15.5.19 - Drainage specifies an additional design requirement for the Kentucky Approach Bridge and Main Span Bridge. According to the IFA response of JDT’s RFI, the bridge drainage system shall have the capacity to capture and carry the 100-year, 1hour storm away without overflow into the WHPA. In stage 2 submittal the deck pipe system was designed for INDOT’s criteria; however, it changed to design per KYTC’s criteria. In Appendix C the flow was very conservatively estimated since INDOT design criteria was still utilized. The deck drainage system and the watertight deck are designed to handle the 100-year, 1-hour storm without overflowing into the WHPA. All the detailed calculations related to the additional drainage requirement are located in Appendix C. UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OHIO RIVER BRIDGES - KENTUCKY SECTION WELLHEAD PROTECTION AREA - DRAINAGE DOCUMENTATION Doc n°: Rev. Date Page WVC D3.03 RPT 4.ALL DRN 10001 R-02 June 25,2014 10 of 76 Appendix A Signed and Sealed Drawings Extracts from JDT D3.03 PKG 4.R03 RDY 41000 Rev 6.0 – (31 pages) UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED SECTION 4A SECTION 4B Outfall S4-A4-4A SECTION 4A SECTION 4B SECTION 4B SECTION 5 SECTION 5 SECTION 6 Outfall S4-A4-4A OHIO RIVER BRIDGES - KENTUCKY SECTION WELLHEAD PROTECTION AREA - DRAINAGE DOCUMENTATION Doc n°: Rev. Date Page WVC D3.03 RPT 4.ALL DRN 10001 R-02 June 25,2014 42 of 76 Appendix B Color coded drawings for drainage networks identification Extracts from JDT D3.03 PKG 4.R03 RDY 41000 Rev 6.0 – (29 pages) UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED S4-A2-1 STA. 64+50.00, Jl.00'LT.) (KY84I) CMBBI TYPE I4BI S4-A2-2 STA. 67+50.00. (1.00' LT.) (KY84I) CMBBI TYPE I4B1 O O o ln (X) zTTn CE O -= VP B© CRADE AREA TO DRAIN EXISTING OUTLET :0 END TREATMENT TYPE GUARDRAIL — STA. 57+12.06 _____ END GUARDRAIL' r BEGIN END TREATMENT TYPE! -% CHAIN LINK FENCE .•?» BR RRUN "Jin..m _-r STA. 66*61*55END GUARDRAIL \ BEGIN END TREATMENT \ TYPE 1 ... L STAo.64+75.18 END END TREATMENT TREA TYPE 2A BEGIN GUARDRAIL SLOPE LMTS SPRINGDALE RO % r—END TREATMENT TYPE 1 rA *9 - ffi u." _. -HE Y*— ~ r i i u — % NOISE BARRIER NIC ARRIER NIB X END TREATMENT TYPE 2A DITCH 3-LT o GUARDRAIL—\ zgg -Ct LD OVERHEAD S CN KY 841 SOUTHBOUND MEDIAN BARRIER TYPE I4B CURVE TCY84IM o -P- 1 LINE •KY84I* lD DITCH 4-LT \ 00 S4-A2-I 00 18' PIPE 18' PIPE UJ KY 841 NORTHBOUND GUARDRAIL CJ u 5 EN0 TREATMENT--TYPE. J DITCH 3-LT — EXIST. R/W —r V " =TT SLOPE LIMITS—' g . "KMT. "FOR; HARRICR-CONSTI NOISE BARRI : CJ 4 ; I 1 I P ' NOISE BARRIER N2oP^. STA. 58+83.49 END END TREATMENT TYPE I BEGIN GUARDRAIL r o BEGIN PAVED DITCH T STA. 62+00.00 (KY84I I T\ C - - - Ct YECNTAE JEONG i: : Z3 SSV- - ?, v -TJ CP :~ 29310 ore 0/- -O E'cenS© '7^ — W0LFPEN WOODS OR S It TT" JD O •s! -- V W .• RESRONSI8U ENGINEER i . 4_' Sis 3;~ / ^ (FOR DRAINAGE ELEMENTS ONLY) n PPL022 O _ o o n: * t_=l i£> rO o o o : Q PPL02I .IIHIIIII, PPL024 BRIDGE RLE HORIZONTAL SCALE l" =50' 03/26/2014 FREY arc -o CONSTRUCTION RESPONSIBLE ENGINESR ANDREW w v LEAD ENGINEER in 'PPL020 "PL023 RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION 6/20 PL0I9 KY CURVE 'KY84P-I DATA STA 80+I2.I3 = 101,436.9480 N : 49,481.6934 E r 26* II'43.48* (RT) A 0 0" 33' 42.20= R 10.200.00' 4,663.40' L T 2,373.18' " 272.44' E e 2.20/. : 70 MPH D.S. 53 03/26/2014 «/- DESIGNED: JCQ DRAWN: CHECKED: APF CHECKED: Q JM SJPENS^ ?V QTJ Indiana Finance Authoritygj^jQ^j^^ F DESIGNATION VERTICAL SCALE N/A Ohio River Bridges - East End Crossing LINE "KY841" ROADWAY PLAN STA. 57 + 00 TO STA. 68 + 00 KY84I DRAWING DATE DWG. NO. 03/26/2014 PPL007 OYMADOC DOCUMENT CODE JDT D3.03 DWG 4.R0I RDY 4I024 43 oi 36! VERSION R-00 H- D°1 V u» in O O ST A = 64+90. ci EL (M = 634. = 313 = 1,110.00' 630 r t+10.5000 IT) O O PRO ILE GRADE (+)0.5000 7. 'J. 042/ CO U3 < LU 630 00 (ISTING GROUND .0NG LINE •KY84I 620 98'"'8'STORM SEWER LU PIPE 620 O 610 610 600 600 590 590 580 530 32 s 570 570 560 550 -*U -O OO UO CT ;<£ 550 550 YEONTAE JEONG PE-29310 \ I : jo:: /Ml; SM# 5 ® CO <\ —' E2 £• r- ro G — cc ID ID CP ~ rlO vD LC ID vD (VJ CO M <\J 10 vD —• CO ro (vj Li) - O CNJ vO 03 vO (VI CM (VI CVJ ro <\j ID lC ID ID D 60+00 M CP in ID ID CP A> id ID ID <M CM 03/26/2014 ID iC 65+00 IFOR DRAINAGE ELEMENTS 0NLY1 REV. RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION LEAD ENGINEER 6/20 DATE DESCRIPTION DATE \\v CONSTRUCTION BRIDGE FILE HORIZONTAL SCALE ANDREW P -T3 -10 -Q 28991 Q3/26/2Q14 DATE RESPONSIBLE ore DESIGNED JC0 DRAWN Indiana Finance Authority UM LINE "KY841" ROADWAY PROFILE f'Qn CHECKEQ APF CHECKED £LLi VERTICAL SCALE DESIGNATION '=5' Ohio River Bridges - East End Crossing * l'=50' KY84I DRAWING DATE DWG. NO 03/26/20M PPF006 DYMADOC DOCUMENT CODE STA. 57 + 00 TO STA. 68 + 00 JOT 03.03 DWG 4.R0I ROY 41037 SHEET NO 361 VERSION R-00 S4-A2-3 STA. 70+50.00, d.OO'LT.) (KY84I) CMBBI TYPE I4BI S4-A2-4 STA. 70+50.00. (72.24' RT.) (KY84I) DROP BOX INLET TYPE I S4-A2-5 STA. 73+50.00. 0.00' LT.) (KY84I) CMBBI TYPE I4BI S4-A2-8 STA. 79+50.00. 0.00'LT.) (KY84I) CMBBI TYPE 14B1 S4-A2-7A STA. 76+50.00. (61.46'RT.) (KY84I) CMBBI TYPE 9B1 S4-A2-7 STA. 76+50.00. 0.00'LT.) (KY841) CMBBI TYPE I4BI S4-A2-6 STA. 73+50.00. (85.09'LT.) (KY84I) DROP BOX INLET TYPE I O o o o o LO n u J1 • r =-==i Q r_'=-= ^ h so- d* in - CHAIN LINK FENCE : t— r^_ * SPRINGDALE RD SLOPE LIMITS XX PRQF- R/W & ST-A- XX o rL-nrri PT STA. 4 2 + 8 1 . L I N E -RAMPB1 = STA7 75+85.75 LINE 'KY84P > STA. OFFSET 61.33'LT, —- — END 25; t-T APER r—H T*+ O O r.GU..— — — SE BARR ER NIC OS.: S4-A2-6 DITCH 4-LT . i_ STA. 72+85.75, 49.33'LT • - —BEGTN-2S: UAPLH -Q- o . LINE •RAMPB' TPH IVE *RAMPB'-2 25:1 IAPLR CO MEDIAN BARRIER TYPE I4B lilt 3 O KY 841 SOUTHBOUND RAMP R O CO CURVE *KY84P-t LINE KY84I' —v S4-A2-J 24' PIPE (/) S4-A2-5 4'PIPE UJ ^ S o S4-A2-7 30- IPE S4iA2-8 KY 841 NORTHBOUND 30' PI LU S4-A2-7A y SINGLE FACED BARRIER —' EXISTR^/W~ 7R~~ /-NOISE BARRIER N2 ' O . : •STA. 70+93.64 END GUARDRAIL CONNECTOR TYPE A BEGIN SINGLE FACED BARRIER- LOPE LIMITS n oqBsr^ESBTr Y — STA. 40+74.18 2 BEGIN GUARDRAIL CONNECTOR TYPE A ARDRAIL ClHc --— - , ^-5TA. 76+75.00 ' \ END GUARDRAIL CONNECTOR TYPE A \ BEGIN GUARDRAIL GUARDRAIL . >-5TA. 76+59.53 " " END" SINGLE" FAUETJ BARRIER "" """ BEGIN GUAR0RAIL CONNECTOR TYPE A ~J 7/r- - — mii, SLOPE LIMITS -J r- I; £>s-* END PAVED DITCH TYPE STA7^70+52.12 (KY841) R / : ; i! O—b. 8 i cro ~,0\_ , STA. 79 + 87.31. I78.77:'RT END NOISE BARRIER N2 BEGIN SAFETY WALL S2 !—i ! YEGNTAE JEONG PE-29310 _ • } IGZ /At 0 s T- Q lfp*«o6O 5 "° ft >O ® n! Q £ K !3g 03/26/2014 * OR Oi- IFOR DRAINAGE ELEMENTS ONLY) PPL022 PL0I9 KY 841CURVE PI STA : N = E = A = D = R = L = T = E e D.S. - a u. || X 5C Q i— RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION •KY84I--I DATA 80+12.13 101.436.9480 49.481.6934 26' II' 43.48* (RT) 0* 33' 42.20' 10,200.00' 4,663.40' 2.373.18' 272.44' 2.20'/. 70 MPH REV. DESCRIPTION CURVE 'RAMPB-2' 0ATA = 36+09.64 PI STA = 101,718.4604 N = E 49,288.1386 r 7* 30'39.36* (LT) A s 0* 33' 28.03' D = 10.272.00' R = 1,346.56' L = T 674.25' z 22.10' E z e 2.20X = 50 MPH D.S LH—1 l-N---J— CM <n t m O O o o O O O o 0 0 / /§ Q_ Q- Q- 0. cl a. I if-j CL Q. Q- Q. °" °" / AS'PPL020 "PL023 PPL02I BRIDGE FILE HORIZONTAL SCALE DATE WV| LEAD ENGINEER PPL024 F / :I CONSTRUCTION | ANDREW P. FREY PE-28991 03/26/2014 VI\ " RESPONSIBLE ENGINEER S : /OR C DESIGNED: JC0 DRAWN: CHECKED: APF CHECKED: DATE LJM QTJ yA Indiana Finance AuthorityT^rrv^pC ^SODESIGNATION VERTICAL SCALE KY84I N/A J Ohio River Bridges - East End Crossing LINE "KY841" ROADWAY PLAN STA. 68 + 00 TO STA. 80 + 00 DRAWING DATE DWG. NO. DYMADOC DOCUMENT CODE JDT D3.03 DWG 4.R0I RDY 4I025 SHEET NO. VERSION R-00 650 650 640 O o x *: < CD CO .IX) IX) - rO CO •?3 = = 10 lO LD LUUJ wl 630 a < - LXJ 0O«M , 620 298'./G O storu 620 ^SS PROF ILE GRADE lie < CD ^UJUJ l/l - —— sE *ER Pjpc MOlffl •Ol/l i-=? 610 24' ST( RM SEWER PIPE 1V£R 610 XI CTIEN 1X11X1 >IP£ £ UJUJ TOP OF L MEST0NE IS 600 24' STC RM SEWER PIPE 298 24 STORM O o XI CO 600 SEWER PIPE H3.( 42/ JF-OR 18' STORM SEWER PIPE 590 293 3O'STORM-SE^ 590 2879 P/PE LJ STA = 78+90.00 580 EL L md KJ 580 = 592.20' K : 211 U .= 370.00' 570 570 560 560 550 550 NOTE: TOP OF LIMESTONE. TOP OF LIMESTONE I. TOP OF SHALE I AND TOP OF LIMESTONE 2 ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY AND ARE BASED ON RID DOCUMENT INFORMATION AND/OR BORINGS WHERE AVAILABLE. THESE ARE SUPPLIED TO THE CONTRACTOR FOR INFORMATION ONLY AND MAY NOT BE REFLECTIVE OF THE ACTUAL SUBSURFACE FIELD CONDITIONS. 11 a,, i'co/ I! 540 540 Vo\ YEONTAE JEONG PE-29310 '''P} o>.< ^7v ** k .. © © 530 530 ^ o CVJ ro (\J ro rv i <D <7» in m o iD «JT o Cs: cO 70+00 LD T o 0"> RO O O ro O csj KD JD 03/26/2014 DESCRIPTION w 3 LEAD ENGINEER DATE: (FOR DRAINAGE ELEMENTS ONLY) BRIDGE FILE HORIZONTAL SCALE RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION 6/20 RESRONSOLE ENGINEER 80+00 75+00 CONSTRUCTION £<*/ ; / ANDREW P. : j FREY PE-28991 {/A 1 ] : /arc ''%£S ••••!?.SK-.&* RESPONSIBLE ENGINEER DESIGNED: CHECKED: JC0 APF r=50* Indiana Finance AuthorityT^rf^-pC Ohio River Bridges - East End Crossing DRAWN: CHECKED: LJM QTJ DESIGNATION r=5' DATE LINE "KY841" ROADWAY PROFILE STA. 68 + 00 TO STA. 80 + 00 KY84I DRAWING DATE DWG. NO. 03/26/20'4 PPF007 DYMADOC DOCUMENT CODE JOT 03.03 DWG 4.R0I RDY 4I038 SHEET NO. 46 of 361 VERSION R-00 S4-A2-9 STA. 81+50.00. 0.00' LT.) (KY841) CMBBI TYPE I4B1 S4-A2-IIA STA. 81+39.00. 192.16'RT.) (KY841) MANHOLE TYPE B W/ GRATE S4-A2-IO STA. 82+50.00, (85.81' LT.) (KY841) DROP BOX INLET TYPE I S4-A2-II STA. 81+40.00. (81.75' RT.XKY84I) DROP BOX INLET TYPE I S4-A2-12 STA. 82+50.00. (6.50'LT.> (KY84I) MANHOLE TYPE C (MODIFIED) S4-A2-14 STA. 84+50.00, 11.00' LT.) (KY84I) CMBBI TYPE I4BI / DITCH WPI-RT //, 7 w / S4-A2-I6 / STA. 87+85.51. (119.42* RT.XKY84I) DR0P B0X INLET TYPE 2 AESTHETIC FENCE. SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS \ R\ J L O O %A? cn DITCH SD-I-RT O O S4--A3-3 G 18' PIPE -DITCH WP2-LT Yt S4-A3--C •IP S4IAL= o M <<;.S ro CHAIN LINK FENCE SEE NOTI PROP R/W * AESTHETIC WALL. | SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS & STA DIT SLOPE LIMITS NOISE BARRIER NIC SLOPE LMTS OVEN'WIRE FENCE /—RAMP B STA. 34+52.71 / END GUARDRAIL CONNECTOR TYPE A / BEGIN SINGLE. £ACED-BARWER V-R^RXMP B STA. 34+37.34 / / / END GUARDRAIL // ' / BEGIN GUARDRAIL CONNECTOR // SD„-.-L AESTHETIC W SEE LANDSCA PLANS -—AT S4-A2-20 STA. 90+50.00. (78.21* RT.MKY841) DROP BOX INLET TYPE I S4-A2-21 STA. 31+35.00. (8.13* RT.) (RAMP A) CMBBI TYPE 9AI S4-A2-2IA STA. 30+94.00. (8.13* RT.) (RAMP A) CMBBI TYPE 9BI S4-A2-I5 STA. 88+00.00, D.OO' LT.HKY84I) CMBBI TYPE I4B1 / /, S4-A2-13 STA. 83+50.00. (6.51' LT.) (KY841) MANHOLE TYPE C (MODIFIED) DITCH SD*2 S4-A2-I9 STA. 90+50.00. (1.00'LT.) (KY84I) CMBBI TYPE I4B1 S4-A2-17 STA. 87+85.51, (170.12'RT.) (KY84I) SLOPED & FLARED BOX INLET - h ~ TYPE-A GUARDRAIL RAMP B STA. 32+87;46-... END END TREATMENT TYPE I BEGIN GUARDRAIL —END -IREATJAENJ -JYPE A- W '' " : // RAMP B STAZ 28+67.53 END GUARDRAIL BEGIN END TREATMENT' Ul o in -iff EHMfl GUARORAIL CG C\J£+ 3 CO SAFETY* WALL OO urnuui nAnnim IHANSIIIONS. LU SHEET PDS036 30* IPE +57.00 61.33U STA. 80+01.97 END GUARDRAIL BEGIN GUARDRAIL CONNECTOR TYPE LO CURVE *KY84I*-I KY 841 SOUTHBOUND S4-A2-I4 NOTEI AN S4-A2-I9 mm S4-A S4-A2J S4-A2-I5 +00 00 65.98'RT CURVE •RAMPA'-' febg 3m +1 R ?2.95'°RT / 42^IPE I- < 1 < r~ GUARDRAIL ^ y YVI TEPFR (SFF NOTF IIRVF 'RAUP A*-? 5= DITCH 7-RT NE "RAMPA 4-A2-II STA. 80+17.43 END GUARDRAIL CONNECTOR TYPE A BEGIN SINGLE FACED BARRIER S4-A2A-3 " J nnnrpo •50.00 , 67.63* RT OVERHEAD SIGN 22 +61 LINE RAMP -*&• = SIA STA. St 81+59.76 LINE "KY84I" OFFSET 49.33'RT. SAFETY WALL S3 -A2A-2 Ai. RAMP RDRAIL -RAMP A STA. 25+20.92 GUARDRAIL CONNECTOR TYPE A BEGIN GUARDRAIL KY84I STA. B3+03.67= RAMP A STA. 25+05.53 END SINGLE FACED BARRIER BEGIN GUARDRAIL -CONNECTOR TYPE -A Ul m- x •. 18* P PE | ^ & PC ^C/> Of KSA, JQ GATE X—SLOPE LIMITS . ENTRANCE CONST. (SEE KYTC STANDARD RF|G- 010-04) EN TEMP. ESMT. FOR DIVERSION. TION RAMP A STA. 29+21.21 j T AND REVEGETATION SEE NOTE 3\ ~~ O END GUARDRAIL | CRASH BEGIN CUARDRAIL CONNECTOR in CUSHION TYPE A J C\J TYPE VI-C RAMP A STA. 29+36.66 ' END GUARDRAIL CONNECTOR TYPE A RAMP A ST 29+79.97 AESTHETIC WALL. BEGIN SINGLE FACED BARRIER FACED BARRIER BBGIN SI SEE LANDSCAPE m LINE "RAMPA*PLANS RAMP A STA. 30+79.40 END SINGLE FACED BARRIER DRA NAGE BEGIN GUARDRAIL CONNECTOR m. TYPE A / R„0P. R/W & M m It So % /A •IP J V 7 CURVE "RAMPA'-L DATA = 25+30.63 STA = 101,931.1884 N = 49.192.5405 E = 3* 03'00.93* (RT) A = 0* 34*03.68* D = 10,092.80' R = 537.31' L = 268.72' T = 3.58* E = 2.20Z e S 70 MPH D.S. it H II CURVE *RAMPA*-2 DATA PI STA : 30+04.51 = 102.170.9246 N = 48.783.6309 E = 7" 12' 47.00* (RT) A = 3* 40'22.I0* 0 = 1.560.00* R = 196.39' L = 98.33* T = 3.09' E = 6.00*/. e : 50 MPH D.S. 03/26/2014 RESPONSIBLE ENGINEER (FOR DRAINAGE ELEMENTS ONLY) » PPL022 -f CURVE "RAMPB-2* DATA = 36+09.64 PI STA = 101.718.4604 N = 49.288.1386 E = 7* 30' 39.36* (LT) A = 0* 33' 28.03* D = 10.272.00' R = 1.346.56* L = 674.25' T = 22.10' E = 2.20*/. e = 50 MPH D.S CURVE *KY84I*-I DATA s 80+12.13 PI STA = 101,436.9480 N 49.481.6934 E = 26* II' 43.48* (RT) A = 0* 33'42.20* D R 10.200.00' : 4.663.40' L T 2.373.18' - 272.44' E r 2.20*/. e = 70 MPH D.S. +PPL020 PPL023 PPL024 PPL02I BRIDGE FILE HORIZONTAL SCALE DESCRIPTION wv 6/20 PL019 KY 841 RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION icof 03/26/2014 \7i.ANDREW P FREY PE-28991 RESPONSIBLE ENGINES* /ORE W; '"ill"' DESIGNED: JCQ DRAWN: CHECKED: APF CHECKED: L JM QTJ \ : : )K £ /Mi; -O BEGIN PAVED DITCH TYPE 2—STA. 31+43.95 (RAMPA) •AESTHETIC FENCE. SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS 9-^ YEONTAE JEONG PE-29310 / I AESTHETIC CABLE—' RAILING RET WALL RL — / RET WALL R2- RAMP A STA. 30+94.59 END GUARDRAIL CONNECTOR TYPE A BEGIN GUARDRAIL 32 n O"', A. \ m ?> /A A C. TE"MPI ESMT f o r ~ WALL CONST. AND REVEGETATION / "'.7 / /FR: SEE SHEET PDS005 FOR TAPER INFORMATION. 4. £(M / <C SEE SHEETS PL0I9, PL020. PL021 & PL022 FOR WOLF PEN ROAD AND SPRINGDALE ROAD DRAINAGE. o C\i 3-roQ. CJ I t- S4-A2-16—1 S4-A2-I7 18* PIPE— SAFTFY WALL U] O 3G^XT?TFWW^WATER LEAD ENGINEER FOR RETAINING WALL LAYOUT. SEE STRUCTURE SHEETS. DITCH RA1-LT WALL R6 a THE BARRIER SECTIONS BETWEEN THESE FOUR POINTS: STA. 80+57.00 61.33'RT STA. 82+00.00 65.98'RT STA. 82+50.00 67.63' RT STA. 83+94.00 72.95'RT ARE TO BE CAST AS TANGENT PIECES. cn RZ rlrt a _ •H a ® KY 841 NORTHBOUND IK: g^lVVoty1 I- < < H- L NE 'RAMPB L NE 'KY841- S4-A2-I3 k SINGLE FACED BARRIER A 3 in oj CJURVE 'RAMPB RAMP-6-STA. 35+99.97 END SINGLE FACED RARRIFR Co N) RAMP B Indiana Finance Authority] ft Ohio River Bridges - East End Crossing LINE "KY841" ROADWAY PLAN STA. 80 + 00 TO STA. 91 + 00 l"= 50' 27024 VERTICAL SCALE DESIGNATION N/A KY84I DRAWING DATE 03/26/2014 PPL009 OYMADOC DOCUMENT CODE JDT D3.03 OWG 4.R0IRDY 41026 47 of 361 VERSION R-00 650 650 T WOLF PEN BRANCH ROAD STA 82*64.67 640 640 630 EXISTING GROUND ALONG LINE "KY84I STRUCTURE NO. 270 4 620 O o 610 wCE O CO u>o in — oio "N m mm 610 < o- Ln o mco 600 O 600 R; a, ®tr fir-CB mm UIUJ —— J— TOP OF LIMES TONE < CD CC STA = 891+60.00 o o O l£> • t- (M lO to 590 EL - 24' STORM SEWER P IPE 570 8'"36' STORM SEWER PIPE 18' STORM SEWER PIPE 96'-36" STORM SEWER PIPE W-Jb' SrORR m SEWER PIPE T-Z STORM 00 I, 200.00' < cr r"J4. 580 in in 0000 590 LLJ SS II. 2879 SEWER PIPE = 5 8.42' 442 m u> io u> m mm PR (FILE GRAOE 580 CT> x x: t- u WE 570 30' ST 0RM SEWER PIPE 560 560 24' STOR SEWER PIPE 550 550 540 540 550 550 520 520 NOTE: TOP OF LIMESTONE. TOP OF LIMESTONE I. TOP OF SHALE I AND TOP OF LIMESTONE 2 ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY AND ARE BASED ON RID DOCUMENT INFORMATION AND/OR BORINGS WHERE AVAILABLE. THESE ARE SUPPLIED TO THE CONTRACTOR FOR INFORMATION ONLY AND MAY NOT BE REFLECTIVE OF THE ACTUAL SUBSURFACE FIELD CONDITIONS. " £ lllll! o o uu u u tt * * 510 510 500 500 O o I— oo in — 2S IM IN LD CO m C\J in LO co C\J in LO in >2 in Id DESCRIPTION w 6/20 LEAD ENGINEER DATE in u> in i0 r- o in 10 CONSTRUCTION 03/26/2014 90+00 03/26/2014 : ( ANDREW P. : J FREY \ PE-28991 \ • : : /OR; '"£'ONAL^>x '"in (FOR DRAINAGE ELEMENTS ONLY) BRIDGE RLE HORIZONTAL SCALE .%*»c DATE DESIGNED: CHECKED: JCQ APF Indiana Finance Authority DRAWN: CHECKED: |_ JM QTJ l'-50' VERTICAL SCALE DES GNAT10N l'=5' DATE RESPONSIBLE \ S la: (X) P 6 85+00 REV YEONTAE JEONG PE-29310 CO <jr £ rs! CO 80+00 RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION 01 (M CO 10 (J> in o> R L : : z3.\ Ohio River Bridges - East End Crossing LINE "KY841" ROADWAY PROFILE STA. 80 + 00 TO STA. 91 + 00 KY84I DRAWING DATE DWG. NO 03/26/20 4 PPF008 DYMADOC DOCUMENT CODE JDT 03.03 DWG 4.R0I ROY 4I039 SHEET NO 48 oi 36l VERSION R-00 S4-A2-I8 STA. 92+00.00. (99.11' LT.) (KY84I) DROP BOX INLET TYPE I S4-A2-22 STA. 93+00. D.OO'LT.) (KY841) CMBBI TYPE I4B1 S4-A2-23 STA. 96+00, (3.70'LT.) (KY84I) CONST. CMBBI TYPE 9BI RAMP B STA. 24+25.38 END GUARDRAIL BEGIN GUARDRAIL CONNECTOR TYPE A GUARDRAIL CONNECTOR TYPE A RAMP B STA. 24+40.75 END GUARDRAIL CONNECTOR TYPE A BEGIN SINGLE FACED BARRIER RAMP B STA. 26+39.65 END SINGLE FACED BARRIER BEGIN GUARDRAIL CONNECTOR TYPE A S4-A2-25 STA. 21+70.00. (23.47'RT.) (RAMPB) DROP BOX INLET TYPE I S4-A2-26 STA. 97+75.00. (6.20' LT.) (KY84I) CMBBI TYPE 9BI S4-A2-24 STA. 22+63.41, (8.13* RT.) (RAMPB) CMBBI TYPE 9AI RET WALL R5B 0 O AESTHETIC CABLE RAILING — S4-A2-24C STA. 22+63.41. (33.87'LT.) (RAMPB) 18'STANDARD HEADWALL S4-A2-27 STA. 97+40.00. (68.53'RT.) (KY841) DROP BOX INLET TYPE I GUARDRAIL CONNECTOR TYPE A oo S4-A2-3I STA. 101+00.00. (53.14' RT.MKY841) MANHOLE TYPE C CHAIN LINK FENCE O CM STA. 17+50.00. 15'LT END 50:1 TAPER END TREATMENT TYPE I RAMP B STA. 18+71.54 V END ENO TREATMEN7 TYPE I BEGIN GUARDRAIL £ l/l RAMPB'-2 <— •OV^ 1 OVICH rbi-R" Ld o —- T CONSTR. CHANNEL LINING CLASS 11 841 S0UTHB0UND8,0'x5.0' MEDIAN BARRIER TYPE I4B L NE 'KY841' ZQ S4-A2-29 END TREATMENT TYPE I —- NGLE SIDED BARRIER — GUARDRAIL —— DITCH B-LT I- O y. -MLU1AN BARHltH Sift. 98+66.84END GUARDRAIL CURVE 'K •KY841--2I TYPE I2D— --BEGIN END TREATMENT - TYPE I S4-A2-26"^ 7A I RA'PPICP^TAPFR , 48-PIPE „ O NOTE? S4-A2- ^ KY 841 NORTHBOUND if/ ... GUARDRAIL - .r.. 50:1 mmtjS co UJ . 18' PIP S4-A2-32B 48' PIPE S4-A2-3IA S4-A2-22A * UI r, -J O STA. 100 + 75.54 'KY841' : STA 41+90.72 'RAMPA' BIA RAMP A GUARDRAIL 3 A PER — -21^ RET WALL R3FI^I^A-^ —" 63' W rs) •- — END END TREATMENT TYPE 1 BEGIN GUARDRAIL run CURVE 'RAMPA'-3 +1 70? IRA . 4-A2-3I STAF 95+31.81 uCPT RAi-1 T SEE SHEETS PDS06 THROUGH DS018 FOR ADDITIONAL TAPER INFORMATION. ]9?«5ii TAPER </> Z7 O 54-A2-32A 42' I— < <T I s- 1C* *VXBM T34-A2-24 ' -A2-24A 9'E >2" 46' UO r> + V-1 S4-A2-28 S4-A2-I8 AMP 'B -&y OVTCH GUARDRAIL CO CJ H- < (X fur END TREATMENT TYPE I CURVE —V — S4-A2-25 CM CL S4-A2-32B STA. 102+50.00. (54.50'RT.) (KY84I) MANHOLE TYPE C S4-A2-32A STA. 102+50.00. (11.81' LT.) (KY84I) CMBBI TYPE 9BI LLJ O in S4-A2-31A STA. 101+00.00. (71.27' RT.) (KY84I) DROP BOX INLET TYPE 1 S4-A2-32 STA. 102+50.00, (76.95'LT.) (KY84I) DROP BOX INLET TYPE I SLOPE LIMITS ^22^ EXIST GUARDRAIL S4-A2-28 STA. 19+00.00, 121.67'RT.) (RAMPB) 18' STANDARD HEADWALL S4-A2-29 STA. 19+00.00. (37.16'LT.) (RAMPB) 18*ELL HEADWALL RAMP B STA.-47+89.91 END END TREATMENT TYPE I BEGIN GUARDRAIL O O RET WALL R5 -AESTHETIC CA8LE RAILING — LINE 'RAMPB' /—RET WALL R4 V / J—AESTHETIC CABLE RAILING ROP. S4-A2-30 STA. 100+00.00. (9.42' LT.) (KY84I) CMBBI TYPE 9BI O O RAMP B STA. 21+25.00 END GUARDRAIL CONNECTOR TYPE A BEGIN SINGLE FACED BARRIER O o S4-A2-27A STA. 38+53.90. (17.50'LT.) (RAMPA) FLUME INLET TYPE 2 O O GUARDRAIL CONNECTOR TYPE A END TREATMENT TYPE RAMP B STA. 26+55.03 END GUARDRAI CONNECTOR TYPE A BEGIN GUARDRAIL S4-A2-24A STA. 23+00.38, (8.13' RT.) (RAMPB) CMBBI TYPE 9BI S4-A2-24B STA. 22+26.44. (8.13'RT.) (RAMPB) CMBBI TYPE 9BI !£> RAMP B / —V" STA. 21+09+62 END GUARDRAIL / \ BEGIN GUARDRAIL \ CONNECTOR TYPE A \ STA. 93+88.31 END END TREATMENT TYPE 2A BEGIN GUARDRAIL RAMP B STA. 26+31.84 END SINGLE FACED BARRIER S4-A2-22A STA. 37+60.00. (27.61'LT.) (RAMPA) METAL END SECTION TYPE 3 S4-A2-22B STA. 37+60.00, (16.92'RT.) (RAMPA) DROP BOX INLET TYPE 10 MEDIAN BARRIER TYPE 12B SIA._39+04.37 END GUARDRAIL CONNECTOR ....TYPE.A END STD INTEGRAL "CURB MP / | I A S4-AW2B l/j YEONTAE JEONG PE-29310 \ • /OR /MJ RET WALL RIA AESTHETIC CABLE RAILING PROP TA & C. A. S T- Q RET WALL R2— p AESTHETIC CA8LE RAILING SINGLE FACED — BARRIER RET WALL RIB END PAVED DITCH TYPE 2 STA. 37+57.64 (RAMPA) 5£ RAMP A STA. 38+65.27 BEGIN STD INTEGRAL CURB C O 11 *T a. £ CURVE PI STA N E A D R L T E e D.S. 'KY84P-I DATA 80+12.13 101.436.9480 49.481.6934 26' II'43.48'(RT) 0' 33' 42.20' 10.200.00' 4.663.40' 2.373.18' 272.44' 2.20'/. 70 MPH LD CJRVE 'RAMPA'-3 DATA ro PI STA = 37+35.14 = 102.616.8267 = 48.204.5186 = 29' 06' 31.72' (LT) = 3' 40'22.10' = 1.560.00' = 792.55' = 405.02' = 51.72' = 5.20'/. = 45 MPH D.S. CURVE "RAMPB'-I DATA PI STA = 16+57.00 = 102,614.9815 = 47,545.4683 = 18* 44' 41.41' (RT) = 2' 22' 38.71' = 2.410.00' = 788.45' = 397.78' = 32.61' = 4.402 = 50 MPH D.S. °NSL' - O AN0MRVB?~ WALL "EVEGETATTON 03/26/2014 SLOPE LIMITS O RESPONSIBLE ENGWEER STA. 39+10.87 BEGIN APPROACH SLAB SAFETY WALL S3 iSS o 1.7 (FOR DRAINAGE ELEMENTS ONLY) PPL022 RAMP A STA. 38+88.80 END GUARDRAIL BEGIN GUARORAIL CONNECTOR TYPE A STA. 98+11.68. 116.57'RT BEGIN WOVEN WIRE FENCE TYPE I TSJ WOVEN WIRE FENCE TYPE I GUARDRAIL CONNECTOR TYPE A PL0I9 841 RO STA. 98+24.27 172.02'RT END WOVEN WIRE FENCE TYPE I PPL020 PPL023 PPL021 PPL024 RAMP A STA. 39+04.47 END SINCLE FACED BARRIER BRIDGE FILE HORIZONTAL SCALE RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION O-OFW;,;;.,. wv 6/20 LEAD ENGINEER DATE CONSTRUCTION O,', ^^03/26/2014 A'.D^bV. RESPONSIBLE ENGINES* FREY 28931 A:; A/- DESIGNED: CHECKED: JCO APF DRAWN: CHECKED: LJM QTJ Indiana Finance Authority] ft L' = 50' 27025 VERTICAL SCALE DESIGNATION KY84I N/A Ohio River Bridges - East End Crossing LINE "KY841" ROADWAY PLAN STA. 91 + 00 TO STA. 103 + 00 DRAWING DATE DWG. NO. 03/26/2014 PPL0I0 DYMADOC DOCUMENT CODE JOT 03.03 DWG 4.R0I ROY 41027 SHEET NO. 49 Of 361 VERSION R-00 640 630 630 610 610 EXISTING GR JUND ALONG LINE KY84I O BR AMP STA 100+75.54 600 — TOP OF IM£ST0NE 590 £ < _I [RUCTURE 10. 27025 CD (\J U CO CD IN M mm UJ LD 570 O 570 U> CO ro o =8 PROFILE GRADE o - 560 560 l/l in i IB" STC RM SEWER PIPE LIJ i>- 550 PIP 550 «r w rn ro i£) in CM CVJ in in "3^5: 540 U CO — 540 FLOFIU 223'- 24' STORM SEWER PIPE '"48,S7( Ru 530 0000 sE*er PlPF 530 '44'520 520 18- STORM SFWFP SEWER PIPE 18" STORM SEWER PIPE s ia P/PF 510 510 500 500 NOTE: TOP OF LIMESTONE. TOP OF LIMESTONE I. TOP OF SHALE I AND TOP OF LIMESTONE 2 ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY AND ARE BASED ON RID DOCUMENT INFORMATION AND/OR BORINGS WHERE AVAILABLE. THESE ARE SUPPLIED TO THE CONTRACTOR FOR INFORMATION ONLY AND MAY NOT BE REFLECTIVE OF THE ACTUAL SUBSURFACE FIELD CONDITIONS. ST gS a! m IL? %||»LI•I# #- & fa 490 490 -7 v?A PE-29310 Is; 4sf * ^ 480 430 LP X> O =- ro h- C (VJ ^ ro co CNJ c CM; CM ID O IN U> in io o - LP CO M P-> RESPONSIBLE ENGINEER 100+00 95+00 RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION REV. DESCRIPTION 03/26/2014 in xi in cc DATE 1ftVi (FOR DRAINAGE ELEMENTS ONLY) WK Indiana Finance AuthorityTOuirN^pC Z f ; i Z^X ANDREW P. \ FREY j : PE-28991 fa:: flT/2fi/2niZ ' L ^UJ/CB/CUN RESPONSIBLE ENGINES" DATE T DESIGNED: JC0 DKiLAj±^ Ohio River Bridges - East End Crossing DRAWN: LJM LINE "KY841" ROADWAY PROFILE LEAD ENGINEER CONSTRUCTION BRIDGE RLE HORIZONTAL SCALE CHECKED: APF CHECKED: QTJ STA. 91 + 00 TO STA. 103 + 00 r=50* 27025 VERTICAL SCALE DESIGNATION r=5* KY84I DRAWING DATE DWG. NO. UJ/ 03/?6/?fli4 LU/ LU " R PPF009 R I \j\J j DYMADOC DOCUMENT CODE JOT D3.03 DWG 4.R0I RDY 41040 SHEET NO. 60 JV VI of 361 JUI VERSION R-00 *0° END CONSTRUCTION RAMP A STA. 48+54.49 M MATCH EXIST - . \ LINE -US42" O O STA. 104+88.63, 451.67'LT END CHAIN LINK FENCE LT> STA. 45+29+48 II'LT BEGIN 15s I TAPER S4-A2-33 STA. 104+00.00, <13.12* LT.) (KY841) CMBBI TYPE 9B1 S4-A2-34 STA. 104+00.00, (55.76'RT.) (KY84I) MANHOLE TYPE C S4-A2-37 STA. 107+89.18, (82.60'LT.) (KY84I) DROP BOX INLET TYPE 1 S4-A2-33A STA. 44+97.20. (17.50'LT.) (RAMPA) FLUME INLET TYPE 2 S4-A2-35 STA. 106+25.00, (14.96'LT.) (KY841) CMBBI TYPE 9B1 S4-A2-38 STA. 107+89.18, (26.44'LT.) (KY84I) CMBBI TYPE 9BI S4-A2-36 STA. 106+25.00, (57.63'RT.) (KY841) MANHOLE TYPE C S4-A2-38A STA. 107+80.00, (2.30' RT.) (KY841) DROP BOX INLET TYPE 11 S4-A2-36A STA. 106+25.00, (75.76' RT.XKY841) DROP BOX INLET TYPE I S4-A2-39 STA. 107+89.18, (23.00'RT.) (KY84I) MANHOLE TYPE C (MODIFIED) •?0S; POT 10+00.00 o o • END CONSTRUCTION RAMP B STA. 12+20.00 iT IP \ o m o A POST MATCH EXIST 50+14.49 CHAIN LINK FENCE STA. 45+18.95 END END TREATMENT TYPE 2A BEGIN GUARDRAIL VX SLOPE LIMITS 0* STA. 44+85.95 END INTEGRAL CURB -2*\ STA. 28+12.81 END END TREATMENT TYPE 1 BEGIN GUARDRAIL , (SEE NOTE I) * STA. 13+00.00 .. 24'LT BEGIN 50s I TAPER 3* \ yr. • -• LINE "RAMPS' — A GATE STA. 108+10.00 END SINGLE FAC|D BARRIER <5+74.27 SINGLE FACED BARRIER RET WALL RI2A SINGLE FACED BARRIER CHAlN LINK FENCE "V-ST-A. 103+91.25 143.03'LT BEGIN CHAIN LINK FENC£___— ~""x PROTECTION PAVED DITCH TYPE I UtT€+7-TTPri \ / STA. 103+50.00 -P"^ c 54- DITCH 9-LTJ^ 20s IB^RIER 1 TAP. TAPER ?PAF3 -A2-3 ft (VJ KY 841 SOUTHBOUND Tpe38A SEE SHEETS PDS007 FOR ADDITIONAL TAPER INFORMATION. 4? ,#E% LINE -KY84I* S4-A2-41 SINGLE SI RFTAPER MEDIAN BAKHILH W -j - X — ,2B S4-A2-36 48* PIPE 7 GUARDRA L SHALE PROTECTION PAVEO DITCH TYPE I SLOPE LIMITS J STA. 106+25.73 END GUARDRAIL.: BEGIN_GUARDRAIL CONNECTOR TYPE END GUARDRAIL CONNECTOR TYPE BEGIN SINGLE FACE BARRIER TEMP. ESMT. FOR WALL CONST. AND REVEGETATION -,-P J- ~ -,Q 70s 1 BARRIER TAPER \A V 30s I BARRIER TAPER STA. 31+58.07 ENO GUAR0RA1L (SEE NOTE I) BEGIN END TREATMENT TYPE I -STA. 108+10.00 X;\ END SINGLE .FACED BARRIER •' "> 5TA. 308+50.48, 121.02'RT END CHAIN."LINK FENCE 03/26/2014 PERM. ESMT. FOR TUNNEL \ END TREATMENT TYPE 1 STA. 107+10.00. BEGIN BARRIER END 14' SHLDR. BEGIN 4' SHLDR. (FOR DRAINAGE ELEMENTS ONLY) ET WALL RIO PPL022 PL0I9 KY 841 BEGIN PAVED DITCH T" TYPE. I STA. 107+10.57 (KY84I) 12-WATER LINE SEE NOTE 1 CURVE 'RAMPB'-l DA -WATER GATE [ ) (SEE KYTC STANDARD RFG-010-04) (DPI STA. 107+10.00 9.62' LT PAVEMENT TRANSITION CURVE •KY841--2 DATA II3+85.0I STA : 103.445.7375 N 46.669.6429 E r 12* 44'14.52'(RT) A = 0- 35'26.44' D : 9. 700.00' R 2.156.40' L - 1.082.66' T E 60.23' r 2.20'/. e 70 MPH D.S. 16+57.00 102,614.9815 47.545.4683 18* 44'41.41-(RT) 2* 22' 38.712,410.00' 788.45' 397.78' PI STA ESTHETIC CABLE RAILING END PAVEO DITCH TYPE 1 STA. 106 + 41.20 32.61* 4.40*/. 50 MPH D.S. o o o o ZPPL020 PPL021 ppL023 PPL024 BRIDGE FILE HORIZONTAL SCALE DESCRIPTION ' '.O CONSTRUCTION 03/26/2014 V-/-. ANDREW FREY 28991 w 6/20 \ YEONTAE JEONG PE-29310 T WALL fHfj SAFETY WALL S3 & RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION I I T>\ 2-36* RCP 3LE RAILING PROP. R/W BEGIN PAVED DITCH TYPE I STA. 103+50.00 841 NORTHBOUND 7^-STA. ioS>ib.oo ' BEGIN TUNNEL . STA.. J06+41.20 l/l Jn ' V .,S4-A2-41A 2-36'RCP IPE -34 32 FACED BARRIl 8- PIPE GUARDRAIL CONNECTOR. TYPE-A. LEAD ENGINEER RELOCATED 12'WATER LINE CUTS ACROSS PROPOSED US 42 GUARDRAIL. CENTER RELOCATED WATERLINE BETWEEN TWO GUARDRAIL POSTS. ADJUST GUARDRAIL BEGIN / ENO LOCATIONS AS REQUIRED TO MISS THE WATERLINE. THE SHIFT SHALL BE LESS THAN 12.5'. o L -A2-33 END TREATMENTTYPE 2A STA. 103+58.88 END TREATMENT LU O O TYPE 2A BEGIN GUARDRAIL m *1 \ OR TYP MEDIAN BARRIER TYPE I2B 70il PERM. ESMT. FOR TUNNEL \ 5 CURVE -i- AESTHETIC CABLE RAILING N RET WALL RI2 SOUTH PORTAL DITCH SEE PDS042 FOR DETAILS CLT-XO.-TQA S4-A2-39A AESTHETIC CABLE RAILING STA. 108+fc. 00— END MEDIAN BARRIER 18- PIPE * STA. 44+66.07 BEGIN SINGLE FACED BARRIER RET WALL R3B LOWER RET WALL R3B UPPER STA. 103+52.95 106.65'LT BEGIN CHAIN LINK FENCE S4-A2-40B STA. 108+34.28, (2.23' RT.) (KY841) DBI TYPE 15 (STRUCTURE LOCATED ON TOP OF SOUTH PORTAL) 0° INGLE FACED BARRIER STA. 44+39.07END BRIDGE STA. 111+50.00, (34.93'RT.) (KY841) 48-JUNCTION BOX (STRUCTURE LOCATED INSIDE TUNNEL) END PAVED DITCH TYPE I STA. 108+09.70 a.C ST S4-«-41A"^"- ft LINE 'RAMPA* Y Q S4-A2-41 STA. 111+50.00, (28.43' RT.) (KY841) MANHOLE TYPE C (STRUCTURE LOCATED INSIDE TUNNEL) s 9-+ STA. 44+59.57 ENO APPROACH SLAB A. STA.' 107+84.24 66.57'LT GUARDRA L CONNECTOR TYPE 2A BEGIN SINGLE FACED BARRIER A & S4-A2-40A STA. 107+30.00. (61.23'RT.HKY841) CMBBI TYPE 9BI STA. 107+68.40' END GUARDRAIL •rrfki BEGIN -rnkikicrTAO CONNECTOR TVDC TYPE •2A SlSSP*" STA. 44+66.07 BEGIN GUARDRAIL CONNECTOR TYPE A UNNAMED TRIBUTARY OF HARRODS CREEK END PAVED DITCH TYPE I STA. 108+14.84 «Y84I)^ 0,-TF v STA. 44+81.45 END GUARDRAIL CONNECTOR TYPE A BEGIN GUARDRAIL S4-A2-40 STA. 107+89.18, (61.73'RT.) (KY84I) CMBBI TYPE 9BI STA. 107+94.17. 120.52' LT END CHAIN LINK FENCE CURVE "RAMPB'-2 i§ S4-A2-39A STA. 107+89.18, (2.30'RT.) (KY84I) MANHOLE TYPE A - END TREATMENT TYPE 1 ''7'°NAL^V "HI'"' RESPONSIBLE ENGINES* arc Uj~ Indiana Finance Authority] ft CHECKED: JCO APF DRAWN: CHECKED: |_JM QTJ 27025 VERTICAL SCALE DESIGNATION KY84I N/A Ohio River Bridges - East End Crossing DESIGNED: l- = 50' LINE "KY841" ROADWAY PLAN STA. 103 + 00 TO STA. 114 + 00 DRAWING DATE DWG- NO. 03/26/20'4 PPLOIl 51 of DYMADOC DOCUMENT CODE JOT D3.03 DWG 4.R0I RDY 4I028 R-00 361 620 620 610 610 600 600 £ US 42 9+73.78 STA EXISTING GROUND ALONG LI •JE 'KY84I 590 590 580 580 TOP OF LIMESTONE 1 570 570 ! \ 560 560 550 550 •36' PIPE 36'PIPE- 540 540 D •36- PIPE a 6* O . CO CD O O in 530 o If) If) X H< —• if) O PR0FI .E GRADE 520 530 CO 00 CO 510 PIPC u O O "TO TOP OF SHALE I 0O TOP OF TUNFEL 520 c? cS !? 00 *'0000 ?0 18* STORM SEWER PIPE R — SEE TUNNEL PL/ANS >R DETAILS 18' STORM SEWER PIPE 500 ROADWAY DRAINAGE STRUCTURES IN TUNNEL sewer 510 co o <LU - ~ CC> CT. rr 500 CJ JE STORM SEWER PIPE 35 490 *-36 Rep sr se»er TOP OF LIMESTONE J 490 Pipe BOTTOM OF TUNNEL ^ PROPOSED TUNNEL PR0FIL S = ?95-2^3 480 ZR'Rep fg 430 ST0RU sever NOTE: TOP OF LIMESTONE. TOP OF LIMESTONE I. TOP OF SHALE 1 AND TOP OF LIMESTONE 2 ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY AND ARE BASED ON RID DOCUMENT INFORMATION AND/OR BORINGS WHERE AVAILABLE. THESE ARE SUPPLIED TO THE CONTRACTOR FOR INFORMATION ONLY AND MAY NOT BE REFLECTIVE OF THE ACTUAL SUBSURFACE FIELD CONDITIONS. PIPE 470 470 460 460 o,vV •w JEONG -Y.I * S£ PE-29310 ;CC 450 450 CM CD CM CM CO CI ^ cc en -r- in in in in in in O co en CM CO R; CP in m RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION /^^^^^DATT^" REV. DESCRIPTION (\J CO O CO LD CP if) m k±> — 03/26/2014 RESPONSIBLE ENGINEER 105+00 LEAD ENGINEER \f-Z- YEONTAE 110+00 (FOR DRAINAGE ELEMENTS ONLY) BRIDGE FILE HORIZONTAL SCALE DATE \\IS6 1 ?<*/ R / ANDREW P. : { FREY PE-28991 CONSTRUCTION | YI\ : C /OR R t/A RESPONSIBLE ENGINE&N DESIGNED: CHECKED: JC0 APF DRAWN: CHECKED: P=50' Indiana Finance AuthorityT^inrv^'pQ r=5* DATE L JM QTJ Ohio River Bridges - East End Crossing LINE "KY841" ROADWAY PROFILE STA. 103 + 00 TO STA. 114 + 00 DRAWING DATE KY841 DWG. NO. DYMADOC DOCUMENT CODE JDT 03.03 DWG 4.R0I ROY 4104I SHEET NO. VERSION R-00 o o + M S4-A2-42 STA. 114+50.00. (28.57'RT.) (KY 841) MANHOLE TYPE C S4-A2-44 STA. 122+50.00, (28.57'RT.) (KY 841) MANHOLE TYPE C S4-A2-42A STA. 114+50.00, (35.07'RT.) (KY 841) 48' JUNCTION BOX S4-A2-44A STA. 122+50.00, (35.07'RT.) (KY 841) 48'JUNCTION BOX O O + o (\J S4-A2-43 STA. 118+50.00, (28.57' RT.XKY 841) MANHOLE TYPE C / S4-A2-43A STA. 118+50.00, (35.07'RT.) (KY 841) 48'JUNCTION BOX c? SAFETY WALL S4 STA. 123+65.44, 205.58'LT END CHAIN LINK FENCE CHAIN LINK FENCE "KL PERM. ESMT. FOR TUNNEL TUNNEL O O M KY 841 SOUTHBOUND C\J = LINE 'KY84I' ^ I C U R V E •KY84I LD I I S 4 A2 GO S4 -A2- S4-A2-4 O r^36' RCP --42A 36 RCP KY 841 NORTHBOUND T+-A2-43A 36 R C P 2-36' RCP CJ PERM. ESMT. FOR TUNNEL OS", Z ! YEONTAE I - : | ISA JEONG PE-29310 /or; -"9A -o I ] : /, r- 6 UJ 03/26/2014 J IFOR DRAINAGE ELEMENTS ONLY! PPL022 11 IT * * lis PL0I9 KY 84! CURVE •KY84l'-2 DATA s 113+85.01 PI STA = 103,445.7375 N = 46,669.6429 E = 12* 44'14.52'(RT) A = 0* 35'26.44' D = R 9,700.00' = 2,156.40' L ; 1,082.66' T : E 60.23' s 2.20'/. e = D.S. 70 MPH PPL020 PPL023 PPL02I PPL024 HORIZONTAL SCALE RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION 6/20 LEAD ENGINEER \\v CONSTRUCTION BRIDGE FILE l" = 50' C4J/ \71- 03/26/2014 ASDRBV. FREY -,-p -,Q V*. 28991 DESIGNED: CHECKED: ""in"' JCQ APF DRAWN: CHECKED: L JM QTJ Indiana Finance Authority ft DESIGNATION VERTICAL SCALE KY841 N/A Ohio River Bridges - East End Crossing DRAWING DATE DWG NO LINE "KY841" ROADWAY PLAN STA. 114 + 00 TO STA. 124 + 00 03/26/20^4 PPL012 DYMADOC DOCUMENT CODE JDT 03.03 DWG 4.R0I ROY 41029 SHEET NO 36! VERSION R-00 590 590 580 580 570 570 560 560 f 550 TOP OF MESTONE EXISTING GROUND ALONG L NE 'KY84I 550 540 540 530 530 •36'PIPE 520 36' PIPE- o o T 510 D TOP OF SHALE 1 TOP OF TUNNEL 500 3 o 500 CXI 0CT 490 </> T TOP u 6' ROADWAY DRAINAGE STRUCTURES IN TUNNEL 490 / OF LIMESTONE 2 480 a •36'PIPE UNNEL PROFILE GRADE 480 SE : TUNNEL 'LANS FOR DETA LS : — o lO <o 470 470 3^'^WRcTf~ or» s e * E R ~ P PE B0T TOM OF T INNEL S = 460 460 395' 2-36 •RC P ST SEWER p PE S = 2.25Z 253' 2-36*RCP S£*ER PF PIPE s ja 450 11 $2 13 450 NOTE: TOP OF LIMESTONE. TOP OF LIMESTONE I. TOP OF SHALE 1 AND TOP OF LIMESTONE 2 ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY AND ARE BASED ON RID DOCUMENT INFORMATION AND/OR BORINGS WHERE AVAILABLE. THESE ARE SUPPLIED TO THE CCNTRACTOR FOR INFORMATION ONLY AND MAY NOT BE REFLECTIVE OF THE ACTUAL SUBSURFACE FIELD CONDITIONS. °°°0 ;r°ToL5807 •/. STA EL K = L 440 = 122+26.00 - 447.78' 401 = 2,240.00' 440 in, 430 430 -S,\ ft ** 420 CM O CP CO CM CO O m ^ CO —* /OR RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION / DATE: DESCRIPTION _ LD CT> •S) CM CP ro CP CM CP: CM 03/26/2014 RESPONSIBLE ENGINEER 115+00 REV. CM CP ro a. LEAD ENGINEER YEONTAE JEONG PE-29310 420 o = A. •Po/-, at. 120+00 (FOR DRAINAGE ELEMENTS ONLY) BRIDGE FILE HORIZONTAL SCALE DATE WV| r=50* Z / ANDREW P FREY PE-28991 : I CONSTRUCTION | Indiana Finance Authority Y1-'' \ - RESPONSIBLE ENGINES" /DRC DESIGNED: CHECKED: JCO APF DRAWNCHECKED: LJM QTJ KY84I r=5' DATE I : Ohio River Bridges - East End Crossing LINE "KY841" ROADWAY PROFILE STA. 114 + 00 TO STA. 124 + 00 DRAWING DATE DWG. NO. DYMADOC DOCUMENT CODE JDT 03.03 DWG 4.R01 RDY 4I042 SHEET NO. VERSION R-00 570 560 560 550 550 540 540 EXISTING jROUND ALONG LINE •KY841 520 J TOP OF L MESTONE 510 520 510 r 500 TOP rUNNEL \ \ 500 OP OF SHALE I \ 490 490 CM »- 7= x < CO ; EN 480 00 O K Ki"l° IX) UI UJ S? ULUT co o in ® in ua _* T I- in . O IN RO <UJ Q:2 HZ \ oo C+)l.5807 '/. \ PROFILE GRADE 470 LI.1 \ ^ UJ UJ X 460 460 OH10 RIVER 500 YR WSE =_457X)0 _ 1 24-STORM SEWER PIPE O - T\\ -18* STORM SEWER PIPE 450 18* S SEWE 480 rO 5 S J o o O r- 470 R> OKLLFL TOP OF LIMESTONE 2 X * IU-C . <M S = 0. 206'-66'STORM SEWER P " XN 450 - 620 66' STORM SEWER PE ^ v. 440 - TUNNEL PROFILE GRADE *> 24* STORM SEWER PIPE 4'-66" STORM SEWER PIPE = 0.50X BOTTOM OF TUNNEL 430 ?, 2 44®. S«5HE§£T 335'-66" STORM SEWERPIPE S = 0.46/. 430 ll'-66" STORM SEWER PIPE S = 0.50'/. 420 4 40 §H VO * NOTE: TOP OF LIMESTONE. TOP OF LIMESTONE I. TOP OF SHALE I AND TOP OF LIMESTONE 2 ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY AND ARE BASED ON RID DOCUMENT INFORMATION AND/OR BORINGS WHERE AVAILABLE. THESE ARE SUPPLIED TO THE CONTRACTOR FOR INFORMATION ONLY AND MAY NOT BE REFLECTIVE OF THE ACTUAL SUBSURFACE FIELD CONDITIONS. 420 YEONTAE JEONG PE-29310 410 410 o o -,o UU UU •,<p CM O = ID — — .X ID — ID - ID — <D ~ _R en INI CD CM REV. RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION 6/20 0• :r IN O M ID ID CM ID — CM ID CM CM 125+00 LEAD ENGINEER G>.< 400 400 _ c ID ; CM 03/26/2014 135+00 130+00 DESCRIPTION CX FKP.'"' DATE w CONSTRUCT O N Q, f-.' ANDREW P FREY •-•P. PE-28991 -Q X'ONAL^X 'IN' 03/26/2014 DiTE RESPONSIBLE ore DESIGNED: CHECKED: JCQ APF DRAWN: CHECKED: LJM QTJ f (FOR DRAINAGE ELEMENTS ONLY) BRIDGE FILE HORIZONTAL SCALE r=50' Indiana Finance Authority DESIGNATION VERTICAL SCALE 1-5- Ohio River Bridges - East End Crossing LINE "KY841" ROADWAY PROFILE STA. 124 + 00 TO STA. 136 + 00 KY84I DRAWING DATE DWG. NO 03/26/20)4 PPF0I2 DYMADOC DOCUMENT CODE JOT 03.03 DWG 4.R02 RDY 41020 SHEET NO 56 oi 36! VERSION R-00 T-JSmta- STA 125+46.96. 222.38'LT BEGIN CHAIN LINK FENCE TYPE I O O -J a *» 9, TEMP. ESMT. FOR ORAINAGE CONST. I /— PERM. ESMT. FOR DRAINAGE 8. ACCESS * BEGIN PAVED DITCH TY I STA 124+90 _ —N A LT) A ^—PERM. ESMT. FOR DRAINAGE TEMP. ESMT. FOR SAFETY WALL CONST.. BUILDING REMOVAL AND REVEGETATION / 5X CONSTR. LIMITS O O O + O , RN / RA L IW0S SINGLE FACE BARRIER PROPFL C.A. R/W / STA. 125+02.50 END SINGLE FACED BARRIER" GU BEGIN GUARDRAIL CONNECTOR I'IHE A L \ ^DFIBOA a STA. 124+90.OC BEGIN SINGLE FACED BARRIER TA, 124+9Q.QQ ND TUNNEL HAIN LINK FENCE STA 133+88.73 235.02'LT BEGIN CHAIN LINK FENCE TEMP. ESMT. FOR STREAM RELOCATION AND REVEGETATION END #r §TA. T34+69.88 END END TREATMENT TYPE 2A BEGIN GUARDRAIL SAFTEY WALL S4 WATER GATE ISEE KYTC STANDARD RFG-010-04) A SLOPE LIMITS END PAVED DITCH TYPE I STA 135+00 STA. 134+96.63 BEGIN STD INTERGRAL CURB GUARDRAIL STD INTERGRAL CURB AESTHETIC FENCE. SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS VNORTH PORTAL DITCH (SEE DRAINAGE DETAILS DWG. NO. PDS043 & PDS044) GUARDRAIL CONNECTOR TYPE A CURVE •KY84l*-2 STA. 125+17.88 131+92.86 GUARDRAIL BEG •I END TREATMENT 1 ' -< o TYPE BEGIN UJAHURA1L S4 RDRAIL DITCH 10-LT END TREATMENT TYPE I _ __ CNJ — MEDIAE BARR TYPE I2B L UO i\ ' £ MEDIAN BARRI MTUI. PE I2B TYPE S4-A2-49 / ^ LINE •KY84P - _ _•+— = 70:1 BARRIER TAPER I/) LJJ •&> 70:1 BARRIER TOPER NOTE: KY 841 NORTHBOUND aiiil Pi HF MIM EL ' \ 4' P PE STOSJ EN TREA S4-A2-50 STA. 125+05.00 STA BAHHLFCR -SINGLE FACEO BARRIER —'5T A. 124+90.00 BEGIN SINGLE FACED BARRIER ^BEGIN' P AVED DITCH TYPE » STA 124+90 - AESTHETIC CABLE RAILING RET WALL R17 RFTT® • STA. 128+36.60 END END TREATMENT TYPE \ " BEGIN GUARDRAIL •- SLOPE LMTS ^000 - WE T 0* /\ tot S4-A2- PROP R/ ^ CHAIN LINK FENCE Mi -CSM VS,' -*o\ SEE DWG. NO.— PDS046 FOR \ DETAILS \ C.A GY- - £ •> 3 Q " 2 \ CURVE •KY84P-2 DATA = 113+85.01 PI STA : 103,445.7375 N : 46,669.6429 E = 12* 44'14.52* (RT) A 0- 35' 26.44D — 9. 700.C0' R 2,156.40' L : 1.082.66' T : 60.23' E e 2.20X D.S. 70 MPH RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION 6/20 LEAD ENGINEER DATE /arc /&S ''fa \P 03/26/2014 RESPONSIBLE ENGWEER PPL022 S4-A2-52A STA. 133+35.00. (59.81'RT.) (KY84I) CURB INLET TYPE B S4-A2-46 STA. 125+07.88. (22.50'LT.) (KY84D MANHOLE TYPE B S4-A2-49 STA. 127+11.53, (0.00'LT.) (KY841) DROP BOX INLET TYPE 5B S4-A2-52B STA. 133+35.00. (69.93'RT.) (KY841) MANHOLE TYPE C S4-A2-46A STA. 125+70.00, (25.62'LT.) (KY84I) CMBBI TYPE 9BI S4-A2-50 S4-A2-53 STA. 127+11.53. ,81.23' RT.) (KY84I) STA. 133+53.25. (69. 79'RT.) (KY84I) DROP BOX INLET TYPE 7 (MODIFIED) MANHOLE TYPE C (BYPASS STRUCTURE) S4-A2-47 STA. 125+07.88, (72.22'RT.) (KY841) MANHOLE TYPE A S4-A2-52 S4-A2-53A STA. 134+35.24. (57.38'RT.) (KY841) STA. 133+68.42. (69.68'RT.) (KY84I) MANHOLE TYPE A MANHOLE TYPE C (MANUAL VALVE) CONSTRUCTION PL019 KY 841 S4-A2-48 STA. 127+11.53. (81.26'LT.) (KY841) DROP BOX INLET TYPE I \\v (FOR DRAINAGE ELEMENTS ONLY) TEMP. ESMT. FOR 8UILDINC REMOVAL AND REVEGETATION S4-A2-45 STA. 125+07.88, (28.48'RT., (KY84D MANHOLE TYPE C (MODIFIED, DESCRIPTION % YEONTAE JEONG PE-29310 CO3 TEMP. ESMT. FOR CONST. AND REVEGETATION \ 32 II AESTHETIC FENCE. SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS GUARDRAIL STOFTW STD 1NTERGRAL - CURB NOISE BARRIER N3 _J O J IS !:--b'PiPjr ^-EN BEGIN GUARDRAIL . > 24' PIPE—' END PAVED DITCH TYPE STA ,33+31.28 . " :^R ;"EN0 TREATMENT TYPE 1 — RET WALL RI7A AESTHETIC CABLE RAILING INTERGRAL CURB STA. 133+32.39 \END END.TREATMENT STA. 130+11.58 END GUARORAIL BEGIN END TREATMENT TYPE 2A" PROP NOISE •—1S4-A2-5 S4-A2-54 SMI SEE SHEETS PDS008 FOR MEDIAN BARRIER TAPER INFORMATION. LJ S4-A2- —— — 5 ' *2 ID P -'XP* CJ V L IT N 41- 43' 21.01' W / STA. 124+90.0 BEGIN MEDIAN BARRIER Y _ __ L — KY 841 SOUTHBOUND -A2-4€ S1-A2-45 C RSJ 124+90.00 BEGIN MEDIAN BARRIER X REATMENT TYPE 2A S4-A2-54 STORMWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM & SPILL CONTAINMENT SYSTEM (VORTECHS PCI42I OR APPROVED EOUAL BY THE ENGINEER OF RECORD.) (SEE DRAINAGE DETAILS PDS046 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION) ZPPL020 S4-A2-55A STA. 134+85.37. (57. 71'LT.) (KY84I) FLUME INLET TYPE 2 PPL021 ppL023 PPL024 BRIDGE FILE HORIZONTAL SCALE l" =50' VZ - ! ANDREW P. FREY PE-28991 -.O ARC WZ PNAL Jjtv "II"" 03/26/2014 RESPONSIBLE ENGINEER DESIGNED: JCQ DRAWN: CHECKED: APF CHECKED: LJM QT0 Indiana Finance Authority] ft VERTICAL SCALE DESIGNATION N/A KY84I Ohio River Bridges - East End Crossing DRAWING DATE LINE "KY841" ROADWAY PLAN STA. 124 + 00 TO STA. 136 + 00 03/26/2014 PPL013 55 oi DYMADOC DOCUMENT CODE JDT D3.03 DWG 4.R02 RDY 41011 R-00 361 o o »r o \j IX) •P05 \ •POST -SPFCIV 421. SO PERM. ESMT. FOR DRAINAGE V" SEE LANDSCAPING PLANS FOR DITCH INFORMATION - TIP LET ~ — - - PROP GUARDRAIL CONNECTOR TYPE AL STA. 136+94.88 END GUARDRAIL BEGIN GUARDRAIL CONNECTOR TYPE AL AESTHETIC FENCE. SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS POS" PCS" T Y— PERM. ESMT. FOR / DRAINAGE \ STA. 136+72.28, 217.30'LT END CHAIN LINK FENCE BEGIN WOVEN WIRE FENCE TYPE I STA. 137+10.25 END STD INTEGRAL CURB N •POST 50' "o ' 100' AESTHETIC FENCE. SEE LANDSCAPING PLANS •PCS R/ •rOS o*. \ \ WOVEN WIRE FENCE TYPE' 1 -SLOPE LIMITS - * STD INTERGRAL CURB GUARDRAILMEDIAN BARRIE TYPE I2B •POST 421.60 S •POS: \ .CYEM m PROP. R/W & C. A. -» s; ^2 -9 z •PC ST O O n WOVEN WIRE FENCE S AND AESTHETIC FENCE,~ SEE LANDSCAPE PCANS UD ro O o A2 S4-A2-55B rs» KY 841 SOUTHB 7Q.-I BARRIFR NTPFH CO s _ 7IS.I RARR1FP RAPER C_) UJ NOTE; KY 841 NORTHBOUND L / BEGIN BRIDGE —/STA. 137+37.07 60.22* RT EL.-' /.BEG. NOISE BARRIER N4 ^-/STA. 137+23.77 65.52'RT / END NOISE BARRIER N3 WSTA. 137+14.08/^ / BEGIN APPROACH SLAB.Z-" ^ GUARDRAILS~D INTERGRAL CURB AESTHETIC FENCE. SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS A2 533 \ fo* —1 XX 2. SEE HARRODS CREEK BRIDGE PACKAGE FOR BRIDGE SCUPPER LOCATIONS. NOISE BARRIER N3B •POST t*!Kl '•P3£T £R*VI -V AESTHETIC FENCE SEE LANDSCAPING PLANS ^ CJ OPE L M TS HAIN 'C^ F|NCE & 1. SEE SHEETS DS009 FOR MEDIAN BARRIER TAPER INFORMATION. =^TQRM STORM • 34 GUARDRAIL CONNECTOR TYPE A STA. 137 +10.2 END CURB CO 5 LINE -KY84I- S4-A2-56B S4 A2 RCP MEDIAN BARRIER-* TYPE I2B STA 136+94.88 END GUARDRAIL BEGIN GUARD CONNECTOR TYPE A POST /r / c St -ft NOISE BARRIER N3 CDO X#-'-OP)/ VXR .' YEONTAE I : | JEONG | : VSA PE-29310 /OR 5 -x* PROP. R/W ¥ C. A. /ft/.- --o K/ -• / fci _J Q 03/26/2014 !o RESPONSIBLE ENGINEER IFOR DRAINAGE ELEMENTS ONLY) S2 PPL022 PL0I9 KY 841XEEE3Z5ZE2 t? n u S4-A2-53B STA. 137+00.00. 043.72'RT.) (KY84I) MANHOLE TYPE C S4-A2-56 STA. 136+85.00, (57.33'RT.) (KY84I) CURB BOX INLET TYPE B S4-A2-55 STA. 136+85.00. (57.33' LT.) (KY84I) CURB BOX INLET TYPE B S4-A2-56B STA. 136+85.00. (50.25'RT.) (KY841) JUNCTION BOX S4-A2-55B STA. 136+85.00. (50.25'LT.) (KY84I) JUNCTION BOX S4-A2-57 STA. 137+34.00. (141.51'RT) (KY84I) 66' HEADWALL 0* SKEW PPL020 PPL023 PPL02I PPL024 .lIlU'lll,. RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION 6/20 LEAD ENGINEER DATE wv CONSTRUCTION HORIZONTAL SCALE VI- ^03/26/2014 ANDREW P FREY PE-2899' /£c DESIGNED: JCO DRAWN: CHECKED: APF CHECKED: LJM QTJ Indiana Finance Authority] ft L" = 50' 27026 VERTICAL SCALE DESIGNATION N/A KY84I Ohio River Bridges - East End Crossing DRAWING DATE DWG. NO. LINE "KY841" ROADWAY PLAN STA. 136 + 00 TO STA. 147 + 00 03/26/2014 PPL0I4 57 of DYMADOC DOCUMENT CODE JOT D3.03 DWG 4.R02 ROY 4I0I2 R-00 36! 530 530 520 520 510 500 S- § T UJ £R s_ Q- + t/1 l/l 490 490 x * i- o o ._• o O 480 PROFILE GRADE sa 480 LU UJ o 1.5807 470 470 460 0HIC u*: 450 GO RIVER 500 YR WSE = 457.00 460 7 HARR DDS CREEK 100 YR W 5E = 4 2.17 WI7H OHIO RIVEERI 8ACKWA' ER 100 ' R FLOW = 25.190 CF l/> N 450 O 440 440 u 5s= 0. J35'-66 SEWER PI 430 u / OR^I / EXISTING GROUND ALONG LINE 'KY841 S = 0.46'/. 430 r 420 32'-66' STORM SEWER PIPE S-= OrlfrX TOP OF SHALE IPE (SIIZE UNKNOWN) "20 HARR 0DS CREEK V""T \ " 418.80- NORMAL POOL ELEV—^ 410 410 400 400 IE NOTE: TOP OF LIMESTONE. TOP OF LIMESTONE 1. TOP OF SHALE I AND TOP OF LIMESTONE 2 ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY AND ARE BASED ON RID DOCUMENT INFORMATION AND/OR BORINGS WHERE AVAILABLE. THESE ARE SUPPLIED TO THE CCNTRACTOR FOR INFORMATION ONLY AND MAY NOT BE REFLECTIVE OF THE ACTUAL SUBSURFACE FIELD CONDITIONS. 3 2 • IN •f-.' •r«3/ £ « F-1 o o uo uo -~0 --T> 1 *i= tr> r*~! L£> I CM (M I/L _• lf> 2I a. d. ro m — c CD F- CD IC _• 3 — O IX) . CM ° CM O in CP o ro vD r- j ro <\J CM CM CD CP OJ ro CD 140+00 _ CO ro YEONTAE JEONG 'E-29310 I IOT !fU „ f(U. X CD CC co cn 03/26/2014 RESPONSIBLE ENGINEER 145+00 (FOR DRAINAGE ELEMENTS ONLY) RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION 6/20 LEAD ENGINEER HORIZONTAL SCALE wv CONSTRUCTION l" I<O/ Y-'~ : / ANDREW P. T ^ : ! FREY I : Z3\ PE-28991 /ARC -3>\ /&S 03/26/2014 RESPONSIBLE ENGINES* DESIGNED: JCO DRAWN: DATE LJM y/\ Indiana Finance Authority J BRIDGE FILE =50' 27026 VERTICAL SCALE DESIGNATION r=5* Ohio River Bridges - East End Crossing LINE "KY841" ROADWAY PROFILE STA. 136 + 00 TO STA. 147 + 00 DRAWING DATE KY84! DWG. NO. DYMADOC DOCUMENT CODE JOT 03.03 DWG 4.R02 RDY 4I02I SHEET NO. VERSION R-00 CURVE = PI STA = N = E = A = D = R L * = T = E e D.S. 'EMERACCESS'-I DATA CURVE 'EMERACCESS'-2 DATA 60+66.14 STA = 65+24.75 105.977.5763 = 106.207.7629 44,299.7034 = 43.900.7249 29' 35' 20.82' (RT) = 26* 24' 37.80' (RT) 33' 42'12.24' = 8' I8'I3.45' 170.00' = 690.00' 318.06' 87.79' 44.90' 161.90' 5.83' 18.74' NC NC N/A N/A D.S. STA. 149+46.25 END SB APPROACH SLAB CURVE 'EMERACCESS'-3 DATA STA = 68+29.69 N = 106.466.5277 43.728.7555 81' 53'04.70'(RT) 33' 42'12.24' O 170.00' O 242.96' 147.48' O LD 55.06' NC N/A D.S. — STA. 149+50.75 BEGIN GUARDRAIL CURB \ GATE CURVE 'SHAREDUSE'-I- RET WALL R21 O S4-A4-21tf> CHANNEL LINING CLASS IV 55.0'x23u0-'x3.0' rCTACED IER, — — ^sas-^lTCH \\ BEGIN IMPERMEABLEAQAYER STA. 151+43.65 (KY8*\ (SEE DRAINAGE DETAI\\C DS045) ,—STA. 151+60.75 oA\ / END STD. LJ1 \' / INTEGRAL CURB + \ 4-A4-I8 RI6 s <S) S sT NOISE BARRIER N3B—^ — E -A4- END TREATMENT IYPt I TA. 151+28.61 ND GUARDRAIL GIN END TREATMENT N 3 D T R E A A4 PIPE GUARDRAIL CONNECTOR TYPE Al -O SEE LANDSCAPING PL* vSJ FOR DITCH INFORMATION SEE NOTE •7 C. A. SEE NOTE s^ CURVE "SHAREDUSE'-I DATA = 75 STA 50+83.57 = 105.961.1969 N E 44.282.0689 = 29' 35'20.82'(RT) A = 28* 38'52.40' D = R 200.00' 103.29' L = T 52.82' = E 6.86' = NC e r N/A D.S. CURVE 'SHAREDUSE'-2 DATA PI STA 55+22.72 = 106.181.8338 N S 43.899.6428 E 23' 44' 35.97'(RT) A = 8' 02'09.15' D R 713.00' = 295.47' L T 149.88' = 15.58' E : NC e = N/A D.S. CURVE 'SHARE0USE'-4 DATA PI STA 61+46.02 N 106.560.8286 43.416.2214 E A 51' 14' 11.94' (RT) 17' 37' 46.09' D R 325.00' 290.63' L Dd T gfy 55 + Od E RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION 6/20 LEAD ENGINEER e D.S. NC N/A REV. DESCRIPTION PE « ' T PT 69+25.1 KY 841 SOUTHBOUND LINE "KY841" N 41' 43' 21.01' W I C 5 KJ X- 24'PIP 24'PIPE 5. SEE SHEET PDS010 FOR ADDITIONAL TAPER INFORMATION. 6. SEE ITS PLANS FOR DETAILS. AESTHETIC FENCE. SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS 7. SEE SHEET PPL023 FOR RIVER ROAD ORAINAGE. 0/?!/ ?<• S4 A 4 o DITCH 13.RT v—— STA. 155+46.^5 END TEMP. MEDIAN BARRIER TYPE 9T S4-A4-B 24' PI 1 o — CRASH CUSHION ~-TYPE VI-C MEDIAN BARRIER 9T STORM 3. THE FIRST SECTION OF TEMPORARY BARRIER SHALL BE PINNED TO THE PAVEMENT AT BOTH ENDS. PINS SHALL BE REMOVEABLE. 4. AT THE END OF BOTH PERMANENT TRANSITIONS. CAST THE CONNECTION DETAIL SHOWN IN RBM-115-08 INTO THE PERMANENT BARRIER TO CONNECT IT TO THE TEMPORARY BARRIER. END IMPERMEABLE LAYER STA. 155+55.88 (KY841) (SEE DRAINAGE DETAIL PDS045) BEGIN IMPERMEABLE LAYER STA. 150+34.83 (SEE DRAINAGE DETAIL PDS045) STA. 150+06.13 END GUARDRAIL CONNECTOR TYPE Al. BEGIN GUARDRAIL A4 S4 A 4 T£MP MEDIAN ARRIER TYPE 9T BARR STA. 156+26.55 BEGIN TEMP. MEDIAN BARRIER TYPE 9T .—• lPl_JCH ll-R-J m KY841* = '55+87 9+62.30 'EMERAC -CRASH CUSHION TYPF Vl-C P0T»69+62.30 70:1 TAPER KY 841 NORTHBOUND Pt~ZS ^^^' 2. TO INSURE THAT TEMPORARY BARRIER CLOSES THE GAP BETWEEN PERMANENT BARRIER PRECISELY. AT ONE END OF THE PERMANENT BARRIER RUN. DO NOT CAST THE FINAL 25' OF PERMANENT BARRIER OR THE 50:1 TRANSITION UNTIL ATTENUATORS AND ALL TEMPORARY BARRIER IS PLACED. o o n,ITCH 12-1 T SKEW 70sI TAPER I Trt I STA. 151+82.8 BEGIN TEMP. EDIAN BARRIER El S4^ 4-1] 30' TA jL r- FOR MEDIAN BARRIER TRANSITION, SEE SHEET PDS036 1. TEMPORARY BARRIER IS TO BE PLACED THROUGH THE STATION RANGE SHOWN ON THE PLANS. UP TO ONE ADDITIONAL 20' SECTION MAY BE PLACED TO MEET THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENT. P/P£ STqr NOISE BARRIER N3C S4-A4-9 POND B YEONTAE JEONG PE-29310 POND /Q: RET WALL RI3 >5 -STA. 149+90.75 BEGIN CURB STA. 149+86.92 END NB APPROACH SLAB STA. 149+66.42 END NB BRIDGE S4-A4-7 STA. 153+04.68. (172.11'RT.) (KY841) POND CONTROL STRUCTURE (DBI TY7 MOD) S4-A4-8 \ STA. 155+39.QO, 029.68' RT.) (KY84IL>W^ MANHOLE TYPE'.B " tl * - 03/26/2014 IFOR DRAINAGE ELEMENTS ONLY) STA. 156+66.12 362.95' RT / \ AESTHETIC FENCE. SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS pROPTRT^ PPL022 PL019 KY 84) C.A. S4-A4-I0 STA. 68+83.44. (27.81'RT.) (EMERACCESS) METAL END SECTION TYPE 1(4:1) S4-A4-6 STA. 153+05.11, (150.52'RT.XKY84I) MANHOLE TYPE B \ CONC. PAVED DITCH TYPE 1 W/ 6'BOTTOM WIDTH (TYP.) AESTHETIC FENCE. SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS SLOPE CONST CONST* F0R SLOPE S4-A4-9 STA. 157+83.75. (184.93' RT.) (KY84I) POND OUTLET STRUCTURE (DBI TY 7 MOD) STA. 158+92.15 END TEMP. MEDIAN BARRIER TYPE 9T ^ SLOPE LIMITS STA. 153+49.23 334.04' RT Outfall S4-A4-4A li CURVE 'SHARE0USE'-3 DATA 57+89.37 PI STA 106.400.2727 N 43.739.3342 E az sc 27' 18'09.82'(LT) A 12' 43'56.62' 0 I I 450.00' R o • 214.44' L 109.29' T 13.08' E NC e N/A D.S. \ UARDRAIL •Co A4 XX- 91 #/-'<">• NOTES: BEGIN IMPERMEABLE LAYER STA. 156+13.88 (KY84I) (SEE gRAINAGEyDETAIL PDS045) 1 PUSU3b ^ SEE NOTE 6 ON THE— GENERAL NOTES DITCH 1 SHEET RR-L. ITS CAMERA TOWER FENCE (SEE NOTE 6) XX M -S-HV- >—LINE 'SHAREDUSE' STA. 67+33.01, END GUARDRAIL CONNECTOR TYPE A BEGIN GUARDRAIL TERMINAL SECTION NO. I Z S4,,—DIICH ILLI MIDDLETON RUN 6'x5' BOX CULVERT END STD. INTEGRA!, CURq 32 o ' <* t+JU TAPER BA MEDIA.'; BARRIER —TYPE I2B STA. 150+ END GUAR! T S4-A4-1 S3 If S4-A4-2A MEOIAN BARRIER rYPE I2B GUARDRAIL FOR MEDIAN BARRIER IRAN5T bbb SHbbl N DITCH MP-I GUARDRAIL j—STA. 68+26.36 / END GUARDRAIL + / /• g? -a f — 579'6'x5' U & MIDDLETON RUN p £ CREEK BOX CUL/gRT^ .vvor-™p- "• 5T0«U= 4-A4-2B-^ V CURVE •SHAREDUSE'-2 URVE :MERGACCESS'-2 CURVE "EMERGACCESS'-3 • GUARDRAIL CONNECTOR TYPE A S4=A4 STQgWr AESTHETIC FENCE. SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS -GUARDRAIL CONNECTOR TYPE A -RET HALL CURVE 'SHAREDUSE'-3 AESTHET JQ STA. 67+17.00 i END SINGLE FACBD BARRIER BEGIN GUARDRAIL^ BEGIN. WOVEN WlRfl FENCE -X— ?r^3.^S4-A4-20 STA. 150+52.97 230.15' LJ AESTHETIC FENCE. SEE LANSCAPE O PLANS O + o o S> cQY- LIMITS 9\ ri S* J&\/ If) r—STA. 152+90.36 / 3pW3S' LT / /—DITCH MP-2 AESTHETIC FENCE. SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS CURVE 'SHAREDUSE'-4 0^ rjiSLOPE O S4-A4-I9 CURVE 'EMERGACCESS'-I—i s S4-A4-3 STA. 150+50.00, (79.04'RT.) (KY841) OROP BOX INLET TYPE I S4-A4-5 STA. 151+34.68. 068.39'RT.XKY84I) 24' HEADWALL 0' SKEW S4-A4-2B STA. 150+00.00,-150.25' LT.XKY84I) JUNCTIOl^BOX I X STA. 149+66.13 END GUARDRAIL CONNECTOR TYPE* BEGIN GUARDRAIL . STA. 149+26.42 END SB BRIDGE—i PROP. S4-A4-2 STA. 150+00.00, (57.33'LT.) (KY84I) CURB BOX INLET TYPE B S4-A4-2A STA. 151+50.00. (77.61'LT.XKY84I) OROP BOX INLET TYPE I 25' TRANSITION C0NC BARRIER TO CURB PROP RET WALL R22 STA. 61+31.83 10.00'LT—x BEGIN BARRIER S4-A4-I STA. 150+00.00. (57.33' RT.HKY841) CURB BOX INLET TYPE B S4-A4-1B STA. 150+00.00. (50.25'RT.) (KY84I) JUNCTION BOX O O o o S4-A4-I1 STA. 68+96.41. (28. 76'LT.) (EMERACCESS) METAL END SECTION TYPE 1(4:1) S4-A4-I9 STA. 63+35.00. (50.30'LT.) (EMERACCESS) SLOPED BOX OUTLET TYPE I S4-A4-I8 STA. 63+35.00. (14.00'RT.) (EMERACCESS) DROP BOX INLET TYPE I S4-A4-20 STA. 58+75.00. (10.93'RT.) (SHAREDUSE) DROP BOX INLET TYPE I TEMP ESMT' F0R SLOPE' CONST.. STREAM RELOCATION AND REVEGETATION 'PPL020 PPL02I pPL023 PPL024 S4-A4-2I STA. 58+75.00. (37.35'LT.) (SHAREDUSE) METAL END SECTION TYPE 3 BRIDGE RLE HORIZONTAL SCALE w CONSTRUCTION \tc- ^03/26/2014 ANDREW FREY VP. -o m DESIGNED: JCO DRAWN: CHECKED: APF CHECKED: LJM QTJ Indiana Finance Authority] ft l'=50' 27026 VERTICAL SCALE DESIGNATION N/A Ohio River Bridges - East End Crossing LINE "KY841" ROADWAY PLAN STA. 147 + 00 TO STA. 159 + 00 KY84I DRAWING DATE DWG. NO. 03/26/20)4 PPL0I5 59 of OYMADOC DOCUMENT CODE JDT D3.03 DWG 4.R02 RDY 4IOI3 R-00 361 550 520 520 CRIVER ROAD STA 148+36.91 STA = 156+20.00 EL 8 510 8 <r S CC f- = 501.43' 9g bCHcc BOO. 00 ffl i/> — •~OiO J) m<r> L 51 ts> o (+11.5807 •/. PROFILE GRADE «-)0 3809 V. 500 O o •s> - o 490 •n 480 490 wi 480 I A. 24' STORM SEW ER PIPE t/T LlJ 47'-24" STORM SEWER PIPE S = 0.50'/. 470 m LD 470 24* STORM PIPE SEW CJ 460 460 OHIO RIVER 500 YR WSE = 451.00 V: EX ST N F-l MIDD ETON RUN CREEK 100 YR JISE—="452700 WITH OHIO RIVER BACKWATER R FLOW = 100.5 CFS RIVER 100 450 7 XISTING GR 3UN0 LONG LINE XY84I' 440 440 430 MIDDLETON RUN BOX CULVERT I.E. 433.04 J 430 6'X5'1 420 420 410 410 400 400 s Dd P >Q - . Z3.\ 21 YEONTAE JEONG PE-29310 ,•? v^/cr * id Is T a £ ~ CVJ <7> lC CO cD (T» RO cn m cn m in cn m CO lO 0> J-i co — 03/26/2014 RESPONSIBLE ENGINEER 155+00 150+00 RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION 6/20 LEAD ENGINEER (FOR DRAINAGE ELEMENTS ONLY) HORIZONTAL SCALE DESCRIPTION w CONSTRUCTION frFREY -3,\ PE-28991 "A \ -,Q.\ , _ /A: yd/ /<O. 03/26/2014 ft DESIGNED: JCQ DRAWN: LJM CHECKED: _APF CHECKED: QTJ T =50' 27026 VERTICAL SCALE DESIGNATION r=5< Ohio River Bridges - East End Crossing &EN&S'"in"''— Indiana Finance Authority] LINE "KY841" ROADWAY PROFILE STA. 147 + 00 TO STA. 159 + 00 KY84I DRAWING DATE DWG. NO. 03/26/2014 PPF014 60 of DYMADOC DOCUMENT CODE JOT D3.03 DWG 4.R02 ROY 41022 R-00 361 S4-A4-I4A STA. 166+65.33. (42.25'LT.) (KY84I) JUNCTION BOX S4-A4-I4 STA. 166+65.33, (48.91' LT.) (KY841) CURB INLET TYPE B S4-A4-I4B O STA. 166+65.33. (36.54'LT.) (KY84I) O JUNCTION BOX S4-A4-I6 STA. 166+00.00. (65.67' RT.XKY84I) DROP BOX INLET TYPE 7 LD S4-A4-I5 <-0 STA. 166+65.33. (48.91'RT.) (KY841) CURB INLET TYPE B S4-A4-17 \ STA. 165+87.0). 019.58'RT.) (KY84I) 42" HEADWALL 0" SKEW O O o LO WETLANDS (DO NOT DISTURB. SEE NOTE 3) tOf> slop £ PROP AESTHETIC FENCE. SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS *>/ R/ CURVE 'SHAREDUSE'-7 O (O LO CURVE 'SHAREDUSE'-5 AESTHETIC FENCE. SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS 10 STA. 161+11. II END GUARDRAIL BEGIN ENO TREATMENT TYPE I 24'FRP (FROM SECTION £ 45'SINGLE FACE C0NCRE1 BARRIER S4-A4-22 pR0p SEE PDS01I FOR TAPER DETAILS. 24'FRP (FROM APPROACH BRIDGE) STA. 167+90.00 PGL SHIFT FROM 13.25' LT AND R TO CENTERLINE STA. 166+36.12 END GUARDRAIL BEGIN GUARDRAIL CONNECTOR TYPE A STA. 162+61.12 ENO END TREATMENT TYPE 2A BEGIN GUARDRAIL END TREATMENT- 33 in 7m O CURVE 'SHAREDUSE'-6 o /v. PROP. C. A. -LYff a -XX— 18' FRP (FROM SECTION STA. 166+51.50 END GUARDRAIL CONNECTOR TYPE A BEGIN 45' SINGLE FACE BARRIER END FENCE GUARDRAIL CONNECTOR TYPE A DITCH MP-I END TREATMENT TYPE I SLOPE LIMITS L/O/V END IMPERMEABLE LAYER STA. 166+51.52 (KY84I) (SEE DRAINAGE DETAIL PDS045) LINE 'SHAREOUSE' -XX o 4^/) C£T4 STA. 159+36.0 END END TREATMENT TYPE 2 BEGIN GUARDRAIL END TREATMENT TYPE 2 S4-A4-23 STA. 167+73.00, (48.83' RT.XKY841) CURB INLET TYPE B C£°*sr & CURVE 'SHARE0USE"-4 S4-A4-22 STA. 167+73.00, (48.83'LT.) (KY841) CURB INLET TYPE B S4-A4-I5A STA. 166+65.33. (43.16'RT.) (KY84I) JUNCTION BOX S4-A4-I3 STA. 165+50.00, (71.33' LT.) (KY84I) DROP BOX INLET TYPE I DlICH_12rLJ O o - cn g. . . ^uardrail LT) ^^ 30LP STA. 161+50 MEDIAN BARRIER TYPE MB SEE NOTE LINE "KY84I"—v STA.165+20 BEGIN 30'I0sl SLOPE (/) o S4- A4-I4B CURB KY 841 NORTHBOUND S4-A4-I5A S4-A4-15 w 1—GUARDRAIL S4-A4-I6 DITCH 13-RT FOR MEDIAN BARRIER TRANSITIONS. SEE SHEET DS036 n STD...INTEGRAL SI END TREATMENT TYPE I STA. 162+32.63 END END TREATMENT TYRE I BEGIN GUARDRAIL FENCE, SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS \ LU ^ NOTE: PI UARDRA1L TYPE A — TOLL GANTRY POST ;< 1. SEE KY APPROACH BRIDGE PACKAGE FOR BRIDGE SCUPPER LOCATIONS. 2. CONSTRUCT MEDIAN BARRIER TYPE I4A FROM STA 163+30.00 TO STA 165+30.00. 3. PLACE TEMPORARY PROTECTIVE FENCING ADJACENT TO THE WETLAND ALONG THE PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY LINE. CJ> STA/ 168+23.00 BEGIN BRIDGE 42' PIPE -ft* \= AESTHETIC O o /! 36' PIPE'' S4- A4-I4A N 41' 43' 21.01'W 3 LD A END 30'10:1 SLOPE KY 841 SOUTHBOUND .-S) • e ONNECTOR Sf*ri67+82.62 END GUARDRAIL BEGIN GUARDRAIL CONNECTOR TYPE A A4 -27* FRP (FROM APPROACH BRIDGE) c_>—TOLL GANTRY i+61.77 '—STA. 166+C BEGIN « TD INTEGRI L CURB POND /<£ END IMPEI MEABLE LAYER STA. 166+58.61 (KY841) (SEE DRAHAGE DETAIL PDS045) •PO s s CP ?o 03/26/2014 AESTHETIC FENCE, SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS -5! RESPONSIBLE ENGINEER IFOR DRAINAGE ELEMENTS ONLY) \ PPL022 0o s: * £ c 1-g a " E£ RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION 6/20 LEAD ENGINEER PL019 KY 841 CURVE 'SHAREDUSE'-4 DATA = 61+46.02 STA N = 106,560.8286 = 43,416.2214 E = 51* 14' 11.94' (RT) A = 17' 37' 46.09' D = 325.00' R = 290.63' L = 155.84' T = 35.43' E = NC e = N/A D.S. IT arc Uj~ UJi / \ St \J~\ YEONTAE JEONG PE-29310 / SLOPE LIMITS i Q / CURVE 'SHAREDUSE'-6 DATA : 68+04.71 PI STA = 107,171.3720 N - 43.140.4118 E CURVE "SHAREDUSE'-5 DATA s 64+71.18 PI STA = 106.899.0434 N = 43.342.2289 E : 24* 12'03.56'(LT) A s 6' 44'26.45' D = R 850.00' L 359.03' = T 182.23' 19.31' E e NC — N/A D.S. A D R L T E e D.S. 20' 53'39.23'(RT) s 6' 44' 26.45' 850.00' = 309.97' 156.73' = 14.33' NC = N/A : : CURVE 'SHAREDUSE'-7 DATA = PI STA 70+22.79 - 107.384.7249 N ; 43,080.6533 E — 26' 04'31.27'(LT) A 20' 27-46.00' D R 280.00' - 127.43' L = 64.84' T 7.41' E = NC e = N/A D.S. -ILL DESCRIPTION \\V| ^03/26/2014 A\3HBV, CP FREY 28991 -„Q arc Uj; <OC DESIGNED: JCQ DRAWN: CHECKED: APF CHECKED: LJM ^4 CONSTRUCTION HI1" QTJ Indiana Finance Authority] ft in ) -r~i i£> r~- 'PPL020 PPL02I ppL023 PPL024 HORIZONTAL SCALE BRIDGE FILE l' = 50' I265-0-08572 VERTICAL SCALE DESIGNATION KY841 N/A Ohio River Bridges - East End Crossing LINE "KY841" ROADWAY PLAN STA. 159 + 00 TO STA. 171 + 00 DRAWING DATE DWG. NO. 03/26/2014 PPL016 61 of DYMADOC DOCUMENT CODE JDT 03.03 DWG 4.R02 ROY 41014 R-00 361 550 550 540 530 530 520 520 STA 16 F+90.00 PGL SHIFT FROM 13.25 LT ANC RT TO ENTERLINE 510 510 O Min •OCD ~o - iX> RSsp PROF E GRADE I- 0.9809 V. 490 STA = 167+90.0C = 492. 5 4 5 BA X> CD CO cn in -•4 — (-J0.9809 l/> u 6l'-42 STORM SEWER PIPE S = 0 982. 470 f 460 500 +)0.5 GO (+)0.5 30 42- STORM SEWER P PE 480 67+90.00 EL AHE ID = 492 O -•r-T—' 500 STA = 480 IQ6'jJ8" STORM SEWER F IPE S = 2.4 CJ 42'STORM SEWER P PE STA = 166+15.00 490 470 67 EXISTING GROUND ALONG LI IE "KY841 K = 20? 3 1 0.00' OHIO RIVER 500 YR = 457.0 450 / 450 OHIO RIVER 100 YR WSE = 451.82 100 YR FLOW = 812,000 CFS 440 460 \ 440 V Yr 7- 1 430 430 420 420 4I0 4I0 5 § §5 i Q St So -a! £ R : : { Z3X 400 400 R-T NOTE: YEONTAE JEONG PE-29310 I. PIER LOCATIONS ARE UNDER DEVELOPMENT SEE BRIDGE PLANS FOR DETAILS. x * — c r- O O s o. a. CM C Ip —• <r «T 160+00 RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION 6/20 LEAD ENGINEER - in c _ CM CM M" CT> M CM O CM CM -• o cn o _ o f- <M CM if) CM RO IN VP ^R VP ro o ro IN (P VP T CO VP CM ro T CP in M- \\v CONSTRUCTION CM o CM T zz CM O CP CM RO V M" vP ro T CP RO *P CP CM ^ | M" 03/26/2014 RESPONSIBLE ENGINEER 170+00 165+00 DESCRIPTION VP CO ro CP 03/26/2014 Tl' ASDREV. FREY 28991 or; tc- DESIGNED: CHECKED: '"II"" JCQ APF Indiana Finance Authority] fa CHECKED: L JM QTJ BRIDGE RLE T = 50' 1265-0-08572 VERTICAL SCALE DESIGNATION P=5' Ohio River Bridges - East End Crossing DRAWN: (FOR DRAINAGE ELEMENTS ONLY) HORIZONTAL SCALE LINE "KY841" ROADWAY PROFILE STA. 159 + 00 TO STA. 171 + 00 KY84I DRAWING DATE DWG NO. 03/26/2014 PPF0I5 62 OI DYMADOC DOCUMENT CODE JDT 03.03 DWG 4.R02 RDY 41023 R-00 361 o o + o o o + in PROP. R/W & C. A. -H- —* 00 -0" H0H %c -H- *• . \ -)fr £ KY 841 SOUTHBOUND -£= -C 1 3 IR rt!T "T -» \v \ V, FC—I -3«- \ S CI 1 KY 841 NORTHBOUND T -8- += -C LINE -KY84I1 >J 41* 43' 21.01* W F HB- » -XX- R/W & C.A. "36(- -XX- \ LWC SLUDGE POND C3 il J12 32 CVJ o /•V u m O —J _J Q_ Q_ Q_ O o / < !< *+ -I J o o UO O'O1 T oc KY o c\ w —I Q- ii in o —I A LiQ. PPL022 1 —| ~zr o o v—' U Q- O. —1 _L / /o / /o \ / - . o //f PPL020 PPL021 OH PPL0I9 ppL023 PPL024 o = K £. RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION 6/20 LEAD ENGINEER DESCRIPTION wv CONSTRUCTION VL- 03/26/2014 ANDREW FREY -7> 28931 --O ''fpNA^y '"III"' DESIGNED: CHECKED: JCO APF f Indiana Finance Authority] CHECKED: LJM QTJ BRIDGE FILE l' =50' 1265-0-08572 VERTICAL SCALE DESIGNATION KY84I N/A Ohio River Bridges - East End Crossing DRAWN: HORIZONTAL SCALE LINE "KY841" ROADWAY PLAN STA. 171 + 00 TO STA. 183 + 00 DRAWING DATE DWG. NO. 03/26/2014 PPL0I7 DYMADOC DOCUMENT CODE JOT D3.03 DWG 4.R02 RDY 41015 63 oi 361 VERSION R-00 540 530 520 ! I: • I I "I I 5I0 I I I * |F— P R0FILE CRJ DE 500 I • L I 490 I I L 500 —I— E • _L;_ I • I : 1 —I— 1 : I 480 ] I • H —I I I 1 I | I —1 490 J 1 1 ~ — 1 ' I ; u - o 1 o + t : "TO­ GO 1 470 S S + R- £+ RO U < CL TL/> a> < VOLT 460 S CVJ 7 S 2 IN • S £A < CL I/> w> 2A < CL 2 < tV) r- < I— GO S V0 + i— 1/5 en y ST LD Z 1 !U OHIO RIVER 50 — o . — 1- o + 450 | 440 . " iI i• 430 - I — - « ~ T ~ " EXISTING G ROUND A LONG LINE •KY84I" C_> I— < 1— i~l n I ;I j i- — • 4-J i 1- LD Z _J 1 o - I < I— GO 1; YR WSE = 457.00 n 2 I ~R!~ - < "HI" 1 t• — — - 1— u i ^ _ J !_ i 420 4I0 _io 11 li 400 400 ; __ j IF NOTE: & L I. PIER LOCATIONS ARE UN0ER DEVEL0F MENT. SEE BRI0GE PLANS FOR DETAILS. V0 rO LD V <P CP CVJ V T ro CL £ _ CV LO T CC <71 CV. KD RO CO CVJ V co OR CVJ *r T zz CC +- IN CC CP (V. TX T KD <£ ro iN IN CP CVJ T — CVJ IN n IN' CP I O RO co O = IN CP (\j ro id CT > 2 3 ro O _ ID — CVJ v0 CO co O — ro ro id m ro ro id ro rO T v0 CP *r RO n" RD •J *R T crt V T CT> T LO vO ro -O r*- RO T r- (VI CO (P RO T _ vO O LO r-* O CP CP *X RO co *T *X ro GO CP *7 ^ CVJ 0)0 ro, cvj kD O kd co CP co CP vr CP — CP t 175+00 RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION OR LEAD ENGINEER DESCRIPTION O p- VO O CO CVJ CP ^ T CO 1 CVJ ZZ CVJ CP OT CP RO ^X L KD ro CO CP CP R^ CP ?O — O) _ 10 m CO RO _ — <X< lO ro IM *T CP r^ Or o> o o *X *T ^X O O in CSJ ro T CP RO T CP ! RO IN to ro T O 180+00 \\v CONSTRUCTION 03/26/2QM ANDREWP F3EY -10 28991 -o arc a/- DESIGNED: JCQ DRAWN: CHECKED: APF CHECKED: L JM VCENS^ QTJ Indiana Finance Authority] ft Ohio River Bridges - East End Crossing LINE "KY841" ROADWAY PROFILE STA. 171 + 00 TO STA. 183 + 00 HORIZONTAL SCALE BRIDGE FILE L' = 50' 1265-0-08572 VERTICAL SCALE DESIGNATION L"=5* KY84I DRAWING DATE 03/26/20'4 PPF0I6 61 of 36I DYMADOC DOCUMENT CODE VERSION JOT 03.03 owe 4.R02 ROY 41021 R-00 o o + in o o + o CD CD /'\\ •fc. n % % END SECTION 4 BEGIN SECTION 5 % 50' •7- 2 •fi. PERM. ESMT. FOR DRAINAGE AND REVEGETATION A\ >lv \ -K> . \ TV \) 5 r PROP». R/W fc C. END CONSTRUCTION KY 841 STA. 187+40.00 H""V \ o o 7® -W /< c ro ro rsj KY 841 SOUTHBOUND LINE •KY84I' I/) I • SH KY 841 NORTHBOUND r L 1 a.\ O ^ CJ V \ OP-305 \ <I »—ft PROP. R/W &~D.A. IF \s y \ •P. • • ' \ 7, -b> • IP y \ v ,\ r S PAVED DITCH i a s A :— INFILTRATION TUNNEL \A !0 *; \ * 32 PPL02? PL0I9 EEE3EEE3 in i£> r»o o || x az PPL020 PPL023 PPL024 PPL02I Q i= RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION 6/20 LEAO ENGINEER wv, CONSTRUCTION Z<of Z^X 03/26/2014 ViANDREW P. PREY PE-28991 Indiana Finance Authority] CHECKED: JCQ APF DRAWN: CHECKED: BRIDGE FILE l"=50' 1265-0-08572 VERTICAL SCALE DESIGNATION N/A RESPONSIBLE ENGINES" DESIGNED: HORIZONTAL SCALE LJM QTJ Ohio River Bridges - East End Crossing LINE "KY841" ROADWAY PLAN STA. 183 + 00 TO STA. 187 + 40 KY84I DRAWING DATE DWG. NO. 03/26/2014 PPL0I8 DYMADOC DOCUMENT CODE JOT 03.03 DWG 4.R02 ROY 41016 SHEET NO. 65 Of 361 VERSION R-00 " 540 540 ^SECTION 4 S ECTION 5 ^ 530 530 END CONST RUCTIO SJ SECT ION 4 P.O. T. STA 187+4 0.00 LINE 'KY84 ELE /. 502. 56 520 i \ j 510 520 \ 510 \ i 0FILE GRA DE -jr 500 500 i —i— j 490 i r i 480 1 470 in r- r+ 0=' UJ. ST S ij c- • 3+00 < QL fr­ iz) _i_ • CO .J < 500 YR 460 WSE = 4 57.00 450 | LU Z T —L 440 MATCH 440 .. OHIO RI /ER i H- 450 470 | C£ CO UJ 460 480 i ING GROUNDLINE ALONG LINE "K Y84I- _ PAVED DITCH / LTRATION TUNNEL ! —L 430 i r 430 i f \, TRANSYLVANIA BE ACH ROAD-f 420 420 410 410 5 § s Jd P , 13 CO < DQ 400 1 400 n NOTE: — <r t vD ro o m o X CM t cr* __ 10 — O in • 502.11 CO o o m 501.11 115 433.02 500.61 432.02 500.36 ,r i cv fT SO I' 89 ! ji 429.13 1. PIER LOCATIONS ARE UNDER DEVELOPMENT. SEE BRIDGE PLANS FOR DETAILS. ' t ZB ' 92 ** 111 s S -* m m- CM c-j O in s CO -r CM T V CO CV s 3 ' 185+00 RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION /20 LEAD ENGINEER \\v CONSTRUCTION 03/26/20M VS\ ANDREW P FREY PE-28991 "-Q, ft/C DESIGNED: CHECKED: "Mil"" JCO _APF DRAWN: CHECKED: L JM QTJ Indiana Finance Authority] ft Ohio River Bridges - East End Crossing LINE "KY841" ROADWAY PROFILE STA. 183 + 00 TO STA. 187 + 40 HORIZONTAL SCALE BRIDGE FILE l" =50' 1265-0-08572 VERTICAL SCALE DESIGNATION l* =5' KY84I DRAWING DATE 03/26/20!4 SHEET NO. PPF0I7 DYMADOC DOCUMENT CODE JOT 03.03 DWG 4.R02 ROY 41025 66 OI 361 VERSION R-00 % -A 73 TJ O. (S -v V c& & \0 - is °oto II5'-0* SPAN I «£ 540'-0' SPAN 2 \b> ^ i£ 540'-0' SPAN 4 \\ , \ 2510 1200 0^3 ,^A Tt- T7 70 Os 07 g 70 \n &*& --SECTION 4 SECTION 5 \ \ 70 > s* 07 \N o^ MN \ T ^ ^ C z_ -7 Xj & * IN •Jj. SPAN SECTION 5 SECTION 6 .|a ii5'-°; *p5 L AN \ — & 2 PGL BR DGE a PT OF MIN VERT CLEARANCE Pi _ a N-41 s £ PIER 2 G £ PIER 5 % 'v^S^o \ O £ TOWER 3 ' WER A -p X FRONT FACE OF BACKWALL STA. 212+50 x\ "/Ox KY C* -P PLAN SCALE: 1* = LOO'-O' H5'-0 SIMPLE SPAN STEEL I-GIROER l200'-0" £ TOWER A STA 205+95.00 PGL EL. 511.835 SECTION 0.51% 0.50% sr-Q' * £ TRANSYLVANIA BEACH ROAD MINIMUM CLEARANCE 71' MIN. VERT. CLEARANCE -JLn\ V OHIO RIVER £ UPPER RIVER ROAD o td bd J APPROXIMATE ROCK LINE 52 , , SECTION 5 SECTION 6 , , I? APPROX RIVER BOTTOM STA 205+14.62 ELEVATION o o o m SECTION 4 SECTION 5 6'-6-MIN LAT CLEARANCE IIHIBI! J IQ39'-2YI* MEASURED ALONG £ BRIDGE STA 194+75.38 SCALE: I* = lOO'-O' CM r CM oo 0.50% VPC a SECT ON NORMAL POOL ELEV. = 418.8' 100 YR. HW ELEV. = 451.70 0.50% 5 FRONT FACE OF BACKWALL STA 212+50.00 PGL EL. 516.988 £ PIER 5 STA 211+35.00 PGL EL. 515.772 El. 718.80 EL. 712.80 SECTION 4 SECTION 5 SIMPLE SPAN STEEL I-GIROER 540'-0" C TOWER 3 STA 193+95.00 PGL EL. 505.835 £ PIER 2 STA 188+55.00 188+5 PGL EL. 503.135 £ PIER » STA 187+AO.OO PGL EL. 502.560 H5'-0 2280'-0' THREE-SPAN STEEL COMPOSITE CABLE-STAYED BRIDGE 540'-0' L25Z < VPC " NOTES: VPT 0.51%. LEGEND: 1. FOR GENERAL NOTES. SEE DWG NOs GN002-GN004. VPT 2. BRIDGE LENGTHS AND SPAN LENGTHS GIVEN ARE HORIZONTAL PROJECTIONS ALONG CENTERLlNE OF BRIDGE. H II ROADWAY PROFILE 3. PIER I IS INCLUDED UNDER SECTION 4. 10/07/13 LEAD ENGINEER DATE w CONSTRUCTION r> &-TC06- SX -T>. STATE OF -,o ''III I0/07/I3 RESPONSIBLE ENGINEER PE11100403 arc HifJj C MPL _[N5_ PRAWN: ALR TNS • INDICATES 360' GREEN CHANNEL CENTER LIGHT ©INDICATES 180" RED CHANNEL MARGIN LIGHT NOT TO SCALE RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION E = EXPANSION F = FIXED EJ = EXPANSION JOINT Indiana Finance Authority] ft HORIZONTAL SCALE BRIDGE FILE AS NOTED 1265-0-08572 VERTICAL SCALE DESIGNATION AS NOTED 1-265 Ohio River Bridges - East End Crossing DRAWING DATE DWG. NO GENERAL PLAN AND ELEVATION 10/07/13 PL005 SHEET NO. 06 01 OYMADOC DOCUMENT CODE VERSION JDT 03.03 DWG 5.ALL STR 53005 R-00 13 t 'KY84I'—f — \ KY84I NORTHBOUND 31 / _ S4-A2-52 \ 1 ,4 S4-A2-52A 24" PIPE — A2 66'PIPE 4-A2-53A PIP ' *ro*u STORM STOKU s„f>= STOtt. 24* PIPE 24' PIPE S4-A2-52B STORM PIPE 18" PIPE - 18- PIPE NOISE WALL -- sro*, • CONTROL BOX FOR HYDROCARBON — SENSOR (SEE TUNNEL MECHANICAL DRAWING FOR DETAILS) STORMWATER TREATMENT & SPILL CONTAINMENT SYSTEM Sil^Aa.-5'l Z Z XJ A •P STqru B sronu AZSTOPK, EXISTINC GROUND EXISTING GROUND CONTROL BOX FOR HYDROCARBON SENSOR (SEE TUNNEL MECHANICAL DRAWING FOR DETAILS) / «:/ ?! Z3 t:l INSTALL A VENT PIPE AT EACH CORNER OF THE BOX PER MECHANICAL DRAWING-AIR MONITORING SYSTEM. NBML 5£ S3 2 NBML 2. THE BOX SUPPLIER SHALL CONTACT THE ENGINEER OF RECORD TO COORDINATE BOX DESIGN MANUAL CONTROL GATE 5 BYPASS MANHOLE WITH WEIR '3 ft S4-A2-53 STA. 133+53.25. (69.79' RT.) (KY841) CONST. MANHOLE TYPE C W/ 8.83'x4.0'x8.50' PIPE CHAMBER T/G 463.58 I.E. 443.12 (AH & BK) 66' STORM SEWER PIPE II II 18' STORM SEWER PIPE Jt S4-A2-53A STA. 133+68.42, (69.68'RT.) (KY84I) CONST. MANHOLE TYPE C W/ 8.83'x4.0'x8.50' PIPE CHAMBER T/G 463.82 I.E. 436.53 (AH) 66'STORM I.E. 443.06 (BK) SEWER PIPE S4-A2-54 STORMWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM & SPILL CONTAINMENT SYSTEM (VORTECHS PCI42I OR APPROVED EOUAL BY THE ENGINEER OF RECORD.) 18' STORM SEWER PIPE LEAD ENGINEER DATE S4-A2-54 STORMWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM & SPILL CONTAINMENT SYSTEM (VORTECHS PCI42I OR APPROVED EOUAL BY THE ENGINEER OF RECORD.) 3. THE BOX SUPPLIER SHALL ALSO PROVIDE THE DETAILED SHOP DRAWING AND STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS SIGNED AND SEALED BY A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF KENTUCKY. 4. CONTRACTOR INSTALLS A MANUAL CONTROL SLUICE GATE PURCHASED FROM FONTAINE OR APPROVED EOUAL BY THE ENGINEER OF RECORD. 5. FOLLOW THE SUPPLIER'S SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTING STORMWATER TREATMENT BOX, BYPASS MANHOLE AND MANUAL CONTROL SLUICE GATE. SECTION B-B NTS SECTION A-A NTS RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION 1. THE BOX SUPPLIER SHALL DESIGN STORMWATER TREATMENT BOX AND BYPASS MANHOLE TO ACCOMMODATE THE WATER OUALITY PROTECTION VOLUME BASED ON I IN. OF RAINFALL. BRIDGE FILE HORIZONTAL SCALE w CONSTRUCTION I"=I5' 4^% V^JA YEONTAE JEONG PE-29310 /7 jf RESPONSIPOF ENGINEER j/ K Fj _ „ Z /T: \S _HQ_ jy_ _LL Indiana Finance Authority] DATE ft DESIGNATION VERTICAL SCALE NTS KY84I Ohio River Bridges - East End Crossing DRAWING DATE DWG. NO. DRAINAGE DETAIL STORMWATER TREATMENT DETAIL 03/26/20I4 PDS046 SHEET NO. 204 Of 36! DYMADOC DOCUMENT CODE VERSION JDT 03.03 OWG 4.R02 DRN 42023 R-00 l 0 KY84I NORTHBOUND :XJ"V • N 430 . • . ..-V ED 06V A4 20' -\I^LV.V.V" • • • • - • • 490 •' •* :V CULVERT;—' S'kfrBOx Cdtvi • • • • ' •- • 490 ;;;;) 490 A V S4 A4 480 36 480 STORU S4.-A*.-6 St OR* 5TC« A%° JS-P.IPT. V 3 17 M — I R *3B£BBBS£5FFL:''.I iw y $/ POND N. — X 470 BBSS' ''2 CLASS IV CHANNEL' LINING 050 = 0. 5 , T = 1:5' • 469.0 O S LT TRAP TYPE W B POND LIMIT OF IMPERMEABLE LAYER V FOREBAY A EXISTING GROUND — 450 PONO © wmAimi —Y- x> ( SECTION A-A <GSG- fr? NOTES! % GENCY SPILLWAY I. SEE DRAINAGE DETAIL PDS050 FOR POND CONTROL STRUCTURE DETAIL. 09V POND HYDRAULIC DATA: Q2IN= 13.7 CFS, Q20UT= 0.8 CFS 010IN= 20.3 CFS. 0100UT = 1.1 CFS 050IN= 28.2 CFS. 0500UT= 1.3 CFS OIOOIN= 32.0 CFS. OIOOOUT= 1.4 CFS WATER OUALITY VOLUME- 0.20 AC-FT SPILL CONTAINMENT VOLUME= 26.000 GAL (0.08 AC-FT) 460 A . • .0.0 490 500 SILT TRAP TYPE B TOP EL. 472.00 480 r- a n 23 5^/ ^ HW2- 471.7 HWIO= 472.8 HW50= 473.9 L-5* HWIOO= 474.5 469.7 480 ~| SECTION D-D NTS 24' STORM SEWER PIPE 430 460 440. 450. *M EL. 480.0 EL. 469.0 l2l'-24' STORM SEWER PIPE In POND A 470 H 88 OU EL. 475.0—v EL. 475.0 S4-A4-7 I STA. 153+04.68. 072.11' RT.) (KY84I) CONST. POND CONTROL STRUCTURE T/G 475.00 I.E. 468 EX ST NG GROUND \ CLASS IV CHANNEL LINING 050 = 1.0'. T = 3.0' 24LST0RM SEWER PIPE BOTTOM EL. 469.0 460 INSTALL INTERMEDIATE ANCHOR PER RDX-060-03 490 S4-A4-7 POND A 470 EL. 476.0 S4-A4-3 CLASS IV CHANNEL LINING I 12' I STA.-I50+50.00, (79.04' RT.) (KY84I) h* H D50 = 0.5'. T = 1.5' CONST. DROP BOX INLET TYPE I BOTTOM EL. 469.0 T/G 487.67 T7E. 479.93 IRT) EXISTING GROUND S4-A4-5 I.E. 483.50 (BK) STA. 151 + 34.68. (168. 39' RT.) (KY84I) CONST. 24" HEADWALL 0* SKEW I.E. 469.00 SECTION E-E NTS EMERGENCY SPILLWAY TYPICAL I4 20 40 60 50 2 S K. £ 100 120 140 160 180 220 200 240 260 280 2C 60 80 REV 6/20 LEAD ENGINEER DATE: DESCRIPTION 120 160 180 SECTION C-C SECTION B-B RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION 100 140 BRIDGE FILE HORIZONTAL SCALE DATE w CONSTRUCTION l' = 20' Q3/26/20I4 ? ( { YEONTAE JEONG PE-29310 \ } ENGMEEN ' : Jo: • DESIGNED: CHECKED: HP YJ DATE f Indiana Finance Authority CHECKED: JH YJ KY84I N/A Ohio River Bridges - East End Crossing DRAWN: DESIGNATION VERTICAL SCALE DRAINAGE DETAIL POND A DETAIL DRAWING DATE DWG. NO. 03/26/2014 PDS047 SHEET NO. 205 of 361 DYMADOC DOCUMENT CODE VERSION JDT D3.03 DWG 4.R02 DRN 42024 R-00 ^7 KY84I NORTHBOUND 77T7T vSC.V-.V. .--.Q ' 490 ^-OEF I ' • I < * >- \ . . . . . . . . . . . <*> <90 -- S4-A4-4ffr 067 PITCH .13rBT ~== -- - • ::::::::}}}l 30' <30 SILT IK B <90 490 490 X POND XO^ A A4 FOREBAY ^482= 485 === POND CLASS D50 G CH fV 061 LINING •80 •7£> I»P •70 IMPERMEABLE LINING 067 EMERGENCY SP L WAY B 0 £ PROP .10 •80 480 R/W •IS .90 .60 •90 S .I° V' O 470 <>o V6 G> .10 •70 & •Jo V XO5 »FCO «O^- A •L 7 EL. 484 'TOM E LEVATION 478.00 470 EL. 485 A , EL. 484—v CLASS IV CHANNEL LINING D50 = 1.0', T = 3.0' EXIST NG GROUND . EL. —" SECT ON D-D NTS 30' R. O n 20 40 ?, 2 60 80 100 120 HW10- 482.5 _*_HWWOV- 479. 'RCP STORM SEWER PIFE ! ! o o I. SEE DRAINAGE DETAIL PDS050 FOR POND CONTROL STRUCTURE DETAIL. SILT TRAP TYPE BTOP EL. 483.00 _X_HW50= 483.5 —3C_HW2= 481.5 NOTES: TYPICAL SPILLWAY DETAIL SECTION C-C NTS 130 SECTION B-B HWIOO- 484,0 POND HYDRAULIC OATA: 02IN= 54.4 CFS, 020UT = 15.0 CFS 0I0IN= 79.3 CFS. OIOOUT = 19.0 CFS 050IN= 109.3 CFS. 0500UT= 22.4 CFS 0100IN= 124.0 CFS. OIOOOUT= 23.9 CFS WATER OUALITY V0LUME= 1.26 AC-FT SPILL CONTAINMENT VOLUME= 26.000 GAL (0.08 AC-FT) CLASS IV CHANNEL LINING D50 = 1.0', T = 3.0' POND B-FOREBAY PONO B BOTTOM ELEVAT ON 478. S4-A4-9 ••83.75. 184.93' RT; (KY84I) POND CONTROLSTRUCTURE L EXISTING GROUNDS /G 4 00 ^ _ _ _ _ _ 7.00 OO 52 52 « O II 20 40 80 IOC 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 500 320 340 J60 580 400 420 440 460 480 500 620 540 560 580 600 620 640 660 680 700 720 740 760 780 800 82C 840 860 873 SECTION A-A RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION 6/20 LEAD ENGINEER .IIII"NI. DESCRIPTION wv CONSTRUCTION BRIDGE FILE HORIZONTAL SCALE l' = 30' 3/25/2QI4 YEONTAE JEONG PE-29310 ENGINEER la:: DESIGNED: CHECKED: HP YJ DATE Indiana Finance Authority] ft CHECKED: JH YJ KY84I N/A Ohio River Bridges - East End Crossing DRAWN: DESIGNATION VERTICAL SCALE DRAINAGE DETAIL POND B DETAIL DRAWING DATE DWG. NO. 03/26/2014 PDS048 SHEET NO. 206 Oi 361 DYMADOC DOCUMENT CODE VERSION JOT D3.03 DWG 4.R02 DRN 42025 R-00 X •••A \ / JL % 6,281.2™ t KY841- mm a-* KY84I • \ _ • • A CD - . : T \ ...\.v::: 30' r •* S4 w. 6;'x5 RT BOX CUL •V «- STOW STORM S4.LA4-4' StORU S4?A4:6; 24 RCP ?<• Sr0?M \ A POND ' Of •;24' R C P 4 Off* 410 > A4 POND <90 4*0 <60 Outfall S4-A4-4A 08• t 0» L'.-V 450 Q -W; 500 500,- 490 480; S4-A4-4AA r STA. 51+36.29. 27.55' RT. (RIVERRO) CONST. 36* HEADWALL 0* SKEW r£H53719 I I 470 PROP. WW 68'-24" RCP-&TORMISEWER [PIPE s = 460: S4-A4-4 STA. 51+97.77. 83.29' CON .T, MANHC TYPE B W/ 5.0' CONE RISER T/C 469.56 I.E. 459.00 I.E.456.00 1 L 24' STORM —v SEWER-PIPE ^0- 490 247'-24* RCf 24' STORMTSEWER RCP ~S = 1.797. 280—24* RCP ST DRMSE WER PI S4-A4-6 STA. 153+05.11, 150.52'RT. (KY841) MANHOLE TYPE B :ONE RISER S6 .00 (B« I.E. 464.00 (AH) I.E. 467.00 (LT) A4-1A 450' STA 51+ 71.06. 18. 75'LT. (RIVERRO)CONST. DROP BOX INLET TYPE 2 /G 462.00 E. 454.176 (BK> | I E. 453.76 (AH) 440 430„ E 20 CONCRETE COLLAR (SEE ORAINAGE DETAIL PDS040) 100 120 140 160 180 40 £. I4'-36*RCP STORM SEWER PIPE RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION LEAD ENGINEER DATE 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 43' OF EXIST. 1-36- STORM SEWER RCP (TO REMAIN) CONCRETE COLLAR (SEE ORAINAGE DETAIL PDS040) REV. —U S4-A4-8 j—STA.^155+39.00, 129.68 RT. (KY84I) CONST. MANHOLE TYPE 3 ! W/ 5.0'CONE RISER —I-T/G 485.46 - ItET^473;OOABK) : I.E. 469.00 :(AJJ>_ -C r —— " 1.73'/. .84'/. DESCRIPTION 440 460 480 500 520 480 231—24" RCP STORM-7 SEWER PIPE T 5 = 2.02'/T r S4-A4-9 STA.-157+83.75. 184.93'RT. (KY841) PONO CONTROL STRUCTURE T/G 484.00 I I.E. 477.00 4 70 460 450 1 440 540 560 580 600 620 640 660 680 700 720 740 760 780 800 SECTION A-A 820 840 860 880 900 920 NOTES: I. SEE DRAINAGE DETAIL PDS050 FOR POND OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE. \\v CONSTRUCTION .iiH'iiii,, BRIDGE RLE HORIZONTAL SCALE POO»<<>/ vi- >03/26/2014 Indiana Finance Authority] DESIGNATION VERTICAL SCALE N/A Z*\ PE-29310 .'CT. Ohio River Bridges - East End Crossing DESIGNED: HP DRAWN: CHECKED: YJ CHECKED: JH DRAINAGE DETAIL ''>?!pNH.gxS YJ POND OUTFALL DETAIL KY 841 DRAWING DATE DWG. NO. 03/26/2014 PDS049 207 01 DYMADOC DOCUMENT CODE JOT 03.03 OWG 4.R02 DRN 42026 R-00 361 OHIO RIVER BRIDGES - KENTUCKY SECTION WELLHEAD PROTECTION AREA - DRAINAGE DOCUMENTATION Doc n°: Rev. Date Page WVC D3.03 RPT 4.ALL DRN 10001 R-02 June 25,2014 72 of 76 Appendix C Water Quality Protection Volume Calculations (HEC-HMS Input and Output) UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OHIO RIVER BRIDGES - KENTUCKY SECTION WELLHEAD PROTECTION AREA - DRAINAGE DOCUMENTATION Doc n°: Rev. Date Page WVC D3.03 RPT 4.ALL DRN 10001 R-02 June 25,2014 73 of 76 Information source – Appendix G Section 4 Drainage report JDT D3.03 RPT 4.R03 DRN 42106 R01 Note : S. Harrods = Storm Water treatment Box UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OHIO RIVER BRIDGES - KENTUCKY SECTION WELLHEAD PROTECTION AREA - DRAINAGE DOCUMENTATION Doc n°: Rev. Date Page WVC D3.03 RPT 4.ALL DRN 10001 R-02 June 25,2014 74 of 76 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OHIO RIVER BRIDGES - KENTUCKY SECTION WELLHEAD PROTECTION AREA - DRAINAGE DOCUMENTATION Doc n°: Rev. Date Page WVC D3.03 RPT 4.ALL DRN 10001 R-02 June 25,2014 75 of 76 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OHIO RIVER BRIDGES - KENTUCKY SECTION WELLHEAD PROTECTION AREA - DRAINAGE DOCUMENTATION Doc n°: Rev. Date Page WVC D3.03 RPT 4.ALL DRN 10001 R-02 June 25,2014 76 of 76 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Attachment 5 - Current Permits LEONARD K. PETERS STEVEN L. BESHEAR SECRETARY GOVERNOR ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT CABINET DEPARTMENT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DIVISION OF WATER 200 FAIR OAKS LANE, 4TH FLOOR FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY 40601 April 8, 2013 David Sikorski WVB East End Partners 1302 Port Rd Jeffersonville, IN 47130 Re: KYR10 Coverage Acknowledgment KPDES No.: KYR10H336 Ohio River Bridges – Section 4 & 5 Permit Type: Construction AI ID: 115698 Jefferson County, Kentucky Dear Mr. Sikorski: The discharges associated with the Notice of Intent you submitted have been approved for coverage under the “Kentucky Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (KPDES) General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Construction Activities (KYR10)” permit. This coverage becomes effective the date of this correspondence and will remain effective until the general permit expires or the Division of Water revokes coverage. During this period of coverage all discharges shall comply with the conditions of the applicable general permit. A copy of the general permit the operator is now covered by can be found on our website: Any questions concerning the general permit and its requirements should be directed to me at (502) 564-3410. Facility Site: East End Prospect area of Louisville near Ohio River, Prospect (Jefferson County), KY 40059 Sincerely, Emily Hogue KPDES Branch Division of Water An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D STEVEN L. BESHEAR GOVERNOR LEONARD K. PETERS SECRETARY ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT CABINET DEPARTMENT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DIVISION OF WATER 200 FAIR OAKS LANE, 4TH FLOOR FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY 40601 May 7, 2013 Indiana Department of Transportation Attention: Thomas Warrner 100 North Senate Avenue, Room N642 Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 Re: Water Quality Certification #2013-017-7M Louisville- Southern Indiana Ohio River Bridges Project, East End Bridge Sections 4 & 5 USACE ID No.: LRL-2011-375-cmh AI No.: 115698; Activity ID: APE20120002 UTs of and Harrods Creek, Ohio River Jefferson County, Kentucky Dear Mr. Warrner: Pursuant to Section 401 of the Clean Water Act (CWA), the Commonwealth of Kentucky certifies it has reasonable assurances that applicable water quality standards under Kentucky Administrative Regulations Title 401, Chapter 10, established pursuant to Sections 301, 302, 303, 304, 306, and 307 of the CWA, will not be violated by the above referenced project provided that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers authorizes the activity under 33 CFR part 330, and the attached conditions are met. Please review of the materials carefully. All future correspondence on this project must reference AI No. 115698. The attached document is your official Water Quality Certification; please read it carefully. If you should have any questions concerning the conditions of this water quality certification, please contact Chloe Tewksbury at (502) 5643410 Extension 4863 or Sincerely, Barbara Scott, Supervisor Water Quality Certification Section Kentucky Division of Water BJS:CT Attachments cc: Gregory McKay, USACE: Louisville District (via email: Philip Banton, Parsons (via email: Thomas Warrner, INDOT (via email: Gina Morris, Third Rock Consultants (via email: Lee Andrews, USFWS: Frankfort (via email: Jenny Owen, Salt River Basin Coordinator (via email: Danny Peake, KYTC (via email: David Waldner, KYTC (via An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D Water Quality Certification East End Bridge - Jefferson Co Facility Requirements Permit Number:WQC #2013-017-7M Activity ID No.: APE20120002 Page 1 of 3 ACTV0000000001 (UTs to Harrods Creek, Harrods Creek, Ohio River) Louisville- Southern Indiana Ohio River Bridges Project, East End Approach and Bridge Over the Ohio River- Kentucky: Submittal/Action Requirements: Condition No. Condition S-1 Indiana Department of Transportation shall submit notification: Due prior to any construction activity that involves the discharge of fill materials into jurisdictional surface waters of the Commonwealth to the Kentucky Division of Water, 401 Water Quality Certification Project Manager. This notification shall include proof of purchase of a total of 1.86 Adjusted Mitigation Units as compensatory mitigation for impacts to 0.774 acre of wetland associated with the proposed project. The Adjusted Mitigation Units shall be purchased from the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, Wetland and Stream Mitigation Program. The in-lieu fee payment shall be calculated as total Adjusted Mitigation Units multiplied by the current monetary rate. The U.S. Army of Corps of Engineers may have different compensatory mitigation requirements; however, the greater amount shall be purchased. [Clean Water Act] S-2 Indiana Department of Transportation shall submit notification: Due when construction is complete to the Kentucky Division of Water, 401 Water Quality Certification Project Manager at 502-564-3410. [Clean Water Act] S-3 Other permits may be required from the Division of Water for this project. If this project takes place within the floodplain, a permit may be required from the Surface Water Permits Branch. The contact person is Todd Powers. If this project will disturb one acre or more of land, or is part of a larger common plan of development or sale that will ultimately disturb one acre or more of land, a KPDES general storm water permit will be required from the Surface Water Permits Branch. The contact person is Cassie Campbell. Both can be reached at 502/564-3410. [Clean Water Act] S-4 A copy of the in-lieu fee receipt paid to the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, Wetland and Stream Mitigation Program must be submitted to the 401 Water Quality Certification Project Manager before the fillings of jurisdictional waters begins. [Clean Water Act] Water Quality Certification East End Bridge - Jefferson Co Facility Requirements Permit Number:WQC #2013-017-7M Activity ID No.: APE20120002 Page 2 of 3 ACTV0000000001 (continued): Narrative Requirements: Condition No. T-1 Condition The work approved by this certification shall be limited to the jurisdictional impacts associated with the Louisville-Southern Indiana Ohio River Bridges Project, East End Bridge Project, Section 4 (the Kentucky approach to the East End bridge) and 5 (the East End Bridge over the Ohio River). A new bridge and approach roadways connecting KY 841 (Gene Snyder Freeway) and eastern Jefferson County, Kentucky with S.R. 265 (Lee Hamilton Highway) in eastern Clark County, Indiana (Alignment A-15). This alternative includes interchanges at U.S. 42 in Kentucky and at Salem Road and S.R. 265/S.R. 62 in Indiana. Total project impacts include the following: - 155 linear feet of an unnamed, perennial tributary to Harrods Creek (culverting) - 100 linear feet of Harrods Creek, a perennial stream (piers) - 177 linear feet of Ohio River (piers) - 0.554 acre of palustrine emergent wetland (right-of-way fill) - 0.220 acre of palustrine forested wetland (right-of-way fill) . [Clean Water Act] T-2 The Kentucky Division of Water requires compensatory mitigation for the wetland losses associated with this project. A total of 1.86 wetland Adjusted Mitigation Units shall be purchased from the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, Wetland and Stream Mitigation Program. The in-lieu fee payment shall be calculated as total Adjusted Mitigation Units multiplied by the current monetary rate. The U.S. Army of Corps of Engineers may have different compensatory mitigation requirements; however, the greater amount shall be purchased. [Clean Water Act] T-3 All work performed under this certification shall adhere to following documents: - The design and specifications set forth in the Section 401 Permit Application for the Louisville-Southern Indiana Ohio River Bridges Project, Section 4Construction of New East End Approach- Kentucky, Section 5- Construction of New East End Bridge- Kentucky, received January 29, 2013. - The Summary of Stream and Wetland Impacts, East End Bridge Kentucky, Section 4 and 5 Mitigation Calculation Table, submitted via electronic mail on February 7, 2013. [Clean Water Act] T-4 Indiana Department of Transportation is responsible for preventing degradation of waters of the Commonwealth from soil erosion. An erosion and sedimentation control plan must be designed, implemented, and maintained in effective operating condition at all times during construction. Exposed soils and other fills must be stabilized at the earliest practicable date. [Clean Water Act] T-5 The Division of Water reserves the right to modify or revoke this certification should it be determined that the activity is in noncompliance with any condition set forth in this certification. [Clean Water Act] Water Quality Certification East End Bridge - Jefferson Co Facility Requirements Permit Number:WQC #2013-017-7M Activity ID No.: APE20120002 ACTV0000000001 (continued): Page 3 of 3 Narrative Requirements: Condition No. Condition T-6 If construction does not commence within two years of the date of this letter, this certification will become void. A letter requesting a renewal should be submitted. [Clean Water Act] T-7 Dredging work shall not be conducted during the fish spawning season, April 15th through June 15th. [Clean Water Act] T-8 Mitigation for impacts shall begin prior to or concurrently with impacts. [Clean Water Act] T-9 Check dams are not allowed within the stream channel. [Clean Water Act] T-10 Remove all sediment and erosion control measures after re-vegetation has become well-established. [Clean Water Act] STEPHEN L. BESHEAR GOVERNOR ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT CABINET D EPARTMENT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION D IVISION OF W ATER 200 F AIR OAKS LANE F RANKFORT, KENTUCKY 40601 www.kent LEONARD K. PETERS SECRETARY ATTENTION APPLICANT If your project involves one or more of the following activities, you may need more than one permit from the Kentucky Division of Water. *building in a floodplain *road culvert in a stream *streambank stabilization *stream cleanout *utility line crossing a stream *construction sites an acre or more • If the project will disturb one acre or more of land, or is part of a larger common plan of development or sale that will ultimately disturb one acre or more of land, a Kentucky Pollution Discharge Elimination System (KPDES) stormwater permit shall be required from the Operational Permits Section. This permit requires the creation of an erosion control plan. Contact Allen Ingram. • Projects that involve filling in the floodplain will require a stream construction permit from the Floodplain Management Section. Contact Todd Powers. • Projects that involve work IN a stream, such as bank stabilization, road culverts, utility line crossings, and stream alteration will require a stream construction permit and a Water Quality Certification from the Water Quality Certification Section. Contact Barbara Scott. All three contacts listed above can be reached at 502/564-3410. A complete listing of environmental programs administered by the Kentucky Department for Environmental Protection is available from Pete Goodman by calling 502/564-3410. Kentucky An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D GENERAL CONDI TIONS FOR WATER QUALI TY CERTI FICATION 1. The Kentucky Division o f Water may require submission o f a form al application for an Individual Certifi cation fo r any project i f the p roject has b een determined to likely h ave a signifi cant advers e effect upon water qu ality or degrade th e wat ers o f the Commonwealth so that existing uses o f the water body or downstream waters are precluded. 2. Nationwide permits issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for projects in Outstanding State Resource Waters, Cold Water Aquatic Habitats, and Exceptional Waters as defined by 401 KAR 10:026 shall require individual water quality certifications. 3. Erosion and sedimentation pollution control plans and Best Management Practices must be designed, installed, and maintained in effective operating condition at all times during construction activities so that violations of state water quality standards do not occur. 4. Sediment and erosion control measures (e.g., check-dams, silt fencing, or hay bales) shall not be placed within surface waters o f the Commonwealth, either temporarily or p erman ently, without prior approval by the Kentu cky Division o f Water’s Water Quality Certifi cation Section. If placement o f sediment and erosion control measures in su rface waters is unavoidable, placement sh all not be condu cted in such a manner th at may caus e instability o f streams that are adjacent to, upstream, or downstream o f the structures. All sediment and erosion control measures shall be removed and the natural grade restored prior to withdrawal from the site. 5. Measures shall be tak en to prevent or control spills of fu els, lubricants, or other toxic materials used in construction from entering the watercou rse. 6. To the maximum extent practicable, all in-stream wo rk und er this certi fication shall be perform ed during low flow. 7. Heavy equipment (e.g. bulldozers, backhoes, draglines, etc.), if required for this project, should not be used or operated within the stream channel. In those instances where such in-stream work is unavoidable, then it shall be p erfo rmed in such a m anner and duration as to minimize re-suspension o f sediments and disturbance to the channel, banks, or riparian vegetation. 8. If there are water supply intak es located do wnstream that may be affected by increased turbidity, the permittee shall notify the operator when work will be performed. 9. Removal of existing riparian veget ation should be restricted to the minimum necessary fo r project construction. 10. Should stream pollution, wetland impairment, and/or violations of water quality standards occur as a result of this activity (either from a spill or other fo rms of water pollution), the Kentucky Division of Water shall be notified immediately by calling 800/564-2380. STEVEN L. BESHEAR GOVERNOR LEONARD K. PETERS SECRETARY ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT CABINET DEPARTMENT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DIVISION OF WATER 200 FAIR OAKS LANE, 4TH FLOOR FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY 40601 April 7, 2014 Indiana Department of Transportation Attention: Thomas Warner 100 North Senate Avenue, Room N642 Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 Re: Nationwide Permit No. 15 Ohio River Bridges Project, East End Crossing, Section 5, Bridge Design Modification Request Reference: WQC #2013-017-7M; USACE ID No. LRL-2011-375-cmh AI No.: 115698; Activity ID: APE20140001 Ohio River, River Mile 595 Jefferson County, Kentucky Dear Mr. Warner: This letter transmits to you a copy of our General Water Quality Certification for Nationwide Permit # 15 for U.S. Coast Guard Approved Bridges for authorization regarding the proposed plans for bridge design modification from the concrete cable-stayed bridge with mono-leg towers to the diamond tower steel composite cable-stayed bridge. The length of impact proposed is estimated to be 118 feet. An individual Water Quality Certification is not necessary for this activity provided that this project has received the appropriate Nationwide Permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and all conditions of the attached General Water Quality Certification are met. Although an Individual WQC is not needed, other permits from the Division of Water may be required. If this activity occurs within a floodplain, a Permit to Construct Across or Along a Stream may be required. Please contact Todd Powers (502-564-3410) for more information. If the project will disturb one acre or more of land, or is part of a larger common plan of development or sale that will ultimately disturb one acre or more of land, a Kentucky Pollution Discharge Elimination System (KPDES) stormwater permit shall be required from the Surface Water Permits Branch. This permit requires the development of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). The SWPPP must include erosion prevention and sediment control measures. Contact: Surface Water Permits Branch (SWPB) Support (502-564-3410 or All future correspondence on this project must reference AI No. 115698. If you should have any questions concerning this letter, please contact me at or (502) 564-3410 Extension 4863. An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D Sincerely, Chloe Brantley, Project Manager Water Quality Certification Section Kentucky Division of Water AJ:CB Attachments cc: Gregory McKay, USACE: Louisville District (via email: Charles Hagan, USACE: Louisville District (via email: Philip Banton, Parsons (via email: Thomas Warrner, INDOT (via email: Danny Peake, KYTC (via email: David Waldner, KYTC (via