Cost Effective Multi - Pulse Transformer Solutions For Harmonic Mitigation in AC Drives Gary L. Skibinski Nick Guskov Dong Zhou Rockwell Automation Drives Division 6400 W. Enterprise Drive Mequon, WI 53092 Tel: 262-512-7151 Fax: 262-512-8300 Email: Abstract – More and more ac drive installations are requiring manufacturer’s to improve line side harmonics to ultimately meet IEEE Harmonic Std 519-1992 on site [1]. This paper reveals several patented transformer topologies for such an effort. Compared with other harmonic solutions, auto and isolated transformers possess advantages as being simple, reliable, minimal line resonance problems and relatively cost effective. The proposed nine and twelve-phase auto-transformers can be viewed as a polygon winding type, where besides achieving an improved input current harmonics, junction points among various windings along the polygon can be wired out for step- down, unity and step-up voltage transfers. When electrically isolated primary windings are added, unlimited transfer ratio is available for every application. Application of these new industrial transformer devices, along with simple power diode energy conversion methods, result in a robust and reliable system that provides good DC bus regulation for AC drives utilizing a common DC bus configuration. The proposed topologies also provide a high AC input power factor and minimize harmonic currents to the Utility Interface. The paper provides technical analysis and field site data on the new topologies, as well as per unit metric comparison to other harmonic mitigation techniques versus horsepower size. I. INTRODUCTION Standard AC drive topologies utilize AC-DC-AC power conversion with a three phase rectifying bridge for the AC-DC function. A three-phase diode or SCR bridge generates 6 pulse type current that is ~ 32% rich in total harmonic current distortion [2]. As ac drives proliferate, equipment system specifications limiting the amount of harmonic current injected into the grid are becoming more common and thus solicit cost effective harmonic mitigation solutions. System specifications are often written so measured total harmonic distortion at the Point of Common Coupling (PCC) in Fig. 1 complies with the maximum low voltage total harmonic distortion levels (THDV) and system classification of IEEE 519 Table 10.2 and current distortion limits of Table 10.3. The PCC is usually at the power metering point (PCC1) where other customers connect to the common line voltage but may also be at (PCC2) or (PCC3) within a plant where linear and non-linear loads are connected. System classification and (THDV) options are Special Application @ 3%, Dedicated System @ 10 % and most specified option of General System @ 5%. Current harmonic distortion (THDI) of a single non-linear load is defined as the square root of the sum of the squares of all harmonic currents divided by the fundamental component of the non-linear load. However, Table 10.3 defines total harmonic current distortion limits in a system as Total Demand Distortion (TDD). TDD limiting values are dependent on the ratio of short circuit current (ISC) at the PCC to the maximum demand load current (IL) supplied by the user. There are five classifications of (ISC/IL), but worst case TDD limit of 5% for an (ISC/IL)< 20 is often used. IEEE 2003 Industry Application Society (IAS) conference utility transformer distribution transformer PCC1 Drive 600m of cable PCC2 PCC3 AC AC 2500kVA 5.75%Z 480Vsec 250kVA 5.75%Z 480Vsec Linear Load A Linear Load B Other Customer Fig. 1 One line showing various harmonic distortion measurement points TDD = h=n 2 ∑ Ih h=2 Eq. (1) IL Fig. 2 shows THDI of available solutions applied at PCC3. Only the 18 pulse, active filter and synchronous converter front end solutions are able to meet IEEE TDD limit of 5% at PCC3 and PCC1. The passive LC type has a typical THDI ~9% and is regarded as cost effective [3]. However, it is well known to have problems of resonance and leading power factor at noload condition [4]. The LC filter requires a detailed harmonic analysis to determine if a TDD limit of 5% is possible at PCC3 in the installation. Active shunt, series and even hybrid filters are promising but remain expensive and questionable in reliability [5]. Analysis of Harmonic Canceling Reactors [6] or Line-side Inter-phase Transformer (LIT) [7] shows their effectiveness but does not prove their cost competitiveness. An Auto-transformer solution is investigated in this paper as a preferred embodiment because it does not introduce resonance in power system, is reliable and relatively cost effective. Integrating power switching devices with an autotransformer may reduce size, but sacrifices the optimum cost target [8]. Traditional pure-passive auto-transformers may be potentially more cost effective, but they also pose a problem in sharing bridge currents in such multi-pulse application.[9] In this paper, various patented topologies [10-12] of new auto and isolation transformers are proposed for harmonic mitigation, that inherently solve the diode current balancing, and are proven with test results and product in the field. Typical (THD_I), % 1 10 100 Basic Drive without dc link choke Addition of dc link choke Addition of 3% line reactor Addition of passive filter 12 pulse auto transformer 18 pulse auto transformer IEEE 519 Active filter IEEE 519 Synchronous converter IEEE 519 Fig. 2. Summary of harmonic mitigation solutions 1000 11 II. PRIOR ART OF MULTI-PULSE TRANSFORMER CIRCUITS 18-pulse isolation transformers that convert three-phase to nine-phase AC power are well known but have several shortcomings. First, isolation transformers must be rated for the full power required on both primary and secondary windings. Second, as a result of separate primary and secondary windings, isolation transformers are relatively large. When isolation between a utility supply and a rectifier is not required, employing an auto-transformer, consisting of a plurality of series and common windings, may advantageously reduce the size, weight and cost of the 3-phase to 9-phase converter. Fig. 3 shows an exemplary 3-phase to 9-phase autotransformer topology [13]. Three phase AC input lines are linked to three input nodes (1,2,3) and nine output nodes (1-3, A-F) provide voltage to three separate six pulse bridges. 18-pulse operation is obtained with +/- 20 degree phase shift around nodes 1,2 and 3. One problem is an inherent impedance mismatch in the topology since one bridge is fed directly form the line and the other two bridges are fed through the short transformer windings which are characterized by a certain amount of leakage reactance. This results in looping currents among the 3 bridges, which further requires relatively bulky and expensive inter-phase transformer hardware to correct. Secondly, current-sharing problems among the three bridges is exacerbated when irregular and unpredictable pre-existing AC line harmonics occur as different source harmonics that substantially change bridge current sharing. One solution to the looping and sharing current problems is to provide an autotransformer that equally spaces output voltages in phase. Thus, where nine outputs are required, the outputs can be phase shifted from each other by 40 degrees each. In Fig. 4a this is accomplished in a step-down autotransformer with three coils, having serial windings that form a delta and stub windings magnetically coupled with the serial winding from the same coil [14]. Three phase AC inputs are linked to the apex nodes (11,12,13). Direct output nodes (14,17,19) and indirect output nodes (15,16,18,19,21,22) all have identical voltage magnitude vectors with the required 40-degree phase shift. The 6 leaf secondary windings solely process secondary power. Fig. 4 shows other nine-phase step-down autotransformer configurations investigated. A step-down version is needed to compensate for a 14% increase in dc bus voltage that occurs from 3-phase to 9-phase conversion. Fig. 4b and Fig. 4c contain even more secondary leaf windings. Fig. 4d uses only 3 secondary leaf windings resulting in more efficient usage of 14 22 15 24 25 21 40° 40° 16 23 20 13 12 17 19 18 (a) Reference [14] 200 210 211 218 221 220 212 218 40° 40° 219 213 202 217 201 214 (b) Reference [14] 215 300 310 311 318 320 312 321 317 40° 40° 319 302 313 316 301 315 314 (c) Reference [15] 500 510 518 520 511 521 517 20° 20° 519 512 516 502 501 515 513 514 (d) Reference [16] 600 610 611 618 620 630 602 40° 40° 617 631 622 619 632 621 601 613 616 603 614 Fig. 3 Prior art 9-phase unity-gain autotransformer topology with +/20 degree phase shift between output voltages [13] 615 (e) Reference [17] Fig. 4 Prior art 9-phase step-down autotransformer topology with 40 degree phase shift between output voltages IR H1 X1 H6 R2 R1 X2 X9 h6 x1 θ R 3 Phase AC Source S 40° X3 40° X8 T O H4 H3 X4 X7 R3 X5 R4 H2 DC Output R5 + - H5 X6 Fig. 6 Proposed nine-phase 18 pulse autotransformer in a step-down ac-dc system topology material. However, the calculated step-down ratio may be difficult to achieve. Fig. 4e has main windings in Y connection, Y connected leaf windings and a separate non-power isolated delta winding loop needed for circulating non sinusoidal currents. Fig. 5 shows other nine-phase unity-gain autotransformer configurations. A 6-pulse drive guarantees 460V Output with 480V AC input. A unity-gain autotransformer version, with an inherent 18-pulse higher DC bus voltage value, is sometimes desirable for applications requiring 460V Output under low line conditions of the 480V AC input. While staggering the transformer outputs by 40o essentially eliminates the looping and sharing current problems, the stub winding requirement in each of the prior art renditions results in increased kVA requirements, increased winding and core material and increased physical size. Thus, the next section proposes 3-phase to 9-phase autotransformer solutions that do not have looping and sharing current problems, are relatively inexpensive to construct, that can be utilized as step-down or unity gain and that can have an optional primary winding to accommodate any voltage transfer ratio desired. III. PROPOSED MULTI-PULSE TRANSFORMER CIRCUITS A. 9-Phase Step-down & Unity Phase Shifting Autotransformer 100 101 One design objective is to develop a single auto transformer topology that can be utilized as a step-down or unity-gain transformer. This feature enables a manufacturer to reduce 102 40° 40° design and manufacturing cost as one transformer is used for 107 two different applications. Fig. 6 shows a nine-phase auto109 transformer topology incorporated in a step down ac-dc power conversion system [10]. The transformer is wound on a regular 103 106 three-pole core with 15 windings, where each phase has five windings. For example phase R consists of windings R1-R5. On each pole all windings are wound such that their polarities are in 104 105 (a) Reference [14] the same direction. This polarity alignment assures inductance in each winding is added up along the magnetic path length. A second design objective is to provide 18-pulse performance at lowest cost. To this end, the proposed autotransformer only includes serial windings and does not require leaf windings, which solely process one side power. These results in better material utilization than prior art designs for the same transformation results. The plurality of the series windings is arranged to form a polygon. The step-down transformation objective of Fig. 6 has winding junction points H1-H6 and X1-X9 wired for input/output, respectively. Since X1-X9 has equal magnitude (b)Reference [15] and equal 40ophase shift, they serve as a nine-phase voltage Fig. 5 Prior art 9-phase unity-gain autotransformer topology with 40 degree phase shift between output voltages output for rectification and DC output. Such DC output has 18108 400 401 408 410 402 40° 40° 407 409 406 403 404 405 pulse low ripple performance. Utility line RST input power connections, with their 120o phase shift set, can be connected to two sets of nodes; either [H1_H2_H3] or [H4_H5_H6] for a same step-down ratio. A third design objective is to eliminate the looping and sharing current problems. This is accomplished by the equal X1-X9 secondary voltage magnitudes which are separated by equal 40o phase shift angles. The step-down magnitude between primary and secondary voltages can be analyzed by viewing Fig. 6 as a voltage plane where distance between nodes represents voltage magnitude Lines can be drawn between nodes and the Origin (O). The angle between two lines represents a phase shift angle of two node voltages. For example, the phase angle between nodes X1 and X2 is 400. A nine-phase autotransformer requires nine output nodes X1-X9 whose voltages are identical and spaced apart 400 on the dotted unit line circle of Fig.6. Nodes X1-X9 serve as output secondary voltages. It is seen that the voltage magnitudes at the step-down input set (H1_H2_H3) of Fig. 6 are greater than the voltage magnitudes at the output set (X1X9). Step-down voltage magnitude will be proportional to the length of vector X1 (i.e. output vector length) to the length of vector H6 (i.e. supply vector length). The following equations are formulated from the trigonometric relationship in Fig.6. cos 20o (1 − cos 40o ) o θ = tan −1 Eq.2 sin o + cos o sin o ≈ 13.08 20 40 20 V sec V pri = X1 H6 = cos ( 40o − θ ) ~ 0 .8916 Eq.3 Thus, the step-down magnitude is 10.84 %. Fig. 6 can also be used to identify the lengths of windings R1 through R5 with respect to the supply voltage magnitude vector H6. From Fig. 6 the following relationships can be developed: R1= R 2 = sin ( 40o − θ ) H 6 ≈ 0 .4527 * H 6 Eq.4 R 4 = 2 sin ( 20o ) cos ( 40o − θ ) H 6 ≈ 0 .6099 * H 6 Eq.5 R 5 = R3 = sin ( 20o + θ ) H 6 − 0.5 * R 4 ≈ 0 .2409 * H 6 Eq.6 The lengths expressed in Eq.4 – Eq.6 are proportional to the turns ratios of windings R1 through R5. Thus, for windings R1 through R5 the turns ratios are: R1 : R 2 : R3 : R 4 : R5 = 1: 1 : 0.5321:1.3472 : 0.5321 X1 R1 X2 R2 X9 H6 H1 x1 H1 h6 40° X3 X8 R1 40° T1 O 40° H2 H3 H4 H3 S1 H5 H2 X4 X7 R5 R3 (b) R4 X5 X6 (a) Fig. 7 Proposed nine-phase autotransformer in a step-up ac-dc system seen the output voltage vector lengths and magnitudes are identical on the unit circle with the required 400 phase shift angle, while the input voltage vector magnitudes are identical in length to the output voltage vectors. B. 9-Phase Step-up & Unity Phase Shifting Autotransformer Winding re-arrangement of the 15 nine-phase auto-transformer windings in Fig. 6 gives an alternate in Fig. 7a, capable of x1 = 1.28 [11]. Unity three unity and step up with a ratio of h6 phase to nine phase voltage transformation is realized by connecting the primary three phase source to either node sets of [X1_X4_X7], [X2_X5_X8] or [X3_X6_X9] while the secondary output nine phases are taken from X1 to X9. There are three sets of parallel windings. One phase set in Fig. 7a consists of R1 through R5. Thus, each phase set has five windings wound on one pole of a conventional three-pole magnetic core. When either set of [H1_H2_H3] or [H4_H5_H6] nodes are used to connect to the primary power source, this topology is capable of step-up voltage transformation. The ratio is defined by the trigonometric relationship as: V sec V pri Eq.7 = X1 H6 = [ 1 ] ~1.28 Although non-integer numbers of winding turns can be achieved, integer number of turns is preferred for ease of manufacturing. Table 1 lists possible winding turn combinations to achieve the turns ratios of Eq. 7. A maximum error introduced because of integral winding turn numbers is shown. Combination 3 has the lowest maximum error and is preferred. Again, each winding turns can be calculated in lengths: Table 1 _______________________________________________________________ Consequently, Combination # 1 2 3 4 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 15 28 32 43 15 28 32 43 8 15 17 23 20 38 43 58 8 15 17 23 Max Error 0.77 % 0.31 % 0.07 % 0.25 % Fig. 6 topology also meets the unity voltage transfer design objective when RST are connected to either one of [X1_X4_X7], [X2_X5_X8] or [X3_X6_X9] sets of nodes. It is Eq.8 2 2 (sin 50o ) + tan (30o ) (1 − sin 50o) [ ] R1 = R 2 = (cos 50o ) − tan (30o ) (1 − sin 50o) * X 1 ≈ 0.5077 * X 1 1 − sin 50o * X 1 ≈ 0.2701* X 1 R3 = R5 = cos 30o o R 4 = 2 * sin 20 * X 1 ≈ 0.6840 * X 1 ( Eq.9 Eq.10 ) Eq.11 R1 : R 2 : R3 : R 4 : R5 = 1: 1 : 0.5321:1.3472 : 0.5321 Eq. 12 Possible turns for each winding are summarized in Table 2 Table 2 _______________________________________________________________ Combination # 1 2 3 4 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 Max Error 15 17 21 23 15 17 21 23 8 9 11 12 20 23 28 31 8 9 11 12 0.77 % 0.29 % 0.71 % 0.52% H1 R1 X1 R2 R3 X12 H6 Y1 X11 X2 x1 h6 x12 6 Phase Y6 Y4 Rectifier o 30 X3 Module X10 DC Out #1 H3 H4 6 Phase X4 Rectifier X9 o 30 o 15 Y2 Module Y3 #2 X5 R X8 Y5 S Three Phase AC Power T H2 R4 X6 R5 X7 R6 H5 Source Fig. 8 Proposed twelve-phase 24 pulse autotransformer in a step-down ac-dc system topology C. 9-PhasePolygon Secondary for Isolation Transformer The autotransformer topology of Fig. 6 or Fig. 7a can be utilized as a secondary of an isolation transformer. Addition of three more windings electrically isolated from the fifteen polygon windings, shown delta connected in Fig. 7b, converts the entire topology into an isolation transformer with arbitrary voltage transfer ratio. The delta primary winding can be added to Fig. 6 in a similar manner. With electrically isolated primary windings, unlimited voltage transfer ratio is available for every application, such as medium/low voltage transformation with medium voltage feeders to eliminate the need for an interface step-down utility transformer. For example, an 800 HP isolation transformer with 4.2 kV primary / 600 V step-down polygon secondary was manufactured and installed. This eliminated the need for a 1.5 MVA 4.2 kV primary / 600 V step-down utility transformer that would normally have fed a 600V/600V polygon autotransformer design. D. 12-Phase Step-down/up & Unity Phase Shifting Autotransformer Fig. 8 shows a twelve-phase auto-transformer configured as step-down in a 24-pulse ac-dc conversion system [12]. A twelve-phase 24-pulse rectifier system requires 30 degree phase shift between the 12 output voltage nodes to eliminate circulating and sharing current problems. There are eighteen windings are arranged into a hexagon where all winding junctions can be utilized for various voltage transfer functions. These 18 windings are divided into three groups wound on three magnetic poles of a transformer core. Each pole phase has six windings that are interconnected with the same polarity. The polarity alignment assures inductance in each winding is added up along the magnetic path. Each phase consists of six windings (R1-R6 for phase R). Secondary voltages are supplied from equal magnitude points X1 to X12. Voltage transformation is determined by the trigonometry illustrated in Fig. 8. Figure 8 can be viewed as a voltage plane where distance between nodes represents voltage magnitude. The voltage vector of each output phase is represented by a line from the origin node to its output node, such as X1. This line length represents voltage magnitude of the output phase. It is desirable for all output phases to have equal voltage magnitudes, so all output nodes X1 to X12 are on a circle with phase difference between phases of 30o. The twelve secondary outputs are connected to two six-phase rectifiers and their results are summed for a much lower ripple DC output. Step-down autotransformer operation occurs when primary voltages RST are connected to a set of [H1_H2_H3] or [H4_H5_H6]. The step-down ratio is thus 0.8966. V sec V pri = X7 H2 = cos (30 o) ~ 0 .8966 cos (15 o) Eq. 13 Unity-gain autotransformer operation occurs when primary voltages RST are connected to a set of [X1_X5_X9], [X2_X6_X10], [X3_X7_X11] or [X4_X8_X12]. Step-up autotransformer operation occurs when primary voltages RST are connected to a set of [Y1_Y2_Y3] or [Y4_Y5_Y6]. The step-up ratio is thus 1.035. V sec V pri = X7 Y5 = 1 cos (15o) ~ 1.035 Eq.14 The turns ratio among set R1 – R6 is thus: R1: R 2 : R3 : R 4 : R5 : R6 = 1: 1.733 :1 :1: 1.733 :1 Eq.15 E. 9-Phase / 12 phase Autotransformer kVA Rating, Size & Cost An equivalent autotransformer VA rating assists in comparing cost and size of the autotransformer topologies to that of a conventional isolated transformer. Equivalent rating is based upon the sum of all products of the sinusoidal equivalent voltage across the windings and relevant rms current through the windings [18]. Winding voltage is near sinusoidal but current waveforms are not. The VA rating was computed with simulation waveforms. Subsequent kVA rating calculation with respect to the DC output is 2.3 for a conventional isolated 18 pulse transformer, 0.84 for the 18-pulse nine-phase auto-xfmr Utility Tr ansfo rmer Iload 90 80 70 Volume, Cub. Ft 60 50 T1 300 KVA 40 Iharm 30 VFD 10 18 pulse AC Drive 100 HP 149 Amps 480 Vac ~ 0 ~ 18p Isolation XFMR 100 200 400 Ratings, HP 18p AutoXFMR 600 Iharm DC Drive Harmonic Analyzer 20 50 T2 300 KVA 6 pulse DC D rive 180 Amps 500 Vdc ~ = 800 Fig. 9 Cubic volume of 18-pulse auto-xfmr vs. conventional 18-pulse isolated transformer vs. HP rating Load:100% Fig. 12 Test setup used to test a 100 hp 18-pulse phase shifting step down autotransformer. 8 7 t 6 18 pulse Isolation XFMR 200 5 150 4 18 pulse Auto XFMR 100 3 Amps 50 2 0.00 12.11 24.22 36.32 48.43 0 1 -50 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 -100 Transformer Rating [hp] -150 Fig. 10 Relative cost of 18-pulse auto-xfmr vs. conventional 18-pulse isolated transformer vs HP rating 500 hp DC bus Inverter Input Bay mSec -200 (a) RST Input current waveform of 100 hp 18-pulse phase shifting step down auto-xfmr @THDI =4.8% measured with Fluke 41 Power Analyzer 200 VFD DC Bus choke 100 18 pulse rectifier 0A Input LR 5% Z -100A 18 pulse auto Xfmr. Fig. 11 Proposed 9-phase 18-pulse step-down autotransformer @ 500 hp and 0.74 for the 24-pulse twelve-phase auto-xfmr. These calculations verify the cost and size advantages of the new auto-xfmr topologies in Fig.9 and Fig.10 over existing isolation transformer methods. Fig.11 shows an 18-pulse auto-xfmr and Rectifier Bridge is about ½ the cubic volume of the 500 HP inverter. IV. HARMONIC PERFORMANCE OF MULTI-PULSE CIRCUITS -200A 100m I(Rr) 105m 110m 115m 120m 125m 130m 135m 140m 145m 150m Time (b) RST Input current waveform of 100 hp 18-pulse phase shifting step down auto-xfmr @THDI =3.5% using P Spice circuit simulation 20 18 Input Current 16 THD, % 14 Tested Total THD = 4.6% Simulated Total THD = 3.5% 12 10 8 6 4 2 A. 9-Phase 18-pulse Autotransformer Simulation & Test Results 0 1 Fig. 12 shows a test setup used to test a 100 hp 18-pulse phase shifting step-down autotransformer. Load to the AC drive motor was a dc motor connected to the shaft. Fig. 13 shows harmonic mitigation performance of 18-pulse autotransformer with test and simulation results. The RST input 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 Harmonic number Simulation Test (c) RST Input current harmonic spectrum of 100 hp 18-pulse phase shifting step down auto-xfmr from simulation & test Fig. 13 Harmonic mitigation performance of 18-pulse autotransformer – Test and simulation 100 6-pulse _ 75 hp 6-pulse _ 75 hp + Harmonic Filter 10 12-pulse _ 650 hp autotransformer 18-pulse _ 250 hp autotransformer Fig. 14 Simulated Phase R input Current and X1-X9 Output current current waveform of Fig. 13(a) is nearly sinusoidal with a measured THDI =4.8 %. The simulated RST current waveform of Fig. 13(b) has a calculated THDI =3.5%. Simulated harmonic current spectrum results in Fig. 13(c) show the classic dominant 18 +/- 1 (17th & 19th) harmonics at ~ 2% of fundamental, with the 5th, 7th 11th and 13th virtually eliminated. Tested harmonic current spectrum results in Fig. 13(c) show agreement with the (17th & 19th) harmonics, but contain a 3rd, 5th, 7th 11th and 13th components. The reason is attributed to unbalanced input line voltages. Presence of unbalanced negative sequence voltage in the power source does not effect multi-pulse dc output but causes a third harmonic in the converter line current [18]. A similar reason is attributed to the 5th and 7th components that appear only in measurement. Fig. 14 shows simulated Phase R input line current along with secondary X1- X9 line currents. Discrete positive and negative rectifier conduction pulses of current in each line is seen line with current magnitudes that are perfectly balanced. The discrete line pulse magnitudes indicate there is no current sharing problem and also no circulating current problem. B. 12-Phase 24-pulse Autotransformer Simulation & Test Results Fig. 15 shows harmonic mitigation performance of Fig.8 24pulse autotransformer with test and simulation results. The Phase R input current waveform of Fig.15(a) is also nearly sinusoidal with a measured THDI =4.1 %. The simulated RST current waveform of Fig.15(b) has a calculated THDI =2.4 %. Fig.15a Input current of 24 pulse AC Drive with input voltage THD = 0.9% (on test floor) and Current THD = 4.1% 1 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Load, % Fig. 16 Current THD at input terminals for various front end topologies under varying load 6 12-pulse _ 650 hp autotransformer 5 6-pulse _ 75 hp + Harmonic Filter 4 6-pulse _ 75 hp 3 18-pulse _ 250 hp autotransformer 2 1 0 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Load, % Fig. 17 Voltage THD at input terminals for various front-end topologies under varying load C. 18-pulse AutoXFMR Comparison to Other Mitigation Techniques Input current and voltage THD of 75 hp, 250 hp and 650 hp drives is compared for various front-end topologies: • • • • 6-pulse drive with 6 SCR Bridge converter attached to PWM inverter 12-pulse phase shift autotransformer with diode bridge & PWM inverter 18-pulse phase shift autotransformer with diode bridge & PWM inverter 6-pulse drive with hybrid harmonic tuned filter [3] The drives utilize the same inverter and control board. Loading was similar to the test dyne setup of Fig.12. Tests were performed at different hp test cells on the manufacturing floor depending on drive size tested. Fig. 16 & Fig. 17 data is presented as providing insight on different harmonic mitigation techniques and not absolute since harmonic currents and voltages are largely dependent on system impedance’s within the power distribution system. V. METRICS OF NEW MULTI-PULSE AUTOTRANSFORMERS In a similar fashion other metrics are investigated in Table 3 with the various front-end topologies of Section IV.C. These include power factor, displacement factor, K-factor and efficiency. Fig. 15b Input current of 24 pulse AC Drive with balanced input voltage (simulation) and Current THD =2.4%. Table 3 _______________________________________________________________ Category 6-Pulse 12-Pulse 18-Pulse Current THD 30 – 35 % 6.5– 9.5 % 4.5– 5 % Power factor 0.92 – 0.95 0.97 – 0.98 0.98 – 0.99 Displacement Factor 0.95 – 0.97 0.96 – 0.98 0.98 – 0.99 K – factor 3.0 – 5.0 2.0 – 3.0 1.0 – 2.0 Efficiency 96.5 – 97.5 % 97.0 – 98.0 % 97.5 – 98.0 % ______________________________________________________________ 1.000 Distortion PF 0.990 =sqrt(1/(1+THD2)) 0.980 0.970 0.960 0.950 0.940 0.930 0.920 A. Power Factor 0.910 0.900 0.890 Definitions are in order when discussing power factor of nonlinear converters. Total Power Factor (pf total): the ratio for the total power input, in watts to the total volt-ampere input to the converter. Displacement Power Factor (pf disp): the displacement component of power factor. The ratio of the active power of the fundamental wave, in watts, to the apparent power of the fundamental wave, in volt-amperes. Distortion Power Factor (pf dist): the ratio of the root-meansquare of the harmonic content to the root-mean-square of the fundamental component, expressed as a percent of fundamental. Equation 16 (set of equations) For Three-Phase, Non-Sinusoidal, Balanced Systems (the following approximations apply when V(THD) < 5%) pf total = true pf = pf disp * pf dist = Ireal / Itotal = P/S pf disp = cos (angle between Ireal and Ifund) = Ireal / Ifund = P/S1 pf dist = cos (angle between Ifund and Itotal) = Ifund / Itotal = S1/S THID = Iharm / Ifund pf dist = sqrt(1/(1+THD_I2 )) 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 % I(THD) Fig. 19 Distortion power factor vs. THDI Fig. 20 Simulation of 480V 18-pulse nine -phase step-down autotransformer line-neutral 400 Vpk voltage and phase R line current of 400 Apk. Total power factor approaches unity. Fig. 20 shows the proposed 18-pulse autotransformer topology has a near unity total power factor from simulation, as also shown Table 3. Fig. 21 shows measured total power factor of the proposed 18-pulse autotransformer compared with the other various front-end topologies. Fig. 22 shows measured displacement power factor of proposed 18-pulse auto-xfmr compared with the other various front-end topologies. True Apparent Power = S = V*Itotal (kVA) Apparent Power = S1 = V*Ifund (kVA) Real Power = P = V*Ireal (kW) True Reactive Power = Qt = V*sqrt(Ireact2 + Iharm2) Reactive Power = Q = V*Ireact (kVAR) Harmonic Power = D = V*Iharm (kVAR) S = sqrt(P2 + Q2 + D2) = sqrt(P2 + Qt2) 2 0.880 2 1 18-pulse _ 250 hp autotransformer 0.9 12-pulse _ 650 hp autotransformer 0.8 6-pulse _ 75 hp 0.7 Itotal = sqrt(Ireal + Ireact + Iharm ) Itrue react = sqrt(Ireact 2 + Iharm2) 0.6 These relationships are best visualized by the power cube representation in Fig. 18 [19]. Fig. 19 plots the pf dist equation. This plot can be used with the THDI values in Table 3 to generate Table 3 displacement factor for various multi-pulse topologies or filter with known THDI values. REACTIVE Current 6-pulse _ 75 hp + Harmonic Filter 0.5 0.4 0% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 18-pulse _ 250 hp autotransformer 6-pulse _ 75 hp end 12-pulse _ 650 hp autotransformer 0.94 Ireact Itrue react 0.92 Q 0.9 Qt 0.88 0.86 Ifund S1 40% 0.96 D S 30% Fig. 21 Total power factor at input terminals for various front topologies under varying load 1 Itotal 20% Load, % 0.98 Iharm 10% 6-pulse _ 75 hp + Harmonic Filter (0.34 @ 25% load) 0.84 Ireal P 0.82 REAL Current 0.8 0% (in phase with line voltage, V) HARMONIC Current Fig. 18 Power Cube relationship of power factor definitions 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Load, % Fig. 22 Displacement factor at input terminals for various front end topologies under varying load B. VI. MULTI-PULSE OPERATION WITH NON-IDEAL INPUT POWER K- Factor K – Factor is a calculation used to determine transformer derating in the presence of excessive current harmonic heating in the primary/secondary coils [20-22]. K – Factor is defined as: k= h = h max ∑ h =1 2 h Ih 2 Eq.17 where Ih = rms current at harmonic h , in per unit of rated rms load current Table 3 shows the 18-pulse and 24 pulse autotransformer topologies have the lowest value. Larger K-factor means larger size and cost. Thus, due to the lower fundamental input current with total pf ~1 and lower harmonic currents, there is capital equipment savings in the feed transformer cost with 18-p and 24-p systems that offset original purchase cost. Also, $ cost savings is similar for cables, fuses and breakers. These is also an operating $ savings in power factor penalty cost for very large kVA systems with dedicated 18 pulse inputs with pf ~1. C. Efficiency This section calculates the input-output efficiency of a ninephase autoxfmr, 18 diode rectifier, pwm inverter and ac motor compared to a 6 SCR rectifier, DC link choke, pwm inverter and ac motor. Fig. 24 shows that 18-pulse system efficiency may be equal or better than for a 6-pulse system. Some differences may be the SCR forward voltage drop at higher input current vs. a diode drop at lower input current in the 18pulse system. DC link power and output kVA to the motor were made equal in Fig. 23 in both cases. Table 4 data for rated 100 hp load shows measured results with a FLUKE 41 Power Analyzer that measured VLL and Iline . Table 4 _______________________________________________________________ Drive Vin Iin kVA in kWin PF THDv THD I Vdc Idc kWdc 6 pulse 480 129.6 107.6 101.1 0.94 1.5 32.6 648 151.4 98.11 18 pulse 480 121.6 100.98 99.9 0.99 1.2 4.5 670 146.4 98.09 ______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Drive Eff Conv Vout Iout kVAout kWout Eff. inv Eff drive system 6 pulse 97.0% 18 pulse 98.1% 460 138 109.8 460 138 109.8 AC/DC Pin 97.74 97.74 99.6% 99.6% Pdc DC Link Converter 96.8% 97.8% DC/AC Pout Inverter Non-ideal power source characteristics may cause current unbalance (up to 80% seen) and increased THDI in prior art Auto-XFMR circuits with parallel bridge converters. Pre-existing voltage harmonics is one contributor to current unbalance. Pre-existing 5th harmonic voltage induced on the desired PCC connection may be due to 6-pulse VFD (5th, 7th dominate) operation at a distant location in Fig.1 plant one-line diagram. A pre-existing 5th harmonic voltage of 2.5% is used for analysis based on best field data to date. Utility source voltage unbalance is another contributor to current unbalance. ANSI C84.1-1982 [23] defines 3-phase % voltage unbalance in Eq. 18. A value of 1% covers ~ 70% of all field sites according to [23] and is thus a worst case design criteria. % V unbalance = ( 3 V max − V min V a +V b + V c ) *100 Eq.18 THDI comparison at the input terminals to a drive with an 18pulse phase-shifting Autotransformer was simulated with a 300 kVA 480V line under the following Type I – Type III combinations of utility Power Source input conditions. Type I - Balanced Input Line Voltage & No pre-existing Harmonics Type II - Imbalance (1%) Input Line Voltage & No pre-existing Harmonics Type III - Imbalance (1%) Input Line Voltage & 2.5 % 5th Harmonic Voltage Test - Obtained on test Floor Fig.25 shows a Type I power source results in a THDI = 3.25% at full load and just over 5% at ¼ load. Type II power, with 1% line unbalance, raises THDI to 4.8% at full load and 9% at ¼ load. However, IEEE-519 TDD limit of 5% at full load is still met at drive input terminals. Test floor 1% unbalance conditions match Type II simulation results very well with load. Type III power with 1% unbalance lines and 2.5 % pre-existing 5th harmonic voltage causes the highest THDI at 7% for full load. Higher THD is a result of the 5th harmonic voltage phase angle causing a slight dc voltage unbalance in the rectifier output and thus some current unbalance, as explained in [18]. However, converter bridge and autotransformer can still operate continuously under this condition. Also, if the 18-pulse THDI of 7% is combined with even a small linear load at the PCC, then IEEE-519 TDD limit of 5% may still be met. Pre-existing 5th harmonic condition was tested by removing the dc drive isolation transformer in Fig.12, so that the dc drive 6-pulse current harmonics presented a THDV of 7.4% at the 18pulse autotransformer line inputs as shown in Fig.26. The resulting current waveform simulation and test results of Fig.26 also show general agreement. THD_I % Fig. 23 Loss model of AC Drive system to calculate input-output efficiency 15.0 18p VFD THD (PS I), % 18p VFD THD (PS II), % 18p VFD THD (PS III), % 18p VFD THD (Test), % 12.5 Efficiency, % 100.00 10.0 95.00 18 pulse System Efficiency, 7.5 90.00 5.0 85.00 6 pulse system Efficiency, % 80.00 2.5 75.00 0.0 70.00 0 20 40 60 80 VFD Load, % 100 Fig. 24 Efficiency comparison of nine-phase auto-xfmr with 6-pulse system 25 50 75 100 Load, % Fig. 25 Harmonic mitigation performance of 18-pulse VFD with phase shifting Auto-xfmr under different input line conditions (a) test input voltage THD=7.3% at input terminals to 18-pulse autoXFMR input current harmonics, various winding junction points along the polygon can be wired out for various step down, unity and step up voltage transfer ratios. With electrically isolated primary windings, unlimited ratio is available for every application, such as medium/low voltage transformation with medium voltage feeders to eliminate needs for step-down utility transformer. Working units at industrial field sites, ranging in hp sizes from 50 hp to 800 hp, are based on these topology patents [8-11]. The paper provided technical analysis and field site data on the new topologies, as well as comparison to other harmonic mitigation techniques versus horsepower size. Acknowledgement: Authors wish to thank B. Eisenbrown, J. Simons, K. Phillips of RA for support, R. Hoadley for engineering assistance, and K. Jurkowski, G. Zenke and B. Hachey for producing the multi-pulse product line. (b) Test floor input current THD=8.7% at input of 18-pulse autoXFMR (c) Simulated input current THD=6.4% at input of 18-pulse autoXFMR Fig. 26 Test results and simulation of new 18-pulse VFD / AutoXFMR at full load but under adverse line voltage THD of 7.3% that exceeds IEEE 519 General System voltage limit of 5% Fig.27 shows a test harmonic mitigation comparison between the new 18-pulse VFD / AutoXFMR vs. 6-pulse VFD with a Hybrid Tuned Harmonic Filter [3] operated at different loads. Type II 18-pulse curve is re-plotted from Fig.25. The THDI 6pulse with filter curve exceeds the 18-pulse curve at most loads but is 7% at full load. However, at full load dc bus voltage is well below rated, so that rated inverter output voltage cannot be obtained. This is due to the large %Z input reactors of the tuned filter acting as commutating reactor voltage drops. Thus, while input harmonic current is reduced with hybrid tuned filters, output rated voltage and output torque is likewise reduced. THD_1 [%] 15 0 12.5 6p + Harmonic Filter, 10.0 7.5 5.0 18p VFD THD, 2.5 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Load, % Fig. 27 Tested harmonic mitigation performance of 18-pulse VFD / AutoXFMR vs. 6-pulse VFD + Harmonic filter @ different loads VII. CONCLUSION This paper proposed several nine and twelve-phase autotransformers topologies to meet standard IEEE 519. Compared with other solutions, autotransformers possess such advantages as being simple, reliable, no resonance problem and relatively cost effective, as well as small physical size. The proposed AC/DC converter topologies utilizing these transformers were shown to not have current sharing problems. The proposed nine- and twelve-phase auto-transformers can be viewed as polygon type, where besides achieving much improved References [1] IEEE Std. 519-1992. 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