LiteDeck WRS Install Guide

2x6 Design
G e ne r a l I nf or ma t i on
Warning - Serious injury or death may result from safety hazards caused by improper
use or installation. When in doubt about proper use or installation of LiteDeck®, immediately contact your project’s Structural Engineer or your LiteDeck® supplier for clarification. Before beginning, check local engineering and building codes on cast-in-place,
joisted concrete construction. The instructions in this manual cover basic building situations and are not meant to replace job-specific codes for the engineering or safety for a
specific project.
Interchangeability - The LiteDeck® forms and the placed concrete will, in most cases,
require the application of a finish or cover material which is not manufactured or supplied by LiteForm® Technologies. Installers are instructed to follow the manufacturer’s
recommendations for the proper use of those products and/or systems in conjunction
with LiteDeck®. Although certain types of finishes and covers are mentioned in this manual, LiteForm® Technologies does not recommend or endorse any particular finishing
material or system.
The LiteDeck® system described in this manual requires appropriate bracing and shoring
to properly support the form work during the placement of concrete. This manual covers
basic bracing and shoring and is not meant to replace job-specific requirements.
Installer is responsible for the design and correct installation of shoring of
LiteDeck® forms in accordance with the latest ACI (American Concrete
Institute) 347R “Guide to Formwork for Concrete”. Any variance from these standards must be provided and certified in advance by a structural engineer, licensed for the
jobsite location, type and specifications.
Warranty - LiteForm® Technologies, “the company” will refund the price of or replace,
at it’s election, any LiteDeck® component which it finds to be defective provided the
product has been used properly. Except as expressly stated above, the Company
makes no warranty of fitness for any particular purpose nor does it make any
warranty, expressed or implied, of any nature whatsoever with respect to the
product or the use thereof, by the way of illustration and example. In no event
shall the Company be liable for delays caused by defects, for loss of use or for
indirect, special or consequential damages, or for any charges or expenses of
any nature incurred without its written consent. The foregoing is the full extent of
the responsibility of the Company even though the Company may have been negligent.
The LiteDeck® system described in this manual requires appropriate steel reinfocing to
properly support the dead loads, live loads and clearspans required. This manual covers
basic reinforcing and is not meant to replace job-specific requirements. Installer is
responsible for placement of all reinforcing steel in accordance with the latest
ACI (American Concrete Institute) 318 “Building Code Requirements for
Reinforced Concrete”. Any variance from these standards must be provided and certified in advance by a Structural Engineer, licensed for the jobsite, type and specifications.
Producing Panels - For builders purchasing knock down panels of LiteDeck
WRS, good quality 2x6 dimeansional lumber is used in the rib sections.
2x6 specs - Good quality straight dimensional 2x6
lumber that is free of cracks are necessary.
Glue the Rib - Using a low expansion foam adhesive or similar foam to wood adhesive, run a bead
the entire length of the foam panel.
Set the Rib- The 2x6 will set flush within the
foam panel.
Screw the Rib - using a 3” wood screw and insulation washer, screw the rib at each end and the
center of every panel.
(OPTION) Reinforcing the Rib -for additional
fastening support, drive a 4” wood screw into the
rib leaving 1” exposed to connect to the concrete
Changes and Revisions - LiteForm® Technologies reserves the right to change product
design, safe working loads, product dimensions or installation techniques at any time
without prior notice to users.
M a n u f a ct u re d & Di s t r i b u t e d u n d e r l i ce n s e b y :
L i t e F o rm ® T e c hn ol og i e s
1950 W. 29th Street
South Sioux City, NE 68776
Phone Toll Free in North America: 1-800-551-3313
YOUR LiteDeck® SECTIONS- LiteDeck’s Top Hat design lets you custom assemble the
forms on the jobsite, to produce the appropriate load-bearing concrete joist.
Eight-inch Base Section is supplied in custom lengths and should not require field
Four-foot wide sections are normally supplied for form lengths up to 24-feet.
Two-foot wide sections are supplied for form lengths over 24-feet. If Base Sections
must be trimmed or cut, this can be done with a reciprocating saw.
2 ’ Wi d e Ba s e S e c t i on
4 ’ Wi d e Ba s e S e c t i on
TOP HAT SECTIONS are supplied in 3 different sizes (2”, 4” or 6” thick). To create finished
joist depths over 8-inches, they are attached to the Base Sections. They are supplied in
standard 8-foot lengths and can be cut or trimmed with a manual or power saw. One or
more Top Hat sizes are combined to create a wide variety of finished joist depths.
1 0 ” L i te D e c k
1 2 ” L i t eD e c k
1 4 ” L i te D e c k
• G o o d q u a l i t y 2 x 4 a n d 2 x 6 d i m e n si o n a l l u m b e r
• A p p ro v e d sh o r i n g s y s t e m s ( 3 e x a m p l e s a re i l l u s t r a t e d )
With bracing and shoring in place, sections can be placed snugly together.
DIAGRAM A (next page).
• Secure the LiteDeck sections to the shoring system.
• V a r i o u s s cr e w s a s d e t a i l e d i n m a n u a l
• 1 6 g a u g e w i re
D i a g r a m s i n th i s m a nu a l d o n o t s h o w c o m p l e t e a nd
p ro p e r r e i n f o r c i n g s t e e l ( r e b a r ) p l a c e m e n t . P r o j e c t - s p e c i f i c
en g i n e e r i n g p l a n s o r l o c a l b u i l d i n g c o d e s m u s t b e f o l l o w e d .
Interior Perimeter bracing is placed horizontally at the top of the interior sides of the
walls, on both ends of the LiteDeck® sections, perpendicular to the LiteDeck® wood rib.
• Place bracing flush with top of wall. continuously on both ends.
• Anchor wood stud to wall, every 16” to 24” with masonary screws or nails when
anchoring to masonry walls. Use drywall screws when anchoring to an insulating
concrete form’s furring strips or pads.
• Reinforce the brace by installing good quality 2x4 wood studs vertically, every 4’ to
6’. Vertical studs will carry the weight of concrete placement! So, it must be
securely anchored to the wall approx. 3’ apart and toenailed to horizontal brace at
Temporary shoring is used to carry the majority of the weight, as concrete is placed. It
must be placed in accordance with a licensed Structural Engineers job-specific guideline
or in accordance with the latest ACI (American Concrete Institute) 347R “Guide to
Formwork for Concrete”. Continous shoring is placed perpendicular to the LiteDeck® sections and spaced 6 feet apart. Adjustable, pre-rated shoring systems are strongly recommended and can be purchased or rented, as needed . If non-rated shoring materials
are used , a Structural Engineer can provide guidance on the load bearing
capacities of various shoring materials. Four types of shoring techniques are
illustrated. DIAGRAM B (next page).
• A n y s p a n f a r t h e r t h a n 5 f e e t m u s t h a v e t e m p o ra ry sh o r i n g
s u p p o rt i ng i t
LiteDeck® sections are being placed on top of a solid, insulated concrete basement.
The interior perimeter bracing and shoring (perpendicular to the clear span) has been
placed. Note the vertical reinforcing steel which has been cast into the basement
walls. That steel will be structurally integrated into reinforcing steel used for the
LiteDeck® floor.
Top Hat Sections should be anchored (attached) prior to placing reinforcing steel. Insert
6” to 10” lengths of heavy wire (skewers) diagonally, through the Top Hat, into the Base
Section. Place anchors approximately every 4 feet. Continuous applications of glue or
double-sided tape, which has been approved for use on rigid Polystyrene insulation, can
also be used to anchor Top Hats.
• Ad j u s t s ho r i ng he i g ht t o c om p e ns a t e f o r a n y r e q u i re d c a mb e r
• S h o r i n g m u st b e o n s o l i d , sp r e a d e r f o o t i n g o r c o n cr e t e p a d
• I f p e r m a n e n t j o i s t s w i l l b e su p p o rt i n g L i t e D e c k ® s e c t i o n s , t h e y m u s t b e
c e rt i f i e d b y a s t r u c t u r a l e n g i ne e r, t o s u p p o r t t he c om b i n e d d e a d a n d
live lo ads .
Foam glue is used to attach top-hats to the base section.
Rebar chairs are used to elevate rebar in the beam. These chairs are available
from your LiteDeck supplier. Call for more information.
Shoring must be attached to the wood rib of the LiteDeck sections.
T e mp o r a r y S h o r i n g u s i n g a d j u st a bl e , l o a d - r a t e d s y st e m
The support beam is
attached to LiteDeck®’s
wood rib every 24”
2 - 2x6 16 gauge steel studs are
screwed back to back every 48”.
Other shoring options are listed
below in Diagram B
Cast -in-place
Insulating Concrete Form wall
Adjustable, load-rated shoring
system is placed every 6’
Wood 1x4 stabalizer every 8’ is
anchored to bottom of Joists
Horizontal 2x6
Vertical 2x4 support for interior
of Perimeter Bracing
2 X6 L U M B ER
Co m m e r ci a l G r a d e
I- J oi st o r L V L
C au tio n!
W o r k e r s s h o u l d n o t b e u n d e r s e c t i o n s w h i l e t h e y a r e b e i n g p l a c e d , w h i l e re b a r i s b e i n g p l a c e d o r d u r i n g c o n c r e t e p l a c e m e n t .
I n w i n d y c o n d i ti o ns , i t m a y b e ne c e s s a r y t o w e i g h t th e s e c ti o ns
D o n o t s t e p o n t o t h e j o i s t p o rt i o n o f s e c t i o n s .
S h o r i n g m u s t b e o n a s o l i d , sp r e a d f o o t i n g o r c o n c re t e p a d
I n s t a l l e r i s r e sp o n s i b l e f o r t h e d e s i g n a n d co r r e c t i n s t a l l a t i o n o f s h o r i n g o f Li t e De ck ® f o r m s i n a c c o r d a n c e w i t h t h e l a t e st
A C I ( A m e r i c a n C o n c re t e I n st i t u t e ) 3 4 7 R “ G u i d e t o F o r m w o rk f o r C o n c re t e ” .
Outer bracing is installed to contain the concrete during placement. The bracing material can be rigid polystyrene or dimensional lumber. The “steel stud” technique for holding
it in proper alignment is illustrated. However, your Structural Engineer or
LiteDeck® supplier may suggest other anchoring systems.
• Lengths of steel studs are cast into the wall every 16” during the concrete curing
process. The length of these studs will vary due to the thickness of the concrete deck.
• Anchor 2” EPS board around peremeter with 3”screws and washers.
O u t e r P e ri m e t e r B ra ci n g f o r I n s u l a t i n g
C o nc r e t e F or m Wa l l s
Once the outer perimeter bracing has been secured, reinforcing mesh or rebar can be
placed for the concrete cover. Follow the guidelines provided by your licensed Structural
Engineer or install in accordance with ACI Standards mentioned in this manual. If systems
such as in-floor heating are to be installed, follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for
proper installation.
The following concrete specifications are only suggestions. Specifications from your
licensed Structural Engineer or local building code office should be followed, if they are
• Start by placing concrete in the joists
• Concrete can be placed with pump, out of truck or with wheelbarrow**
• Avoid excessive concentrations of crew or piles of concrete
• Typical concrete specifications:
4-6 inch slump
4,000 to 5,000 psi
1/2 to 3/4 inch smooth aggregate
• Must be finished at time of placement...manually or with power float
• Should be consolidated by vibrating
Concrete placement must be in accordance with ACI (American Concrete Institute) codes
305 and 306 (hot and cold weather placement) and code 301 for structural concrete.
**Supplier must be able to provide concrete in a timely manner and plans
must be made for an alternate method of concrete placement in the event of
equipment failure. Concrete must be placed in a single operation. Any cold
joints in joists or cover could result in structural failure of the installation.
- Wait a minimum of 21 days or until concrete has reached 75% of design strength
(through hydration) before removing temporary shoring or bracing. A simple “cylinder”
test can be done by a local testing facility to determine the design strength at any time.
Reinforcing steel (rebar) must be placed in accordance with a licensed Structural
Engineer’s job-specific guideline or in accordance with current ACI (American Concrete
Institute) 318-99 Building Code Requirements for Reinforcing Concrete. Rebar is normally placed in the joist cavity, at the perimeter and within the concrete cover. The rebar
shown in this manual is not intended to be a structural engineering guideline for actual
placement DIAGRAM D.
C A U T I O N ! W O R K ER S M U S T N O T B E U N D E R S E C T I O N S W H I L E C O N C R E T E I S B EI N G P L A C E D ! W o r k er s s h o u l d o b s e r v e p l a c e m e n t f r o m a s a f e d i s t a n c e .
I f s ho r i n g / b r a c i n g s h i ft s o r fa i l s , p l a c e m e nt c a n b e i m m e d i a t e l y s to p p e d .
Manufactured and Distributed under license by LiteForm® Technologies 1950 W. 29th St. - South Sioux City, NE 68776
For personalized technical assistance, contact your LiteDeck® supplier or call: 1-800-551-3313
This manual or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form without written
permission from LiteForm® Technologies. Copyright 2011 LiteForm® Technologies.