BURNSIDE Functional Servicing And Stormwater Management Report Mallins Development Town of The Blue Mountains Functional Servicing And Stormwater Management Report Mallins Development Town of The Blue Mountains Prepared By: R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 3 Ronell Crescent Collingwood ON L9Y 4J6 Prepared for: Streetcar Development Inc. 43 Davies Avenue Toronto Ontario M4M 2A9 October 2013 File No: 300033538.0000 The material in this report reflects best judgement in light of the information available at the time of preparation. Any use which a third party makes of this report, or any reliance on or decisions made based on it, are the responsibilities of such third parties. R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited accepts no responsibility for damages, if any, suffered by any third party as a result of decisions made or actions based on this report. Streetcar Development Inc. i Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report Mallins Development, Town of The Blue Mountains October 2013 Record of Revisions Revision 0 Date October 2013 R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 033538 Mallins Development FSR - Copy Description First Submission 300033538.0000 Streetcar Development Inc. ii Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report Mallins Development, Town of The Blue Mountains October 2013 Executive Summary Streetcar Development Inc. proposes to re-develop a 3.7 ha property located between Sleepy Hollow Road and Grey County Road 19 in the Town of The Blue Mountains and the County of Grey. Preliminary development plans show eight residential lots. The findings and recommendations of this report are summarized below: The site will be accessed from Salzburg Place with a private condominium road within a 20 m Right-Of-Way (ROW). The northern lot will front directly onto Sleepy Hollow Road; The site provides eight residential lots and a condominium road; Stormwater quantity and quality control will be achieved by directing runoff to the existing on site pond; Municipal water service will be provided by extending a new watermain from Alexandra Way to Salzburg Place Sanitary collection will be via gravity sewer east to a manhole on site which will discharge via forcemain west to the Salzburg Place gravity sanitary sewer. R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 033538 Mallins Development FSR - Copy 300033538.0000 Streetcar Development Inc. iii Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report Mallins Development, Town of The Blue Mountains October 2013 Table of Contents Record of Revisions ........................................................................................................ i Executive Summary ........................................................................................................ ii 1.0 Introduction and Planning Context.................................................................... 1 2.0 Site Access and Road System ........................................................................... 1 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.5 Storm Drainage .................................................................................................... 1 Existing Drainage .................................................................................................. 1 Proposed Drainage ............................................................................................... 2 Minor System ........................................................................................................ 2 Major Storm Emergency Overland Flow Conveyance........................................... 3 Stormwater Peak Flow Rates ................................................................................ 3 Stormwater Quality Control ................................................................................... 4 Alternative Stormwater Design .............................................................................. 5 4.0 Site Grading ......................................................................................................... 5 5.0 5.1 5.2 Wastewater Servicing ......................................................................................... 5 Wastewater Design Criteria ................................................................................... 5 Proposed Sanitary Servicing ................................................................................. 6 6.0 Water Distribution ............................................................................................... 6 7.0 Erosion and Sediment Control ........................................................................... 6 8.0 Utilities and Services .......................................................................................... 7 9.0 Conclusions ......................................................................................................... 7 Tables Table 1 Table 2 Stormwater Peak Flow Summary SCS Method ......................................... 3 Stormwater Peak Flow Summary Chicago Method ................................... 4 Figures Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7 Site Location Plan Existing Conditions Site Plan Grading Plan Servicing Plan Water Distribution Plan Pre-Development Drainage Plan Post-Development Drainage Plan R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 033538 Mallins Development FSR - Copy 300033538.0000 Streetcar Development Inc. iv Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report Mallins Development, Town of The Blue Mountains October 2013 Appendices A B C D Legal Survey PCSWMM Model Output (5 & 100 – year Storm)* Storm Sewer Design Calculations Sanitary Sewer Design Calculations *Model Output for additional storm events can be made available upon request. R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 033538 Mallins Development FSR - Copy 300033538.0000 Streetcar Development Inc. 1 Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report Mallins Development, Town of The Blue Mountains October 2013 1.0 Introduction and Planning Context R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited (Burnside) has been retained by Streetcar Development Inc. to prepare a Functional Servicing Report (FSR) in support of the proposed residential development. Preliminary development plans provide eight condominium lots to be built on a 3.7 ha Development (D) infill parcel. The subject lands are legally described as Part of Lot 21 Concession 3 in the Town of The Blue Mountains. A small portion of the site, which will be severed from the main parcel, fronts onto Sleepy Hollow Road immediately west of County Road 19. Please refer to Figure 1 for the Location Plan. This report will demonstrate how the subject lands can be serviced in accordance with the Town of The Blue Mountains, Grey Sauble Conservation Authority (GSCA) and Ministry of the Environment (MOE) Design Standards. An environmental impact study (EIS) has also been completed by Neil Morris for the site which will be submitted separately and will not be discussed within this report. 2.0 Site Access and Road System The proposed site access is via an extension of Salzburg Place towards the east. The proposed road is to extend approximately 65 m into the site with a turnaround at the end of the road. This road will be built to the Town of The Blue Mountains Standard CrossSection 8.5 m Road – 20 m ROW, but will be a private condominium road. The private road will service seven of the proposed lots. Although the road will initially be a condominium road, it is being built out to municipal standards to allow for the possible future road assumption by the Town. The 8th lot will front directly onto and be serviced from Sleepy Hollow Road; the 8th lot will not be part of the condominium corporation. A Traffic Impact Study is not necessary and has not been prepared as there are only eight lots being added to the site. 3.0 Storm Drainage 3.1 Existing Drainage There are two significant topographical features on site. The first is a large man-made pond which encompasses the majority of the north-eastern portion of the site. The pond which covers approximately 25% of the site was constructed through the excavation of the hill on the west side of the pond, and by constructing a berm along the east side of the pond. The pond has been extensively landscaped and includes a two storey gazebo and a sandy beach area. R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 033538 Mallins Development FSR - Copy 300033538.0000 Streetcar Development Inc. 2 Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report Mallins Development, Town of The Blue Mountains October 2013 The second topographical feature is an approximately 4 m high berm located in the southwest corner of the site. The berm was created from the excavation material from the pond. The site generally drains from southwest to northeast at approximately a 3% slope. See Figure 2 for the Existing Conditions Site Plan. The western portion of the site drains by overland sheet flow into the pond. The northern portion of the site drains overland and through swales to Sleepy Hollow Road. Runoff from the southern and eastern portions of the site drains through swales to County Road 19. A small portion of the runoff which flows towards County Road 19 in the SE part of the site is intercepted by a small ponding area located on the east side of the berm. There is a ditch inlet catchbasin (DICB) located in the ponding area, with a 300 mm diameter pipe connected to the main pond. However, it was noted that the DICB was completely blocked and is not allowing drainage through to the main pond. Instead, overflow from the small ponding area is also directed to County Road 19. The existing DICB and 300 mm pipe will likely need to be removed to allow for the construction of the proposed dwellings. The main pond on site has two identical outlet structures consisting of large diameter (600 mm dia.) Blue Brute watermain pipe extending deep into the permanent pool of the pond. The pipes are connected to a manhole located on the east and north (inside) edges of the pond. Vertical standpipes with an open top extend from the inlet pipes. When the pond water level increases water spills from the vertical standpipes and discharge out of the manhole via 450 mm dia. Pipe. These structures maintain the pond water level at approximately 211.50 m. The two outlet structures discharge to the north and to the east, where they eventually drain to either Sleepy Hollow Road or County Road 19. Only approximately 2% of the site is currently impervious and comprises a tennis court, a gazebo and several small outbuildings. However, the permanent pool area of the pond will also be considered as impervious and represents approximately 16% of the site area. According to the Grey County Soils Map North Sheet, the site is comprised of Kemble silty clay soils (Type C). A geotechnical investigation of the site has not yet been completed. Please refer to Figure 6 for the existing Storm Drainage Plan. 3.2 Proposed Drainage 3.2.1 Minor System It is proposed that an internal storm sewer system for the site will be sized to convey the 5-year storm event. Figure 4 – Preliminary Servicing Plan provides a preliminary layout R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 033538 Mallins Development FSR - Copy 300033538.0000 Streetcar Development Inc. 3 Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report Mallins Development, Town of The Blue Mountains October 2013 of the proposed storm sewers which would discharge to the onsite pond. A small amount of flow will bypass the pond matching current drainage patterns. A storm sewer design sheet is provided in Appendix C. 3.2.2 Major Storm Emergency Overland Flow Conveyance Major system flows will largely follow existing flow patterns. The southwest corner of the site where development is to occur will be directed through the proposed private road to an overland flow channel to the existing pond on site. However, rear yards of the lots along the south property line will continue to drain through a swale to County Road 19. In order to allow for the development of the northern lot which fronts onto Sleepy Hollow Road, runoff from the northwest corner of the site will be redirected toward the onsite pond, instead of flowing through the lot. The pond will maintain the two outlets, with pond flow drainage and overland flow reaching both Sleepy Hollow Road and County Road 19. 3.2.3 Stormwater Peak Flow Rates The proposed storm drainage plan is shown on Figure 7. PCSWWM (2013) modelling has been used to determine peak flow rates for existing and proposed conditions. Modelling parameters and rainfall data were selected in accordance with The Blue Mountains Engineering Standards (April 2009). Peak flows were compared at Sleepy Hollow Road and at County Road 19 for both the SCS 12-hour storm, and the Chicago 3-hour storm. The model output has been provided in Appendix B and is summarized in Table 1 and Table 2. Table 1 Stormwater Peak Flow Summary SCS Method Peak Flow Rate (m3/s) Storm Sleepy Hollow Road Grey County Road 19 Event Existing Proposed Existing Proposed 2-Year 0.075 0.042 0.106 0.070 5-Year 0.100 0.058 0.148 0.094 25-Year 0.139 0.085 0.208 0.133 100-Year 0.172 0.110 0.259 0.168 Timmins 0.137 0.129 0.186 0.144 Storm R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 033538 Mallins Development FSR - Copy Total Site Existing Proposed 0.181 0.112 0.248 0.152 0.347 0.218 0.431 0.278 0.323 0.273 300033538.0000 Streetcar Development Inc. 4 Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report Mallins Development, Town of The Blue Mountains October 2013 Table 2 Stormwater Peak Flow Summary Chicago Method Peak Flow Rate (m3/s) Storm Sleepy Hollow Road Grey County Road 19 Event Existing Proposed Existing Proposed 2-Year 0.077 0.047 0.088 0.086 5-Year 0.130 0.079 0.152 0.145 25-Year 0.220 0.131 0.262 0.239 100-Year 0.297 0.174 0.360 0.316 Total Site Existing Proposed 0.165 0.133 0.282 0.224 0.482 0.370 0.657 0.490 The post development imperviousness on the site was only 30% compared to the predevelopment conditions of 18% impervious. This small increase only results in a slight increase in runoff from the catchments. Also, under proposed conditions, more of the site is being directed to the pond. Due to the large size of the pond, there is sufficient capacity to temporarily store and mitigate major stormwater flows. As seen in the above table, the total post-development peak flows are less than pre-development peak flows. As the existing swales convey stormwater from the pond through backyards before reaching either Sleepy Hollow Road or County Road 19, there will be a reduced flooding risk by decreasing the post-development peak flow rates. The storm which produces the greatest increase in pond water surface elevation is the regional Timmins Storm event. Under these storm conditions there is 0.15 m of additional water in the pond above permanent pool. As there is 0.8 m of active storage in the pond, there will be 0.65 m of freeboard during the regional event, well exceeding the required 0.3 m of freeboard. 3.2.4 Stormwater Quality Control The drainage from the northern lot will be directed to Sleepy Hollow Road. As most of this runoff will be considered clean as it coming from the roof and yard no additional quality control is recommended. Also the stormwater drains to roadside ditches which will provide some treatment. The majority of the site which is to be developed drains to the on-site pond. This permanent water depth within the pond is approximately 11 m with approximately 0.8 m of available active storage above the permanent pool. Due to the small impervious level of the proposed development, and the very large amount of storage within the pond, a high level of water treatment is expected. The rear yards which do not drain to the pond will only be discharging clean roof and yard runoff, therefore quality control is not a concern. As the majority of the surrounding developments have little or no water quality treatment, the proposed treatment by the pond will be a significant improvement. R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 033538 Mallins Development FSR - Copy 300033538.0000 Streetcar Development Inc. 5 Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report Mallins Development, Town of The Blue Mountains October 2013 3.2.5 Alternative Stormwater Design Although it is the first choice to direct the runoff to the pond for its quantity and quality mitigation measures, there is also an alternative stormwater outlet. Along the eastern property line of the neighbouring Alpine Hills development there is a Municipal easement with an existing drainage channel. It is possible that this channel could be utilized to convey the peak flows from the proposed development for the southwest portion of the site. The Alpine Hills channel was developed with rock check dams and a small ponding area with a Hickenbottom intake creating an enhanced grass swale. This would allow for additional treatment of the stormwater runoff if it became necessary. 4.0 Site Grading The site grading design will take into consideration the following requirements and constraints: Conform to the Town of The Blue Mountains grading criteria; Match existing and proposed boundary grading conditions; Minimize required earthworks and rock removal; and Provide minimum cover on proposed servicing; Figure 3 provides a preliminary grading design for the site, which depicts preliminary finished floor elevations, road centerline grades and the emergency overland flow route. The site has been designed to be compatible with the road elevations on Salzburg Place. The berm located in the southwest corner of the site will be redistributed to allow for the construction of the homes, with the site grading works largely limited to this area. An emergency overland flow route has been provided to allow major system flows into the pond. 5.0 Wastewater Servicing 5.1 Wastewater Design Criteria Sanitary servicing and sanitary design flows for the subject lands will be designed in accordance with: The Town of The Blue Mountains Engineering Standards (2009); MOE Design Guidelines for Sewage Works (2008); and Ontario Building Code. R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 033538 Mallins Development FSR - Copy 300033538.0000 Streetcar Development Inc. 6 Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report Mallins Development, Town of The Blue Mountains October 2013 5.2 Proposed Sanitary Servicing The following criteria from the Town of The Blue Mountains Engineering Standards were used to calculate the proposed sewer flows for the development: Average Flow Rate Inflow & Infiltration Peaking Factor Population Density - 450 L/capita/day (exclusive of extraneous flows); - 0.23 L/ha/s; - Harmon Peaking Factor Formula; and - 2.3 persons per unit. A gravity sewer located within the private road will convey flows to a manhole located at the east end of the street. A pump located in the center of the cul-de-sac will redirect the flow west through a small diameter low pressure forcemain which will connect to the existing gravity sanitary sewer manhole at the east end of Salzburg Place. The existing sanitary servicing on Salzburg Place is a gravity sewer which connects to the Sleepy Hollow Road sewer through Innsbruck Lane. The existing sewers are 200 mm diameter PVC. See Figure 4 for the servicing plan and Appendix D for the sanitary sewer design sheet. As seen in the sanitary sewer design sheet the expected flows from the development are very low. The existing sanitary sewers will have sufficient capacity to convey the proposed flow. The northern lot will connect directly into the Sleepy Hollow Road sanitary sewer. 6.0 Water Distribution There are a number of possible options for providing potable water to the proposed development. A water system analysis report has been prepared under separate cover which discusses these options and the modelling in depth. The preferred option is to construct a new 150 mm dia. watermain from the intersection of Alexandra Way and Lendvay Alley along the east side of the existing (Town owned) dry SWM pond and then north under the existing pedestrian walkway to Salzburg Place. A 150 mm dia. private water line would extend east into the development site with individual 19 mm dia. domestic water service lines to each residence. A single fire hydrant will be provided at the east end of the private road to allow for a blow off point. Please refer to the Water System Analysis report for further discussion. 7.0 Erosion and Sediment Control The Erosion and Sediment Control Plan for the site will be designed in conformance with the Town of The Blue Mountains guidelines, Grey Sauble Conservation Authority, and R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 033538 Mallins Development FSR - Copy 300033538.0000 Streetcar Development Inc. 7 Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report Mallins Development, Town of The Blue Mountains October 2013 Ministry of the Environment guidelines. Erosion and sediment controls will be implemented for all construction activities including topsoil stripping, foundation excavation and stockpiling of materials. The erosion and sediment control strategy will include the following: Temporary sediment control fence at construction limits and/or downstream of any disturbed areas prior to grading; Gravel mud mats at construction vehicle access points to minimize off-site tracking of sediments; Temporary sediment ponds as required; Check dams, etc. for erosion/velocity control; Sediment traps in catchbasins; Routine inspection, monitoring, and repair as necessary of all temporary erosion and sediment control measures during construction; and Removal of temporary controls once the areas they serve are restored and stable. All reasonable measures will be taken to ensure that sediment loading is minimized both during and following construction. Erosion and Sediment Control Drawings will be completed as part of the detailed site design. 8.0 Utilities and Services Provisions for utilities such as hydro, natural gas, telephone and fibre-optic cable, and services such as Canada Post will be coordinated with the respective providers at the detailed design stage. The existing services on Salzburg Place are all underground, and will be extended east into the proposed development. 9.0 Conclusions This Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report has demonstrated that: The site will be serviced in accordance with the Town of The Blue Mountains, GSCA and MOE design criteria; The proposed residential development can be developed using private connections to municipal sanitary and water services; The recommended sanitary sewer discharge point is to Salzburg Place; Connections to a municipal watermain is recommended to be to Alexandra Way; The site can be graded to be compatible with adjacent lands and boundary roads, and will provide emergency overland flow routes; Stormwater quality control for the site will be provided through the existing pond; and Stormwater quantity control will be provided through the existing pond. R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 033538 Mallins Development FSR - Copy 300033538.0000 Streetcar Development Inc. Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report Mallins Development, Town of The Blue Mountains October 2013 If you have any questions, or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Prepared by: R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited Michelle L. Zettel, E.l.T. R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 033538 Mallins Development FSR P. Claytc/n Capes/ M S c , P.Eng. Project Jvlanagef 300033538.0000 Appendix A Legal Survey Appendix B PCSWMM Model Output (5 & 100-year Storm)* *Model Output for additional storm events can be made available upon request PCSWMM Modeling Existing Conditions 5-year Storm EPA STORM WATER MANAGEMENT MODEL - VERSION 5.0 (Build 5.0.022) -------------------------------------------------------------PROJECT TITLE: MALLINS SUBDIVISION PROJECT NO: 300033538 MODEL CREATED BY: R.J.BURNSIDE AND ASSOCIATES LTD ********************************************************* NOTE: The summary statistics displayed in this report are based on results found at every computational time step, not just on results from each reporting time step. ********************************************************* **************** Analysis Options **************** Flow Units ............... Process Models: Rainfall/Runoff ........ Snowmelt ............... Groundwater ............ Flow Routing ........... Ponding Allowed ........ Water Quality .......... Infiltration Method ...... Flow Routing Method ...... Starting Date ............ Ending Date .............. Antecedent Dry Days ...... Report Time Step ......... Wet Time Step ............ Dry Time Step ............ Routing Time Step ........ CMS YES NO NO YES YES NO HORTON DYNWAVE OCT-09-2013 00:00:00 OCT-10-2013 00:00:00 0.0 00:00:05 00:05:00 00:05:00 5.00 sec WARNING 01: wet weather time step reduced to recording interval for Rain Gage 100YR_Chicago_3hr ************* Element Count ************* Number of rain gages ...... Number of subcatchments ... Number of nodes ........... Number of links ........... Number of pollutants ...... 9 3 6 5 0 Number of land uses ....... 0 **************** Raingage Summary **************** Data Recording Name Data Source Type Interval ------------------------------------------------------------100YR_Chicago_3hr 100YR_Chicago_3hr INTENSITY 1 min. 100YR_SCS_12hr 100YR_SCS_12hr CUMULATIVE 15 min. 25YR_Chicago_3hr 25YR_Chicago_3hr INTENSITY 1 min. 25YR_SCS_12HR 25YR_SCS_12hr CUMULATIVE 15 min. 2YR_Chicago_3hr 2YR_Chicago_3hr INTENSITY 1 min. 2YR_SCS_12hr 2YR_SCS_12hr CUMULATIVE 15 min. 5YR_Chicago_3hr 5YR_Chicago_3hr INTENSITY 1 min. 5YR_SCS_12hr 5YR_SCS_12hr CUMULATIVE 15 min. Timmins_Storm_(Northern_Ontario)Timmins_Storm_(Northern_Ontario)INTENSITY 60 min. ******************** Subcatchment Summary ******************** Name Area Width %Imperv %Slope Rain Gage Outlet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------101 0.70 180.00 0.20 10.0000 5YR_Chicago_3hr SLEEPY_HOLLOW 102 1.86 110.00 36.00 3.0000 5YR_Chicago_3hr SU1 103 1.13 170.00 2.30 8.0000 5YR_Chicago_3hr J1 ************ Node Summary ************ Invert Max. Ponded External Name Type Elev. Depth Area Inflow -----------------------------------------------------------------------------J1 JUNCTION 208.46 1.00 0.0 J2 JUNCTION 209.66 2.64 0.0 J3 JUNCTION 209.68 2.62 0.0 CR19 OUTFALL 207.66 0.00 0.0 SLEEPY_HOLLOW OUTFALL 208.10 0.45 0.0 SU1 STORAGE 211.50 0.80 0.0 ************ Link Summary ************ Name From Node To Node Type Length %Slope Roughness -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C1_1 SU1 J2 CONDUIT 3.0 0.0333 0.0090 C1_2 J2 J1 CONDUIT 20.5 6.0599 0.0090 C2_1 SU1 J3 CONDUIT 3.0 0.0333 0.0090 C2_2 J3 SLEEPY_HOLLOW CONDUIT 32.0 5.0063 0.0090 C3 J1 CR19 CONDUIT 63.4 1.9887 0.0090 ********************* Cross Section Summary ********************* Full Full Hyd. Max. No. of Full Conduit Shape Depth Area Rad. Width Barrels Flow --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C1_1 CIRCULAR 0.60 0.28 0.15 0.60 1 0.16 C1_2 CIRCULAR 0.45 0.16 0.11 0.45 1 1.01 C2_1 CIRCULAR 0.60 0.28 0.15 0.60 1 0.16 C2_2 CIRCULAR 0.45 0.16 0.11 0.45 1 0.92 C3 DUMMY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 ************************** Runoff Quantity Continuity ************************** Total Precipitation ...... Evaporation Loss ......... Infiltration Loss ........ Surface Runoff ........... Final Surface Storage .... Continuity Error (%) ..... Volume hectare-m --------0.159 0.000 0.036 0.122 0.001 -0.038 Depth mm ------42.929 0.000 9.662 33.000 0.283 ************************** Flow Routing Continuity ************************** Dry Weather Inflow ....... Wet Weather Inflow ....... Groundwater Inflow ....... RDII Inflow .............. External Inflow .......... External Outflow ......... Internal Outflow ......... Storage Losses ........... Volume hectare-m --------0.000 0.122 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.109 0.000 0.000 Volume 10^6 ltr --------0.000 1.219 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.090 0.000 0.000 Initial Stored Volume .... Final Stored Volume ...... Continuity Error (%) ..... 0.000 0.013 0.008 0.000 0.129 *************************** Time-Step Critical Elements *************************** Link C1_1 (20.65%) ******************************** Highest Flow Instability Indexes ******************************** All links are stable. ************************* Routing Time Step Summary ************************* Minimum Time Step Average Time Step Maximum Time Step Percent in Steady State Average Iterations per Step : : : : : 1.87 sec 4.36 sec 5.00 sec 0.00 2.00 *************************** Subcatchment Runoff Summary *************************** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total Total Total Total Total Total Peak Runoff Precip Runon Evap Infil Runoff Runoff Runoff Coeff Subcatchment mm mm mm mm mm 10^6 ltr CMS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------101 42.93 0.00 0.00 11.16 31.79 0.22 0.13 0.740 102 42.93 0.00 0.00 8.10 34.31 0.64 0.31 0.799 103 42.93 0.00 0.00 11.30 31.61 0.36 0.15 0.736 ****************** Node Depth Summary ****************** --------------------------------------------------------------------- Average Maximum Maximum Time of Max Depth Depth HGL Occurrence Node Type Meters Meters Meters days hr:min --------------------------------------------------------------------J1 JUNCTION 0.00 0.00 208.46 0 03:03 J2 JUNCTION 0.07 0.11 209.77 0 03:03 J3 JUNCTION 0.04 0.05 209.73 0 03:02 CR19 OUTFALL 0.00 0.00 207.66 0 00:00 SLEEPY_HOLLOW OUTFALL 0.02 0.03 208.13 0 03:02 SU1 STORAGE 0.05 0.08 211.58 0 03:02 ******************* Node Inflow Summary ******************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Maximum Maximum Lateral Total Lateral Total Time of Max Inflow Inflow Inflow Inflow Occurrence Volume Volume Node Type CMS CMS days hr:min 10^6 ltr 10^6 ltr ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------J1 JUNCTION 0.151 0.152 0 01:14 0.358 0.612 J2 JUNCTION 0.000 0.010 0 03:02 0.000 0.254 J3 JUNCTION 0.000 0.010 0 03:02 0.000 0.254 CR19 OUTFALL 0.000 0.152 0 01:14 0.000 0.612 SLEEPY_HOLLOW OUTFALL 0.130 0.130 0 01:12 0.224 0.478 SU1 STORAGE 0.306 0.306 0 01:09 0.638 0.638 ********************** Node Surcharge Summary ********************** No nodes were surcharged. ********************* Node Flooding Summary ********************* No nodes were flooded. ********************** Storage Volume Summary ********************** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Average Avg E&I Maximum Max Time of Max Maximum Volume Pcnt Pcnt Volume Pcnt Occurrence Outflow Storage Unit 1000 m3 Full Loss 1000 m3 Full days hr:min CMS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SU1 0.275 5 0 0.494 9 0 03:02 0.020 *********************** Outfall Loading Summary *********************** ----------------------------------------------------------Flow Avg. Max. Total Freq. Flow Flow Volume Outfall Node Pcnt. CMS CMS 10^6 ltr ----------------------------------------------------------CR19 99.94 0.008 0.152 0.612 SLEEPY_HOLLOW 97.46 0.007 0.130 0.478 ----------------------------------------------------------System 98.70 0.015 0.280 1.090 ******************** Link Flow Summary ******************** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Maximum Time of Max Maximum Max/ Max/ |Flow| Occurrence |Veloc| Full Full Link Type CMS days hr:min m/sec Flow Depth ----------------------------------------------------------------------------C1_1 CONDUIT 0.010 0 03:02 0.52 0.06 0.12 C1_2 CONDUIT 0.010 0 03:03 1.78 0.01 0.08 C2_1 CONDUIT 0.010 0 03:02 0.52 0.06 0.12 C2_2 CONDUIT 0.010 0 03:02 1.82 0.01 0.07 C3 DUMMY 0.152 0 01:14 *************************** Flow Classification Summary *************************** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adjusted --- Fraction of Time in Flow Class ---Avg. Avg. /Actual Up Down Sub Sup Up Down Froude Flow Conduit Length Dry Dry Dry Crit Crit Crit Crit Number Change ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C1_1 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.76 0.0000 C1_2 1.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.00 0.00 5.05 0.0000 C2_1 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.76 0.0000 C2_2 1.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.00 0.00 3.46 0.0000 ************************* Conduit Surcharge Summary ************************* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Hours Hours --------- Hours Full -------Above Full Capacity Conduit Both Ends Upstream Dnstream Normal Flow Limited ---------------------------------------------------------------------------C3 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 0.01 Analysis begun on: Wed Oct 23 16:34:00 2013 Analysis ended on: Wed Oct 23 16:34:01 2013 Total elapsed time: 00:00:01 PCSWMM Modeling Existing Conditions 100-year Storm EPA STORM WATER MANAGEMENT MODEL - VERSION 5.0 (Build 5.0.022) -------------------------------------------------------------PROJECT TITLE: MALLINS SUBDIVISION PROJECT NO: 300033538 MODEL CREATED BY: R.J.BURNSIDE AND ASSOCIATES LTD ********************************************************* NOTE: The summary statistics displayed in this report are based on results found at every computational time step, not just on results from each reporting time step. ********************************************************* **************** Analysis Options **************** Flow Units ............... Process Models: Rainfall/Runoff ........ Snowmelt ............... Groundwater ............ Flow Routing ........... Ponding Allowed ........ Water Quality .......... Infiltration Method ...... Flow Routing Method ...... Starting Date ............ Ending Date .............. Antecedent Dry Days ...... Report Time Step ......... Wet Time Step ............ Dry Time Step ............ Routing Time Step ........ CMS YES NO NO YES YES NO HORTON DYNWAVE OCT-09-2013 00:00:00 OCT-10-2013 00:00:00 0.0 00:00:05 00:05:00 00:05:00 5.00 sec WARNING 01: wet weather time step reduced to recording interval for Rain Gage 100YR_Chicago_3hr ************* Element Count ************* Number of rain gages ...... Number of subcatchments ... Number of nodes ........... Number of links ........... Number of pollutants ...... 9 3 6 5 0 Number of land uses ....... 0 **************** Raingage Summary **************** Data Recording Name Data Source Type Interval ------------------------------------------------------------100YR_Chicago_3hr 100YR_Chicago_3hr INTENSITY 1 min. 100YR_SCS_12hr 100YR_SCS_12hr CUMULATIVE 15 min. 25YR_Chicago_3hr 25YR_Chicago_3hr INTENSITY 1 min. 25YR_SCS_12HR 25YR_SCS_12hr CUMULATIVE 15 min. 2YR_Chicago_3hr 2YR_Chicago_3hr INTENSITY 1 min. 2YR_SCS_12hr 2YR_SCS_12hr CUMULATIVE 15 min. 5YR_Chicago_3hr 5YR_Chicago_3hr INTENSITY 1 min. 5YR_SCS_12hr 5YR_SCS_12hr CUMULATIVE 15 min. Timmins_Storm_(Northern_Ontario)Timmins_Storm_(Northern_Ontario)INTENSITY 60 min. ******************** Subcatchment Summary ******************** Name Area Width %Imperv %Slope Rain Gage Outlet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------101 0.70 180.00 0.20 10.0000 100YR_Chicago_3hr SLEEPY_HOLLOW 102 1.86 110.00 36.00 3.0000 100YR_Chicago_3hr SU1 103 1.13 170.00 2.30 8.0000 100YR_Chicago_3hr J1 ************ Node Summary ************ Invert Max. Ponded External Name Type Elev. Depth Area Inflow -----------------------------------------------------------------------------J1 JUNCTION 208.46 1.00 0.0 J2 JUNCTION 209.66 2.64 0.0 J3 JUNCTION 209.68 2.62 0.0 CR19 OUTFALL 207.66 0.00 0.0 SLEEPY_HOLLOW OUTFALL 208.10 0.45 0.0 SU1 STORAGE 211.50 0.80 0.0 ************ Link Summary ************ Name From Node To Node Type Length %Slope Roughness -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C1_1 SU1 J2 CONDUIT 3.0 0.0333 0.0090 C1_2 J2 J1 CONDUIT 20.5 6.0599 0.0090 C2_1 SU1 J3 CONDUIT 3.0 0.0333 0.0090 C2_2 J3 SLEEPY_HOLLOW CONDUIT 32.0 5.0063 0.0090 C3 J1 CR19 CONDUIT 63.4 1.9887 0.0090 ********************* Cross Section Summary ********************* Full Full Hyd. Max. No. of Full Conduit Shape Depth Area Rad. Width Barrels Flow --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C1_1 CIRCULAR 0.60 0.28 0.15 0.60 1 0.16 C1_2 CIRCULAR 0.45 0.16 0.11 0.45 1 1.01 C2_1 CIRCULAR 0.60 0.28 0.15 0.60 1 0.16 C2_2 CIRCULAR 0.45 0.16 0.11 0.45 1 0.92 C3 DUMMY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 ************************** Runoff Quantity Continuity ************************** Total Precipitation ...... Evaporation Loss ......... Infiltration Loss ........ Surface Runoff ........... Final Surface Storage .... Continuity Error (%) ..... Volume hectare-m --------0.257 0.000 0.036 0.219 0.001 -0.042 Depth mm ------69.443 0.000 9.796 59.394 0.283 ************************** Flow Routing Continuity ************************** Dry Weather Inflow ....... Wet Weather Inflow ....... Groundwater Inflow ....... RDII Inflow .............. External Inflow .......... External Outflow ......... Internal Outflow ......... Storage Losses ........... Volume hectare-m --------0.000 0.219 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.205 0.000 0.000 Volume 10^6 ltr --------0.000 2.194 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.052 0.000 0.000 Initial Stored Volume .... Final Stored Volume ...... Continuity Error (%) ..... 0.000 0.014 0.004 0.000 0.142 *************************** Time-Step Critical Elements *************************** Link C1_1 (47.57%) ******************************** Highest Flow Instability Indexes ******************************** All links are stable. ************************* Routing Time Step Summary ************************* Minimum Time Step Average Time Step Maximum Time Step Percent in Steady State Average Iterations per Step : : : : : 1.45 sec 3.40 sec 5.00 sec 0.00 2.00 *************************** Subcatchment Runoff Summary *************************** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total Total Total Total Total Total Peak Runoff Precip Runon Evap Infil Runoff Runoff Runoff Coeff Subcatchment mm mm mm mm mm 10^6 ltr CMS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------101 69.44 0.00 0.00 11.30 58.18 0.41 0.29 0.838 102 69.44 0.00 0.00 8.22 60.71 1.13 0.60 0.874 103 69.44 0.00 0.00 11.45 57.98 0.66 0.36 0.835 ****************** Node Depth Summary ****************** --------------------------------------------------------------------- Average Maximum Maximum Time of Max Depth Depth HGL Occurrence Node Type Meters Meters Meters days hr:min --------------------------------------------------------------------J1 JUNCTION 0.00 0.01 208.47 0 02:29 J2 JUNCTION 0.11 0.22 209.88 0 02:29 J3 JUNCTION 0.05 0.08 209.76 0 02:28 CR19 OUTFALL 0.00 0.00 207.66 0 00:00 SLEEPY_HOLLOW OUTFALL 0.03 0.05 208.15 0 03:08 SU1 STORAGE 0.07 0.13 211.63 0 02:28 ******************* Node Inflow Summary ******************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Maximum Maximum Lateral Total Lateral Total Time of Max Inflow Inflow Inflow Inflow Occurrence Volume Volume Node Type CMS CMS days hr:min 10^6 ltr 10^6 ltr ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------J1 JUNCTION 0.357 0.360 0 01:12 0.657 1.149 J2 JUNCTION 0.000 0.025 0 02:28 0.000 0.493 J3 JUNCTION 0.000 0.025 0 02:28 0.000 0.493 CR19 OUTFALL 0.000 0.360 0 01:12 0.000 1.149 SLEEPY_HOLLOW OUTFALL 0.295 0.297 0 01:11 0.410 0.902 SU1 STORAGE 0.602 0.602 0 01:09 1.129 1.129 ********************** Node Surcharge Summary ********************** No nodes were surcharged. ********************* Node Flooding Summary ********************* No nodes were flooded. ********************** Storage Volume Summary ********************** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Average Avg E&I Maximum Max Time of Max Maximum Volume Pcnt Pcnt Volume Pcnt Occurrence Outflow Storage Unit 1000 m3 Full Loss 1000 m3 Full days hr:min CMS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SU1 0.431 8 0 0.805 15 0 02:28 0.051 *********************** Outfall Loading Summary *********************** ----------------------------------------------------------Flow Avg. Max. Total Freq. Flow Flow Volume Outfall Node Pcnt. CMS CMS 10^6 ltr ----------------------------------------------------------CR19 99.97 0.021 0.360 1.149 SLEEPY_HOLLOW 98.60 0.016 0.297 0.902 ----------------------------------------------------------System 99.28 0.038 0.650 2.052 ******************** Link Flow Summary ******************** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Maximum Time of Max Maximum Max/ Max/ |Flow| Occurrence |Veloc| Full Full Link Type CMS days hr:min m/sec Flow Depth ----------------------------------------------------------------------------C1_1 CONDUIT 0.025 0 02:28 0.67 0.16 0.19 C1_2 CONDUIT 0.025 0 02:29 1.76 0.03 0.21 C2_1 CONDUIT 0.025 0 02:28 0.67 0.16 0.19 C2_2 CONDUIT 0.025 0 02:28 2.37 0.03 0.12 C3 DUMMY 0.360 0 01:12 *************************** Flow Classification Summary *************************** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adjusted --- Fraction of Time in Flow Class ---Avg. Avg. /Actual Up Down Sub Sup Up Down Froude Flow Conduit Length Dry Dry Dry Crit Crit Crit Crit Number Change ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C1_1 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.75 0.0000 C1_2 1.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.97 0.00 0.00 3.78 0.0000 C2_1 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.75 0.0000 C2_2 1.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.97 0.00 0.00 3.61 0.0000 ************************* Conduit Surcharge Summary ************************* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Hours Hours --------- Hours Full -------Above Full Capacity Conduit Both Ends Upstream Dnstream Normal Flow Limited ---------------------------------------------------------------------------C3 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 0.01 Analysis begun on: Wed Oct 23 16:36:47 2013 Analysis ended on: Wed Oct 23 16:36:48 2013 Total elapsed time: 00:00:01 PCSWMM Modeling Proposed Conditions 5-year Storm EPA STORM WATER MANAGEMENT MODEL - VERSION 5.0 (Build 5.0.022) -------------------------------------------------------------PROJECT TITLE: MALLINS SUBDIVISION PROJECT NO: 300033538 MODEL CREATED BY: R.J.BURNSIDE AND ASSOCIATES LTD ********************************************************* NOTE: The summary statistics displayed in this report are based on results found at every computational time step, not just on results from each reporting time step. ********************************************************* **************** Analysis Options **************** Flow Units ............... Process Models: Rainfall/Runoff ........ Snowmelt ............... Groundwater ............ Flow Routing ........... Ponding Allowed ........ Water Quality .......... Infiltration Method ...... Flow Routing Method ...... Starting Date ............ Ending Date .............. Antecedent Dry Days ...... Report Time Step ......... Wet Time Step ............ Dry Time Step ............ Routing Time Step ........ CMS YES NO NO YES YES NO HORTON DYNWAVE OCT-09-2013 00:00:00 OCT-10-2013 00:00:00 0.0 00:00:05 00:05:00 00:05:00 5.00 sec WARNING 01: wet weather time step reduced to recording interval for Rain Gage 100YR_Chicago_3hr ************* Element Count ************* Number of rain gages ...... Number of subcatchments ... Number of nodes ........... Number of links ........... Number of pollutants ...... 9 3 6 5 0 Number of land uses ....... 0 **************** Raingage Summary **************** Data Recording Name Data Source Type Interval ------------------------------------------------------------100YR_Chicago_3hr 100YR_Chicago_3hr INTENSITY 1 min. 100YR_SCS_12hr 100YR_SCS_12hr CUMULATIVE 15 min. 25YR_Chicago_3hr 25YR_Chicago_3hr INTENSITY 1 min. 25YR_SCS_12HR 25YR_SCS_12hr CUMULATIVE 15 min. 2YR_Chicago_3hr 2YR_Chicago_3hr INTENSITY 1 min. 2YR_SCS_12hr 2YR_SCS_12hr CUMULATIVE 15 min. 5YR_Chicago_3hr 5YR_Chicago_3hr INTENSITY 1 min. 5YR_SCS_12hr 5YR_SCS_12hr CUMULATIVE 15 min. Timmins_Storm_(Northern_Ontario)Timmins_Storm_(Northern_Ontario)INTENSITY 60 min. ******************** Subcatchment Summary ******************** Name Area Width %Imperv %Slope Rain Gage Outlet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C201 0.35 110.00 12.00 10.0000 5YR_Chicago_3hr SLEEPY_HOLLOW C202 2.73 153.76 37.00 3.0000 5YR_Chicago_3hr SU1 C203 0.62 246.24 12.00 8.0000 5YR_Chicago_3hr J1 ************ Node Summary ************ Invert Max. Ponded External Name Type Elev. Depth Area Inflow -----------------------------------------------------------------------------J1 JUNCTION 208.46 1.00 0.0 J2 JUNCTION 209.66 2.64 0.0 J3 JUNCTION 209.68 2.62 0.0 CR19 OUTFALL 207.66 0.00 0.0 SLEEPY_HOLLOW OUTFALL 208.10 0.45 0.0 SU1 STORAGE 211.50 0.80 0.0 ************ Link Summary ************ Name From Node To Node Type Length %Slope Roughness -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C1_1 SU1 J2 CONDUIT 3.0 0.0333 0.0090 C1_2 J2 J1 CONDUIT 20.5 6.0599 0.0090 C2_1 SU1 J3 CONDUIT 3.0 0.0333 0.0090 C2_2 J3 SLEEPY_HOLLOW CONDUIT 32.0 5.0063 0.0090 C3 J1 CR19 CONDUIT 63.4 1.9887 0.0090 ********************* Cross Section Summary ********************* Full Full Hyd. Max. No. of Full Conduit Shape Depth Area Rad. Width Barrels Flow --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C1_1 CIRCULAR 0.60 0.28 0.15 0.60 1 0.16 C1_2 CIRCULAR 0.45 0.16 0.11 0.45 1 1.01 C2_1 CIRCULAR 0.60 0.28 0.15 0.60 1 0.16 C2_2 CIRCULAR 0.45 0.16 0.11 0.45 1 0.92 C3 DUMMY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 ************************** Runoff Quantity Continuity ************************** Total Precipitation ...... Evaporation Loss ......... Infiltration Loss ........ Surface Runoff ........... Final Surface Storage .... Continuity Error (%) ..... Volume hectare-m --------0.159 0.000 0.031 0.126 0.002 -0.043 Depth mm ------42.929 0.000 8.442 34.048 0.457 ************************** Flow Routing Continuity ************************** Dry Weather Inflow ....... Wet Weather Inflow ....... Groundwater Inflow ....... RDII Inflow .............. External Inflow .......... External Outflow ......... Internal Outflow ......... Storage Losses ........... Volume hectare-m --------0.000 0.126 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.112 0.000 0.000 Volume 10^6 ltr --------0.000 1.257 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.118 0.000 0.000 Initial Stored Volume .... Final Stored Volume ...... Continuity Error (%) ..... 0.000 0.014 0.008 0.000 0.139 *************************** Time-Step Critical Elements *************************** Link C1_1 (42.13%) ******************************** Highest Flow Instability Indexes ******************************** All links are stable. ************************* Routing Time Step Summary ************************* Minimum Time Step Average Time Step Maximum Time Step Percent in Steady State Average Iterations per Step : : : : : 1.58 sec 3.62 sec 5.00 sec 0.00 2.00 *************************** Subcatchment Runoff Summary *************************** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total Total Total Total Total Total Peak Runoff Precip Runon Evap Infil Runoff Runoff Runoff Coeff Subcatchment mm mm mm mm mm 10^6 ltr CMS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C201 42.93 0.00 0.00 9.71 33.06 0.12 0.08 0.770 C202 42.93 0.00 0.00 8.00 34.39 0.94 0.45 0.801 C203 42.93 0.00 0.00 9.67 33.11 0.20 0.14 0.771 ****************** Node Depth Summary ****************** --------------------------------------------------------------------- Average Maximum Maximum Time of Max Depth Depth HGL Occurrence Node Type Meters Meters Meters days hr:min --------------------------------------------------------------------J1 JUNCTION 0.00 0.01 208.47 0 02:51 J2 JUNCTION 0.09 0.17 209.83 0 02:51 J3 JUNCTION 0.05 0.07 209.75 0 02:51 CR19 OUTFALL 0.00 0.00 207.66 0 00:00 SLEEPY_HOLLOW OUTFALL 0.03 0.04 208.14 0 02:51 SU1 STORAGE 0.06 0.11 211.61 0 02:51 ******************* Node Inflow Summary ******************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Maximum Maximum Lateral Total Lateral Total Time of Max Inflow Inflow Inflow Inflow Occurrence Volume Volume Node Type CMS CMS days hr:min 10^6 ltr 10^6 ltr ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------J1 JUNCTION 0.143 0.145 0 01:10 0.204 0.603 J2 JUNCTION 0.000 0.018 0 02:51 0.000 0.399 J3 JUNCTION 0.000 0.018 0 02:51 0.000 0.399 CR19 OUTFALL 0.000 0.145 0 01:10 0.000 0.603 SLEEPY_HOLLOW OUTFALL 0.077 0.079 0 01:11 0.116 0.515 SU1 STORAGE 0.453 0.453 0 01:09 0.938 0.937 ********************** Node Surcharge Summary ********************** No nodes were surcharged. ********************* Node Flooding Summary ********************* No nodes were flooded. ********************** Storage Volume Summary ********************** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Average Avg E&I Maximum Max Time of Max Maximum Volume Pcnt Pcnt Volume Pcnt Occurrence Outflow Storage Unit 1000 m3 Full Loss 1000 m3 Full days hr:min CMS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SU1 0.378 7 0 0.678 13 0 02:51 0.037 *********************** Outfall Loading Summary *********************** ----------------------------------------------------------Flow Avg. Max. Total Freq. Flow Flow Volume Outfall Node Pcnt. CMS CMS 10^6 ltr ----------------------------------------------------------CR19 99.97 0.010 0.145 0.603 SLEEPY_HOLLOW 99.95 0.009 0.079 0.515 ----------------------------------------------------------System 99.96 0.019 0.223 1.118 ******************** Link Flow Summary ******************** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Maximum Time of Max Maximum Max/ Max/ |Flow| Occurrence |Veloc| Full Full Link Type CMS days hr:min m/sec Flow Depth ----------------------------------------------------------------------------C1_1 CONDUIT 0.018 0 02:51 0.62 0.11 0.16 C1_2 CONDUIT 0.018 0 02:51 1.77 0.02 0.15 C2_1 CONDUIT 0.018 0 02:51 0.62 0.11 0.16 C2_2 CONDUIT 0.018 0 02:51 2.14 0.02 0.10 C3 DUMMY 0.145 0 01:10 *************************** Flow Classification Summary *************************** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adjusted --- Fraction of Time in Flow Class ---Avg. Avg. /Actual Up Down Sub Sup Up Down Froude Flow Conduit Length Dry Dry Dry Crit Crit Crit Crit Number Change ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C1_1 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.75 0.0000 C1_2 1.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.97 0.00 0.00 4.17 0.0000 C2_1 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.75 0.0000 C2_2 1.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.97 0.00 0.00 3.57 0.0000 ************************* Conduit Surcharge Summary ************************* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Hours Hours --------- Hours Full -------Above Full Capacity Conduit Both Ends Upstream Dnstream Normal Flow Limited ---------------------------------------------------------------------------C3 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 0.01 Analysis begun on: Wed Oct 23 16:39:44 2013 Analysis ended on: Wed Oct 23 16:39:45 2013 Total elapsed time: 00:00:01 PCSWMM Modeling Proposed Conditions 100-year Storm EPA STORM WATER MANAGEMENT MODEL - VERSION 5.0 (Build 5.0.022) -------------------------------------------------------------PROJECT TITLE: MALLINS SUBDIVISION PROJECT NO: 300033538 MODEL CREATED BY: R.J.BURNSIDE AND ASSOCIATES LTD ********************************************************* NOTE: The summary statistics displayed in this report are based on results found at every computational time step, not just on results from each reporting time step. ********************************************************* **************** Analysis Options **************** Flow Units ............... Process Models: Rainfall/Runoff ........ Snowmelt ............... Groundwater ............ Flow Routing ........... Ponding Allowed ........ Water Quality .......... Infiltration Method ...... Flow Routing Method ...... Starting Date ............ Ending Date .............. Antecedent Dry Days ...... Report Time Step ......... Wet Time Step ............ Dry Time Step ............ Routing Time Step ........ CMS YES NO NO YES YES NO HORTON DYNWAVE OCT-09-2013 00:00:00 OCT-10-2013 00:00:00 0.0 00:00:05 00:05:00 00:05:00 5.00 sec WARNING 01: wet weather time step reduced to recording interval for Rain Gage 100YR_Chicago_3hr ************* Element Count ************* Number of rain gages ...... Number of subcatchments ... Number of nodes ........... Number of links ........... Number of pollutants ...... 9 3 6 5 0 Number of land uses ....... 0 **************** Raingage Summary **************** Data Recording Name Data Source Type Interval ------------------------------------------------------------100YR_Chicago_3hr 100YR_Chicago_3hr INTENSITY 1 min. 100YR_SCS_12hr 100YR_SCS_12hr CUMULATIVE 15 min. 25YR_Chicago_3hr 25YR_Chicago_3hr INTENSITY 1 min. 25YR_SCS_12HR 25YR_SCS_12hr CUMULATIVE 15 min. 2YR_Chicago_3hr 2YR_Chicago_3hr INTENSITY 1 min. 2YR_SCS_12hr 2YR_SCS_12hr CUMULATIVE 15 min. 5YR_Chicago_3hr 5YR_Chicago_3hr INTENSITY 1 min. 5YR_SCS_12hr 5YR_SCS_12hr CUMULATIVE 15 min. Timmins_Storm_(Northern_Ontario)Timmins_Storm_(Northern_Ontario)INTENSITY 60 min. ******************** Subcatchment Summary ******************** Name Area Width %Imperv %Slope Rain Gage Outlet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C201 0.35 110.00 12.00 10.0000 100YR_Chicago_3hr SLEEPY_HOLLOW C202 2.73 153.76 37.00 3.0000 100YR_Chicago_3hr SU1 C203 0.62 246.24 12.00 8.0000 100YR_Chicago_3hr J1 ************ Node Summary ************ Invert Max. Ponded External Name Type Elev. Depth Area Inflow -----------------------------------------------------------------------------J1 JUNCTION 208.46 1.00 0.0 J2 JUNCTION 209.66 2.64 0.0 J3 JUNCTION 209.68 2.62 0.0 CR19 OUTFALL 207.66 0.00 0.0 SLEEPY_HOLLOW OUTFALL 208.10 0.45 0.0 SU1 STORAGE 211.50 0.80 0.0 ************ Link Summary ************ Name From Node To Node Type Length %Slope Roughness -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C1_1 SU1 J2 CONDUIT 3.0 0.0333 0.0090 C1_2 J2 J1 CONDUIT 20.5 6.0599 0.0090 C2_1 SU1 J3 CONDUIT 3.0 0.0333 0.0090 C2_2 J3 SLEEPY_HOLLOW CONDUIT 32.0 5.0063 0.0090 C3 J1 CR19 CONDUIT 63.4 1.9887 0.0090 ********************* Cross Section Summary ********************* Full Full Hyd. Max. No. of Full Conduit Shape Depth Area Rad. Width Barrels Flow --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C1_1 CIRCULAR 0.60 0.28 0.15 0.60 1 0.16 C1_2 CIRCULAR 0.45 0.16 0.11 0.45 1 1.01 C2_1 CIRCULAR 0.60 0.28 0.15 0.60 1 0.16 C2_2 CIRCULAR 0.45 0.16 0.11 0.45 1 0.92 C3 DUMMY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 ************************** Runoff Quantity Continuity ************************** Total Precipitation ...... Evaporation Loss ......... Infiltration Loss ........ Surface Runoff ........... Final Surface Storage .... Continuity Error (%) ..... Volume hectare-m --------0.256 0.000 0.032 0.223 0.002 -0.046 Depth mm ------69.443 0.000 8.562 60.456 0.457 ************************** Flow Routing Continuity ************************** Dry Weather Inflow ....... Wet Weather Inflow ....... Groundwater Inflow ....... RDII Inflow .............. External Inflow .......... External Outflow ......... Internal Outflow ......... Storage Losses ........... Volume hectare-m --------0.000 0.223 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.208 0.000 0.000 Volume 10^6 ltr --------0.000 2.233 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.083 0.000 0.000 Initial Stored Volume .... Final Stored Volume ...... Continuity Error (%) ..... 0.000 0.015 0.004 0.000 0.149 *************************** Time-Step Critical Elements *************************** Link C1_1 (56.33%) ******************************** Highest Flow Instability Indexes ******************************** All links are stable. ************************* Routing Time Step Summary ************************* Minimum Time Step Average Time Step Maximum Time Step Percent in Steady State Average Iterations per Step : : : : : 1.23 sec 3.03 sec 5.00 sec 0.00 2.00 *************************** Subcatchment Runoff Summary *************************** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total Total Total Total Total Total Peak Runoff Precip Runon Evap Infil Runoff Runoff Runoff Coeff Subcatchment mm mm mm mm mm 10^6 ltr CMS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C201 69.44 0.00 0.00 9.83 59.48 0.21 0.17 0.856 C202 69.44 0.00 0.00 8.12 60.79 1.66 0.89 0.875 C203 69.44 0.00 0.00 9.78 59.53 0.37 0.31 0.857 ****************** Node Depth Summary ****************** --------------------------------------------------------------------- Average Maximum Maximum Time of Max Depth Depth HGL Occurrence Node Type Meters Meters Meters days hr:min --------------------------------------------------------------------J1 JUNCTION 0.00 0.01 208.47 0 02:22 J2 JUNCTION 0.25 0.99 210.65 0 02:22 J3 JUNCTION 0.06 0.10 209.78 0 02:16 CR19 OUTFALL 0.00 0.00 207.66 0 00:00 SLEEPY_HOLLOW OUTFALL 0.04 0.07 208.17 0 02:16 SU1 STORAGE 0.09 0.18 211.68 0 02:16 ******************* Node Inflow Summary ******************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Maximum Maximum Lateral Total Lateral Total Time of Max Inflow Inflow Inflow Inflow Occurrence Volume Volume Node Type CMS CMS days hr:min 10^6 ltr 10^6 ltr ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------J1 JUNCTION 0.314 0.316 0 01:09 0.367 1.120 J2 JUNCTION 0.000 0.047 0 02:16 0.000 0.754 J3 JUNCTION 0.000 0.047 0 02:16 0.000 0.754 CR19 OUTFALL 0.000 0.316 0 01:09 0.000 1.120 SLEEPY_HOLLOW OUTFALL 0.171 0.174 0 01:10 0.209 0.963 SU1 STORAGE 0.889 0.889 0 01:09 1.658 1.657 ********************** Node Surcharge Summary ********************** No nodes were surcharged. ********************* Node Flooding Summary ********************* No nodes were flooded. ********************** Storage Volume Summary ********************** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Average Avg E&I Maximum Max Time of Max Maximum Volume Pcnt Pcnt Volume Pcnt Occurrence Outflow Storage Unit 1000 m3 Full Loss 1000 m3 Full days hr:min CMS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SU1 0.553 11 0 1.103 21 0 02:16 0.094 *********************** Outfall Loading Summary *********************** ----------------------------------------------------------Flow Avg. Max. Total Freq. Flow Flow Volume Outfall Node Pcnt. CMS CMS 10^6 ltr ----------------------------------------------------------CR19 99.99 0.023 0.316 1.120 SLEEPY_HOLLOW 99.98 0.020 0.174 0.963 ----------------------------------------------------------System 99.98 0.043 0.489 2.083 ******************** Link Flow Summary ******************** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Maximum Time of Max Maximum Max/ Max/ |Flow| Occurrence |Veloc| Full Full Link Type CMS days hr:min m/sec Flow Depth ----------------------------------------------------------------------------C1_1 CONDUIT 0.047 0 02:16 0.79 0.29 0.26 C1_2 CONDUIT 0.047 0 02:22 1.74 0.05 0.51 C2_1 CONDUIT 0.047 0 02:16 0.79 0.29 0.26 C2_2 CONDUIT 0.047 0 02:16 2.77 0.05 0.16 C3 DUMMY 0.316 0 01:09 *************************** Flow Classification Summary *************************** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adjusted --- Fraction of Time in Flow Class ---Avg. Avg. /Actual Up Down Sub Sup Up Down Froude Flow Conduit Length Dry Dry Dry Crit Crit Crit Crit Number Change ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C1_1 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.74 0.0000 C1_2 1.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.67 0.00 0.00 2.84 0.0000 C2_1 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.74 0.0000 C2_2 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.00 0.00 3.67 0.0000 ************************* Conduit Surcharge Summary ************************* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Hours Hours --------- Hours Full -------Above Full Capacity Conduit Both Ends Upstream Dnstream Normal Flow Limited ---------------------------------------------------------------------------C3 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 0.01 Analysis begun on: Wed Oct 23 16:41:26 2013 Analysis ended on: Wed Oct 23 16:41:27 2013 Total elapsed time: 00:00:01 Appendix C Storm Sewer Design Calculations STORM SEWER DESIGN SHEET: (5 Year Storm) 0 Mallins Subdivision, Town of Blue Mountains Rainfall Intensity = Project #: Date: Designed: Checked: 300033538.0 21-Oct-13 KAG PCC Min. Diameter = Mannings 'n'= Starting Tc = Factor of Safety = 300 0.009 15 10 mm A= B= C= min % A (Tc+B)^c 1234.576 8.297 0.851 where Tc is in minutes (5 Yr) NOMINAL PIPE SIZE USED ACCUM. DESCRIPTION 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FROM MH EX. CBMH8 CBMH5 CBMH1 MH2 CBMH3 CBMH4 TO MH CBMH5 HDWL 2 MH2 CBMH3 CBMH4 HDWL1 AREA 'AR' (ha) RUNOFF COEFFICIENT "R" 1.80 0.00 0.50 0.14 0.00 0.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.90 0.00 0.25 0.07 0.00 0.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ACCUM. 'AR' 0.90 0.90 0.25 0.32 0.32 0.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 RAINFALL INTENSITY (mm/hr) 84.7 83.9 84.7 83.5 82.0 81.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 FLOW CONSTANT FLOW (m3/s) TOTAL FLOW (m3/s) LENGTH SLOPE (m3/s) CONSTANT FLOW (m3/s) (m) (%) PIPE DIAMETER (mm) FULL FLOW CAPACITY (m3/s) FULL FLOW VELOCITY (m/s) INITIAL Tc (min) TIME OF CONCENTRATION (min) ACC. TIME OF CONCENTRATION (min) PERCENT FULL (%) 0.212 0.210 0.059 0.074 0.073 0.162 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.212 0.210 0.059 0.074 0.073 0.162 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 39.5 12.2 46.4 63.2 33.4 20.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.14 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 375 450 300 300 300 300 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.270 0.291 0.140 0.140 0.140 0.198 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.45 1.83 1.98 1.98 1.98 2.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.00 15.27 15.00 15.39 15.92 16.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.27 0.11 0.39 0.53 0.28 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.27 15.38 15.39 15.92 16.21 16.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 78% 72% 42% 53% 52% 82% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% \\OSCAR\Shared Work Areas\300033538\07_DesignDocs\033538_STM_x yr - Civil3D Import Template.xls:STM Appendix D Sanitary Sewer Design Calculations SANITARY SEWER DESIGN SHEET Mallins Subdivision, Town of the Blue Mountains Project #: 300033538.0 Date: 18-Sep-13 Min Diameter = Mannings 'n'= 200 0.009 mm Avg. Domestic Flow = Infiltration = 450.0 0.230 Designed: MLZ Min. Velocity = 0.75 m/s Max. Peaking Factor = 4.50 Max. Velocity = 3.00 m/s Min. Peaking Factor= 2.00 Checked: PCC RESIDENTIAL DESCRIPTION FROM TO MH MH l/c/d l/s/ha Factor of Safety = COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL/INSTITUTIONAL ACC. ACCUM. AREA AREA UNITS DENISTY DENSITY (ha) (ha) (#) (P/ha) (P/unit) POP 10 % NOMINAL PIPE SIZE USED FLOW CALCULATIONS ACC. EQUIV. FLOW EQUIV. ACCUM. RES. AREA AREA POP. RATE POP. EQUIV. POP. (ha) (ha) (p/ha) (l/s/ha) POP. INFILTRATION (l/s) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.000 0 0 0.0 On-Site MH1A MH2A 1.26 1.26 7 0 2.3 17 17 0.00 0.00 0 0.000 0 0 0.3 Salzburg Place EX MH1A EX 7 2.94 2.94 17 0 2.3 40 40 0.00 0.00 0 0.000 0 0 0.7 0 0 2.3 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.000 0 0 0.1 Salzburg Place EX Plug EX 6 0.38 0.38 Salzburg Place EX 6 EX 7 3.01 3.39 20 0 2.3 46 46 0.00 0.00 0 0.000 0 0 0.8 Innsbruck Lane EX 7 EX 5 0.43 6.76 2 0 2.3 5 91 0.00 0.00 0 0.000 0 0 1.6 Innsbruck Lane EX 5 EX 3 0.43 7.19 2 0 2.3 5 96 0.00 0.00 0 0.000 0 0 1.7 Dolomite Court EX 4 EX 3 1.30 1.30 7 0 2.3 17 17 0.00 0.00 0 0.000 0 0 0.3 Innsbruck Lane EX 3 EX 2 0.22 8.71 1 0 2.3 3 116 0.00 0.00 0 0.000 0 0 2.0 Innsbruck Lane EX 2 EX 1 0.22 8.93 1 0 2.3 3 119 0.00 0.00 0 0.000 0 0 2.1 Innsbruck Lane EX 1 EX 10 0.27 9.20 1 0 2.3 3 122 0.00 0.00 0 0.000 0 0 2.1 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.0 Notes: The area and population from the proposed development have been included in this run of pipe to account for flows discharging from the forcemain 0 - Information for all existing sanitary sewers including populations, areas, lengths and slopes were obtained from the Alpine Hills Subdivision Record Drawings provided by the Town of the Blue Mountains PIPE DATA TOTAL PEAKING POP. CONSTANT COMM. ACCUM. TOTAL ACCUM. FACTOR FLOW FLOW COMM. FLOW FLOW (l/s) (l/s) (l/s) 0.0 0.4 0.9 0.0 1.0 2.0 2.1 0.4 2.6 2.6 2.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 POP. 0 17 40 0 46 91 96 17 116 119 122 0 0 0.00 4.39 4.33 0.00 4.32 4.25 4.25 4.39 4.23 4.22 4.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 SLOPE PIPE DIAMETER (l/s) (%) (mm) 0.0 0.7 1.6 0.1 1.8 3.6 3.8 0.7 4.6 4.7 4.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 1.00 0.40 0.30 0.40 0.40 0.60 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 0 0 0 0 FULL FLOW FULL FLOW ACTUAL PERCENT CAPACITY VELOCITY VELOCITY FULL (l/s) (m/s) (m/s) (%) 0.0 47.4 30.0 25.9 30.0 30.0 36.7 30.0 30.0 30.0 33.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 1.51 0.95 0.83 0.95 0.95 1.17 0.95 0.95 0.95 1.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.47 0.50 0.21 0.52 0.64 0.75 0.37 0.69 0.70 0.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% 1% 5% 0% 6% 12% 10% 2% 15% 16% 14% 0% 0% 0% 0% \\OSCAR\Shared Work Areas\300033538\07_DesignDocs\033538_San Design Sheet.xls:SAN MO R S T. A O R OW D LL O H PY SLEE CRE PROPOSED SITE OF DEVELOPMENT S. E D A O R OAD 19 GREY R TE I M O DOL T R COU INNISB P E E SL RUCK L G R U ZB AY N A Y W ANE DRA W ALEXAN CT T DO E C A PL SAL Y A V D Y E L AL Notes 1. This drawing is the exclusive property of R. J. Burnside & Associates Limited. The reproduction of any part without prior written consent of this office is strictly prohibited. LEN 2. The contractor shall verify all dimensions, levels, and datums on site and report any discrepancies or omissions to this office prior to construction. 3. This drawing is to be read and understood in conjunction with all other plans and documents applicable to this project. AY W RA D N A EX AL CR No. 1 AIG L Date ISSUED WITH FSR 13/10/24 Auth. D A O HR IT E L G I RA RO C AD CR WA AIGL LK EIT H EIT H Issue / Revision R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 3 Ronell Crescent, Collingwood, Ontario, L9Y 4J6 telephone (705) 446-0515 fax (705) 446-2399 web www.rjburnside.com Client STREETCAR DEVELOPMENT INC. 43 DAVIES AVENUE TORONTO, ON M4M 2A9 Drawing Title 19 LOT RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ACCESS FROM SLEEPY HOLLOW ROAD KEY PLAN Drawn Checked KAG PCC Designed PCC Scale Project No. NTS 300033538 Checked PCC Date Drawing No. 13/10/24 Revision No. 1 FIG 1 File Name: 033538_FIG 1.dwg Date Plotted: October 24, 2013 - 9:41 AM OW L L Y HO Y WA B MOIX EN S E U L G KI G R O EC . CHA ASP S E R KITZBUHL ITZ CR ES . . S E CR KITZBUHL MO RIT ZC RES . ST. SLEE AD W RO OLLO PY H S. CRE CR MOIX CHA E RG Y WA EN ASP . ES EO S. CRE G KI S UE BL SL ALEXAN AY DRA W OT AND WY CT E OMIT DOL T R COU 19 NE RUCK LA INNISB ROA AD GREY RO D LOW L Y HO EEP RG ZBU SAL PLA CE D LEN VAY EY ALL AY RA W D XAN CR A ALE IGL EIT ITH IGLE OA D CR AIG LE ITH D ROA CRA WA LK HR KEY PLAN CBMH TOP 194.58 N/W INV 191.55 S INV 192.80 W INV 192.77 SCALE: N.T.S. FD BM ELEV 206.952m NAIL AND WASHERS IN WEST FACE OF 50 Km/h SIGN NORTH OF D/W #7869573 ON EAST SIDE OF COUNTY ROAD #19. W OBV 206.94 E OBV 206.83 CBMH TOP 204.13 N INV 190.56 CB TOP 200.35 NAIL AND WASHERS IN EAST FACE OF HB GUY POLE AT THE NORTHWEST INTERSECTION OF GREY ROAD #19 AND SLEEPY HOLLOW ROAD. DITCH NL EXISTIN S/W INV 192.70 ( ORIGIN AL CB TOP 204.09 G DITCH ROAD WV FH TOP OF HYDRANT #220 AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF GREY ROAD #19 AND SLEEPY HOLLOW ROAD. CE CONCES SIONS 2 AND 3) GREY CO UNTY RO AD #19 CBMH TOP 209.18 BM 1 ELEV 195.403m ALLOWA N SAN MH TOP 210.67 CBMH TOP 211.24 SIB CBMH TOP 212.86 SET BM ELEV 207.928m SWAL E RESIDENTIAL LOTS RESIDENTIAL LOTS RED MULBERRY BUSH 2-3 IB 209.5 210 210.5 211 211.5 212 212.5 213 SIB FH POND OVERFLOW MH WOOD DOCK EX. STM MH EX. STM DIMH EX. STM MH EX. 2130x1400 CSPA EX. STM MH EX. SAN MH NL M BER BM 5 ELEV 216.268m N NL SWALE N17^14'00"W 215 NL 21 2 STY GAZEBO Notes NL E NL 0 21 2 5 218 DITCH NL NL 218 FH PART 13 , 16R-2315 PVC 218.5 N SIDEW WAL EX. STM MH EX. CB 9 SIGN 21 R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 3 Ronell Crescent, Collingwood, Ontario, L9Y 4J6 telephone (705) 446-0515 fax (705) 446-2399 web www.rjburnside.com 9. 5 LS 21 PART 1 , 16 SAN MH TOP 219.14 W INV 216.69 N INV 216.76 S INV 216.76 N INV 218.23 S INV 218.34 RB TOP OF HYDRANT # 216 AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SALZBURG PLACE CUL DE SAC, EAST OF D/W # 119. E INV 219.23 NL BM 6 ELEV 219.539m CU SWAMP AREA NC CO REGISTERED DICB INLET ELEV = 211.74 1119 13/10/24 WV LS PLAN ISSUED WITH FSR ASPHALT WALKWAY ALK NL Auth. SIB SIG SIG 755 217 INV .95 mm 8 21 NL 219 SIB IB IB SIB SIB 0.5 22 220 .5 9 21 19 2 300 H/W SWALE 5 5. CB TOP 212.17 N INV 210.00 221 218 21 Date 1 CONC RET WALL OUTLET (PIPE O/S TO NORTH) Issue / Revision .5 221 21 SIB No. 22 4.5 21 EX. HYD NL 221 14 STM MH TOP 211.37 3. This drawing is to be read and understood in conjunction with all other plans and documents applicable to this project. EX. SAN MH 1 217.5 3.5 21 .5 NL SWALE 3 21 2. The contractor shall verify all dimensions, levels, and datums on site and report any discrepancies or omissions to this office prior to construction. 22 0 0.5 21 22 2.5 21 9 21 9.5 21 ASPHALT TENNIS COURT 2 21 BERM 218 8.5 5 1. 21 KWA SHED/ PUMPHOUSE 1 21 EX. STM MH EX. CB Y AS PART 2 , 16R-2052 0. 21 7 RESIDENTIAL LOTS MHCB TOP 219.40 R-2612 Client SALZBURG PLACE N SIG CS 21 1. This drawing is the exclusive property of R. J. Burnside & Associates Limited. The reproduction of any part without prior written consent of this office is strictly prohibited. NL STREETCAR DEVELOPMENT INC. 43 DAVIES AVENUE TORONTO, ON M4M 2A9 Drawing Title 19 LOT RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ACCESS FROM SLEEPY HOLLOW ROAD EXISTING CONDITIONS SITE PLAN Drawn Checked KAG PCC Designed PCC Scale Project No. 1:750 300033538 Checked PCC Date Drawing No. 13/10/24 Revision No. 1 FIG 2 File Name: 033538_FIG 2.dwg Date Plotted: October 24, 2013 - 9:42 AM 67.01 5 5 N PONDING AREA 6 NL 9. 20 5.5 EX. CB SWAL 205 207 INV .63 mm 214.5 EX. STM MH EX. DICB TOP = 215.29 N INV = 213.99 667 219 INV .23 mm 209 214 NEW GARDEN PLOT WITH CEDAR PLANK NL BORDER SIB LT 5 NL STONE STEP AREA SIB 216.5 7. 7 20 20 FIELD STONE SHED NL SIB 211.5 212 212.5 213 213.5 SIB MH SIG 21 HSE #116 FF 210.06 W INV 206.81 E INV 206.59 TOP PRECAST MH WITH PUMP INSIDE SWALE 1200 x 1800 CSPA N INV 205.49 S INV 206.07 SIB .5 6 20 NL EX. STM MH EX. FLUSHING STATION TOP OF THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF A STONE SLAB BASE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE GAZEBO AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE POND. NL SAN MH TOP 211.53 N INV 206.75 E INV 206.86 W INV 206.83 EX. SAN MH SIB 208 208 .5 SLEEPY HOLLOW ROAD SANDY BEACH AREA EX. STM MH POND SAN MH TOP 208.47 E INV 207.29 (35m F/M PIPE PE) NL IB INLET STRUCTURE UNDER DOCK 50k SIGN NL EX. STM MH 213 212.5 212 NL RESIDENTIAL LOTS OTHER LANDS OWNED BY STREETCAR DEVELOPMENT INC. EX. 2130x1400 CSPA SWALE 212.5 212 209 209.5 210 210.5 211 211.5 212 212.5 H CBM RESIDENTIAL LOTS W/M PLUG SIB 210.5 211 211.5 212 212.5 213 R M TOP OF HYDRANT #203 ON THE NORTH SIDE OF SLEEPY HOLLOW ROAD AT THE EAST SIDE OF D/W #715. IB NL 213 2 212 12.5 POND OUTLET PIPE (NO SIZE) RED MULBERRY BUSH 4-5 NL BE .5 208 BM 3 ELEV 207.237m 209.5 210 BERM IB 209 SWALE NL 208 995 208 INV .46 mm 20 8 E SWAL EX. SAN MH .5 207.5 SIB 207.5 NL SAN FLUSH LIMIT OF DEVELOPMENT RESIDENTIAL LOTS RED MULBERRY BUSH 1 SAN MH TOP 213.72 TOP OF HYDRANT #219 AT THE SOUTH SIDE OF D/W #796574 ON THE WEST SIDE OF COUNTY ROAD #19. PHA BM 2 ELEV 192.913m CBMH TOP 200.32 SAN MH TOP 199.95 CB TOP 194.59 106 209 4 INV .95 mm N/W INV 190.88 108 206 2 OBV.83 mm PVC EXISTIN G DITCH 107 206 0 OBV.94 mm SAN MH TOP 193.40 N INV 188.99 LOWER S INV 189.04 UPPER S INV 191.23 SWALE CR KITZBUHL MO RIT ZC RES . ST. SLEE AD W RO OLLO PY H S. CRE E RG Y WA EN ASP . ES EO MOIX CHA SIDE OF COUNTY ROAD #19. S. CRE G KI S UE BL SL ALEXAN RESIDENTIAL LOTS AY DRA W OT AND WY CT E OMIT DOL T R COU 19 NE RUCK LA INNISB ROA RG ZBU SAL RESIDENTIAL LOTS AD GREY RO D LOW L Y HO EEP PLA CE D LEN VAY EY ALL AY RA W D XAN NL E 208 210.15 20 8 .5 SWAL 210 209.5 NL 210.54 210 211 212.5 M R BE PROPOSED GRADE 184.90 EXISTING GRADE PROPOSED OVERLAND FLOW ROUTE EX. STM DIMH EX. 2130x1400 CSPA 222.22 FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION 214.85 214.18 214.40 2.00% BER 0% 2.0 19 5. 21 M POND 2.00% SIB SIB 215.84 214.5 NL NL NL 2 21 .00 6. % 22 2 3.75% 0 LT 218.7 2.00% PHA 27.4m @ 3.20% 218 218.14 0+071.880 BERM 219.10 219.081 217.5 4 21 2. The contractor shall verify all dimensions, levels, and datums on site and report any discrepancies or omissions to this office prior to construction. .5 221.34 221 22 217.67 NL 05 NL 300 H/W 217.67 218.36 HDWL 2 218 DITCH NL NL 218 FH 218.823 218.5 19.59 219.74 1 Issue / Revision Date Auth. ISSUED WITH FSR 13/10/24 E INV 219.23 ASPHALT WALKWAY NL 0+041.650 WV 218.688 N INV 218.23 S INV 218.34 218.85 ALK SIDEW TOP OF HYDRANT # 216 AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SALZBURG PLACE CUL DE SAC, EAST OF D/W # 119. 21 9 219.093 0+020.140 219.247 SIGN MATCH INTO EXISTING GRADE OF ROAD GRADING AROUND EXISTING ASPHALT WALKWAY TO BE COMPLETED DURING DETAILED DESIGN EXTEND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER TANGENTIALLY FROM EXISTING R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 3 Ronell Crescent, Collingwood, Ontario, L9Y 4J6 telephone (705) 446-0515 fax (705) 446-2399 web www.rjburnside.com LS 9. 5 EX. CBMH8 21 CU RB EX MH1A 0+026.050 21.5m @ 2.60% BM 6 ELEV 219.539m NC CO SWAMP AREA No. 2.00% 219.74 SIB 219.86 218.80 LS DICB INLET ELEV = 211.74 9 2.00% SIB IB 218.99 CBMH5 0+046.850 21 219 V IB SIB 9 218.9 9.5 21 V PVC CB TOP 212.17 N INV 210.00 216. SIB 0+057.250 218.890 8 21 SIB NL 218 MH1A CBMH1 220 N SWALE MATCH 3:1 SLOPING INTO EXISTING TOP OF BANK OF DITCH 2.00% 219.63 0+058.380 218.905 219.85 SIG 2.00% 5 2 EX. HYD 218.92 220.08 30.3m @ 1.30% SIG N . 15 0.5 22 755 217 INV .95 mm (PIPE O/S TO NORTH) 3. This drawing is to be read and understood in conjunction with all other plans and documents applicable to this project. 1 218.956 2.50% 5 219.14 21 219.29 STM MH TOP 211.37 217.67 4.5 218.70 219.38 0+066.180 21 5 218.5 .5 221 22 0.5 2.00% 2.00% Client STREETCAR DEVELOPMENT INC. 43 DAVIES AVENUE TORONTO, ON M4M 2A9 NL Drawing Title 19 LOT RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ACCESS FROM SLEEPY HOLLOW ROAD GRADING PLAN Drawn Checked KAG PCC Designed PCC Scale Project No. 1:750 300033538 Checked PCC Date Drawing No. 13/10/24 Revision No. 1 FIG 3 File Name: 033538_FIG 3.dwg Date Plotted: October 24, 2013 - 9:42 AM 219.42 219.97 MATCH 3:1 SLOPING INTO EXISTING GRADE 219.06 1. This drawing is the exclusive property of R. J. Burnside & Associates Limited. The reproduction of any part without prior written consent of this office is strictly prohibited. 667 2 219 INV .23 mm 2.00% 2.00% Notes 218.70 4.25% 218.79 NL 221 3 21 22 0 21 7 219.67 21 9.5 5 8.3 21 218.80 NL SWALE 4 219.1 0+085.380 218.649 219.87 5 2. 21 3.5 21 2 218.5 8.5 2.00% ASPHALT TENNIS COURT 2 21 21 8.3 5 218.64 RESIDENTIAL LOTS N SIG 0% 5 1. 217.6 4 V 1.0 SHED/ PUMPHOUSE 1 21 CS 0% 218.204 216.90 218.77 2.50% 5 217.6 5 5.00% Y AS 2.00% 0+099.300 KWA 218.39 4.25% 0.50% MH2A WAL DCB1 OPEN SPACE AREA 5 21 8. MH2 217.5 NL 216.54 0. 21 84 33 216.66 CBMH3 CB1 218.29 0 21 % E 2 218.37 SWAL 216.46 CBMH4 211.97 5 0.3 218.12 NL 211.97 5 . 09 205 207 INV .63 mm 0.50% 218.29 3.85% 209.39 209.39 0.3 5 % SWALE 218.14 SIB 219.29 NL W INV 206.81 E INV 206.59 209 21 00 % 2. 1 TO BE COMPLETED DURING DETAILED DESIGN 215 2 NL 219 211.09 21 NL POSITIVE DRAINAGE TO BE PROVIDED 2 STY THROUGH OPEN SPACE FOR THE MAJOR GAZEBOSYSTEM OVERLAND FLOW ROUTE, GRADING MATCH REAR LOT GRADES INTO EXISTING (TYP.) PONDING AREA 21 18 8. .4 77 6 214 NL 6 1 6.7 21 .5 213.99 8.4 213.5 208 21 21 5 7. SHED STONE STEP AREA 213 FIELD STONE 216.5 7 20 212.5 2.0 212 210.93 208 HDWL1 211.5 SIB 210.93 219.29 .80 3.80% 5.5 21 0% DETAILED GRADING OF LOT TO BE COMPLETED DURING DETAILED DESIGN 20 SIB.5 208.38 6 20 206.71 NL HSE #116 FF 210.06 EX. DICB TOP = 215.29 N INV = 218 1200 x 1800 CSPA N INV 205.49 S INV 206.07 TOP OF THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF A STONE SLAB BASE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE GAZEBO AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE POND. MH SIGN BM 5 ELEV 216.268m .0 % .00 33 0 8.8 21 15 50k SIGN 21 .99 5. 99 214.85 2 SIB 209.67 5 4.9 5 21 14.9 209.67 INV 207.29 (35m F/M PIPE PE) 184.90 DETAILED GRADING OF LOT TO BE COMPLETED DURING DETAILED DESIGN NL NL SWALE/GUTTER GRADE EX. STM MH 4.50% SANDY BEACH AREA 184.90 SWALE EX. STM MH SWALE C BM H POND OVERFLOW MH WOOD DOCK RESIDENTIAL LOTS 212.36 NL IB INLET STRUCTURE UNDER DOCK POND OUTLET PIPE (NO SIZE) RESIDENTIAL LOTS 4.70% RESIDENTIAL LOTS 212.5 212 212 212.5 211 211.5 210 210.5 209 209.5 .5 208 213 213 3:1 SLOPING (MAXIMUM) EX. 2130x1400 CSPA 212.36 .5 212.5 212 208.54 SIB FH 212.01 212.01 212.21 212.5 SWALE 213 208.54IB W/M PLUG 211.59 212 212 D ROA LEGEND SIB 4.70% 211.5 BERM ITH IGLE CRA SCALE: N.T.S. 211 213 212 D KEY PLAN 210.92 210.5 NL SAN FLUSH OA 210.92 IB 211.5 NL HR 210.15 209 210.5 212 EIT 210.14 995 208 INV .46 mm 209.5 REAR YARD SWALE TO OUTLET INTO EXISTING SWALE ALE IGL WA LK 209.06 CR A CR 207.5 9 207.6SIB 207.5 .69 207 AIG LE ITH 209.06 SWALE IB KITZBUHL MO RIT ZC RES . ST. SLEE AD W RO OLLO PY H S. CRE CR MOIX CHA E RG Y WA EN ASP . ES EO S. CRE G KI S UE BL ALEXAN AY DRA W OT AND WY CT 19 NE RUCK LA INNISB SL E OMIT DOL T R COU AD GREY RO D ROA LOW L Y HO EEP RG ZBU SAL PLA CE D LEN VAY EY ALL AY RA W D XAN CR A ALE IGL EIT ITH IGLE OA D CR AIG LE ITH D ROA CRA WA LK HR KEY PLAN CBMH TOP 194.58 N/W INV 191.55 S INV 192.80 W INV 192.77 SAN MH TOP 193.40 N INV 188.99 LOWER S INV 189.04 UPPER S INV 191.23 SCALE: N.T.S. LEGEND CB TOP 194.59 N INV 190.56 CB TOP 200.35 DITCH NL EXISTIN S/W INV 192.70 SANITARY MANHOLE W OBV 206.94 E OBV 206.83 CBMH TOP 204.13 ( ORIGIN AL 108 206 2 OBV.83 mm N/W INV 190.88 CBMH TOP 200.32 SAN MH TOP 199.95 CB TOP 204.09 G DITCH ROAD ALLOWA N CE FH SIONS 2 AND 3) STORM CATCHBASIN (ROADSIDE, DITCH INLET & REAR LOT) UNTY RO AD #19 CBMH TOP 209.18 WV STORM MANHOLE CONCES GREY CO SAN MH TOP 210.67 107 206 0 OBV.94 mm PVC EXISTIN G DITCH STORM DOUBLE CATCHBASIN CBMH TOP 211.24 FIRE HYDRANT c/w CURB STOP AND TEST FITTING SIB 106 209 4 INV .95 mm CBMH TOP 212.86 SAN MH TOP 213.72 SERVICE SERVICE SWAL E ASPHALT DRIVEWAY c/w DROP CURB PROPOSED WATERMAIN RESIDENTIAL LOTS PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER RED MULBERRY BUSH 2-3 209.5 210 210.5 211 211.5 212 212.5 213 EX. 2130x1400 CSPA EX. STM MH 213 212.5 212 NL IB INLET STRUCTURE UNDER DOCK SWALE 212.5 212 209 209.5 210 210.5 211 211.5 212 212.5 H CBM POND OVERFLOW MH WOOD DOCK SANDY BEACH AREA EX. STM MH EX. STM DIMH SIB RESIDENTIAL LOTS CONCESSION SWALE BER M FIELD STONE 214 214.5 Notes SWALE 3 21 3.5 21 14 2 MH1A 4.5 21 2 (PIPE O/S TO NORTH) DITCH NL HDWL 2 NL FH OPSD 804.030 TOP=-2.25 S INV=217.89 PART 13 , 16R-2315 REGISTERED DICB INLET ELEV = 211.74 218 PLAN 1119 218.5 WV Date Auth. ISSUED WITH FSR 13/10/24 221 22 220.5 220 BERM 220 220.5 219 219.5 218.5 218 ALT SPH AY A 219 CONC RET WALL ASPHALT WALKWAY OUTLET E INV 219.23 W/M NL PLUG LS N INV 218.23 S INV 218.34 12.2m - 450mm STM @ 0.50% 39.5m - 375mm STM @ 1.14% EX. STM MH EX. CB B SWAMP AREA R-2612 SIG FM INV = 217.34 NL EX. CBMH8 OPSD 701.010 TOP=219.58 DEPTH TO SUMP=1.5 E INV=218.40 Client STREETCAR DEVELOPMENT INC. 43 DAVIES AVENUE TORONTO, ON M4M 2A9 105.5m - 200mm SAN @ 0.42% Drawing Title 19 LOT RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ACCESS FROM SLEEPY HOLLOW ROAD SERVICING PLAN Drawn Checked KAG PCC Designed PCC Scale Project No. 1:750 300033538 Checked PCC Date Drawing No. 13/10/24 Revision No. 1 FIG 4 File Name: 033538_FIG 4.dwg Date Plotted: October 24, 2013 - 9:43 AM PART 1 , 16 OPSD 701.010 TOP=219.11 DEPTH TO SUMP=2.7 W INV=216.76 R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 3 Ronell Crescent, Collingwood, Ontario, L9Y 4J6 telephone (705) 446-0515 fax (705) 446-2399 web www.rjburnside.com LS 5 EX MH1A 9 21 9. SALZBURG PLACE UR PVC CB TOP 212.17 N INV 210.00 1 Issue / Revision SIB ALK NL SIB 218 CC NL OPSD 701.010 TOP=218.53 DEPTH TO SUMP=0.9 W INV=217.95 N INV=217.95 No. SIB IB IB SIB 8 21 NL CBMH5 2. The contractor shall verify all dimensions, levels, and datums on site and report any discrepancies or omissions to this office prior to construction. 3. This drawing is to be read and understood in conjunction with all other plans and documents applicable to this project. EX. SAN MH NL 300 H/W SWALE SIB OPSD 701.010 TOP=218.84 DEPTH TO SUMP=2.3 E INV=216.94 755 217 INV .95 mm 5 5. 21 EX. HYD SWAL OPSD 701.010 TOP=218.93 DEPTH TO SUMP=3.5 8 21 E INV=215.72 15 SIG N STM MH TOP 211.37 SAN MH TOP 211.53 N INV 206.75 E INV 206.86 W INV 206.83 NL 150mm - 78.2m SANITARY FORCEMAIN CBMH1 EX. STM MH EX. CB 667 219 INV .23 mm 21 OPSD 701.010 TOP=218.26 DEPTH TO SUMP=3.3 7.5 21 W INV=215.30 FM INV = 216.45 SIDEW 5 2. MH2A N ASPHALT TENNIS COURT N 5 1. 21 2 21 7 21 OPSD 701.010 TOP=215.54 DEPTH TO SUMP=3.9 S INV=213.50 E INV=211.91 SIG 1 21 46.4m - 300mm STM @ 1.00% SHED/ PUMPHOUSE 42.5m - 200mm SAN @ 1.00% 21 RESIDENTIAL LOTS N SIG CBMH4 PART 2 , 16R-2052 5 0. 21 DCB1 HYD. CB1 .5 CS NL 33.4m - 300mm STM @ 1.00% 1. This drawing is the exclusive property of R. J. Burnside & Associates Limited. The reproduction of any part without prior written consent of this office is strictly prohibited. E 63.2m - 300mm STM @ 1.00% 5 9. 0 20 20.7m - 300mm STM @ 2.00% NEW GARDEN PLOT WITH CEDAR PLANK NL BORDER 67.01 21 205 207 INV .63 mm SIB NL OPSD 701.010 TOP=218.24 DEPTH TO SUMP=2.4 WNL INV=216.47 N INV=216.44 219 SLEEPY HOLLOW ROAD SWALE N17^14'00"W 209 NL MH2 OPSD 701.010 TOP=218.27 DEPTH TO SUMP=4.8 S INV=215.81 N INV=213.83 KW WAL NL NL W INV 206.81 E INV 206.59 215 PONDING AREA 6 219.5 NL 21 N CO E INV 207.29 (35m F/M PIPE PE) 5.5 CBMH3 2 STY GAZEBO EX. STM MH 21 9 5 NL 21 STONE STEP AREA SIB EX. CB 216.5 211.5 212 212.5 213 213.5 SIB MH SIG OPSD 804.030 TOP=212.24 W INV=211.50 SHED 208 208 .5 EX. SAN MH EX. DICB TOP = 215.29 N INV = 213.99 N 7. 7 SAN MH TOP 208.47 EX. STM MH SIB TOP PRECAST MH WITH PUMP INSIDE 20 20 SIB .5 6 20 EX. STM MH EX. 2130x1400 CSPA HDWL1 NL EX. STM MH NL 50k SIGN HSE #116 FF 210.06 EX. SAN MH EX. FLUSHING STATION NL POND 1200 x 1800 CSPA N INV 205.49 S INV 206.07 EX. STM MH 3 RESIDENTIAL LOTS SIB 210.5 211 211.5 212 212.5 213 R M SIB FH RED MULBERRY BUSH 4-5 NL BE .5 208 W/M PLUG EXISTING STORM SEWER 209.5 IB NL 213 2 212 12.5 POND OUTLET PIPE (NO SIZE) 209 210 BERM IB EXISTING WATERMAIN RESIDENTIAL LOTS NL SAN FLUSH EXISTING SANITARY SEWER .5 E SWAL SIB 207.5 208 207.5 NL PROPOSED STORM SEWER EX. SAN MH 995 208 INV .46 mm 20 8 IB SWALE RED MULBERRY BUSH 1 RESIDENTIAL LOTS KITZBUHL MO RIT ZC RES . ST. SLEE AD W RO OLLO PY H S. CRE CR MOIX CHA E RG Y WA EN ASP . ES EO S. CRE G KI S UE BL SL ALEXAN AY DRA W OT AND WY CT E OMIT DOL T R COU 19 NE RUCK LA INNISB ROA AD GREY RO D LOW L Y HO EEP RG ZBU SAL PLA CE D LEN CBMH TOP 194.58 N/W INV 191.55 S INV 192.80 W INV 192.77 EY ALL D XAN CR A ALE IGL EIT ITH IGLE OA D D ROA CRA WA LK HR AIG LE ITH SAN MH TOP 193.40 N INV 188.99 LOWER S INV 189.04 UPPER S INV 191.23 VAY AY RA W CR EXISTIN CBMH TOP 200.32 SAN MH TOP 199.95 CB TOP 194.59 KEY PLAN CBMH TOP 204.13 N INV 190.56 CB TOP 200.35 DITCH NL EXISTIN G DIT S/W INV 192.70 SCALE: N.T.S. W OBV 206.94 E OBV 206.83 ( ORIGIN AL 108 206 2 OBV.83 mm N/W INV 190.88 CB TOP 204.09 CH ROAD ALLOWA N CE WV FH CONCES SIONS 2 AND GREY CO 3) LEGEND UNTY RO CBMH TOP 209.18 AD #19 SAN MH TOP 210.67 107 206 0 OBV.94 mm PVC G DITCH OPTION 1; SERVICING FROM SALZBURG CRESCENT CBMH TOP 211.24 OPTION 2; SERVICING FROM DOLOMITE COURT SIB 106 209 4 INV .95 mm CBMH TOP 212.86 SAN MH TOP 213.72 OPTION 3; SERVICING FROM SLEEPY HOLLOW ROAD SWALE OPTION 4; SERVICING FROM ALEXANDRA WAY OPTION 2 & 3 RESIDENTIAL LOTS ALL OPTIONS RED MULBERRY BUSH 2-3 NL E SWAL 209.5 210 210.5 211 211.5 212 212.5 213 RESIDENTIAL LOTS EX. STM MH POND OVERFLOW MH WOOD DOCK EX. STM DIMH EX. STM MH EX. 2130x1400 CSPA SANDY BEACH AREA EX. STM MH EX. FLUSHING STATION EX. SAN MH NL M BER TOP PRECAST MH WITH PUMP INSIDE NL 67.01 215 2 STY GAZEBO NL NL 5 9. E SWAL SPH SHED/ PUMPHOUSE 13 217.5 3.5 21 4 21 218 218 FH PART 13 , 16R-2315 218.5 DICB INLET ELEV = 211.74 PLAN Date Auth. ISSUED WITH FSR 13/10/24 E INV 219.23 NL 1119 N INV 218.23 S INV 218.34 SIDEW REGISTERED 1 Issue / Revision WV LS EX. STM MH EX. CB 9 N 21 SIG NC CO CU RB SWAMP AREA PART 1 , 16 9. 5 LS 21 SAN MH TOP 219.14 W INV 216.69 N INV 216.76 S INV 216.76 MHCB TOP 219.40 R-2612 R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 3 Ronell Crescent, Collingwood, Ontario, L9Y 4J6 telephone (705) 446-0515 fax (705) 446-2399 web www.rjburnside.com NL Client STREETCAR DEVELOPMENT INC. 43 DAVIES AVENUE TORONTO, ON M4M 2A9 Drawing Title 19 LOT RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ACCESS FROM SLEEPY HOLLOW ROAD WATER DISTRIBUTION PLAN Drawn Checked KAG PCC Designed PCC Scale Project No. 1:750 300033538 Checked PCC Date Drawing No. 13/10/24 Revision No. 1 FIG 5 File Name: 033538_FIG 5.dwg Date Plotted: October 24, 2013 - 9:43 AM DOLOMITE COURT PVC DITCH NL NL No. ASPHALT WALKWAY ALK NL 218 219 SIB SIGN 8 21 NL 0.5 22 220 .5 9 21 19 2 SIB IB IB SIB SIB 1 300 H/W 755 217 INV .95 mm SWALE 5 5. SALZBURG PLACE SIGN CONC RET WALL OUTLET (PIPE O/S TO NORTH) CB TOP 212.17 N INV 210.00 3. This drawing is to be read and understood in conjunction with all other plans and documents applicable to this project. .5 5 SIB 2. The contractor shall verify all dimensions, levels, and datums on site and report any discrepancies or omissions to this office prior to construction. 221 21 EX. HYD Notes 1. This drawing is the exclusive property of R. J. Burnside & Associates Limited. The reproduction of any part without prior written consent of this office is strictly prohibited. NL 22 4.5 21 21 EX. SAN MH 221 SWALE 2 NL .5 21 21 5 2. 7 ASPHALT TENNIS COURT 2 21 22 22 0 0.5 221 21 2 219 9.5 .5 11 BERM 218 8.5 1 21 STM MH TOP 211.37 EX. STM MH EX. CB YA KWA WAL PART 2 , 16R-2052 5 0. 21 21 CS RESIDENTIAL LOTS SIG N 21 0 NL 667 219 INV .23 mm SIG N 205 207 INV .63 mm 20 214.5 NL PONDING AREA 6 21 ALT SWALE N17^14'00"W 209 214 NEW GARDEN PLOT WITH CEDAR PLANK NL BORDER STONE STEP AREA EX. STM MH EX. CB 216.5 NL MH 5 7. 7 20 20 FIELD STONE SHED NL SIB 211.5 212 212.5 213 213.5 SIB SIB EX. DICB TOP = 215.29 N INV = 213.99 21 HSE #116 FF 210.06 W INV 206.81 E INV 206.59 SIB SWALE 1200 x 1800 CSPA N INV 205.49 S INV 206.07 SIB .5 6 20 NL EX. STM MH EX. STM MH 5.5 NL SAN MH TOP 211.53 N INV 206.75 E INV 206.86 W INV 206.83 SWALE R BE INLET STRUCTURE UNDER DOCK EX. SAN MH SIB 208 208 .5 SLEEPY HOLLOW ROAD NL IB EX. STM MH POND SAN MH TOP 208.47 E INV 207.29 (35m F/M PIPE PE) M 213 212.5 212 50k SIGN NL EX. 2130x1400 CSPA NL RESIDENTIAL LOTS SIB FH SIB 210.5 211 211.5 212 212.5 213 SWALE H CBM 212.5 212 209 209.5 210 210.5 211 211.5 212 212.5 .5 208 W/M PLUG RED MULBERRY BUSH 4-5 NL IB NL 213 2 212 12.5 POND OUTLET PIPE (NO SIZE) 209.5 210 BERM IB 209 RESIDENTIAL LOTS NL SAN FLUSH EX. SAN MH SIB 207.5 208 207.5 IB 995 208 INV .46 mm 20 8.5 RED MULBERRY BUSH 1 RESIDENTIAL LOTS KITZBUHL MO RIT ZC RES . ST. SLEE AD W RO OLLO PY H S. CRE CR MOIX CHA E RG Y WA EN ASP . ES EO S. CRE G KI S UE BL SL ALEXAN AY DRA W OT AND WY CT E OMIT DOL T R COU 19 NE RUCK LA INNISB ROA AD GREY RO D LOW L Y HO EEP RG ZBU SAL PLA CE D LEN VAY EY ALL AY RA W D XAN CR A ALE IGL EIT ITH IGLE OA D CR AIG LE ITH D ROA CRA WA LK HR KEY PLAN CBMH TOP 194.58 N/W INV 191.55 S INV 192.80 W INV 192.77 SAN MH TOP 193.40 N INV 188.99 LOWER S INV 189.04 UPPER S INV 191.23 SCALE: N.T.S. LEGEND CBMH TOP 200.32 SAN MH TOP 199.95 CB TOP 194.59 W OBV 206.94 E OBV 206.83 CBMH TOP 204.13 N INV 190.56 CB TOP 200.35 DITCH NL EXISTIN S/W INV 192.70 ( ORIGIN AL 108 206 2 OBV.83 mm N/W INV 190.88 CB TOP 204.09 G DITCH ROAD ALLOWA N CE WV FH CONCES SIONS 2 AND 101 CATCHMENT I.D. 0.70 CATCHMENT AREA (ha) 3) GREY CO OVERLAND FLOW ROUTE UNTY RO AD #19 CBMH TOP 209.18 SAN MH TOP 210.67 107 206 0 OBV.94 mm PVC EXISTIN G DITCH CBMH TOP 211.24 LIMIT OF DRAINAGE BOUNDARY SIB SAN MH TOP 213.72 SWAL E 106 209 4 INV .95 mm CBMH TOP 212.86 RESIDENTIAL LOTS RED MULBERRY BUSH 1 RESIDENTIAL LOTS RED MULBERRY BUSH 2-3 IB 209.5 210 210.5 211 211.5 212 212.5 213 209 209.5 IB NL POND OVERFLOW MH UNDER DOCK NL IB EX. STM MH EX. 2130x1400 CSPA NL 102 TOP PRECAST MH WITH PUMP INSIDE BER M 1.86 213.5 NL NL STONE STEP AREA 214.5 NL 215 2 2 STY GAZEBO NL 103 NEW GARDEN PLOT WITH CEDAR PLANK NL BORDER 67.01 Notes 1.13 E 5 9. NL 0 PART 2 , 16R-2052 5 0. 21 NL .5 221 22 0 0.5 219 9.5 21 101 0.70 14 2 1 22 218 FH PART 13 , 16R-2315 218.5 WV 1119 UR CC N N INV 218.23 S INV 218.34 9 21 N SIG EX. STM MH EX. CB R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 3 Ronell Crescent, Collingwood, Ontario, L9Y 4J6 telephone (705) 446-0515 fax (705) 446-2399 web www.rjburnside.com 9. 5 LS 21 PART 1 , 16 219 E INV 219.23 B SWAMP AREA SAN MH TOP 219.14 W INV 216.69 N INV 216.76 S INV 216.76 13/10/24 ASPHALT WALKWAY SIDEW REGISTERED DICB INLET ELEV = 211.74 ISSUED WITH FSR W/M NL PLUG LS PLAN Auth. SALZBURG PLACE DITCH NL NL 218 N CO PVC CB TOP 212.17 N INV 210.00 218 Date SIB ALK NL SIB 8 21 NL SIB 0.5 22 220 .5 9 21 19 2 SIB IB IB SIB SIG SWALE 755 217 INV .95 mm 5 5. 21 Issue / Revision 1 300 H/WCONC RET WALL OUTLET (PIPE O/S TO NORTH) SIG N 5 21 EX. HYD No. .5 221 4.5 21 STM MH TOP 211.37 2. The contractor shall verify all dimensions, levels, and datums on site and report any discrepancies or omissions to this office prior to construction. 3. This drawing is to be read and understood in conjunction with all other plans and documents applicable to this project. EX. SAN MH 221 3.5 21 NL 217.5 SWALE 3 21 22 21 21 5 2. 21 7 ASPHALT TENNIS COURT 2 21 BERM 218 8.5 5 1. 21 EX. CB KW WAL SHED/ PUMPHOUSE 1 21 EX. STM MH SPH AY A 21 RESIDENTIAL LOTS N SIG CS 1. This drawing is the exclusive property of R. J. Burnside & Associates Limited. The reproduction of any part without prior written consent of this office is strictly prohibited. SWAL 205 207 INV .63 mm 20 213 16 MHCB TOP 219.40 R-2612 Client STREETCAR DEVELOPMENT INC. 43 DAVIES AVENUE TORONTO, ON M4M 2A9 Drawing Title 19 LOT RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ACCESS FROM SLEEPY HOLLOW ROAD PRE-DEVELOPMENT DRAINAGE PLAN Drawn Checked KAG PCC Designed PCC Scale Project No. 1:750 300033538 Checked PCC Date Drawing No. 13/10/24 Revision No. 1 FIG 6 File Name: 033538_FIG 6.dwg Date Plotted: October 24, 2013 - 9:44 AM SWALE N17^14'00"W 209 PONDING AREA 214 NL 5.5 EX. STM MH EX. CB 667 219 INV .23 mm 5 NL EX. DICB TOP = 215.29 N INV = 213.99 ALT 7. 7 20 20 212.5 FIELD STONE SHED W INV 206.81 E INV 206.59 SIB 211.5 212 SIB 216.5 SIB MH SIG N 21 HSE #116 FF 210.06 NL SLEEPY HOLLOW ROAD SIB SWALE 1200 x 1800 CSPA N INV 205.49 S INV 206.07 SIB .5 6 20 NL EX. SAN MH SIB 208 208 .5 SAN MH TOP 211.53 N INV 206.75 E INV 206.86 W INV 206.83 EX. STM MH EX. FLUSHING STATION POND SAN MH TOP 208.47 E INV 207.29 (35m F/M PIPE PE) EX. STM MH SANDY BEACH AREA WOOD DOCK EX. SAN MH EX. STM MH EX. STM DIMH 50k SIGN NL EX. STM MH SWALE RESIDENTIAL LOTS POND OVERFLOW MH SWALE 212.5 212 209 209.5 210 210.5 211 211.5 212 212.5 RESIDENTIAL LOTS EX. STM MH 213 212.5 212 NL RESIDENTIAL LOTS SIB FH EX. 2130x1400 CSPA R M .5 208 W/M PLUG 213 2 212 12.5 POND OUTLET PIPE (NO SIZE) SIB 210.5 211 211.5 212 212.5 213 BERM IB RED MULBERRY BUSH 4-5 NL 210 BE NL 208 995 208 INV .46 mm 20 8 E SWAL .5 207.5 NL SAN FLUSH EX. SAN MH SIB 207.5 KITZBUHL MO RIT ZC RES . ST. SLEE AD W RO OLLO PY H S. CRE CR MOIX CHA E RG Y WA EN ASP . ES EO S. CRE G KI S UE BL SL ALEXAN AY DRA W OT AND WY CT E OMIT DOL T R COU 19 NE RUCK LA INNISB ROA AD GREY RO D LOW L Y HO EEP RG ZBU SAL PLA CE D LEN VAY EY ALL AY RA W D XAN CR A ALE IGL EIT ITH IGLE OA D CR AIG LE ITH D ROA CRA WA LK HR KEY PLAN CBMH TOP 194.58 N/W INV 191.55 S INV 192.80 W INV 192.77 SAN MH TOP 193.40 N INV 188.99 LOWER S INV 189.04 UPPER S INV 191.23 SCALE: N.T.S. LEGEND EXISTIN CBMH TOP 200.32 SAN MH TOP 199.95 CB TOP 194.59 W OBV 206.94 E OBV 206.83 CBMH TOP 204.13 N INV 190.56 CB TOP 200.35 DITCH NL EXISTIN G DITCH S/W INV 192.70 ( ORIGIN AL 108 206 2 OBV.83 mm N/W INV 190.88 CB TOP 204.09 ROAD ALLOWA NCE WV FH CONCES SIONS 2 AND GREY CO 201 CATCHMENT I.D. 0.70 CATCHMENT AREA (ha) 3) OVERLAND FLOW ROUTE UNTY RO CBMH TOP 209.18 AD #19 SAN MH TOP 210.67 107 206 0 OBV.94 mm PVC G DITCH CBMH TOP 211.24 LIMIT OF DRAINAGE BOUNDARY SIB SAN MH TOP 213.72 SWALE 106 209 4 INV .95 mm CBMH TOP 212.86 RESIDENTIAL LOTS RESIDENTIAL LOTS RED MULBERRY BUSH 2-3 NL E SWAL SIB 207.5 208 209.5 210 210.5 211 211.5 212 212.5 213 1.20 209 209.5 IB NL 0.35 EX. 2130x1400 CSPA EX. STM MH POND OVERFLOW MH UNDER DOCK SEE DETAIL SEE DETAIL SANDY BEACH AREA WOOD DOCK EX. STM MH EX. STM DIMH M BER N NL 214.5 NL 215 NL E CBMH3 SWAL NL CB1 DCB1 FH PART 13 , 16R-2315 12.2m - 450mm STM @ 0.50% PVC REGISTERED DICB INLET ELEV = 211.74 PLAN 218.5 WV W/M NL PLUG LS 1119 21 9 N CO CC UR B SWAMP AREA PART 1 , 16 Y AS KWA WAL BERM 21 9.5 0.5 13/10/24 Auth. E INV 219.23 ASPHALT WALKWAY N INV 218.23 S INV 218.34 EX. STM MH EX. CB R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 3 Ronell Crescent, Collingwood, Ontario, L9Y 4J6 telephone (705) 446-0515 fax (705) 446-2399 web www.rjburnside.com LS EX. CBMH8 5 SAN MH TOP 219.14 W INV 216.69 N INV 216.76 S INV 216.76 ISSUED WITH FSR SALZBURG PLACE NL CBMH5 HDWL 2 218 LK DITCH NL 218 9. CB TOP 212.17 N INV 210.00 8 21 Date SIB A SIDEW NL SIB 219 SIB IB IB SIB N SWALE NL 0.5 22 220 .5 9 21 19 2 300 H/WCONC RET WALL OUTLET 755 217 INV .95 mm 5 5. 21 SIB NL 0 218 21 SIG N SAN MH TOP 211.53 N INV 206.75 E INV 206.86 W INV 206.83 1 Issue / Revision 1 (PIPE O/S TO NORTH) EX. HYD No. .5 221 CBMH1 5 21 2. The contractor shall verify all dimensions, levels, and datums on site and report any discrepancies or omissions to this office prior to construction. 3. This drawing is to be read and understood in conjunction with all other plans and documents applicable to this project. EX. SAN MH NL 22 4.5 21 STM MH TOP 211.37 EX. STM MH EX. CB 667 219 INV .23 mm 14 SIG 2 217.5 SWALE 3.5 21 221 221 .5 NL 3 21 SIGN 2 .5 12 7 ASPHALT TENNIS COURT 2 21 22 5 1. 21 1. This drawing is the exclusive property of R. J. Burnside & Associates Limited. The reproduction of any part without prior written consent of this office is strictly prohibited. MH2 22 0 21 RESIDENTIAL LOTS N SIG CS SHED/ PUMPHOUSE 1 21 33.4m - 300mm STM @ 1.00% MAJOR SYSTEM OVERLAND SPILLWAY PART 2 , 16R-2052 5 0. 63.2m - 300mm STM @ 1.00% Notes CBMH4 21 SCALE 1:20 218 21 8.5 21 9 5 9. 20 2 2 STY GAZEBO 20.7m - 300mm STM @ 2.00% NEW GARDEN PLOT WITH CEDAR PLANK NL BORDER 67.01 STONE STEP AREA 46.4m - 300mm STM @ 1.00% NL 0.45 16 39.5m - 375mm STM @ 1.14% 205 207 INV .63 mm 213.5 0.52 EX. STM MH EX. CB PONDING AREA 213 214 SWALE N17^14'00"W 209 EX. SAN MH MHCB TOP 219.40 R-2612 Client NL STREETCAR DEVELOPMENT INC. 43 DAVIES AVENUE TORONTO, ON M4M 2A9 Drawing Title 19 LOT RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ACCESS FROM SLEEPY HOLLOW ROAD POST-DEVELOPMENT DRAINAGE PLAN Drawn Checked KAG PCC Designed PCC Scale Project No. 1:750 300033538 Checked PCC Date Drawing No. 13/10/24 Revision No. 1 FIG 7 File Name: 033538_FIG 7.dwg Date Plotted: October 24, 2013 - 9:44 AM 212.5 21 SLEEPY HOLLOW ROAD W INV 206.81 E INV 206.59 1.70 216.5 5 NL NL SIB 211.5 212 FIELD STONE NL 1.63 SIB EX. DICB TOP = 215.29 N INV = 213.99 5.5 HDWL1 SIB MH SIG 21 SHED 208 208 .5 E INV 207.29 (35m F/M PIPE PE) SIB LT PHA RESIDENTIAL LOTS TOP PRECAST MH WITH PUMP INSIDE SWALE 7. 7 SAN MH TOP 208.47 EX. STM MH SIB POND 20 20 SIB .5 6 20 EX. STM MH EX. 2130x1400 CSPA 50k SIGN NL 0.39 NL NL 201 0.35 HSE #116 FF 210.06 EX. SAN MH EX. STM MH EX. FLUSHING STATION 202 2.73 1200 x 1800 CSPA N INV 205.49 S INV 206.07 EX. STM MH SWALE NL IB SWALE POND OVERFLOW MH M R 213 212.5 212 RESIDENTIAL LOTS RESIDENTIAL LOTS SIB FH 212.5 212 209 209.5 210 210.5 211 211.5 212 212.5 .5 208 W/M PLUG 213 2 212 12.5 POND OUTLET PIPE (NO SIZE) SIB 210.5 211 211.5 212 212.5 213 BERM IB RED MULBERRY BUSH 4-5 NL 210 BE NL SAN FLUSH 203 0.62 POND OVERFLOW MANHOLE DETAIL EX. SAN MH 207.5 IB 995 208 INV .46 mm 20 8.5 RED MULBERRY BUSH 1