12/16/14 Housing in Latvia Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on Ervins Krauklis, KRAUKLIS GRENDE Ltd, architect, Passive House Latvia Agris Kamenders, Dr.sc.ing., Riga Technical university Ruta Vanaga, PhD student, Riga Technical university MaTrID Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on Agris Kamenders, Ervins Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga 2013 Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on 1 • ± 60% of popula0on live in Soviet-­‐era apartment buildings Agris Kamenders, Ervins Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga 2013 2 Challenges for Latvia • Vast majority of owners today have low/medium incomes • Hea0ng was a free commodity in the Soviet Union. Buildings reflect this; 2x more heat consump0on per m2, no possibility to regulate temperatures • Exis0ng building stock to be renovated • Real energy savings to be achieved • In recent years people have started to pay a very significant part of their income (20-­‐30%) for hea0ng and ‘maintenance’ 3% • Hea0ng and maintenance are o[en provided by non-­‐transparent and very ineffec0ve u0lity companies (mainly municipal) rife with corrup0on non-­‐renovated renovated • Today less then 3% of the buildings has been properly renovated. Average annual consump0on for hea0ng and hot water is ≈ 200 KWh/(m2 a) Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on Agris Kamenders, Ervins Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga 97% 2013 3 210 Difference 80% Agris Kamenders, Ervins Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga 2013 4 Loca0on Energy efficiency poten0al in Latvia Difference 50% Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on Difference 90% kWh/m2 a 180 150 120 90 60 30 0 Average in Latvia New building (LBN 002-01) Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on Low Energy building Passive house Agris Kamenders, Ervins Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga 2013 5 Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on Agris Kamenders, Ervins Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga 2013 6 1 12/16/14 Future development plan Ērgļi Voca0onal School: -­‐ Voca0onal school established in 1960 -­‐ most of the school buildings built 1965-­‐1972; Soviet period: 380 pupils Present: pupils: 200-­‐230 Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on Agris Kamenders, Ervins Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga 2013 Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on 7 Case study Agris Kamenders, Ervins Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga 2013 8 Case study • Student dormitory, built in 1972 • TFA 3346m2, space heat demand: 159 kWh/m2a • Typical Soviet period building. Similar buildings in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Bal0cs, East Germany Building before renova0on Hea0ng season in Ērgļi is 207 days long with average temperature -­‐1,2 oC and minimum design temperature -­‐23,8 oC. Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on Agris Kamenders, Ervins Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga 2013 Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on 9 Case study Agris Kamenders, Ervins Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga 2013 10 Solu0on – renova0on with PH components • HR ven0la0on system, • ven0la0on room on 4th floor • main ducts in the roof insula0on structure, >70 cm thick • ducts in the wall insula0on structure, 40 cm thick Elements Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on Agris Kamenders, Ervins Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga 2013 11 Exis0ng, W/m2K Planed, W/m2K walls U=1.05 U=0.09 roof U=0.52 U=0.06 windows U=2,6 U=0.80 Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on Agris Kamenders, Ervins Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga 2013 12 2 12/16/14 Concept: future func0onal Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on Agris Kamenders, Ervins Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga Concept: ven0la0on system 2013 Concept: ven0la0on system Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on Agris Kamenders, Ervins Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on 13 Agris Kamenders, Ervins Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga 2013 14 Concept: structural 2013 15 Details Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on Agris Kamenders, Ervins Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on Agris Kamenders, Ervins Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga 2013 16 Details Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on Agris Kamenders, Ervins Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga 2013 17 2013 18 3 12/16/14 Details Details Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on Agris Kamenders, Ervins Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga 2013 19 Details Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on Agris Kamenders, Ervins Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on Agris Kamenders, Ervins Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on Agris Kamenders, Ervins Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga 2013 20 Details Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on Agris Kamenders, Ervins Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga 2013 21 Training Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on 2013 22 Process Agris Kamenders, Ervins Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga 2013 23 2013 24 4 12/16/14 Process Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on Agris Kamenders, Ervins Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on Agris Kamenders, Ervins Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on Agris Kamenders, Ervins Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga 2013 Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on Agris Kamenders, Ervins Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga 2013 Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on Agris Kamenders, Ervins Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga 2013 Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on Agris Kamenders, Ervins Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga 25 27 29 2013 26 2013 28 2013 30 5 12/16/14 Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on Agris Kamenders, Ervins Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on Agris Kamenders, Ervins Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga 2013 Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on Agris Kamenders, Ervins Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga 2013 Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on Agris Kamenders, Ervins Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga 31 33 PHPP 2013 32 2013 34 Construc0on cost PHPP calcula0on: from 154,8 kWh/m2 at 18C to 16 kWh/m2 at 20C Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on Construc0on cost: 119 LVL/m2+VAT 119 LVL = 170 EUR Agris Kamenders, Ervins Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga 2013 35 Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on Agris Kamenders, Ervins Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga 2013 36 6 12/16/14 Results Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on Energy consump0on for hea0ng before renova0on Savings >82 % 180 160 159 Provide useable informa0on: – To help manage the building – To be fed back into the brief for the next building project kWh/(m2 a) 140 120 100 80 60 40 28 20 0 befor Survey of occupants -­‐ 45 students 36% man 64% women a[er Hea0ng + hot water Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on Agris Kamenders, Ervins Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga 2013 The Occupant Survey had different ques0ons witch covered several areas: • Energy behaviour • Ligh0ng comfort • Temperature comfort • Acous0cal comfort • Ven0la0on comfort • Day ligh0ng/views comfort • Overall sa0sfac0on with the building • Open ques0ons for sugges0ons Agris Kamenders, Ervins Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga Agris Kamenders, Ervins Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga 2013 38 Temperature comfort Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on 37 Before After 2013 Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on 39 Temperature Shi`s Agris Kamenders, Ervins Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga 2013 40 Ven0la0on comfort Before Before After After Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on Agris Kamenders, Ervins Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga 2013 41 Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on Agris Kamenders, Ervins Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga 2013 42 7 12/16/14 How many 0mes a day you open window? Air freshness Before Before After After Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on Agris Kamenders, Ervins Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga 2013 Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on 43 Agris Kamenders, Ervins Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga Do you leave window open? Generally how sa0sfied you are with physical environment? Before Before After 2013 44 After Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on Agris Kamenders, Ervins Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga 2013 45 Conclusions Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on 2013 46 Thank you! • POE allows to iden0fy adjustments and training needed. As well it’s allows to understood users needs what have been not addressed during renova0on phase; • First months of energy consump0on data a[er renova0on shows 82% energy savings; • To achieve environmental and economic objec0ves energy efficiency in Latvian building sector should be dras0cally increased; • From POE we can see that a[er renova0on comfort level improved significantly and energy consump0on significant energy efficiency improvement; • POE indicated space for improvement – HVAC system opera0on op0miza0on and users educa0on on window opening. Users may le[ windows open for longer periods than needed. Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on Agris Kamenders, Ervins Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga Agris Kamenders, Ervins Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga ervins.krauklis@gmail.com www.passiv.lv agris.kamenders@rtu.lv www.videszinatne.lv 2013 47 Post-­‐occupancy evalua0on of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renova0on Agris Kamenders, Ervins Krauklis, Ruta Vanaga 2013 48 8