Development and implementation of the Master’s Programme:
“Eco-Engineering: Environmental
processing and sustainable use of
renewable recourses and bio-waste”
t Imprint
The leaflet in hand represents a compilation of results from the development and implementation of the Master’s
Programme “Eco-Engineering” within the framework of the EU project “Green Engine” part-financed by the Tempus Programme of the European Union at six Kazakh and Russian higher education institutions with the support
of three EU partner universities.
We would like to express our gratitude to the project partners and researches from the EU and non-EU partner
countries, who have worked together during the life of the EU-funded project and contributed to the development
and integration of the Master’s Programme.
All rights reserved by the “Green Engine“ project consortium and the Coordinator of the project
Hochschule Wismar, University of Applied Sciences: Technology, Business and Design.
Philipp-Müller-Str. 14
23966 Wismar
The project was part-financed by the European Union
within the framework of the Tempus IV Programme 2007-2013.
All questions and enquiries relating to this leaflet should be addressed to the Grant Coordinator of the project
– Hochschule Wismar, University of Applied Sciences: Technology, Business and Design.
No part of the contents is allowed to be reproduced in any form whatsoever (photocopy, microfilm or by any
means) without the written consent of the Grant Coordinator.
lll Legend
Project description..............................................................................4
Project Consortium............................................................................. 6
@ Wismar University of Applied Sciences:
Technology, Business and Design – HSW......................................... 10
@ Riga Technical University – RTU........................................................ 12
@ Tallinn University of Technology – TUT............................................. 14
@ Republican State Enterprise (RSE)
Rudnyi Industrial Institute – RII........................................................ 16
@ A. Baitursynov Kostanay State University – KSU.............................. 18
@ Karaganda State Technical University – KarSTU...............................20
@ Kazan National Research Technical University – KSTU.....................22
@ Vladimir State University
named after A.G. and N.G. Stoletov – VIGU.....................................24
@ St. Petersburg State University
of Information Technologies and Mechanics – ITMO.......................26
lll Project description
t G r e e n E n gi n e – T h e P r o j ec t
Its rationale and contribution to higher education development in Kazakhstan and Russia.
Environmental safety and the use of “green” energy
are paramount in economic and social development
politics in Kazakhstan and Russia. Constraints for the
implementation are not financial resources or the political will, but rather a lack of experts and relatively
low level of education including missing practical experiences. In order to foster solar and wind energy in
the regions of Kazakhstan and Russia, in October 2011
there was kicked off the EU funded project within the
Tempus Programme IV 2007-2013 “Green Engine: Ecoengineering – Environmental processing and sustainable use of renewable resources and bio-waste”.
The key objective of the project was to develop and
implement an interdisciplinary Master’s Programme
“Eco-Engineering”. During the three-years project life
(2011-2014) the above titled Master’s programme has
been launched at the following Kazakh and Russian
partner universities: Karaganda State Technical University (KarSTU), A. Baitursynov Kostanay State University
(KSU), Rudnyi Industrial Institute (RII), Vladimir State
University named after A.G. and N.G. Stoletov, St. Petersburg National Research University for Information
Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO) and Kazan
National Research Technical University (KSTU).
Apart from the universities, non-academic partners as
Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of
Kazakhstan and Energy Partner LLP have participated
in the project in order to disseminate project results on
national and transnational level.
The implementation of the Master’s programme at six
Kazakh and Russian universities is supported by the EU
higher education institutions: Wismar University of Applied Sciences: Technology, Business and Design, Riga
Technical University and Tallinn University of Technology.
By means of the programme introduced, international
standards in the fields of environment protection and
safety as well as effective use of the green energy
have been introduced in Kazakhstan and Russia as a
basis for the international participation of the Kazakh
and Russian partner universities on European (European Higher Education Area) and international level,
thus strengthening the competitive edge of them. Additionally, the project has contributed to the practiceoriented knowledge transfer and its application as
well as international experience exchange. This, in
particular, facilitates the international cooperation in
the fields concerned among the regions on academic,
political and economic level.
During the project life, the development and implementation of the Master’s programme has already
gained international awareness by the European
peers, national and regional policy makers. A further
step is granted international accreditation for the developed Master’s Programme “Eco-Engineering” in
the next future.
As a result, the programme yields the balanced approach in master’s education with equal attention to
the questions of technique and technology used for
environmental processing, energy efficiency, renewable energy implementation, environmental safety,
derivatives (such as power-heat-cooling coupling) and
managerial decision-making in terms of ecology and
energy efficiency.
With regard to the Master’s programme positive impact,
it has combined the balanced elements of fundamental
and applied science, engineering and managerial solutions practice, relevant natural sciences issues and real
activities within innovation small enterprises (ISMEs)
established by higher educational institutions.
The academic contents of the programme have been
increased in breadth, depth and interrelation, as the
reality demands to explore, design and integrate ecological aspects as an linking technology and environment and increasing energy efficiency. Furthermore, the
programme allowed graduates to gain sufficient professional competences in solving problems of sustainable
development on the level of a single enterprise as well
as on regional/national/international level.
As a result, the successful graduation from the programme enable the graduates to step in the following
@ in state structures responsible for institutional and
direct regulation of industrial safety, environmental
protection and real sector efficiency regulation;
@ at the enterprises in departments of personal safety
and environmental protection, and as technical top
and medium level managers;
@ at the companies developing innovative ecological
and/or renewable energy implementing energy efficient technique and technologies;
@ in project and research institutes;
@ in non-profit organisations (including political ones)
as experts in cross-border exploitation of natural
resources, environmental safety, renewable energy
and coincidental applicable solutions.
In terms of the Master’s Programme curriculum, the summary of the developed curriculum is the following:
Curriculum Content Pillar
Pillar Specification
@ Sustainable development of production and consumption incl. theory,
methodology and history.
@ Development and implementation of ecological technique and technology.
@ Informational and measuring provision for ecological technique and technology.
@ Ensuring environmental safety on regional and interregional level.
@ Legal regulations and framework conditions: licensing and quotation,
ecological expertise incl. control and audit.
@ Methods of estimation and modelling of environmental processing.
@ Ecological efficiency analyses of engineering solutions in environmental
Energy processing
@ Innovative methods of energy saving and energy conservation incl. technical
regulations, isolation systems and innovation accumulation technologies.
@ Integrated energy processing technologies and techniques incl.
energy-heating-cooling coupling.
@ Decentralised and autonomous energy processing.
@ Energy efficient production based on renewable resources incl. processing
and conservation.
@ Renewable resources implementation: EU, KZ and RU experience and
perspectives incl. legal aspects.
@ Techniques and technologies for renewable resources processing and
utilisation incl. measuring.
@ Development and construction of integrated energy efficient engineering
solutions incl. pellet heating system, cogeneration plants, etc.
@ Complex analysis of engineering solutions based upon renewable energy
resources implementation.
@ Financial provision of environmental processing and renewable energy technique and technology development, implementation and use.
@ Organisational provision of environmental processing and renewable energy techniques and technologies development, implementation and use.
For the implementation and use of the developed
Master’s Programme, it has underpinned the practice-oriented approach. Five key learning approaches
were applied:
@ resource-based learning, i.e. virtual / PC simulations
and experimental modelling of industrial situations;
@ case-based learning incl. special cases of Kazakh
and Russian realities;
@ learning by doing, i.e. students employment in innovative SMEs established by universities on rotation
basis under academic and practical supervision;
@ project-based learning, i.e. group projects incl. interdisciplinary ones; and
@ learning by exchange, i.e. Kazakh and Russian students’
placement at EU higher education institutions and enterprises for knowledge absorption and exchange.
Overall, the teaching material reflects a balanced mix
of theory and indispensable part of practical references.
The use of different methodological tools (e.g. reflection
questions, open forums, teachers’ feedbacks, etc.) applied has enabled to capture formative and essential information about the Master’s Programme integration and
value for the key stakeholders – students and graduates.
lll Project Consortium
t G r e e n E n gi n e – P r o j ec t Co n s o rt i u m
During the three-years project life (2011-2014) the above
titled Master’s programme has been launched at the following Kazakh and Russian partner universities: Karaganda State Technical University (KarSTU), A. Baitursynov Kostanay State University (KSU), Rudnyi Industrial
Institute (RII), Vladimir State University named after
A.G. and N.G. Stoletov, St. Petersburg National Research
University for Information Technologies, Mechanics and
Optics (ITMO) and Kazan National Research Technical
University (KSTU).
The implementation of the Master’s programme at six
Kazakh and Russian universities is supported by the EU
higher education institutions: Wismar University of Applied Sciences: Technology, Business and Design, Riga
Technical University and Tallinn University of Technology.
Apart from the universities, non-academic partners as
Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of
Kazakhstan and Energy Partner LLP have participating
in the project in order to disseminate project results on
national and transnational level.
Wismar University of Applied Sciences: Technology, Business and Design – HSW
Hochschule Wismar, University of Applied Sciences acts within the project as
the Grant Applicant and Project Coordinator. It builds upon interdisciplinary and
practice-oriented concept integrating three disciplines of Technology, Business
and Design under one roof. Due to cross-linkage of key competences in teaching,
research and innovation HSW acts as a cut surface between theory and practice.
The university of applied sciences is experienced not only in the field of education, science and research, but also as knowledge transfer institution. Important
for the expertise setting up is close cooperation with regional technology and
industrial centres providing a critical tool for regional business growth and attraction. Acting as an integrative part of Technology and Industrial Centre in Wismar
and Schwerin, HSW cooperates with the Technology Centre based SMEs from
the maritime sector or maritime networks. Key competences are pooled within
the Faculty of Engineering, experts thereof providing competence and practical
knowledge in relevant technologies that were transferred and exchanged with
partner universities in Kazakhstan and Russia.
Riga Technical University – RTU
In the “Green Engine” project, Riga Technical University is represented by experts
from the Institute of Energy Systems and Environment. The Institute was established in 1999 and since then provides environmental engineering programmes on
Bachelor, Masters and Doctoral levels. Intensive research activities are carried out
in parallel with the academic programmes.
During the last years, the institute has participated in many projects as Renewable
production of H2 using biological systems, dissemination and fostering of plasmabased technological innovation for environment protection in the Baltic Sea region,
promotion of the very low-energy house concept to the North European building
market, bio-waste and algae knowledge for the production of the 2nd generation
biofuels, training specialists of energy saving methods in construction and heating, energy efficient and ecological housing, climate change, cultural heritage and
energy efficiency and other international scientific projects.
Tallinn University of Technology – TUT
Tallinn University of Technology implemented an English-speaking curriculum called
“Materials and Processes in Sustainable Energetics” as Estonia’s first common degree
programme of the Estonia’s classical University in Tartu and its Technical University
in Tallinn supported by the EU in 2009. In 2007, the Estonian Ministry of Education
and Research held a competition to find interesting Master’s programmes not only
for Estonian students but also for students all over the world. The joint Master’s programme “Materials and Processes of Sustainable Energetics” won the competition.
The programme was launched for the first time in September 2009, since then there
have been students not only from Estonia, but also from People´s Republic of China,
Austria, Nepal, Mexico, Germany, Russia, Latvia, Georgia, Turkey, Colombia, Canada,
Iran, Nigeria, Palestine, Egypt and Bangladesh. The staff of the Department of Environmental Protection, and the Director of the Institute of Environmental Protection
have more than 20 years of experience conducting successful investigations in different environmental fields: environmental technologies, waste management, renewable
energy, impact on environment, soil pollution and investigations of air pollution.
Republican State Enterprise (RSE) Rudnyi Industrial Institute – RII
Rudnyi Industrial Institute is a leading state technical Institute in Kostanay Region
and Northern part of Kazakhstan. RII is oriented on training specialists for the
leading mining enterprises of the region. RII provides specialists with technical and
economical orientation for city and region. Nowadays, the Institute is conducting
trainings in 19 specialties. There are enrolled 3295 students at RII.
Since 2008 RII works on creation of technology park “Sarybai”. This work is the
basis for the development strategy of RII up to 2020. One of the major strategies
is to promote innovation-industrial-technological development of the real economy
sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan. One of the main reasons for creating technology park “Sarybai” is qualified staff potential (4 PhD, 40 Candidates), which in
terms of implementation of innovations is necessary. Establishment of the technology park will attract students to RII to conduct scientific-research and cultivate new
generation of scientists.
A. Baitursynov Kostanay State University – KSU
A. Baitursynov Kostanay State University is one of the largest higher educational
establishments of Kazakhstan, leading educational, scientific, methodical and cultural centre of the Northern region of the country. In 2007, KSU ranked seventh
place in the General Rating of the leading higher educational establishments of
Kazakhstan and among universities training specialists in different trends. The
university comprises seven Faculties and a college. Training of specialists is carried
out by three-cycle system: Bachelor (4 years), higher specialising education (4-5
years), and Master (2 years). There are 8570 students in 34 specialties, in particular including Technological machines and equipment, Electric energy, Transport and
technology, etc. In order to keep the standards of the academic staff on the international level and development of modern and innovative educational directions,
the “Eco-engineering” initiative meets own institutional and national demand and
contributes to the aim of preparing specialists for integration into the European
zone of higher education, participation in the Bologna process and development
of quality assurance in education.
lll Project Consortium
Karaganda State Technical University – KarSTU
Karaganda State Technical University was founded in 1953. It carries out educational and research programmes in 60 spheres, employs over 500 doctors and
candidates of sciences. The university takes a leading position in a rating of the
best technical higher education institutes and has passed national institutional
and international accreditation on many technical specialities, in particular, including Technological machines and equipment, Electric energy, Transport and technology, etc. The university actively participates in international projects TEMPUS:
from network Master’s programme, computer science and reform of educational
programmes in space technology. In 2007, the university has been awarded the
grant “Research laboratory of an engineering profile” and is an academic higher
education institution in Kazakhstan with 27 technical specialities of a Bachelor,
Master’s and Doctoral degrees.
Kazan National Research Technical University – KSTU
Kazan National Research Technical University (till late 2011 – Kazan State Technical
University) is one of the leading engineering universities in Russia, and its main
faculty – Institute for Aviation, Transportation and Energetics – had been providing
programmes in energy education since the mid 20th century. During the project life,
the university had not only developed the Master’s Programme in appliances and
systems of eco-engineering, but also experienced an increase in green energy research based on multidisciplinary approach. This new research is relevant not only
to ecological and energy production issues, but is solution-oriented and aiming to
provide both efficient and sustainable solutions in renewable resources energetics. At the same time the university is keeping its positions as a consultant of the
Regional Government and industry in the field of ecological engineering. On the
2nd September 2014, in collaboration with consortium of three German universities
the university had opened the German-Russian Institute of Applied Technologies,
where one of the programmes – heat energy and techniques – covers several issues of green energy production and allows students to get a double degree.
Vladimir State University named after A.G. and N.G. Stoletov – VIGU
Vladimir State University was found in 1958. It carries out educational and
research programmes in 22 fields, employs over 500 doctors and candidates
of sciences. The Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and the International
Academy of Higher Education Regional Centres are based at the university.
In 2007, the university won the National contest “Education” as one of the
leading Russian universities. In 2008, it was included into 400 leading universities of the world by ReitOR rating agency. The Green Engine project has
directly involved the Departments of Equipment Building and Informationmeasuring Technologies, Electro Technics and Electro Energetics, Ecology and
Life Safety, which are involved in research and education related to the
problems of Eco-Engineering, such as ecology monitoring on the basis of
resource-efficient technologies implementation and ecology mapping. Within
the TEMPUS projects, VlGU had established Regional Centre for Employers’
Relations, which will allow carrying out integrated science and applied technology educational process.
St. Petersburg State University of Information Technologies and Mechanics – ITMO
St. Petersburg State University of IT and Mechanics was found in 1990 and currently is the leading Russian university in the field of informational and engineering
technologies. It is carrying out over 100 educational and research programmes in
which over 650 doctors and candidates of sciences are involved. In 2009, ITMO
became one of the first 12 leading national Universities and received the status of
a National Research University. It is also a full member of the European University
Association. The Eco-Engineering Master’s Programme on the basis of integrated
science and applied technology educational process has been implemented by the
experts from the Departments of Ecological Equipment Building and Monitoring,
Laser Technologies and Ecology Equipment Constructions, Computer Thermal Physics and Energy Physics Monitoring and Equipment Building Technology. Those are
involved in a specific eco-engineering research and education, first of all ecology
monitoring equipment building carried out within the European educational institution integration as well.
Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Kazakhstan – MES
Ministry of Education and Science defines the national educational policy and controls the education at all levels including higher education. It approves the standards of education, has authority to recommend this or that educational course or
discipline to study within an educational programme. The participation of Ministry
of Education and Science in the project has underpinned conducting surveys aiming at learning the needs of stakeholders at all the stages of the project activities.
The role of MES is very important at the phase of implementing the developed
academic modules and disseminating the outcomes of the project, as the Ministry
has the power to influence other universities in the country in the way of promoting the ideas of the project and including the academic modules into educational
programmes of the appropriate specialities. MES has also actively contributed to
the dissemination of the project results on national and international level.
Energy Partner LLP – EPLLP
Energy Partner is an independent company focused on energy efficiency and renewable energy. The company was established as a spin-off from the EBRD Kazakhstan
Sustainable Energy Financing Facility (KAZSEFF) Project Team in July 2009 by a group
of young and professional engineers. The company is one of the first Kazakh private
companies specialised in energy efficiency and renewable energy consultancy. The
company partners support projects to improve performance and cut energy costs
for long-term success and competitive superiority that incorporates sustainability
as both a driver and an outcome. The role of Energy Partner LLP in the project
was to provide professional expertise of the Master Programme “Eco- Engineering”
from the position of a potential employer. The company has participated in needs
analysis surveys as one of the stakeholders of the project. Consulting on the content of academic programme has reinforced its practical value. EPLLP has provided
framework conditions for future internships and practical and relevant information
during the curriculum development and implementation process, disseminated project results, defined needs and needed future keycompetences for green energy.
lll Wismar University of Applied Sciences: Technology, B
t K n o wl e dg e t r a n s f e r a n d e xc h a n g e
wi t h K a z ak h a n d R u ssia n u n iv e r si t i es
During the project life, Wismar University of Applied
Sciences and its experts have supported partners
from Kazakhstan and Russia in the overall coordination of the implementation process of the developed
Master’s Programme “Eco-Engineering” and coordinated the common project approach while the accreditation procedure.
Furthermore, as the project coordinator, the university
facilitated communication with relevant no-consortium
organisations in the framework of “project review and
communication activities” and coordinated the development of the guideline for international acceptance of
the developed Master’s Programme.
Experts from the university conducted several knowledge transfer and exchange activities, particularly,
guest lectures done at the partner universities in Kazakhstan and Russia. Guest lecturing aimed at providing teaching staff, students and other involved relevant
stakeholders (e.g. business people) with the relevant
latest development in the topics of energy processing
in terms of safety and sustainability and potential of
renewable resources for the regional development in
Kazakhstan and Russia.
operational and economic aspects of solar energy, development of wind energy sector in Germany, the use
of wind generators, the use of wind power generators
as clean, but powerful source for electric energy generation, separate local wind turbines used to provide
electricity to individual homes and residential buildings
as well as small enterprises in rural areas, in particular
in the land of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.
Special attention was paid to the fact of utilisation of
wind energy facilities, especially in rural areas that do
not have only their ecological purity, but also the possibility of rational allocation next to the location of a
consumer, what, in turn, significantly reduces the transportation costs of electricity and also allows efficient
use of the electricity generated at night for warm and
hot water. Cascade power plants designed for cogeneration and condensation generate significant amounts
of electricity, what allow their application in urban and
industrial enterprises.
These activities resulted in a positive impact for the
Kazakh and Russian universities, particularly, bridging
the gap between theory and practice, thus providing
the universities, and especially, the teaching staff with
practice-base case studies. Practical references were
supported by the mix of tools used at the EU university of applied sciences. Knowledge bridging and vita
exchange of current practices resulted, for example, in
the development of the Dual Master’s Programme between the St. National Research University of Information Technologies and Mechanics and Wismar University of Applied Sciences. The developed Dual Degree
Programme enables students to graduate from both
universities in the field of “Eco-Engineering” and thus
is an additional positive result of the project ensuring
transferability and sustainability of the project results
and implementation of the Master’s Programme beyond the project life and EU funding.
In summer 2014, project coordinator in cooperation
with the Kazakh and Russian project partners implemented the Teachers’ Internship, which took place in
Wismar, Germany. During the internship for teachers,
teachers were given a possibility to learn directly from
the enterprises involved in energy efficiency, renewable resources and other green energy related sectors.
In particular, from the conducted study visits teachers
gained new practice-oriented knowledge on technical,
Prof. Ahrens is giving a lecture on green energy sector development
in Germany and topical teaching activities at Wismar University of Applied
Sciences during the teachers’ internship 28 June –5 July 2014 in Wismar.
Business and Design – HSW
t S ta f f
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Andreas Ahrens. Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Wismar University of Applied Sciences.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Andreas Ahrens has contributed to
the development of the Dual Degree Programme between the St. Petersburg National Research University
of Information Technologies and Mechanics (ITMO) and
Wismar University of Applied Sciences and conduced a
series of guest lectures at ITMO.
Prof. Dr. Gunnar Prause. Wismar Business School at
Wismar University of Applied Sciences. He is s an expert in university-business cooperation and innovation
transfer and transnational project management
with long experience
in TEMPUS, LEONARDO, ERASMUS and INTERREG projects including the projects “InterSME”, “EU Diploma in SME Management”,
“International comparative studies and course development on
and “Virtual Campus in a multicultural Environment”. Based on the competences’ portfolio, Prof. Dr.
Gunnar Prause gave the teaching staff and students
in the frame of conducted guest lecturing valuable insights in knowledge transfer and practical application
to meet the demands of the industry and business in
supplying the developing green energy sector in Kazakhstan and Russia with the knowledge needed.
PhD Candidate, M.Sc. Anatoli Beifert. Wismar Business
School at Wismar University of Applied Sciences. He
has experiences of many years in international project
management and was responsible for the overall project management. Taking a role of a project manager,
Anatoli Beifert has supported partner universities from
Kazakhstan and Russia in developing, implementing
the Master’s Programme and transferring the results on
regional, interregional and international level.
Prof. Gunnar Prause gives lectures to the teaching staff and students
of Vladimir State University, Russia.
During the teachers’ internship 28 June –5 July 2014 in Wismar 22 lecturers
from the project partners’ institutions from Kazakhstan and Russia visited
the wind farm in Wietow / Luböw.
Prof. Dr. Gunnar Prause (first on the right) is discussing with colleagues from
Tallinn and Vladimir State Technical University (VIGU) achievements of students
from the guest lecturing done in Vladimir (Russia) in December 2013.
lll Riga Technical University – RTU
t K n o wl e dg e t r a n s f e r a n d e xc h a n g e
wi t h K a z ak h a n d R u ssia n u n iv e r si t i es
Riga Technical University was actively involved in several project activities. During the study year 2013/2014,
the academic staff of Riga Technical University implemented an innovative Pilot training project in four
higher education institutions in Kazakhstan and the
Russian Federation. The topics covered included renewable energy sources and technologies, environmental
indicators and technologies, district heating systems,
energy efficiency of buildings, technologies of boiler
houses and cogeneration plants, and waste management systems. The training included lectures, practical
works and a study tour to a large-scale industrial site.
The main idea was to give students and teachers as
much experience as possible in a short period of time
(one week) by applying extraordinary methods and giving tasks where critical thinking is practiced. Thus, the
first days of the training were devoted to theoretical
aspects of environmental engineering (lectures). Then,
students together with the academic staff visited an
industrial site, where all the technological processes
were shown and explained. Finally, the remaining days
were devoted to practical works.
tions proposed, which is proved by the solutions for
more efficient production processes that were developed by students. The proposals for efficiency increase
of the production process were discussed among teachers, students and the factory representatives. Solutions
were proposed not only for industrial processes, but
also for enhanced study process.
The practical works were completed in several stages.
First, the technological scheme of the production process was drawn and discussed and problematic areas
identified. Data provided by the visited sites contributed to the problem identification process.
Further project activities implemented by the Riga
Technical University included the organisation and implementation of the students’ internship in September
2014 in Riga. The students’ internship was devoted to
knowledge transfer and experience exchange and involved participants (students) from all six Kazakh and
Russian universities. The internship at Riga Technical
University was conducted within the frame of seven
days. During the internship, students were provided
not only with the theoretical knowledge in green energy topics, but also with the practical assignments
based on cases of the real enterprises in Latvia. More
specifically, the students had to conclude their practical assignments in the frame of the role-playing games
and completion of the tasks in intercultural mixed
teams consisting of Kazakh and Russian students. The
study visits for practice-oriented students’ work were
organised to the wood pellet production plant and cogeneration station of wood chips and landfill site. The
study visits were accompanied by the introduction into
data processing methods in environmental engineering, laboratory work in groups and introduction into
research in environmental engineering. Students’ contribution and work was evaluated by the host university lecturers and researchers in the frame of the final
presentations. At the end of the internship students
were granted the certificates confirming their participation in the internship and its successful completion.
The certificates were issued by the Institute of Energy
Systems and Environment at Riga Technical University.
After discussing the potential solutions for the problems in the class, students had to develop the proposed
alternatives of the technological improvements further
and carry out their technical and economic evaluation.
Finally, students gave presentations on the assessment
made. The results were discussed among students,
teachers and representatives from the visited sites.
The primary aim of the training was to give students a
practical experience of critical assessment and problem
solving in a real industrial site. The aim was reached,
which is proved by the solutions for more efficient production processes that were developed by students.
The proposals for efficiency increase of the production
process were discussed among professors, students
and the production companies’ representatives.
The training concept encompassed not only lectures
and practical works for students, but also contributed
to the dialogue between the three parties – teachers
(academic staff ), students, and companies’ representatives. Further, trainings allowed working under the realife conditions through practical experiences of critical
assessment and problem solving in a given industrial
site. Problems given were solved and sustainable solu-
The additional positive result of the training was experience exchange between the academic staff of the
involved universities. The Kazakh and Russian universities’ staff was able to observe the training process
and acquire new teaching methods, whereas the staff
of the Riga Technical University was able to verify the
developed methodology of the training. Besides, foreruns of further cooperation in research and education
were elaborated in the field of environmental engineering and renewable resources. Finally, the visit of the
production companies and the companies’ positive responsiveness proved that there are potential cooperation possibilities between the industry and the higher
education establishments.
t S ta f f
Prof. Dr. Dagnija Blumberga. Professor Dagnija Blumberga has long experience in the fields of environmental engineering and heating systems. In 1988, she
defended her doctoral thesis on Condensing Unit. In
1996, she received Doctor Habilitus degree defending
the thesis “Analysis of Energy Efficiency from Environmental, Economical and Management Aspects”. Since
1976 D. Blumberga works in the Faculty of Power and
Electrical Engineering, Riga Technical University, where
she has established the Institute of Energy Systems
and Environment. D. Blumberga has been involved in
many local and international scientific and academic
projects. She has co-authored more than 200 publications and 20 books. D. Blumberga is the leader of the
Green Engine project from Riga Technical University.
Dr. Sc. Ing. Elina Dace. She works as an assistant professor and researcher in the Institute of Energy Systems and Environment. Her research interests are
related to municipal waste management, source segregation of waste, waste to energy and landfill mining
technologies. E. Dace is a co-author of 20 scientific
publications and 3 books. In the Green Engine project, E. Dace works as coordinator and lecturer. E. Dace
was involved in organisation and implementation of
the several guest lectures in Kazakhstan and Russia as
well as in the students’ internship.
Issuing of certificates for students from Kazan State Technical University named after
A. N. Tupolev after completion of trainings done by the Riga Technical University team.
Riga Technical University staff members with students from
Karaganda State Technical University (Kazakhstan).
Staff members from Riga Technical University visiting A.Baitursynov Kostanay
State University (Kazakhstan): From left Jelena Ziemele, Elina Dace,
Edgars Vigants, Dagnija Blumberga and Valdis Vitolins
Students from Kazan State Technical University named after
A. N. Tupolev (Russia) visiting an industrial site in Chistopol as part
of the practical training conducted by Riga Technical University staff.
lll Tallinn University of Technology – TUT
t K n o wl e dg e t r a n s f e r a n d e xc h a n g e
wi t h K a z ak h a n d R u ssia n u n iv e r si t i es
Tallinn University of Technology implemented an Englishspeaking curriculum called “Materials and Processes in
Sustainable Energetics” as Estonia’s first common degree
programme of Estonia’s classical University in Tartu and
the Technical University in Tallinn with the support of
the EU in 2009. In 2007, the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research held a competition to find interesting master programmes not only for Estonian students
but also for students all over the world. The joint master programme “Materials and Processes of Sustainable
Energetics” won the competition. The programme was
launched for the first time in September 2009, since then
there have been students not only from Estonia, but also
from People’s Republic of China, Austria, Nepal, Mexico,
Germany, Russia, Latvia, Georgia, Turkey, Colombia, Canada, Iran, Nigeria, Palestine, Egypt and Bangladesh. It is
a 120 ECTS programme separated in General Studies (10
ECTS), Basic Studies (10 ECTS), Core Studies (10 ECTS),
Special Studies (50 ECTS), Free Choice Courses (10 ECTS)
and Graduation Thesis (30 ECTS). Detailed information
including detailed timetables, course outlines, admission
and contact details can be found on TUT website under
the link
When developing Master’s Programme curriculum and methodology, TUT experts supported partner universities in the
choice and evaluation of methodology, especially be describing and demonstrating alternative teaching methods,
such as the use of movies and talks in lectures and seminars, the activation and motivation of students by group
and project work in integrated lecturing and seminars and
the evaluation of teaching activities by students. As the task
leader for the Development of the Methodical Guidelines,
a special emphasis TUT experts placed on the integration
of these advanced teaching methods into the study plans.
Regarding knowledge transfer to the Kazakh and Russian
partner universities, an active role TUT played in competence building activities, particularly, for the partner
universities’ teaching staff. TUT had conducted several
teachers’ training activities at the Kazakh and Russian
partner universities, e.g. during one-week visits of leading TUT staff members in topics as environmental and
life cycle analysis, impact evaluation and laboratory safety issues in addition to help with the set-up of equipment when delivered. Key themes covered during the
guest lecturing in partner universities were introduction
to sustainability, global threats and trends, millennium
development, energy scenarios and development of sustainability. As a result of one-week guest lectures’ visits
from the EU partner university TUT, Kazakh and Russian
students, graduates and academic peers gained new or
exchanged already absorbed knowledge and skills on is-
sues, such as relation between consumption, population
growth and sustainability, ecological footprint, global
planning and sustainable energy scenarios for 2050.
Beyond the positive capacity building, “Train the trainer” activities yield further positive effects. Teaching staff
and students used the opportunity to improve their
English language skills and were introduced with different requirements and specifications incl. administrative
limitations when purchasing and utilising the equipment when compared to the Estonian practices. Furthermore, guest lectures for students turned out to be
of great interest and underlined the need for teaching
modern topics as well as increasing students’ demands.
TUT has also actively contributed to quality control of
the project achievements at the partner universities. TUT
project staff organised in March 2014 in cooperation with
Riga Technical University the Approval Conference for the
Developed Master’s Programmes at the Kazakh and Russian partner universities. During the Approval Conference, each of the six Kazakh and Russian partner universities presented processes and progress of developing,
implementing and embedding the Master’s Programme
“Eco-Engineering” into the given educational, academic
and pedagogical domains. The latest developed Master’s
programmes were critically evaluated within the discussion sessions lead by the EU colleagues from Estonia and
Latvia. Each of the six developed Master’s programmes
was given a recommendations’ catalogue, which might
be implemented in the regional / national context to
facilitate reach and sustainability of the programmes’
results. Presentation and evaluation of the developed
approaches of Kazakh and Russian partner universities
in implementing the above termed Master’s programmes
were accompanied by the presentation of the results of
the task – Approaches for the development of the methodical guidelines, which can be applied and utilised
by the Kazakh and Russian academic peers taking into
account their traced developing patterns. This task that
was lead by the TUT team gave the non-EU colleagues
value insights on how to increase the catalogue of possible teaching methods, teaching scope and forms.
The academic insights gathered in the frame of the Approval
Conference were underpinned by obtaining practical observations from the green energy sector. A study visit organised
for the partner consortium to the Estonian waste-to-energy
plant enhanced theoretical understanding of Kazakh and
Russian teachers and provided them with a possibility to
build upon good practical examples / case studies from the
EU neighbours during the teaching courses on the emerging
green energy sector in Kazakhstan and Russia.
t S ta f f
Prof. Dr. Andres Öpik. Andres Öpik is Dean of the Faculty
of Chemical and Materials Technology at Tallinn University of Technology. Andres Öpik performs research and
development about
30 years on electrically conductive
polymers and inorganic
semi-conductive compounds. He
has published more than 200 scientific papers and teaching materials. Andres Öpik has been working in
institutions and universities like Aalto University and the
Finnish State Research Centre in Helsinki, in Lappeenranta University
of Technology (Finland), research study
visits to the Michigan State University (USA).
Öpik was a team leader responsible for the developed
Master’s Programme in Sustainable Energetics for the
two Estonian Universities:
TUT and the Tartu University.
Prof. Dr. Dieter Meissner. Dieter Meissner works as professor of Sustainable Energetics in the Department of
Science of Tallinn University of Technology.
He performs research and development on photovoltaics, photo-electrochemistry, hydrogen generation, storage and utilisation (fuel cells) since about 30 years.
has published more than 150 scientific papers and
more than
100 patents in 37 patent families. He has
been working in research institutions like NREL, USA,
Technion, Israel, the Research Center Jülich
and universities such as the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, University of Osaka, Japan, the Johannes KeplerUniversity in Linz,
Austria and the University of Applied
Sciences in Wels, Austria before joining the TUT.
Dr. Julia Kois. Julia Kois is working at the Faculty of
Chemical and Materials Technology, Department of Materials Science of the Tallinn University of Technology
since 1998. Together with Prof. Dieter Meissner she
worked within the TUT team in supporting Kazakh and
Russian partner universities in developing and implementing Master’s Programme. Currently, she is involved
in the projects on topics of high-technology materials for sustainable development and monograin membranes for photo-electrochemical water splitting.
Elham Kouhiisfahani during the guest lecturing with students from Kazan
State Technical University named after A. N. Tupolev (Russia)
at the industrial branch in Chistopol in October 2013.
Prof. Dr. Dieter Meissner with the teachning staff from from Kazan State
Technical University named after A. N. Tupolev (Russia)
at the industrial branch in Chistopol in October 2013.
Elham Kouhiisfahani is a PhD student at the Faculty of
Chemical and Materials Technology, Department of Materials Science of the Tallinn University of Technology.
She worked in the TUT team and participated in guest
lecturing and training the trainers sessions at Kazakh
and Russian partner universities.
Ali Samieipour is a PhD student at the Faculty of Chemical and Materials Technology, Department of Materials Science of the Tallinn University of Technology. He
worked in the TUT team and participated in guest lecturing and training the trainers sessions at Kazakh and
Russian partner universities.
Prof. Dr. Dieter Meissner and his team meet colleagues and students
from Vladimir State University n.a. A.G. and N. G. Stoletovs.
lll Republican State Enterprise (RSE) Rudnyi Industrial I
Since 2012 Rudnyi Industrial Institute (RII) is developing
the undergraduate educational programme “Eco-Engineering” in the frame of the Tempus project “Green Engine”. In
2012-2013 academic years a joint educational programme
was designed for the 2nd year students studying in the
fields 5B070300 – Information Systems, 5B071800 – Electrical Power Engineering and 5B073100 – Life safety and
environmental protection. In total, 17 persons – the 2nd
year students are participating in the project.
Development of the undergraduate programme was implemented in cooperation with the EU partner universities
and employers and encompassed the following processes:
@ Identification of needs of regional enterprises and
organisations in the opening of joint educational
@ Coordination of working curricula of specialties with
the EU partner universities and employers;
@ Development of criteria and procedures for the selection of students to participate in joint educational programme;
@ Creation of interuniversity managing and coordinating group consisting of partner universities representatives; and
@ Preparation of training and methodological guidelines to support joint educational programmes’ integration at RII.
The educational programmes in the three fields mentioned have introduced three modules with four credit
points: eco-engineering, eco-information and energy
saving. Eco-Engineering Module is designated for the
following disciplines of eco-analytical chemistry and innovative methods of wastes recycling. Eco-Information
Module covers multimedia technology, analysis and
data processing, whereas Energy Saving Module focuses on renewable energy, energy efficiency and energy
audits in the energy sector.
The developed educational programmes are based on
the following principles: coordination and mutual adaptation of curricula and programmes; completion of
education at each stage; meeting the educational requirements of the students depending on the abilities,
desires and capabilities; complexity of the vocational
guidance and vocational training, the study of the labour market demand and teaching at the basic, profound or advanced level.
In the framework of the project realisation, in order
to ensure consistent professional development of
teachers and students in the field of environmental
protection and renewable energy sources, RII gained
profound and topical knowledge and skills by means
of guest lectures and practical trainings by scientific experts, e.g. from Riga Technical University (Latvia). Additionally, RII project team also had possibilities to share
their knowledge on international level, for instance,
Head of the Heat Power and Electrical Power Engineering Department Z. K. Khabdullina held lecturers on the
project topics at the Riga Technical University. In March
2014, Head of the Life Safety and Industrial Ecology
Department I. V. Barulina took part in the conference
“Adoption developed Master’s Programmes in Tempus
Programme” held in Tallinn and Riga.
Within the project frame, several RII teaching staff and
students took part in the designed mobility activities:
teachers’ internship in June-July 2014 Wismar, Germany and
students internship in Riga and Tallinn in September 2014.
In the framework of the project realisation, one of the
key aim contributing to project results’ sustainability is
linked with the purchased following equipment: wind
and solar electrical stations, a kit of equipment for the
assembly of photo-electric sets (FEC or solar power
stations with 12 volt and 220 volt), polycrystalline solar panel 50W, polycrystalline solar panel 90W, charge
controller batteries for maximum current 10A MPPT
function, rechargeable gel maintenance-free, female
terminals for solar panels set terminals and connecting wires, connecting bolts and nuts for the batteries
to set FEC, LED lamps; wind turbine 1,0 kW 5 blades
made of composite materials and heating pump unit
assembled on the basis of the compressor.
More than 100 kinds of stands, models and installations
were introduced to the learning process, which are the
prototype of objects of the Northern region of Kazakhstan.
In 2014, RII entered the new international association
– University League of the Collective Security Treaty
Organisation (CSTO). The agreement was signed by 25
educational institutions and organisations from Russia,
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Armenia, Belarus in
the framework of the V Eurasian Economic Youth Forum
“Dialogue of Civilizations: Green Economy” (Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation). League’s activities aim at formation of innovative clusters of security, including the
area of “green energy”. In May 2014 Lecturer from the
Department of Economics and Management I. V. Belokon
participated in the III World Economic Forum of Youth
“Economic Integration and the green technologies: the
youth contribution”, within which he visited the workshop “The development of green business” (Astana).
Institute – RII
t S ta f f
PhD Larisa L. Bozhko. L. L. Bozhko is Project Coordinator for RII, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs and
Research in Rudny Industrial Institute. She is responsible for the research on features an integrated
socio-economic development of the border areas of
mono-towns in the functioning of the Common Economic Space of Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus carried out in the framework of the grant funding of the
Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic
of Kazakhstan. As part of the Centre for conversion
technologies and collaborative innovation in the old
industrial areas of the CIS and China she is collaborating with scientists at the Ural State University of
Economics (Russian Federation), Harbin University of
Commerce (China), University of Adelaide (Australia),
the National Research University “Higher School of
Economics” (Moscow, Russia) and others. She has
more than 140 scientific publications, including 1 article (co-authored with foreign researchers) published
in the electronic scientific journal “Global Business
Perspectives”, etc.
PhD Zauresh K. Khabdullina is head of the Department of Electric Power and Heat Power Engineering
at RII. Under her supervision, there were implemented
more than 100 different training models, installations,
stands with the power supply circuit of the industrial
enterprises of the Northern region of Kazakhstan and
Rudnyi. With the assistance of the Branch “Sarbaiskiy
MES” JSC “KEGOC” in the learning process there was
implemented training site, which has switchgear with
voltages above 1000V. Scientific results of z. K. Khabdullina are published in leading academic and technical journals of Kazakhstan, CIS, Bulgaria and Poland,
and tested at numerous international conferences,
meetings and conferences. She has published more
than 100 scientific papers and 80 methodological developments.
PhD Irina V. Barulina is head of Life Safety and Industrial Ecology Department at RII. Within the project
frame, she implemented classes with students on the
disciplines of “Eco-analytical chemistry”, „Innovative methods of waste disposal” and development of
UMKD according to disciplines. She is a head of the
research work on environmental issues involving students. Her students are numerous winners of regional
and national competitions of scientific research. Under
her leadership were published more than 90 articles in
journals and collections of international and national
conferences in the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign
countries (Russia, Greece, Estonia, Ukraine) and more
than 40 training and guidance to practical, laboratory
work, ISW and ISTW.
Rector of Rudnyi Industrial Institute congratulates Prof. Dr. Blumberga
from Riga Technical University for guest lecturing.
Teaching staff from RII (on the right at the bottom) together with colleagues
from other non-EU partner universities during the Teachers’ Internship
in June-July 2014 in Wismar, Germany.
Batteries for wind turbines and solar panels purchased and installed at RII in the
framework of Tempus project “Green Engine” for students’ training (Andrey Panin).
lll A. Baitursynov Kostanay State University – KSU
The project team of A. Baitursynov Kostanay State University (KSU) started developing curriculum for the Master’s Programme “Eco-Engineering” in 2011 with the analytical survey conducted in the field of eco-engineering.
Afterwards, the study on UN countries’ experience of
creating qualification awarding uniform system for implementation of ECTSsystem was elaborated based on
the materials got from the EU partner universities’ colleagues in order to develop the programme in accordance with the UN standards and the Bologna Process.
Following the results of the analysis the proposed study
programme was subject to academic peers’ evaluation.
The criteria for the qualitative and quantitative analyses
of study programmes and the curricula were developed
by partner higher education institutions participating in
the project. Consequently, there followed an assessment
of existing study programmes and their evaluation.
In February 2012 the developed Master’s Programme
was submitted to all members of the consortium participating in the development of the Master’s programme
for collecting data by the criteria set. Within a period of
a month the developed programme was modified according to wishes and recommendations made by specialists of the working groups of partner universities,
and the final version was presented for the analysis.
The working groups consisting of representatives and
students studying in English for full-fledged professional international mobility were also created.
Continuously, in March 2012 the obtained statistical
data from respondents on the developed Master’s
programme were gathered and evaluated in terms of
existing standards and legal base of the offered education system and applied internal rules and documents.
Additionally, the certificate of prospects and difficulties of interaction with the existing programmes was
transferred by means of joint study programmes of the
EU countries, Russia and Kazakhstan. Furthermore, the
analysis of modern education systems of Lithuania,
Germany, Estonia, Russia and Kazakhstan incl. the
model of an assessment of educational achievements
and national standards was carried out.
Consequently, based on the analyses carried out it was
recommended to introduce the specialisation “6M071800
– Power industry of a study programme of the Eco-engineering” incl. list of subjects and training programmes.
In April 2012, by drawing on the former analyses, a legislative regulatory base and experiences of the realisation
of the Master’s programme preparation in Kazakhstan
and Russia were developed and transferred to the consortium for potential modifications and approval.
In May and July 2012 a study programme “Ecological
safety and renewables” has been defined at KSU incl.
purposes and expected results of the study programme
and qualification characteristics of the graduates. In
addition, organisational and substantial structure of
modules of the study programme including various
cycles of training was defined. Projected disciplines
at the choice of a study programme were coordinated
with employers and heads from the Board of trustees
at the technical faculty of KSU. The general idea of creation of the educational and methodical complex was
developed. All actions were made according to specification of the existing state obligatory standards of formation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the principles of
interdisciplinarity and modular approach to design of
study programmes according to criteria of the Bologna
Process and requirements of the countries of the European Union. The work was carried out on preparation
of documents and receiving the state accreditation incl.
integration in the list of study programmes of specialty
6M071800 – Power industry.
From September to December 2012 actions for correction of the study programme according to changes
of organisational and pedagogical conditions – time
frame of the study programme, requirements to entrants, a general regime of development of a training material and development of material base were
made. Places and purposes of each module in the
general system of the study programme and group
of compatible modules were defined. Furthermore,
the general characteristics for all modules of the programme of types of independent work of students
were set, methodical approaches to the current and
total certification of the programme described and
the structure of an educational and methodical complex of the programme defined. All actions were
evaluated and modified together with partner higher
education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
Russia and from the EU.
In terms of training resources, multiple measures were
implemented to improve the material and technical
base from January to March 2013. The analysis of the
need for providing with technical means was made
for carrying out practical, laboratory, scientific and experimental research works. There was conducted market research of the suppliers implementing required
project equipment on compliance of each equipment
component with the necessary technical and energy
characteristics. Research of the market was conducted
in the areas of European Union supplier countries, the
enterprises of Russia, China and Kazakhstan.
t S ta f f
PhD Igor V. Koshkin. Associate Professor in the engineering field. He teaches course Energy Management,
Design and Operation of Installations of Alternative
and Renewable Energy and has published a number
of scientific papers in the field of renewable energy.
Igor Koshkin is the academic leader of the project, performs functions of distribution of operational information between the members of the working group and is
responsible for the quality performance.
Prof. Dr. Natalya P. Kim. She has specialisation in pedagogical sciences. She is key manager of the project at
KSU. Prof. N. Kim is actively involved in all of the project activities and has facilitated the national accreditation of the developed Master’s programme.
PhD Andrey Koval. He is university coordinator of the
project and monitors all of the project activities, pays
special attention to their influence on the university
and the region in general.
Rector of KSU welcomes guest lecturers from Riga Technical University
during project training activities.
PhD Sayat B.Yesimkhanov. He is Dean of the Engineering
Faculty of KSU. He teaches in research and engineering
topics in the field of Eco-Engineering. He is involved in
the curriculum development and the catalogue of elective
courses in the field. He was actively involved in the creation of Laboratory of Renewable Energy and has prepared
the admission regulations for the Master’s Programme.
PhD Tatyana I. Glushchenko. She is member of the
project working group and teaches Theoretical Bases
of Non-traditional and Renewable Energy, Use of Renewable Energy Sources in Industry and Everyday Life.
She is involved in quality assurance monitoring of the
Master’s programme and has facilitated close relations
with the industry in the field, including issues related
to students’ internships.
KSU students with guest lecturers from Riga Technical University after successful
completion of the trainings in September 2013 in Kostanay, Kazakhstan.
PhD Saule S. Zhabayeva. She is a member of the project working group and Head of Foreign Philology Department, responsible for language education of graduate students and teachers. She is responsible for the
project documentation in English. Saule Zhabayeva
participated in the development of linguistic component of the Master programme.
Alexey Dik. He is a member of the project working
group. He is responsible for the methodological issues
of the project incl. dissemination of information on
project activities via project website or other means.
Oxana Yaroshenko. She is a member of the project working group. She is responsible for financial documentation of the project, including financial report documents.
Equipment purchased and installed at KSU in the framework of Tempus project
“Green Engine” for students’ training purposes.
lll Karaganda State Technical University – KarSTU
The main objective of the Master’s Programme developed and implemented within the specialty “Power
engineering” at KarSTU is training of specialists on
technologies of energy saving capable to develop and
to introduce energy saving equipment as well as alternative and renewable energy sources.
of production. 19 representatives of KarSTU took part
in Master’s classes and seminars. Students, undergraduates and teachers made presentations for potential
solutions of energy saving problems within the enterprise. As a result, there were successfully defended
presentations and received international certificates.
In the frame of the Master’s programme implementation,
there were developed new modules of 27 ECTS – Energy saving and energy audit and Non-conventional and
renewables” with integrated material on using renewable energy resources, energy efficiency of industry and
legislative base of power industry of Kazakhstan. The
educational Master’s Programme is introduced into the
educational process since 2013-2014 academic years.
At present there have been trained six undergraduates.
From June 28 to July 5 2014, on the base of Wismar
University of Applied Sciences: Technology, Business
and Design (Germany) there was held the training seminar on various energy saving technologies
and alternative energy sources with participation of
KarSTU representatives. Within the frame of teachers’
internship, there was visited the Technological and
Industrial Centre Wismar/Schwerin. A strong impression was made by the visit to the Solar Centre, where
there was shown in practice high efficiency of solar
and wind energy in combination with the most advanced energy saving technologies and equipment.
The shown technologies and equipment possess
good prospects of introduction in Kazakhstan, for
which high solar activity and considerable consumption of thermal energy is characteristic.
In the course of the project implementation there was
established close cooperation with the project partners. There was signed a contract with the Memorandum of Understanding. In 2014 together with the ITMO,
there began implementation of the two-degree educational programme – Master’s Programme in “Power
engineering”. KarSTU participated in working meetings
and seminars in Kazan (Russia), Tallinn (Estonia), Klaipeda, Riga (Latvia) and Wismar (Germany). In 2012, in
the framework of the meeting organised by KSU in Kostanay (Kazakhstan) there was made a report presentation on the course of the programme implementation
at KarSTU. In March 2014 KarSTU teachers participated
in the Approval Conference and training seminars organised at TUT (Tallinn) and RTU (Riga).
With regard to competence building and equipment
modernisation, there was upgraded the laboratory base
of the equipment of global manufacturers. Within the
project and for its assets there was purchased the equipment on the integrated renewable sources of the electric power and means of their automation: solar power
stations, up-to-date converters and hardware-software
automation equipment, etc. The laboratory is intended
for studying technologies of sharing renewable and traditional power sources. It is used for training undergraduates within the frame of the project and beyond.
Within the period from April 21 to 25 2014, KarSTU was
visited by the delegation from Riga Technical University. Scientists held seminars at Master’s classes on ecological engineering as well as made presentations on
energy saving and eco-security ideas within the frame
of the international competition “Future ergonomics”.
At the “Temir” enterprise, there was carried out an examination of power consumption and energy efficiency
The Master’s programme within the project frame was
executed in the form of trainings in the specialisation
“Power engineering”. According to the educational
standards of Kazakhstan, 75% of the curriculum volume focuses on the elective component confirmed by
the higher education institution that allowed the development and integration of the new Master’s programme without violation of the existing standards.
In 2014, in the course of the project implementation,
KarSTU gained accreditation in programmes – Bachelor’s degree and a Master’s degree in “Power engineering” by the ASIIN agency (Germany). The educational
programme of PhD doctoral studies in “Power engineering” is in the process of accreditation by the NAAR
independent agency (Kazakhstan).
Together with the National research universities of
Russia TPU (Tomsk) and ITMO (St. Petersburg) there
are implemented at KarSTU technologies for twodegree education in Master’s programme in “Power
After the development of the Master’s Programme
“Eco-Enginnering” and its adaptation to the institutional setting, the Master’s Programme “Power engineering” passed internal evaluation and was approved by the rector. Monitoring and quality control
were accordingly carried out in compliance with the
rules of credit tools.
t S ta f f
Prof. Dr. Yuri N. Pak. Professor is responsible for coordination of works and communication with partner
higher education institutions. He was involved in the
analyses of existing curricula and educational programmes for energy saving technologies and renewables. Based on the results of the analyses, drafting
new adopted curricula and educational programmes
was his field of competence. Furthermore, he was involved in the project control and financial implementation.
Prof. Dr. Iosif V. Breido. Head of Automation of Production Process Department at KarSTU and
Head of Scientific School in a direction “Electro energy”. One of
purposes of this scientific school is creation of a
power saving electric equipment for mining and metallurgical industries including the alternative sources of
electric power based on transformation and use
electromagnetic fields of high-voltage electric mains.
Prof. Dr. Breido was responsible for analyses of educational programmes on subjects introduced by the project. He was involved in design of the curriculum and
development of working training programmes of disciplines of the institutional component. Furthermore, he
implemented realisation of modular system for undergraduate trainings.
Ass. Prof. Dmitriy Pak. Dmitriy Pak was responsible
within the project implementation for information transfer and exchange. He was also involved in the analyses
of experience of the Tempus Programme abroad and
in Kazakhstan in the context of the Bologna Process.
Moreover, he provided methodical guidelines for the
development and implementation of the Master’s Programme at KarSTU and was responsible for preparation
of the current and overall reporting documentation.
Sun electric station of 2.2 kW power installed at KarSTU territory.
(picture: I. V. Breido)
Scientific-training laboratory for electric power integrated renewables and
their automation means established at KarSTU. (picture: I. V. Breido)
Anuar Yelshin. Teacher Anuar Yelshin was involved in processing of the information materials related to the implementation of the Master’s Programme as well as provision of methodical guidelines. He also contributed to the
preparation of the current reporting documentation.
Guest lecturing by experts from Riga Technical University implemented
at KarSTU in April 2014 in Karaganda.
lll Kazan National Research Technical University – KSTU
Within the project frame, at KSTU there was developed Master’s Programme “Appliances and systems
of eco-engineering”. The design of the programme
was based upon existing elements of specialists’
programme in appliances development and sensitive
tool engineering. Within the framework of this package, KSTU had revised existing teaching materials
and selected relevant lections, research techniques
and laboratory works, which could become a part of
the new programme.
This allowed university faculty staff to modernise and
implement the following subjects of developed master programme: information technologies in equipment
building, mathematical modelling of systems and devices, techniques and technology of modern scientific
experiment – these disciplines were updated with the
theory, cases and examples from the sphere of ecoengineering. The other courses, including alternative
energy life cycle, techniques of electric power supply,
theory and practice of energy supply, alternative and
renewable sources of energy, modern energy technologies, theory and methodology of sustainable development and technical measuring in power engineering
were developed as totally new subjects with the use
of competence-based approach. This approach that focused on hands-on experience obtained by master’s
students during the learning process was approved by
industry partners of the project.
Competence building process included the following
main blocks: training the trainers provided by European partners in a form of mentoring and approving
programme contents and providing guest lecturing incl.
internships for both teaching staff and students in European companies from green energy field and equipment upgrade. Guest lectures provided by professors
from Tallinn University of Technology and Riga Technical University had highlighted issues of green energy,
which were unfamiliar to both students and faculty of
KSTU and therefore enabled understanding of working
mechanisms of European companies during internships
and adaptation to modern educational technologies.
With the equipment upgrade the university got a green
energy lab focused not only on energy production, but
also on systems and measurements, as it is equipped
with solar cells and wind generator, accumulating system, analytical software LabView and thermal imager.
New teaching techniques allow the university to make
the programme not only relevant, but also practiceoriented and attractive for students and valued by industry employers. These had also driven research in
green energy field, which resulted in two papers based
on university research and were accepted for publication in one of the Scopus journals.
At the beginning of the project KSTU had already national accreditation for master’s education in equipment building, and this framework was chosen to
develop the programme “Appliances and systems
of eco-engineering”. However, the university had to
change the focus: before the project the programme
was more focused on technology issues, but on the
basis of feedbacks from mentoring and approval conference it became clear that more focus on sustainability is necessary – otherwise it is not possible to
provide multidisciplinary approach and combine legal,
economic, anthropomorphic, technical and technology
issues to develop a sustainable solution in the field of
eco-engineering and green energy. This approach is the
one the university chooses in implementation of the
final programme. KSTU is currently making a network
programme with Vladimir State University and starting
the process of international acceptance.
During the process of programme development KSTU
realised that quality evaluation of the contents from
the demand side was slightly higher than the one
from the supply side. This meant that students had a
good appreciation of the new contents we offered and
according to the evaluation of quality from their side
they were awaiting intensive practical-based experience adopted by means of this project. In accordance
to this, the faculty staff had developed a programme,
where field studies, cases, internships and laboratory works became a comprehensive element than
traditional university lecturing. External evaluation
from the industry including the feedbacks acquired
from the industry partners as a result of presentations based on company visits show that competencebased approach suits industry partners as well – and
they contributed by putting in some extra examples
and agreements to support university internships for
eco-engineering master’s. During this evaluation industry partners had also outlined the necessity of
teaching sustainability, which was included into final
version of implemented programme.
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Dr. Victor Belosh. Associate Professor of Computing
and Informational Technologies Department. Dr. Belosh
was the main person to implement equipment upgrade
task. He ensured that equipment of the new eco-engineering lab was of the best quality it was possible to
get in Russia. He had also analysed the existing subject
and made a great input into development of courses,
which deal with energy efficiency by providing examples from his own experience.
Dr. Aleksey Chekhonadskikh. General manager of Chistopol autonomous campus, Head of Equipment Building Department. Dr. Chekhonadskikh was responsible
for project management and ensured efficient processes of project implementation. As a member of teaching
staff he made an input to analysis of existing teaching
content and ensured the possibility of internships in
the companies dealing with green energy.
KSTU professors Anna Svirina and Olga Shindor at the electric power plant
in Tallinn, Estonia during the study visit in the frame of the Approval Conference.
Dr. Sergey Sevryugin. Associate professor of Equipment Building Department. Dr. Sevryugin was responsible for development of courses dealing with analytical
processes in eco-engineering and relevant laboratory
works. He is experienced in the field of testing complex systems in unstable regimes and integrated his
knowledge for the benefit of the project. Dr. Sevryugin
is one of the most active young researchers, and he
had recently one a prestigious Russian Fund for Fundamental Research grant for young scientists he would be
leading for the next three years.
PhD Olga Shindor. Senior lecturer at Equipment Building
Technologies Department. She had made a significant
input into project development, especially in terms of
use of special software to analyse engineering aspects
of eco-engineering. Due to her involvement in the project her research focus had shifted to complex solutions
into the field of alternative energy, which allowed her to
improve significantly her publication record and become
one of the leading young scientists at the university.
Dr. Anna Svirina. Head of Economics and Management
Department. Dr. Svirina had dealt with the issues of
companies’ sustainable development in her doctoral
thesis, and that allowed her to make a significant input
for the project by providing sustainability perspective
to all of the subjects. She was responsible for quality
measuring within the project and provided important
insights of students’ and companies’ understanding of
competence-based approach implemented in the project. She had also made an input to project dissemination on international level by describing experience
from the project to fellow colleagues in European and
American universities.
During the study visit conducted by KSTU in the framework of the guest
lecturing by experts from Riga Technical University in 2014 in Russia.
Students at laboratory work using the equipment part-financed by the
Green Engine Tempus project.
lll Vladimir State University named after A.G. and N.G. S
Within the project Green Engine, VIGU carried out detailed analysis of curricula and programmes related to
alternative and renewable energy. Consultations with energy companies from the Vladimir Region allowed taking
into account the specifics of the region in order to better
reflect local conditions in the developed curriculum.
Together with all interested local companies and departments of the university there was developed curriculum for the Master’s Programme “Devices and systems of alternative energy”. Within the frame of the
programme developed, the project team revised and
upgraded existing disciplines and developed completely new ones. The developed curriculum was approved
by the Academic Council of the University and registered in the Educational and Methodical Association of
Universities of Russia and St. Petersburg University of
Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics.
In all relevant disciplines there were developed working
programmes and instructional materials. The majority of
subjects reading teachers have the highest qualification:
doctors of science, professors, etc. Experience gained
during the Master’s programme implementation and training sessions as well as the organisation of educational
process of the Master’s Programme in the framework of
the “Green Engine” project were published in several articles. Presentation of the educational project was made by
VIGU representatives within the Vladimir Energy Forum in
2012. The project was also disseminated to several central and local energy companies. During the project life
there were developed evaluation criteria employed for assessing teaching materials and the quality of education.
In 2013 at VIGU there was enrolled the first group of students (eight persons) to study the Master’s programme
developed by the Tempus project “Green Engine”. At the
end of the first semester there were held guest lectures
on the topic of introduction into the recovered energy.
Lectures were held by Professor Dieter Meissner from
Tallinn University of Technology along with his young
project team. Further guest lectures on logistics power
equipment were held by Professor Gunnar Prause from
Hochschule Wismar, University of Applied Sciences.
In summer 2014 Hochschule Wismar, University of Applied Sciences hosted the training seminar for teachers involved in the educational process related to the
development and implementation of the Master’s programme. During the teachers’ internship, lecturers from
non-EU partner universities from Kazakhstan and Russia were familiarised with the activities of the centre for
solar energy, wind power generator and biogas plant.
Very useful was visiting the innovation centre and plant
for pellet production. All of the teachers involved gathered significant benefits from this trip.
Beside the teachers’ internship, in September 2014,
there was carried out internship for Kazakh and Russian students at the EU higher education institutions in
Riga and Tallinn. The students’ internship gave extensive practical insights, which will be useful in further
work on their Master‘s theses and practical self-employment, since after study completion some students
want to open own firm for the installation of wind
power generators and solar panels, or have already
planned to develop wind power generators.
In terms of equipment modernisation, the purchased
and installed solar panels and wind turbines as well as
computerised measuring equipment within the project
frame were used for laboratory work. The employment of
the equipment in teaching and training courses will be
underpinned by release of two textbooks, which can be
used for educational purposes beyond the project life.
In the next future after a few years it is planned to
carry out the procedure of international accreditation in
the frame of the Association for Engineering Education
of Russia (EEER). At the beginning of the accreditation
process it is planned to conduct internal audit of the
educational process. Before this, review and adaptation
of the contents of all subjects and teaching methods
including methodical instructions for the new laboratory works is subject to evaluation. The main reference
points for the international recognition of the Tempus
“Green Engine” at VIGU is receiving accreditation with
the award of the European quality label for engineering education EUR-ACE®Label and graduates working
in foreign companies in the field of alternative energy.
Within the framework of the programme implementation, there were conducted internal audits and reports
on the assessment of the learning process and learning
outcomes. This is necessary to make corrective changes
in the work programmes of individual disciplines and
the entire curriculum. Such adjustments constantly improve and update the learning process and avoid possible errors. Together regional energy companies are
carrying out surveys on the subject of level and volume
requirements for Master’s degree on alternative and renewable energy. As a result, the survey conducted in the
beginning of 2014 showed a small but steady increase
in the demand of such professionals in the Vladimir Region. This gives a positive assessment of the progress
in the curriculum project. Such external assessments allow a better adapting of the educational process to the
energy policy of the state and local governments.
Stoletov – VIGU
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Prof. Dr. Nataliia Andreeva. Prof. Dr. Andreeva is working at the Department “Economics and Management of
Investments and Innovations” of VIGU. Additionally, she
is honorary worker of higher professional education of
the Russian Federation. Her research areas and topics
particularly refer to problems and prospects of innovative
development in sectors of national economy. Prof. Dr.
Andreeva teaches economic aspects of alternative energy.
Prof. Dr. Sergei Dragomirov. Prof. Dr. Dragomirov is working at the Department “Heat Engines and Power Plants” of
VIGU. His research interests are wind power, alternative and
renewable energy sources and electronic control of heat engines. Prof. Dr. Dragomirov teaches alternative and renewable energy sources, technique and technology in scientific
experiment and ecology of alternative energy sources.
Prof. Dr. Konstantin Tatmyshevskiy. Prof. Dr. Tatmyshevskiy is involved in the Tempus project “Green Engine” as
coordinator of the project activities at VIGU. He is honoured worker of higher professional education of the Russian Federation working at the Department of Instrumentation and Information Measuring Technologies at VIGU.
His research interests are measuring transducers, sensors
and optoelectronic devices. He teaches metering and
control and technical measurements in the energy sector.
Prof. Dr. Vadim Shakhnin. Prof. Dr. Sahkhnin is working
at the Department of Electronics and Electricity at VIGU.
His research interests are control systems of electricity, supply of buildings and structures and magnetic
measurements. Prof. Dr. Shakhnin teaches supply of
technical objects, buildings and structures, life cycle of
objects, alternative energy and advanced energy technologies. Dr. Shakhnin had also completed a few applied researches related to problems of eco-engineering including clean technologies of mass production
of saline and modelling of bio-objects. His research
results are used by district companies from Vlaidimar
Region for providing energy efficiency and waste use.
Prof. Dr. Sergei Malafeev. Prof. Dr. Malafeev is working at the Department of Management and Informatics in Technical and Economic Systems of VIGU. His
research interests are mechatronics, power engineering
and electrical drive. He teaches automated control system power consumption. Prof. Dr. Malafeev is supervising both fundamental and applied research in engines
modelling on the basis of energy and eco-efficiency
(there are a number of publications on the issue in
leading Russian refereed journals as well as patents received), energy safety and life safety in relation to the
eco-engineering. The results of Dr. Malafeev’s research
are implemented in industrial units of Vladimir Region.
Train the trainer. Professor Sergey Malafeev and Vadim Shakhnin (VlGU)
inspect the laboratory stand.
Study visit to the pellets production company in Wismar, Germany during
the teachers’ internship in summer 2014.
During guest lecturing at Vladimir State University by Prof. Dieter Meissner
from Tallin University of Technology.
lll St. Petersburg State University of Information Techno
The programme “Information technologies and energy
efficiency in oil and energy complex enterprises” at ITMO
provides students with up-to-date knowledge, skills and
capabilities required in the field of energy and source
efficiency processes in chemical technology, petro-chemistry and biotechnology using modern technologies and
efficient teaching methods. The Master’s Degree programme educates for the requirements of industry, research institutions and public administration within the
field of oil and energy complex. The general objective
of the degree programme is to train efficient teamworkcapable experts and to provide them a solid ground for
the independent continuation of learning in the changing
field of energetics and environmental issues. It is fully
accredited programme, which covers following topics:
@ Application of IT technologies for improvement of
technological processes in terms of energy efficiency;
@ Application of IT for ecological monitoring of industrial objects, estimation and minimisation its environmental influence;
@ Analysis of environmental and economic efficiency
of technology processes;
@ Environmental aspects of management natural resources, basic metrology and environmental protection; and
@ Ecological monitoring and ecological audit.
Core curriculum courses include such disciplines as management of chemical, petrochemical and biotechnological technologies, optimisation and improvement of energy and source efficiency chemical systems, simulation
of technological and nature systems, processes and apparatus for environmental protection, etc. Elective part
includes such disciplines as ecological law, simulation
of physical processes, industrial ecology, recycling of
polymers and composite materials incl. waste-to-energy.
The educational process is a combination of group and
individual work and the development of individual project,
which are based on theoretical knowledge (seminars, tutorials, lectures) and practical workshops (research methods).
Programme graduates have wide perspectives of employment in largest energy complex enterprises, laboratories and departments, which deal with environmental protection, energy efficiency and environmental
control and supervision. Modern machines, hardware
and equipment for teaching purposes had been purchased to support educational process.
As the process of integration into the international system of education has led to a growing demand for educational programmes that meet international standards,
there is a necessity for involvement of foreign experts.
Guest lecturing is one of possible ways to strengthen the
cooperation between universities and to share educational experience. Therefore, several guest lectures have
been organised during the project time. In particular, in
December 2013 and March 2014 Professor Andreas Ahrens from Hochschule Wismar, University of Applied Sciences (HSW) (Germany) visited ITMO to give series of
lectures to students of Chair of Information Technologies
in Fuel and Energy Complex Enterprises. In June 2014
teachers and academic staff of Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia) gave series of lectures and seminars
at ITMO for students and teachers in the field of environmental engineering. The intensive course contained
lectures and practical works in sustainable energy. ITMO
students and teachers were introduced to the options for
a renewable world, energy scenarios and sustainability.
In the framework of quality control in April 2014 ITMO
organised a workshop with the EU universities’ experts.
Experts gave their recommendations regarding further
development of the Master’s Programme.
Dual degree Master’s Programme (DDMP) “Information
Technologies in Fuel and Energy Complex Enterprises”
is an example of successful cooperation and synergy of
two “Green Engine” project partners: HSW and ITMO.
Additionally, there exists a possibility to implement
two additional DD programmes in eco-engineering between ITMO, RTU (Latvia) and TUT (Estonia).
DDMP between ITMO and HSW started in September
2012 and aimed at preparation of highly qualified professionals having acquired international skills in the
growing application fields: information technologies in
fuel and energy complex enterprises and energy and
resource effective technologies and processes by combining the special expertise of HSW and ITMO in the
named fields and by including a mobility period in the
degree requirements. Currently, students from the first
cohort are studying at HSW. Students from the second
cohort started study process at ITMO.
The DDMP provides up-to-date facilities for studying.
DDMP is mainly given in English and the modules included are common both for native students continuing from Bachelor’s programme and international students accepted directly into international programmes.
Graduates can look forward to rewarding careers in
many manufacturing sectors, particularly in energy and
business material flows in related industries, design,
development and maintenance of software for information sectors including financial, industrial, engineering,
educational, health and government institutions.
ologies and Mechanics – ITMO
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Prof. Dr. Maya Uspenskaya. Prof. Dr. Uspenskaya is
Head of the Chair “Information Technologies in Fuel
and Energy Complex Enterprises” at ITMO. She is also
Head of International Scientific and Research Institute
of Bioengineering. Prof. Dr. Uspenskaya graduated from
the Leningrad State University. Her research and teaching interests include in particular: sensor materials
and its application, chemical and biological sensors,
methods of control, recycling, nano-materials in bioengineering, etc. She is author of more than 130 papers
in journals and conference proceedings.
Dr. Andrei Rybin. Dr. Rybin is coordinating the Tempus “Green Engine” project on the institutional level at
ITMO. He graduated from the Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration, Finland and Manchester Business School in UK in the field of management and business administration. His research areas
include in particular risk and change management, finance, marketing and business in Russia and the postSoviet successor states, strategy, country and political
risk, intercultural communication and negotiation. Dr.
Rybin possesses extensive research experience in the
theory of Solitons and Quantum Optics and is highly experienced in organisation and administration of
international programmes and research projects, e.g.
Dr. Alexandra Klimova. Together with Dr. Rybin Dr. Klimova is coordinating the Tempus “Green Engine” project at ITMO. She is experienced in scientific and research work and working in the engineering sector. She
has gained extensive experience in development and
coordination of international educational programmes
and projects including dual degree programmes. Dr.
Klimova is coordinating at ITMO EU projects in the
other funding initiatives. Her research interests focus
on strategy, internationalisation of education, knowledge management, finite element analysis and computational mechanics.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Andreas Ahrens during the study visit at ITMO.
Prof. Dr. Dieter Meissner from Tallinn University of Technology during guest
lecturing and competence building at ITMO in June 2014 in St. Petersburg.
Students from ITMO listing to guest lecture held by Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Andreas Ahrens.