Case 1:07-cv-00337-LJB Document 21 Filed 03/05/2008 Page 1 of 3 IN THE UNITED STATES COURT OF FEDERAL CLAIMS CCS INDUSTRIAL SALES, INC., Plaintiff, v. THE UNITED STATES, Defendant. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) No. 07-337C (Judge Bush) JOINT STATUS REPORT FOLLOWING STAY AND REMAND Pursuant to the Court’s January 3, 2008 order, plaintiff, CCS Industrial Sales, Inc., and defendant, the United States, hereby submit this joint status report following the Court’s stay of proceedings and remand to the agency. On March 4, 2008, the contracting officer issued a decision on CCS’s claim. Exhibit A. Both CCS and the Government desire an additional 60-days, to and including May 6, 2008, to continue settlement negotiations and further propose that the Court allow the parties to file a joint status report recommending further proceedings in this matter by May 9, 2008. Respectfully submitted, JEFFREY S. BUCHOLTZ Acting Assistant Attorney General JEANNE E. DAVIDSON Director s/ Steven J. Gillingham STEVEN J. GILLINGHAM Assistant Director Case 1:07-cv-00337-LJB Document 21 Filed 03/05/2008 Page 2 of 3 s/ Cyrus E. Phillips, IV CYRUS E. PHILLIPS, IV 1828 L St., NW, Suite 660 Washington, D.C. 20036-5112 Tel: (202) 466-7008 Fax: (202) 466-7009 s/ Armando A. Rodriguez-Feo ARMANDO A. RODRIGUEZ-FEO Trial Attorney Commercial Litigation Branch Civil Division Department of Justice Attn: Classification Unit 8th Floor 1100 L St., NW Washington, D.C. 20530 Tel: (202) 307-3390 Fax: (202) 514-8624 Attorney for Plaintiff Attorneys for Defendant March 5, 2008 -2- Case 1:07-cv-00337-LJB Document 21 Filed 03/05/2008 Page 3 of 3 CERTIFICATE OF FILING I hereby certify that on this 5th day of March, 2008, a copy of the foregoing “JOINT STATUS REPORT FOLLOWING STAY AND REMAND” was filed electronically. I understand that notice of this filing will be sent to all parties by operation of the Court’s electronic filing system. The parties may access this filing through the Court’s system. s/ Armando A. Rodriguez-Feo Case 1:07-cv-00337-LJB Document 21-2 Filed 03/05/2008 Page 1 of 8 March4,4,2008 2008 March USPS USPSCertified CertifiedMail Mail _ CCS CCS 311Acorn Acorn Lane Lane 311 Picayune ,MS MS 39466 39466 Picayune, Subj:Claim Claim for for Clean Clean Up Up and and Remediation Remediation Services due to Hurricane Katrina Performed at Subj: at VAMC New New Orleans Orleans -Purchase Order # 586-C60329 VAMC Dear Mr. Mr. Burge: Burge: Dear am in in receipt receipt of of the the subject subject claim in the total total amount of $1,519,696.33 that of$I,519,696.33 that is is dated dated II am September 13, 13, 2006 2006 and and was was received received by by the the Contracting Contracting Officer Officer on on March March 21, 21, 2007. 2007. In September In accordance with with the the guidelines guidelines of FAR 33.211 33.211 (a) (4), the Final Decision accordance Decision relative relative to to the the aforementioned claim claim is is as as follows: follows: aforementioned Description of of the /dispute Description the claim claim/dispute In the the subject subject claim CCS CCS seeks additional payment for services rendered during the In the clean clean up up and remediation process performed after Hurricane Katrina at the VAMC New Orleans Orleans under under the the teens of tenns of the the purchase purchase order order number 586-C60329 due to additional work performed to include ofwork work alleged changes, additional labor, additional materials materials and and other other compensable compensable acts acts of performed. CCS's CCS'stheory theoryof ofrecovery recovery is is that that itit held held an an implied-in implied-in fact fact contract for the value of performed. services performed at the govenunents' governments' request and in accordance with its agreement. agreement. CCS CCS has has provided with their claim three three separate separate invoices invoices as as follows: follows: Invoice 1162 - Costs dumpsters to remove 47,190.00 - Costs for for dumpsters used toused remove debris fordebris for$ $ 47,190.00 Invoice ##1162 basement and sub-basement basement and sub-basement Invoice 1173 - Work performed for dehumidification dehumidification for for Invoice ## 1173 $ 373,212.19 $ 373,212.19 Floors Floors 1-10 1-10 Invoice Invoice ## 1174 1174- -Work Workperformed performedininbasement basementtotoinclude includerental rental equipment, equipment, materials materials and and labor labor to to provide provide germicidal germicidal fogging and andspraying spraying;; setup setup and and dismantling ofequipment equipment,, set set up up of ofcontainment containment dismantling of walls, walls,pumping pumpingadditional additionalwater water;; and and generator generator refueling refueling and and monitoring monitoring $$2,599,294.14 2,599,294.14 TOTAL $ TOTAL $3,019,696.33 3,019,696.33 Less Payment date 12-6-06 - $1,500 Less Payment date 12-6-06 - $1,500,000.00 ,000.00 TOTAL REQUESTED $ TOTAL REQUESTED $1,519,696.33 1,519,696.33 The Hurricane theaftermath aftermathofof Hurricane Thesubject subject claim claimisisvery veryconfusing confusingdue duethe thechaotic chaoticevents eventsdue duetotothe Katrina. However, Katrina. However, below belowI Ihave havesummarized summarizedwhat whatIIbelieve believethe thecontractor contractor isis alleging allegingand andwhy, why, as requesting. as well wellasasthe therelief reliefthe thecontractor contractorisisrequesting. Exhibit A To Joint Status Report After Remand 1 Case 1:07-cv-00337-LJB Document 21-2 Filed 03/05/2008 Page 2 of 8 Invoice##1162: 1162: Dated Dated September September 13,2006, 13, 2006, referencing referencing 586-C60329, 586-C60329, CCS CCS is is claiming claiming Invoice $47,190.00for forcosts costsincurred incurredfor fordebris debrisremoval removal from from the the VA VA Medical Medical Center. Center. $47,190.00 Invoice#1173: #1173: Dated September 13, 2006, referencing referencing 586-C60329, 586-C60329, CCS CCS is claiming Invoice 13,2006, 373,212.19for forwork workthey theyallegedly allegedlyincurred incurredfor fordehumidification dehumidificationof offloors floors 1-10 1-10of ofthe theVAMC VAMC 373,212.19 duringthe thetime timeperiod periodfrom fromDecember December 14, 14,2005 2005through throughFebruary February 14,2006. 14, 2006.The The during dehumidification work work consisted consisted of of air air movers, movers, air air scrubbers, scrubbers, dehumidifiers, and barrel fans; and and dehumidification technicianto tomonitor monitor equipment equipment to to ensure ensure proper proper operation; operation; per per diem diem expense for employees; aatechnician dumpster; and commercial supervisor/manager. dumpster; and commercial supervisor/manager. Invoice## 1174: 1174: Dated 2006, referencing 586-C60329, 586-C60329, CCS CCS is claiming Invoice Dated September 13, 13,2006, additional work work and and labor labor in in the the amount amount of $1,099,294.14 (original order - $1,500,000) {total {total additional invoice isis $2,599,294.14) $2,599,294.14} to to include include rental rental equipment, equipment, materials, materials, and labor charges to provide invoice Germicidal fogging fogging and and spraying; spraying; setup setup and and dismantling of of equipment; setup of Germicidal of containment walls; pumping pumping additional additional water; water; and and generator refueling and monitoring for the period October October walls; 7, 2005 through March 4, 2006. CCS alleges that they were instructed to perform the work by the 7, 2005 through March 4, 2006. CCS that to the COTR through this date. COTR through this date. In May 2007, 2007, CCS CCS filed filed a complaint with the Court of Federal Federal Claims Claims seeking a declaratory In (CDA) for for $1,519,696 as presented in judgment and a judgment under the Contract Disputes Act (CDA) invoices: 1162, 1162, 1173 and 1174. ofFederal Federal Claims Claims has has granted granted aa Motion Motion for for aa three invoices: 1173 and 1174. The The Court Court of Stay of Proceedings and Remand to allow the Contracting Contracting officer officer to to issue issue aa final final decision decisionon onthe the this CCS CCS claim. claim. This decision is in response to that order. It is my understanding that This decision is in response It is my understanding that $32,026.87 for for aa 1.5% 1.5% carrying carrying cost cost that that was was mistakenly mistakenly AfterDisaster wants to add to this claim $32,026.87 omitted from Invoice 72406. This amount, however, was never presented to the contracting This amount, however, was never presented to the contracting officer and a final decision will will not not be be rendered rendered on on this this issue. issue. Contracting ' s Statement of of the the relevant relevant facts facts Contracting Officer Officer's This claim claim arises arises from from the the damage damage brought brought about about by bythe thewinds windsand andrain rainthat thatinfiltrated infiltratedthe the two two lowest lowest levels levels of ofthe the VA VA Medical Medical Center, Center,New NewOrleans Orleansininthe thewake wakeofofHurricane HurricaneKatrina Katrinainin August August 2005. 2005. The Theentire entiremedical medicalcenter centerwas wasdevastated; devastated;submerged, submerged,and andfungus fungusinfected. infected. Patients to be be evacuated. evacuated. In In August August 2005, 2005, VISN VISN16 16contracting contractingofficials officialshired hiredcontractors contractorstoto Patients had had to perform perform clean-up clean-up and and remediation remediation services services at at VAMC VAMC New New Orleans. Orleans. CCS CCSwas wasone oneofofthe thefirst first contractors contractors offered work at at that time. They Theysub-contracted sub-contractedout outthe thework workto toSoutheast SoutheastRestoration Restoration dba dba AfterDisaster AfterDisaster(AD). (AD). The The issues issuesininthis thisclaim claimbasically basicallyinvolve involvetwo twodifferent differentareas areasofofwork work.. The Thefirst first area area of ofwork work includes the cleanup of the basement and sub-basement ofVAMC New Orleans. Orleans. The The second second includes the clean-up of the basement and sub-basement of VAMC New area in VAMC area of ofwork work includes includesdehumidification dehumidificationofoffloors floors 1-10 I-lOin VAMC New NewOrleans. Orleans. Cleanup of ofthe thebasement basementand andsub-basement sub-basement Clean-up CCS /purchase orders ofthe thebasement basementand andsubsubCCSwas wasawarded awardedvarious variouscontracts contracts/purchase ordersfor forclean clean-up - up of basement of VAMC New Orleans . This clean-upwas wasnecessary necessaryininorder orderfor forVA VAtotoeven evenassess assess basement ofVAMC New Orleans. Thisclean-up Exhibit A To Joint Status Report After Remand 2 Case 1:07-cv-00337-LJB Document 21-2 Filed 03/05/2008 Page 3 of 8 whetherthe thebuilding buildingwas wassalvageable. salvageable. InInan ane-mail e -mailCCS whether CCSindicated indicatedthat thatthey theycould couldclean-up clean-upthe the entirebasement basementand andsub-basement sub-basementareas areasfor forbetween between$1,000,000 $1,000,000 and and $2,000,000. $2,000,000. entire OnSeptember September 13,2005, 13, 2005,Contracting Contracting Officer Officer Griffin Griffin awarded awarded contract contract V502P-2477 V502P-2477 to CCS On totopump pumpwater waterout outof ofthe thebasement basementand andthe thesub-basement. sub-basement. This This contract contract included included aa provision provision that thecontractor contractorwas wasnot notauthorized authorizedtotoperform perform any any work work that that exceeded exceeded the the total total price price of of $180,000. the By September 22, 2005, the pumping of the basement and sub-basement was completed; CCS By September 22,2005, the pumping of the basement and sub-basement submittedtwo twoinvoices invoices and and was was paid paid aa total total of$165,000 of $165,000 for for this work. work. submitted OnSeptember September26, 26,2005 2005CCS CCSwas wasawarded awardedcontract contractV502P-2483, V502P-2483,PO PO502-C54323. 502-C54323. This On contract required CCS to "clear out and clean critical areas of the basement and sub-basement" sub-basement" contract required CCS to "clear out and clean critical areas of the basement and and it specifiedaanot notto toexceed exceedlimit limitof of$500,000. $500,000. During performance performance of this this contract, contract, it it and it specified became clear clear that that the the work work being being performed performed in in the the basement basement and and sub-basement sub-basement exceeded the became scope of ofthis this contract. contract. It was clear that this this contract contract would would not not be be sufficient sufficient for for the the work work that that scope was being being ordered ordered and and performed. performed. According According to to the the Resident Resident Engineer, Engineer, the contractor was told was that contract contract V502P-2483, V502P-2483, PO PO 502-C54323 502-C54323 was going to be cancelled and replaced with aa new that new P.O. for for the the basement basement and and sub-basement sub-basementwork. work. It is my understanding that Maria Pizarro was P.O. involved in in and and aware aware of of this this cancellation. cancellation. According According to the Resident Engineer the new P.O was involved to be be capped capped at at$1.5 $1.5million milliondollars. dollars. In to InDecember Decemberof of2005, 2005, the the Resident Resident Engineer erroneously believed that a new Purchase Order, with the $1.5 million dollar price dollar price limitation, limitation, had had been been issued issued contracting. He by contracting. Heproceeded proceededtotohave havethe thecontractor contractorcontinue continueperformance performance under underthat that mistaken mistaken belief. belief. 2006 the basement and sub-basement By February 2, 2,2006 sub-basement work work that that was was required required of ofCCS CCS was was substantially completed. completed. (The only work after 2/2/06 was that CCS was required to provide (The only work after 2/2/06 was that CCS was required to provide VA VA with some equipment until March 4, 2006) On OnFebruary February14, 14, 2006, 2006, Contracting ContractingOfficer OfficerBrenda Brenda Stewart issued PO 586-C60329 to to CCS CCS for for the the clean clean up up of ofBasement Basement and and sub-basement sub-basement that thatthey they had performed. dollars. On performed. This This purchase purchase order order included included aa not to exceed amount of 1.5 1.5 million dollars. On February 20, 2006, contract 20,2006, contract V502P-2483 V502P-2483 which which was was the the initial initial $500,000 $500,000contract contracttotoclear clearout outand and clean critical areas areas of of the the basement basement and and sub-basement, sub-basement, was was cancelled cancelled in in writing. writing. In June 2006, the the VISN VISN asked asked CCS CCS when when they they would would submit submittheir theirinvoice(s) invoice(s)against againstPO PO586586C60329. CCS CCSreplied repliedthat that they theywere were awaiting awaiting input input from from their their subcontractor, subcontractor, AD. CCS CCS submitted ofthe the basement basementand and sub-basement sub-basementininSeptember September submitted the the first first invoice invoice for for the the clean-up clean-up of 2006; 2006; seven seven months months after after the the work work had had been beencompleted. completed. In of2006, 2006, VA VA officials officialscertified certifiedand andpaid paidonly only$1.5 $1.5million millionunder underPurchase PurchaseOrder Order In December December of 586-C60329 citing the not to exceed provision in the purchase order. 586-C60329 citing the not to exceed provision in the purchase order. Dehumidification offloors floors1-10 1-10 Dehumidificationof CCS floors1-10 1-10ofofthe the CCS was wasalso alsoawarded awardedvarious variouspurchase purchaseorders ordersfor fordehumidification dehumidificationofoffloors VAMC VAMCNew NewOrleans. Orleans. Only Onlytwo twoofofthese thesepurchase purchaseorders ordersare arerelevant relevanttotothis thisclaim. claim. The 2005 by P.O. 586-C60192 586-C60192 and and was was issued issuedon onOctober October27, 27,2005 by Thefirst first relevant relevantPurchase PurchaseOrder Orderisis P.O. Maria MariaPizarro. Pizarro. This ThisP.O P.Owas wasissued issuedtotoCCS CCSfor forproviding providing"all "alllabor laborand andmaterials materialsfor for Exhibit A To Joint Status Report After Remand 3 Case 1:07-cv-00337-LJB Document 21-2 Filed 03/05/2008 Page 4 of 8 dehumidificationof offloors floorsI 1through through10 10ofofthe theVAMC VAMCNew NewOrleans, Orleans,LA". LA".This Thiswas wasan an dehumidification estimatedpurchase purchaseorder orderwith withaanot nottotoexceed exceedamount amountof$500,000.00. of $500,000.00. This This purchase purchase order order estimated includedaa"Deliver "Deliveronlbefore on/beforedate dateof ofFebruary February9,2006. 9, 2006. In In short, short, this this P.O. P.O. was was for for the the included dehumidification of floors 110 from 10/28/05 through, at the latest, February 6, 2006. dehumidification of floors 1- 10 from 10/28/05 through, at the latest, February 6, 2006. To date, CCShas hassubmitted submittedone oneinvoice, invoice,invoice invoice1128, 1128,under underthis thispurchase purchaseorder. order. It was was submitted on CCS November11,2005, 11, 2005,and andwas wasfor foraatotal totalof$214,474.45. of $214,474.45. This invoice was paid by VA. November Thesecond secondrelevant relevantPurchase Purchase Order Order isis P.O. P.O. 586-C60254 586-C60254 issued issued on on January January 11, 2006 by The 11,2006 MariaPizarro. Pizarro. This P.O was to CCS for for provision of all all labor and and materials materials required to to Maria was issued to continue the dehumidification process established under previous purchase orders. This was continue the dehumidification process established under previous purchase orders. This was an estimatedpurchase purchaseorder orderwith withaanot nottotoexceed exceedamount amountof$2,394,738.90. of $2,394,738.90. This This purchase purchase order estimated included aa"Deliver "Deliver on/before on/beforedate dateof of March March3, 3,2006. 2006. In short, this P.O. was for the included dehumidification of of floors floors 11- 10 10 from from 1/11/06 through, through, at the latest, March 3, 2006. On dehumidification On January January nd and and3,d 3rdof2006, of 2006,CCS CCSsubmitted submittednine nineinvoices invoicesunder underthis thispurchase purchase order order for for a total total 22°d $2,064,723.20. VA has $2,064,723.20. has paid CCS CCS $2,115,423.40 $2,115,423.40 under under this this purchase purchase order. In September September 2006, 2006, CCS CCS submitted Invoice #1173, referencing Purchase Order 586-C60329. In 586-C60329. In this this invoice, invoice, CCS CCS claimed $373,212.19 for work they allegedly incurred for In for dehumidification dehumidification of floors floors 1-10 of the the New Orleans VAMC during the time period of period from from December December 14, 14, 2005 2005 through February 14, 14, 2006. 2006. This through This invoice invoice did did not not mention mention P.O. P.O. 586-C60192 586-C60192 or orP.O. P.O. 586-C60254. 586-C60254. Furthermore this this invoice was submitted months after the work was completed. Furthermore completed. As stated above, above, VA officials certified and paid only As only $1.5 $1.5 million million under under Purchase Purchase Order Order586586C60329 citing the not to exceed provision in the purchase order. in the purchase order. Submission of of claim claim Submission On January 23, 2007, CCS 23,2007, CCS submitted submitted aa certified certified claim claim to to CO, CO, Maria MariaPizarro, Pizarro,for forthe thebalance balance of of the three invoices previously previously submitted. submitted. CO CO Pizarro Pizarro replied replied that that PO PO 586-C60329 586-C60329was wasclosed closed with the December December 1, I, 2006 2006 payment payment and and that that the the remaining remaining balance balance"cannot "cannotbe bepaid paidatatthis thistime". time". On May May 31, 31, 2007, 2007, CCS CCS filed filed aa complaint complaintwith withthe theCourt Courtof ofFederal Federal Claims Claimsseeking seeking declaratory $1 ,519,696for forthe thethree three declaratory relief relief and and aa judgment judgment under under the the Contract Contract Disputes Disputes Act Act for for $1,519,696 invoices invoices described described above. above. In In anticipation anticipation of of litigation litigation the the Contracting Contracting Officer submitted this claim to the VA Office of of the the Inspector Inspector General General (OIG) (OIG) for for aadetailed detailed review. review. Jerry JerryGrahe, Grahe,auditor, auditor,conducted conductedthorough thorough research research to to determine determine whether whetherquestioned questionedsums sumswere weresupported supportedand andallowable allowable(Report (Reportattached). attached). Contracting Contractingofficer officeranalysis: analysis: Clean-up Clean-upof ofthe the basement basementand andsub-basement sub-basement IIhave havecarefully carefullyreviewed reviewedthe thefacts factsand andcircumstance circumstancesurrounding surroundingthe theclean-up clean-upofofthe the basement theVAMC VAMCNew NewOrleans Orleansininthe theaftermath aftermathofofHurricane HurricaneKatrina. Katrina. basementand andsub-basement sub-basementofofthe Exhibit A To Joint Status Report After Remand 4 Case 1:07-cv-00337-LJB Document 21-2 Filed 03/05/2008 Page 5 of 8 addition,the theOIG OIGhas hasaudited auditedthis thisclaim claimtotodetennine determinewhether whetherthe thecosts costs claimed claimed by by CCS CCS are are InInaddition, supportableand andallowable. allowable. II have have carefully carefully considered considered these these results. results. supportable myopinion, opinion,atatthe thetime timethat thatthe thework workwas wasperfonned, performed, there there was was no no express express contract contract InInmy governingthis thiswork. work. Initially contract contract V502P-2483, V502P-2483, with with aa not not to to exceed exceed amount amount of$500,000, of $500,000, governing wasissued issuedtotoCCS CCSfor forthis thiswork. work.ltItappears appearsthat thatalmost almostimmediately, immediately,this thiscontract contractwas wasverbally verbally was cancelled. It It is is my my belief belief that that the the contractor, contractor, VA VA engineering, engineering, and and VA VA contracting contracting all all verbally cancelled. agreedthat thatthis thiscontract contractwas wasnot notsufficient sufficientororappropriate appropriatefor forthe thework workbeing beingperfonned. performed. (This (This agreed contractwas waslater laterexpressly expresslycancelled cancelledwith with no no invoices invoices being being paid.) paid.) contract Assoon soon as as itit became became apparent apparent that that contract contract V502P-2483 V502P-2483 did did not cover the work being As performed, CCS CCS was was promised promised aa new new purchase purchase order and and was asked to continue working on perfonned, on the the clean-upof ofthe thebasement basementuntil untilititcould couldbe beprocessed. processed. Contracting Officer Maria Pizarro appears clean-up to have have been been at at least leastaware aware of ofthis this promise, promise,ififnot notinvolved involvedin in it. it. The Resident Engineer indicates to thatboth both he he and and the the COTR COTR told told CCS CCS that that the the new new P.O. P.O. would would have have aa limit limit of$1.5 of $1.5 million million that dollars. II have no evidence, dollars. evidence, however, that this limitation was ever communicated to CCS by by someone with actual contract authority until the Purchase Order, PO 586-C60329, was formally someone with actual contract until was fonnally issued. issued. On February February 14,2006, 14, 2006, II issued issued PO PO 586-C60329 586 -C60329 for On work. for the the basement basement and and sub-basement sub-basement work. This P.O. clearly clearly included included aa not not to to exceed amount of $1.5 million amount of$1.5 million dollars dollars.. II received this This P.O. received this dollar dollar limitation amount from the COTR. limitation amount from the COTR. I issued this purchase order order after after the the work work was was substantially completed . I do do not not have any evidence of ' s acceptance ofthe the contractor contractor's ofthe the price. price. limitation completed. acceptance of limitation contained in the Purchase Order . contained in the Purchase Order. I believe that that it would be be difficult difficult to to prove provethat that the the contractor contractor agreed to to this this price price limitation. limitation. agreed It is clear that that CCS performed that the work that perfonned was necessary necessary for the VA to to assess assess the the damage damage to to the the VAMC. VAMC. Although II am aware aware of of some some concerns concerns about about the the quality quality of ofthe the work work performed, perfonned, none ofthe the work work has has been been clearly clearlydocumented documented as as unsatisfactory unsatisfactory.. The The VA VA benefited from from this this none of work work and and II find find that that the the CCS CCS is is entitled to be paid the reasonable and and allowable costs costs associated associated with with the the work work performed. perfonned. Invoice 162 dated Invoice 1162: 1162: CCS CCSisisclaiming claiming$47,190 $47,190for forwaste wastehauling haulingexpense expenseon oninvoice invoice1 1162 dated September 13, 2006. This Thisinvoice invoicecovers coverscost costof ofwaste wasteremoval removal including includingdelivery, delivery, hauling haulingand and September 13, service charges. CCS asked the VA for a separate PO to cover the waste removal, however none service charges. CCS asked the VA for a separate PO to cover the waste removal, however none was 10,2005 2005through through was issued. issued. The The amount amount requested requested represents represents waste waste hauling hauling from from October October10, February 2006. The ofthese these costs. costs. The TheResident ResidentEngineer Engineer February 1,1,2006. The OIG OIG has has not not questioned questioned any any of confirms confinns that that the the waste waste hauling haulingshould shouldbe becharged chargedunder underPO PO586-C60329. 586-C60329.I Iconcur concurwith withpayment payment of $47,190 for this invoice under PO 586-C60329. of$47,190 for this invoice under PO 586-C60329. Invoice Invoice 1174: 1174: CCS CCS isisclaiming claimingan anadditional additional $1,099,294.14 $1,099,294.14($2,599,294. ($2,599,294.14 lessthe thepayment payment 14 less of $1,500,000) for the basement cleanup on invoice of$1 ,500,000) for the basement cleanup on invoice 1174. 1174. The TheOIG OIGreport reportreviewed reviewedthe theentire entire invoice of$2,599,294.14. $2,599,294.14. invoiceamount amountof The theequipment equipmentrental rentalexpense expenseunder underAD AD TheOIG OIGreport reportquestioned questioned$95,497.44 $95,497.44worth worthofofthe invoice ofof AfterDisaster, invoice72406 72406(part (partofofinvoice invoice1174). 1174).CCS CCSisisclaiming, claiming,ononbehalf behalf AfterDisaster,cost costfor for Exhibit A To Joint Status Report After Remand 5 Case 1:07-cv-00337-LJB Document 21-2 Filed 03/05/2008 Page 6 of 8 equipmentremaining remainingon-site on-siteafter afterFebruary February2,2006 2, 2006with withcharges charges continuing continuing through through March March 4, equipment 2006.The TheOIG OIGindicates indicatesthat thatAfterDisaster AfterDisasterhad hadno nopresence presence on on site site after after February February 2,2006. 2, 2006. 2006. Furtherinvestigation, investigation,however, however,confirms confirmsthat thatthe theVA VArequested requestedAfterDisaster AfterDisastertotocontinue continuetotorent rent Further equipmentuntil untilthe theVA VAno nolonger longerneeded Accordingtotothe theResident ResidentEngineer, Engineer,the theequipment equipment equipment questionremained remainedonsite onsiteatatthe theVAMC VAMCthrough throughMarch March4,2006. 4, 2006. Therefore, Therefore, the the questioned ininquestion amountof of$95,497.44 $95,497.44should should be be paid. paid. amount TheOIG OIGreport reportquestioned questioned$16,322.43 $16,322.43 of of the the material material and and supplies supplies and and employee employee health care The expenseon onAD ADinvoice invoice72406. 72406. The OIG OIG states states items items identified identified and and questioned questioned on on this this invoice expense are not what is generally referred to as materials or commodities that are consumed during aa are not what is generally referred to as materials or commodities that are consumed during processor orsupplies supplies generally generally referred referredto to as as materials materials stored stored and and dispensed dispensed when when needed. needed. Many process itemsreferred referredto toas assmall smalltools tools are are generally generally recovered recoveredthough though overhead overhead and and profit profit accounts accounts items since it does not meet the definition of a direct cost. since it does not meet the definition of a direct cost. concurwith with the the OIG OIG report report on on the the$16,322.43 $16,322.43 of of questioned questioned costs. costs. The items claimed will will II concur or can can be be used used on on future future projects projects by by AfterDisaster. AfterDisaster. Generators were rentcd rented on a daily rate; or therefore maintenance maintenance cost cost should be included in the daily rate with the exception of of the the fuel. fuel. therefore The cost cost of of health health care care benefits to to employees does not meet the definition of of direct costs costs since since The AfterDisaster will will still still benefit benefit from from these these after after demobilizing. demobilizing. Therefore, Therefore, the the amount amount of of AfterDisaster $16,322.43 will will be be denied. denied. $16,322.43 Of the $1,099,294. 14 claimed claimed under under invoice invoice 1174 Of the additional additional $1,099,294.14 1174,, 1find 1 find that that the the contractor is owed a total of $1,082,971.71. owed a total of$I,082,971.71. Claim amendment involving invoice 1174• 1174: A A new new issue issue was was apparently apparently raised raised by by AfterDisaster after after submission submission of the the initial initial claim. claim. ItIt is my understanding that AfterDisaster is my understanding that AfterDisaster has has requested that CCS add an additional $32,026.87 $32,026.87 to to the the claim claim for for aa 1.5% 1.5% carrying carrying cost cost that that was was mistakenly omitted from Invoice 72406 (part ofCCS of CCS invoice 1174). 1174). AfterDisaster AfterDisaster indicates indicates that that VA was unable ofthis this massive massive project. project. AfterDisaster AfterDisaster further further claims claims that that unable to to provide provide for for funding funding of they initially initially funded funded the the project project and and they they wish wish to to therefore therefore include include their their normal normal finance finance terms termsof of 1.5% per month on invoice 72406. 1.5% per month on invoice 72406. This tothe thecontracting contractingofficer officerfor foraafinal finaldecision. decision. This claim claim has has never never been been formally formallypresented presentedto Although Although IIwill will not notrender renderaadecision decisionon onthis, this,I Iwill willindicate indicatethat thatI Icurrently currentlyhave haveno noevidence evidencethat that anyone anyone in in VA VA ever ever agreed agreed to to accept accept financing financing from from the the contractor contractor or from from the subcontractor. I I have have no no evidence evidence that that VA VAagreed agreedto topay paythe thecontractor contractoraafinance financecharge. charge. Dehumidification offloors floors 1-10 1-10 Dehumidificationof Invoice Invoice 1173: 1173: CCS CCS isisclaiming claiming$$373,212.19 oninvoice invoice1173 1173dated datedSeptember September13, 13,2006. This 373,212.19 on 2006. This invoice dehumidificationfor forfloors floors 1-10 1-10ofofthe theVAMC VAMCNew NewOrleans Orleansfrom from invoiceisisfor forthe thecosts costsofofdehumidification December 2005 through 2006. This December14, 14,2005 throughFebruary February 14, 14,2006. Thiswork workisisclearly clearlyoutside outsideofofthe thestatement statementofof work - C60329 which work on onPO PO586 586-C60329 whichwas wasissued issuedfor forremediation remediationfor forthe thebasement basementand andsub-basement. sub-basement. However, However, IIhave havedone donesome someextensive extensiveresearch researchand andthis thiswork workappears appears to to be be within within the the scope scopeof of purchase - C60192 . As purchaseorders orders586 586-C60 192and and586-C60254 586-C60254. Assuch, such,I Ifind findthat thatthe thecontractor contractorshould shouldbebe reimbursed , non-duplicative reimbursedfor forthe theappropriate appropriate, non-duplicativecosts costsassociated associatedwith withthis thiswork workunder underpurchase purchase Exhibit A To Joint Status Report After Remand 6 Case 1:07-cv-00337-LJB Document 21-2 Filed 03/05/2008 Page 7 of 8 orders586-C60192 586-C60192and and586-C60254 586-C60254issued issuedon onOctober October28,2005 28, 2005and andJanuary January11,2006 11, 2006 orders respectively. respectively. TheOIG OIGreviewed reviewed the thecosts costsclaimed claimedin ininvoice invoice 1173. The 1173. The The OIG OIGreport reportquestioned questioned $13,789.78 $13,789.78 of technician time for work performed without authorization oftcchnician time for work perfonned without authorization, , or oraatotal totalof$16,685.63 of $16,685.63 when when including CCS CCS overhead overhead and and profit. profit . (According ( Accordingto including tothe theOIG, OIG,AfterDisaster AfterDisasterclaimed claimed 10 10 hours hours of of technician time per day for monitoringof of dehumidification dehumidification equipment. equipment . However, technician time per day for monitoring However, there therewas was no no dehumidification equipment equipment to to monitor during during the the time period period in question.) question .) In addition, the dehumidification In addition, the OIG report report questioned questioned $5,598.16 $ 5,598.16 for for the the total total carrying carryingcost cost including including CCS OIG CCS overhead overhead and and profit. profit. (A carrying carrying cost costof of 1.5% 1.5 % was was applied appliedto toinvoices.) invoices .) The The OIG's OIG 'stotal questioned cost on invoice (A total questioned cost on invoice 1173was was $22,283.79. $22,283.79. 1173 In response response to to the the OIG's OIG's questioning of In of the carrying costs, AfterDisaster indicates indicates that that VA VA was unable unable to to provide provide for for funding funding ofthis of thismassive massiveproject. project. AfterDisaster claims that they funded was the project project and and is is therefore therefore including including their their nonnal normal finance finance terms terms of 1.5% per month on this the invoice. InVOIce. Once again again there there is is no no evidence that the the VA ever requested financing from CCS or from Once from AfterDisaster and and no no evidence evidence that that VA VA agreed agreed to to pay pay financing financingcosts. costs. In addition, the AfterDisaster dehumidification of floors floors 1-10, 1-10, was was in in fact fact funded funded by by VA VA prior prior to to performance. performance. There were were two two dehumidification funded purchase purchase orders orders under under which which CCS CCS should should have have invoiced. invoiced. P.O. properly funded P.O. 586-C60192, 586-C60192, issued on on October 28,2005, 28, 2005, covered covered dehumidification dehumidification through through February February 6, 6, 2006. 2006. It issued It had had aa not not to to of $500,000 and CCS has thus far only invoiced for exceed amount of$500,000 for $214,474.45 $214,474.45 under under that that order. In 2006, covered purchase order. In addition addition P.O. P.O. 586-C60254 586-C60254 issued issued on on January January 11, 11,2006, covered March 3, 2006. 2006. This purchase order had had a not not to to exceed exceed amount amount of dehumidification through March $2,394,738.90. To $2,394,738.90. To date, date, CCS CCS has has only only invoiced invoiced for for aa total total of of$2,064,723.20 $2,064,723 .20 under under this this purchase purchase order. order. The fact that CCS did not not choose choose to to invoice invoice under under those those available available purchase purchase orders ordersdoes doesnot not make the VA responsible for for finance finance charges. The Thefact fact that that CCS CCS submitted submittedother otherinvoices invoicesunder under those purchase purchase orders orders in in November November 2005 2005 and and in in January January2006 2006shows showsthat thatCCS CCSwas wasfully fullyaware aware of of those purchase orders. For Forall allof ofthe theabove abovereasons, reasons, IIfind find that that CCS CCS isisnot not entitled entitledto to the the carrying carrying cost cost of of $5,598.16 $5,598.16 under under invoice invoice 1173. 1173. In [n response to the OIG's OIG's findings findings questioning questioning $16,685.63 $16,685.63 for for technician technician time, time, After AfterDisaster Disaster indicates ofproviding providingmoisture moisturereadings readingswhich whichwere werecontinued continued indicates that that this this cost cost includes includes the the cost cost of until until January January 16, 16, 2006. 2006. According Accordingtotothe theResident ResidentEngineer, Engineer,moisture moisturereadings readingsshould shouldtake takeno no more than 2 hours per day. Therefore I will allow 2 hours per day for a total of 62 hours at more than 2 hours per day. Therefore I will allow 2 hours per day for a total of 62 hours at regular of$32.91 $32.91 or or $2,040.42 $2,040.42 for for these these moisture moisture readings. readings. The Thetotal, total,with withoverhead overhead regular time time rate rate of and profit, then for these readings comes to $2,448.50. I am denying the remaining $14,237.33 of and profit, then for these readings comes to $2,448.50. I am denying the remaining $14,237.33 of the the amount amountclaimed claimedfor forthis thistechnician techniciantime. time. In ofthe the submitted submittedcosts costs for for invoice invoice1173. 1173. 1 Ifind findthat thatunder under In total, total, I[am am denying denying$19,835.49 $19,835.49of invoice $353,376.70. invoice1173, 1173,the thecontractor contractorisisentitled entitledtotoaatotal totalofof$353,376.70. Exhibit A To Joint Status Report After Remand 7 Case 1:07-cv-00337-LJB Document 21-2 Filed 03/05/2008 Page 8 of 8 Summary Summary Withregard regardtotothe thebasement basementand andsub-basement sub-basementwork, work ,except With exceptasasspecifically specificallynoted notedabove, above, the the contractorisisseeking seekingcompensation compensation for for work work that that was was ordered ordered by contractor byVA VApersonnel personnelwith withknowledge knowledge ofwarranted warrantedcontracting contractingstaff. staff. Furthermore, Furthermore,there of thereisisnot notsufficient sufficientdocumentation documentationto toshow show that that the work was less than satisfactory PurchaseOrder Order586-C60329, 586 -C60329,which the work was less than satisfactory. . Purchase whichestablished establishedthe thenot-tonot-toexceedlimit limitof of $1.5 $1.5 million million dollars, dollars ,was exceed wasnot notformally formallyissued issued until until after afterthe thework workwas was substantiallycomplete. complete. It would be difficult to agreed to to this this price to prove prove that that the contractor agreed substantially limitation. The government benefited from the performance limitation. The government benefited from the performance of ofthis thiswork work and andshould shouldpay pay appropriatecosts costsassociated associated with with this this work. work. appropriate CCS isis claiming claiming $47,190 $47,190 for for waste wastehauling haulingexpense expenseon oninvoice invoice 1162. Reimbursement CCS Reimbursement for forthis this amountrequested requested under underthis this claim claim is is approved should be amount approved as as part part of of PO PO 586-C60329 586-C60329 and and should be reimbursed. reimbursed. CCS is is claiming claiming an an additional additional $1,099,294.14 CCS $1,099,294.14 ($2,599,294.14 ($2,599,294.14 less less the the payment payment of of $1,500,000) $1,500,000) for the basement cleanup on invoice invoice 1174. 1174. VA VA denies denies payment in for the basement cleanup on payment for for material material and and supply supply cost cost in the amount of $16,322.34. I find that the contractor is still owed a total the amount of $16,322.34. I find that the contractor is still of 71 under of $1,082,971. $1,082,971.71 under invoice 11174 174 for for work work performed. performed. invoice of the the medical medical center center the the contractor contractor For the dehumidification work performed on Floors Floors 1-10 1-10 of is claiming $373,212.19 $373,212.19 on invoice 1173. This work is not involved in clean-up of is of the basement or sub-basement sub-basement and and is is clearly outside outside of scope scope of of PO PO 586-C60329. 586-C60329. However, However, this this work work isis within the scope of of other purchase orders that were were issued issued to to CCS, CCS, specifically specifically P.O. P.O. 586-C60192 586-C60192 and P.O. 586-C60254. I find that CCS should be reimbursed for the appropriate costs and I find that CCS should be reimbursed for the appropriate costs for for performing this work under those purchase orders. orders. For of Forthe the reasons reasons specified specified above, above, aa total total of $19,835.49 has been denied from the contractor's invoice. invoice. Therefore Thereforethe thetotal totalamount amountowed owedtoto the contractor for this work work under under purchase purchase orders orders 586-C60192 586-C60192 and and 586-C60254 586-C60254isis$353,376.70. $353,376.70. CCS's CCS's total total certified certified claim claim was was for for $1,519,697.04. This Thisclaim claim primarily primarily consisted consisted of ofthree three invoices: invoices invoices 1162, 1162, 1173 1173 and and 1174. 1174. 1 Ihave havefound foundthat thatunder underthese thesethree threeinvoices invoicesthe the contractor $1,483,538.41. This contractor is is entitled to to aa combined combined total total of of$1,483,538.41. Thisamount amountconstitutes constitutescomplete complete compensation compensation for for all all costs costs associated associated with with the thework workperformed performedunder underP.O, P.O,586-C60329 586-C60329and andallall costs associated with work relating to dehumidification for floors 1-10 of the VAMC New costs associated with work relating to dehumidification for floors 1-10 of the VAMC New Orleans 14, 2005 through Orleans from from October October 28, 28,14,2005 through March March 3, 3, 2006. 2006. This Thisamount amountfurther furtherconstitutes constitutesfull full compensation for the contractor's certified claim filed in January 23, 2007. This amount is compensation for the contractor's certified claim filed in January 23,2007. This amount is inclusive ofall all costs costs direct direct and and indirect indirect including including all all litigation litigation costs, costs, attorney's attorney'sfees feesand andinterest. interest. inclusive of This Thisisisthe thefinal final decision decisionof ofthe theContracting ContractingOfficer. Officer. This This decision decision was was issued issuedin in compliance compliancewith with the the Order Orderof ofthe the United United States States Court Court of ofFederal Federal Claims Claims dated dated January January 3, 3, 2008. 2008. However Howeverthese these matters matters are arestill still ininlitigation. litigation. Therefore, Therefore,no nopayments paymentswill willbebemade madepursuant pursuanttotothis thisfinal finaldecision decision except exceptas asspecifically specificallyordered orderedby bythe theUnited UnitedStates StatesCourt CourtofofFederal FederalClaims. Claims. E~V\d~~ Brenda BrendaStewart Stewart Contracting ContractingOfficer Officer Exhibit A To Joint Status Report After Remand 8