AC Series and Parallel Circuits

AC Series and Parallel Circuits
A Practical Exercise
Updated 17 AUG 2016
Section: ____________
I. Purpose.
1. Introduce the use of the oscilloscope for measuring current through the branches of a circuit
2. Introduce more complex AC series/parallel circuits
II. Equipment.
Keysight 34450A Digital Multimeter (DMM)
Oscilloscope, Function Generator
100, 1500-Ω resistor, 47 mH inductor, 0.1-μF capacitor
III. Pre-lab Calculations. Show all work.
Step One: Total impedance
Given the following circuit. Frequency is 5000 Hz. Assume the inductor has a real value of
resistance of 118 ohms.
Figure 1
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Series and Parallel AC Circuits
Compute the "Z 2ND " Impedance circled by the dotted line. Compute the total impedance of
the circuit.
Z C = _______________
Z L = 118 + j_________
Z 2ND = _______________
Z T = _______________
Step Two: Current Calculations.
Using Ohm’s law, the source voltage (E S ) and the predicted total impedance (Z T ), calculate
the current at the ac power source.
I S = ______∠______
Assuming that the ac power source E S has zero phase angle, is I S leading or lagging E S ?
Does the circuit overall appear Resistive, Capacitive, or Inductive?
Use the current divider rule to determine current I 1 , I 2, and I 3 I 1 = ______∠______
I 2 = ______∠______
I 3 = ______∠______
Step Three: Instructor or lab assistant verification that pre-lab calculations are complete.
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Series and Parallel AC Circuits
IV. Lab Procedure. Time Required: 45 minutes. Check-off each step as you complete it.
Step One: Construct an AC series parallel circuit
Using a DMM, measure the real value of resistance of the inductor (R L ). Measure the
resistance of the 100, 1500, ohm resistors (R 1 and R 2 ).
R L = ______________
R 2 = ______________
R 1 = ______________
On a QUAD board construct the ac series/parallel circuit in Figure 1.
Set the function generator to output a sine wave with 5 V RMS at 5000 Hz.
Connect the oscilloscope so that CH 1 will measure the ac voltage source and CH 2 will
measure the ac voltage across resistor R 1 .
Use the MEASURE function if the oscilloscope to determine the RMS voltage of the source
(CH 1). Adjust the function generator amplitude until the oscilloscope displays 5.00 V RMS .
E S = ______∠______
Step Two: Determine Source Current
Use the cursor function on the oscilloscope to measure the time difference between E S and
V R1.
Δt = __________
Determine the phase difference between E S and V R1 .
 ∆t 
∆θ =   360 =
T 
θ R1 = _________
Measure the RMS voltage across R 1 and then write V R1 in phasor form. The phase angle of
V R1 is the phase angle measured above (negative if lagging, positive if leading).
V R1 = ______∠______
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Series and Parallel AC Circuits
Use Ohm’s Law, the measured AC voltage V R1 , and the measured resistance of the 100-Ω
resistor, calculate the AC current.
IS =
Z R1
I S = ______∠______
How does this values of I S compare to the values calculated in the pre-lab section?
Exact__________ Very close__________ Very Different_________
Step three: Determine branch currents I 1, I 2 and I 3 . This will require changing how the oscilloscope is
attached to the circuit.
Connect the oscilloscope so that CH 1 will measure the voltage across resistor R 1 and so that
CH-2 will measure the voltage across the R 2 resistor.
Notice that CH-1 is now measuring the voltage drop V R1 180 degrees out of phase (since the
polarity of the leads is reversed).
Use the cursor function on the oscilloscope measure the time difference between V R1 and
V R2.
Δt = __________
Determine the phase difference between V R1 and V R2 .
 ∆t 
∆θ =   360 =
T 
∆ θ = _________
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Series and Parallel AC Circuits
Use the phase angle measured in step 2 for V R1 as the reference, and add the above ∆θ to it.
Since the polarity of the leads on V R1 was reversed, you must then subtract 180° to account
for the polarity difference of the leads.
θVR 2 = ∆θ + θVR1 − 180 =
θ VR2 = _________
Measure the RMS voltage across R 2 and write V R2 in phasor form.
V R2 = ______∠______
Why did you have to add the phase angle for V R1 to determine θ VR2 ?
Use Ohm’s Law, the measured AC voltage V R2 , and the measured resistance of the 1500-Ω
resistor, calculate the AC branch current.
I1 =
VR 2
Z R2
I 1 = ______∠______
How does this value of I 1 compare to the values calculated in pre-lab calculations?
Very close__________ Very Different_________
Use Ohm’s Law, the measured AC voltage V R2 , and the impedance of the 0.1µF capacitor,
calculate the AC branch current.
I2 =
VR 2
I 2 = ______∠______
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Series and Parallel AC Circuits
How does this value of I 2 compare to the values calculated in pre-lab calculations?
Very close__________ Very Different_________
Use Ohm’s Law, the measured AC voltage V R2 , and the impedance of the 47 mH inductor,
calculate the AC branch current.
I3 =
VR 2
I 3 = ______∠______
Applying Kirchhoff's Current Law to the circuit to prove that
I S = I1 + I 2 + I 3
I S = ______∠______
How does this value of I S compare to the measured value above?
Very close__________ Very Different_________
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