Prince George's Community College General Psychology Professor: Dr. Fridy Voicemail: (301)322-0538 Office: Marlboro Hall 2032 Course Description The course will survey the historical and current perspectives throughout the field of psychology. Students will explore: psychophysiology, memory, intelligence, sensory and perception, research methods and principles of learning, developmental and social psychology, personality theories, abnormal behavior, psychological measurements, psychotherapy, human sexuality, and applied psychology. Course Objectives The objectives of the course are to familiarize students to the various aspects within the field of psychology. Students will demonstrate adequately their knowledge objectively and subjectively through class participation, examinations and report writing. The Evaluation Components are: 5 Chapter Exams: (50%), to be announced Comprehensive Final Exam: (20%), final exam week 3 Research Journal Reviews: (20%), to be announced Class Participation: (10%), actively participates in class discussions Exams will be announced at least 2 weeks prior to exam date. No exams or assignments will be accepted after the date scheduled unless the student presents verified documentation of an emergency preventing their availability. Late assignments and exams are subject to a 10% reduction in grade. Class attendance and participation is crucial and required towards obtaining the course objectives; more than five unexcused class absences or eight unexcused tardiness and/ sleeping will result in 10% reduction of class grade. Professionalism and mutual respect for the instructor and the diversity of other students will strongly be encouraged. Any discipline matter will result in three formal warnings by the instructor, prior to being dismissed from the class. Reminder: The last day to withdraw from the class is November 20, 2009 College Bookstore Website Textbook(s): Psychology in Action in Modules, 8th Edition, Huffman, Karen ISBN: 13 978047008363-5 ISBN: 10 047008363-8 Textbook with Wiley Plus (study materials) URL: Prince George's Community College General Psychology Dr. Fridy Course Outline for the General Psychology Exams and Concern Paper Project All dates are subject to change and may be modified by the instructor as necessary Weeks 1-3 Exam 1 The Psychological Perspectives Experimental Psychology Concepts, Research Methods & Designs The Scientific Method in Psychology, Ethical Issues in Research Weeks 4-7 Exam 2 States of Consciousness: Stages of Sleep and Sleep Disorders Altered States of Consciousness: Alcohol and Drugs The Brain and Nervous System: Neuropsychology Motivation in Eating & Emotions Weeks 8-11 Exam 3 Learning Theories: Classical Conditioning, Operant Conditioning, Social Learning theory and Cognitive Behavioral theory. Memory and Strategies for Memory Enhancement Weeks 12-14 Concern Paper Project begins. Exam 4 Human Development: Infancy, Childhood, Adolescence, Young, Middle and Older Adulthood, Parenting Styles, Temperament Styles Attachment Theories, (Ainsworth), Developmental Theories: Cognitive, (Piaget) Social development, (Erickson), Moral development, (Kholberg), Weeks 15-16 Concern Paper Due Exam 5 Personality & Personality Theorists, Culture & Gender Related Issues Perspectives in Abnormal Psychology & Psychological Disorders: Thought, Mood and Anxiety Disorders Human Sexuality: The Human Sexual Response Cycle of males and females, (See the Motivation Chapter), The Triangular Theory of Love, Sexual Dysfunctions and Sexual Disorders Social Psychology Theories: Persuasion, Obedience, Conformity, Prejudice Stress, Health and Coping Altruism and Prosocial Behavior December 11-17 Final Exam Week (See college final exam schedule for the date.) The final exam will be comprehensive: Please see the Appendix A : Psychology 101: Expected Course Core Learning Outcomes for core learning goals of the course. ***An outline for the final exam will be distributed separately. Psychology 1010 Course Learning Outcomes: Upon the completion of the Psychology 1010 course you should be able to: 1. Demonstrate knowledge of major contributions to the field of psychology in terms of research and theories. 2. Identify, explain, and apply the major psychological principles in the following areas of psychology: biopsychological, developmental, learning/cognitive, personality/abnormal and social. 3. Compare and contrast how the major perspectives of psychology explain behavior. 4. Describe the scientific method and tools used by psychologists to understand and explain behavior; and describe the ethical principles inherent in research, teaching, and practice in the field of psychology. 5. Apply basic quantitative reasoning to understand, interpret and manipulate data from psychological sources. 6. Use critical and creative thinking, skeptical inquiry, and, when appropriate, the scientific approach to solve problems related to behavior and mental processes. 7. Apply psychological principles to personal, social, and organizational issues. 8. Demonstrate informational literacy and apply technological proficiency to access data and evaluate psychological research in order to prepare written and oral reports. 9. Examine the role of culture as it influences perception, thinking and behavior in order to facilitate good citizenship and effective participation in the global community. Academic Calendar August 31 Monday Classes begin for fall 2009 Mon.-Fri. Late registration and schedule adjustment period Sept. 5 - 7 Sat.-Mon COLLEGE CLOSED—Labor Day September 9 Wednesday Refund deadline for full semester classes October 21 Wednesday Midterm/ End of 1st half-semester classes October 22 Thursday Beginning of 2nd half-semester classes October 27 Tuesday College Enrichment Day—NO CLASSES November 20 Friday Last day to withdraw from full semester classes November 23 Monday Advance registration for Spring 2010 begins November 25 Wednesday Begining of Holiday. College open/ No classes November 26- Thur.- 29 Sun. November 30 Monday August 31-Sept. 4 Nov. 30-Dec. 2 Mon.-Wed. COLLEGE CLOSED—Thanksgiving Vacation Colllege re-opens and classes resume; Last day to withdraw from second half-semester classes Advance registration for spring 2010 December 3 Thursday Begin open registration for spring 2010 December 10 Thursday Last day of regular class schedule for fall semester Fri.-Thur. Final examination period/last week of classes December 1117 December 18 Friday Dec. 19-Jan 3 Sat.-Sun. January 25 Monday Registration for Intersession ends. Spring registration closes. Registration resumes Monday, January 4. COLLEGE CLOSED—Winter Break Spring 2010 credit classes begin