Homework Hint Assignment (1-81) Read (20.12-20.13), Do PROBLEMS (87, 88, 97) Ch. 20 87. REASONING Our approach to this problem is to deal with the arrangement in parts. We will combine separately those parts that involve a series connection and those that involve a parallel connection. SOLUTION The 24, 12, and 8.0-µF capacitors are in series. Using the reciprocal equation for capacitors, we can find the equivalent capacitance for the three capacitors: 1 1 1 1 = + + Cs 24 µ F 12 µ F 8.0 µ F Cs = 4.0 µ F or This 4.0-µF capacitance is in parallel with the 4.0-µF capacitance already shown in the text diagram. Taking into consideration the fact that capacitors in parallel add, we find that the equivalent capacitance for the parallel group is Cp = 4.0 µ F + 4.0 µ F = 8.0 µ F This 8.0-µF capacitance is between the 5.0 and the 6.0-µF capacitances and in series with them. Finally, the reciprocal equation for capacitors in series can be used, then, to determine the equivalent capacitance between A and B in the: 1 1 1 1 = + + Cs 5.0 µ F 8.0 µ F 6.0 µ F or Cs = 2.0 µ F __________________________________________________________________________________________ 88. REASONING AND SOLUTION The equivalent capacitance of the circuit is 1/C = 1/(4.0 µF) + 1/(6.0 µF) + 1/(12.0 µF) or C = 2.0 µF The total charge provided by the battery is, then, Q = CV = (2.0 × 10–6 F)(50.0 V) = 1.0 × 10–4 C This charge appears on each capacitor in a series circuit, so the voltage across the 4.0-µF capacitor is V1 = Q/C1 = (1.0 × 10–4 C)/(4.0 × 10–6 F) = 25 V ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 97. REASONING The time constant of a simple RC circuit is given by the equation resistance and C is the capacitance in the circuit. • τ = RC, where R is the The two resistors are wired in parallel, so we can obtain the equivalent resistance by using the reciprocal equation: [RT]-1 = [R1 ]-1 + [R2]-1 + … + [Rn ]-1 • The two capacitors are also wired in parallel, and their equivalent capacitance is given by the equation: CT = C1 + C2 + … + Cn Therefore, the time constant (τ ) is the product of the equivalent resistance and equivalent capacitance. SOLUTION The equivalent resistance of the two resistors in parallel is: 1 1 1 3 = + = RP 2.0 kΩ 4.0 kΩ 4.0 kΩ or R P = 1.3 kΩ The equivalent capacitance is: CP = 3.0 µ F + 6.0 µ F = 9.0 µ F Thus, the time constant for the charge to “build up” is: ( )( ) τ = RP CP = 1.3 × 103 Ω 9.0 × 10−6 F = 1.2 × 10−2 s