APA Action plan BEHEALTHY CURRENT PERFORMANCE (APRIL 09) CAMHS AMBER Teenage conceptions Area for improvement Improving emotional and mental well being (CAMHS) APA: “Not all 16 and 17 year olds with mental health difficulties received appropriate services”. Appendix 1 to Report 107/2009 APA GRADE – ADEQUATE RED Progress achieved in 08/09 Full time Torbay CAMHs manager (intention for this post to manage integrated CAMHs including Special Assessment & Therapeutic service); o Full time practice manager in post. o Tier 2 staffed with additional secondment post linking to care to community team. o Tier 3 vacancies being advertised - full time OT (currently 0.5wte post); LD/CAMHs nurse post (2nd advert); 2nd consultant post; LD psychology post - locum cover whilst JD is reviewed and further recruitment undertaken. o Torbay team; engagement of clinicians in care pathway design. o Single point of entry in place for CAMHS no administration issues; o SDQ in place locally, OOA review by CAMHS worker; o Of 12 young people (16-17) referred to adult services 2 were from CAMHS on transition and 10 direct from GP (further analysis is being undertaken for 6 of these who did not attend for appt.) o 63 staff trained in ENABLE Redesign pathway followed by young people who currently access adult services o Assistance with re-commissioning and realigning services o KEY RED AMBERYELLOWGREEN Key future actions 09/10 Lead Resources Newsletter planned and further information events; visits started Siobhan Grady to head teachers and primary o Children’s Trust care teams. - Lead o Targeted mental health in schools members and bid successful which will increase member number of primary care mental champions, health workers; ed psychology Police, Health support and family support as (acute, public main disciplines supporting and primary schools. sectors), o On call cover arrangements Schools under review. (Primary and o Development of perinatal mental Secondary), health; eating disorder, ASD care College, pathways. Children’s o Identify further potential outreach Services, clinic bases. Voluntary o Feasibility of CAMHS single point Sector) of entry merging with any o CAMHS Grant Children Service single point of o Learning and entry developments. standards o Shared access to PARIS and ENABLE training Care Notes for identified team provision individuals. o Ed Psych o Review and communicate CAMHS pathway with GPs o Regional Support 7 days from regional adviser to deliver: o By end of June 09, plan and facilitate an event (in conjunction with Torbay) to consider findings of a detailed audit now being undertaken o support refocusing of the CAMHS strategy o develop and deliver action plan o Strategic TPPB and delivery group structure now in place with identified Chairs and members. Chairs sit on APA TPPB to ensure reporting and accountability. The teenage Reporting in place to Torbay Care Trust conception rate Professional Executive Committee and Board; is high and rising Council Overview & Scrutiny. and is well above Dedicated manager and admin support recruited. similar councils Additional project support has been commissioned and national by Torbay Care Trust. rates. At the Planning and Prioritising for 2009/10 event current level the scheduled for 21 January 20009, invites sent. council will not o Data – meet the 2010 Regular data report shared with TPPB members. target Member organisations providing data to central for reducing Public Health data analyst to complete data set. teenage o Communication pregnancies. Information and resources have been updated and distributed. Young Person information pack and competition completed. Further posters to be distributed Dec 08 in line with new national campaign. Sexual Health Social Marketing Post recruited however, post now vacant. Young Peoples Sexual Health Participation project (undertaken by Children’s Society) has completed first stage review – Sex Factor 1 Reducing teenage conceptions o Contraception and Sexual Health Services - Audit of GP practices completed – self assessment against “You’re welcome” standards. Torquay South Practices agreed to pilot development of accreditation pack for “You’re Welcome whilst awaiting national launch. All GP practices agreed to take part in C Card scheme as distribution points. Torquay South Zone will pilot registering young people for KEY RED AMBERYELLOWGREEN Siobhan Grady Strategic Executive meeting dates for year set. o Children’s Trust Reporting dates to O&S and TCT o Strategic support Public Board set. Health and Data - Root cause analysis has been Children’s significantly delayed due to difficulties Services, in gaining agreement of ethics in Torbay Care relation to terminations and midwifery Trust, COG capacity in terms of births. Progress o Teenage as been made on birth and plan in Pregnancy place for tackling termination ethics. Grant Data collection systems for collecting o TP coordinator information on fathers. o PHSE adviser o Overview and Data collection on attendance Scrutiny mapped to teenage conceptions show o Sexual Health correlation as per national trends. Awareness Monitoring of attendance to be part of Training TP performance report. o South Devon College Communication o All Schools Media training for Board members. o Eddystone trust Social Marketing post holder th o Midwifery commences December 15 to take outstanding actions forward and o School nursing develop campaigns using different o Pharmacies o Youth Service modes of media. Contraception and Sexual Health o Clinicians Services Commissioning BPAS to provide contraception at TOP ie LARC (Long Acting Reversible Contraception). Workforce development for Nurses to increase number of FP trained nurses to help with staffing issues. Development of Patient Group Directions for nurses to fit LARC. CASH services to join the C-card 10 days from regional adviser to deliver: o By March 2010 visit Torbay to support improvement in Targeted work, SRE provision and service provision. o Attend 4 Board meeting by 03/10 scheme to ensure consistency. condoms as part of the C-card Scheme. Mystery shopping due to be complete end of Training and payment to increase primary care to use LARC. December. health outreach nurse Additional sexual health young people sessions Sexual recruitment to be progressed. commissioned from CASH. School nurse led clinic established in Paignton New GP led health clinic with town centre Tuesday after school. extending opening hours will be have Sexual Health Outreach Young People’s Worker focus on meeting young people appointed - will provide support to services in needs. creating a young people friendly environment and Strong Delivery of SRE/PSHE in encourage young people to attend services. Schools - Policy statement drafted Additional school nursing commissioned. and working party consulting on Emergency Hormonal Contraception being content for ratification by TCT and accessed via pharmacies and school nurses. Council early 2009. Torquay South rainbow event had a number of Evaluation tool of SRE to be young people from Westlands, South Devon developed. Use of theatre and peer mentor college and Torbay School in attendance. projects to be established. o Strong Delivery of SRE/PSHE in Schools Link with Torbay Association of Piloting Key Stage 3 locally developed Secondary Heads to agree link and programme. liaison role. Pilot evaluation taken place in Brixham Community Targeted Work with At Risk Groups College using National Children Bureau toolkit. Keys Stage 4 programme on track for piloting next Risk Factors for teenage pregnancy Sept 09. Christopher Winter commissioned by TCT as part to be flagged on eCAF – awaiting of Healthy Schools Plus programme for primary completion. Workforce Training – mainstream schools taking part. Additional 2 days funded for programme manager agencies to lead Healthy schools plus programme (8 Training programme need to be schools recruited). Focus is on SRE. (TCT funded) agreed post April 09 and advertised Contract needs to be negotiated and 3 x teachers and 2 x school nurses recruited to signed with Eddystone to deliver CPD programme. Programme for parents of teenagers o Targeted Work with At Risk Groups - Cluster based staff, Youth Offending Team and targeted youth support workers all trained in basic sexual health and a number able to offer condoms KEY RED AMBERYELLOWGREEN delayed – expected pilot start date early 09. Well Resourced Youth Service - My Bay website to be populated with local service information and national as part of C Card. Identifying Risks tool being piloted and pathway leaflet produced – in circulation. Boys and young men’s worker in post established c card and working on one to one from referrals received and provide group work with identified young men via targeted youth support services. Children in Care as part of health assessment are screened for sexual health. Sexual health outreach project provided by Check Point works with identified groups from Paignton Community College and Brixham College. o Workforce Training – mainstream agencies - Range of courses offered and are fully booked to end March 09. o Well Resourced Youth Service Sexual health outreach youth worker post recruited to support sexual health services. Youth workers trained in C card. R Night , Chill’d out and “The Box” mobile provision parked in estates and being trialed within town centre site Saturday 13th December 2008. o Working on Aspirations Teenage Pregnancy Strategy linked into the Community Plan Reduction in numbers of young people not in education or training being achieved. Significant increase on last years figures for young people under 19 achieving a level 2 qualification. o Support for Teenage Parents New Public Health Midwife in post Contraceptive sexual health leaflet given to all teenage mothers at first appointment and appointment offered with CASH service. o Work with Parents Parenting staff are trained in sexual health Parenting strategy and website up to date with parental sex and relationship advice. KEY RED AMBERYELLOWGREEN websites. 6 week courses for young women around identity, self esteem etc to be delivered. Working on Raising Aspirations To ensure raising aspirations is core to all sexual health work – difficult area to assess. Support for teenage parents Antenatal care pathway to be launched with midwifery, health visitors and Connexions. Developing generic referral form for vulnerable women. Appointment of sexual health outreach nurse not achieved due to difficulty recruiting. Young mothers not accessing Care to Learn at South Devon College due to onsite Crèche not accepting young babies and limitations of travel. Plan in place to address this with local childminders. Work with Parents Training for Universal parents and Targeted parents – awaiting finalising of commissioning arrangements for The Eddystone Trust. STAYING SAFE APA GRADE – ADEQUATE CURRENT PERFORMANCE Assessment Child protection AMBER Timescales re-registration Area for improvement Poor performance regarding the completion of core assessments within Timescales, despite a lower volume in 2007/2008. Only 63% of core assessments were completed on time, a rate lower than that found among Statistical neighbours and nationally. Inadequate support for families following deregistration from the child protection register, leading to a high percentage of reregistrations, especially in the area of neglect and emotional abuse. In 2007/2008 re-registrations increased to 17.6%, higher than the rate found among statistical neighbours and nationally. GREEN Adoptions Progress achieved in 08/09 o o o o o o o YELLOW Key future actions 09/10 Anti-bullying RED Lead Resources Performance end Feb 09 improved to 67.8% (but previous improvement at end of Jan was 71.7% and deterioration reflects significant increase in referrals) Staffing issues addressed. Improved monitoring and management reports for social workers ICS implementation and training have assisted improvements. o Rolling annual Performance end of Feb 09 significantly improved to 8.4% (max blob rating) Staffing issues addressed Improved tracking and liaison work between CiN and EIS managers. Detailed action plan will be Keith Thompson developed in response to: o Strategic o TSCB’s independent review support from of safeguarding across all LSCB members: agencies by Outcomes Police, Primary and APRIL 09 Public and Acute And health, Voluntary o Quality audits of files - led by Sector, Community senior management team Safety, CAFCASS, And Probation, Schools o Unannounced OFSTED o Children In safeguarding inspection Need service o Independent review contract KEY RED AMBERYELLOWGREEN o Focus will switch in 2009/10 Keith Thompson to quality assurance and o Strategic further development needs of support from staff to improve further Children’s consistency and quality of Service assessments. management Proactive approach to Peer team Review - Quality Audits of o Children In files - led by the management Need service team Regional Support See next row 9 days from regional adviser to deliver: o Assist with design and commissioning of TSCB development event o Attend development event (by invitation) o Contribute to development of action plan o Act as ‘critical friend’ in development of TSCB business plan o Safeguarding unit o o o Permanent placement outcomes for looked after children and young people, especially the low number of children adopted in 2007/2008, which, at 6.1%, was significantly lower than statistical neighbours and the England rate. o o o o o The recently introduced anti-bullying strategy is yet o to demonstrate impact. o Rolling annual performance end Feb 09 improved to 6.4% (3 blobs and satisfactory) Regional procurement arrangements helping to minimise placement distance from Torbay for CLA. Positive engagement of Mayor, lead member, champions and senior officers with corporate parenting agenda. Investment in Adoption Service (over two years) having positive impact on performance, particularly in post adoption services o Self-assessment complete (NCB) and action plan developed Keith Thompson o o Accommodation service o Strategic support from Children’s Service management team o Inter regional work with Bournemouth and Plymouth Anti Bullying Strategy consulted on written and published. Restorative justice training by YOT for secondary school staff, prefects and day conference 120 people attended Focus on updating of strategies by o Implementation of Antibullying strategy action plan. Continue focus on B&A partnerships and develop them. Continue the roll out Enable pilot. Jane Inett o Children’s Trust o YOT o All Schools KEY RED AMBERYELLOWGREEN o o Develop a package of support for LSCB VCS representatives Offer training and development in Safeguarding to Third Sector organisations Support the dissemination of best practice in the stay safe agenda by developing local third sector infrastructure arrangements 4 days of regional adviser support to deliver: o support through Selfassessment process. o Support the development of an o o all schools. Focus on reducing exclusions generally. Focus on anti-bullying week activities. Behaviour and attendance partnerships continued in secondary and initiated in primary (to focus on Enable approach particularly). KEY RED AMBERYELLOWGREEN AB strategic partnership with TOR and clear roles and responsibilities for AB work in the LA. ENJOY AND ACHIEVE APA GRADE – ADEQUATE CURRENT PERFORMANCE Attendance Key stage 1 RED Area for improvement The attendance rate in 2006/07, including that for looked after children, was at its lowest ever and despite some improvements, 75% of priority schools still showed an unsatisfactory picture in 2007/2008. RED Key stage 2 AMBER Progress achieved in 08/09 o o o o o o o o o 07/08 data – 94.48% -shows signs of improvement compared to 06/07 – 94.15%. Attendance strategy being implemented – new Attendance Improvement Officers nearly all in post (8 of 10 FTEs, including 4 directly employed in priority schools) Attendance in 66% of Torbay primaries had improved compared to the previous year. However, this figure means Torbay continues to be below statistical neighbours. There has been a decrease of 1% in both Authorised and Unauthorised sessions Persistent Absentees has improved Quite significant progress has been achieved, with 100% of secondary schools showing improved attendance rates. However, Torbay remains below statistical neighbours 4 schools remain within the category of Priority Schools for Attendance. Attendance amongst children looked after has also improved to 8.49% persistently absenteeism KEY RED AMBERYELLOWGREEN School Leadership Key future actions 09/10 o o o o Lead Resources Alison Matthews o Children’s Trust o Attendance Improvement Officers Roll out training on o Parenting Base2Base and embed this support tool as part of practice to (clusters) & track outcomes. Triple P training offer Increase access to parenting o Learning and provision via SEAL Family Standards Workshops and Parenting training (SEAL) Drop-ins. o SLA contract with 4 Continue to embed CAF as Secondary a vehicle for addressing schools attendance within a wider o Base 2 Base package of support and software challenge. Implement the Attendance Strategy and the restructured Attendance Service. o Analysis of CAF outcomes to assess and improve practice o Work with the 4 priority schools to support and challenge their new Regional Support 1 day of regional adviser support to: Attendance lead will jointly (with DCS) chair meeting on 16/3/09, and assist with development and delivery of action plan for improvement commissioned attendance service. Standards at the end of Key Stage 1 are below those in similar councils and nationally. Key Stage 2 results, although improving, remain below those nationally and are not catching up fast enough o o o o o Better targeting and prioritization of schools based on a range of data SIPs have termly pupil level data to better challenge Head Teachers Consultants have established a residency model of engagement rather than a drip feed approach Intensive support programme has become a whole –school improvement approach with Schools now self referring Separate advisers leads for English and maths o Increased Triple P training, targeting parents of PAs. o Increased usage of Parenting Orders through the Advanced Practitioner role. Improvements in attainment at foundation stage will start feed through to KS1. Partnership plans will focus more on pupil outcomes. Continue and enhance residency model for intensive support. Subject professional development. Area advisers following up SIP and consultant engagements More robust target setting by SIPs, termly and set against individual pupil data. Renewed CPD programme for teachers Improve school leadership in primary sector National Challenge schools Support to vulnerable pupils to secure their educational progress within a wider integrated Children's Services offer o o o o o o o o o o KEY RED AMBERYELLOWGREEN Tony Porter o Children’s Trust o All Primary Schools and designated National Leaders o Primary School Advisers o Target Trakker software Regional Adviser support to: o English and transition between Foundation Stage and Primary/KS1 o More robust target setting by SIPs, termly and set against individual pupil data. o Renewed CPD programme for teachers o Improve school leadership in primary sector o National Challenge schools o Support to vulnerable pupils to secure their educational progress within a wider integrated Children's Services offer There is insufficient capacity to quickly improve school leadership in the primary sector. This undermines the council’s strong effort to raise standards in a situation involving substantial number of transient pupils and entry standards below those found nationally. o o o o National Leader for Education (NLE) Pete Maunder used to support category schools. Torbay Leadership Academy established with invitation events for aspiring leaders. New HT mentoring arrangements in place. Earlier intervention in some schools in difficulty KEY RED AMBERYELLOWGREEN o o o o Continue the development of Tony Porter leadership networks See above Intervene in some schools even earlier. Continue development of per mentoring and coaching. Change use of NLE. Approx 4 days per term, plus specialist input from Diversity Consultants if sought. National College for School Leadership (NCSL) can offer ongoing support from Regional and national teams. Ongoing support for NPQH Graduate development into first Headship – and support to Governing Bodies on recruitment, retention and new models of leadership. POSITIVE CONTRIBUTION APA GRADE - GOOD CURRENT PERFORMANCE Young people and crime GREEN Area for improvement Key future actions 09/10 Increasing percentage of looked after children and young people given a final warning/reprimand or convicted during 2007/2008, which is higher than the rate found among statistical neighbours and nationally. Progress achieved in 08/09 o o FTE measured over the last 12 months demonstrates a 39% reduction i.e. 148 less young people entering the youth justice system compared to the previous 12 months. The numbers of CLA offending has dropped from 11 in 07/08 results to 6 in 08/09. An in-depth review is being carried out on the 6 cases to identify any potential learning. o o o o o o o KEY RED AMBERYELLOWGREEN Looked After Children and crime YELLOW Lead Resources Regional Support Complete the embedding of the Targeted Youth Support. Increase the range of positive activities. Exploit the links with FIP and Youth Crime FIP. Increased used of TYS and Positive activities for CLA. Review contracting arrangements with accommodation providers to reduce offending in/ against care placements Deliver Restorative Approaches training to Foster Carers Continue use of diverting from prosecution procedures where appropriate Alison Matthews o Strategic support from Children’s Service management team o Targeted youth support o Youth Offending Team o Family Intervention Project o Youth Service o Foster Carers o Family Intervention Project ECONOMIC WELLBEING APA GRADE - GOOD CURRENT PERFORMANCE Level 2 and Level 3 Qualifications AMBER Area for improvement Key future actions 09/10 The percentage of young people achieving level 2 qualifications by age 19 is in line with statistical neighbours and the national average, rather than above. And rate of improvement at lv3 is slower than stat neighbours The proportion of young people who continue in education after Year 11 is in line with statistical neighbours but below the national average. Fewer 17-yearolds participate in education and training, including work based learning when compared to the national average. Neighbours and the national average. Progress achieved in 08/09 o o o o The focus on year on year improvement at GCSE at age 16 is feeding through to the age 19 figure South Devon College courses teaching have improved in quality which has led to improved take-up and attainment. College graded as ‘Outstanding’ in latest OFSTED NEETs performance figure for Nov 08 – Jan 09 is 4.8% which is well ahead of statistical neighbours. 98.9% of 16 year olds and 99.4% of 17year olds were offered a place in post-16 education or training last year, placing Torbay in the Top 10 nationally for offers of learning to 16 and 17 year olds. KEY RED AMBERYELLOWGREEN Staying on in education o Continued focus on improving curriculum offer at KS4 and take up of award-bearing Level 2 vocational courses. o Continued focus by the College on post 16 Level 2 courses o Work closely with employers to implement the TEARS programme (Torbay Employers Apprenticeship Reward Scheme). Continue to work with the LSC and South Devon College to provide ‘E2E’ and ‘pre E2E’ courses. Embed the NEETS Action Plan, one key element being to provide quality IAG training across the partnership. Corporate target now established for Chief Executive and all commissioners re to create 10 apprenticeship opportunities each a year o o o Lead Resources YELLOW Regional Support Tony Porter o Children’s Trust Secondary Advisers o Schools with 6th forms o South Devon college See Points on KS1 Alison Matthews o Strategic support from Children’s Service management team o Inter regional work with Bournemouth and Plymouth o Children’s Trust 2 days of regional support 4 day best practice review OFSTED LEADING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM Area for improvement The cost of placements for the relatively high number of looked after children are creating additional budget pressures. APA GRADE - ADEQUATE Progress achieved in 08/09 o o o o o o o Use of Extended Services Grant o (Varied Menu of Support/Swift and Easy Access) to fund ‘Parenting Support Facilitators o from ‘08 – 2010 to deliver ‘Transition Information Sessions to Parents’, and a range of parenting groups and drop-ins, together with CAF work. Triple P parenting groups commenced during 08. Development of the Volunteering Service has led to a wider family support ‘offer’ following ‘Baby P’ there has been a marked upturn in demand that has resulted in: A 5.5% increase over the last year in the number of children looked after by Torbay Council (186 in march 2009) A increase in the number on the Child Protection list from 67 September 08 to 96 march 09 A rise in contacts to duty from 329 in march 08 to 454 in march 09 KEY RED AMBERYELLOWGREEN Key future actions 09/10 Lead Resources Keith Thompson A ‘Family Support’ model will be embedded within the Attendance o Strategic input from Service; with wider usage of parenting Children’s Services orders and contracts. management team, Through the transformation of children other corporate services the creation of Intensive Family business units and Service (IFS) that will be aimed at Partners preventing children becoming looked after, supporting the rehabilitation of children looked after to their families, the risk of significant harm to children, reducing youth crime and curtailing antisocial behaviour. This new arrangement will aim to reduce placement costs by £100k which equates to approximately 900 bed nights. Regional Support 1 day from regional consultancy support to facilitate the coordination of existing work with Commissioning support programme led by Institute of Public Care (IPC) Commissioning work is o still at an early stage of development. o Strategy to include enhancing the work of the sub-regional commissioning forum; ensuring the adequate supply of kinship care and in-house fostering; closing Broad-haven. In-house fostering rates base payment slightly above national minimum, though banding system means many carers receive significantly higher allowances. o o o o o o o o Implement in detail the TSP commissioning framework To realize the transformation of the Children Trusts and its attendant proposals to form a new executive and commission board. To utilize all available regional offers to improve strategic commissioning i.e. IPC. Following completion of ‘Are we there yet’ self assessment, work together with DCS and Children’s Trust Manager to: provide support to development of action plan assist development of proposal for Partnership Days (likely focus being governance, mobilisation of partnership, improved engagement of children and young people) facilitate Trust development days To implement the current transformation proposals of Single Point of Entry that will embed structures which enable clear commissioning and providing accountability. Support culture change by building capacity and understanding of Outcomes Based Accountability By end of May 09, enable, with DCS, the delivery of o an introductory event for the Children's Trust o an OBA Training the Trainers event KEY RED AMBERYELLOWGREEN o o o All Children’s Management Team Children’s Trust Children’s Trust Manager 2+ (to be agreed) with IPC 3 days plus financial support for expert facilitation (CSA) to complete Outcome Based Accountability 3 days + planning (TDA) Areas for further development identified through negotiation with Regional Government as priorities for action during 09-10 Area for improvement Workforce development Key future actions 09/10 Lead ----------------------Resources Before end June 2009, CWDC will meet at least twice with strategic workforce lead in Torbay in order to: 1. scope and define support required in the light of the One Children’s Workforce Framework and tool self analysis 2. develop, with TDA and NCSL, an action plan with specified support in response to identified need 3. commission additional bespoke support (eg re SLA development) as required Russell Knight o Strategic support from Children services management team o School workforce consultant o Transformation implementation groups o Research and Practice contract o Consultant Practioners Progress achieved in 08/09 Revise workforce strategy for Children’s Trust Streamline commissioning of workforce development activity Support development of HR policies and procedures Develop SLA with Torbay Care Trust (who hold the Learning & Development budget) KEY RED AMBERYELLOWGREEN Supporting the emerging commissioning framework through the Peninsula VCS Engage network. Developing VCS infrastructure. Regional Support 2+ Children's Workforce Development There is additional generic support available from CWDC: Providing advice on using the workforce reform framework and self assessment tool; Funding each local area to support engagement of the private and third sectors in workforce strategy development and delivery; With partners delivering regional learning programmes for local integrated workforce strategy leads, providing opportunities to identify and implement solutions to common challenges +2 days Regional consultancy support to develop VSC capacity Improving opportunities and life chances for children with disabilities Children and young people’s participation in high-quality PE and sport for introduction in 2009/10 o o o Clarifying total resources available across LA and Health providers Service redesign Re-commissioning services By end of June, CSIP and the Commissioning Support Programme will have met with the LA to scope requirements, and develop a supported action plan for the remainder of the year. Keith Thompson o Integrated Children with a Disability Service o Children’s Trust 5+ (in addition to support offered through National Transition Support Programme) Short Breaks: o Range of provision (commissioning) o Sufficiency and quality in the short break workforce o Effective parent/carer participation Local Programme Adviser will provide: o 1:1 visits (as agreed with LA) o Networking opportunities Regional events throughout the year. Changes to curriculum in targeted schools (3 Special Schools and 3 Secondary Schools who are not currently providing the full offer) to enable increased provision Before end of May, visit LA to discuss and agree how best to focus support (this can include visits to individual schools to share best practice, assist with revision of curriculum, and provide evidence of link between sports provision and improved attainment) Keith Thompson o Strategic support Children Services management team o Special schools 5 days of Regional consultancy support Provide input to: o increase knowledge of DPH and selected others re best practice/ what works o educate the LAA management board about best practice o review and refocus the strategy and action plan in order to make use of additional available capacity within the area Debbie Stark o Children’s Trust o Strategic support Public Health and Children’s Services, Torbay Care Trust 5 days of Regional consultancy support Improving outcomes o for 0 – 5s– Prevalence of Breastfeeding o achieve improved rates of breastfeeding target support for vulnerable young mothers KEY RED AMBERYELLOWGREEN Medium level of support (no. of days subject to national negotiation at present) BUSINESS UNIT AND PARTNER SUPPORT MATRIX The outcomes for children, young people and families will be improved through the collective engagement and input of the following business units and partners. Partners in the Children’s Trust share an additional level of strategic responsibility to ensure that outcomes for all children and young people are improved. Business Units and Partners (with a direct input) Area for improvement Improving emotional and mental well being (CAMHS) Children’s Trust Priority LAA priority Business Units: Contract and procurement – (Health and Local Authority) PARIS support team Communications Teams - (Health and Local Authority) Human resources Team - (Health – potential TUPE and recruitment processes) Learning and Development – (Health and Children’s Services) Business Support – Data analysis inc Public Health and performance monitoring (SPAR) Democratic Services – Member Scrutiny and Performance monitoring Reducing teenage conceptions Partners: Public Health Schools GPs South Devon Health Care Trust Business Units: Communications Teams - (Health and Local Authority) Human resources Team - (Health and Local Authority potential recruitment processes) Learning and Development – (Health and Children’s Services) Business Support Data analysis inc Public Health and performance monitoring (SPAR) Democratic Services – Member scrutiny and Performance monitoring Children’s Trust Priority LAA priority Partners: Public Health Schools GPs South Devon Health Care Trust Voluntary Sector South Devon College KEY RED AMBERYELLOWGREEN Poor performance regarding the completion of core assessments within Timescales Business Units: Human resources Team - (Local Authority potential recruitment and retention processes) Learning and Development – (Children’s Services and Health) PARIS support team Business Support - Data and performance monitoring (SPAR) – Programme office support (Transformation) Democratic Services – Member scrutiny and Performance monitoring Partners: Main refers of safeguarding issues – Police, GPs and Schools Safeguarding Children’s Trust Priority LAA priority Business Units: Human resources Team - (Local Authority- potential recruitment and retention processes) Learning and Development – (Children’s Services and Health) PARIS support team Business Support - Data and performance monitoring (SPAR) – Programme office support (Transformation) Democratic Services – Member scrutiny and Performance monitoring Housing services Partners: All members of the Local Safeguarding Board Adoption Business Units: Human resources Team - (Local Authority- potential recruitment and retention processes) Learning and Development – (Children’s Services and Health) Business Support - Data and performance monitoring (SPAR) – Programme office support (Transformation) Democratic Services – Member scrutiny and Performance monitoring Partners: Courts Anti-bullying Children’s Trust Priority LAA priority Business Units: Communications Teams - (Local Authority) Learning and Development – (Health and Children’s Services) Business Support consultation and engagement service and Data analysis and performance monitoring (SPAR) Democratic Services – Member scrutiny and Performance monitoring Partners: Schools KEY RED AMBERYELLOWGREEN School Attendance Children’s Trust Priority LAA priority Primary Age Attainment Children’s Trust Priority LAA priority Business Units: Communications Teams - (Local Authority) Learning and Development – (Health and Children’s Services) Business Support consultation and engagement service and Data analysis and performance monitoring (SPAR) Democratic Services – Member scrutiny and Performance monitoring Partners: Schools Courts Police GPs Public Health Voluntary Sector Business Units: Learning and Development – (Children’s Services Continual Professional Development provision) Business Support Data analysis and performance monitoring (SPAR) Democratic Services – Member scrutiny and Performance monitoring Partners: Schools There is insufficient capacity to quickly improve school leadership in the primary sector. Business Units: Learning and Development – (Children’s Services Continual Professional Development provision) Partners: Schools Increasing percentage of looked after children and young people given a final warning/reprimand or convicted Business Units: Community safety Housing Partners: Schools Courts Police GPs Public Health Voluntary Sector KEY RED AMBERYELLOWGREEN The percentage of young people achieving level 2 and Lv 3 qualifications by age 19 Business Units: Torbay Development Agency Business Support Data analysis and performance monitoring (SPAR) Democratic Services – Member scrutiny and Performance monitoring LAA priority The proportion of young people who continue in education after Year 11 The cost of placements for the relatively high number of looked after children are creating additional budget pressures. Children’s Trust Commissioning work Partners: Learning and Skills Council (LSC) Businesses Schools College Voluntary Sector Job Centre Plus Business Units: Torbay Development Agency Business Support Data analysis and performance monitoring (SPAR) Democratic Services – Member scrutiny and Performance monitoring Partners: LSC Businesses Schools College Voluntary Sector Job Centre Plus Business Units: Finance Unit Contract and procurement – (Health and Local Authority) Business Support - Data and performance monitoring (SPAR) – Programme office support (Transformation) Democratic Services – Member scrutiny and Performance monitoring Partners: South West Authorities Business Units: Partners: South West Authorities Voluntary Sector Police KEY RED AMBERYELLOWGREEN Public Health Schools South Devon Health Care Trust Workforce development Improving opportunities and life chances for children with disabilities Children’s Trust Priority LAA priority Children and young people’s participation in high-quality PE and sport for introduction in 2009/10 Proxy for ‘Things to do and safe places to play’ Children’s Trust Priority Business Units: Human resources Team - (Local Authority) Learning and Development – (Health and Children’s Services) Business Support – Data analysis inc Public Health and performance monitoring (SPAR) Democratic Services – Member Scrutiny and Performance monitoring Partners: Public Health Schools Unions Business Units: Communications Teams - (Health and Local Authority) Human resources Team - (Health – potential recruitment and retention processes) Learning and Development – (Health and Children’s Services) Business Support – Data analysis inc Public Health and performance monitoring (SPAR) Democratic Services – Member Scrutiny and Performance monitoring Partners: Public Health Schools GPs South Devon Health Care Trust Business Units: Business Support – Data analysis inc Public Health and performance monitoring (SPAR) Democratic Services – Member Scrutiny and Performance monitoring Culture and Tourism services – Park and play facilities Partners: Schools School Governors LAA priority KEY RED AMBERYELLOWGREEN Improving outcomes for 0 – 5s– Prevalence of Breastfeeding LAA priority Business Units: Communications Teams - (Health and Local Authority) Human resources Team - (Health – potential recruitment and retention processes) Learning and Development – (Health and Children’s Services) Business Support – Data analysis inc Public Health and performance monitoring (SPAR) Democratic Services – Member Scrutiny and Performance monitoring Partners: Public Health Schools GPs South Devon Health Care Trust KEY RED AMBERYELLOWGREEN