
Knorr, K. D., Wilton, R. R., Zeng, F., Exelby, D. R., Smith, H. S, Kniaz, D. A., and Mroske, L. G.
2008. “Design and Installation of a High Pressure 3D Physical Model for Evaluation of
Solvent Vapour Extraction Processes”. Presented at the World Heavy Oil Congress in
Edmonton, Alberta, 10 – 12 March.
Kristoff, B. J., Knorr, K. D., Preston, C. K., Worth, K., and Swatzky, R. 2008. “Joint
Implementation of Vapour Extraction - Heavy Oil Recovery Process”. Presented at the
World Heavy Oil Congress in Edmonton, Alberta, 10 – 12 March.
Zeng. F., Knorr, K. D., Wilton. R. 2008. “Post-Cold Production Solvent Vapor Extraction (SVX)
Process Performance Evaluation by Numerical Simulation”. Paper 2008-033 presented at
the Canadian International Petroleum Conference/SPE in Calgary, Alberta, 17-19 June.
Zeng. F., Knorr, K. D., Wilton. R. 2008. “Enhancing Oil Rate in Solvent Vapor Extraction
Processes Through Tee-Well Pattern”. Paper/SPE/PS/CHOA 117528 presented at the SPE
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Knorr, K.D. and Imran, M. 2011. Extension of Das and Butler Semi-analytical Flow Model. J.
Cdn. Pet. Tech. 50 (6): 53–60.
Knorr, K.D. and Imran, M. 2001. Solvent Chamber Development in 3D Physical Model
Experiments of Solvent Vapour Extraction Processes (SVX) with Various Permeabilities and
Solvent Vapour Qualities. Paper CSUG/SPE 149190-PP selected for presentation at the
Canadian Unconventional Resources Conference held in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 15 – 17
November 2011.
Ren, Y., Mahinpey, N., and Freitag, N., “Kinetic Model for the Combustion of Coke Derived
at Different Coking Temperatures,” Energy & Fuels, January/February 2007, 21 (1), 82-87.
Ren, Y., Freitag, N.P., and Mahinpey, N., “A Simple Kinetic Model for Coke Combustion
During an In Situ Combustion (ISC) Process,” Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology,
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Murugan, P., Mahinpey, N., Mani, T., and Freitag, N., “Pyrolysis and Combustion Kinetics of
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Freitag, N.P., “Evidence That Naturally Occurring Inhibitors Affect the Low-Temperature
Oxidation Kinetics of Heavy Oil,” Canadian International Petroleum Conference (CIPC) 2009,
June 16-18, Calgary, Alberta. (Recently published in the Journal of Canadian Petroleum
Technology, July 2010, 49 (7), 36-41.)
Zhang, Y., Luo, P., Huang, S. “Improved Heavy Oil Recovery by CO2 Injection Augmented
with Chemicals”. Paper SPE 131368, the International Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition
in China (IOGCEC), Beijing, China, June 8–10, 2010.
Zhang, Y., Huang, S., Luo, P. “Coupling Immiscible CO2 Technology and Polymer Injection to
Maximize EOR Performance for Heavy Oils”. Paper No. 2009-008, Proceeding of the 60th
Annual Technical Meeting of the Petroleum Society, The Canadian International Petroleum
Conference, Calgary, June 16–18, 2009.
Sayegh, S., Luo, P., Huang, S. “Productivity Improvement in the Viking Reservoirs of WestCentral Saskatchewan”. Paper No. 2009-160, Proceeding of the 60th Annual Technical
Meeting of the Petroleum Society, The Canadian International Petroleum Conference,
Calgary, June 16–18, 2009.
Zhang, Y.P., Luo, P., Huang, S., 2010. “Coupling Immiscible CO2 Technology and Polymer
Injection to Maximize EOR Performance for Heavy Oils”. J. Can. Pet. Technol., 49 (5), 27–
Zhang, Y.P., Sayegh, S.G., Luo, P., Huang, S., 2010. “Experimental Investigation of
Immiscible Gas Process Performance for Medium Oil”. J. Can. Pet. Technol., 49 (2), 32–39.
Renouf, G “Do Heavy and Medium Oil Waterfloods Differ?”. Paper 2007-055 presented at
CIPC, Calgary, 12-14 June, 2007
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Conference, Calgary, 10-12 June, 2008
Bradley, W., Brice. B, Renouf, G. “Increasing Oil Recovery from Heavy Oil
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Ahmadloo, F., Asghari , K., Renouf, G. “A New Diagnostic Tool for Performance Evaluation
of Heavy Oil Waterfloods: Case Study of Western Canadian Heavy Oil Reservoirs”. SPE
Paper No 133407 presented at the North American Regional Meeting, Anaheim, CA, 26-30
May, 2010
Wang, X., Luo, P., Er, V., Huang, S. “Assessment of CO2 Flooding Potential for Bakken
Formation, Saskatchewan”. Paper SPE 131368, the Canadian Unconventional Resources &
International Petroleum Conference held in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, October 19–21 2010.
Schramm, L., Soveran, D., Schreiner, B., Kramers, J. W. “Shale Oil Potential in
Saskatchewan”. Paper to be presented at the Canadian Unconventional Resources &
International Petroleum Conference held in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, October 19–21 2010.
Schramm, L. L., Kramers, J. W., Isaacs, E. E. 2009. “Saskatchewan’s Place in the Canadian Oil
Sands”. Paper 2009-116 presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference in
Calgary, Alberta, 16-18 June.
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