3rd Grade Science Resource Guide 2015-2016 2nd Quarter Unit 1: Observe, describe and investigate the properties of rocks and minerals (3.2.1, 3.2.2). Sequence of Standards and Objectives IPS Resources 3.2.1 Examine the physical properties of rock samples and sort them into categories based on size using simple tools such as sieves. SWBAT: Observe and describe the physical properties of mock rocks. Use measuring tools to gather data, record & compare observations about mock rocks. Observe that rocks can be broken down into different ingredients called minerals. Foss Science Stories: Written in Stone Postcards from the Ledge Birthstones Old Man and the Rock The Two Boys Rock of Ages Identifying Minerals Where do Rocks Come From? Earth Materials 3.2.2 Observe the detailed characteristics of rocks and minerals. Identify rocks as being composed of different combinations of minerals. SWBAT: Observe and describe the physical properties rocks. Record and compare observations about rocks. Observe that rocks can be broken down into different ingredients called minerals. Explore the properties of a group of minerals. Investigate four rocks to find out if they contain calcite. Delta Science Readers: Earth Materials Minerals, Rocks, and Fossils Supplemental Resources Properties of rocks and minerals http://www.quia.com/rr/237366.html http://studyjams.scholastic.com/studyjams/jams/sci ence/rocks-minerals-landforms/minerals.htm http://study.com/academy/lesson/opticalproperties-of-minerals-luster-light-transmissioncolor-streak.html http://study.com/academy/lesson/rocks-andminerals-definitions-and-differences.html http://video.about.com/geology/What-Is-theHardness-Scale-for-Minerals-.htm Foss Earth Materials Investigation 1-2 CORE LESSONS Rocks and Minerals Unit 3.2.3 Classify and identify minerals by their physical properties of hardness, color, luster, and streak. SWBAT: Explore the properties of a group of minerals. Investigate the hardness of minerals. Differentiate minerals according to hardness. Investigate four rocks to find out if they contain calcite. Indianapolis Public Schools Department of Curriculum and instruction 3rd Grade Science Resource Guide 2015-2016 2nd Quarter Unit 2: Analyze specific rocks and differentiate the characteristics that are used to identify them (3.2.4 – 3.2.6). Sequence of Standards and Objectives IPS Resources 3.2.4 Identify fossils and describe how they provide evidence about the plants and animals that lived long ago and the nature of their environment at that time. SWBAT: Find out how living things become fossilized. Summarize how fossils provide evidence about plants and animals that lived long ago. Foss Science Stories: Treasure Underfoot X Marks the Spot Digging it Up 3.2.5 Describe natural materials and give examples of how they sustain the lives of plants and animals. SWBAT: Identify how natural materials (like limestone) is used for farming and how it benefits plants. 3.2.6 Describe how the properties of earth materials make them useful to humans in different ways. Describe ways that humans have altered these resources to meet their needs for survival. SWBAT: Research & cite facts about how we use Portland cement. Identify what important mineral is in Portland cement. Indianapolis Public Schools Delta Science Readers: Dinosaur and Fossils Foss Earth Materials Investigation 3-4 Supplemental Resources Fossils and minerals as natural resources http://studyjams.scholastic.com/studyjams/jams/sci ence/rocks-minerals-landforms/fossils.htm http://www.discovery.com/tv-shows/othershows/videos/i-ardipithecus-i-how-fossils-are-made/ http://educators.brainpop.com/lessonplan/fossilization-sequencing-games-how-bonesbecome-fossils/ Teacher Guide Research Uses of Portland Cement Limestone & Farming CORE LESSONS Fossil Find Mystery Bones Department of Curriculum and instruction