Kindergarten Science Resource Guide 2015-2016 2nd Quarter Unit 1: Observe, record, and recognize patterns and generate questions about night and day and the seasons. Sequence of Standards and Objectives IPS Resources Supplemental Resources Lesson Plans/Print Activities: FOSS / DSM Web-based Practice: These are sites that can be used to enrich K.2.1 Observe and record during sunny days when K.2.1 content the sun shines on different parts of the Kindergarten Planning Guide school building. Sunshine and Shadows, pg ES 51–ES 58 Delta Science First Readers Sky, pg 5–8 SWBAT: Describe that the sun provides heat, compare and contrast where the sun K.2.2 shines during different periods of the Kindergarten Planning Guide, pg ES 25–ES 49 Delta Science First day. Readers Sky, pg 2–16 moon-and-sun.html K.2.2 Describe and compare objects seen in the Teacher Guide, Materials section, Tools for night and day sky. Observing Weather folio, Tool 3, Cloud Types, s/ages/5_6/science_5_6.shtml SWBAT: Identify objects seen during day and pg 14–15 night, compare and contrast the day and K.2.3 FOSS ities/earthsunmoon.html night sky Teachers Guide;, Science Stories Trees K.2.3 Describe in words and pictures the changes pg 14–24 in weather from month to month and season to season. Teacher Guide, Investigation SWBAT: Define weather, describe weather and illustrate different kinds of weather, 3, Parts 3–9, pg 15–38 define seasons, explain the role sun Investigation 3 Trees Through the Seasons What Comes From a Fall Tree? Part 1, pages 1011Food From Trees Part 2, pages 12-14 Visiting adopted trees in the Fall energy plays in changing the seasons. Delta Science First Readers Teaches can also continue their investigations Weather with trees and make connections to pg 4–15, 18 weather, sunlight, and tree growth. Indianapolis Public Schools cgi?LPid=28498 FOSS INTERACTIVE IPS CODE FOR PREMIUM ACCESS: IPS2E51415 CORE LESSONS Day and Night Sky Department of Curriculum and instruction