CITY OF OPELIKA PURCHASING DEPARTMENT INVITATION TO BID Lillie Finley PURCHASING-REVENUE MANAGER OFFICE: (334) 705-5121 FAX: (334) 705-5128 BID DATA BID NUMBER: B13-058 COMMODITY TITLE: Three-Phase Padmounted Transformers USER DEPARTMENT: Opelika Power Services BUYER: Lillie Finley BUYER TELEPHONE: (334) 705-5121 ISSUE DATE: October 7, 2013 BID OPENING DAY/DATE: October 28, 2013 TIME: 2:00 p.m. LOCATION: Opelika City Hall Conference Room MAILING ADDRESS: City of Opelika Purchasing Department PO Box 390 Opelika, AL 36803-0390 The City of Opelika Purchasing Department will receive sealed bids for a contract to provide ThreePhase Padmounted Transformers as per specifications for the Opelika Power Services. Bids must be received by 2:00 PM on October 28, 2013 at which time they will be opened and read aloud. Late bids will not be considered nor returned. BIDS MAY BE MAILED TO: BIDS MAY BE DELIVERED TO: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT PO BOX 390 OPELIKA, AL 36803-0390 PURCHASING DEPARTMENT 204 S 7TH STREET OPELIKA, AL 36801 CITY OF OPELIKA CITY OF OPELIKA PART ONE GENERAL TERMS AND INSTRUCTIONS SECTION I - TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1.1 All bids submitted shall be firm for a minimum of 60 days, unless otherwise specified. 1.2 The equipment furnished under these specifications shall be the latest improved model in current, as offered to commercial trade, and shall be of quality workmanship and material. The bidder represents that all equipment offered under this specification shall be new. USED, SHOPWORN, DEMONSTRATOR, PROTOTYPE OR DISCONTINUED MODELS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE, UNLESS SPECIFICALLY STATED OTHERWISE IN THE SPECIFICATIONS. 1.3 The City reserves the right to cancel or make null and void, any purchase order, if delivery cannot be made on the specified delivery date. 1.3.1 In case of default by the contractor, the City may procure the articles or services from other sources and hold the contractor responsible for any excess cost occasioned thereby. 1.4 All items shall be delivered F.O.B. destination. Delivery costs and charges shall be included in the bid, unless stated otherwise in the specifications or proposal. 1.5 The name and manufacturer, trade name, or manufacturer/vendor catalog number mentioned in the specifications and proposal is for the purpose of designating a minimum standard of quality and type and for no other reason. Such references are not intended to be restrictive. Bids will be considered for any brand that meets or exceeds the quality of the specifications listed for any items unless stated otherwise in the specifications or proposals. 1.6 Bid tabulations will not be given over the telephone. Vendors desiring a bid tabulation shall enclose a stamped self-addressed envelope with their bid. 1.7 Bid awards are not official until a purchase order is issued or the Purchasing Department notifies the successful vendor in writing. 1.8 By signing this contract, the contracting parties affirm, for the duration of the agreement, that they will not violate federal immigration law or knowingly, hire for employment, or continue to employ an unauthorized alien within the State of Alabama. Furthermore, a contracting party 2 found to be in violation of this provision shall be deemed in breach of the agreement and shall be responsible for all damages resulting therefrom. 1.9 Vendors not listed on the City bid list shall submit with their bid a completed W-9 form (attached). SECTION II - SUBMISSION OF BID 2.1 Bids received after the designated date and time will not be opened nor returned. 2.2 All bids shall be submitted on and in accordance with forms for this purpose, which are available from the Purchasing Department. Additional supplementary documentation, when requested, shall be submitted on the bidder’s letterhead. 2.3 All bids are to be submitted in sealed, plainly marked envelopes. Envelopes shall be marked on the bottom left corner with the Title of the Invitation to Bid, the Bid Number and the Opening Date. Facsimile and telephone bids will not be accepted. 2.4 All bids shall be typewritten or completed in black ink. 2.5 An authorized officer or agent of the company submitting the bid must sign all bids in order to be considered. 2.6 Bid documents shall be submitted, in DUPLICATE, to the City of Opelika, Purchasing Department. 2.7 Bids that show omission, irregularity, alteration of forms, additions not called for, or conditional or unconditional unresponsive bids may be rejected. 2.8 Any bids submitted with corrected errors shall have the correction initialed by the person signing the bid. 2.9 Bidder shall submit with bid, the latest printed literature and detailed specifications on equipment they propose to furnish. This literature is for informational purpose only, and shall be used to help determine a product’s compliance with specifications. 2.10 Bids received after the designated date and time will not be opened nor returned. 2.11 All bids shall be submitted on and in accordance with forms for this purpose, which are available from the Purchasing Department. Additional supplementary documentation, when requested, shall be submitted on the bidder’s letterhead. 2.12 All bids are to be submitted in sealed, plainly marked envelopes. Envelopes shall be marked on the bottom left corner with the Title of the Invitation to Bid, the Bid Number and the Opening Date. Facsimile and telephone bids will not be accepted. 2.13 All bids shall be typewritten or completed in black ink. 2.14 An authorized officer or agent of the company submitting the bid must sign all bids in order to be considered. 3 2.15 Bids that show omission, irregularity, alteration of forms, additions not called for, or conditional or unconditional unresponsive bids may be rejected. 2.16 Any bids submitted with corrected errors shall have the correction initialed by the person signing the bid. SECTION III - BID EVALUATION 3.1 The City reserves the right to evaluate all bids, waive any technicalities or informalities, reject any bids and/or proposals, and further specifically reserves the right to make the award(s) in the best interest of the City. 3.2 The bid evaluation will be made on the following criteria: 3.2.1 Bid price 3.2.2 Compliance with specifications 3.2.3 Ability to deliver product or service 3.2.4 Prompt pay discount, if offered, and meeting requirements of Section 3.4 3.2.5 Availability of warranty on service and parts 3.2.6 Delivery date 3.3 The City may waive minor differences in specifications, provided these differences do not violate the specification intent, materially affect the operation for which the item or items being purchased nor increase the estimated maintenance and repair cost to the City. 3.4 In order for a prompt pay discount to be considered as a factor in the award of this bid, minimum days allowed for payment to receive discount shall be 10 days after the receipt of a correct invoice. 3.5 The City reserves the right to award all bids in their entirety or part, whichever, in its opinion, best serves the interest of the City. 3.6 The City reserves the right to cancel or make null and void any purchase order if the delivery cannot be made on the specified delivery date. 3.7 Unless clearly shown on the bid that it is the intent to offer a reduced total price on the basis of receiving an award of all items covered by the total, any totals should be the actual sum of the extension of unit price. In the event of any discrepancy between a unit price, extended price and/or total price, unit price shall govern and the bid will be refigured accordingly. 3.8 Alabama Bid Law allows a local preference to businesses located within the City of Opelika, when their bid is within 3% of the lowest responsible bid. The City will extend that preference when applicable. 3.9 The City shall be the sole judge as to an item meeting or exceeding the specifications. 3.10 NON-COLLUSION: Vendors, by submitting a signed bid, certify that the accompanying bid is not the result of, or affected by, any unlawful act of collusion with any other person or company engaged in the same line of business or commerce, or any other fraudulent act punishable under Alabama or United State law. 4 SECTION IV - BILLING AND PAYMENT: 4.1 The vendor shall submit a correct invoice to: CITY OF OPELIKA ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT PO BOX 390 OPELIKA, AL 36803-0390 4.2 Payment by the City shall be made within thirty days, unless otherwise specifically provided, subject to any discounts offered. 4.2.1 The City will make payment to the vendor upon receipt of invoice and acceptance of the item or service by the City. 4.2.2 Any prompt pay discount offered will be computed from the date of delivery of the equipment, supplies, or materials at destination when final inspection and acceptance are at those points, or from the date the correct invoice is received, if the latter is later than the date of delivery. SECTION V CONTRACT PERIOD 5.1 Bids submitted in response to the invitation shall be firm for a one-year period. Contract period shall begin immediately upon award and end October 31, 2014. Upon mutual agreement, this contract may be extended for two additional years in one-year increments. 5.2 The City of Opelika may terminate this contract with a thirty-30 day written notice for unsatisfactory service, or inferior product performance. 5.3 All items shall be delivered F.O.B destination. Delivery cost and all freight charges shall be included in the bid on each individual item with no minimum ordering quantities required. SECTION VI ESCALATION CLAUSE 6.1 The bid price stated shall be for all purchases under the contract. Price increases from the manufacturer to the successful vendor may be passed on during the life of this contract, ONLY when the following conditions are met: 6.1.1 Consideration for price increases will only be given for material costs based on material prices at the time of bid submittal. The successful vendor must submit a current manufacturer’s price list stating such increase. 6.1.2 Notification to the Purchasing Department of price increase, along with proof of price increase from the manufacturer shall be provided to the Purchasing Department PRIOR to any increase being approved. 6.1.3 Failure to comply with the above requirements shall deem the initial prices to be in effect for the entire life of this contract. 6.1.4 Any price reduction from the manufacturer shall also be passed on to the City automatically. 5 6.1.5 Unless otherwise specified, prices shall be reviewed no more often than on a quarterly basis. 6.1.6 Any adjustment allowed shall consist of verifiable material cost increases which may be passed on to the consumer. 6.1.7 Cost data to support any proposed increase must be submitted to the Purchasing Administrator no less than 30 days prior to the effective date of any such requested price increase. 6.1.8 The successful vendor must submit a current manufacturer’s price list stating such increase. 6.1.9 Any price reduction from the manufacturer shall also be passed on to the City of Opelika automatically. 6.1.10 The City reserves the right to cancel or make null and void any purchase order if price increase is determined not to be in the best interest of the City. 6.1.11 In case of default by the vendor, the City may procure the articles from other sources and hold the vendor responsible for any excess cost occasioned thereby. 6.1.12 No adjustment shall be made to compensate a supplier for inefficiency in operation, or for additional profit. 6.1.13 Failure to comply with the above requirements shall deem the prices to be in effect for the entire life of the contract. SECTION VII ADDENDA AND INTERPRETATIONS 7.1 If it becomes necessary to revise any part of this bid, a written addendum will be provided to all the bidders. 7.2 The City of Opelika is not bound by any oral representations, clarifications or changes made in the written specifications by City of Opelika employees, unless such clarification or change is provided to bidders in written addendum form from the Purchasing Division. SECTION VIII LICENSE REQUIREMENT: 8.1 All firms doing business in the City of Opelika are required to be licensed in accordance with the City’s “Business, Professional, and Occupational Licensing (BPOL) Tax” Ordinance. 6 PART TWO SPECIFICATIONS ITB #B13-058 THREE-PHASE PADMOUNTED TRANSFORMERS 1. SCOPE 1.1. These specifications cover the electrical characteristics and mechanical features of ThreePhase Delta-Wye, 60 Hz, 12470Y/7200 primary voltage, oil immersed, self-cooled, padmounted, dead front, loop-feed, distribution transformer in a 2. CODES AND STANDARDS 2.1. All codes and standards referenced in this specification shall be those in effect at the time of Purchase Order award. Deviations from this specification and referenced codes and standards shall be obtained in writing from Buyer. 2.1.1. American National Standards Institute, Inc. (ANSI) 2.1.2. Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) 2.1.3. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) 2.1.4. American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) 2.1.5. National Electrical Code (NEC) 2.2. All transformers shall meet or exceed the Department of Energy’s Energy Conservation Standards for Distribution Transformers - 72 FR 58190 DOE 10 CFR Part 431. 2.3. It shall be the Seller’s responsibility to be, or to become, knowledgeable of the requirements of these Codes and Standards. Any required changes or alterations to the equipment to meet the Codes and Standards requirements shall be at the expense of the Seller. 2.4. Equipment proposed by the Seller that cannot fully meet the requirements of this specification shall have all exceptions clearly stated in the proposal. No exception shall be allowed, unless approved by the Buyer in writing. 3. CONSTRUCTION 3.1. High Voltage Compartment 3.1.1. The transformer shall be furnished with a high voltage compartment located on the left of the centerline in ANSI Segment 1. 3.1.2. The high voltage compartment shall be furnished with six (6) 200-Ampere bushing wells equipped with six (6) 200-Ampere loadbreak bushing well inserts installed in a loop feed configuration in accordance with Figure 2 of IEEE C57.12.26 3.1.3. The high voltage compartment shall be provided with an interlocked door which can only be opened after the LV compartment door has been opened. 7 3.1.4. All units shall be equipped with a two-position, loadbreak, oil immersed primary switch (LBOR). 3.1.5. All units shall have three bayonet-type, oil-immersed, expulsion fuses accessible through the primary compartment. The fuses shall be removable using a hot stick, (without disassembly of the primary cabinet or removal of hood) for external replacement of fuse cartridges. 3.1.6. Drip shield shall be provided below the bayonet holders on the front panel of unit 3.1.7. The high voltage compartment shall be equipped with a 1-inch upper filter press connection with pipe plug and a 1-inch drain valve and bottom filter press connection. 3.2. Low Voltage Compartment 3.2.1. The transformer shall be furnished with a low voltage compartment located on the right of the centerline in ANSI Segment 1. 3.2.2. The low voltage compartment shall be provided with a three-point latch with provisions for padlocking. In addition to the three-point latching, one penta-head bolt shall be coordinated with the latch and padlock to prevent latching and insertion of the padlock into the hasp until the bolt head is essentially completely seated. 3.2.3. Transformer shall include Four (4) low voltage bushings with NEMA standard “H” six (6) hole spade lugs for 75 kVA transformers, eight (8) hole spade lugs for 150 kVA to 300 kVA transformers, ten (10) hole spade lugs for 500 kVA to 1000 kVA transformers and twelve (12) hole spade lugs for 1500 kVA to 3000 kVA transformers. Lugs shall be designed to accept aluminum or copper conductors. 3.2.4. Low voltage bushings shall be located in a staggered configuration with heights as follows (measured from base of transformer): KVA X0 and X2 X1 and X3 75 to 500 31” 39” 750 to 3000 46” 54” 3.2.5. All transformers 75 kVA through 3000 kVA shall have bracing to support secondary spades. 3.2.6. The low voltage compartment shall be equipped with a complete set of standard accessories, including: Magnetic liquid level gauge. Dial type thermometer. Pressure-vacuum gauge. Pressure relief valve. 8 3.3. Internal Fault Detector 3.3.1. All transformers shall be equipped with a non-resettable device which detects and provides external indication of internal transformer faults. This device also incorporates a pressure relief valve. The approved device is manufactured by IFD Corporation or approved equal. 3.4. Cabinet Dimensions 3.4.1. Primary and secondary cabinet dimensions shall be within the following parameters: A D C B KVA A B C D 75 to 500 Up to 70” 66” to 70” 28” to 30” 20” to 22” 750 to 3000 Up to 72” 69” to 72” 30” to 32” 23” to 25” 3.5. Core 3.5.1. The core shall be clamped and braced to resist distortion caused by short-circuit stresses within rating or transportation handling and to prevent the shifting of core laminations. 3.5.2. The core shall be constructed of high-grade, grain oriented, silicon steel laminations, with high magnetic permeability. Core construction shall include step-lap mitered joints to keep core losses, excitation current and noise level at a minimum. 9 3.6. Winding Characteristics 3.6.1. The windings shall be tightly wound utilizing tension devices to place the conductor into the coils. 3.6.2. For optimum dielectric and mechanical strength, a minimum of two sheets of epoxy coated insulation shall be placed between each layer in the winding. 3.6.3. Sheet conductor shall be used in secondary winding to minimize vertical short circuit forces. 3.6.4. The transformer shall be designed and constructed to be completely self-protected by its ability to withstand the external short-circuits, as defined by ANSI C57. 12.00. 3.6.5. Evidence of compliance to these short-circuit requirements as required in C57.12.00 and C57.12.90 shall be submitted to the Buyer at the time of quotation. 3.6.6. The transformer design shall be capable of operating above rated voltage or below rated frequency in accordance with ANSI C57.12.00. 3.7. Sound Level 3.7.1. The transformer shall be designed and constructed to minimize the audible noise generated with the transformer energized at rated voltage. The acceptable noise level shall be in accordance with NEMA standard TR 1. The measurement procedure shall be as specified in ANSI C57.12.90. 3.8. De-Energized Tap Changer 3.8.1. A manually operated de-energized tap changer shall be provided for changing the primary winding taps. 3.8.2. Full capacity taps shall be located in the high voltage windings and shall be as listed: Two – 2 ½ percent above, Two – 2 ½ percent below. 3.8.3. The tap changer shall be capable of carrying the full transformer short-circuit current without damage or contact separation. 3.8.4. The tap changer shall be gang operated from a single operating point and shall have a position indicator. 3.8.5. The tap changer operating mechanism shall include provisions for pad locking in each tap position. 3.9. Tank Design 3.9.1. The transformer tank, cooling equipment and compartments subject to pressures shall be designed to withstand, without permanent deformation, pressures of at least twenty-five percent greater than maximum operating pressures. The maximum design withstand pressure shall be indicated on the nameplate. 3.9.2. Tank design shall include sufficient expansion volume to allow operation under specified load conditions. 10 3.9.3. The main cover shall be of welded onto the tank. 3.9.4. One or more hand holes shall be provided in the tank cover for access to bushing connections and current transformers, when required. The opening shall be of sufficient size to allow removal of any CT. 3.9.5. The transformer base shall be suitable for rolling or skidding in the direction of either tank base centerline. 3.9.6. The base shall be designed so the center of gravity of the transformer as assembled for transport does not fall outside the base for a tilt of fifteen degrees. 3.9.7. Lifting lugs shall be provided at each corner of the tank. The lifting lugs shall be designed to provide a minimum safety factor of 5. 3.9.8. Jacking area, pads or bosses shall be provided. 3.9.9. Pulling provisions, for towing the transformer parallel to either centerline, shall be provided. 3.10. Gaskets 3.10.1. The gaskets shall be compatible for the insulating fluid in the transformer tank. 3.10.2. Metal surfaces to which gaskets are applied shall be smooth, and shall have sufficient rigidity to assure proper compression of the gaskets. 3.11. Cooling System 3.11.1. The transformer shall be self-cooled. 3.11.2. Cooling tubes or radiators shall be rigidly supported to the tank wall, either through pipes or brackets and shall not extend more than 12 inches beyond the tank of the transformer. 3.12. Grounding Provisions 3.12.1. All non-energized metallic components of the transformer shall be grounded. 3.12.2. Tank grounding provisions shall consist of two ground pads, welded to the base or to the tank wall near the base on diagonal corners. 3.12.3. Ground pads shall be copper-faced or stainless steel with two holes spaced horizontally at 1.75-inch centers and tapped for 0.5 inch 13-UNC tread. 3.13. Nameplates 3.13.1. Transformer shall be furnished with a non-corrosive diagrammatic nameplate, permanently attached with non-corrosive hardware. The diagrammatic nameplate shall include the name of the manufacturer of the equipment as well as the location where the transformer was manufactured and tested. In addition, the transformer manufacturer and location of manufacture is to be supplied at the time of quotation. 11 3.13.2. The nameplate shall contain all connection and rating information in accordance with ANSI C57.12.00 nameplate C, plus the approximate weight of parts to be lifted for untanking, type and quantity of oil, and the date of manufacture and shall be permanently marked with the words “NON PCB”. 3.13.3. A non-corrosive nameplate located next to the operating handle of the de-energized tap changer shall be provided which states the following: “Warning -Do not operate this tap changer unless the transformer is de-energized.” 3.14. Exterior Finish 3.14.1. The transformer painting system shall be in compliance with ANSI C57.12.28. The transformer shall be thoroughly cleaned and phosphatized, then painted with at least one coat of corrosion inhibiting primer and one finish coat to provide a minimum total dry-film thickness of not less than 3 mils. 3.14.2. The finish shall be dark green Munsell No. 7GY/3.2/1.5 4. INSULATING 4.1. The voltage insulation levels shall be: High Side Rated Voltage (Volts) 7200 Low Side 120-480 95 Insulation Class (kV) 15 30 1.2 BIL(kV) 4.2. Insulating Fluid and Preservation System 4.2.1. The fluid preservation system shall be a sealed tank type. 4.2.2. The transformer insulating fluid shall be certified to contain no detectable PCB’s at the time of shipment and the tank shall be so labeled. Certification shall also be provided that the transformer and components have not been contaminated with PCB’s prior to shipment. 4.2.3. The transformer insulating fluid shall meet or exceed the requirements of the appropriate ANSI and ASTM fluid Standards. The transformer fluid shall be tested for dielectric breakdown and moisture content at the time of shipment. 4.2.4. Transformer shall be Mineral Oil filled 5. LABELING 5.1. Transformers shall indicate kVA rating and secondary voltage rating by way of engineering grade reflective characters with a minimum height of two inches. Using the manufacturer’s choice of labeling, the transformers shall also indicate “NON PCB” and fill oil. 12 5.2. For Pad-Mount Transformers - All labels are to be located on the front of the cabinet door near the top left edge. 5.3. For Pole-Mount Transformers - All labels are to be located near the bottom of transformer directly below secondary bushings. 5.4. Labeling Height: 6. Secondary Voltage Minimum Height 2” Rated KVA Minimum Height 2” NON PCB Manufacturer’s Choice Insulating Oil Manufacturer’s Choice TESTING 6.1. Short circuit withstand capability shall be verified by full short circuit tests on similar or larger units in accordance with the latest revision of ANSI C57.12.00 and ANSI C57.12.90. Short Circuit withstand verification shall be submitted to the purchaser, upon request, prior to shipment of the transformers. 6.2. The test facility used to perform loss tests shall utilize test equipment with calibration traceable to NIST or an approved equal 3rd party laboratory. 6.3. A certified test report shall be submitted and shall contain the test data for each transformer serial number manufactured. The certified test report shall as a minimum contain the data as specified in ANSI C57.12.90. 7. TRANSFORMER LOSS EVALUATION 7.1. The following information shall be furnished with the bid and shall be recorded on the attached transformer loss information form: 7.1.1. Percent impedance test at 85 degrees C 7.1.2. No-load (NLL) losses expressed in watts at rated voltage at 60 Hz 7.1.3. Full-load (FLL) losses expressed in watts at rated voltage at 60 Hz 7.1.4. All losses shall be average losses experienced on the production line. 7.1.5. A computer-generated test report listing the actual losses for each unit by serial number shall be supplied. 7.2. The following factors will be used to perform loss evaluation on the transformers: 7.2.1. No-load losses will be evaluated at $4.95 per Watt 13 7.2.2. Full-Load losses will be evaluated at $1.26 per Watt 7.2.3. Total owning cost will be calculated the following way: Total Owning Cost = Unit Price + ($4.95 X NLL) + ($1.26 X FLL) 7.2.4. For the determination of the award of business, OPS will consider all bids within five percent (5%) of the lowest TOC to be economically equivalent and will consider other factors such as lead times and purchase price in making the award. 7.3. Invoices will not be approved for payment until the certified test reports are received and approved. 7.4. All losses shall be determined in accordance with the latest revision of ANSI C57.12.00 corrected to 85 degrees C. 7.5. No unit will be accepted that exceeds the quoted losses by more than 10% for no-load losses and 6% for total losses in accordance with the latest revision of ANSI test code C57.12.00. 7.6. NOTE: Failure of the bidder to supply the loss information shall result in the rejection of bid. 8. MANUFACTURER 8.1. Manufacturer must have at least 10 years experience building the type transformer in this bid. 8.2. Manufacturer must have ISO-9001 quality certification. 8.3. Manufacturer must build its product in the United States. 9. SHIPPING 9.1. Manufacturer must be able to ship as few as five (5) units to Opelika Power Services without charging additional shipping costs. 9.2. Shipping shall be included in bid F.O.B. Opelika, AL. 9.3. One week notice for delivery is required for transformers up to 1500kVA. Two week notice is required for transformers larger than 1500kVA in order to arrange crane for unloading and shall be coordinated with Opelika Power Services warehouse. 9.4. Failure to provide specified notice will result in unloading delays. 14 PART THREE BID FORM ITB #13-058 THREE-PHASE PADMOUNTED TRANSFORMERS The undersigned declares that before preparing their bid, they read carefully the specifications and requirements for Bidders and that their bid is made with full knowledge of the kind, quality, and quantity of services and equipment to be furnished, and their said bid is as stated on these pages. The undersigned offers and agrees, if this bid is accepted, to furnish any or all of the items upon which prices are offered at the price set opposite each item, delivered at the designated point(s) within the time specified. Item #1 must meet the following requirements: Delta-Wye, 12470 Volt Primary, Dead Front, Loop Feed, 208Y/120 Volt Secondary, Item # Rating Insulating Oil 1 1500 kVA Mineral Oil Unit Price $ Estimated Quantity - 1 No-Load Losses Load Losses (W) (W) Delivery ARO Discounts will be allowed for prompt payment: Weeks __________percent, __________percent, __________percent, __________percent, 10 15 20 30 calendar calendar calendar calendar days days days days COMPANY SUBMITTING BID______________________________________________________ ADDRESS______________________________________________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE__________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF PERSON AUTHORIZED TO SIGN BIDS _____________________________________________________________________________ TYPED NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER TELEPHONE NUMBER ________________ DATE______________________________ 15 ANTI-COLLUSION STATEMENT THE BELOW SIGNED QUOTER HAS NOT DIVULGED TO, DISCUSSED OR COMPARED HIS QUOTE WITH OTHER QUOTERS AND HAS NOT COLLUDED WITH ANY OTHER QUOTER OR PARTIES TO A QUOTE WHATSOEVER. NOTE: NO PREMIUMS, REBATES OR GRATUITIES TO ANY EMPLOYEE ARE PERMITTED WITH, PRIOR TO, OR AFTER ANY DELIVERY OF MATERIALS. ANY SUCH VIOLATION WILL RESULT IN THE CANCELLATION AND/OR RETURN OF MATERIAL (AS APPLICABLE) AND THE REMOVAL FROM THE MASTER BIDDERS LIST. FIRM NAME BY (PRINTED) BY (SIGNATURE) TITLE ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER FAX NUMBER 16 BID NO.: _B13-058_______ STATEMENT OF NO BID/PROPOSAL NOTE: If you DO NOT intend to bid on this commodity or service, please complete and Return this form immediately. Your response will assist us in evaluating all responses for this important project and to improve our bid solicitation process. The Purchasing Division of the City of Opelika wishes to keep its bid list file up-to-date. If, for any reason you cannot supply the commodity/service noted in this bid/proposal solicitation, this form must be completed and returned to remain on the particular bid list for future projects of this type. If you do not respond to this inquiry within the time set for the proposal opening date and time noted, we will assume that you can no longer supply this commodity/service, and your name will be removed from this commodity/service list. _____ Specifications too “tight”, i.e. geared toward one brand or manufacturer only. _____ Specifications are unclear (explain below) _____ We are unable to meet specifications. _____ Insufficient time to respond to the Request for Proposal. _____ Our schedule would not permit us to perform. _____ We are unable to meet bond requirements. _____ We are unable to meet insurance requirements. _____ We do not offer this product or service. _____ Remove us from your proposers list for this commodity or service. _____ Other (specify below). REMARKS _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ SIGNED: NAME: (Type or Print) TITLE: DATE: FIRM NAME: PHONE: FAX: ADDRESS: (Street address) (City) (State) 17 (Zip)