Country/ Agency ALBANIA Address Contact person Tel. / Fax / E-mail Ministria e Mbrojtjes Drejtoria e Logjistikës Bulevardi "Dëshmorët e Kombit" AL-TIRANA Albania Lt-Col. Ndriçim SALLAKU Forces Armées Commandement Général Direction Générale "Material Resources" Centre d'Identification et de Documentation des Matériels (CIDMat) Quartier Reine Elisabeth Rue d'Evere, 1 B-1140 BRUXELLES Belgium Maj. Thierry VANDEN DRIES Ministry of Defence Defence Investments Directorate Market Research & Procurement Information Management Department 3, Diakon Ignatiy Str. 1092 SOFIA Bulgaria ---------------------------------Министерство на отбраната Дирекция „Инвестиции в отбраната“ Отдел „Пазарни проучвания и информационно осигуряване на доставките“ ул. „Дякон Игнатий“ 3 1092 СОФИЯ България Col. Stoyan KUNIN Directorate of Supply Chain Operations (DSCO) National Defence Headquarters MGen Pearkes Building OTTAWA - Ontario K1A 0K2 Canada Mr. Vic CHETA +355-4-226-601 +355-4-228-325 BELGIUM BULGARIA CANADA +32 (2) 701 1700 +32 (2) 701 6095 +359 2 9220880 +359 2 9220643 or +1 (613) 996-3417 +1 (613) 996-3493 Note 1: The Canadian NCB Director is Mr. Charles McColgan Note 2: Please address emails to both Mr. McColgan and Mr. Cheta CROATIA CZECH REPUBLIC Ministarstvo Obrane RH Uprava za Opremanje i Nabavu Sluzba za Potporu Upravljanja Materijalnim Resursima Trg P. Kresimira IV/1 HR-10000 ZAGREB Croatia Mr. Mladen KLINCOV Ministerstvo Obrany CR Urad pro Obrannou Standardizaci, Katalogizaci a Statni Overovani Jakosti Odbor Katalogizace Majetku Namesti Svobody 471 CZ-160 00 PRAHA 6 Czech Republic Mr. Adam Pustějovský +385-1-4568-078 +385-1-4568-747 or International Dialing : +420 (973) 213903 +420 (973) 213930 or or Mrs. Jarmila Bedrnová +420 (973) 213936 +420 (973) 213930 or or Country/ Agency DENMARK Address Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation National Codification Bureau Lautrupbjerg 1-5 DK-2750 BALLERUP Denmark Contact person Tel. / Fax / E-mail Mr. Thorsten E. JENSEN +45 7257-5930 +45 7257-5120 or ESTONIA Logistic Centre of Estonian Defence Forces Codification Bureau Suur-Sõjamäe 23a 11415 TALLINN Estonia Mrs. Piret LILLE +372 717 4140 +372 601 1120 or FRANCE Centre d'Identification des Matériels de la Défense (CIMD) B.P. 10 F-35998 RENNES CEDEX 9 France Col. Nicolas REMPP +33 (2) 99 42 9200 +33 (2) 99 42 9275 GERMANY Bundeswehr Logistics Command (LogKdoBw) Luisenstrasse 109 D-53721 SIEGBURG Germany Col. Dietrich ROBASZKIEWICZ +49.2241.991.400 +49.2241.991.419 GREECE Hellenic Ministry of Defence General Directorate of Defence Investment & Armaments (GDDIA) Directorate of Offset Benefits & Quality Assurance (DOBQA) Codification Department 5 Katexaki str. Stratopedo Fakinou Papagou 10 000, ATHENS Greece Mr. Fragiskos AMPAZOGLOU +30 (210) 7466 030 or 281 +30 (210) 7466 267 HUNGARY Hungarian Ministry of Defense Maj. Béla REBÁK Armament and Quartermaster Office Institute of Military Technology +36 (1) 398-4526 Quality Measurement, Codification and Standardization Section +36 (1) 398-4552 Honvédelmi Minisztérium Fegyverzetii és Hadbiztosi Hivatal Haditechnikai Intézet Minőségirányítási, Kodifikációs és Szabványosítási Iroda H-1885 BUDAPEST, Pf. 25 Hungary ICELAND No National Codification Bureau (NCB) established in Iceland NSNs are allocated by the 1st NATO or Sponsored Tier 2 nation which uses the item of supply, whereas NCAGEs are allocated by NAMSA (structure S***#) ITALY Ministero della Difesa Segretariato Generale della Difesa e Direzione Nazionale degli Armamenti V Reparto 3° Ufficio Via XX Settembre 123/A I-00187 - ROMA Italy Dott.ssa Erminia PALADINO Ministry of Defence Logistics Policy Department Military Materially-Technical Resources Encoding and Standardization Section Director of Codification Kr. Valdemara 10/12 RIGA LV-1473 Latvia Mr. Aivars SKULTANS LATVIA +39 (06) 4735 5852 +39 (06) 4735 4706 +371-6733-5158 +371-6722-9150 Country/ Agency LITHUANIA Address Contact person Tel. / Fax / E-mail National Codification Bureau Materiel Resources Department Lithuanian Armed Forces Savanoriu 8 03116 VILNIUS Lithuania Cpt. Vytautas GYLYS LUXEMBOURG No National Codification Bureau (NCB) established in Luxembourg Codification is handled by BELGIAN NCB using MOE Code 'ZB', NCB Code '13' and NCAGE Structure 'B***#' NETHERLANDS Ministry of Defence Defence Materiel Organisation Defence Materiel Codification Centre Van der Burchlaan 31 PO BOX 90822 2509 LV DEN HAAG Netherlands Cdr. Bert BRAANKER or Mr. Jürgen WRENTSCHUR +370 (5) 2785-252 +370 (5) 2103-793 or +31 (70) 316 1539 or +31 (70) 316 3776 +31 (70) 316 3793 or NORWAY POLAND PORTUGAL ROMANIA SLOVAKIA SLOVENIA SPAIN Norwegian Defence Logistics Organisation General Materiel Division Information Management Branch Codification Section PO-Box 43 N-1306 BAERUM POSTTERMINAL Norway Mr. Tor Edmund THORESEN Ministry of National Defence Military Centre for Standardization, Quality and Codification Codification Branch for Military Products Pl. Pilsudskiego 4 00-909 WARSAW Poland Col. Marek DALKOWSKI Ministério da Defesa Nacional Direcção-Geral de Armamento e Infra-Estruturas de Defesa (DGAIED) Divisão de Catalogação de Material (DCM) Av. Ilha da Madeira P-1400-204 LISBOA Portugal Lt-Col. João Carlos FERREIRA DA COSTA Ministerul Apararii Nationale Comandamentul Logistic Intrunit Biroul National de Codificare Blvd Iuliu Maniu Nr.7-9 RO-061072 BUCURESTI Romania Col. Stelian POPESCU Úrad pre obrannú štandardizáciu, kodifikáciu a štátne overovanie kvality Martina Rázusa 7 P.O. Box 61 911 01 TRENČĺN Slovak Republic Mr. Roman BOHUŠ Ministry of Defence NCB Slovenia Sektor za standardizacijo, kodifikacijo in kakovost Vojkova 55a SI-1000 LJUBLJANA Slovenia Mr. Aleš ZELEZNIK Ministerio de Defensa DGAM - SUBINSERT Servicio de Catalogacion C/. Raimundo Fernandez Villaverde 50 Col. Antonio GALINDO-LIGERO +47 +47 or +48 (22) 6873 024 +48 (22) 6873 473 or +351 21.303.8556 +351 21.302.7221 +40 (21) 411-8813 +40 (21) 411-8813 +421 (960) 338 915 +421 (32) 744 2174 or +386 (1) 471-2527 +386 (1) 471-2521 +34 (91) 270.4630 Country/ Agency Contact person Tel. / Fax / E-mail Address E-28071 MADRID Spain TURKEY UNITED KINGDOM +34 (91) 270.4653 Milli Savunma Bakanligi Teknik Hizmetler Dairesi Baskanligi Kodlandirma Subesi (National Codification Bureau) 06100 - Merasim Sokak Bakanliklar / ANKARA Turkey Col. Mevlüt YERLIKAYA Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S) UK NCB Ministry of Defence Kentigern House Room 2.4.23, Mailpoint G 65, Brown Street GLASGOW G2 8EX United Kingdom Mr. Kevan HARRIGAN +90 (312) 410 6170 +90 (312) 417 5488 or International Dialing : +44 (141) 224 2179 +44 (141) 224 2300 National Dialing : 0141 224 2179 0141 224 2300 UNITED STATES DLA Logistics Information Service (Attn: NCB) Hart-Dole-Nouye Federal Center N. Washington Avenue 74 BATTLE CREEK MI 49037-3084 USA Ms. Carmen BAUMAN +1 (269) 961 7752 +1 (269) 961 7752 Note 1: The U.S. NCB Director is Mr. Raymond ZINGARETTI Note 2: Please send all LSA Technical Data to the ATTN of KDC if using the Postal Address NSPA NATO Support Agency (NSPA) Co-operative Logistics Programme (LZ) Codification Services Branch L-8302 CAPELLEN Luxembourg Mr. Steven Arnett NATO Support Agency (NSPA) Co-operative Logistics Programme (LZ) Codification Services Branch L-8302 CAPELLEN Luxembourg Mr. Piotr PIOTRKOWSKI Main Group Chairman Mr. George BOND +352 3063-6896 +352 3063-6580 SECRETARY AC/135 +352 3063-6020 +352 3063-4020 AC/135 +44 771 403 0202 Country P P A f Address C P S AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA X Australian NCB Defence Materiel Organisation Defence Plaza 4th Floor 661 Bourke Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 Australia X Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung und Sport Zentrale Technische Angelegenheiten Rossauer Lände 1 Contact person Tel. / Fax / E-mail Mr. Stephen BOND Mr. Paul J. KENWORTHY +61 (3) 9282-3299 +61 (3) 9282-3170 Col. Werner FRIEDL +43-50201-1023290 Country P P A f Address C P S A-1090 WIEN Austria BRAZIL FINLAND KOREA, REPUBLIC OF X Contact person Tel. / Fax / E-mail +43-50201-1017070 Centro de Catalogação das Forças Armadas (CECAFA) Base de Abastecimento da Marinha BAMRJ Av. Brasil, 10.500 - OLARIA RIO DE JANEIRO-RJ CEP: 21.012-350 Brazil Col. Nelson KENGI Missano Army Materiel Command Headquarters National Codification Bureau Finland PO Box 69 Sarvijaakonkatu 3 A FI-33541 TAMPERE Finland Maj. BSc (Eng) Kimmo KOJO X Defense Acquisition Program Administration 2-15, 2-ga Yongsan-dong, Yongsan-gu SEOUL, 140-833 Republic of Korea +55 (21) 2561-2544 +55 (21) 2101-0782 +358-299-460670 +358-299-460912 Maj-Gen. Kim, Jin-won (Director) Capt. Jung, Young-wook +82-2-2079-6598 +82-2-2079-6589 MALAYSIA NEW ZEALAND RUSSIAN FEDERATION X Malaysian Armed Forces Cataloguing Authority (MAFCA) Ministry of Defence 2 Block B, Ground Floor ZETRO Building Road 9/27C, Section 5 Wangsa Maju 50300 KUALA LUMPUR Malaysia Lt-Col. Mohd Fisoll bin Hj. Aziz RMAF X New Zealand National Codification Bureau (NZNCB) Defence Shared Services New Zealand Defence Force DSS National Service Centre PO Box 902 UPPER HUTT 5140 New Zealand Mr. Chris WAGHORN X X Director of the State organization "Federal Centre of Catalogization" Leninsky Prospect 9 V-49 GSP-1 119991 MOSCOW Russia National Codification Centre for Defence Export Products ROSOBORONEXPORT State Corp. Ovchinnikovskaya nab, 18/1 115324 MOSCOW Russia SINGAPORE X Defence Science & Technology Agency Procurement Programme Centre SAF Cataloguing Authority (SAFCA) Defence Technology Tower A 1 Depot Road SINGAPORE 109679 Singapore +60-3-4027-4380 +60-3-4027-4373 +64-4-587-2049 or +64-29-226-3047 +64-4-587-2051 Mr. Iouri KARNAOUCHKİNE +7 (095) 236 4040 +7 (095) 236 6231 Mr. Alexey KARTASHEV +7 (495) 950-91-33 +7 (495) 953-02-72 Mr. Bernard AW York Lin +65 6373-4055 +65 6273-5354