THE MECHATRONIC APPROACH TO THE OPTIMAL CONTROL OF THE VSCF GENSET . Vladimír ŘEŘUCHA, Zdeněk KRUPKA, Jan LEUCHTER Military Academy in Brno, Kounicova 65, 612 00 Brno, Czech Republic Abstract: The new generation of electrical power generating sets (GS) is based on some new technologies. Constant speed sets with combustion engines driving brushless field excited synchronous generators are replaced by optimally controlled variable speed diesel engine, driving robust permanent magnet generator (SGPM) equipped with power electronics frequency and voltage control (VSCF technology). The new 3rd GS generation (GS3G) represents the sophisticated mechatronic system, consisting of mechanical parts, electromechanical energy conversion part, power electronic converters for electrical energy transformation and optimal control feedback system. Mechatronic approach to the theoretical analysis and synthesis, development and implementation, using modern methods of mathematical modeling and simulation and optimal control procedures, gives the chance to solve the GS3G problem successfully. 1. INTRODUCTION Mobile autonomous (off-grid) power supply systems, known as electrical generating sets (GenSets, GS) usually consist of diesel engine-driven synchronous generator, where the output voltage is controlled by means of exciting current controller and the output frequency is kept constant by controlled constant speed of the engine. GS are used as stand-by generators for backup power as primary power sources for a wide range of applications such as mobile workshops, in building industry, in emergency and rescue operations, off grid construction sites, farms and households. Quite indispensable are GS in military use for off-grid supply of command posts, communication centers and appliances, field hospitals and many weapon systems including sophisticated air-force and air defense systems. New, so called 3rd generation of GS (GS3G), just under development, is based on new technologies and principles. The Variable Speed-Constant Frequency (VSCF) technology is used to reduce the fuel consumption and harmful emissions and to optimize the operation of the whole GS system. The synchronous generator with permanent magnets (SGPM) driven by optimally varying speed supplies voltage and frequency proportional to the engine speed. Constant output voltage and frequency is reached by means of power electronics voltage and frequency converters. The optimum speed is controlled by means of engine feedback controller. The simplified control diagram of EC3G can be seen in Fig. 1. FUEL UVAR f VAR n VAR ENGINE PMG M VAR XU AC/DC Xf DC/AC UCONST f CONS T u CONTROLLER Fig.1. The simplified control diagram of VSCF EC3G. In comparison with the previous 1st and 2nd GS generations the new, 3rd GS generation represents the sophisticated mechatronic system, consisting of mechanical parts, electromechanical energy conversion part, power electronics converters for electrical energy transformation and optimal control feedback system. Mechatronic approach to the theoretical analysis and synthesis of the GS3G problem, the development and implementation of the GS3G system, using modern methods of mathematical modeling and simulation, gives the chance to solve the problem successfully. The historical change from constant speed to optimally variable speed is based on the analysis of GS loading regimes. Due to the usual low average load the engine operates at the superfluous high constant speed (usually 3000 or 1500 RPM) in uneconomical and from the point of view of the environment undesirable conditions. 2. THE GS3G MODEL MEASUREMENTS AND SIMULATIONS In order to solve fundamental theoretical and research problems of GS3G it was decided to build a physical model, consisting of the chosen driving diesel engine, synchronous generator with permanent magnets, AC/DC, DC/DC and DC/AC converter, output filter and controller. Some laboratory measurements were effected to find fundamental parameters and characteristics of appropriate components. On the SGPM no load parameters and characteristics, resistive load characteristics, the shape of output voltage, heating and short circuit parameters were measured. Static and dynamic parameters and I/O characteristics were measured and analyzed to prove the correct function of power electronics converters and the output filter. To get a general picture of the GS3G components and of the whole system static structure and dynamical behavior, the measured parameters and characteristics have been used to build up of the mathematical model for simulation of individual components and the whole the GS3G system. The main objective of this simulation was to discover the most suitable configuration and function of the control unit securing constant frequency, constant voltage and corresponding quality of output electrical energy under the condition of optimal speed, minimal fuel consumption and harmful emissions. 2.1. MODEL OF THE DRIVING ENGINE The chosen driving engine is a single cylinder diesel with the rated power output Pn=7,6 kW at a speed nn=3000 RPM. The engine model includes several partial models: the model of fuel burning and exhaust gas expansion, passive mechanical resistance torque and forces, dynamical torque and model of fuel consumption (fuel injection). The definition and identification of the mathematical model is based on the physical analysis of the above given phenomena (partial models). Fundamental differential equation of the engine behavior is based on the well-known torque equation. M E (d , ) M D M R () M L (PL ) , where M E is the driving torque of the engine, M R and M L are resistant and load torque, respectively, PL is the load power of GS, is the angular velocity and d is a quantum of the fuel injection. The detail analysis of individual partial models is out of the scope of this paper. The engine represents the source of both kinematic movement and driving torque. Using the approximative expression for M R and M E in form of 1-st order polynom, i.e. M R r0 r1 and M E m 0 m1d , the model of the loaded engine has the form of the 1-st order linear differential equation K d K L (MS M L ) , T which corresponds to the standard control equation form (see [3]). Here m J 1 T [s], K 1 [ mg 1s 1 ], K L [ N1m 1s 1 ], M S (r0 m 0 ) [Nm], r1 r1 r1 where T is the time constant, K is the engine gain, K L is the load gain, M S is the effective static torque and M L is the load torque. When assuming that the engine is controlled in feedback by proportional controller described by equation d K R ( p ) K R e , where p is the required angular velocity of the engine, is the instantaneous velocity and e is the control error. The programming scheme of the corresponding feedback control model is given in Fig. 2. KL / T ωp d e dom K/T KR s-1 MS ML ω 1/T Fig.2. The programming scheme of the GS3G feedback control Resultant feed-back model has been defined and the system behavior has been simulated in MATLAB – SIMULINK environment as shown in Fig. 3. load torque ML 1 0 0.0009259 dynamic torque MD ML In1 Saturation 0.5 293.4 s model of the engine driving torque angular velocity of engine om !00 inic. velocity 30/pi KR Out1 reg. error driving torque 5.333 driving torque of engine M h 300 angular velocity 1 1/J Out1 dynamic torque In1 Gain3 2802 speed RPM n model of the engine resistance torque simout To Workspace 5.332 engine resistance torque Mom required angular velocity of engine dc start dc graphics Fig.3. The GS3G engine feedback model in SIMULINK environment. The differential equation of the feedback system is in form of K C P K LC (M S M L ) , TC and the important constants of the closed-loop system are T K KR KL , KC , K LC , 1 K KR 1 K KR 1 K KR where TC is the time constant, K C is the engine gain, K LC is the load gain. TC 2.2. MODEL OF THE SYNCHRONOUS GENERATOR The designed synchronous generator with permanent magnets (SGPM) has the following parameters: 2p = 12, Pn = 4 kW, cos = 0.8, nn = 3000 RPM, Un = 400/230 V, f = 300 Hz. The variable output no load voltage changes within the range from 210 V to 420 V at the speed varying from 1500 RPM to 3000 RPM (frequency 150 Hz to 300 Hz). The generator can be integrated to the engine and arranged with an inner stator and outer rotor replacing at once the engine flywheel as can be seen in Fig. 4. Fig.4. The GS3G engine and SGPM arrangement On the base of theoretical analysis and fundamental parameter measurements the simplified mathematical model has been derived. The model of the generator could be expressed by the equation of the generator power efficiency (PL , ) that takes into account losses both in magnetic and electric circuits of the generator U 20 2 R ef PL k e2 2 2 R ef PL PL . PI U 20 R ef PL p1U 0 PL k 2e 2 R ef PL p1k e PL The resultant equation for the model of the generator expressed in the term of the load torque M L as a function of power output PL and instantaneous angular velocity is Pi PL PL U 02 R ef PL p1U 0PL P R p1k e ML [ L (1 PL 2 ef2 )] , 2 U 0 2 R ef PL k e 2 R ef PL where PL is the generator output power, k e is the voltage coefficient, R ef is the effective armature winding resistance, PI is the generator input power, U 0 is the generator no load voltage and p1 is the identified coefficient. The details of the generator model analysis are given in [3]. 2.3. THE MODEL OF VOLTAGE AND FREQUENCY CONVERTER To simplify the solution of the optimal control problem let us suppose, that the power losses in the converter are negligible, then: PGS = Po and ILGS = PGS/ UGS where PGS is the GS (converter) power output, ILGS is the GS load current, UGS is the GS output voltage. The time constants corresponding to electrical and electromagnetic circuits are negligible in comparison with the mechanical and electromechanical time constants of both the driving engine and the generator. The moment of inertia of the generator is integrated in the dynamical properties of the engine. The simplified functional scheme of the converter can be seen in Fig.5. illustrating the whole schematics of GS3G structure. CONTROL UNIT EGINE CONTROL UNIT PROCESOR CONTROL UNIT DISPLAY FEED BACK +DC U SGPM V -DC W DC/DC STEP UP CHOPPER +U D U C U V V FILTER W W DIESEL ENGINE RECTIFIER VOLTAGE STEP UP CHOPPER DC/AC CONVERTER CONTROLLED RECTIFIER AC/DC STEP UP CONVERTER FREQUENCY CONVER TER Fig.5. The simplified functional scheme of GS3G 3. THE GS3G OPTIMAL CONTROL The objective of the GS3G optimal control is to adjust such a speed (angular velocity) of the engine and generator which corresponds to the required power output at optimum speed and at the same time it ensures the minimum of fuel consumption. From the GS3G system analysis it follows, that the appropriate individual requirements to the control can be solved relatively independently. The control law can be fulfilled by three separated subsystems creating fundamental components of the designed control structure: - The required course of the transient process will be ensured by the feedback controller - The static forced errors will be eliminated by the integral part of the controller or by means of compensating couplings from error sources to the control error - The minimum of fuel consumption will be ensured by the module of required speed, which generates optimum angular velocity of the engine depending on the instantaneous load with respect to the chosen optimization criteria. One of the variants of GS3G control system structures including three above mentioned control components is given in Fig. 6. PL Specific fuel consumption ML 700 dM(ML) M(PL,) ωP(PL) ωP ekor KR u 600 SmEC [g/kWh] 500 300 dω(ωP) ω Fig.6. The GS3G control system structure =314 rad/s 400 Popt 1000 2000 3000 4000 P [W] 5000 6000 7000 Fig.7. The fuel economy of GS3G. This structure corresponds to the chosen control law, given by the relation u R (, PL ) K R {P (PL ) d [P (PL )] d M [M L (PL , )] } . Here K R is the controller gain and d , d M are correction values of steady-state errors of angular velocity and of load torque M L . As the most important part of the control law is the model of the required angular velocity, i.e. P P (PL ) . This equation is found as a result of the minimizing procedure, where the quality criterion is the model of the GS fuel consumption per hour S h or the GS specific consumption Sm Sh / PL . Taking into account identified models of the engine and of the generator we can derive the consumption model S h in form R p K 0,9 0,9 d PL 0,9 [PL (1 PL 2 ef2 1 e ) r1 2 (r0 m 0 ) ]. d ML k e 2 R ef PL The optimal angular velocity model has been derived as a solution of the equation S h (PL , ) 0 or S m (PL , ) 0 . This model is applied in the region of angular velocity according to the activity of the frequency converter. The resultant simulated relation between specific GS3G fuel consumption and power output for constant angular velocity =314 s-1 and for optimally controlled velocity opt is in Fig.7. The results of simulations correspond to the expectation (see Fig. 3) and values obtained by measurements and experiments performed on series of the 2nd generation of generating sets in use [1], [4] and on the model of the 3rd generation VSCF generating set. S h (PL , ) 4. CONCLUSIONS The mathematical analysis and simulation of static characteristics and dynamic behavior of the GS3G VSCF structure proved, that the dynamical properties of the system enable the formulation of control laws and thus to solve successfully the control requirements by the use of minimum fuel consumption optimizing criterion. The results of simulation have been partially proved by measurements on the realized physical GS3G model, consisting of diesel engine, synchronous generator with permanent magnets, voltage and frequency power electronic converter at different operating regimes. One of serious problems not yet satisfactorily solved is the system behavior at high sudden increasing of loads from low loads at low speed close to the idle run to high loads demanding maximum speeds. The physical and mathematical GS3G model will be further improved and precized to acquire more parameters, characteristics and to get more experience for the practical development and implementation of new generation of mobile electrical generating sets. REFERENCES [1] Da Ponte, M., Grzesiak,L., Koczara, W., Pospiech, P.: “Power Quality of the Hygen Autonomous Load-adaptive Adjustable-speed Generating System”.Proceedings of IEEE applied Power Electronics Conference APEC’99, Dallas, Texas, March 1999, pp. 945– 950. 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