T-501 Bernd Friedrich High Efficient Diesel-Electric Propulsion Disclaimer All data provided on the following slides is for information purposes only, explicitly non-binding and subject to changes without further notice. 2 Agenda 1 Today´s Diesel-electric propulsion systems & constraints 2 New system approach for a high efficient DE propulsion system 3 Benefits & potentials 4 Measures to improve a Diesel engine´s dynamic 5 Examples 6 Summary 3 Today´s Diesel-electric propulsion system Some benefits • High flexible and redundant multi-engine plant • Low fuel oil consumption at part load due to a Gensets better loading of (running) engines • Improved manoeuvrability with precise control of Switchboards propulsors (i.e. azimuth thrusters, pods) • High propeller efficiency. Usually FP propellers are applied, always operating at design pitch • The FPP can be operated in an extended range compared to DM propulsion - due to the speedtorque-characteristic of the E-motor • High torque performance also at low speeds (i.e. Variable speed drives: - Supply Trafo *) - Frequency converter - E-Propulsion motor icy conditions). “Easy” over-torque / constant power capability (i.e. heavy weather) via FWP adjustment of the drives • Flexibility in propulsion plant arrangement • Increased payload as DE engine rooms usually take up less space ( shorter) • Lower noise and vibrations, especially when using i.e. pods or gearless solutions Gearbox *) Propellers / Propulsors *) In some applications not needed: Dependent on the type of converter and speed of E-motor 4 Diesel-electric propulsion plants Typical example of an offshore application: PSV Source: Ulstein 2 x 8L21/31 @ 900 rpm (= 2 x 1672 kWel) 2 x 9L21/31 @ 900 rpm (= 2 x 1881 kWel) 690 V AC MSB, 60 Hz 2 x Azimuth thruster (= 2 x 2000 kW) 2 x Frequency converter: PWM-type, 12 p 2 x Supply transformer 2 x Bow thruster (= 2 x 880 kW) 2 x Autotransformer starter 5 Losses in a DE propulsion plant From fuel to shaft power (at the E-motor) 72% 53% Full load Low load 4% 3% 0,2% 1% 1,5% 4% Total losses 63% 0,2% 1,5% 2% 5% Total losses 85% How can we operate the Diesel engine more efficiently ? 6 Agenda 1 Today´s Diesel-electric propulsion systems & constraints 2 New system approach for a high efficient DE propulsion system 3 Benefits & potentials 4 Measures to improve a Diesel engine´s dynamic 5 Examples 6 Summary 7 Engine operation map SFOC map: 27/38 engine Engine Output 100 % Variable speed operation: 184 g/kWh Constant speed operation: 187 g/kWh 50 % 10 % 60 % Engine Speed 83 % 100 % 8 A “new” system concept by E-suppliers Good old DC is coming back ! The electric system is an enabler for the Diesel engine Classical DE propulsion system “New” electric system concept - “Existing” components are arranged in a new way. - In total comparable number of electric devices compared with a classical DE system. 9 Agenda 1 Today´s Diesel-electric propulsion systems & constraints 2 New system approach for a high efficient DE propulsion system 3 Benefits & potentials 4 Measures to improve a Diesel engine´s dynamic 5 Examples 6 Summary 10 EPROX = Electric Propulsion Excellence 1.) DC technology facilitates potentials for fuel saving System features: A DC distribution removes the classical AC main switchboard • Alternators are connected via rectifiers • Propulsion motors (IM) are connected and speed controlled via inverters The Diesel engines can independently on variable speeds operate No synchronisation of alternators needed PMS gives individual speed set points to the gensets acc. to the current power demand, operating each engine on its optimal sfoc point Example: Variable speed gensets 4 x 6L32/44CR 4 x 3600 kWm: Total system load is 8000 kW with 3 engines running #1 #3 89%@750rpm 44%@630rpm #2 89%@750rpm #4 = off 12 EPROX = Electric Propulsion Excellence 1.) DC technology facilitates potentials for fuel saving System features: A DC distribution removes the classical AC main switchboard • Alternators are connected via rectifiers • Propulsion motors (IM) are connected and speed controlled via inverters The Diesel engines can independently on variable speeds operate No synchronisation of alternators needed PMS gives individual speed set points to the gensets acc. to the current power demand, operating each engine on its optimal sfoc point Possibility to integrate devices (i.e. batteries) energy storage Remarks: - System available up to 20 MW installed genset power - DC on board is not „common“ EPROX = Electric Propulsion Excellence 2.) DC technology boosts the dynamic plant performance System features: Energy storage sources (i.e. batteries) can be integrated into the system • Batteries are connected to the DC grid via DC/DC converters Energy storage sources can be used to reduce transient loads on the engines Faster dynamic system response, improving the load acceptance for our engines, i.e. Dual Fuel engine in DP mode Load peaks are shaved and buffered by the batteries Sfoc saving via batteries Batteries enable a high loading of the Diesel engines Battery charge Battery discharge Battery discharge Battery charge System load Load 1 Load 2 Genset 3 Genset 3 *) Genset 2 *) Genset 2 Genset 2 Genset 2 Genset 1 *) Genset 1 Genset 1 Genset 1 *) Genset operating at 85% load Minimum SFOC 15 Agenda 1 Today´s Diesel-electric propulsion systems & constraints 2 New system approach for a high efficient DE propulsion system 3 Benefits & potentials 4 Measures to improve a Diesel engine´s dynamic 5 Examples 6 Summary 16 Apart from batteries – How can we improve the engine´s dynamic ? Excursion: Common rail injection system 1600 Conventional injection system: 1200 cam controlled Inj. pressure Injection2000 pressure Pressure generation 800 1350 bar 700 bar n = High rpm rpm dependent n = Low rpm 400 0 Inj. pressure Common Rail injection system camshaft angle 1600 bar rpm independent flexible set point rpm independent and flexible: injection timing & multiple injection 500 bar camshaft angle Measures to improve a Diesel´s dynamic Jet Assist and Boost Injection For load application an engine has to increase: • Fuel • Air If an engine detects a sudden load increase it changes: • Injection timing to 4°CA (2°CA) earlier • Increase rail pressure about 200 bar This changes lead to a higher engine torque A Start-air bottle (30 bar) C Compressor wheel 1 Solenoid valve 3 Pressure reduce orifice 4 Ring duct jet air 5 Air insert 6 Bores 7 Compressor casing 6 7 5 C 4 1 3 A 18 Transient Behavior Jet Assist and Boost Injection (20V32/44CR) Load-Step rpm 725 45 720 Engine speed 50 40 30 25 % Base engine 710 with Jet Assist 705 700 60 with Boost Inj. 20 15 Opacity Load [%] 35 715 10 40 with Jet & Boost 20 5 0 0 -5 0 5 10 Time [sec] 15 0 5 Time [sec] 10 s With DC grid technology, jet assist & boost injection an E-proplusion system is fit for high performant applications Agenda 1 Today´s Diesel-electric propulsion systems & constraints 2 New system approach for a high efficient DE propulsion system 3 Benefits & potentials 4 Measures to improve a Diesel engine´s dynamic 5 Examples 6 Summary 20 Example - PSV Engine with conventional injection system (L27/38) The average SFOC saving is in a significant range Vessel data: Length o.a.: Dead weight: Max. speed: Eco. speed: 94 m 4500 t 15 kts 10 kts Main gensets: Azimuth thrusters: Bow thrusters: SFOC [g/kWh] SFOC saving [g/kWh] 1 580 185 13 2 600 / 500 184 9 2416 2 600 / 600 183 4 Engines running 2640 670 1848 1480 1920 h/year Standby Offshore Dynamic Positioning Transit Eco 10 kts Transit Full 15 kts Engine speed [rpm] Power [kW] Operational profile 4 x 6L27/38 , 4 x 2190 kW 2 x 3600 kW , FPP 2 x 800 kW , FPP 96 7560 4 660 / 640 / 640 / 640 182 4 In Port 2136 150 1 500 212 46 Out of Service 120 0 0 - - - Example - AHTS Engine with common rail injection system (L32/44CR) The flexibility of the CR system supports variable speed operation Vessel data: Length o.a.: Dead weight: Max. speed: Cruising speed: 76,5 m 3000 t 16 kts 12 kts Main generator engines: Propellers: Bow thrusters: Stern thrusters: 4 x 6L32/44CR : 4 x 3600 kW @ 450 …750 rpm 2 x 4000 kW, FPP 2 x 1200 kW, FPP 2 x 850 kW, FPP Agenda 1 Today´s Diesel-electric propulsion systems & constraints 2 New system approach for a high efficient DE propulsion system 3 Benefits & potentials 4 Measures to improve a Diesel engine´s dynamic 5 Examples 6 Summary 23 Summary 1.) „New“ energy-saving solutions have be lauchend on the market for DE propulsion. DC technology (DC breakers) and AFE converters (for variable input frequency) are the key components. - ABB: DC Onboard Grid - Siemens: BlueDrive PlusC - GE : VF - AFE (75...100% rpm) 2.) For an engine supplier the electric plant is an enbabler to facilitate a saving potential in sfoc by operating the engines on variable speed. 3.) Engergy storage devices give an additional degree of freedom in DE plant design, especially when it comes to fast load applications on DF engines. 4.) There a further measures to improve a Diesel engine´s dynamic: Jet Assist and Boost Injection 5.) Calculations show savings in a rage of 3 – 8 g/kWh (depending of op. profile and engine injection system) Bernd Friedrich phone: +49-821-322-1627 bernd.friedrich.a@man.eu