ROTORCRAFT SECTION Helicopter Trials Over Sand and Sea W . A. HIBBERT, BSc(Eng), AFRAeS, AMIMechE Engineering Division, Aeroplane and Armament Experimental Establishment Summary:—The experience from several environmental trials on helicopters is reviewed to show how the life of main and tail rotor blades was reduced by erosion and how effective various modifications have been in protecting these blades. The compressors of the gas turbine power units were also affected by sand ingestion and intake filters were used on later trials to protect the engines. The engine erosion problem is discussed with reference to the position of the intake, the degree and type of filtration and the design of the compressor itself. The design features of the helicopter which affect its ability to operate in dust and salt-laden atmospheres are also considered, along with suggestions for further research and development. 1. (Crown copyright) Figure 1. Main rotor blade erosion pattern. member and enabled a micrometer to be applied. Erosion rates of 0-0005 inch per hour were recorded on one steel leading edge. In one case a protective tape known as "Scotchcal" was applied to the leading edge and survived about 14 hours of operation involving landings and take-offs over fine sand. When the trial was moved to an area where there were larger particles of debris, such as insects and pieces of vegetation, then the tape was ruptured by local "bruising" and stretching and had to be renewed after almost every flight. Early in 1964 a decision was made to apply a more durable protective coating to the main rotor blades of all helicopters in use by the three Services and from some extensive work already done at the RAE on rain erosion'81 and by Boeing-Vertol in the United States'9' a polyurethane film of about 0-030 inch thick was chosen as offering the best protection. The relative merits of bare stainless steel, neoprene and polyurethane for erosion resistance were given as about one to five to ten respectively. One pair, i.e. half a set of Wessex main rotor blades, were prepared by Westland Aircraft Ltd for trials in the summer, the other half set being kept "standard" for comparison purposes. While the application of polyurethane was reasonably straightforward for the leading edge, because curvature in one plane only was necessary, it could not be applied to the tip caps without first moulding the film to shape and the necessary tools could not be made in time. The tip caps therefore were protected by a neoprene film known as "Limpetite" applied by brushing on several coats. The same scheme had been adapted for overall application to main rotor blades as a palliative for helicopters already committed to flying over dust terrain. The subsequent trials, with only one pair of blades protected, clearly showed the advantage of the polyurethane film which showed only a slight dulling of the surface gloss, whereas the neoprene on the tips was worn completely through in places and the metal tip of an unprotected blade was eroded through to such an extent that it split open in flight, causing a forced landing to be made because of the ensuing vibration; the material in this case was aluminium alloy about 0 07 inch thick {see Fig. 2) and this occurred after only 2 | hours in the dust cloud. For prolonged operations over dry sand and dust surfaces, the neoprene coating would need to be renewed fairly frequently and, because of the curing time involved after application, it would be necessary to have spare blade tips fully interchangeable one with another, so that one set could be treated while the others were in use. However, the use of neoprene would be well worth while until such time as polyurethane can be applied to the tips as well as the blade leading edges during manufacture. Although these tests were done on the Wessex helicopter the results are readily applicable to other helicopter rotor blades because the tip speeds are of the same order, ranging from 610-690 ft per second with the Wessex in between these figures at 675 ft per second. It is evident from the pattern of INTRODUCTION The whole range of helicopter trials conducted by the Aeroplane and Armament Experimental Establishment (A & AEE) has already been described by Poole(1). This paper deals with one particular aspect of that work by reviewing the experience over the past three summers when a number of helicopters, principally the Wessex, Whirlwind, Scout and Wasp, have been subjected to hot weather tests mainly to measure their performance, their handling qualities and the behaviour of their systems. The engineering aspect of these trials has been covered by several A & AEE reports'2-7' from which has been obtained most of the information presented here. Little testing was done solely to find the effects of erosion mainly because of the limited amount of time available in the "hot season" so that initially at any rate erosion was an incidental feature of operating a trials aircraft in the dry dusty conditions and no special measures were taken to modify the helicopter for such work. However, as experience was gained in Service and on later trials it became evident that both the main and tail rotor blades needed some protective covering to reduce the effects of erosion and the gas turbine engines also needed protection by means of intake filters if they were to run for any appreciable time in dusty conditions. In the later trials one of the prime tasks was to hover in the dust cloud to accelerate any effects of erosion. Even mild erosion of surfaces removes the protective finish and this leads to corrosion when the helicopter is flown in salt-laden atmospheres and some small but useful experience was gained from trials done over the sea. As the erosion problem is the most basic one it is dealt with in more detail and the outcome of the trials is summarised and discussed. 2. MAIN ROTOR BLADE EROSION When no special attempts were made to expose the helicopter to severe conditions by deliberately hovering in the ground cushion, no serious erosion was found on the main rotor blades. The paint finish, of course, was removed down to bare metal within a very short space of time and this was followed by a roughening of the leading edge, with polishing of the surface back to about one third of the chord on the underside of the blade. Closer to the tip the polished area gradually extended back to about 50% chord at the tip itself; a typical erosion pattern is shown in Fig. 1. As the significance of erosion came to be more appreciated, part of later trials were devoted to longer periods with the helicopter hovering in the ground cushion and some attempts were made to measure the erosion in the field, but this was difficult to do except at the tip stations where the tip cap could usually be removed to gain access to the inside of the leading edge The 41st lecture to be given before the Rotorcraft Section of the Society—on 29th January 1965. 769 Downloaded from http:/ IP address:, on 01 Oct 2016 at 21:33:51, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at http:/ 770 VOL. 69 JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL AERONAUTICAL SOCIETY (Crown copyright) Figure 2. Blade tip split open in flight. NOVEMBER 1965 (Crown copyright) Figure 3. Tail rotor tip eroded through. abrasion that the protective coating needs to be extended farther back along the chord, otherwise the blade paint finish will be removed and will allow the onset of corrosion, particularly in mixed operations over land and sea. Experience has shown that if the protective coating finishes in an abrupt step then erosion takes place in an area behind the step; therefore it would be necessary to taper the coating off; a polyurethane spray coat would suffice. The modifications of existing blades can be done with a negligible weight increase and at a cost amounting to about l/5th of that of a new blade. When considering the application of a protective coating of resilient material over a comparatively rigid surface, thickness of the film is important and for polyurethane it would be inadvisable to use less than 0-030 in. 3. TAIL ROTOR BLADE EROSION The general experience with tail rotor blades is that they are the first item to be eroded so much that they have to be replaced. At one time a trial could only proceed by carefully avoiding dusty terrain because the tail rotor was eroded through after just over an hour's accumulated time in the ground cushion. The blades in this case had aluminium alloy tip caps and these were subsequently changed for ones in stainless steel. Even so the last trial showed that this is not adequate in comparison with the durability of the protected main rotor blades because the stainless steel tips eroded through in about \\ hours of hovering in the sand cloud {see Fig. 3). The area of protective finish which is eroded away extends back to the trailing edge at the tip of the tail rotor blade; a typical erosion pattern is shown in Fig. 4. The application of a polyurethane film should give a similar degree of protection to the tail rotor because the tip speeds are not much greater than those on the main rotor, being about 680 ft per second for the Wessex and on the Whirlwind and Scout 720 and 750 ft per second respectively. Although the radial accelerations on the tail rotor are much higher than those on the main rotor, up to 5000#, the low density polyurethane can be fixed in place by known adhesives. Apart from protecting the tail rotor from erosion, as with the main rotor blades, it is essential to retain the protective finish to prevent corrosion and in one case, where the tail rotor is of composite construction, with bonded glass fibre for part of the blade covering, it is necessary to protect this material against the penetration of ester-based lubricants, otherwise the adhesion of the subcutaneous layers is broken down. From this point of view and to prevent weak spots for the erosion to start the protective coating must be continuous over the area likely to be abraded because once only a small hole or fissure is produced in the protective layer, the rate of removal of the coating increases rapidly at the edge of the hole by "lifting" off the exposed edge in a peeling action. 4. ENGINE COMPRESSOR EROSION The story of engine behaviour on the trials is generally similar to that of the main and tail rotor blades; to begin with (Crown copyright) F:gure 4. Tail rotor erosion pattern. no significant engine erosion was encountered. Only when the engines began to be used in high dust concentrations did it become plain that here was a problem which, to some extent, still remains to be solved. After only less than four hours in one instance, the engine compressor began to run into surge in the normal running range and subsequent examination showed this to be due solely to blade erosion. The factors which need to be taken into account in this case are a little more complex than those for the main and tail rotor blades. One immediately thinks of particle size and dust concentration as being of some significance for a given engine and some work was done by Montgomery and Clark'10' on a 45 hp gas turbine in controlled conditions. After extensive tests they produced a graph showing the relationship between particle size and the weight of metal eroded from the compressor over a range of dust concentrations; this information is reproduced in Fig. 5. From the graph it was possible to forecast the life of this particular engine over a range of particle sizes up to 100 microns in diameter and for dust concentrations ranging from 0 1 milligrams per cubic foot up to 5 milligrams per cubic foot, see Fig. 6. The life of the engine in this case was nominally set at a particular weight of metal lost from the compressor which was known to cause a substantial loss in performance. The field trials under review were different in two main respects: (a) The compressors were mainly of the axial type as opposed to the centrifugal type of this reference and (b) the dust ingested contained particles above the size range of the above tests. The majority of the trials evidence refers to the Gnome engine, which has a ten stage axial compressor, with a small amount of information on the behaviour of the Nimbus engine which has a three-stage axial compressor followed by one centrifugal stage. These engines cover the power range 1250 down to 650 shaft hp. It is generally accepted that the axial compressor is a more delicate piece of machinery than the Downloaded from http:/ IP address:, on 01 Oct 2016 at 21:33:51, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at http:/ 771 HELICOPTER TRIALS OVER SAND A N D SEA W . A. HIBBERT PARTICLE SIZE MICRONS '•H i Q 9 8 h 7 GHIBLI SAMPLE FILTER (5 MICRONS) DUST CONCENTRATION M.G.M./CU. FT Figure 5. Figure 6. o AZIZIA SAMPLES GROUND FILTER (IO MICRONS) FILTER (5 MICRONS) Figure 7. examination. The protected port engine had been run for 70 min with 10 micron filters and for 2 hr 4 min with 5 micron filters. The compressor surge points were checked by preventing the variable incidence inlet guide vanes from closing as the rpm were reduced and finding the point at which compressor stall or surge occurred. The starboard engine was certainly seen to have an unacceptably low surge margin and the port engine had lost about half of the surge margin when new. On strip examination the blades on the rotating assemblies were found to be so eroded on the starboard engine that the trailing edge corners had bent slightly. The port engine was less visibly affected but the blades did not satisfy the standards required for re-building into the engine. The weight loss from the rotor blade rows was found for the first five stages of compression to be 14-7 grams for the port and 40-3 grams for the starboard engine; these figures represent 115% and 3-51% of the new weight of the particular blade rows. The weight loss is only of the same order as the different weights of new assemblies from one engine to another, so that it is evident that it is not so much a question of how much metal is eroded away but from whence it is eroded. Without filters the loss of weight in each stage decreased through the compressor, at least over the first five 5. ENGINE INTAKE FILTERS stages, and with filters there was little to choose between The Wessex Mk. 2, which has a twin Gnome engine these stages. The fifth stage in each case lost about the installation, was fitted with engine intake filters during the same proportion of metal; no figures were obtained for the 1963 summer's trial and one engine only was protected so sixth to tenth blade rows. that a direct comparison could be made with the effects on These results do not fall clearly into the pattern of those the unprotected engine. The installation is shown in Fig. 8; from reference 10 in that one would expect a much greater the filter elements gave an effective area of 5^ sq ft per difference between the two engines, because the use of filters engine and were of conventional construction with a layer of should have reduced the dust concentration in one engine by felt pleated and reinforced by a wire mesh; separate intake a factor of four and, neglecting any effect of particle size, flaps could be opened by the pilot in case of filter blockage. this alone should have given the same order of difference in Two different filter elements were used on the trials, one the weight of metal loss from the blades. One explanation giving filtration down to a nominal size of 5 microns, the could be that the dust concentration was so high that some other down to 10 microns. Rig tests done by Bristol Siddeley Engines Ltd had shown that the efficiency of thefilterwas saturation point was reached on the unprotected engine. low (about 75%), because the filter was about half the size it The dust concentration was estimated from the weight of needed to be; the size being determined by the available space sand and dust collected by the filters and the weight of air and the need to keep the weight down (more for eg reasons ingested by the engine. About 1-9 lb of filtrate was collected than anything else). Some engine power loss was expected per hour and with the nominal 10 lb per second air flow into with this type of filter—some 5 hp for each one inch head of the engine, and assuming the filter efficiency to be 75%, the water gauge. The depression across the filter was not dust concentration is estimated as about 2-6 milligrams per measured during the trials, but no detectable power loss was cubic foot. Even allowing that some of the heavier particles experienced, the filters being cleaned after each sortie by could have been shaken free by the general airframe bumping and shaking them to collect the debris for analysis. vibration, it is unlikely that the dust concentration exceeded 3 milligrams per cubic foot which is still within the range The helicopter was deliberately hovered to maintain a covered by reference 10 where there was no evidence of any dense sand cloud created by the rotor downwash and after saturation up to concentrations of 0-005 gm/cu ft, so that if only 3 hr 14 min in these conditions the starboard engine saturation was reached on the unprotected engine the geometry began to surge violently and at this point both engines Were of the compressor needs to be taken into account when conremoved and returned to the firm for bench tests and strip centrifugal one. The sensitivity of the axial compressor to the amount of erosion is expected to be different from the centrifugal one; the effect of particle size and dust concentration should be much the same in each case. The maximum particle size covered by the test dust in reference 10 was about 74 microns, whereas analysis of the sand and dust collected in the intake filters used for part of the field trials showed that the bulk of these ranged from 30 microns to 120 microns in size (this range accounting for approximately 80% by weight of the whole sample) (see Fig. 7); this analysis shows that the two samples are little different in composition, but it does not help to estimate the size of the particles which went through the filter. Chemical analysis of the material smaller than about 60 microns in size showed that about 80% of it was abrasive quartz and there was a trace of abrasive alumina which would be expected to pass through the type of filter used on the trials. The sand and dust entering the engine will be much affected by the use of filters and, to a lesser extent, by the position of the engine intake relative to the rotor disc. The significance of these features is discussed. Downloaded from http:/ IP address:, on 01 Oct 2016 at 21:33:51, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at http:/ 772 VOL. 69 JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL AERONAUTICAL SOCIETY NOVEMBER 1965 cleaning and should give efficiencies in the order of 90%. Both the felt filter and the cyclone filter spoil the shape of the nose of the helicopter and may cause some loss in performance due to the increased drag at high forward speeds. 6. (Crown copyright) Figure 8. Wessex 2 engine intake filters. sidering the effect of the level of dust concentration on erosion. Evidence from a previous trial on the Wessex 2 in 1963 does little to elucidate the point, because in this case the trial was ended prematurely due to an accident to the helicopter and when the engines were subsequently stripped down the compressor blading was judged to be fit for re-building into repair engines after renewal of the protective finish (Rockhard resin coating). These engines had been run with five micron filters for about 9 hours flying, of which it is estimated that 1 hr 45 min was spent in the dust cloud; the weight of sand collected from the filters was about 1-5 lb per hour running, which gives an estimated dust concentration of about 2 milligrams per cubic foot. The only general inference that can be gained from the Wessex 2 trial is that the type of filtration used will roughly increase the engine life by a factor of three when operating in dusty conditions and on this particular installation this means about 10 hr running in the ground cushion and it would depend on the sortie pattern how many overall flying hours this would involve; it could be anything from 450 hr when one landing and take-off is done per average sortie length, down to 50 hr where as many as six take-offs and landings were done per hour of flying. Until something better is proved the simple felt filter would seem to be well worth-while for immediate application to helicopter engine intakes; these niters are not costly and the whole installation incurs a weight penalty of about 60 lb per engine. The overall weight penalty might be greater than this where ballasting is necessary to maintain an acceptable eg position because of the high moment arm of filters in the nose of the helicopter. One other promising means of filtration was being closely examined by Bristol Siddeley Engines Ltd. This uses a number of "cyclone" elements to separate the dust from the air by dynamic action. Such a system needs a scavenge fan having a capacity of about 10% of the total air supply to the engine and itself able to withstand erosion, the fan would absorb about 2 bhp for one Gnome engine installation and if full scale rig testing proves this to be a practical proposition, then the weight penalty is not expected to be much different from the felt filter installation described and, it would have the advantage of being completely self- POSITION OF ENGINE INTAKE General observations of the dust cloud raised by the helicopters during landing and take-off show that there is a relatively clear air region in the centre of the rotor downwash roughly cylindrical in shape and about one third the diameter of the rotor extending from the plane of the rotor disc almost down to ground level. The densest part of the dust cloud occurs in the outer third of the rotor downwash, but is, of course, deflected relative to the helicopter when hovering over a fixed point on the ground in the presence of surface winds, or when the landing or take-off is made with some moderate forward speed. In these latter conditions intakes in the nose of the helicopter are exposed to the highest dust concentrations. Undoubtedly the best position for the engine intake is immediately behind and below the rotor hub. The engine intake position on a few helicopters is shown diagrammatically in Figs. 9, 10, 11 and 12 and of the helicopters tested the Scout and the Wasp have engine intakes positioned most favourably from the point of view of sand ingestion. Subsequent experience with the Scout in the Middle East showed that although they have experienced a high rate of landing and take-off per flying hour the engines have not had to be replaced due to erosion of the compressor until after between 150 and 200 hours of flying, compared to only 84 hours for the Whirlwind Mk. 10 trial when the Gnome has an intake in the nose of the helicopter. There is a much more clear cut example of the effect of engine intake position in connection with the Belvedere helicopter operating in the same theatre when early failures of the Gazelle engines began to make themselves felt; some work by Rolls-Royce Ltd ( n ) showed that a substantial reduction in dust concentrations could be obtained simply by blanking off the original intakes on the underside of the fuselage, so forcing the air to be drawn in by way of the rotor gearbox cowlings below the hub of each rotor. The resulting pressure drop caused a power loss on the engines of about 2|%. More helicopters now have the engines mounted on top of the fuselage. This will improve the durability of the helicopter in dusty conditions by easing the task of filtration and on future designs, this arrangement could be combined with an intake filter designed to follow the contours of the gearbox cowling and take in air from the cleanest part of the downwash. 7. COMPRESSOR DESIGN Within the limitations imposed on the size and weight of filters it is unlikely that filtration will be efficient enough to give complete protection and existing compressors could have their life substantially reduced when operating in dusty conditions; some attention therefore, will need to be paid to the design of the compressor itself. The more robust centrifugal compressor is not the most efficient for the high pressure ratios now demanded for gas turbine engines, so that some penalty would be paid in range or disposable load by choosing the compressor design simply to withstand erosion. One could take the dynamic "cyclone" filter to the extreme and build a centrifugal compressor for the first stage with 10% more capacity than needed for combustion and bleed off this 10% complete with most of the dust before passing the air through further axial stages, but the overall drop in efficiency may be unacceptable. The blades of the axial compressors are so small and thin that the application of any resilient coating with adequate thickness is out of the question. A more detailed analysis of the erosion which is being Downloaded from http:/ IP address:, on 01 Oct 2016 at 21:33:51, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at http:/ W. A. HIBBERT HELICOPTER TRIALS OVER SAND A N D SEA JJk ^, {Crown copyright) Figure 13. Worn compressor blades from Gnome engines. - • ' N Figure 9. Diagram of Scout engine intake position. Figure 10. Diagram of Whirlwind Mk10 engine intake. Figure 11. Diagram of Wessex 2 engine intake. Figure 12. Diagram of Belvedere engine intake. found in existing compressors would probably help to reduce their sensitivity to erosion. For example, on the evidence from the Gnome engine the percentage weight loss from the blading is small, but the erosion is not spread evenly through the engine, being worse at two particular stages—usually the 5th and the 10th. Only a minute increase in blade thickness of these stages could increase the compressor life considerably; the problem would be to control the manufacturing tolerances, the variation in the new weight of different blade assemblies being more than the variation in weight between the new and worn blade row assembly. It is not easy to explain the difference in the degree of erosion of the same blade row in the Gnome engine in the Whirlwind 10 and that in the Wessex Mk. 2, which are shown side-by-side in Fig. 13, where the blade from the former has an obvious piece missing from the corner of the tip at the trailing edge. The Gnome engine in the Wessex has a higher power rating than that in the Whirlwind, at least for short periods, and this may mean that it operates nearer to the surge line. A more detailed study of the matching of the axial and whirl velocities through each stage of the compressor may throw more light on the reason for some blade rows being affected by erosion more than others. One could argue that the ingested material has a certain erosive potential and if this could be spread evenly throughout the compressor, then the useful life of the engine would be at a maximum. The erosion is likely to be greatest where the vector change in velocity, relative to the blades, is at a maximum and this may well be those regions where blade stall is about to take place. Blade stall leads to surge so, by making a compressor to operate further away from the surge line, or by more closely matching the stages to avoid premature stalling of some stages, the overall durability of the engine should be increased. 8. 77J TRIALS OVER THE SEA Although the trials over the sea have been less extensive than those over the land, the behaviour of the helicopter and the engine have been seen to be affected by the corrosive action of the salt-laden atmosphere, particularly on the rotor blades and the compressor of the engine. Ordinary paint finishes were soon eroded away from the tail and main rotor blades, so that erosion protection was almost synonymous with corrosion protection and measures already described to counter tail and main rotor blade erosion from sand need to be applied for maritime operations. The engine in these conditions usually suffered from loss in performance caused mainly by fouling of the compressor with salt deposits. If these deposits were not removed corrosion set in, so that it was necessary to wash the compressor after each day's flying over the sea. A special trial mentioned by Poole(1) was done to check the effectiveness of the washing procedure on a Gnome engine in a Whirlwind Mk. 10 helicopter which was intended for air/sea rescue duties. The washing technique was, at the time, a new one because, instead of ingesting a paraffin/water emulsion with the engine running, a special rig was used to inject a large quantity of fresh water into the compressor while it was being motored over during the starting cycle with the fuel off and the igniters cut out (this is commonly called a ventilated start). To make sure that the compressor had been contaminated by salt spray, the washing water which had passed through the engine and dribbled from the exhaust pipe was collected and analysed. There seems little need to protect the engine for operations over the sea but if protection is required, felt filters are not suitable and the "cyclone" filter would be one solution— except that in its present form it would not withstand icing conditions. During the sea trials the paint work on the fuselage was protected by liberal applications of wax polish and the helicopter was washed down after each day's flying. It was not so easy to do anything about the contamination of the inside of the helicopter, which was inevitable where a number of sorties had to be done with the cabin door open, and some magnesium parts which had not received the best kind of protective treatment were soon suffering from corrosion. 9. DUST SAMPLING TECHNIQUES Little attempt has been made so far in these trials to do any comprehensive sampling to get a clear and accurate picture of the dust cloud in the rotor downwash. During the last trial on the Wessex 2 some work was done in conjunction with Bristol Siddeley Engines Ltd, who devised a scheme whereby air was drawn through capsules containing "Millipore" filter pads to obtain samples at various points on the outside surface of the helicopters. The results of these tests Downloaded from http:/ IP address:, on 01 Oct 2016 at 21:33:51, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at http:/ 774 JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL AERONAUTICAL SOCIETY VOL. 69 were not available at the time of writing. Rolls-Royce Ltd !ll) also used a suction pipe to draw air through a paper filter to obtain some idea of the dust entering the engine intake. In the latter case sampling was done over a long period to lessen the effects due to the finer particles settling on the walls of the long sampling tube and in the former case samples were taken at several points over about 2 minutes. Both methods would suffer from the inaccuracy associated with departures from isokinetic conditions, i.e. the inlet air velocity will not be the same as the free stream velocity both for magnitude and direction. The effects of such departures are shown in Figs. 14 and 15, reproduced from a book by Green and Lane(12). Accurate sampling of agitated dust clouds is a problem in itself. For the outstanding engine erosion problem it is clear that an extensive study of the whole dust cloud is not necessary. The very presence of an open engine intake drawing in air at speeds of the order of 50 ft per second averaged over an area of about 3 sq ft will affect the local flow and the intake can be regarded as a large sampling tube; the particles ingested from the main dust cloud would be affected by departures from isokinetic conditions; fitting intake filters would change the local flow in yet another way. The logical thing to do would be to sample the dust entering the engine intake itself in order to correlate bench and field trials. The flow in the engine intake with a high velocity (about 300 ft per second) in a well defined boundary and in a set direction would be much more amenable to either isokinetic sampling or an impacting technique. Furthermore, the actual sampling equipment could be calibrated during bench tests where a standard test dust was being fed into the engine intake. It would be necessary to establish the degree of variation of distribution over the whole intake area to determine the minimum number of sampling points and the optimum time and frequency of sampling which would be necessary to obtain representative results. Whatever method is adopted it is tedious to collect, identify, store and analyse a large number of samples where the particles are necessarily physically collected in the field, and at A & AEE the use of photography is being explored. 10. MISCELLANEOUS DESIGN FEATURES AND OPERATIONAL CONSIDERATIONS Apart from erosion it is important to realise the effects of sand contamination on exposed moving parts and bearing surfaces. On one trial, for example, the flapping restrainers and the droop stops on the rotor head became sluggish in operation because of contamination with sand, so that in one case lateral control might have been affected as forward speed was increased and in the latter case damage could have been done to blades and tail unit as the rotor speed was being reduced preparatory to shutting down the engine. Frequent INLET SPEED \ U Figure 14. ANGLE BETWEEN TUBE AND WIND DIRECTION. Figure 15. NOVEMBER 1965 cleaning was necessary to avoid these things happening, but it would be better if these mechanisms were totally enclosed or made impervious to dust contamination. One feature of rotor heads which accentuates dust contamination is the exudation of lubricants past seals on the various bearings. Grease purging of rotor head bearings is a nuisance and well sealed oil filled bearings would be an improvement, or the development of dry lubricants for this application. The majority of the trials reviewed took place in North Africa and a variety of sand collected from engine intakes in 1948 was reported by Bigg(13) and the information is presented in graphical form in Fig. 16. The results from more recent trials fall into the same pattern and superimposed are the patterns of various test dusts. These are given merely to show the difference in standards that exist and that further samples are needed from other parts of the world to assess the right kind of dust to use for preliminary bench tests for the engines. One difficulty with engine erosion at present is that the erosion makes itself felt rather abruptly and, particularly on single engine aircraft, this can have serious repercussions. The author has suggested that compressors could be fitted with erosion detectors in the form of a small hollow probe which can be connected to a sealed capsule so that a warning circuit would operate when the probe was punctured, or more simply, provide a solid detector probe which can be readily removed from the compressor casing for a direct measurement to be made of the amount of erosion. Previous testing or some field experience would need to be accumulated before the readings on either device could be taken as a guide. There are other basic design features to take into account when assessing the protective measures required on a helicopter. For example, the disc loading and rotor height affect the ground dynamic pressure for any "wheels off" height, and the ground pressure determines how much dust is raised; also the pilot's visibility will influence the length of time spent hovering near the ground and the cockpit position in relation to the rotor disc will have some bearing on this. 11. FURTHER RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT The mechanics of the erosion of surfaces by solid particles is not understood as well as, say, the erosion caused by liquid droplets, although the same kind of protective coating would seem to be good for both. Some basic work has been done at NGTE by DufBn(I4>, mainly in connection with the fouling of turbine blades, out of which came some postulations as to the mechanism of erosion, and further work may be planned there to make fundamental studies of erosion, including the angle of strike of the particles. The following aspects are suggested to fill the gaps in the present knowledge and so help the solution of the general problem: — (0 Some full scale bench tests on existing engines using dust concentrations and particle size patterns representative of what is known. These tests would include preliminary calibrations of any sampling equipment and compressor wear detecting devices. (it) Further field trials on two or three helicopters with different engine intake configurations using the measuring techniques proved on the test beds. (Hi) Development of compressor blade materials or thin protective coatings which would be capable of resisting erosion and of being built into small axial compressors to alleviate the rate of erosion. (iv) Make a close study of the air flow pattern and particle pattern in an axial compressor and see if any benefit could be obtained by small changes in blade angles or nozzle Downloaded from http:/ IP address:, on 01 Oct 2016 at 21:33:51, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at http:/ W . A. HIBBERT HELICOPTER TRIALS OVER SAND A N D SEA 775 quired to make it robust enough for long periods of flying over dusty terrain and the sea. In this paper the aim is to focus attention on one of the outstanding problems which needs to be tackled to enable this to be done. Figure 16. areas, the aim being to spread the erosion more evenly through the compressor. For extensive operations over the sea, aerodynamic intake filters may prove to be worthwhile and to avoid the nuisance of washing down the helicopter a fundamental study should be done of the adhesion of the salt spray as it dries on the paint surface, the aim being to enable salt particles to be brushed off rather than washed off. The results of the above research and development may well be applied to hovercraft and V/STOL aircraft; for the latter it would be important to remember that air intake filtration for the engines may be impracticable because of the high forward speeds and a bulky alternative intake would be required for operations near the surface. Eventually the engine itself will need to be capable of ingesting large quantities of sand and dust for short periods intermittently. If the helicopter is to retain its advantage as a transport and as a light crane over remote regions development is re- Acknowledgments The author wishes to thank Bristol Siddeley Engines Ltd, Rolls-Royce Ltd and Westland Aircraft Ltd, for co-operation in supplying some of the material, and his colleagues for their ready assistance in the preparation of the paper. He also thanks the Ministry of Aviation for permission to publish the paper and the Chemical Defence Experimental Establishment for their advice on dust sampling. The Society of Automotive Engineers and Messrs E. & F. M. Spon Ltd kindly gave permission to reproduce some material from references 10 and 12 respectively. The views expressed are those of the author. They do not necessarily represent the official opinion of A & AEE. References 1. POOLE, J. Rotorcraft Work at the Aeroplane and Armament Experimental Establishment. Journal of the Royal Aeronautical Society, August 1963. 2-7. Unpublished Ministry of Aviation Reports. 8. FYALL, A. A., KING, R. B. and STRAIN, R. H. C. Rain Erosion Aspects of Aircraft and Guided Missiles. Journal of the Royal Aeronautical Society, July 1962. 9. GILBERT, R., SELUS, B., HOIBAR, V. and WEST, D. Helicopter Rotor Blade Protective Materials. TCREC Technical Report 62-111. December 1962. 10. MONTGOMERY, J. E. and CLARK, J. M. Dust Erosion Para- 11. meters for a Gas Turbine. SAE 538A, June 1962. Rolls-Royce Report. To be published. 12. GREEN, H. L. and LANE, W. R. Particulate Clouds, Dusts, Smokes and Mists. E. & F. M. Spon Ltd., 1957. Unpublished Ministry of Aviation Report. DUFFIN, H. C. A Laboratory Scale Study of Erosion and Deposition due to Gas Borne Solids. NGTE Report M.341, August 1960. 13. 14. DISCUSSION G. Dobson (Chief Projects Engineer, Bristol Siddeley Engines Ltd., Associate Fellow): He queried the impression given that the axial compressor was a delicate piece of machinery while the centrifugal compressor was robust. Records of engine operations in world-wide service would not really be in agreement. From the point of view of dust erosion the Montgomery and Clark experiments were made on a small single-stage centrifugal compressor of moderate pressure ratio, while the Gnome engine of much larger air flow operated at a high pressure ratio. A centrifugal compressor designed for the same duty as a Gnome compressor could well be affected differently, since surge margins over a speed range were more difficult to maintain, when design pressure ratio is high. Engine protection was necessary for all types in operations in dust clouds. Their own experience had shown that there was a great general need for intake protection against larger particles causing what was known as "foreign object damage" to engines. Such damage could occur in helicopter service almost anywhere and the close mesh screens as typified by Mr. Hibbert's picture of a normal Whirlwind entry, were necessary. Coupled with such protection there was also a general need to provide anti-icing for the engine intake. The intake providing protection against foreign object damage and also against icing, was not easy in itself to achieve, and when operation in dust clouds was added, the solution was indeed difficult and much work remained to be done. They had tested many types of intake protection means and he would agree that at present felt filters for use over sand appeared to be the best way of affording the needed protection. Mr. Hibbert: His impression of the robustness of centrifugal compressors compared with axial ones was based first on the relative loss in weight (21 grams) of the 45 hp compressor tested by Montgomery and Clark and the weight lost (40 grams) from the first few stages of the Gnome engine (1000 hp) when serious loss in performance of surge occurred and second, the direct comparison of the last few stages of the Gnome axial compressor with the centrifugal stage in the Nimbus engine. The blades in the former were several times thinner than the radial vanes and diffusers of the latter. However, he did agree that one would need to make a more direct comparison with compressors doing identical duties. Certainly there were other aspects of engine intake protection which needed prior consideration over protection from the ingestion of fine dust and it was not easy to do everything with one intake; he had only foreseen dust protection as an alternative form of intake for the dry arid regions where icing, for example, could be ruled out. O. Fitzwilliams (Chief Engineer (Research), Westland Aircraft Ltd, Fellow): Was Mr. Hibbert familiar with the interesting experiments of the General Electric Company, who had placed a specially shaped deflector cum momentum separator body ahead of the intake on some of their engines? Could Mr. Hibbert comment on the effectiveness of this? Mr. Hibbert: He was not familiar with the project. F. W. Taylor (Chief, Research and Development Branch, Office of Chinook Project Manager, US Army Materiel Command): The US Marine Corps, in their new assault helicopter, the Boeing-Vertol CH-46A, had considered it necessary to incorporate momentum type particle separators at the intakes of the two axial-flow T-58-GE-8 engines. The configuration of the separator was altered several times before the final design was optimised. Production helicopters all had this feature. Vertol claimed an efficiency in the order of 95% Downloaded from http:/ IP address:, on 01 Oct 2016 at 21:33:51, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at http:/ VOL. 69 JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL AERONAUTICAL SOCIETY particle separation with a 2% power loss. This depended on the size and composition of the material being filtered. This separator worked better with larger sized particles. The Army's CH-47 Chinook helicopter was very successful in a sand and dust environment. No filtration was required for the twin T-55-L-7 engines which incorporated one centrifugal stage in the compressor. Engine deterioration in desert environments had been very small. Dr. H. Roberts (Research Manager, Westland Aircraft Ltd, Fairey Aviation Division, Fellow): The film sequences were of great interest. The recirculation patterns were very informative and these, combined with the patterns of erosion near the blade tip, could no doubt be used to derive a great deal of useful data. He was surprised that the pilot's vision was not so badly impaired by the sand cloud that it affected his sense of orientation. The possibility of erosion of the helicopter transparencies and of the fuselage skinning seemed evident; were these found to be affected? He particularly wanted to support the lecturer's plea for more research work in this field. It would appear that the erosion was not due to a single cause; impact damage, scrubbing damage and possibly explosive raindrop breakdown all being sources of erosion. Each of these needed investigating if they were to achieve a satisfactory protection system. The polyurethane blade coating seemed to be rather expensive compared to the initial cost of the blades (20% was quoted). This might represent some 2% of the prime cost of the aircaft and must be related to the frequency with which such conditions arose. Was this frequency in practice sufficiently high to justify such an expenditure? Was the coating thickness dependent on the type of backing (both material and thickness)? If the blades were glass fibre presumably greater thicknesses would be needed at correspondingly higher relative cost. There was a similar argument on the weight of the filters for the air intakes. Was the weight justified by the frequency of occurrence of erosion conditions? Was the effect of distribution of particle size in a specific occurrence such as to give damage proportional to the relative concentrations of particles, and did a number of occurrences, each with different size particles, give a cumulative damage law? If a cyclone filter were fitted, did the casing for the filter then suffer from erosion, and require protection? Mr. Hibbert: In their trials no exceptional damage was done by erosion of the transparencies, mainly he thought because the impact velocities would be much lower (30 to 40 feet per second) whereas the relative airspeed over both rotor and engine blading was about 6 to 700 feet per second. The question of relative cost really needed to be judged by the need to remove blades before their overhaul life was reached and the amount of re-working necessary to clean up the leading edges in order to repair the blades. In this context erosion was far more prevalent from rain and salt spray than from dust in the kind of Service operations of the past two or three years. More recently, activity in dusty zones had very much increased. The thickness of the protective coating depended on the type of backing, but he would not have expected much difference in its behaviour over steel and light alloy compared with a glass fibre reinforced material and, taken to the extreme if the polyurethane was applied on an already resilient surface then the thickness could be reduced. Air intake filters as used at present were justified only in conditions where dust erosion was encountered and one had to offset the loss in payload against the overall cost of replacing engines which might last only a quarter of their normal overhaul life. ' From most of the information available it would seem that the erosion of the surface was cumulative and bore some relation to the weight and size of each particle. There would be some secondary effects where small particles were rebounding off larger ones. A "cyclone" NOVEMBER 1965 type filter would have to withstand erosion to some degree but it would be cheaper and easier to replace than an engine. R. A. Grimston (Mechanical Research Dept, Bristol . Siddeley Engines, Small Engine Division, Assoc. Fellow): Mr. Hibbert's paper was particularly valuable in highlighting the problems of operating in sand clouds. On the last Wessex trial they attempted to sample the sand cloud around the aircraft and the results from this sampling prompted them to make the following comments. First, they wondered if the unexpectedly low variation between the filtered Gnome and the unfiltered engine could be explained by particle size? They found an infinite number of particles of 5 microns or less and most of these would not have been captured by the filter. If all particles were less than 5 microns and were not captured, one would expect no difference at all between the engines' wear. Everything pointed to the logic of having the intake near to the rotor head. They were therefore surprised to find that a sampler in this position collected roughly twice the amount of sand (2-06 of 1-26 mgm/cu ft) of samplers situated around the nose of the aircraft. This could probably be explained since the head sampler was undoubtedly collecting at conditions relatively much higher than isokinetic than the others. But since their sampling velocities were at a fair mean between a bare engine intake and one at a skin surface, it could be expected that an engine might collect a large sample at this point. Factors such as intake area would much affect the results. Mr. Hibbert: The results obtained from the sampling at various points over the helicopter certainly caused them to be more cautious about the choice of engine intake position; it reinforced the need for more scientific measurements to find out what was passing into the engine intake. J. L. Barnes (Chief Test Pilot (Rotary Wing), Bristol Siddeley Engines, Assoc. Fellow): Although a surprising alleviation could be gained by flying techniques, more experience, knowledge and research were required. Longer engine life and greater operational flexibility was a requirement. The question of most concern to all turbine engine helicopter manufacturers was the incidence of damage caused by the larger particles. In solving this problem, probably erosion would be reduced to acceptable levels. In response to Service requirements, American manufacturers were pursuing at least two lines of attack; the momentum type of separator, already mentioned, which was fitted to the General Electric T-58 and a mesh-stabilised, 40micron polyurethane filter. The latter installation was fitted to the Lycoming installation in the Bell HU-1D. One section could be by-passed by the pilot, should the pressure drop across the filter become excessive. This was a neat and logical-looking installation, emphasising the need for forward design thinking at an early stage to ensure that intake design was carefully considered with a view to minimising the entry of solid particles; also, to ensure that intake filtration was available when required. They were investigating and following closely the various lines of attack on this problem. A successful solution would give real benefits to the operator. Mr. Hibbert: Flying techniques could go a long way to reducing the severity of the erosion problem but, because of this, there had been a tendency to dismiss the need for any basic change to the helicopter and in military operations it was not always possible to avoid the dust and certainly rarely possible to avoid rain and spray. As basic overhaul lives increased both on engines and rotor blades so would the need for erosion protection become more evident. The principle adopted by the USA to filter off the larger particles, in this case above 40 microns, was sensible because it took away a considerable proportion of the weight of dust ingested. Downloaded from http:/ IP address:, on 01 Oct 2016 at 21:33:51, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at http:/