Agenda Number: PC14-50 MEETING DATE: February 5, 2015 REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION SUBJECT: Villas of Tara Oaks – Request approval of a Preliminary Subdivision Plat for 29 lots, on 9.14 acres located south of East Harpers Ferry Road, east of Collierville-Arlington Road and north of Tara Oaks Drive. EXHIBITS 1. Applicant’s Cover Letter (12/15/14) 2. Preliminary Plat (1/20/15) 3. Tara Oaks Commercial Subdivision Existing Conditions (12/19/13) INTRODUCTION: Kevin Vaughan, with Township 4. Construction Plan Review Conditions of Approval (1/13/15) Development Services, and representing Crews Holdings, LLC, is requesting approval of a Preliminary Subdivision Plat for a 29-lot residential subdivision on 9.14 acres on the east side of Collierville-Arlington Road, between East Harpers Ferry Road and Tara Oaks Drive. The property is zoned R-3A High Density Residential and is surrounded by R-3A to the north (Harpers Trail PD), MPO Medical Professional Office (undeveloped drainageway) and R-2 Medium Density Residential (Tara Oaks Subdivision) to the east, MPO (vacant land) and SCC Shopping Center Commercial (Collierville Activity Center commercial center) to the south, R-1 Low Density Residential (Shenandoah and Castle Creek Subdivisions) to the west. BACKGROUND: On January 12, 2015, the Board of Mayor and Aldermen (BMA) approved Ordinance 2014-06 on third and final reading which rezoned the 9.14 acres, known as Lot 1 of the Tara Oaks Commercial Subdivision, from SCC to R-3A, after a recommendation to approve the rezoning from the Planning Commission on November 6, 2014. An amendment to the Town’s Land Use Plan to reflect the change in land use will be presented to the Planning Commission later this year. KEY QUESTIONS: The Planning Commission may find the following questions helpful in determining whether the proposed subdivision is consistent with the Subdivision Regulations and the Zoning Ordinance. 1. What are the plans for the common open space entry features and perimeter fencing? No plans have been submitted for the common open spaces, an entry feature, or any fencing. There are 1.25 acres of common open space that surround nearly the entire perimeter of the subdivision with the only exception being between Lots 16, 17, 19 and 20 and the commercial lot at the southwest corner. The applicant intends to submit landscaping, lighting and fencing plans for review by the Design Review Commission at the March 12th meeting. 2. What is the impact of the existing ingress/egress easements for the nonresidential corner lot on the residential development? The property being developed as the Villas of Tara Oaks was previously Lot 1 of the Tara Oaks Commercial Subdivision. The ingress/egress easements were placed on the original plat of the commercial subdivision for the purpose of providing safe access to Lot 2. The easements allow drives to be placed at a safe distance from the intersection of Tara Oaks Drive and Collierville-Arlington Road. The ingress/egress easements will remain on the plat for the Villas of Tara Oaks within COS A and COS B. A note has been placed on the plat that allows the owner of Lot 2 to supplement its landscape buffers with 1 off-site plantings in the ingress/egress easements in COS a and B with approval from the Villas of Tara Oaks homeowners association. Condition of approval #2 requires that a note be placed on the plat that explains of whom the ingress/egress easements are in favor and what their purpose is. 3. What are the implications of the 31-foot Alternative Right-of-Way? The applicant has requested a reduction in the right-of-way (ROW) width from 50 feet to 31 feet. The Subdivision Regulations allow the Planning Commission to modify the ROW width requirements in cases where topography or other physical conditions that make a street of the minimum required width impracticable. Street widths may not be modified solely for the purpose of increasing the area of marketable land. A 9.5 foot pedestrian and utility easement will be provided on the lot frontages to allow for the installation of sidewalks and utilities. Streetfacing garages on an alternative 31-foot right-of-way could result in an overlap onto the sidewalk by vehicles parked between the street-facing garage and the street (see Exhibit 2 and Condition #2). DISCUSSION: The 9.14-acre property has road frontage on Collierville-Arlington Road, East Harpers Ferry Road, and Tara Oaks Drive. The property was recently rezoned from SCC to R3-A which allows a minimum lot size of 6,000 square feet for single family detached dwellings and a 60 foot minimum lot width. A summary of the proposed subdivision bulk standards is found in Table 1. The lot sizes and setbacks meet or exceed those for single family dwellings on property zoned R3-A. Table 1: Subdivision Data Summary Total Area 9.14 acres Total Number of Lots 29 single family Open Space 1.25 acres (13.7%) Allowed Proposed Minimum Lot Size 6,000 sq. ft. 7,859 sq. ft. Minimum Lot Width 60 ft. 60 ft. Setbacks 25 ft. 25 ft. Front 12 ft. total 12 ft. total Side 5 ft. minimum 5 ft. minimum 20 ft. 20 ft. Rear Lot Layout/Circulation: The Preliminary Plat includes two cul-de-sacs intersecting with a through street (Shanborne Lane) that runs north-south between East Harpers Ferry Road and Tara Oaks Drive. None of the proposed 29 lots will have access to the surrounding streets and none of the new local streets providing access to the lots in the subdivision will have access to Collierville-Arlington Road. Shanborne Lane (proposed) will align with Shanborne Cove to the north and with an existing driveway to the commercial center to the south, and will be the only entrances to the neighborhood. Street right-of-way: The applicant is proposing a 31-foot alternative right-of-way (ROW) with an adjacent 9.5foot pedestrian and utility easement where sidewalks and public utilities will be located. The request for an alternative ROW is based on the encroachment upon the property of the two existing ingress/egress easements provided for the benefit of the MPO lot on the corner, and the public drainage/maintenance easement for the large drainageway to the east of the property. To allow for the installation of utilities and sidewalks across the front of the lots, a 9.5 foot easement is shown along all of the interior street frontages. To prevent vehicles from overlapping the sidewalk on lots where there might be street-facing garages, a condition of approval (#2) will require that street-facing garages should be setback a minimum of 20 feet from the back of the sidewalk so as to create an outdoor parking pad between the garage and the sidewalk. Traffic: The additional traffic generated by the 29 new homes will create 278 average daily trips (ADT) spread over an interconnected street network, and thus will have minimal impact on adjacent streets and intersections. All adjoining streets are already improved to their full rights-of-way as designated on the Major Road Plan. Utilities: Water and sewer service will be provided from existing infrastructure in East Harpers Ferry Road and Tara Oaks Drive. Easements for electric, telephone and cable services will be provided along all sides of the lots. Grading & Drainage: No detention is required for the subdivision as all lots will drain to the existing drainageway on the east side of the property. 2 Tree Protection: Although there are several small, young trees on the property, there are only 3 trees that are 8 inches or larger in diameter that will be removed for construction of the subdivision. Two mitigation trees will be required based on 1 tree for every 2 removed. Mitigation trees will be required in addition to trees required by the Zoning Ordinance and should be shown within the common open space when the landscape plans are submitted. The Planning Division has been working on updates to the Town’s tree policy and how mitigation is calculated, with a focus less on individual tree removal and more about the total tree canopy coverage of the site. This site provides a good case study to evaluate the requirement for mitigation trees and tree surveys of all trees 8 inches in caliper or greater. Although a proposed policy update has not been developed for adoption, it is important to note that this is site is a field with mostly new growth, with only 3 trees that have reached 8 inches or greater in size. The applicant plans to remove all the trees and to grade the site for proper drainage and finished floor elevations. At least 33 new trees will be planted on the new lots, which do not include common open space plantings. With time, the new tree canopy created will far exceed the pre-development condition. The Tree Policy does not currently give credit for “required” tree plantings in common open space or trees planted on individual lots. The Tree Policy also requires tree surveys of all trees 8 inches in caliper or greater (whether they are to remain or be removed), but perhaps should not, as the focus could instead be on saving trees (with proper tree protection fencing) and creating tree canopy. Through this practice, good site grading and drainage practices could be encouraged rather than penalizing an applicant for trees that need to be removed anyway. By spring 2015 a draft Tree Policy update will be released for consideration. Next Steps: The following are the next steps to develop the Villas of Tara Oaks neighborhood. • Design Review Commission Review of Common Open Space: The DRC will review the landscaping, lighting, and entry features within the common open spaces of the subdivision. • Development Agreement for Infrastructure Construction Plans: The applicant must enter into a Development Agreement with the Board of Mayor and Aldermen for the construction of the public and private improvements (see Exhibit 4). • Final Subdivision Plat: To create lots for sale, approval of a Final Subdivision Plat by the Planning Commission is required. EXAMPLE MOTION AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: To approve the Preliminary Subdivision Plat for 29 single-family residential lots on 9.14 acres located east of Collierville-Arlington Road, between East Harpers Ferry Road and Tara Oaks Drive (Exhibit 2) subject to the following conditions. 1. This development is subject to all applicable standard conditions of approval as adopted by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen, Resolution 2006-54. 2. Include a note on the Preliminary and Final Plats that spells out to whom and for what purpose the ingress/egress easements are provided. 3. A note shall be placed on the Preliminary and Final Plats stating that street-facing garages shall be setback a minimum of 20 feet from the back of the sidewalk so as to create an outdoor parking pad between the garage and the sidewalk. 4. Provide landscape, fencing, entry feature and lighting plans for review by the DRC for the subdivision as part of the Infrastructure Construction Drawings. The DRC shall review and approve the landscape, fencing, entry feature and lighting plans before the BMA can approve the Development Agreement and Infrastructure Construction Drawings. 5. Two mitigation trees shall be required to be shown in the common open space on the landscape plan; however, if the Tree Policy is updated before the applicant enters into a Development Agreement for the 3 Subdivision Infrastructure, he may choose to use any new method adopted for calculating mitigation trees. 6. The Town Attorney is reviewing the HOA documents. Comments will be provided before a Development Agreement (DA) is placed on the Board of Mayor and Aldermen (BMA) agenda. If any revisions are required, a revised Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions shall be submitted prior to approval of the Development Agreement for the subdivision. 7. The title of the subdivision shall include the following in parentheses below the subdivision name: (Resubdivision of Lot 1 of the Tara Oaks Commercial Subdivision). 8. Engineering will require the following on the Preliminary Plat: a. FEMA Note #9 – The lots should be 21-29. b. Drainage Easement between lots 23 & 24 still needs to be labeled as “Public” like the other drainage easements. c. Note #6 – Shouldn’t this be “at the Public Drainage/Maintenance Easement.” instead of “at the Private Ingress/Egress Easement.”? d. Please add notes explaining who the easements are in favor of and what they are for. e. 41’ Ingress/Egress Easement – Please put the Book & Page that established the easement. f. 41’ Ingress/Egress Easement – Shouldn’t the label state that the Developer of lot 2 is responsible for constructing the drive? This subdivision is on Lot 1. CONTACT INFORMATION: Owner Contact: Organization: Address: Phone: Fax: Email: Jason Crews Applicant Project Planner Kevin Vaughan Nancy Boatwright, AICP (primary) Jaime W. Groce, AICP Township Development Planning Division Services 3035 Centre Way, Ste 100 260 N. Revell Point 500 Poplar View Parkway Germantown, TN 39138 Collierville, TN 38017 Collierville, TN 38017 901- 758-2200 901-292-3210 457-2363 901-202-6304 901-854-1031 457-2354 Crews Holdings, LLC 4 Exhibit 1 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 2 EXHIBIT 3 0 30 HARPER 4 312 DRIV BFE-3 E 306 100' NORTH SCALE:1"=100' THE INFORMATION SHOWN WAS COMPILED FROM NUMEROUS SOURCES AND IS BELIEVED TO BE CORRECT; HOWEVER, NO WARRANTY IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. 30 S FER RY 4 310 50' 02 306 ROAD 304 314 BFE-3 03 8" Oak 306 29 2 300 306 306 298 30 2 294 296 300 30 4 29 6 300 302 29 4 30 4 298 4 304 29 30 6 306 306 306 4 30 C Copyright: Property Solutions Existing Conditions 310 13107-M01.dwg 30 4 FLOODWAY (2013) 4 306 320 30 BFE- December 19, 2013 COLLIERVILLE, TENNESSEE 294 302 1 0 0 YE FLOODPLAIN AR (2013) 310 314 316 318 ±1.06 Acres TARA OAKS COMMERCIAL SD 8" Pine 300 ±9.13 Acres LE L I V R E I COLL 308 312 ARLINGTON 306 TARA OAKS DRIVE 306 10" Bradford Pear Realty, LLC 901.202.6303 Exhibit 4 Engineering Division Comments DEVELOPMENT NAME: Villas of Tara Oaks TYPE OF APPLICATION: Construction Plans COMPILED BY: Steven Russell and Jason Walters PLAN STAMP DATE: 12/15/14 COMMENT DATE: 1/13/15 DRT DATE: 1/13/15 _______________________________________ All Sheets: 1. BM Note – Please provide a little more specific description on the location or show and label it in the drawing Notes: 2. The Town’s Standard Notes sheet must be used. Any site specific notes can be added to this sheet Grading & Drainage Plan: 3. Please label the rip-rap 4. Show and label the ditch centerline, the top of bank from where the 60’ buffer is measured, and the 60’ undisturbed buffer. 5. Please add a note that the drainage is Public 6. Structure Table – Please provide the top/rim elevations for the dmhs 7. The drain pipes need to be shifted off the property line. Homeowners will build a fence on the property line and the Town does not want a fence built right on top of the pipe in case pipe repairs are needed in the future. (If it is easier, just shift the lot lines) 8. Between Lots 7 and 8 revise the 305 contour to allow for a deeper passive drainage swale. 9. The number of discharge points entering the existing channel on the east side of the property needs to be minimized to at most 2. We would recommend the 2 locations be where headwalls #1 and #10 are located. Headwall #1 needs to be better oriented such that the discharge flow does not go against the flow in the channel. The storm sewer will need to be revised to take the storm water from the southernmost inlets into drain manhole #13. 10. As you (The Bray Firm) did for storm sewers entering into the northern channel on Harpers Trail PD, please provide drop inlets on top of the bank on the proposed storm sewers (west of headwalls #1 and #10) before storm water discharges down the bank of the channel on this site. A small berm will need to be similarly constructed with north/south grading taking place such that water runs to the inlets instead of directly down the channel slope. The discharge elevation of the headwalls needs to be near the bottom of the channel. Page 1 of 3 Exhibit 4 Engineering Division Comments Erosion Control Plan: 11. TDEC requires as 3 phased erosion control plan which typically means 3 sheets. We have no issue with the way the erosion control plans are set up with 3 phases on 2 sheets, but if TDEC requires a revision, we will need to receive a copy of the revised plan sheets. 12. Extend silt fence on the east side of the site to the south to Tara Oaks Drive. Sewer Plan: 13. One copy of the state approved Sewer Plan shall be provided to the Engineering Department and Public Services. Construction of the sanitary sewer shall not begin until the state approval is received 14. The sewer is to be bored in Harpers Ferry 15. Please add a note at the exist. smh #1 that a drop construction is required for the proposed main connection 16. Please add a few flow arrows to the main 17. Please add a note that the sewer is Public Water Plan: 18. One copy of the state approved Water Plan shall be provided to the Engineering Department and Public Services. Construction of the water shall not begin until the state approval is received 19. Please add a note that the water is Public 20. There needs to be 3 valves at each intersection. Please add a valve to each one Combination Utility Plan: 21. Please show the drainage as well Shanborne Lane Plan & Profile Sheet: 22. Please add a note at the exist. smh #1 that a drop construction is required for the proposed main connection 23. Need a Plan View for the drainage outfalls. 24. #19-#21 – Profile View - #21 is labeled 0+00 first and then it is labeled 0+65 25. The pipe from #21 to #19 is labeled as 0.40% but the table has 0.50% 26. The intersection equation at Shanborne and Ethan is labeled as Kayley 27. The leader on the intersection equation for Shanborne Lane and Harpers Ferry is going to Shanborne Cove Kayley Cove Plan & Profile Sheet: 28. Need a Plan View for #9 to #8 29. The top for #1 is labeled as 298.00 in the Profile but 299.00 in the table. Since this is a headwall the top is really not required. Please remove or correct it 30. Plan View – Please label the rip-rap Ethan Cove Plan & Profile Sheet: 31. The intersection equation has Kayley Cove 32. Plan View – Please label the rip-rap Page 2 of 3 Exhibit 4 Engineering Division Comments Traffic Control Plan: 33. Is required Street Signage Plan: 34. Is required. Please show Speed Limit signs as well. There should only be 2 Speed Limit signs needed. One for the northbound traffic on Shanborne and one for the southbound traffic. (Please remove the signage notes from the P&P Sheets) General Comments: • Please provide a copy of the NOI, NOC and SWPPP • Street names shall be approved by MLGW. A copy of the MLGW address assignment shall be submitted to the Engineering Dept. • Please provide a CAD file so that GIS can verify that the coordinates are correct • Plans are being reviewed by the Engineering Inspector. Additional comments may be made • Please provide written responses stating how each comment was addressed • Marked up plans are available for your review if needed Page 3 of 3