Friday, Dec.
7 th at 6:00 pm through Sunday, Dec. 9 th at 3:00 pm.
Toni, 305-479-6219;
Julio, 786-547-4409; Angela,305-984-2500 Or Luis,
Have them stay in touch with St. Louis and our community. Please fill out the form below and reach out to someone you love.
Mail to: Leo & Carol Corradini, 5805 SW 113 St., Miami, FL 33156 or drop it in the collection basket on Sunday.
MONDAY – 7:00 AM – Men’s Bible – HR “B”.
MONDAY – 7:30 PM – Journey of Faith – HR ”C”.
MONDAY – 7:30 PM – Catholic Scripture – AFB.
MONDAY – 7:30 PM – Healing Through the Word – HR “A”.
WEDNESDAY – 7:00 AM – Cursillo Fourth Day – HR”D”.
WEDNESDAY – 7:30 PM – Catholic Bible Fellowship – AFB.
THURSDAY – 7:00 AM – Women’s Prayer Muffin – FCW.
THURSDAY – 9:30 AM – Catholic Bible Fellowship – AFB..
FRIDAY – 7:00 AM – Men’s Prayer Muffin – FCW.
CENTERING PRAYERS Would you like to know more about contemplative prayer? Join the group that is meeting every
Friday in R.C.I.A. office at 7:30 PM. For further information please call Joan Mullery, 305-252-3200.
GOLDEN AGERS invite you to their biweekly meetings in the Family Center East. If you are new in the parish and in your golden years, please join us and have fun. Come and see, you will not regret it. Bring a friend. If you are interested and want some information, please contact Wally or Jo,
NEW LIFE is the high school youth ministry and meets every
Wednesday from 7:30 to 9:30 PM. Additional events include social activities, Bible studies, Masses, retreats, service projects, trips, etc. For further details, please call Paul
Herring at the Youth Office, 305-238-7562 ext. 304.
is a youth ministry program for all 7 th and 8 th graders.
We meet every Tuesday from 7:30 to 9:00 PM. Events include
Masses, social activities, retreats, service projects, trips, etc.
For further details, please contact Mark Witkowski at the
Youth Office, 305-238-7562 ext. 303.
SEPARATED & DIVORCED MINISTRY will hold their meetings every Tuesday night at 7:30 PM in Hospitality Room
“C”. Please join us, be ministered to and meet friends, new and old. For more information, please contact Brian
Rotolante, 305-665-1711.
ST. LOUIS Y.A.C.H.T. Club (Young Adults Choosing Heaven
Together) is for 18-26 year old young adults. We are committed to seeking Christ through community, the sacraments and the Word of God. Join us for weekly meetings, retreats and social activities. We meet every two
2 nd and 4 th Monday at 7:30 pm in the Youth Center. For more information please contact Mark Witkowski, 305-238-7562 ext. 303 or marksays4@aol.com
THE POWER OF A PRAYING PARENT Parents will be meeting the First Saturday of every month, after the 8:30 AM
Mass, from 9:00 to 10:00 am in Rooms #102-103 in AFB, to pray for our children. Please join us at the 8:30 AM Mass.
For further information, please contact Donna Albert, 305-
595-3713 or Carolyn Kaldahl, 305-251-1286.
MORNINGSTAR RENEWAL CENTER Offer the following programs for the months of November & December:
MorningStar Meal Deals : Dec.6
th , come have dinner with us, great food, great prices…great place. Open seating between 6:00 and 7:00 pm. Reservation required for food planning purpose, cost $12 adults, $6 children, under 3 years old, free. Advent Retreat-“Expecting the God of
Surprises” Make your Advent a great time of prayerful anticipation. You could choose morning or evening for this retreat. Monday Dec. 3 rd 9:30 am to 1:00 pm. Fee; $30 pp lunch included. Director Fr. James Fetscher OR in the evening from 7:30 to 9:30 pm. Fee $15pp. Director, Sue Seltenright
DeFerrari. MorningStar Christmas Open House On
Monday Dec. 10 th from 6:00 to 9:00 pm. All are welcome!
Come and share some holiday cheer. Please RSVP. Advent
Retreat – “Stations of the Crib” One week left before
Christmas. How’s your Advent going? Choose morning or evening on Dec. 17 th from 9:30 am to1:00 pm. Fee $30 lunch included or 7:30 to 9:30 pm, fee $15. Director for both will be
Sr. Helen Rosenthal, RSCJ. New Year’s Eve Retreat Pray in the New Year! Monday Dec. 31 st 6:00 to 9:30 pm, fee $35 pp or $60 per couple; includes dinner and program. Overnight accommodations available; fee $85 pp or $150 per couple – includes dinner, program, overnight & continental breakfast on Jan. 1 st . Director: Fr. Paul Kane. For all these events registration is required. Please call 305-238-4367 or www.morningstarrenewal.org. MorningStar is located at 7275
SW 124 St., Pinecrest, FL 33156-5324.
SEPARATED/DIVORCED MINISTRY Learn how to cope with divorce during the holidays attending this seminar on Saturday
Dec. 8 th from 9:00 am -4:00 pm at the Sacred Heart Center of
St. Bartholomew Parish, 8005 Miramar Parkway, Miramar.
Cost $30 (lunch included). Pre-registration required;for more information please call Jean Duda, 305-762-1142 (Miami-Dade/
Monroe) or 525-5157 Ext 1140/1142 (Broward).
WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER Is your marriage falling into routine? Is your communication becoming complacent? Do your fondest memories come from “years ago” instead of “days ago”? Come and spend a full weekend just for the two of you – rediscover why you fell in love and why your spouse is your #1. Weekend dates available:
November 30 th – December 2 nd , 2007. To find out how to register, please call Ron & Toni Morejón, 954-432-0676.
Hermanos, ¿quieren enriquecer su vida espiritual? Te invitamos a asistir al grupo de Oración para cantar, alabar, adorar a Dios y meditar su palabra todos los miércoles después de la Misa de 7:30 pm en la Capilla. Te esperamos.
The Catholic Church teaches that “the dignity of the human person is rooted in his creation in the image and likeness of God” (from the Catechism of the Catholic Church,
1997). Catholics therefore wish to live a life that is worthy of this honor-a moral life, a life of dignity. God gave us the Ten
Commandments through Moses, and they remain a sound basis for a good Catholic life. They are incorporated into the
Catholic Catechism, which expounds on their virtue. Moreover,
Christ gave us through his followers both moral examples and commandments to achieve that ideal life.
The Ten Commandments, also known as the Decalogue, have great significance in the Catholic Church. The first three commandments are those God gave for appropriate worship of him. The next seven attest to the behavior of a good Catholic toward his or her neighbors. The basic obligations of religion and morality are as follows.
I am the Lord your God. You shall not have strange gods before me.
You shall not take the name of the Lord in vain.
[Oaths, perjury, and blasphemy are forbidden.]
Keep the Sabbath holy. [The Church interprets this commandment to mean that attendance at Mass on
Sunday is expected, and that on this day a good
Catholic should not turn his or her mind to other distractions, like work. The Sabbath is a day of worship.]
Honor your father and your mother.
You shall not kill.
You shall not commit adultery.
You shall not steal.
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife.
10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods.
La Iglesia Católica nos enseña que “la dignidad de la persona humana se basa en su creación a imagen y semejanza de Dios” (del Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica,
1997). Los Católicos por tanto desean vivir una vida que sea digna de este honor; una vida moral, una vida de dignidad.
Dios nos dio los Diez Mandamientos a través de Moisés, y los mismos siguen siendo una base sólida para la vida de un buen católico. Los mandamientos son incorporados en el
Catecismo Católico, que expone acerca de sus virtudes.
Asimismo, Cristo dio a través de sus seguidores ejemplos morales y mandamientos a fin de lograr esa vida ideal.
Los Diez Mandamientos, también conocidos como el
Decálogo, tiene gran significado en la Iglesia Católica. Los tres primeros mandamientos son aquellos que Dios otorgo con respecto a una adoración apropiada de las criaturas hacia
El. Los siguientes siete se refieren a la conducta de un buen católico hacia el prójimo. Las obligaciones básicas de la religión y la moral son:
Yo soy el Señor tu Dios. No tendras otros dioses fuera de mi.
No tomaras el nombre de Dios en vano [se prohiben juramentos, perjurio y blasfemia.]
Recuerda el día del sábado para santificarlo [La
Iglesia interpreta este mandamiento para explicar que se espera la asistencia a misa los domingos, y que en este día un buen católico no debe desviar su atención hacia otras distracciones, como el trabajo.
El sábado es un día de adoración.]
Honraras a tu padre y a tu madre.
No robarás.
No cometerás adulterio.
No robaras.
No darás testimonio falso contra tu prójimo.
No codiciaras la mujer de tu prójimo.
10. No codiciaras los bienes de tu prójimo.
Grupo de terapia y apoyo para personas obsesionadas en controlar y/o agradar a otras personas relacionadas con el uso o sin el uso, de substancias químicas. Nos reunimos los lunes a las 8:00 PM, en el Hospitality Room “B”. Para más información puede comunicarte con Rosie, 305-388-6774
(entre 10:00 am y 8:00 pm).
Es el grupo de Jóvenes Adultos de habla hispana. Ven y conoce personas de tu edad (18-35) que están en busca de
Jesús, comparte tu fe con felicidad y alegría. Nos reunimos los viernes de 8:00 a 10:30 PM en el Hospitality Room “C” . Si necesitas información adicional puedes comunicarte con Juan
Rodríguez, 786-301-7781 o Ninoska Chang-Quesada, 786-553-
Our parish community welcomed...
ALISON JOANNE WILKINS daughter of Aaron & Cristina Wilkins
ADISON ELIZABETH PURCHON daughter of Michael & Amanda Purchon
ANTHONY BRIAN CHOW son of Manuel & Mildred Chow
SEBASTIAN MANUEL JIRON son of Alvaro & Krystina Jiron
… in the sacrament of Baptism. We congratulate these new members and their families. We, as a parish, pledge our support and prayers as they grow with us in living out the Christian message.
PRIMERA LECTURA (II Macabeo 7: 1-2, 9-14)
En medio de la persecución de Antíoco Epifanes contra los israelitas se produce este testimonio de martirio que vamos a escuchar. La fe en la resurrección sostiene a los siete hermanos y a su madre en este momento de prueba.
Confía en Dios, y saben que aunque pierden la vida presente, entraran en la vida eterna de Dios.
SEGUNDA LECTURA (II Tesalonicenses 2:16 3:5)
Pablo nos anima a ser constantes en nuestra fe en
Jesús. Esta fe debe ser activa. Su consecuencia y signo son las buenas obras. La fuerza y la gracia de Dios nos orientan y animan en la vida auténticamente cristiana. La fidelidad de Dios Padre, su amor a la humanidad, la esperanza y el consuelo de Jesucristo nos ayudan a esperar y a amar.
EVANGELIO (Lucas 20: 27-38)
En este Evangelio asistimos a un diálogo entre Jesús y los saduceos. Este grupo religioso no creía en la resurrección, ni en la vida futura. Buscan dejar en ridículo a Jesús planteándole una historia extraña, llena de ironía y mala idea.
Jesús les aclara que el Cielo no es como la tierra, que allí no sirven nuestras leyes y que Dios, que es Vida, y Señor de la vida, nos dará una vida nueva en el Cielo. Viviremos con El plenamente como hijos suyos.
Luke Sturgill, Doris Green, Dave Marley, Bill Brown, Sr.,
Blanca Kurlowicz, Mauricio Figueras, Michael Blank,
Francisco Morales, Jane Thompson, Alma Solano, Carolyn
Lawson, Danielle del Pino, Susan Fischer, Alba Diaz, Ileana
Cordoba, Karen Pegues, Angelita Castillo, Nydia Ramirez,
Sr. Ileana Valdes, OP, Rev. Francisco Lemus, S.J., Connie
Palmer, Eileen Hawk, Esperanza Lara, Sharon Donahui,
William Tomecko, Dorothy Haiduven, Patrick Doliny, Julien
Wingate, Ethel Tevanan, Betty & Kristen Quinn, Colleen
Whisenhunt, Mary Shelter, Tina Reese, Sandy Moravec, Luc
James, Viola Bedoya, Alba & Rosaura Diaz, Carla Hill,
Stephanie King, Conchita Acosta, Christina Alvarez, Adelaida
Maldonado, Juan Guerra, Norman Bravo, Mimi Askey, Marlo
Gary, Jeannette Bernard, Wally Pritcher, Maureen Osborne,
Manny Rodriguez, Jacob Piven, Carlina Chaveau, Elaine
Sullivan, Francisco Raffols, Giovanni Ordoñez, Manolito
Lopez, Lilia Reines, Mary Calcagno, Debbie Simpson, Elaine
Rembisz, Gabriela Imbimbo, Karen Betancourt, Maria
Richardson, Susana Laurel, Kelly Hope, Sara Gordilla, Ed
Glynn, Caitlin Carls, Lena Joseph, Caleb Ingram, Rosa Maria
Bestard, Henry & Georgette Pidal, Michael & Jean Lamia,
Ralph Quarto, Ana Young, Amalia DeDemadiz, Dick Faucher,
Vicky Wehling, Agustin Vergara, Ily Maria Goyanes, Mark
Treco, Anna Jaen, Norman Johnson, Adita Rubiera, Andrew
Skwara, Melvin Calhoum, Sylvia Sharpe, Henry Counihan,
Daisy Bernado, Monica Ricchini, Felipe Montes de Oca,
Nicole Palizzi, Adriana Tobon, Chin Keim Adolf, Charles Gallo,
Chrissy Garcia, Jose Gandol, Anne Griffin, Steven Eubanks,
Merl Hurley, Pat Jefferis, Rene Ynclan,
251-7335 OR MAIN OFFICE AT 305-238-7562.
Our prayers and sympathy are with Beverly Scott on the death of her beloved brother JACK PRITCHARD . We pray that eternal peace shall be his as we pray that comfort be given to his family and friends.
5:30 pm
7:30 am
8:30 am
9:00 am
11:00 am
12:30 pm Gonzalez
5:30 pm Chan/Keclik
7:15 pm
Spears-Bunton/Martinez Stephen Porter (305-598-7452)
Ann Schoen (305-446-8124)
Zoraida Torres (305-270-7936)
Pat Desbiens (305-251-8988)
Lauren Chue-Sang (305-233-9494)
Carol Wright (305-232-8425)
Miriam Columbro (305-412-9259)
Gloria Cornejo (305-274-9614)
The Nursery is
OPEN every
Sunday for the
9:00 & 11:00 am
*These are the persons in charge of the scheduling of the Vocation Cup for their respective Mass. Please call them.
Open Hours:
Mon. 9:00 - 11:00 am
Tues. 9:00 - 11:00 am & 4:00 - 6:00 pm
Wed. 9:00 - 11:00 am & 7:00 - 9:00 pm
Thurs. 2:00 - 4:00 pm
Fri. 9:00 - 11:00 am
Sat. after 5:30 Mass
Sun. 10:00 - 2:00pm
We now have a beautiful selection of Christmas cards for special order that can be engraved with a personalized message and/or signature. Come in and order early.
Nov. 12 th
Nov. 13 th
Nov. 14 th
Nov. 15 th
Nov. 16 th
Nov. 17 th
Nov. 18 th
6:30 am
8:30 am
6:30 am
8:30 am
6:30 am
8:30 am
7:30 pm
6:30 am
8:30 am
6:30 am
8:30 am
8:30 am
5:30 am
7:30 am
8:30 am
9:00 am
11:00 am
12:30 pm
5:30 pm
7:15 pm
Josephat, bishop-martyr
Wis 1:1-7/Lk17:1-6
† Noemi Jimenez/Rodriguez Family
† Pepe Figarola/Palaszewski Family
Frances Xavier Cabrini, virgin
Wis 2:23 3: 9/Lk 17:7-10
† Berta, Chela & Will Lacayo/Ligia Ortega
† Anthony Campisi/Loving Son
Wis 6:1-11/Lk 17:11-19
† Oscar Rene Castillo/Ligia Ortega
† Anthony Aluia/Loving Daughter
† Enrique Daza/Alvaro & Family
Albert the Great, bishop-doctor
Wis 7:22 8:1/Lk 17:20-25
In Thanksgiving/Beatrice
† Beatriz Benitez/Sylvia Sanchez
Margaret of Scotland/Gertrude, virgin
Wis 13:1-9/Lk 17:26-37
Tom Lopez-Happy Birthday
† William Chestoks/Grace Chestoks
Elizabeth of Hungary, religious
Wis 18:14-16; 19:6-9/Lk 18:1-8
† Roseline Antoine/Loving Family
† Jose Bestard/M&M Luis Rodriguez
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mal 3:19-20/2Thes 3:7-12/Lk 18:35-43
† Recently Deceased/Bereavement Ministry
† Ricardo Alvarez/Loving Family
† Pepe & Gene Garcia/Caridad Garcia
St. Louis Parish Family/Parish Priests
† Alcida Contag/Marie Iglesias
Special Intention/Alberto Perera
Giancarlo Ortega/Ligia Ortega
Abrahams, Altamont
Acosta,José & Oneida
Agraz-Guerena, Jorge & Mercedes
Aguirre,Alexander & Minerva
Ahern, Frances
Albert , Robert & Donna
Albizuri , Sofia
Alfonso , Nancy
Alicea, Ida
Almirall, José & Susanne
Alvarez , Helen
Alvarez, Ibrahim & Lourdes
Alvarez,Isidro & Silvia
Alvarez , Jorge & Aleida
Alvarez,Pedro & Josefina
Angulo, Roberto & Carmenmaria
Antonelli , Mark & Debbie
Arango, Mario & Deborah
Arango , Mario & Gladys
Arata , William & Fulvia
Arenas , Ruth
Arguello, Carlos & Michelle
Arguello, Joaquín & Ana
Arias , Ramón & Aleida
Ariza , Edgardo & Olga
Armenteros, Miguel & Magaly
Armstrong , Craig & Karla
Avila , Karen
Baggini , Juan & Mariaelena
Bailey , Charles & Lilia
Baker , Barry & Ann
Baldelomar, Alejandro & Matilde
Barcia , Daniel & Maria
Barfield, Larry & Colleen
Barranco , Orlando & Trinidad
Barrow , William & Ruth
Barton, James & Norma
Bauer , Charles & Rita
Bauta , Juan & Natalie
Bazan , John & Margaret
Bazan,Schiller & Marlene
Bazan, Jr.Schiller & Julie
Becerra , Sergio & Margaret
Bechtinger, Cecilia
Beckler , Judith
Bedoya, Cristian
Befeler , George & Monique
Belisario,Neuman & Esperanza
Bell , Mary
Beltran-Urdaneta, Conchita
Benitez, Víctor & Miriam
Betancourt, Rodrigo & Maria
Biddulph , Terrence
Bird,Eric & Jennifer
Black, Claire
Blanco , José & Mary
Blank, Ira & Dorothy
Bliss, Dorothy
Block , Wayne & Annemarie
Boet , Franklin & Consuelo
Boschetti , Carmen
Boyles , Michael & Ileana
Bradley , Elizabeth
Bravo , Cesar & Maria
Brendecke,Theodore & Esperanza
Brenner, Eric & Ilse
Brodsky , Elizabeth
Brown , Daniel & Lynne
Brown , Robert & Cynthia
Brown , William & Marilucy
Bryan , Robert & Jean
Buckhalt , Russell & Esperanza
Bugdal , Richard & Georgianne
Buhler , Michel
Burke , Josephine
Burt , John
Buzone,Louis & Elizabeth
Buzzella , Lon
Byrne, Gerald & Maxine
Cabanas , Oscar & Leonor
Callaghan , David & Yolanda
Calvo,Alfonso & Alicia
Campos , Frank & Grace
Cano-Nanclares, Nelson & Mónica
Cárdenal, Julio & Sandra
Cárdenas, Christina
Carlton , Philip
Carmona, Stela
Carpenter, Ann
Carricarte, Charles & Bruna
Carter , Nancy
Caruncho , Gerri
Caruso , Mark & Deborah
Casanova , Agustina
Castan , Rodney & Daria
Castillo, Ulvia
Castro , Frank & Maria
Cervantes , Maria
Cervantes, Paulina
Cesarano , Teresa
Cetta , Karl & Susana
Chamberlain, David & Elaine
Chang , Gladstone & Millionita
Charlier , Vladimir & Martine
Chavez,Manuel & Bernice
Chavez, Omar & Mary
Chestoks, Grace
Chin , Winston & Jacqueline
Chong , George & Lorraine
Christensen, Bernice
Christoforou, Christopher & Dana
Christopherson, David & Wendy
Chue-Sang, Lauren
Clark , Curtis & Lourdes
Closius , Robert & Lillian
Collada,Manuel & Rebeca
Colón , Elsa
Colón , Perry & Irma
Columbro , Miriam
Condon , Nelson & Rosalyn
Connell,James & Erica
Constante , Carmen
Consuegra , Roger & Mabel
Conte , Joseph & Maria
Cornejo, Gloria
Corradini, Leo & Carol
Coslick, Carl
Cox, Edward & Perri
Crane , Elizabeth
Crippa , Luciano & Raquel
Curtis,Timothy & Martha
Dalrymple, Linda
Dangler, Emma
Daniels, Donald & Irene
Dao,Thi Dung & Quoc
Davidson, Tom & Laura
Davis , Luisa
Daye,Charlie & Kirsten
De Ferrari, Michael & Susan
De la Fe, Sergio & Lissette
De La Rosa, Margarita
De Lano, Helene
De Luca, James & Deborah
De Pena, Jean
De Porter , Bud & Jane
De Varona , Estela
Debs , George & Viviana
Del Amo, Gisela L.
Del Toro,Antonio & Heidi
Del Valle,Ignacio & Olga
Del Valle, Pedro & Virginia
Desbiens, Robert & Patricia
Deschapelles, Luis & Fabiola
Di Bello, Darin & Lilia
Di Fede, Salvatore
Díaz , Edgardo & Mónica
Díaz, Nicolás & Juanita
Díaz, Rosaura
Dick, Philip
Donelli, Andrew & Arleen
Donna, Elio & Marta
Downey, John & Deborah
Driggs , Raul & Rosa
Dugard, James & Alma
Dunn, Raymond & Eugenie
Dyches, James & Anita
Ehler, Kim
Elder, George & Ana
Ellis, Isoline
Emerson,Thomas & Alma
England, Alonzo
England, Peter & June
Espinosa, Francisco & Lucinda
Espinoza, Inocencia
Estoque, Mariano & Rose
Eusebe, Marie
Evans, Alexander & Sylvia
Fabregas, Jorge & Marlene
Fahmy, Emad & Suzanne
Falgons, Julian & Daphne
Fasy, Joseph & Rachel
Fawcett, James & Jimmie
Febles, Pedro & Myrna
Fedele, Peter & Claire
Fenaughty , Mark & Astrid
Fernández , Henry & Marcella
Fernández , Ismael & Zeida
Fernández , Julio & Miriam
Ferrer, Wifredo & Adabel
Ferreyra, Raul & Clara
Fetscher , James
Fischer, Anne
Fleming, Eugene & Mary Alice
Flores, Alejandrina
Florez, Luis & Haydee
Flynn, Stephen & Christina
Flynn, William & Dorothy
Foley, Scott & Anelisa
Fong-Yee, Eric & Mavis
Fourquet , Jose & Karen
Franceschi, Dido & Maria
Franchi-De-Alfaro, Elena
Frazier , Rosell & Angelina
Freile, Adela
French, Norman & Marie
Friedlander, Robert & Anita
Gallivan, Alma
Gantt, Ann
Garcia, Jose & Maria
Gay , Martha
Germani , Federico & Tracy
Gerónimo, Ralph & Lorraine
Gerundo, Richard & Serina
Giroux , Michael & Theresa
Girten, J. Fred & Esther
Glynn, Joseph
Glynn, Mary
Gómez, Cosme & Rosina
Gómez, José & Maria Aracely
Gomes, Ralph & Cynthia
González, Eddie & Vivian
González, Estrella
Green, Christopher &
Green , John & Doris
Green, Patricia
Greenstein, Michelle
Gross, Joseph & Renee
Gutierrez, Jaime & Maria
Gutierrez, Mercedes
Gutshall, Wayne & Myrna
Guyamier, Raymond & Lucette
Hacker, William & Alice
Hafner, Frederick
Hainlin, Lourdes
Hammonds, Jean
Hand, James & Jean
Hanlon, Thomas & Judith
Hanly, Andrew
Hardy, Jack & Teresa
Hart, Edward & Rosemarie
Hasbun, Guillermo & Claudia
Haussmann, Kevin & Diana
Hayden, H. Bruce & Mary
Headley, Charles & Sinia
Hearne, William & Margaret
Hernandez , Antonio & Maria
Hernández , Juan & Johanna
Hernández , Juan & Paola
Hernández , Richard & Patricia
Herrera, Luís & Mónica
Heyward, Jeanne
Hill, Eileen
Hudek, Robert & Mary Sue
Huete, Alfredo & Thelma
Hughes, Mary
Icaza , Alejo & Charmaine
Idarraga, Alonso & Luz
Iglesias, Ramón & Ileana
Iriarte, Dario & Jackie
Jasinski, Michael & Winsome
Jesurun,I var & Deborah
Jonson, Irene
Johnson, Maurice & Ghislaine
Jordan, Lillian
Joya-Lobaton, Oriele
Jubis, Oscar & Magda
Julien, Margaret
Kaldahl, Scott & Carolyn
Kauffman, Julie
Keclik, Richard & Lucia
Kelleher, Arthur & Dolores
Kern,James & Patricia
Kerr,Oliver & Mary Ann
Khalil,Samir & Wafa
King,James & Mary
King,Morgan & Miriam
King, Richard & Angela
Kish , Michael
Klinck-Shearman, William & Amalia
Knapp, Jean Sara
Knott, Roderick & Myriam
Kolodziejczak, Paul
Kopp, Ingeborg
Kowaleski, Theodore & Debra
Krogh, Bernard & Maria
Kurps, James & Betty
Labelle,George & Laurie
Lacayo, Nelly
Lam, Alex & Colleen
Lamb, James & Anabelle
Lane-Roig, Regina
Lappin, John & Isaura
Lasso,Edward & Angela
Lau, Miguel & Rosa
Lauber , Douglas & Maribel
Le Blanc, Danielle
Lee-Shengtin, Marina
Lenger, William & Carolyn
Leong, Danny & Judy
Leschhorn , Edmundo & Carmen
Lesperance, Robert & Irene
Lespinasse-Lauture, Marie Anne
Leto, Alfonso & Grace
Ley, Dianne
Lichtenstein, Enrique & Ana
Little, John & Lourdes
Liwanag, Lillian
Llanes , Adolfo & Carmen
Llanes, Armando & Maria
Llera, Rubén & Lourdes
Liddell, Scott & Leonila
Lobo, John & Elisabeth
Loek, Patricia
Lominac-Carrigan, Eve
Longueira, Joseph & Elaine
Lopes , George & Theresa
López,Calixto & Katushka
López, Carlos & Maria-Teresa
López, Héctor & Martha
López, Juan & Allison
López, Leonardo & Kim
López,Thomas & Kiki
López-Calleja, José & Patricia
Lothian , William & Katherine
Loys , Raul & Liane
Lozano , Carlos & Delina
Lucas, Helen
Ludovici, Philip & Barbara
Lux-Skinner, Ron & Brenda
Lyden , Edward & Caridad
Lyden, Jeanne
Lynch, Allen & Zulma
Lynch, Winnifred
MacDonald, Stuart & Martha
Mackle, Laura
Magluta, Alan & Teresa
Magrath, Kathleen
Magtira, Marjorie
Maguiña, Francisco
Maingot, Randall & Monica
Maiorana, Mary Theressa
Maldonado, Hernando & Martha
Maloney, Brian & Lisa
Mamert, Jean Pierre & Toni
Mancha, Carlos & Silvia
Mangialetto, John & Amy
Mangialetto, John & Carol
Manning, Barbara
Marchus, Katherine
Marciniak, Edward & Josephine
Marin, Arnoldo & Piri
Marrou, Luis & Yvonne
Martinez, Angel & Maria
Martinez, Arturo & Olga
Martinez, Hilda
Martinez, Jorge & Linda
Martinez, Marino & Aixa
Martinez, Oscar & Rosa
Martinez, William & Michelle
Martinez-Varela, Carlos & Mabel
Martino, Andy & Claudette
Mastrapa, Yvonne
Matchette, Joseph & Genevieve
Mathisen, Norman & Christine
Matsumoto, Sylvia
McCall, Rita
McCarthy, James & Sandra
McDonald, James & Susan
McElroy, Carolina
McInerney, Stephen
McInerney , Vincent & Evelyn
McKee, Nancy
McKeever, Michael & Iris
McKeon, Ellen
McNamara , Russell & Margrith
Mederos, Enrique & Mabel
Mejia, Danilo & Sandra
Mello, Dennis & Diane
Mena, Amanda
Mendez, Carlos & Carmen
Mendez,Juan & Isabel
Menendez, Alejandro & Marlene
Meyer, Geraldine
Micali, John & Laura
Mielke, Nancy
Miller, James & Holly
Millott , Daniel & Judith
Mion, Enrique
Modrono, Manuel & Jeannie
Mongolia, Lisa
Monsalvatge, Donald & Linda
Montalbán, Marcelo & Berna
Montalvan, Ricardo & Magaly
Moody , Andrea
Moore, Alan & Diane
Morales, Esperanza
Morales, Julio & Cristina
Moravec, Andrew & Sandra
Moravec, Michelle
Moreau, Francis & Jane
Mullery, Joan
Muniz, Carlos & Alicia
Munoz, Alejandro & Adriana
Murphy, Michael & Jennifer
Murphy, Vickie
Myers , Eric & Maria
Navarro, Maximo & Ana
Negron, Edgardo & Isabel
Neuenschwander, Fernando & Kerima
Neumann, Charles & Betty
Nieves, Abraham & Maritza
Nord, Patricia
Noto,Thomas & Dorotea
Novo, Oscar & Marie
Nunes, Isabel
Nunez, Emilio & Glenda
Nunez, Rolando & Monica
O’Connell, Lawrence & Lourdes
O’Connor, Michael
Orihuela, Enrique & Maria
Ortiz, Iris
Ortiz, Irvin & Elisa
Ott , Elizabeth
Paba, Sandra
Paez, Rafael & Gemma
Page, Gregson & Pamela
Page, Larry & Joan
Palacio, Arturo & Maria
Palaszewski, Daniel & Mary
Pantin, Donald & Sara
Parsons, Van & Charlene
Pasciak, John
Patino, Gladys
Paul-Noel, Stadder & Rosemarie
Pavloff, Michael & Alice
Pegues, Ansil & Karen
Pelaez, Eduardo & Natalia
Pelaez, Pablo & Charlene
Pelleya-Kouri, Rene
Peloquin, Andre
Perdomo, Luis & Julie
Peremenis , John & Valerie
Perez, Carlos & Melissa
Perez,Juan & Maria
Perez, Luis & Lourdes
Perez, Patricia
Perez, Ricardo & Maria
Perez-Abreu, Roberto & Jennifer
Perkins, Melody
Petersen, Earle & Yvonne
Petersen, Vincent & Susan
Pherson, James & Mary
Phillips, Bohn & Jennifer
Pi , Osvaldo & Vivian
Pick, Peter & Eldy
Poozhikunnel, Joseph & Anita
Post, Barry & Lydia
Powell,Thomas & Mary Jane
Powers, Richard
Prada, David & Elizabeth
Prahl,William & Cecilia
Price-Young, Bernadette
Prosper, Armelle
Proulx, Margaret
Puente, Norma
Puyada, Robert & Maria
Quinn, Kenneth & Elizabeth
Ramos, Pablo & Amelia
Rangel, Emilio & Dinorah
Ready, Robert & Sheila
Rebozo, Charles & Connie
Reeves, George & Rosa
Rembiez, Ronald & Elaine
Remley, Rex & Gertrude
Reser, Christine
Restrepo, Jose & Maria
Reyes, Javier & Georgina
Reyneri , Nelson & Josefina
Richards, Kevin & Kathryn
Rivera, Charles & Heather
Robleto, Frank & Beatrice
Roche, Phillip & Ketty
Rodríguez, Felipe & Ana
Rodríguez, Gonzalo & Maria
Rodríguez, Hernando & Thalya
Rodríguez, Luis & Irmina
Rodríguez, Manuel & Suzanne
Rodríguez, Miriam
Rodríguez, Raul & Ninozzka
Rodríguez, Remberto & Shirley
Rodríguez, Sergio & Laly
Rodríguez, Victor & Maria
Romero, Jose & Julia
Romo, Salvador & Hilda
Ronan , Michael & Patricia
Ronconi, Anthony & Christine
Rosa, Wilfredo & Maria
Rosales, Angelina
Rosso, Jorge & Maria
Roth, Jacqueline
Rottler, Donald & Ada
Rotulo, Ruben & Nancy
Rubio, Gaston
Ruiz, Ana
Ruiz, Philip & Cynthia
Ruiz, Roberto & Ana
Russo, Angelo & Maria
Russomanno, Herman & Sally
Ryder, Doris
Sabbag, Anthony
Safinski, Robert & Lenore
Salvade, Fernando & Maria
Sanchez, Cesar
Sanchez, Felicitas
Sanchez, Lucito & Joan
Sanchez, Pablo & Rita
Santella, Joseph & Margaret
Sarria, Alberto & Liana
Sarria, Jorge & Iris
Schaefer, Faith
Schaefer, Olga
Schoen, Paul & Ann
Scholer , Ronald & Lois Ann
Schry, Donald
Schue, Eric & Robin
Schwarte, Gisa
Schweitzer, Gregory & Kimberly
Schwinghammer, Gregor & Nnorma
Schwitalla, Alphonse & Mary Lou
Scott, Joseph & Clare
Seligman, Jasmine
Serrano, Boris & Lillian
Serrano, Ralph & Jeannie
Sharpe, Sylvia
Sicking, Richard & Zoe
Sikah, Marie
Silberberg, Noel & Sandra
Silva , Anthony & Milagros
Silva, Claudia
Silva, Claudio & Tatiana
Silva, Eduardo & Leticia
Simona, Robbin
Sinnott, Juan & Maria
Sitko , Ann
Sitko , Susan
Skidmore, Ellen
Sklenka, Robert & JoAnn
Slocum, Cecilia
Smith , James & Maria
Sondon, Raul & Lauren
Spado, Richard & Marlene
Speranza, Helen
Spring , Michael & Maria
Springer, Carole
Stanham , John & Ana
Stanham, Peter & Marisol
Suarez, Alfredo & Maria
Suarez, Pablo & Annette
Subil , Emilio & Ida
Suris, Jose & Hilda
Swienton, Gregory & Jo Ann
Tabak, Jeremy & Marjorie
Tarke, Nelson & Christina
Taveras, Marcos & Carmen
Tegmeyer, Erika
Teixeira, Damian & Nicolle
Tello, Raul & Martha
Teriele,Thomas & Blanca
Thiede, Walter
Thomas, Barbara
Thomas , Raymond & Mary
Tiedt, Jeane
Toledo, Jose & Mayra
Tomonto, Charles & Elsa
Tomonto, James & Irene
Tomonto, Robert & Anne
Torbiak, Marie
Torres, Bobby & Yvonne
Trembley , John & Barbara
Tria, Vincent
Trimboli, William & Helen
Trujillo, Jorge & Rebecca
Tschirhart, Brian & Kathryn
Turner, Corinne
Turner , Grace
Ulloa, Roberto & Viviana
Valdes, Estrella
Valdes , Olga
Valentin, Pedro
Van De Water, Thomas & Jeanette
Vandenberg, Jeanine
Vander Wyden, Constance
Varon, Libia
Vasquez, Pablo & Terri
Vells , George & Mary
Ventura, Jasmine
Victor, Harry & Marie
Vidal, Ernesto & Marta
Vidaurreta, Guillermo & Maria
Vilchez, Angela
Villanueva, Tomas & Lourdes
Villalonga, Enrique & Rosamaria
Villena, Jose & Linda
Vinent,Pablo & Laura
Viyella , Miguel & Sonnia
Volpatti , Ernesto & Claudia
Vondrak,Werner & Annette
Voudris, Stephan & Julie
Waddell, John & Angelica
Wadsworth, Maria
Walton, Jean
Wanschek, Lawrence
Weidinger, Matthew
Weidler, Erika
Weidler, Virginia
Weltmann, Monica
Wenkoff, Carman & Elaine
Werner , Howard & Joanne
Westman, Mark & Ileana
Whelpley , David & Vickie
White, Peter
Williams, David & Francine
Williams, Pamela
Williams, Richard & Kathryn
Wilson, Agnes
Wilson, Michael & Lisbeth
Wingard, David & Johanna
Wingate, Fred & Julie
Witkowski, Mark & Ceclia
Witkowski, Michael & Carol
Woodburn, Troy & Anique
Wright, William & Mercedes
Yap, Andrew & Diahann
Yau, Michael & Mary Ann
Iglesias, Douglas & Lisa
Iglesias, Robert & Barbara
Zager, Denice
Zaldivar, Victoria
Zinn , Reinaldo & Nora