MESSENGER MENSAJERO S T . L U K E ’ S E P I S C O P A L CTHE HURC H ~ S A N LU C AEL S IG L E S I A E P I SC O P A L The Messenger ~ El Mensajero Volume 46 Issue 3 MARCH 2015 MARZO 2015 Rector’s Corner Updating the Vision At the Vestry Retreat that just took place (20 & 21 of February), the Vestry was presented with a vision from me of the next three years. It is not the official vision and mission of the Parish, but rather ideas to go forward with the Vision, Mission and Goals that we passed as a Church after lengthy reflection in January of 2013. It reads: St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas is a bilingual Episcopal Church serving Vancouver and Southwest Washington since 1853. Vision: Our vision is to answer God’s call to be an Anglo-Hispanic faith community that works together to share the love of Christ. Mission: With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, our mission is to extend hospitality to all, to respond to human need through service, and to grow in faith together. GOALS: Develop closer relationship between the Anglo and Hispanic members of the parish Expand outreach programs into the community Promote the growth of the parish Provide opportunities for members to grow in faith in a safe social environment Continued support of pastoral care program. Someone pointed out that what we have listed as “Goals” are not measurable or time bound, as you might expect from well-expressed goals. Instead they are areas of focus by which our activities might be evaluated. The first goal is the hardest for us to accomplish, and under that ministry focus, I have identified challenges in five areas we could work in the next 3 years: governance, education, administration, music, and liturgy. These are sweeping, long term goals, and we have much discussion to do as to how to implement any of them. In reflecting on the work areas, the Vestry agreed to re-state goal 3. The third bulleted goal reads "Promote the growth of the parish." We have agreed to change it as follows: "3. Allow growth to arise naturally by providing quality ministries." The motion to alter the language passed unanimously by voice vote. The restated goal expresses our realization that if we, as a Parish, are faithful to our core value of hospitality, the quality of our ministry will probably result in growth. Therefore growth does not need to be a focus: It simply needs to be allowed. Fr. Jaime Case Rincón del Rector Actualizando la Visión Durante el Retiro de la Junta Parroquial, que fue hecho el 20 & 21 de febrero, la Junta fue presentado con la visión mía para los próximos 3 años. No es la versión oficial de la visión y misión de la Parroquia, sino más bien ideas para adelantar la Visión, Misión y Metas que implementamos para la Iglesia después de larga reflexión en enero de 2013. Dice: St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas es una Iglesia Episcopal bilingüe sirviendo Vancouver y el Suroeste de Washington desde 1853. Visión: Nuestra visión es responder al llamado de Dios para ser una comunidad de fe Anglo-Hispana que obra para compartir el amor de Cristo. Misión: Con la guía del Espíritu Santo, nuestra misión es extender hospitalidad a todos, responder a las necesidades humanas por servicio, y crecer juntos en la fe. METAS: Desarrollar relaciones más estrechas entre miembros Hispanos y Anglos de la parroquia Expandir programas de servicio a la comunidad 2 THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO (Outreach). Promover el crecimiento de la parroquia. Proveer oportunidades a miembros para crecer en fe en un ambiente confiable. Continuar el respaldo del programa de cuidado pastoral. Alguien notó que lo que llamamos “Metas” no son medibles ni con término, como se debe tener para unas metas bien expresadas. En cambio son áreas de foco por lo cual nuestras actividades pueden ser evaluados. La primera meta es la más difícil de completar, y bajo este enfoque de ministerio, he identificado retos bajo cinco temas que podemos lidiar en los próximos 3 años: gobierno, educación, administración, música y liturgia. Son metas de largo plazo que tenemos que elaborar para implementar. En reflexionar sobre las áreas de trabajo, hela Junta decidió enmendar el número “3. Promover el crecimiento de la parroquia.” Lo vamos a cambiar a esto: “3. Permitir el crecimiento natural por proveer ministerios de buena calidad.” El cambio fue unánime. La meta redactada expresa nuestra realización que si somos fieles a nuestro valor clave, la hospitalidad, que la calidad de los ministerios probablemente resultará en crecimiento. Por consecuencia, el crecimiento no tiene que ser un foco, sino permitido. Padre Jaime Case IMAGINAR LOS PRÓXIMOS 3 AÑOS Preparé este para el Retiro de la Junta Parroquial para comunicar lo que creía que son importantes retos y oportunidades para la Parroquia por los próximos 3 años. Este documento quiere chispar interés, discurso y discernimiento como Parroquia y Junta por parte de la Parroquia entera. Por favor, considere esto como un borrador complicado de ideas, no como un orden concreto de procedimiento. Está sujeto a cambios, borrados, y toda otra forma de enmendación. La mayoría de los retos rodean el ministerio de y a los hispanos. Este es el 16º año que SL2 ha tenido una Eucaristía en español, y esta misa expresa bien nuestro valor clave de hospitalidad. La misa también representa las generaciones por venir, debido a que 40% de la asistencia a la misa es menor que 12 años de edad. Por medio de clases de inglés, puede dirigir la expansión de nuestro ministerio a un segmento nuevo. Lo que sigue es basado en la Visión, Misión y Metas en mi artículo este mes. Mejorar la relación entre hispanos y anglos en la iglesia: Adjunto se resumen los restos que enfrentamos en el gobierno, educación, administración, música y liturgia para miembros Hispanos. Los marcos de tiempo expresan mis pensamientos en cuando estos asuntos deben ser iniciados o resueltos. Gobierno (1-2 años): Retos: La Junta Parroquial está dominada por Anglos. Reservar solamente un puesto para los Hispanos no es adecuado: Posible Solución: Cambiar de un solo puesto para un hispano a 3 hispanos, 3 Anglo, y 3 que pueden ser cualquier. Nominar un hispano en 2016 y cada año después. Cambiar las Reglas (Bylaws) para realizar esta meta. Reclutar personas bilingües para ser nominado cada año. Educación (1-2 años): Retos: Estoy solo haciendo las clases de Primera Comunión (¡otra clase comienza el 1 de marzo a las 12 con 20 estudiantes!), para integración social, y liderazgo. La escuela dominical está creciendo a más que 20 niños cada domingo, que es demasiado para los maestros y los salones de clase. Posible Solución: Examinar el método, situación, y maestros e identificar soluciones. Dividir la clase en dos por edad Proveer entrenamiento a todos los maestros en Godly Play. Reclutar más maestros que son capaces en español. Pensar en un director de educación para cada idioma. THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO Administración (1-2 años): Retos: Toda administración y preparación para misas de 15, de bodas, entierros, me caen a mí. Además hago la preparación para todas estas misas, inclusive todos folletos y todas las clases. Tengo que reservar las fechas en el calendario. Solamente yo puedo contestar las llamadas en español. No alcanzo hacer grupos pequeños entre los latinos. No se puede ni pensar en mantenimiento de la página de internet, grabación de sermones, o de música, u otra presencia en la red social. Posible Solución: Llegar a tener un(a) administrador(a) de tiempo completo. Emplear un(a) administrador(a) bilingüe. Música (2-3 años) Reto: Tenemos un músico que solamente puede trabajar unos 2.5 horas las semana seleccionando y dirigiendo para la misa de 1. Posible Solución: Preparar para dos líderes musicales, uno para cada idioma Incrementar lo que ofrecemos en español para formar un grupo de músicos Liturgia (3 o más años): Retos: Toda la liturgia (predicación, preparación, enseñanza y liderazgo) depende de mí. Posible Solución: Ser un lugar regular para entrenamiento de nuevos curas Buscar un sacerdote jubilado para trabajar de tiempo parcial. Servicio Social (Outreach) (1 año): Reto: continuar el crecimiento en recursos para este ministerio: voluntarios, finanzas, actividades. Más voluntarios involucrados Crecer en nuestro presupuesto hasta llegar a 40,000 por año Reportar nuestras dádivas “in kind” Crecimiento (constante): No hay razón para este enfoque: La Parroquia está creciendo naturalmente, de una manera or- 3 denada, basado en nuestro local, la demografía alrededor, y la calidad de nuestros ministerios de dar la bienvenida y hospitalidad. Simplemente tenemos que continuar la buena obra. Creo que la misa en español crece más rápido que las otras, a pesar de la falta de otros ministerios. ¡Véase la Meta 3 Revisada! Crecimiento en la fe (constante): Reto: para mi es dificilísimo. Vamos a hacer una encuesta para tratar de encontrar un resultado. Cuidado Pastoral (constante): Reto: Casi no hay cuidado pastoral en la comunidad en español. Asistir todas las fiestas. Convivencia es como establecer confianza y oportunidad para cuidado pastoral. “Confesión” es un aspecto importante de cuidado pastoral. Piénsalo como consejería pastoral, no una fórmula de contrición y tristeza, ofrecido, no requisito. Reto: Muchas veces he escuchado sentimientos de tristeza debido a la perdida de otro miembro de la generación mayor. Invertimos mucho en cuidado pastoral para el grupo de ancianos grandes, pero el pesar de la Parroquia no se puede tratar de manera individual. ¿Qué podemos hacer como comunidad? Definiciones: “Outreach:” cuando yo lo utilizo, es un acto directo de servicio a personas con necesidad de nuestros vecinos. Incluye apoyo en forma de dinero de la Cuenta Discrecional, programas de comida, ropa y boletos del autobús. Ministerio: es una actividad que apoya nuestra vida espiritual no solamente de los miembros sino también de nuestros vecinos en la comunidad. Piensa en los AA, NA, conciertos, visitas a miembros, etc. Evangelismo: es la atracción y retención de personas a nuestra vida parroquial. Alguna atracción puede ser por “Outreach” o por hospedar otros grupos, por el ministerio de conciertos, la Venta de Garaje, el Bazar de Manualidades y Regalos, 4 THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO et. Típicamente esta atracción depende de palabra de invitación desde cualquier miembro a un vecino o pariente a asistir a la Iglesia. También los Ujieres y quienes saludan a la gente visitante son parte de este esfuerzo. ESCUELA DOMINICAL En Jugar Junto con Dios, hemos presentado la estación de Cuaresma con una lección sobre el Misterio de Pascua. La historia presenta la seriedad de la temporada de cuaresma, pero termina con el gozo de Pascua. Cuaresma es triste, pero Pascua es celebración. Por los domingos hacia la Pascua, se habla del camino de Cristo Jesús a la Cruz. Hemos aprendido sobre un Santo cada mes. Los niños han demostrado mucho interés. Hemos estudiado San Valentino y el Día de Amor. San Patricio será el próximo santo. No es sobre hadas ni enanos. Ebie Mountford Lynnwood Convention Center Lynnwood, WA Fall Junior High School Youth Conference (JYC) Nov. 20-22, 2015 Trinity Episcopal Church, Everett CAMPAMENTO Hay un campamento llamado Camp Huston que pertenece a nuestro Obispo. Se ofrece becas. El P. Jaime estará capellán la semana de 26 de julio a 1 de agosto. Inscripción por la red electrónica LA CRUZ ROJA RESULTADO DE DAR SANGRE Gracias por su ayuda a la comunidad en ser patrones de la dádiva de sangre el mes pasado. El resultado del esfuerzo: 14 pintas recibidas Meta: 11 127% ¡Gracias por pasar la palabra! Qué éxito. Recuerda que uno puede donar cada 56 días. EVENTOS PARA LOS JOVENES Reuniones de jóvenes en marzo, 7, 14, 21 y 28. Reunión con padres domingo el 14 entre la misa de 10 y de 1 en el sótano. Vengan con preguntas, preocupaciones, ideas. Contacte a Donna por txt 360-609 CLASES DE INGLÉS ¡Empezaremos clases para aprender inglés en marzo! DIOCESAN EVENTOS PARA LOS JOVENES Clases gratis de inglés serán ofrecidas en la Iglesia los miércoles y los viernes, a las diez de la mañana. Se proveerá una guardería para niños pre-escolares. Todos los maestros son voluntarios. La primera clase de orientación será el miércoles el 4 de marzo. Vengan y aprendan inglés. Spring High School Youth Conference (HYC) April 10-12, 2015 - St. Luk e's Renton VIA CRUCIS -2180 Donna Greene y Don Lawry Spring Junior High School Youth Conference (JYC) May 1-3, 2015 - St. Paul's , Bellingham High School Youth to General Convention June 24-30, 2015 Salt Lak e City, Utah High School 6-Day Camp July 5-11, 2015 Pleasant Valley Cam p, Mineral, WA Fall High School Youth Conference (HYC) September 25-27, 2015 Good Shepherd , Vancouver High School Youth to The Episcopal Diocese of Olympia Annual Convention Nov. 13-14, 2015 Cada viernes al mediodía La Vía Crucis, también conocido como Estaciones de la Cruz, es la experiencia de Nuestro Señor Cristo Jesús y el testimonio de los que estuvieron con Él en su ultimo camino, crucifixión y muerte. Vengan a experimentarla. CENA AGAPE Se ofrece una Cena Agape el Jueves del Mandamiento 2 de abril, a las 6, seguido con una misa con Lavatorio de los Pies a las 7. Se celebra junto con la misa THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO esta comida sencilla de sopa, pan, queso, aceitunas. Si pueden traer algo que compartir, será bien. Son dos partes de la misma celebración, uno de la cena de prisa y calzado para el viaje, y la misa de lavatorio. Vengan a experimentarlo. Al final de la misa se despoja el altar. Es muy solemne y lleno de devoción. BAUTISMO OFRECIDA SEMANA SANTA Y PASCUA PRIMERA COMMUNION 29 de marzo – Domingo de Ramos, la Pasión 8:00 am Procesión de Palmas y Santa Eucaristía 10:00 am Procesión de Palmas, Santa Eucaristía con Coro 1:00 pm Procesión de Palmas, Santa Eucaristía con Música 1 de abril, Miércoles de Semana Santa 12:15 pm Santa Eucaristía con Sanación 2 de abril – Jueves Santo del Mandamiento 6:00 pm Cena de Agape 7:00 pm Eucaristía Bilingüe con Coro, Lavatorio de Pies y Despojo del Altar 3 de abril – Viernes Santo 12:15 pm Vía Crucis 7:00 pm Viernes Santo Bilingüe 4 de abril – Sábado de Gloria 8:00 pm La Gran Vigilia Pascual Bilingüe 5 de abril – Domingo de la Resurrección – Pascua 8:00 am Santa Eucaristía inglés 10:00 am Santa Eucaristía con Coro, inglés 1:00 pm Santa Eucaristía con Música ENVISIONING THE NEXT 3 YEARS By Jaime Case, Rector February 20-21, 2015, Vestry Retreat I prepared this for the Vestry Retreat so that I could communicate what I believe are important challenges and opportunities for the Parish in the next 3 years. This document is meant to spark discussion and discernment as a Parish and Vestry on behalf of the whole Parish. Please consider this a complex draft of ideas, not a concrete set of marching orders. It is subject to revision, deletion, and all other forms of amendment! 5 Domingo, 4 de Abril o Sábado, 5 de Abril de 2015 Si usted está interesado en el bautismo para usted o un miembro de la familia, por favor llame la oficina de la iglesia o avisa a padre Jaime anter del 15 de Marzo La Primera Comunión es la indagación al niño o joven a las esenciales de la fe para que puedan participar más plenamente en la Misa de los domingos. Las clases comienzan el 1 de marzo a las 12 mediodia~ Inscríbase después de la Misa con P. Jaime CONFIRMACIÓN La Confirmación es un Sacramento en que uno bautizado mientras niño hace sus votos bautismales frente a un Obispo y “confirma” la fe que los padrinos y padres hicieron por su cuenta. Las Clases comienzan el 2 de agosto, y terminarán cuando el Obispo viene. El Obispo Sandy Hampton viene el 18 de octubre, el día de la Fiesta de San Lucas. ALCOHOLICOS ANÓNIMIOS EN ESPAÑOL: ¿Sufre usted o un familiar o un amigo debido al consumo de alcohol? Venga a nuestra reunión. Domingo y martes a las siete de la tarde. 360-936-1275 Día a Día Se ofrece gratis libros de meditaciones para FebreroMarzo-Abril. Most of our challenges surround the ministry to and of Hispanics in our midst. This is the 16th year that SL2 has had a Eucharist in Spanish, and the service represents our core values of hospitality very well. The service also represents the younger generations very well, since about 40% of every Sunday’s attendance is under 12 years of age. Through ESL it can direct the expansion of Outreach to a segment of those in need. What follows is based on the Goals printed in my article this month. 6 THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO Improve the relationship between the Anglo and Hispanic congregations: Here are the challenges that I believe we face in governance, education, administration, music, and liturgy for Hispanic members. The time frames express my thought as to when the issues might be initiated or resolved. Governance [1-2 yrs.]: Challenges: Vestry is heavily and predominantly from the Anglo community. Reserving the one membership for a Hispanic is inadequate. Possible Solutions: Move from current one reserved space to 3 Hispanic, 3 Anglo and 3 at-large members by nominating on that basis. For example, in 2016 at the general meeting nominate at least one Latino, and do so every year subsequently. Alter the Bylaws to accomplish such the goal. Recruit fully bilingual members of 1 pm service to stand for election every year. Education [1-2 yrs.]: Challenges: Currently I have to rely on myself for teaching “First” Communion class (new class starts March 1 at noon with 20 students!), for social integration and for leadership in the Latino community. Sunday school is also growing to 20+ children at 1 pm, which is too much for our space and teachers to handle. Possible Solutions: Re-examine our current class methods and teachers at 1 pm to identify solutions for the class Possibly subdivide the class by age, 10-12 year olds in separate class. Provide Godly Play training in-house, for all teachers, as a requisite for teaching (not currently done) Recruit additional teachers who are capable in Spanish Think about a DRE for each language area. Administration [1-2 yrs.]: Challenge: Currently our Spanish services, especially private services like weddings, 15s and funerals, fall in total to me for scheduling, service preparation, pre-service instruction, musical coordination, opening the building, closing the building, and liturgical leadership. There is no one but me to answer and field their phone calls. Small groups whose first language is Spanish are currently out of my reach. This is not to mention the website maintenance, sermon and other recordings (currently defunct!), and more social media presence. Possible Solutions: Prepare to fund a full-time Parish Administrator position. Prepare for a search for a fully bilingual Parish Administrator, or two part time assistants. Music [2-3 yrs.]: Challenge: Currently we have a musician who can only dedicate about 2.5 hours to selecting, playing and leading music at 1 pm service. Musician is a talented amateur, but not a professional. Possible Solutions: Prepare for two separate musical leaders, one for each language. Boost the music offerings in Spanish so that a musical group can be formed. Liturgy [3+ yrs.]: Challenges: Currently our Spanish services depend solely on my preparation, preaching, teaching, and liturgical leadership. For example, I preach every Sunday in Spanish! Possible Solutions: Become a regular placement for graduating bilingual or multicultural priestly formation as curates, or Look for staff priest who is bilingual, perhaps retired or other bi-vocational priest. Outreach [1 yr.]: Challenge: Continue to grow in types of outreach activity, financing, and volunteers. Outreach offerings to others, [ESL, new food resources like Panera, the Clark County THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO Food Bank] More volunteers involved in Outreach Grow our Outreach budget to $10,000 from the current $9,000, on our long-term goal of tithing (10% or around $40k) on our budget. Track In-Kind!!! Growth [constant]: No reason to focus: The Parish is growing organically, in a smooth and orderly fashion, based on our geographic location, the demographics around us, and the quality of our welcoming and hospitality. We simply need to keep up the good work. I think the Spanish service is growing the fastest, despite the lack of certain ministries. See restated goal! Growth in Faith [constant]: Challenge: I think this one is tough! Where is the growth in learning and application? Pastoral Care [constant]: Challenge: We have almost no pastoral care in Spanish. Attend all birthday, 15 and wedding parties after the service: Convivencia is the way to create trust and opportunity for Pastoral Care. “Confession” is an important part of pastoral care. Think of it as Pastoral Counseling, not formulaic expressions of contrition and sorrow, offered and not required. Challenge: I often hear expressions of sorrow at the loss of another member of the generation that is passing away. We do invest heavily in individual Pastoral Care for this aged Anglo generation, but the Parish’ mourning cannot be cared for by the individualized care that we provide. What can we do as a community? Definitions: Outreach: when I use it, means directed acts of service to people in need. It includes financial assistance through the Discretionary fund, 7 our Food/Clothing/Bus Passes ministry, and other sharing of resources and material. Ministry: is any activity that supports the spiritual life not only of the members, but of the community we live in: Think of providing space for AA/NA, concerts open to the community, drop in pastoral care, etc. Evangelism: The attraction and integration of people into the life of the Parish. Some attraction may take place through our music ministry, our hosting of groups, or other public event, even the Rummage Sale, or the Holiday Craft & Gift Sale. Mostly this is the function of word-of-mouth, with the first level of follow up by the greeters and ushers in the service, followed up by fine music and liturgy and the building of friendships. Spiritual Development SUNDAY SCHOOL In Godly Play we introduce the season of Lent with a story called The Mystery of Easter. This story demonstrates the serious time of Lent but ends with the joy of Easter. Lent is sad..... Easter is pure celebration. For the Sundays leading up to Easter the stories cover Christ's journey to the cross and resurrection. We have been learning about one saint each month. The children have shown a lot of interest. They were surprised to find a story behind Valentine's Day. St. Patrick will be their next surprise. It's not all about leprechauns and rainbows! Ebie Mountford SUNDAY SCHOOL GIFTS WISH LIST The teachers and Thursday crew have already created many of the Godly Play materials in use now but it is very time consuming. There are still some wonderful story materials needed. Please consider giving a gift towards the purchase of one of these Godly Play material sets. Since some of the sets are more expensive, a ministry group might consider taking 8 THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO up a collection or a few friends go in together. We suggest submitting your checks made out to “St. Luke’s” with the memo line indicating “Godly Play Materials” and a story name, if applicable. Then your donation can recorded to your giving record and be used to make the appropriate purchase by the Sunday School staff. We have a poster on the bulletin board by the office with story tear-offs for your convenience. Thank you to the Women’s Spirituality Group for sponsoring “The Story of Ruth” materials. Wish List The People of God Figures Figure of Moses The Wooden Risen Christ The Story of King David The Story of Daniel The Flood and the Ark $34.95 $5.95 $19.95 $118.95 $181.95 $325.95 FIRST COMMUNION CLASSES “First” Communion classes begin March 1 at 12 noon in the Fireside room, downstairs. We practice open communion for any baptized person, even a baby, but as we mature, learning about the Eucharist can change. This course is bilingual and is designed for elementary school children (3rd grade and above) who can read and write, and so participate more fully in the Sunday worship. YOUTH EVENTS March Youth Meetings will be Saturdays, 7, 14, 21 and 28, 6 to 8pm. Parent informational meeting Sunday, March 15 after 10am service in Fireside Room 11:45 AM. Please come with questions concerns and ideas . Donna Greene and Don Lawry High School 6-Day Camp July 5-11, 2015 Pleasant Valley Cam p, Mineral, WA Fall High School Youth Conference (HYC) September 25-27, 2015 Good Shepherd , Vancouver High School Youth to The Episcopal Diocese of Olympia Annual Convention Nov. 13-14, 2015 Lynnwood Convention Center Lynnwood, WA Fall Junior High School Youth Conference (JYC) Nov. 20-22, 2015 Trinity Episcopal Church, Everett CAMP HUSTON Visit for more information and registration. Adults & Families Events 2015 April 29 - May 3 – Quilters & Croppers Retreat – Check-in at 4pm on Wednesday, April 29 and the fun will last until after lunch on Sunday, May 3. May 1-3 – Work Weekend – Come help us beautify the Huston property before summer begins! Checkin Friday May 1 at 4pm. The weekend concludes Sunday after lunch. Summer Camp Schedule for 2015 June 23-July 2 Counselor Training (Required: Completed 10th Grade) July 5-10 Missoula Children’s Theater Camp (The Jungle Book) Entering 1-10 Grades Discovery Camp 1 Entering 3-10 Grades Horse Camp 1 Entering 5-8 Grades July 12-18 July 12-18 July 26-Aug. 1 Fr. Jaime Camp Chaplain July 26-Aug. 1 Discovery Camp 2 Entering 3-10 Grades July 26-Aug 1 Horse Camp 2 Entering 5-8 Grades August 3-6 Mini Camp Entering 1-5 Grades August 9-15 International Discovery Camp Entering 3-10 Grades August 9-15 Buckaroo Camp Entering 6-10 Grades Early Bird Registration Discount of $45/Camper only available before March 15!!! HURRY! DIOCESAN YOUTH EVENTS Spring High School Youth Conference (HYC) April 10-12, 2015 - St. Luk e's Renton Spring Junior High School Youth Conference May 1-3, 2015 - St. Paul's , Bellingham High School Youth to General Convention June 24-30, 2015 Salt Lak e City, Utah VISUAL ARTISTS GROUP The first meeting of Visual Artists of St. Luke's ~ San Lucas, for 2015, will be held on Monday evening, March 2 at 6:30PM, in the home of Pam and Doug Goodlett; 2509 NW 115th,Van,WA 98685 (360-5736267) THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO Let's catch up with one another, bring new work, or books and articles about artists or art events. We'll discuss what goals and interests that we have for the year, and plan workshops, field trips, etc. Again, we will only have group meetings four times during the year, with events in between, so let's make the most of our times together, to share and encourage one another. Hope to see you March 2nd! (Please rsvp your host as a courtesy, thanks) Don Lonsbrough WOMEN’S SPIRITUALITY GROUP Our next monthly session is on Saturday, March 14 from 10 AM-Noon. Our sessions begin with refreshments and friendly conversation. We will continue our study and discussion based on the book, The Story of Ruth: Twelve Moments in Every Woman’s Life by Joan D. Chittister. This month we will be focusing on Chapters 4 and 5, “Aging” and “Independence”. All women are welcome. There’s still time to join us and we have one book available, just contact the church office or Kris (574-3755 evenings). We look forward to coming together for this special time. If you have any questions feel free to contact any of the conveners. Mary Boettcher Janet Butler Kris Lawless LIFE GOES ON Life Goes On meets monthly to support those as they go through the grieving process. Fr. Dennis Cole facilitates this group. All are welcome. The group meets off-site at the Glenwood Place Senior Living (5500 NE 82nd Ave). Next meeting is on March 26 at 2PM. LENTEN PROGRAM The previously advertised Lenten Series has been cancelled. Instead we are offering a special video presentation, “Being Mortal”, featuring Dr. Atul Gawande, which explores the intersection of life, death, medicine and what matters in the end. We are offering you two opportunities to come and see this in March. The first time will be during The Lunch Bunch on Tuesday, March 10 at noon and 9 the second will be on Thursday, March 19 at 6PM. Both events will include a shared simple meal of soup and bread. Following the video presentation we will have time for discussion facilitated by either Fr. Jaime or Fr. Dennis Cole. Let us know if you are coming and if you can bring soup or bread on the sign-up sheets in the Narthex LENTEN RESOURCES Check out these websites and other book sellers: (booklets, Kindle & Nook versions are available). BAPTISM OFFERED Saturday, April 4 at 8PM Sunday, April 5 at 8AM or 10AM If you are interested in baptism for yourself or a family member, please contact the church office or Father Jaime by March 15. CONFIRMATION - OCTOBER 18 Confirmation Classes will start in August in preparation for Bishop Sandy Hampton. Bishop will be visiting us on October 18th, St. Luke’s Festival Day. Please let the office know you want to be confirmed, or to be received or do a reaffirmation of faith. Worship NOTES FROM THE MUSIC ROOM February was another memorable musical month at St. Luke’s, with Catherine van der Salm’s beautiful vocal recital with accompaniment from the new Steinway piano on Valentine’s Day and a second visit from master jazz guitarist Dan Balmer at our Vesper service the preceding week. We are not quite done yet. The final recital in our three-event series to properly introduce our Darrell & Janet Williams Steinway “B” to the Vancouver community is slated for 10 THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO March 14th. The intrepid LeRoi Nickel Duo will present music for one Steinway piano played by four hands to include Poulenc’s Sonate from 1918, which sounds like a final WWI cannon barrage at the beginning and is contrasted by a second movement marked “naïve and slow,” played on the white keys only. Schubert’s haunting F minor Fantasy follows, which is the one piece that inspired us to investigate the piano duet repertory. We will also play Fauré’s Dolly Suite and some Brahms Hungarian Dances. Thank you, members of St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas and friends, for attending these past events and supporting them in such a generous way. And a final “thank-you” is again due to Darrell and Janet Williams for their generous gift of the Steinway piano. This fine instrument is a gift to the community and will be used by the Clark County Music Teachers’ Association on the afternoon of March 15th for their scholarship auditions. We have had a number of requests already by musicians in the area to use the piano and our email list of interested audience members is growing. This is an exciting time for the parish of St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas in dedicating the piano, as the bronze plaque on the name board indicates, “to the glory of God.” Nancy and I plan to donate our services and hope that another large free-will offering from this dedication concert will help to off-set the expense of a professional orchestra and soloists at the next musical event, a vesper service presenting most of J. S. Bach’s towering St. John Passion at 7 PM on March 29th, Passion Sunday at St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas. The St. Luke’s Choir will be joined by the Bach Choir from St. James Lutheran Church in Portland and soloists Catherine van der Salm (soprano) and Kevin Walsh (baritone.) The orchestra will feature two oboes, flute, strings, and a new Richard Bond portative organ. The role of the evangelist and other individuals involved in the passion story will be spoken in English so that the account can be fully understood. All the chorales and most of the choruses and arias will be sung in German and presented, according to Bach’s intention in two parts, with a homily between, given by special guest Pastor Dennis Anderson from St. James. Again, a free-will offering will be taken. TAIZE Tim Nickel, Director of Music The Taizé service combines readings, chant-like songs, silence, soft light and a unique chancel display in the Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament. Saturday, March 21 at 6:00 pm: Come and enjoy this unique service. LENTEN LITURGY CHANGES We will have the small, plain altar in the front, where the High Altar currently is, and we will use it for the season of Lent. I commend to you its simplicity and humility for the season. Every Friday at 12:15 PM we will offer prayers of the Stations of the Cross. If the occasion permits, we will do it bilingually. On Palm Sunday, March 29. We will return to the High Altar for the beginning of Holy Week. Maundy Thursday, April 2, we will again have our Agape potluck simple meal starting at 6PM. At 7 PM we will have a bilingual service of Holy Eucharist including foot-washing this year, and stripping of the altar. THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO Good Friday, April 3, we will come together for a bilingual service of the Good Friday liturgy. The Great Vigil, Saturday, April 4 at 8PM will round out our bilingual services. I hope you will make it a point to join in the bilingual special services. Fr. Jaime Case HOLY WEEK AND EASTER March 29 - Sunday of the Passion – Palm Sunday 8:00 AM Procession of Palms & Holy Eucharist 10:00 AM Procession of Palms & Choral Eucharist 1:00 PM La Pasión: Domingo de Ramos 7:00 PM Passion Sunday Vespers with selections from J. S. Bach’s St. John Passion April 1 – Wednesday of Holy Week 12:15 PM Holy Eucharist with healing Service April 2 – Maundy Thursday/ Jueves Santo 6:00 PM Agapé Meal (Simple Supper) 7:00 PM Bilingual Choral Eucharist with foot washing and Stripping of the Altar April 3 – Good Friday/Viernes Santo 12:15 – 1:00 PM Stations of the Cross 7:00 PM Good Friday Liturgy /Liturgia de Viernes Santo (Bilingual) 11 April 2 at 6:00 PM, before the bilingual choral service of Holy Eucharist. Think of this as part 1 and part 2 of a worship experience. The meal will be meatless, the setting austere and the food sparse and simple. After the Agapé Meal we will move to the church for the Holy Eucharist. We hope you will join us and find this experience spiritually enriching to your Holy Week. Please let us know if you are coming and if possible, sign-up to bring a portion of the meal. We ask attendees to bring canned food for our Outreach pantry to feed the hungry. EASTER FLOWERS Easter is not far away - April 5, when we will start having flowers on the altar again. On Easter Day we will have lots of flowers [azaleas, lilies, perhaps hydrangeas, maybe others?]. We need your help to fund these special plants!! Any amount you give is appreciated. The flower offering envelopes will be with the ushers and in the Narthex starting Sunday, March 15. Please print your name and the name(s) of loved ones you wish remembered. A phone number would be helpful in case we have any questions. After Easter these plants will be planted around the church grounds to enjoy for many years. April 4 – Holy Saturday / Sabado Santo 8:00 PM The Great Vigil of Easter / La Gran Vigilia Pascual (Bilingual) Thank You! Jean Getsinger April 5 – Easter Day 8:00 AM Choral Eucharist 10:00 AM Choral Eucharist 1:00 PM Santa Eucaristía It’s a wet, blustery morning, but that is to be expected for January in Oregon. The strong ropes securing the ship to this dock do not prevent the creaking of the boards in this old ship. It is good to have finished that long voyage. PALM CROSS MAKING Standing on the dock is a prominent-looking man beckoning me over; Mr. Benjamin Stark of Trinity Church, Portland, I presume. Next to him is a military officer who is familiar to me. Greeting Mr. Stark first, “Mr. Stark, it is a pleasure to finally meet you. Your letters to the Missionary Society were an inspiration.” The Altar Guild would like to invite one and all to its Annual Palm Cross Making. It will be in the Parish Hall on Saturday, March 28 at 10:00 AM. Hope to see you there. Questions? Please call Carol Hiltz or Sandra Kimura. AGAPÉ MEAL There will be an Agapé Meal on Maundy Thursday, A BEGINNING IN 1853 “You are most heartedly welcome, Rev. McCarty”, Mr. Stark acknowledged. “We have a carriage wait- 12 THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO ing to take you to the others of our small congregation. My apologies, I should introduce you to Colonel Bonneville from Fort Vancouver, across the river.” through 3 sloughs. On the Fort side, I travel 5 miles on foot to the Fort. I expect it to take 1 ½ days in all. Then back again two days later. “Captain…err, Colonel Bonneville! I haven’t seen you since Mexico City, at the end of the war. I was so honored to be amongst your brave soldiers, and I always enjoyed our strong discussions about religion and its many meanings.” Pat Lawless, Parish Archivist “Strong is a comparatively mild term for those talks, Chaplain McCarty. All of us over at the Fort remember your bravery in battle, and your compassionate care for our souls. You may remember some others from those discussions, now at the Fort. Captain Brent, as well as McConnell, Wallen, Augur, and Floyd-Jones; why we even have amongst us Sam Grant! Capt. Lee unfortunately has gone back to Virginia; I would so have wanted his engineering expertise.” “Rev. McCarty, let us board the carriage now,” Stark interrupted, trying to lead me away from Col. Bonneville. “One moment Reverend, I would like to propose a counter offer to Mr. Stark’s,” Bonneville stated with a commanding voice. “As post commander, I offer you a position at the Fort as chaplain and schoolmaster. There are many amongst us, and in the Vancouver village nearby, that seek the benefits of your religious gift.” “Well, Trinity Church did request my services first, although my mission is to serve the many. Would it be possible to serve both congregations?” The two gentlemen stepped aside and conferred, with Mr. Stark strongly speaking his various points, and Col. Bonneville using all of his considerable stature in reply. Mr. Stark finally spoke to me. “Reverend, we have reached an agreement to share your services, half of the week at Trinity, and half at the Fort. The good Colonel will supply a rowboat to take you across the river. If that is suitable to you, we will begin our week’s portion at Trinity this Sunday.” I, of course, agreed. I looked at a map later that night. I travel on foot 15 miles in Oregon, including I won’t have time to do much but walk and pray! Out Into The World AMERICAN RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE RESULTS Thank you for your support of the community by sponsoring the blood drive last month. Your drive results are: Collected: 14 pints Goal: 11 pints 127%!! Thank you so much for donating and for getting the word out. Remember that donors can give every 56 days! Sonia Cisneros-Arreguin, Account Manager OUTREACH COMMITTEE Thank you to everyone for their generous support of our expanded outreach to those in need. We can always count on the church family to come through with clothing, various hygiene items, baggies, etc. whenever we are running low . We are also getting bread, bagels and pastry from a local restaurant so we are able to add that to our sack lunches. We are seeing an increase in those who visit the church needing basic necessities. There will be a wish list in the bulletin each week, or feel free to call Dena or Lee if you want to help. We welcome new volunteers. We need people to sort clothes, prepare sack lunches, and staff the outreach table from 9:15am to noon and from 1 pm to 4 pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. ENGLISH CLASSES SL2 will offer classes in English Wednesdays and Fridays, at 10 am, beginning Wednesday, March 4, for anyone who wants to take them. Nursery care will be provided also. We have some dedicated volunteers and could use more. There is some demand THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO for evening classes, which would require more volunteers! HOMELESS VANCOUVER STUDENTS NEED YOU! SAVE THE DATE: Thursday, April 16, parish outreach will sponsor another easy and delicious fundraiser at Burgerville Central Park, 4pm-7pm, for Vancouver Schools' HOPE program, Homeless Outreach Pursuing Education. Community Life COFFEE HOUR Thanks in advance, to our March Hosts who will be providing treats during Coffee Hour. Judy Morrison, Coffee Hour Coordinator Coffee Hour Hosts for March March 1 March 8 March 15 March 22 March 29 April 5 Lincoln, Berhows, Cassidys Surfaces Wildfang/Saathoff Harris Palm Sunday (Mo rrisons) (Hot Cross & Cinnamon Buns) Easter Sunday (Vestry) THE LUNCH BUNCH On March 10 at 12 PM we are using this time to offer the Lenten Program during the day time hours. Please see that article for more information. FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE In March, Dan and Karin Slanina will host Friday Night Live on March 27, starting at 6:30pm. The host provides the main course only and guests bring a dish to share. Guests are responsible for providing their own beverage. Look for the sign-up sheet and maps in the parish hall. We always welcome new hosts! Please address any questions to Ginger or Brad Harris. (971-373-8894) of 13 Administrative & Financial ALTERNATE DELEGATES TO DIOCESAN CONVENTION NEEDED No candidates were offered at the Annual Meeting in January. We are allowed up to four, two men and two women. If you are interested in serving our parish at convention (Friday-Saturday, November 13-14, at the Lynnwood Convention Center) please contact Fr. Jaime or Senior Warden, Stefanie Aschmann. TREASURER’S REPORT BUDGET SUMMARY “Dollars and Sense” At the end of January we expect percentages to be at 8.3% of budgeted revenue and expense. Summary as of January 31, 2015 Total Budget for the Year Revenues Expenses Net Income $432,982 $432,982 0 Year to Date Actual Amounts $64,723 $40,880 $23,843 Percent of Total Budget 15% 9% Revenues: Actual revenues for January are ahead of schedule due to pre-pledge contributions, which inflate the monthly averages because prepledge funds are front-loaded instead of distributing these funds over the entire year. Also, we are close to meeting our pledge goal of $316,144, with 114 units promising $314,156! Many thanks to all. Expenses: Expenses are over YTD budget projections by $4,798. This overage is to be expected at this time in the year, mostly due to a quarterly pension payment, high winter natural gas usage and beginning of year office expenses. Additional Comments: Thank you for your early pledge contributions. The economy is picking up, greater amounts of money are being received weekly, we are contributing over $16,000 to outreach activities this year, and we will fully support our children, youth and music programs. We will do this and much 14 THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO more…with a reduced need of relying on fundraising activities to meet our fiscal obligations. Thanks for your continued financial support of St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas. Doug Goodlett, Treasurer ZURITA, Glicerio P. & RUIZ, Elizabeth Ernesto & Emily 11515 NE49th St Apt KK 202 Vancouver, WA 98682-6144 360-903-0439 DIRECTORY UPDATES REACTIVATE Are you a new member and would like a parish directory or somehow didn’t receive one? Changes to your directory information? Please contact Kris in the church office at 360-696-0181 or by email, TORRES, Claudia & ZARAGOZA, Jesus Jonathan, Lindsey &Ivan 4710 Plomonden Apt. 108 Vancouver, WA 98661 503-875-2187 ADDS ARQUIJO, Larry & Lidia 16712 NW 11th Ave Ridgefield, WA 98642-5740 BARBOSA, Liliana Rafael, David and Heidi 783 H St Washougal, WA 98671 503-481-5192 CHAVEZ, Evangelina & GUARDIAN, Jose MONTAINEL, Angela, Alondra & Adilene GUARDIAN, Xochilt, Emmanuel & Isabella 505 Ash St Kelso, WA 98626 1-360-843-3462 GALLEGOS, Marisela Alondra, Alberto & Erick 8917 NE 15th Ave Apt B-15 Vancouver, WA 98665 360-576-5633 GONZALEZ, Sulma & Delilah Guadalupe 4501 Addy St #109 Washougal, WA 98671 360-513-1039 CHANGES CASAREZ, Hipolito & BARBA, Francisca DELETES LOPEZ, Enrique VESTRY SUMMARY - February 2015 VESTRY RETREAT: At the retreat, we discussed PALAFOX, Rene & SIERRA, Francisca Rene, Roberto, Cristian & Daniela 2900 General Anderson Rd Apt H 74 Vancouver, WA 98661 503-209-2273 PEREZ, Luis & MARTINEZ, Rosa Lila MARTINEZ, Jatziry and PEREZ, Estrella 2011 Brand Rd Apt 5 Vancouver, WA 98661 360-991-4803 REYES, Filadelfo & HERNANDEZ, Reyna Soledad & Joseph 801 N Garrison Rd Vancouver, WA 98664 360-931-7469 Our Hispanic members and ways to: Give them greater representation in church leadership Create more options for Hispanic music Broaden liturgical options at the 1:00 service. Improve educational opportunities We also considered ways to expand both our Outreach budget and activities. GROWING IN FAITH: How do we do that as part of the Body of Christ? A survey will be created soon so all of us can discern corporately those faith areas in which we are most interested. Having that information will give the Rector and Vestry a solid foundation for further planning. REWORDING: One parish goal has been “Promote the growth of the parish”. If we are doing the Lord’s work properly, we will attract and keep new members. Therefore, that goal was rephrased as “Allow growth to occur naturally by providing quality ministries”. THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO CURATE: Thanks to Fr. Jaime’s negotiating skills, Bishop Rickel significantly reduced the cost of having a curate (Assistant Priest) with us for two years. Our curate’s name is Eliacin. He is Puerto Rican/ American, fully bilingual, and married with two children. He graduated from Seattle University in December. Eliacin will visit and preach at all three services on Sunday, April 19 before his official arrival at midyear. He will train with our Anglo and Hispanic congregations through mid-2017. He will be able to help Fr. Jaime with liturgy, some administrative duties, and Hispanic pastoral care. REGULAR BUSINESS: Our retreats include the routine Vestry meeting for that month. New ministry-group leaderships were assigned. Steps were taken toward a Mutual Ministry Evaluation of both Rector and Vestry. We will review the parish’s Alcohol Policy. Tom Amies, Vestry Clerk 15 Items that do not sell are: Stuffed furniture, refrigerators, washers, dryers, and mattresses, baby cribs, child car seats, TVs. If you have any item listed above that someone might be able to use please contact Russ Roseberry at 694-2941 so that they can be listed through the church. This sale raises funds to provide ministry support for youth activities including scholarships to send St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas youth to Camp Huston Episcopal Summer Camp. You can do two good things, clean out your home and help youth go to camp. Russ Roseberry SAVE THE DATE! “GOT RUMMAGE?” St Luke’s ~ San Lucas Annual Rummage Sale April 17th from 2PM -7PM and April 18th from 9 AM – 2 PM. Two great days! Yes more rummage! The annual Rummage Sale is coming soon. Search your house, closet, attic, garage, shed or storage unit for usable items that you no longer need. Reduce clutter in your house. Ask your neighbors and family for rummage. Starting April 12th bring your treasures to St. Luke’s ~San Lucas and place them on the stage in the Parrish Hall. If you have a large amount to donate and can’t get the load to the church yourself, please contact Russ Roseberry at 694-2941 for a pick up Every item must be in serviceable condition. Donate clean used clothing, kitchen tools, dishes, bowls, small appliances, lamps, garden tools, furniture, tables, chairs, books and toys. Please everything in good condition. Tax deduction forms are available. MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR MARCUS BORG There will be a memorial service honoring beloved Canon Theologian, Dr. Marcus J. Borg's life at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral on Sunday, March 22 at 2PM in the afternoon. Presiding Bishop, Katharine Jefferts Schori, will officiate. Please plan on joining us for this celebration of an incredible life well lived. 16 THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO The St. James Collegium Musicum Director, Scott Powell DROP, DROP SLOW TEARS A Concert of Sacred Music for Lent & Holy Week Sunday, March 8 at 7:30 PM The Proto-Cathedral of St. James the Greater 218 West 12th St. Vancouver, WA 98660 Suggested Donation: $10 Individual $35 Family Contact Proto-Cathedral for Advance Tickets: 360-693-3052 or MARCH CYCLE OF PRAYER Episcopal Diocese of Olympia Congregations, Ministries & Institutions March 1 St. Matthew/San Mateo, Auburn March 8 Good Shepherd, Federal Way; St. Elizabeth/Santa Isabel, Burien March 15 St. James & St. Columba, Kent March 22 St. George, Maple Valley; Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem & Middle East Congregations, Ministries & Institutions March 1 Theodore Schneller Guest House, Amman, Jordan March 8 All Saints Community Church, Damascus, Syria March 15 St. George’s School, Jerusalem March 22 St. George’s Guest House, Jerusalem St. Luke, Renton March 29 St. Phillip’s Church, Nablus, West Bank March 29 All Saint, Resurrection, Holy Apostles & St. Margaret, Bellevue PRAYER REQUESTS 3 - Carla Sowder 3 - Aaron Hamann 5 - Lucia Ramirez 5 - Sulma Gonzalez 7 - Paul Hiromura 8 - Amy Case 9 - Heather Lund 9 - Suzanna Tilford 10 - Joseph Ziemba 10 - Sirce Plaza 11 - Chuck Grigsby-Lane 13 - Nancy Lematta 13 - Danny Jones 15 - Tom Smith 15 - Natasha Rezhenkov 16 - Barbara Garlisch 16 - Jose Martinez 18 - Cheryl-Lee Holt 18 - Tristan Sotelo 18 - Crystal Gutierrez 20 - Brett Tomer-White 21 - Bob Denny 21 - Gary Swisher 21 - Jonathan Reyes 22 - Leonel Villa 22 - Irvin Villegas 23 - Karla Gaitan 24 - Steve Coble 24 - Fr. Jerry Lonergan 24 - Angel Plaza 25 - Marcio Carrasco 25 - Aaron Sanchez 25 - Jennifer Gutierrez 25 - Kiara Reyes 27 - John Marentette 28 - Chris Mountford 29 - Lew Hampton 29 - Annelies van der Salm 30 - Mary Anderson 31 - Kathryn Riemcke Reminder - If your Ministry group would like to submit an article for the April issue of The Messenger, please submit your written article on or before March 15 to the church office or email it to Thank you! Church Office Hours: 9 am-12 pm & 1-5 pm Tuesday - Friday Closed Wednesdays for Staff Meeting, 3-4:30 pm. Church office, 360-696-0181. Sunday 1 Monday 2 Second Sunday of Lent REGULAR SUNDAY SCHEDULE 8:00 Holy Eucharist 9:45 Sunday School & Nursery Care 10:00 Choral Eucharist 12:00 1st Communion 12:00 Primera Comuníon 12:45 Guardería de niños 1:00 Santa Misa 1:30 Escuela Dominical 8 Office Closed Third Sunday of Lent 3 4 Outreach 10:00 ESL Class 6:30 Visual Artists Group (Goodlett’s) Office Closed 16 Fourth Sunday of Lent Office Closed 10 12:00 LENTEN PROGRAM @ The Lunch Bunch 17 Outreach 23 Office Closed 24 Outreach 6:30 Pastoral Care Committee REGULAR SUNDAY SCHEDULE 7:00 PASSION SUNDAY VESPERS 12:15 Stations of the Cross 6:00 Youth Group SET YOUR CLOCKS FORWARD 1 HOUR AT BEDTIME! 12 Outreach 10:00 ESL Class 12:15 Holy Eucharist & Healing Service 30 31 Office Closed Food Outreach 13 Outreach 8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands 3:00 Staff Meeting 14 Outreach 10:00 ESL Class 18 6:00 Youth Group 7:00 3rd Steinway Dedicatory Recital 19 Outreach 25 6:00 Handbells 7:00 Choir April 1 20 Outreach 8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands 10:00 ESL Class 12:15 Stations of the Cross 28 Outreach 8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands 10:00 ESL Class 2:00 Life Goes On 6:30 Friday Night Live (Slaninas’) April 2 Food Outreach Holy Wednesday Food Outreach Maundy Thursday 10:00 ESL Class 8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands 6:00 Agape Meal 7:00 Bilingual Choral Eucharist 6:00 TAIZE 6:00 Youth Group 27 Outreach HOLY WEEK 12:15 Holy Eucharist & Healing Service 3:00 Staff Meeting 6:00 Handbells 7:00 Choir 21 Outreach 6:00 LENTEN PROGRAM 26 Outreach 10:00 ESL Class 12:15 Holy Eucharist & Healing Service 3:00 Staff Meeting 10:00 Women’s Spirituality Group 12:15 Stations of the Cross 6:00 Handbells 6:30 Outreach Committee 7:00 Choir 3:00 Staff Meeting REGULAR SUNDAY SCHEDULE Sunday of the Passion: PALM SUNDAY 11 10:00 ESL Class 12:15 Holy Eucharist & Healing Service MESSENGER DEADLINE 29 10:00 ESL Class 7:00 Choir Outreach 15 Fifth Sunday in Lent 8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands 7 Outreach 6:00 Handbells 6:30 Vestry 22 6 Outreach 17 Saturday Friday 3:00 Staff Meeting REGULAR SUNDAY SCHEDULE REGULAR SUNDAY SCHEDULE 11:45 Youth/Parent Information Meeting 5 Outreach 12:15 Holy Eucharist & Healing Service 9 DAYLIGHT SAVINGS BEGINS MARCH ~ MARZO 2015 THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 12:15 Stations of the Cross April 3 Food Outreach Good Friday 6:00 Youth Group April 4 Holy Saturday 10:00 ESL Class 12:15 Stations of the Cross 7:00 Bilingual Good Friday Liturgy 8:00 Bilingual Great Vigil of Easter The Messenger ~ El Mensajero 18 THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO Prepared by: St. Luke’s Episcopal Church ~ San Lucas Iglesia Episcopal 426 East Fourth Plain Boulevard Vancouver, WA 98663 Non-Profit U.S. Postage Paid Vancouver, WA Permit No. 804 Request delivery by dates: February 29 - March 3 Return Service Requested St. Luke’s Episcopal Church San Lucas Iglesia Episcopal The Rev. Jaime Case, Rector The Rev. Dennis Cole, Associate Clergy The Rev. Jerry Lonergan, Associate Clergy Doug Goodlett, Treasurer Janet Butler, Assistant Treasurer Tim Nickel, Music Director Kris Lawless, Parish Administrator (360) 696-0181 FAX (360) 696-0182 Email: Facebook: Senior Warden: Stefanie Aschmann Junior Warden: Lew Hampton VESTRY MEMBERS: Hipolito Casarez, Kathryn Gallaher, Brandon Hudson, Sharon Mayhew, Michael Morrison, Ricardo Romagosa, Kreta Saathoff, Joseph Ziemba Clerk of the Vestry: Tom Amies Chancellor: F. James Mayhew St. Luke’s – San Lucas is a bilingual Episcopal Church serving Vancouver and Southwest Washington since 1853. Our vision is to answer God’s call to be an Anglo-Hispanic faith community that works together to share the love of Christ. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, our mission is to extend hospitality to all, to respond to human need through service, and to grow in faith together.