Location Map -110° Symbols -109° Legend Geological contact -108° Axial plane (F2/3, F4, F5, F6) ATHABASCA GROUP 60° Unconformity 60° Thainka 74N-14 Lake Tsalw or 74N-16Lake Tazin Lake Geology of the Camsell Portage Area side) Ena 74N-15 Tazin e Riv Bedding, tops known (inclined, overturned) r Lake White granite dyke: medium grained with feldspar phenocrysts up to 1.5 cm in core to Brittle fault or lineament Lake Gw 74N-12 74N-11 74N-10 (Zemlak Domain) - Southeast Sheet 74N-09 74O-12 This Map Lake Black Db MARTIN GROUP 74N-06 74N-07 74N-08 Glacial striae, grooves 74O-05 Charlot Point Formation S4 foliation (inclined, vertical) LAK E ATHABASCA Helmer Lake 74N-04 Preliminary Geological Map (2004) 74N-03 74N-02 74N-01 Rcs Mineral showing (see Saskatchewan Mineral Deposit Index) (Cu-copper, U- S5 foliation (inclined, vertical) 74O-04 uranium) 59° Lake by K.E. Ashton and R. Hunter Catalogue Number 2004- 4.2- (1.3) 74K-14 -110° 74K-15 -109° Project M.123 of 2004 74K-16 The area was mapped by K.E. Ashton and R. C. Hunter, in the summer of 2004, with the assistance of C. Ebel, B. Knox, J. 74J-13 S6 foliation (dip unknown, inclined, vertical) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Unconformity ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Malachite ± azurite ± erythrite alteration, trace chalcopyrite -108° 0.5 Pp Contour Interval: 50 feet 1 THLUICHO LAKE GROUP 2 Lesperance, and A. Nixon. 0.25 Pink pegmatite dyke: syn- D5, metres thick (quartz- feldspar ± biotite ± muscovite) Dyke (inclined, vertical) Kilometers 0 rounded to sub angular 59° Scale 1:20 000 0 Arkose and siltstone, minor conglomerate: dark red- brown, hematitic Conglomerate: dark red- brown, hematitic, poorly sorted polymictic clasts up to boulder size, sub Rcc Archibald 74K-13 tens of metres thick Main S0/1/2/3 transposition foliation (dip unknown, inclined, vertical) Bay 74N-05 Diabase dyke: brown to pink, very fine to medium grained; straight sided, chilled margin, up to Tectonic breccia or sedimentary diatreme (formerly Ellis Bay Formation ) Nevins Lake pegmatitic, locally zoned; straight sided, chilled contacts, centimetres to metres thick Bedding, tops unknown (dip unknown, inclined, vertical) Beaverlodge Uranium City at 1:20 000 scale Fair Point Formation: white, pebbly to cobbly sandstone, minor conglomerate ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Unconformity ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 74O-13 Harper (Part of NTS 74N/10 and /11) Afp Border of mylonite zone in pre-Thluicho Lake Group rocks ticks on high-strain 74N-13 0.5 Tectonic stretching lineation in mylonite Camsell Portage Formation 1 Power transmission line Miles This map was printed from the geologist s digital file. Geological data were processed using Microsoft Access, and ArcView 8.3 Slate Island Member: dark grey, green, and red, fine- to medium- grained software. Base maps were compiled from 1:50 000 scale digital topographic maps licensed from Saskatchewan Information Intersection lineation (S4/S5) Tcs Services Corporation. Grid coordinates are NAD 83 UTM zone 12. The map was processed overall using ArcView 8.3 software. sandstone and medium- bedded siltstone; thin bedded, massive, laminated and ripple laminated; non-magnetic Road The map is issued in a package with the Summary of Investigations 2004 Volume 2, Saskatchewan Geological Survey, and is Although the Department of Industry and Resources has exercised all available separately. reasonable care in the compilation, interpretation, and production of Lineation of unknown origin (mainly from F4 and F5 folding) Waterloo Lake Member: grey, green, and red, fine- grained sandstone and Tcw this item, it is not possible to ensure total accuracy, and all persons This map accompanies the following publication: Ashton,K.E.and H unter,R .C .(2004):G eology ofthe C am sellPortage area,southern Zem lak D om ain,R ae Province (U ranium C ity Project);in Sum m ary ofInvestigations 2004 Volum e 2,Saskatchewan G eologicalSurvey,Sask.Industry and R esources, M isc.R ep.2004-4.2. who rely on the information contained herein do so at their own risk. Dam Minor S fold (F2/3, F4, F5, F6) The Department of Industry and Resources and the Government of siltstone; thin bedded, laminated and ripple laminated; highly magnetic Falls Member: grey, fine- to medium- grained sandstone with rare granules and Tcf Saskatchewan do not accept liability for any errors, omissions, or pebbles; medium to thick bedded, lamination and ripple lamination, convolute bedding, ball and pillow structures, and flame structures locally common; inaccuracies that may be included in or derived from, this item. magnetic Minor Z fold (F2/3, F4, F5, F6) This map may be referenced as: Powder Lake Formation Ashton, K.E. and Hunter, R.C. (2004): Geology of the Camsell Portage area (Zemlak Domain), Southeast Sheet (Part of NTS Minor W fold (F2/3, F4, F5, F6) 74N/10 and /11); 1:20 000 scale map with Summary of Investigations 2004 Volume 2, Saskatchewan Geological Survey, Sask. Wellington Lake Member: grey, fine- to very coarse- grained arkose with rare Industry and Resources, Misc. Rep. 2004- 4.2. Tpw pebbles and thin conglomerate beds; thin to thick bedded, graded bedding, cross-bedding, and lamination; variably magnetic Minor symmetrical fold (F2/3, F4, F5, F6) Camel Lake Member: grey to pink, fine- to very coarse- grained arkose and 109°15'W 600000 Rcs 601000 602000 55 603000 604000 605000 Rcc Rcs 606000 46 607000 40 57 80 Jewell Point 609000 Tpc Su 49 68 34 18 608000 70 63 50 55 80 80 6607000 68 63 45 54 48 85 64 83 30 60 53 41 45 16 6606000 70 80 Db Db 42 70 Sz 80 50 88 40 Db Sp Su 52 80 72 55 Gl 24 70 Joli Lake 80 33 38 Su 27 50 35 75 30 47 18 75 22 75 70 Sp Db 85 51 protomylonitic, intensely fractured and variably bleached, dark layers may include minor gneissic, local cm-scale pink medium- to coarse- grained leucosome, protomylonitic, intensely sedimentary remnants, but some layering produced/enhanced by shearing; CI <10 (pseudomorphed garnet ± biotite (chlorite) (garnet- biotite- quartz- feldspar); intruded by sheets of pink leucogranite; non magnetic 29 Gl 82 Pink-red leucogranite: fine to medium grained; foliated to gneissic, cataclastic to ribbony, beady, cm-scale zones of anastomosing shear fractures; CI 1-5 (biotite (chlorite)- quartzplagioclase- K- feldspar); small plutons and metre- scale sheets; non- magnetic Strike Lakes 70 Leucogranite: pink to white, medium to coarse grained; homogeneous to gneissic, 75 53 88 49 (biotite- quartz- feldspar); non- magnetic fractured and variably bleached, dark cm- to dc-scale layers include minor psammopelitic 40 80 50 Lg Strike Lakes 71 Pink, seriate granite: medium to coarse grained (1- 10 mm); massive to foliated; CI 10- 20 Garnetiferous leucogranite: white to pale pink, medium to coarse grained; homogeneous to 36 50 13 chlorite- sericite schistose rock with remnants of white leucosome and rare pseudomorphed <10, rare blue quartz (biotite- quartz- feldspar ± garnet); rarely magnetic 80 10 Mylonites containing white leucosome remnants: grey- green, fine- to medium- grained 80 75 Db 70 82 85 Di chlorite- sericite schistose rock with remnants of pink granitoid; non-magnetic psammopelitic sedimentary remnants, but some layering produced/enhanced by shearing; CI Deep Lake 60 57 85 31 Camsell Point L 18 Dark Lake 6605000 Asp 80 6605000 64 Mylonites containing pink granitoid remnants: grey-green and pink, fine- to medium- grained GRANITOID ROCKS OF PROBABLE PALEOPROTEROZOIC AGE 77 Za containing mm- to cm-scale feldspar ± quartz relicts in a very fine grained, flinty to recrystallized, garnet; non-magnetic (probably derived from Zp) 80 85 80 70 Sp Zpg 11 23 72 20 Gr 80 83 Mylonitic rocks of unknown origin: grey to brown phyllonitic mylonite to ultramylonite 85 70 67 30 Su quartzofeldspathic matrix (chlorite- sericite- quartz- feldspar); non-magnetic 85 77 10 80 MYLONITIC ROCKS 25 67 42 55 75 48 Sp 85 55 54 57 63 64 43 51 37 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Unconformity ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 45 37 50 55 55 65 Gdn Afp 42 70 10 63 51 Zp 52 56 45 58 38 54 12 49 70 70 Db 55 72 67 Db clasts common; rarely magnetic Zemlak Lake 63 67 68 56 65 common; pink leucogranite, quartz, gneiss, mylonite, and metasedimentary 77 31 32 70 70 pebbly arkose; thick- bedded, matrix- supported conglomerate beds less 80 68 60 60 63 46 conglomerate, interbedded with medium-bedded, coarse-grained arkose or 85 Db 34 48 Zpg 52 51 32 15 82 52 75 56 50 32 Rcc 52 Zpg 23 60 15 27 50 40 Tpg 42 55 63 Gulo Lake Member: grey, polymictic, pebble- cobble, clast- supported 30 75 Cu 60 33 34 27 45 pebbly arkose with thin argillite partings; thin to medium bedded; variably magnetic 72 52 Sp 63 31 612000 58 Tpw 21 70 611000 50 Tcf 60 70 40 Zp 610000 6607000 599000 6606000 598000 Tpc 109°W 597000 109°W 77 36 27 67 80 72 70 60 80 85 Mx 90 68 52 73 60 20 45 20 70 Zu pegmatitic leucogranite with sericite- chlorite shear foliation, quartz and feldspar porphyroclasts, 22 70 55 54 32 Psammopelitic to pelitic gneiss- migmatite, rare interbedded quartzite: grey- brown, fine to 70 5 Zp 85 Lake Athabasca 42 25 70 50 33 78 52 77 36 32 63 10 54 45 42 55 10 85 20 55 50 57 24 75 22 85 Mx 40 U Gd 20 20 23 Pp 85 65 27 75 75 83 80 62 70 64 75 Gdn 80 Gom Utim Lake 80 45 some may represent a border phase of the gneissic granodiorite 6600000 65 60 60 56 32 52 Go 70 75 60 30 Granodioritic orthogneiss- migmatite: pink, brick red or grey, fine to medium grained; variably sheared; CI 0-20 (biotite- quartz- feldspar ± hornblende ± allanite); commonly contains deformed and metamorphosed mafic dykes and sheets of medium-grained leucogranite; (may be 75 Gom 45 65 where homogeneous, fine to medium grained where gneissic, (hornblende- plagioclase ± biotite); intruded by 30% m- scale sheets of pink leucogranite south of Charlot River; non magnetic; 57 70 83 55 non-magnetic phase Tonalite- gabbro: weathers green, white & black on fresh surface, medium to coarse grained Di 70 70 magnetic phase 57 77 6600000 and 10% amphibolite (probably dykes) variably magnetic 88 80 70 coarse grained and megacrystic; variably mylonitized; CI 15-25, (hornblende- biotite- feldspar- Gdm 75 70 Gneissic granodiorite: grey paleosome and up to 30% pink leucosome, medium to locally quartz ± allanite); commonly injected by ~20% sheets of pink medium- to coarse-grained granite 65 70 78 Island Bay Amphibolite: black, fine to medium grained; variably layered (hornblende- plagioclase) FOLIATED TO GNEISSIC GRANITOIDS OF PROBABLE ARCHEAN AGE 22 80 25 homogeneous to gneissic; generally mylonitized to form porphyroclastic foliate 76 25 22 52 15 Za U 30 65 Pelitic migmatite-diatexite: grey- brown to white, medium to coarse grained, 67 73 Gw Gw as above but with 10- 20% garnet (biotite- quartz- feldspar ± garnet); non- magnetic Zpg 55 30 67 75 73 43 Highly garnetiferous pelitic migmatite and derived anatectic granite: same with ~30% white medium- to coarse-grained feldspar porphyroclasts; CI ~20 Pp 5 Zpd 62 67 62 74 45 74 38 Gw Zpg 52 15 25 sillimanite) non- magnetic; 55 53 Zpg 80 58 54 4 85 56 76 garnet granite 23 60 medium grained; CI 20-30 (biotite- feldspar- quartz contains up to 90% m- scale sheets of derived white to rarely pink medium- grained anatectic 52 30 blue quartz, minor sulphides, locally forms leucosome in adjacent gneisses 25 81 50 scale white leucosome; 10-30% biotite, local blue quartz; very competent; 2) rare intrusive pink- locally pegmatitic leucogranite with biotite- chlorite shear foliation; 4) pink, medium- grained to 72 45 Mixed gneiss: various portions of: 1): grey, fine- grained, variably layered, biotite gneiss with cm- cream megacrystic granite with amphibolite schlieren; 5-15% biotite; 3) white medium- grained to 74 65 38 6601000 60 40 60 88 47 54 58 70 88 75 59°33'0"N 65 U 6603000 31 6603000 88 65 28 88 biotite- bearing quartzite and grey- brown, fine- to medium- grained pelitic gneiss (biotite SUPRACRUSTAL ROCKS OF UNKNOWN AFFINITY 80 62 56 88 Calcareous quartzite and gneissic to migmatitic pelite: thinly interlayered white diopside- and (chlorite)-quartz-feldspar ± garnet); non-magnetic 70 55 50 Shore Pluton suite); typically intruded by mafic dykes 80 40 6602000 North 5 85 20 36 quartz- plagioclase- K- feldspar ± hornblende ± allanite); generally magnetic (part of ca. 2.3 Ga 53 78 70 54 grained phases; homogeneous to well layered, sheared to mylonitic; CI 5-20, (biotite(chlorite)- MURMAC BAY GROUP 38 57 42 85 Zpg 36 63 55 54 Strike Lakes 73 63 72 6604000 44 88 59°33'0"N 60 18 Gr 71 23 42 Pink coarse-grained granite: pink, originally coarse- grained augen foliate with minor finer- 70 88 6602000 6604000 53 83 75 78 75 13 6601000 32 correlative with Gg) 70 Gom magnetic component Gon non-magnetic component 75 Mx Zpg 67 Gom 75 65 Gon 70 75 Gom 70 Granitic orthogneiss- migmatite: comprises ~20% gneiss with grey medium- grained 70 72 Gg paleosome containing 10-20% biotite ± hornblende and cm- scale pink leucosome; ~70% injected pink, medium- grained leucogranite, and ~10% semi-continuous amphibolite layers and schlieren, Draper Lakes locally contorted; also local zones of massive to weakly foliated, medium-grained, hornblendic 597000 598000 599000 109°15'W 600000 601000 602000 603000 604000 605000 606000 607000 608000 609000 610000 611000 612000 granitoid (biotite- feldspar- quartz ± hornblende); magnetic Tonalitic orthogneiss- migmatite: white, medium grained, leucocratic, locally Ggt contains layers or schlieren of amphibolite (biotite- quartz- feldspar ± hornblende); non- magnetic Mylonitized granitic orthogneiss- migmatite: pink Ggm and grey, fine grained, layered ultramylonite derived from Gg and Ggt, (10-15% biotite), local post- mylonitization hornblende and allanite growth, minor pink oval feldspar porphyroclasts up to 1 cm; may include minor mylonitized unit L (All units may not be present on this map sheet)