IEP Guidance - West Lothian Council

Individualised Educational Programme (IEP) Guidance
Cover Page
Please complete first four boxes
Current session
Academic year, e.g. 2013-14
E.g. Primary 2; S4
Date IEP Updated
Enter dates when IEP is updated during current session. IEPs should be updated at least termly in
order to review progress with short term targets, with the last review being the annual review when
progress with long term targets is also evaluated.
Page 1
Please complete all sections.
Some sections may need updated during the time the IEP is open, for example if a CSP is opened/
closed or if the child/young person becomes Looked After. The agencies/personnel involved should
also be updated as information changes.
Page 2
Please complete all sections; this information will also need to be reviewed and amended regularly.
Pupil Profile
This is intended to be a brief “pen picture” of the pupil, including information about the pupil at school,
at home and in the community, focusing on skills, strengths and interests.
Factors giving rise to additional support needs
In this section, please outline the barriers to learning which have been identified. If applicable, include
any medical or other diagnoses, e.g. Autism Spectrum Disorder; dyslexia.
Support Strategies
Enter a list of the agreed strategies which are to be used in school, and ensure all personnel working
with the pupil are made aware of these strategies.
Assessment History
This section should include a list of assessments carried out by school staff including the class
teacher or support for learning teacher, as well as assessments carried out by others within Education
or from other agencies e.g. SALT / Ed Psych assessment. If assessment reports from other agencies
are kept in the pupil’s PPR, it can be useful to note this here.
Parents’/Carers’ Views and Child’s/Young Person’s Views
These boxes should contain a note of views concerning the IEP and initial target setting process.
Targets Pages (3 onwards)
Long Term Targets/Learning Outcomes
Long term targets/learning outcomes should be for a whole school session. Therefore, the dates will
usually be August to June, unless the IEP is opened during the course of a session. Targets/learning
outcomes should be SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely), based on skills
you expect this pupil to be able to use and transfer confidently by the end of the session. They might
be worded:
Alex will be able to …
Last Updated April 2014
I will be able to …
There is no need for targets/learning outcomes to be measured numerically, e.g. “3 times per week”,
“50% of the time” etc. Evaluation should consider evidence as to whether the child/young person has
achieved the skill.
The core areas of focus for long terms targets are generally Literacy, Numeracy and Health & Well
Being. There may be a need, however, to include another area of the curriculum. There is an
opportunity to insert up to 4 long term targets within the IEP document. The number of Long Term
targets identified for a child/young person should reflect the individual need of that child/young
Lead Agency
Education, Health, Social Policy
This refers to the assessment of the target as having been fully achieved, partially achieved, not
achieved, continuing or modify target – enter code from top of page. For long term targets, this would
be entered at the annual review.
Evaluation & Next Steps
This should be completed during the annual review in preparation for drawing up new targets for next
session, or discontinuing the IEP, as appropriate.
Short Term Targets/Learning Outcomes
For each long term target, there should be at least one short term target each term. At times, it may
be appropriate to have two short term targets running at the same time towards the same long term
target.Please ensure that it is clear to which long term target each short term target relates, e.g.
where two short term targets relate to long term target 1 they could be labelled 1a and 1b. Again,
targets should be SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely) and do not need to
be measured numerically. They might be worded:
Alex will be able to …
I will be able to …
These are the materials, equipment and so on required to achieve this target.
Action by
List the personnel who will be carrying out the tasks and/or supporting the pupil with this target.
List the strategies to be used to support the child/young person to achieve the target
This refers to the evaluation of the target as having been fully achieved, partially achieved, not
achieved, continuing or modify target – enter code from top of page. For short term targets, this
would be entered during the termly reviews.
Evaluation & Next Steps
This should be completed during the termly review in preparation for drawing up new targets for the
next term, to make further progress towards the relevant long term target. At termly reviews, it might
also be agreed that an additional long term target is required, or that another target is no longer
Review Pages
These pages are intended for use as brief notes of the termly and annual IEP review meetings. This
means that there is a record of discussion with all involved, which is particularly helpful for anyone
unable to attend every review.
Last Updated April 2014