Brian Highfill - Kansas State University

Brian Highfill
Department of Agricultural Economics
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506
Cell: (580) 402-5029
Kansas State University
M.S. – Agricultural Economics
Manhattan, KS
Oklahoma State University
B.S. – Agricultural Economics
Stillwater, OK
Anticipated Dec. 2016
May 2015
Magna cum laude
Graduate Research Assistant- Dr. Glynn Tonsor
Kansas State University: Dept. of Agricultural Economics
June 2015 – Present
Manhattan, Kansas
- Examined the likelihood of a downward bias in the live cattle futures market and developed
a naïve trading model to test whether or not the market was behaving inefficiently
- Analyzed structural changes over time in fed cattle basis and the implications affecting cash
price forecasting
- Updated decision tools (e.g. Cattle Breakeven Prices) for the Kansas State Department of
Agricultural Economics AgManager website
- Updated a previous research paper to determine how feeding costs and relative futures
prices impact feeder cattle price slides
Price Risk Management Intern
Smithfield Foods
May 2016 – Aug 2016
Smithfield, Virginia
- Developed an understanding of how Smithfield creates and implements hedging strategies
for feed input costs, finished hog sales, fresh pork products, and packaged meat products
- Analyzed the effectiveness of utilizing live cattle futures as a risk management tool for
hedging the procurement of beef trimmings (50’s and 90’s) used as an input in several
processed meat product blends
- Distributed bi-weekly weather reports to the Price Risk Management team including data for
temperature, weekly and accumulated precipitation, and growing degree units for the
primary corn and soybean belt
- Determined how many pounds of Smithfield’s pork sales are cash negotiated versus formula
or forward contracted as a percentage of total MPR pounds as well as total production
- Created and implemented a trading strategy for livestock and grain futures contracts to
become more acquainted with day-to-day market movements
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Undergraduate Research Assistant- Dr. Derrell Peel
Oklahoma State University: Dept. of Agricultural Economics
August 2013 – May 2015
Stillwater, Oklahoma
- Collected price data for calves, feeder cattle, and fed beef cattle, competing livestock
species, and feed grains
- Developed a model to help the stakeholder estimate steer and heifer prices for any region of
the country at any time of year
- Analyzed the spatial price differences for various weights of feeder cattle
- Researched and created reports on key beef industry issues including: beta-agonists,
antibiotic use, and cow herd expansion
Risk Optimization Intern
Koch Industries, Inc.
May 2014 – Aug 2014
Wichita, Kansas
- Supported Koch Industries, Inc. (KII) risk optimization team to continually improve and apply
Koch’s risk philosophy
- Developed new analysis tools and models to help improve Koch Ag & Energy Solutions
(KAES) market risk decision making
- Conducted value at risk and stress capital at risk analysis for KAES market risk team
- Supported KII risk optimization team on transportation and product liability risk assessments
and frameworks
- Conducted credit risk analysis to evaluate Koch Resources credit ratings to comparable
industrial corporations
U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Agriculture
May 2013 – July 2013
Washington, D.C.
- Created and organized commodity data spreadsheets to analyze market trends, price and
quantity changes over time, and correlation between different market factors
- Analyzed African countries commodity data to determine the effectiveness of food aid
assistance from the U.S.
- Aided committee staff members in preparation for committee meetings and hearings
Employment Data Team
Oklahoma State University Career Services
August 2012 – May 2013
Stillwater, Oklahoma
- Collected and recorded career information from recent graduates
- Calculated salary levels (low, average, median, maximum) for available majors
- Aided employers with preparing their booths for career fairs
- Assisted career consultants by managing the student waiting area and tracking
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Oklahoma State University Teaching Assistant:
AGEC 3333: Agricultural Marketing and Price Analysis
Spring 2015
Highfill, B.J. and D.S. Peel. “A Model of Spatial Steer and Heifer Prices.” SAEA 2015
OSU Phi Kappa Phi Academic Honor Society
Alpha Zeta (College of Agriculture Honor Society)
Order of Omega (Greek Honor Society)
Student Fellow- KSU Center for Risk Management Education and Research
- Further increase knowledge and understanding of risk management methods across
different markets and industries
- Attend seminars and workshops lead by a wide array of industry professionals
- Complete a group project to analyze an industry specific risk management problem
pertinent to an organization’s business decisions
- Participate in industry visits to gain a better understanding of how industry groups differ in
their approach to risk management
Chairman- Farm Credit Student Board of Directors
- Attended monthly meetings to learn Farm Credit lending and business practices
- Conducted analysis to determine the most ideal locations for Farm Credit branch and field
offices based on current/potential loan volumes and agricultural production
- Created and distributed a consumer survey to Farm Credit members to collect customer
feedback regarding the effectiveness of Farm Credit’s marketing efforts
- Presented both the branch location and the consumer survey projects at the Farm Credit
Board of Directors meeting in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
National Cattlemen’s Beef Association Convention Intern
February 2014
- Assisted NCBA staff in conducting the annual convention and trade show in Nashville,
- Operated the NCBA trade show booth to provide participants with information
- Aided with the NCBA Political Action Committee Auction to raise funds for the groups
political efforts
Officer - Social Fraternity (Marshal 2014, Parliamentarian 2013, Vice-Pres. Pledge Class 2012)
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Congressional Intern for U.S. Representative Frank Lucas in Washington D.C.
July 2013
Habitat for Humanity Home Build Volunteer
OK Foster Wishes- Delivered and Collected Toy Donations
December 2014, 2015
Certified Angus Beef Colvin Tomorrow’s Leaders Award
Senior of Distinction in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
OSU Senior of Significance
OSU Top Twenty Freshmen Men
OSU Academic Excellence Award
OSU University Leadership Award
Koch Industries Discovery Scholarship
President’s Honor Roll- 4 semesters
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