© 2014 IJIRT | Volume 1 Issue 6 | ISSN: 2349-6002 DEVELOPMENT OF THREE PHASE TRANSFORMER TO THE FIVE PHASE TRANSFORMER Kunal kumar1, Himanshi Mann,Ashutosh Jha Dronacharya College of Enginering, Gurgaon, India ABSTRACT this paper is review about the development of the three phase transformer to the five phase transformer. Basically in starting research the single phase transformer is found but after some time researcher gave theory of the three phase transformer. We discussed about the simulation of five phase transformer from three phase transformer. In late 1970’s the first five-phase induction motor drive system was proposed for adjustable speed drive applications. Since then, a considerable research effort has been made to develop a commercially feasible multiphase drive systems. INTRODUCTION Multi phase systems are the main focus of research due to their inherent advantages compared to their threephase counterparts. The applicability of multiphase systems is explored in electric power generation , transmission , and utilization . The research on six-phase transmission system was initiated due to the rising cost of right of way for transmission corridors, environmental issues, and various stringent licensing laws. Sixphase transmission lines can provide the same power capacity with a lower phase-to-phase voltage and smaller, more compact towers compared to a standard double-circuit three-phase line. The geometry of the six-phase compact towers may also aid in the reduction of magnetic fields as well . The research on multiphase generators has started recently and only a few references are available . The present work on multiphase generation has investigated asymmetrical six-phase (two sets of stator windings with 30 phase displacement) induction generator configuration as the solution for use in renewable energy generation. As far as multiphase motor drives are concerned, the first proposal was given by Ward and Harrer way back in 1969 and since then, the research was slow and steady until the end of the last century. IJIRT 100932 Three Phase Transformer Basics Thus far we have looked at the construction and operation of the single-phase, two winding voltage transformer which can be used increase or decrease its secondary voltage with respect to the primary supply voltage. But voltage transformers can also be constructed for connection to not only one single phase, but for two-phases, three-phases, six-phases and even elaborate combinations up to 24-phases for some DC rectification transformers. If we take three single-phase transformers and connect their primary windings to each other and their secondary windings to each other in a fixed configuration, we can use the transformers on a threephase supply. Three Phase Transformer Construction We have said previously that the three-phase transformer is effectively three interconnected single phase transformers on a single laminated core and considerable savings in cost, size and weight can be achieved by combining the three windings onto a single magnetic circuit as shown. A three-phase transformer generally has the three INTERNATONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE RESEARCH IN TECHNOLOGY 1567 © 2014 IJIRT | Volume 1 Issue 6 | ISSN: 2349-6002 magnetic circuits that are interlaced to give a uniform distribution of the dielectric flux between the high and low voltage windings. The exception to this rule is a three-phase shell type transformer. In the shell type of construction, even though the three cores are together, they are non-interlaced The three-limb core-type three-phase transformer is the most common method of three-phase transformer construction allowing the phases to be magnetically linked. Flux of each limb uses the other two limbs for its return path with the three magnetic flux’s in the core generated by the line voltages differing in timephase by 120 degrees. Thus the flux in the core remains nearly sinusoidal, producing a sinusoidal secondary supply voltage. The shell-type five-limb type three-phase transformer construction is heavier and more expensive to build than the core-type. Five-limb cores are generally used for very large power transformers as they can be made with reduced height. A shell-type transformers core materials, electrical windings, steel enclosure and cooling are much the same as for the larger singlephase types. Configurations Transformer Delta and Delta Connections Transformer star and star connections WINDING ARRANGEMENT FOR FIVE-PHASE STAR OUTPUT Three separate cores are designed with each carrying one primary and three secondary coils, except in one core where only two secondary coils are used. Six terminals of primaries are connected in an appropriate manner resulting in star and/or delta connections and the 16 terminals of secondaries are connected in a different fashion resulting in star or polygon output. The connection scheme of secondary windings to obtain a star output is illustrated in Fig. 2. The construction of output phases with requisite phase angles of 72 degrees between each phase is obtained using appropriate turn ratios, and the governing phasor equations are illustrated in (1)–(10). The turn ratios are different in each phase. The choice of turn ratio is the key in creating the requisite phase displacement in the output phases. Three Phase Voltages and Currents A transformer can not act as a phase changing device and change single-phase into three-phase or threephase into single phase. To make the transformer connections compatible with three-phase supplies we need to connect them together in a particular way to form a Three Phase Transformer Configuration. v Three Phase Transformer Connections Three Phase Transformer Star and Delta IJIRT 100932 = = = = = = = sin ( sin ( sin ( sin ( sin ( sin ( sin ( ) … (2) +2 5) … (3) +4 5) … (4) −4 5) … (5) −2 5) … (6) ) … (7) +2 3) … (8) INTERNATONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE RESEARCH IN TECHNOLOGY 1568 © 2014 IJIRT | Volume 1 Issue 6 | ISSN: 2349-6002 = sin ( −2 3) … (9) SIMULATION RESULTS In the transformer modeling the input phases are indicated with letters “x”, “y”, “z”, and the put phases are indicated with letters “A”, “B”, “C”, “D” and “E”. As illustrated in Fig.03, the output phase “A”is along phase “X”. The output phase “B” is the sum of voltages in phse “c6c5” and “b1b2”, similarly “C” is obtained from “a4a3” and “b3b4”. The output phase “D” is obtained by the phasor addition of voltages in “a4a3”and “c1c2” and similarly output phase “E” results from the phasor sum of the winding voltages “c3c4” and “b6b5”. In this way the five phases are obtained from three phase to five phase The first simulated is the design of a transformer by using the “simpowersystem” . there is an inbuilt transformer to simulate the concept of the design. The apporiprate turn ratio are set in a dialog box which is show in the table number 1. The simulated is run and this table is shown in fig. 4. And the resulting wave form in the for of input or output are shown in fig. 5. In this we can clearly see the balanced five-phase supply for a three phase input. Individual output phase are also shown along with there input repectively. By examing the simulation graph the output of the three phase transformer is 300v and the output of five phase transformer is also 300v. The voltage of output simulation can be adjustable bt taps of auto transformer. For balanced output there must be a balanced input. The output and input voltage are waveform under no-load steady condition are recorded as shown in fig. 5 and fig. 6 FIG. 5 OUTPUT VOLTAGE OF THREE PHASE TRANSFORMER TABLE NO.1 Primary Primary X Primary Y Secondary Turn ratio SWG a 1a 2 1 17 a 4a 3 0.47 15 b 1b 2 0.68 17 b 4b 3 0.858 17 FIG. 6 OUTPUT VOLTAGE OF FIVE PHASE TRANSFORMER IJIRT 100932 INTERNATONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE RESEARCH IN TECHNOLOGY 1569 © 2014 IJIRT | Volume 1 Issue 6 | ISSN: 2349-6002 PRIMARY Z b 5b 6 0.24 17 c 1c 2 0.68 17 c 4c 3 0.858 17 c 5c 6 0.24 17 economics: Constructing a newtransmission line,” IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 1521– 1526, Oct. 1998. 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