XXIV Symposium Electromagnetic Phenomena in Nonlinear Circuits June 28 - July 1, 2016 Helsinki, FINLAND ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE THREE PHASE AND SIX PHASE FRACTIONAL SLOT CONCENTRATED WINDING PERMANENT MAGNET MACHINES Cezary Jedryczka Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Electrical Engineering and Electronics Piotrowo 3a, 61-138 Poznań, Poland, e-mail: cezary.jedryczka@put.poznan.pl Abstract - The paper deals with comparative analysis of the permanent magnet synchronous motors with concentrated windings. The classical 3 phase machines have been compared to the multiphase, multi-star machines on a case study design. As figures of merit the back electromotive force (emf) and magnetomotive (mmf) force distortions as well as torque and torque pulsation factor have been considered. The analyses have been performed using own developed code for the synthesis and analysis of the multiphase winding layouts, and professional FEM package Maxwell for the torque, back emf and torque pulsations studies. The nonlinearity of the magnetic circuit has been taken into account. phase character of considered drives such machines and their supply systems can be called as multi-star [2]. Example of using a multi-star supply system to power real 6 phase PMSM machine has been illustrated schematically in Fig. 1. b) I. INTRODUCTION Permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSM) with the fractional slot concentrated windings (FSCW) in relation to the classical three phase machines with distributed windings have lower cost of windings design, shorter end turns, lower winding resistance, lower leakage and lower mutual inductances, all contributing to the increase of performance and efficiency [1, 3, 4]. The advantages of PMSM machines with FSCW are especially apparent for low speed applications such as direct drive torque motors, elevator industry, marine propulsions systems as well as in wind turbine generators [3, 4, 5, 6]. However, these machines suffer from relatively high torque ripple and stray losses [3] due to nonlinearity of the magnetomotive force (mmf) space distribution. To mitigate these problems, the winding layouts producing mmf space distribution with low content of sub and super harmonics are searched for. As a one of the solutions utilization of machines supplied from sources with a number of phases greater than 3 is considered. Based on published results and our own experience, these multiphase machines offer many advantages, including: low distortion of mmf waveform, low torque ripple, high winding factor and high efficiency [1, 2, 5, 6]. On the other hand, powering and controlling machines with 5, 7 or 10 phases, in spite of continuous lowering costs of the semiconductor switches, require development of customized inverters and novel control strategies. To reduce inverter costs, the multiphase machines discussed here contain the number of phases in multiple of 3, facilitating the application of commonly used 3 phase intelligent power modules (IPM). In other words, m phases machines described herein may be powered by a given number k=m/3 of 3 phase drives/inverters. While these drives must be synchronized with proper shift angle β between the 3 phase stars of currents, the galvanic connection between drives is not necessary. To indicate the multi three Fig.1. Illustration of multi-star supply system for real 6 phase PMSM a); phasor diagram b) II. SYNTHESIS OF THE MULTI-STAR FSCW For the synthesis of multi-star, multiphase FSCW windings author developed own computer code. The winding layout is searched for the desired number of phases and slots of the machine basing on the mmf space distribution analysis using mathematical programming methods. Winding patterns with the highest winding factor and lowest total harmonic distortion factor (THD) of mmf space distribution passing the symmetry condition are determined after large number of Monte Carlo procedure calls. To determine THD of mmf space distribution and fundamental winding factor the Fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm has been used. The winding symmetry condition has been defined as follows: ∑∑ ( h n−1 p j =1 u =1 j u ) − huj +1 ≤ ε (1) where n is assumed number of time instants in single period of supply system, hu is amplitude u-th harmonic of mmf, p is the number of considered mmf harmonics, ε is setpoint accuracy. In the time domain studied multi-star voltage systems can be described by set of phasors defined as: 2 u i , j = U m sin ωt − ( j − 1) π − (i − 1) β 3 (2) where i=1...k, j=1,2,3 and β = π/m. The phasors in the considered system are described by numbers from 1 to 2m - see the example phasor diagram of the real 6 phase system shown in Fig.1. It can be noted that the shift angle β between the 3 phase stars defines also the phasors’ angular offset for whole 6 phase system. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 83 II. CASE STUDY PROBLEM As a case study problem the comparative analysis between 3 phase and 6 phase PMSM machines has been performed. For both 3 and 6 phase machines the single layer (SL) and double layer (DL) winding designs have been tested. To eliminate influence of the magnetic circuit geometry the 3 phase and 6 phase machines differs only in the winding design. Studied machines have 48 slots in the stator and 44 poles in the rotor. The machines of 3 different rotor structures have been examined. The structures of the rotors and major dimensions of the magnetic circuit have been shown in Fig. 2. Fig.2. Stator and the considered rotor structures of studied PMSM machine, a) SIPM; b) SPM and c) IPM Fig.4. Comparison of: a) average electromagnetic torque Tav; b) torque pulsation factor εT III. RESULTS IV. CONCLUSIONS In the first step the analysis of mmf space distribution has been performed for studied 3 phase and 6 phase single and double layer winding layouts. The values of fundamental winding factor (kwf), percentage value of the highest subharmonic of mmf (Smax) and order of the highest sub-harmonic of mmf (Smax order) have been summarized in Table I. Analyzing presented selected results it can be concluded that considered six phase windings layouts are characterized by lower content of sub-harmonics in the mmf waveform as compared with the studied 3 phase FSCW machines. Also all studied multiphase machines exhibited higher average value of the electromagnetic torque as compared to the reference 3 phase machines. Moreover, the investigated multiphase PMSM machines with FSCW are characterized by significantly lower torque pulsations. In summary, multiphase machines offer improved functionality and mitigate known issues associated with classical 3 phase FSCW machines. More detailed description of performed studies and comprehensive report of results will be presented during the Conference and will be included in the extended version of the paper. TABLE I SUMMARY OF MAGNETOMOTIVE FORSE ANALYSIS Winding winding factor kwf Smax [%] Smax order 0.958 21.44 14 3ph_SL 0.949 17.15 14 3ph_DL 0.991 13.17 2 6ph_SL 0.983 1.73 2 6ph_DL Due to nonlinearity of the magnetic circuit in order to analyze and compare of the performance of the machines characterized by the abovementioned winding layouts a finite element method (FEM) has been applied next. Twelve different field models have been elaborated in the Ansys Maxwell environment for each winding layout and rotor structure. Results of performed FEA have been presented in Fig. 3 and 4 for back emf distortion and electromagnetic torque waveform analyses, respectively. ke [%] Fig.3. Percentage harmonic content ke of the line to line back emf waveforms for machines with IPM rotor structure REFERENCES [1] EL-Refaie A., M., Fractional-Slot Concentrated-Windings Synchronous Permanent Magnet Machines: Opportunities and Challenges, IEEE TRANS. 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