Bridge Method EIE 240 Electrical and Electronic Measurement Class 7, March 13, 2015 1 Bridge Method • Diode bridge is an arrangement of four or more diodes for AC/DC full-wave rectifier. • Component bridge methods are used for measurement of resistance, capacitance, inductance, etc. • The network will be balanced when the detector reading becomes zero. Component Being Measured Bridge Network Detector 2 1 Wheatstone Bridge • Wheatstone bridge was invented by Samuel Hunter Christie in 1833 and improved and popularized by Sir Charles Wheatstone in 1843. B R1 • DC supply, Vs R2 • Output voltage, Vo I1 Vo A C I2 R3 Sir Charles Wheatstone (1802 – 1875) D R4 + Vs – 3 Wheatstone Bridge (Cont’d) • When Vo = 0 V, the potential at B must equal to the potential at D I1R1 = I2R3 I1R2 = I2R4 Hence I1R1 = I2R3 = (I1R2/R4) R3 R1/R2 = R3/R4 • The balance condition is independent of Vs 4 2 Wheatstone Bridge (Cont’d) • R1 is the input resistance to be measured by comparing to accurately known resistors (standard) (standard). • R2 and R4 are known-fixed resistances. • R3 can be adjusted to give the zero potential difference condition. A R1 B Adjust R3 Vo = 0 V G B D Wheatstone Bridge 5 Wheatstone Bridge (Cont’d) • Change in R1, change R3 • The precision is about 1 to 1 M. M • The accuracy is mainly up to the known resistors and the sensitivity of the null detector ( 0.1 to 0.2%). • Error comes from changes g in resistances of the bridge arms by changes in temperatures or thermoelectric EMF in contacts. 6 3 Sensitivity of the Bridge • If no galvanometer at the output, VAB = Vs R1/(R1+R2) VAD = Vs R3/(R3+R4) Thus, Vo = VAB – VAD Vo = Vs ( R1/(R1+R2) – R3/(R3+R4) ) • The relationship between Vo and R1 is non-linear • Vo = 0 V when R1/R2 = R3/R4 7 Sensitivity of the Bridge (Cont’d) • Changing R1 to R1+R1 gives a change of Vo to Vo+Vo Vo+Vo=Vs(( ((R1+R1))/((R (( 1+R1))+R2) – R3/(R ( 3+R4)) Then (Vo+Vo)–Vo = Vs R1+R1 – R3 R1+R1+R2 R3+R4 –Vs R1 – R3 R1+R2 R3+R4 Vo = Vs R1+R1 – R1 R1+R1+R2 R1+R2 8 4 Sensitivity of the Bridge (Cont’d) • If small changes R1 << R1 then the g can be sensitivityy of Wheatstone bridge computed from, Vo R1 Vs/(R1+R2) Vo/R1 Vs/(R1+R2) • Higher R1 to be measured, lower sensitivity • Amplifier can be used to amplify Vo 9 Unbalanced Bridge • If there is a galvanometer, Rg, between the p terminals, the current Ig can be two output determined by Thévenin equivalent circuit. Vth = Vo = Vs ( R1/(R1+R2) – R3/(R3+R4) ) • Sh Shortt voltage lt source, then th Thévenin Thé i resistance is R1//R2 + R3//R4 Rth = R1R2/(R1+R2) + R3R4/(R3+R4) 10 5 Unbalanced Bridge (Cont’d) A B R2 R1 C B R3 R4 G D Rth Ig Rg Vth Vs For unbalanced bridge, Ig = Vth / (Rth + Rg) and Vg = IgRg = VthRg/(Rth+Rg) If balanced or Vg = 0 V like no movement 11 Slightly Unbalanced Bridge • If R2 = R3 = R4 = R and R1 = R+R • VAB = Vs (R+R)/(R+R+R) = Vs (R+R)/(2R+R) B • VAD = Vs R/(R+R) = Vs/2 R+R • Vo = VAB – VAD I1 = Vs (R+R) – 1 Vo A (2R+R) 2 I2 = VsR / (4R+2R) R • If R < 5% of R D Vo VsR / 4R + Vs – R C R 12 6 Slightly Unbalanced Bridge (Cont’d) • For Thévenin’s equivalent circuit, Vth = Vo = VsR / 4R Rth = (R+R)//R + R//R = R(R+R)/(2R+R) + R/2 R/2 + R/2 = R Ig = Vth / (Rth + Rg) Vg = IgRg 13 Kelvin Double Bridge • A modification of Wheatstone bridge for low resistance measurement (R1 < 1) p wire resistances affect • Because non-perfect the measurement. r R1 r3 R2 r4 Vo R3 R4 Vs 14 7 • Using four-terminal resistors (two for voltage supply and 2 for current supply) 15 • The yoke r is connected to R1 and R2 • The relationship between r3, r4, R3 and R4 R3/R4 = r3/r4 • Using the delta-star transformation, the equivalent circuit ra R1 rb R2 rc ra = r3r / (r ( 3+r4+r)) rb = r4r / (r3+r4+r) R3 R4 16 8 Note • -Y Transformation Ra = R1R2 / (R1+R2+R3) Rb = R2R3 / (R1+R2+R3) Rc = R1R3 / (R1+R2+R3) C C R1 A Rc R3 R2 Ra B Rb A B 17 • The balance condition is the same as Wheatstone bridge (Null Vo = 0 V) (R1+ra) / (R2+rb) = R3 / R4 R1 = R3((R2+rb))/R4 – ra = R3R2/R4 + R3rb/R4 – ra = R3R2/R4 + R3r4r/(r3+r4+r)R4 – r3r/(r3+r4+r) = R3R2/R4 + r4r(R3/R4 – r3/r4) / (r3+r4+r) R1 = R3R2/R4 Therefore R1/R2 = R3/R4 = r3/r4 18 9 High Resistance Bridge • For very high resistance, e.g. 1,000 M, there is leakage currents over the surface p of the insulated post. • Using three-terminal resistors (parallel with 2 R1 R2 leakage resistances) Rs2 • Rs1>>R3 and Rs1//R3 to Rs1 avoid id th the lleakage k effect ff t R3 R4 • Rs2 may affect the detector sensitivity 19 Bridge Compensation • The resistance of long leads will be affected b changes by h iin ttemperatures t • To avoid this, 3 leads are required to connect to the coils • They are all the same length and resistance 20 10 Bridge Compensation (Cont’d) • Any changes in lead resistance will affect all 3 leads equally and occur in 2 arms of b id and bridge d will ill cancell out. t 3 R1 R2 Vo 1 2 R4 R3 Vs 21 Bridge Controlled Circuits • The bridge can be used as an error detector in a control circuit, using the potential difference at the output of the bridge that is sensitive to any physical parameters. • Passive circuit elements such as strain gauges, temperature sensitive resistors ((thermistors)) or p photo resistors are used as one arm of Wheatstone bridge. • A change in the elements (pressure, heat or light) causes the bridge to be unbalanced. 22 11 References • Hotek Technologies, Inc webpage : http://www hotektech com/ • Yokogawa webpage: • MAGNET LAB – Wheatstone Bridge webpage: a/wheatstonebridge/index.html 23 12