A supersymmetric model for quantum diffusion in 3d Margherita DISERTORI joint work with T. Spencer and M. Zirnbauer Laboratoire de Mathématiques Raphaël Salem CNRS - University of Rouen (France) Newton Institute, August 2008 I random matrices and SUSY approach I a toy model for quantum diffusion The problem statistical properties of large matrices with random distributed elements: (H, P (H)dH) H (N × N matrix), P some probability distribution limit N → ∞ I eigenvalues λ1 , ...λN I I I eigenvectors ψλ I I I correlation functions largest eigenvalue... localized: ψλ = (0, 1, 0, . . . , 0) extended: ψλ = √1N (1, 1, 1, . . . , 1) correlation functions hHi1 j1 . . . Hin jn i −→ analyticity properties in some parameter of P (H) Applications I physics I I I I complex many body systems disordered conductors mesoscopic physics → quantum chaos quantum gravity string theory non commutative QFT → quantum Hall effect... mathematics I I I zeroes of the Riemann Zeta function random permutations random tiling, growth processes... Techniques I P has rotation symmetry =⇒ P(λ1 , ...λN ) → orthogonal polynomials (Riemann-Hilbert approach) ex: I H∗ = H P(H) ∝ e−tr V(H) P not invariant eigenvectors −→ correlation functions SUSY moments field theory techniques Examples: diffusive/localized transition a) Random Schrödinger H = −∆ + λV, ∆ discrete Laplacian V (j) diagonal disorder, j ∈ Zd 2) Random band matrix: H ∗ = H Hij ind. gaussian rand. var. with i, j ∈ Λ ⊂ Zd hHij i = 0 hHij H̄i0 j 0 i = R(i − j)δii0 δjj 0 0 ≤ R(i − j) ≤ e−|i−j|/W band width = W ' λ−1 quantum diffusion conjecture Green’s Function: G (E; x, y) = (H − E + iε)−1 (x, y) I Diffusion Conjecture in 3D: h|G (E; x, y)|2 i ' ρ(E) (x, y) −D∆ + ρ(E) = Im < G (E; 0, 0) >= DOS and D = D(E) > 0 is diffusion constant. I in 1D and 2D localization should occur with localization length ` h|G (E; x, y)|2 i ' −1 e−|x−y|/` Supersymmetric approach F. Wegner, K. Efetov 1. write correlation functions in terms of ratios of determinants 1 z∈C z−H d det z − H trG(z) = dz det w − H w=z G(z) = 2. change of representation → new expression where saddle analysis is possible 3. rigorous saddle analysis 1. correlation functions in terms of determinants D(z) = det(z − H) , z∈C G(z) = 1 z−H Examples I 1 ratio D D(z) D(w) E −→ DOS 1 hρ(E)i = − lim Im π ε→0+ I 2D ratios D(z1 )D(z2 ) D(w1 )D(w2 ) E −→ 1 E + iε − H 00 2 points corr. funct. S2 (λ1 , λ2 ) informations on the eigenvectors 2. change of representation algebraic operations involving fermionic and bosonic variables D Qn Qnα=1 D(zα ) β=1 D(wβ ) E SUSY −−−−→ H DQ s j∈Λ F (Qj ) E Qs → DQ E F (Q ) j j∈Λ |Λ|2 variables −→ n2 |Λ| variables Hij indep. var. −→ Qj strongly correlated I main adv.: less variables, saddle analysis is possible, SUSY symmetries (Q measure normalized to 1) I main disadv: Q measure not positive Q 2. change of representation algebraic operations involving fermionic and bosonic variables D Qn Qnα=1 D(zα ) β=1 D(wβ ) E SUSY −−−−→ H DQ s j∈Λ F (Qj ) E Qs → DQ E F (Q ) j j∈Λ |Λ|2 variables −→ n2 |Λ| variables Hij indep. var. −→ Qj strongly correlated I main adv.: less variables, saddle analysis is possible, SUSY symmetries (Q measure normalized to 1) I main disadv: Q measure not positive Q 3. Saddle analysis saddle approximation: DQ E j∈Λ F (Qj ) Q ' Q j F (Qj (s)) make this rigorous → analytical tools small probability I control fluctuations cluster expansion exact integration I on the saddle manifold convexity bounds Ward identities saddle reduced to I put the two together single points → “easy” saddle is a manifold → hard localization properties → saddle is a manifold Measure on the saddle manifold the case of a band matrix with gaussian measure hQ i −Fβ,ε (Q,S,ψ) , β large parameter dµs ∼ dQ dS dψ = j j j e j∈Λ 1 0 Qi = Ti Ti−1 , Ti ∈ SU(1, 1) 0 −1 Sj ∈ R3 |Sj | = 1, ψj fermionic (couples Q and S) Problems I SU(1,1) symmetry ⇒ manifold is not compact I after integrating out ψ we get a determinant in Q and S. → the interaction is highly non local still a very hard problem! → try something “easier” A nice SUSY model for quantum diffusion vector model (no matrices), Zirnbauer (1991) → expected to have same features of exact SUSY model for random band matrix main advantages I after integrating out Grassman variables measure is positive I symmetries are simpler to exploit ⇒ good candidate to develop techniques to treat quantum diffusion The model after integrating out the Grassman variables real positive measure, action depends only on one scalar field tj : j ∈ Λ ⊂ Zd Y dµ(t) = dt e−βBε (t) = [ dtj e−tj ] e−βBε (t) det1/2 [βMε (t)] j I β >> 1 large parameter, ε << 1 regularization P P (cosh tj − 1) Bε (t) = (cosh(tj − tj 0 ) − 1) + βε <j,j 0 > I Mε = D(t) + j∈Λ ε t̂ βe > 0 positive quadratic form features of the model I the measure for t is positive and normalized ⇒ probability measure I at ε = 0: B0 depends only on gradients: B0 (tj + c) = B0 (tj ) ⇒ no mass I Bε is non-convex and highly non local (because of the determinant)⇒ no convexity bounds, hard to apply renormalization The observable: −1 i = hetx +ty h|Gε (E; x, y)|2 i → hetx +ty Mxy I D(t) elliptic operator: (f, Df ) = P 1 βD(t)+εet̂ (x, y)i (fj − fj 0 )2 etj +tj 0 , <j,j 0 > I et̂ diagonal matrix: et̂ = δij etj ij random walk in a random environment: random local conductance: Axy (jj 0 ) = etj +tj 0 −tx −ty I tj = t constant: Axy (jj 0 ) = 1 ⇒ D = −∆ I in general A can be very small: no uniform ellipticity Results and conjectures I Theorem(Zirnbauer) localization in 1 dim: hG0x i ' −1 e−|x|/β I Conjecture in 3 dim: diffusion hG0x i ' h[βD(t = 0) + ]−1 (x, y)i = I 1 (x, y) −β∆ + Main Theorem (Di-Sp-Zi) In 3D, if β is large, Λ a cube of side L containing 0 then the eigenfunctions are extended: hG00 i = O(1) if εL3−α = O(1) ≡ kψk44 ≤ 1 L3−α α << 1 Proof I 1) control fluctuations: tj ' t ∀j etx +ty M (t)−1 (x, y) ' [−β∆ + e−t ]−1 (x, y) I 2) saddle analysis to determine t: I I I in d = 1, εe−t = 1/β in d = 2, εe−t = e−β in d = 3, t = 0. so in 1d and 2d we get a mass as expected: hetx +ty M (t)−1 (x, y)i ' 1 (0, x) −β∆ + mβ Main problem: control fluctuations I in general: hard problem I I I I no convexity non locality: hard to apply renormalization techniques D non uniformly elliptic but we do have symmetries (inherited from the SUSY structure) I I difficult to see them directly on Bε easy to see them before integrating out fermions The SUSY model I 3 bosons + 2 fermions v = (z, x, y, χ̄, χ) z, x, y ∈ R, χ̄, χ Grassman inner product: (v1 , v2 ) = −z1 z2 + x1 x2 + y1 y2 + χ̄1 χ2 − χ1 χ̄2 metric: (v, v) = −z 2 + x2 + y 2 + 2χχ I sigma model constraint: (v, v) = −1 ⇒ z 2 = 1 + x2 + y 2 + 2χχ the submanifold is parametrized by 2 bosons + 2 fermions horosperical coordinates: t, s, ψ̄, ψ action is Aε = β X <j,j 0 > (vj − vj 0 , vj − vj 0 ) + ε X (zj − 1) j (vj − vj 0 , vj − vj 0 ) = 1 (cosh(tj − tj 0 ) − 1) + (sj − sj 0 )2 etj +tj0 + (ψ̄j − ψ̄j 0 )(ψj − ψj 0 )etj +tj0 2 1 (zj − 1) = (cosh tj − 1) + sj 2 etj + ψ̄j ψj etj 2 Aε invariant under symmetries that leave (vj , vj 0 ) and zj invariant. some SUSY identities Z (dte−t dsdψ̄ψ) e−Aε = 1 for all values of β, ε as long as the integral exists. β and ε may be j dependent. Z m m =1 hSxy i = (dte−t dsdψ̄ψ) e−Aε Sxy where Sxy = (vx − vy , vx − vy ). In particular 1 h(cosh(tx − ty ) − 1)i = hGxy i 2 Key identity: by SUSY m 1 = hcosh (tx − ty ) 1 − Gxy i β m 0 < Gxy = etx +ty (δx − δy )M −1 (δx − δy ) Now if Gxy ≤ C uniformly in t then hcoshm (tx − ty )i ≤ (1 − mC/β)−1 then tx − ty is small with hight probability. Bound on Gxy : depends on the distance |x − y| I |x − y| = 1 (n.n. case): then Gxy ≤ 1 always I |x − y| = l > 1: false in general! True if we introduce constraints on lower scale fluctuations (must be done respecting SUSY) I remove the constraints: inductive argument on scales Bounds on Gxy Gxy ≤ (δx − δy ) (f, D̃(t)f ) = X 1 (δx − δy ) β D̃(t) Axy (jj 0 )(fj −fj 0 )2 Axy (jj 0 ) = etj +tj 0 −tx −ty <jj 0 >∈Rxy Rxy a box containing x, y. We need a lower bound on A inside Rxy . in 3d it is enough to have: Axy (jj 0 ) ≥ 1/(|j − x||j 0 − x|)α + 1/(|j − y||j 0 − y|)α Open problems I homogeneization in d = 3: Green function decay I if β is small, show that in 3d, Zirnbauer model exhibits localization I generalize this technique to the band matrix model (the fermionic term is more complicated, there is a another sector)