2003 Technical Plan Section 9 Plans by Asset Type This section provides comprehensive information for each of our asset disciplines: the asset policies that have been determined to meet the appropriate business drivers; how we have assessed that these are the most suitable policies based upon our understanding of asset performance and degradation; the process by which these policies are converted into detailed workbanks; and how we ensure this work is delivered effectively. Plans by Asset Type: SECTION CONTENTS Page 2 of 87 Section contents INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................................................. 4 TRACK ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Asset Stewardship Strategy 5 Asset Management Planning 17 Engineering Delivery 20 Changes since the Periodic Review 21 STRUCTURES ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 23 Asset Stewardship Strategy 23 Asset Management Planning 29 Engineering Delivery 31 Changes from the Periodic Review 31 SIGNALLING ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 33 Asset Stewardship Strategy 33 Asset Management Planning 42 Engineering Delivery 46 Changes from the Periodic Review 46 ELECTRIFICATION AND FIXED PLANT .................................................................................................................................... 48 Asset Stewardship Strategy 48 Asset Management Planning 61 Engineering Delivery 63 Changes from the Periodic Review 64 TELECOMS............................................................................................................................................................................................ 65 Asset Stewardship Strategy 65 Asset Management Planning 71 Engineering Delivery 72 Changes from the Periodic Review 72 Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: SECTION CONTENTS Page 3 of 87 OPERATIONAL PROPERTY ........................................................................................................................................................... 73 Asset Stewardship Strategy 73 Asset Management Planning 78 Engineering Delivery 81 Changes since the Periodic Review 82 MAINTENANCE.................................................................................................................................................................................. 83 Changes since the Periodic Review 83 PLANT AND MACHINERY ............................................................................................................................................................. 84 Changes since the Periodic Review 85 INFORMATION SYSTEMS................................................................................................................................................................ 86 Changes since the Periodic Review 86 ASSET STEWARDSHIP INDEX ...................................................................................................................................................... 87 Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: INTRODUCTION Page 4 of 87 Introduction Our generic approach to asset stewardship strategy, planning, and delivery was outlined in sections 3, 4 and 5. This section provides further details of the application of this generic approach to each asset, setting out detailed plans for the following asset categories: • Track; • Structures; • Signalling; • Electrification and Plant; • Telecoms; and • Operational Property, which incorporates stations, depots and lineside buildings. In addition, this section summarises the expenditure that is accounted for under other headings within the business plan. The strategies and plans underpinning these items of expenditure are described under the relevant asset headings above, while the overall impact on expenditure is then summarised for: • maintenance - as the majority of asset maintenance is covered within the area infrastructure maintenance contracts, this section summarises the overall expenditure resulting from the asset maintenance plans as described in each asset section; • plant and machinery - summarises the expenditure that is accounted for in the plan under this heading, including the fixed plant that falls under the stewardship of the Electrification and Plant asset group, and a range of fixed plant and machinery that is required to support the asset stewardship plans described for each asset group; and • information systems - sets out the overall spend associated with the information systems support that is required to deliver the asset stewardship plans, such as the IS costs of DST development. The overall impact of the plans on the key measure of improved stewardship, the Asset Stewardship Index, is summarised at the end of this section. Each asset section includes a comparison of the overall expenditure planned for the regulatory control period 2 (CP2), i.e. 2001/02 to 2005/06, with the level of expenditure assumed in the periodic review determination of funding for CP2. The major reasons for significant variances in expenditure are identified. The variances associated with the WCRM project are identified but not discussed in detail as this project is the subject of an ongoing review of scope and costs with the SRA and the ORR, which will identify the underlying reasons for changes. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: TRACK Page 5 of 87 Track Asset Stewardship Strategy Objectives The objectives of our track stewardship strategy are to deliver a safe, reliable railway, through the proactive management of track assets at the optimum life-cycle cost. We aim to deliver significant improvements in the current serviceability and condition of track, that are compliant with or in excess of the targets set by the Regulator. The key output targets are: • a substantial reduction in the number of broken rails; the numbers have already been reduced substantially below the targets set at the periodic review and our objective is to deliver further substantial reductions in order to improve safety and performance; • progressive reductions in the number of Temporary Speed Restrictions (TSRs) due to the condition of track; and • improvements in track geometry, measured through reductions in the number of L2 exceedences per track mile, particularly on higher speed routes, and in the proportion of track classified as having poor geometry. The delivery of these targets for asset performance will produce improvements in operational performance and the safety of the network. Asset Overview The track asset portfolio comprises the rail, sleepers, ballast and switches and crossings which form the permanent way, and the associated formation and drainage. Also included are off-track assets including the cesses, vegetation management, fencing and certain signage. The table below summarises the overall volume of track assets. Figure 9.1 Track Assets Asset Route kms Track kms Switch and crossing units Volume 16,400 31,700 20,383 About 73% of the track network consists of continuous welded rail (CWR) while the remainder is formed of jointed rail. 67% of the track is supported by concrete sleepers, 29% by timber and the remainder by steel. The current condition and rate of degradation of the track infrastructure reflects years of underinvestment in both maintenance and renewal activities. In the past, funding restrictions led to a “patch and repair” approach rather than the implementation of optimum whole-life cost infrastructure strategies. Whilst such an approach may have been considered acceptable in the short-term, it is unsustainable over an extended period of time and has led to the current situation where a significant part of the network requires renewing or extensive maintenance to restore it to an appropriate condition. The problem has been compounded in recent years by the considerable growth in traffic, which has not been matched by an increase in maintenance and renewal activities. In addition to creating a significant backlog of remedial work, this deterioration in track condition has adversely affected asset reliability and train performance. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: TRACK Page 6 of 87 Age profile The past investment profile is reflected in the age profile of the existing track assets. The figure below illustrates this profile, showing the volume of existing rail installed in each year since 1945. (The profiles for sleepers and ballast are broadly similar). Figure 9.2 Rail Age profile (post-1945) 1200 Rail population by installation year (km of track) 1000 800 600 400 200 CWR 20 00 19 95 19 90 19 85 19 80 19 75 19 70 19 65 19 60 19 55 19 50 19 45 0 Jointed The figure shows that renewal rates have been relatively low over the last 20 years in comparison with the previous 30 years when renewal rates were typically around 2.5 to 3% per annum. Prior to 1960 the majority of renewals were jointed rail on timber sleepers with a gradual move from bullhead to flat bottom rail. During the 1960s and 1970s continuous welded rail (CWR) was introduced as the standard for renewal of main line routes. A large volume of the remaining jointed rail on timber sleepers (largely installed before the mid-1960s), together with much of the subsequent peak of CWR on concrete-sleepered track, is now reaching the end of its serviceable life. Recent rates of track renewal have been below the level needed to maintain the condition of the network and have resulted in the average age of track components increasing. We estimate that track components have, on average, used between 55% and 65% of their anticipated service lives, compared to the 50% that represents steady state. As a result, track renewal volumes of around 3% per year are needed to prevent a further increase in the average age and higher volumes are necessary to restore the asset stock to steady state. The figure below shows the age profile of existing switch and crossing (S&C) units. This also demonstrates that renewal rates have been low over the past 20 years, with the majority of units dating from between 1965 and 1985. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: TRACK Figure 9.3 Page 7 of 87 Age profile of S&C units No of S&C units by installation year 1000 800 600 400 200 20 00 19 95 19 90 19 85 19 80 19 75 19 70 19 65 19 60 19 55 19 50 19 45 0 The current renewal rate of around 200 S&C units per year (or about 1% of the asset stock) is also inadequate and significant increases in volumes are necessary over the period of the plan. The condition of S&C is a major cause of poor track geometry, which cannot be rectified in a sustained manner through maintenance. Maintenance Track reaches the end of its service life when the component condition deteriorates to the point where it no longer meets the level of safety or performance requirements. Beyond this point, the maintenance input and associated costs will increase at a disproportionate rate in order to try to maintain the required outputs, but the condition and performance will continue to deteriorate, eventually leading to traffic restrictions or closure. Hence, if renewals are not undertaken in a timely manner, the maintenance costs of the asset will rise steeply, and the condition may deteriorate rapidly. The volumes of both maintenance and renewal for track will need to rise significantly over the next five years in order to reverse the impact of past under-investment and to meet objectives for network performance and asset condition. Traffic Growth Since 1995, following a period of declining traffic levels, the network has seen substantial growth in traffic. Total tonnage on the network has increased by 27% since 1995/96, with gross freight tonne miles increasing by around 50% and passenger tonne miles by nearly 20%. This has increased the rate of degradation of track assets, particularly on certain routes which have seen step changes in traffic, drawing forward the need for track renewal and increasing the required volume of maintenance. At the same time, the use of additional capacity has reduced the availability of track access to carry out the necessary activities. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: TRACK Page 8 of 87 In addition, recent years have seen a significant increase in the replacement of rolling stock across the network. New rolling stock designs have improved acceleration and deceleration capabilities, together with higher maximum speeds, requiring stiffer vertical and lateral suspension characteristics which impart much higher dynamic forces to the track and increase the wheel/rail interface contact stresses. This has led to a step change in the generation of Rolling Contact Fatigue (RCF, otherwise known as gauge corner cracking) in rails, together with acceleration in the degradation rates of other track components, resulting in severe reductions in their service lives. We are moving towards a full preventative regime with respect to RCF. As new plain line and S&C grinding trains, scheduled for delivery up to and during 2004, are deployed across the network, we expect to have in place all the elements under our control to allow operation of a full preventative regime by early 2006. However, rail renewals driven by the development of RCF will still rise significantly over the next few years. Grinding will significantly prolong rail life, but service lives are expected to be only 50-70% of those achieved before the advent of RCF. Track Asset Policy The latest edition of the Track Engineering Policy was produced in February 2002. The Policy details the output objectives, the causes of track asset degradation, and the actions that should be taken to prevent failure. It identifies the sources of information required for correct decision-making and the available DSTs. It also specifies restrictions on the use of existing track components due to known performance or safety limitations, primarily for use in considering increases in traffic or speed. The document defines policies on inspection and condition monitoring, decision-making, and maintenance and renewal practice for plain line and S&C. These policies are defined by track category and are therefore related to line-speed and tonnage, and cover how activities are to be carried out, at what frequency, and what materials are to be used when performance or condition requires the replacement of existing materials. The Policy is informed by economic analysis and international best practice, including work undertaken for the company by international research bodies. Variation from the Policy is permitted by agreement with the Head of Track Engineering where compliance would cause disproportionate cost. We are working with Railway Safety to review the Railway Group and Company Standards relating to the requirements for managing broken and defective rails to ensure that these are appropriately riskbased. This review will be completed during 2003. We have already changed our company standards away from the past practice of re-inspecting small rail defects to one of requiring their removal. During 2002, Transportation Technology Centre Inc. (TTCI) were requested to review our Company Specifications for Track Inspection and Maintenance and challenge whether they were either overly prescriptive and conservative or inadequate in any way. TTCI compared them to the equivalent United States Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) and Amtrack standards and specifications, which they consider to be consistent with international best practices for operating and maintaining a viable and sustainable mixed-traffic railway. They concluded that the specifications were comprehensive and technically sound, with no significant deficiencies, and no elements which were excessive or unnecessarily conservative. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: TRACK Page 9 of 87 In March 2002, we started a two year project called Rail Mentor whose aim is to produce a suite of instructions for track work. These define in detail how specific work is to be undertaken on the track, and will assist in improving the specification, consistency, monitoring and quality of work undertaken by our contractors. Good practice guides have been produced covering rolling contact fatigue, ballast and drainage. Guides covering tamping and stoneblowing are at an advanced stage of development, whilst further guides will continue to be produced and updated when required on an ongoing basis. Asset Knowledge Track assets comprise a complex system and the deterioration of individual components has an adverse effect on the others. Degradation of the key track components is mainly due to the volume and type of traffic that runs over it. Traffic loading causes degradation through two basic degradation mechanisms: wear and fatigue. Repetitive cycles of loading on track assets will lead to degradation and ultimate failure as fatigue life is used up. Rails suffer wear due to the mechanical action of the train wheels on the rails (including sidewear, loss of rail depth, foot gall), which leads to increases in stress in the rails. Sleepers also suffer mechanical wear due to the attrition between the sleepers and the ballast. Ballast degrades due to the “rounding off” of the individual stones, under the pressure of the traffic loading. Tamping contributes to this process, which results in a deterioration in the ability of the ballast to support the track to the required standard of geometry. This gradual degradation of the ballast leads to clogging of the free drainage with fine particles and dust. If the track drainage system is inadequate or the existing system is not functioning, then the degradation rates for all track components will be accelerated significantly. As recent research has demonstrated, the interaction between traffic and track is complex and a range of vehicle characteristics can affect their impact on track. In particular, aspects of the design of new vehicles have been shown to be a significant influence on RCF. The condition that vehicles are maintained in also has a significant impact on the amount of damage they do to track assets, for example, as a result of the forces exerted by wheel-flats. The management of the wheel/rail interface is therefore critical to the efficient stewardship of track, and it is necessary to monitor the condition of rail vehicles as well as of track components. Additionally environmental factors can have an overriding influence on degradation, for example: • timber sleepers on low density routes may require replacement due to rot, before they reach the end of their service life due to fatigue; and • rails corrode more rapidly in wet or corrosive environments, such as at level crossings, in tunnels or in a coastal environment. The other major influence on degradation of track components is the quality of maintenance over the life of the asset. If the inspection and maintenance regime is inadequate, then the degradation rate may increase significantly and the serviceable life of the asset will be reduced accordingly. Given the degradation processes described above, it is essential that the information set out in the table below about the track assets and their condition, and about vehicles and their impact, is available to inform decision-making on the stewardship of track assets. The table summarises the key requirements, the present state of knowledge and identifies initiatives to address the weaknesses. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: TRACK Figure 9.4 Page 10 of 87 Track Asset Information Information required Status Asset data Age and component type Available in GEOGIS to about 90% reliability as data not fully maintained over recent years. A GEOGIS update project is underway and a detailed programme is being developed. Data is available; we plan to increase inspection frequencies through the use of the upgraded high speed inspection equipment and new fitments to in-service trains, following trials on Chiltern. Existing database records all defects and breaks removed from track, but in-track defect records held by IMCs only. Records will be consolidated in national database from July 2003. The use of more train-based systems will improve the reliability of data. Data currently held by IMCs only. However, laser rail profile equipment has recently been fitted to ultrasonic test trains. A pilot project for recording sleeper condition on branch lines in Cornwall has recently been completed and contracts for national implementation are being prepared. NETRAFF records current traffic data but there are no systematic records of past tonnages. Future freight tonnages by route are difficult to predict. Detailed research on the wheel/rail interface continues – this is discussed in more detail below. Track Geometry Standard deviation data by 1/8 mile and individual defects; indicator of condition of ballast/formation. Rail Defects/Breaks Detail of all in-track defects and defects/breaks removed from track; indicator of residual fatigue life Rail Profile/Wear Details of rail sidewear, depth and gall. Sleeper Condition Traffic data Past, present and future tonnages Wheel/rail interface Much of the additional information required will be gathered from the inspection and examination initiatives outlined in more detail below. Other improvements in data collection and analytical tools include a CWR-stress database and a new system for collating information for use by engineers in decision-making. All information from train-based systems will be collected, analysed and disseminated via a dedicated engineering data room in Derby. In addition, understanding track position and its design geometry is an essential requirement for gauging and clearances; that is establishing and retaining a gap between trains and the infrastructure. The completion of our National Gauging Project in April 2003 will provide us with the control process necessary to monitor and maintain infrastructure clearances. This will assist customers planning new services and new trains and facilitate the vehicle acceptance process. Inspection and Examination The existing methods of collecting track condition information rely on patrollers, supervisors and engineers, together with manual ultrasonic testing of rails to identify metallurgical defects. These manual inspections are supplemented by periodic running of track geometry recording vehicles, which are used both as an indicator of compliance with geometry standards and to target maintenance and/or ballast renewal. This regime drives a largely reactive approach to track stewardship and involves staff spending a lot of time on the track, at a time when access is being restricted due to increased traffic and tighter safety requirements. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: TRACK Page 11 of 87 Our strategy is to develop new and innovative inspection techniques to provide the necessary information to enable engineers to move to a proactive maintenance and renewal regime, resulting in improved asset performance, overall reductions in whole-life cost of the assets, and a reduced need for staff to spend time on the track. The key areas being targeted include track geometry recording, track component condition monitoring and rail vehicle condition monitoring. A key element of the strategy is to increase the frequency of measurements in order to improve our understanding of deterioration rates, and allow planned interventions instead of reactive ones. Track Geometry Recording The introduction of the high speed New Measurement Train will facilitate more effective and frequent use of the existing high speed track recording coach, enabling it to be operated at up to 125 mph within the working timetable on high speed lines. We are supplementing the existing track geometry recording vehicles by working with TOCs to fit Unattended Geometry Measurement System (UGMS) equipment on service trains. This will record track geometry information for dissemination to local engineers. The first of these systems has been installed on Chiltern and a further eight systems are being acquired and deployed over the coming year. These will provide measurements at much shorter intervals than the current resources allow, facilitating trend analysis leading to more accurate focusing of maintenance activity. Component Condition The use of train-borne ultrasonic inspection of rails is increasing with two test trains now in operation and additional trains and road-rail vehicles on order. This equipment will enable frequent, accurate inspection to identify rail defects at a much earlier stage in their propagation, allowing their removal from track to be undertaken in a planned and cost effective manner that avoids delays to trains and reduces the need for staff to work on track. Additional equipment has been fitted to one of ultrasonic test trains to measure rail profiles, which will aid decision-making. If trials are successful then more units will be phased in over the next three years. Handheld ultrasonic rail inspection sticks have also been developed and are now being used across the network, improving the accuracy of manual testing. The ultrasonic testing programme is being supported by risk-based modelling to identify the appropriate inspection frequencies. Early results indicate that the quantity of testing is correct, but that the testing needs to be targeted more precisely depending upon varying conditions. The development of guided ultrasonics for the inspection of alumino-thermic welds, which currently account for about 30% of rail breaks, appears to offer a quicker and more cost effective solution than the existing use of radiography. Development of this process and equipment will be progressed during 2003/04 and will become an integral element of our non-destructive examination of rails. The development of electro-magnetic array examination (EMA) for the inspection and sizing of rolling contact fatigue in switches has continued over the last year. The “Lizard” MK1 equipment is being progressively replaced with MK11 equipment. The use of this inspection technique is delivering effective management of RCF in switches, allowing optimum maintenance, with minimum disruption to trains. An alternative technique has also been developed using Alternating Current Frequency Modulation (ACFM) which has now received product approval. This will supplement the EMA technique. As an integral element of the development of a track component condition measurement system, we have introduced a process for sleeper condition assessment, with the state of individual sleepers being recorded using hand-held data loggers. This has been undertaken in conjunction with ZetaTech Associates who have world-wide experience in such systems. Supporting software facilitates the analysis of the data, which is being used to support the programme for mechanised replacement of timber sleepers. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: TRACK Page 12 of 87 Trials of trackbed evaluation using ground probing radar (GPR) undertaken during 2002 have been successful in improving our assessment of ballast condition and therefore the scoping and specification of renewals. The technique will be incorporated as a standard element of site investigation for relevant track renewals from April 2003. We also plan to undertake about 65 kilometres of additional GPR investigation in each region this year. Vehicle Condition We are continuing the programme of installation of Wheelchex equipment at strategic locations on the network. These installations provide remote monitoring of wheel load impacts on the rails, enabling us to identify vehicles with wheels that have developed defects, including flats and out of round profiles, so that they can be taken out of service for maintenance before they cause further damage to the track. The evidence to date indicates that the fourteen existing Wheelchex installations have been very effective in contributing to the reduction in the numbers of broken rails on the network and that they are an aid to train operators in identifying vehicles requiring maintenance intervention. We are also testing an “in-track” laser system to measure wheel profiles. This will provide train operators with wheel profile degradation information to ensure that wheels are kept at an ideal profile. Decision Support Tools Decision support tools (DSTs) are intended to supply our engineers with additional information, enabling them to exercise a more long-term and strategic approach to the identification of asset maintenance and renewal requirements. The models provide a tool for the assessment of asset age, condition, Service Life Relationships (SLRs), inputs (performance requirement, maintenance etc) and outputs (performance, residual life etc). The Track Strategic Planning Application (T-SPA) is the current company DST for track and is used to forecast volumes of renewals in the 10 year Plan. It also forecasts some key maintenance activities, however, it is not currently used to predict any maintenance activity volumes for the Plan. Initially, TSPA has been populated with SLRs for each track component. These SLRs, which relate annual tonnage to the maximum cumulative tonnage and hence to the expected life in years, have been refined from previous assumptions over the last two years in the light of a more comprehensive understanding of asset lives, resulting from site inspections and peer reviews of track renewal sites. An example of the SLRs for different sleeper types is provided below. Figure 9.5 Sleeper Service Lives (Years) Annual tonnage (EMGTPA) Sleeper Type Softwood Hardwood Steel Concrete 5 10 15 20 30 40 35 38 50 53 30 36 40 45 27 34 37 42 24 32 35 40 20 27 30 36 15 22 25 33 In addition, condition-based models have been developed to predict rail and ballast service lives. The rail model is based on an analysis of past rail defect information and track attributes that identified the characteristics that influence the growth of defects and was used to quantify relationships. The model predicts the rate of rail defects and the level of rail wear, with the renewals being triggered by threshold limits on the defect rate and the level of wear. The rail model does not currently reflect the impact of specific vehicle characteristics on propagating RCF. The ballast model combines actual geometry deterioration rates with the findings of research on ballast life. The forecast of renewal is triggered when the area within the ballast is predicted to have become blocked with fine dust, or when the predicted rate of tamping reaches an excessive level. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: TRACK Page 13 of 87 Full model runs of T-SPA have been carried out using the condition models as well as the SLRs and have produced broadly consistent total activity volumes. The condition models are considered to produce the more accurate forecasts. The forecasts in the 10 year business plan are therefore based on the condition models for rail and ballast and on the SLRs for sleepers and S&C. A key area of input to T-SPA is the level and type of traffic: past, present and future. The current traffic tonnage data is fairly robust following the development of a traffic database in recent years. However, there are no systematic records of past traffic. Factors have been applied at a high level to reflect the substantial traffic growth since 1994, while traffic in earlier years of the component life is assumed to have been constant. This will affect the accuracy of the estimates of cumulative tonnage and hence residual life. Future traffic growth is based on the high-level growth predictions described earlier in this plan. Passenger growth predictions in terms of tonnage are reasonably robust, but the implications of the introduction of new vehicle designs affecting the wheel/rail interface are far less predictable. Changes in freight traffic have a significant effect on future work predictions but are, by their nature, much more uncertain. In particular, changes in freight flows are more likely to result in step changes in traffic over a route, which can have a major impact on maintenance and renewal requirements. No allowance has been made in the planned maintenance and renewal volumes for such step changes in traffic. The following DSTs are also in use: • Trackmaster analyses trends and clusters from track geometry measurements thereby supporting the identification of future maintenance work; and • IMPACT is a spreadsheet model, which is being developed to aid decision making by engineers. It collates information on track geometry, rail defect, break and RCF data and provides a visual presentation which aids the identification of maintenance intervention requirements and assists engineers in the early prediction of specific sites where activity may be required to avoid the need for TSRs. The model is now in use on the regions, but development and validation continues. Unit Costs We have undertaken an extensive review of track renewal work mixes, productivity levels and unit costs across the regions over the last year. This has shown significant variations in unit costs, often for recognisable reasons, and has led to the establishment of unit cost “norms” for the work mixes reviewed. These will be further refined as the sample size for each activity increases. We have also undertaken a review of the unit costs of the key track maintenance activities across the regions. The unit cost variations were significant, largely because of inconsistencies in the definitions of the work content, and hence the resource input requirements for each activity. Further work, supported by the roll-out of MIMS, will be needed in order to derive robust unit cost estimates for individual track maintenance activities. Supply Chain The existing contracting framework consists of a combination of dedicated renewals contracts for plain line and S&C, and the delivery of other renewals through the complementary works facility of the maintenance contracts. The current track renewals contracts do not extend beyond April 2004. During 2002, detailed analysis of current unit costs for 16 categories of plain line track renewal activity identified large variations between regions. As part of the contract re-tendering activity we have taken the opportunity to explore, with all suppliers, detailed productivity, across a range of possession lengths for all plain line renewals. This work has helped the industry gain visibility of the key drivers in total cost of track renewals and is supporting the negotiation of increased access. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: TRACK Page 14 of 87 It is unlikely that future renewals volumes can be achieved through current conventional renewal techniques alone. On the key main line routes where access is restricted our ability to deliver an adequate volume of quality track renewals will be critical. We therefore need to introduce a fundamental change in our approach to track renewals. The key objectives of our strategy are: • to identify efficient possession lengths; • to maximise output; • to drive down the unit costs of all resources; and • to optimise the annual utilisation of all resources. We will establish and implement the appropriate contracting framework for all track renewals with integrated teams to deliver high output plain line renewals centrally, conventional plain line renewals through the regions, and S&C renewals through four specialist units. All contracts are likely to be let on a collaborative basis with actual cost reimbursement and pain/gain sharing mechanisms. We will also introduce additional high output renewals equipment as a means of increasing national capability and driving down unit costs. This project is well underway and the track renewals plant has been specified and the contracts placed. Introduction is scheduled for late 2004/05. Successful implementation of the new contract frameworks will require a step improvement in the planning and execution of renewals work, and will need the input and close co-operation of all industry parties involved in the track renewals process. A consistent national approach will create an environment that encourages technical innovation and the spreading of best practice. This will enable reductions in unit costs and improvements in quality to be achieved. Figure 9.6 Track Supply Chain Plans Activity Plain Line renewals contracts tendered Evaluation and Review Identification of Preferred Suppliers Contracts Placed S&C Installation contracts tendered Evaluation and Review Identification of Preferred Suppliers Contracts Placed Start May 2002 Sept 2002 Feb 2003 June 2003 Sept 2002 Nov 2002 Feb 2003 June 2003 End Sept 2002 Feb 2003 July 2003 Sept 2003 Oct 2002 Feb 2003 July 2003 Sept 2003 Technology Managing Rolling Contact Fatigue We are introducing improved techniques onto the network, to improve work quality and productivity. Extensive work is continuing with international experts, including the National Research Council of Canada (NRCC) and ZetaTech Associates, into grinding strategies and rail profiles in order to determine the desired rail profiles and the frequency of grinding and to optimise the deployment of our rail grinding fleet. This will result in increased rail life by reducing the incidence of rolling contact fatigue, corrugation and broken rails. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: TRACK Page 15 of 87 In 2002 two additional rail grinders (one 16-stone and one Loram 64-stone) entered service on the network. We now have four grinders in operation, which are being used to implement gradual preventative grinding. This is a technique which has the grinder undertaking a single pass three or four times per year, gradually bringing the rail to the correct profile. This differs from corrective grinding which has multiple passes to bring the rail to profile immediately. The use of the gradual approach will result in substantially more rail being ground in a year than would be achieved with the corrective method. Overseas experience has shown that this extends rail life substantially. Meanwhile, work has begun on a further two plain line production grinders and 5 S&C grinders which will be delivered during this year. On deployment of all the plain line and S&C grinding machines, we will be able to move to a full preventative regime with respect to RCF. The 16 and 32stone machines will continue to be used in possessions, but it is planned to use the 64-stone machine as a slow moving train. Trials for this method of working start in May. Managing the Wheel/Rail Interface The research into RCF following the Hatfield derailment identified vehicle characteristics as a significant factor in rail deterioration and highlighted the lack of knowledge about the impact of changes in vehicle design. During 2002 we established an in-house Traction and Rolling Stock team to improve our understanding of the impact of the vehicles that will use our infrastructure. The team includes international experts in vehicle dynamics modelling who will also work with train operators and suppliers to measure and monitor wheel and rail conditions during changes to routes and fleets. Our current priorities are to establish operational and performance standards for vehicle parameters and characteristics throughout their working life, and ensure that these standards are agreed and accepted by the rest of the industry. We also need to ensure that the data required to determine the cost of the introduction of new vehicles is measured and utilised, including the development of a detailed vehicle database. This work will be progressively linked with the DST project so that we will eventually have the capability for a comprehensive economic evaluation of changes to both track and vehicles. A vital area of work in 2003 is to assess the impact of the introduction of new vehicles on Southern region. This will involve the completion of data collection on selected sites and vehicles affecting First Great Western, c2c, and on the Southern routes where the new trains are being introduced. This work aims to provide improvements to the wheel/rail maintenance philosophies for those routes as well as rules for all other routes. A related research project is the analysis of the response of vehicles to track perturbations. This will also be used to determine improvements to the data produced by the track recording units, to provide a means of automatically detecting early indication of deterioration contributing to RCF. As well as developing our understanding of the impact of wheels on track, we are working with operators to ensure that the plant used to maintain wheel profiles is appropriate. We have developed plans for the 12 wheel lathes that we own. The top priority is a new lathe in the Hornsey/Ferme Park area, whilst the remaining sites require a range of improvements including improved access and control systems, together with better training and facilities to validate the accuracy of the wheel turning. In addition, we are working with ATOC on a review of depot-based wheelset condition monitoring requirements that will lead to recommendations that provide performance and safety improvements for operators, as well as reducing the damage to track. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: TRACK Page 16 of 87 Mechanised Resleepering On some rural routes, where there is a high proportion of timber sleepers and traffic tonnages are very low (less than 2 million gross tonnes per annum), the track stewardship strategy requires minimum complete track renewal, supported by regular spot replacement of sleepers. Many routes have an accumulation of spot renewal requirements, but manual replacement is labour intensive and slow and hence the unit cost is high. We have therefore developed a mechanised sleeper replacement system, using road-rail machines, which is producing good quality output at high production rates and a much lower unit cost. Following successful trials of this approach on branch lines in Cornwall, contracts are being let for the introduction of high volume sleeper inspection and replacement across the network over this financial year. 10 Year Business Plan The track renewal projections for 2006/07 onwards have been produced using T-SPA. The forecast volumes are driven by the condition models for rails and ballast, and by the SLRs for sleepers and S&C. For some low tonnage rural and freight-only routes, where the past maintenance regime has been appropriate, T-SPA produces renewal volumes in excess of those identified to be necessary by inspections. Such routes are likely to be managed through maintenance (including selective component replacement) rather than renewal, a strategy which T-SPA is not currently configured to address. A manual overlay has therefore been applied to forecast maintenance and renewal volumes for selected routes, over the period of the plan. These adjustments are based on detailed local knowledge from extensive inspections carried out by the Head of Track Engineering over the last two years and input from regional and IMC engineers. As the rail condition model in T-SPA does not predict the additional impact of RCF on renewal volumes, a separate adjustment has been made, based on an assessment undertaken by TTCI and modified in the light of current knowledge and experience. The renewal forecasts are compliant with our Asset Policy. The high volumes forecast by T-SPA in the early years have been spread over the period covered by the plan. This is to enable the increasing volumes to be planned and carried out efficiently using the new high and medium output track relaying equipment. To carry out this work economically, a move to greater use of 54-hour possessions will be required. It is assumed that all other resources can be ramped up to deliver the identified work volumes in the plan. The unit costs applied to the T-SPA volumes in the plan are composite rates for rail, sleepers, ballast, and S&C that have been derived from the detailed regional workbanks, and costs for 2003/04 to 2005/06. These are broadly in line with the emerging activity norms identified in the unit cost analysis. The actual cost of renewal activity will be determined by the precise packaging and scope of the works. At present T-SPA identifies component requirements individually and further work is required to identify the appropriate combinations of components for renewal. The costs in the plan therefore reflect the current mix of activity. For inspection and maintenance work, MIMS contains norms which drive volumes of activities which have either a fixed periodicity, or a periodicity based on track category. These are fed into the regional Annual Maintenance Plans. An Infrastructure Maintenance Model (IMM) has been developed which applies rules and algorithms to the track asset population to give benchmark guidance on work volumes for inclusion in the plan. This model requires further development and validation in order to facilitate more thorough reviews of maintenance volume requirements, but the outputs have been used as a comparator when reviewing the regional plans and to inform the plan from 2006/07. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: TRACK Page 17 of 87 Asset Management Planning Inspection, Assessment and Validation Work undertaken on track assets is primarily driven by monitoring of condition and deterioration rates, and intervening before defined economic and safety levels are reached. The two key measures are geometry and component condition. Track geometry is measured at a frequency related to line speed and tonnage using track geometry recording vehicles. Intervention is planned based on eighth mile standard deviation (SD) and individual geometry defects. Our standards define the required SDs to be achieved for each line speed band and the actions required when individual defects are identified. Component condition is identified by a combination of visual inspection and measurement, including ultrasonic testing and other non-destructive techniques, with inspection frequencies determined by line speed and tonnage. These include frequent inspection by patrollers and less frequent inspection by supervisors and engineers. Additional special inspections are carried out at defined frequencies for items such as longitudinal timbers, switches, cast crossings, rail sidewear on curves, corrosion of rail tunnels and RCF. Intervention is planned based on deterioration rates and condition with economic and safety criteria defined in our standards. Proactive maintenance such as tamping, stoneblowing, and rail grinding is planned from the analysis of track geometry information using Trackmaster, information in local systems for other measured data, and the outcomes of inspections. Other work, such as fishplate oiling and the replacement of insulated block joints, is planned based on periodicity or traffic tonnage. Reactive maintenance is carried out when deterioration reaches the maintenance or safety intervention levels defined in our standards. This includes removal of rail defects, correction of Level 2 geometry defects and the replacement of failed components. Track renewals workbanks on the regions are compiled from proposals currently submitted by IMC contractors but will, in the future, be generated by our engineers. Renewal is proposed when either defined limits are approached (e.g. on rail depth), failure rates are high (e.g. for rail breaks), or where geometry or component condition has reached the state where maintenance is uneconomic, or cannot deliver the required performance. All proposals are reviewed by our track engineers using a set of guidelines known as the “Track Tools”. This provides a consistent methodology for the need for a renewal including the required supporting data. This is being replaced by a new procedure which will contain further guidance to ensure consistent economic decision making from April 2003. When the need for a renewal has been confirmed a programme year is identified based on current deterioration rates and known traffic conditions. An annual peer review of each region’s workbank for the second year of the current plans is carried out by the Head of Track Engineering. This is focussed on ensuring consistency of decision-making, appropriate prioritisation, and compliance with the asset policy. The agreed regional programmes then form the detailed business plan for at least the next three years. The annual peer reviews continue to demonstrate a high degree of consistency in decision-making across the regions. When a track renewal is included in the plan, the control measures which need to be implemented if it is not carried out are defined. These include additional maintenance, carrying out a partial renewal, imposing a temporary speed restriction, or a combination of these. The workbanks are prioritised to ensure that the items with higher economic and safety consequences of deferral are included in the plan. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: TRACK Page 18 of 87 2003 Business Plan Activity The volumes and costs of track maintenance activity are taken from the detailed annual plans developed for each contract area by the regions with the relevant IMC. The availability of data about the levels of activity has improved significantly over the last year and will improve further through the consistent use of MIMS. A high-level review of the proposed volumes of key permanent way activities and associated costs in the detailed plans submitted by the regions has been undertaken using the IMM model as a comparator. This review concluded that the proposed work volumes are likely to be insufficient, when viewed in conjunction with the renewal plans, to meet all the output targets. A preliminary assessment of the necessary changes in key work volumes, evaluated at current costs suggests that track maintenance activity and costs might need to increase by up to 20% from the levels in 2005/06 over the following years. However, further work is necessary both to verify the accuracy and consistency of the regional plans and to further develop and validate the IMM model as a benchmarking tool. The plan has therefore not made any provision for an increase in track maintenance activity and assumes that the 2005/06 levels are maintained over the remaining years of the plan. The planned volumes of renewal of track components are shown below. The significant increases in volumes reflect the need to address the backlog of investment over the last two decades if the overall condition of the network is not to deteriorate. Figure 9.7 Asset Rail Sleepers Ballast S&C Track Renewal Volumes (kms and S&C units) 2003 /04 1198 846 985 393 2004 /05 1277 895 1178 535 2005 /06 1487 935 1190 607 2006 /07 1555 1182 1271 653 2007 /08 1559 1317 1446 795 2008 /09 1563 1407 1561 937 2009/ 10 1459 1293 1429 1029 2010/ 11 1161 1240 1404 1000 2011/ 12 1165 1246 1412 1000 2012 13 1168 1202 1407 1000 The most significant increase in renewals volumes over the period of the plan is in S&C, which ramps up from under 400 units in 2003/04 to a sustained 1,000 units per year from 2009/10 onwards. The relatively low level of S&C renewals over the last 20 years has left the network with a significant volume of units which are beyond the end of their service lives, the majority of which are on our busiest routes, main lines and commuter routes in the South-East. Their condition is having a major impact on track geometry, which cannot be corrected in a sustained way by maintenance. There is also a significant impact on train performance as track faults are the root cause of approximately 60% of points failures. The increased levels of renewals from 2006/07 reflects the profiling of the estimated backlog of activity over the following five years to facilitate efficient delivery. This treatment of renewals reinforces the need for higher than normal levels of maintenance over the period of the plan, if the output targets are to be met. The peak volumes of plain line rail renewals in 2006/07 to 2009/10 are due to the forecast levels of re-railing to address RCF before implementation of the rail grinding control strategy takes full effect. The overlay applied to the T-SPA output, based on an assessment undertaken by TTCI, includes provision for a shortfall in the detailed regional plans for the first three years. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: TRACK Page 19 of 87 The major risk to the plan is in the estimation of rail renewal and grinding volumes following the introduction of the large new fleets of rolling stock to replace Mark 1 stock on Southern region. The rail renewal volumes allow for the significant increase in tonnage that results but do not include additional volumes resulting from the anticipated adverse effect of the new stock on RCF. The true impact will only emerge over the next few years and we are working with the TOCs and TTCI to benchmark the current track condition, and to establish a monitoring regime to identify changes in degradation rates and asset lives. The plans have been constrained in the early years by limited access, particularly on main line and commuter routes in the South-East, and by contractor, design, and manufacturing resources. The effect of these is to limit the trend towards our output targets in the early years of the plan and to increase the risk of performance being compromised. S&C renewal volumes in particular are well below required levels in the early years as they face the additional constraints of signalling design and materials supply shortages. Work is being prioritised on the busiest routes where access permits. Expenditure The costs of track maintenance are covered within the IMC contract costs summarised elsewhere in this plan. The renewal expenditure forecasts are the product of the forecast volumes and the current national average unit costs. The unit rates used to estimate the budget requirements for 2006/07 onwards have been derived from a simple analysis of the regional budgets and predicted volumes of activity in the early years. The base assumption is that the work mix will remain broadly constant over the period of the plan. A composite rate of £410,000 per mile has been assumed for each plain line component, while the current national average S&C unit cost of £500,000 per unit has been used. The plan assumes significant reductions in unit costs arising from the new renewal contracts and the introduction of the new high output renewals plant from the latter part of 2004/05 onwards. The plan assumes unit cost reductions of 3% in 2004/05, rising to11% in 2005/06 and 15% by 2006/07. Figure 9.8 £m 2002/03 prices Non-WCRM Plain Line S&C Total WCRM Total Track Renewal Expenditure Summary 2003/04 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 502 147 649 556 1205 586 193 779 463 1242 666 232 898 255 1153 The plan makes no specific provision for activities other than core track maintenance and renewal, such as the renewal of track in depots and network sidings, lineside fencing, replacement of longitudinal timbers and track slabs, level crossing decks, and track drainage. A provisional estimate suggests these activities could cost in the region of £35 to 40m per annum, but further work is required to refine this estimate. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: TRACK Page 20 of 87 Outputs The table below shows the forecast asset condition measures associated with the maintenance and renewal volumes in the plan. Figure 9.9 Track Output Measures Measure TSRs L2 Exceedences per track mile L2 Exceedences on lines >40 mph Poor track geometry Broken rails 2002/03 584 1.4 3.7% 477 2003/04 551 1.2 0.8 3.6% 429 2004/05 480 1.1 0.7 3.1% 369 2005/06 417 0.9 0.6 2.6% 291 These forecast outputs are all subject to a significant uncertainty. Our understanding of the relationships between activity and output measures is improving, but we do not yet have the tools to predict the outputs with confidence. The task is complex because the key output measures are affected by the levels of both maintenance and renewal activity and the manner in which it is all targeted, not simply by the aggregate volume of renewals. Other factors will also have a significant influence. As an example, the significant reduction in the number of broken rails over the last two years is mainly due to targeted re-railing where we have had rail defect clusters. At present breaks are occurring in areas where we do not have clusters of breaks or defects and are often due to discrete causes; around 30% currently being due to defective or fatigued welds. Hence, the major reduction in the number of broken rails in the plan will be achieved by improved non-destructive examination of the rails, including welds, to allow defects to be removed prior to propagating to a break, and by improved maintenance, which will lead to reductions in the internal stresses in the rails. For the track geometry measures the forecast improvement is very closely linked to the delivery of the S&C renewal volumes contained in the plan. Engineering Delivery The significant increases in the planned volumes of renewal work will require improvements in the access available to carry out the work. The generic issues around access are discussed earlier in this plan. The delivery of the higher volumes requires the use of the higher output track renewals plant that is currently being procured, which in turn requires a commensurate access regime to enable it to be used efficiently. In addition to the direct cost efficiencies that could be delivered by improved access, there are benefits to be gained in the quality and durability of work that can be completed during longer possessions, with consequent savings in whole-life costs. Undertaking renewals in short possessions results in more joins, affecting the quality of geometry and rail profiles. Maintenance to correct track geometry problems can also be difficult when access is constrained and lower quality outputs may be delivered. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: TRACK Page 21 of 87 Changes since the Periodic Review Overview The table below compares the current planned expenditure over CP2 with the level of expenditure provided for in the periodic review determination. The plan values include the actual expenditure in 2001/02 and the forecast expenditure for 2002/03. Figure 9.10 Variance from Periodic Review - Track £m 2002/03 prices Periodic Review Business Plan Variance non WCRM variance WCRM variance CP2 2,161 5,316 +3,155 +2,049 +1,106 Expenditure on track maintenance and renewals has been subject to a complete review since Hatfield as we have sought to regain engineering control of the network. The revised forecasts of track renewal requirements have been developed using different processes rather than by making specific incremental additions to previous cost submissions (which were based on the AMP ’98 modelling exercise). It is therefore impossible to quantify the impact of specific factors in contributing to the overall increase. The factors listed below, which interact with each other, are considered to be the most important of a range of underlying drivers. Information on asset condition and degradation A great deal more information has been accumulated about the condition of track assets as a result of the Track Condition Marking (TCM) project (which covered around 10% of the network and involved each track component being given a condition score on a 1 to 5 scale) and of the increased level and sophistication of inspection undertaken since Hatfield. Data from the TCM survey, together with details of current renewal projects, have been used to refine the forecast asset service lives that drive the medium-term forecasts of renewal requirements. The forecast volumes using the revised service lives are higher than those made under AMP ’98 and are supported by the predictions from the new condition-based models for rail and ballast in T-SPA. In addition, our improved understanding of current condition has driven the work carried out in the last two years, and to the development of the detailed job banks for the next two years. New information also shows that track assets are degrading faster than previously anticipated. A key element of this is the emergence of RCF in shortening expected rail life, leading to an increase in forecast re-railing volumes. Factors contributing to the faster degradation include the adequacy of track and vehicle maintenance undertaken, the impact of new rolling stock types, changes in the level and distribution of traffic over recent years, and the impact of adverse weather on track substructure. Changes in Asset Policy A key assumption in the AMP98 work was that renewals would not be undertaken on routes with low tonnages (less than 2 EMGTPA), which would be subject to maintenance only. This meant that around 30% of the network was excluded from consideration of renewals. The lack of visibility of the level of activity planned and undertaken by the IMCs resulted in no specific provision being made for the appropriate level of maintenance on these routes. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: TRACK Page 22 of 87 Our strategy for stewardship of these routes continues to focus on maintenance and component renewal, with particular attention being focused on mechanisation of the replacement of timber sleepers. However, the condition of some routes has deteriorated to the point that renewal is the only lasting solution and major renewals on such routes have either already been undertaken, such as the Windermere branch, or are scheduled in the current workbanks. Unit Costs The unit costs of track renewal activities are currently around 35 to 40% higher in real terms than the unit rates that were used in the AMP ’98 analysis. In part this reflects inaccuracy in contractors’ pricing in what were, at the time, untested new contracts. There are a range of other factors behind the increase including reduced possession productivity (due to traffic growth reducing access time, changes in safety regulations and the impact of higher performance penalties on the risk of over-runs), and changes in the activity mix (combinations of component renewal, typical lengths of job). Maintenance The increased costs for maintenance are predominantly driven by additional track activity. The latest plans for maintenance have been built “bottom up” with contractors to meet the required standards. Given the lack of transparency of what was being delivered at what unit cost under the old RT1a contracts, it is impossible to quantify the impact of specific factors in contributing to the overall cost increase. The factors noted below, which are not independent of each other, are considered to be the most important of a range of underlying drivers. As discussed earlier in the track overview, the need for a substantial increase in maintenance activity reflects the lack of investment in the past, resulting in an ageing track asset stock that requires rapidly increasing maintenance input in order to meet condition and performance output targets. This has been exacerbated by the large increase in tonnage since 1995/96, leading to faster asset degradation which was not matched by an increase in maintenance and renewal activity. Our understanding of track asset degradation and how it should be managed has improved considerably as a result of the research undertaken following Hatfield. In particular, the incidence of rolling contact fatigue, the impact of new vehicle characteristics in causing it, and the actions required to manage it are much better understood. As a result, large increases in a number of specific maintenance and inspection activities are being undertaken, including rail grinding, S&C hand-grinding, train-borne ultrasonic inspections and the installation of new lubricators. The costs of these activities had not been anticipated at the time of the periodic review. Some of these activities have associated procurement costs for new plant and machinery, such as rail grinders. The lack of transparency of unit costs makes it difficult to validate, but contractors have reported increasing costs for a variety of reasons. These include supply industry constraints as activity is increased in the short-term, tighter safety regulations and reductions in possessions access time. Increasing problems caused by vegetation have also driven a policy change from reactive work only to a systematic vegetation management policy. This involves significant effort to clear a backlog of work and restore a steady state situation. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: STRUCTURES Page 23 of 87 Structures Asset Stewardship Strategy Objectives The objectives of the structures policy are: • to ensure the infrastructure is managed in the most cost effective way to comply with standards and other corporate and statutory requirements; • to achieve compliance with our Safety and Environmental Plan; • to optimise the short-term and long-term effects that structures management has on the performance of train operations; and • to develop a skill base for structures engineering to meet future business requirements. Asset Overview The structures asset portfolio covers bridges, earthworks, tunnels, sea defences, culverts and retaining walls. A summary of assets in the structures portfolio is shown in the following table: Figure 9.11 Structures Assets Asset type Bridges – under, over, side and footbridges Culverts Earthworks (measured each side) Tunnels (each bore measured separately) Sea & Estuarine Defences Retaining walls Miscellaneous structures – Signal gantries, OLE masts etc Unit Spans No. Miles Miles Miles Miles No. Volume 68,000 21,300 13,000 200 120 1,500 4,000 Structures assets are naturally long-life assets and generally date from the original construction although intermittent maintenance may have improved or strengthened the assets. The main exceptions are bridges, many of which have been rebuilt to meet increasing loads from rolling stock or road vehicles. Electrification schemes often result in new or substantially rebuilt overbridges to provide the added clearance required for overhead electrified lines. Approximately half the spans in our bridge stock consist of masonry structures, which are typically 150 years old. Metallic bridge spans account for approximately 42% of the total, the majority of which are wrought iron structures dating from 1880 to 1920. Earlier cast iron structures still exist, predominantly on overbridges, whilst post-1930 metallic bridges are usually steel fabrications. The remaining 8% of bridge spans are reinforced concrete structures with the majority dating from the 1950s and 1960s. A summary of the age profile is shown below. If the present low levels of renewal were sustained in the long-term it would be necessary to keep the majority of these bridges fit for purpose for about four or five times longer than their nominal 120 year design life. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: STRUCTURES Figure 9.12 Page 24 of 87 Age of bridges by main material type No. of Structures by construction date 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 1800 1820 Masonry 1840 1860 1880 Concrete 1900 1920 1940 Metal 1960 1980 2000 Total Asset Policy The latest version of the Structures Asset Policy was produced in May 2002. In line with other bridge utility organisations, in 2002 we adopted a policy of life-cycle management using whole-life techniques to determine the most cost effective intervention periods. Using modelling with decision-making tools we can assess the levels of work that should be carried out on our bridges and other structures. The life-cycle approach considers the rate of interventions to ensure the structures continue to perform safely and the cost of maintenance is optimised to give the best level of investment. An intervention is a visit to a specific asset and several interventions may be required for work on a particular asset to be completed. As such, the number of interventions does not equal the number of assets worked upon. The evaluation of whole-life costing plans has shown that continuation of the funding levels from the first control period, would result in a steady deterioration, eventually resulting in extensive performance impact and high spending levels to replace or repair neglected structures. In order to maintain present levels of performance in perpetuity, without incurring high costs and possession requirements to carry out repairs, a higher average condition is required. This will require the steady improvement of condition, followed by sustained preventative maintenance. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: STRUCTURES Page 25 of 87 Asset Knowledge The determination of asset life for structures is difficult not only due to the variable nature of the materials and the environment conditions, but principally due to the fact that they are still in their first life-cycle. Due to the complexity of this life-cycle, it is difficult to determine a generic life-cycle that can be used for modelling. Instead a more useful approach is to model the intervention cycle of different types of structure based on engineering principles and to incorporate these into statistically based model. Knowledge of the strength of different materials and how they behave in a structural context and react with a range of various dead and imposed loads is fundamental to the overall management of structures. An understanding of the process and the effects of erosion, corrosion, and fatigue are essential to determine that the structure remains fit for purpose and safe for the operation of trains. The impact of traffic leading to fatigue is a key driver of degradation of bridges. The maximum impacts, rather than the cumulative loadings are the key factor. Trains with heavy axleloads, principally freight traffic, therefore have the most impact, particularly if they are travelling at high speeds. This is reflected in the Route Availability classification of the network according to the ability of structures to accommodate heavy axleloads. The introduction of high-speed freight represents a risk that has not been fully evaluated or costed in the plan. Our understanding of the degradation of earthworks has significantly increased over the last two years with the introduction of dedicated geotechnical engineers into the regions. The increased levels of rainfall have led to a significant increase in the number of embankment slips. Inspections to date have revealed that approximately 6% of our earthworks are at high risk of failure under certain conditions. The management of 200 miles of tunnel is heavily influenced by access, not only for inspection but also for carrying out works. The management of tunnel shafts, particularly where they are sealed top and bottom and hidden from view, requires considerable attention. Many problems in tunnels relate to the ingress of water which not only increases the deterioration of brickwork linings but also adversely affects track and signalling systems. Sea defences represent a major liability with some sites requiring heavy investment to ensure routes remain open. The development of a national strategy for coastal protection may offer opportunities for long-term planning. Asset information In view of the ways in which structures assets degrade, the key information required for stewardship comes from regular inspections and examinations to record the current state of structures and to inform the rate at which they are degrading. Structures inventory and location information are held primarily in our GEOGIS and RAR databases, although local databases contain additional information. There is an ongoing initiative to improve and enhance our asset data architecture. We are mapping existing national and regional asset information databases to each other, so they can be viewed as one system. We are planning to develop a new generation database, using the requirements of the existing systems but also enabling automated prioritisation, classifications for rolling stock, generation of trend indicators and collation of examination and assessment details and other records. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: STRUCTURES Page 26 of 87 The Structures Condition Marking Index (SCMI) is designed to benchmark all structures in a consistent fashion by attributing a numerical score. This will enable the population of structures to be assessed, the deterioration of the overall portfolio to be monitored, and sudden changes in condition of individual elements to be identified. New condition data arising from SCMI inspections and enhanced earthworks examination will be combined with existing databases. Data on condition is required to support the development of our strategic life-cycle models. SCMI is being further developed during 2002/03 to cover tunnels, retaining walls, culverts and footbridges as a key input to the DST project. All bridges will have been condition marked by the end of 2007. By the end of 2004 we will have SCMI data on tunnels, and by 2009 we will have data for all retaining walls, culverts and footbridges. We are also developing an SCMI process to cover earthworks, which will be established in 2004, with the first full cycle of earthworks examinations complete by 2015. An example of SCMI results is shown on the graph below. Early results indicated that the number of structures in poor category is higher than had previously been estimated. Figure 9.13 SCMI distribution (2436 structures) No of Structures 100 Poor Fair Good 80 60 40 20 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 SCMI Score The management of the safety of structures is underpinned by the inspection and structural assessment programme and this informs the decision making process. The option to carry out work or continue to monitor a structure will depend on many factors, including any financial constraints. Life-cycle maintenance attempts to determine the level of intervention to give the optimum level of expenditure. Decision Support Tools The DST project for structures covers the following sub asset types: overbridges, underbridges, culverts, foot bridges, unique bridges, tunnels, embankments, cuttings and retaining walls. The two key models being used are described below. The Structures Asset Management Process (STAMP) models the intervention cycles for individual structures and provides the costs of different scenarios so the optimum scheme can be adopted. As the quality of our information improves continual improvements are made to the STAMP methodology. It was developed initially for bridges but will be applied to the other asset and sub-asset types progressively during 2003. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: STRUCTURES Page 27 of 87 The Structures Asset Cost Profile (SACP) model applies data from a series of STAMP intervention cycles to the whole structures portfolio in order to generate a long-term intervention profile to underpin the expenditure profile. The SACP process uses Bayesian statistical techniques and calibrates the model with actual examples. SACP is undergoing a series of refinements during 2003, which will improve its analysis and forecasting capabilities when complete. The progressive implementation of STAMP and the increasing availability of SCMI data will lead to a significant improvement in the SACP process, diminishing the reliance on extrapolating statistical samples and opening up the way for applying condition-informed asset behavioural relationships to determine the volumes of work required. The SACP methodology allows for the incorporation of new information and development over time. Unit Costs The initial SACP Model uses the total cost of an intervention built up from current rates and costs. These costs are modified from actual examples of work for the different types of structure. We have also undertaken a benchmarking exercise of unit costs based on current contracted schemes. These actual unit prices will be used to improve subsequent versions of the model, but an initial comparison suggested that the costs were reasonably comparable. Several interventions may be required for work on a particular asset. Each one is separately costed, and the number of interventions does not equal the number of assets which are subjected to works. A new procedure for the reporting of unit costs was issued in October 2002. This requires all projects to be classified by structure type, activity and a unit measure. This will provide full visibility of volumes and unit costs when the process is embedded. This information will assist us in monitoring unit costs, provide benchmarks for future plans, provide data for DSTs (SACP & STAMP), compare regional variations, and measure efficiency targets. It will be an aid to regional delivery teams in setting target prices and driving down costs. Supply Chain We are standardising our structures contracts to incorporate existing best practice that exists both inside and outside the company. As the structures policy moves from reactive to preventative work we need greater forward visibility of our work in order to plan ahead and control costs. Our general strategy is to move to long-term alliance contracts to introduce greater stability, encourage investment, improve efficiency and increase visibility, and thus control of our costs. We have adopted a continuous improvement policy through close dialogue with our suppliers and the adoption of improvements within the strategy. The evaluation of information and decision-making processes of the work to be done will remain within the company. Where Structures Maintenance Management contracts existed we are replacing these with in-house resources. Examination and assessments of structures will continue to be mainly outsourced. This year we have awarded new 10-year contracts on all regions, replacing the previous 2 year contracts. These contracts are resource-based open book alliance contracts, generally with co-located teams, which encourages closer working relationships and reduction in resource waste. One-off major projects will generally continue to be procured through separate arrangements (e.g. design and build contracts) to suit specific work requirements, whilst national strategic specialist contracts are being considered for certain areas of work, in particular for high volume areas and specialist areas (such as tunnel works and steel fabrication for bridges). Minor works continue at present to be typically delivered through a variety of regional tendered-rate contracts. This year we will be reviewing the strategy for delivery of minor works. Additionally, we are encouraging suppliers to increase the use of in-house resources supplementing existing sub-contracting arrangements, as part of the move to longer-term open-book alliance arrangements. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: STRUCTURES Page 28 of 87 The Structures Best Practice Forum consists of the key structures delivery personnel from the regions and HQ, and promulgates best practice within delivery of structures work and associated contracts across various issues such as KPIs, efficiency measurement, contract management, innovation and supplier issues. 10 Year Business Plan The SACP model has been used to develop the 10 year plan. It covers all structural assets based on 130 case studies and contains forward projections for 100 years using statistical and modelling techniques. The model was built upon data available on bridge maintenance and has been subsequently extended for earthworks, tunnels, sea defences and other structures assets. However, more work is required in these assets to improve the quality of the predictions. This is largely centred on more STAMP case studies being undertaken to feed into the model. The model assumed a policy of life-cycle maintenance and costing based on whole-life costing techniques. An initial model (called the prior model) is set up using prescribed assumptions. This is modified by a series of STAMP case studies using Bayesian techniques. This generates a new model (called the posterior model) that is used as the basis for our future predictions. The model was developed to produce a profile for 100 years for all asset types. The results indicate that a significantly higher level of renewal activity needs to be sustained over the next 30 years before falling back to lower levels. This was largely influenced by the engineering constraint of defining a maximum 30-year life for protective painting systems. The profile for some of the individual assets such as earthworks is less certain than bridges due to the extent and depth of records available. The evaluation of life-cycle plans has shown that activity below this level will result in a steady deterioration, eventually resulting in extensive performance impact and high spending levels to replace or repair neglected structures. In order to maintain present levels of performance in perpetuity, without incurring high costs and possession requirements to carry out repairs, a higher average condition is required. This will require the steady improvement of condition, followed by sustained preventative maintenance. The model reflects this backlog of work required to lift the average condition of the assets. The modelling uses data on volume and current condition from existing databases such as RAR, GEOGIS and regional databases and makes a number of key assumptions: • each asset group has been assigned a behaviour which is specific to the group. The consistency of this classification is subject to review; • the maintenance cycles and intervention cycles are based on the outputs of regional workshops using engineering principles; and • the costs are built up from current rates and unit costs. The plan represents a controlled increase in spending to levels that are deliverable, rather than the SACP forecast in the initial years. This approach to increasing volumes is, therefore, a first step away from the reactive policies that been applied to previous business plans towards a life-cycle approach. Future developments of the model will produce volume and cost data on a regional or route basis. The modelling work to date has not taken account of the specific impact of growth in traffic. The key driver of structures costs is the extent of heavy axleload, principally freight traffic, affecting individual structures. Further work is necessary to factor realistic growth assumptions into the planning process. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: STRUCTURES Page 29 of 87 There are a number of risks associated with structures assets, which are often related to issues with a low probability of occurrence but with severe consequences, that are not specifically addressed in the plan. These include: • limitations in asset knowledge: including underbridges unable to withstand external impact loads, overbridges with sub-standard parapets, early metallic bridges with design details which do not meet current fatigue criteria, and hidden tunnel shafts; • external risk of vehicle incursions on approaches to bridges; and • control of weight restrictions on overbridges. Asset Management Planning Inspection and Assessment Detailed work plans are developed from the examination process which involves inspection of the condition of each structure, generally by means of: • a visual examination every year; and • a thorough detailed examination every six years. The current 2-year structures examination contracts, which started in April 2001, include a new requirement to establish a condition score for each bridge at the time of the detailed 6 yearly bridge examination. This is in accordance with our SCMI system, which gives a numerical condition score for individual structures elements. At the national level, this allows for: • trend monitoring of the condition of assets; and • introduction of standardised element labelling and defect identification, supported by a national training programme for bridge examiners in the use of SCMI. There have been some delays in the production of SCMI data in the existing examination contracts. The issues are being addressed and will improve with the implementation of the new 10 year contracts due to commence in April 2004. Annual Work Plans The Annual Work Plans are generated and owned by the regional asset stewards. The initial proposals are generated based on the examination and assessment reports. The schemes are then prioritised and developed into an annual plan. Depending on the complexity and the nature of the defects, feasibility studies will be carried out where necessary and other interested bodies consulted to secure the optimum solution. Larger schemes may take years to complete, particularly where extended possessions have to be arranged at least a year in advance. The regional teams are guided in this process by Group and Company Standards, the Structures Asset Policy, technical advice notes, and peer reviews. Formal Engineering Reviews are carried out by HQ to peer review the workbank of each region. This involves scrutiny of the whole workbank, detailed review of selected schemes, and a number of site visits. This may generate changes to the portfolio. This process is used to monitor and influence the prioritisation between regions and sub asset groups. Deliverability reviews are also carried out. The appointment of longterm framework contractors makes this process simpler due to forward planning of the workbanks. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: STRUCTURES Page 30 of 87 The recent reviews of the 2003/04 and 2004/05 plans indicated that the workbanks still predominantly consist of reactive maintenance and repair. The policy for life-cycle and proactive maintenance will require clearance of the backlog of repairs and renewals that has developed over many years. Activity Forecasts The table below lists the overall number of interventions predicted by SACP over the next ten years. Figure 9.14 Structures Activity - Interventions 2004-13 Asset Masonry Overbridges Metal Overbridges Concrete Overbridges Masonry Underbridges Metal Underbridges Concrete Underbridges Footbridges Culverts Earthworks Retaining Walls Coastal Defences Total Number of interventions 5,209 4,783 1,832 29,967 24,737 1,215 3,053 5,873 2,343 734 1,481 81,226 Direct comparison with the activity volumes for 2003/04 is not feasible on a like-for-like basis due to the move to measuring activity by the number of interventions. The workbank for 2003/04 does not use interventions as an activity volume. Expenditure Forecasts The table below summarises the forecast spend on structures. The costs associated with the detailed plans are developed as part of the feasibility and design planning process. The framework contractors and our delivery teams have an input into the estimated costs and as the plans are developed the costs will become more robust. The plan assumes unit cost savings arising from improved decision making and project control of 1% in 2004/05 and 2% in 2005/06. Figure 9.15 Structures Expenditure Summary £m (2002/03 prices) Non WCRM WCRM Total 2003/04 364 76 440 2004/05 465 64 529 2005/06 476 64 539 Output Forecasts The primary output for structures is to maintain route availability and prevent any restriction to the network by the introduction of a weight restrictions or speed restriction (temporary or permanent). This is achieved by ensuring the structures are fit for purpose and remain in this condition. The plan does not provide for any increase in capability, as measured by route availability. There are two outputs that are presently reported to the ORR and although these present a picture of overall position it is recognised they do not give the best indication of the primary output. We are planning to introduce more indicators that will not only assist in management but will also indicate the overall health of the structures portfolio. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: STRUCTURES Page 31 of 87 The outputs presently reported are: • the Structures Condition Marking Index (SCMI) will become a condition target measure when the baseline is adequately defined; and • the number of Temporary Speed Restrictions (TSRs) due to structures and earthworks. The SCMI will start to give some useful results on the overall standard and the effectiveness of investment. However, this is still in its infancy as a system and will not be fully populated for another five years. Although there is no target set for the number of TSRs, it is recognised that the effective management of structures will minimise the number. The consistent application of life-cycle management will reduce the risks and hence the number of TSRs. Engineering Delivery The majority of the structures maintenance and renewal work will be delivered through 10-year collaborative alliance contracts, regionally based with co-located teams. The first such contract was awarded in November 2001 on Great Western, and will be introduced on other regions over the next two to three years as existing contracts expire. Some regions may have more than one such contract, depending on the volume of work. Typically the work items in any particular annual programme would range from £100k to £3m. Changes from the Periodic Review Overview The table below compares the current planned expenditure over CP2 with the level of expenditure provided for in the periodic review determination. The plan values include the actual expenditure in 2001/02 and the forecast expenditure for 2002/03. Figure 9.16 Variance from Periodic Review - Structures £m (2002/03 prices) Periodic Review Business Plan Variance non WCRM variance WCRM variance CP2 929 2,148 1,219 +1,057 +162 The substantial increase in spend reflects changes the need for additional work driven by improved knowledge of asset condition, changes in asset policy and increases in unit costs. The major increases in spend are associated with bridges and earthworks. Asset condition information The SCMI process outlined earlier is providing much improved knowledge of the actual condition and strength of structures, especially embankments and tunnels, through the data gathered from inspections and detailed examinations. The inspections have identified a higher number of structures in poor condition than has been assumed in previous studies. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: STRUCTURES Page 32 of 87 The condition of earthworks is heavily influenced by increased rainfall and has been manifested in an increasing number of embankment slippages, which have had serious impacts in performance. It is now clear that the very limited provision for attention to earthworks in the cost forecasts from the AMP ’98 study are inadequate. Asset Policy The plan reflects the first steps towards the adoption of a whole-life-cycle approach to maintenance and renewals of structures, in place of a largely reactive approach. In particular the plans provide for more proactive maintenance activity, such as waterproofing and painting, designed to prolong asset life and minimise the risk of rapid deterioration. The increases in spend in the short-term are aimed at prevent the need for much greater cost being incurred in the future as a result of asset being allowed to degrade. Unit Costs Further work is needed to improve the robustness of our understanding of the unit costs of structures. However, we believe that current unit costs are significantly higher than those assumed in the periodic review modelling and cost submissions. Analysis of the costs of bridge reconstructions and earthworks shows costs increasing by between 20% and 30% between 1998 and 2002. This increase is well in excess of RPI, used to index our income, but reflects the trends observed in construction indices. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: SIGNALLING Page 33 of 87 Signalling Asset Stewardship Strategy Objectives The objective of the signalling asset strategy is primarily to retain the network in a steady state condition whilst providing incremental safety and performance at an affordable cost. In doing this we intend to move from condition-based renewal of individual interlockings to route based signalling renewals in order to achieve implementation efficiencies, and facilitate infrastructure enhancements and the future introduction of the European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS). The plan supports the achievement of the regulatory output measures for signalling, which are: • no deterioration in the Signalling Condition Index, though a baseline for this measure has not yet been set; and • no deterioration in the number of signalling failures causing delays greater than 10 minutes, against a baseline of 2000/01. Asset Overview There is a wide range of signalling systems and equipment of varying technologies and ages in use on our infrastructure. These fall under the following asset types: Signal Boxes and Signalling Centre Systems • Control systems, including hardwired control panels and visual display units. These are operated by signallers in order to monitor the state of the railway and control train movements; • Train describers record the identities of trains and track their movement through the network; • Interlockings process train position information and execute the safety logic, which translates route setting requests from the control system into computer-based and electro-mechanical commands to move points and operate signals (we have approximately 1,650 interlockings); • Remote control systems allow control and indication data to be transmitted over long distances along the line side; and • Mechanical signal boxes; approximately 650 remain in use. Lineside Assets: (approximately 300,000 units) • Signals, which comprise of colour light and semaphore; • Point operating mechanisms, either electric point motors, hydraulic, pneumatic or mechanical; • Train detection systems, comprising track circuits and axle counters; • Level Crossing barriers or gates, warning lights and audible alarms; and • Other: including automatic warning systems (AWS), train protection systems (TPWS/ATP), equipment cases and cables. The table below summarises the national volumes of the principal signalling assets. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: SIGNALLING Figure 9.17 Page 34 of 87 Signalling Assets Route Kms Number of Assets 16,500 Signalling Centres/ Boxes 906 Signals Point Mechanisms 38,017 14,786 Train Detection Sections 60,994 Level Crossings 8,612 The key strategic issues in the signalling plan are: • the change from condition-based renewals to signalling route renewal strategies to provide supply chain efficiencies and synergies with ERTMS and enhancement; and • the transition to risk-based maintenance regimes for signalling equipment which is dependent on agreement being reached with HMRI. The increasing age of signalling assets means that a significant increase in signalling renewals volumes from current levels is required during the 10 year plan period. The figure below illustrates the age profile of the existing assets. Large quantities of electro-mechanical systems installed in the 1960s and 1970s are at or approaching the end of their design life. Unlike older wholly mechanical systems, this technology does not lend itself to life extension. The unit of volume in the figure is “Signalling Equivalent Units”, where each unit is a single element controlled by the interlocking e.g. a signal, ground position light indicator, subsidiary signal, point-end, or level crossing. Figure 9.18 Age profile of existing signalling assets Signalling Equivalent Units (SEUS) 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 Mech. 1950's 1960's 1970's 1980's 1990's 2000's Another key issue for the signalling plan is the West Coast Route Modernisation project which accounts for a major part of the current level of signalling activity and remains the subject of review of the precise scope and timescale. Final decisions on the WRCM project may have a significant impact on the scheduling and deliverability of other signalling renewals. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: SIGNALLING Page 35 of 87 Asset Policy The Signalling Asset Policy has been significantly revised with the latest version being published in March 2003. This document will be subject to further review including a financial and safety risk assessment during 2003. The Policy aims to retain the network in a steady state condition whilst providing incremental safety and performance at an affordable cost. This will be achieved through route-based signalling renewals using standardised equipment providing a development path for the implementation of ERTMS. The signalling route renewals strategy is expected to provide the following benefits: • whole-life cost reduction as a result of implementation efficiencies, operating cost savings through fewer signalling control centres, and the standardisation of maintenance activities as a result of common equipment types and age profiles; • greater stability in long-term planning, facilitating the development of stable remits for renewal scheme outputs for detailed scheme design, and improvements in resource utilisation and coordination with other asset disciplines; • more effective delivery of infrastructure enhancements and earlier realisation of resultant benefits; and • selection of optimum ERTMS system configuration and implementation strategy. The policy will provide a long-term framework for the development and support of business critical asset types. Within each asset category the optimal number of approved products will be determined to meet business needs and to minimise acceptance and long-term support effort. In the long-term the development of standardised product interfaces will be undertaken to minimise interfacing problems between equipment from different suppliers. Asset Knowledge There are two primary causes of asset degradation associated with the different signalling equipment types: age and mechanical wear. A key influence on the stewardship of some systems that is related to age, is dealing with the obsolescence of components. Wire and cable degradation in electromechanical signalling systems is primarily caused by chemical reactions between the wire conductors and the insulation, which in turn is influenced by age, temperature, and other environmental conditions. Various strategies are used to mitigate the effects of these phenomena depending on specific site conditions and remaining asset life, and a register of wire degradation sites is maintained at regional level. Component obsolescence in electronic systems is being addressed by obsolescence strategies. These are initially being developed in conjunction with suppliers for solid state interlockings and Integrated Electronic Control Centre modules. These will ensure that these systems remain operational when original components can no longer be obtained. Mechanical wear associated with mechanical signalling systems and components is managed by component replacement and scheduled overhauls. In the light of these drivers, the key components of asset information required to facilitate efficient stewardship are the asset inventory, measurement and recording of condition, and the recording of asset fault history. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: SIGNALLING Page 36 of 87 Inventory and location information High-level information on the nature and location of signalling assets is held in the RAR database. A document management system is being implemented which is delivering significant improvements in the management of detailed signalling records. Currently approximately 50% of all these records are in electronic format, and the remainder of hard copy records are being progressively scanned. The transition to route-based signalling renewals will enable more efficient correlation and updating of records prior to project implementation as well as providing better coordination of design activities. Asset condition Signalling Infrastructure Condition Assessment (SICA) surveys are the principal method of determining the condition and estimated remaining life of signalling installations. These surveys are undertaken independently from the IMCs in order to provide impartial data in a consistent format across the network. SICA surveys are conducted at two levels. Primary SICA surveys give an overview of the condition of a signalling installation. 90% of signal interlockings have already been assessed by primary SICA or an equivalent method. SICA surveys are scheduled to occur every 5 years, or more frequently for sites approaching the end of their operational life, and we remain on target for all interlocking areas on the network to be assessed to primary SICA standards by late 2005. Secondary SICA assessments are undertaken at specific sites where the primary SICA results indicate a need for a more detailed assessment. Separate assessment scores are calculated for nine sub-system categories which enable the regional signal engineer to determine whether targeted sub-system renewal (for example cable replacement) will be effective in extending the life of a signalling installation. If the condition of the majority of the sub-systems is poor or they cannot feasibly be life extended, then complete replacement by a new signalling system will be necessary. Fault history Signalling fault reporting and incident logging is currently undertaken using the FRAME system. The data from FRAME is primarily used by regional signal engineering personnel for monitoring the performance of the IMCs in fault detection and repair, as well as for trend analysis of failures by site and equipment type. A FRAME replacement project, Fault Management System (FMS), is currently underway. This will improve the quality of fault reporting and will facilitate fault trend analysis. Phase one will provide improved fault control data input facilities and is due to be implemented in May 2003. Phase two will replace the current FRAME mainframe computer system and will be completed by the end of 2003. In cases of high-risk failures, such as wrong side failures of signalling systems and equipment, independent technical assessments are undertaken by WSAtkins. In 2002/03 approximately 250 separate investigations were undertaken as a result of a wrong side (or alleged wrong side) failure. These generated approximately 300 discrete recommendations. Whilst a few of these led to emergency action being taken to withdraw or modify equipment, the majority were minor, such as actions on equipment suppliers to modify their designs or improve quality control procedures. The key benefit (which is unquantifiable) of this technical investigations contract is in the prevention of future incidents or accidents by the timely identification and rectification of problems. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: SIGNALLING Page 37 of 87 Maintenance strategy Signalling maintenance is undertaken on a cyclical basis at prescribed intervals. Monitoring is carried out by the regions to measure compliance with standards. The short-term maintenance strategy is to define standard maintenance regimes for the majority of signalling assets. To facilitate this, existing Signalling Maintenance Specifications are being updated and augmented where necessary to increase quality and coverage. These are being developed in conjunction with the IMCs and will be phased in from April 2003. Taken in conjunction with the MIMS maintenance planning system, these standards will enable maintenance to be undertaken in a consistent manner across the network. This standardisation of maintenance activities will enable the establishment of common competence assessments for maintenance personnel across the country. A national audit of IMC compliance was undertaken in 2002, the key findings of which were: • backlogs in maintenance activity were observed in certain areas but these were generally highlighted by the IMCs through their contract reporting processes. Anomalies in certain reporting regimes had been masking significant shortfalls in maintenance activities, which are now subject to HMRI improvement notices; • specific contract areas have had difficulties in recruiting and retaining staff resulting in maintenance backlogs; and • defects observed during maintenance activities were not being reported and actioned consistently. The backlog of maintenance is being assessed through MIMS. Maintenance skills shortages are being addressed by the development of industry-wide training and recruitment programmes that provide railway-focused competencies to skilled personnel from other industries. It is proposed that a national Signalling Defect Management System is established by the end of 2005. Our maintenance strategy is to move to a risk-based maintenance regime for critical signalling assets. Risk-based maintenance is being introduced in pilot areas to optimise the maintenance tasks and the task intervals. Analysis of the performance of critical assets such as point machines and track circuits suggests that the “one size fits all” cyclic interval maintenance regime results in some high risk assets (e.g. frequently used points machines in heavy traffic locations) not being maintained at an optimum level for their risk profile, while lower risk assets are being over-maintained. Assessment has shown that adoption of a risk-based maintenance regime would result in a net overall increase in safety performance by optimising maintenance effort and resources in accordance with the asset risk profile. The adoption of a risk-based maintenance requires the agreement of HMRI. A proposal made by Railtrack in 2001 to optimise the level of activity by increasing the maintenance of high-risk assets whilst maintaining low-risk assets less frequently was rejected by HMRI. They did not accept the principle of trading risk between asset types and locations and stated that high-risk assets should be maintained to a higher standard than currently, with no reduction of effort or frequency on low risk assets. This clearly carries a higher cost. Discussions with the HMRI continue to try and resolve this issue. Within the constraints imposed by HMRI, risk-based maintenance regimes are being piloted to determine the optimal maintenance regime for specific assets types. Results of trials at Yoker in Scotland on track circuits and point machines have produced encouraging reductions in the number of failures. Rollout of these regimes is now being implemented in other contract areas in Scotland. Trials are continuing with other types of signalling asset with the intention to add these to the portfolio of risk-based maintenance activities. It is expected that use of risk-based maintenance will be expanded following successful feedback from the pilot areas. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: SIGNALLING Page 38 of 87 The figure below summarises the results of the Yoker trials, showing the proportions of the populations of points and track circuit assets classified as high, medium, and low risk and the proportionate changes in the level of resources committed to each. The boxes on the right of the figure demonstrate the significant reductions in the overall level of failures as a result of improved targeting of the activity. Figure 9.19 Yoker trial results Risk Populations Resource Effort Change High Risk +20% Med Risk -15% Low Risk -34% Points Track Circuits Failures after 12 months 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Before After High Risk +10% Med Risk -15% Low Risk -40% 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Before After Note : Data for Track Circuits over 9 months Renewal strategy The Board has endorsed a change of policy to route-based signalling renewals from the previous policy of condition-based renewals. These signalling route renewal strategies are now being developed. The original policy of condition-led renewals, accompanied by a considerable level of component renewals in order to maintain the condition of existing signalling installations, had limitations in that: • if a complete renewal were necessary, then a modern equivalent form replacement, compliant with current standards but with no change in functionality or performance would be implemented; • peaks and troughs in renewal volumes did not lead to efficient use of signalling supplier resources, nor incentivise suppliers investment in staff recruitment and development; • there was poor alignment with SRA infrastructure enhancement aspirations, which may have led to higher costs due to the need to alter existing operational signalling assets, and the competition for scarce signalling resources; • it did not facilitate the implementation of ERTMS. This must be rolled out on a line of route basis to minimise transitions between fitted and unfitted sections of track; and • the component renewal policy only provided a one off reduction in renewal volumes and had a major negative impact on the sustainability of the supply industry. The aim is to identify the optimal time frame for renewing the signalling on each route, taking into account signalling asset condition, S&C renewal plans, infrastructure enhancement aspirations, and ERTMS implementation plans. It is planned to establish procedures and guidance for the production of signalling route renewals strategies by developing a strategy for a specific route in cooperation with the SRA and other stakeholders. This work will take place during 2003. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: SIGNALLING Page 39 of 87 The initial route renewal dates have been reviewed with the relevant region signal engineers and adjusted to address particular concerns about asset condition. This data forms the basis of the 10 year business plan. The second phase of the signalling route strategy development will improve their robustness by addressing the other factors. This may result in the advancement or deferral of renewal dates in order to achieve an optimal timeframe. A key activity will be to minimise any negative impact on network capability that resignalling to current safety standards can cause. A resignalled line will generally not provide the same theoretical capacity and throughput as it previously had as modern signalling principles tend to be more restrictive. In most cases this does not cause any practical impact as there is sufficient margin between theoretical and practical capacity. However, in extreme cases in locations of high utilisation, resignalling can result in extensive track layout and structural alterations being necessary to maintain current capacity. The emerging SRA Route Utilisation Strategies will enable potential problem sites to be identified and preliminary assessment of the potential impact of resignalling will be undertaken as part of our input to the Route Utilisation Strategies. We are also working with the Railway Industry Association to verify the assumptions of existing supplier capability, and assess possible future capacity through resource growth and or efficiency improvements. We will also develop guidance and templates through the DST project to facilitate the production of signalling route renewals strategies for specific routes. These will be live controlled documents in which all relevant assumptions will be recorded. High-level documentation is initially envisaged, increasing in detail as planned renewals approach. To improve our stewardship of the asset we need to determine and quantify the scope and cost of life extension works needed to maintain existing signalling assets in service until their planned route renewal dates. This is being undertaken as a part of the DST works. Decision Support Tools The use of DSTs in signalling is in its infancy. The Strategic Asset Model for Signalling (SAMS) has been used in the development of the outline signalling route renewal strategies. SAMS is a detailed model of the network, containing information about all existing signalboxes and interlockings, including the number of Signalling Equivalent Units, and the estimated remaining life of the equipment (collated from the SICA reports produced by each of the regions). The raw SICA data were used to identify the optimal time period, considering asset condition only, over a 35 to 40 year timeframe to renew the signalling on a route basis commencing from the start of 2006/07. In order to provide some smoothing of annual renewal volumes, assumptions have been made about the capacity of suppliers based on signalling designer productivity estimates derived from recent resignalling schemes. As a result some signal boxes and interlockings may have to be renewed earlier than necessary, whilst others may need to be life extended beyond their due SICA dates. A route-based risk assessment model has been developed to assist in determining route priorities for renewals, but this has not yet been fully implemented. A remit is being developed to enhance the accessibility of the SICA survey and condition assessment reports. It is intended that they will be able to be accessed via our intranet so as to assist HQ and regional engineers in renewals planning. Subsequently it may be possible to develop “what-if” scenarios to be run on the SICA data so that the effect of a targeted sub-system renewal on the overall remaining life of the interlocking can be assessed. At equipment or sub-system level, an optimum maintenance decision support tool based on MACRO has been developed to facilitate the production of risk-based maintenance regimes for critical signalling assets. In addition a Modification Business Justification Tool, also using MACRO, has been developed to assist maintenance versus renewal decisions. Currently this is available for clamplock point machines, HW points, DC track circuits, and TI21 track circuits. This tool will be rolled out to the regions during 2003. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: SIGNALLING Page 40 of 87 Unit Costs The renewal volumes and costs in the 10 year plan have been estimated using Signalling Equivalent Units (SEU) as the unit of volume measurement. This measure, developed from work done by the UIC, provides a reliable method of estimating the costs of resignalling schemes. A SEU is a single element controlled by the interlocking e.g. signal, ground position light indicator, subsidiary signal, point-end or level crossing. A procedure has been issued which sets out the definition and use of SEUs throughout a project life-cycle. The current unit cost for an SEU has been established by dividing the signalling renewal outturn costs for 10 recent resignalling schemes by their respective number of SEUs. Costs associated with any scheme are those related directly and essentially to the provision of the signalling element of the scheme, and therefore exclude non-signalling telecommunications costs, customer information systems, track alterations other than work associated with insulated rail joints, and safe cess pathways. The costs associated related construction works, i.e. signal structures and bases is included. The unit costs per SEU derived for these schemes were all within 10% of each other. The schemes used to derive the SEU rate all used solid state interlockings (SSI) and had high SEU densities. Further work will be needed to establish unit rates for resignalling schemes that use other technologies or have fewer SEUs over longer distances. In addition, work is being undertaken to determine SEU equivalences for common types of minor work and life extension activities. Supply Chain The primary focus of our supply chain activity is to facilitate the delivery of the signalling renewals programme by working closely with suppliers to deliver schemes faster, more effectively, and with increasing cost efficiency. Signalling investment demands specialised skills that are in short supply across the whole of the supply chain. To overcome this, work is being undertaken with suppliers to increase design, testing, and implementation resources across the industry, and to introduce modern Computer Based Interlocking (CBI) technology with more efficient design and testing procedures. A number of initiatives will dominate the signalling supply chain strategic development agenda for the next five years. Geographically based framework arrangements have been established with contractors to deliver the majority of schemes costing under £10m. These framework contracts are now in place in nearly all regions and have been awarded on consistent terms and conditions. These arrangements are now being extended to the remaining regions and, where necessary, additional contracts are being put in place to provide increased delivery in other regions. These arrangements will provide an assured workload for the suppliers whilst giving significant opportunity for efficiency savings and improved delivery results. Framework arrangements for major infrastructure renewals are being put in place with resignalling contractors who can provide large-scale replacement and enhancement of the network using proprietary signalling and control equipment. This programme will see the increase of approved signalling suppliers from three to seven. The potential signalling supply base is regularly reviewed to ensure that the current engineering strategy and available technical solutions are aligned, with new suppliers being considered as necessary to support the emerging route resignalling strategy, and facilitate a subsequent move to ERTMS, when required. Signalling design, testing, and implementation resources remain a constraint on output volume. We are working with signalling suppliers to understand their resources, develop their skills base, and increase the number of competent staff available to us. Additional skills are being imported from other industries, overseas, and by direct recruitment within the UK. Whilst this places a short-term demand to train and mentor newcomers onto resources that are already stretched, the long-term gain will be significant. In the meantime we are working closely with project delivery teams and suppliers to optimise the deployment of the existing resources by prioritising work and minimising peaks of demand for design and testing resources. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: SIGNALLING Page 41 of 87 We plan to put in place support contracts with new equipment suppliers, commencing with CBIs. These will ensure cost effective provision of technical and maintenance support services to our own and IMC staff, product upgrade, and configuration management changes throughout the system lifecycle. Technology We are progressing the introduction of CBIs from Siemens, Ansaldo and Bombardier. The commissioning of pilot schemes for each system is expected during 2003. In addition, both Westinghouse and Alstom are developing second generation SSIs that will be compatible with existing equipment. In each case the introduction of these CBIs has exceeded the anticipated budget and timeframe, primarily because of the complexity of signalling principles and safety approval processes in the UK. It is expected that these technologies will deliver efficiencies in the medium-term, e.g. through the use of automated data configuration tools. A number of existing standards and engineering procedures may need to be modified in order to facilitate this process, and a study is being undertaken to identify the required revisions. Following the ERTMS programme team recommendations on the optimum ERTMS system configuration for the network, CBIs will also be needed to facilitate the eventual roll out of ERTMS Level 2 once the UK application is mature. A feasibility study is being undertaken to determine the technical and economic viability of developing Regional ERTMS, a European Train Control System (ETCS) based cab-signalling system for secondary lines. The initial application of this system is expected to replace the Radio Electronic Token Block (RETB) systems in Wales and Scotland. Replacement is envisaged by 2010, subject to the outcome of a current feasibility study. Subsequently the Regional ERTMS system is expected to be able to be applied to up to 50% of the network, taking advantage of the ERTMS vehicle fitment needed for the high speed lines, and the GSM-R network rollout. The feasibility study will be complete by the end of 2003. Axle counters have historically not been used widely on railways in Britain, except for at specific locations where reliable track circuit operation could not be achieved. However, a small number of recent resignalling schemes proposed the use of axle counters in place of track circuits. These were justified by primarily qualitative performance and safety benefits. In order to ensure a consistent approach to the selection of sites for axle counter use an overall Axle Counter Concept Safety Case has subsequently been developed. This provides constraints associated with specific sites, and defines issues to be addressed during safety approval, and subsequent operation and maintenance. The current status is that existing track circuits can only practicably be replaced by axle counters on AC electrified lines. However, axle counters can still be used on DC and non-electrified lines where they replace other forms of train detection systems, or where a specific safety case demonstrates an overall safety benefit. Further analysis will take place during the coming year to determine the suitability of replacing track circuits with axle counters on DC and non-electrified lines. Good progress has been made with the introduction of LED and fibre-optic searchlight signals. These are designed to improve signal sighting and visibility in visually congested and complex areas. The more widespread use of this technology may prove feasible once sufficient operational experience and data has been gathered to support a robust business case. We are establishing a Signalling New Works Programme Team to centrally manage the production of signalling scheme plans. A key objective of this team will be to reduce the time taken for signalling scheme development and approval. It is planned to utilise existing sources of infrastructure information such as the Infrasoft gauging system and the Omnicom video surveys so as to reduce errors and delays caused by incomplete or inaccurate asset information. Development of these systems may allow direct download to computer-based design tools, ultimately reducing design time and costs. Use of Infrasoft virtual reality signal sighting system is also anticipated; this is used for preliminary signal location and for minimising the time needed by on track signal sighting committees to finalise signal positions. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: SIGNALLING Page 42 of 87 10 Year Business Plan The 10 year plan has been developed from the emerging signalling route renewal strategies, which is a key element of the Signalling Policy. The first two years of the plan comprise the detailed work plans produced by the regions. The third year of the plan combines the completion of resignalling schemes in the regional workbanks with the output of the signalling route renewal strategies. The volumes and costs for the major signalling renewals in later years of the plan are taken directly from the signalling route renewal strategies. A standard unit cost rate per SEU has been applied to the volumes derived from SAMS. The plan assumes that the total number of new SEUs provided by renewed signalling is broadly the same as at present. However, this assumption may not be valid if any changes to standards result in significantly more SEUs being needed to deliver a modern equivalent form renewal. The volume of minor renewals and life extension works needed as a consequence of the move to routebased renewals has yet not been accurately quantified. An estimate based upon the proportion of minor works in the existing workbanks has been used, with an increase across the top down plan to reflect increasing volumes resulting from the transition to route based renewals. Similarly the economic impact of any early renewals needs to be determined. We hope to have completed this work by the end of 2003. The plan assumes that priority will be given to replacement of life-expired existing relay interlockings on main lines, as life extension for this technology is generally not viable. Existing mechanical interlockings, which are mainly located on secondary and rural lines, will wherever possible be life extended until the Regional ERTMS signalling technology is available and viable to implement. A risk to this assumption is the ongoing availability of personnel competent to maintain and overhaul mechanical signalling. It is assumed that ERTMS will only start to be implemented towards the end of the 10 year plan period and as such will not have a major impact on the volume of signalling renewals. Asset Management Planning Inspection and Assessment A company standard sets out the principles and methods for inspection and surveillance of signalling equipment by the regional infrastructure controllers in order to meet the requirements of Railway Group Standards. It covers maintenance as well as installation and equipment renewal. Each regional signal engineer is required to ensure that a programme of equipment and staff surveillance checks is undertaken. Currently this is primarily undertaken through end product checks but this will increasingly be achieved through more comprehensive verification of maintenance activities through the New Maintenance Programme (NMP). Condition assessment information has been recorded for all regions to either SICA standards or equivalent methodology. Existing assessments are updated on a periodic basis to monitor condition and to validate planned renewals dates. A rolling programme of assessments is being undertaken which will ensure that all existing non-SICA assessments will have been reassessed to SICA standards by late 2005. Currently, renewals workbanks for complete resignalling and sub-system renewals are generated by the regional signal engineers, from SICA assessments, audits and inspections, and IMC period status reports. However, the quality and extent of renewal planning varies between the regions. It is intended that the signalling route renewals strategies will provide a high level framework from which the regions can develop detailed asset management plans for maintaining and extending the life of equipment until it is renewed under route-based resignalling contracts. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: SIGNALLING Page 43 of 87 Validation The regional workbanks are validated by peer reviews undertaken by engineers from HQ and other regions. Whilst the SICA process is designed to provide an objective, consistent methodology for determining the remaining life of signalling assets, the peer review process is useful to ensure that all options have been considered when deciding on the actions to be taken to address issues arising from the SICA surveys. In addition, deliverability reviews of the major schemes in the regional workbanks are undertaken to determine which schemes can be delivered within resource constraints, taking account of national factors and individual suppliers. If renewal schemes have to be delayed for one or two years then the existing assets can generally be kept in operation with possible additional inspections or maintenance. However, greater slippage will usually result in some life extension or component replacement work being necessary. Further work is needed to establish consistent presentation of renewals volumes for the detailed plans in order to validate the scheme cost estimates that have been produced by regions. Regions are providing information on the number of SEUs for all schemes so that cost and volume estimates can be verified through the peer review process. Prioritisation At present prioritisation of workbanks is primarily undertaken at regional level based on engineering judgement with input from the annual peer review process. This process has limitations in that it can be difficult to ensure that national priorities and supplier development initiatives are maintained within the constraints of regional budgets. We are considering moving to centralised ownership of the national workbank and renewals budgets to allow consistent prioritisation and more efficient utilisation of available renewals funding across the country. 2003 Business Plan Activity Forecasts The move to SEUs as the measure of volume used in the compilation of the 10 year plan does not permit direct comparison of the plan with the workbanks for the first three years derived from the regions, as these have not been planned using SEUs as the basic measure and consistent data is not yet available. By way of an indication of the level of activity in the workbanks, the regional workbanks for 2003/04 to 2004/05 include the schemes identified in the table below. It should be noted that some of these schemes are already in progress and will be completed during the next two years, whilst others will only be in the early stages of development with the bulk of the expenditure being planned for subsequent years. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: SIGNALLING Figure 9.20 Page 44 of 87 Major re-signalling activity 2003/04-2004/05 Scheme Hackney Downs - Elsenham Renewal - WARM Port Talbot East - Bridgend Bedford-Bletchley West Midlands Re-signalling Portfolio East Midlands Re-signalling Portfolio Edinburgh Wire Degradation Stage 1 Glasgow Central Station Dorset Coast Horsham Portsmouth Area Infrastructure Upgrade Project Basingstoke-Farnborough ER Interlocking Renewals £m 20.5 19.9 38.3 53.4 70.8 13.8 22.7 7.6 11.4 15 9.7 77 The forecast activity for 2005/06 to 2012/13, derived from the signalling route renewal strategies and expressed in SEUs is shown the table below. This does not cover the works being undertaken on WCRM which are not currently expressed in these units. The bulk of the WCRM signalling renewals are scheduled for the next three years. The project will absorb a significant amount of the industry resignalling capacity during these years Figure 9.21 Signalling Volumes of Renewal Activity Standard Equivalent Unit Re-signalling 2005 /06 2140 2006 /07 2815 2007 /08 2801 2008 /09 2944 2009 /10 2638 2010 /11 2448 2011 /12 2915 2012 /13 2811 The forecast annual renewal volumes (in SEUs) for the plan have been established by spreading the number of SEUs to be renewed in each signal box or interlocking area over a number of years (typically two to four) in advance of the planned resignalling date. This reflects the fact that resignalling projects typically take a number of years to implement and provides a proxy for the probable implementation profile throughout the project life-cycle. Expenditure on design and development prior to implementation is not representatively modelled by this process. The plan includes approximately £120 million of non steady state signalling renewals expenditure. A substantial proportion of this sum is for signalling modifications associated with RT60 S&C renewals. Additionally, there is provision for performance enhancements, safety and environment initiatives, and additional costs resulting from the implementation of a new system for signalling power distribution. However, it is envisaged that longer-term incremental costs will reduce. The plan does not include any impact associated with the proposed Southern region electrification power supply upgrade project. There is a potential risk from conflicts for critical resources if the scope of the associated signalling works is significant. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: SIGNALLING Page 45 of 87 Expenditure Forecasts Figure 9.22 Signalling Renewal Expenditure £m (2002/03 prices) Re-signalling Other works (non renewal) Minor Works Non-WCRM total WCRM total Total 2003/04 144 34 86 264 446 710 2004/05 241 33 87 361 391 752 2005/06 529 0 237 766 356 1122 The unit cost per SEU for resignalling used in the plan includes allowances for TPWS and 415 volt AC power distribution, and is set at £260,000 per SEU. The provision for the costs of minor works is set at 45% of the cost of the resignalling works, which is derived from analysis of the mix of costs of current schemes. The cost estimates for the early years have not been based on SEUs. The scheme estimates have been developed from a variety of sources, including an estimating system which is generally thought to produce low estimates. The deliverability review revealed significant concern about the robustness of some of the scheme estimates. Regions are providing detailed breakdowns of major schemes in order to validate SEU rates. The plan assumes unit cost reductions of 2% in 2005/06 and 4% thereafter as a result of more efficient delivery of works through the National Signalling Works Programme. Output Forecasts Our signalling plans are consistent with meeting the regulatory output targets. Whilst the Signalling Condition Index has yet to be defined and baselined, our renewal plans are consistent with ensuring that the average condition of signalling assets does not deteriorate. Our ability to quantify the impact on the signalling condition index will improve as the quantity and accuracy of the data contained in the SAMs model improves. The table below shows our forecast of the overall reduction in signalling failures that will be delivered by our plans. This should result in proportionate reductions in the number of failures causing delays greater than 10 minutes, which is the ORR target measure. However, it should be noted that recent increases in this measure are, in part, due to an increase in the average delay per incident, rather than an increase in the underlying number of asset failures. Figure 9.23 Measure Signalling failures Signalling Output Measure 2002/03 40,500 2003/04 38,179 2004/05 36,375 2005/06 34,660 Whilst signalling renewals compliant to current standards and using modern technology will generally provide an increased level of availability and reduction of safety risk, the relationship between activity and safety improvements is yet to be fully quantified. Signalling renewed to current safety standards can have a negative impact on capacity and throughput, which can in some cases result in substantial expenditure on track and structural alterations being necessary in order to maintain existing capacity. No allowance has been made in the 10 year plan for any such expenditure that may be needed as work has not currently been undertaken to identify possible sites where resignalling may cause a significant performance impact. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: SIGNALLING Page 46 of 87 Engineering Delivery The deliverability of activity in the early years of the plan has still to be fully assessed, both in terms of our ability to develop the renewals schemes quickly enough and the supply industry’s capacity to implement them. The full impact of the SRA’s revised WCRM strategy (in terms of resource requirements and timing the remainder of project) on the rest of signalling renewals programme has yet to be fully understood. Ongoing shortages of skilled signal engineering personnel, particularly experienced scheme designers and principles testers, are likely to constrain the volume of renewals that are delivered and continue to contribute to unit cost escalation. Within the company there are recruitment and retention issues for Design and Construction engineers that are impacting on signalling scheme development. The Commissioning Diary is a schedule of the testing and commissioning engineering resources required for each separate signalling commissioning. These resources are in short supply so central management of resources is necessary to ensure that each commissioning can be resourced adequately. To date it has proved very successful in managing resource conflicts for testing and commissioning personnel. It is expected that its use will continue for the foreseeable future. If renewals need to be deferred due to funding or resource constraints, the existing signalling assets may need additional maintenance and or monitoring to keep in service, or if in poor condition may need expenditure on sub system renewals. This will result in additional expenditure as well as increasing the backlog of renewals to undertaken in future years. Changes from the Periodic Review Overview The table below compares the current planned expenditure over CP2 with the level of expenditure provided for in the periodic review determination. The plan values include the actual expenditure in 2001/02 and the forecast expenditure for 2002/03. Figure 9.24 Variance from Periodic Review - Signalling £m (2002/03 prices) Periodic Review Business Plan Variance non WCRM variance WCRM variance * Includes expenditure funded by logging up to the RAB CP2 3,190* 3,549 359 +290 +69 The increase in planned expenditure since the periodic review is due to the large variances between actual unit costs and the rates assumed in the periodic review. The planned volumes of activity are lower than those assumed in the periodic review but the reduction in volume is more than offset by the higher unit costs. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: SIGNALLING Page 47 of 87 Unit Costs The increase in unit costs is attributable to: • errors in the estimation of unit costs used during the periodic review; and • changes in standards. The unit rate conversion between volumes and costs used in the Signalling Asset Management Plan (SAMP99) that was the basis of the periodic review cost submissions, was based upon estimates of scheme costs which have subsequently been found to be incorrect. Further analysis has shown that the actual outturn costs of these schemes were more than 50% higher than the prior estimates. A number of recent changes to Group and Company Standards have had a significant impact on signalling renewals and maintenance costs. In particular Group Standards on Lineside Signal Spacing (Dec 2000) and Signal Positioning and Visibility (Oct 2001) have resulted in considerable amounts of reworking and additional expenditure on renewal schemes that are in progress, in order to achieve the new requirements for signal sighting times. Whilst in the medium-term the incremental cost of such standard changes is expected to be small, the impact of the transition can be significant especially if the implementation period for the standard is short or is retrospective. The adoption of RT60 rail as the new standard for switch and crossing renewals has in many cases necessitated signalling alterations to accommodate the new S&C. Although functionally the same as the S&C being renewed, the RT60 units have different geometry thus affecting track circuit boundaries and cannot be operated manually from mechanical signal boxes. Wherever possible the regions are attempting to align the S&C renewals with signalling renewals at the same locations. Volumes The signalling renewal volumes over 10 years predicted by SAMP99 are broadly supported by the analysis of SICA reports that has been undertaken since the periodic review. However, whilst SAMP99 assumed a constant annual renewal volume over the period, the SICA-based forecasts are profiled differently with an increased renewal rate in the third control period compared with CP2. The lower volumes being delivered in CP2 offset the impact of the higher unit costs in the short-term. Other factors The TPWS programme has absorbed a significantly larger amount of resources at all levels of the industry, than was anticipated at the time of the periodic review. This has been in part due to the emerging TPWS standards that have increased the extent of signalling alterations needed for TPWS implementation as well as the logistical complexities imposed by the programme timescales. In addition to the design, construction and testing resources that have been allocated to TPWS, the challenges of the programme have meant that the focus of senior engineering and management expertise within the company and the suppliers has been diverted from progressing signalling renewals. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: ELECTRIFICATION AND FIXED PLANT Page 48 of 87 Electrification and Fixed Plant Asset Stewardship Strategy Objectives The objectives of the Electrification and Fixed Plant (E&P) plan are: • to maintain the 2000/01 level of performance as measured by the number of incidents caused by overhead line, conductor rail or signalling power supply failure that result in train performance delays in excess of 500 minutes; • to maintain the 2000/01 asset condition profiles for AC and DC electrification systems; and • to renew and maintain all operational plant in a safe and reliable condition. Asset Overview The full range of mechanical and electrical assets within the E&P portfolio ranges from High Voltage (HV) electrical distribution equipment associated with traction power supplies, through overhead line and conductor rail contact systems, to a diverse range of mechanical and electrical plant covering both operational and nonoperational equipment. The Electrification and Fixed Plant asset portfolio is summarised below: Figure 9.25 Electrification and Fixed Plant Assets System 25kV AC electrification 3rd Rail electrification All electrification Signalling Power Supplies Points Heating Other Plant including Depot Plant including Network Rail Strategic element Overhead line equipment inc structures, foundations, wiring and registration Distribution equipment Conductor rail and insulators Distribution equipment Power intake SCADA Pumping Stations Swing Bridges Wheel Lathes Carriage Washers Cranes, jacks, and turntables 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: ELECTRIFICATION AND FIXED PLANT Page 49 of 87 Electrification Assets Approximately 40% of the rail network is electrified and 60% of all rail traffic is electric powered. Two distinct electrification types are employed: 25kV AC overhead electrification (64%) and 660/750V DC conductor rail electrification (36%). A summary of the assets within the Electrification asset portfolio is shown below: Figure 9.26 Electrification Assets Strategic element 25kV AC electrification Overhead line equipment Distribution equipment 3rd Rail DC electrification Conductor rail equipment Distribution equipment 1500 V DC electrification Overhead Line equipment Electrification System Grid supply points SCADA Description Units Volume Length of system employed (inc sidings & depots) High voltage switchgear (1 – phase AC) High voltage cables (1- phase) Booster transformers Stkm 8,652 No Km No 1,876 500 2,366 Conductor rail High voltage switchgear High voltage cables (3 – phase AC) Transformer rectifiers D.C. switchgear (660 - 750V) Stkm No Km No No 4,847 1,477 1,947 483 3,930 Length of system employed Stkm 38 No of infeeds No of Electrical Control Rooms Remote terminal units (RTU) No No No 112 14 1,054 25kV AC Electrification System The AC electrification system derives power from the national electricity transmission and distribution network. The electricity is transformed at supply points located along the railway line and the power is distributed along the track via an overhead catenary system. The catenary system is divided into subsections by trackside switching stations that comprise a number of 25kV circuit breakers. The train collects current using a roof-mounted pantograph, which makes sliding contact with a contact wire suspended from the catenary. The security of the incoming supply is paramount and duplicate circuits, each capable of supplying the traction load, are provided in most cases. 3rd Rail DC Electrification System The design of the DC electrification system originates from the 1930s. It derives power from the national electricity network, the voltage being transformed depending on the traction load requirements. The power is distributed trackside to substations via a high voltage cable network, largely contained in a concrete trough route adjacent to the track. At each substation, the voltage is transformed to 660/750V, converted to DC using rectifiers and distributed along the track via a conductor rail system. Trains are fitted with current collector shoes that make contact with the top surface of the conductor rail. After passing through the train the current flows back through the running rails until it is returned to the rectifiers in the traction substations via cable connections. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: ELECTRIFICATION AND FIXED PLANT Page 50 of 87 1500 V DC Electrification System We also operate and maintain a 1500 V DC overhead line electrification network constructed for the Sunderland Direct project. High Voltage Cables Power is distributed through the rail network via high voltage cables. A high proportion of these are ageing oil-filled pressurised cables, which are now susceptible to leakage. A programme is underway to replace these cables. Grid Supply Points Electrical energy is delivered to the railway from dedicated Public Electricity Supplier (PES) and National Grid Company (NGC) supply points. These connections are classified as “sole user” with the individual assets remaining the property of the PES or NGC. However, we have financial responsibility for both renewal and repair for the PES and NGC sole user assets. SCADA Equipment The purpose of the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system is to control and monitor the status of the electrification equipment that supplies electrical energy to the overhead line and conductor rail. A modern SCADA system comprises three principal components: • an electrical control centre/room (ECR); • a communications network (managed as a telecommunications asset); and • remote terminal units (RTUs), which directly interface with the devices to be monitored and controlled. Four of our ECRs utilise electro-mechanical relay technology introduced in the 1950s. Replacement parts for this type of equipment have now become difficult to source and the equipment is in need of renewal. The remaining ten control centres were installed between 1980 and 2001 and, although they are all based on electronic technology, the rapid changes in hardware and software platforms have rendered the older equipment obsolete and in need of replacement. New SCADA installations can be functionally enhanced to provide a full Network Management System capability that allows simulations to take place outside the real-time environment. Fixed Plant Assets Fixed plant consists of a diverse set of assets. These assets are accounted for in the plan or under the heading “Plant and Machinery”, but for stewardship purposes they fall within Electrification and Plant. The breadth of equipment requires a wide range of asset stewardship strategies to be applied. The two assets that have the greatest effect on the reliability of the operational railway are signalling power supplies and points heating. The table below outlines the key plant asset groupings. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: ELECTRIFICATION AND FIXED PLANT Figure 9.27 Page 51 of 87 Plant Assets System Signalling Power Supplies Component Diesel generator set Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) Low voltage switchgear & cables LV electricity supply from PES or derived from traction power system Points Heating Gas heater and associated control equipment Cartridge heater and associated control equipment Strip heater and associated control equipment Gas or electricity supply Pumping stations Swing bridges Pumping stations Including wheel lathes, carriage washers, depot cranes and jacks, vehicle turntables Other Major Plant Depot Plant Signalling Power Supplies Supplies Signalling power supplies deliver electricity to trackside signalling installations. Across the network there are approximately 450 signal supply points. The power supply system is designed to meet the overall safety and operational requirements of the signalling equipment. Signalling power supply faults currently account for an average of 20,000 delay minutes per period, and are the root cause of at least 20% of category B SPADs. Diesel generators are installed at some signalling supply locations to provide a standby supply in case of failure of the normal electricity supply. The last three years have also seen the introduction of Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) equipment. This prevents the loss of signal supplies during changeover to generator supply when the mains supply is lost. UPS equipment will continue to be installed in order to improve security of supply to signalling equipment. Points Heating Point heating is fitted to many point installations to prevent them from freezing during adverse weather. The use of electric strip heating has proved to be the most effective solution for most locations, although it is not always cost effective in rural locations where an electricity supply is not readily available. Gas point heaters are utilised as an alternative at these locations. Points heating equipment is not operated or monitored continuously. Other Plant Assets Pumping stations: pumping stations are provided to ensure adequate track drainage. Major installations also exist at many under-river rail tunnels to provide de-watering and prevent flooding. These range in size from the Severn Tunnel (25 million litres/day continuously) to a small bridge trackbed de-watering plant at Stratford (up to 700 thousand litres/day intermittently). Swing bridges: the network contains a number of moving bridges. The mechanical and electrical systems are designed for a 25 year life under normal maintenance. Depot plant: includes 12 wheel lathes installed in traction and rolling stock depots. These are used to ensure the correct wheel profile and interface with the rail and are further discussed in the Track section. Depots also contain carriage washers, cranes, jacks, turntables, and often HV distribution systems, comprising of distribution switchgear, transformers, and cables. Some of the older installations utilise bulk oil switchgear, which is no longer commercially available. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: ELECTRIFICATION AND FIXED PLANT Page 52 of 87 Asset Policy The Electrification and Plant Policy published in January 2002 outlines the broad policy for the maintenance and renewal of the E&P assets. The plan takes forward the objectives of the E&P policy document, addressing the following key challenges: • the ageing of electrification assets such as transformers, cables and switchgear, which, if not addressed, will ultimately lead to unacceptable deterioration of safety and reliability of the network; • the obsolescence of ageing assets often making maintenance unsustainable; • the level of disruption caused by electrification and plant taken out of service for renewal whilst maintaining an acceptable network performance and reliability; • environmental issues concerning the use of oil as an insulator; • the removal of asbestos from switchgear and other aged plant; • the increased operational demands on the infrastructure resulting in fewer opportunities to gain access/possessions for maintenance and renewal work; and • the ability of the wider industry supply chain to deliver the ramp up renewals volumes. We are therefore developing a new policy to manage our assets using age as a proxy for condition. Initially using HV switchgear, it is the intention to extend this policy to cover all of the E&P assets where asset degradation can be directly linked to age. Once a significant proportion of assets have been covered the policy will be reviewed to confirm the validity of using age profile as a measure of degradation. Asset Knowledge Although we are continuing to populate the asset register (RAR) with E&P data, the current data is not yet sufficient to determine the total population and age profile with the required degree of confidence. Our asset knowledge has been developed following discussions with the regional engineers holding local knowledge of the E&P assets, gathered through performance review, inspection, and liaison with maintenance contractors. We will continue to review and refine the data collected for E&P assets in accordance with the company information strategy so that our asset knowledge is improved. Overhead Line Equipment The life of overhead contact systems equipment is related to a number of factors including traffic frequency, traffic speed, magnitude of load current, environmental conditions, and outside party influences. Latest wear measurements indicate that the life expectancy of the overhead contact wire can be between 40 years and 100 years depending on traffic patterns and number of pantograph passages. The relationship between these factors is complex. There are several generic designs of OLE in use on our infrastructure and there are a number of common failure modes that are associated with each design. Identified weaknesses and failures are managed through the list of campaign changes agreed in each of the regions. These changes identify a systematic way of removing the weaknesses from the system. The campaign change programme, underway since 1998, has demonstrated significant performance and reliability improvements, and nationwide campaign change requirements have now been quantified. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: ELECTRIFICATION AND FIXED PLANT Page 53 of 87 Pantographs are a major interface between our infrastructure and rolling stock. Pantograph condition monitoring is undertaken using PANCHEX in order to prevent damage to the OLE by maladjusted equipment. We investigate the root cause analysis of OLE incidents where poorly maintained or damaged pantographs are involved, and work with operators to improve inspection and maintenance procedures to the benefit of overall system performance. OLIVE (overhead line inspection vehicular equipment), still under development, measures the dynamic forces and the interaction between the OHL and the train pantograph, and is used to identify inconsistencies in the OHL. Conductor Rail Steel conductor rail has been installed for many years and experience has shown that it will last for at least 40 years on heavily used routes. Conductor rail deteriorates through corrosion, and wear caused by the current collector shoe of the train. It is necessary to ensure that the rail is physically sound and that its electrical resistance does not increase to an unacceptable value. The management of conductor rail renewal is undertaken within the regions. The track engineer manages the inspection and maintenance regime for conductor rail in accordance with E&P Engineering Policy and technical standards. Routine maintenance comprises inspection of the rail and the reactive replacement of failed anchors, ramp ends and support insulators. At present there are insufficient records of gauge loss due to wear to enable route specific renewal plans to be determined. Options to quickly increase our asset knowledge via measurement at a set number of strategic gauging points are being evaluated. Conductor rail records need to be compiled and collated in order to identify routes which would benefit from campaign changes rather than piecemeal renewal. Electrical Switchgear and Distribution Equipment The life of electrification distribution system equipment is largely age-related and is independent of traffic volumes, assuming that load growth is controlled within the given rating of the plant. Asset degradation is difficult to monitor from visual inspection. HSE guidance on the life of HV distribution switchgear indicates that plant achieving 35 years service should be considered for replacement to mitigate catastrophic failure arising from insulation breakdown or mechanical failure. There are other methods of assessing degradation of electrical distribution assets, such as partial electrical discharge testing and transformer dissolved gas analysis. These will be used to support and revalidate the assumption that the HV distribution assets can be safely managed based on using age profile as a proxy for condition. Much of our switchgear is already in excess of the HSE guidance on age. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: ELECTRIFICATION AND FIXED PLANT Page 54 of 87 The age profile for HV AC single and three phase, and DC switchgear is shown below. Figure 9.28 Age profile of DC & HV AC switchgear Existing No. of Units 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 to 10 11 to 20 21 to 30 31 to 40 41+ Age Bands (years) HV AC 1 & 3 phase switchgear (National) DC switchgear (Southern Region) Fixed Plant The degradation of signalling power supply assets is principally a function of age with life spans typically in the range 20-25 years, subject to adequate maintenance and mitigation against mechanical damage. In particular, the performance of UPS systems are dependent on the condition of the installed batteries, and these must be inspected and replaced at regular intervals. The life of the point heating installation is considered to be 15 to 20 years before major refurbishment is required. The service life for high voltage non-traction systems is approximately 35 years when properly maintained. Both of these assets also degrade primarily with age. The majority high voltage non-traction installations are now being de-commissioned and replaced by dedicated PES supplies; however, it is likely that we will retain a small number of these assets. Asset Information The Electrification Condition Assessment Process (ECAP) has been developed for a number of Electrification assets to provide a consistent condition score in line with ORR requirements. The ECAP process requires annual inspection and recording in a standard format of a proportion of the selected assets to provide a complete and representative condition assessment over a 5 year period. A similar process, Plant Condition Assessment Process (PCAP) is being introduced later this year to address the condition scoring of plant assets. The MENTOR (Mobile Electrical Network Testing, Observation & Recording) vehicle is currently used to monitor and record the dynamic current collection performance of the overhead contact system, using an instrumented pantograph. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: ELECTRIFICATION AND FIXED PLANT Page 55 of 87 We continue to support developments in OLIVE and PANCHEX OLE and pantograph inspection systems, and it has been demonstrated that these can deliver real performance and safety benefits for the overhead line equipment. We have currently have 25 PANCHEX sites and 9 OLIVE systems. Maintenance and Renewal Strategies General The current maintenance strategies for E&P assets are diverse but are based on existing Company Standards, and have been assessed against relevant electricity industry standards. The rollout of MIMS will provide greater visibility of volumes for inspection and maintenance and unit costs. MIMS will be baselined against the current maintenance strategy, and use the MACRO optimisation tool to assess and identify any required adjustments. This will allow informed decisions to be made as to whether current regimes need to be challenged. The maintenance strategy will be revisited once the current work on MIMS and its associated work items for inspection and maintenance have been completed. Given that electrification equipment is prone to sudden, occasionally catastrophic failure, great care must be taken to ensure that critical items, such as electrical distribution switchgear and transformers, (which presently take at least eight months to procure) are replaced in a timely manner. Due to the infrequent and specialist nature of major electrification equipment renewals, suppliers and designers suffer from highly irregular order cycles, which do not encourage steady development of equipment or maintenance of competencies. Long-term relationships with selected manufacturers and suppliers need to be developed in order to deliver consistent asset replacement, enhancement, and ongoing support. The Southern Region Power Supply Upgrade is an enhancement of the existing electrical network that will provide increased electrical capacity to cater for new rolling stock. No provision has been made within the renewals plan for the effect of this upgrade, but the synergies of this project for delivering renewals concurrent with the enhancements agreed with the SRA will be reviewed once the scope and delivery mechanisms have been developed. High Voltage Distribution Switchgear High voltage distribution switchgear is critical to delivering the overall safety and reliability of both the AC and DC electrification systems employed on our owned infrastructure. The renewal strategy must ensure that replacement of these HV assets is correctly planned in order to continue the operation of the railway. Under the original electrification schemes of the 1950s and 1960s large volumes of HV electrical distribution equipment were installed over wide geographical areas in short periods of time. Much of this is still in service, nearly 50 years old, and is in urgent need of replacement. We are developing a long-term asset renewal plan for all HV voltage distribution switchgear as a priority, using asset age as a proxy for condition assessment. Our ultimate aim is to achieve a 35 year steady state asset life for the total population of HV electrical distribution assets. This will take many years. The renewals plan will be extended to cover all the HV voltage distribution assets within the AC traction and DC traction systems, and finally to those items within the plant asset portfolio whose condition degrades according to age. A robust decision support tool will be developed to plan the renewals volumes based on managing the asset age profiles of each family of asset types. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: ELECTRIFICATION AND FIXED PLANT Page 56 of 87 The asset stewardship criteria for replacement will be based on the following methods of assessment: • no single oil filled HV switchgear asset to have a service life longer than 60 years. This target will be continuously reviewed for each planning cycle in line with asset stewardship reports; • maximum service life for other HV switchgear assets (e.g. vacuum circuit breakers) assessed in accordance with asset stewardship reports from regions, but normally not greater than 45 years; • the life expectancy of each type of each type of switchgear will be assessed using appropriate condition monitoring and safety risk assessment techniques to validate the above criteria; and • a DST will be developed to forecast the date at which the above criteria can be satisfied. By way of illustration, the asset renewal strategy for renewal of the HV (11kV –33kV) distribution switchgear assets on Southern region is set out below. The following table illustrates the age profile and populations of the 3-phase AC HV distribution switchgear types on the Southern region DC electrification network. Figure 9.29 HV AC Switchgear Age – Southern region Switchgear Type Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) Sulphur Hexafluoride (SF6) Vacuum Oil-filled type JB424 Oil-filled type MF36 Oil-filled type K4 Oil-filled MF36 Oil-filled KA Oil-filled KC Age 10 10 14 28 36 36 48 48 48 Population 163 125 40 307 19 52 149 32 294 The renewals phasing for two types of AC HV switchgear used on the Southern region DC electrification system is as follows. These represent the two extremes in terms of age and remaining life. The ultimate asset life of each type of switchgear will be kept under continuous review in line with regional asset stewardship reports, and the phasing of renewals adjusted within the bounds of the prescribed policy. The age-based policy requires that: • replacement of KC oil-filled switchgear (294 units, average age 48 years) should commence in 2003/04 and continue at the rate of 23 units per annum for 13 years. The next renewal cycle would then commence in 2038/39; and • replacement of sulphur hexaflouride (SF6) distribution switchgear (125 units, average age 10 years) should commence in 2024/25 at the rate of 25 units per annum for 5 years. The next renewal cycle should then commence in 2060. Given the overall age profiles and variations of switchgear types, the cycle of renewals will be kept at an approximately equal level year-on-year. If the asset stewardship report indicates that this switchgear is deteriorating faster than forecast, renewals will be brought forward as required. This will apply across all asset types. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: ELECTRIFICATION AND FIXED PLANT Page 57 of 87 OLE Overhead contact system renewal strategies are based on the system, sub-system and component failure and degradation modes. The replacement strategy will be managed in conjunction with the list of campaign changes kept continuously under review throughout the life of the 10 year plan to ensure that steady-state performance of the asset is maintained. Typically the requirements for contact systems renewals cover: • structure and foundation renewals and refurbishments; • renewal of worn, damaged or corroded wiring and registration assemblies; and • individual campaign changes (mechanical and electrical systems), which cannot be delivered using the IMC, which may be managed on a route specific basis, OLE system basis or regional basis (e.g insulator replacements). In some cases, it may be necessary to undertake complete refurbishment or renewal of a contact system, which cannot be delivered via the IMC within the constraints of the existing supply chain contracts. In Scotland we plan to undertake complete renewal of the Mark 2 overhead contact system between Glasgow (Shields) and Gourock to address known problems. In such cases the works will be procured via a separate Design & Build or Alliance type contract. It is intended that maintenance will migrate from the current reactive basis to a proactive management regime by consistent implementation of campaign changes, supported by robust DSTs. This will be fully implemented following the roll out of MIMS. Conductor Rail Conductor rail renewals are currently programmed based on gauging returns undertaken as part of the inspection and maintenance contract placed with the local IMC. A profile gauge is initially used at 10 year intervals to measure the percentage of loss of the steel. The frequency is increased to 5 years when the rail is found to have lost 20-25% of the original cross sectional area. On reaching 25% loss the rail is programmed for renewal, subject to an increased regime of electrical integrity checks. The current stewardship criteria for this asset will be reviewed as part of the ongoing characterisation of assets and development of DSTs, outlined elsewhere in the technical plan, to improve on our current asset knowledge. Grid supply Strategic management of our sole user assets at grid supply points is currently determined by the PESs and NGC. It is intended that the next generation of connection agreements will require the PES and NGC to incorporate basic maintenance checks and condition reporting to enable us to develop a greater understanding of the feeder cables, switchgear and transformers provided by outside parties. Where major enhancements to the traction power supply system are planned such as the West Coast Route Modernisation, grid connections may need to be made to the NGC transmission system at 275kV or 400kV, which will introduce new types of sole user assets. We continue to work closely with the individual public electricity supply companies to develop a longterm renewal plan for grid supply transformer renewal. This may, however, need further discussion with the SRA, ORR, and the Energy Industry Regulator, OFGEM. The introduction of new electric rolling stock tends to increase the utilisation of these assets. This may determine an accelerated renewal strategy if load growth causes the rating of the plant to be exceeded before the plant requires renewal through deterioration. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: ELECTRIFICATION AND FIXED PLANT Page 58 of 87 SCADA Modern SCADA systems are computer based, but their life expectancy is significantly shorter than the older electro-mechanical systems. Modern technology is now sufficiently advanced to ultimately allow the entire network to be controlled from a single control centre, if required. The continued roll out of the Network Management Systems (NMS) will impact on the strategy for SCADA system rationalisation, renewal and replacement. A structured approach to managing the asset is in early stage development. With a decreasing number of control centres it becomes feasible to move towards continuous upgrade through one or two key suppliers. This could reduce the unit costs by avoiding the disbenefits of a start-stop renewal programme. It would also enable consistent network-wide modernisation, and maintenance would also benefit from a programme of continual support between upgrades. A future enhancement to SCADA systems may arise from the need to incorporate additional electrical system security to prevent accidental re-energising of isolated electrification equipment. Discussions are currently underway with the HMRI to develop an agreed strategy for future control and management of electrical isolations. Signalling Power Supplies Signalling power supplies are often renewed with re-signalling projects due to the changes in electricity load and location requirements. The key objective is to address conformity, as far as is practical, with the Institute of Electrical Engineers (IEE) wiring regulations (BS7671). The E&P Engineering Policy describes the framework in which new signalling power supply installations must be updated to achieve performance and safety requirements. A formalised strategy for renewal of 650V signalling power supply distribution outside such schemes has yet to be developed due to the limited asset knowledge. Detailed maintenance instructions are, however, currently being developed. Points Heaters Gas and Cartridge heater installations are gradually being replaced as part of the renewals programme, with the more modern and effective electrical strip heating where feasible. HV plant The maintenance strategy for HV plant is based on routine inspection and condition monitoring with light maintenance as required, in accordance with our technical standards. Condition monitoring criteria previously agreed with the ORR will be integrated into the ECAP process. The renewals strategy for HV distribution switchgear assets, described above, will be extended to cover HV plant. The renewal strategy for other HV assets whose condition is not directly related to asset age will be developed following completion of the work for HV distribution switchgear. Decision Support Tools An optimised maintenance regime for some elements of the overhead contact system has already been developed under Phase 1 of the E&P MACRO Implementation Project. The MACRO scheme provides the regions with a methodology for optimising the maintenance regime using the APT suite of software tools. The application of this and ECAP will continue. In parallel, a model will be developed which integrates maintenance and renewal decisions at both the local and network level. These initiatives will be supported by the specification of data required to develop the asset relationships and to enable the renewal and maintenance model to operate at the appropriate level of asset detail. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: ELECTRIFICATION AND FIXED PLANT Page 59 of 87 Development of DSTs for renewals is at an early stage. Ultimately a system analogous to the track model, T-SPA, is envisaged. The completion of the rollout of MIMS will establish a consistent set of standard jobs and maintenance scheduled tasks that can be applied nationally and facilitate the further development of DSTs. Unit Costs We do not have robust financial reporting mechanisms from the regions to provide unit cost information at sub-asset level for inspection, maintenance, and renewals. For this plan it has been necessary to make assumptions on units costs for asset replacement. These are based upon the judgement of engineering specialists. In future regionally derived unit costs will be subject to a peer review and validation process to assess levels of uniformity In terms of the effect on unit costs for renewals, steady state supply chain conditions have been assumed. No attempt has been made to factor in economies of scale, as the effects of any revised contracting strategies and updated renewals policies have not yet been quantified. As part of the Southern region Power Supply Project being developed with the SRA, it is expected that robust unit costs for AC and DC switchgear replacement (and other assets) will be developed, which can then be used to price further renewal projects. The costs for renewal of the signalling power supplies are subject to considerable uncertainty arising from the past differences in methods of delivering schemes across the regions. It is expected that better cost information will be developed once a robust renewal programme has been developed and the strategy has been integrated with the signalling renewals plan. Supply Chain Replacement or life extension of high voltage distribution assets and sub-station equipment such as circuit breakers and protection equipment will be a challenge for the industry. Much of our existing infrastructure is old technology, where neither wholesale replacement nor continued maintenance on a like-for-like basis will be easy to achieve. Considerable work is also required on the replacement of oil filled switchgear and cables to meet our objectives. To achieve this we will need to continue the work already started with our supply chain partners on new product approvals and research and development. To achieve our programme of E&P renewals, we plan to roll out the framework contracts already working in some regions during 2003/04. It is expected that these contracts will be geographically based and result in a reduction in the number or contractors and sub-contractors employed on this type of work. Technology We are currently assessing the Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) standard Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) to determine its continued suitability for HV distribution asset replacement for rail network use, in the light of the experience gained with Structure Mounted Outdoor Switchgear (SMOS). We will work with the electrical supply industry to promote the reintroduction of air insulated vacuum modular switchgear. This has a proven reliability record verified by the performance of the equipment installed during the 1980s. Both this and anticipated lower manufacturing costs should lead to a reduction in expenditure. A high speed recording system to assess the spatial arrangement of overhead line equipment without the requirement to undertake inspections on the line is being developed. Previously, non-contact measurement of OLE geometry by train has been investigated but found inaccurate when running at line speed. It is hoped that advances in this work will ultimately provide a replacement for MENTOR, which is now obsolete and due for replacement. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: ELECTRIFICATION AND FIXED PLANT Page 60 of 87 We are developing a system that facilitates the reconfiguration and changeover of signalling power supplies during maintenance. Additionally, the unreliable electromechanical voltage regulators that were used to condition the 25kV traction-power derived supply for signalling are being replaced by modern static UPS equipment. 10 Year Business Plan Each asset has been assessed for life expectancy at various level of usage - for example there are three categories of route for OLE, based upon line speed and traffic density. The disaggregated life expectancy has been applied to the asset portfolio as appropriate to generate the long-term volumes required. This approach has not yet been rigorously applied to conductor rail, which continues for the short-term to be assessed on a historical replacement volume basis. The detailed work plans for the first two years have been based on existing contracting strategies and the current constraints imposed by resources and access to the network. Year three of the plan reflects the increase of renewal spend to deal with the backlog of work. This increase will require an improvement in the supply chain if it is to be delivered. The workload will continue to increase until 2006/07 after which a steady state renewals spend will be achieved if the programme is implemented. The forecasts are based on maintaining a steady state equipment performance in terms of total delay minutes and number of incidents, and assuming no growth in asset base. It is also assumed that the performance of the E&P assets will be delivered by achieving the stewardship targets for each individual asset grouping which have been built up from the following high-level engineering requirements: • population of assets by sub-asset grouping for both electrification and plant , using appropriate measures; • assessment of condition of assets using scoring criteria; and • life expectancy for each asset based on rate of degradation, duty cycle, etc. The replacement of sole user assets is presently constrained by the commercial agreements in place with the PES and NGC. A life expectancy assumption of 40 years has been made for the renewal of these assets. However, that has been challenged by recent failures at Manningtree and Rugby where PES sole user assets have failed after only seven years. For HV distribution switchgear we have collated an age and condition profile taking into account average age and oldest asset age as replacement criteria. By contrast, the overhead line equipment renewal plan is based on the need for campaign changes together with a workbank for structure renewal and refurbishment, based on the result of patrols and visual inspections carried out by the IMC. SCADA replacement is driven by age and the rapid development of hardware, software and communications technology. Replacements for SCADA systems will be based on customised-off-the shelf-systems. The renewal programme will start with Southern region, replacing all the electromechanical SCADA systems over an 8-year period. The plan for plant assets has been developed using simple assumptions of renewal of the equipment when it is life expired. Unit costs are taken from regional data on a case-by-case basis. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: ELECTRIFICATION AND FIXED PLANT Page 61 of 87 Key Risks The primary risk of deferring renewals of HV distribution plant beyond the maximum asset life is that there will be an increased risk of catastrophic failure resulting in potential safety hazards from fire, explosion or electrocution. If we cannot comply with the policy requirement to keep the age population within safe limits, then the equipment will need to be taken out of service with the resultant performance implications. Although not yet fully explored, there is a risk from the current business standard for electrical safety isolation being challenged by the HSE for compliance with Electricity at Work Regulations (1989). If the challenge is successful it could result in additional costs of around £20 million to implement new systems. Asset Management Planning Inspection and Assessment The regions review annual maintenance plans and stewardship reports with the IMCs. maintenance plans are compiled into a regional report, which is reviewed by HQ engineers. These Most inspection and examination of electrification and plant equipment is carried out manually and is delivered via the IMC2000 contracts. The inspection and examination regimes have been agreed with the IMCs. The results are used to generate the volume of maintenance and renewal activity for our business plan. The introduction of MIMS will greatly improve control of the process by providing visibility of maintenance volumes and costs. Overhead line and conductor rail assets are visually inspected through routine patrol. A workbank is built up from the findings of these patrols. The MENTOR test coach will continue to be the main inspection tool for the measurement of the dynamic performance of the overhead line system. HV plant assets are inspected through routine maintenance, which includes partial discharge testing and routine oil testing, and the workbank is built up from this information. Significant further inspection and assessment of the condition of the signalling power supply assets is required in order to assess robust renewal volumes. Point heaters are subjected to a pre-winter check and are maintained throughout the cold weather season. All significant failures are rigorously investigated. We use specialist consultants to examine systems and components and undertake materials analysis to determine the root cause of failure when necessary. Validation The current decision-making process for maintenance versus renewals is managed via the IMC2000 contract with input from the regional engineers, and is largely reactive, based on the driver of maintaining system performance and minimising train delays. The regional workbanks are validated by peer reviews undertaken by HQ. The peer review process is used to ensure that the decision-making is robust and in accordance with the Engineering Policy. We undertake deliverability reviews of the major schemes in the regional workbanks to determine which schemes can be delivered within the various resource constraints. The process for validating the renewals plan will be reviewed following the completion and implementation of DSTs for maintenance and renewals. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: ELECTRIFICATION AND FIXED PLANT Page 62 of 87 2003 Business Plan Activity Forecasts The detailed workbank plan has been developed by the regions and is constrained by existing funding, resourcing and network access limitations. The renewals volumes for the first three years assume a steady-state contracting strategy with no change to the planned and existing contracts for years 2003/04 and 2004/05. Strategic high level activity volumes for renewals are based on the anticipated maximum life of assets based on degradation rates and condition assessments. The majority of overhead line renewals are being carried out under the auspices of the WCRM enhancement project through a number of strategic alliances. We will programme future non-WCRM overhead line equipment re-wiring activity throughout the network on a national basis to ensure the retention of specialist resources currently employed on WCRM, when they become available. It is noted that the ongoing WCRM project and Southern Region Power Supply Upgrade region renewals and enhancements programme will contribute to the level of asset replacement once the scope of these projects has been baselined with the SRA. The renewal works element for overhead line on other routes increase from 2005/06 to reflect the impact of additional structure renewals and refurbishment to address the known backlog arising from existing network access constraints The renewals activities for electrification distribution equipment to 2005/06 assume that an effective outage strategy is in place to ensure that the overall reliability and availability of the electrification system is maintained throughout the duration of the renewals, including the effective co ordination with enhancement projects running in parallel. A sub-set of the renewals volumes contained in the 10-year plan is shown below for illustration: Figure 9.30 AC Systems HV Switchgear Booster Transformers 25kV cable DC Systems HV Switchgear HV cables Transformer/ Rectifier DC switchgear Network Rail Electrification: Volume of Activity – Major Renewals Items Total Population 2003 /04 2004 /05 2005 /06 2006 /07 2007 /08 2008 /09 2009 /10 2010 /11 2011 /12 2012 /13 No. 1,926 43 77 83 111 95 125 106 110 113 71 No. 2,366 53 69 92 85 85 65 37 133 97 72 Km 500 3 2 6 8 11 5 12 9 4 4 No. 1,477 26 50 74 74 74 74 78 78 78 78 Km No 1,947 483 53 5 59 28 78 29 78 25 78 24 78 24 69 24 69 24 69 25 69 26 No 3,930 56 86 66 70 189 188 188 188 197 197 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: ELECTRIFICATION AND FIXED PLANT Page 63 of 87 Expenditure Forecasts The table below summarises planned expenditure on electrification assets. (Expenditure on fixed plant is accounted for under Plant and Machinery, which is summarised later in this section). The forecasts for the early years of the plan are consistent with existing asset policies, but volumes will be constrained by access limitations (Rules of the Route, electrical outages) and possession strategy. The plan assumes unit cost savings arising from improved decision-making and project control of 1% in 2004/05 and 2% in 2005/06. Figure 9.31 Electrification Renewal Expenditure £m (2002/03 prices) Non-WCRM WCRM Total 2003/04 50 178 228 2004/05 77 138 215 2005/06 100 151 251 Output Forecasts The activity volumes assumed within the plan are expected to meet the following output targets: • no change in network capability, defined as the number of single track kilometres electrified; and • no deterioration in average asset condition than declared in November 2002. The table below shows our forecast for the number of traction power supply failures causing delays of more than 500 minutes. Our planned activity is expected to return the total to the aggregate target level of 133 in 2003/04 and deliver further reductions over the following two years. Figure 9.32 Electrification Output Measure Measure Traction power supply failures causing > 500 minutes delay 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 141 133 127 125 Engineering Delivery In developing the plan, no account has been made of the potential effects of a blockade strategy compared with short-term possessions. The effects of such a strategy need to be developed using an integrated approach across all assets, and to factor in any effects of RIMINI. It will be essential to develop a robust outage strategy for years 4 to 10 of the business plan. The completed population of the RAR database with the volume and age profile of the asset portfolio will aid the fine tuning of asset policies and strategies. However, renewals work on the electrical distribution network will be largely constrained by the ability to take the electrical plant out of service without affecting the reliability and availability of the overall electrifications system. The capability of the industry to deliver the proposed renewals volumes and outputs described in the top down plan has not been tested. It is assumed that the industry supply chain can ramp up to meet any increased volume activity measures identified for renewals particularly as the major projects reach completion. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: ELECTRIFICATION AND FIXED PLANT Page 64 of 87 This national contracting approach will enable continuous use of key specialist resources. It will also support the identification of skill shortages in respect of future requirements in order that action can be taken to match supply with demand. The delivery of major schemes continues to depend on using alliance-based contracts with reimbursement by actual cost and a gain/pain share mechanism. Extension of the use of road-rail OLE access equipment is also being considered in order to realise more efficient use of possessions and isolations. Changes from the Periodic Review The table below compares the current planned expenditure over CP2 with the level of expenditure provided for in the periodic review determination. The plan values include the actual expenditure in 2001/02 and the forecast expenditure for 2002/03. Figure 9.33 Variance from Periodic Review - Electrification £m (2002/03 prices) Periodic Review Business Plan Variance Non WCRM WCRM CP2 413 986 +573 +60 +513 The overall variance is largely due to increased expenditure on the WCRM project. The remainder of the variance reflects the improvements in asset information since the conclusion of the review. The cost submissions to the periodic review were largely based on past expenditure and did not reflect systematic analysis such as the Asset Maintenance Plans developed for a number of other assets. This business plan reflects, for the first time, the development of a long-term plan for each element of the electrification and plant asset portfolio, largely driven by the age profile of the existing assets. As discussed earlier, it is this age profile that drives the need for significant increases in expenditure. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: TELECOMS Page 65 of 87 Telecoms Asset Stewardship Strategy Objectives Our telecoms engineering policy is to procure, operate and maintain our telecoms assets such that the telecom services provided are consistent with the operational and business needs of a modern railway. The key strategies to deliver this policy are: • the installation of a new national Global System for Mobile Communications for Railways (GSM-R) radio system which will provide secure voice and data communications over the whole of our infrastructure. GSM-R is also necessary to support the proposed adoption of the ERTMS train control system; • the installation of a new national Fixed Telecom Network (FTN) to replace the life expired Finance Lease network, and to support GSM-R and our operational and business telecoms needs; • to secure maintenance improvements and renewals of equipment by the current contracts; • to renew life-expired or unmaintainable equipment with modern equivalent equipment as our owned and controlled assets; and • to replace, as a priority, operational railway equipment systems with known high-risk failure modes or performance impact such as some selective telephone systems. Asset Overview There are three major components to our telecommunications network: • bearer network; • analogue radio networks; and • fixed lineside systems. The existing bearer network comprising transmission systems, optical and copper cables provides circuits for signalling and electrification control systems, train radio systems, lineside communications, level crossing CCTV and customer information systems, as well as more general IT and business telephony needs. We operate three analogue radio networks comprising base stations, antenna systems and control equipment supporting the National Radio Network (NRN), Cab Secure Radio (CSR) and Radio Electronic Token Block (RETB) systems. The NRN provides trackside communication, CSR provides secure communication between drivers and signalers, and RETB provides data communication for signalling token block exchange as well as voice communication. Fixed lineside systems provide communication between the signallers, drivers and the general public through telephones located at signal posts and level crossings. CCTV systems are provided on platforms where Driver Only Operation services are operated and at some stations with sub-surface platforms. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: TELECOMS Page 66 of 87 As part of the privatisation process in 1994, the majority of the British Rail telecoms assets (optical fibre cable, copper cable, transmission systems and telephone exchanges) were leased to British Rail Telecom (now Global Crossing, an international telecoms operator) under a vehicle called the Finance Lease. The use of individual circuits is sold back to us under a linked agreement called the Grant of Use (GoU). However we also own and maintain some cable and transmission systems installed post 1994 to support resignalling schemes. All telecom assets covered by the Finance Lease, with the exception of the optical fibre cables, will revert back to our ownership by April 2005, however, by 2005, much of the asset will be life expired. One of the drivers for the introduction of the FTN is the reduction of the GoU charges by transferring circuits off the finance-leased network to the FTN. This cost reduction will commence in 2004/05 and continue year-on-year until 2008/09 when the GoU charges will reduce to zero. There are a number of factors driving the introduction of GSM-R: • the replacement of the life expired analogue radio systems which do not provide 100% coverage; • in a few years time the Radiocommunications Agency will need to reassign the frequencies in the UHF band used by CSR to align the UK with the rest of Europe. This would mean complete renewal of base stations and train mobiles; • recommendations of accident inquiries; and • to provide a secure platform for the future implementation of on-board train control systems in line with European legislation for High Speed Routes. Asset Policy Our Telecoms Engineering Policy was issued in December 2001. This is a live document, which is currently being updated to reflect improvements to the policy through experience gained and developments to our objectives. A substantial amount of work on company standards has been completed with ten new or revised standards developed and published in the past year. These standards have focussed on: • safety related issues, such as defining the positioning and labelling of lineside telephones; • major work on improving and reinforcing testing and failure investigation regimes for existing equipment; • the establishment of performance standards for critical equipment, such as optical fibre cables; and • improving the management regime for critical equipment. However a significant amount of work remains to be completed within the current control period. This has been incorporated into the telecoms standards development plan. The plan outlines key drivers for new or changed company standards, milestones and deliverables in the following areas: • incident/failure management and investigation; • telecoms engineering and asset management principles; • safety management of lineside telecoms equipment, including signal post telephones, electrical control rooms, CCTV systems for Driver Only Operation and earthing and immunisation; • design and project management; • installation of operational equipment; Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: TELECOMS • testing and commissioning of new works; and • maintenance. Page 67 of 87 A new Telecoms Maintenance and Testing handbook was published in 2002. The intention of the handbook is to ensure that operational telecoms maintenance follows good practice from the telecoms and signal engineering industries. Similarly, we want to ensure that all newly installed telecoms equipment performs to specification from day one. We are therefore developing a suite of standards on testing and commissioning of operational telecoms systems, for implementation in April 2004. It will again follow good practice from the telecoms and signal engineering industries. Asset Knowledge Telecoms assets degrade due to age, equipment obsolescence, component deterioration and exposure to the environment. Currently our asset information is contained in locally generated and managed databases by the asset stewards. The local databases contain the equipment type, approximate date of installation and life expectancy, but vary in content. Some are more developed and contain a condition assessment rating of the equipment. A national initiative to develop an Asset Data Dictionary, bringing together RAR, MIMS, and the local databases within the regions will provide details of the asset type, maintenance and fault history to improve the asset knowledge and renewal decision-making process. This is currently underway for completion in mid-2004. Asset management will be greatly improved by the implementation of the Telecoms Engineering Control (TEC) that will be installed as part of the FTN. The TEC will provide round the clock centralised network management of both the FTN and GSM-R systems 365 days per year, and will collect and collate robust data at sub-asset level. Whilst our detailed plans for the TEC are still evolving, it will support the following asset types: transmissions systems; fibre and copper cables; telephone exchanges; GSM-R base stations; and control centers. Key functions of the TEC will include: • asset inventory, location details and condition; • fault detection, isolation and correction management; • help desk; • installation and circuit provisioning management; • performance reporting; and • customer management. The TEC will become available from 2003 as the FTN is implemented. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: TELECOMS Page 68 of 87 Maintenance and Renewal Strategy Our maintenance strategy is based on securing improvements by implementing more robust management processes to ensure full compliance with the maintenance contract requirements in 2003. The telecoms operational maintenance contracts, currently part of the IMC contracts, will be tendered into separate contracts for greater visibility and control to take effect from 2004/05 onwards. We are seeking to contract for two distinct types of maintenance service: • existing operational and legacy finance equipment; and • new GSM-R and FTN equipment.. Our aim in forming this distinction is to optimise the use of existing railway contractors and new contractors, according to expertise and cost within each geographical area, to drive efficiencies and achieve the benefits of single contracts. Our renewal strategy is based on: • the introduction of the FTN and GSM-R; • the replacement of life-expired operational communication systems; • the replacement of life-expired Retail CIS and Public Address Systems; and • the life extension of the NRN and CSR radio systems until GSM-R is available. FTN The FTN, comprising 65 interconnected resilient synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) rings, connected through 11,000 kms of optical fibre cable, 2,200 trackside equipment cabinets and 16,000 kms of copper distribution cable, will provide the backbone network for our existing and future growth communication requirements. This will support our operational, retail and business requirements. The FTN is being installed in advance of GSM-R to provide a resilient communication path between the radio base stations and control equipment. The FTN and GSM-R equipment will be co-located, reducing housing, power and other ancillary requirements and thereby maximising cost efficiencies. The FTN project will refurbish and renew trunk cable routes nationally. Delivery work has commenced for completion in 2006. GSMGSM-R The GSM-R digital radio system, comprising approximately 2,000 radio masts, trackside base stations and 2 core switching centres will provide 100% coverage of the UK rail network, including cuttings and tunnels, for secure communication between the driver and signaller and also for use by trackside, train, and station staff. GSM-R is a European standard which is being adopted to comply with Council Directive 96/48/EC on the interoperability of the trans-European high-speed rail network. It will provide voice and data communication services to meet all the railway mobile communication needs, and it is necessary to support the proposed adoption of the ERTMS level 2 train control system on all high speed Trans European Network System (TENS) routes. The design and development phase is complete and the delivery phase has commenced, due for completion in 2006. GSM-R is also being installed on the WCML and the CTRL, which will be integrated with the national GSM-R system. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: TELECOMS Page 69 of 87 Operational Communication Systems A large number of Signal Post Telephone (SPT) concentrators located within signal boxes are approaching life expiry with some parts now obsolete. This is creating a significant maintenance liability. These systems have high-risk failures and are being renewed as a priority. Selective SPT systems do not support calls initiated by signallers and are being replaced with Central Battery type as a priority. As part of the Safety and Environmental Plan requirements, Public Emergency Telephone Systems (PETS) at level crossings are being renewed within the 10-year plan period. Voice recorders are being installed or renewed in Electrical Control Rooms and in the majority of signal boxes to provide a record of all voice communications with the signaller. An ongoing telecoms-led initiative, started in 2002, is the protection of telecoms and signalling operational systems from the potential threat of electromagnetic interference transmitted from third party mobile operators radio masts located on, or close to, our land. This is controlled by a technical clearance process and a local survey to assess the risk and determine a safe clearance distance from operational systems. There may be occasion where third party operator upgrade requirements cause a potential conflict between commercial and technical interests. The safety of the network remains paramount. Customer Information Systems (CIS) and Public Address (PA) systems are being installed at stations to replace life expired systems as part of meeting regulatory targets to improve the quality of train information to the general public. Remedial work is continuing on the NRN and CSR, for completion in the summer of 2003, to extend its working life until 2008 at the latest. This is to minimise the risk of service failure prior to its replacement by GSM-R. Decision Support Tools The following DSTs are utilised by regional engineers to assist in the analysis of the asset condition. They are used in conjunction with stewardship reports provided by the maintenance contractors, audit, and survey reports to drive asset renewal priorities and develop the asset renewal plan: • TICA – Telecoms Infrastructure Condition Assessment is a condition scoring tool based on equipment life expectancy and maintainability (spares allocation, staff training and manufacturer support). It was implemented for telephone concentrator systems in November 2002; • SINCS – Signalling Incidents System is a trend analysis tool for recording Signalling Related Telecoms Failures (SRTF). This tool can be used to identify life expired or unmaintainable assets that are the fundamental cause of the SRTF; and • FRAME – Fault Reporting And Monitoring of Equipment is a tool that records all telecom faults and failures. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: TELECOMS Page 70 of 87 Unit Costs The unit costs used to develop the 10 year plan are based on recent costs for delivery of similar renewal schemes with the most recent contractor equipment costs. The FTN costs have been taken from the unit rates contained within the call-off contracts, supplemented where possible by tendered costs. Further work is being carried out to gather unit cost information for operational and retail systems and this will enhance the consistency of the planning data used in the regions. This work will be complete by December 2003. Supply Chain A procurement strategy is being developed to improve the delivery of telecoms renewal projects. National Telecoms Renewal Framework Contracts will be let by late 2003. The contracts will drive procurement efficiencies, cost efficiencies and better management of telecoms renewals through the use of robust workbanks and agreed unit costs or fixed price, depending on the scale and complexity of the workbank. The success of this initiative is dependant on robust workbank volumes for a minimum of three years being in place, commencing in April 2004. Call-off contracts have been let for cable route, copper cable, optical fibre and transmission equipment providing a lower cost base and standardisation of equipment. Due to the significant volume of concentrator equipment needed for renewals, call-off contracts are being considered to reduce supply costs. 10 Year Business Plan The 10-year plan is based on renewals of the existing assets and, where known, the telecoms requirements for resignalling schemes. The plan is high level and has been centrally developed with inputs provided by the regional asset stewards. Development of the plan is based on the life expectancy of the telecoms assets. However, although the plan assumes renewal at these fixed lifespan periods, the asset stewards will undertake feasibility studies, supported by risk assessments, to assess the condition and possible remaining life of the equipment or system prior to project authorisation. The asset life expectancy is the determined lifespan of the asset before maintenance costs become excessive compared with system replacement. The drivers for assessing maximum lifespan include the asset performance, degradation, high maintenance costs or technology change, leading to obsolescence of equipments or maintenance skills. The asset life assumptions are summarised below. Figure 9.34 Telecoms Asset Lives Equipment/Category Telephone Concentrators (Electronic) Voice Recorders Public Level Crossing Systems Optical Fibre cable Copper cable Transmission systems Radio Systems Control Processor Base Station Uninterruptible Power Supply Rectifier/Charger/Battery Public Address Customer Information Systems CCTV (DOO) CCTV (Retail) Network Rail Life Expectancy (years) 10 Years 7 Years 10 Years 25 Years 15 Years 7 Years 10 Years 15 Years 10 Years 5 Years 10 Years 10 Years 7 Years 7/10 Years Service Cycle 12 Months 12 Months 12 Months Not Applicable 36 Months 12 Months 6 Months 6 Months 6 Months 6 Months 12 Months 12 Months 6/12 Months 6 Months 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: TELECOMS Page 71 of 87 Asset Management Planning Inspection and Assessment Routine inspections of the assets are carried out by the IMCs and through end product checks. This information is fed back to the asset stewards. Asset performance is analysed by the review of data from SINCS and FRAME. An assessment based on the analysed data, equipment age, and performance, is then carried out by the asset stewards to determine if the asset needs to be renewed. The assessment of radio coverage on the existing CSR and NRN is monitored by taking signal strength measurements during scheduled track recording surveys. The feasibility of providing radio-surveying facilities on suitable infrastructure surveying vehicles is being examined. Annual Work Plans The 2003/04 to 2005/06 work plans are based on renewal of existing assets developed from the output of the inspection and assessment process and the requirements of the Telecoms Engineering Policy. The plan has been developed by the region asset stewards and has been extensively peer reviewed over the last twelve months. Changes to volumes and costs within the workbank have been captured and documented through the peer review process. Renewals are prioritised in accordance with the following drivers, i.e. safety, performance, regulatory, commercial or enhancement, and to comply with the Telecommunications Engineering Policy. Where possible, renewals are timed to coincide with the fixed network roll-out, re-signalling or re-modeling schemes maximising scope and cost saving benefits. Expenditure Forecasts The majority of expenditure is directly attributable to the GSM-R and FTN schemes. The category “other” is made up from approximately 250 schemes across the regions. The plan assumes unit cost savings arising from improved decision-making and project control of 1% in 2004/05 and 2% in 2005/06. Figure 9.35 Telecoms Expenditure £m (2002/03 prices) FTN GSM-R Other Total non-WCRM WCRM Total 2003/04 247 81 56 384 26 410 2004/05 270 106 56 432 54 486 2005/06 270 87 26 383 46 429 Output Forecasts There are currently no specific output targets for telecoms assets. The introduction of GSM-R has potential benefits which may reduce train delay minutes, but this relationship has not yet been developed or quantified. The delivery of this plan will meet our stated objectives: Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: TELECOMS Page 72 of 87 • the FTN project has budget provision for all national trunk cable route renewal or refurbishment (16,000 km) between 2003 and 2006 either directly or by the release of budget to the regions for synergy schemes. The costs are based primarily on C1/9 troughing; • non-trunk cable route renewal/refurbishment (approximately1000 km) from 2006/07 has been added on a percentage basis into the regional budgets; and • the regional budgets from 2006/07 to 2012/13 have been smoothed to facilitate consistent delivery. Engineering Delivery Efficiencies will be achieved through a number of initiatives. Greater emphasis is being placed on the grouping of similar small/medium projects into larger projects, and letting single contracts reducing management and overhead costs. Additionally, we have an initiative to let a National Telecoms Renewal Framework Contract. Changes from the Periodic Review The table below compares the current planned expenditure over CP2 with the level of expenditure provided for in the periodic review determination. The plan values include the actual expenditure in 2001/02 and the forecast expenditure for 2002/03. Figure 9.36 Variance from Periodic Review - Telecoms £m (2002/03 prices) Periodic Review Business Plan Variance CP2 729 1,508 +779 The main reason for the increase in cost of the Fixed Telecom Network is due to the bringing forward of expenditure from CP3 to CP2 to enable GSM-R to be commissioned for December 2006. There is also some increase in the total cost of the project because more detailed design has been undertaken since the periodic review and there has been a transfer of responsibility for cable route. The expected cost of the project is the subject of regular discussion with SRA and ORR. The funding for the project will be provided on an emerging cost basis. The main reasons that the GSM-R project has increased in cost are that, in the latest plans: • the cost of decommissioning existing sites has been incorporated into the forecast; • signallers’ terminals have been included in every signal box to provide direct communication between drivers and signallers; and • the number of base station sites has been increased to meet with European standards. The objective of meeting European standards is to provide a harmonised platform for telecoms equipment within the European Community whilst also supporting global harmonisation. The benefits of this are: • the development of COTS (commercial off the shelf) standard industry equipment within the European Union; • standard interfaces so that equipment from different manufacturers is compatible; and • the resulting reduction in development and manufacturing costs. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: OPERATIONAL PROPERTY Page 73 of 87 Operational Property Asset Stewardship Strategy Objectives The Operational Property policy’s principal aims are to manage and maintain each asset proactively using risk imperatives and building-importance criteria to determine priority, and to ensure that: • asset condition is suitable for safe and efficient operational use; • a whole-life cost approach is taken, with a view to reducing forward maintenance liability; • enhancement works are considered where the business case and funding sources permit; and • decisions are made in a consistent manner across the network. The assets are subject to two regulatory targets aimed at ensuring that there is no deterioration in the national average condition of assets, where the condition of individual assets is measured on a 1 to 5 scale. These targets are: • average station condition index of 2.2; and • average light maintenance depot condition index of 3.0. Asset Overview The Operational Property Engineering Group (OPEG) assets comprise a diverse range of building types, sizes and age profiles, many of which are subject to heritage constraints. Together these properties form four portfolios: • Lineside Buildings: approximately 12,000 lineside buildings, including manned buildings (e.g. signal boxes) and unmanned (e.g. relay rooms), which house essential operational equipment and are the place of work for around 5,000 of our employees; • Light Maintenance Depots: 91 depots which are leased to TOCs and house train-servicing functions; • Franchised Stations: 2,491 stations which are leased to TOCs; and • Major Stations: we own and operate 17 major stations, including three that have been added to the portfolio recently: London Cannon St, London Fenchurch St and Liverpool Lime St. All properties are individually categorised according to their size, capacity and relative importance. The overall asset portfolio encompasses a wide variety of building fabric, building engineering services, plant, equipment, external works assets and mains utilities supplies. Plant and equipment includes, for example, lifts, escalators and travellators, train and building fuelling equipment. In addition to active operational property, the portfolio includes the management of redundant and mothballed assets alongside operational and mothballed routes. At the time of privatisation, Railtrack was granted funding to address the issue of specific defects and renewal requirements arising from years of underinvestment, associated with the building fabric only. This funding level has subsequently proved to be inadequate such that we are now incurring the impact of a bow wave of undelivered works, particularly at some of our major stations where the renewals liabilities are extensive. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: OPERATIONAL PROPERTY Page 74 of 87 It is important for effective asset stewardship of stations and depots that the obligations between the parties to the leases are clear and unambiguous. To achieve this, industry relationships must be simplified and changes to leases introduced as soon as possible. Problems with station and depot lease interpretation have resulted in the creation of precedents log. A collaborative project with the SRA, ORR and ATOC to design a clear and definitive matrix of responsibilities for testing, maintenance, repair and renewal under the station leases to replace the existing arrangements is now at an advanced stage. This will ensure that only one party is responsible for the whole-life of each asset at a station. The work undertaken for stations can then be used as a basis for the review of depot responsibilities. Refranchising provides a prime opportunity to introduce the new arrangements, which the SRA and ORR are currently reviewing. The limited duration of current leases discourages investment by Station and Depot Facility Owners in discharging repairing covenants, which has a direct consequence on the condition of the assets. This represents a cost risk that has not been incorporated into the business plan. External legislation is a key driver of operational property activity and the impact of new legislation is reflected in our plans. Recent changes affecting this plan include the Control of Asbestos at Work regulations, changes to Building Regulations affecting energy and insulation, and Water Supply regulations. Asset Policy The latest version of the Operational Property Engineering Policy was issued in December 2001. This sets out core initiatives with quantified benefits and defined outputs for lineside buildings, stations and depots. The policy will be reviewed on an ongoing basis to reflect changing operational needs and to reflect industry developments as required. The Asset Policy sets out a practical and achievable asset management strategy that is affordable. Its key aims are to: • adopt a quinquennial approach to inspection, work planning and delivery; • use condition-based assessments to identify and plan a workbank that achieves safe, protected dry environments that are appropriate for users and operational equipment; • prioritise activity consistently between regions and across portfolios; • undertake planned renewals at stations and depots so that steady state condition is maintained at the benchmark levels; • progress rectification of backlog works. This mainly relates to building engineering services, plant and equipment at depots, and at lineside buildings generally; • improve manned lineside buildings and provide an enhanced working environment; • remove redundant lineside buildings that pose an unacceptable risk (health and safety, railway crime or financial); • undertake covenant management of TOC lease obligations, subject to the constraints of the Station and Depot Access Conditions; • develop “CVs” for each building and, where justified, masterplans for the future; and • continue to develop a suite of sub-policy documents that define minimum standards, which assist in supporting the key aims of the asset policy. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: OPERATIONAL PROPERTY Page 75 of 87 The Asset Policy is being supported by the publication of a complementary suite of guidance documents. We have identified which elements of the documentation we wish to retain and incorporate within an updated documentation suite. This is based on the need to ensure that both we and the TOCs respond to industry standards and statutory legislation with respect to buildings. We are also developing a condition assessment manual to provide guidance when assessing asset condition in order to improve consistency from the inspections. This will cover stations in the first instance Asset Knowledge The nature of property assets is such that they do not lend themselves to generalised analysis of degradation mechanisms, other than a professional assessment of the residual life given the context of environmental conditions and usage. At present the critical data is held in varying formats at HQ and in the regions. A comprehensive source of data for stations and depots (but not lineside buildings), the Optimum Maintenance System (OMS) database, contains an extensive list of the majority of our assets with the relevant activity volumes; the building fabric information is more robust than that for mechanical and electrical assets. We currently hold asset information in various formats (electronic and paper based) at a local level. This includes asset data, contractual agreements, plans, health and safety files and photographs. A limited amount of information is available centrally. When all the key data is stored centrally, we will be able to analyse it in detail to evaluate the drivers of degradation. Our strategy for improving asset knowledge and information management is to: • acquire consistent asset information through the new quinquennial inspection regime; and • standardise information management using a new national database. To address the weaknesses in existing asset information, we have developed a national inspections brief, specification and reporting template for a 5 yearly inspection regime of all property, which will involve visiting 20% of these properties annually. These inspections will be comprehensive, covering all building fabric, external works and building engineering services/plant assets. The new regime will commence in May 2003. We are creating a standard asset information format through the implementation of a national asset database and equipment register, known as the Operational Property Maintenance System (OPMS). The key inputs to this system will be the extensive data on the nature and condition of assets from the quinquennial inspections. The OPMS will also contain details of prioritised workbanks and record nonurgent faults that are reported through the Property Action Line (PAL) and assist with the covenant management of TOC obligations under leases. Implementation of OPMS will deliver a single work and asset management system combined with consistent end-to-end processes. Detailed requirements have been established for a national Planned Maintenance System, business planning, and decision support tool linked to the OPMS database. This will allow the generation of a wide variety of reports and work schedules including functionality allowing the management of reactive works using on-screen mapping of lease obligations. Detailed design using MIMS has now commenced. An intermediate database to hold the inspection data will be introduced in spring 2003, ahead of the full implementation of OPMS functionality in late 2004. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: OPERATIONAL PROPERTY Page 76 of 87 Decision Support Tools A DST to analyse the whole-life costs of asset maintenance and renewal policies is currently under development. The model may be developed to incorporate the impact of local conditions such as a coastal environment. A review of the business benefit of this tool will be undertaken at an appropriate time with the relevant functionality incorporated. Unit Costs A key issue with establishing robust unit costs for property assets is in defining the units of volume. Maintenance and renewal activity on property assets includes a wide spectrum of activity and tends not to involve complete renewal of a property. Works affect a diverse range of assets and sub-assets, including platform surfaces, lighting and fencing as well as building fabric. Meaningful units of volume and unit costs therefore need to be defined at a very low level. Analysis of trends in unit costs of recent projects is limited by the consistency of data on the activity involved. We have introduced a process for gathering data on the volumes of activity that are associated with the regional workbanks. The units of measure are based on the number of locations and building types worked on, outputs achieved, and priorities of work. The development of the OPMS database will facilitate analysis based on more sophisticated volume measures, and through that of unit costs to inform future business plans. It will also influence supply chain strategy in relation to bulk purchasing and specialist contracts for certain activities. A key influence on costs is the extent to which work on operational property assets occurs in the railway operational safety zone requiring engineering possessions to undertake work rather than in a high street environment. The OPMS functionality will support us in targeting the treatment of more operational property work under a high street environment by differentiating between standard and safety critical situations. Supply Chain The maintenance and renewal of property assets is currently conducted under a range of contractual arrangements that were intended to meet the needs of individual business units. Accordingly various framework agreements and project specific contracts exist with differing business drivers, mechanisms, geographies and durations. The supply strategies and contractual arrangements of the business units are being reviewed against our corporate objectives, individual business unit requirements, and industry best practice. The development of a new supply chain strategy for the operational property portfolios by May 2003 will include a review of the supplier market, consideration of the scope for bulkpurchasing contracts, and specialist construction contracts for certain activities such as demolition. Once complete, a new generation of property maintenance and renewals contracts will be implemented by November 2003. These will be long-term with an improved incentive regime and better geographic and business unit alignment. They will also support the development of the OPMS. A new generation of lift and escalator maintenance contracts is being introduced over the next year, with all contracts due to be in place by April 2004. These will be longer term, and include independent asset inspections, an improved incentive regime and remote performance monitoring. These contracts will be supported by a revised specification for lifts and escalators, which will ensure that disabled access requirements, improved wholelife costs, energy efficiencies and remote monitoring are delivered by our suppliers. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: OPERATIONAL PROPERTY Page 77 of 87 Technology We are introducing a number of innovations to assist operational property stewardship, including: • electronic handheld computers to capture inspections data; • environmental controls in major operational buildings, which also provides the opportunity to monitor environments and take early corrective action; and • the use of off-site, prefabricated building components, e.g. modular platforms, modular station buildings and relocatable equipment buildings (for which a specification has been prepared). A limited number of manned lineside buildings have plant control systems installed that can be remotely monitored to provide an early warning of failure that could lead to damage to key operational plant and equipment. This allows remedial action to be taken to improve performance. We commenced a remote monitoring pilot in summer 2002 which has provided valuable feedback on energy usage, remote monitoring technology and on the performance of our maintenance contractors. We are also reviewing the potential for simple remote monitoring devices in critical unmanned lineside buildings to provide early warning of environment critical asset failure. 10 Year Business Plan Forecast expenditure at major stations is derived from detailed 10-year plans for each station. Some of the major items in the plans include train-shed roofs with future plans include renewals at Kings Cross, London Bridge, Euston, Paddington, Victoria and Edinburgh Waverley. The challenge in the meantime is to maintain the assets in a safe and stable condition. At Paddington and Edinburgh Waverley, essential renewals may be subsumed into redevelopment schemes. In compiling the plan we have evaluated the cost of fulfilling our responsibilities in all existing leases and ignored the impact of potential investment from third parties at stations under enhancement programmes. With the exception of the project to provide a new concourse at Kings Cross station, no provision has been made for other station capacity enhancements that might be required to accommodate future passenger growth. The plan makes no allowance for any works associated with compliance with the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) at the major stations, as these works are also enhancement projects. The ten year plans for franchised stations, light maintenance depots and lineside buildings combine the detailed plans for the next three years from the regions with a strategic assessment of requirements for the following seven years. The plans have been compiled by combining data for current commitments, analysis of historic information and professional judgement. Forecasts of reactive maintenance expenditure are based upon average annual out-turn costs and assume that the volume of activity will remain broadly constant over the period of the plan. Inspection costs are based on recently tendered contract rates for the new inspection programme, allowing for all sites to be inspected at 5 yearly intervals. Financial profiles for typical works at lineside buildings are based upon current out-turn costs of similar projects. We have assumed a 5-year programme to rectify outstanding defects and refurbish manned locations. These projects often involve a substantial refurbishment of the complete property, such as a signal box or relay room. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: OPERATIONAL PROPERTY Page 78 of 87 Volumes of activity at franchised stations and depots are based upon high-level assumptions on sub-asset lives being applied to the total asset population. For example, for an asset such as tarmacadam surfacing which has a projected life of 25 years, our plans assume that we will renew 4% of the total asset volume per year. Similarly, for an asset that has a life of 40 years we will renew, on average, 2.5% of the assets each year. Composite unit rates from the property framework contracts have been applied to the estimated volumes with appropriate adjustments and uplifts, including the management of possessions. We have not used the latest detailed property framework contract rates as we do not currently have the relevant composite rates. These can be generated over the next few months and applied to the relevant job descriptions. We have identified an extensive list of issues such as compliance with new legislation that need to be included within the steady state maintenance and renewals works. The financial impact of these factors has been estimated utilising historical data, asset information and a degree of professional judgement. The four principal pieces of new legislation are: • Asbestos: the Control of Asbestos at Work regulations 2002 require proactive inspections to record asbestos and create plans for removing or encapsulating it. A management regime then applies from 2004; • Building Regulations Part L changes (building energy and insulation): these changes concern the preparation and granting of building permits, maintenance records and improved standards of glazing; • Water Supply (water fittings) Regulations 1999 and water byelaws 2000 (Scotland): These mandate changes to water supplies to avoid cross contamination. This has a particular impact at the light maintenance depots; and • Fuelling and drainage regulations: These mainly impact upon light maintenance depots where we are working on drainage and building fuel oil installations at 42 depots in order to comply with new legislation. Works to train and building fuelling at the other 49 depots are covered under enhancement funding. The plan volumes produced for the next three years are higher than those in the detailed plans submitted by the regions which reflect short-term budget and delivery constraints. We have spread the shortfall in the volume of activity for these three years over the five years from 2006/07. Asset Management Planning Inspection and Assessment The need for specific maintenance and renewal works is identified through inspections. Operational property assets are inspected through specific safety examinations and a new systematic, quinquennial inspection regime. Certain safety examinations and structural assessments are mandated by Group Standard 5100 for stations, and are now being extended to light maintenance depots through the application of our safety management system. This standard obliges us to undertake: • annual visual examinations of the four principal structural assets that generally occur at stations i.e. platforms, canopies, footbridges and train shed roofs, and certain structures at depots such as footbridges. This work is covered within the Structures Examination Contracts; • a detailed examination every six years of all structural assets at stations and many lineside buildings; and • assessment of the structural design compared with modern structural engineering codes of practice for footbridges, train shed roofs and canopies. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: OPERATIONAL PROPERTY Page 79 of 87 We have developed a national inspections brief, specification and reporting template for a quinquennial inspections regime at lineside buildings, franchised stations and depots, which will involve visiting 20% of these properties annually. The inspection contracts are comprehensive, covering all building fabric, external works, building engineering services and plant assets. The new contracts have been introduced and will take effect in May 2003 when the hand-held software for improved data collection and the interim OPMS database for consistent data processing go live. The contracts run for five years. There is a single national contract covering light maintenance depots and six separate geographic contracts for franchised stations and lineside buildings. A national inspection template is being developed for the major stations and will be compiled by September 2003. A brief for the inspection of water distribution systems at depots is currently being piloted and a reporting format for electrical testing and inspection has been developed and is currently being market tested. We discharge our responsibilities for the management of reactive works under the station and depot leases by means of contractor and consultant run Property Action Lines. We are currently undertaking a fundamental review of these facilities with the intention of introducing a national help desk facility with an enhanced IT capability. The regional detailed work plans for the next three years are the product of inspections augmented with local knowledge, feedback from TOCs, information from the Property Action Lines and other fault history. All schemes are prioritised according to the categories in the table below: Figure 9.37 No 1 2 2.1 2.2 3 4 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 6 Prioritisation Criterion Health and Safety Performance/operational failure Performance failure Performance failure imminent Statutory Contractual/Third Party Just in time repair/renewal High Impact Medium Impact Low impact Opportunity The priorities are based upon business risk imperatives. We are incorporating building importance and the locational impact of defects into our prioritisation system as part of the introduction of the quinquennial inspection regime. Validation Decisions on whether to maintain or renew individual assets are taken at a local level based upon professional judgement of residual life and whole-life costs, given the usage, operational environment, and business importance of the asset. The regional workbanks are subject to a general peer review undertaken by the HQ Operational Property Engineering Group to determine that decisions have been made consistently, that all schemes have been prioritised correctly, and to check compliance with the Asset Policy and business planning guidelines. A prioritised workbank is agreed with each business unit. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: OPERATIONAL PROPERTY Page 80 of 87 If major schemes, such as re-roofing, cannot be included in the plan due to financial or deliverability constraints, issues such as the impact of deferral on health and safety are managed via the reactive maintenance budget. 2003 Plan Activity Forecasts The diverse range of activity carried out on operational property makes it difficult to produce a summary of volumes of activity in a meaningful way. The definition of units of volume for the detailed plans varies from year to year and between regions. The workbanks are generally disaggregated at an asset level for each property with lump sum allowances for inspections or reactive work. The plan is built up from volumes of asset components at each type of property. For lineside buildings the plan focuses on tackling backlog defects, initially concentrating on our larger staffed lineside buildings and signal boxes, and on our critical unstaffed equipment locations. We have commenced removing redundant lineside buildings where they pose a risk and to secure others in trespass and vandalism hot spots. At franchised stations and depots the plans are focused on tackling a backlog of work and maintaining the target average condition. Expenditure Forecasts The table below summarises the forecast spend on operational property structures. The plan assumes unit cost savings arising from improved decision-making and project control of 1% in 2004/05 and 2% in 2005/06. Figure 9.38 Operational Property Expenditure £m (2002/03 prices) prices) Major Stations Stations Depots Lineside & other Total 2003/04 21 66 31 20 138 2004/05 34 114 30 27 205 2005/06 70 86 26 22 204 The quality and consistency of the detailed plans for the next three years is fairly robust. The workbanks for 2003/04 have an adequate level of information including details of the location, element description, priority output and cost. The cost estimates are generally based upon historical data together with current contracted rates, and include an allowance for possession management. The quality and level of detail of the information in the workbanks is lower in 2004/05 and 2005/06. However, ongoing inspections at locations where works are planned in the next couple of years will continue to improve the quality and accuracy of our workbank entries. The overall consistency in the development of workbanks will improve progressively as the new quinquennial inspection regime becomes established. There are several key risks to the accuracy of the forecasts in the business plan: • current knowledge of asset condition; • lack of clarity in station and depot commercial leases; and • accuracy of allowances for liabilities on mothballed assets, heritage issues and far-reaching obligations arising from new legislation. Refranchising could result in a change to our responsibilities under new leases and hence require changes to future business plans. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: OPERATIONAL PROPERTY Page 81 of 87 Output Forecasts The main measures for quantification of our operational property outputs are the regulatory output condition measures for stations and light maintenance depots. Our station condition KPI is related to the condition index and records the total number of stations with an overall rating of 3 or worse. The table below sets out our forecasts for these measures given the volumes of work contained in the plan. For both station and depot condition the volumes of activity in the early years of the plan are not considered sufficient to maintain the current average condition across the portfolio, with the number of stations in category 3 or worse increasing. We believe that there will be a slight deterioration in these measures in the short-term until the increased volumes of renewal in the later years start to deliver improvements. It must be noted that the average station condition index is less sensitive as it measures the overall state of the stations asset portfolio by giving equal weight to all assets at stations regardless of size. Figure 9.39 Operational Property Output Forecasts Index Station condition index Depot condition index Station condition KPI 2003/04 2003/04 2.28 3.0 666 2004/05 2.3 3.03 697 2005/06 2.32 3.05 727 Engineering Delivery The deliverability review of the plan concluded that we will have to overhaul our existing contracting strategy in order to deliver the substantial increase in activity. This will be initiated during 2003/04 in advance of the increase in annual activity in 2006/07 and may include contracting with an increased number of contractors and consultants. In addition, the strategy for securing possession access for works to operational property will have to be reviewed as part of the company’s wider access strategy. The provision of specialist property contracts is seen to be of the utmost importance, to reduce the reliance upon management type contacts. Also, current arrangements are linked to large work volumes and consequently lack flexibility. If we are to deliver our policy and the change programmes set out in this section, we will need to increase the numbers of skilled staff on the regions. A national recruitment campaign will be launched across a wide range of technical property disciplines to fill vacancies in the new regional template organisation for buildings stewardship and delivery. Recruitment may include the appointment of a team of roving inspectors who will check work in progress and oversee the completion of reactive works. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: OPERATIONAL PROPERTY Page 82 of 87 Changes since the Periodic Review Overview The table below compares the current planned expenditure over CP2 with the level of expenditure provided for in the periodic review determination. The plan values include the actual expenditure in 2001/02 and the forecast expenditure for 2002/03. Figure 9.40 Variance from Periodic Review - Operational Property £m (2002/03 prices) Periodic Review Business Plan Variance * Includes expenditure funded by logging up to the RAB CP2 720* 791 71 The plan includes the cost of all renewals, including renewal improvements that the periodic review required be logged up into the RAB. As agreed with ORR and SRA these will now be treated as part of core renewals. The increase in expenditure over CP2 is largely the results of improvements in asset knowledge. Our cost submissions in support of the periodic review were based on a very small sample of properties and were not supported by systematic analysis such as the Asset Maintenance Plans developed for some other assets. We have now, for the first time, compiled detailed 10 year plans based on more comprehensive asset data and specific assumptions about asset lives. The periodic review settlement did not cover the residual schemes or excess costs associated with the Station Regeneration Programme, since this was assumed to have been funded during the first control period. This plan includes the costs of the outstanding work to be completed during CP2. Other factors that have contributed to the increase in planned expenditure include: • the impact of a number of changes in legislation, as discussed earlier in this section; • the need to make provision for mothballed assets which require attention such as closed stations and platforms; • the need to make improvements to lineside buildings, such as the installation of internal toilets and mess facilities, in order to comply with health and safety legislation; and • the increase in annual rainfall, as well as the severity of downpours, has consequences for large trainshed roofs and drainage systems. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: MAINTENANCE Page 83 of 87 Maintenance Our strategies for maintenance and our approach to the delivery of maintenance activity through the New Maintenance Programme have been described under each asset heading earlier in this document. The table below summarises the overall planned expenditure on maintenance, broken down between the key asset categories, and between the activity delivered through the IMCs and through other contracts. The planned expenditure is based on the detailed activity plans developed between each region and the relevant IMCs. Figure 9.41 Maintenance Expenditure Summary £m (2002/03 prices) IMC maintenance Pway Signalling and Telecom Electrification and Plant Off track Other maintenance Total 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 754 235 76 68 195 1328 736 229 75 67 206 1313 709 221 72 64 187 1253 The plan assumes that the introduction of the NMP and efficiencies in the use of possessions will deliver reductions in unit costs of 2.3% in 2004/05, rising to 3.8% in 2005/06. Changes since the Periodic Review The table below compares the current planned expenditure over CP2 with the level of expenditure provided for in the periodic review determination. The plan values include the actual expenditure in 2001/02 and the forecast expenditure for 2002/03. Figure 9.42 Variance from Periodic Review - Maintenance £m (2002/03 prices) Periodic Review Business Plan Variance CP2 3,284 6,047 +2,763 The large increase in maintenance expenditure is primarily driven by increases in track maintenance activity, the reasons for which are discussed earlier under track. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: PLANT AND MACHINERY Page 84 of 87 Plant and Machinery Plant and Machinery covers the fixed plant assets under the stewardship of the Electrification and Plant asset group, and the expenditure made on plant and machinery in support of the policies and strategies across all assets, as expounded elsewhere in the Technical Plan. The expenditure can be broadly split into four categories: • equipment required for high output track renewals; • high efficiency maintenance and inspection equipment; • fixed plant renewal programmes; and • condition monitoring systems and equipment. Forecast expenditure by has been grouped by category, and is shown below: Figure 9.43 Plant and Machinery Expenditure Expenditure Expenditure area High output track renewal and associated equipment Maintenance and inspection equipment Electrification and plant renewals programmes Condition monitoring systems and equipment Total 2003/04 to 2005/06 199 197 96 41 533 High output track renewals The majority of the expenditure is for the replacement of obsolete equipment and the provision of additional new high output plant to deliver track renewals. This includes £45m for replacement of S&C and plain line track renewals plant, £81m to cover additional high output track and electrification renewal plant, and £73m for additional wagons to facilitate the movement of materials to site. This is in support of the delivery of increasing volumes of track renewals, outlined in the Track section. Maintenance and Inspection Equipment This category covers a range of machinery including rail grinders (£118m) and stoneblowers required to undertake track maintenance activity, together with the New Measurement Train and other highspeed inspection equipment. It also includes the multi-purpose vehicles (£45m), sandite equipment, and vegetation control equipment. The rationale and detail supporting the requirements for the equipment are discussed in the Track section. Fixed Plant Renewals This expenditure covers the fixed plant renewals described within the Electrification and Plant asset section, including national programmes and regional expenditure. There are 152 specific work packages which cover a vast array of activities across the whole range of fixed plant assets, including depot plant items such as wheel lathes (£14m), points heating installations (£16m), and signalling power supplies. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Plans by Asset Type: PLANT AND MACHINERY Page 85 of 87 Condition monitoring systems and equipment Condition monitoring systems and equipment includes both replacements and future developments in hot axle box detection (£14m), wheel condition monitoring through Wheelchex, and future remote condition monitoring developments including wheel condition, automatic vehicle identification, and the PANCHEX and OLIVE systems. These items are discussed in the Track, and Electrification and Plant sections Changes since the Periodic Review The table below compares the current planned expenditure over CP2 with the level of expenditure provided for in the periodic review determination. The plan values include the actual expenditure in 2001/02 and the forecast expenditure for 2002/03. Figure 9.44 Variance from Periodic Review: Plant & Machinery £m 2002/03 prices Business Plan Periodic Review Variance Total 712 99 +613 The additional expenditure identified since the periodic review has been driven by the procurement of additional plant and replacement of existing equipment required to support changes in asset stewardship strategy, and the resulting increases in inspection, maintenance, and renewal activity. The requirement for much of the plant identified above had not been identified at the time of the review, including: • high output track renewals plant to deliver increased track volumes; • rail grinding equipment to control RCF and prolong rail life; • the New Measurement Train; and • condition monitoring equipment including Wheelchex and Panchex. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Section 9: INFORMATION SYSTEMS Page 86 of 87 Information Systems Expenditure on Information Systems is required for renewals of our IS infrastructure and to support many of the initiatives identified in this plan, including: • the implementation of MIMS, including additional functionality; • the development of DSTs to support efficient asset stewardship; • the management of asset information and condition data; and • the Performance Systems Strategy. The forecast expenditure is summarised in the table below: Figure 9.45 Information Systems Expenditure 2003/04 - 2005/06 Expenditure area Asset knowledge and asset stewardship Centralised business systems IS infrastructure Performance and operational planning systems Total £m 194 48 90 50 382 The plans or the next three years comprise the best current estimates of the costs of specific systems development. A number of the projects are at a very early stage of development and the costs are subject to significant uncertainty. During 2003, we will make significant progress in the development of our IS strategy allowing us to construct a more robust long-term expenditure plan. Changes since the Periodic Review The table below compares the current planned expenditure over CP2 with the level of expenditure provided for in the periodic review determination. The plan values include the actual expenditure in 2001/02 and the forecast expenditure for 2002/03. Figure 9.46 Variance from Periodic Review: Information Systems £m 2002/03 prices Periodic Review Business Plan Variance Total 329 599 +270 As noted above, much of the overall IS plan is in support of new initiatives developed since the periodic review. Network Rail 2003 Technical Plan Section 9: ASSET STEWARDSHIP INDEX Page 87 of 87 Asset Stewardship Index Our key corporate objective of delivering improved Asset Stewardship is measured through the Asset Stewardship Index. This is a weighted average of a number of supporting KPIs that measure the condition of different assets. The forecasts for the KPI measures are discussed in under the relevant asset heading earlier in this section. The overall impact of our plans on the Asset Stewardship Index is summarised in the table below. Figure 9.47 Asset Stewardship Index Asset Measure Asset Stewardship Index Number of broken rails Level 2 Exceedences per track mile Number of Signalling failures Poor Track Geometry Traction power supply failures (> 500 mins) Station Condition Index (all stations) Network Rail Weight 20% 20% 20% 20% 10% 10% 2002/03 1.03 477 1.4 40,500 3.7% 141 615 2003/04 0.96 429 1.2 38,179 3.6% 133 666 2004/05 0.88 369 1.0 36,375 3.1% 127 697 2005/06 0.80 291 0.9 34,660 2.6% 15 727 2003 Technical Plan