HEALTH READY COMPONENTS — UNLOCKING THE POTENTIAL OF IVHM Steven W. Holland, General Motors Tim Felke & Matthew Wuensch, Honeywell Luis Hernandez, Global Strategic Solutions Robab Safa-Bakhsh, Boeing Research & Technology 16AE-0314: Health Ready Components — Unlocking the Potential of IVHM Standardization of “Health Ready Components” Lowers the Cost and Increases Capability of IVHM Systems • Rationale for ARP • Critical Objectives and Considerations • Overview of ARP-6268 • Adaptations for Variety of Example Components • Next Steps SAE INTERNATIONAL SAE-WC-2016-16AE-0314 2 What is a Health-Ready Component or System? Health-Ready Components/Systems are expected to provide the following features to varying degrees: • Sensed data reporting and recording to monitor critical system functions; • Health related state detection and assessment functions; • Algorithms to predict remaining useful life (RUL) also known as “performance life remaining” (PLR) for the degraded system; • Built-In Test (BIT) functions; • Enhanced diagnostic functions that correlate health state data to functional availability. • Submittal of Sematic Data to allow the higher level IVHM functions to use the implemented Run-Time messages. • Submittal of Design Data, as needed, to allow the higher level IVHM functions to complement the implemented Run-Time messages. Note: ARP-6268 provides guidelines for how a supplier of Component(s) and/or System(s) will provide run-time messages, semantic data and design data in order to comply with the requirements for typical vehicle and platform level IVHM programs. SAE INTERNATIONAL H16AE-0314 3 Rationale for ARP-6268 Integrated Vehicle Health Management (IVHM) systems can substantially increase Asset Availability and reduce Lifecycle Maintenance Costs. These benefits are achieved when the IVHM delivers accurate Diagnostic & Prognostic information to the User Communities. Generating accurate Diagnostic and Prognostic functions requires: • Leveraging and enhancing functionality in the components and systems • Improving run-time messaging and data interoperability • Exchange of semantic (design time) data to allow full use the run-time information ARP-6268 is being developed by the SAE HM-1 Committee to provide recommended practices to address these requirements. Note: The ARP will not specify detailed protocols for run-time message interfaces or schema for data exchange. Instead, it will reference existing standards and recommend extensions where needed. SAE INTERNATIONAL SAE-WC-2016-16AE-0314 4 ARP-6268 Objectives and Considerations The ARP aims to address the following objectives: • Recommended process to identify the IVHM functionality inherent in “Health Ready” components and systems. • Recommend process to improve run-time messaging and data interoperability • Recommend mechanisms for exchange of additional semantic data to allow full use of the run-time information • Ensure that the costs of the additional functionality, data generation and data integration do not substantially offset the value of the IVHM/CBM system. • Avoid infringing upon the intellectual property (IP) of equipment suppliers and integrators. SAE INTERNATIONAL SAE-WC-2016-16AE-0314 5 Options Provided to Supplier to Comply with Solution To achieve these objectives, the ARP provides options to the Suppliers & Integrators regarding mechanisms by which they provide the required functionality and data, that is: • Implement the minimal set of the required IVHM functionality and provide the full set of required supporting data to the integrator. • Implement a larger percentage of the required IVHM functionality and provide a proportionally smaller amount of supporting data. • Complement the IVHM functionality on the asset with cloud-based support software or health monitoring services. • This may be applicable where real time response is not required on the vehicle itself or at the point of maintenance. • This approach also requires a proportionally smaller amount of supporting data Note: Even if a supplier provides the full set of required IVHM functionality, the ARP requires that they provide the semantic information required by higher level IVHM functions on the asset and employed by the vehicle operator. SAE INTERNATIONAL SAE-WC-2016-16AE-0314 6 Elements of Solution Type of Element Existing Items Provided by Supplier Additional Items Required by ARP-6268 Hardware As required to meet functional and safety requirements Typically none. In rare cases additional sensor needed to detect degradation as justified by business case. Software As required to meet functional and safety requirements Additional health monitoring functions to detect and report usage, degradation of equipment, provide supporting evidence and test automation for diagnostic events and report equipment configuration. Portions of this functionality can be provided by cloud services. Semantic Data Human readable documents as required to meet program SDRL requirements Machine readable data to allow integration of reported health status information into higher level IVHM and operation support systems. Design Data Human readable documents as required to meet program SDRL requirements Machine readable data to allow alternate provider to supply the required functionality not provided by the supplier. IVHM Integration Guide Typically None Human readable description of IVHM support functions provided by Component / System and instructions for usage of the run-time messages, semantic data and design data. SAE INTERNATIONAL SAE-WC-2016-16AE-0314 7 Overview of IVHM Deployment Process with ARP-6268 Supplier Provided Interfaces and Data Supplier Provided Interfaces and Data Supplier Provided Interfaces and Data Supplier Provided Interfaces and Data System Integration Process (Integrator) IVHM Run Time Capability (Integration and Update) Component to Asset Interactions (Run-Time) SAE INTERNATIONAL Asset Level Reference Model (Integration and Update) On Platform, Ground Support or Enterprise IVHM Functions SAE-WC-2016-16AE-0314 System and Data Integration (Design Time, Integration and Update) User Interactions (Run Time) 8 Example System to Illustrate Adaptations to Support ARP (Physical and Logical Interfaces Shown) Enterprise Systems Maintenance Support Tools Syndicated Systems Platform / Aircraft / Vehicle IVHM System Fuel Tank Software Application 1 Fuel Management System Sensor 1 Other Systems Serial Bus Computing Module 1 Serial Bus Sensor 2 Filter Tube 1 Smart Valve Tube 2 Engine Serial Bus Engine Control Power and Ground SAE INTERNATIONAL SAE-WC-2016-16AE-0314 9 Example Adaptations: Filter Type of Element Additional Items Required by ARP-6268 Hardware No additional HW required. Software No Software provided. Semantic Data No Semantic Data provided. Design Data Machine readable tables showing relations between Flow and Pressure relations at various degrees of filter contamination and environmental variables such as temperature. Test results showing characteristics leading to membrane failure. Algorithms relating accumulated usage to remaining usage life. Algorithms relating pressure and flow characteristics to filter blockage and vulnerability to membrane failure. IVHM Integration Guide Human readable document providing guidance for integrator on recommended usage monitoring, fault prediction and fault detection functions. SAE INTERNATIONAL SAE-WC-2016-16AE-0314 10 Example Adaptations: Sensor Type of Element Additional Items Required by ARP-6268 Hardware No additional HW required. Software No Software provided. Semantic Data No Semantic Data provided. Design Data Machine readable tables showing relations of sensor signal voltage to variation in supply voltage, ground impedance, temperature and other environmental factors. Machine readable tables showing sensitivity to noise on power or ground connections and environmental EMI. Algorithms to predict time to failure based noise ratio’s and other detectable anomalies. IVHM Integration Guide Human readable document providing guidance for integrator on recommended usage monitoring fault prediction and fault detection functions. SAE INTERNATIONAL SAE-WC-2016-16AE-0314 11 Example Adaptations: Smart Valve Type of Element Additional Items Required by ARP-6268 Hardware No additional HW required. Software Software for the valve provides both Control and Health Monitoring functions. Monitoring functions detect and report actuation events, measured pressures, valve position, computed flow, detected fault conditions. Semantic Data Semantic data is provided to allow IVHM to compute accumulated usage, compute performance indicators, interpret fault detection messages and read the part numbers for the HW and software. Design Data Machine readable formulas for computing valve performance indicators. Machine readable tables showing relations between performance indicators and valve degradation conditions, environmental factors, EMI and accumulated usage. Algorithms to predict time to failure based on valve performance. IVHM Integration Guide Human readable document providing guidance for integrator on recommended usage monitoring fault prediction and fault detection functions. SAE INTERNATIONAL SAE-WC-2016-16AE-0314 12 Example Adaptations: Controller HW and Firmware Type of Element Additional Items Required by ARP-6268 Hardware No additional internal circuits may be required to detect faults on all I/O interfaces and degradation of internal power supplies, memory and CPU. Software Firmware for the Controller provides support for hosted software functions and detection and reporting of faults internal to the controller and in its interfaces, power on/off cycle events, usage characteristics with time and temperature as well as reporting of part numbers for HW and FW. Semantic Data Semantic data is provided to allow IVHM to compute accumulated usage, compute performance indicators, interpret fault detection messages and read the part numbers for the HW and Firmware. Design Data Machine readable formulas for computing accumulated usage based on power cycles, usage times and temperatures. Machine readable formulas for detecting degradation of memory, internal power, electrical interfaces and computation fidelity. Algorithms to predict time to failure. IVHM Integration Guide Human readable document providing guidance for integrator on recommended usage monitoring fault prediction and fault detection functions. SAE INTERNATIONAL SAE-WC-2016-16AE-0314 13 Example Adaptations: Fuel Control System Type of Element Additional Items Required by ARP-6268 Hardware No additional HW required (Typically) Software Additional Software in the Controller uses data from Sensors and Smart Valve to compute overall system performance, detect and report faults, compute usage and degradation for passive components and to bridge communication between Smart Valve and Controller and the asset level IVHM system. Supplier may choose to host fault prediction and accumulated usage functions in cloud service. Semantic Data Semantic data is provided to allow IVHM to interpret all data provided by the system level monitoring functions, cloud based services and bridged messages from Smart Valve and Electronic Controller. Design Data Very little design data for overall system is provided since supplier provides all required IVHM functionality and Semantic data to facilitate integration. IVHM Integration Guide Human readable document providing guidance for integrator on recommended use of IVHM support functions provided by the system. SAE INTERNATIONAL SAE-WC-2016-16AE-0314 14 Other Isuses / Data Interoperability • Interoperability Requires Common Ontology (i.e., modeling language) for IVHM Instance Identifiers and Types: Assemblies, Interfaces, Failure Modes, Precursors, Symptoms, Operational Modes, Corrective Actions and Functions. • e.g., How to communicate that a specific Failure Mode causes the valve Voltage to Position transient response to be delayed by 30%. • e.g., How to communicate that a this failure can be corrected by replacing a specific actuation solenoid? • e.g., How to communicate that this fault can be predicted by monitoring a specific voltage to current characteristic? Note: Interoperability will require a common framework in which IVHM design time and runtime assertions can be understood by both the sender and the receiver. More work needed here. SAE INTERNATIONAL SAE-WC-2016-16AE-0314 15 Next Steps Complete the ARP Development and Submit for Approval in 2016 Update as Needed to Approve and Publish the ARP Support Discussions for Extending Existing Standards (ISO 13374, ODX, OBD, ARINC 624, etc) to Facilitate Greater Data Interoperability Extend ARP (if needed) to more fully address integration with other platform functions and systems used by operators for maintenance and support. Revise ARP as Needed to Support Further Interoperability and Extensions to Standards. Note: Broad Acceptance of the ARP will lead to Substantial Benefits to all Stakeholders but will Take Effort to Accomplish. SAE INTERNATIONAL SAE-WC-2016-16AE-0314 16