UNIVERSITY OF CAPE COAST CLAY SAMPLES FROM THE WESTERN REGION OF GHANA, X-RAY ANALYSIS, CHEMICAL ANALYSIS, BLEACHING PROPERTIES, AND SUITABILITY FOR CEMENT CLINKER PRODUCTION BY JOSEPH YAW APPlAH A THESIS SUBMITED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY, UNIVERSITY OF CAPE COAST, IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF AMASTER OF PHILOSOPHY (M. Phi!.) DEGREE IN CHEMISTRY AUGUST, 1998. I , UNIVERSITY OF CAPE COAST CLAY SAMPLES FROM THE WESTERN REGION OF GHANA., X-RA Y ANALYSIS, CHEMICAL ANAL YSIS, BLEACIIING PROPERTIES, AND SUITABILITY FOR CEMENT CLINKER PRODUCTION BY JOSEPH YAW APPIAH B.Se. (Hons.) Cbem. Eog. P. G. C. E. M. Ed. (S<. Ed.) A THESIS SUBMITED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY,UNIVERSITY OF CAPE COAST, IN PARTIAL I'ULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR TIlE AWARD OF AMASTER OF PHILOSOPHY (M. PbiL) DEGREE IN CHEMISTRY AUGUST, 1998. DECLARAnON 1. I hereby declare that this thesis is the result of my own original research and that no part of it has been presented for another degree in this University or elsewhere. Joseph Yaw Appiah (Caodidate) I hereby declare that the presentation of the thesis were supervised in accordance with the guidelines on the supervision of thesis laid down by the University of Cape Coast. ~L;\ Date Prof. V.P.Y. Gadzekpo (principal Supervisor) ]f it were discovered later that the declaration was false, the result of the thesis, if successful, would be withdrawn. DEDICATION This work is dedicated to Theodora, My beloved wife And sons Enoch Ivan Justin, and Stanley For their sacrifice and understanding. ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, says the Lord of hosts! (Zech.4:6) It is the divine guidance and support, that has propelled me through this course to a successful end and I am grateful to the Lord Jesus Christ.My sincerest gratitude goes to Prof. V.P. Y. Gadzekpo, my research supervisor whose personal interest and suggestions gave me great insight into the work. My thanks aJso go to Mr. F. Okai-Sam for his suggestions at various stages of their work. Many thanks also go to the academic and technical staff of the Department of Chemistry for their support during the course of the work. I thank Sis, Elizabeth, Mr. & Mrs. Wilmot from Nsein Secondary School who sacrificed sometime to take us round Numa and Wassa areas, and the people in those areas that gave us warmth reception and guided us to the sample collection sites. r thank Dr. AidoD and the staff ofTema Oil Refinery who opened wide their laboratory to me for my samples digestion. Many thanks to the Research Fund Management Committee of the Ministry of Education for funding the project. J.Y.A AUGUST 1998. III ABSTRACT Forty one clay samples from the Western Region of Ghana, and two imported aetivated clay samples (Fuller's Earth); Galleon V -2 and Fulmot BE 300C (collected from Lever Bros.Ltd.). used as controls were analysed. The chemical composition obtained for their oxides are,Na20 ranging from 0.278.56%, K,O from 0.00 -0.90%, MgO from 0.02 -1.17%, CaO from 0.02 -1.53%, AI,o" from 24.43- 39.08%, Fe,O, from 0.24 -15.47%, SiO, from 33.43 --D0.43%, moisture content from 1,00 -5.00%. Loss on Ignition from 1.20 -25.90%, Total Organic Matter from 3.44 -40.00% and Cation Exchange Capacity from 3.00 106.67 m.e. Cation Exchange capacity and X-ray Analysis were uscd to dctCffilJnC the type of day minerals present in the clay samples. Promment among the clay minerals are Montmorillonite, Kaolinite and Muscovite Limestone-Clay Homogenate analysis wa... carried out to delcffiline the sUItability of some selected clay sampks for cement c1mker production. Selected samples that were suitable include the following; Nyamcndac. Afransl-2, Bokaso-J, Aluku-J, Nkrofo, Esiama-2, Axim, Bonsukrom-3, Shama-2, and Apramudu~2 The bleaching abilities of both the aClivated and some selected forms of Ihe Local clay samples were also determined. Silica-Alumina ratio from 1.50 to 2.49 and Lime-Silica ratio ranging from 0.001 to 0.046 are generally found 10 be suitable for cemenl clinker production. This indicates Ihat samples from Nyamendae, Afransl-I&2, Ellenda, Bokw:>-l, Aluku-I&2, Nkroful, AXlm, Esiama-l, Bonsukrom·3, Kejabir, Shama-I&2, Apramdo- 1&2 whose values fall within these ranges are suitable for production of white cement ;v Activated clays from Aluku -4 that was treated with 10% H2S04, Aluku -4 and Esiama - I that were treated with 20% H2S04 and Esiama - 3, Alulru -I, Nkroful, Axim. Kejabir, Ketan and Esipong that were treated with 50% H2S04 acid were found to be good bleaching earth for palm oil Activated clays from Bonsukrom - 1 that was treated with 10% H2S04 , and Ellenda, Aiyinase, Esiama~2, Axim. Bonsukrom-3. Kelao, Sharna~ I. Apramdo-l, 3 &4 that were treated with H2S04 were also found to be good bleaching earth for palm kernel oil. v CONTENTS PAGE DECLARAnON •••.•••••••••••....................................••.•...... DEDICATION •••••••...••.••................................................. il ACKNOWLEDGEMENT •.........•..•. ..•.•.•.•...•••.......•.•........... iii ABSTRACT Iv LIST OF TABLES x LIST OF FIGURES xii CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.10 Definition of Clay 2 1.11 Clay Types and the Strucnrre of Clay minerals. .. ... 3 1.12 Building Blocks of Clay Minerals.. 4 1.13 Kaolinite Group 1.14 MODttnorillonite Group.. 1.15 Hydrous Mica Group.... 9 1.20 Properties of Clay Colloids II 1.21 Sources of Change in Clay Colloids 11 1.22 Clay pH 13 1.30 Uses of Clay .. 14 1.31 Clay Distribution in the Western Region of Ghana 15 1.40 Clay Components. 17 1.50 Ignitioo Loss 18 1.51 Total Organic Loss 18 1.52 Moisture Content.............................................. 18 .. 4 .. .. 8 .. .. vi 1.60 Palm Oil and Palm Kernel Oil 19 170 Activated Clays................................... 19 I. 71 Adsorbents 20 1.72 Clays Suitable for Activation.................. . 20 1.73 Bleaching..................... . 1.80 Clays suitable for cement clinker production..... 22 1.81 Spectroscopic Methods afeation Analysis ofeJay samples 23 .. 21 l.8tA Emission Flame Spectrometry 23 l.8tB Atomic Absorption Spectrometry 23 1.81 C Gravimetric Analysis of Silicon.................................... 24 1.90 Purp<>se oflbe Study 25 1.91 Statemeot ofOhjectives 26 1.91A Specific Activities .. _. CHAPTER TWO: EXPERIMENTAL. . 26 28 2.10 Sample Preparation....... . .28 2.20 Special Equipment.... . 2.21 Reagents.............................................. 2.22 Clay Sample pH 2.23 Ignition Loss 29 2.24 Moisture Content...................................................... 39 2.30 Dissolution of Clay Samples.. "" 30 2.31 Acid Digeslion 30 2.40 Chentical Analysis. 30 2.41 Elemental Analysis............. 30 .. .. . . .. . 28 29 . 29 vii 2.42 Gravimetric Analysis of Silicon , , 31 2.50 Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) And X-Ray Analysis 31 2.60 Activation of Clay Samples .. " 32 2.70 Bleaching of Palm Oil and Palm Kernel Oil.... 2.80 Colour Analysis......................... 2.90 Oil Retention Determination 2.91 Limestone-Clay Homogenate Analysis , , . 33 33 '" 34 34 CHAPTER THREE: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 35 3.10 Sources and Characteristics of Clay Samples....... 35 3.11 Physical Characteristics 35 3.12 Clay Samples pH Values 38 3.20 Percentage Moisture Content, Ignition Loss and Total organic Matter Content, of Clay Samples. 40 3.21 Moisture Content of Clay Samples. 40 3.21 Percentage Loss on 19nition and Total Organic Matter Content of Clay Samples .. 44 3.30 Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) . 3.31 X-Ray Analysis of Clay Samples 3.40 Chemical Analysis. .. .. . 3.41 Limestone-Clay Homogenate Analysis for .. . . .. 45 47 50 Cement Clinker Production 55 3.50 Colour Analysis of Palm Kernel Oil 3.51 Bleaching Propenies of Clay Samples. 3.52 Oil Retention of Activated Clay Samples viii . 56 .. ... 56 . ... 65 CHAPTER FOUR: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDA no REFERENCES 71 APPENDIX 76 , I,'I" I; I IX I I ... 69 USTOFTABLES PAGE I. Clay Types and Structure of Clay Minerals 2A Quantities and Life Span of Clay Deposits in the 3 . .. .. 15 Western Region afGhana- 2B One Way Analysis ofYariance (ANOYA) of Quantities and Life Span of Clay Deposits in the Western Region of Ghana - .... 16 3 Chemical Analysis ofelay carried Out at Building and Road Research Institute (BRRI) on Asokwa Clay and Accra Brick and Tile Factory ... .. _ 17 3A Criteria for Limestone - clay Homogeneates Analysis for protland cement clinker production 22 4. Physical Characteristics afelay Minerals. 36 SA Percentage Moisture Contents, Loss on Ignition, Total Organic Maner, Cation Exchange Capacity And Possible Clay Minerals Present..... 42 5B X-Ray Analysis of clay samples 47 6. Chemical Analysis of the Clay Samples (Expressed In Percentages) .. ..... 52 7A Chemical Analysis of Limestone Samples .... ,. . 54 7B Chemical Analysis of Selected Clay samples 55 7C Limestone Hamogenate Analysis............... 56 8. Colour After Bleaching with Natural (Unactivated Clay Samples).. 58 9. Colour of Palm Oil and Palm Kernel Oil Used as Controls. 59 x 10. Palm Oil Colour Analysis II. Palm Kernel Oil Colour Analysis 12 _.. "'" _.. .. .. 59 . 62 Oil Retention Values (percentage Oil Retention of Filtered Clays Treated with Different Percentages of Acids) i I ,I i xi 66 LIST OF FIGURES PAGE I a. Aluminum Hydroxide (gibbsite) Sbeet Ib. Magnesium Hydroxide (brucite) Sheet...... 5 .... Ie. Silicon Tetrahedron 5 5 2a. Structure of Kaolinite 7 2b. Structure of Montmorillonite 2c. Structure ofTrioctabedral Cblorite _..... xii 7 , 10 lI CHAPITR O"L ! I from selecred siles m the yolta Eastern and the Cemra: Regions of Ghano Ie deiemnne tile composlrioo of the clays and their Nea.-hjn~ propernes or. fats and oils [l-ti] The ~ bk:ac.b the fats and oils used for the production of s...~, anC cooking oils results in the :anadiry of oils after standmg to~ ~ iong rime :-i.-J Bleadnng:hus maKes r: ,. , days abound m kaolinite. rnommorilionite an.::: illne .'"" , bleaching properties of alJ cla" [10 j alluvial days made up of sand and SIr<ams and are limited '" IrOD compounds slopes of surroundmg hills ~ wve:-- the flV<' of ;e-.:ent '-0 detaiJ«j m[ofITlaOOD 15 a'.allahle abouI the type of da~ minerals in the \\"esten: Region of Ghana. ah!h..-..ugb n t I r =- .ed thaI the ~_.~ .~.. .......,... ~. e am ~. L_\ of Ule' three cia\ types found m Ghano l5 f!eneTall~ The purpose of the present investigation is to. idelltify the clay minerals present by using the sodium index method, volumetric i) teclmiques. gravimetric techniques and spectroscopic methods ii) delennine tbe bleaching capacity for palm oil and palm kernel oil and iii) examine the suitability of these clays as good sources of raw material for cement clinker prodllction_ 1 10 DEFINITION OF CLAY [IO.11.12] Clay is formed by the decomposition of alkali and alkaline-earth materials containing such compounds as aluminium silicates (A hSi~07 2H:!O) and feldspar (K: AbSi.t;OI6) fonned by the action of the sun, rain and other exogenous forces The major components of clay are potassium aluminium silicates and hydrates The clay are characterized by their size, colour and fusion A clay particle has an average diameter of about 0 0002 nun [13] oniy be viewed under the microscope material impurities impan colour This can Pure cla\' is white in colour. however. several For example. red clays contain several amount of iron oxides. yellow clays contain severa] amounts of aluminium oxides~ and )[hers are combination of these mixtures The fusion point varies between 1150"( and 1875"( between 40°C and 120"(, it first glves away its water water on cooling If heated at a temperature of 5S0 if clay is heated up 10 The clay may reabsorb thIs U ( and beyond. It looses its combined water and reaches a state where it cannot absorb water anymore state its structure is completely alter [IJ, 14] 2 At this I 11 CLAY lYPES AND THE STRUCfURE OF CLAY MINERALS The structure of the three main types of clay; Kaolinite, montmorillonite and Hydrous mica with some varieties and physical properties are given in table I. TABLE 1: CLAY lYPES AND STRUCfURE OF CLAY MINERALS FAMILY GROUP STRUC· SHAPE TURE SPECmC SWELLING SURFACE CAPACITY VARIETY STRUCTIJRE (Me/g) LKAOL!NITE l:l Chain 5 -20 Hoxa.oonaI CHEMICAL Low Kaohmte A1M.lSiO~.2Hl0 Dickite ery,tal, Naaite Halloysilc 2.MONTMORl 2:1 Lay« !neg- 700 - goo fhgh Flak'" llONITE Montmorillo A1:OJ.4SiO;nH1O <u1e AJA3Si0,:nH1 O BeldcUite (At NonlrOD.ite 2MgO.3SiO;.nHP FCh.3SI~ nHP "-"Ie , I, , " ~ 3.HYDROUS 2:1 La,., hregu1M 100 - 200 MICA , I I "'~ Vuriable illltc of KP-MgO-AlP. lIIDOuni SiOH 1O " I I MOOiwn According to the crystal build-up of clay minerals, clays are grouped in families and eacb funily exhibits some physical properties such as swelling when it absorbs water, specific surface area that gives it some adsorptive properties [IS] 3 f I 1.1 2 BUll..DING BLOCKS OF CLAY MINERALS [16-12, 15-18) Clay mineral structures are essentially composed of two types of sheets; the silica tetrahedral sheet and the alumina or magnesia octahedral sheet These sheets are joined together in various arrangements to form the plate-like structures of clay minerals. The clay minerals are c1assilied according to the number and the arrangements of the silica tetrahedral sheets Generally the recognised structures are the (1.1) types and the (2:1) types. The major structures are kaolinite, vermiculite, illite and chlorite. 1.13 KAOLINITE GROUP 116-12, 16-18) Kaolinite is the simplest type of clay mineral It is composed of one aluminium hydroxide sheet [Fig. la] and one silicon tetrahedral sheet Fig 1c in which each apical oxygen of the silicon tetrahedral sheet replaces one hydroxyl group of the aluminium hydroxide sheet and forms (J l) type structure The oxygen ions of the basal type of the silicon tetrahedral sheet are aligned opposite to the hydroxyl groups of the aluminium hydroxide sheet to which they become finnly attached by hydrogen bonding to produce a rigid structure which cannot expand (Fig 2b) This includes some crystal structural features of kaolinite, a dioctahedral 1"1 layer silicate mineral The hydrogen bonding can be broken by the reaction in a KOAc salt slurry, yielding a salt interlayer in the expanded structure Kaolinite - S4AL,OIO(OH)" a ]'1 layer silicate, has a triclinic symmetry and often occurs as crystals with hexagonal shape The structure of the mineral involves hydrogen bonding between adjacent layers spaced at intervals of 7 2 A The presence of hydrogen bonding prevents the expansion of kaolinite beyond its basal spacing in 4 water or other organic liquids; however, grinding kaolinite with potassium acetate causes the layers to expand to 14 A. After initial intercalation with KOAc, other salts, potassium and ammonium salts, may be introduced in between the layers of both kaolinite and dickite, giving varying X-ray spacings. This serves as a basis for the differentiation in mineralogical analysis of kaolinite from chlorite (which does not expand in salt) Fig. la: Aluminium Hydroxide (gibbsite) sbeet o o o o o " , " II i I' '0 0 0 ou AI ~o/ ou o ou Fig Ib: Magnesium Hydroxide (brucite) sbeet " ")C o 0 Mg ou o ,, I I! The silica tetrahedra can be arranged into chains or sheets by the sharing of oxygens betwE C:.~.~ adjacent silica tetrahedra. --r.~ Fig. Ie: Silica Tetrabedron 5 Kaolinite is a dioetahedral mineral, and in the pure form, the AI atoms occupy the same position in all the layers There is. however, a continuous series from kaolinite to fire-clays, with increasing disorder in the arrangement of the two AJ atoms in the three positions they can occupy. fire-clays having completely random distribution. Dickite and Nacrite are isomers of kaolinite, but differ from the latter in the position of the AI atoms in the adjacent layers. Dickite has a two-layer structure and Nacrite a more complex six-layer structure. Halloysite has a structure somewhat similar to kaolinite except that a layer of water is hydrogen-bonded between the I I silicate layers. The water molecules are attached to the adjacent silica and alumina sheet by hydrogen bonding The fully hydrated halloysite-S4Al4 0IO (OH) 84H,O- is i"so known as Endellite or hydrated Halloysite The structure from whIch the interlayer water has been expeUed is called Halloysite or metahallovsite . . Halloysite . readily dehydrates to give 7.2 to 76 A basal spacing. The slightly lager basal spacmg of Halloysite, in contrast to that for kaolinite (7.2 A), arises from the residual water trapped in between the collapsed layers. Serpentines are a group of trioctahedral ] 1 layer silicates with a basal spacing of 7 A. The octahedral cation is primarily magnesium, but other ferruginous and aluminous Serpentines are known magnesium end-member is chrysotile-S4M~OlO(OH)8 There The is considerable substitution of AI for Mg and there is a continuous series from chrysotite to lizardite. with antigorite-Si.,(Mg.,.s, AI, Fe'"OIO(OH),- as an intermediate member 6 I ,~ Fig. 2a Structure of Kaolinite 4 Si 60 610H] 4Al 40+2[0H] C Axis 4 Si ~'O o b -Axis - - • ./ '0 _ 60 • Fig. 2b. Structure of Montmorillonite 4(51. All 60 Exchangeable canons and 60 4 (Si, .AJ I 40 + 2iOHI 4 (Al. Fe. Mgl 40+2iOH) 4 (51. Al) o • b -Axis 60 0 _ 7 • 1 14 MONTMORILLONITE GROUP 17. 16-12. 16-18\ This is the (21) structure type derived from the pyrophyllite structure hy substituting one-sixth of the aluminium ions by magnesium that causes an imbalance of charge within the structure that is usually satisfied by basic cations suhstitution of Fe can also take place Some The small size and great affinity for water imphes the ahihty to expand and contract in response to the addition and loss of moisture. Fig. 2b shows Some crystal structure features of the montmorillonite isomorphous series of freely expansible :2 1 layer silicate minerals bond lines (ill) indicate an omitted portion 10 The breaks in the bring the two types of substitution closer than they occur on the average The interlayer cations are freely exchangeable The c-spacing varies with water content, and the water can be replaced by polar organic molecules The minerals of the montmorillornte of smectile Isomorphous senes are fredv expansible layer silicates The spacing of the layers ranges from 12 10 18 A, and I~ variable with the exchangeable catIon species and the degree of mterlayer solvatIon Complete drying yields a spacing of less than loA Full hydration can lIoal the layers apart, independent of each other An abundance of the c:I(changeable cauons Ca and Mg m sihca-rich aqut:ou~ (moist) environments favours the formation of freely e:l(pansible layer silicates uf the montmorillonite series The most typical occurrences of montmorilJorute are bentonite clay fonned from volcanic ash deposits m fresh water, clay fonned In mal, clay of hydromorphic soils in many regions. clay in soils formed from hasalt's and Iimeotone weathered to intermediate stages in humid climates. and as clays formed hy weathered of micas in cool humid chmates 8 I. I 15 HYDROUS MICA GROUP 110-12. 16-18J These are hydrated clay minerals but are incapable of expanding due to the additional linkages supplied by potassium There are two type of this group, The venniculite Group: - This is a hydrated mica from which potassium has been replaced by calcium and magnesium. This implies increased substitution capable of expanding The chlorite Group (Fig 2c) This is (2 J) structure type of layered silicate plus magnesium hydroxide sheet (Fig 1b) sandwiched between two mica layers and replacing K in the mica structure Chemical composition varies since Mg, Fe and other cations replace AI to a certain extent These types of clay minerals are capable of adsorbing large amounts of potassium in the soil that are then made available to plants in the soiL Some crystal structural features of the chlorite series of 2.2 layer silicate minerals are show in Figure 2C it represents The structure of the trioctahedral variety, Chlorite occurs ex'tensively in soils, mainly inherited from mafic , , rocks, serpentine. and other rocks, but to some extent formed is a 2 1 1 or 2:2 layer silicate (Fig 2c) In the soil This rmneraJ A hydroxide interlayer (sometimes enned the Abrucite;::;;- layer) of composition such as AhM£,.l (OH)2 12 IS sandwiched between negatively charged mica-like layers as a replacement for K in the mica structure A type formula for trioctahedral chlorite is (Al,S",) Al,MgIOO,,(OHho in which Fe' and other divalent cations may replace Mg, and Fe)< and other cations may replace Al. The distribution of the (+) charge between the layer and the interlayer cannot be ascertained, but some charge of the interlayer is required for structural stability Tetrahedral change may range between (AlS,,) to (AJ,Si.,) or even outside this range 9 The elemental composition of chlorites varies over an extremely wide range. Toxic elements, such as Cr. and Ni, can occur in mafic cblorites. Serpentine-derived clayey soils are sometimes outstanding for infertility and are known as aserpentine barrens. to the presence of toxic elements or to a deficiency of certain essential owing either elements such as Ca. Fig. 2c: Structure of Trioctabedral Cblorite AI + 351 60 n 'Y'x-JJ., . 'x, /~ ""-,4-.. I .0,~~..-JJ:)..,. n, ''· I .... ;)....(.... ...... ""---"'''''''''''''''''1 ";>-t.:? ...:....... . ..,..." ~'K ~.' t : ............... : .. .X . .. :,>"tiC.., . / '-...J....-.-"""--r-.... ................. '" 0''- 'A.__ ....0·· U v U " U ..... ..... . / • ,./ I ........... 1 .........' . . . . . .- - . . ' .. / ........ '<..' ." ,07'".~.............. ~/l I..... - -i' /" I ...... __ ' :"..~: I.... ........ I 6 (OH) I ""-.-' o .. 6 ( AI, Fe, Mg 6 (OR) 60 14A o 0.0 35, +AJ c- s ,..0, •• 0 : . . ..,;>c"'.... . . . . . . ."',-'"XI I ....... 1./ .":>1':: I ',~ ../ :k n ?---...... . ,y............... -...~.. I I " ' "..' I....... I ........... : / ........... : ........ .,.>: ..j.......... ::K 'i.'__-,.. X ......n ~. I "....:...... .-I" :>"..:'.,,:.. : x : :'"f"'...... -.. . : :...... ,: ....""""--.~~..'" .. ',6/ . . . . . c\/ '-{;/ --,lY-- " ....... 6-'" .... ..... , , """'-- ...... I ...... ....... 40+2(OH) 6 (AI.Fe.Mgl : u--I 40+2(OH) AI + 3S, 60 • b -Axis - - - - - - - - - . . 10 1.20 PROPERTIES OF CLAY MINERALS There are four basic properties of clay. These are: (i) Cation exchange capacity [CEC]: -This is the ability of clay to adsorb cations, and water molecules and form ionic double layer The cation exchange reaction results mainly from unsatisfied bonds of charges due to isomorphous replacement of silicon and aluminium that give a large number of exchange sites, and high exchange capacity [7, 12, 16] (ii) Flocculation - Individual particles of clay are coagulated to fonn flocculer process depending upon the nature of the ions present. Ca 2 -' and H+ are ver), effective in this role Ca2~ (or divalent ions) generally suppress the double layer and causes flocculation (iii) Dispersion:dispersion. Individual parties are kept separate one from the other in This is accomplished by K' and more particularly by No, No saturated clays thus have a thick double layer [10, 12, 19) (iv) Basal Spacing: - This is the fixed distance from one point in one layer to the same point in the adjacent layer The basal spacing is utilized in X-ray studies as a differentiating criterion [12, 16] 1.21 SOURCES OF CHARGE IN CLAY COLLOIDS There are three sources of charge These are:(i) I i , Pennanent charges: - Isomorphous substitution of cations in the silicate structure by cations of lower valence A negative charge is generated by this substitution. Al3~ for Si4~ in tetrahedral layers and octahedral layers 11 M g2" lor . .. .u. J • .m (u) pH-dependent charges (edges charges) - located at the edges of clay minerals and attached to Si are unsatisfied oxygen atoms. Their charges are generally neutralized by Ii' attached to OK groups at the edges They are readily ionizable and leaves in alkaline solutions that gives the 0 2 - a negative charge The hydroxides of Fe and AJ and the OH groups at the edges of kaolinite will readily accept an Jr ion in acidic solutions When this occurs they become positively charged. [10, 19] AI - OH +H+ (iii) Exchange cations: - Most colloids are negatively charged They attract cations of opposite charge to their surface Those cations are called exchangeable cations and in most soils they are dominated by Ca2 +, K', Na', H~ and Ae~ The total negative charge generated by the clay colloids is called the cation exchange capacity (CEC) Its unit are milli-equivalent per 100g of oven-dried clay Similarly, the total positive charge is called the anion exchange capacity (AEC) Expandahle c1av mineral such as smectite and montmorillonite will have large surface areas; and non-expandable clay minerals;uch as kaolinite will not. Similarly clay minerals with much isomorphous substitution will have higher CEC than those with little substitution [12,16,19] 122 CLAYpB The pH is perhaps the most commonly measured clay characteristic. It is certainly the most widely used criterion for judging whether a clay is acidic or not The concept of pH is based Kw = on the ionic product of pure water. [W] [OHlIO,14 at 23"C 12 The pH of a solution is defined as the negative logarithm to base 10 of the W ion Concentration pH = - 10glO [Hj pH changes with temperature. It is generally not possible to compute the total acidity of clays from pH alone, however, one can deduce fairly well from clay pH how acidic or basic the clay is. The soil pH can provide a variety of useful information namely; percent base saturation, the degree of dissociation ofW ions from cation exchange sites or the extent of tr ion formation by hydrolysis of AI and the relative availability of plant nutrients. The pH of the clay mineral is influenced by factors such as the nature and the type of inorganic and organic constituents, the soil soLution ratio, the electrolyte content of clay and the carbon dioxide content of clay. 1.30 USES OF CLAY Clay has many industrial applications because it is chemically inert over a relatively wide pH range It is soft and non-abrasive It has low electrical and thermal conductivities and cost less than most competing materials. A wide variety of products contain clay as a suspension agent, fillers, extending agents of a main compound [20] Among the many uses are: J ., I ink, filler aids. adhesives, cosmetics, insecticides, chemicals, medicines, pencils. food additives. detergents• catalyst preparations. paste. bleaches porcelain enamels, adsorbents. &iring. cemern, foundries. fertiliz.ers linoleum, plaster. 13 floor tiles, 1.31 textiles crayons. CLAY DISTRIBUTION IN THE WESTERN REGION OF GHANA The Western Region of Ghana has large deposits of clay consisting of subreant alluvial clays composed of sand with iron compounds They cover the flood plains of recent streams and are limited by slopes of surrounding hills [20] Table 2A shows the clay distrihution in the Western Region The clays spread along the breadth and length of the region Quartz abounds in Eduapirem, Petepong, Aboso, Abontiako, Tarkwa and Bogoso Bokazo area There is a huge deposit of white clays in AJuku and Nsuta clays are abundant in Manganese oxides, and Awaso clays are abundant in Aluminum oxides Nsuta and Awaso clays are among the most Important sources of Manganese and Bauxite in the world. 14 TABLE 2A: QUANTITIES AND LIFE SPAN OF CLAY DEPOSIT IN THE WESTERN REGION OF GHANA RESERVES IN METRIC TONS APPROX.LIFE SPAN (YEARS) AREA LOCATION SEKONDI Inchaban 2.668.600 83 Shama 7, 163,082 221 Beposo - not estimated - - Dixcove 9, 469, 979 292 Hwiodo - not estimated - - Mpoho - do- - 2, 965, 522 91 A1uku are. 17, 860, 944 550 Esiama area 113, 550, 239 3494 74,456. 122 2291 9,343,117 287 31,493,879 970 221,600,000 6819 TAKORADI NZEMA Ellend. Wharf Nkroful-Teleleu Bokzaso area Aiyinasi Bou-Barnakpole area Bokaza area WASA Was. Akropong area 614,294 19 8,629.200 266 226,330 7 597, 780 19 Asankraguaa area Enchi area Manso Amenfi area 15 TABLE 2B: ONE WAY ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE (ANOVA) OF QUANTITIES AND LIFE SPAN OF CLAY DEPOSIT IN TIlE WESTERN REGION OF GIIANA Sum of df I AOE+16 3 4.663E+15 3.73E+16 10 3728E+15 5 13E+J6 13 Between Groups 13239847 3 4413282.345 Within Groups 35302396 10 3530239.618 ToW 48542243 13 Reserves in Mertie tons Between Groups Within Groups ToW F Sig. 1.251 343 1250 .343 Square Squares Approximate life span Means From Tables 2A and 2B, the sum of the clay deposits in each of the four areas in the Western Region are; Sekondi area 9,831,682 tons, Takoradi area is 9,469.979 tons, Nzema area is 169,634,610 tons and Wassa area is 10,067,604 tons Comparing the clay deposits in Sekondi, Takoradi and Wassa areas it could be observed that there is no significant difference in quantities of the clay deposits between the estimated values of each of the three areas, as these give a .nean value of 9,789,755 tons However, by comparing the total clay deposit in the Nzema area which is 169,634,610 tons to each of the clay deposits in Sekondi, Takoradi and the Wassa areas a big difference is observed between them. In addition if the reserves in Nzema area is compared to the sum of all the reserves in Seond~ Takoradi and Wassa areas which is 29,367,265 tons in toW the difference is still quite big Thus the possible conclusions are that; (aJ there is no significant difference in clay quantities between the clay deposit in any two areas of Sekondi, Takoradi and Nzema. 16 I, (b) there is significant difference in quantities between the clay deposits in Nzema area when compared to any of the clay deposits in either Sekondi, Takoradi or Wassa areu.5. (cJ there is significant difference between the quantities of clay deposits in Nzema area and the sum of the clay deposits in the other three areas of Sekondi, Takdoradi and Wassa areas (d) it will be more profitable to go into clay production from the Nzema area in the Western Region of Ghana I 40 CLAY COMPONENTS Work carried out at the BuildlOg and Road Research Institule (BRRJ) [20] and the Brick and Tile Factory in Accra [231 show that tbe natural clays as obtained In the soil are usually mixed oxides of iron, a1ummium and silica in greater proportions and occasionally with very little quantities or trace of other oxides of calcium. magnesium and potassium Table 3 bdov. IS an example of such anaJyticaJ results TABLE 3: CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF CLAY CARRIED OUT AT BllILDING A!'/D ROAD RESEARCH INSTlTlfTE (BRRl) ON ASO"-W A CLAY AND ACCRA BRICK AND TILE FACTORY (20. 23) ELEMENT Silicon Aluminium Iron Calcium Magnesium Sodium pO",e,;"m OXIDES ASOKWACLAY - 0-0 ACCRA BRlCK & TITLE FACTOR Y CLA Y SiQ., 77 87 7090 AhO, 1220 )440 Fe2 0J CaO MgO 1 55 4 13 o 18 016 020 o 18 " 54 07< 066 8 34 Na2 0 K,O 17 _ o'fJ !, J .50 IGNITION WSS 151 TOTALORGANlCMAlTER The tenn organic matter embraces the whole non-mineral fraction of clay and any vegetable or animal matter forming part of the sample analysed. Organic matter contributes to the physical condition of clay by holding moisture and hy affecting the structure especially the cation exchange capacity of clay Total clay organic matter is estimated as a routine for measurement of its organic carbon content. Carbon occurs in clays in the elementary form as coal, graphite and in the inorganic forms as carbonate, hydrogen carbonate and carbon dioxide Carbon predominate in plant and animal maner, their immediate decomposition products and as the more resistant humus The total organic matter content of a clay is estimated either from a knowledge of the total carbon content Or from the loss in weight when the organic matter is destroyed The usual procedure for high temperature ignition of day is to remove m()I~1ure by heating at 105 - I JO·C and to igrnte a weighed amount of dry clay at 800 - 900"C for 30 minutes; the weight loss is expressed as percent 152 organiC matter [27] MOISTlJRE CONTENT Except for special purposes, knowledge of the moisture content of an aIr-dned clay is of little interest in itsel( but the determination is necessary for the calculation of most other analytical resuhs VariOUl! methods exist for detennirung clay moisture, but for the analytical chemist the standard procedure for detetmining the loss in weiPt wilen a sample is OYen dried is the most suitable 18 The determination is best [ , made using small, non-corrodible metal tins and the temperature control of ~he oven should be as accurate as possible. 160 PALMOILANDPALMKERNELOIL Oils are obtained from tissues of animals, liver of fishes, seeds and fruits The palm oil from the pulp of the fruit of the oil palm and the palm kernel oil is from the seed [3, 28J Palm oil is the most imPOrtJlllt vegetable oil produced and used in Ghana and m many other West Africa countries kernel oil, coconut oil and sbea buner They are used for cooking, frying and for industrial purposes like cosmetics and soap making H~6), This is closely foUowed bv palm The presence of ~-carotene (C 4(, though an insignificant constituent in the oil is responsible for the colour of the oil, and imparts some odour to the oil as a result of atmospheric oxidation resulting In the rancidity afthe oil The removal of this component should make it possible to preserve the refined oil for longer periods Clays in general are known to be good adsorbents for pigments and Impuntlcs from fats, oils and petroleum oils Different workers, working on vanous clay rypes, established the fact that all clay typ~ when activated (i e acid and heat a(,1ivation) showed increased adsorptive power very close to Fuller's earth [5 - ~, 24 - 26] Fuller's earth is the popular name for clay materiaJ used for bleachmg through adsorption in many industries including the vegetable oil refi.ning mdustry 1.70 ACTIVATED CLA YS Clays that bave been treated with strong acids such as H 2 S04 . HNO" HCI, Hf and HCI04 bave mcreased adsorbent capacity This is achieved through the increase in the IUrl8ce area of the clay Besides, the fact tbat basiC element, in the clay such as M& Ca, No, and K are replaced with tf 19 IOns from the acids [10, 12, 29J The H' Ions take up the position of the cations in the silicon structure and leave the clay neutral on repeated washing with distilled water. When the temperature of the clay is then kept at between 100 - 11 O·C the H'" ions escape in the form of water vapour and expose the valence bond of the silicon capable of adsorbing the colouring matter of the oils. 1. 71 ADSORBENTS Activated carbon is another type of adsorbent. It has very high oil retention and as such is not economical as adsorbent in spite of its fine particle size. Fuller's earth and chemically activated clays are the preferred adsorbents because of their low oil retention [18, 29]. 1.72 CLAYSSUITABLEFORACTIVATION Calcium bentonite which is a montmorillonite type clay that has relatively high calcium content are easy to activate and produce highly efficient adsorbent as compared to the sodium variety montmorillonite that is a 3-Jayer The essential constituent of bentonite is mineral consisting of two layers of silica tetrahedral separated by one layer of alumina. , 20 ~ I , 1.73 BLEACHING This is a process of removing colouring matter from fabrics and other substances. Bleaching an oil is thus a process of removing the ~-carotene from tbe oil with a suitable absorbent sucb as activated clay. Bleaching is efficient wben the colour of the palm oil falls from a range ofJO.O Red to less tban 1.0 Red wben a I incb (2.54cm) Lovibond tintometer cell is used to determine tbe colour intensity. The ~-carotene is removed from the oil by the activated clay. The adsorbents used for bleaching oils include activated cbarcoal, Fuller's earth and acid activated clay [I, 2, 4,5,9]. Tbe action of Fuller's earth and acid activated bleaching clays in decolourizing oils involves a selective adsorption of colour bodies and other impurities from the oils Tbese colour bodies and impurities are strongly beld within tbe clay structure after adsorption and suggests tbat bleaching clays operate mainly by cbemical adsorption. Cbemical bleaching metb ods using reagents sucb as sodium dichromate or cb10rine dioxide (CIa,) as bleaching agents are seldom used because, for example, CIa, gas is obnoxious and toxic [27] . Before bleaching is carried out on any particular oil, it is always necessary to analyse the clay that will be used for tbe bleaching 21 J.lI8 CLAYS SUITABLE FOR CEMENT CLINKER PRODlICTJON 3.A CLAY HOMOGENEAHS CRITERIA FOR LIMESTONE PORTLAND CEMENT CLINtq:~PRODlICTJO~(38). _~_ nr-mbOJi Critmoa Lime Standard :2 3 LS I Hydraulic Modulus Sibca Maidulus I , I 2 8SiO, + 85-92 00 SiO:: + AJ:,Ol SM , I I I Aho, + V 7 F",o, HM I I 1 Formula I00 x CaO 'I FOR -t- Fe1 01 SiQ: AhOl J 9U-2 50 Fe1 01 -t- , 4,AggresJvety Modulus ! 5_Alumina -- Iron Ratio AM CaD Si0 2 -t- Ahu, A - / c\j~Q~ lJ_ J :: 1-1 Fe:,O, 6 Calcium OJade CaO 7 Magnesia MgO 8 Sibca \,() 9 AJwmna I 2" (I AJ:/JI 10 Feme OJade IJ Limestone - cia} liM, s L( ratio (I -- -- ( .1~1 - - .. 'I- Table 3A gives the theoretical vaJu~ and formula.: b~ whJch moduL thai relate 10 'JanUU') cement manufal.:ture couJd be e\lllT1!led a/Jd u.'tt:d the preparation of CIJIlker Ra'oio Mix "Of e:umpj~ J. i:b (f 'itandarJ .. glJJdt: lur hmc '»dIUfaltd 'tta.ndard l LSj ul 85 ta 92. Hydraulic Modulus fHM) of I 'XJ 10 2 51) should 19V. excd/ent Ra", \ttal for feeding the clinker kiln In addition Aggr"esu.slty (A.~) uf4 to 12 AJummua fron rallu IA.I) of' to 4 "bum oute (CaD) of 45 percent or more M..agn.e&a (MgU) uf It:!tb than :: percent 22 silica (SiD,) of about 12 percnt Aomina (Ak,D,) of 12 percent, Ferric Oxide (Fe,D,) of 4 percent could together give good clinker products suitable for cement production. Furthermore the Limestone-clay (LC) ratio could be computed by the right additions to give good clinker. 1.81 SPECTROSCOPIC METHODS OF CATION ANALYSIS OF CLAY SAMPLES 1.81A: EMISSION FLAME SPECTROMETRY: Atoms and molecules are raised to an excited electronic state through thermal collisions with the constituent of the burned flame gases. Upon their return to a lower or ground electronic state, the excited atoms and molecules emit radiation that are characteristic of each element. The emerging radiation passes through a monochromator that isolates the desired spectral feature. The spectrum is then registered by a photo detector the output of which is amplified and measured on a meter or recorder correlation of the emission intensity with the concentration of the test substance in the solution spray forms the basis of quantitative evaluation [32,33J 1.81B: I;" ;I " ATOMIC ABSORPTION SPECTROMETRY:- Radiation from an externaJ light source emitting line(s) that correspond to the energy required for an electronic transition from the ground state to an excited state is passed through the flame The flame gases are treat~ as a medium containing free unexcited atoms capable of absorbing radiation from an external source when the radiation corresponds exactly to the energy required for a transition of the test element from the ground electronic state to an upper excited level. The unabsorbed radiation then passes through a monochromator that isolates the exciting spectral line 23 it, of the tight source and unto a detector The absorption of radiation from the light source depends on the population of the ground state that is proportional to the Absorption is measured by the solution concentration sprayed into the flame difference in transmitted signal in the presence and absence of the test elements [3233] l.8IC:GRAVlMETRIC ANALYSIS) ANALYSIS OF SILICON (DIRECT METHOD OF In the direct method, the constituent A being determined is separated from the other components of the sample in the form of a pure substance, which can be either A itself or a compound B of known and definite composition, from which the weight of A can be calculated The direct methods are based on the fact that two or more compounds in chemically equivalent quantitative, under the same chemIcal treatment undergo different changes in their weIght [15,31] The percentage of constituent A In a sample can be calculated from the expenmentaJ I' I data. using the relation W x F x 100 S where. W =: wt in g of substance B being weighed at the end (i e \Nt of the ppt or of ib conversion product) S Z WI of the sample m g F = the gravimetric factor (conversion factor) i.e number by which the wt W must F Z a IFW of '!Ih!ilance Al 24 be multiplied to obtain corresponding wt. of compound A b(FW of substance B) Where a and b are the coefficient of A and B respectively, that show the stoichiometric relationship between them, and FW is the formula weight The gravimetric factor is numerically equal to the weight of substance A in grams corresponding to one gram of substance B For example. the gravimetric determination of iron in the form of ferric oxide. Fe20:3, the gravimetric factor is equal to F = 1.90: 2 x 55.847 159.692 0.06694 PURPOSE OF THE STUDY Clay in the activated form is used extensively in the fats and oil industries in bleaching for the production of cooking oil and good-looking soaps. Clay is also one of the major components for clinker production in the cement industry [1 - 6] For the facts and oils industries in Ghana these clays in the activated Conn are imported where as the cement factories import the semi finished products of clinker made from clay and limestone. The Western Region of Ghana have large deposits of clay which have been mapped out by the Geological Survey Department of Ghana It is therefore of interest, great concern and importance to chemically anaJyse these clay deposit will be possible to investigate their structure, their bleaching properties, and their ion exchange capacities and to compare their bleaching performance to that of the imported activated clays. The best clay deposits can then be identified and used as a 25 It substitute for Ibe imponed activated clays needed by Ibese local industries The chemical and structural analysis could also provide further information that could be a focus in future consideration for cement production. 1.91: STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVE The principal objective of the research is to study Ibe chemical structure. chemical composition and bleaching propenies of Ibe clay samples collected from various deposits tbroughout the Western Region of Ghana and compare the results with the imponed activated clays (Fuller's eanhJ presently used in the fats and oils industries in Ghana. 1.91A: SPECIFIC ACflVITlES These include; (aJ collection of clay samples from mapped-out sites in the Western Region of Ghana. (b) processing of the clays by drying, grinding, sieving and storing for funher analytical work. (cJ cbaracterizing Western Region clay deposits for use in bleaching of palm oil and for cement production. (d) determining Ibe moisture content and the total organic matter by ignition (weight) loss (eJ determining Ibe chemical structure and composition of the clay samples using I conventional analytical methods (ie acid digestion, elemeotal analysis by II spectrnphotometric, and gravimetric method of analysis among others) I I (f) detemining the cation exchange capacity of the clay samples. II I I 26 (g) determining the X- analysis of the sample (h) performing the Limestone- Clay homogenate analysis to determine Cement production raw meal standards (i) acid and heat activation of representative samples ofthe clays. (i) bleach palm oil and palm kernel oil with both the activated local clay samples and the imponed activated clay samples (Fuller's eanh). (j) detennining the colours of both the bleached palm kernel oils and their crude forms with Lovibond Tintometer (k) comparing the efficiencies of the activated local clay samples to that ofthe imponed activated clay samples (Fuller's eanh collected from Lever Brothers Limited, Ghana) (m) determining the suitability of clays as a raw material for cement clinker production. 27 fl, CBAPTERTWO i EXPERIMENTAL The clay samples used for the research work were collected from thirty eight (38) locations in the Western Region of Ghana as shown on the map of the area in the Appendix. About 25kg of clay samples were collected from each site and bagged in empty rice polythene sacks, labeled and sent to the laboratory. 2.10 SAMPLE PREPARATION The clay samples were sun and air-dried for a period of four weeks The samples were then manually crushed, grounded and sieved using 56 and 100 micron sieve. The sieved samples were stored in labeled plastic buckets. 2,20 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT This includes: - ,, I, (i) A Carbolite Eurothern muffie furnace, Bamford Sheffield England S 30 2 AU, (ii) An Atomic Absorption Flame spectrophotometer, Model AA 6401 F, I Shimadzu corporation Kyoto, Japan. 1 (ii) An ION meter, 1M 405, TOA Electronics Ltd, Japan j (iii) A Flame photometer (iv) A Polalex Model 6105 UNN15 Spectrophotometer. 'i' (v) A pH-Meter Mode305 II, (vi) A Colorimeter 252, CffiA-Coming Diagnostics Halstead Essex, England (vii) A Lovibond Tintometer. The Tintometer Ltd., Salisbury, England. '\ , 28 2.21 REAGENTS Hydrofluoric Acid, Nitric Acid, Sulphuric Acid, Hydrochloric Acid, Perchloric Acid, Glacial Acetic Acid, Xylene Orange: all GPR from BDH chemicals Ltd.,. Poole]. England, Sulphuric Acid from Turbo Acid, from Marmex - HoUand: some Hydrochloric Acid, (COSMOPAI< Chemicals) GPR from Protea chemicals Ltd, South Africa and Industrial Alcohol from COSMOPAI< Chemicals, Cape Coast constitutes the chemical and reagents used in the analysis work 2.22 CLAY SAMPLE pH ANALYSIS About 5g of air dried sample was weighed into a IOO-mJ beaker and 30-mJ of double distiUed water added and stirred for about 10 minutes using a magnetic stirrer to ensure thorough mixing after which the pH of the solution was detennined. 2.23 IGNITION LOSS About Sg of air-<1ned sample was weighed into a Nickel crucible and heated to a temperature of about 900°C for thirty minutes in the Muffie furnace The weight loss was calculated and expressed as percentage lrgaruc matter 2.24 MOISTURE CONTENT About 5g of air-dried sample was weighed into a J OO-mJ beaker and oven-dried at a temperature of about 110°C overnight The sample was allowed to cool in a desiccator after which the loss in weight was caJculated and expressed as moisture content of the sample 29 2.30 DISSOLUTION OF CLAY SAMPLES 2.31 ACID DIGESTION To O.Olg of the clay sample in a 100-mI platinum crucible was added 8 drops of Cone H 2 SO, to cover the sample in the crucible. This was followed immediately by the addition of 3-mI Cone HNO, and l-rn1 Cone HClO, The crucible was heated in a fume chamber till thick fumes were observed coming off. The crucible was then allowed to cool and 5-mI Cone HF added with lhe crucible covered with a lid, allowing a small opening at the top. The contents were heated to about 220°C to evaporate to dryness The crucible was then allowed to cooL 5-rnJ Cone Hel was later added to dissolve the residue followed by 5-ml of water. The content in the crucible was then filtered and the filter paper carefully washed \\1th distilled water into a IOO-ml volumetric flask. The filtrate diluted to 100-mis and used for analysis of the metals. 2.40 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS 2.41 ELEMENTAL ANALYSIS The following elements were detennined from the solution obtained by the acid digestions:- Sodium (Na), Potassium (K), Magnesium (Mgj, and Aluminium (AI) Flame photometry was used to determine the concentrations ofNa and K. Na was detennined at a set wavelength of 589.6nm with a Nafilter. K was determined at 766.Snm with a K-filter in the instrument Airpropane flame was used. to ignite the sprayed sample standard solutions of 0.00, 1000, 3000, 50.00, 8000 and 10000 ppm were used as standard for Na and 000, 0.50, 200, 5.00, 800, 1000, 1500, and 2000 K 30 The Ca was determined with the ION-meter 40. using two standards of 10.00 ppm and 100.00 ppm that were used to calibrate the ION-meter Volwnetric analysis using EDTA was used to detennine the concentrations of AI and Mg in the solution was by acid digestion 2.42 GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS OF SILICON 2g of the clay sample were ignited at 900"C for about 30 minutes to destroy all the organic matter preseot in the sample. 10mi of Cone HCI was added to the ignited sample and after initial reaction had subsided it was then heated to boiling and was cool to dryness and then allowed to bake 10-mJ Cone HCl was again added and heated to boiling for about I 0 minutes to dissolve all the soluble components. The solution was then filtered and made up to 200 mI that was used for the - analysis of iron using EDT A and potassium dichromate solution The residue on the filter paper after washing with hot distilled water and was then ignited at 900°C for 30 minutes to destroy the paper The resultant solid was cooled in a dessicator, weighed and expressed as percentage of silicon present in the sample [15. 27] 2.50 CATION EXCIIANGE CAPACITY (CEq AND X-RAY ANAYSIS Sun and air dried samples were crushed, grounded and sieved using S6 and 100 micron sieve the samples were acid digested and chemical analysis carried out to determine the percentage oxides compositions. The Sodium Index method as described by Hesse [27] was followed to ohtain the CEC values In this method. 2.5g of the clay sample was weighed into a 50-em) centrifuge tube, lS_cm 3 of Sodium acetate solution was added and shaken for 5 minutes. The tubes were centrifuged at 200 rev per second 31 for about 5 minutes, i.e. until the supernatant liquid was clear The liquid was decanted and discarded. The process was repeated four more times with fresh portions of Sodium acetate in each case. 15-cm' of 95% ethanol was then added to the settled solids in the tube, shaken and centrifuged as before and supernatant liquid again discarded. The ethanol washing was repeated three more times. 3 Finally the clay sample were extracted with three 15_cm portions of 3 The extracts were collected in a 1DO_em ammonium acetate solution. graduated flask. The combined extracts were diluted to 50cm3, which was equivalent to 5g of sample that is washed and extracted and diluted to lOo-em 3 later The concentration of sodium in the extract was then detennined by flame photometry Some of the samples were sent to the !MME, UST, Kumasi for X-ray analysis The spectrum of each clay sample was determined at a wavelenth at 1.540598Ao using the theta scale .Siemens Company, Federal Republic of Germany, manufactured the X-ray difractometer, model DSOO, used for the determinations 2.60 ACTIVAnON OF CLAY SAMPLES About 100g each of the clay samples was weighed into an 800-m1 beaker and 200-m1 acid solution added. The beaker and content were thoroughly stirred and lefl for two days to allow complete acidification of the clay. This was done separately for each acid strength acid solution added The acid solutions used were of 10"10,20"10 and 50"10 of H2 S04 After two days of standing the supernatant liquid was then decanted and the sample washed several times with distilled water to pH 7. that is, until neutral clay was 32 , for about 5 minutes, i.e until the supernatant liquid was clear. The liquid was decanted and discarded. The process was repeated four more times with fresh portions of Sodium acetate in each case 15-em' of 95% ethanol was then added to the settled solids in the tuhe, shaken and centrifuged as before and I supernatant liquid again discarded. The ethanol washing was repeated three more times. Finally the clay sample were extracted with three 15-em' portions of The extracts were collected in a 1aO_em ammonium acetate solution. graduated flask 3 The combined extracts wer.., diluted to 50em', which was equivalent to 5g of sample that is washed and extracted and diluted to 1000em). later The concentration of sodium in the extract was then determined by flame photometry. Some of the samples were sent to the !MME, UST, Kumasi for X-ray analysis The spectrum of each clay sample was determined at a wavelenth at 1.540598Ao using the theta scale .Siemens Company, Federal Republic of Germany, manufactured the X-ray difractometer, model DSOO, used for the determinations 2.60 ACTIVAnON OF CLAY SAMPLES About 100g each of the clay samples was weighed into an 800-rn1 beaker and 200-rn1 acid solution added. The beaker and content were thoroughly stirred and left for two days to allow complete acidification of the clay This was done separately for each acid strength acid solution added. The acid solutions used were of 10%,20% and 5(011) of H2 S04 . After two days of standing the supernatant liquid was then decanted and the sample washed several times with distilled water to pH 7, that is, until neutral clay was 32 produced. The samples were oven dried at 110°C over night after which they were ground. sieved and stored for bleaching of the palm and palm kernel oils BLEACHING OF PALM OIL AND PALM KERNEL OIL 2.70 The oil was first deodorized bv boiling 10 mL of the oil in 200 mL portions of distiUed water in a beaker with constant stirring using a magnetic stirrer for about 30 minutes. The beaker and contents were allowed to stand for the oil to separate from the water and impurities, after which the oil that settled on top was separated from the aqueous layer using a separating funnel The deodorization process was repeated two more times prior to the bleaching process. 50g of the deodorized oil were heated to a temperature of 110°C for about 30 minutes. 3g of the activated hot clay sample were added the oil whose temperature was maintained at about I J O°C with continual stirring for about 30 minutes The mD...1Ure of clay and oil were separated by filtration to obtain the bleached oil a Lovibond Tintometer to The colour of the oil was determined with The deodorization and bleaching processes were repeated for each activated clay sample The two types of bleaching earth (Fuller's earth) collected from Lever Brothers Limited, Tema were also used for bleaching and the values obtained compared together 2.80 COWUR ANALYSIS About 20-rn1 of bleached and unbleached palm oil and palm kernel oils were placed in I-cm cell. The cell was placed in the Lovibond Tintometer and the Yellow and Red Slides oftbe Tintometer adjusted to match the Yellow (Y) J3 2.90 OIL RETENTION DETERMINATION The bleached oils were all filtered. The filter paper and the bleaching earth with the oil retained on it were then reweighed. The percentage of oil retained on the clay was calculated. [6). 2.91 LIMESTONE-CLAY HOMOGENATE ANALYSIS Measured quantities oflimestonc and some selected clay samples were thoroughly mixed to produce unifonn homogcnatcs. These homogcnates were analyzed to determine the various oxides, that is, silicon oxide ( Si0 2 ), aluminium , oxide ( AhO) ), iron oxide (FC20J ), calcium oxide (CaD), and magnesium oxide , ,I (MgO) present. I I 34 , i CHAPTER THREE RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.10 SOURCES AND CHARACTERISTICS OF CLAY SAMPLES Forty-three clay samples were collected and analysed together with two imported clay samples (Fullen Earth ) collect from Lever Brothers Ltd Table 4 indicates the origin and properties of the clay samples. 3.11 PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS The clay samples bad different colours The most dominant colours were grey, pure white and shades of white, black and brown. [Table 4] Fritz Patrick [10] suggested that the grey coloured clays originated through the presence of iron in the reduced Fe" state. Samples from Kwekukrol1l, Nkwanta, Manso -I, Bokazo -2, Kejabir, Hwindo -2, Ketan and Fulmot BE 300C, imported should therefore have higher amount of iron based on the colours observed. He also emphasized that pale grey and white clays originated through the lack ,of alteration of light coloured parent materials, deposition of calcium carbonate, and afilorescence of salts Samples from Manso- 2 & 3 Awiabo, Alyinasi, Aluku - I, 2, 3 & 4, Axim and Galeon \ 2, imported should therefnre have high proportions of calcium based on the colours observed The most conspicuous effect of organic matter is to make clay darker in colour Changes in colour also influence the thermal absorption and radiation characteristics of clay [5, 14J. It is expected that clay samples from Enchi, Nyamendae. Mansi- I & 2, Ellenda, Bokazo-l, Bonsukrom- 2, Awunakrol1l, Shama- I & 2 and Apramdo- 1 should contain higher amount of carbon in the form of organic matter Clays from Sa1ma- 1 & 2, Nkroful, Esiama- I & 2, Bonsukrom- I & 3, Hwindo- I, Apramdo- 2, 35 3, & 4 had brown and a combination of red and yellow coloration and should have considerable amount of Aluminium and iron This is because several material impurities impart their colours, for example~ red clays contain several iron oxides, yenow clays contain several aluminium oxides, and a combination of these mixtures as stated earlier. [10, 11] TABLE 4: PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF CLAY MINERALS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF SAMPLE SOURCE REMARKS CLAYS DEPTH FOUND (em) COLOUR PH Encbi 254.0 Brownish Grey 5.25 from roadside Kwekukrom (A) 61.0 Gte) 9.05 SIte near a stream Nkwanta (A) 62.0 Gre) 8.25 SIte near a stream Nymnendae (AI 62.5 Blwsh Grey 465 Slte Manso-I (AMA) 200 G<Oj ·\..22 from roadside Manso-2 (MA) 15.0 Pale Grey 3.70 from roadside Manso-3 (MAl 160.0 Pale Cire)' 5.31 near a stream fTom Brayere river (,.mk Afransi-1 (W A) 14.0 Brownisb Grey 7.60 from a stream bank Afransi·2 (WA) 16.5 Brownish Grey 37,. from a sueam bank E1lenda 47.0 Brownish Grey 454 from Tana river bank Awiabo 16.0 Whitish G<O). 5.58 from roadside Aiytiw;e 30.0 White 6.35 from Fiaso valley Axim 44.0 Pale Grey 4.85 from Aguafo bamboo fimo 36 stream Bokazo-l 70.0 Black 5.06 from Avawora nver bank Bokazo-2 0.5 Grey 5.65 from Subrca river bank Bokazo-3 45.0 Yellowish G~ 685 from end of coconut fann SaIma-1 910 YelloWish Brown 4.75 middle of frOID forest ;, SaIma-2 112.0 YelloWIsh Bro\\n 6.65 Alulru-l 65.0 White 485 from middle of forest from manu.,ll mirung site Alulru-2 120.0 White 84U from manual mining Slle Alulru-3 915 White 7.70 from low-tying land Alulru-4 60.0 Wlutc ]035 from road side NkrofuJ 31.0 YclloWlsh :' 46 ncar ch..tcbs palace Brown Esiama-l 47.0 Llghl Brown 6.54- opposite oil mills Esiama-2 60.0 Brown }. lJ4 oppoSl1e oil mills Esiama-3 60.0 Gre) ).ll lL J.f transfonncr statIOn Boosukrom-l (V) 465 Rcddlsh Brown 6.35 behind house Boosukrom-2 (V) 30.5 Browrush Gre) 540 at !.he end oil palm fum Boosukrom-3 (V) 30.0 Yellowish 1045 Brown at the edge oil palm fann AWUDakrom (M) 660 Browrush Grey 6.68 at a galamSC), Side Kojabir (M) 16.5 Grej 5.12 ncar the road SIde 37 Hwindo-l 30.0 Light Brown 6.35 at a mushy area Hwindo-2 15.0 Grej 3.76 at a mushy area Ketan 40.0 Grej 11.55 near primal)' school Esipong 305.0 Reddish Grej 3.45 near bolster institute Sbama-I 46.0 Brownish Grey 457 at cottage compound Sbama·2 15.0 Bluish Grej 6.35 at lake bank ApIamdo-I 10.0 Blownisll Gte)' 5,41 at river bank near bridge Apramdo-2 12.0 Brown 545 at river bank near bridge ApllllIldo-3 10.0 Brown 5.22 at river bank ncar Mystery School ApIllIIId0-4 15.0 Brown 5.14 at river bank near Mystery' School Ga1leon- V2 (L) - While 4.80 from Lever Brothers Ltd. Fidmol-BE 300C (1) - G"" 6.50 from Lever Brothers Ltd. A - Asankraguaa, MA - Manso Amanfi, WA - Wassa Akropong, D - Dixeove, M - Mpohor, 3.11 L - Lever Brothers Ltd CLAY SAMPLE pH VALVES The clay samples collected were strongly acidic to strongly alkaline in nature ranging from pH values of 311 to 11.55 Samples from Manso-I & 2, Afransi-2, Esiama-3, Bokazo-2, Hwindo-2 and Esipong were highly acidie (pH < 45) [26,40] The samples from EUenda, Salma-l, Aluku-I, Axim, Hwindo-2, Sharna-I and 38 Galleon V-2, imported were strongly acidic (4 5:,: pH:c 50). Samples from Encru, Manso-3, Awiabo, Bokazo-1. NkrofuL Bonsukrom-2, Kejabir, Apramdo-1. 2, 3 & 4 were weakly acidic (50 :': pH :': 55). Samples from A1vinase and Bokazo-2 were moderately acidic (5.5 :': pH :': 60) slighdy acidic samples were from BODSukrom-L Hwindo-I, Shama-2 and Fuhnot BE 300e. imported with pH range of 6 a to 6.5 Neutral samples (65 :s pH :s 75) were from Bokazo-3, Esiama-I & 3 and Slighdy alkaline samples (75 Awunakrom Afransi-I, A1u'.-u-2 & 3. Kwekukrom • , Ii, j, 'I '.' i , pH :s 85) were from Nkwanta. Moderately alkaline sample (85 Weakly alkaline samples Nyamendae. A1ul..-u-4 and Bonsukrom-3 'I :s 12,0) was from Ketan., Sekondi (9.5:S pH :s :s pH :s 95) was from 1051 include samples from And strongly alkaline sample (105 :s pH co Thirty one samples were acidic in nature, fOUf samples were neutral and nine samples were also a1ka1Jne [Table 4] The pH of clay samples is dependent on a parameter known as the base saturation. The pH of clay samples depends upon the e:\1ent to which inputs of base cations from the atmosphere, geochemical weathering, decomposed plant narts I. fertilizer residues including microbial decomposition of organic manures and water flow into the clays from elsewhere [I OJ In strongly alkaline clays, those with pH values above 85, Na'" jon is invariably the dominant cation on the exchange sites, because calcium is precipitated as the carbonate before such high pH values are reached, that is Ca'- + CO, (g) + H20 The calcium therefore has a buffering effect upon pH effect and SodIUm has no such highly clay pH values may be obtained when sodJum is the dominant 39 exchangeable cation [23]. In extremely acidic conditions (pH < 4.5), AI'+ and Fe'+ ions dominate in the samples. It is therefore expected that samples from Manso-l & 2, Afransi-2, Esiama-2 & 3, Hwindo-2 and Esipong should have high concentrations of AI'+ andlor Fe'+ ions At 4.5 < pH < 7.0, AI'+ and Al (Off},,- ions dominate. It is therefore expected that samples from EUencla. Salma-I, ,"Juku-I, Axim. Shama-I, Galleon-V2, Enchi, Manso-3, Awiabo, Bokazo-l, Nkroful Bonsukrom-2, Kejabir, Apramdo-l, 2,3, & 4,Bokazo-2, Aiyinase, Bonsukrom-I, Hwindo-I, Shama-2, Fulmot-BE300E, Bokazo-3, Salma-2, Esiama-I and Awunakrom should have high concentrations of calcium or magnesium or both. Excessive leaching of A I J - and Fe'+ could have resulted in the reduction of the pH (7 5 < pH) in the samples from Nkwanta. Afransi-I, AJuku-2 & 3. Kwekukrom. Nyarnendae. Aiymase, Bonsukrorn-3 3.20 PERCENTAGE MOISTURE CONTENT, IGNITION LOSS AND TOTAL ORGANIC MATTER CONTENT OF CLAY SAMPLES The data in Table SA below shows the moisture content of the clays after drying, and the ignition of the clay samples at 900°C for thirty mmutes 3.21 MOISTURE CONTENT OF CLAY SAMPLES After three weeks of sun and air drying, the free moisture stiU present in the clay samples was determined and this vaned from I 0 to 5 0% [Table SA Samples from Enchi, Afransi-2, Awiaho, Bokazo-I AJuku-1 & 2 and Axim had therr water content reduced to 1.0 percent or less Samples with moisture content reduced to between I 0 and 2.0 percent were from ManSO-I, 2 & 3, Afransi-I, Salma-I, AJuku-3 40 & 4, NkrofuJ, Esiama-J & 2, Esipong and Galean V-2 imported. Samples with moisture content of between 2.0 and 3.0 percent were from Kwelrukrom, Aiyinase, Esiama-3 Bokazo-2, Bonsukrom-J & 2, Kejabir, Hwindo-I & 2 and Fumot Be 300c, imported. Those samples with moisture content of between 3.0 and 4_0 percent were from Ketan, Shama-J, Apramdo- ] & 2" Nyamendae, Ellenda. Those samples with water content of between 4.0 and 5.0 were from Nkwanta, Bokazo-3, Salma-2, Bonsukrom, and Apramdo-3 & 4 Those that retained high moisture of between 5 0 and 6.0 percent were from Bonsukrom-3 and Awunakrom Except for special purposes, knowledge of the moisture content of an air-dried clay f>ample is of little interest in itself, but the determination is necessary for the caleula~on of most other anal~cal results [26J Clay samples that have very low moisture content of less than 1 0 percent after sun and air-drying are quite porous Thus samples include those from Enchl Afransi-2, Awiabo, Bokazo-I, AJuk-u-1 &2 and Axim all fall within the porous clay samples range. samples that In addition to this, clay have high water content, that is, greater than 4.0 percent after sun and air-drying have a very high percentage of organic matter, that is humus, and be very sticky [10, 26]. tUT,1S to Thus samples from Nkwanta, Bokazo-3, Salrna-2, Bonsukrom-3, Awunakrom, Shama-2, Apramdo-3 & 4 were expected to have very high humus 41 A1uku-2 1.0 2.5 5.00 14.00 K.Mi.C.I AIukll-3 2.0 25.9 40.00 7.67 K A1uku-4 1.5 7.6 12.95 11.67 K.Mi.C.I NkrofuI L5 5.4 7.44 40.00 H,Mi.C,1 _-1 1.5 8.1 14.39 38.00 Mi.C.I _-2 1.5 11.6 21.40 70.67 M. Esiama-3 3.0 5.4 95.45 95.000 M. _-I 3.0 9.6 16.00 71.67 M. 2.5 7.7 1334 41.67 H,Mi.C.I 5.5 9.0 1500 5400 H AwunaJaom (M) 6.0 5.3 9.87 70.67 Kltiabir (M) 2.5 8.2 16.29 37.67 Hwindo-l 2.5 9.9 17,00 62.33 M. Hwindo-2 62.5 IJ.O 25.49 60.00 M. K<lan 4.0 12.0 22.11 40.00 .{,Mi.c.J EsiJlOlI8 L5 1.2 344 3.00 K. Shama-l 3.5 12.3 23.53 53.67 _2 4.5 16.1 2603 65.67 Apnmdo-I 3.8 8.5 16.07 29.34 Mi.C.J Apramdo-2 4.0 9.3 1590 36.67 Mi,C,l Apwndo-3 4.5 79 15.79 78.34 Apramdo-4 4.5 1560 57.34 (0) _m-2 (0) Bonsukrom-3 (0) 8.0 43 ,.~ ~-' M. ~fi, C, I H M. M. H C - Chlorite. I - D1ite. K - Kaolinite. M - Montmorillonite. Mi - Mica VVennieulite.H - Halloysite 3.12 PERCENTAGE WSS ON IGNITION AND TOTAL ORGANIC MAITER CONTENT OF CLAY SAMPLES The results of percentage loss on ignition and total organic matter of the clay samples are given in table SA The ignition temperature was at 900°C for thiny minutes and the percentage total organic matter calculated by multlplymg the percentage ignition loss by a factor of 1 7: [10) It is like'" that clays playa crucial role in aggregate protection of organic matter Organic matter on the other hand slows down the toxic effect of AJuminium in clayey soils [26] Clay sample from Nyamenda.e had an organic matter content of 24.50 percent at pH 965 and was blUIsh grey in colour. Clay samples from Salma-: had 2049 percem at pH 665 and was yellowish brown in colour and was white in colour Clay samples from Aluku-3 was 400 percent at pH 77 Clay sample from ESlama-~ had 21 40 percent at pH 3 94 and was brown in colour Clay sample from H,"indo-2 had 2529 at pH3 76 and was grey in colour Clay sample from Keum had 2: 11 percent al pH II 55 -·nd was gr"l in colour Clay sample from Shama-l had 23 53 percent at pH 457 and was browrush grey in colour Clay sample from Shama-: had 2603 percent at pH 635 and was bluish grey in colour All the clay samples have enough organic matter to inhibit the effect of AI" ions on the water molecules in the clay-water solution during pH detemunatJon of the day samples Except clay sample from AJulru-3 that was white m colour, the VIried shade of colours from bluish grey to brown suggest high content of organic 44 matter in those clay samples. This was evident by the drastic reduction in volume during the grinding and sieving The imported clay samples of Galleon V-2 with 33.45 percent at pH 4.80, white in colour and Fulmot BE 300C with 36.05 percent at pH 6.50, grey in colour could also have originated from a source with high organic matter content similar to the SC:lIJlples above The clay samples from Enchi, Nkwanta, Manso-3, AfTansi-/, Awiabo, Aiyinase, Esiama-3, Bokazo-] & 2, Aluku-I, Nkroful and Esipong all have organic matter content Less than 10 0 percent with vaned shade of colours and could he said to contain less organic matter because fanning activities and such soil surface erosion could have washed away the organic matter in a spate of time 3,31 CATION EXCHANGE CAPACITY (CEC) Generally the cations in the interlayer spacings spacing is about 14 A or more are only labile when the In addition to negative charge arising as a result of isomorphous substitution., it also occurs at the edges of crystals where valences would otherwise be incompletely satisfied The cation-exchange capacity of clay is of vital importance In assessing the amount of acidity stored in it, or the amount of lime required to change its pH [4, 27J The total amount of exchangeable cations that can be held by clay is known as its Cation Exchange Capacity The ability of clay to hold cations in exchangeable forms is a property of its fine mineral particles and of its humus component. The determination of cation exchange capacity and the individual exchangeable cations of clay samples helps to c1assuy it [20] The analysis of clay samples reported by Grain (1953), Grain Show (I 978) and KJorrai (1978) shows that the'Kaolinite clay ntinerals has CEC values ranging 45 I 1 from 3-15 m.e. and basal spacing (BS) value of o.nOn.m, Halloysite, CEC values I I from 40-50 m.e. and BS value of 1025nm. Mica CEC values from 10-4Om.e. and BS value of 1.00nm. Montmorillonite, CEC values from 80-150m.e and BS value of I. 400 nm. cblorite and lllite CEC values of 10-40 m. e and BS value of 1400 nrn. on the basis of this analytical reSl~ts. The following deductions are made from the CEC determinations carried out; the clay samples from Aluku-3 and Esipong with CEC values of7.67 m.e and 3,00 m.e respectively were a kaolinite group Clay samples from Enchi, Manso-I. Awiabo, Aluku-I,2 & 4 with CEC value of 14.57, 12.34, 12.00, 14.00 and 11.67 me were clay mineral mixtures of Kaolinite, Mica Cblorite and illite groups Clay samples from Kwekukrom, Nkwanta, Nyarnendae, Bonsukrom-3 and Apramdo-4 with CEC values of 54000, 48.34, 5667, 5400, 5367 and 57.34 me were a Halloysite group, whereas clay samples from Aiyinase, Nkroful and Bonsukrom-2 with CEC values of 39.34, 4000 and 41 67 me were clay mineral mixtures of kaolinite, mica chlorite and rutite groups Clay samples from Bokazo-3, SaIma-1 & 2, Esiama-2, Axim, Bonsukrom-I, Awunakrom, Hwindo-I & 2, Bonsukrom, Apramdo-3 and the imported GaUeon-V2 with CEC values of 70 67, 81.00,77 37,70.67,68.34,7167,7067,6333.6000,6567,7834 and 76.50 me were a montmorillonite group Whereas samples from Ellenda, Esiama-3 and the imported Fulmot-BE 300C with CEC values of 106.67, 9500 and 105.00 were clay mineral mixtures of Montmorillonite and vermiculite. Clay samples from Manso-2 & 3, Afransi-I &2, Bokazo-I &2, Esiama-I, Kejabir and Aprarndo-I &2 with CEC values of 1734, 32.34, 3267, 33.34, 19.67,3400, 3800, 3767,2934 and 36.67 m.e were clay mineral mixtures of Mica cblorite and Illite groups. When 46 the local samples are compared with the imported samples of Galleon-V2 and FulmotBE 300C it could be suggested that clay samples from Bokazo-3, Salma-I &2, Esiama-2 &3, Axirn, Bonsukrom-I, Awunakrorn, Hwindo- 1 &2, Bonsukrorn, Apramdo-3, EUenda were good sources of clay that would have good bleaching properties on activation. Similar results were obtained by Okai - Sam, Quargraine and Gadzekpo(6) TABLE 5B : X-RAY ANALYSIS OF CLAY SAMPLES SAMPLE Enchi IOANTITIES High , CLAY MINERALS IDENTIFIED Average Trnce Trnce I I Average Trnce I High Average T= High NonlIOrnlC'",C~O~"~'I~CSI~t~efuOiif:-K:oai;;;;:te_ _ MuscO\'lt~_ Mon1mOrillonJ1e. Koaljnjte Haliovsl1cMonnnorilloWLe, Notromte Bioule_Hvdrobioutc.!llite KaolJrute. Btoute , I I, I' JUnc. COWICSllc,Dlc.luLc.SaooWLe ! Kaol1ntte, High Average Trnce -! lIhtc.Nacntc 'i Muscovitc.HaIlovsil.e MUSCOVite, MonunorillOluk KoaliJule, HalIOY51le. Nouowte ; Norrorule i Koalinite MODtmorillonlte HallOSlte.MonlrnorilJoJUlc. NOlrorulc Cowlsne, Saporule HJgh Average Tr.H:C High Avenlge Tntce I i 1 ; I I I Muscovite, Montmorillonite. Kaolinilc-----j I High h;=::-c.------h~,,;:::::i:'-ge-------I~;:~~Nonlrorule Saporute Iliuo Kaolll1ue,IliJle,Mu,covde - High Average Trace SaIma-2 I I MUCiCOnlC. f..:.oaJ.milc Ha.Hoysuc. Paragonite Trace Salma-I I CLllllorutc.Paragowle, Monnnonllonite MuscoVIte. Montmorilloni1c. KoaJ.i.wLc HalJO,"'SIlC,. Notronilc Saponnc. Cowlesite Avernge ! I HallovSllC T= High Average Manso-3 !I I High Manso-2 i Kaolmite.MUSCOVIte. ' Saponitc.Illitc Average Manso-I i l - BlOnle.!llitc. , Muscovite. Saoonitc.NontronilC High KwekuJ<rom \ Kaolinite. Ha1Ioysite r I i Sapomte,HallOSlte, I Montmorillonite I Cowlcsite.Muscovite I Kaoilfijll;:~HaJlOSlle High Average Trace Montmorillomte 47 I ------, I ._, I , ,i A1uku-l High High Montmorillonite. Kaolinite Hallovsilc.Albitc. MODhnorillonite,Sannnite.Nontronite Kaolinite,Albite Muscovite,MontmorilJonitc.Halloysllc Saoonitc.Nontronitc Kaolinite.Albite Average Muscovilc.MODtmOrillonilc.HaJloysit Trace Nontronitc,Cowlesite Kaolinite.Muscovi1eMoDtmorollonite Average Trace A1uku-2 High Average Trace luku-J Alnku-4 High Average Esiama-I Esiama-2 Esiama-J Bonsukrom-l Hallovsilc $atxutite.Nootronite Trace HIgh Average Trace Monnnorillonitc. Kaolinite MODbnoriUoni.te.Ha1lovsitc ~~~tc.Nontronitc . HIgh Average Kaolinite,Muscovile I MontmorillonilC.HalloysiLc Trace I HIgh Kaolinite.MuscoVIte Average Montmorillonite. NotroniIe Trace HallOOsilc,Saoorotc High I Average , Marganlc. ( Trace I Vcmuculitc Alblle,SodIum AJUlIU1Uurn silicate. Hydrate Average Bonsukrom-3 High HIgh I r Average Trace Awunakrom High I I High Average I H,gh Trace High Average Trace ..-i ,High I Average I ·I I ---I I --- ._-j I • , , ----j Albllc.MuSCOYllC. I Dcrilc,BarrenlC,montmorillonite I, Saooniue.NontroDlle.Morderulc .Slilbilc HIgh Average Trace Fulmol-BEJOOC ~ · I Donpcacomc Trace GaIkoD-V2 --- BelddllC.ParthclJtc.HaJJovsite Phi Ihn.:;itc. G ismond.! DC, C"av,'lcsitc Montmorillorute. Albi lC.I-.:.aohnitc Nacnte ; Nontrollllc:.Muscovne. I Monrmonlionne.K.aolnite Saoolllle.Hallm'Slll: Kaolnilc, ,IJlile ! Montrnorillonilc,Notrorute Saporute,HallOY51lc " Kaohnllc Averag~ Sbama-2 • I HaJJO'\'sltc 'Trace Esipoog I MuscovitclLnclLcucitc , K..aolmJl.e.MontmoriUonitc Average Hwindo-2 I . Trace Hwindo-l • Monunorillonite,NoLronile Albite ' MUSCOVlle.SaponiIC.Heclorilc,Slcvcnsillc I Kaolirnlc,Muscovlte Trace Bonsukrom-2 SaooDltc.NoDtroDJlc.CowJessiLC High MontmoriJloniteSaponite,Illite I MUSCOVlte, VetmlcuJilC Average Trace i 8ostwJ.ckJlc.Smolininovitc,Sodtum Calcium MalmeSiUDl Silicate HydralC 48 '_ I __:::J The x-ray diffraction patterns show the various minerals present in the various clays as shown in Table 58. The results indicate that almost all the clays in the Western Region contain high proportions of Kaolinite, and muscovite. Clays from Esiama- I, 2, & 3, Bon,okrom - 2 and Manso -3 contains high proportions of kaolinite and Muscovite Clays from manso ~2, Nkwanta and contain high proportions of Muscovite, Montmorillonite and Kaotlinite clays from it should be noted that montmorlJonite is responsible for the bleaching characteristics of the clays Enchi contains high percentages of kaolinite and Halloysite Manso-l contains high percentages of Kaolinite and Biotite Samples from AJuku ~ 2& 3 and Esipong contain high percentages of Kaolinite and illite Nkanta Manso ~2, Afransi ~2, Ayinase, salma ~l, Samples from Samples from Esiama-2 and Esi pong contain Average quatities of Saponite, Nontronite with other clay minerals Other lesser know clay minerals like cowlesite, Paragonite, chintonite, Bickite, stevensite, lencite, Phillipsite, Gismondine, ,Aumite and Donpeocorite are present in trace amounts in samples from Nkwant~ Manso ~2, Afransi ~2, A.xim., Ayinase, AluJ....--u -3 & 4, Esiama -2, Bonsukrom - 1& 3, Awauahom. Esipong and salma -2 contains high percentage of cowlesite and muscovite Samples from ,:aIma ~2 Sample from Bonsukrom -2 contains average amounts of margante and tracer of vcr rniailite Samples from Amurakrarn contains average amounts of Beldelite, Parthehte also a lesser known clay crystals and Halwysite with Trace amounts of phillipsite, aismodine and cowlesite also a lesser known clay crystaJ Samples from Manso-I, Bonskrom -1,& 2,&3, Hwindo -I and shama-2 contam average amounts of single units of crystals of Halloysite, Albiet, Margarite, 49 tI Muscovite, Nacrite and Donpeacorde respectively Samples from Afransi -2, Axim, salma- 1&2, Bonsukrom -2, Hwindo -1 contain microline. illite and paragonite Consistaint with the results obtained with cation Eexchange capacity (CEC) method tbe clay minerals identified in the following clay samples from Enhi or kaolinite and illite, Nkwanta is HaUay site, Manso 1 is kaolinite, Mansi - I is illite, Aiyisoase is Halloysite, Axim, salma -1&2, and Hwindo -1&2 is montmoriUorite, Esipong and A1uku -1,2,3&4 is kaolinite In comparison witb Galleon -v2 and tbe Fulmot -BE-300C whicb contain AIbiete, Muscovite, illite, Montmor, lIonite, saponite and Nondronite among other clay minerals. The foUowing samples contain three or more of such clay minerals, that is Enchi, Kwekukrom, Nkwanta Manso ~2 & 3, Afransi-I & 2, Aiyinase, AxiIQ salma -I & 2, A1uku -1,2,3 & 4, Esiama -1,2 & 3, Bonsukrom-I & 3, Hwindo-2 l and Esipong. The following samples also contains one or two of such clay minerals, • I I that is Manso -1, Afransi-I, Bonsukrom-:2, Awunakrom and Hwindo-1 3.40 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS Table 6 show the results in concentrations in ppm {percenta~e oxide and silica-Alumina and lime-silica ratios} obtained from the chemical analysis of clay sample solutions by spectrophotometry, gravimetry and volumetric Techniques The chemical analysis shows that the percentage composition of K::zO ranges from 0.00-0.90, N.,O ranges from 0.27-856, MgO ranges from 002-1 17, CaO ranges from 0.03-1.53, F""O, ranges from 0.24-15.4,A1,O, ranges from 24.43-3908 and SiD, ranges from 33.43-60 43. In addition tbe ratios of SiD, to A1,O, ranges from 0,86-2.47 and that of Ca ° to SiD, ranges from 0000-111 50 The percentages of SiD" F~03+ and AbO) in the clay samples vary considerably and may be due to the formation of different clay minerals The range in SiOl and AhO) contents suggests that the day minerals contain KaO illite and Halloysite En addition the range in F.,o, and the presence of CaO. MgO and Na,O contents also suggests that the clay minerals contain Montmorillonite and vermiculite The clay analysis reported by Martin (1995) shows that K, O values ranging from 000- 0.90 percent means the minimum amount of illite would be about one percent or less and for a value of up to six percent, the amount of illite would be about two percent On the basis of Martin s analysis it means all the Western Region clay samples contained traces of iJlite of up to about one parent Grim ( 1953) also reported that MgO content of chJorites ranges from 233-3764 percent wh.ile Klages and white (1957) found that a clay mineral dominantly chlorite contained 3 II percent MgO and 1.26 percent CaO on the basis of these values given it means the clay samples from the Western Region contains traces of chlorite Furthennore, the anaJysis of chlorite and illite reported by Grim ( 1953) shows that silica-alwnina ratio for chlorite is near 3 also that the very low value of up to CJ and for iJlitc minerals near 4 0 TillS mean.s 2 47 obtained for the day samples suggesl vt':ry low amount or even traces of chlorite and iJlite The dominant clay minerals in th~se clay minerals would thus be Kaolinite, Montmorillonite and Halloysites Murat (1983) reported that for day minerd.! to be a suitable raw material for cement dinker (pozzolanas) production, it should have silica-Alumma ratio ranging from I ':;002.500, lime-silica ratio ranging from 0 001-0050 and an amount ofCaO Jess than 5% On the basis of this, it is suggested that clay samples from Nyamendae. Afransi-I & 51 2, Bokaze-I, Aluku-2 &3, Nkroful, Esiama-2, Axim, Bonsukrom-3, Kejabir, Shama-I & 2 and Apramdo-l & 2, wouJd be suitable raw material for cement clinker production. Presson and Raikes (1953) reported that montmorillonite type clays are easy to activate and produce highly efficient absorbent compared to the other clay minerals. It is suggested on this findings that clay samples from EUenda, Esiama-2 & 3, bakazo-3, Salma-l & 2, Axim, Bonsukrom-L Awunakrom. Hwindo-I & 2, Shama2 and Aprarndo-3 would produced excellent oil bleaches among the lot TABLE 6: CHEMlCAL ANALYSIS OF THE CLAY SAMPLES (EXPRESSED IN PERCENTAGES) SAMPLE SOURCES I I I SjC>, AhO~ Fc~O] CaO Mg 0 0 Na: K,O Si02 , CaO/SiO: IAL,O; Enchi 50.36 37.58 024 u 81 064 472 007 L~4 UOl6 KwekukromtA) 46,07 38.70 377 0-0 (J 36 2 'J7 U.21 I /9 o UO') Nkwanta (A) 53.15 3288 1 93 (j (j 32 .2 2(! (JOg 1 12 () (104 Nyamendae (A) 5143 3269 11:9 U fn II 42 4 :; I {) IG 157 () UU J Manso-I (AMA) 4972 3786 u ~5 (J ')4 13lj 02: L31 u () 16 Manso-2 (MA) 48,24 3889 071 () lJ8 u52 4.25 U 09 124 oOlO Manso-3 (MA) 5400 37n 062 Ul4 U45 202 U 12 I 43 (I (J(!3 Aftansi-l (W A) 55.83 3307 091 0_51 069 u.80 u. 12 16'J U UU'J Aftansi-2 (WA) 5660 26.30 041 o,n 068 175 046 2 15 IU()17 Ellenda 47,79 3457 170 I.2tJ 0.62 70M 002 UR 0026 Awiabo 4<r72 38.89 o 3U 049 024 532 UUS 128 0,010 Aiyioase 50.79 34.95 U,73 044 010 5 3'J 004 I 45 (I,U!O Axim 60.43 2445 o 7y U57 U02 un OU5 247 IJ 001) I') X2 52 (I I, i t, ,I Bokazo-l 48.43 26.68 1.75 0.65 068 6.87 0,10 1.82 0.013 Bokazo-2 47.79 3420 0.67 OIl 0.10 8.56 0,08 lAO 0.002 Bokazo-3 41.79 33.45 6.18 0.32 0.50 8.29 0,90 1.25 0.008 Salma-l 34.72 36.26 15.47 0.43 0.94 3.84 0.12 0.96 0.012 SaIma-2 33.43 38.71 1307 1.51 101 6.37 001 086 0046 Aluku-l 50.15 3683 0.62 075 O.IS 4.85 004 136 0.015 Aluku-2 56.79 31.47 0.62 0.52 0.15 2.70 0.00 1.80 0.009 Aluku-3 52.93 34.67 0.27 0,31 0.12 4,31 0.12 1.53 0,006 Alulu-4 51.00 38.99 0.56 o.. n 0.21 3.24 0.01 1..31 0,008 Nkroful 52.07 26.31 164 0.06 0,10 465 0.06 198 0.001 Esiama-I 49.07 36.26 0.71 0.07 0.99 6.13 0.12 I 35 o 111 Esiama-2 5186 32.41 509 0.78 I 12 065 004 16tl 0,015 Esiama-3 41.37 24.31 4.92 0.25 0,18 2.55 0.04 142 0,006 Bonsukrom-l(DJ 50.79 3908 474 04\ 078 241) l1.29 130 00U8 Bonsukrom-2(D) 50.79 38.14 272 01 J 0.59 2.2l} 004 144 U.t)()1 Bonsukrom-3(D) 54.23 26.49 399 0.67 Ll7 0.40 0,30 2,05 0.012 Awunakrom (M) 50.15 J4.46 4.16 012 0.35 3.03 0.05 118 O.U23 Kejabir (M) 54.86 36.83 1.76 o 15 0.38 067 001 149 U.{)03 Hwindo-l 48.86 38.05 3.69 0,11 1.(1) 135 003 128 OU02 Hwindl>-2 49.93 38.61 158 0.06 0.33 3.50 005 129 0001 Ketan 44.36 34.86 6,03 005 0.35 74J 028 117 0001 Esipong 5165 38.52 202 0.07 0.89 1.42 0,01 1.34 0019 Sbama-I 53.15 31.06 4.30 0.08 0.60 2.83 008 1.71 0.002 r 53 Shama-2 54.22 26.68 1.06 0.03 0.24 3.37 0.30 2.03 0.001 Apramdo-l 54.86 34.67 0.58 0.05 0.79 1.34 0.03 1.59 0.001 Aprarndo-2 55.08 34.91 0.58 0.04 0.82 122 0.02 1.58 0.001 Apramdo-3 55.50 38.26 0.90 0.04 0.80 1.28 0.03 1.45 0.001 Apramdo-4 51.75 36.17 1.06 0.05 0.77 1.29 0.03 IA3 0.001 Galleon-V2 (L) 60.00 25.27 0.47 0.02 0.84 OA8 OA6 2.37 0.000 Fulmol-BE300C IL) 57.86 27.26 1.90 0.54 0.13 1.08 OA2 2.12 0.009 The amount ofIron (Fe203) in the clay samples ranges between 0.41 to 3.99 percent while AbO) lies between 24.43 to 26.68 percent. The silica content is between 54.22 to 60.43 percent and that of Magnesium (MgO) varies from 0.24 to 1.17 percent. Sodium (Na,O) lies the range 0.27 to 8.26 percenl. 3.41 LIMESTONE-CLAY HOMEGENATE ANALYSIS FOR CEMENT CLINKER PRODLITION Analysis of the limestone sample obtained in Table 7A were added to the selected analytical samples in Table 78. WClghcd amounts of each of these were mixed and homogenized. Analysis of the homogenized samples obtained are given in Table 7C. The values obtained in Table 7C were compared with the standard values in Table 1A that are used for Clinker Cement Production. The results show that the Lime Standard (L.S) of the clays that ranges trom ~6.2-91.4 % falls within the standard range of85-92 %. The Silica Modulus (S.M) of 1.9-2.3 falls within the standard values of 1.9-2.5. The Aluminium-Iron ratio of2.3-3.8 falls within the standard values of 1.0-4.0 and the magnesium (MgO) of 0.50-1.25 falls withIn the standard range of < 2.0 %. Values lor SiO, of 11-12. AI,O, of9-1O. and Fe,OJ of 2.05-3.40 were comparable to standard values of 12,12. and 4 % respectively. The results in Table 7A show that lhc limestone has acceptable high lime conlenl of 52.60 % as compared to the standard value of> 45.0 %. It also has low values for 54 ~ 1 I r SiD, of 1.42, AbO, of 0.84, Fe,O, of 0.98, and MgO of 0.20 as compared to the standard values of 12,12,4, and < 2% respectively. The results in Table7B also show that the clays have acceptable high silica (SiO,) of 48.43-60.43, and AI,O, of 24.45-38.83 as compared to standard values of> 12, and> 12% respectively. Clays with these values are suitable for Clinker Cement I- r Production. , , The selected samples that are suitable for Clinker Cement Production include the , following; Nyamendae, Afumsi-2, Bokazo-1. Aluku-3, Nkroful, Esiarna-2, Axim. Bonsukrom-3. Kajebir, Shama-2, and Apramudu-2. TABLE 7A CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF LIMESTONE SAMPLE FROM LIMESTONE PRODUCT LIMITED TAKORADI Sample Source Chemical COITIoosition In Fc 10J SiO, AI,O, Limestone Products Ltd Percentages MgO I CaO Loss on ignition ( LOI ) I TABLE 7B Samole Source Nvamendae Afr:mse-2 Bokazo-I AJuku-3 Nkroful Esiarna-2 Axim Boosukrom-3 Keiabir Shama-2 ADramdo-2 0.98 0.84 1.42 1 52 60 . I 43.96 0.20 CHEMICAL OF SELECTED CLAY SAMPLES Chemical Comoosltion SiO, AbO, Fe~OJ Percentages CaO MgO 51.43 56.60 48.43 52.93 52.07 51.86 60.43 54.23 54.22 54.22 55.05 32.69 26.30 26.68 34.67 26.3\ 32.41 24.45 26.49 36.83 26.68 34.91 1.29 0.41 1.75 027 1.64 509 0.79 399 1.76 1.06 058 0.03 0.98 0.65 0.31 0.06 0.78 0.57 0.67 0.15 003 0.04 55 In 0.42 068 0.68 0.\2 0.10 1.17 0.02 1.17 0.38 0.24 082 Loss on ignition ( LOI ) 14.14 15.03 21.81 --j 12.24 19.82 8.74 13.74 13.45 6.02 17.77 8.60 TABLE 7C LIMESTONE - HOMOGENATE ANALYSIS L-C SAMPLE SOURCES Nvamendae Afranse-2 Bokazo-I Aluku-3 Nkroful Esiama·2 Axim Bonsokrom·] Keiebir Shama-2 Aoramudu-2 4.0:1 3.8: I 3.5: I 4.1:1 3.7:1 4.1: I 4.0:1 3.9:1 4.2:1 3.8:1 4.2:1 CRITERIA HM SM AM I A-I THEORETICAL VALUES 85-92 1.991.900.251-4 2.20 2.20 0.40 OBSERVED VALUES LS 91.4 88.9 91.3 89.2 89.9 90.4 88.1 90.1 88.8 89.6 86.2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1.9 1.9 1.9 2.1 2.1 2.0 2.3 2.1 1.9 2.2 2.0 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 04 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.5 3.78 3.73 3.15 3.15 3.65 3.17 2.30 2.48 3.20 3.45 3.58 M.O SiO, I AlzO) >45 2% 12% 12% 4% 46.2 45.5 45.5 47.0 45.8 44.3 46.8 44.7 45.2 47.4 46.8 1.05 1.22 0.98 1.30 1.25 0.85 0.75 0.50 0.70 0.82 0.68 12 12 II 13 12 13 12 12 12 10 10 9 10 9 9 9 9 10 9 10 2.95 2.08 2.87 2.05 2.30 3.10 2.90 340 13 13 3.50 COLOUR ANALYSIS OF PALM OIL AND PALM KERNEL OIL 3.51 BLEACHING PROPERTIES OF CLAY SAMPLES The bleaching abilities of the clay samples were investigated on their application to palm oil and palm kernel oil. The results are shown in lables [ 8 -11 j. 56 Fe 0, C.O 2.20 2.95 2.50 With the selected unactivated clay samples it was found that there was appreciable degree of bleaching with samples ITom Enchi, EUencla, Aiyinase and Aluku-J which gave values ranging from (2.5R, 20.0Y) to (7.5R, JO.OY) for the palm oil; and samples from Enchi, Esiama-J, Axim and Ketan which gave values ranging from (J.8R, 24.0Y) to (8.0R, JO.OY) for the palm kernel oil These values indicate that though the natural clay samples could bleach the palm oil and palm kernel oil, their bleaching performance was not satisfactory. Except sample frnm Aiyinase which gave values of (2.5R, 200Y) that is similar to Fulmot-BE JOOe - imported Lever Bros Ltd., aU the remaining values fall short when compared to Galeon- V2 - imported by Lever Bros Ltd and Fulmot-BE JOOe Again the values after bleaching with the local clay samples faU short when compared witb Frytol that is in the market The results of the colour analysis of the palm oil and palm kernel oil bleaching with different percentages (10 percent, 20 percent, 50 percent) of acid and heat treated clays are given in Tables 10 and 11 The palm oil values ranges from (I.OR, 14.0Y) to J7R, 240Y) for the clay samples treated with 10 percent H2 S04 , (I.OR, 100Y) to (85R, 180Y) for the samples treated with 20 percent H2 S04 , and (0.8R, 7.2Y) to (J.8R, JO.2Y) for the samplestreated with 50 percent H2 S0 4 All the values obtained shows clearly that the activated clays bleached much bener than the natural (unactivated) clay samples (Table 8 and 9) Bleach in was best when the clays were treated with 50 percent H2 S0 4 This was revealed by the fact that 25 of the samples gave values ranging from (0.8R, 70Y) to 2.0R, 120Y) for the palm oil bleached with 50 percent H2SO4 as against 14 samples with 10 percent H2 S04 and 7 57 samples with 20 percent H 2 S04 acid treated samples. Bleaching abilities of ten selected natural unactivated forms of local clay samples and two imported activated clays (Fuller's Earth). Table 8 COLOUR AFfER BLEACHING WITH NATURAL (UNACfIVATED CLAY SAMPLES SAMPLE NO PALM RED (R) (Y) OIL YELLOW PALM KERNEL OIL RED (R) YELLOW (Y) % OIL RETENTJO N Enchi 7.5 300 8.0 30.0 8.0 Manso-3 95 30.0 9.5 300 10.0 Ellenda 55 220 90 27.0 105 Aiyinase 2.5 200 38 240 6, Esiama-3 14.5 30.0 55 200 8, AJuku-3 65 28.0 8, 300 80 Axim 125 300 45 180 70 Kejabir 125 300 105 30.0 00 Ketan 125 300 65 280 90 Esipong 145 30.0 95 300 100 GaIleon-V2 15 80 10 40 7.9 Fulmot-BE300C 2.5 17.0 2 I 70 80 58 Table 9 COWURS OF PALM OIL AND PALM KERNEL OIL USED AS CONTROLS SAMPLE COLOUR TYPE YELLOW (y) RED (R) CRUDE PALM OIL 18.0 30.0 CRUDE PALM KERNEL OIL 10.5 150 0.8 90 REFINED PALM OIL (FRYTOL) Table 10 PALM OIL COLOUR ANALYSIS I " SAMPLE SOURCE 10% Enchi 2.6 Kwekukrom (A) H 2 SO4 Y 20~o 50% H 2 SO 4 Y R H 2 SO4 Y 120 3 I 120 lJ) 133 2.9 130 35 130 U. 17 0 Nkwanta(A) 28 16.9 2.5 19.3 1.2 12.0 Nyamendae (A) L2 II 4 :.8 13.7 2.9 160 Manso-I(AMA) 3.2 15.0 32 223 1.2 130 Manso-2(MA) 3.1 12.0 32 130 2.2 13.2 Manso-3 (MA) 3.5 20.0 30 15.6 IS 120 Mansi-I (W A) 2.9 12.0 3.5 12.0 1.8 180 Mansi-2 (W A) 2.8 150 25 17.5 IS 160 R 59 R Ellenda 1.5 16.5 4.5 22.2 3.8 30.2 Awiabo \.6 124 2.0 230 2.5 21 1 Aiyinase I 0 14.0 1.1 18.5 1.7 20.0 Axirn 3.0 ISO 2.5 17.0 1.0 13.7 Bokazo-l 1.5 12.9 \.0 10.0 5.1 22.0 Bokazo-2 2.0 15.5 3.0 200 35 20.0 Bokazo-3 1.5 11.0 >.- -, 200 25 202 Salma-l 2.5 160 36 20.0 12 13.0 Salma-2 >.- -, 154 50 200 U 14.0 Aluku-l 12 300 18 130 12 200 Aluku-2 1.6 150 2.0 120 L.Q 100 Aluku-3 15 200 I5 11 3 0.8 100 Aluku-4 12 160 25 200 18 120 NkrofuJ 2.7 174 2.5 200 0.8 72 Esiama-l il 11.4 2.5 21.0 2.8 400 Esiama-2 3.0 150 28 156 25 265 Esiama-3 2.5 160 2,9 22.3 08 70 BOnsukrom-I(D) 2.8 16.0 24 12.2 2.5 14.6 Bonsukrom-2(D) 2.2 140 2.5 16.0 2.5 200 Bonsukrom-3(D) 3.5 200 35 19.5 0.8 137 60 ! I Awunakrom 1M) 2.8 200 35 170 ', 154 Kejabir 1M) 2.6 200 45 200 ~ 108 Hwindo-l 3_7 240 L ' < 200 ' _.0 ' 130 Hwindo-2 2.8 100 2.5 200 12 II 0 Ketan 15 15.0 15 100 10 120 Esipong I5 10.0 85 180 08 80 Shama-I 2.5 16.0 3.5 170 19 160 Shama-2 2.5 14.0 ' , -'.- 16.0 18 15 0 Apramdo-I 28 14.2 24 II 6 20 210 Apramdo-2 3.0 185 ' , -' -' 210 30 140 Apramdo-3 3.0 166 24 17:- 20 120 Apramdo-4 2.8 178 28 135 20 61 i 120 Table 11 PALM KERNEL 00.. COLOUR ANALYSIS SAMPLE NO 10% R H 2 SO4 Y 20% R l R Y H2 SO. Y Enchi 95 21.0 51 159 4.9 20 I Kwekukrom(A) 4.2 22.0 45 186 37 200 Nkwanlll (A) 3.7 202 5.3 186 60 200 Nyameodae (A) 36 205 40 179 37 200 Manso-I(AMA) 4.7 20.5 .3 8 153 34 15 I Manso-2(MA) 3.0 200 37 146 50 197 Manso-3 (MA) 3.2 20 I 30 12 ] 3 I 194 Afransi- J(W AI 38 20 I U 133 5 I 184 Afransi-2(W A) U 200 50 16 I 39 154 EUenda 36 200 59 ::WU 25 140 Awiabo 2.6 110 45 200 50 24 {) Aiyninase 34 204 45 200 24 132 Axim :u. 200 94 200 2 I 106 Bekazo-I 5.6 200 56 200 28 :2 t 4 Bokazo-2 34 202 36 20 I 70 144 Bokazo-3 :u. 20.2 35 200 40 11 2 SaIma-1 52 200 102 20 I 47 200 62 I 50% H2 SO4 ,I , I I i I Salma-2 9.5 15.0 4.6 300 55 200 Aluku-I 4.0 17.1 5.9 200 60 20.0 Aluku-2 4.4 20.1 3.4 200 49 200 Aluku-3 4.4 20 I 9.3 200 4.6 20.0 Aluku-4 4.1 200 5.2 200 40 20.0 Nkroful 5.2 200 4.4 200 6.5 20.0 Esiama-l 9.0 20.0 60 200 3.4 20.0 Esiama-2 7.5 200 70 200 2,0 110 Esiama-3 U 200 36 200 6.9 204 Bonsukrom-l (D) 21 111 26 130 16 140 Bonsukrom-2(D) 3.0 15.8 36 154 48 20.1 Bonsuicrom-3(D) 2.2 13.5 50 214 22 130 Awunakrom (M) 36 153 50 202 2,9 134 Kejabir (M) 2.8 156 28 200 37 20.0 Hwindo-l 30 15 0 31 160 37 200 Hwindo-2 30 170 2,9 190 4.0 21 1 Ketan 3.8 152 33 195 2.1 14.3 Esipong 4.5 242 36 210 6.0 27.3 Sbama-I 37 240 29 170 21 132 Sbama-2 3.9 20.1 2.6 133 5.0 23.2 63 11.6 1.9 21.0 3.2 210 2.9 14.0 166 2.4 17.5 1.8 120 17.8 2.6 13.5 1.8 120 Apramdo-l 2.8 14.2 2.4 Apramdo-2 3.0 18.5 Apramdo-3 3.0 Aprarndo-4 2.8 . The values obtained for the palm kernel oil ranges from (2 1R, II I Y) to (9.5R, 15.0Y) for the clay samples treated with 10 percent H,SO" (24R, 17.5Y) for the clays treated with 20 percent H2 S04 and (13R, 120YI to (7 OR, 14.4Yj for the clay treated with 50 percent H 2 S04 unaetivated) Again these values are much better than those obtained with natural (or clay samples (Table 8 and 9) Front the results obtained. 14 of the clays treated with 50 percent H,S04 gave best bleach values in the range of (I 8R. 12 OY) to (2 9R. B.4Y) followed by II clay samples treated WIth 10 percent H,S04, and 6 clay samples treated with 20 percent H2 S0 4 These values also indicate that the 50 percent activated clays give the best results similar to that of the palm oil Besides, the imported activated clays, Galleon-V2 and Fulmot-BE300C that gave colour values of (1.0R. 4 OYj and (2 IR. 70Yj respectively for palm kernel oil were found to give much better results than and in some few cases comparable results \.-\'lth the local activated clays These samples include those from Bonsukrorn-I treated with 10% I-hS04 and Ellenda, Aiyinase, Axim, Bonsukrom.J, Ketan, Shama-!. Apramdo-1,3 & 4 treated WIth 500/0 H 2 S04 Out of the total bleaching results obta1l1ed and from the CEC results and chemical analysis 9 of the samples could be clay minerals belonging to Montmorillonite group, 6 to the HaIIoysite group, 4 to the Mica group and only 2 to the Kanlinite group This could also be attributed to a great number of Silicon-rich centres produced during the activation process 64 l On the other hand the presence of the relatively high concentrations of Aluminium oxide and alkali metals could have resulted in the low bleaching perfonnance of the other clays. [6]. The 11 of the clay samples treated with 10 percent H 2SO, produced values that were among the best results. This could be cost-effective when it is used for industrial bleaching because they are comparable to the bleach values obtained for the two imported clay samples i.e. Galleon-V2 and fulmot-BE300C Samples from Esiama-2, Bokazo-2, Bonsukrom-I &3, Ketan, Shama-l, Apramdo-l, 3 & 4 gave the best bleach values among the rest with values ranging from (UR 120Y) to (21R 1O.6Y). However these values are not as good as the values for Galenn V-2 with value of (lOR 40Y) but were equally as good as the bleach value of (2 IR 70Y) for Fulmot-BE 300e with a value of(2 IR 70Y) 3.52 OIL RETENTION OF ACTIVATED CLAY SAMPLES The percentage oil retention of clays are of great interest to the industrialist since it partiaUy determines how much of the oil he is likely to lose in terms of the quantity of oil and the related cost The oil retention values of the activated clay samples used in the bleaching are shown in Table 12 The percentage oil retention values for Galleon V-2 and Fulmot BE 300C are however shown in Table 8 The oil retention values ranges from 2,30 to 11 10 percent for the 10 percent H 2 S04 activated clay samples, 2.00 to II 90 percent for the 20 percent H 2 S04 activated clay samples and 205 to 1100 percent for the 50 percent H 2 SO, It is observed that I7 clay samples activated with 50 percent H 2 SO, had reasonable retention values that range from 2,30 to 650 percent. IS clay samples activated with 20 percent H2 SO, bad retention values that range from 230 to 6 50 percent and 16 65 l 1 1 l I clay samples bleach with 10 percent H 2 S04 had retention values that range from 2.30 to 6.50 percent. All these clays that giv; corresponding colour analysis values of between (08R, TOY) and (3 OR, 120Y) of either the palm oil of! and palm kernel oil could be ofgreat significant industrial interest. Table 12 OIL RETENTION VALUES ( PERCENTAGE OIL RETENTION OF FILTER CLAYS TREATED WITH DIFFERENT PERCENTAGE OF ACIDS) SAMPLE NO 10% H 2 SO4 20% H2 SO 4 500/0 H 2SO 4 720 710 7005 1020 980 900 800 780 775 Nyamendae (A) 1080 1090 II 00 Manso-I (AMAJ 1210 II 80 1:2 00 Manso-2 (M"') :!30 200 200 Manso-3 (MA) 620 580 6 10 Afransi- 1 (W AJ 970 980 1000 Afransi-2 (W A) 880 870 8 7S Ellenda 42 435 430 Awiabo 670 680 670 Aiyinase 605 610 520 Eochi Kwekukrom (A) Nkwanta (AJ 66 I 1 , , ; clay samples bleach with 10 percent H 2 S0 4 had retention vaJues that range from 2.30 to 6.50 percent. All these clays that give corresponding colour analysis values of between (0.8R, 7.0Y) and (3 OR, nOY) of either the palm oil of! and palm kernel oil could be of great significant industrial interest Tahl. 12 OIL RETENTION VALliES (PERCENTAGE OIL RETENTION OF FILTER CLAYS TREATED WITH DIFFERENT PERCENTAGE OF ACIDS) SAMPLE NO 10% H,S04 200/0 H~S04 50% H 2SO 4 no 7 10 7005 1020 980 900 800 780 775 Nyamend.e (A) 1080 1090 1100 Manso-I lAMA) 12 10 1180 12 00 Manso-2 (MA) 230 200 2 0(1 Manso-3 (MA) 620 580 6 10 Afransi-J (W A) 970 980 10 00 Afransi-2 (W A) 880 870 875 Ellenda 42 435 430 6.70 680 670 Aiyinase 605 610 520 Enchi Kwekukrom (A) Nk-want. (A) 66 i, Axim 680 690 6.96 Bokazo-I 6.90 6.85 6.90 Bokazo-2 685 680 690 Bokazo-3 620 6.20 6 15 Salma-I 785 780 780 Salma-2 8.00 800 805 Aliku-l 10.00 980 975 AluhJ-2 600 5.90 5.90 Aluku-3 675 670 680 AluhJ-4 7.00 7 10 7 15 Nkroful 820 780 800 Esiama-l 660 670 b50 560 650 , I i , I ,I Esiama-2 1 ! Esiama-3 b 50 blO ~ Bonsukrom-I (D) 900 8.90 885 Bonsukrom-2 (D) II 10 ] I 00 1080 Bunsukrom-3 (D) 7 20 720 700 A wunakrom (M) 410 420 41':; Kejabir (M) 6.20 600 4.90 Hwindo-I 6 10 605 bOO ~, I 40 20 1 I I, 67 1 .J ~ i ,I j I: Axim 6.80 690 6.96 Bokazo-l 6.90 685 6.90 Bokazo-2 6.85 6.80 690 Bokazo-3 6.20 6.20 6.15 Salma-l 7.85 7.80 780 Salma-2 800 800 805 AJiku-1 1000 980 _'US AJuku-2 600 5.90 590 AJuku-3 675 6 70 680 AJuku-4 700 7 10 7 15 Nkroful 820 780 800 Esiama-l 660 670 650 Esiama-2 5 40 560 650 Esiama-3 650 6 10 5 20 Boosukrom-I (D) 900 890 885 Boosukrom-2 (D) II 10 11.00 I [) SO Bunsukrom-3 (D) 720 7.20 700 Awuoakrom (M) 4 10 420 425 Kejabir (M) 6.20 600 490 Hwindo-I 6.10 605 600 67 r t HwiDdo-2 1075 10 60 1065 Ketan 1100 1080 1075 Esipoog 330 335 3.00 Sbama-I 940 930 9.20 Sbama-2 7.50 730 730 Apramdo-I 235 500 2.35 Apramdo-2 2.30 245 2.50 Apramdo-3 240 245 250 Apramd0-4 230 235 240 The underlined figures represents the best oil retention value in a group The two imported clays Galleon- V2 and Fulmor-BE 300c gave percentage oil retention values of 7 9 and 8 0 respecuveJy Tlus shows tbat a cOllSlder.ilile number of the activated clays are of supenor quality and could be of great mdustnaJ unportance It was observed during Ibe course of filtration tbat temperature rangmg from 80-90"C was very favorable oil begins to the filtration process and filtrariOD slowed down as won as to cool and goes below 6O"C the The Ingher retention values could be attributed to unfilvorabJe temperature condinons and solidification of the palm oil or palm I<emeI oil as it became almost impossible for it to pass through Ibe fiher paper 68 CHAPTER FOUR CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION The clay samples from the Western Region varies in the pH values from 3 00 to 11.50 indicating acidic, neutral to alkaline clays. There is considerable amount of organic matter in most of the clay deposits. From the values obtained from the Cation Exchange Capacity determinations and chemical analysis data some of the clays could be predominantly Kaolinite, Montimorillonite Halloysite and Mica with traces of illite, chlorite and vermiculite. Some of the clays are also suitable as a raw material for clinker production for the cement industry as shown by the lime - silica ratios. By comparing the theoreticaJ values with the observed values, acceptable homogenate are obtained tbat provides a good raw meal for feeding Rotary Kilns and high standard Clinker could be obtained for Portland Cement manufacture, the Government and other Foreign lnvestors should consider establishing a Cement Production Plant in Ghana The colour analysis indicates that acid and heat treatment during the a ~tivation process greatly enhance the bleaching properties of all the clays This could be due to the increase in the surface area on the day adsorption sites, which is available for adsorption of impurities and other colour pigments including l3-carotene On the basis of the colour analysis, some of the activated jocaJ clays bleached equally weU and in very few instances much bener than the miported activated clay samples (FuUer's Earth) imported by Lever Brothers Limited that is used in the vegetable oil industry This important observation suggests that further research work could be promoted in 69 the studies of some of these clays to serve as a substitute for the foreign imponed clay Further anaJytical work needs to be carried out to further authenticate the classification of the clay mineraJs This could be in (he area of Differential ThennaJ AnaJysis and other Physico-chemicaJ property detemunatlOns to characterise the day') In the Western Region of Ghana r f I I !" 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