FISHERIES RESEARCH BOARD OF CANADA TECHNICAL REPORT NO.283 1971 L FISHERIES RESEARCH BOARD OF CANADA Technical Reports FRS Technical Reports are research documents that are of sufficient importance to be preserved, but which "Cor some reason are not appropriate for primary scientific publication. No restriction is placed on subject matter and the series should reflect the broad research interests of FRS. These Reports can be cited in publications, but care should be taken to indicate their manuscript status. Some of the material in these Reports will eventually appear in the primary scientific literature. Inquiries concerning any particular Report should be directed to the issuing FRB establishment which is indicated on the title page. FISHERIES RESEARCH BOARD OF CANADA TECHNICAL REPORT NO. 2B3 AN ENVIRONMEm'AL-CONTROL TANK FOR THE SYNCHRONOUS stUDY OF GRGlTH AND METABOLISM OF YOUNG SAU10N By J. R. Brett, D. B. Sutherland and G. D. Heritage FISHERIES RESEARCH BOARD OF CANADA Biological Station, Nana1mo, B. C. NOVEMBER 1971 - 1 - ABSTRACT A 40-ga1100 fiberglas tank with suitable temperature, oxygen and flow controls is described for use in determining energy budgets of small fish. INTRODUCTION A small holding tank, useful in the culture, special care and accli· mation of young salmon in the laboratory was described by Alderdice et al. (1966). With only slight modifications, involving the addition of a recircu- lating pump, i t has been used extensively in experiments on factors affecting rate of growth (Brett et al., 1969), and in studies on rate of digestion and food intake (Brett and Higgs, 1970; Brett, 1971). Early in 1969 i t was decided to adapt this tank for studies on energy budgets, involving the synchronous measurement of rates of food intake, growth, metabolism and excretion. To this end the normal plexiglas top was temporarily cemented to the fiberglas tank and the central hole in the lid used to insert a rubber cork in the overflow drain. This enabled filling the tank to the flooding point, turning off the incoming water, and measuring the oxygen depletion in the closed-circuit recirculating system (for metabolic rate determinations). Despite implementing a series of modifications the equipment was fraught with a variety of deficiencies which included small air bubbles trapped under the lid, indeterminable slight leaks between the flooded lid and the internal recirculated water, induced excitement of the fish when switching from open to closed circuit, drifts in temperature from heat-input of the pump when on closed circuit, and difficulty in meeting the provision that oxygen should not be depleted by more than 20 ± 5% in anyone of the multi-combinations of temperature Bnd food ration prescribed. 1 Consequently it was decided to redesign the whole system incorporating all the ideas which had been gained from the preliminary efforts, including applying knowledge obtained from the design and operation of respirometers (Ma r, 1959; Brett, 1964). DESIGN FEATURES For simplicity of presentation it is convenient to divide the apparatus, which is illustrated in Fig. 1-4, into three connecting and interrelated systems: 1) Input and preparation of water Primary control of water temperature is achieved by cross-mixing heated and chilled freshwater supply lines, using manually controlled PVC lA report on these preliminary experiments was presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Cormnittee on Freshwater Fisheries Research, Montreal, January, 1971. - 2 - diaphragm valves. An accuracy of + O.SoC is only required at this stage. Flow is adjusted to flush the tank-at a rate of two volume-exchanges per hour (approx. 80 gph for a 40-ga1 tank). On occasion the water may be significantly above or below normal air-saturation. Where high-presBure water lines are involved supersaturation at the lethal level (over llot with N.;) may occur, either at normal temperatures or, in particular, in heated lines. Incoming water is therefore passed through a stripping column, cascading over ceramic saddles in counter-current with a rising air flow. The conditioned water passes thence into a bubble trap, the tubular outlet of which inserts through the tank lid, discharging below the water level of the tank. A slight constriction of this tube causes the trap to fill just to the overflow point, assuring bubble·free input. Since the bubble trap is attached to the removable lid, flexible tubing is used for both the short lengths of tube leading inrnediately into and overflowing out of the trap (detachable). When closed circuit is required a flow control valve on the line leading to the trap is turned off; the backed-up water in the stripping column rises to an overflow line, by-passing the tank to waste. No further adjustment is required; reintroduction of conditioned water may be had without any manipulation beyond simply opening this valve again. 2} Fish tank with flushing and/or recirculating water The fish tank is essentially the same as the earlier culture tank in most of its features (cf., Alderdice et al., 1966). Incoming water is swept into circulation, produced by the recirculation pump, at some prescribed mean velocity (max. of 1.2 ft/sec), and overflows to waste from a central pipe. An outer, encasing drain pipe of clear plexiglas, higher than the overflow pipe, forces flushed water to pass through bottom slots, carrying fecal matter or unused food rapidly to waste. Recirculated water, on an independent circuit, 1s drawn through a rosette of fine holes drilled in the wall and pumped to an imbedded, perforated pipe. The perforation holes jet water in a vertical "fan" along the opposite side of the tank creating fairly smooth water-currents swirling around the tank. The force of the jets is throttled by a valve, in series with a pressure gauge. To switch onto closed circuit an off-set pressure clamp is first actuated, pinching off a short rubber sleeve at the drain. Water rises to flood the tank, impinging on the under surface of the plexiglas top. This latter has been sealed by inserting jam locks around the periphery, compressing the O-ring contact surface (see insert, Fig. I). Since the tank is tilted slightly down at the back or wall end, the rising water displaces all air forward along a creeping water-front, and through corner holes in the front edge of the cover. Once the tank is filled to overflowing the flow control valve is turned off leaVing the water in the bubble trap to seek a lower level in equilibrium with the flooded top. Corks are then inserted in the small flood holes and in the feeding funnel. A water sample is inmediately - 3 - taken for oxygen determination, from the small valve below the tank (tapped into the case of the heat-exchanger). 3) Recirculating. sensing. controlling On a platform below the tank are mounted the basic parts for circulating, sensing and controlling the tank water system. An impeller pump with neoprene head recirculates the water through a heat exchanger, past a pressure gauge, over temperature and oxygen sensors, and thence into the jet pipe. The heat-exchanger incorporates an aluminum coil through which chilled water is continually passed at a rate which just overcomes all heat input. A 300-watt heater with thermister sensor is activated by a proportional thermoregulator for precise temperature control (± a.IOC), independent of open or closed circuit. To keep track of the temperature stability, over weeks of continuous operation, a thermograph bulb is housed in a small sensor chamber (see insert, Fig. 1). This chamber also houses the oxygen probe and coupled thermister, for continuous monitoring of oxygen saturation level. A time switch is used to control photoperiod for a set of tanks in a light-sealed room. PRACTICE In practice, fish are temperature-acclimated °in the tanks for 1 month prior to commencing an experiment. During this period ration control is applied. The following 6 weeks are devoted to weekly weighings, including 2 weeks (usually 3rd and 5th) for metabolic rate determinations. The latter are conducted on a continuous 24-hour program in which each tank is cycled on a regular open-/closed-circuit program -- equal ~ and off periods of either 2, 3 J or 4 hours depending on the time necessary to draw down the 20 ± 51. of the oxygen content. The period is set by checking from the 0a-probe readings. To minimize disturbance a "blind"a is used to cover access to the feeding funnel of each tank (some fish are fed twice a day; others as little as once every third day). The tank height at lid level is approximately 5 feet. Water level in the tank is adjusted to be about 1/4 inch below the lid so that the closed circuit causes only a slight level change. One darkred light and one white light hang over each tank; only the white is on the time-switch. The energy lost to excretion can be determined "by difference," in the simple relation: Food input"'" Growth + Metabolism + Excretion. To date aIn some cases it has been found desirable to use a small "fish-eye" peep in the blind. - 4 - separate experiments have been conducted for direct measurement of excretion, trapping feces at the tank drain in a fine-meshed screen, and sampling the water regularly for ammonia and urea content. The methodology is still under development; there do not appear to be any serious obstacles to synchronous measurement of all parameters. In general the design and operation have met the earlier limitations of air locks, slight lid leaks, temperature drifts, limited visibility of food particles and feces, disturbance from switching systems, and general inaccessibility of controls and monitoring equipment. A materials list, 1971 costs, tank fabrication specifications, parts list and working drawings are appended. The tank moulds were built through a cooperative program with the Shipyard Department at H.M.C. Dockyard, Esquimalt, B.C. They are the property of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, and may be had by special arrangement through the Director, Nanaimo Biological Station, Nanaimo, B.C. AC~LEDGMENrS Mr. A. A. Denbigh expertly produced the 3-dimensional drawing (Fig. 1); Mr. D. J. Redman provided the carefully drafted blueprints; and Mr. C. J. Morley kindly photographed the apparatus (Fig. 2-4). It is a pleasure to express our gratitude for their cooperative help. REFERENCES Alderdice, D.F., J.R. Brett, and D.B. Sutherland. 1966. Design of small holding tank for fish. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada 23: 1447-1450. Brett, J.R. 1964. The respiratory metabolism and swirmning performance of young sockeye sallOOn. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada 21: 1183-1226. 1971. Satiation time, appetite and maximum food-intake of sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada 28: 409-415. Brett, J.R., and D.A. Higgs. 1970. Effect of temperature on the rate of gastric digestion in fingerling sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada 27: 1767-1779. Brett, J.R., J.E. Shelbourn, and C.T. Shoop. 1969. Growth rate and body composition of fingerling sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka, in relation to temperature and ration size. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada 26: 2363-2394. Mar, J. 1959. A proposed tunnel design for a fish respirometer. Tech. Memo. 59-3, Pacific Naval Lab., D.R.B., Esquimalt, B.C. 13 p. ~ ~ J~. i-(o;;..-;;:·"I'-! -- .~(=~""~I Fig. 1. Schematic drawing of the environmental-control tank sho.... ing the path of water for open- and closedcircuit operation. Inserts display detail of the removable jam locks used to seal the plexiglas top, and an adapted filter jar tapped to receive oxygen and temperature sensors. The assembly divides naturally into three systems indicated in the margin to the right. ~ -) - Fig. 2. A row of six fully equipped tanks showing the front control panel and readily accessible flow control valves. Insulated polyethelene lines below the tanks carry chilling water to the heat exchangers. Fig. 3. Lines above the tank servicing the in-put water are shown. Incoming water passes through a flow·meter l into the top of the stripping column (bottom shown), through the flow control valve, and into the bubble trap. The labelled offset jam lock is in the open position (removable) with the others rotated to seal the plexiglas top. ~ Fig. 4. Platform below tank showing the recirculating, sensing and controlling system. The vertical pipe carries water from the rosette of fine holes in the wall of the tank down past a shut-off valve to the recirculation pump. The insulated line resting on top of the pump is a waste line for chilled water. It was found useful to monitor this flow by a small meter shown. ~ - 13- Appendix A. Part List of parts, suppliers, and 1971 costs. Supplier Cost 56.00 Fiberglas tank Fiberglas Specialties, Vancouver, B.C. Oxygen probe and temperature compensator Kent Cambridge, Willodale, Thermograph Taylor Instruments, Toronto Ontario 548.00 Proportional controller Cole Parmer Instruments, Chicago, Illinois 125.00 182.00 Ontario 14.00 Thermister 20.00 Flow meters Sherman Agencies, Vancouver, B.C. Aluminum tube Wilkinson Co., Vancouver, B.C. 15.00/100 ft Offset jamlock Naval Dockyards, Esquimalt, B.C. Price not available Polyurethane insulation Quartz heaters Canlab, Vancouver, B.C. Silicone sealant Dow Corning, Vancouver, B.C. Motor mounts Lo-Rez Vibration Control, Vancouver, B.C. Ceramic saddles U.S. Stoneware, Akron, Ohio Air stone Arbor Scientific, Port Credit, Ontario 1/2" P.V.C. pipe Grinnell Co. of Canada, Vancouver, B.C. 16.00 3.65/12 .75 3D.OO/cu ft .35 .20/ft l.05/ft 2/1 P. V.C. pipe 23.86 Ball valves 3.13/ft 4 11 P.V.C. pipe A.S.S. fitting Crane Co., Nanaimo, B.C. Eastern pump Fleck Bros., Vancouver, B.C. l. 76 200.00 53.10/100 ft Armaflex insulation, 1/2" .33/ft Nylon tube 38.00 Sensor chamber Peacock Bros., Vancouver, B.C. Pressure off-set clamp De-sta-Co Company, Detroit Stamping Co., Detroit, Michigan 6.00 Johnston Industrial Plastics, Vancouver, B.C. 3.57/ft Plexiglas stand pipe I :" · ·..·· ·· ~ 0" " n n ?' ;" .~ !" ·· ~ ~ ~ " 0 ~ :- !" .. .. · s.. r ~ ~ ~ ·· .. . · :·· · ~ i . g .· · · ·. · ~ " ~ "~ N 0 ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ 0 g ~ ~ " ~ ~ N " 0 ~ g ~ ..· ~ · ~ ~ g c ~ n X- ~ n 0 s ~ ..· ~ 8 ..· ~ ~ ~ :- [ W ~ C C ~ c · ~ · . .. ~ ·~ ·· ~ ~ · :< " " ~ ~ X- C ~ ~ 0 0 ~ " ~ ~ · ~ ~ 1:" . :'g , ""?' .., ~ ·[ . · ~ . · 0 g, ~ .. ~ 0 FISHERIES RESEARCH BOARD OF CANADA BIOlOGICAL STATION, NANAIMO, B.C. TITLE -GROWTH - METABOUSM TANK ORN. CHECKlO D.J.REDMAN :~: IAUG.30.71.1 lNG. R~CH .. OfVlU)PMfNT GA.'. SPECIFICATION SHEET DRG. No. 1032-8-7 '0 n ~ ~ ~ n ~ 0 ~ ';;: ET. I m. I DESCRIPTION ~EMA'l.l'S MATERIAL TANk SEE 5PEell'"ICATION SHEET - DRAWING" \O32-~-7 A.B.S. '1'2" P,V.C, PIPE MOLDED INTO DET.' MOI..DEO INTO DET, 1 '2 I 3" Cle"NOuT ADAPT. ~ PlUG 3 I INTAKE TO PUWlP PIPE 4 MOLDED INTO DET. 1 I Q&:CIl2C:UI..ATION PIPE ~ CAP '/'1." PV,C. PIPE 5 I D"AIN G 7 I DR""N DRAIN I'h"pv.c. COUPI-ING(MODI>'"IED MOl-OED INTODET 3/s" RV.C. PI..ATE & I I 3" pv.c. COUPl..ING(I1ODIFlEO) 5TQ.NGTHeJtol.~ MOI..OED INTO ~T, I 0/4" PLYW= 3V'I."Q.D,x3Y8"!·o.X \11'2" L.G AeOYL. MOl-OED ''''TO DET, I iY'I."" SCN,eo l:!V,C. <>tPE X 3'/6" lG. ~ I OUT5IDE. 10 I INSlce DRAIN II I INSIDE DI'l,o.'N PIPE NosE 2" - sell. eo P.\(C PIPE X IS~' \..G. 12 I FII..I..ER 3V,,,,"0IA. x iY& RV,C. 'ORJ""N "IPa Pt~ 13 '2'2 CI..AMPS I"X !y4"X I9IB 14 I COVER IS '2 SIDE ..AILS 3/e"x 20 7/a x 4o~a AC"YI..IC 3/a",,5/8'x40 7/e ACRVI-'C 110 17 '2 END ..,0.11..5 3/8 "x !eye")( 19 AeRY'-'C 1 BUBBLE TRAP ~~Dl". RV.C 18 I 1 BAl'"l'"I..E PLATE BUBBLe T ....P BASE V4" XSV'2"XIO" ACRVI..IC 19 '20 '21 1 CE.MENTl!D CONST. CEMENTED CON5T. ~ '" P\PE X CO" \,.G. «>0/6 O'A.X V4 CEWI.IlTEP eONST, ACf<VI..IC 1 SEAl.. !l4" DlA.'I. 1'24"\..G(APPI'oX)I1UBBER '2 O-RINGS NATIONAl.. CAT,""'1.3001 ~ -g " " '" ~ FISHERIES RESEARCH BOARD OF BIOLOGICAL STATION. NANAIMO. I.e. TITLE -GROWTH METABOLISM TANK ORN. r.J.REIlNAN ~f OAT( DATE AUG.30.1I. CANADA ENG. RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT GAP. PARTS LIST DRG. No. I 032 - B- 6 .. ~ ~ " - 17 Appendix D. ~ ~l _"'""'---_->=-'-"--il-ff-+-11 -t •~ > Working drawings. - 19 - ,I ~ L_.~_l/)'-'" - 21 - u J .~ ~ I I I I I I '~ I I I !l I I I I I I I .. ~t~i~~~~~~------ -$to< " -$ )(1"1.(;, Z ~ tSLOT'S -'2~la. IiiQ.UlSPACEC t,,..~ 3'/00.0. )(.3\,81.D. 'Wee :5 )( Va ACRV\..lC ® OI.e.P N W I ., 10 '" /, - -! ~-_-L_----t II )'2"-~c.... So-~V.c..PIPE I~" - sc:~ B::> 'R\I.C. PIPe. FISHERIES RESEARCH IOARD OF CANADA lNG. AlSEARCH .. D(VlLOl'MLNT '.e. II0000OGICAl. STATION, NANAIMO. TInE GAl", -GROWTH-METABOLISM TANK- DETAILS. o;K:KEO D.J.flEDMAHI I DAn DAT( IAlJG.30.71. I DRG. No. 1032 - B - 4 .?32 RAD 1,.. L '~&l~&r \1'2."'"'0. ~ I'~", I' 3~,: DIA. I L,,:~d @ ~IBRE~'-ASS @",.v.c FISHERIES RESEARCH BOARD OF CANADA It'OLOGICAL STATION, NAl'MIMO, TITlE I.e. -GROWTH-METABOUSM TANK - £NG. R£S£ARCH ... D£Vf.LOf'MENT GIll". DETAILS iD.J.REDMANI ~~: IAUG.3071. I DRG. No.1 032- 8-5 1'2 • ~ ?';"e"",.,. COMPo FTG. NU0L5 V"",-VI!: • &0 0 ....... ~ ... M~ING) %-O'''.A~U'''' . TlJ&INGr -(COILS WRAP-PaD ON .DRII.L.e.o "THRJ. 4"JII'IPe) -',lC. !J'8'~ 7X7' F>.V.C.SHE&T ~.4 P.V.c.. PIPG. PLUG MODIFIED "'TO SUI"T: ::: CHILLeD WA"T'liR. OU"T PIPE'-SCH.40 THERMISTtl.1:l PQOBE. - 1't:l il-le-QMI5TE:R. 'TeMPeR"TURC ~ONTQ.O~LI[R. FISHERIES RESEARCH BOARD OF CANADA lNG. RlSEAll.CH .. OEVELOPM£NT GA.". GROWTH· METABOLISM TANK - HEAT EXCHANGER ASS'y. elOLOGICAI. STATION. NANAIMO. e.c. TITLE - '"=~ ID,J.REOMANI :: IAUG.30,71.1 DRG, No, 1032-8-8