Automation for a Changing World Delta AC Servo System ASDA-M Series w w w. d e l t a w w. c o m Introduction to the ASDA-M Series Delta's ASDA-M Series is a three-axis intelligent AC servo system which has successfully integrated control, motion and drive into one servo system and is ideal for multi-axis motion control applications. With this innovative 3-in-1 design, the ASDA-M demonstrates a perfect combination of motion controller and servo system, and has received excellent feedback from customers. The development of the ASDA-M is in response to positive market feedback on our ASDA-A2. The ASDA-M offers high resolution, high frequency response, built-in electronic cam (E-Cam), DXWRQRWFK¿OWHUVYLEUDWLRQVXSSUHVVLRQIXOOFORVHGORRSFRQWUROIULFWLRQFRPSHQVDWLRQDQGD PRUHÀH[LEOHSRVLWLRQUHJLVWHUFRQWURO35PRGH,WDOVRSURYLGHVVWURQJPRWLRQFRQWUROIXQFWLRQVDQG advanced design to meet a variety of applications for all types of industrial automation machines. 7KH$6'$0JRHVEH\RQGWKHW\SLFDOVHUYRGULYH,WLQFOXGHVD[HVVHUYRGULYHVLQRQHIUDPHWR provide 3 axes synchronous motion control and it supports real-time data exchange among 3 axes without any time delay. Users can perform 3-axis linear / arc / helical interpolation functions easily. ,QDGGLWLRQWKH$6'$0IHDWXUHVDQHZJDQWU\FRQWUROIXQFWLRQIRUV\QFKURQRXVFRQWUROWKDWLV precisely adapted to pure rigid mechanical systems. The upgraded ASDA-Soft software provides a built-in contour analysis function to strengthen system diagnosis capabilities apabilities. The ASDA-M supports DMCNET and CANopen communication protocols. otocols. Connecting Conn necting to DMCNET QVLRQÀH[LELOLW\\DQGFRQWURO H[WHQVLRQGLJLWDOLQSXWDQGRXWSXWPRGXOHVLQFUHDVHVV\VWHPH[WHQVLRQÀH[LELOLW\DQGFRQWURO QHHGHGIRUDSSOLFDWLRQFXVWRPL]DWLRQ7KH&$1RSHQDQG56LQWHUIDFHVHQDEOHWKHVHUYR QWHUIDFHVHQD DEOHWKHVHUYR QWO\DQGHIIHFFWLYHO\ V\VWHPWRLQWHJUDWHZLWKRWKHUSDUWVRIWKHDXWRPDWLRQPRUHHI¿FLHQWO\DQGHIIHFWLYHO\ exp pertise e in innovation The ASDA-M is a highly-integrated servo system that demonstratess Delta’s expertise JDQHZDXWR RP PDWL WLRQYLVLRQIRUD DQGLQWHJUDWLRQJLYLQJDQHZGH¿QLWLRQWRVHUYRV\VWHPDQGRIIHULQJDQHZDXWRPDWLRQYLVLRQIRUD changing world. 1 Table of Contents 2 1 ,QWURGXFWLRQWRWKH$6'$06HULHV 3 ASDA-M Series Features $6'$6RIW&RQ¿JXUDWLRQ6RIWZDUH 17 Servo Drive and Servo Motor Combinations 3URGXFW/LQHXS 19 Model Name Explanation 20 6HUYR'ULYH6SHFL¿FDWLRQV 21 Servo Drive Dimensions 23 Wiring Servo Motor Features 29 6HUYR0RWRU6SHFL¿FDWLRQV 31 Servo Motor Dimensions '0&1(75HPRWH0RGXOHV 37 3DUW1DPHVDQG)XQFWLRQV 39 Optional Accessories Optional Cables and Connectors Accessories Combinations 6DIHW\,QIRUPDWLRQ 5HJHQHUDWLYH5HVLVWRU6SHFL¿FDWLRQV DT3 USB Connection Port for Direct Connection to Personal Computers or Notebooks ASDA-M Series Servo System Real Time I/O (18 Inputs / 9 Outputs) Z-Axis Y-Axis X-Axis ASDA-M Series Features Highly Integrated System Ŷ0XOWLD[LVV\QFKURQRXVLQWHUSRODWLRQ Ŷ ([FHOOHQWYLEUDWLRQDQGUHVRQDQFH suppression Ŷ$GYDQFHGJDQWU\FRQWURO Ŷ +LJKSUHFLVLRQIXOOFORVHGORRSFRQWURO Ŷ)OH[LEOHHOHFWURQLFFDP(&DPIXQFWLRQ Ŷ 9HUVDWLOH35PRGH Ŷ+LJKVSHHGIUHTXHQF\UHVSRQVH Ŷ 5HDOWLPH&DSWXUHDQG&RPSDUHIXQFWLRQV Ŷ%XLOWLQPRWLRQFRQWURODQG3/&IXQFWLRQV 3 HMC Series Controller with Human Machine Interface Supports DMCNET Communication Protocol ASDA-A2 Series Servo Drives ASD-A2- * -F DMCNET High-Speed Motion Control 32 DI / 32 DO or 16 DI / 16 DO 16-bit 4 D/A or 16-bit 4 A/D 4-Channel Pulse Interface Real Time, Reliable and High-Speed Motion Control Network High Precision, High Performance Ŷ6XSSRUWV'0&1(7DQG&$1RSHQFRPPXQLFDWLRQ protocols. Ŷ6XSSRUWVLQFUHPHQWDOW\SHDQGDEVROXWH type encoders. Ŷ:LWKWKHDLGRI'HOWD V+XPDQ0DFKLQH &RQWUROOHU+0&LWFDQHVWDEOLVKDQ LQWHJUDWHGV\VWHPFRQ¿JXUDWLRQE\'0&1(7 Ŷ ,QFUHPHQWDOW\SHHQFRGHUSURYLGHVXSWR SUHYUHVROXWLRQIRUKLJKSUHFLVLRQ positioning. Ŷ 6XSSRUWV'0&1(7LQWHUIDFHIRU,2H[WHQVLRQ modules. 4 ASDA-M Series Features Multi-Axis Synchronous Interpolation Ŷ $YDULHW\RILQWHUSRODWLRQIXQFWLRQVPD[LPL]HWKHPRWLRQFRQWUROSHUIRUPDQFHRIWKH$6'$06HULHV Ŷ ,QWHUSRODWLRQFRPPDQGVDUHJHQHUDWHGE\WKHDOJRULWKPIURPWKH$6'$06HULHVWRRIIHUKLJK synchronous control accuracy. 3-Axis Helical Interpolation 3-Axis Linear Interpolation 2-Axis Arc Interpolation 2-Axis Linear Interpolation 5 Advanced Gantry Control Ŷ$ODUJHDPRXQWRIGDWDDQGFDOFXODWLRQVDPRQJWZRD[HVFDQEHFRPSOHWHGZLWKWKHVDPH'63 'LJLWDO6LJQDO3URFHVVRU3UHFLVHV\QFKURQL]DWLRQLVHDV\WRDFKLHYH7KLVJUHDWO\LQFUHDVHVWKH HI¿FLHQF\DQGSHUIRUPDQFHRIJDQWU\FRQWURO Ŷ ,QULJLGRUJHQHUDOPHFKDQLFDOV\VWHPVQRPDWWHULIWKHORDGLQJRQPXOWLSOHD[HVLVHTXDORUQRW the ASDA-M Series can perform precise motion control and drive each axis simultaneously. 6DPH'635HDO7LPH Excellent Synchronous Control 3RVLWLRQ6SHHGDQG7RUTXH commands are exchanged between Axis 1 and Axis 2 every ȝVN+] Axis 1 Gantry Control Axis 2 6 ASDA-M Series Features Distributed Motion Control System - HMC Series serves as a Master Ŷ 8SWR0ESVFRPPXQLFDWLRQEDQGZLGWKLVSURYLGHG,WLVFDSDEOHRIFRQWUROOLQJVODYHXQLWV within 1ms. Ŷ :LWKWKHDLGRI'HOWD V&RQWUROOHUZLWK+XPDQ0DFKLQH,QWHUIDFH+0&6HULHVLWRIIHUVWKHEHVW combination of distributed systems to increase effectiveness. Provides an integrated development environment HMC Series Controller with Human Machine Interface Ethernet ASDA-M Series Servo System Real Time I / O (18 Inputs / 9 Outputs ) ASD-M- * -F RS-485 DMCNET High-Speed Motion Control High speed RS-422 (10 Mbps) Pulse Input Z- Axis Y- Axis I / O Module X- Axis 32 DI / 32 DO or 16 DI / 16 DO I / O Module ECMA Series Servo Motors Manual Pulse Generator (MPG) 7 Contour Analysis Function in ASDA-Soft Ŷ&DSDEOHRIPRQLWRULQJWKHGDWDRIWKUHHD[HVVLPXOWDQHRXVO\ Ŷ3URYLGHVD[LVVXUIDFHWUDMHFWRU\GLVSOD\IXQFWLRQIRUWUDFNLQJDQGDQDO\VLV Ŷ&DSDEOHRIPRQLWRULQJSRVLWLRQFRPPDQGVDQGWUDMHFWRU\FKDQJHVIRUFRQWRXUHUURUDQDO\VLV Contour analysis of position feedback 兩軸馬達位置回授做循圓分析 signals between two servo motors Contour Test 循圓測試 8 ASDA-M Series Features Flexible Electronic Cam (E-Cam) Ŷ $ÀH[LEOHPHFKDQLVPWKDWFDQEHHDVLO\ FRQ¿JXUHGZLWKWKUHHVODYHD[HVRURQO\ one master axis. Ŷ 7KHVZLWFKRIVODYHDQGPDVWHUD[HVLV determined by parameter settings that users can change freely. Ŷ $6'$6RIWFRQ¿JXUDWLRQVRIWZDUH SURYLGHV(&DPSUR¿OHHGLWLQJIXQFWLRQV IRUHDV\WXQLQJDQGDGMXVWPHQW 方⨎₶巨 Electronic Cam (E-Cam) High Responsiveness Ŷ8SWRN+]IUHTXHQF\UHVSRQVH Ŷ6HWWOLQJWLPHEHORZPV Ŷ7DNHVRQO\PVWRDFFHOHUDWHIURP3000 r/min to 3000 r/min. 1RWH7KHWHVWUHFRUGRID:PRWRUZLWKPPIUDPHVL]H Time (ms) Time (ms) 9 Excellent Suppression Functions Ŷ 9LEUDWLRQ6XSSUHVVLRQ/RZ)UHTXHQF\ 7ZRYLEUDWLRQVXSSUHVVLRQ¿OWHUVDUHSURYLGHGIRUORQJDUPV\VWHPVWRPLQLPL]HWKHYLEUDWLRQDW machine edges effectively. Motor Control Arm Vibration at Machine Edge Ŷ 5HVRQDQFH6XSSUHVVLRQ+LJK)UHTXHQF\ 7ZRDXWRQRWFK¿OWHUVDQGRQHPDQXDOQRWFK¿OWHUDUHSURYLGHGWRVXSSUHVVPHFKDQLFDO UHVRQDQFHHI¿FLHQWO\ Auto Notch Filter 30 Torque (Amp) 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 0 1 2 3 4 Before Suppression 5 6 7 t (sec) After Suppression Speed (rpm) 2000 1500 1000 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 -2000 0 1 3 2 4 Auto Notch Filter Starts 10 5 6 7 t (sec) ASDA-M Series Features Full-Closed Loop Control Function Ŷ5HGXFHVWKHHIIHFWVRIEDFNODVKDQGÀH[LELOLW\IURP the machine and ensures the accuracy of positioning. Motor Encoder Z Linear Scale Motor Encoder Y Linear Scale Motor Encoder X Linear Scale 11 Versatile PR Mode Ŷ $6'$6RIWFRQ¿JXUDWLRQVRIWZDUHRIIHUVDSDUDPHWHUVHGLWLQJIXQFWLRQIRUGLIIHUHQWSURFHGXUHVSODQQLQJ Ŷ ,Q35PRGHSURFHGXUHVFDQEHDSSOLHGIRUWKUHHD[HVWRHQKDQFHWKHDELOLW\RIPXOWLSOHSRLQWVDQG continuous position control. Ŷ 0RWLRQSUR¿OHVXFKDVWDUJHWSRVLWLRQDFFHOHUDWLRQDQGGHFHOHUDWLRQFRQWUROFDQEHFKDQJHG instantaneously. Ŷ 0XOWLD[LVV\QFKURQRXVPRWLRQPRYHPHQWLVLGHDOIRUDSSOLFDWLRQVUHTXLULQJKLJKV\QFKURQRXVFRQWURO accuracy and variable speed. Ŷ +RPLQJPHWKRGV-XPSPRGH:ULWHSDUDPHWHUPRGH6LQJOHD[LVVSHHGPRGH6LQJOHD[LV position mode / Multi-axis linear interpolation mode / 2-Axis arc interpolation mode / 3-Axis helical LQWHUSRODWLRQ9HFWRUVSHHGFKDQJHPRGHQLQHNLQGVRI35PRGHVDUHDYDLODEOHIRUVHOHFWLRQ Ŷ 6XSSRUWVDEVROXWHFRPPDQGVUHODWLYHFRPPDQGVLQFUHPHQWDOFRPPDQGVDQGKLJKVSHHGFDSWXUH commands for accurate positioning control. Sequential Command P_Command 1 Overlap Command P_Command 1 P_Command 2 A command is executed only when the previous command is completed. P_Command 2 The second command is executed after the delay time or during the deceleration period. Insertion Command P_Command 2 P_Command 1 External command triggered ,QVHUWLRQFKDQJHVWKHFRPPDQGH[HFXWHGDWWKH moment it is inserted. 12 ASDA-M Series Features Real Time Capture and Compare Functions Position Latch Function (Capture) Ŷ &DSWXUHVWKHFRRUGLQDWHYDOXHRQWKHUHIHUHQFHD[LVZLWKD UHVSRQVHWLPHOHVVWKDQȝV. Ŷ ,WFDQEHXVHGWRGRPDUNWUDFNLQJ Ŷ 0D[LPXPUHFRUGV Motor Encoder Position Detection Function (Compare) Ŷ 3URPSWO\RXWSXWVSXOVHVXSRQWKHD[LVUHDFKLQJWKHWDUJHW SRVLWLRQZLWKDUHVSRQVHWLPHOHVVWKDQȝV. Ŷ ,WFDQEHXVHGIRU&&'FDPHUDDSSOLFDWLRQV Ŷ 0D[LPXPUHFRUGV Data Array Linear Encoder Pulse Train Data Array Motor Encoder == When the record in Data Array is the same as the detected position, DO3 will output. Position Detection Function (Compare) 13 High-Accuracy Positioning Ŷ(&0$6HULHVVHUYRPRWRUVIHDWXUHLQFUHPHQWDOHQFRGHUVZLWKELWUHVROXWLRQ SUHYZKLFKFDQHOLPLQDWHXQVWDEOHFRPPDQGVDWORZVSHHGVPRRWK motor operation and enhance the accuracy of positioning. Ŷ6XSSRUWVELWDEVROXWHV\VWHP Incremental encoder resolution: 1280000 p/rev Reliable Communication on High-Speed Motion Control Network Ŷ &RPSOLHVZLWK&$1RSHQ'6SURWRFROSURYLGLQJXSWR0ESVFRPPXQLFDWLRQUDWH Ŷ &DSDEOHRIFRQQHFWLQJWRPD[LPXPVHUYRV\VWHPVLQSRVLWLRQVSHHGDQGWRUTXHPRGHVWKURXJK CANopen communication. Delta High-speed Communication Network CANopen Master Module Maximum 127 axes systems working on the same bus 14 $6'$6RIW&RQ¿JXUDWLRQ6RIWZDUH Ŷ Strong Capture and Compare functions for position latch and detection help you complete V\VWHPFRQ¿JXUDWLRQ quickly. Ŷ 8VHUIULHQGO\(&DPHGLWLQJLQWHUIDFHLVSURYLGHGIRU GHVLJQLQJ(&DPSUR¿OHV4XLFNVHWWLQJVIRUÀ\LQJVKHDU and rotary cut applications are also offered. 15 Ŷ 9HUVDWLOHPRQLWRULQJIXQFWLRQVLPLODUWRD digital oscilloscope is able to quickly record the status and data of each axis. Real-time monitoring is easy. Ŷ &RQYHQLHQWDODUPGLVSOD\IXQFWLRQLVFDSDEOHRI troubleshooting the system easily and recommending timely corrective actions. Ŷ (DV\WRXVHHGLWLQJLQWHUIDFHLVGHVLJQHGIRUQHZDQG enhanced PR control mode. Homing, point-to-point and other motion control functions for multi-axis positioning control are easy to achieve. 16 Servo Drive and Servo Motor Combinations Servo Drives and Servo Motors Servo Drives Servo Motors Examples :6HUYR'ULYH ASD-M-0721- ː Options: 100W 200W 400W 750W Options: 100W 200W 400W 750W 750W Servo Drive Options: 100W 200W 400W 750W 750W 750W 750W 750W Servo Drive 100W 400W 750W Output Capacity for One Servo Motor : 750W Max. Servo Drives Servo Motors 1.5kW Servo Drive ASD-M-1521- ː Options: Options: Options: 750W 1kW 1.5kW 750W 1kW 1.5kW 750W 1kW 1.5kW 1.5kW Servo Drive 1.5kW Output Capacity for One Servo Motor: 1.5kW Max. 17 1.5kW 1.5kW 1.5kW Servo Drive 750W 1kW 1.5kW Product Line-up Servo Drives 750W ASD-M-0721 - 1.5kW ː ASD-M-1521 - ː SƋS=8mmƌ 0401 ː SƋS=8mmƌ 0602 ː SƋS=14mmƌ 0604 ː SƋS=14mmƌ 0604 ː H ( H= High Inertiaƌ 0804 ː 7Ƌ7=14 mmƌ 0807 ː SƋS=19mmƌ 0807 ː H ( H= High Inertiaƌ 0907 ː SƋS=16mmƌ 1305 ː SƋS=22mmƌ 1303 ː SƋS=22mmƌ 1306 ː SƋS=22m m ƌ ː ECMA-C 1040F Servo Motors ECMA-C ECMA-C ECMA-C ECMA-C ECMA-C ECMA-C ECMA-C ECMA-C ECMA-E ECMA-G ECMA-G ECMA-C ECMA-C ECMA-C ECMA-C ECMA-C ECMA-E ECMA-F ECMA-F ECMA-E ECMA-G ː SƋS=19mmƌ 0807 ː H ( H= High Inertia) 0907 ː SƋS=16mmƌ 0910 ː SƋS=16mmƌ 1010 ː SƋS=22mmƌ 1310 ː SƋS=22mmƌ 1308 ː SƋS=22mmƌ 1313 ː SƋS=22mmƌ 1315 ː SƋS=22mmƌ 1309 ː SƋS=22mmƌ 0807 Note: 1) The boxes ( ƑDWWKHHQGVRIWKHVHUYRGULYHPRGHOQDPHVDUHIRURSWLRQDOFRQ¿JXUDWLRQV For the actual model name, please refer to the model explanation of the servo drive. 2) The boxes ( Ƒ ) in the model names of the servo motors represent shaft end/brake or the number of oil seal. ) in the model names of the servo motors represent encoder type. ,QFUHPHQWDOHQFRGHUELW 3) The triangles ( 18 =2: Absolute encoder, 17-bit. Model Name Explanation ASDA Series Servo Drives A S D - M - 07 21 - L 3URGXFW1DPH$&6HUYR'ULYH Model Type (see the table below) Series: M Input Voltage and Phase 21: 220V 1-phase / 3-phase Rated Output Power 07: 750 W 15: 1.5 kW Model Type M Full-Closed Control ĉ F ĉ Type L M: Supports CANopen ĉ F: Supports DMCNET CANopen DMCNET E-Cam ĉ X ĉ X ĉ ĉ X X X L: Pure Servo ECMA Series Servo Motors ECM A - C1 06 02 E S S: Standard Shaft Diameter H: High Inertia Model Product Name ECM: Electrical Commutation Motor Shaft Type and Oil Seal Driving Type A: AC Servo Motor Series Rated Voltage / Rated Speed C: 220V / 3000r/min E: 220V / 2000r/min F: 220V / 1500r/min G: 220V / 1000r/min A: Absolute encoder (Single-turn: 17-bit; Multi-turn: 16-bit) With %UDNH W/O %UDNH With %UDNH W/O W/O With With Oil Seal Oil Seal Oil Seal Oil Seal 5RXQG6KDIW (with screw hole) - - C D Keyway E F - - Keyway (with screw hole) P Q R S Rated Output Power Sensor Type 1: Incremental encoder, 20-bit W/O %UDNH Motor Frame Size 04: 40mm 10:100mm 06: 60mm 13:130 mm 08: 80mm 09: 86mm 19 0F: 50W 01: 100 W 02: 200 W 03: 300 W 04: 400 W 05: 500W 06: 600W 07: 750W 08: 850W 09: 900W 10: 1.0kW 13: 1.3kW 15: 1.5kW 18: 1.8kW 6HUYR'ULYH6SHFL¿FDWLRQV 220V Series ASDA-M Series 750 W 1.5 kW 07 15 Power Supply Phase / Voltage Speed Control Mode Position Control Mode Permissible Voltage Range Input Current (3PH) 8QLWV$UPV Input Current (1PH) 8QLWV$UPV Continuous output current Cooling System Encoder Resolution / Feedback Resolution Control of Main Circuit Tuning Modes Regenerative Resistor Max. Input Pulse Frequency Pulse Type Command Source Smoothing Strategy Electronic Gear Torque Limit Operation Torque Control Mode Three-Phase or Single-Phase 200~230 VAC, -15% ~ 10% 9.3 18.6 17.8 33.3 5.1 8.3 Fan Cooling 20-bit (1280000 p/rev) SVPWM (Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation) Control Auto / Manual None Max. 500 Kpps / 4 Mpps (Line driver) Max. 200 Kpps (Open collector) Pulse + Direction, A phase + B phase, CCW pulse + CW pulse External pulse train (Pt mode) / Internal procedures (Pr mode) /RZSDVVDQG3FXUYH¿OWHU Electronic gear N/M multiple N: 1~32767, M: 1:32767 (1/50<N/M<25600) Set by parameters Feed Forward Compensation Voltage Range Analog Input Input Resistance Command Time Constant Speed Control Range *1 Command Source Smoothing Strategy Torque Limit Operation Frequency Response Characteristic Speed Accuracy *2 (at rated rotation speed) Voltage Range Input Resistance Time Constant Command Source Smoothing Strategy Speed Limit Operation Analog Monitor Output Digital Inputs/Outputs Three-Phase or Single-Phase 220 VAC Set by parameters 0 ~ 10 VDC 10 Kȍ 2.2 ȝV 1 : 5000 External analog signal / Internal parameters /RZSDVVDQG6FXUYH¿OWHU Set by parameters or via analog input Maximum 1 kHz RUOHVVDWWRORDGÀXFWXDWLRQ 0.01% or less at SRZHUÀXFWXDWLRQ RUOHVVDW&WR&DPELHQWWHPSHUDWXUHÀXFWXDWLRQ 0 ~ 10 VDC 10 Kʈ 2.2 ȝV Analog Input Command Inputs External analog signal / Internal parameters /RZSDVV¿OWHU Set by parameters or via analog input Monitor signal can be set by parameters (Output voltage range: 8 V) Servo On, Reset, Gain switching, Pulse clear, Zero speed CLAMP, Command input reverse control, Command triggered, Speed/ Torque limit enabled, Position command selection, Motor stop, Speed Position Selection, Position / Speed mode switching, Speed / Torque mode switching, Torque / Position mode switching, Pt / Pr command switching, Emergency stop, Forward / Reverse inhibit limit, Reference "Home" sensor, Forward / Reverse operation torque limit, Move to "Home", Electronic cam, Forward / Reverse JOG input, Event trigger Pr command, Electronic gear ratio (Numerator) selection and Pulse inhibit input Encoder signal output (A, B, Z Line Driver and Z Open Collector ) Outputs Protective Functions Environment Communication Interface Installation Site Altitude Atmospheric pressure Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Humidity Vibration IP Rating Power System &HUWL¿FDWLRQV Servo ready, Servo On, At Zero speed, At Speed reached, At Positioning completed, At Torques limit, Servo alarm (Servo fault) activated, Electromagnetic brake control, Homing completed, Output overload warning, Servo warning activated, Position command RYHUÀRZ)RUZDUG5HYHUVHVRIWZDUHOLPLW,QWHUQDOSRVLWLRQFRPPDQGFRPSOHWHG&DSWXUHRSHUDWLRQFRPSOHWHGRXWSXW0RWLRQFRQWURO completed output, Master position of E-CAM (electronic CAM) Overcurrent, Overvoltage, Undervoltage, Motor overheated, Regeneration error, Overload, Overspeed, Abnormal pulse control command, Excessive deviation, Encoder error, Adjustment error, Emergency stop activated, Reverse/ Forward limit switch error, Position excessive deviation of full-close control loop, Serial communication error, Input power phase loss, Serial communication time out, short circuit protection of U, V, W, and CN1, CN2, CN3 terminals RS-232 / RS-485 / CANopen / USB ,QGRRUORFDWLRQIUHHIURPGLUHFWVXQOLJKWQRFRUURVLYHOLTXLGDQGJDVIDUDZD\IURPRLOPLVWÀDPPDEOHJDVGXVW Altitude 1000m or lower above sea level 86 kPa ~ 106 kPa 0 ºC ~ 55 ºC(If operating temperature is above 45oC, forced cooling will be required) -20 ºC ~ 65 ºC 0 ~ 90% RH (non-condensing) 20 Hz or below 9.80665 m/s2Ƌ1GƌƏ20 ~ 50Hz 5.88 m/s2Ƌ0.6 Gƌ IP20 TN System*3 IEC/EN 61800-5-1ƏUL 508C Footnote: *1. 5DWHGURWDWLRQVSHHG:LWKDIXOOORDGVSHHGUDWLRLVGH¿QHGDVWKHPLQLPXPVSHHGWKHPRWRUZLOOQRWSDXVH *2. :KHQFRPPDQGLVUDWHGURWDWLRQVSHHGWKHVSHHGÀXFWXDWLRQUDWHLVGH¿QHGDV(PSW\ORDGURWDWLRQVSHHG)XOOORDGURWDWLRQVSHHG5DWHGURWDWLRQVSHHG *3. TN system: A power distribution system having one point directly earthed, the exposed conductive parts of the installation being connected to that point by a protective earth conductor. 20 Servo Drive Dimensions ASD-M-0721 (750W) 185 (7.28) 267.32 (7.93) 5. 5 (0.217) 190 (7.48) 15 5 (6.1 ) 140 (5.51) 6FUHZ0[ 6FUHZ7RUTXHNJIFP Weight 1) Dimensions are in millimeters (inches); Weights are in kilograms (kg) and pounds (lbs). 2) Dimensions and weights of the servo drive may be revised without prior notice. 21 ASD-M-1521 (1.5kW) 20 5 (8.07) 21 9 (8.62) 5. 5 (0. 217) 209 (8. 25 ) 15 5 (6.1 ) 140 (5.51 ) 5. 5 (0.217 ) 6FUHZ0[ 6FUHZ7RUTXHNJIFP Weight 1) Dimensions are in millimeters (inches); Weights are in kilograms (kg) and pounds (lbs). 2) Dimensions and weights of the servo drive may be revised without prior notice. 22 :LULQJ Position (PT) Control Mode (for Pulse Command Input) Pulse input (Open-collector NPN), for the use of internal power supply Controller Servo Drive DC24V VDD 17 点 Pull-hi_S 35 $SSUR[ 1Kȟ 点 Pull-hi_P 51ȟ Max. Input pulse frequency is 200Kpps AC200/230V Single-phase/ Three-phase 50/60Hz MCCB R S T $SSUR[ 1Kȟ 51ȟ L1c L2c Max. Input pulse frequency is 200Kpps 3 groups 51ȟ 45 Pulse Input ( Line Driver) Pulse input (Open-collector PNP), for the use of internal power supply Controller Servo Drive DC24V VDD 17 点 $SSUR[ 1Kȟ Pull-hi_S 35 Max. Input pulse frequency is 200Kpps 51ȟ ± 10V 51ȟ /SIGN 37 点 $SSUR[ 1Kȟ Pull-hi_P 39 Max. Input pulse frequency is 200Kpps 51ȟ 10Kȍ High-speed Pulse Input ( Line Receiver) 51ȟ /PULSE 41 45 Pulse input (Open-collector NPN), for the use of external power supply Controller Twisted-pair or twisted-shield cable 10K ȍ 10Kȍ Servo Drive 点 Pull-hi_S SG 35 + $SSUR[ 1Kȟ - DC24V 点 39 /SIGN 37 51ȟ $SSUR[ 1Kȟ 51ȟ COM- Max. Input pulse frequency is 200Kpps 51ȟ Pull-hi_P /PULSE U V W CN1 SG COM- 41 SON CCLR Max. Input pulse frequency is 200Kpps 51ȟ TCM0 TCM1 ARST EMGS 45 SG 3XOVHLQSXW2SHQFROOHFWRU313 for the use of external power supply &RQWUROOHU /SIGN /SIGN SIGN SIGN 37 /PULSE 41 PULSE 43 T-REF 18 GND 13 /HSIGN 40 HSIGN 46 /HPULSE 29 HPULSE 38 MON1 16 10K ȍ 10Kȍ 点 $SSUR[ .ȟ 6,*1 点 $SSUR[ .ȟ 1.5Kȍ ȟ ZSPD 1.5Kȍ ȟ 38/6( 6* 24V SRDY 0D[,QSXWSXOVH IUHTXHQF\LV .SSV 3XOOKLB3 &20 HOME Controller GND 12,13,19 MON2 15 DC 24V 36 51ȟ /SIGN 37 51ȟ PULSE 43 51ȟ /PULSE 41 51ȟ 1.5Kȍ Blue T- Blue/Black 7 - Green 9 - Green/Black 6 RS485- 5 RS485+ 4 RS232_RX 11 COM- 45,47,49 DI1 9 .ȍ CN4 DI2 10 .ȍ 1 34 .ȍ 2 Data- DI4 8 .ȍ 3 Data+ DI5 33 .ȍ 4 GND DI 6 32 Brake Twisted-pair or twisted-shield cable SG - 17 .ȍ 2 RS232_TX 1 GND +5V DC 3 groups CN5 8 + 5V 4 Opt A DO1+ 7 5 Opt/A DO1- 6 3 Opt B DO2+ 5 2 Opt/B DO2- 4 9 Opt Z DO3+ 3 1 Opt/Z DO3- 2 6 GND 7 GND CN6 Max. Input pulse frequency is 200Kpps A Phase Pulse B Phase Pulse Encoder Pulse Output SG Pulse input (Line driver). It requires 5 V power supply only. Never apply a 24 V power supply. High-speed pulse input (Line driver) Controller Servo Drive 2Kȟ HSIGN 46 100ȟ /HSIGN 40 Z Phase Pulse Z Phase Open Collector OA 21 /OA 22 OB 25 /OB 23 OZ 50 /OZ 24 OCZ 48 GND 13 Max. Output Current 50mA Voltage 30V 2Kȟ 100ȟ 2Kȟ 13 GND High-speed pulse input (Line driver). It requires 5 V power supply only. Never apply a 24 V power supply. * The wiring method of Pull-hi_S and Pull-hi_P is different from the ASDA-A2 Series. The purpose of this design is for connecting a PNP Transistor in a circuit. 23 CANopen / DMCNET *² 1, 9 CAN H / FRA1 2, 10 CAN H / FRA1 3, 11 - / FRA2 4, 12 - 5, 13 - 6, 14 - 7, 15 - / FRB2 8, 16 2Kȟ HPULSE 38 SG T+ 4 VDD DI3 EMGS BRKR *1 Encoder COM+ Max. Input pulse frequency is 200Kpps GND 24V 5 3 Servo Drive /HPULSE 29 Black Green CN3 Pulse input (Line driver) SIGN White ȟ ȟ Power Supply Red 14,16 + 5V Red 13,15 GND Black 0D[,QSXWSXOVH IUHTXHQF\LV .SSV '&9 3XOOKLB6 3 groups CN2 36 6HUYR'ULYH Regenerative Resistor 51ȟ /PULSE 41 SG Pʂ D C 39 /SIGN 37 COM- ASDA-M Series Servo Drive MC Please note: * 1: The brake oil has no polarity. * 2: The CN6 port of ASD-M-xxxx-M models are for CANopen communication. The CN6 port of ASD-M-xxxx-F models are for DMCNET communication. Position (PR) Control Mode (for Internal Procedure Control) MCCB ASDA-M Series Servo Drive MC R S T AC200/230V Three-phase 50/60Hz Pʂ Regenerative Resistor D C L1c L2c U V W Power Supply Red White Black EMGS BRKR *1 24V Green ±10V 10Kȍ Twisted-pair or 10Kȍ twisted-shield 10Kȍ cable SG SON CTRG POS0 POS1 ARST EMGS 5 T+ Blue 4 T- Blue/Black 7 - Green 9 - Green/Black T-REF 18 GND 13 24V ZSPD HOME 1.5Kȍ MON1 16 GND 12,13,19 MON2 15 VDD 17 COM+ 11 COM- 45,47,49 DI1 9 .ȍ DI2 10 .ȍ CN4 DI3 34 .ȍ 1 +5V DC DI4 8 .ȍ 2 Data- DI5 33 .ȍ 3 Data+ DI6 32 .ȍ 4 GND 1.5Kȍ 1.5Kȍ DO1+ 7 DO1- 6 DO2+ 5 DO2- 4 DO3+ 3 DO3- 2 CN3 DC 24V 6 RS485- 5 RS485+ 4 RS232_RX 3 - 2 RS232_TX 1 GND 8 3 groups B Phase Pulse Encoder Pulse Output Z Phase Pulse Z Phase Open Collector +5V 4 Opt A 5 Opt /A 3 Opt B 2 Opt /B 9 Opt Z 1 Opt /Z 6 GND 7 GND CN6 A Phase Pulse SG 10Kȍ CN5 SRDY Twisted-pair or twisted-shield cable 14,16 + 5V Red 13,15 GND Black 10Kȍ CN1 Brake Encoder CN2 3 groups 3 groups CANopen / DMCNET *² OA 21 1, 9 CANH / FRA1 /OA 22 2, 10 CANL / FRAB1 OB 25 3, 11 - / FRA2 /OB 23 4, 12 - OZ 50 5, 13 - /OZ 24 6, 14 7, 15 - / FRB2 OCZ 48 8, 16 - GND 13 Please note: * 1: The brake oil has no polarity. * 2: The CN6 port of ASD-M-xxxx-M models are for CANopen communication. The CN6 port of ASD-M-xxxx-F models are for DMCNET communication. Max. Output Current 50mA Voltage 30V 24 :LULQJ Speed (S, Sz) Control Mode (for Analog Voltage Input and Internal Parameter Setting) MCCB ASDA-M Series Servo Drive MC R S T AC200/230V Three-phase 50/60Hz Pʂ L1c L2c U V W 3 groups 10K ȍ CN1 ±10V 10K ȍ ± 10V Twisted-pair or twisted-shield cable 10Kȍ 10Kȍ 10Kȍ SG V-REF 42 GND 44 T-REF 18 GND 13 MON1 16 GND 12,13,19 MON2 15 VDD 17 COM+ 11 COM- 45,47,49 Regenerative Resistor D C 10Kȍ Power Supply Red White Black T+ Blue 4 T- Blue/Black 7 - Green 9 - Green/Black DC 24V 6 RS485- 5 RS485+ 4 RS232_RX 3 - 2 RS232_TX 1 GND .ȍ DI2 10 .ȍ CN4 SPD0 SPD1 ARST EMGS DI3 34 .ȍ 1 DI4 8 .ȍ 2 Data- DI5 33 .ȍ 3 Data+ DI16 32 4 GND .ȍ +5V DC 3 groups CN5 ZSPD TSPD 1.5Kȍ 1.5Kȍ DO1+ 7 DO1- 6 DO2+ 5 DO2- 4 DO3+ 3 DO3- 2 8 B Phase Pulse Encoder Pulse Output Z Phase Pulse Z Phase Open Collector + 5V 4 Opt A 5 Opt/A 3 Opt B 2 Opt/B 9 Opt Z 1 Opt/Z 6 GND 7 GND CN6 A Phase Pulse CANopen / DMCNET *² OA 21 1, 9 CAN H / FRA1 /OA 22 2, 10 CAN H / FRA1 OB 25 3, 11 - / FRA2 /OB 23 4, 12 - OZ 50 5, 13 - /OZ 24 6, 14 - 7, 15 - / FRB2 OCZ 48 GND 13 SG CN3 9 1.5Kȍ Twisted-pair or twisted-shield cable 10Kȍ DI1 SRDY Brake Encoder CN2 5 SON TRQLM 24V EMGS BRKR *1 24V Green 14,16 + 5V Red 13,15 GND Black 10Kȍ 3 groups 8, 16 - Please note: * 1: The brake oil has no polarity. * 2: The CN6 port of ASD-M-xxxx-M models are for CANopen communication. The CN6 port of ASD-M-xxxx-F models are for DMCNET communication. Max. Output Current 50mA Voltage 30V 25 Torque (T, Tz) Control Mode (for Analog Voltage Input and Internal Parameter Setting) MCCB ASDA-M Series Servo Drive MC R S T AC200/230V Three-phase 50/60Hz Pʂ D C L1c L2c U V W 3 groups 10Kȍ CN1 ± 10V 10Kȍ ± 10V 10Kȍ Twisted-pair or 10Kȍ twisted-shield cable 10Kȍ SG SON SPDLM TCM0 TCM1 ARST EMGS Regenerative Resistor Power Supply Red White Black T+ Blue 4 T- Blue/Black 7 - Green 9 - Green/Black 14,16 + 5 V Red 13,15 GND Black GND 44 T-REF 18 GND 13 MON1 16 6 RS485- GND 12,13,19 5 RS485+ MON2 15 4 RS232_RX VDD 17 3 COM+ 11 2 RS232_TX COM- 45,47,49 1 GND DI1 9 4.7Kȍ DI2 10 4.7Kȍ CN4 34 4.7Kȍ 1 4.7Kȍ 2 Data- 4.7Kȍ 3 Data+ 4.7Kȍ 4 GND DI4 8 DI5 33 DI6 32 10Kȍ 10K ȍ DC 24V 8 SRDY 1.5Kȍ ZSPD 1.5Kȍ TSPD 1.5Kȍ +5V DC 3 groups B Phase Pulse Encoder Pulse Output Z Phase Pulse Z Phase Open Collector +5V 7 4 Opt A DO1- 6 5 Opt /A DO2+ 5 3 Opt B DO2- 4 2 Opt /B DO3+ 3 9 Opt Z DO3- 2 1 Opt /Z 6 GND 7 GND OA 21 /OA 22 OB 25 /OB 23 OZ 50 /OZ 24 OCZ 48 GND 13 SG - DO1+ CN6 A Phase Pulse Twisted-pair or twisted-shield cable CN3 CN5 24V Brake Encoder CN2 5 42 DI3 EMGS BRKR *1 24V Green V-REF 10K ȍ 3 groups CANopen / DMCNET *² 1, 9 CANH / FRA1 2, 10 CANL / FRAB1 3, 11 - / FRA2 4, 12 - 5, 13 - 6, 14 7, 15 - / FRB2 8, 16 - Please note: * 1: The brake oil has no polarity. * 2: The CN6 port of ASD-M-xxxx-M models are for CANopen communication. The CN6 port of ASD-M-xxxx-F models are for DMCNET communication. Max. Output Current 50mA Voltage 30V 26 :LULQJ CANopen / DMCNET Communication Mode ( for ASDA-M-M Series and ASDA-M-F Series ) MCCB ASDA-M Series Servo Drive MC R S T AC200/230V Three-phase 50/60Hz Pʂ Regenerative Resistor D C L1c L2c U V W 3 groups Power Supply Red White Black EMGS BRKR *1 24V CN1 VDD Reserved Reserved ORGP NL PL EMGS SRDY 24V ZSPD HOME 1.5Kȍ 1.5Kȍ A Phase Pulse B Phase Pulse Encoder Pulse Output COM+ 11 COM- 45,47,49 Di1 19 .ȍ DI2 10 .ȍ DI3 34 .ȍ DI4 8 Encoder 33 DI6 32 Z Phase Pulse Z Phase Open Collector DO1- 6 5 DO2- 4 DO3+ 3 DO3- 2 T+ Blue 4 T- Blue/Black 7 - Green 9 - Green/Black SG CN4 1 .ȍ .ȍ +5VDC 2 Data- 3 Data+ 4 GND 3 groups CN5 8 + 5V 4 Opt A 5 Opt/A 3 Opt B 2 Opt/B 9 Opt Z 1 Opt/Z 6 GND 7 GND OA 21 CN6 /OA 22 1 CAN H / FRA1 OB 25 2 CAN H / FRA1 /OB 23 3 - / FRA2 OZ 50 4 - /OZ 24 5 - 6 - CANopen / DMCNET *² OCZ 48 7 - / FRB2 GND 13 8 - Max. Output Current 50mA Voltage 30V 9 CAN H / FRA1 10 CAN H / FRA1 CN3 11 - / FRA2 RS485- 6 12 - RS485+ 5 13 - RS232_RX 4 14 - 3 15 - / FRB2 RS232_TX 2 16 GND 1 - Twisted-pair or twisted-shield cable 14,16 + 5V Red 13,15 GND Black 7 DO2+ 5 .ȍ DI5 DO1+ 1.5Kȍ 17 Brake Green CN2 DC 24V 3 groups Data Input Data Input - Please note: * 1: The brake oil has no polarity. * 2: The CN6 port of ASD-M-xxxx-M models are for CANopen communication. The CN6 port of ASD-M-xxxx-F models are for DMCNET communication. 27 Servo Motor Features ECMA Series servo motors are permanent AC servo motors. There are six kinds of frame sizes DYDLODEOHPPPPPPPPPPDQGPP7KHPRWRUVSHHGLVXSWRU PLQDQGWKHWRUTXHRXWSXWFDQUHDFK1P ,Q WHUPV RI RSWLRQDO FRQILJXUDWLRQV WKH (&0$ 6HULHV SURYLGHV D EUDNH DQG RLO VHDOV WR IXOO\ VXSSRUWRXUFXVWRPHUV QHHGV,WDOVRRIIHUVWZRGLIIHUHQWVKDIWVHOHFWLRQVURXQGVKDIWDQGNH\ZD\ for various applications. 28 6HUYR0RWRU6SHFL¿FDWLRQV Low Inertia Series C104 ECMA Series 04 C C 06 C 08 C 09 C 10 0F 01 02 04 ː S 04 07 07 10 10 5DWHGRXWSXWSRZHUN: 0.1 0.2 1.0 1.0 5DWHGWRUTXH1P*1 0.32 1.27 1.27 2.39 2.39 Maximum torque (N-m) 1.92 3000 5DWHGVSHHGUPLQ Maximum speed (r/min) 3000 3000 3000 5DWHGFXUUHQW$ 0.90 7.3 Maximum current (A) 2.70 11 12.37 21.9 3RZHUUDWLQJN:V 12.27 27.7 5RWRUPRPHQWRILQHUWLD [NJP2) 0.037 0.177 0.277 1.13 1.93 Mechanical time constant (ms) 1.72 1.20 Torque constant-KT (N-m/A) 0.23 9ROWDJHFRQVWDQW.(P9UPLQ 17.2 Armature resistance (Ohm) 12.7 9.30 2.79 0.93 0.20 $UPDWXUHLQGXFWDQFHP+ 12.07 7.39 Electrical time constant (ms) 9.3 3.0 2.9 ,QVXODWLRQFODVV &ODVV$8/&ODVV%&( ,QVXODWLRQUHVLVWDQFH 0ȍƏ'&9 1.8k VAC,1 sec ,QVXODWLRQVWUHQJWK Weight (kg) (without brake) 1.2 2.1 Weight (kg) (with brake) -- 2.0 2.9 Max. radial shaft load (N) Max. thrust shaft load (N) 39.2 39.2 3RZHUUDWLQJN:VZLWKEUDNH -- 21.3 22.1 29.3 37.9 5RWRUPRPHQWRILQHUWLD (Kg.m2) (with brake) -- 0.19 0.30 0.73 3.33 Mechanical time constant (ms) (with brake) -- 1.22 0.93 %UDNHKROGLQJWRUTXH>1WPPLQ@ -- 0.3 1.3 1.3 %UDNHSRZHUFRQVXPSWLRQ (at 20o&>:@ -- 7.3 %UDNHUHOHDVHWLPH>PV0D[@ -- 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 %UDNHSXOOLQWLPH>PV0D[@ -- 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 9LEUDWLRQJUDGHȝP Operating temperature ( oC) 0 C to 40 C O o O Storage temperature ( C) -10 C to 80 C Operating humidity WR5+QRQFRQGHQVLQJ Storage humidity WR5+QRQFRQGHQVLQJ 9LEUDWLRQFDSDFLW\ * ,35DWLQJ ,3ZKHQZDWHUSURRIFRQQHFWRUVDUHXVHGRUZKHQDQRLOVHDOLV¿WWHGWRWKHURWDWLQJVKDIWDQRLOVHDOPRGHOLVXVHG &HUWL¿FDWLRQV O O ,(&(1Ə8/& Footnote: 5DWHWRUTXHYDOXHVDUHFRQWLQXRXVSHUPLVVLEOHYDOXHVDWa&DPELHQWWHPSHUDWXUHZKHQDWWDFKLQJZLWKWKHVL]HVRIKHDWVLQNVOLVWHGEHORZ (&0$BBƝPP[PP[PP ECMA-_ _ 10Ɲ300mm x 300mm x 12mm ECMA-_ _ 13ƝPP[PP[PP 0DWHULDOW\SH$OXPLQXP))))) *2. The holding brake is used to hold the motor shaft, not for braking the rotation. Never use it for decelerating or stopping the machine. 29 Medium / Medium-High / High Inertia Series - 220V Series 13 E ECMA Series 05 10 G 15 03 13 06 F 09 13 08 C 06 04 ː H C 08 07 ː H 5DWHGRXWSXWSRZHUN: 0.5 1.0 1.5 0.3 0.6 0.9 0.85 0.4 0.75 5DWHGWRUTXH1P*1 2.39 4.77 7.16 2.86 5.73 8.59 5.41 1.27 2.39 Maximum torque (N-m) 7.16 14.3 21.48 8.59 17.19 21.48 2000 5DWHGVSHHGUPLQ Maximum speed (r/min) 1000 3000 5.6 2000 8.3 2.5 4.8 7.5 13.8 3.82 7.16 1500 3000 3000 3000 5000 5000 7.1 2.6 5.1 5DWHGFXUUHQW$ 2.9 Maximum current (A) 8.7 16.8 24.9 7.5 14.4 22.5 19.4 7.8 15.3 3RZHUUDWLQJN:V 7.0 27.1 45.9 10.0 39.0 66.0 21.52 21.7 19.63 5RWRUPRPHQWRILQHUWLD [NJP2) 8.17 8.41 11.18 8.17 8.41 11.18 13.6 0.743 2.91 Mechanical time constant (ms) 1.91 1.51 1.10 1.84 1.40 1.06 2.43 1.42 1.6 Torque constant-KT (N-m/A) 0.83 0.85 0.87 1.15 1.19 1.15 0.76 0.49 0.47 9ROWDJHFRQVWDQW.(P9UPLQ 30.9 31.9 31.8 42.5 43.8 41.6 29.2 17.4 17.2 Armature resistance (Ohm) 0.57 0.47 0.26 1.06 0.82 0.43 0.38 1.55 0.42 $UPDWXUHLQGXFWDQFHP+ 7.39 5.99 4.01 14.29 11.12 6.97 4.77 6.71 3.53 Electrical time constant (ms) 12.96 12.88 15.31 13.55 13.50 16.06 12.55 4.3 8.36 ,QVXODWLRQFODVV &ODVV$8/&ODVV%&( ,QVXODWLRQUHVLVWDQFH 100Mʈ ƏDC 500V ,QVXODWLRQVWUHQJWK 1.8k VAC,1 sec Weight (kg) (without brake) 6.8 7.0 7.5 6.8 7.0 7.5 8.6 1.8 3.4 Weight (kg) (with brake) 8.2 8.4 8.9 8.2 8.4 8.9 10.0 2.2 3.9 Max. radial shaft load (N) 490 490 490 490 490 490 490 196 245 Max. thrust shaft load (N) 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 68 98 3RZHUUDWLQJN:VZLWKEUDNH 6.4 24.9 43.1 9.2 35.9 62.1 19.78 21.48 19.3 5RWRUPRPHQWRILQHUWLD (Kg.m2) (with brake) 8.94 9.14 11.90 8.94 9.14 11.9 14.8 0.751 2.96 Mechanical time constant (ms) (with brake) 2.07 1.64 1.19 2.0 1.51 1.13 2.65 1.43 1.62 %UDNHKROGLQJWRUTXH>1WPPLQ@ 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 1.3 1.3 %UDNHSRZHUFRQVXPSWLRQ (at 20o&>:@ 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 6.5 6.5 %UDNHUHOHDVHWLPH>PV0D[@ 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 %UDNHSXOOLQWLPH>PV0D[@ 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 9LEUDWLRQJUDGHȝP 15 Operating temperature ( oC) 0 C to 40 C (32 OF to 104 OF) o O O Storage temperature ( C) -10 C to 80 C (-14 OF to 176 OF) Operating humidity WR5+QRQFRQGHQVLQJ Storage humidity WR5+QRQFRQGHQVLQJ O O 9LEUDWLRQFDSDFLW\ * ,35DWLQJ ,3ZKHQZDWHUSURRIFRQQHFWRUVDUHXVHGRUZKHQDQRLOVHDOLV¿WWHGWRWKHURWDWLQJVKDIWDQRLOVHDOPRGHOLVXVHG &HUWL¿FDWLRQV IEC / EN 61800-5-1ƏUL 508C Footnote: 5DWHGWRUTXHYDOXHVDUHFRQWLQXRXVSHUPLVVLEOHYDOXHVDWa&DPELHQWWHPSHUDWXUHZKHQDWWDFKLQJZLWKWKHVL]HVRIKHDWVLQNVOLVWHGEHORZ (&0$BBƝPP[PP[PP ECMA-_ _ 10Ɲ300mm x 300mm x 12mm ECMA-_ _ 13ƝPP[PP[PP 0DWHULDOW\SH$OXPLQXP))))) *2. The holding brake is used to hold the motor shaft, not for braking the rotation. Never use it for decelerating or stopping the machine. 7RUHDFKWKHPRWRU VPD[WRUTXHOLPLWRIXVHWKHVHUYRGULYHZLWKKLJKHUZDWWV 30 Servo Motor Dimensions Frame Size 86mm and below Model C1040F S C 0401 S C 0602 S C 0604 S C 0604 LC 40 40 60 60 60 LZ 4.5 4.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 LA 46 46 70 70 70 S 8( +0 - 0.009 ) +0 8( +0 - 0.009 ) 14 ( +0 +0 - 0.011 ) 14 ( +0 +0 - 0.011 +0 ) 14 ( - 0.011 ) +0 +0 LB 30 ( - 0.021 ) 30 ( - 0.021 ) 50 ( ) 50 ( ) 50 ( ) LL濑W/O Brake濒 79.1 100.6 105.5 130.7 145.8 LL濑With Brake濒 -- 136.8 141.6 166.8 176.37 LS 20 20 27 27 27 LR 25 25 30 30 30 LE 2.5 2.5 3 3 3 LG 5 5 7.5 7.5 7.5 LW 16 16 20 20 20 RH 6.2 6.2 11 11 11 WK 3 3 5 5 5 W 3 3 5 5 5 T 3 3 5 5 5 - M3 Depth 8 M4 Depth 15 M4 Depth 15 M4 Depth 15 TP 1) Dimensions are in millimeters. 2) Dimensions of the servo motors may be revised without prior notice. 3) The boxes ( ƑLQWKHPRGHOQDPHVDUHIRURSWLRQDOFRQ¿JXUDWLRQVNH\ZD\EUDNHDQGRLOVHDO 4) The triangles ( ) in the model names are for encoder resolution types ( =1: Incremental encoder, 20-bit; =2: Absolute encoder, 17-bit). 7RUTXH&XUYHV71&XUYHV Torque (N-m) ,QWHUPLWWHQW Duty Zone Continuous Duty Zone ECMA-C1040F ː S ,QWHUPLWWHQW Duty Zone ,QWHUPLWWHQW Duty Zone ,QWHUPLWWHQW Duty Zone Speed (r/min) Torque (N-m) Torque (N-m) Torque (N-m) Continuous Duty Zone Continuous Duty Zone Continuous Duty Zone Speed (r/min) Speed (r/min) Speed (r/min) ECMA-C ˋ 0602 ː S ECMA-C ˋ 0401 ː S 31 ECMA-C ˋ 0804 ː S ECMA-C ˋ 0804 ː H ECMA-C ˋ 0804 ː 7 Units: mm H C 0804 7 C 0807 S C 0807 H C 0907 S C 0910 80 80 80 86 86 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 90 90 90 100 100 +0 - 0.011 ) ) 14 ( ) ) 70 ( - 0.030 ) 70 ( - 0.030 ) +0 112.3 19 ( +0 - 0.013 ) 16 ( +0 - 0.011 S +0 ) 16 ( - 0.011 ) 70 ( - 0.030 ) 80 ( - 0.030 ) 80 ( - 0.030 ) 138.3 151.1 130.2 153.2 152.8 178 189 161.3 184.3 27 32 32 30 30 30 35 35 35 35 3 3 3 3 3 8 8 8 8 8 20 25 25 20 20 11 15.5 15.5 13 13 5 6 6 5 5 5 6 6 5 5 +0 19 ( +0 - 0.013 +0 +0 +0 5 6 6 5 5 M4 Depth 15 M6 Depth 20 M6 Depth 20 M5 Depth 15 M5 Depth 15 Torque (N-m) Torque (N-m) Torque (N-m) 8.78 (276%) 7.14 (298%) ,QWHUPLWWHQW Duty Zone 6.00 (251%) 5.85 (184%) Intermittent Duty Zone 2.38 (100%) Continuous Duty Zone 3.18 (100%) Intermittent Duty Zone Continuous Duty Zone Continuous Duty Zone Speed (r/min) Speed (r/min) Speed (r/min) 2,000 ECMA-C ˋ 0807 ː S ECMA-C ˋ 0807 ː H ECMA-C10907 ː S ECMA-C10910 ː S 32 3,000 6HUYR0RWRU'LPHQVLRQV Frame Size 100m ~ 130m T W -0.036 LG 0 LR LE LS LW 0 -0.036 Sh6 LBh7 LC KEY DETAILS TP RH LL 4-Z PCD-A SHAFT END DETAILS Units: mm Model C 1010 S LC LZ LA 100 9 115 S 22 ( - 0.013 ) 95 ( 1305 S 130 9 145 +0 LB E +0 ) +0 110 ( 1310 S E 1315 130 9 145 22 ( - 0.013 ) +0 E ) +0 110 ( S F 1308 130 9 145 ) 110 ( S G 110 ( S G +0 ) 22 ( - 0.013 ) 110 ( +0 1306 S G 130 9 145 +0 22 ( - 0.013 ) ) 1303 130 9 145 +0 22 ( - 0.013 ) +0 130 9 145 +0 22 ( - 0.013 ) +0 ) +0 110 ( +0 22 ( - 0.013 ) ) 110 ( +0 LL濑W/O Brake濒 153.3 147.5 147.5 167.5 152.5 147.5 147.5 163.5 LL濑With Brake濒 192.5 183.5 183.5 202 181 183.5 183.5 198 LS 37 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 LR LE LG LW RH WK W T 45 5 12 32 18 8 8 7 M6 Depth 20 55 6 11.5 36 18 8 8 7 M6 Depth 20 55 6 11.5 36 18 8 8 7 M6 Depth 20 55 6 11.5 36 18 8 8 7 M6 Depth 20 55 6 11.5 36 18 8 8 7 M6 Depth 20 55 6 11.5 36 18 8 8 7 M6 Depth 20 55 6 11.5 36 18 8 8 7 M6 Depth 20 55 6 11.5 36 18 8 8 7 M6 Depth 20 TP S 130 9 145 22 ( - 0.013 ) +0 1309 ) 1) Dimensions are in millimeters. 2) Dimensions of the servo motors may be revised without prior notice. 3) The boxes ( Ƒ LQWKHPRGHOQDPHVDUHIRURSWLRQDOFRQ¿JXUDWLRQVNH\ZD\EUDNHDQGRLOVHDO 4) The triangles ( ) in the model names are for encoder resolution types ( =1: Incremental encoder, 20-bit; =2: Absolute encoder, 17-bit). 7RUTXH&XUYHV71&XUYHV Torque (N-m) Torque (N-m) ,QWHUPLWWHQW Duty Zone ,QWHUPLWWHQW Duty Zone Continuous Duty Zone Continuous Duty Zone Speed (r/min) Torque (N-m) Torque (N-m) ,QWHUPLWWHQW Duty Zone ,QWHUPLWWHQW Duty Zone Speed (r/min) Continuous Duty Zone Torque (N-m) ,QWHUPLWWHQW Duty Zone Continuous Duty Zone Speed (r/min) Speed (r/min) Continuous Duty Zone Speed (r/min) 2,300 ECMA-C ˋ 1010 ː S ECMA-E ˋ 1305 ː S Torque (N-m) ,QWHUPLWWHQW Duty Zone Continuous Duty Zone ,QWHUPLWWHQW Duty Zone Continuous Duty Zone Speed (r/min) Continuous Duty Zone Speed (r/min) ECMA-G ˋ 1306 ː S ECMA-E ˋ 1315 ː S Torque (N-m) Torque (N-m) ,QWHUPLWWHQW Duty Zone ECMA-G ˋ 1303 ː S ECMA-E ˋ 1310 ː S Speed (r/min) ECMA-G ˋ 1309 ː S 33 ECMA-F ˋ 1308 ː S '0&1(75HPRWH0RGXOHV Digital I/O Remote Modules ŶASD-DMC-RM32MN / ASD-DMC-RM32NT ŶASD-DMC-RM64MN / ASD-DMC-RM64NT (OHFWULFDO6SHFL¿FDWLRQV Item RM32MN / RM64MN RM32NT / RM64NT Circuit Type Single Transistor Signal Type SINK / SOURCE SINK 24VDC (5mA) 24VDC (0.1A / 1 Point) 0 ~ 3ms (adjustable) 1KHz Power Supply Voltage Response Time / Work Frequency Active Level (OFF ON) ơ 16.5VDC 20s Active Level (ON OFF) Ɵ 8VDC 30s ESD (IEC 61131-2, IEC 61000-4-2): 8KV Air Discharge EFT (IEC 61131-2, IEC 61000-4-4): Power Line: 2KV, Communication I/O: 1KV RS (IEC 61131-2, IEC 61000-4-3): 80MHz ~ 1GHz, 10V/m Noise Immunity Operation: 0ºC ~ 50ºC (32ºF ~ 122ºF) Storage: -20ºC ~ 70ºC (-4ºF ~ 158ºF) Operation / Storage Environment Installation & Wiring HMC ASDA-A2 HMC ASDA-M ASDA-A2 OR ASDA-M OR /PP /PP WPP WPP +PP +PP /PP /PP :PP :PP +PP +PP 34 '0&1(75HPRWH0RGXOHV Pulse Remote Modules Ŷ$6''0&503, (OHFWULFDO6SHFL¿FDWLRQV ASD-DMC-RM04PI ASD-DMC-RM04PI Item Item ,QSXW4$4%4=',', ,QSXW4$4%4=',', Output (MEL,PEL,ORG,SLD) Circuit Type Single Circuit Type Single Transistor Signal Type 6,1. Signal Type 6,1.6285&( 6,1. Power Supply Voltage 9'& Power Supply Voltage 9'&P$ a9'&P$3RLQW Work Frequency Noise Immunity 4$4%4=Ɲ.+]P$3RLQW 4$4%4=.+]P$3RLQW Work Frequency 1ms CW, CCWƝ.+] DO1, DO2Ɲ.+] • (6',(&,(&.9 Air Discharge Active Level ON) (OFF ơ 9'& -- • ()7,(&,(&3RZHU /LQH.9&RPPXQLFDWLRQ,2.9 Active Level (OFF ON) Ɵ 9'& -- • 56,(&,(&0+] a*+]9P • (6',(&,(&.9$LU'LVFKDUJH Noise Immunity Operation / Storage Environment 2SHUDWLRQ&a&)a) 6WRUDJH&a&)a) • ()7,(&,(&3RZHU/LQH .9&RPPXQLFDWLRQ,2.9 • 56,(&,(&0+]a*+]9P Operation / Storage Environment 2SHUDWLRQ&a&)a) 6WRUDJH&a&)a) HMC ASDA-A2 OR ASDA-M Stepping Motors 35 Analog I/O Remote Modules Ŷ$6''0&50'$$6''0&50$' (OHFWULFDO6SHFL¿FDWLRQV ASD-DMC-RM04AD ASD-DMC-RM04DA Item Item Analog to Digital - Input Point (RM04AD) Analog Output Channel &KDQQHO0RGXOH Range of Analog Voltage Output a9a9a9a9 Range of Analog Current Output aP$aP$aP$ Over Range of Analog Output 10% Max. Output Current 20mA Allowable Load Impedance aȍ Range of Digital Data a Resolution ELWV DC Output Impedance ȍ Response Time 1ms Digital Data Format ELWV Isolation ,QWHUQDOFLUFXLWDQGDQDORJRXWSXWWHUPLQDOVDUH isolated by optical coupler. Protection 9ROWDJHRXWSXWLVSURWHFWHGE\DFLUFXLWEUHDNHU %XWDVKRUWFLUFXLWODVWLQJIRUWRRORQJPD\FDXVH damage to internal circuits. Current output can be open circuit. Noise Immunity • (6',(&,(&.9$LU Discharge • ()7,(&,(&3RZHU /LQH.9 • &RPPXQLFDWLRQ,2.9 • 56,(&,(&0+]a *+]9P Operation / Storage Environment Analog to Digital - Input Point (RM04AD) Analog Output Channel &KDQQHO0RGXOH Range of Analog Voltage Output a9a9a9a9 Range of Analog Current Output aP$ Range of Digital Data a Resolution ELWV Voltage Input Impedance ȍ Current Input Impedance ȍ Overall Accuracy ZKHQLQIXOOVFDOH&) ZKHQLQIXOOVFDOHZLWKLQWKHUDQJHRI&a &)a) Response Time Min. 1ms. Max. 3ms × the number of channels Isolation ,QWHUQDOFLUFXLWDQGDQDORJRXWSXWWHUPLQDOVDUH isolated by optical coupler. Range of Absolute Voltage Input a9 Range of Absolute Current Input 32mA Digital Data Format ELWV • (6',(&,(&.9$LU Discharge • ()7,(&,(&3RZHU /LQH.9 • &RPPXQLFDWLRQ,2.9 • 56,(&,(&0+]a *+]9P Noise Immunity Operation / Storage Environment 2SHUDWLRQ&a&)a) 6WRUDJH&a&)a) 2SHUDWLRQ&a&)a) 6WRUDJH&a&)a) HMC HMC ASDA-A2 ASDA-A2 ASDA-M ASDA-M OR OR 36 3DUW1DPHVDQG)XQFWLRQV ą LED Display / Operation Panel ą Charge Ŷ /(''LVSOD\ 7KHGLJLWVHJPHQW/('GLVSOD\VWKHVHUYRVWDWXVRUIDXOWFRGHV Ŷ 2SHUDWLRQ3DQHO Function keys used to perform status display, monitor and diagnostic, function and parameter setting. Ŷ )XQFWLRQ.H\V 02'(3UHVVWKLVNH\WRVHOHFWFKDQJHPRGH 6+,)73UHVVWKLVNH\WRVKLIWFXUVRUWRWKHOHIW 833UHVVWKLVNH\WRLQFUHDVHYDOXHVRQWKHGLVSOD\ D\ '2:13UHVVWKLVNH\WRGHFUHDVHYDOXHVRQWKHGLVSOD\ 6(73UHVVWKLVNH\WRVWRUHGDWD ą I/O LED Ŷ $OLW/('LQGLFDWHVWKDWHLWKHUSRZHU is connected to the servo drive or a residual charge is present in the GULYH VLQWHUQDOSRZHUFRPSRQHQWV Interface Ŷ 8VHGWRFRQQHFW'HOWD V'936HULHV3/&RU other external controllers for controlling I/O signals. ą Full-Closed Loop Control Interface Ŷ 8VHGWRFRQQHFWOLQHDUVFDOHDQG encoder for controlling A, B, Z phase signals for inputs of X, Y, Z axes. ą Motor Encoder Interface Ŷ 8VHGWRFRQQHFWWKHHQFRGHURIWKHVHUYR motor and feedback the signals to X, Y, Z axes of the servo drive. ą Serial Communication Port Ŷ 8VHGWRFRQQHFW3/&+0,DQGRWKHUFRQWUROOHUV for RS-485 / RS-232 serial communication. ą Ground Terminal Ŷ 8VHGWRFRQQHFWJURXQGLQJZLUHRISRZHUVXSSO\DQGVHUYRPRWRU DQGVHUYRPRWRU ą High-speed Communication Port Ŷ 8VHGWRFRQQHFW&$1RSHQQHWZRUNV Ŷ DMCNE Tinterface, supporting motion modes for CANopen DS402 implementation. Ŷ &$1EXVLQWHUIDFHVXSSRUWLQJPRWLRQPRGHVIRU&$1RSHQ DS402 implementation. ą 86%&RQQHFWLRQ3RUW 9HU86%LVHTXLSSHGDVVWDQGDUG Ŷ'LUHFWFRQQHFWLYLW\WRSHUVRQDOFRPSXWHUVRUQRWHERRNVFDSDEOHRIDFFHVVLQJGDWD through ASDA-Soft configuration software. Ŷ5HPRWHPRQLWRULQJVSHHGYLD$6'$6RIWFRQILJXUDWLRQVRIWZDUHLVXSWR0ESV 37 ą Control Circuit Terminal / Main Circuit Terminal / Internal & External Regenerative Resistor Terminal Ŷ &RQWURO&LUFXLW7HUPLQDO/F/F/F/FDUHXVHG to connect 200~230Vac, 50/60Hz single-phase or threephase power supply. Ŷ 0DLQ&LUFXLW7HUPLQDO5678VHG to connect 200~230Vac, 50/60Hz commercial power supply. Ŷ :KHQXVLQJDQH[WHUQDOEUDNLQJXQLWFRQQHFWLWWR3 and . Ŷ ,QWHUQDO([WHUQDO5HJHQHUDWLYH5HVLVWRU7HUPLQDO :KHQXVLQJDQH[WHUQDOUHVLVWRUFRQQHFWLWWR3 and C, DQGHQVXUHDQRSHQFLUFXLWEHWZHHQ3 and D. 2. When using an internal resistor, ensure the circuit LVFORVHGEHWZHHQ3 and D, and the circuit is open EHWZHHQ3 DQG&1RWH3OHDVHUHIHUWRWKHWDEOHRI regenerative resistor specifications for the models with a built-in regenerative resistor.) :KHQXVLQJDQH[WHUQDOEUDNLQJXQLWFRQQHFWLWWR3 and DQGHQVXUHDQRSHQFLUFXLWEHWZHHQ3 and D, DQG3 and C. ą Ground Terminal Ŷ 8VHGWRFRQQHFWJURXQGLQJZLUHRISRZHU supply and servo motor. ą 6HUYR0RWRU2XWSXW89: Ŷ 8VHGWRFRQQHFWVHUYRPRWRU1HYHUFRQQHFW the output terminal to main circuit power as the AC drive may be damaged beyond repair if incorrect cables are connected to the output terminals. ą Ground Terminal Ŷ Used to connect grounding wire of power supply and servo motor. 7KH ¿JXUHV DUH IRU LOOXVWUDWLRQ SXUSRVHV RQO\$FWXDO PRGHOV may differ slightly in appearance from illustrations provided. 38 2SWLRQDO$FFHVVRULHV ą 4XLFN&RQQHFWRUV Ŷ 8VHGIRU0 W to 1.5 kW servo drives Ŷ 2QHRSHUDWLQJOHYHULVSURYLGHGIRUZLUH to terminal block insertion. ą Power Cables Ŷ 3 m and 5m standard cables are available. Ŷ &XVWRPL]HGVHUYLFHLVRIIHUHGWRPHHWWKH VHUYLFHLVRIIHUHGWRPHHWWKH needs of customers. stomers. Ŷ 7ZRW\SHVDUHVHOHFWDEOHZLWKEUDNHDQG UHVHOHFWDEOHZLWKEUDNHDQG without brake. ke. ą Encoder Cables Ŷ 3 m and 5 m standard cables are available. e. Ŷ &XVWRPL]HGVHUYLFHLVRIIHUHGWR meet the needs of customers. ą RS-232 Communication Cables Ŷ &RQQHFWV$6'$0WR3/&+0,DQG other controllers via RS-232 communication. nication. Ŷ 6WDQGDUGFDEOHOHQJWKLV3 m. Ŷ 'HOWD3DUW1XPEHU$6'&$56 39 ą Terminal Block Modules Ŷ (DV\LQVWDOODWLRQDQGZLULQJ5 m connection cable is provided. Ŷ (DV\WRUHGXFHWKHVSDFHUHTXLUHG Ŷ (DV\WRH[SDQGV\VWHP V,2 configuration. Ŷ 'HOWD3DUW1XPEHU$6'%0$ ą Regenerative Resistors Ŷ )RUVHOHFWLQJDUHJHQHUDWLYH resistor, please refer to the table of regenerative resistor specifications on page 50. ą 86%&RPPXQLFDWLRQ Cables (for PC) Ŷ &RQQHFWV$6'$$WRD3&YLD ASDA-Soft configuration software) Ŷ 86%LVHTXLSSHGDVVWDQGDUG Ŷ 'HOWD3DUW1XPEHU'23&$86%$% ą CANopen Accessories Ŷ 'HOWD V7$3&1GLVWULEXWLRQER[ FRQQHFWV$6'$$WR'HOWD V3/& CAN Master. Ŷ )RUVHOHFWLQJ&$1RSHQDFFHVVRULHV please refer to the table of other accessories on page 49. ą RS-485 Connectors Ŷ 8VHGWRFRQQHFWPXOWLSOH ASDA-M systems by RS -485 interface through Modbus serial communication. Ŷ 'HOWD3DUW1XPEHU$6'&1,(% 7KH¿JXUHVDUHIRULOOXVWUDWLRQSXUSRVHVRQO\$FWXDOPRGHOVPD\ differ slightly in appearance from illustrations provided. 40 Optional Cables and Connectors Power Connectors ASDBCAPW0000 ASD-CAPW1000 ASDBCAPW0100 3106A-20-18S Power Cables ASD-ABPW0003, ASD-ABPW0005 L Item Part No. 1 2 L mm inch ASD-ABPW0003 3000 100 118 4 ASD-ABPW0005 5000 100 197 4 ASD-ABPW0103, ASD-ABPW0105 L Item Part No. 1 2 L mm inch ASD-ABPW0103 3000 100 118 4 ASD-ABPW0105 5000 100 197 4 41 Power Cables ASD-CAPW1003, ASD-CAPW1005 (50mm) (1.97mm) (80 mm) (3.15 mm) L Item Part No. Straight 1 ASD-CAPW1003 2 ASD-CAPW1005 L mm inch 3106A-20-18S 3000 100 118 4 3106A-20-18S 5000 100 197 4 ASD-CAPW1103,ASD-CAPW1105 (50mm) (1.97inch) (80mm) L (3.15inch) Item Part No. Straight 1 ASD-CAPW1103 2 ASD-CAPW1105 L mm inch 3106A-20-18S 3000 100 118 4 3106A-20-18S 5000 100 197 4 42 Optional Cables and Connectors Encoder Connectors ASD-CAEN1000 ASD-ABEN0000 Encoder Cables ASD-ABEN0003, ASD-ABEN0005 L Item Part No. 1 2 L mm inch ASD-ABEN0003 3000 100 118 4 ASD-ABEN0005 5000 100 197 4 ASD-CAEN1003, ASD-CAEN1005 L Item Part No. Straight 1 ASD-CAEN1003 2 ASD-CAEN1005 L mm inch 3106A-20-29S 3000 100 118 4 3106A-20-29S 5000 100 197 4 43 Optional Cables and Connectors I/O Signal Connector ASD-CNSC0050 Terminal Block Module ASD-BM-50A 50.7m 50.7 mm 86.8m 86.8 mm 0.5m 146.4m 146.4 mm RS-232 Communication Cable ASD-CARS0003 L L Item Part No. 1 ASD-CARS0003 mm inch 3000 100 118 4 Communication Cable between Drive and Computer (for PC) DOP-CAUSBAB 140030 A P4 P1 P2 120.5 120.5 CONDUCTOR B P1 P3 P4 INSULATOR ALUMINUM TINNED COPPER BRAID PVC JACKET 44 Item Part No. 1 DOP-CAUSBAB L mm inch 1400 30 55 1.2 CANopen Communication Cable TAP-CB03, TAP-CB05 L ² 10 8 8 H1 H2 1 1 Item Part No. 1 2 L mm inch TAP-CB03 300 10 11 0.4 TAP-CB05 500 10 19 0.4 CANopen Distribution Box TAP-CN03 42.00[1.65] 87.00[3.43] 66.50[2.62] RS-485 Connector ASD-CNIE0B06 Accessories images shown here may differ from actual product appearance. Please refer to the actual product appearance. 45 $FFHVVRULHV&RPELQDWLRQV 750W Servo Drive and 50W Low Inertia Servo Motor Servo Drive ASD-M-0721- Low Inertia Servo Motor ECMA-C1040F S Power Cable (Without Brake) ASD-ABPW000X Power Connector (Without Brake) ASDBCAPW0000 Power Cable (With Brake) ASD-ABPW010X Power Connector (With Brake) ASDBCAPW0100 Incremental Encoder Cable ASD-ABEN000X Absolute Encoder Cable ASD-A2EB000X Encoder Connector ASD-ABEN0000 (X=3 indicates that the cable length is 3m; X=5 indicates that the cable length is 5m) 750W Servo Drive and 100W Low Inertia Servo Motor Servo Drive ASD-M-0721- Low Inertia Servo Motor ECMA-C ː 0401 Power Cable (Without Brake) ASD-ABPW000X Power Connector (Without Brake) ASDBCAPW0000 Power Cable (With Brake) ASD-ABPW010X Power Connector (With Brake) ASDBCAPW0100 Incremental Encoder Cable ASD-ABEN000X Absolute Encoder Cable ASD-A2EB000X Encoder Connector ASD-ABEN0000 S (X=3 indicates that the cable length is 3m; X=5 indicates that the cable length is 5m) 750W Servo Drive and 200W Low Inertia Servo Motor Servo Drive ASD-M-0721- Low Inertia Servo Motor ECMA-C ː 0602 Power Cable (Without Brake) ASD-ABPW000X Power Connector (Without Brake) ASDBCAPW0000 Power Cable (With Brake) ASD-ABPW010X Power Connector (With Brake) ASDBCAPW0100 Incremental Encoder Cable ASD-ABEN000X Absolute Encoder Cable ASD-A2EB000X Encoder Connector ASD-ABEN0000 S (X=3 indicates that the cable length is 3m; X=5 indicates that the cable length is 5m) 46 $FFHVVRULHV&RPELQDWLRQV 750W Servo Drive and 400W Low Inertia Servo Motor Servo Drive ASD-M-0721S H 7 ECMA-C ː 0604 ECMA-C ː 0604 ECMA-C ː 0804 Low Inertia Servo Motor Power Cable (Without Brake) ASD-ABPW000X Power Connector (Without Brake) ASDBCAPW0000 Power Cable (With Brake) ASD-ABPW010X Power Connector (With Brake) ASDBCAPW0100 Incremental Encoder Cable ASD-ABEN000X Absolute Encoder Cable ASD-A2EB000X Encoder Connector ASD-ABEN0000 (X=3 indicates that the cable length is 3m; X=5 indicates that the cable length is 5m) 750W Servo Drive and 500W Medium Inertia Servo Motor Servo Drive ASD-M-0721ECMA-E ː 1305 Medium Inertia Servo Motor Power Cable (Without Brake) ASD-CAPW100X Power Cable (With Brake) ASD-CAPW110X Power Connector ASD-CAPW1000 Power Connector (With Brake) ASD-CAEN100X Incremental Encoder Cable ASD-CAEN100X Absolute Encoder Cable ASD-A2EB100X Encoder Connector ASD-CAEN1000 S (X=3 indicates that the cable length is 3m; X=5 indicates that the cable length is 5m) 750W Servo Drive and 300W High Inertia Servo Motor Servo Drive ASD-M-0721ECMA-G ː 1303 High Inertia Servo Motor Power Cable (Without Brake) ASD-CAPW100X Power Connector (Without Brake) ASD-CAPW110X Power Cable (With Brake) ASD-CAPW1000 Power Connector (With Brake) ASD-CAEN100X Incremental Encoder Cable ASD-A2EB100X Absolute Encoder Cable ASD-CAEN1000 Encoder Connector ASD-CAEN1000 S (X=3 indicates that the cable length is 3m; X=5 indicates that the cable length is 5m) 47 750W Servo Drive and 750W Low Inertia Servo Motor Servo Drive ASD-M-0721ECMA-C ː 0807 ECMA-C ː 0807 ECMA-C ː 0907 Low Inertia Servo Motor Power Cable (Without Brake) ASD-ABPW000X Power Connector (Without Brake) ASDBCAPW0000 Power Cable (With Brake) ASD-ABPW010X Power Connector (With Brake) ASDBCAPW0100 Incremental Encoder Cable ASD-ABEN000X Absolute Encoder Cable ASD-A2EB000X Encoder Connector ASD-ABEN0000 S H S (X=3 indicates that the cable length is 3m; X=5 indicates that the cable length is 5m) 750kW Servo Drive and 600kW High Inertia Servo Motor Servo Drive ASD-M-1521- Medium Inertia Servo Motor ECMA-F ː 1308 Power Cable (Without Brake) ASD-CAPW100X Power Cable (With Brake) ASD-CAPW110X Power Connector ASD-CAPW1000 Incremental Encoder Cable ASD-CAEN100X Absolute Encoder Cable ASD-A2EB100X Encoder Connector ASD-CAEN1000 S (X=3 indicates that the cable length is 3m; X=5 indicates that the cable length is 5m) 1.5kW Servo Drive and 850W High Inertia Servo Motor Servo Drive ASD-M-1521- High Inertia Servo Motor ECMA-C ː 1010 Power Cable (Without Brake) ASD-CAPW100X Power Cable (With Brake) ASD-CAPW110X Power Connector ASD-CAPW1000 Incremental Encoder Cable ASD-CAEN100X Absolute Encoder Cable ASD-A2EB100X Encoder Connector ASD-CAEN1000 S (X=3 indicates that the cable length is 3m; X=5 indicates that the cable length is 5m) 1.5kW Servo Drive and 1kW Low Inertia Servo Motor Servo Drive ASD-M-1521- Low Inertia Servo Motor ECMA-C ː 0910 Power Cable (Without Brake) ASD-ABPW000X Power Connector (Without Brake) ASDBCAPW0000 Power Cable (With Brake) ASD-ABPW010X Power Connector (With Brake) ASDBCAPW0100 Incremental Encoder Cable ASD-ABEN000X Absolute Encoder Cable ASD-A2EB000X Encoder Connector ASD-ABEN0000 S (X=3 indicates that the cable length is 3m; X=5 indicates that the cable length is 5m) 48 $FFHVVRULHV&RPELQDWLRQV 1.5kW Servo Drive and 1kW Low Inertia Servo Motor Servo Drive ASD-M-0721- Low Inertia Servo Motor ECMA-G ː 1306 S Power Cable (Without Brake) ASD-CAPW100X Power Cable (With Brake) ASD-CAPW110X Power Connector ASD-CAPW1000 Incremental Encoder Cable ASD-CAEN100X Absolute Encoder Cable ASD-A2EB100X Encoder Connector ASD-CAEN1000 (X=3 indicates that the cable length is 3m; X=5 indicates that the cable length is 5m) 1.5kW Servo Drive and 1kW Medium Inertia Servo Motor ASD-M-1521- Servo Drive Medium Inertia Servo Motor ECMA-E ː 1310 S Power Cable (Without Brake) ASD-CAPW100X Power Cable (With Brake) ASD-CAPW110X Power Connector ASD-CAPW1000 Incremental Encoder Cable ASD-CAEN100X Absolute Encoder Cable ASD-A2EB100X Encoder Connector ASD-CAEN1000 (X=3 indicates that the cable length is 3m; X=5 indicates that the cable length is 5m) 1.5kW Servo Drive and 900kW High Inertia Servo Motor Servo Drive ASD-M-1521- High Inertia Servo Motor ECMA-E ː 1309 S Power Cable (Without Brake) ASD-CAPW100X Power Cable (With Brake) ASD-CAPW110X Power Connector ASD-CAPW1000 Incremental Encoder Cable ASD-CAEN100X Absolute Encoder Cable ASD-A2EB100X Encoder Connector ASD-CAEN1000 (X=3 indicates that the cable length is 3m; X=5 indicates that the cable length is 5m) 1.5kW Servo Drive and 1.5kW Medium Inertia Servo Motor Servo Drive ASD-M-1521- Medium Inertia Servo Motor ECMA-E ː 1315 S Power Cable (Without Brake) ASD-CAPW100X Power Cable (With Brake) ASD-CAPW110X Power Connector ASD-CAPW1000 Incremental Encoder Cable ASD-CAEN100X Absolute Encoder Cable ASD-A2EB100X Encoder Connector ASD-CAEN1000 (X=3 indicates that the cable length is 3m; X=5 indicates that the cable length is 5m) 1) The boxes ( ƑDWWKHHQGVRIWKHVHUYRGULYHPRGHOQDPHVDUHIRURSWLRQDOFRQ¿JXUDWLRQV)RUWKHDFWXDOPRGHOQDPHSOHDVHUHIHUWR the model explanation of the servo drive. 2) The boxes ( Ƒ) in the model names represent shaft end/brake or the number of oil seal. ) in the model names represent encoder type. ,QFUHPHQWDOHQFRGHUELW 3) The triangles ( 49 ,QFUHPHQWDOHQFRGHUELW $FFHVVRULHV&RPELQDWLRQV Other Accessories濑for ASDA-M Series all models濒 Description 'HOWD3DUW1XPEHU 3LQ,26LJQDO&RQQHFWRU&Q $6'&16& 7HUPLQDO%ORFN0RGXOH $6'%0$ 56&RPPXQLFDWLRQ&DEOH $6'&$56 &RPPXQLFDWLRQ&DEOHEHWZHHQ'ULYHDQG&RPSXWHUIRU3& '23&$86%$% CANopen Communication Cable 7$3&%7$3&% &$1RSHQ'LVWULEXWLRQ%R[ 7$3&17$3&1 56&RQQHFWRU $6'&1,(% Regenerative Resistor 400W 40ʈ BR400W040 Regenerative Resistor 1kW 20ʈ BR1K0W020 Regenerative Resistor 1.5kW 5ʈ BR1K5W005 Safety Information ASDA-M Series is designed to fully comply with demanding international standards, VXFKDV,(&DQG(1DQGRWKHUVIRUDOO¿HOGVRILQGXVWULDODXWRPDWLRQWHFKQRORJ\ Global Standards EN61000-4-6 Level 3 EN61000-4-3 Level 3 EN61000-4-2 Level 2 and 3 EMS Standard EN61000-4-4 Level 3 澿 in the process of application to EN61000-4-4 EN61000-4-8 Level 4 EN61000-4-5 Level 3 Conducted & Radiated Emissions &RPSOLHVZLWK(1&ODVV$*URXSZLWKH[WHUQDO(0&¿OWHU CE Marking CE recognized. Complies with Directive 2006/95/EC of the European Parliament and EMC Directive 2004/108/EC. 澿 in the process of application to EMC Directive 2004/108/EC UL Approval UL (U.S.), cUL (Canada) recognized. IEC/EN50178, IEC/EN60529 Test Standard IP20 Vibration 1G less than 20Hz, 0.6G 20 to 50Hz. Complies with IEC/EN50178 Shock 15gn 11ms. Complies with IEC/EN600028-2-27 Pollution Degree Degree 2. Complies with IEC/EN61800-5-1 5HJHQHUDWLYH5HVLVWRU6SHFL¿FDWLRQV Servo Drive (kW) 6SHFL¿FDWLRQVRI%XLOWLQ5HJHQHUDWLYH5HVLVWRUV Min. Allowable Resistance (Ohm) Resistance (parameter P1-52) (Ohm) Capacity (parameter P1-53) (Watt) 0.75 40ʈ 60W 20ʈ 1.5 20ʈ 100W 10ʈ Note Ŷ :KHQWKHIDXOW$/(5HJHQHUDWLRQ(UURURFFXUVSOHDVHLQFUHDVHWKHUHJHQHUDWLYHUHVLVWRUFDSDFLW\RUGHFUHDVHWKHUHJHQHUDWLYH resistor resistance. (The regenerative resistor resistance should not be less than the minimum allowable resistance listed in the above table.) Ŷ ,IWKHVLWXDWLRQLVQRWLPSURYHGDIWHULQFUHDVLQJWKHUHJHQHUDWLYHUHVLVWRUFDSDFLW\RUGHFUHDVLQJWKHUHJHQHUDWLYHUHVLVWRUUHVLVWDQFH please purchase regenerative resistor module. Ŷ When combining multiple small-capacity regenerative resistors in parallel to increase the regenerative resistor capacity, make sure that the total resistance value of the regenerative resistors is not less than the minimum allowable resistance listed in the above table. 50 Industrial Automation Headquarters Delta Electronics, Inc. Taoyuan Technology Center No.18, Xinglong Rd., Taoyuan City, Taoyuan County 33068, Taiwan TEL: 886-3-362-6301 / FAX: 886-3-371-6301 Asia Delta Electronics (Jiangsu) Ltd. Wujiang Plant 3 1688 Jiangxing East Road, Wujiang Economic Development Zone Wujiang City, Jiang Su Province, People's Republic of China (Post code: 215200) TEL: 86-512-6340-3008 / FAX: 86-769-6340-7290 Delta Greentech (China) Co., Ltd. 238 Min-Xia Road, Pudong District, ShangHai, P.R.C. Post code : 201209 TEL: 86-21-58635678 / FAX: 86-21-58630003 Delta Electronics (Japan), Inc. 7RN\R2I¿FH 2-1-14 Minato-ku Shibadaimon, Tokyo 105-0012, Japan TEL: 81-3-5733-1111 / FAX: 81-3-5733-1211 Delta Electronics (Korea), Inc. 1511, Byucksan Digital Valley 6-cha, Gasan-dong, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Korea, 153-704 TEL: 82-2-515-5303 / FAX: 82-2-515-5302 Delta Electronics Int’l (S) Pte Ltd 4 Kaki Bukit Ave 1, #05-05, Singapore 417939 TEL: 65-6747-5155 / FAX: 65-6744-9228 Delta Electronics (India) Pvt. Ltd. Plot No 43 Sector 35, HSIIDC Gurgaon, PIN 122001, Haryana, India TEL : 91-124-4874900 / FAX : 91-124-4874945 Americas Delta Products Corporation (USA) 5DOHLJK2I¿FH P.O. Box 12173,5101 Davis Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, U.S.A. TEL: 1-919-767-3800 / FAX: 1-919-767-8080 Delta Greentech (Brasil) S.A 6DR3DXOR2I¿FH 5XD,WDSHYDDQGDU(GL¿FLR,WDSHYD2QH%HOD9LVWD 01332-000-São Paulo-SP-Brazil TEL: +55 11 3568-3855 / FAX: +55 11 3568-3865 Europe Delta Electronics (Netherlands) B.V. (LQGKRYHQ2I¿FH De Witbogt 20, 5652 AG Eindhoven, The Netherlands TEL: +31 (0)40-8003800 / FAX: +31 (0)40-8003898 *We reserve the right to change the information in this catalogue without prior notice. DELTA_IA-ASDA_ASDA-M_C_EN_20160120