OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA M. 71>-A·.I' i.S.t-'l'r -'\.'l"ht-I'I..I"r 6T1VI.h 1'£111111 .,.atJr-:r- 9"tJC 11.+ mllt~+ I'UJlTI hP't- ttm~'i' quo.)' "''PC I 11.1\.11 Mq ;f-1l"11 Hi ·n fli.?i 'U". l11ICD-6lil. 19'h Year No. 10 ADDIS ABABA 24" December 2012 CONTENTS .O {l <f1'l'C !{~G'i:/!17i.f, 'H". Regulation No, 273/2012 n'?~ 9"t\h+ 9"11111'1 'l'O:l' I''''l. 'l.I'0·C':r-rhC 0.+ n{l.... .. .. ........ .... ............ .. ... .... ...... .. 1'1\ ~7i.n<:'t 1P'}ml'fr .. . ... ... .. . . .. . .. ......... .... ... . .. . .. . ... .1'1\ ~7i.trE Trademark Registration and Protection Council of Ministers 1''''l.'l.iI+C'T 9"hC 11.+ .('HI 4I'J'C fm /f'l'i& Regulation ........ ... .. .... . ...... . .. . ......... .. .. ... . ... Page 6678 Schedule . .... . .. . . .. . ... ... .... . . ..... .. . ... .. ... ....... ..Page 6703 COUJIICIL OF MINISTERS REGULATION No. 27312012 iIII')'? ~ 9"t\h-r 9"11111'1 'l'O!, I' IJlIIl COUNCIL OF MINISTERS REGULATION ON TRADEMARK REGISTRATION AND PROTECTION 1''''l.'I,il-rC'l- 9"hC R.-r '('HI 1''''1,V'n'C::r9"hC 11.",. I' n. +r-k.I' t.,'(t-II'r -'\.'l"ht·I'I,.I''r 6 T {lfI,h M~~ "'l. 1'11] II +'} .I'" t\tT('}'I "''?IIC f1oouJ(\'} O(IJtT(ID- M'~ <t.'l'C nJ/!/!17i.E n'}4>'1\ (; h'l O'}'?~ 9"t\h"" 9"11111'1 'l'O:l' n'P~ <f1'l'C k~ MIiWit 1'1 '}"''I\ :1t tTDlP l + ~ U') .f. ' }{I 1'1 ID-'l' :l: t\ :: This Regulation IS issued by the Council of Ministers pursuant to Article 5 of the Definition of Powers and Duties of the Executive Organs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Proclamation No. 691 /2010 and Article 47 of the Trademark Registration and Protection Proclamation No. 501 /2006. PART ONE GENERAL Ii. h1."C CM ~U .f.'}{1 1. "I"},?~ 9"t\h+ 9"11111'1 This Regulation may be cited as the "Trademark Registration and Protection Council of Ministers Regulation No. 273/2012". 'l'O:l' 1''''1, til""C':r- 9"hC 11.",. .f.'HI <f1'l'C !1f<:'EI!17i.f." "'{lft- I\.m.,.il ~:r-IIt\: : 2. I , -rC=J"'1 M ",·6·9" Oil.,..,.C OH. U .f. ' }{I ID-il'l':­ I':1'1'1' M n111{1 1''''l..I'l'ImID- "n'P~" "'1M' I"},?~ 9"t\h"" 1]t\1f~ Short Title Definitions In this Regulation, unless the context otherwise reqUires: "Proclamation" means the Protection Registration and No.50 112006; 21 the definitions prllvided for under Article 2 of the Proclamation shall also be applicable to t,llis Regulation; 31 "Office" means Property Office; 9"11111'1 'l'O:l' n'P~ <f1'l'C f..~/!lIiint 'lID- I III On'P;lI: 1'1 '}"''I\ f l'.,.lIm- +C'I"'1.P':r- f1H. U .f.'}{l9" "'~~"'l. ~If'lfl' i "'1\£11&."" 11.",." "'11'1",. '}{ll-'t. 'l\/h~"" n~ I'n.HA'.I' M9"~'r 11.",. ~ID- ! 'P ;J Unit Price 9.55 Trademark Proclamation II the ~;J6+ ;JH.tT( T ."I .<f1 ~egar~t Ethiopia ';r7i./! Gazeta P.O.box 80,001 Intellectual .. ( Federal Negari t Gazette No. 10 December 24· 2012 Page 6679 §/ (i/ "CDh.A" "'1l1r OH.U .0 11 ODIPl.r Ol'>m.tr (l,oj, I'rODH70 1"}"}.1': 9"Ahr CDh.A ~(I)- I 4/ the Office in accordance with this Regulation; 5/ "1'9"1171] I]II(l,r" °'lllr 1"}"}.1': 9"Ahr ol'> m.t (l,oj, H').1': .I'llOD H70 II (I)- ~ (I)- I r 'j,/ "I' ') "}.1': 9" A h r ') wr.p9" ,,~ "'1'PA " "'111 r I"}"} .1': 9" A h oj, ') 06:1'.9''; CD ~ 9" 06:1'.9''; 0"'1n 1..1' CD ~9" OD II)' 9" A hr ,,~ ODllm tt: l I"}"} .1': 9" A h oj, M:I'.9''; .?C O.pCOr lfe:' h')-'l.:r ~ "'1.1': l. "} l 1"}"}.1': 9"Ahoj,') 06:1'.9''; CD~9" n7A,,}lIo -1'-'; "'111 :r CD4:.I' CD ~ 9" I' "'Ill l' 'PCD 4:.I' "'11; tS' (}o:r ,,~ ODm 4'9" CD ~9" 0"'1<; T(I)-9" 1'1." OD ') 7.1': 0 ') "}.1': 9" A h oj, <; 06:1'.9''; CDM On7A,,}(}O-l'-,; ODtjhA "}')'].~r 6/ "use of a trademark" means attaching the trademark to the goods or packaging or labeling of the goods, displaying the trademark closely associated with the goods, placing the trademark in advertising or promotional material for the goods or services, or in any other way establishing a relationship between the trademark and the goods or the services; ODtt:mC~(I)-1 7/ ""'1''11-9'''' "'1l1r OM9"~'f '}l1l.r .?tLllJ CD~9" 1'16. U7t-'f llC~r 1]11(1)- .?tLllJ "'1''11-9" CD ~ 9" 0l'> £h.{. r (l, oj, .1': l. 7'Il " ~ OD 6J;j, ') ~ (I)- I "publish" means publication in the Intellectual Property Gazette or a newspaper having nationwide circulation or by means of uploading at the Office web site; f;/ "(UD'" "'1l1r l"hVrC' 1'1(1)- CD~9" Om"} I'II(I)-~r ODl1r I'rl'lm(l)- ntjA ~(I)- l 8/ "person" means any natural or legal person; fj/ "'1')r;' (I)-9" 0CD ') .1': ? :r 1'1' 7t'tIl (I)- n ~ .? 7C I'l'I.r'}9" ~m9"t-A:: 9/ any expression in the masculine gender includes the feminine . PART TWO blf:A U-Ilr h'llfh4.r (l,-f: .?C 1'l/l"'1.1.l.1- ,,/')'].H'T r. "registration owner" means a person who has registered a trademark with the Office; D 'j,/ "agent" means a trademark agent registered by COMMUNICATING WITH THE OFFICE O'llrh-tt: I'l/lOD1<;1r h 'Il m.t r "} '}'].~r ~/ Written Communications (l,oj, .?C l''''1.U ") O'llrh-tt: ODlf') MOr:: 1/ r Any communication with the Office shall be in writing. 0 'Il m.t (l,oj, 1''''1.CD 11.1': "'1')r;'(I)-9" h C9" Jl O'llrh-tt: 0r.l'lt I' 'Il m.t r (l,'" OD1I7n:r ,,~ 11;1' ODODP'l.r ~e:'CO:rA:: O:l'A I'rU1­ OD"}I]I]-I'- 'T l OD 1''''1 ODr;' .9''T<; "}')']. H 'T O'll mt.')- (l,oj, ,,~ M7.<j~:~r n~e:' t-T(I)-9":: 2/ The Office's action shall be based exclusively on the written records in the Office. Oral understandings, stipulations and communic­ ations may not be binding upon the:Office. li/ II 'Il m.t r (l,oj, I' "'1. 4' C11 I"}"/ .1': 9" A h r 9"1171] CD ~ 9" "'1')r;' U)o ')9" 0OD ;t- I' ,,~ .1'1'1') 7·.<j~ frODllhr "'1ODAh;1' ntjA I'lf~ "'1')r;'CD'9" 1I~.1': On"'lCr;' CD~9" Oh'),,/t\.lIr;' oJ:'}<J: I'rH.?]! ODlf') ~e:'CO:rA:: r ~/ 0 n "'I C r;' CD ~ 9" 0 h ')"/ t\.1Ir;' .l'ArH.?]! 1'I~.1': On"'lCr;' CD~9" Oh'),,/t\.lIr;' rrC1-'l"<; h'P<;(I)- 1'I~.1': .?C l' .I'~fi OD.pl.l1 4. Language for Documents 11 Any document filed with the Office forming part of an application for registration of a trademark or any proceedings in the Office shall' be in the Amharic or English language. "'1 ') r;'(I)-9" ~'>CO:rA :: 2/ Any document that is in a language other than Amharic or English shall be accompanied by a translation into Amharic or English. Federal Neg.ri! Gazette No. 10 December 24· 2012 Page 6680 f. I 1i:J. t. T fl.." T hllll;;' TC1-9" ooflll­ fA;J-f'ar'} "'1'};;'ar'}9" TC1-9" 'I/\oo.,.ON. 1'fl1'lJhll- }.'}-'t.,.CfI fl.ooAM T J.'. r'lA :: til f'l~~ '} 3/ /\hooAIJ:t: The Office may refuse to accept any translation which, in its opinion, is inaccurate and return the document to the applicant for correction. 4/ Where a document contains a word in characters 1i:J.t.T fl.." hh"'1C;;' (]JJ.'.9" hilt') O1'flf' other than Amharic or Latin, the Office may M.A f'-t ~t. :l'A fIJ1'1' f'l ~ t: fI. .,.CMT require a transliteration or translation of such f':I'/\' 1"~ ';"'fI (]JJ.'.9" TC1-9" }.')-'t"'CfI/\T word and the statement regarding a fl.nC"l J.'.HA:: 1'1~ 'I "'"' (]JJ.'.9" TC1-00­ transliteration or translation shall state the :1'/\. h9",) }.,)~1'17 oo"}/\1i'1 OhooAIJ:t: language to which the word belongs and shall (]JJ.'.9" OhooAIJ:t: (]Jh.A ooU.9" MOT:: be signed by the applicant or the applicant's *')* ~, "}')'f.'lT 1''''l.~l,,}OT l'II\ou"}/\1i _ht:&.i'i'l 1-.IIn agent. MH· S. h1i :J.t. T fl.." ;JC f''''l.U. ") "'1')!i'ar9" f'1itft.<i: "} ') 'f. ~ T f'1i:J.t. T fl.." ') T hht\!i' fl9"'1 ht:t-i'i oo"}/\1i J.'.'iCO;J-A:: II / f'1i tft.<i: "}'}'f.H }.')~h,,}lJ", f")"} t: 9"A h.,,') ! f'hooAIJ r'} fl9"'1 ht: t-i'i! "'1ooAh ifar 10. f'1f'lOT') 4")! f''''1ooAhifar'} (]JJ.'.9" 1--'l~ O"'l.;J-J.'.OT ttl. f'1'f'lmiD-') 4l'l'C l f'9"1f11J IJ/\fl..,,') ! f'9"111IJar'} 4l'l'C }''I f'9"111IJar'} ""} f''''l.fOO/\\JT oolf'} J.'.<'°CO;J-A :: f.1 1i:J.t.T fl.." otto h'}.,.1i '}(}ofl h '}.,.1i (Ii) }''1 (I) f'1'~~l1ar') f''''1f''l'l Mt: Mh.ar /\.ooAMT J.'.r'lA: : til otto nfl h'}.,.1i ii (E) (]JJ.'.9" Otto h'}.,.1i '}O·fl h'}.,.1i (E) OOlPlT 1'oo'I7i f'1'~l1 Addressing Communications and Identification of Subiect Matter 1/ Any written communication with the Office shall properly express the name and address of . the Office. 2/ A written communication shall, as may be appropriate, identify the trademark, the name and address of the applicant, the filing date, the application or the proceeding number, the registration owner, the registration number and the registration date. 3/ The Office may return to the sender any document that does not compi>, with sub-article (I) and (2) of this Article. 4/ If a document returned pursuant to Article 4 (3) of this Regulation or sub-article (3) of this Article is rectified and re-submitted to the Mt::­ U) /\) I. h1'ooMOT ""} ~9"C' O<!} "''1T arfl'l' 1'fl1'lJhll- ot:;J"'1 h.,.lO oo~ootf O.,.lOOT 4") ~1i:J.t.T fl.." 10. }.'}~If~ 1'~C1 J.'.(]JMA ! (]JJ.'.9" hI]} "''1T ""J.'. II"} j.'.i'. 1'MlJhll­ Ot:;J"'1 h';'lO Ot:;J"'1 O.,.lOOT 4") /\1i:J.t.T fl.." 10. }.,)~If~ 1'~C1 J.'.(]Jf'l-'lA :: f'l'tPo"f') l'II\oulhfl'l tTDt\! ...-rC I'II\tTDflmT (if Office: 1i:J.t. T fl.." 0 -tl hlJrar M Po r 'IJ.'. M Po:t: 10. f'1f't-O~·,) 4")'1 M~' r fll "'101'9" "'1 t: t. ,,}'1 f'l'1 Po:t:'} 1'11\00.,.0/\· "'1t. ;J1~ 1i:J.II.~· fl.." /\ttu- 1·-'lJ.'. lJ(]JtTJar ooootf OOIPt.~· Oh,l\hTC''!.h 001'1;;' 1I.l'o h"'1IJ'1 '1T f'l~t: f'1''''O/\ }',)~If~ Oh,t\.hTC''l.h oo"(tf(]J' 'IJ.'. f'1'oo1I10ar "'')'1 f'l'iT 1i:J.II.T fl.." f'l'1~ ') r1'.,.Ot\O T 4")'1 MT l' ~C1 J.'.(]Jf'l-'lA:: within 30 days from the date of return, it : ' " 1 be treated as received on its former dale of submission; or b) after a delay of more than 30 days, it shall be treated as received on the actual date of re-submission. 6. Receipt and Marking of Documents 1/ The Office shall stamp the date and hour of receipt on a document that is filed and acknowledge receipt of same. ooflm~' ht\O~· :: 1(1 a) 2/ When the Office accepts the filing of documents by means of the electronic media in accordance with directive issued for such purpose, the time and date of receipt registered by the electronic device shall be considered the official time and date of receipt of the document by the Office. Federal Negarit Gazette No. 10 December 24" 2012 Page 668 1'/ ijl n, -I: II-r lhnlD- "'1oot\ h;f rooM' 'l\,n &.. T 31 <I!'I'C ooflmT'1 r"'1oot\h;flD- n"t\ Olf~(I)' application it receives and mark each documen h n.ll"}~ fI ~1: f\J'> rooM' <I! '1'';' "} "'1f1&.. C constituting the application with the assigne< MOT :: reference number. ntLU n"}4''l\ "}(}-f1 n"}4''l\ (E) oowl T 41 II"'1oot\ h;f r -rflm 00M' <I!'I'C "'1oot\ h;f (I).") M ooM,-f. 04'fl]J'> O"'l.~l 'r referred to in all subsequent communication: concerning the application. 7. Oi' (I)fI~ r1.tt. 1~1I lD-f1'1' oo""lll r"'l.1fJlD­ Filling Documents by Mail II registered postal mail five days before the OM'fIJ..J'>'1 Oi'ooH10 TfI;r 1I'l\,n&"T n,-i: expiry 01. 'I r ~lfllD- O.If·W' ,, '}IJ.. 0(1)""-1: 9"1I1f)'} 1I"'1f1001l111'1 II "'1<'1~f1 r '}"l1: O"'1.4'CO' 21 shall b. i~ The provision of sub-article (I) of this Articl. registration and renewal of trademarks. "'100 t\h;f sv:r 8, -roof\ 71 M"'1 g.J~.l 'r fI'I p."f 11.1 deadline may not apply with regard to the application fOI 9"t\Il-'l' f\J'> N,5\"'1, nJ'>If'}9":: specified received by the Office after the deadline. I'H,U n'}</>'l\ '}O.f1 n'}4''l\ (?i) 1:'};J1. r'}"l1: 9"M,-'I"} of a considered as being timely filed despite it h'}~ 4'lO J'>.JImt·t\:: ?if A document sent to the Office via express an< fI~1: 1.H.lD- h"'1M· hM"f1T 4''1T M4'1:'l" r-rf\h hlf~ 1I'l\,n&,,-'I' n,-I: r1.H. 1~0' 'lilt. ~. The reference number assinged to an applicatiOi under sub-article (3) of this Article shall bl r'l\m.fi: "IT'i' ~-f.:r V·II· r"'l.m4'f1 J'>1f'1t\: : iii The Office shall assign a reference number to al Documents not Returnable II Unless expressly provided in the Proclamation this Regulation or directive issued by the Office OH.U ~'}1I (1)$'.9" 'l\ ,nt.-'I· n,-I: ooootf 0"1t\'l\ "t\i'oollhi' n,-I: 1I'l\,nt.+ r-r~l1 fI~1: Ofl-l'4'C 10. "'oof\7i n$'.Y.l"l9" , 1f"09" 'l\,nH· n,." O'l\(h·<J: 'I'f~ h4'lOIl-'l' i·10.lD-'} ll<J:f O"'1f1ht.t\ I'fI~~'} fiT lI.fI'I' $'.:rf\t\ :: OM')!: : fJ (I)fl] (I). documents submitted to the Office may not b. returned; provided, however, that copies 0 1 same document may be given upon writter request and payment of the applicable fee. 21 'P'10J-'} fI~1: 1I'l\,nt. -'I- n,." 10. nl'l fllDr;:.y- flTlD- '} O"'1Ml.-'/· 'P'1lD- '} fI~1: Any person who has submitted an original document to the Office may take back the original one by replacing the copy thereof. oooJ-fl1: $'.:rf\t\:: PART THREE 11fi:t\ Y'f1-r APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF 1'1"11: 9" t\ I1T lI"'1l1oo1l111 M"'l. 4'C11 "'1oot\hf ii. r"'1oot\hf Mt-lll n"l1: 9"t\ Il'~ ' 1I"'1f1001l'l'0 I''''l. 4'ClI "'1oot\h;.r: On'P~; n ' }4''l\ t hi-oollh',:-,/· O·'-a.)''''1t h"'1.h"-II"~- fI~P.:r ;JC " -fJ'>" oo-rlll MO')' :­ O(h"l I'floJ-~-'I' 0011')' r'I-f'lmoJ­ nllt\ hlf~ l'9"lI'lfJ 1'9"f1IlC OJl4'-'I' -r1: h'1 t.t.·"'1,OJ1:C~-I:'} (1)1111lloot.l9" 1''''1.ffl:rt\ P't\fl]') f 1IlD- 00 If~"} 1''''1.f<'lJ'> "'1f10! ! TRADEMARK 9. Submission of Application An application for registration of a trademark shall be accompanied by the following documents in addition to those specified under Article 8 of the Proclamation: nooN,:P 11.1 "'1oot\h;.r:lD- O(l)h,t\ n"'1"$'. ~-'I- l'4'lO hlf~ I'OJh.II- 1'9"1I1fJ r9"f1I1C OJl4'-'I-'1 On"lfJO' 1""l;J'lm 1'lD-1lt\'1 P't\fl]'} "'1f10! , II if the applicant is a legal person, copy of the certificate of its registration and evidence authorizing the person who has. signed the application to represent the legal person; 21 if the application is filed through an agent, the certifi cate of registration of the agent and a duly authenticated power of attorney; Feder.ll Nega rit Gazette No. 10 December 24lh 20 12 Page 668 2 I'T7Y; 9"MH: M"'e hlf'l m,£',9° I"'M'e 'nC':r iii 1111,'" ~,mC 1'7,'/II.(}' lfD'?II""~ ! 9 n tlll'I: h~,"'1C~ J'II 31 I'K',h,lj: a brief wrillen descriplion of pictures, if the trademark is pictorial or includes pictorial elements; h~,"'1C":: m,e9 u M 'I:'} 6,Y,tI m,£',Yo h~,l 'll?,' \'-I'llI' I' 1\." h'}Y,If'1 ~,;I: m,e9" 41 </!'rc M'I:'} where the trademark contains characters other than Amharic or Latin, or numerical ex pressions ~n* 6S,tI m,el/" ''''PC 1'5'11 1'~,"'1C?': m,ey" I''''I:'} 6,Y,tI other than Amharic, Arabic or Latin numerals their trans literation into Amhari c or Latin 7,'j ~,;t' I' ~,l,n?': '/:'I'C I' J'II oo'?I1""~! characters and Arabic numerals; (il ~,lfDtllt'f': 1"/'1\9" h'}Y, tTP:"/-'} '}'?Y.: 51 l/"tlll'I ' mj:',Y" I'T'l,l';' l/"MH: 001lS' flU/' ~, ,~:C'I" as a trademark or distinctive feature of the 1''''1.(1)11.1',(11- hlf'l 'I1I·/'tI1fD"} I"}'?P: Y"tlh:/' '1"11", IITfO:r if the applicant claims a combination of colors trademark, three copies of the trademark in 7,'j Ill/"tlh'" (11'11 '1' "l."l/"C co lor and the explanation that the applicant I'T7Y: 9"tI)H: 1'./'tIl/" claims a comb ination of color as the trademark 'r 'fP:':/' mj:',Y" IfDIIS' flU/'(II' '1m' 1''''1.tlll''' '} or as a di stinctive feature, which includes a 9"h'};'-/- I'5'11 1fD''lIl''''~:: description of position of appearance of each 1''''1:J'~I1-/- '} 7,,I"},v,'},v,, ·/'tIY" 1''''1.'ItlK''j ~,lfDtlll:/': n;J' co lor in the trademark . I. I'roA 1'1"1.f: "'1_00 Ahil' 9" AhT~ I' mtl yutlh '" IllI.U ~, '}O/>K' Y:HI Y:}'11 tn',l 'l·n (}' II'" 1''''1,.I'ClI Ii t 'f..fO)'· An application to be submilled for the registration of a h'/'lIlll';,-" ~,(Jl"/""9° U Application for Registration of Collective Trademark II °'111 1fD'lI'I'll IH·{'1.1,"'I/. !It\TU: 9 Ah,': 1fD" ' -'I.I',/.5' 1''''l4'-'.i! 10. I"},?.\'; -''llfDtlh;l: ~"'1iJ!",1111l h"'1.Y.'I'?'? colleCli ve trademark shall , in addition to those "·n.!1 speci fied under Article 9 of this Regulation , be ;JC ~,lIn-/-:: accompanied by two copies of a statute governing the use of the trademark. 11. I"}"J.\': M"'e lfD'?II.....~ hnlfDtlll:/': 9"tlh'" O,o/>91:r '1"r9" m,e9 ",I'. Graphical Representation of Trademark ~, 'ltI'?II·,n'· U (/J,ey o 1''Pllo)''} ;JC 'l'tyu 1I°'l'PA I';J '1'In (/J'-} I"},?.f: 9"tlh '" II 11" '.1'.1'11 shall ",I'. 1l-)-)lhA 1''''1.mhtl 1fD1f'} ,e'jTIl;J'A:: Y:HI ~,'}O/>K' IllI.U 21 oo'f1 ')' 1I1fD(Jll't 1''''1,,/,C'1l "'1IfDAh;l: 1'1f~ ~,'}Y. If'1 I"},?.\'; yOMH: the exact representation of the trademark used or intended to be used In connection wi th or the applicant's goods If the application is lodged in accordance wi th Article 13 of this Regulation seeking priority, lfD'?II .....~ M"'l? be serv ices. UnIPd· 1'4'-'1"'1. ~,). Xi: The graphical representation of a trademark n'/"m,m' (}.'!,;J' the graphical representation shall be the exact 'I ·IfD'I/'?n 1l'l'f'l(Jlm· I'Y"'I/'I'I 1'l/"llhC ml4")' representation of the trademark as it appears in ~,uutlll :l': ",I'. n"'1:J'~Il'" mc 1"I'4'oomaV} t"}'?.\': 1''''1.mhtl 00 If'} 9°Ah-" the registration certificate of a trademark duly 1l-)'hhA registered in the country of origin of the ,£','j'CIl;J·tI:: applicant. 12. ~'lfDtlld·· i'!'(i (?i) K' ,hI,. ". 11.": 1111. U .\':HI ootJJd' YOl1'llJaV} he; n '}4'K' !It\ 00 4'1111, 'PI. "'11l;J' oJ>/: J' h"'1'''''' 00' n 6, -), 11 "'1'} ~ (/J'Y" 'I. H. "'1lfDtlh;t'm·'} 1I"'17i7iA '1\ ,hil.')· n..,,'} "'11l ;J'(/J't:.f' hool\h· 11'1\ (}'lj: IfDml't ,e):"A:: l"I',o/>(/J"1" Amendment of Application II An applicant may request the Office in writing at any time before the issuance of notice of acceptance for registration and publication for call of opposition under Article 25( 1) of this Regulation to amend his application . Federal Negarit Gazette No. 10 December 24" 2012 Page 6683 1/./ ntlU h"}4'Y; "}(}-h h"}4'Y; (li) uoWl+ l'4'ln I'"'f i'ii'i f '!' f </: :­ U) 2/ of this a) be rejected if the substantially alters the character or pictorial representation of. the trademark shown in the original application ; or b) 'P'1or "'fuoAh~ 10. nl1'~n+ 1.tl. h 1"1)1"-I: + I'IJ:I' fO"f'1 I' h 1A "I II-,H 11 ClIC or h '!' 11.1\ 1" (J;), "'ft IJ:I' OJ.e9" h 1 A "I II- + II"'fl) 1"+ h 11' ~ 1 1"4'fI.e ~+ h.e.,o lor9" :: II) h"}4'Y; (1/.)( U) n1"uollh1"or uoWl + Y; rM. + n.-I: n"'l.Omor ort) '!. Ill!­ ;PC 1'1"07 OJ1"} I''''fi'ii'ir 'l' r<!:or 1"4'fI.e ~+ ~ '}~Mor h1"1I1M+ <f>'} l..9"C n;,; 4''1+ orfl'!' p'AIT)'} IIlIor ~C~ n.+ .e"lfl"S "'f;Plll .e"fllA:: Article shall amendment: 'P'1or "'fuoAh~ 10. n1"~l1n+ 1.tl. mnlor n"}"l~ 9"6\11-1: flut OJl!-9" W}"l ~ 9" A 11-1: p'lwe 00"1 II~ II.e uowl:r'f lIor'!' I''''l.f uolT) hl1'~ 1 OJ.e9" Oil u h'}4'Y; An application submitted under sub-article (I) is to make additions in the list of goods or services included In the original application. 3/ Any applicant dissatisfied with the decision of the "}(Hl Office on rejection of application in accordance with sub-article (2)(a) of this Article, may appeal to the court having jurisdiction within 60 days after the receipt of the decision. 13, Priority Right For the purposes of establishing priority right in II:. I' 4'",au+ 001l-r accordance with Article 10 of the Proclamation, the date an earlier application filed in a foreign country 00W l + I' 4' ~"'l. ~ + 0011 +"} c'l..A OOJ'&J;b U1C l'4'ln "'fuoAh~ 4'"} IIy;.nt.+ n.-I: l'4'ln l'"}"l~ "'fooAh~ 10. ~ "}~-r.e.l10+ 4'"} 'f'~C? c'l..OJO~ I''''l. "fflOJ·:­ oh 'P}l: h "}4'Y; flooOJO"} 4' ~9" 10. 1'1'~l1n+ 9"AI1+ 9"1I1f1 J. shall be treated as the date an application submitted to the Office for registration of a trademark if: II In a country that is a party to the Paris Convention 1'4' ~'1"or "'fooAh;J' I' h.'}~fI+tr'f '}lIl + '!'n:l' r;1'tfl tI'}fi;Hi'} 1"'P'P.e OJn 011'~ U1C OJl!-9" r;rtfl tI'}fi;Hi'} h"'l.omOJ· r4'~"'l. ~:,. 0011:" ;JC 1"uot)t).e orm.+ fflor 0011:" flhuoAI)~: O"'l.o'!' mc "'fuoAh;J'or n1"1o.or u·'!.:r 10. 1'11'~ ~"}~11'~ 1 ~'1 11./ the earlier application was duly filed for the Protection of Industrial Property or in a country that grants a right of priority to an applicant that has equivalent effect to the right of priority provided for by the Paris Convention; and 2/ huoAI)'f: I"}"l ~ 9"AI1+ 9"1I1f1OJ' "'fuoAh;f flY;.n,t:', n.1: 10. hl1'~O:" 4"} l..9"C' flfI·:'· :i 4''1:,. orfl'!' 1'4' ~'1"or'} "'fuoAh;J: r1'l;J'/m tiT OJ.e9" N~'1"or "'fuoAh;J( 10. 011'~0:" mc r1"om r;P ~"'l.f 0011:" r9"fll1C OJl4':" flY; .nt.:'· n.,,, f4'lO ~'}~11'~ 1 the applicant submits to the Office, within 90 days from the filing date of the application for registration of the trademark, a certified copy of the earlier application or a priority certificate issued by the country where the previous application wa, filed. PART FOUR ~or:: EXAMINATION OF APPLICATION I1~A M·+ "'fooAh~"} MooooCooC Iii. Mt;:C"'ft\.t 9"CootY; .nt.:'· n.1: "'fuoAh;J' c'l.."'ClIfI:" nh'P}l: h'."Y; t ~'1 O~U ~'1I h,."Y; U r<t'uoflh1::"'} uoflt.Cf-"f r"'f.r"'J. II uol1'~·'} fI "'f l ;J1'!' 1'(;: C"'f fl. 'f: 9" COD t.. fIj 'l.~A : : 14. Formality Examination II The Office shall, undertake forma lily examination on the application submitted to verify its compliance with the requiremenls of Article 8 of the Proclamation and Article 9 of this Regulation. Federal Negarit Gazette No. 10 December 24" 2012 Page 6684 I!.I otto "'1oot\h;rro- 0 M';il: h ,}4'l'l t; h'i ii l'1'oollh1:T'} h'}4'l'l ooooH~P:>l- "-" hll'~ l'lrhtlT fl.1: I' "'l. 7fJ (D.'} 0000 H~ P:>l- Y, 'HI 21 l''''1f Article 8 of the Proclamation and Article 9 of hoot\IJ'P fl.f"-" h "- t\ f. "'111;1'(D this Regulation are not fulfilled, it shall notify the applicant, in writing, to file the necessary 4:f(D' h"-IIhO-)- 4',} 1.'l"C: hl 4''iT fJMllm 7. tb (D'll 'f' IIl'l rh tl T fl.1: Ol'lrfl,<i: fll;1'(D'4''Pt\ :: correction within 90 days from the date of the hVi.f Y, C"/ 7ft notification, 31 h 00 t\ IJ :P 0 l'l rh t. -)- fl.1: h'}-'I. f 4'C11 1'1' mI' 4'(D.'} h C"'1f.l- 0 'h'l m /D' I' 7. tb 7ft IJIIU7: l'lrhtl1- reject the application and the applicant shall ' "'100 t\ h;rro-'} fl.1: forfeit the fees paid, if any. M.',U."/1I1-'l":: HlI h<i:f 1J1I'l" 1'ooll7i 41 "'1oot\h;fro- Oh'P;il: h'}4'l'l t; h'i OH.u Y,'}1I i) l'1'oollh1:-}"} h'}4'l'l f"-" ooooH~P:>l- this IIf. fll· 'l"Coo('. h"jt\.,·ro- "'1oot\h;J:P:>l-'} l1Cl1C hH;J;P:f. I'hn.<;'}.'\.'} hoot\lJl- ll'l"'i hY:('·7i j II ) "'1oot\h;f l'4'lOO')' I'hj"M'}.'\. I"},,/Y: formality requirements pursuant to Article 14 of 21 'l"t\ h l' 00"/1161>/, (Df. 'l" <J>)l j hn.<;'}.'\. "'1oot\h;J: {):p P:>l- OJf.'l" 4:'f'(,·:foJo·} j IP ) shall this Regulation . V) 00) it ooIPt.-}­ II The Office shall prepare and maintain an Index 000;1'1'1' of pending applications which meet the l1Cl1?- 1''''1.hHI+'} fIJ'I'1' ooll"} f...·CO;1't\:· (I.) fulfilled , Index of Pending Applications f.f.ljt\: : iU are acceptance of the application for examination, 15. Iii Regulation acknowledge, by a notice to the applicant, C 00(,. ll/I 00 4'011, IIhoot\IJ'P f<'lro-4''Pt\:: l'lrhtl1' fl.1: OH.U Y,'}1I h'}4'l'l Where the Office finds that the requirements of . Article 8 of the Proclamation and Article 9 of I''''l. hll'~ l'lrht.-}- fl.1: "'1oot\h;fro-'} 1I'l" I'b;C"'1I1."; If the applicant does not file the required correction within the time limit, the Office shall 7Y,1I (D'll'f' (D.Y:<J> fY,C1'Pt\: : noot\IJ'P I'ht.II(D· 1'7"> iii Where the Office finds that the requirements of the name and address of each applicant; b) a description or reproduction of each 1''''1.i'i<i:'irro-·} c) I''l''Y,fJ the goods or services each application covers and their classification number: "'1oot\h;J' .p'}'; I'\'},). j h'i fl.'" a) applied-for mark; h 7t\,,/1I·f.l-'i hn.<;'}.'\. l'l rht..)- The Index shall include: d) 1'1l'~0-}"} '10. t/;" date and time when each appli cation was filed ; and IIhf'}.<;·}.'\. e) "'1oot\h;J: I'flm(D"} 4:'f'C: : the number that the Office assigned to each application. 16. Substantive Examination II '!.·(nt.')· Il.-/' :­ The Office shall conduct substantive examinat ion on the application for .registration V) "'1 oot\h;J: I'4'lOIl1' I'T'l Y: 9°t\h')­ of a trademark to decide on: Oh'P;il: h '}.p'!.· (; ooIPt.) 1I'l"1171) 11</1 ooll'~"} j a) (Df.'l" eligibility of the trademark for registration in accordance with Article 5 of the II) 901J'/fJro- Oh'P;il: h'}.pl'l ~ (Df.'l" h'}.pl'l Proclamation; or :;, oou,t.-}· ooht\ht\ fIlO:/' ooll'~"} j 1l00(Dfl'} o.pt.oM· {"}"/Y:' 9°11'/fJ "'1oot\h;J: IIf. I'/-"t.-~'IC 9"Coo('. fh'i(D''it\: : b) refusal of registration in accordance with Article 6 or Article 7 of the Proclamation. 'Ill' i7i.nifJ; if J..1.&-~ ~?~,). ?t\.lTJ 4:'l'C 1 ;ro"l1 I?; +'} fll.?; 't,9". IIIlU h14'Yi 1M) h14'Yi (ti) oowt.+ 11"'1noAh?' IIf, I' P't. - ~'IC S"'Coot- I''''1.Y Federal Negarit Gazene No. 10 December 24· 20 12 Page 6685 21 The substantive examination of an application under sub-article (1) of this Article shall be h'1ro-~ro-'- carried out: IIIl U- "'''II1C llYilhL+ {J,-I: 1'(I)"lro-1 ooootY llooh.,.A "'1ooAh?' 1'4't.1I11 +'} S"'AI1+ lloo'lS"''IS'" i h'1 v) a) with the directive issued by the Office for such purpose; and II) l'.,.noH'III· S"'AI1.y.1- h'1 lloo;f-I'+ IIf, YII' "'1ooAh?'9'1-') lI.,.oollh.,. IlYith L+ (J,-I: 0011"111+ I'wL~ 00t.;Q9'1-1 llnoL.,. 7i i f,lf'1 A:: b) applications. 31 Any person, before fil ing an application for registration of a trademark, may apply for search to know whether the trademark applied for is registered or not upon payment of the fee "111+ ooml'op f,1-IIA :: pr~s cribed fJ,t rAI1tT1 lI"'1l1l7D1/'Il1 M"'1. ..tCIJ: "'1I7DAhf9'T 17, (l)f,S'" hllY 1I11f, IIlf~' "'1ooAh?' 9'1­ l''''1.oo<'lM· I")"I~ S"'AI1.y.1-'} IIh1~ qf,~+ (l)f,S'" lI-/'ooMf, 0:1'9'1- (l)f,S'" MA"III-.y.1- lI"'1tIoo1/'Il1 IIh'}~ n IlYithL+ {J,-I: h4't.IJ:'1 1'4'y.S"'H+ 0011+ II"'1W ro-S'" N.'1"'1. 1''''1f,lf1 hlf~'- !i! Applications for Registration of Similar Trademarks Office on the same day for the registration of similar trademarks for identical or similar goods or services and there is no priority right applicable to any of them: Yi lh&.:'· (J,-I: 1Ih. :"r-)\"Y (I)·tI'I' 4' ~'I" 'I'opS'" IIf, 1''1'11(1),1 1'1"1 ~ S'"A11+ IIh'l'Jf. h ')4'Yi :t q II"'1 h 1Y. 4'"1"'1. 1'1"1 ~ S'"A11 + fI. oil 'I' t. (I). f, 1-11A i (I) f, S'" h4' t.1I·:'· 1'1"1 ~ S'"AI1.y.1- util] hA h 1J!.S'" Md-r-)\"y (I)·tI'I' 'I'opS'" IIf, fA'I'1I hlf~ 1I'1.H. .]> Y.S'" .,. h." A 00 1.00tf "'1ooAh;J' 1'4't.III1')· I"}"I~ S"'AI1:" IIh'l'Jf. h14'Yi :t qll"'1 4'''1'''1. S'"A11+ h') Y.lf~ f,4\mt·A:: in the Schedule attached hereto. When two or more applications are submitted to the V·II-'!- ?if through search of the records of the Office for registered trademarks and pending "'1')!i'ro-S'" oro- hllU ~')11 .?C II.,.Y YHro­ W ') m t. "If I'.,. 00 IIh "'ro-') 11 <j: f II00 L l'.S'" I' '}"1 ~ S'"A11+ S"'1/'I11 "'1ooAh?' h"'1op t.1l· 11&.+ 4'Y.S'" I'I.A ",oo'VIf, I")"I~ S"'AI1+ Moooo1/'IIl·'} 1I"'1t..?'I'r <j:.,.1i h'M.Y.t. 11, .,.l7Dl)/Ig. by evaluating the trademark in accordance II the Office may treat the trademark used in Ethiopia first as an earlier trademark for the purpose of Article 7 of the Proclamation; or 21 if neither trademark has been used in Ethiopia, the trademark applied first in terms of time shall be treated as an earlier trademark for the purpose of Article 7 of the Proclamation. 18. 1~. IlYithL+ ~-I: M"t(l)lIl: "C9"'I Action of the Office If the Office, as the result of the findings of the substantive examination: !i! hl7DAI]:f; Ilh.p:q: h')4'Yi Ii oowd' I''''(I)O~' "'Q;I,. "'1 t 00P'LC.y.1-1 "'1":/.11:" 1''''1.'111(1)' If'l 1]'17(1)' i (l)f,9" II I")"I~ 21 9"AI1-1: 9"1/'11] IIh'l'Jf. h')4'Yi requires ~_ the applicant to satisfy certain additional requirements in accordance with Article 5 of the Proclamation; or ~ concludes that the trade mark is inadmissible for registration pursuant to Article 6 or 7 of the (l)f,S'" h')4'Yi :t oowt.:'· fl.hIIhA 1''''1.'11](1)' If'l 1]'I7ro- i f,U')'l- h'19"I1')f,j: IIhI7DAI]~ llYi V·<j: "'1<'1m:,. Mil:":: Proclamation; it shall notify same to the applicant, in writing, together with the reasons thereof. hooAI]~ IIIlU y"}l1 IIh')4'Yi I t oowd' II.,.Omro- "'1tI;f-(I)4:f "'1tI;f-OJ4:fro- hY.t.Oro­ 4'1 1.S"'C: IIj 4''1:,. (I)·lI'I' ooAO·1 IlYilhL:" 19. Response to Action of the Office II The applicant sha1l respond to the Office with in 90 days from the date of receipt of the notice in accordance with Article 18 of this Regulation. Federal Negari! Gazette No. 10 December 24" 2012 Page 6686 l{1 hootll]~ V) O"'l.l'lmlD· ootl{J:­ 2/ r-tmr"'lD-'} 1'l;J;\,"'1t 00P'6.CT 0 1\ "'1 ,.'1 T lD,e9" 1\9"111 f]lD' h ')if>4- T rln.:'-'} 9"tnff-r 1\"'1{JlD1Y: "'1!LlD"} hC9"~ oolD'l'lY: 1 lD,e9" The applicant in his response may: a) take proper measure to satisfy the specified additional requirements or to overcome the grounds impeding the registration; or 1\) ntto .O{J "'100tI h;J: "'1i'ii'itI'} Moo tlhf- r'f"<I'oomlD' 1.1'.{J h '}.I'.-tmO'" If';' ntlU 'W·{J h').,.11 /...I'.tI "'1.- (U) r"·m.,.I'l+'} hC9"~9"')'· 1\00lD'l'lY: 0"'100tI h ;J: lD' II,e "'1i'ii'i .I' 1\ "'1 Y: l. "! b) subject to the limitation provided for in this Regulation, with a view to taking the measures referred to in paragraph (a) of oomr~l this sub-article. ,eTlltI:: tl 3/ '/';ht. '/· fl..,: rhootll]~ ooMI h'}y'.I'.l.l'llD· "'1ootlh;/:lD"} h'}Y.1<; ,e00l.9"t·tI :: l'ootl{J 00{J~ Extension of Time to Respond 7,11.') M"'1t-H9" 1/ (I Regulation may be extended, if the applicant '/g.Il ' /1'''/'''', 11/.,'/' 11)1.',/'·',: 1'l,11l,(',:"'j 1111.11 g:HI :J(: IH·YYII(/)· ,J"}i11/, :ir 1' "·,,ul\lI reasons for the extension before the expiry of ),',:.1' 0./,.)1.'9" requests, in writing, by providing sufficient the time limit and upon payment of the fee 1\.1.·119"1\'/' ,e)"IItI:: prescribed in the Schedule attached hereto. ntLU ~, -}4'l', -W'{J h -}4''I.' (M ooUJ l.1- r'Lt~ '1Y.O' 1\.1..119 0 r"'l.TI\OJ· rootl{J 00{J""1 r'Lt~ 'IY.'tl h"'l.)'O:J>O:/· ;t>:9"C' ""'h;J-;J-,e :! ,,,<;,/. ,elf<;tll If';'?" hV'I\-/' 'Lt~ Oll,e 1\.1.·119" h,eTtl9":: 2/ The time limit may be extended, pursuant to sub-article (I) of this Article, for a period of -m U The time limit stipulated in Article 19 of this hootll.:P OIl.U Y:}{J h'}4'l', Xii r"·Y.~1'}lD­ \'1.11. 1Y.{J OO'/: 9"h'}f:" h VI, I.. 119"1\:/' I"m ·I·(II··} !II The Office shall re-examine the application upon receipt of the applicant's response . 20. ri. request amendment to the application, consecutive 90 days following the expiry of the applicable response period; provided, however. that such extension may not be allowed for more than twice. ",';ht."" fl.": \"/.11. "'11.·11"'1. .1' 'r ),'/.'OJ· y,,·t.'/'Y. oolf'/ "} OJ,e9" ~,I\oolf'/· ·} I\hoo tll]:P 011 u·lj: "'1"'(J)'''' ~,I\O '/':: 31 The Office shall notify its decision to the applicant in wri ting whether the extension is granted or not. 21. Rejection of Application ~,ooN.:': OII.U Y:}'O h'}</>'I.· 'i/l ooUJt.-/· YO(J](J)' ootl{J h'}Y.'''l.O "'1ootlh;/:(J)· h'}.1'.'/Cj "'ooC9"C' O""f'i(J)' (J)'m,'/' hootll.'P Y"'mY </:'/"} "'(J;},"'11. 00P'6.C-n: 00·1\· 000·1\· M"'1<ry.II": (J),e9" l\9"l,'/f](J)· h'}N.-/· YIf·/· 9"h '})',)'·)·· '} 1\"'1{J(J)'/Y: Moo;/:I\· Y"·l.,:J'/(J] h H.1f ~ '/\,)'6. ,/. fl..,: y'},,! Y: 9"tI h:/ ' 9"1"/f] "'1ootlh;/:(J)·'} a)·.1'.·~ fY.C;JtI:: 1/ An ap\J: ,cation for registration of a trademark shall be rejected by the Office if the re­ examination of the application upon receipt of the applicant's response under Article 19 of this Regulati on shows that the applicant fails to fully satisfy the specified additional requirements or to overcome the grounds impeding the registration. OILu ~,'H''''' '}O.{J ~,'H"" «i) oou,t.-/· I""om OJ·""b l'I>,ootl l ,": O"'·..J,·lj: ooY:l.{J(j \'9"1"/1] "'/ootll1;/:(I)· OJ· ,I!.·~ 1"'·Y.l.'/IF':(J)·'} 9"h'})"I'·:)'- 00'71\",' ~,I\O-/. :: 21 Deci sion of the Office ~nder sub-article (I) of this Article shall be communicated to the applicant in writi ng stating the reasons for the rejection . I"}"!.I'.· 9"tlh'/' 9"1,'/1] "'I 00 tI h/(J)' (J).y:~ Y"·Y.l.'IO:'· ~,ootll. :)'- y",·,nt.-/· fl..,: OJ·...·/, OY.l.O(J)· ;J;' .p'j..,. (J).{J'P p'tlfl)'} 111\0)' <j:CY: fl.'i· ,e"lll'~ ",/~l.{J ,e)"IItI:: 31 Any applicant whose application for regi stration of a trademark is rejected may appeal to the court having jurisdiction within 60 days from receipt of the decision of the Office. Federal Negarit Gazelle No. 10 Dece mber 241h 2012 Page 6687 til. "'1out\h;r (I)o1:~ M"'l.ID01: hC9";Q ~,onNI:f; hi'f.l1 Ohout\lJ=Ji 01-" 22. Prior to the expiry of the period of appeal on the \'.e,?IJ:~ ·1.lb(l)· h°'1M' Ot.')· fI.e".'1.f\· I',ro:· onfl6,C'},':)"') 1ID'l"'}.'I')· (1).1',9" II 9" '//'ICJ (I). ~, '),N. ,). \' 9"1/') y ,}':.)'.,) 1ID'l~0l'/ f.' \''''1.J'f1·:;·I1· rejection, the applicant may take measures to satisfy the outstanding requirements or overcome the grounds tn· imped ing the registration or amend the application to ~,CY"}L~D:r') ~. lIon(l)·Of.· ou(l)·of.· (I),I'.Yu MII.U'/· ~,Cy"}1p»·· D'loot\h ;J:o)o') 0'17i7it\ .I',)"'It\:: take such measures. 23. tiC . IttlD "'lODt\hiJ" Y\,nt,')· 1\../, OD'l,h'/'II")' Y"I/H'}":)" ~df.·') D'loot\h;J: ~,')y.·/"/ · (I) .I'"II'I'l'Pt\:· 0) hi' ;J.\, D'loot\ h;J:(I). 0D'l'pj'(I)'9" 0)1,,,''1: \"/'01 h·)Y.lf~ I ~,oot\I ,:f; CJIIn ')' Abandoned Application II \'~OlO:/' (1)''1+ a) b) as the applicant expressly withdraws the the applicant fails to respond to the the Yt\om h ')Y.lf~ OI,l'.9u 1I.1',o'},II· \'<1'0:. ,).,) oufl6.C·\':r 1ID'l"'}.'I')· (I).I',Yo IIY" extension or to take measures to fully h').»'!.')· \,If'/..)-') ,h) period or authorized yU)O N')" overcome grounds impeding registration or amend the application with a view to taking such measures; c) the applicant fails to appeal to the court '1.1', ,......t\nn .1','?CJ :~ D'l.» l il having jurisdiction against the decis ion of \,'/OlO+ tlb YII6.0·) · h·)Y.lf'/1 01,1'.9" the Office before the expiry of the appeal OK·,ntl,')· 'I: C1: 'III01' ou) 1\.,/, response satisfy outstanding requirements or to OI·OY.' D'loot\h;J:OI") .I''I7i7i1l hH. lf~ I .I','?II:~ Hcn ol-fl." 1\.,.,. period; or ,E',,?CJ7' Ol-f.·'» \,lf~O'''' h·)Y.lf~: : d) "'1oot\h;J:ol- \"""'01 h'}Y.lf~ K·,ntl.·)· 1\../, 21 \,"'1.t\ Y"t\h')' 0"'1Y.' l "/ O'/"/·w· ou1l'/(n~ 4. .I',t\ OI-fI'I' h ')-'I.,roo'j' .l'Y.C;Jt\ :: 0001/'/0· 'I,E'. "\"/"/'01" h~,oot\,,:f; w,E'.yu hwh,II' ;JC \,:r'Cil O,),'JY.' yut\I/')' Y01/'/IJ D'lout\h;J:w· 'I.e 'I'.»Y" YIIW' fl.lf') i OI,1'.'J" hhout\,,:f; w.e'J" hOlh,lI· ;JC YIIW· "'1')~ w'l/o fI.'I o,.e~'''' "/')7"/')' hhY.'.II" '/11 I'lf~ I/OCout· hVlj'tI'I,Y.- '/' K";' II,YfI.I':C I''''l.)'.t\ If';' fI. ·1'1 i Ot.o · h~II'li~'''' W,l'.9n Ohout\I,:f; W,l'.9U Ofl.'I '1'-'lV, O"'l.oullh'/·w, ;~'It.H h').'\.~11 w'/') O"'l. </'Cil .eU;Jt\:: l'Y<I: hl/UCout· When the application is abandoned, the Office it in the records of abandoned files . Exclusion from Being Examiner Any person assigned by the Office to examme an application for reg istration of a trademark shall, on his own initiative or upon the request of the applicant or any '//Y°1: Cj Yllw' If';' fI.'l'1 i the applicant's appeal is unsuccessful. shall mark the file "ABANDONED" and place 24. hODlf1 illlou'lll-r "'1'P;'w·y" 11,),7,'1,' l'''t\h'''' Y"'II'III NlO "'1oot\ h;J: ') hVtoulYoC OK·,ntl.'''· 1\../, 1',/·ouY.O ow·:· i!./ application decision of the Office before the expiry of OIM. OI,I'.yo MII,U'/' hC9"}1P>:)'- 1100 ?if an during the proceeding; lID'lflorlY,' \,"'1.J'M~II· hC9"}1p>:r') Yt\ tri!. ouC"'1t treat 0001' \'oot\f1 oofl""l tlb flYO:r oot\f1 '11'11101' !!.I shall application by a written notice at any time \,'h~·11 OI.I',Y" '1.11. Office abandoned if: M ·,ntl.'''· 1\../, 01·11." oot\f1 ooflm')' The '/.lb ~,oot\II:f; M·,nt,')· OD'lIl(l).» D'loot\h;J:(I)") 1\.,/, II) Applicant Action after Rejection other interested party, be excluded from exercising his function where, he: II is a close relative of the applicant or his agent; 21 has an interest in the application for registration of the trademark; or 31 has such other kinds of relations with the applicant or his agent that might inOuence the impartial examination of the application . '/'IO ~i'i.n'if;i; t..1./"t\ ~.:>t·}, ':>1\.1lJ "''l'C 1 ;t-uilll ll; .,." fltl; ~.9". ht;:A h9"ll-r PART FIVE r1"J~ 9"Ah-r Ml7q1 llftoo:l'CD9" OPPOSITION TO REGISTRATION OF . rr~, r1"J~ 9"Ah-r 119"1171] 11011 00"" TRADEMARK llft"'1ltaH­ 25. Notification of Eligibility of Trademark for Registration r;iht..-r n,." "'1ooAh;r \'·n,OIl-r \,'}"I1; 9"Ah-r:­ OH.u ?if ~'HI 00!P l -r If the Office determines that the trademark applied for is eligible for registration following: n'}.,.r; Tf, CDJ.'.9" n'}.,.r; Ill(E) \'.,. ~l1 9"Coo&-'} CDJ.'.9" I; ;1"'1, II 9"Coo&-'}! CDJ.'.9" c'\J.'.~II' !'.I \'.,..;. oollt.C.y.'f'} 00·11· 000·11, 11"'10:1.'1:" CDJ.'.9" 119"1111](JJo h'}HT \'In· 9"h'}.I'.y.'f'} 1I"'1f1CD'/1; nooAt):P nJl.u ~'Hl n'H,r; the measures taken by _the applicant to fully satisfY the outstanding requirements or to overcome the grounds impeding the registration pursuant to Article 22 of this Regulation; it shall arrange for publication of the trademark for opposition and notifY the applicant the acceptance of the application for registration purpose and publication for call of opposition. ?1ft oo!PlT \'CDM'l'(JJo'} hC9"JiPJ'f i M':I'(JJo'l" 'I'~ ih:"ooT "'111;1~:"'I "'1ooAh;r(JJo 119"1I1W; M':l'CD''I'' 'I' ~ .,..,.IJMT h 'MII(JJo IInoo ~\t):P "'1c'\CD"" MO:":: rl. \'.,. :l'CJJo'l" '1'6 "'111:!'CD4!.I' llft"'1CJJotIJ-r 26. r; ;ht.:'· n,.,,:­ II) Publication of Notice for Call of Opposition II \'nooAt):(:'} fl9"'1 nl;t,·7i! The-Office shall publish, at the expense of the applicant pursuant to Article 12 of the Proclamation, a notice for call of opposition to the registration of the trademark that includes: "'1ooAh;':(JJo \,"'1.0'!:'I'l'(JJo·} tJ:I'PJ'f CDJ.'.9" a) the applicant's name and address; b) the graphic trademark; c) the goods or services the application covers and their classification number; d) the filing date of the application or right of priority date, as may be appropriate; e) the application number; f) the disclaimer, if any; and g) the name and the address applicant's agent, if applicable. II) .It) ',·/A"III-.y.'f h'l 00) h'}~n"lIJO' \'9D~IJ -I!'I't,:f(JJo')! "'1ooAh;J:(JJo 1'1f~0')"} 11l ""} CDJ.'.9" 1'4'-'1"'1. ~.). 0011')' .,..) i U') l''''1ooAh;':CD''} -I!'I'C! l) \,·n'fl;' 00"111""1 II) ·'·m:l''''1. ~.). ./'/'1'1'.... 00'0')' .I'lIoomN' hlf~ J.'.U·)~·! hC,' nooA'I:'; CDh.A '1IIoJo fl9"'1 nl;t,,7i(JJo'}! O"'1'I,H' \,')"11; 9"Ah""} 9"lI'/IJ \,"'1.:I'OJllD OSC h·M•.,.Cl1 OM'}l: n·HY. OnOOA'I:'; CD6tl, \"":I'OJo'1" 'I'~ H! oo!Pl')' 21 "'1f1;1·Ol<f:.I' S'c'\')''''1A:: It/ ,,00A'I:'; OIl.U ~'}11 n·}.,.r; ?\'(; \""oollh"'oJo .,.c,':,. OJofl'l' \"":I'OJo'1" "'1f1;J·Ol<f:.I' OY.llloJo :f,' 'J'I. "'1f1;J·Ol<f:.I'OJo'} "'1c'\"''''1. .I' 'IAht.1I "'1ooA h;':01") h'} ~"'CDOJo " '41'1'C' \'11. u Y:)l1 n 'Hr. nI:(It) i. the examination or re-examination of the application in accordance with Article 17 or Article 19(3) of this Regulation; or 21 "'h')'I1- 119"1111] 11-1! If"- t)11(JJo \,'}"1I; 9"Ah.,,'} ji/ Federal Negarit Gazette No. 10 December 24~ 2012 Page 6688 ~•.} ;1" H.l\"'1. J.'.If'}O;J·A:: 1"}"I1; 9"Aht_'I"1f1IJJ JJIIO!':I>CD'!" (/ 1\11"1"/'1 \,.,.lOCD··) \,'}"I1; 9"Ah')' 1l00:MJlI" 1''''1.t.A''I "'1'}lj'CD'9D OCD· m~·;ht.·)· n,." 1111.11' 'l'l"'1 \""II;1J>:(JJo'} ..,.~. 00000''1')' 1"":1'0)"1" "'1ooAh;': "'1""ll1 J.'.':):'IA:: 27. representation of the of the If the applicant fails to pay the amount of money required to cover the expenses of publishing the notice for call of opposition, within 60 days from the date of receipt referred to in Article 25 of this Regulation, the application for registration of the trademark shall be considered as abandoned and be treated in accordance with Article 23(2) of this Regulation. Opposition to Registration of Trademark II Any person who intends to oppose the registration of a trademark may submit his statement of opposition to the Office by filling the form prescribed by the Office for such purpose. Federal Negarit Gazette No. 10 December 24· 2012 Page 6689 ii/I" 1- .4'a>-'1" '"IouAh;fa>- h"'l.h1-t'l·+ ;JC 1-y.ell ou....lfl MO.)·:Il) 2/ of· .4'a>-'1"a>- r-/'ouwl-/'(Ffa>-1 9"h1y.y.:r­ The statement of opposition accompanied by the following: ,Il) IIIl.tJ .V:HI 1""mn'UIl' 1/,,:.1' r"'l.fl ;J"}rr '"Iill"J{ i Ol't.)l.UIJ. ' ) I'."lOa>Ofh"} I'I'Ia>- ~.). oufl:" O-/'nma>- ntJA h If~ 1'9"11111 r9"ilhC O1U.)· ....-,:. ~'l t./'·"'l.a>- I'Ia>­ f.·C1:·,:,} O1ht'I- t'louU.9" r'"l.Yil:r-A ......N'l·} It'1a>- oulf~"} r'"l.YII.e '"Iill"J{ i evidences supporting the grounds of opposition; b) proof of payment of the prescribed fee; c) if the party opposing the registration is a legal person, copy of the certificate of its registration and 'evidence authorizing the person who has signed the statement of opposition to represent the legal person; d) if the statement of opposition is filed through an agent, the certificate of registration of the agent and a duly authenticated power of attorney. of' .4'a>-'1"a>- ou) . '"IouAh;J:a>- OO1h.A n'"ltJ.e ~.). r."lO hlf', fOlh.t'I· 1'9"11111 r9"ilhC O1l.".)·'l M,,,}110' f-/'l;J'lm 1'00·hA'l ......N'l·} '"IillJl:: 28. f"·.oP01·'/" '"IouAh;J: f·'·.4'ol-'/" rrt '"Iil;ro)</:Y h;r"'ouO'}' ,/,,} ~9°C: O~· .,.Cj.}. o)·ilrr ou-rlfl Time for Filing Opposition II A statement of opposition shall be submitted within 60 days from the date of publication of the notice for call of opposition. 21 The Office may extend the time of filing a statement of opposition for additional 60 days if the applicant submits written application for extension before expiry of the time specified in sub-article (I) of this Article upon payment of the fee stipulated in the Schedule· attached hereto. 31 The Office shall communicate to the applicant the extension of time for filing opposition granted under sub-article (2) of this Article. l,I\n '}' :: !!.I )I.·;ht.·}· fI.'/: ·'·.4'CP'"l,Ol· Ol-n OILtJ n'}",1.· ·}O·il l, '}o/'1.' (li) f,,·out'lh·,'Ol· 'I,IL h'"lM: Ot,·}· hll.O .I':}fI ;JC O" 'YYII01' w'}ml1f f" ' oullh"'oJ-'} M:Y Oout.09° 01.' Il·<j: hmN f"',4'Ol"I" '"IouAh;J: '"I""lO,Y '1.ll.Ol-'} 1I-I·(.I~,"'It l; ,,.cr' ,}· lI.r/.·119"1I·}· y.:r·'IA:: i'I 011.0 l, ·H1.· '}O'il n 'H1.· (!() ouIIIl'}' 1"" .t. '/'.1'. I"ou,4'0)"'1..1' 'I,IL ou/'·1I9"'} I")'?}': 9"Ah-}' 9"'11'/1) l,ouAII:'; },'},IU'OJ""OJ' °'l.\':l,,} l,IIO'}':: 1.';ht.-}­ fl.": ?if 1.·;ht.·}· fl.": f,, ·.oPOJ·'I" "'IouAh:': O.l'.ll'lOJ· Decision on Opposition II The Office shall send to the applicant the copy of the statement of opposition and documents accompanying the statement of opposition within 30 days frorn the daie of filing the statement of opposition. 21 The Office shall notify the applicant with the period fixed for submitting response to the opposition in accordance with Article 13(3) of the Proclamation. Such period may not be less than 90 days frorn the date the applicant is served with the copy of the staternent of opposition in accordance with sub-article (I) of this Article. 31 If the applicant fails to respond within the time limit specified under sub-article (2) of this Article. the application for registration of the trademark shall be considered as abandoned and be treated in accordance with Article 23(2) of this Regulation . n(ij ,,.'i·}· OJ·il'I' f'"louAh:"OJ"}'i f"'J',I'II' MI'.':'j·'} ·r:tl, II'}"}.\': 9"Ah-}' 9"'11'/1) houA',:,; },'}P'.1.CnOJ· 0'1f.·l '7 l,IIO'}':: iU 29. Y';ht. '}· (1.-': I"}"}."'" \I"AI/'}' \1"'11'/1) l,ouAI,:,; " ·.o/'OJ·'I" m,cp)l: n'H1.· Xni:) M'lOOJ' uo/l'l'}' uoAil 1I.Il'1' I''''I.:):AO'}·'} f 'I.IL '11.'0 .l'1I(JJ-</'cp A:: y. 0\1" I''I.IL '/.1'.'0 011. 0 l, 'H1.· '}O'il l,'H1.· (M ou/l'l'}' 1",·:POJ·'r' O'luoAh:"m' ~'}-'I..I'. CI'IOJ· h'l'.I'.l'IO'}· ~\I"C' h:i ',,'j'}' ,''',1'1 1I.If'} l,y.':'j·A\I":: j:; I'T'/J': \I"AI/'}' ""} 9"'11'/1) l,uoAI,:,; 1111,0 ld·"1.· '}()'il l,'H1.· (!!.) O'/-rIl"'I'I(11' f'l.IL '11.'0 OJ'il'" uoAI'I·'} "'I''''~O uoluoAh:"ol-'} ~'}.I'."·OJOI­ 'H"I'C' 1'11.0 ,I ':HI l, '}.,,1.' ?leu!) }':'} :J" ,,·t.lI'''I, j:',II"}II:j'A:: be a) I'"'l. 1.."} 4· '"I il l "J{P>:r- i II) shall Federal Negaril Gazelle No. 10 December 24" 2012 Page iiI ,/;,;ht.T 11.1: lloo:/'OJ"tfCfJ< r"'l'ImCfJ< ooAIl O.,.lO O~ "''1T CfJ<1I'1' OM')!: h"}.,.,/;, Ir(ii) OOlPlT Oou:/,OJ"tfCfJ< 'If, CfJ<f\'1. f,I'IITIA:: 4/ 6690 The Office shall render its decision on the opposition pursuant to Article 13(4) of the Proclamation within 90 days from the date of filing the response to the opposition. (;1 O'/;'m.LT 11.1: CfJ<f\'1. 'If, hlJ<IIT IJ")~ OJn .P' AITI"} '111CfJ< fj:C.(" 11.T I' W'WS '1' fot OIL U ~"HI h"}.,.,/;, <!J OUlPlT fA.,.lO h"}~If~ CfJ<f\'I.CfJ< '1"t f,1f'1 A:: 5/ The decision of"the Office shall be effective if neither of the parties appealed to the court .,.,c. having jurisdiction in accordance with Article 30 of this Regulation. c.lJ. &'7'1' lIII"''''l.iI 30. 9"Aho)' 9"1I11J"} Ooo:/'OJ9" r.,.lO "louAh;r"} O.,.oollh.,. O'/;'m.LT 11.1: CfJ<f\'1. 'If, ;roc 1''''1'11 OJn CfJ<f\'I.CfJ< n~ll'lCfJ< 08 "''1T CfJ<1I'1' Oh.,.)!: h"}.,.,/;, I~(it) OUlPlT IIAITI"} '111CfJ< fj:C.(" 11.0}' f,"IIJ"S "''''lil f,:y.'1A :: ""}"I'(" Appeal Any party dissatisfied with the decision of the Office with regard to an opposition to the registration of trademark may, within 60 days from receipt of the decision, appeal to the court having jurisdiction in accordance with Article 17(2) of the Proclamation. htt:A II1:M.. rSl"1l11J P'~ P'C'tT PART SIX REGISTRATION PROCEDURE c.lJ/i. 1")"11: 9"AhT1 lIIIoutID1I1i1 iii ,/;,m.Lo}· 11.1: O"}"I'(" 9"AhT 9"1I11JCfJ< 'If, r.,.lO OJf,9" .,.CIl .,..,.IJMT 111 .,.:/'CfJ<qo .31. Registration of Trademark 11 hAil r "}"I'(" 9"Ah1: 119"11111 il4r oolf~'"} Ooo"lll'/;' houAIJ~ httu ~"}iI ;JC 0.,. ffHCfJ< 1P"}ml'K" r.,.oollh.,.CfJ<"} hfj:f h"}Jl.L'/;'9" successful, send notice to the applicant stating f f\ CfJ<"''''A : : the Schedule attached hereto. 'AI '/;' m".T 11.1: Ottu h1.,.,/;, 10-11 h""'/;' (Ii) OOlPlT IIhtIDAIJ~ O"tAhCfJ< "'1I;f-OJ4:f OJ·II'1' Oh.,.)!: h1.,.,/;, t(r) .(""};J1. OOlPlT '1'0:/' lI.~l "I'1'fCfJ< 0'" f, :y.1I· 1")"1,(" 9"A h1: f,H",.:-y. 'If, houAIJ~ ril'f'i' "'m:/,"t H ouilo)' h"}.IIf,mf,;ro 119"1I11JCfJ< h1~ '1-.("00 IJ-'l.;f- II.fll4'9"'1' f, :y.'1A:: the eligibility of the trademark for registration and requesting payment of the fee stipulated in 21 hooAIJ~ I' "'m"'l'ICfJ< CfJ< II'1' :­ II) ottu h"}.,.,/;, "'1I;f-OJ4:f '}o-II O~ll'lCfJ< h "}.,.'/;' ~ condition of registration, that the applicant disclaim any exclusive right to the elements in the trademark that are not eligible for protection pursuant to Article 5(3) of the Proclamation. applicant, within 90 days after being served with "''1T the notice referred to in sub-article (I) of this Article: h"llJiI fllCfJ<"} Ilfj:f h.Ll\oo! h'1 Ottu h"}.,.,/;, "}o-II h1.,.,/;, (it) OOlPlT r"""'oom 'I-~oo 1I·'I.;f-1 1''''.,.011 oolf~'1 h111l\ ! ,/;,m".o}· 11.1: r"}"I'(" 9"AIl1:"} f,ooH"IIIA:: hooAIJ~ The Office shall register the trademark if the (Ii) II) iiI The Office may, in the notice referred to in sub­ article (I) of this Article, include a request, as a 3/ ;:1 The Office shall, if no opposition is filed or is a) pays the appropriate fee; and b) accepts the disclaimer requested pursuant to sub-article (2) of this Article. 4/ If the applicant fails to pay the appropriate fee or to accept the condition of disclaimer, within OH.U h'}"''/;' ·}O·II h"}.,.,/;, (;:) the time limit prescribed under sub-article (3) of O.,.oollh."CfJ< 1'1.11. "/~iI CfJ<1I'1' h"llJiI fllCfJ<"} this Article, the application for registration of Ilfj:f IJA".l\ou OJf,9" r.,.ITIIICfJ<"} 'I-'("ooll·'I.;f­ the trademark shall be considered as aban~oned oo.,.OIl·"} IJA111l\ "'1ouAIl;rCfJ<"} h "}~"'OJCfJ< and be treated in accordance with Article 23(2) "'.JI'1'C' rttu ~"}iI h"}.,.,/;, ~;: (it) .(""};J1 of this Regulation. "'''.~'''1. f,1f'}O;f-A :: ''10 I7i.U::I/i ~6-A ).:>t,), ':>l\.tIJ ..-rC I ;t-Uilil It -t1 ritt 't,". I!JI, 1'9"1f'lfJ 1'9"lIhC mI..,.:" 32. iiI 1\mL:" fl.1: O!l 0 ~ 'HI h ,.,.1\ I!J/i OOIPI.:" Federal Negari! Gazette No. 10 December 24- 2012 Page 6691 Certificate of Registration II f1"1~ 9"Ah:", h'~001l10 IIhooNI:ti 1'9"111'1 1'9"lIhC mI..,.:" f.r'lm'PA: : The Office issue a certificate of registration to the applicant upon registering a trademark pursuant to Article 31 of this Regulation. tl otto h').,.1\ 'O-Il h ').,.1\ (Ii) ooIPI.T 1''''lNr 1'9"111'1 9"lIhC mI..,.:" I''''l.h.,.l\-:'', "'III"'T MOT:­ 21 A certificate of registration to be issued pursuant to ·sub-article (I) of this Article shall u) 1")"1 ~ 9"Ah1:') .»~ i include the following: II) 1'9"1I1'1(J)o') .,.')" 4!'l'C ! a) reproduction of the trademark; m) 1''111f1.1:') 119" ! h~t-i'i" II. "1~T ! b) the registration date and number; 00) h')~h"1'10' c) the owner's name, address and nationality; d) the filing date of the application or right of "'1ooAhll'(J)o 11l "") mf.9" 1'.,..II"'l. ~T ool1T') I'If~OT' n i. 9"111'1(J)o I''''l.i'l «j:" :fal- 'J () J' PJ'f m M" IP) priority date, as the case may be; MA"1lt-of'f h" 1'9"~1 1 4!'l't-:fm" ! I.) 9"111'1(J)o r'I) hooNl:ti (J)o') i h " j\').y. e) 1''''l..ff.O:''' 1.11. i mh.A 1]lI(J)o 119"" the goods or services the registration covers and their classification number; h~ t-i'i the validity period of the registration; f) 1'11:f':' .,.mJ''''l. ~T ool1T fllooml'.» 00"111 ""I. .,. r'I 'l'of hlf ~ f. 0 ,.,.: : i'l) g) ' the name and address of applicant's agent, if any; and h) {!Jt. 9"111'11 lIII"'1llm:,. fd 1\mLT fl.1: Otto ~')11 h').,.1\ @( (!() 001PI.:" 09"111'1(J)o 1'9"lIhC m/''''T h.,.l1/. H';":" oo/.)fPJ'f ?C .,.oollllf. 1'1f~' oot.)fp>'f I' fH" 1")"1~ 9"Ah1: \'-1'001110 illIoolf~' 1''''l.1A1\ 1'9"111'1 "'111:t'm</:f Oh 'P~ h ').,.1\ X% 001Pt.:'· h ')"lmflJ f~C?A:: !(I shall 33. any disclaimer. Notification of Registration 11 The Office shall, in accordance with Article 16 of the Proclamation, notify the registration which contains same information as it appears on the registration certificate referred to in Article 32 (2) of this Regulation. 01\m".:,· fl.1: 1'",001l10(J)o 1")"1~ 9"AhT '111f1.:" f.o') ® 9"Ah:" h')"1~ 9"Ah1: ?C O.»Co:'· .,. f f.1 1 h 'J.'t:t' f. 0"'1~ /."1 1")"1 ~ 9"Ah1:') 000011111 "'111"''Pm.» f.'f'lA :: 21 The owner of a trademark registered by the Office may publicize the registration by displaying the trademark in close association with the symbol ®. I!}ji. 9":"h 1'9"1I'lfJ 9"lIhC m/..,.:" illIoohm:" ?iI 1")"1~ 9"Ah:" 9"111'1 1'9"lIhC 34. m/.·H, Substitute Certificate of Registration II mf."" NIl'Ii'lO:" 1'9"111'1 '111f1.:" 9"'}'h 1'9"lIhC mt.·H· h')"lr'lm(J)o II.foollh'}· I'mof.O:'· f.'f'lA :: !(I j\' ,h".:'· damaged, the registration owner may apply to the Office for issuance of a substitute certificate. 21 fl.'" illImof·(J)o 1'9"lIhC Where a certificate of registration is lost or The Office shall, upon publication of notice, at m/..,.,). the expense of the applicant, with regard to a o h 00 A I] 'Ii mal. "'111:t' m</:f 0"'1""'9" m f. 9" lost certificate or the return of a damaged m/..,.:'· certificate, and upon payment of the fee 1""O'li'l(J)o 1'9"lIhC ~')1l h ')"loollil 0"'1 ~ t."1 lP,m/.'fr prescribed in the Schedule attached hereto, issue \'-I·oollh,,·m·') li'l:,I' 1I"'lilh/..A 9":"h 1'9:'11'1'1 l'9"hhC m/. .,.:,. f.r'lflJA: : a substitute certificate which contains the hC,' htto ?C 01'ffll(J)o information stated in the previously issued certificate. 'J'/.' Xi'i.xnll I..F.&,A ~?t,), ?1I."l "''I'C I ;l-u"l1 Ic .,." rltli Federal Negari! Gazette No, 10 December 24~ 2012 Page 6692 't,,,, ~, f1"11: ,.Ah.y.:y. 001l1i1 35. ?if K'fhi.-r 0.." l'·t"Jl: ,.AIl.y.:y. 01111111 h.(t-~.y. Register of Trademarks 11 The Office shall organize and maintain a .e.eIfA:: 11/ Register of Trademarks, K'fhi.-r 0..,,;­ /J) l''''Loul1''JWfCD-") l"t"Jl: ,.AIl.y.:y. i II) I' "'L .I'1:"T CD-·t I I'"'L fi'i7i" T (I)- 't I I''''L 1I CIf T (I)- 't <; i. t- 7i l''''Lf .(c ..? T (I)- 't 1'")"11: ,.AIl-r ,.1I111P':y. i h<; 21 The Office shall enter in the Register information about: a) trademarks registered by the Office; b) renewed, \ amended, canceled and invalidated trademark registrations; and l"t"JI: ,.AIl-r 11110.-r~-r "'1M"I1,!:'t<; I'i.:/,I: (I)-~ :y.'H l''''Loullh." oulJlP':y.'t not"JI: ,.AIl.y.:y. 0111110· (l}-il'l' 01101111111 hlln-r:: m) c) transfer of ownership and license contracts concerning registered trademarks, ;:1 K'fht.-r 0.." OM')!:<; mlu .('tll oulPl-r 31 Apart from other additional information the Office enters in the Register of Trademarks as no)"J I: 9"AIl.y.:y. 01111111 (l}-il'l' h"'Lfll'!:t-T(I)­ t\1I-:y. "'Q;\,"'1~ oulJlP':y. Oil.,..,.C 1''''0111110 provided by the Proclamation and this r-t"J1: 9"AI1-r't O.,.oollh.,. 00111110· (l}-il'l' Regulation, information about a registered mark 1''''1.IP,!:-:' 00l'J{P':y. 09"11111 l'9"illlC CDl.,.." in the Register of Trademarks shall be the same ".e hlPt.-:''''· oolJlP':y. ..?C .,.ou"".e oulf't as shown on the certificate of registration, hMr(l}-: : ~I. 1'")"11: 36. ,.AIl.y.:y. ",(11 P'C~-r Classification System for Trademarks The Office shall register trademarks ·in accordance K' iht...,. 0.." r-t"JI: 9"AIl.y.:y.") l''''Lool1''JOCD' 9"A\1.y.:y.') 11000011111 'l""'1 '1" t.~"'L ~-r 1''''L'i lCD'") 'l1l9" h.,.,. I'tJ:/'P':y. h<; h1A"J~.y.:y. hoo"lY.lI P'Ch"" Oooh"'A .e1f<;A:: with the applicable international classification of goods and services with respect to registration of marks, ll'!:A M-r 1'")"11: 9"A\1T 9"1111) AI:"-r h<; "'1i'ii'iA PART SEVEN RENEWAL AND AMENDMENT OF REGISTRATION OF TRADEMARK I'AI:"-r "'1ooAhif h4't-lll 37. 9"AIl"" 9"11111 II"'1M.il 1"''1•.,.ClI "'1ouAh;l: OK' fht."'· 0.'" 1111. /J. 'l""'1 \'i'I1,,?:P:(I}-'t .f~' 00000'''''''<; ·'·1o.CD· l''''1ouAh;J: Il'!:f out.~oo··) h"'1.fl"?·I'l' "'1illJl ..?C "'f.el l OM')!: h·t-l'~· ?I'M:) O,,'oollh"'(1}- 1''1./1. 1,(11 (l}-il'l' 11)\' iht."'· 0.'" oo-l'l 11 MO')' : r-t"JI: ~, 1'hS':"-r 'l'fot") Moo+fU\ fJJ.e,. tD-1:.J> M"'1l:l"l ~·,ht. ')· ?if 0.." r-t"11: 9"A \1 ,). 9"11111 hl:""" "'1ouAh;l:'t ooC9"C'. ','."I1.e ~,). .1'11(1}- If<,u o.f'1"o;a>- hl1.U .('tll ..?C 0.,. ffl1a>- lP ·tml1f 1""oullh'l'a>-'t h'i:f Mh'!:l1- 9"11111(1}-'t O"'1.(il 119"11'111 11110.." I'h 1:,,"" l'9"illlC all-l''''' .eom'l' A:: ~I )\'iht.')· 0.," l'·t"Jl: 9"Ah')' 9"11111 tJl:,,')' '1'f</.'(I}- fA.,·...,," 1'1'"".,. CD.e9" 1f<'0 1I•.1" to; (I)- I'hI:"..,. "'100 Ah;l: (I)- ') .I'A"''''011(1}­ oolf~· ·t<; fA"·."OIln·)··t 9"10.1")' Oou"JIIK' a>-"'l.a>-·t IIhooAII1: f"o>--I''I'A:: Submission of Application for Renewal An application to renew the registration of a trademark shall be submitted to the Office, within the time limit specified in Article 25(3) of the Proclamation, by filling the form prescribed by the Office for such purpose and shall be accompanied with proof of payment of the appropriate application fee. 38. Acceptance or Refusal of Renewal Request II 2/ If the Office, upon examination of an application for renewal, finds it acceptable. it shall, upon payment of the fee stipulated in the Schedule attached hereto, renew the registration of a trademark and issue certificate of renewal to the registration owner. If the Office finds that an application for renewal is incomplete or incorrect, it shall refuse the renewal and notify the registration owner of such refusal and the reasons for refusal. Federal Negarit Gazette No. 10 December 24" 2012 Page 6693 1:/ K',ht.-l· n.-I: I"}"}~ 9"t\Il-l:,} 9"1111] lj~f'I 0:1" 09"illl C rot.." -I: 0"'11j TT I"}"} ~ "f. I'T1 I'IR- T '} 9"t\Il-l: I';t- ~f'I 3/ 00 t. )/ p>'f ilt'toolf~' "'1 il ;t-ro4:f f" T"'1 t\: : ~i1, ',,1'19"1111] ."" _If'} ?if I"}"} ~ IJ) 1'1) 39. Relinquishment of Registration I/ 9"t\Il-l· 9"1111] 1]I'In.-l.:­ The Office shall, after renewal, publish notice of the renewal which shall contain the same information as it appears on the renewal certificate. oro-r'" I'h~"-l' 'f' f4: "'1oot\h;J' f""'t.O rof.9" -t·10.a>-'} Illj:f ft\t.'t.uo h'}~If~ i The registration of a trademark shall be deemed to be relinquished on the expiry of its period of validity if the registration owner fails: rof.9" a) OH.U .l'.·HI Oh'}"'K' ~t(!t) I'Tool'lhT(J)o O.l'. t. f'I (J)o ~ ."c; T (J)oil'f' "'1 il ;t-ro4: f to timely file an application of renewal or to effect the applicable fee; b) to li.llly satisfy the conditions for accep;ance of the application for renewal specified in the notice referred to in Article 38(2) of this Regulation within 90 days from receipt of the notice; or to obtain a decision of the court having jurisdiction that reverses the decision of the Office upon lodging an appeal within 60 days from receipt of the notice referred to in Article 38(2) of this Regulation. 0"'1 il ;t-ro4: f (J)o I' -t-11'1 K· -l.'} I' h ~" -l. 'f'f4:(J)o'} I'I-."Ot\ 00":1.,,-l· fl'lI]:f(J)o '} IJ·'I,;t-p>'f h'}.l'.If~ i ,It) 00'1'1' rof.9" 000'1'1' "f":1." I'."t. c) OH.U .l'.'}fI Oh'}4'K' ~t(!f) I'Tool'lhT(J)o O.l'. t. f'I (J)o r; ." 'i T (J)o il'f' "'1 il;t-ro4: f P't\fTJ') "I'I(J)o lj:C~ n.-l. f."}I]'1 h.pC(I 1'K',ht.-l· n.-I:'} (J)o"'I, f"7it. h'}.l'.If~ I I")"}~ 9"t\Il')' 9"1I11](J)o ."" h'}.l'.If~ f..JImt·t\: : !U I"}"} ~ IJ) 2/ 9"t\Il-l· 9"1111] 1]I'In.-I::­ OH.U h'}"'K' '}D·il h'}"'K' (1i)(I'I) OTool'lh T(J)o 1'1.1\. 1.l'.fI (J)oil'f' TM1.(J)o') hC9")/ l'loo(J)of'l~ ft\;J'ftO-l·'} M"'1'1 9"tnfT 'l.I\.(J)o h"'1M· Ot.-l· O"'1-rt.fI TQ;l,"'1" 1.1\. h '}-'l.f'lm(J)o OK'dl·lj: 1j00l'lhT! h'i 1'1) hH.U .l'.'HI ;JC OT ffH(J)o 1""roM(J)o'} Illj:f ht.Koo I The Office may grant an extension period of additional 90 days to fully satisfy the conditions for acceptance of the application for renewal specified in the notice referred to in Article . 38(2) of this Regulation, if the registration owner: a) files a wrinen request, prior to the expiry of the period specified under sub-article (I )(b) of this Article, for additional time extension that shows, to the satisfaction of the Office, good cause for the failure to take the required action within the specified period; and b) pays the fee stipulated in the Schedule attached hereto. 1P'}mt.1r OH.U .l'.'Hl h'}"'K' ~t(!f) 1'T11'1R-T'} I'h~"T 'f'f4:(J)o'} l'l00.,,0t\ oo":1."T fM:f(J)o'} IJ·'I,;t-p>'f 00'1'1' 000'1'1' 1'1"'1":1."T h'}-'I. 'ft\ K'mt.')· n.-I: -t;Q;l,"'1" I'~ "''i-l. 1.1\. fl.f'lm(J)o f.'f"t\:: lj. ~11]'} ilt't"'17i?iA ?if I"}"} ~ 40, 9"t\Il-l· 9"1111] O"'1.h-t·I'I·-l· 9"tn f'y.'f Amendment of Registration 1/ h'}-'l.7i7it\ fl.t."'~ f.Ht\:­ IJ) 09"1111](J)o "f. I'Tt.Koo ilIJ-t+,} I'I"'1t.9" i 1'1 ) 9"1111](J)o h "'1. 7i lj:'i:f(J)o h:l' p>'f rof.9" h1t\"}I'I·.y.'f lIClIC (J)oil'f' I'Trof'l~'T') h:l'P>'f rof.9" h1t\"}I'I·'y.'f h'i 1'9".l'.1] 4l'f't':f(J)o'} l'l001Pt.1I i ,It) I'flr;;' " ·m:l''''1. ~,,,, oo,,}I'I~'} 00) oofl-l· fl'looml'-r l'l00001l1f1 i rof.9" 09"1I1I]ro· "f. t\.I'I.'f 001Pt.;t-'f ft\If~' l'lro·(1l'f'} 1'1"'1 ~ t."}:: An amendment to the registration of a trademark may be allowed: a) to correct a mistake in the registration; b) to cancel spech' ed goods or services and their classification number covered by the registration; c) to register a disclaimer; or d) . to make other minor changes in. the registration. Federal NegaritGazette No. 10 December 24" 2012 Page 6694 M/ \'"} "11: 9"t\ h T 9"1I1W} II"'17i7it\ I' "'l. 4'C11 2/ "'1oot\hf IIIl.V· 'l1l"'1 OK".hoLT 0,1: 1'1"11;:1 ~CD-'} b:C9" OOOOl>-IIT:­ V) An application for amendment of the registration of a trademark shall be submitted 10 the Office by filling a form prescribed by the Office for such purpose and accompanied by: OK" .hoLT 0,1: 9"h'})'T I'N.ml'} flU 1" T II"'1l1£9" I' 4'lO Ij t\ In Ofl1"4'C htLtJ ~'}lI ;:IC 01")')'11CD- w'}ml'fr 1'1"0011h1"CD- h ~)' 00oL l'.00''} h"'l. )' lI.('. a) proof of payment of the fee stipulated in the Schedule attached hereto, except in the case of an amendment to correct a mistake caused by the fault of the Office; b) in the case of amending the trademark, three copies of a graphical representalion of the amended version; and c) the original certificate of registration. "'1fll1! 1 II) 1")"11: 9"t\h1:') "'17i7it\ I''''l.oollh~· t'l.If') h1'7i7illCD- 1">"11: 9"t\hT MII'f 00"1II ""I. Y'fl T fJ T 1 hC; th) h9"111fJ l'9"flhC rol4'1: 'PC; :"~·1 ;:IC 1")'.('.1 1 IIK".h~.T 0,1: oo:"lll MOT: : 1:1 K"(n~.~· 3/ 0"" "'1oot\h;1'CD-') ooC9"C: 1''''17i7i )'CD-') '1· 10.~~ · n..f'l;:l"1'r N~l1'~") IICD-(IlT 0')"11: 9"t\ hT T 0011111 CD-fl'r O"'1ttt.C 119" 111fJ fJllo"" 0"'17i7i)'CD- 11.('. I'roowl1" h-'tfl 1'9"111fJ l'9"flhC rol4'~' .enm'Pt\ 1 1f'i'9" "'11\1\)'0)' 09"11'1fJCD- 11.('. I'N.l'.oo fltJ,H") II"'1l1''' l"I'~l '/ hlf~ 9"l1'/fJa>· oo",-oot)' ON.l'.ooO'~· '/.IL 'f'{)'I·llhll· h')~'h(. l'.oo 9u l1'/fJ (n;:l'f o>-m.,~· .('.'i'l'Pt\:: iiI ?',n~. '~· :1Ii, I' roA 1',}"11: 9"AliT hm:l<4'9" l''''l.OOt-OT'} 001" lI,~t)' ~ '}fI M"'17i7iA ?iI 4/ 41. 0"'11\1\)'01' II)', '1',4<01"1'''; M'/' .I'\',~. 1100,:lO'" Oh'P;'>~ h')O/>l'.· ?!i!(i!) oolPd· 1''''1,OIflIOl' ,n'~'oo')' 1''''1,/i'j'II'')''} 00)'11 Mil')':' 0) 1'(Jlt\ \"}"I~' 9"t\h'I:'} II) \'(Jlt\ \"}"l~. 9u t\II'I:') i ,h) 9"t\ I1'1: The Office shall publish notice of amendment of registration which contains same information as it appears on the certi ficate of registration referred to in sub-article (3) of this Article. Amendment of Statutes Governing Use of Collective Trademark 1/ The Office shall revIew amendments to the statutes governing the use of a collective trademark filed for registration pursuant to Article 22( I) of the Proclamation and determine whether the amendments contain any provision contrary to public order or morality. 2/ Publication of the amendments pursuant to Article 22(2) of the Proclamation shall contain: ",·,nt. ')· 0,'1: Oh'P~ h')O/>?' ?"iI (fi) ooWl} MU1I'/fJ NlO I'rot\ 1")"11: 9u t\h:,' hmj<.,.9" 1''''1.00(.·0')' oo 'I'II,~t)' Y:)lI "'1i'ii'i)") ooooC ooC'i II,h1ll1 0119" 01.('.9" P'~ 9°"1IJC "'j<(..~. 1'1f~' 1:');:I'1JV)"") ),t\)'1t 00 If',·'} "'1L;:I'/'r nll/l'~' :: ill the same force and effect as if it had been originally registered in the corrected form . 0"" Illl,tJ h')"'?' ')O'fl hH?' (i.') 0'1'00 IIh"·a)· 1'9"11'/11 l'9"flhC all-H· 1I.e hu't.t;.~· ool):lJV:r ;:IC 'I·oollll.('. 1'1f~' ooL;ilJV)'· I' )'Wi 1'')''11: 9"t\h')' 9"1I'/fJa>· 1',,·1\1\11 Moolf~' 1''''1:/MJ "'1fl;J' ro4:), M')"(" )'aJlllt\:: If the Office, upon examining Ihe application, finds that the proposed amendment IS appropriate, it shall enter the changes in the Trademark Register and issue to the registration owner a new certificate of registration based on the amendment; provided, however, that if the amendment is to correct a mistake in the registration, the amended registration shall have a) the name of the owner of the regi stered collective trademark; b) the collective trademark ; IIIIo,,~, M" i \''''1.i'i'i:'i:fal''} 1J,4<JV)" 01.1.'.9" c) h'/t\"I11·'!")" l the goods or services covered by the collective trademark; d) the registration number and date; 1"1'1\1\1101") 1'(/D'I'II,Y.t)' Y:Hl '-":.'1.1 h',' e) a copy of the amended statutes; and MH'j'I"I: (/D'~l'll 1''''1,)''t\O')'') I''/.IL '/Y,'1l 1 1f'i'9" I"I.IL 'IY,O' h,n')'oo'l: ""} :~:9"C' h ;~· -,"i:,' J;~n II,If'} nJ!.)"t\9" :: f) the time limit for filing opposition and observations; provided, however, that such period may nOI be less than 60 days from the publication dale . (/D) 1'9"'II'/IJOI") of:'I'C'i ""} 1 IP) l) '1' ,4<a>-'I"(Il' aIJ!.9" I Federal Negarit Gazette No. 10 December 24" 2012 Page 6695 31 V) The Office shall register the amended statutes and publish notice of registration where it "'17i7i.l'(I)- 11thllfl M9" CD f!.9" P'~9" "IIlC T :/',',.~. I'ln 1:'}.:J1, Moo.l'H··} I h<; determines that there are no: a) public order or morality; and 9"111IlCD"} 1I•.I'flhllhA 1''''1.:rA -j':/'CD'1" CDf!.9" M-j·.I'I'-'I· .l'A4'lO 00V'~"} I n.Yl.?"I'!' I'T7ii'iIl(l)-'} ooT.IIYotf Yo'Hl 0011"1(1 1'1) b) !if 'I\,ht.')· n.1: 1'-j'7i7iIl(l)-'} '!'.I'4: (1)-1::" .l'Y.l1(1)- l'9"l1')1l ON'\'" CD''} "'11'\ OJ 'r h " 9" h '} .I'.y.:r: 4/ Yo'}l1 Il IIn. -'I' 51 The register ")wner who is dissatisfied with the decision of Ine Office may appeal to the court <if O)\',ht.,j· n.'" CD'I'\', :joc l'-I-f'I"i 1'9"1111l Illln.-'I· having jurisdiction within 60 days from receipt OI·I'\'I.OJ· OY.ln(l)- O;"j;' 4'<;.j. OI'fl'!' p'AflJ'} '111(1)- <j:C1: n.:,' f!."IIl'1 "'1:"lll f!.:r'lA:: of the decision. PART EIGHT RENUNCIATION, CANCELLATION AND INVALIDATION OF REGISTRATION I1~A il9"1T Q'L 9"111'1"} ill'\ooQll1<J "-,',.71 fJ II"'11: l If the Office refuses registration of the amended decision and the reasons thereof. ~,II 0 :,.: : oollo}:"} ill'\ooT(I)-. to justify statutes, it shall notify the register owner of its h'}YoV'~ II9"1111l(I)- oppositions or observations refusal of registration . 1'9"1111l "'1fl;rCD4!.I' h VI.;rTS'" .I'YoC.?A:: oo-j·.IIU.I' provisions in the amendments contrary to "I 42. Renunciation of Right 1/ !11. oollT ill'\ooTm­ An application for registration of renunciation of right on a registered trademark pursuant to ?if 0"'0011'/0 1"}"IYo' YUAh·j· 'If!. .I'll ooll')"} Anicle 34(1) of the Proclamation shall be 000'1'01' 9"l/'/llo)" } 1I"'1/.pll1 0),'1';1>; ),'}<j>)\' submitted by filling a form prescribed by the tilWi ) oo/.pd· 1''''1.4'ClI "'1ooAh;J: Office for such purpose', '/"'JIlC 0'1\ ,ht. ,j· n.·I: O·I·H.?J>:OI'l"lOA'\" oo:jol'O l,IIO')':: IIH.(}· :"'1\ 'If!. 2/ contract and such transfer is entered into the r..f I'T'J.r: 9"Ah'/: Ot.:/'1: OI·A 1'111.'1 1'101' h Vl.rn'I'9"0:'· ,/·n'!"I'· h V"1'j f!.'tiOl· O'}"I1: YUMH'·),- 001/'/ ,0 '/'0011"1(1 hV'~ OIl.V l,'}<j>)\' ·W·fl l,'}1')\' (?i) oo/.p l :,. 1''''1.1'COOI-· Register of Trademarks, the application referred to in sub·article (I) of this Article shall, pursuant to Article 34(2) of the Proclamation, be accompanied by the written declaration of the "'1ooAh;': M,'I'~: l,'}<j>'I\ @j(!t) oo/.pd· t.:/'1: I',/·nrnm· 1'101' oofl"'1"'1'I;'} 000"111'1\ MrnOl' oo"ll'l""t .?C 'I·.I'J?II oo:"lll l,I'IO')':: !1r. ~1111]1.1JllooQll1 CDl!.9" If the trademark has been transferred by license "-,',.71 ftI\"'11:l"l licensee consenting to the renunciation . 43. Cancellation or Invalidation of Registration II An application requesting the cancellation or invalidation 'of registration of a trademark ?if \' ,},'J Yo' Y"A)j-)' Y"l/'/'n M,'I';I>; ),'}1')\' @i 0I.l'.9 u l,'}<j>)\' til?; ooU'L ,j' lI"'1nL1/ mf!.9" t.I.:{i II"'1M.l"l O"'1.oollh'/·m· 1'101- 1''''1.1'1.11 "'1ooAh;': 1'11\.1}' ,}'1"'1 0)\',ht.:/. n.'/: I',/·H.? f:m·'} .r)\. 00000''1')' hY..?t, "'1flL"IIP''.)··'j hll.V Y:}·O ,:JC O'/'j' j'IIO)' /.p'}rnllf 1"/'011'1'/0)' h<j:j' UD /'.)1, UD''} h"'U'l ,:J''J'I' "'1flL"II ,:JC 'I'nt.1 1 UD-l'L,n l,IIO')':: r..1 )\·;h/..')· n../: OII.V pursuant to Article 35 or Article 36 of the Proclamat ion ·W·fl ),'H)\' be made in the fom. prescribed by the Office for such purpose and be accompanied by supporting documents and proof of payment of the fee stipulated by the Schedule attached hereto. 21 The Office shall send to the registration owner the (?i) UDlPL')' 1"f'lOIl')"} "'1ooAh;J'<j Yo.?t, "'1fll"ll P':}" 1'I9"1/'/1l fllln.'/: h'}.II.Y.Cn(J1- 0"'11: l "I 0'/' 011'1', I"/.IL '/Y.lI m'fl'!' ooAfl h'}-'l.n'!'O·)· .l'1'\(J1­ 'I''I'A I V'<;'y" 1''''1.nrnOl· I''I.IL 'IY.lI "'1fl;J·OI</:.I' hUnm· 1"} f:9"C' h;'; 'f"j')' "'1',fl 1'1'10')'9":: ),'}<f')\' shall application and supporting documenls submitted to it in accordance with sub· anicle (I) of this Article together with a notice stating the time limit for submission of a reply; provided, however, that such time limit may not be less than 60 days from the date of receipt of the notice . !.. 'i."i'i 'ii"i~ I~ . : )IL"I '~'I'C: ...,. ,.J. U·,All ' ,.,.( . .: , '.'j U:< ·: 'I .'''' .. ........ . J..Y.t. .(:\ ):)/.-1' ' • ".(, T. U " ' ~"'7i~')' \'T'l.e: Y"AII-)' 'I.·,}'t.')· 0.": 0(,·0' Y"l,'/fJ t,(,:1i O.I.~ on<j'';.'} '}O·fI 1I<T<f.e:I. "I \,<T<f.J'rI':r··A \'Y"'/I'/fJ fJlIo.',: 31 the ~, 'H'I.· \"I.IL a trademark, it shall limit prescribed in sub-article (2) of this Article . 41 If the reg istrati on owner fails to respond in (I).I.',Y" (I:) 'IY.'O accordance with s ub-article (2) or (3) of this (I),fl T!' onAO"} 1,'1'1'1.0 'JD1,'/fJ(I)"} lIonlJll.l' Article within the prescribed period, the grounds (I),eY" onlPI. ,). 1I<T<fY: I. "I t.(':1i \"/'{Il'I'o+'} " '·II'I'C· (II .I.',Y" .l'fI:r'lll' Y"IO)"!")" 0.": 'I.·,}'t.')· \''I.IL of owner and solicit him to repl y within the time \'Y"'/I'/fJ fJlIo.',: 011. U n ')oj''I.' '}O·fI n ')oj''/,' (!!) O"·al(\'wJ. registration commun icate same, in w riting, to the registration 'IY.l1 (I)·fl TI' Y"'I'1i h'}~,O'l'O')' O'l.·,r,·Ij: .I''''(I)'</''I'A: : iii Iflhe Office. on its own initiative, determines the existence of a ground to justify inva lidation of Y"II'),I")' Oll.u O"'onllh"'O)' (!!) n'H'I.· Federal Ncgaril Gaze tte No. 10 December 24th 2012 Page 6696 'l"Illla)' alleged to justify cancellation or invalidation of h'}'('."· ·"O'l:f(l)· Y"l"/fJaJo'} \,onlP I. the registration shall be deemed to be admitted l' and the Office sha ll decide to cancel or invalidate the registration . t. (,:Ii \'<T<f.e: l. "I (I)'''''/' .1.',0 filA: : 1,'1 \'Y"l,'//) fJlIo.',: OIl.U (I.' ) (I),ey" onu'd· ~"}'I''I.' ~d·I''I.· '}O·fI O " ·(I)O~(I)· \''1.11. 51 (iO accordance with sub-article (2) or (3) of this 'IY.l1 Article within the prescribed period, the Office (l)N!' onAO"} 11 '1'1.0 'I.',}'t.')· 0.": \""~O+'} \'IIChC "L"·O(I1:.,.",· \'·I'I.O·II')·'} If the regi stration owner submits its reply in shall render its decision upon properly examining <T<ffll."'P>':): the issues raised and the evidences produced. O<T<f:lfJ ooCY"C' O'I , ~r. '1.1.', aJ.'" 'I. .I.',OflIA:: 61 Copies of the decision of the Office rendered pursuant to sub-article (4) or (5) of this Article onlP d· :,. ~. Y" '11'1 fJ (I). shall be sent to the registration owner and, as h'}-'l,I"l.l' (I),ey" t.(':1i h'}~.If'} 'Ionl'lh"'aJo requested the cancellation or invalidation of the oaJ. h '}-'l,Y.C'" 'f(l). .l.'S.I.;;A:: registration . 0'1.' ,}'t. ,). 0." : fJlIo.',:'o' 1\9"'/I'/fJ :;,; \""0/11 (II. '" 'I. }dY.n"lfJO· may be applicable, to the person who has 71 \'Y"l,'/fJOJo fJlIo. ,).:­ II) a) 0." : \l"l,'/fJ h'}-'l,O'I.'" (1).1.',\1" 'I.·,}'t.')' If the registration owner fails : jurisdiction within 60 days from the date of t.(':1i h · }~. If'} \'0/11(1)· a)'''''/, OY.I.OaJo ;~. 0.,) . II) '1"0',). .I.',"lll:~ .e"lfJ:~ pAfI)'} {I)·fI'!, receipt of a copy of the decision of the '111(1)' Ij:C.e: Office to cancel or in va lidate the registration 11'1'1'1.0 i (I).I.',Y" O<T<f.aJo Ij:C.e: of a trademark: or 0.,). (I)'''''I.(I)''} b) I,Nil.lI')· i to obtain a decision of reversal by the court: \'Y"l"//)aJo oolPl.l' (I).I.',Y" t .(':li onlf'} o"}"l.e: a notice of the cancellation or invalidation of the Y"Ah,l'-':)" registration shall be entered into the Register of 001"/11 h'}-'l,Ullj:C'o' O<T<ffl;J·(I)</:.I' Trademarks and shall be published. ;J"}"(" h'M.(I)fll .l.'S.I.;;A: : PART NINE h<t:A "m~ l1li11111\H-l- 00-t111<t: MI:,!'1: (J)oA !'iii. to lodge an appeal with the court having rlllll\~H: 00-t'l1'!<t:1 l1li000011111 "'i "'i. r..4-!,.e: . !ltA ') ;:'1 r-/'ooll'JO \,'}"lX' Y"Ah')' /)lIo.'h')· oo"''IM:'} TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP AND LICENSE CONTRACT 44, Registration of Transfer of Ownership or License Contract II An application for the registration of transfer of (1).1.',\1" \' t.:J'.e: a)' A '} lI<T<fflonl"/l1 \,<T<f,'/'Cl1 ownership or license contract of a registered <T<fonAh:J: IIII.IJ· ~'I<T<f O'l.·,}'t.'}· 0.": \""II,?»:O)"} :"'1.' 00000''1')' hfJlIo.-H')· <T<ffl-l·'III,{.)' M"\I"~ ')' O~~ 01,1.'.\1" ht.:J'.e: aJoII· :,.~. c,' hll. U Y:}'O ;;C O"'f)'lIoJo Ul' }ml. 'Ir \""(I)MaJo 1I1j:.I' oot.l~oo·'} h<T<f,.I'l.;;"l'l' trademark shall be made by filling the form <T<ffll.'" ;;C " ..1' .ell 00:"1.'0 MO')' :: prescribed by the Office for such purpose and be accompanied by a copy of the transfer agreement or the license contract and proof of pay'ment of the applicable fce prescribed in the Schedule attached hereto . Federal Negant Gazette No. 10 December II K'ihl.-r 11.." OIlU n14>K' 1(}ofl n~4>K' ({i) r-t-m4>/'l(J)o "'1ool\h;/' "'''ll\.y. f\.4>Cilfl-r (V')fl l''''l.h.,.I\--r') oot.;IIp>:f 01"/1: 9"l\h.y.:f "f. "'1fll.C'I "'11}.,.9" MO-r:­ 001l1il U) 1'9"1f11] 21 "') 00) into the Register of following particulars and publish notice of !he registration: a) the full name, address and the nationality of the transferee or the licensee; b) I'l]fln.-rH oo.,."M· aJf.9" rt.:/'1: (J)ol\­ .,.l. 'I "'l. 1''''l.11''Wf(J)o 0:/' p>:f aJf.9" n11\"/fI-.y.:f lIClIC'I 9"~l]r(J)o') j the list of goods or services and their classification subject to the ownership transfer or license contract; I]fln..)· ~-r O.,."fll.O-r fl9"9"~-r aJf.9" Ol.:/'1: (J)ofl· 00lJ-' t. -r 1")"/1: 9"l\h." 'l'-r9" "f. fl.(J)ol\ I''''l.:r-M-r') )I,).,,/&­ t,Y'f hl\l\ 1 ~'1 c) the gt ~raphic area where the trademark is to be used in accordance with the transfer agreement or license contract; d) I'l]fln.H-r oo.,."M· aJf.9" I't.:/'1: m·fI· 1'",001l100-r') 4>'):: date of registration of the transfer or license contract. 3/ aJf.9" I' t.:/' 1: (J)ofl· l''''l.ooflh.,.(J)o In,,/1: 9"l\h." 9"1111] h.,.7it. H· ~:/' p>:f aJf.9" n 11\"/ fI-.y.:f (])ofl'l' r-t-aJfl~'-r') il;/' hl1'~ K'iht.-r 11.." 1'~Il.U~· O:/'P>:r- aJf.9" n11\"/fI-.y.:r- lIClIC \'fll M.fl 1'9"11'11] l'9"flhC aJt.·H- lIf1n..)·H '1-/·"flt.fI-r /'l(J)o aJf. 9" f.U')~. I' "'l.Y I}f. "'1fl t. ;II flilfl t.:/' ~ f.fllfJl\: : oo.,."M· If the transfer of ownership or license contract is for pnly certain goods or services covered by the registration of the trademark, the Office shall issue a new certificate of registration 10 the transferee or an evidence to the licensee by listing the goods or services covered by the transfer or license contract. 45. !'i~. enter Trademarks information containing at least the "'1fl;J-aJ4!Y I]fln.H-r r-t-"fll.fI-r1 aJf.9" rt.:/'1: l'.,.flm(J)o') fl(J)o 00-1\- fl9" 1 n1:&-i'i'l I\. "/~-r j /:1 I'l]fln.H-r 2012 Page 6697 The Office shall, upon receipt of duly completed application, (J)olI. fI) 24~ Registration of Cancellation of License Contract I'l.!>!: (J)olI. ooflt.1f1 lIi\oooo1f1il II iiI 1""ooll'lIl r">,,/!: 9"l\h-r rt.:n: (J)olI. 00lJ-'t.1f') fI"'1floo1l1il I''''l. 4>Cil "'1ool\h;/' flll.U· ,}""'1 OK'iht. .)· 11.." 1'1'1l?~(J)o') <}>K' Ooooo'''-r I't.:/'1: (])ofl·') hOt.Il(])o fl~1: H:s hllU ~')il ?C O'I-YYIl(J)o lJ-")mt.1r 1'1'aJfl~(])o h<t:Y oot.Koo·') h"'1,Yt.?,,/'l' "'1flt.;II ?C oo-rt.il MO.)·:: application for the registration of cancellation of a license contract of a registered trademark shall be made by filling the form prescribed by the Office for such purpose and be accompanied by a copy of the document cancelling the license contract and proof of ,,·nw payment of the applicable fee prescribed in the Schedule attached hereto. !!.I K',nl.')· 11.'" OIl.U n')4>K' ')D·fl n ')4>K' (?i) 21 1·"l1\,y· f\.4>Cilfl.)· I't.:/'1: aJ·fI· lIi\oo/'lt.II· 0'),,/1: 9"l\h,Y.:f ooll'/il "f. "'1flt.CCj \'9"1111]0)0') ooflt.lI 1''''1. ooflh ,}. "'1fl;J'(J)</:Y "'1 1'11'9" MO')' :: \'1'm4'fl(J)o An "'1ool\h;J: The Office shall, upon receipt of duly completed application, enter into the Register of Trademarks information about the cancellation of the license contract and publish notice of cancellation of the registration. hfi:l\ nP'C lIi\ooh4-l.l\ I lIi\"'1'f"l!: h'l .,.h;J-;J-M-r """raJ' \'1"/1: 9"l\h.y.'f !'il. "'1 00 1\hf1 lIi\ooh4-l.l\ ?if "'1');;'0)09" l,ooNI:-': \,'),,/1: 9u l\l/-)' 9"11'/110)0 PART TEN DIVISION. MERGER AND SERIES OF MARKS 46. Division of Application hoohC,·(J)~. II An applicant may file a request, at any time Ot,,), 0"'1'1'f(J)'9" '/.1\. "'1ool\h;J:(])o before the registration of a trademark , using the OU·fI,}· (J)f.9" hU·fI')· O"f. oln· r-t-M'Y­ "'1ool\h;J:P>:'j- lo')-'tM·t.l\ 0K',nt.1· 0.," t'lIlU' form prescribed by the Office for such purpose, ,}""'1 \""Il?:t':(])o') <}>K' 00000'''.)' "'1ool\h')' for a division of his application into two or more f.:f"l\: : separate applications. Federal Negarit Gazette No. 10 December 24'" 2012 Page 6698 It/ nooj,\lJ~ hrM'}~ !''''h4-~t\CD- "'looj,\hlf r !'"'l. 7i ~ 'I CD-'} !' IJ J> fP 'f CDJ'.9" !'n 'I lIClIC oo"! t\'" MOT:: i:l 21 ""''I fr'f':f specification of goods or services. 3/ !'h~~t\, CD-m.T !'tf~CD- hf"}Jn~ "'looj,\hlf !'oo;t':ootfCD-'} "'looj,\hlf ""} h'}~fH h '} ~ .,. t\f!' "'loo j,\ h If J'. ll.,. 'I 1 ~j,\ : : same filing date as the original application. 'l' .1'4: !'.,.lOCD­ "'l ooj,\ hlfCD- h;t-.,.oo 01."1 h If ~ 000 ;t':ootf CD­ "'l 00 j,\ h If "J'. !' .,.l 0 CD- .,. J> arcrD !' h'i~ ~t\­ CD-(JbT 01f~CD- Ohn~'}~ "'looj,\hlf "J'. .,. ~ 'I"'l. J'.1f 'I j,\ : : 4/ opposition to the original application shall apply \ to each divisional application . Merger of Separate Applications II f.,.lO nooj,\1J 'f '"fht,T 1\.-1: "'l'i'rCD-'}9" "'looj,\hlf !,"'l""'9" lI"!;t':'-I:'} h"'lm'i'.,.</l 06.T O"'l'}lj'CD-9" 1.t1. "'looj,\hlf fP'f'} o'" fh t. ~, "'looj,\hlffP~ An applicant who has made separate application for registration of a trademark may, at any time before preparation for the publication of any of the applications have been completed by the Office, file a request, using the form prescribed I\. -I: t\ H. u' 'i""'l !' .,. H? ;t':CD-'} 0}> '" Ooooo'''~' Where the request to divide an application is filed after publication of the application, any 47, ~u, !'.,.t\fl'- "'l ooj,\ h IffP ';f') itt\"'l'l' Y1: ?if !'-/'t\fl'- Each divisional application shall be treated as a separate application for registration with the tf'i t\ooM,~j,\ !il "'looj,\hlf The applicant shall indicate for each division the h'M,'I'Y~ by the Office for such purpose, to merge the "'l 00 j,\ h ~, J'. 'f" j,\ : : separate applications into a single application. ltl OH,U n'}"'''' '}D,ll n'}"'''' (ti) oolPlT !'"'l 'I' Y1: 'l'f 4: !' .,.l 011 r CD- "'loo j,\ h If fP l- :­ U) n'}1: 'iJ'.~~' !''''l.oot\h-l: hlf~ 1 t\) n '}1: 'i.e ~~, !''''looj,\hlf ""} lJ"rCD- ! !,'}"!1: 2/ The Office shall accept the request made under sub-article (I) of this Article and merge the applications into a single application if all the 9"j,\hT'} applications which are the subject.of the request for merger: h'i' til) !'CD-U~~' 'l'f4:CD- O.,.lOOT CDo}>T On'}1: 1'1 CD- II 9" .,. J'. HCD- !'"'l.11' h If ~ ! "'fht,~' 1\.-1: 'l'f4:CD-'} .,..,.1Ifr CD~n'}1: "'looj,\h;J:~~' f'l'U~r'l'j,\: : ,t, • !' .,.t\fl'- 'l"1I111fP ';f') itt\"'l'l' Y1: ?if 48" !,u-fl~' CDJ'.9" hH,f O"J'. !,'}"!1: 9"j,\h~' 9"1I1I1fP:-': 1It\1\.~' !'tf~ I'ICD- 9"1I1I1fP~ CD~ n'}1: 9"11"111 h"}Jt'l''1~ O"'fht.~' 1\.-1: t\H.U 'i""'l !'-I'H?;t':CD-'} O}>", Ooooo,,,~' "'looj,\hT f?, l-" j,\ : : !i.1 9"1I111CD- n '}1: 'i f?, ~ ~, !,'},,!1: 9" j,\h~"} 9"11'111 tl I' ",t\fr.~" } 9"1I1I1fPl- CD~ 1/ !il 1'-1''1''1 ~,), 9"1I1I1fPl- !'.,.t\f!' !'9"1I111 "''i'T h ~n t..1' CD- h 9"11'111 "''i ~ CD- II 'l' !' o}>c11 1.t1. I' 1f~CD- 1""'1' '/ ~a)o 9"11'111 .,.., f?, If 'I j,\: : bear the same date of application; and c) are, at the time of the request, in the name The owner of two or more registrations of a trademark may request the Office, by filling the form prescribed by the Office for such purpose, to merge them into a single registration. 2/ The Office shall accept the request made under sub-article (I) of this Article and merge them into a single registration if the registration is in respect of the 'same trademark . 3/ Where any registration of a trademark to be merged under sub-article (I) of this Article is OH,U n'}</,'" '}D,ll n'}"'''' (!i) oolPd, h"'l. '1"/ ~,) , 9"1I'llIfPl- n'}~ !'1I1'''S~~' 001l~"} ft\oom!'<l> oo"!t\Al !'fH hlf~ f?, nCD- 1~11 0-/''1' 'I ~CD- 9"11'1119" "J'. .,. t.lI"'l. J'.1f'i' j,\: : b) Merger of Separate Registrations n '}1: f'l'U~j,\:: are in respect of the same trademark; of the same person. I''''l,oot\h~' hlr~ '"fht,~' 1\.-1: OH.U n'}"'''' '}D·ll n'H'''' (Ii) oolPd, NlOCD-'} 'l' .1'4: ,"</,1It\- a) subject to a disclaimer, the merged registration shall also be subject to the same limitation. 4/ The date registration of registration shall, where of the merged the separate registrations bear different dates of registration, be the latest of those dates. 'i.'" 'i.f~i.i ,.~t. ... A',:>('..• ) :>1 L '/'1.' •• 11 ••.... <.• ... .. ... U·,Ail "l"",~C .(" :;jJ. -I'h;J=;J=g. ~-}. fIII"':f(Do M .... ~'I U;..- ."" =. , ••• 4 -'.r 1"),,/1: 9" Ah.,. l- 9"11'11) Federal Negant Gazett~ No. 10 December 24· 2012 Page 6699 49. l' h :r :r ~ ~ -l. .I"'t'f (Do I"}"/ I: 9"A h f. :y. '1 t\ 0,:,. I'ln oro· I"}"/I: . 9"Ahf.'f. nn'}1: 9"11'1'1 (Dofl1' -I'h:r:r ~ 1f~(Do },'}-'\.ooH1n·t\:" nll\ ,nt.:" 0,-1: t\H. V' 'W"l I'rH,.?)!(Do'} ol>lI\ noooo.,,:" "'1ooAh:" ~:y."A:: III 1'h:r:r ~ I'r'1t\(Do I'},f'}-'\'}-'\. I"},,/ I: 9"Ah:" M"'f 00"/t\6lij. nH. \J n '}4'lI\ '}O·fl n'}4'lI\ (ti) 001P1.-}. h"'1.4'Cn(Do "'1ooAhf ,.?C -I'.r~fI oool>l.l1 nt\n-l·: : ;:/ j. lI\ ,nt. ~· 0,-1: I"},,/ I: 9"A hf.'f. rh:r:r ~~:,. .r"'f(Do 001fe;:f(Do'} n..r9"'} "'1ooA hf(Do'} r4'l1lr 'f' h:r:r ~ nl:C"I ~ooH,,/'1'f'PA:: -I'h:r:r~~-}. ,"':f(Do 1"),,/1: SO. 9"Ah.,.l- "'1oaAh;f') flt\oohof.t.A n'}4'lI\ ~f! 001P1.-}. rh:r:r~~:" ,1''' 'f(Do I''},,/ I: 9"A h.,. :y.'} t\ "'1floo1l111 "'1ooAhf ,l'4'l.n O(Do lI\ iht.:" 0,-1: "'1ooAhf (Do'} 1''''1'HSI'' lI,,/~-I:'} h"'1mW</l n&.-}. n"'1'}Ij'(Do9" 1,1\. nll\,nt.:" 0,-1: t\H. [} 'i"''''1 1'1·H,.?)!(Do'} ol>lI\ noooo.,,:" "'1ooAhf(Do n [}t\-}. ro~SI" hH.,I' n"~ nlf~' I'rt\N "'1ooAhfP>:y. }"}-'\.M.t.A "'1ooAh-l' ~:y."A :: ?if nH.u j{/ Registration of Series of Trademarks 11 The owner of a series of trademarks may apply to the Office, by filling a form prescribed by the Office for such purpose, for their registration as a series in a single registration. 2/ A graphic representation of each trademark claimed to be in the series shall be included in the application made under sub-article (I) of this Article. 3/ The Office shall, if satisfied that the marks constitute a ~eries, accept the application and register the! ~ccordingly. Division of Application for Registration of Series of Trademarks 1/ A person who applied for registration of a series of trademarks pursuant to Article 49 of this Regulation may, at any time before preparations of publication have been completed by the Office, request the division of the application into two or more separate applications by filling a form prescribed by the Office for such purpose. 2/ If the conditions provided under Article 46(2) of this Regulation are met, the Office shall accept the request and divide the application accordingly. ~'}11 nH.u ~'}11 n'}4'lI\ :;i(l1) 1'-1' ~ ~11(Do V,"';J= hr"l" lI\ iht.~· 0,-1: l' l4'(Do '} -I'4'111r "'100 Ahf (Do '} ~M.lj:t\'I) A:: h'i'A bp'&. b,)1: flt\,)"/I: 9"Ah-}. roh.lrl­ u. ~ PART ELEVEN TRADEMARK AGENTS '117'1 ?if h'}"} I: 51-. 9"111'1 e; l' n:#' 'U.:,. ,.?C n1·.r.rH I"}"}I: 9"Ah~' '1t\o,.,.:y.'} 1'00rohA n 1 A"} Ir~' t\ooflm-}. 1''''i.t.A,,} "'1'Pf(Do9" O(Do W},,/ I: 9"AIl-l' roh,M:" 000011111 Mn-}.:: j{/ 9"Ah:" W},,}I: 9"Ah-l' roh,M ~- nll\iht.:" t\00001l111 1''''1.t.A,,} nooAI) :y.:­ nl:t-i"j(Do 1/ Any person who wants to act as agent of trademark owners in connection with proceedings of registration and protection of trademarks shall be registered as a trademark agent. 2/ An applicant who wants to be registered by the Office as a trademark agent shall: 0,-1: V) 00...• I..r 1'1f~ ! t\ ) 0 I: ""(Do It.l"}fl itIi 'i00:" I'qo"(Do I .-h) Md'r-A-l (Dofl1' h1A,,}Ir:" t\ooflm-}. t.:#' I: ,l't\ (Do m n:#' roM" n"}'111 '1 t\(Do HCIj: fU"}fl 001)ht\1j' 1':"Sl"UC:" ~l.;q ,l't\ro- l h'),,} I: 9"Ah:" ,.?C 1'1-.r.rH hY'fl~- 'ioo~· ,I'''~O NJ"I: It\ro-e; nll\ ,nt.,). 0,-1: l''''i.om(Do'} 1'11:#':" ooooHIj' .rt\t. O(Do ! }'e; Md·r-A-,I' Registration (Dofl1' a) reside in Ethiopia; b) be at least 21 years of age; c) be an attorney authorized to practice law in Ethiopia, or be a person who has acquired at least middle level qualification in the relevant field of study, has a work experience in the area of trademark for not less than three years and has passed the competence assessment evaluation administered by the Office; and Federal Negarit Gazette No. 10 December 24- 2012 Page 6700 1I1Im- ti:C ~ fl. -r (JJJ','I" 0"'1. 0011 h.,.m- .,..jIf1JflJt n tjAI'''' flm 1'(JJ'}l':A (JJJ','I" I'--f p''I-'I'''7I1C 1-~II-r m-I'l'l. thC~ I'AM-r i oolf'} nM-r:: 00) P' A fIJ'} d) have no record of conviction for criminaL offence or professional misconduct by the court having jurisdiction or relevant regulatory body. Any person fulfilling the requirements stipulated from paragraph (a) to (d) of sub­ f:1 Ollu n'}+K- ,}Ml n'}+K- (I) h"-.(A .,.t- (V) article (2) of this Article may take trademark >.lIh (00) I''''oollh'''-r'} ooll~C-f"f l''''1.f''ll\ agents' competence assessment, upon payment "'1'}'i'm-'I" flm- hll u ~ '}-fl ?C 0.,. f f l1m­ 1P'}ml'Sf I''''oollh.,.m-'} hti:f Ooo~fI'I" of the fee prescribed in the Schedule attached hereto. II ,}'7 ~ 'I"A h-r (JJh.II-"f l''''1.flmm-'} I'-fl:l'-r ooooH'i' OOCD-lI~ J',"fl\A:: 4/ The Office shall conduct trademark agents' competence assessment twice a year in q/ K-ih~-r fl.." 1\,}'7~ 'l"Ah-r (JJh.II-"f l''''1.flm m-'} I'-fl:l'-r ooooH'i' Oooootf O"'1.(JJfI'Im- l'1.tL accordance with the time schedule specified by its directive. liM OOlPl-r O~oo-r rJ-1I-r 1.tL J',flflJA:: II. I'P"1I19 'l"OhC (JJl+i­ ;;1 3/ 52. Certificate of Registration 1/ Where the Office ascertains that an application 1''1''11111 "'1ooAh;J'm- OIlU .('}-fl complies with the requirements specified under n '}+K- :iii I'"'oollh."-r'} ooll~C -f"f l''''1.f''ll\ • Article 5 I of this Regulation, it shall enter the 1ft;' fl..f11m- hllU '(·}-fl?C 0.,. fftlm­ applicant's name in the Register of Trademark lP'}ml'Sf l''''oollh'''(JJ''} hti:f O"'1llh~A Agents and issue a certificate of registration, I'nooAtj'P,} 0'1" 0,}'7~ 'l"Ah-r (JJh.II-"f upon payment of the fee prescribed in the 001l1-fl O"'1llLC 1''1''11111 'l"llhC (JJl+-r Schedule attached hereto. J',flflJA: : K-ih~-r fl.." 2/ II 1''1''11111 'l"llhC (JJl+.,,:­ V) 1"}'7~ tL'7'1-r II) 'l"Ah-r "'i 1''I''1I111m-'} (JJh.II·,} 00·11· ll'l" 1 I'oot;' tf'1 I' P't- n£'t-i'i i +'} i The certificate of registration shall include the following particulars: a) . the full name, nationality and residential and business addresses of the trademark agent; b) the date of registration; and c) name and signature of the issuing officer. "'1 1''1''11111 l''I''llhC (JJl+:" lIal.,m-·} ;)1\.(. ll'l"'1 .(. C"'1 i l''''1.fll:'·:'· J',1f'1 A: : til) f.I 1"}'7~ 'l"Ah:" (JJh.A l''I''llhC (JJl+-r ~'}-f 1''''1.411'm- h.,.flmO:'· n l':'I"C: lin'} ~ ~oo-r J',1f'1A:: 53. 1'9"1t1!l 6~!'lt A certificate of registration of a trademark agent shall be valid for one year from the date of Issuance. Renewal of Registration (JJh.A l"'1I11J"} 1I"'1t)'(ll 1''''1.+C-fl "'1ooAh;J' OK-ih.(.:'· fl.." IIllv· ~I\"'1 l'.,.tI?l':CD-·} ';:C'I" OOOoo·I\-r 'l"1I111m- ~'}-f 1''''1.·nM 1.tL tjO:l' 0:),1\ 1111,:" @ +'1:,. m-ll'l' IIK-ih.(.:'· fl.." oo.»l-fl 0110:":: 1/ An application for renewal of registration of a trademark agent shall be submitted to the Office, within 30 days after the expiry of its validity, by filling the form prescribed by the Office for such purpo~. K- ih.(.:'· 11.-" I'h~t).)· "'1ooAh;J: fI.. +C-flll.)· OIlU .V:}-fl n'}+K- .'Ui(l) .,.t- U.A (V) h'1 (00) I'-!·oollh·".)· ooM.C-f"f h·}.(-!·mOoh 1ft;' hllu '('}-fl ?C 0.,. fftlmlP'}ml'Sf 2/ Where the Office receives an application fo r renewal, it shall, subject to the requirements stipulated under paragraph (a) and (d) of Article 5 I (2) of this Regulation and upon payment of the fee prescribed in the Schedule attached hereto, renew the registration and issue a certificate of renewal. ;;f 1"}'7~ 11.1 3/ 'l"Ah:" !'-I'oollh"'(JJ"} n~(a 1'6~t):'· hti:f O"'1llh.(.A 'l"1I111(JJ' '} l''I''llhC (JJl+.)· J',flflJA: : Federal Negarit Gazette No. 10 December 24· 2012 Page 6701 U \'h~<'l1' "'1ooAhi/:(IJ' (li) n '}</'1\ n'}<j>1\ \''l.H. O,,'ooflh"'(IJ' II,:'I'I'LO O"'l.</''I'fl'''' oH, U OH.u 31 lMl OOIP L 1- renewal is not article (I) of this Article, the registration may be renewed if the application is submitted with in \''''1,(IJf'I ~(IJ' the hlj":)' ,,.,t1\'1" fl.;J- .I',fI f!- "fflA:: "'(.I;\, "'1 t. for submitted within the period specified under sub­ 1,1'.11 (IJNr <9 <j>'1:" (IJ'fI'I' fl.</'Cl1'1 .I':}l1 >,'}</'1\ ,~?;(!:) Where an application next 30 days and upon payment of additional fee as determ ined pursuant to Article 56(3) of this Regulation . :iii, r7"J~ \'-tooH11l- 9"AIl1­ 54, M"'1<'l-t9" Publication of List of Registered Trademark Agents \""ooH'IO' \,'}"J~ 9°Ah1' (IJh.fl-)"'} '1,;ht, :/' fl"" The Office shall annually publish the list of registered 1'C?'C O\''}oo ,,, Y<'l1''''1A:: trademark agents , Il~A nP'6- IJofl1­ PART TWELVE A~ A~ ~1;J'lP''f MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 55. "1'P;'OJ'9° \''''l.oot'ltl'l '(IJ' fH),YIIOJ' 1P'}mL1f f'I(IJ' hH, U 011 \""OJf'I'JO)"} oolPL-'/' Access to Information ;JC Any interested person may, upon payment of the fees h',:,!' prescribed in the Schedule attached hereto, request in writing: II M I''}''!.I': Y"t'lII:" '1:fl;J 'HC'" \''f:fl;J t.;rc", ~,Vl,f'lmOJ" j{/ I' '}'?,~ report; or (IJf!-9" Y"MH'·:)"' 001"/'O'} (IJf!-9° 21 O~';ht,'/' to inspect the Register of Trademarks or other records and documents made public by the fl"" fl;h1Hl 11'1:-/' \"".I'.L'/' fl.fl..:r t.hC"':')"'}'i f'I',,,,:-j"-'} 1'\ oooot'lh,/-<,' q.ll,P';J''fO)' h '}-'l,f'lm+, O~'(h''i: for search of a trademark and to obtain a search Office and to obtain copies thereof. 56. fl,m,f?,·l' f!- :rflA:: II Payments of fees to be made for the services of the Office pursuant to the Proclamation and this iii fl,'/, Regulation shall be effected in accordance with fl"'l.f'I"Fr'OJ' >,'/t'I '7fl" '1',:)', \,"'1,6,~00 · 1I(,:Yp':r the rates prescribed in the Schedule attached o>.'I':o,·,'i OIl.U .I':}·O ~·;h., '/· 001PL"/ ' hereto . hll.U ,n'n ;JC O'/'n'IIOJ' 1P'}rnL1f O"'oofl h,,"" iii 21 'I 'oo'i')" no/J'L'/' ,f?ht,fll'\' :: more than one class of goods or services the fee 1' '''I,f'I (11 OJ, >,'/A'7fl''''' 9u .\'.'fj:r'OJ' h>, '}~ Ofl,f? shall include addi tional payment of 50% of the \'tf', O.'I'$U'-j"- '} OJ,f?Y" >,'/t'I'7fl" 'I',:r'} \''''I,i'i'i:'} fee stipulated in the Schedule with respect to \"}'7Y: 9"AI':/"} 1''''1.unflh:'· f'I . tf'} M,.n-'lV\, each subsequent class of goods or services. "'('),1. "'II. 9".\'."0 n/JI'}rnL 11' I' ', ·unflh"·m· II'I:Y it 000'1'· U Where the trademark subject to a service covers 31 o '/'(.J.), 0'1(, '1'1' .I'.ht.flA :: In the case of late renewal of any registration after the expiry of the regu lar renewal period 0>,'1':0,: m.l'.9" flIl.U .I':}·O \""mf'l'U1)' un.l',O?"(I)· specified 1""I<'l,~,i'j Regulation, 'J.lb 'lilt, O'}/\ '''n",'m'9'' 1'9"""/1] ~'.\'.' <'l:" 11'7.1'.,1', fl"'l,6.~,)" under equivalent OIJ,'}(nL 11' \",'oofl the Proclamation additional to 50% payment of the or this of fee applicable fcc h" '(I)' >,'71]'0 J'fl(l)· 11'1:,1' .~ Oun·I', 0"'(.),1."'1(,'/,/' stipulated in the Schedule attached hereto shall .I'./J/.AA: : be required . 57, Co mputation of Deadlines When a deadline specified in the Proclamation or this n>,'I':o,: m.l'.9" fill." .I':Hl \"/' unflh'" \''''1..1'0.4'0:' ' .,, '} OP'I. , ,"'} fI,f? \"J.lb ·/.I'.·n Regulation falls on a day other than a working day, ,1'A'I'fl hH.tf', the next working day hereto shall be taken as the 'If.O· 1''''I, J'fl.~·(/l· W"J,""I'flm' I' PI. · ,"'} ,f?tf'it'l:: deadline. Federa l Negari l Gazelle No. 10 Dece mber 241h 2012 Page 6702 Y;t. r.ooO.:J16f 1:1.7'1 58. ?if .eu .I':}·o 11)1,'iO')' ""} 0&,')' .,.COw· 000;1'''')' Transitory Provisions I1 Pending applications for J rademark registrations "I.e yn· rT?~' 9"t!\h')' 9"1"/f] "'Ioot!\I1/SO)'· prior to the effective date of this Regulation I'I.IP/'·O')· O·r-I'a>· /-"Co,,)· ooU'l.')· 'i:lI"'/. Y'I shall <;,n· i 1f';'9" '/'1 yt!\,,.,{,)I,oo, "n'/t!\'?n"} 1I'i:y previously SO:)"'} O"'l. uo nl1')· lULU .I':t-o .?C O"'rYlla>­ however, that the U"}m1.11' \""a>I'I~+ "·oo'n·· ''''('lI'''I, .elf'ln·:: Schedule attached hereto shall be applicable be treated in existing accordance with procedures; provided, fees prescribed the in the with respect to outstanding payments of fees. li./ .l'.U Y:HI 11)1,'iO')' .,.'} 0&.')' 9"t!\I!')' OIhk)·· O"'l.OIfl'WJ· \"/.IL \"'·.I'.'I'J'H,'} UOUD1"/'0 )1,','1>&.,). '/.1'.-11 ooll&.C'I'·:}: I'-I-uo II '/0, \,,}"/~. 11.": W'Il,}, 21 Ooooo/.y Oll.U n"1t!\ "'OI' agents registered prior to the effective date of this Regulation shall be re­ .I':}-I1 registered upon fulfillment of the requirements hH:/ci provided under this Regulation within the ~,nf] :f Ol':: Yil. 00006f 1"''la>-ffJT .......t!\ffJ1 Trademark period determined by directive of the Office. 59, Power to Issue Directive The Office may issue directives necessary for the )I,·,~,t.')· 11.": n'l':P;'}'i .eu'} .I':}'O n"'lIlt.'I.9° 1""/. yilt. t!\ 'I' uooo/.YSO)'·'} t\.yroffJ .e)""It!\:: implementation of the Proclamation and this Regulation . ?;'. ~JJl:. 1''''l.''.. OT 1.11 60. Effective Date ,I:'.U .I':}·O Otu .l'.I.·t!\ ~.?/.,}, .?ILt!J ;1")"[" hOJflJO'}' This Regulation shall enter into (orce on the date of .,"} :t>:9"C' \')I,'i .ell"it!\ :: publication in the Federal Negarit Gazette. Done at Add is Ababa, this 24'h day of December, 2012 . ').e1l"'lCf'l" 1.1\11' HAILEMARIAM DESSALEGN I' ~TI"*' f ,(,,1..&-"'f "l'l"h&-f'l.f'f 6T-I1t\.h mot,..e "'I.'l.llTC PRIME MINISTER OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA lP1ml'fr fMA'?tt-T h~tsPT h~t fMA'?tt-1: ~f."T T". (-fie) ?i ((}"} 1: 9"Ah~' 9"11111 l7'/onAhlf g fl1,,}1: 9"Ah~' 9"11111 l7'/onAhlf I7'/l'jl'jf i: fl1,,} 1: 9"Ah~' 9"11111 on :/'roa<J.f I? fl1,,} 1: 9"Ah~' 9"11111 I: ". fl1,,} 1: 9"Ah~' 9"11111 01:"'~' l7'/onAhlf liitEf 'k fI"}"} 1: 9"Ah~' 9"11111 01:"'~' !:it!:f '!.: fI '}"}1: 9" A h~' 9"11111 I7'/l'jl'jf 17'/ onAhlf rfj ;i; fI"},,}1: 9"Ah~' 9"11111 I7'/l'jl'jf rt~· iJ fI"},,}1: 9"Ah~' 9"11111 9"~'h l'9"llhe ro/A'~' !i!'Jt fI"}"} 1: 9" A h~' 9"11111 1'17'/ t'Illl ro ~9" t.t· 7i I'I7'/M.l,,} 17'/ onAhlf !:itU Xli If}"} 1: 9"Ah~' 11f1fl.h~· on"'''fI~ liitr.f HI fI"},,}1: 9"Ah~' 1'~:/'1: a>-A 9"11111 Xi: fI"},,}1: 9"Ah~' t.:/'1: a>-A onlPlll 9"11111 XI? \'"}"}1: 9"Ah~' 9"11111 l7'/onAhlfSD"f1 flonh4-t.A fI~f"}-'I'}~ l7'/onAhlf) li1i,lfj rfj , bit.. .. (;..V rit r-­ "j 9"11111 liitr.f gtj (rh~~fI- a>-m.T fI",)1P" rtj rtj Ui \,'}"}1: 9"Ah~' 9"1I1I1SD"f'} ro~9" 1'9"11111 l7'/onAhlfSD"f1 fll7'/'I' U1: • (fI~n-'l"}~ 9"11111 ro~9" l7'/onAhlf) Xt, fI"}"} 1: 9"Ah~' roh.A 9"11111 "'lonAhlf. rfIl; X'J.: fI"},,}1: 9"Ah")' roh.fIo"f fI:/,~' on on Hii' fV­ ".C' X~ fI"},,}1: 9"Ah~" roh.A 9"11111 Xi! fI"}"}1: 9"Ah~' roh.A 9"11111 01:"'~' ?I fl1.tL 1.l'.fI 17'//.·Ha<J.f l7'/onAhlf ?iitr.fj Iiitlit ?I fo fot ?i"li fI-I. on11111" \,'}"}1: 9" A hf."f 1''''11lJ/..')' ~fI.:J !itx ?i"ii \'~'r'ht."). litx ?Ii' tithe f1. :-,".l; t'I't f1.:-,: ..,.:{( 117~') fl..,,"} bhO'.:-':,. t'I,)f1."f flononAh~' ;' Federal Negarit Gazette No. 10 December 24th 2012 Page 6703 SCHEDULE SERVICE FEES No. Fees (Birr) Types of Service I Application for Registration of Trademark 2 Amendment of Application for Registration Trademark 3 Opposition to Registration of a Trademark 1500.00 4 Registration of Trademark 3000.00 5 Application for Renewal of Registration of a Trademark 1300.00 6 Renewal of Registration of a Trademark 2200.00 7 Application for Amendment of Registration ofa Trademark 350.00 8 Amendment of Registration of a Trademark 360.00 9 Substitute Certificate of Registration of a Trademark 495.00 10 Application for the cancellation or invalidation of the Registration ofa Trademark 2600.00 II Registration of Transfer of Ownership of a Trademark 1300.00 12 Registration of License Contract of a Trademark 1300.00 13 Registration of Cancellation of License Contract of a Trademark 450.00 14 Division of Application for Registration of a Trademark( (for each application resulting froin the division) 350.00 1750.00 350.00 , 15 Merger of Registration or applications for Registration of a Trademark (for each registration or application) 350.00 16 Application for Registration of a Trademark Agent 315.00 17 Trademark Agents' Competence Assessment 270.00 18 Registration of a TTl' \emark Agent 1350.00 r I 19 Renewal of Registration of a Trademark Agent 20 Application for Extension of a Time Limit 500.00 21 Search for Registered Trademarks 450.00 22 Inspection of Records and Documents of the Office 2.' Copies of Records and Documents of the Office (per page) 1125.00 . 150.00 10.00