Deep-SeaResearch,Vol 34, No 4. pp 531-546.I98? Printedin Great Britain 0198-0149/87$3.00+ 0 00 @ 1987PergamonPressLtd. The relationship betweenoceancurrent transports and electric potential differencesacrossthe TasmanSea,measuredusing an oceancable PBrenG. BerNes*and RossRr C. BBr-r-* (Received4 March 1986;in revisedform 29 September1986;accepted30 September1986) Abstract-An attempt is made to interpret observationsof electricalpotential differencesacross the TasmanSeain termsof oceancurrents.This voltagerecord(spanning7r1years)is significantly correlatedwith the (monthly averaged)mean sea level at Sydney,but not with that at other locations. A numerical model of the Robinson type for the Tasman Sea region permits the determinationof the cablevoltagewhich resultsfrom a given oceaniccurrent pattern. Most of the observedvoltage varianceis probably due to East Australian Current eddiescloseto Sydney. INTRODU CTION THB measurementof electrical potential differencesin seawateracrosssubstantial distancesby meansof submarinecablesand the attempteduseof suchmeasurements to infer the water transportacrossthe interveningregionhavea long history,goingback to Faraday.The basic notion is that as seawatermoves horizontally through the earth's magnetic field, it generatesa potential difference between the two sides of this fluid current which is proportionalto the fluid transport;the latter may then be inferredfrom measurementof this potential difference.In practicethis situationis complicatedby a number of factors,suchas time dependence,complexgeometry,and the partial shortcircuiting of the generatedvoltage by non-moving conductors such as sediments, stationaryfluid, and even the earth'scrust and mantle. An additionaland more seriouscomplicationis the fact that variationsin the earth's magneticfield will inducecurrentsin the cableand henceproducea signalregardlessof oceancurrent effects.The situationfor long oceancables(the subjectof this paper) has recently been summarizedby Mslont et al. (1983). Suchmagneticvariationsmay be due to solar-relatedfluctuationsin the magnetosphere, high above the earth, or to telluric currents caused by motions in the earth's core and the geomagneticdynamo. An additionalunknown factor is due to the possiblechemicalpotentialsat the electrodes; changesof this nature will probablyoccur slowly, and will be ignoredhere. In spite of thesedifficulties,a direct relationshipbetweenoceancurrentsand cablemeasuredelectriccurrentshasbeenestablishedfor a numberof locationsover moderate distances,most notably perhaps,the Straits of Dover and the Straitsof Florida. The modelusedto relatethe voltagesto the oceancurrentsrangefrom the simpleexpression derived by LoNcunr-Htccms (1949) to the elaborate numerical models of RosrNsoN (1976,1977). * CSIRO Division of AtmosphericResearch,Aspendale,Australia. 531 532 P. G. BAINESand R. C. BELL In most locationsthe most prominent componentof the voltagesignalis tidal. Since the oceantides are reasonablywell-knownin many locations,the cablesignalsmay be calibrated,but suchcalibrationis not generallyvalid for low-frequencymotions(RonrxsoN,1977).Recentobservationsof the Florida Current by SeNrono(1982)and Lansr,N and SeNpono(1985)give encouragement that for cablesof moderatelengththe method haspracticalvaluefor the measurementof low-frequencycurrents.The interpretationof voltagesmeasuredwith long oceancablesis more difficult. Whereassimplemodelsmay be adequateto describethe relationshipbetweenoceancurrentsand cablevoltagesover moderatedistancessuchasstraitsand channels,more elaboratemodelsare necessary for complex flow patterns in large regions.However, the possibilitiesof obtaining some direct measureof the componentsof the circulationof oceanbasinsare tantalizing,and the effort seemswell worth-while.To this end, it is necessaryto understandthe factors contributingto the observedvoltagesignalsas well as possible. The object of the work describedin this paper is to attempt to interpret the observed low-frequencyvoltagedata-obtained usinga cablerunningacrossthe TasmanSeafrom Auckland to Sydney-in terms of oceancurrent transports,and to place limits on the possiblecontribution of the latter to this voltage signal. To achieve this, we have constructeda numericalmodel of the TasmanSea region of the Robinsontype, which enablesthe calculationof cablevoltagesfrom known oceancurrent patterns. OCEAN CURRENT PATTERNS IN THE TASMAN SEA Current patternsin the TasmanSeashow substantialvariability and, like the circulations in most oceanbasins,are not well understood.The strongestcurrentsare found in the deep region to the west of Lord Howe Rise (Fig. 1) where the southward-flowing o ($ b0 East Longitude Fig. 1. Topographyof the TasmanSea.Depths are givenin thousandsof metres. 1lth December 198O 152"E 154 15 6 " 15 g o 16 0 " 2g"s 2gos 300 32" { 34" g2" 34" 360 360 1 60" I 500E 152" I 540 15 6 0 15 g o Fig. 2. An infrared satellitephotographfrom NOAA-6 showing a typical East Australian Crirrent configurationoff Sydney.Lighier colour implies colder,water..Note eddy "Maria" forming by ;pinching off"- Providedby R. Legeckis(NESDIA, U.S.A.) and G. Cresswell. 53s Ocean current transportsacrossthe TasmanSea East AustralianCurrent (EAC) occurs.This current flowssouthwardalong the Australian coast with a typical transport of 30 x L06m3 s-l (i.e. 30 Sv) until ii reachesthe latitude of 32oS,where it separatesfrom the coastin the vicinity of SugarloafPoint [see GoornBv et al (1980),BoI-aNnand CuuncH (1981)and referencescontainedtherein]. The current is generallylarger in summerthan in winter by up to 50%. The separated current normallyturns northeastwardand meandersand becomesmore diffuse(Fig. 2). Warm anticycloniceddiesmay become"pinchedoff" at the southernbend in the current in the neighbourhoodof Sydneyat a rate of 2 or 3 per year. Such detachededdies subsequently havean unpredictablebehaviourand may havea lifetime of a yearor more. Many of them ultimately becomereabsorbedinto the EAC system;escapesouthward towardthe southernoceanis rare. The other conspicuous featureof the TasmanSeacirculationis the mid-Tasmanfront between30'S and 34oS,extendingfrom near the Australiancoastto the North Cape of the North Islandof New Zealandwith a typical transportof 15 x 106m3 s-1.This front may be seen as an extensionof the EAC system,but it is highly variable with large meanders(Annnewset al. , 7980)and at timesmay be very weak (Cor-evraN , 1984). Apart from isolatededdies,currentselsewherein the TasmanSeaappearto be generallyweak. To our knowledge,no estimateof the net transportthrough the TasmanSeafrom the north to southhas yet been given. THE VOLTAGE AND MEAN SEA-LEVEL DATA The data were provided to the authorsin the form of an unpublishedmanuscriptby Runcorn,Richards,Strensand Molyneux, here after denotedRRSM. The settingup of the observations wasdescribedby RuNconN(1964).Although there are extensivedata(7 yearsor more) for threelong cables(Sydney-Auckland,Auckland-Suva,Suva-Fanning Island), we decidedto concentrateon the Sydney-Aucklandcableand the TasmanSea region. Detailsof the datacollectionand processingare describedin RRSM. The voltagedata, in the form of 29-daymeans,are shownin Fig. 3, and coverthe period from March 1969 to September1976.The choiceof this period has the effect of removingvirtually all of the effectsof the diurnal and semidiurnaltides from the record. This interestingrecord showslargefluctuationsof the order of +0.5 V, with periodsof severalmonths.We aim to determinehow much of this record may be attributedto oceancurrents. 06 04 02 o 0 zn.) 04 06 08 1969 Fig. 3. 19'.10 1971 1972 191) 19'14 1975 Auckland minus Sydney monthly mean voltages (from RRSM-see 1976 text), 536 P. G. BaINes and R. C. Brll l3 Sydney 12 ; o + o t l 1969 Fig. 4. 1970 1971 1972 1973 1971 1975 1976 Monthly mean sea levels at Sydney corrected for atmospheric pressure, The voltagerecordhasbeencomparedwith other recordsfor the sameperiod, which relateto the oceancurrentsof the region.Theseare the monthly mean sealevel (MSL) records at Sydney (Fig. 4), Auckland, Lord Howe Island and Norfolk Island. The Auckland record is from March 1969to December 1973 only, and is on the Pacific side.TheseMSL recordshavebeen correctedfor atmosphericpressure,in that the local isostaticresponseto variationsin atmosphericpressurehas been removed, and they provide a crude measureof the oceancurrent activity via the geostrophicrelationship. Part of this MSL variationwill be due to "steric" changes,which are changesin MSL due to variationsin the temperatureand salinity of the nearby deep water column. Such changesin MSL are mostly isostatic(Parruu-o et al., 1955;Grll and NnLen, 1973), meaning that they do not affect the bottom pressureand hence are not related (1980)found that 44"/"of the total geostrophically to barotropicoceancurrents.CHURcH variance at Sydney could be described by a linear regressionequation, giving a correlationcoefficientof 0.75,so that this proportionof the SydneyMSL variancecanbe taken asisostatic.However,the length of the joint record and the natureof the data do not justify making a correctionfor this effecthere. Thereis no significantcorrelationbetweenthe Auckland and SydneyMSL records,or betweenthe Auckland, Lord Howe Island, Norfolk Island MSL recordsand the cable voltage record, but the SydneyMSL record and the cable record have a correlation coefficientof 0.33,which is significantatthe99o/oconfidencelevel (if each29-daypoint is assumedto be independent).This suggeststhat a substantialpart of the variationin the cable record is directly related to ocean current patterns in the western part of the TasmanSea.On the other hand, currentsin the easternpart appearto havelittle effect on the cable voltage.This is consistentwith the known oceancurrent patternsin the TasmanSea,as describedin the previoussection. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND The equationsfor the voltageinducedby a time-varyingflow are considerablymore complex than for a steadyflow. However, if the flow varies on a sufficiently long time scale, local steady-statemay be assumed.For flow varying with frequency co, the 1976) conditionfor this to be valid is (SnNnono,l97I;RoarNsoN, o F. 0. L d <'J., (1) Oceancurrenttransportsacrossthe TasmanSea 537 where L and d are horizontal and vertical scales,p, is the magneticpermeabilityof seawater and o, its electrical conductivity. For this Tasman Sea situation where L : 2270km, d - 4 km, this parameter :0.07 for 29-day periods, but -4 for I2-h periods.Hence the steady-state assumptionis valid for 29-dayaverages,but not for tidal frequencies. If fluid flowswith uniform velocityv alonga uniform channelwith semi-ellipticalcross section, the voltage differenceAQ between the two sidesof the channelis given by (LoNcuer-Hrccns, 1949) A0: vBrL 1 * o6 Ll(2a-d) volt, (2) where B, is the verticalcomponentof the earth'smagneticfield (in teslas: 70-4G), L and d are the respectivewidth and maximum length of Jhe channel(in metres),and oand o6 are, respectively,the conductivities(in mho m-') of the seawaterand the semiinfinite medium below the channel.The medium abovethe channel(air) is assumedto havezero conductivity.In mostoceanicsituationswe havedlL < 1; giventhis, LonguetHiggins further showedthat equation (2) is good when the fluid velocity variesin the vertical, provided that v is interpretedas a vertical averageof the horizontalvelocity. In practice, particularly when long horizontal distancesare involved, v will vary substantiallyin the horizontal, the geometry cannot be well-describedas a uniform channel,and the conductivityin the surroundingmediumis not uniform. Consequently, more sophisticated modelsare required.Suchmodelshavebeendevelopedby RonnsoN (1976,1977)and we follow his procedureshere. Robinson'smodel is basedon the result that, in steady-state,the observedvoltage difference A$ betweenthe two electrodesmay be expressedas AO-- |"w . v dv, (3) wherethe integralis over the wholevolumeof the fluid, v is the vectorfluid velocity,and W is a vector which dependsonly on the geometryof the system,the conductivityof the seawaterand surroundingmedium, and the magneticfield. This result, establishedby Bsvtn (1970), may be obtained from the steady-stateequationsof magnetohydrodynamics,namely j=-oVO+ovXB, v'j=o' (4) where j is the electriccurrent density. In the presentcontext we considera situation where a unit of currentis passedfrom one electrode(1) to the other (2) with the fluid at rest, and denotethe corresponding currentdensityand voltagebyj" and $u, respectively. Thesequantitieswill satisfythe equations j,:-oV0,,V.j,:0, (5) outsidethe electrodes.Ifj and $ denotethe current densityand potentialcausedby the fluid motion and hencethey satisfy(4), we may write J' V ' (0j, - 0;) dv : .[s,*s,(0j" - 0,j) ' ds, (6) 538 P. G. BATNEs and R. C. Brrr where V denotesall spaceexcludingthe electrodes,and 51,52denotethe surfacesof the electrodes.We alsohave J s , i ' a s : 0 :J s , i ' d s , -[s,i, ' 65 : -Js,j, ' dS : L' (7) from equations(5) and (6). Then, sincein eachsituationthe potentialis constanton each of the (relativelysmall) electrodes,we have 0, _0, : -[u0, . vo_j . v0,)dy :-JvoV0".vxBdV (8) which is equation(3) with W : B x i,. Hence the cablecircuit observesa spatiallyand directionallyweightedaverageof the whole velocityfield, with the strongestweightingin the regionof oceanin the vicinity of the cable. This expressionfor the voltage as an integral gives the model a certain robustnessas a measureof total transport. THE NUMERICAL MODEL If W is known, the voltageinducedby a given velocity field may be calculatedfrom equation(3). The first problemis to determineW : -oB x V0, by solvingfor Su,with a unit current passedbetweenthe electrodesand ignoringthe cable. In the TasmanSearegion (Fig. 1) the model employed1'Cartesian grid resolution whoseboundarieswere placedat26oS,49"S,141"8and 184"E: 176'W (Fig. 6). This givesa 45 by 25 grid, includingpoints outsidethe boundary.The conductivitystructure beneaththe TasmanSearegionis poorly known and is probablyrather complicateddue to the presenceof submergedcontinentalfeaturessuch as the Lord Howe Rise and a long-defunctspreadingzone, the Dampier Ridge (vaNnen LINDEN,1969).For want of somethingbetter we assumedthat the conductivitywashorizontallyuniform, and for the vertical structurewe usedan approximation to the profile obtainedby Fn-loux (7977)tor the northwestPacific(Fig. 6a). A simplifiedversionwaschosenas a basisfor the mode(Fig. 6b). The variabledepth of the oceanand the disparatethicknessof the layersof constant conductivity create difficulties for numerical computation. These have been circumventedfor the calculationof $,, by assuminga top layer of uniform thickness.of 7.7 km incorporatingseawater,sedimentand part of the crust,with a spatiallyvarying conductivitywhich is a verticalmeanover this distance(usingthe profile in Fig. 6b). This approximationis justifiablebecausethe horizontal length scalesare much larger than 7 .7 km; consequentlythe resistanceto electricalcurrentsin the verticalin this composite layer is much smaller than that to horizontal currents, and the layers behave like conductorsin parallel.In other words, the variation in voltage$, through the depth of this compositelayer is small.The conductivityof this layer is givenby ot = 1 (o* d** o" d" + o, dr), (e) 4 where the subscriptsw, .sand c refer to seawater,sedimentand crust,respectively,with 539 Oceancurrenttransportsacrossthe TasmanSea Dr : d* + d, + d, : 7.7 km. The model containsthree lower layers,and their thicknessesand conductivitiesare shownin Fis. 6c. With this grid the equation V ' ( o V $ " ): p (10) is then solved,with oV$" : 0 on the boundariesand p zero everywhereexceptat the sourceand sink points at the locationsof the endsof the cable,where p : +IlLxLyL,z. The solution for $, was obtainedby the following procedure.Firstly, an initial guess for $ wasfound from an inversesquaredistributionaboutthe sourceand sink. From this, the approximateelectriccurrent field from the topmostto the secondlayer was found. Using this field as a forcingterm, an exactsolutionfor S in the upper layer wasobtained by the method of LrNrzeNand Kuo (1969),and an approximatesolution for $ in the line over relaxation(SLOR-see for exampleAues, other layerswasfound by successive b \ o Fig. 5. Topography of the TasmanSearegion.asusedin the model, showingdepth contoursin metres. o lS n-rl lo-t to-2 ro-t loo T 77 km o=33 200 300 400 - 500 E 5 600 f 700 o=0002 87 km o = 0002 513km o = 0 002 60km Crust 60 km O = UUT I (a) tb) (c) Fig. 6. (a) Electricalconductivityprofile proposedby Frlloux (1977), basedon magnetotelluric data from the northeast Pacific. (b) An approximation to the electrical conductivity proposedby FILLoux (1977)shownin Fig. 7a. (c) The layers used in the model, approximating thoseof Fie. 7b. 540 P. G. BnrNrs and R. C. Bell (o) (b) l l t l t l t l . . . . r t . t l t l l l t l l . i r l l r , l l l l l t l r l l ; l l l l l t t , t r t l , r t r , . , t a r t t t . . t , l r t . . . . I t . I l t r t . . t : t ,, I I t r a u a a a - r , t . . : n! t ft' t .,.,..'" t \ {{ 1t I I l t r t l1 I t fl r I I I t t t I t I t t I r I l t r Fig.7. (a) The virtual currentfieldj,, in the seawaterobtainedby passingone unit of current from Sydney to Auckland. (b) The weighting function W = B x i,. (c) Wd, the W field integratedover the depth d of the ocean. Oceancurrent transportsacrossthe TasmanSea 541 1969).A new vertical electric current field wascomputedfrom this new $, and the whole solutionprocesswasrepeateduntil convergence of the solutionwas obtained.About 30 iterationswere requiredfor 4-figureaccuracy.We then havej, : -6* V Q" in the ocean; and W : B x ju, wherethe earth'smagneticfield wasobtainedfrom BaRRacloucHand MarIN (1971).The cablevoltagefor a given velocityfield is then given by equation(3), where the integralis taken over the whole body of seawater,usingthe depthsshownin Fig. 5. The vectorfieldsj,, and W are shownin FigsTaandb, respectively.Note that these are strongestin the vicinitiesof Sydneyand Auckland, and hencethat the cable signal shouldbe most sensitiveto current fluctuationsin theseregions. Figure 7c showsthe integral of W with respectto depth. Here the significanceof the "Auckland end" is substantiallyreducedbecauseof the shallowdepthsin the eastern portion of the TasmanSea. Consequentlymuch larger barotropicvelocitiesthan in the Sydneyregion are requiredthere in order to have the samemagnitudeof effect on the cablevoltage. INFERENCESFROM THE NUMERICAL MODEL The model describedabovehasbeenusedto calculatethe cablevoltageproducedby a numberof oceancurrentpatternsin the region.Sinceonly barotropiccurrentsaffectthe cable signal,thesecurrent patternswill be specifiedas verticallyintegratedtransports. We can define coordinatesx (eastward)and y (northward) where x1(y) denotesthe Australiancoastlineor the left-handboundaryof the model, andx2$t) the New Zealand coastlineor the right-handboundaryof the model. For uniform north-southflow where the transport is independentof x, the model givesan overall transport of 197Sv V-1, southwardsfor positivevoltage(Auckland relativeto Sydney).The meancablevoltage over the period of observationis -0.17 V, which would correspondto 34 Sv, northward. This figure is comparablewith the observedsouthwardtransport of 30 Sv in the East AustralianCurrent, and would imply a uniform velocityof -0.4 cm s-l. The directionof this net transport(northward)is consistentwith the "classical"belief manifestedin the atlasof Schottof 1942(DenaNr, 1961;NeurraeNN and PrERSor.r, 1966,p.424), although there has not been any suggestionof a northward transportof this magnitudethrough the TasmanSeafrom conventionaloceanographic observationsand it is probablymuch too large, as discussed below. The figure of 197Sv V-r for uniform flow may be comparedwith the corresponding result from the Longuet-Higginsformula (equation 2). Taking o-: 3.3, oa : 0.02 (ohm m)-1, B,: 5 x 10-s teslas and a mean depth of 4 km, equation (2) gives 191Sv V-r, which is consistentwith the cable result. However, this agreementmay be partly fortuitousfor the following reasons.Firstly, the model assumes(effectively)zero conductivityat depths below 127.7km; in practice, electric currents are expectedto penetratedown to depth of order L (2270km), so that the model would overestimate A$. Estimatesbasedon simplecircuit theoryshowthat this error shouldbe smallbecause of the inhibitingeffectof the low-conductivitycrustlayer.Secondly,W doesnot vanishat the lateral boundaries of the model, implying an overestimate for A$ due to the horizontaltruncation.The agreementwith equation(2) may be partly attributableto the mutual cancellationof these two effects.Taken jointly, these considerationsare not regardedas seriousdeficiencies.The numericalmodel may thereforebe usedwith some confidenceto investigatethe effect of non-uniform current patterns on cable voltages, taking into accountthe variablebottom relief and the conductivityprofile. <n1 Berurs and R. C. Brr-l It is possiblefor the cableto registervoltageswith no net north-southtransportat all. To take a simple example we define a line x3$) by xz!): (11) x{J) + c{x2(y)-xrj)) and a north-south velocity v by d.v: c2l(40)-xt(y)), * <xt(y), : c2l(4$t)-xzj)), (12) x> xt(y). with east-westvelocityu : 0, wherec1,c2?ta constants.The flow is oppositelydirected on each side of .r3Q), with zero total north-south transport (shown schematicallyin Fig. 8a). If c2is chosento give a transportof 50 Sv on eachsideof x3, with v positivefor x I x3,the cablevoltagesobtainedfrom the model are shownin Table 1. Theseresults show that a narrow, strong streamis lesseffectivein generatinga cablevoltagethan a broad weak one with the sametransport.This is becausethe voltagegeneratedover a short distanceis more easilyshort-circuitedthrough the deep underlyingmedium than the voltagegeneratedover a larger distance.Hence,cablevoltagesmay be producedby east-westasymmetryin the north-southcurrent,and the largerthe asymmetrythe larger the voltage.If the movingfluid is assumedto havea northwardvelocitywhich is uniform with longitude (x) (rather than uniform transport), the cable voltage for 33.5 Sv is (b) xr(y) x3(y) x ' ( )y xly) xr(y) xly) x1(y) xlv) of TasmanSeaoceancurrentpatternsstudiedin the model. Fig. 8. Schematicrepresentation x1$) and.r2(y) denote the westernand easternoceanboundariesof the model. (a) Uniform north-southtransport;(b) largeeddy pattern (m = I, n : 2); (c) East AustralianCurrent and mid-Tasmanfront; (d) eddy near Australiancoast. Table 1.. Cable voltagesobtainedfrom the model with theflow pattern given by equation (12) c1 Voltage 0.1 -0.124 0.2 -0.072 0.4 -0.027 0.5 0.011 0.6 0.009 0.8 0.057 0.9 0.113 Oceancurrenttransports acrossthe TasmanSea -0.15 V, slightly less than the uniform transport figure of 4.I7 V, and this may be attributed to the effect of non-uniformityin transportdue to the variationsin depth. The effect of large-scaleflow patterns may be demonstratedby taking a transport streamfunction (du : -}yldy, dv : dy/Ox) V :,. rin ( mn(x - x{y) ) srn c4y, xz9) - x{y) t / (13) where m is an integer and the origin for y is at the southernboundary of the model (49'S). We take cq: tt. 3.533x 10*7m-l with n an integer to give integral halfwavelengths,and choosecr : 50 x 106m3 s-1.This representsa doubly periodic cellular flow patternwith a transportof 50 Sv in eachcell (Fig. 8b). Although the transportsin theseeddy patternsare large,the voltagesare generallysmall(<0.1 V) (Table2). Hence large-scaleflow patternswith zero net north-southtransportonly havea small effecton the cablevoltage,even at large amplitude. Another flow pattern examined was that of a 200 km wide (2 grid points) East Australian Current with a transportof 30 Sv adjacentto the coast.This current flowed southwardto the latitude of Sydney,where it turned due eastwardto the North Capeof New Zealand,representingthe mid-Tasmanfront (Fig. 8c). This flow patternresultedin a very smallcablevoltageof +0.019V. Finally, we consideredthe caseof an eddy near the Australiancoast.We assumedan eddy structurewhich consistedof rigid rotation within a circleof radiusa, with potential flow outside.The azimuthalvelocityfor an isolatededdy is then v:ruo) 0<r<aJ : a2alr, r> (i4) a)' where r is the radialdistancefrom the centreof the eddy and o is the angularvelocity.If we approximatethe nearbycoastlineby a straightrigid verticalboundary,we may satisfy the conditionof zero normal flow there by introducingan imagevortex. If the vortex is centredat (x,, y,) (at a distancegreaterthana from the coastline)and the imagevortex is at (x1,y), the transportstreamfunction is given by \r:f ( @ - * , ) ' + 0 - y , ) 2 - a 2 ) - a 2 i . l l n( ( ( x- * , ) ' * (x - x")2 + (y-y,)')Ito),0 < r1e, rl' #), (r-*)'+(y-y)'/' (1s) With a radiusa : 100km and an angularvelocityorchosenso that the transportaround Table2. Cablevoltagesobtainedfrom the model with theflow pattern given by equation (13) X 1 1 2 4 6 0.012 0.019 0.025 -0.006 -0 153 -0.193 0.074 0.059 -0.038 -0.027 0.103 -0.015 544 P. G. Berres and R. C. Bpll Table 3. Voltages obtained from the model for an eddy describedby equation (15) with a circular transport o/ 30 Sv within a radius of 100 km. The eddy centreis locatedat grid point (i, j); Sydneyis at (12,17) ,\ 79 18 t7 t6 15 13 I4 15 0.84 0.44 -0.37 -0.013 0.22 -0.41, 0.20 0.023 -0.014 0.014 -0.29 -0.019 -0.073 An eddy locationover land. the eddy for r ( a is 30 Sv, the cablevoltagesfor a varietyof eddy locationsare givenin Table 3. Theseare substantialif the eddy is closeto Sydney,and may have either sign, dependingon the positionof the eddy.Although the resolutionof the numericalmodelis too coarsefor eddiesof this sizeto be resolvedwith greataccuracy,Table 3 indicatesthat the voltagevariationsof the magnitudeof those observed,and of either sign, may be causedby eddies of realistic size and circulation when they are sufficientlyclose to Sydney. We alsonote that the effectsof more complexflow patternsmay be obtainedby superpositionof the abovepatterns,becausethe relationshipbetweencablevoltageand fluid transportis linear. SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION The results from the previous section show that the low-frequeny cable voltage variationsmay be affectedby oceancurrentsin severalways: (i) by a net north-south transport through the Tasman Sea at a rate of 197Sv V-1; (ii) by an asymmetric distributionof the north-southflow with no net transport,and (iii) by significantmotion suchas eddiesnear the locationsof the electrodes.A simpleinterpretationof the mean voltageof -0.17 V (Auckland relative to Sydney)implies a net northward transportof 34 Sv, which could be achievedby a meanvelocityof about0.4 cm s-1.However, apart from a very narrow channel(near Cato Island), the TasmanSeais closedat its northern end below a depth of approximately1000m by a broad ridge (the Lord Howe Rise). Hydrographicdata, e.g. the "Eltanin section" at 28'S (platesI and II of Srovvrl e/ a/., 1973),indicatethat the deeperwater doesnot flow over this ridge, so that any significant north-south transportmust occur in the upper 1000m. This is the depth range of the East Australian Current and the mid-Tasmanfront, which togetherpresenta barrier to northward flow in the westernand centralpart of the upper TasmanSea.This implies that any northwardtransportmust occur in the easternpart towardsNew Zealand,but largeand persistentnorthwardvelocitieshavenot beenreportedhere.Further, evidence from drifting buoysin the TasmanSea,droguedat variousdepthsdown to 200 m, show no evidenceof systematicnorthward motion (G. Cnesswell, private communication). Finally, theoreticalmodelsbasedon Sverdruptransportwith realisticwind stressalso show no substantialnorthward transport in the Tasman Sea (S. GoorREy, private communication).One is forced to concludethat the net north-south transport in the TasmanSeamust be substantially<34 Sv, and that the mean cablevoltase must have Ocean current transportsacrossthe TasmanSea 545 someother cause.There appearto be three possibilities.Firstly, the unknowneffectsof chemicalpotentialsat the electrodesmay well produceeffectsof order 0.1 V; secondly, the eddiesnear Sydneymay producea rectifiedeffect of this magnitude,and thirdly, it may be due to leakageof electriccurrentsfrom the earth's core, as hypothesizedby RunconN (1964). The effects of a variety of different flow fields on the cable voltage have been investigatedwith the numericalmodel,but the only realisticflowswhichwerefound to be capableof producingthe largevoltagefluctuationsobservedwere eddiesand associated currentsnear Sydney.Similar effectsnear Auckland are unlikely becausestrong currents would be necessarythere becauseof the shallowerdepth, and these have not been observed.Furthermore,the cablevoltagefluctuationsare significantlycorrelated(at the 99% level) with the MSL at Sydney,but not with the MSL at Norfolk Island,Lord Howe Island or Auckland. Hencewe may concludethat the voltagefluctuationsare probably causedby eddiesand associated EAC variationsnear Sydney,and the annualcyclein the cablevoltagemay well be relatedto the seasonalvariationsof the EAC. The resultsfrom the model also suggestthat voltagesmeasuredby submarinecables may give a useful measureof net transportthrough a very broad region, provided that thereare no substantialmotionswithin 300 km or so of the electrodesand that the effects of chemicalpotentialsand leakagefrom the earth'score can be estimatedor neglected. Unfortunately,the TasmanSeadoesnot satisfyall thesecriteria. Acknowledgements-4he authors are most grateful for comments from Ted Lilley, Nathan Bindoff, John Church, GeorgeCresswell,Stuart Godfrey and Ian Robinson,to Keith Runcorn and LindsayMolyneux for making their data available,to R. Legeckisand G. Cresswellfor Fig. 2, and to Carol Drew for typing the manuscnpt. REFERENCES ANDREWS J. C., M. W. LAwRENcE and C. S. NILSsoN(1980)Observationsof the TasmanFront. Journal of PhysicalOceanography, 10, 185+1869. Avps W. F. (1969)Numericalmethodsfor partial dffirential equations.ThomasNelson& Sons.London. 291 pp Bannacloucn D. R. and S. R. C. 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