NEONATAL CSAC “RULES” At the moment higher specialist training in neonatology is for 3 years. There are plans to change to a competency based programme and when this is initiated it may be possible to shorten training provided all competencies are achieved. A minimum of two of these three years must be in recognised tertiary training units. For the 2016 grid appointments all core neonatal and community posts should be completed prior to ST6. Specific training points: 1. Training prior to Level 3 training does not count towards CCT, either in neonatology or in allied specialities 2. Locum posts do not count towards training time 3. Level 3 training is 3 years in total- either 3 years neonatology, or 2 years neonatology and 1 year allied specialities or research or overseas. Current posts which can be counted towards higher specialist training in neonatology are: neonatal neurodevelopmental (UCH), paediatric cardiology including ECMO, paediatric neurology, paediatric intensive care, paediatric respiratory paediatrics (in tertiary centres), neonatal transport (please see list of approved centres for more details) Please note only 6 months of each of these specialities can count towards the additional 1 year of allied training. Where an individual would like to develop a special interest it may be possible to permit up to 12 months in that subspeciality provided prospective approval is sought from the CSAC. 4. Research posts a. Trainees counting 1 year of research towards Level 3 must therefore do 24 months core neonatology to complete training. b. Trainees must ensure competencies are kept up to date during research time c. Research posts must be Deanery and GMC prospectively approved as OOPR d. If wishing to count towards training, posts must approved by CSAC before starting 5. Overseas posts Approval must be sought prospectively for trainees wishing to count an overseas post towards training. The post must be based in the equivalent of a tertiary neonatal centre and evidence of appropriate educational supervision and achievement of competencies must continue to be achieved. Appropriate centres include the major perinatal centres in Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Only one year of overseas training can count towards grid training and the remaining two years should be spent in core neonatal centres. Q:\Recruitment & Careers\NTN Grid\2016 Grid\Website Documents\Neonatal CSAC Rules July 2015.doc 6. A minimum of 1year to be spent as grid trainee i.e. if applying to grid during ST7 year, there must be a year available before CCT to be in a grid post. 7. CCT applications: a. For trainees appointed to grid from August 2012 the competency document must be complete prior to the CCT application. If an electronic version is not available a copy should be sent with CCT application. b. Trainees will be expected to complete a training evaluation form which should be sent with their application for CCT c. A CCT in neonatal medicine will only be issued provided there is adequate evidence of progress and evidence of training 8. There is no equivalent to grid training. Updated 23.7.2015 Q:\Recruitment & Careers\NTN Grid\2016 Grid\Website Documents\Neonatal CSAC Rules July 2015.doc