2 channels, 200 MS/s 200 MHz analog bandwidth Maximum 8 MW memory length This Compact SignalExplorer Is Fully-Equipped for Complete Signal Measurement and Analysis A4 Real-Time Digital Filtering Reduces Noise and Lets You Find Your Hidden Waveforms The real-time digital filtering lets you easily apply a low pass filter while capturing data, so that waveforms hidden in noise can be clearly displayed. Filters can be set separately on each channel. In combination with an analog filter, cutoff frequencies ranging from 20 MHz to 10 kHz can be set. Additionally using the real-time digital filtering and the high-resolution mode, vertical resolution is increased to as many as 13 bits, and signals can be reproduced even more accurately on the screen. This helps to evaluate ECU signals containing ignition noise and inverter output superimposed with high-speed switching noise. Data Stream Engine II With internal digital filters Filter ON Without filtering (200 MHz BW) Waveform mixed with noise Filter cutoff frequency: 10 kHz Waveform without high-frequency noise Bulletin 7016-50E Super-Long Memory & Roll Mode Web Server Functions Super-long memory enables you to capture high-speed phenomena for the desired period of time, while maintaining fast sampling speeds required for reliable measurements. The DL1620 can acquire up to 8 MW of data on each channel. Time/div can be set to as slow as 800 s/div, allowing you to acquire data for over two hours. You can observe waveforms in roll mode, while checking surge pulses and discontinuities in zoomed waveforms. This is helpful for observation of signals from power supplies. Results from waveform parameter calculations such as peak-to-peak values, frequency, and FFT calculations can be displayed while observing the waveform in roll mode. The DL1620 enables you to observe signals as long as those normally observed using recorders. Connect the DL1620 to your PC using an Ethernet connection. This allows for easy remote operations using Internet Explorer. FTP You can easily copy and paste files to and from a PC and the instrument’s flash memory or other storage media. Data Capture Using Internet Explorer, you can periodically or manually download screen images to a PC for remote waveform monitoring. You can also download waveform data, start or stop a measurement, or setup a split display all from a PC. Measurement Trend This function downloads values of waveform parameters periodically, launches MS Excel and graphs the parameters on a spreadsheet values. This enables you to check the parameter trends at a glance. Basic Specifications Input Channels Input Coupling Input Impedance Sensitivity Frequency Characteristics 2 1 MΩ AC, 1 MΩ DC, GND 1 MΩ±1.0%, approx. 28 pF 2 mV/div to 10 V/div (in steps of 1, 2, or 5) 10 mV/div to 10 V/div: DC to 200 MHz 2 mV/div to 5 mV/div: DC to 80 MHz (using 700960; specified at probe tip) Vertical Resolution 8 bit (24 LSB/div) Maximum Sampling Rate During real-time sampling: 200 MS/s During equivalent time sampling: 50 GS/s Maximum Record Length 8 MW/ch (in single trigger mode) 1 MW/ch (in other modes) History Memory Automatically saves acquisition data of up to 4,000 records. Sweep Time 2 ns/div to 800 s/div (varies depends on memory length) 10 mV/div to 10 V/div: ±1.5% of 8 div + offset voltage accuracy DC Accuracy 2 mV/div to 5 mV/div: ±2.0% of 8 div + offset voltage accuracy CH1, CH2, LINE, EXT Edge, A→B(n), A delay B, OR, pattern, pulse width, TV (NTSC, PAL, SECAM, 1080/60p, 1080/60i, 1080/24p, 1080/50i, 1080/25p, 1080/24sF, 720/60p, 480/60p) External Trigger Level Setting Range ±1 V (±1 V range), ±10 V (±10 V range) Screen Updating Rate Up to 60 times per second during 100 kW all-points display Up to 30 times per second during 1 MW all-pints display Input Filter 20 MHz, 1.28 MHz, 640 kHz, 320 kHz, 160 kHz, 80 kHz, 40 kHz, 20 kHz, 10 kHz band limits can be set separately on CH1 and CH2 Built-in Printer (optional) 112 mm paper width External Printer (optional) Through USB or Ethernet Floppy Drive, Zip® Drive, PC Card, and Network Drive Output formats: PostScript, TIFF, BMP, JPEG, PNG Trigger Sources Trigger Types DL1620/DL1640/DL1640L Model Numbers and Suffix Codes Description DL1620 digital oscilloscope DL1640 digital oscilloscope DL1640L digital oscilloscope (spare suffix code) -AC UL and CSA standard -D VDE standard -F Power cable BS standard -Q SAA standard -R Floppy drive1 -J1 Zip® drive1 Internal media drive -J2 PC card drive (Type II)1 -J3 Built-in printer /B5 Probe power for 701605 (2-output) /P2 Probe power for 701610 and 701620 (4-output) /P4 Other options /C1 GP-IB + USB2 /C10 Ethernet + USB2 Model/Options 701605 701610 701620 Suffix code 701605 comes standard with two passive probes (700960). 1 Choose one. 2 Choose one. [ is a registered trademark of Yokogawa Electric Corporation.] Microsoft, MS, Windows, and Internet Explorer are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the US and other countries. Microdrive is a trademark or registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation in the US and other countries. Ethernet is a registered trademark of Xerox Corporation. Zip is a trademark or registered trademark of Iomega Corporation in the US and other countries. Other company names and product names appearing in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. NOTICE ● Before operating the product, read the user's manual thoroughly for proper and safe operation. ● If this product is for use with a system requiring safeguards that directly involve personnel safety, please contact the Yokogawa sales offices. For further details, visit our homepage at YOKOGAWA ELECTRIC CORPORATION Test and Measurement Business Div./Phone: (81)-55-243-0313, Fax: (81)-55-243-0396 E-mail: tm@csv.yokogawa.co.jp YOKOGAWA CORPORATION OF AMERICA Phone: (1)-770-253-7000, Fax: (1)-770-251-2088 YOKOGAWA EUROPE B.V. Phone: (31)-33-4641806, Fax: (31)-33-4641807 YOKOGAWA ENGINEERING ASIA PTE. LTD Phone: (65)-62419933, Fax: (65)-62412606 http://www.yokogawa.com/tm/Bu/DL1600/ Subject to change without notice. [Ed : 01/b] Copyright ©2002 Printed in Japan, 212(YG) MS-12E