intelligent energy saving and safety control

Vedanth Lakshmi Swaroopa1, S.Naveen Kumar2
Pursuing M.Tech (ES), 2Assistant Professor (ECE),
Nalanda Institute of Engineering and Technology (NIET), Siddharth Nagar, Kantepudi (V),
Sattenpalli (M), Guntur Dist, A.P. (India)
Energy is the ultimate source in earth, the consumption of Energy/Power is must take care. People in the home
will wastes lot of energy by forget turn of switches while leaving the room especially elder aged persons, for
that we wastes lots of energy and consumption of energy levels also increases. So implementing /Developing
project like “Energy Management & Safety System for Home Appliances” Now a days the appliances control
with wireless sensors networks has a great revolution but it has manual action need, so this project can be
developed on ARM based controller or ARM 7 TDMI microcontroller i.e. LPC 2148 micro controller with
automatic functioning of home appliances using IR sensors.
This paper reports on a system which will save electricity, over and over whenever we are left the room and hall
without switching/turn off lights and fans or any electrical appliance, therefore electricity is wasted. In this
work we've developed or implementing a system during which energy are saved based on range of individuals
coming into in or going out of the area. If there's nobody within the area or in that particular room, then
automatically the lights and fans are switched OFF. On the opposite hand as presently as a person enters the
room, lights using in that room and fan are switched ON. On the idea of the Intensity of daylight we will turn off
lights in day time.
Keywords: Proximity Sensors, Gas Sensor, LPC 2148 Micro Controller, Device Control
In general energy is the renewable source, but consumption of renewable sources may can take care, need to
save energy sources this project is completely basis of how to save energy sources and electricity. For
management of home appliances and domestic options, its application varies from easy remote of lighting to
advanced computer/micro-controller primarily based networks and security may offer home. Home appliances
management leads to convenience, energy potency, and safety edges resulting in improved quality of life. The
popularity of network enabled home automation has been increasing greatly in recent years due to simplicity
and much higher affordability. Moreover, with the rapid expansion of the Internet, there is the potential for the
remote control and monitoring of such network enabled appliances.
The main theme of the project is to save electricity from unwanted wastage and appliances control can be
controlled automatically basing on density concerns, and the usage of Electricity can be controlled
automatically, for that we can save electricity. In this project we are using ARM 7 TDMI micro controllers to
control our application
In this section some related works are discussed below, The main purpose of this project is to develop an
“Automated energy saving and safety system”. Here we are using an lpc2148 micro controller and GSM
modem. Microcontroller is interfaced to the IR sensors to control the electrical devices connected to the
controller through relay. Whenever the user entered in to room the IR sensors will be calculated density of the
persons, if the density is more than one the Appliances in the home like fans, lights etc. will be automatically
turned on. They are also connected to the controller, if the density is zero i.e. no persons present at the room the
appliances will be automatically turned off through controller. LDR will be tell about status of the day/ night, if
it is night time only lights will be on other wise those are off mode. Here another feature like fire sensor
continuously monitoring the room/home for security concerns to know status of fire, if fire accident occur it
gives security alert and sent a message to authorised person. Here we propose another security concern like
GAS leakage detection through gas sensor connected to our LPC 2148 micro controller, here GAS sensor will
be continuously monitored home, if GAS leakage will be occur in home then continuously brings alarm with
visual indication and sends message to owner of the home instantly
Home appliances controlling are becoming more and more popular day by day due to its numerous advantages.
This paper aims at designing a basic home appliances control automatically to save power/energy so this
application on ARM7TDMI through IR sensors.
A zigbee-based home automation system: In recent years, the house surroundings have seen a speedy
introduction of network enabled digital technology. This technology offers new and exciting opportunities to
extend the property of devices at intervals the house for the aim of home automation. Moreover, with the speedy
enlargement of the web, there's the else potential for the remote and watching of such network enabled devices.
However, the adoption of home automation systems has been slow. This paper identifies the explanations for
this slow adoption and evaluates the potential of ZigBee for addressing these issues through the planning and
implementation of a versatile home automation design. A ZigBee based mostly home automation system and
Wi-Fi network square measure integrated through a standard home entry. the house entry provides network
ability, an easy and versatile program, and remote access to the system. an avid virtual house is enforced to cater
for the system's security and safety desires. To demonstrate the feasibleness and effectiveness of the projected
system, four devices, a lightweight switch, radiator valve, safety sensing element and ZigBee remote are
developed and evaluated with the house automation system.
Mobile agent based integrated control architecture for home automation system:The design of the standard
home automation system is sometimes centralized and therefore causes several issues, e.g. many network traffic,
serious computation load, and poor fault tolerance. Another downside with the design is that there exists a
spread of various home management networks incompatible with each other that makes it tough to integrate
them so as to produce high level management functions during a home automation system. Besides the issues
mentioned on top of, the foremost significant issue with a home automation system is its dynamically everchanging surroundings. Such often ever-changing scenario of the peripherals disallows simple configuration and
maintenance of the house automation system. During this paper, we tend to propose a mobile agent primarily
based integrated management design for home automation system that is in a position to resolve the matter
mentioned on top of. This architecture may be a distributed one, reducing the network traffic and computation
load by deputation the management operate to every management node. To integrate numerous forms of home
management network, we tend to use network because the backbone and apply the idea of entry to facilitate
totally different networks to speak with each other. Finally, we tend to take blessings of the characteristics of
mobile agent to address the matter of the dynamic surroundings and to reinforce the fault tolerance mechanism.
3.1 LPC2148 Microcontroller
ARM could be a group of guideline set plans for tablet processors upheld a decreased direction set figuring
British organization ARM Holdings was produced (RISC) structural planning. A RISC-based portable
workstation style methodology implies that ARM processors require significantly less transistors than regular
processors in normal PCs. This methodology decreases costs, warmth and force use. These territory unit
captivating attributes for lightweight, versatile, fuelled gadgets—including cell phones, portable PCs, pill and
cushion PCs), and diverse inserted frameworks. a simpler style encourages extra conservative multi-center
CPUs and better center numbers at lower quality, giving higher procedure control and enhanced vitality power
for servers and supercomputers. The NXP (established by Philips) LPC2148 is partner ARM7TDMI-S
fundamentally based predominant 32-bit building design controller with 512KB on-chip read-just memory with
In-System Programming (ISP) and In-Application Programming (IAP), 32KB Random access memory , the
controller can give Vectored Interrupt Controller, 2 10bit ADCs with fourteen channels, USB 2.0 Full Speed
Device Controller, Two UARTs, one with full electronic gear interface. 2 I2C serial interfaces, 2 SPI serial
interfaces 2 32-bit clocks, Watchdog Timer, PWM unit, Real clock with facultative battery reinforcement,
Brown out discover circuit General reason I/O pins. Hard product log up to sixty Mc, On-chip oscillator and Onchip PLL.
Fig1 : Block Diagram
The above figure shows block diagram for the “Energy saving and safety system”
3.2 Liquid Crystal Display
A sixteenx2 fluid precious stone alphanumeric showcase, implies that it will show 16 characters for every line
and there ar a couple of such lines. Amid this LCD each character is shown in 5x7 part grid. This LCD has 2
registers, to be specific, Command and data register i.e. information register. The order register stores the charge
headings given to the LCD. A summon is partner degree direction given to LCD to attempt and do a predefined
undertaking like introducing it, clearing its screen, setting the marker position, prevailing show and so on the
information register stores the data to be shown on the LCD. The data is that the ASCII worth of the character to
be shown on the LCD.
3.3 GSM Module
A GSM is a gadget which can bolster message and calling administrations like cellular telephones. The most
qualification between them is that dial-up electronic gear sends and gets data through a set telephone line while
remote electronic hardware sends and gets data through radio waves. GSM electronic hardware may be relate
degree outer gadget or a tablet Card/PCMCIA Card. Regularly; relate degree outside GSM electronic gear is
joined with a pc through a serial link or a USB link. GSM electronic hardware inside of the kind of a portable
workstation Card/PCMCIA Card is intended to be utilized with a journal PC. It should be embedded into one
among the portable workstation Card/PCMCIA Card spaces of a journal PC. Like a GSM versatile, GSM
electronic gear needs a SIM card from a remote transporter in order to work As said in before areas of this SMS
instructional exercise, PCs use AT summons to manage modems. Each GSM modems and dial-up modems
bolster a normal arrangement of common AT summons. You'll use GSM electronic gear a touch like dial-up
electronic hardware.
3.4 Fire &Gas Sensor
The Fire detecting component, on the grounds that the name proposes, is utilized as a direct and conservative
gadget for spread against hearth. The module makes utilization of IR detecting component and comparator to
sight ignite to a spread of one meter. The gadget, pondering with respect to five grams, is frequently essentially
mounted on the gadget body. It offers a high yield on police examination hearth. This yield will then be wont to
make the imperative move. An on-board precious stone rectifier is furthermore accommodated visual sign. The
Grove - Gas Sensor (MQ2) module is useful for gas run distinguishing (in home and industry). It will find H2,
LPG, CH4, CO, Alcohol, Smoke, and Propane, Supported its speedy response time. Estimations are taken as in
a matter of seconds as achievable. Conjointly the affectability is balanced by the potentiometer.
3.5 Relay
A transfer is relating electrically worked switch. A few transfers use partner magnet to consequently work a
switch, however elective in operation standards are utilized, similar to strong state transfers. Transfers territory
unit utilized wherever it's essential manage a circuit by a low-power signal (with complete electrical
confinement in the middle of control and controlled circuits), or wherever numerous circuits ought to be
controlled by one sign. The essential transfers were utilized in long separation broadcast circuits as enhancers:
they enduring the sign returning in from one circuit and re-transmitted it on another circuit. Transfers were
utilized broadly as a part of telephone trades and early PCs to perform coherent operations.
3.6 Light and Fan
A roof fan could be a mechanical fan, regularly electrically controlled, suspended from the roof of a territory
that uses centre point mounted turning oars to stream into air. A roof fan turns preferably more gradually than an
electrical table fan; it cools people adequately by bringing moderate development into the generally still, hot
demeanour of a range, causation physical change cooling. Fans ne'er truly cool air, not care for aerating and
cooling instrumentality, however utilize extensively less power. A light or light could be a gadget that creates
light from power. Moreover to lighting a dull range, they'll usual demonstrate a gadget is on, to direct activity,
for warmth, and a lot of diverse capacities. The brilliant light-weight globule transforms power into light-weight
by causation the electrical current through a thin wire known as a fiber. Fiber is made up basically of metal, a
kind of metal. The resistance of the fiber warms the globule up. In the long run the fiber gets accordingly hot
that it sparkles.
3.7 Buzzer
Piezo buzzer is a device usually accustomed turn out sound. Light-weight weight, easy construction & low value
create it usable in varied applications like car/truck reserving indicator, computers, call bells, etc. Piezo buzzer
is predicated on the inverse principle of piezo electricity discovered in 1880 by Jacque and physicist. It’s the
phenomena of generating electricity once mechanical pressure is applied to sure materials & the contrariwise is
additionally true. Such materials square measure referred to as Piezo electrical materials. Piezo electrical
materials square measure either naturally obtainable & manmade material, that poses piezo electrical result and
is wide accustomed create disc, the centre of Piezo buzzer. Once subjected to AN alternating field of force they
stretch or compress, in accordance with the frequency of the signal there by manufacturing sound.
3.8 LDR (Light Dependent Resistors)
The Light Dependent resistance (LDR) is formed exploitation the semiconductor mineral. The device is
employed up to the mark circuits to show lights on and in photographic exposure meters.
The resistance of the LDR resistance will be decreases because the intensity of the sunlight falling on that will
increase. Incident photons drive electrons from that valency band into that conductivity of bonding.
To finish the undertaking on equipment need to installed programming on to the controller utilized as a part of
this venture for that reason we need programming's similar to Kiel u vision and glimmer enchantment those are
examined in given beneath
Compiler that keeps running on one pc however delivers PC code for an unmistakable sort of pc. Cross
compilers square measure usual produce PC code which will keep running on PCs with a substitution plan or on
exceptional reason gadgets that can't have their own compilers. Cross compilers square measure extremely in
vogue for implanted improvement, wherever the objective more likely than not couldn't run a compiler.
Normally relate degree inserted stage has limited RAM, no plate, and confined I/O ability. Code are frequently
adjusted and accumulated on a brisk host machine, (for example, a tablet or working framework workstation)
and in this way the resulting feasible code will then be downloaded to the objective to be tried. Cross compilers
square measure helpful at whatever point the host machine has a ton of assets (memory, circle, I/O and so on)
than the objective. Kiel compiler is one such compiler that backings a gigantic assortment of host and target
blends. It underpins as an objective to eight piece microcontrollers like Atmel and Motorola and so forth. Streak
Magic is partner application created by Embedded Systems Academy to allow you to just get to the choices of a
microcontroller gadget. With this project you'll have the capacity to delete individual squares or the entire
nonvolatile stockpiling of the microcontroller
Here we are using LPC 2148 MICRO-controller. The LCD is connected to the PORT-1. We are using 8-bit
LCD. So we used 8-data lines. The register select is connected to the P1.16 and enable is connected to P1.17. So
whatever the data we want we can display it on LCD.Here we are interfacing sensors like IR to our LPC 2148
Microcontroller and these two IRs connected to P0.4 and P0.7 respectively, and light and fans are connected to
P0.10 and P0.14 pins respectively through relay circuit. We are using UART0 for the GSM interfacing through
serial communication for the purpose of to send a message security alert to owner of the home whenever fire or
Gas detected at your home these sensors are interfaced to controller for the pins of P0.15 & P0.17 respectively,
and buzzer also we are using in this project for the security alert whenever detects Fire and Gas sensors, so
Here the results are shown our project “Automated energy saving and safety system” whenever person detects
from IR sensors In & Out persons will be calculated from then calculate number of persons in home, if no
persons present in home automatically lights and fans will be turned off, if else they are turned on through
controller using relay circuit, and number of persons present in the home will be displayed on LCD display. If
suppose GAS and Fire will be detected at home buzzer will brings continuously with visual effect and sends
message through GSM module to owner of the home.
Fig 2: Overview of system
Fig3 : Flow chart for Automatic energy saving and safety
From this project we can conclude that when the person is stayed or available in room or home only the lights
and fans will be turned on automatically or else they are in off position always. I.e. persons count in home must
be greater that to one.
Here we are conclude another feature like whenever detects Fire accident or Gas leakages in home it may alerts
through buzzer sound, and sends message through GSM module for the owner of the home or authorized person
of the home.
Available:,Retrieved on November 2012
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V. Lakshmi swaroopa, pursuing M.Tech (ES) from Nalanda Institute of Engineering and
Technology(NIET), Siddharth Nagar, Kantepudi village, SatenepalliMandal, Guntur dist,
S Naveen Kumar,working as Assistant Professor (ECE)from Nalanda Institute of
Engineering and Technology Siddharth Nagar, Kantepudi village, Satenepallimandal,
Guntur dist, AP, INDIA.