EEL 6382 Semiconductor Physical Electronics I

EEL 6382 Semiconductor Physical Electronics I
(Fall Semester 2005, Instructor: Prof. Sheng S. Li, 561 EB-33, 392-4937; email:
Section: 1125X - Tuesday: 4 Period; Thursday: 4-5 period. Room:330, Larsen
2003 Catalog Data: EEL 6382: Semiconductor Physical Electronics I. Credit: 3. Classification of
Solids; Crystal Structures; Lattice Dynamics; Semiconductor Statistics; Energy Band Theory, NanoDimensional (Quantum Well/Dots/Wires) Physics; Equilibrium Properties of Semiconductors; Excess
Carrier Phenomena; Deep-level Defects and Recombination Mechanisms; Transport Properties and
Galvanomagnetic Effects.
Textbook: Semiconductor Physical Electronics by Sheng S. Li, Plenum Publishing Co., New York,
1993; distributed by Springer, New York. Lecture notes can be downloaded from eel6382 website:
Goals: The objective of this course is to provide the first year graduate students with a comprehensive
coverage of the fundamental semiconductor physics that is essential to the understanding of basic
device physics and the operation principles of a wide variety of semiconductor electronic and
optoelectronic devices as well as novel quantum effect devices.
• Classification of solids and crystal structures. (4 hours)
• Lattice dynamics and phonon spectrum. (4)
• Semiconductor statistics. (4)
• Energy band theory: one-dimensional (1-D), 2-D and 3-D systems. (8)
• Equilibrium properties of semiconductors. (6)
• Recombination mechanisms and excess carrier phenomena (6)
• Carrier transport phenomena in semiconductors (6)
Homework & Exams:
2 one-hour quiz. (20 % for each test), home work (20%), and final exam (30%)).
Class attendance (10%)
Quiz-1: Sept. 27 (Tue.); quiz-2, Nov. 1 (Tue.); Final: Dec, 13.
1. C. Kittel, “Introduction to Solid State Physics,” 7th Ed., Wiley, 1994.
2. R. F. Pierret, “Advanced Semiconductor Fundamentals,” 2nd edition, vol.6, Prentice Hall, 2003.
3. R. A. Smith, “Semiconductors,” Cambridge Press, 2nd Ed., 1980.
4. R. H. Bube, “Electronic Properties of Crystalline Solids,” Academic Press, 2nd Ed., 1984.
5. J. P. McKelvey, “Solid State and Semiconductor Physics,” Wiley, (1986).
6. M. Shur, “Physics of Semiconductor Devices,” Prentice Hall, New York, 1990.
7. H. Kroemer, “Quantum Mechanics,” Prentice Hall, 1994.
8. S. M. Sze, “Physics of Semiconductor Devices,” Wiley, New York, 1981.
9. C. Y. Chang, F. Kai, “GaAs High-Speed Devices,” Wiley, 1994.
10. D. K. Schroder, “Semiconductor Material and Device Characterization, “Wiley, 1990.
12. D. A. Neamen, “Semiconductor Physics and Devices,” 3rd edition, McGraw Hill, 2003.
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